1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:05,667 2 00:00:05,750 --> 00:00:08,333 Before he returned back to heaven, 3 00:00:08,375 --> 00:00:13,833 the Lord Jesus told us that we would receive power, 4 00:00:13,875 --> 00:00:16,917 and the Father sent the Holy Spirit to apply 5 00:00:17,000 --> 00:00:20,333 the work of the cross to us and to cause the presence of God 6 00:00:20,375 --> 00:00:21,917 to dwell in us. 7 00:00:22,000 --> 00:00:25,708 And we figured what better place to preach that message 8 00:00:25,792 --> 00:00:29,000 and show that truth than here in beautiful, sunny 9 00:00:29,042 --> 00:00:33,167 Albuquerque, New Mexico: a place that is light physically, 10 00:00:33,250 --> 00:00:36,333 but very dark spiritually. 11 00:00:36,375 --> 00:00:40,125 And this was our first out-of-state Mars Hill church. 12 00:00:40,167 --> 00:00:42,333 Since they joined us a few years ago, 13 00:00:42,375 --> 00:00:45,708 they're now our fastest-growing church 14 00:00:45,792 --> 00:00:48,208 and also the highest percentage of conversions 15 00:00:48,292 --> 00:00:51,875 and baptisms among any of our Mars Hill churches, 16 00:00:51,958 --> 00:00:54,708 as we're seeing people saved from sin 17 00:00:54,792 --> 00:00:59,125 and religion and demonic spirituality in large numbers. 18 00:00:59,167 --> 00:01:02,708 It's a really exciting work in a very needy place, 19 00:01:02,792 --> 00:01:06,125 and we're very encouraged to allow you to witness 20 00:01:06,167 --> 00:01:08,167 God's work here in Albuquerque. 21 00:01:11,250 --> 00:01:13,000 Three categories of people. 22 00:01:13,083 --> 00:01:15,000 You've got to find which one you're in. 23 00:01:15,042 --> 00:01:18,417 Some of you are good, old-fashioned, stuck sinners. 24 00:01:18,500 --> 00:01:21,000 Don't raise your hand, but you're with us. 25 00:01:21,083 --> 00:01:23,500 And what can happen is you just sort of assume 26 00:01:23,583 --> 00:01:26,708 that the life you've lived is inevitable, 27 00:01:26,792 --> 00:01:28,125 that you're sort of stuck. 28 00:01:28,167 --> 00:01:29,625 You're powerless to change. 29 00:01:29,667 --> 00:01:30,917 Maybe you've tried. 30 00:01:31,000 --> 00:01:32,292 It didn't work. 31 00:01:32,333 --> 00:01:34,500 Maybe there's even sin that's been in your family 32 00:01:34,542 --> 00:01:35,792 for generations. 33 00:01:35,833 --> 00:01:38,917 You just assume, "This is who we are, this is how it is. 34 00:01:39,000 --> 00:01:43,000 "We're just sort of doomed to stuck fate of sin. 35 00:01:43,083 --> 00:01:45,667 "We can't get out of it, so we need to learn 36 00:01:45,750 --> 00:01:47,500 "to manage it, or accept it, 37 00:01:47,542 --> 00:01:49,333 "or—" maybe even for some of you, 38 00:01:49,375 --> 00:01:51,625 "celebrate it and make it an identity." 39 00:01:51,667 --> 00:01:54,875 Some of you are religious, meaning you have some sense 40 00:01:54,958 --> 00:01:57,333 of guilt or God-consciousness. 41 00:01:57,375 --> 00:01:59,500 You know that certain things are right and wrong, 42 00:01:59,583 --> 00:02:01,292 and you really want to be obedient 43 00:02:01,333 --> 00:02:03,917 and you want to be moral, you want to be compliant, 44 00:02:04,000 --> 00:02:06,833 you want to live a good life, so you're trying your hardest 45 00:02:06,875 --> 00:02:09,000 and you're doing your best, but religion ends up 46 00:02:09,042 --> 00:02:10,333 in one of two places: 47 00:02:10,375 --> 00:02:12,708 pride, to where you feel like you're a good person 48 00:02:12,792 --> 00:02:14,417 and you look down on everyone else 49 00:02:14,500 --> 00:02:16,083 with a bit of smug self-righteousness, 50 00:02:16,167 --> 00:02:17,625 or despair. 51 00:02:17,667 --> 00:02:20,333 "I tried hard, but I can't change my life. 52 00:02:20,375 --> 00:02:22,000 "I can't obey God. 53 00:02:22,083 --> 00:02:25,125 "I know what I'm supposed to do, and I just can't do it," 54 00:02:25,167 --> 00:02:27,500 and that's where religion ends up. 55 00:02:27,583 --> 00:02:29,375 And the third category is spirituality. 56 00:02:29,458 --> 00:02:32,000 So sinners assume they can't change, 57 00:02:32,042 --> 00:02:34,417 religious people assume they can change themselves, 58 00:02:34,500 --> 00:02:37,708 spiritual people want to change but they know that they can't 59 00:02:37,792 --> 00:02:39,792 change themselves, and so they're seeking 60 00:02:39,833 --> 00:02:43,875 some outside source of power and life. 61 00:02:43,958 --> 00:02:45,583 And the result is they get involved 62 00:02:45,667 --> 00:02:48,375 in Native American spirituality, 63 00:02:48,458 --> 00:02:51,417 they end up worshiping creation rather than the Creator, 64 00:02:51,500 --> 00:02:53,083 or they end up opening themselves 65 00:02:53,167 --> 00:02:55,625 to any spiritual force, being, or power, 66 00:02:55,667 --> 00:02:58,000 and as a result, they welcome the demonic 67 00:02:58,083 --> 00:03:00,417 into their own life, into their family. 68 00:03:00,500 --> 00:03:02,500 And for some of you in this area, 69 00:03:02,583 --> 00:03:05,375 this has been the case for generations of your family. 70 00:03:05,458 --> 00:03:07,000 I love the culture. 71 00:03:07,042 --> 00:03:12,125 Raised hunting with my dad, planting corn, planting chile. 72 00:03:12,167 --> 00:03:14,917 That is the sun symbol. 73 00:03:15,000 --> 00:03:17,833 It is from Zia; that's where I'm from. 74 00:03:17,875 --> 00:03:19,917 It's where my family is from. 75 00:03:20,000 --> 00:03:23,708 The circle, it represents morning, noon, you know, 76 00:03:23,792 --> 00:03:25,000 evening, and night, 77 00:03:25,083 --> 00:03:26,708 and the seasons of just life, like, 78 00:03:26,792 --> 00:03:28,667 from infancy all the way to old age. 79 00:03:28,750 --> 00:03:31,292 It represents north, south, east, and west, 80 00:03:31,333 --> 00:03:34,583 winter, summer, fall, and spring. 81 00:03:34,667 --> 00:03:38,667 It's also the New Mexico state flag symbol. 82 00:03:38,750 --> 00:03:42,500 And the whole idea is that the sun gives energy, 83 00:03:42,583 --> 00:03:46,167 the sun gives life, the sun gives sustenance. 84 00:03:46,250 --> 00:03:49,792 It sustains all things. 85 00:03:49,833 --> 00:03:52,917 When all that is said and done, they take the sun, 86 00:03:53,000 --> 00:03:55,833 and they actually deify it, and they make it a god, 87 00:03:55,875 --> 00:03:58,208 and they call it-- you know, they'll refer to it 88 00:03:58,292 --> 00:04:01,833 as their father. 89 00:04:01,875 --> 00:04:04,708 Now the truth is you need to change, 90 00:04:04,792 --> 00:04:06,417 but you can't change yourself, 91 00:04:06,500 --> 00:04:09,625 and you do need another power to change you, 92 00:04:09,667 --> 00:04:12,333 but that has to be the power of the Holy Spirit. 93 00:04:12,375 --> 00:04:16,125 It has to be God coming to take residence in you 94 00:04:16,167 --> 00:04:19,208 and to birth new life through you. 95 00:04:19,292 --> 00:04:21,375 And so what I want to talk about today 96 00:04:21,458 --> 00:04:23,500 is the person and work of the Holy Spirit 97 00:04:23,583 --> 00:04:26,500 because we're in an area that believes in the spirits, 98 00:04:26,583 --> 00:04:28,917 but doesn't know who the Holy Spirit is; 99 00:04:29,000 --> 00:04:31,625 believes in supernatural power, but doesn't understand 100 00:04:31,667 --> 00:04:33,208 the power of God. 101 00:04:33,292 --> 00:04:36,125 When you look at Jesus' life, even if you're not a Christian, 102 00:04:36,167 --> 00:04:38,375 I'm assuming you respect his life-- 103 00:04:38,458 --> 00:04:42,208 the most famous, powerful, amazing person who's lived 104 00:04:42,292 --> 00:04:43,917 in the history of the world-- 105 00:04:44,000 --> 00:04:46,875 and you've got to ask the question, "How did he do it? 106 00:04:46,958 --> 00:04:49,500 How did Jesus live his life?" 107 00:04:49,583 --> 00:04:52,000 And the Bible is repeatedly, emphatically clear. 108 00:04:52,042 --> 00:04:54,500 He lived by the power of the Holy Spirit. 109 00:04:54,583 --> 00:04:57,625 And I believe this is really important for us 110 00:04:57,667 --> 00:05:00,708 because Jesus is not just a good example. 111 00:05:00,792 --> 00:05:02,667 You can't just look at Jesus and say, 112 00:05:02,750 --> 00:05:04,375 "Well, he lived this kind of life; 113 00:05:04,458 --> 00:05:06,333 I want to live a life like him," 114 00:05:06,375 --> 00:05:08,500 thinking you can do it by your own power 115 00:05:08,542 --> 00:05:10,875 or thinking you can do it by just any old 116 00:05:10,958 --> 00:05:12,208 supernatural, spiritual power. 117 00:05:12,292 --> 00:05:15,333 You need the power of God to live a life that is patterned 118 00:05:15,375 --> 00:05:17,333 after the life of Jesus. 119 00:05:17,375 --> 00:05:20,625 And so Albuquerque has, what, 300 days a year of sun? 120 00:05:20,667 --> 00:05:23,708 And it looks like an area of great sunshine, 121 00:05:23,792 --> 00:05:26,000 but where there is physical light, 122 00:05:26,083 --> 00:05:29,500 there is great spiritual darkness. 123 00:05:29,542 --> 00:05:33,375 And some are trapped in sin and some are trapped in religion 124 00:05:33,458 --> 00:05:37,083 and some are trapped in general, vague spirituality. 125 00:05:37,167 --> 00:05:39,917 And sometimes these even combine to where spirituality 126 00:05:40,000 --> 00:05:43,208 will combine with religion, and this happens in forms 127 00:05:43,292 --> 00:05:46,583 of compromised Catholicism and weird Pentecostalism 128 00:05:46,667 --> 00:05:48,125 in your town. 129 00:05:48,167 --> 00:05:53,917 This is just like New Mexican Catholic 130 00:05:54,000 --> 00:05:55,500 spiritual life right here. 131 00:05:55,583 --> 00:05:57,625 There's a church here. 132 00:05:57,667 --> 00:06:00,708 It's become like a shrine for New Mexicans. 133 00:06:00,792 --> 00:06:02,875 Some people walk hundreds of miles to get here 134 00:06:02,958 --> 00:06:08,708 on Good Friday, as penance, asking for forgiveness. 135 00:06:08,792 --> 00:06:11,125 There's a lot of--I think there's a lot of superstitious 136 00:06:11,167 --> 00:06:13,583 beliefs around here regarding the spirit. 137 00:06:13,667 --> 00:06:17,167 So this is Chimayo. 138 00:06:25,375 --> 00:06:27,500 You take the dirt, rub it on your hands, 139 00:06:27,542 --> 00:06:28,833 rub it on your body. 140 00:06:28,875 --> 00:06:31,000 It's supposed to heal you, relieve you of pain. 141 00:06:31,083 --> 00:06:33,625 When I'd come to this place as a kid, 142 00:06:33,667 --> 00:06:36,125 this place really did feel sacred. 143 00:06:36,167 --> 00:06:40,333 Like, with the icons, the dirt, the setting, 144 00:06:40,375 --> 00:06:45,708 just always seemed like there was some sort of spirit here. 145 00:06:45,792 --> 00:06:48,125 I mean, you could see the hurt and the pain, 146 00:06:48,167 --> 00:06:53,167 I'm sure when you see little--little shoes there, 147 00:06:53,250 --> 00:06:54,792 a kid probably died. 148 00:06:54,833 --> 00:06:57,917 Even though Christ is here, the crucifix is here, 149 00:06:58,000 --> 00:07:02,500 there's images of Jesus, it's all detached from the Gospel. 150 00:07:02,583 --> 00:07:05,000 There is a sense of spirituality here. 151 00:07:05,083 --> 00:07:06,500 There's healing. 152 00:07:06,583 --> 00:07:09,417 There's miracles that they believe are taking place. 153 00:07:09,500 --> 00:07:11,583 I think any credit would go to the dirt. 154 00:07:11,667 --> 00:07:13,708 Or would go to the crucifix that was found. 155 00:07:13,792 --> 00:07:16,625 It would go to this place and the trees that were planted 156 00:07:16,667 --> 00:07:18,833 and the derelict way that it was found, 157 00:07:18,875 --> 00:07:21,083 and yet the glory that it stands in now, 158 00:07:21,167 --> 00:07:24,375 and less about the Holy Spirit actively working 159 00:07:24,458 --> 00:07:26,000 and serving people. 160 00:07:26,083 --> 00:07:28,000 And what people are trying to figure out 161 00:07:28,042 --> 00:07:29,917 is how do we live a new life? 162 00:07:30,000 --> 00:07:31,625 How do we become a new people? 163 00:07:31,667 --> 00:07:34,125 Where is the power for change? 164 00:07:34,167 --> 00:07:36,708 It's in the person and the work of the Holy Spirit. 165 00:07:36,792 --> 00:07:39,375 And so we're going to look at the life of Jesus 166 00:07:39,458 --> 00:07:42,000 and we're going to ask, "How did he live his life?" 167 00:07:42,083 --> 00:07:44,167 And the first thing I need you to know 168 00:07:44,250 --> 00:07:45,500 is Jesus is eternally God. 169 00:07:45,583 --> 00:07:47,583 He is the Creator of heaven and earth, 170 00:07:47,667 --> 00:07:50,208 and we sinned against him, and he came into human history 171 00:07:50,292 --> 00:07:52,333 on a rescue mission. 172 00:07:52,375 --> 00:07:55,292 So God added to his divinity, humanity, and Jesus came 173 00:07:55,333 --> 00:07:57,167 to live on the earth among us, 174 00:07:57,250 --> 00:07:59,333 and he did so humbly. 175 00:07:59,375 --> 00:08:02,417 He did so humbly because, see, this is the opposite 176 00:08:02,500 --> 00:08:04,417 of spirituality and religion. 177 00:08:04,500 --> 00:08:06,417 Spirituality and religion both teach-- 178 00:08:06,500 --> 00:08:09,333 whether it's a compromised pagan shaman 179 00:08:09,375 --> 00:08:12,708 or it's a Catholic priest-- that the idea is there's 180 00:08:12,792 --> 00:08:16,500 a holy man out there and he has spiritual power 181 00:08:16,583 --> 00:08:18,917 and if we get close to the holy man, 182 00:08:19,000 --> 00:08:20,833 then we'll receive the power. 183 00:08:20,875 --> 00:08:23,917 There is one holy man. His name is Jesus. 184 00:08:24,000 --> 00:08:26,333 The rest of us men and women are sinners, 185 00:08:26,375 --> 00:08:28,208 and we need him. 186 00:08:28,292 --> 00:08:30,208 And no one makes us close to God 187 00:08:30,292 --> 00:08:32,625 and the power of God and the life of God 188 00:08:32,667 --> 00:08:34,708 except for Jesus Christ. 189 00:08:34,792 --> 00:08:39,375 And Jesus comes--not that a man became divine, or God, 190 00:08:39,458 --> 00:08:42,917 or highly spiritual, but that God humbled himself 191 00:08:43,000 --> 00:08:47,333 and came among us as a man, and he lived humbly. 192 00:08:47,375 --> 00:08:49,917 He had all of the divine attributes, 193 00:08:50,000 --> 00:08:53,917 but he chose to set them aside and live like you and I, 194 00:08:54,000 --> 00:08:57,208 to show us how life is supposed to be lived 195 00:08:57,292 --> 00:08:59,708 by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. 196 00:08:59,792 --> 00:09:02,208 And so God the Father sends God the Son, 197 00:09:02,292 --> 00:09:04,333 and God the Son's life is empowered 198 00:09:04,375 --> 00:09:05,917 by God the Holy Spirit. 199 00:09:06,000 --> 00:09:08,833 Now, I want to talk to you about God the Holy Spirit 200 00:09:08,875 --> 00:09:10,208 in the Gospel of Luke. 201 00:09:10,292 --> 00:09:13,125 We're going to go through the whole book of Luke, all right? 202 00:09:13,167 --> 00:09:16,500 So it's going to take a while, but we're going to look at 203 00:09:16,583 --> 00:09:19,583 one theme and thread, and that is the ministry 204 00:09:19,667 --> 00:09:21,708 of the Holy Spirit in and around the person 205 00:09:21,792 --> 00:09:23,708 and the work of Jesus. 206 00:09:23,792 --> 00:09:25,917 So we will start in chapter 1, verse 14. 207 00:09:26,000 --> 00:09:27,625 If you've got a Bible, go there. 208 00:09:27,667 --> 00:09:29,625 If you've got an app, find it. 209 00:09:29,667 --> 00:09:33,333 Luke 1, beginning in verse 14, it starts talking about 210 00:09:33,375 --> 00:09:38,000 Jesus' home-schooled, rural, odd cousin John. 211 00:09:38,083 --> 00:09:39,375 He was an odd kid. 212 00:09:39,458 --> 00:09:41,792 He wore a Jedi robe, and his diet consisted 213 00:09:41,833 --> 00:09:44,083 of bugs and honey, all right? 214 00:09:44,167 --> 00:09:46,417 You're a weird kid under those circumstances. 215 00:09:46,500 --> 00:09:49,625 But he comes as the Old Testament prophet, 216 00:09:49,667 --> 00:09:53,708 preparing the way for Jesus, preaching repentance of sin. 217 00:09:53,792 --> 00:09:56,000 And so speaking to his mother, Elizabeth, 218 00:09:56,042 --> 00:09:58,417 it is said, "And you will have joy and gladness, 219 00:09:58,500 --> 00:10:00,167 "and many will rejoice at his birth, 220 00:10:00,250 --> 00:10:02,125 for he will be great before the Lord." 221 00:10:02,167 --> 00:10:04,708 How many of you want to be great before the Lord? 222 00:10:04,792 --> 00:10:08,125 You say, "I want to live a life, that when I stand before God, 223 00:10:08,167 --> 00:10:10,125 he says, 'Well done, good and faithful servant. 224 00:10:10,167 --> 00:10:12,500 That life looked like the life I intended for you.'" 225 00:10:12,583 --> 00:10:17,083 That aspiration for a great life is not a bad one, 226 00:10:17,167 --> 00:10:20,083 but then it goes on to say how that is possible. 227 00:10:20,167 --> 00:10:22,292 "He will be great before the Lord, 228 00:10:22,333 --> 00:10:25,625 but he must not drink wine or strong drink." 229 00:10:25,667 --> 00:10:27,708 This is a very important word. 230 00:10:27,792 --> 00:10:29,833 Alcohol consumption is not a sin. 231 00:10:29,875 --> 00:10:31,708 Jesus makes alcohol and consumes alcohol, 232 00:10:31,792 --> 00:10:34,833 but for some of you it's a sin, and God would give you 233 00:10:34,875 --> 00:10:36,792 the same command that he gave to John. 234 00:10:36,833 --> 00:10:38,125 Don't drink. 235 00:10:38,167 --> 00:10:40,167 Don't drink to forget your problems. 236 00:10:40,250 --> 00:10:42,292 Go to the Holy Spirit to conquer them. 237 00:10:42,333 --> 00:10:45,000 And that's exactly what he says regarding John. 238 00:10:45,083 --> 00:10:47,000 "He will not drink wine or strong drink, 239 00:10:47,042 --> 00:10:49,292 but he will be filled with," what? 240 00:10:49,333 --> 00:10:50,708 "God the Holy Spirit." 241 00:10:50,792 --> 00:10:53,833 If you want to live a life that is great before the Lord, 242 00:10:53,875 --> 00:10:56,000 that overcomes your addictions and compulsions, 243 00:10:56,083 --> 00:10:58,333 maybe even delivers you from a family history 244 00:10:58,375 --> 00:11:00,375 of something like alcoholism, 245 00:11:00,458 --> 00:11:03,500 the answer is not sin: "You can't change." 246 00:11:03,583 --> 00:11:06,917 The answer is not religion: "Try harder and feel more guilty." 247 00:11:07,000 --> 00:11:09,833 The answer is not spirituality: "Just try and connect with 248 00:11:09,875 --> 00:11:11,833 the world that God made." 249 00:11:11,875 --> 00:11:15,917 The answer is meet Jesus and be filled with the Holy Spirit. 250 00:11:16,000 --> 00:11:19,125 So then you can live a new, powerful life 251 00:11:19,167 --> 00:11:21,375 by the same power that Jesus did. 252 00:11:21,458 --> 00:11:24,708 And it goes on to say, "He will be filled with the Holy Spirit, 253 00:11:24,792 --> 00:11:26,083 even from his mother's womb." 254 00:11:26,167 --> 00:11:28,000 That's what we want for our children, right, 255 00:11:28,083 --> 00:11:30,583 to be filled with the Holy Spirit. 256 00:11:30,667 --> 00:11:35,208 It goes on to say, "He will turn many of the children of Israel 257 00:11:35,292 --> 00:11:38,625 to the Lord their God, and he will go before him," 258 00:11:38,667 --> 00:11:41,208 that is, John will go before Jesus, "in the Spirit," 259 00:11:41,292 --> 00:11:42,917 or the Holy Spirit, "and the power," 260 00:11:43,000 --> 00:11:45,000 which is the Holy Spirit's power-- 261 00:11:45,042 --> 00:11:47,917 "of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, 262 00:11:48,000 --> 00:11:50,125 "and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, 263 00:11:50,167 --> 00:11:53,083 to make ready for the Lord a people prepared." 264 00:11:53,167 --> 00:11:56,375 Part of the Holy Spirit's work is to save people, 265 00:11:56,458 --> 00:11:59,208 particularly even when they are young and little, 266 00:11:59,292 --> 00:12:02,292 to give them a new life, to give them a new power, 267 00:12:02,333 --> 00:12:03,875 so that they might serve Jesus. 268 00:12:03,958 --> 00:12:06,292 And you know that the Holy Spirit is at work 269 00:12:06,333 --> 00:12:12,500 when children love the Lord and when their fathers love them. 270 00:12:12,583 --> 00:12:14,208 There are many patriarchs in this room. 271 00:12:14,292 --> 00:12:16,875 There's something that I am seeing here in New Mexico that, 272 00:12:16,958 --> 00:12:19,708 quite frankly, I don't see anywhere else in the world. 273 00:12:19,792 --> 00:12:22,500 Men are patriarchs. 274 00:12:22,583 --> 00:12:26,375 And if men get saved, their families get saved. 275 00:12:26,458 --> 00:12:30,708 If men follow Jesus, their wives and children follow Jesus. 276 00:12:30,792 --> 00:12:33,833 So you men need to know one of the things the Holy Spirit 277 00:12:33,875 --> 00:12:37,208 wants to do in your heart is to cause you to love your wife 278 00:12:37,292 --> 00:12:39,875 and to love your kids and to turn your heart 279 00:12:39,958 --> 00:12:42,375 toward your family. 280 00:12:42,458 --> 00:12:45,292 And it says, as well, that the Holy Spirit wants to turn 281 00:12:45,333 --> 00:12:48,000 the hearts of the children to their fathers. 282 00:12:48,083 --> 00:12:50,208 There are a lot of problems in New Mexico, 283 00:12:50,292 --> 00:12:52,625 as well as my city and all over the world. 284 00:12:52,667 --> 00:12:56,000 Most of them can be attributed to the sins of the fathers, 285 00:12:56,083 --> 00:12:59,625 men behaving badly and doing that which is dishonorable. 286 00:12:59,667 --> 00:13:02,333 And the work of the Holy Spirit is to change men 287 00:13:02,375 --> 00:13:06,500 to be like Jesus, and to change children to love their father, 288 00:13:06,583 --> 00:13:08,917 so that the reconciling power of God happens 289 00:13:09,000 --> 00:13:11,375 not just between us and God, 290 00:13:11,458 --> 00:13:15,458 but between us and the generations in our family. 291 00:13:16,292 --> 00:13:18,875 Yeah, some of the ways that we've seen the Holy Spirit 292 00:13:18,958 --> 00:13:22,625 work in this church is saving people. 293 00:13:22,667 --> 00:13:26,500 He's reconciling relationships, key relationships between 294 00:13:26,583 --> 00:13:28,625 families that go back hundreds of years, 295 00:13:28,667 --> 00:13:31,375 and just--he's changing how they see each other, 296 00:13:31,458 --> 00:13:33,292 the grace they extend to one another. 297 00:13:33,333 --> 00:13:35,875 We're seeing husbands that have been absolutely unfaithful 298 00:13:35,958 --> 00:13:40,708 to their wives, reconciled through repentance, 299 00:13:40,792 --> 00:13:43,208 through walking away of that unfaithful lifestyle, 300 00:13:43,292 --> 00:13:46,875 and God blessing them and allowing forgiveness on her part 301 00:13:46,958 --> 00:13:49,292 and repentance on his part, and then they come together, 302 00:13:49,333 --> 00:13:54,375 and then a baby was just born, the fruit of that grace 303 00:13:54,458 --> 00:13:56,708 in their life that the Holy Spirit brought. 304 00:13:56,792 --> 00:13:58,083 You can change. 305 00:13:58,167 --> 00:13:59,625 You men can change. 306 00:13:59,667 --> 00:14:03,000 You can't change yourself. 307 00:14:03,042 --> 00:14:07,417 And you don't just need to be generally spiritual. 308 00:14:07,500 --> 00:14:10,167 You need Jesus and the Holy Spirit. 309 00:14:10,250 --> 00:14:12,375 The story continues. 310 00:14:12,458 --> 00:14:14,500 Verse 35, "And the angel answered her, 311 00:14:14,583 --> 00:14:16,208 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you, 312 00:14:16,292 --> 00:14:18,917 'and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; 313 00:14:19,000 --> 00:14:21,333 'therefore the child to be born will be called holy-- 314 00:14:21,375 --> 00:14:22,708 the Son of God.'" 315 00:14:22,792 --> 00:14:25,833 Mary asks, "I'm a virgin. How am I going to have a baby?" 316 00:14:25,875 --> 00:14:28,708 God shows up and says, "The Holy Spirit is going to do 317 00:14:28,792 --> 00:14:30,167 "a miracle in your womb. 318 00:14:30,250 --> 00:14:34,333 He is going to have God the Son birthed through your womb." 319 00:14:34,375 --> 00:14:38,500 The Son of God will also be the Son of Mary. 320 00:14:38,583 --> 00:14:40,708 And this is what the Holy Spirit does. 321 00:14:40,792 --> 00:14:42,792 He does the miraculous. 322 00:14:42,833 --> 00:14:46,333 And here we are to see that even Jesus' conception is through 323 00:14:46,375 --> 00:14:48,208 the person and the work and the presence 324 00:14:48,292 --> 00:14:50,500 and the power of God the Holy Spirit. 325 00:14:50,583 --> 00:14:53,375 Jesus' life doesn't make any sense apart from the person 326 00:14:53,458 --> 00:14:55,208 and work of the Holy Spirit. 327 00:14:55,292 --> 00:14:57,833 This is why I would beg you, I would implore you, 328 00:14:57,875 --> 00:15:00,125 don't just look at Jesus as a great example. 329 00:15:00,167 --> 00:15:02,500 Other religious leaders, like Mahatma Gandhi 330 00:15:02,542 --> 00:15:03,833 and others, have done this. 331 00:15:03,875 --> 00:15:05,500 They'll say, "Oh, he's a great man. 332 00:15:05,583 --> 00:15:06,833 He's a great example." 333 00:15:06,875 --> 00:15:08,917 He's not just a great example. 334 00:15:09,000 --> 00:15:11,625 He's God among us, come to save us, 335 00:15:11,667 --> 00:15:14,583 to save us from sin, to fill us with his Spirit 336 00:15:14,667 --> 00:15:17,083 so we can live a new life patterned after his. 337 00:15:17,167 --> 00:15:19,333 He's not just our example; he's our God. 338 00:15:19,375 --> 00:15:20,833 He's our Savior. 339 00:15:20,875 --> 00:15:22,583 He's the sender of the Holy Spirit. 340 00:15:22,667 --> 00:15:24,917 He's the one who changes us. 341 00:15:25,000 --> 00:15:27,833 And even his birth was by the power of the Holy Spirit 342 00:15:27,875 --> 00:15:30,625 in a way that is not unlike our new birth 343 00:15:30,667 --> 00:15:32,375 by the power of the Holy Spirit. 344 00:15:32,458 --> 00:15:34,500 If you've been born again, you've been born again 345 00:15:34,583 --> 00:15:38,792 like Jesus was born: by a miracle of the Holy Spirit. 346 00:15:38,833 --> 00:15:41,917 He's still doing that kind of miracle. 347 00:15:42,000 --> 00:15:44,500 And then there is Elizabeth. 348 00:15:44,583 --> 00:15:48,917 Elizabeth, her relative, is also pregnant. 349 00:15:49,000 --> 00:15:52,125 We read in verse 41, "And when Elizabeth heard the greeting 350 00:15:52,167 --> 00:15:54,125 "of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. 351 00:15:54,167 --> 00:15:56,833 And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit." 352 00:15:56,875 --> 00:15:59,500 Elizabeth comes into the presence of Jesus. 353 00:15:59,583 --> 00:16:02,333 Elizabeth has John the Baptizer in her womb. 354 00:16:02,375 --> 00:16:04,833 Mary, her relative, has Jesus in her womb. 355 00:16:04,875 --> 00:16:06,375 They come together. 356 00:16:06,458 --> 00:16:09,375 Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit and worships Jesus. 357 00:16:09,458 --> 00:16:12,292 One of the ways you know that you have the Holy Spirit 358 00:16:12,333 --> 00:16:13,917 is if you worship Jesus. 359 00:16:14,000 --> 00:16:15,792 And the Holy Spirit loves Jesus. 360 00:16:15,833 --> 00:16:17,625 The Holy Spirit serves Jesus. 361 00:16:17,667 --> 00:16:19,333 The Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus. 362 00:16:19,375 --> 00:16:22,667 And when the Holy Spirit is in us, we want to do the same. 363 00:16:22,750 --> 00:16:25,083 We want to know Jesus. We want to love Jesus. 364 00:16:25,167 --> 00:16:27,708 We want to say Jesus. We want to sing to Jesus. 365 00:16:27,792 --> 00:16:29,167 We want to be like Jesus. 366 00:16:29,250 --> 00:16:31,333 And when we sin, we tell Jesus we're sorry 367 00:16:31,375 --> 00:16:33,000 and we run to him. 368 00:16:33,042 --> 00:16:36,708 The story goes on, chapter 1, verse 66, 369 00:16:36,792 --> 00:16:39,208 back to John, his cousin, who's the prophet 370 00:16:39,292 --> 00:16:42,000 preparing the way for the coming of Jesus. 371 00:16:42,083 --> 00:16:45,500 "All who heard them laid up in their hearts, saying, 372 00:16:45,583 --> 00:16:48,000 'What then will this child be?' 373 00:16:48,042 --> 00:16:50,125 For the hand of the Lord was upon him." 374 00:16:50,167 --> 00:16:53,333 As John was a young man, and as he was growing, 375 00:16:53,375 --> 00:16:55,333 people could see there's something different 376 00:16:55,375 --> 00:16:56,917 with this boy. 377 00:16:57,000 --> 00:16:59,417 He lives as someone who is connected to God 378 00:16:59,500 --> 00:17:01,333 by the power of God. 379 00:17:01,375 --> 00:17:03,000 He's not a sinner. He's not religious. 380 00:17:03,083 --> 00:17:04,583 He's not spiritual. 381 00:17:04,667 --> 00:17:06,083 He belongs to God. 382 00:17:06,167 --> 00:17:07,708 There's something different about this boy, 383 00:17:07,792 --> 00:17:10,333 and the analogy is given that the hand of the Lord 384 00:17:10,375 --> 00:17:11,667 is upon him. 385 00:17:11,750 --> 00:17:13,375 And when the Bible uses that language, 386 00:17:13,458 --> 00:17:16,208 it denotes that the Holy Spirit is active in his life. 387 00:17:16,292 --> 00:17:17,708 Have you seen that? 388 00:17:17,792 --> 00:17:20,625 If you're a parent, if you see your children convicted of sin, 389 00:17:20,667 --> 00:17:24,333 if you see them love Jesus, if you see a deep humility 390 00:17:24,375 --> 00:17:27,083 and a concern and an empathy for others, 391 00:17:27,167 --> 00:17:30,000 if you see spiritual insight through the Bible that has been 392 00:17:30,083 --> 00:17:32,667 made known to them, you should also celebrate 393 00:17:32,750 --> 00:17:35,333 and say the hand of the Lord is on them, 394 00:17:35,375 --> 00:17:38,167 that God is working in them and through them. 395 00:17:38,250 --> 00:17:40,292 And then the Holy Spirit shows up, 396 00:17:40,333 --> 00:17:43,875 we will read, to a man named Zechariah in the next verse, 397 00:17:43,958 --> 00:17:45,417 verse 67. 398 00:17:45,500 --> 00:17:47,917 "And his father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit 399 00:17:48,000 --> 00:17:49,500 and prophesied." 400 00:17:49,583 --> 00:17:52,083 And he's going to talk about Jesus 401 00:17:52,167 --> 00:17:54,500 and his prophecy is all about who Jesus is 402 00:17:54,583 --> 00:17:57,292 and why Jesus came and what Jesus does. 403 00:17:57,333 --> 00:17:58,833 I want you to know this. 404 00:17:58,875 --> 00:18:02,000 You cannot understand who Jesus is--why he lived, 405 00:18:02,083 --> 00:18:05,833 why he died, why he rose, why he's coming again-- 406 00:18:05,875 --> 00:18:07,917 you can't understand what the Bible says 407 00:18:08,000 --> 00:18:10,125 apart from the Holy Spirit. 408 00:18:10,167 --> 00:18:12,208 How many of you have had this experience? 409 00:18:12,292 --> 00:18:14,208 You maybe had some religion in your background. 410 00:18:14,292 --> 00:18:16,208 You grew up going to mass or church, 411 00:18:16,292 --> 00:18:19,000 or you were taken to some student or youth ministry. 412 00:18:19,083 --> 00:18:22,000 You had some God-consciousness, but you really didn't know 413 00:18:22,083 --> 00:18:23,333 who Jesus was. 414 00:18:23,375 --> 00:18:26,208 You didn't love him, you didn't see him for who he was, 415 00:18:26,292 --> 00:18:28,625 and then all of a sudden, the Holy Spirit opened 416 00:18:28,667 --> 00:18:30,000 your understanding and you realized, 417 00:18:30,042 --> 00:18:31,375 "Oh, he's God. He's Savior. 418 00:18:31,458 --> 00:18:33,208 He's the forgiver of sins." 419 00:18:33,292 --> 00:18:35,792 If you've had that experience, then the Holy Spirit has, 420 00:18:35,833 --> 00:18:37,917 in a way that he did to Zechariah, 421 00:18:38,000 --> 00:18:41,000 revealed to you, revealed to you. 422 00:18:41,042 --> 00:18:43,625 And so even if you understand that Jesus is God, 423 00:18:43,667 --> 00:18:46,000 you've already experienced a miraculous work 424 00:18:46,083 --> 00:18:49,583 of the Holy Spirit in your life, just as Zechariah did. 425 00:18:49,667 --> 00:18:52,208 He saw Jesus for who he was. 426 00:18:52,292 --> 00:18:55,917 We jump over to chapter 2, verse 25. 427 00:18:56,000 --> 00:18:58,167 Here's a man named Simeon. 428 00:18:58,250 --> 00:18:59,958 "Now there was a man in Jerusalem, 429 00:19:00,083 --> 00:19:03,000 "whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous 430 00:19:03,083 --> 00:19:05,792 "and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, 431 00:19:05,833 --> 00:19:08,125 and the Holy Spirit was upon him." 432 00:19:08,167 --> 00:19:10,667 How did Simeon live his life as a righteous man? 433 00:19:10,750 --> 00:19:12,375 Through the power of the Holy Spirit. 434 00:19:12,458 --> 00:19:14,500 The way you and I can live righteous lives, 435 00:19:14,583 --> 00:19:17,000 say no to sin, really have change, 436 00:19:17,083 --> 00:19:19,708 to live as new people with new desires and new hearts 437 00:19:19,792 --> 00:19:22,208 and new minds, is through the presence 438 00:19:22,292 --> 00:19:24,375 and power and person of the Holy Spirit. 439 00:19:24,458 --> 00:19:27,708 "And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would 440 00:19:27,792 --> 00:19:30,125 not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ." 441 00:19:30,167 --> 00:19:31,625 So he's an old man. 442 00:19:31,667 --> 00:19:34,500 He's been in ministry for years and the Holy Spirit told him, 443 00:19:34,583 --> 00:19:37,708 "You will not die until Jesus is born and comes into the earth." 444 00:19:37,792 --> 00:19:40,625 So he's waiting and waiting as an elderly man. 445 00:19:40,667 --> 00:19:44,000 "And he came in the Spirit," so he's going to do his ministry. 446 00:19:44,083 --> 00:19:46,792 He's kind of like--to use the nomenclature of our day-- 447 00:19:46,833 --> 00:19:48,500 a pastor. 448 00:19:48,542 --> 00:19:50,167 And the Holy Spirit is upon him, 449 00:19:50,250 --> 00:19:51,875 and the Holy Spirit is leading him. 450 00:19:51,958 --> 00:19:54,292 And we believe, friends, that the Holy Spirit can still 451 00:19:54,333 --> 00:19:55,625 reveal things to you. 452 00:19:55,667 --> 00:19:58,500 He can still guide your steps. He can still inform your mind. 453 00:19:58,583 --> 00:20:01,417 He can still instruct your days. 454 00:20:01,500 --> 00:20:03,000 And then Jesus shows up. 455 00:20:03,083 --> 00:20:05,000 "He came in the Spirit into the temple, 456 00:20:05,042 --> 00:20:07,125 "and the parents brought in the child Jesus, 457 00:20:07,167 --> 00:20:10,000 to do for him in accordance with the custom of the Law." 458 00:20:10,083 --> 00:20:12,333 So it's kind of like a baby dedication, right? 459 00:20:12,375 --> 00:20:14,500 Mary and Joseph are bringing in Jesus, 460 00:20:14,542 --> 00:20:16,625 and here's basically Simeon, like the pastor, 461 00:20:16,667 --> 00:20:18,333 to dedicate Jesus to the Lord. 462 00:20:18,375 --> 00:20:20,917 "And he blessed God and said, 'Lord, you are now letting 463 00:20:21,000 --> 00:20:23,375 "your servant depart in peace, according to your word; 464 00:20:23,458 --> 00:20:25,833 "for my eyes have seen your salvation 465 00:20:25,875 --> 00:20:28,208 "that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, 466 00:20:28,292 --> 00:20:30,417 "a light for revelation of the Gentiles, 467 00:20:30,500 --> 00:20:33,500 and for your glory to your people Israel.'" 468 00:20:33,583 --> 00:20:35,125 Isn't that amazing? 469 00:20:35,167 --> 00:20:37,375 He says, "God, you've answered your promise to me. 470 00:20:37,458 --> 00:20:39,333 Here is salvation!" 471 00:20:39,375 --> 00:20:41,500 Jesus is the source of salvation: 472 00:20:41,542 --> 00:20:43,375 forgiveness of sin, eternal life, 473 00:20:43,458 --> 00:20:44,708 reconciliation with God. 474 00:20:44,792 --> 00:20:47,625 And he says, "You know what? It's a light to the Gentiles." 475 00:20:47,667 --> 00:20:49,833 Friends, you live in a Gentile land. 476 00:20:49,875 --> 00:20:53,125 This is the place of those who are not descendants, 477 00:20:53,167 --> 00:20:55,417 physically speaking, of Abraham. 478 00:20:55,500 --> 00:20:58,000 And Jesus comes to bring light to the Gentiles. 479 00:20:58,083 --> 00:20:59,958 And some of you will struggle with this. 480 00:21:00,083 --> 00:21:01,708 And let me say this: 481 00:21:01,792 --> 00:21:04,875 You cannot mix Christianity with other spirituality. 482 00:21:04,958 --> 00:21:06,375 You can't. 483 00:21:06,458 --> 00:21:09,167 Jesus plus anything ruins everything. 484 00:21:09,250 --> 00:21:11,417 And some of you want to have Jesus 485 00:21:11,500 --> 00:21:13,375 and the way of the Gentiles. 486 00:21:13,458 --> 00:21:15,667 You want to have the darkness and the light. 487 00:21:17,542 --> 00:21:21,000 You know, that was a huge decision that I had to make, 488 00:21:21,083 --> 00:21:24,875 when I told my dad that I didn't believe in his god anymore, 489 00:21:24,958 --> 00:21:28,417 or his gods, or what he taught me to believe. 490 00:21:28,500 --> 00:21:30,708 It crushed him. 491 00:21:30,792 --> 00:21:34,000 It hurt him. 492 00:21:34,083 --> 00:21:39,083 But I guess that's what truth does. 493 00:21:40,458 --> 00:21:42,083 Some of you need to go home. 494 00:21:42,167 --> 00:21:45,167 You need to throw out whatever dolls, dream catchers, 495 00:21:45,250 --> 00:21:48,083 pagan spirituality, native spirituality. 496 00:21:48,167 --> 00:21:51,167 You need to get rid of it because it is not holy. 497 00:21:51,250 --> 00:21:53,208 It is not godly. 498 00:21:53,292 --> 00:21:55,625 And some of you will struggle because you will think, 499 00:21:55,667 --> 00:21:57,625 "Am I denying my ancestors?" 500 00:21:57,667 --> 00:22:00,125 You're not, but you're denying the lie that was told 501 00:22:00,167 --> 00:22:02,583 to your ancestors by their enemy. 502 00:22:02,667 --> 00:22:06,000 You're denying the lie that was told to your ancestors 503 00:22:06,042 --> 00:22:09,417 by their enemy, a deception that would want to enslave 504 00:22:09,500 --> 00:22:13,917 your family for generations; to worshiping created things, 505 00:22:14,000 --> 00:22:15,708 rather than the Creator God; 506 00:22:15,792 --> 00:22:18,000 to living in darkness, spiritually; 507 00:22:18,042 --> 00:22:21,583 to being captives held in a prison of demonism. 508 00:22:21,667 --> 00:22:24,125 That is the story of this region. 509 00:22:24,167 --> 00:22:26,833 It's only Jesus, it's always Jesus, 510 00:22:26,875 --> 00:22:28,333 it has to be Jesus. 511 00:22:28,375 --> 00:22:31,208 And Jesus plus anything ruins everything. 512 00:22:31,292 --> 00:22:33,875 And if you're not happy with the history of your family, 513 00:22:33,958 --> 00:22:36,292 if you're not happy with the history of your city, 514 00:22:36,333 --> 00:22:38,667 if you're not happy with the history of your life, 515 00:22:38,750 --> 00:22:40,333 Jesus. 516 00:22:40,375 --> 00:22:43,667 Repent of sin, get rid of everything that dishonors him, 517 00:22:43,750 --> 00:22:46,500 receive the Holy Spirit to become a new person, 518 00:22:46,542 --> 00:22:49,625 to live a new life, and leave a new legacy for your children 519 00:22:49,667 --> 00:22:51,333 and grandchildren. 520 00:22:51,375 --> 00:22:55,375 The way that life has been done here isn't working. 521 00:22:55,458 --> 00:22:56,708 It's not working. 522 00:22:56,792 --> 00:22:59,333 The women are not honored. The men are not noble. 523 00:22:59,375 --> 00:23:03,083 The children are not hopeful. 524 00:23:03,167 --> 00:23:07,000 And he says, "Revelation for the Gentiles." 525 00:23:07,042 --> 00:23:08,583 We're the Gentiles. 526 00:23:08,667 --> 00:23:11,292 Jesus is the revelation. 527 00:23:11,333 --> 00:23:13,917 Well, the story continues. 528 00:23:14,000 --> 00:23:18,208 Jesus is growing up, beginning in verse 39. 529 00:23:18,292 --> 00:23:20,083 "And when they had performed everything according 530 00:23:20,167 --> 00:23:23,000 "to the Law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, 531 00:23:23,083 --> 00:23:25,417 to their own town of Nazareth, where the child," 532 00:23:25,500 --> 00:23:28,333 that is Jesus, "grew and became strong, 533 00:23:28,375 --> 00:23:29,875 "filled with wisdom. 534 00:23:29,958 --> 00:23:31,833 And the favor of God was upon him." 535 00:23:31,875 --> 00:23:33,500 That language of "the favor of God" 536 00:23:33,583 --> 00:23:35,417 is the presence of the Holy Spirit. 537 00:23:35,500 --> 00:23:38,500 How did Jesus grow from being a baby, to a boy, 538 00:23:38,583 --> 00:23:40,667 to a young man, to a grown man? 539 00:23:40,750 --> 00:23:42,875 How did he learn the Bible? 540 00:23:42,958 --> 00:23:44,833 How did he grow in holiness? 541 00:23:44,875 --> 00:23:46,708 How did he say "no" to sin 542 00:23:46,792 --> 00:23:48,625 and "yes" to the will of the Lord? 543 00:23:48,667 --> 00:23:50,333 By the power of the Holy Spirit. 544 00:23:50,375 --> 00:23:52,000 This is what I want for you. 545 00:23:52,083 --> 00:23:54,500 I want you to be filled with the Holy Spirit. 546 00:23:54,542 --> 00:23:56,167 I want you to grow: wisdom, stature, 547 00:23:56,250 --> 00:23:57,500 favor with men and God. 548 00:23:57,583 --> 00:23:59,417 I want you to have a new life. 549 00:23:59,500 --> 00:24:01,208 I want you to be like Jesus. 550 00:24:01,292 --> 00:24:04,500 I want the same thing for your kids and grandkids. 551 00:24:04,583 --> 00:24:08,500 Well, chapter 3, it really picks up here, verse 16. 552 00:24:08,583 --> 00:24:11,833 Here's the baptism of Jesus. 553 00:24:11,875 --> 00:24:15,208 Chapter 3, verse 16, "John answered them all," 554 00:24:15,292 --> 00:24:18,125 his cousin, "saying, 'I baptize you with water.'" 555 00:24:18,167 --> 00:24:19,875 So John had a ministry of baptism. 556 00:24:19,958 --> 00:24:21,917 He's like an Old Testament prophet calling people 557 00:24:22,000 --> 00:24:26,167 to repent of sin and get ready for the coming of Jesus. 558 00:24:26,250 --> 00:24:28,917 "But he who is mightier than I is coming, 559 00:24:29,000 --> 00:24:31,625 "the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. 560 00:24:31,667 --> 00:24:35,708 He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire." 561 00:24:35,792 --> 00:24:37,875 Do you know how you receive the Holy Spirit? 562 00:24:37,958 --> 00:24:40,625 From Jesus. 563 00:24:40,667 --> 00:24:42,708 From Jesus. 564 00:24:42,792 --> 00:24:45,333 You don't need a priest. You don't need a holy man. 565 00:24:45,375 --> 00:24:46,667 You don't need a shaman. 566 00:24:46,750 --> 00:24:48,833 You don't need to go to a sacred place. 567 00:24:48,875 --> 00:24:51,708 You don't need to go to a place where there's spiritual energy 568 00:24:51,792 --> 00:24:53,083 that you can connect into. 569 00:24:53,167 --> 00:24:54,417 That's all demonism. 570 00:24:54,500 --> 00:24:55,708 You go to Jesus. 571 00:24:55,792 --> 00:24:57,208 One mediator between man and God, 572 00:24:57,292 --> 00:24:58,500 the man Christ Jesus. 573 00:24:58,583 --> 00:24:59,875 That's what the Bible says. 574 00:24:59,958 --> 00:25:01,417 You say, "Jesus, here's my sin." 575 00:25:01,500 --> 00:25:02,875 He says, "Here's the Holy Spirit." 576 00:25:02,958 --> 00:25:05,500 Wow, what a trade. What a trade. 577 00:25:05,583 --> 00:25:07,667 "You take my sin. Give me the Holy Spirit. 578 00:25:07,750 --> 00:25:10,417 Deal, done, thanks, awesome, great." 579 00:25:10,500 --> 00:25:13,000 And that's the offer that Jesus gives. 580 00:25:14,583 --> 00:25:17,333 That's the offer that Jesus gives. 581 00:25:17,375 --> 00:25:19,125 He gives you the Holy Spirit. 582 00:25:19,167 --> 00:25:21,500 That's what John says. 583 00:25:21,542 --> 00:25:23,375 The story continues. 584 00:25:23,458 --> 00:25:25,708 Verse 22, now Jesus is going to get baptized, 585 00:25:25,792 --> 00:25:30,792 showing his life, death, burial, resurrection. 586 00:25:30,833 --> 00:25:33,167 "And the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form, 587 00:25:33,250 --> 00:25:35,333 like a dove; and a voice came from heaven," 588 00:25:35,375 --> 00:25:38,500 verse 22, "'You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.'" 589 00:25:38,542 --> 00:25:40,125 I love this. 590 00:25:40,167 --> 00:25:43,625 Here's the whole Trinity, one God, three persons. 591 00:25:43,667 --> 00:25:45,917 God the Father speaks from heaven. 592 00:25:46,000 --> 00:25:48,375 God the Son is coming up out of the water. 593 00:25:48,458 --> 00:25:52,292 God the Holy Spirit descends on Jesus in the form of a dove. 594 00:25:52,333 --> 00:25:54,208 Here's the whole Trinity, and God the Father 595 00:25:54,292 --> 00:25:55,583 speaks from heaven, 596 00:25:55,667 --> 00:25:57,208 "In you I am well pleased." 597 00:25:57,292 --> 00:25:58,917 And I would say this to you: 598 00:25:59,000 --> 00:26:01,125 if you are in Christ, then God the Father 599 00:26:01,167 --> 00:26:03,000 says the same thing to you. 600 00:26:03,083 --> 00:26:05,708 If you are in Christ, then he is well pleased with you 601 00:26:05,792 --> 00:26:08,333 because your life is in Christ, your forgiveness is in Christ, 602 00:26:08,375 --> 00:26:10,875 your righteousness is in Christ. 603 00:26:10,958 --> 00:26:13,000 We don't labor so that God will love us. 604 00:26:13,083 --> 00:26:15,000 We labor because he does. 605 00:26:15,083 --> 00:26:17,500 We don't labor so that God would make us holy, 606 00:26:17,542 --> 00:26:19,708 but in Christ he has. 607 00:26:19,792 --> 00:26:22,375 Before Jesus even started his public ministry, 608 00:26:22,458 --> 00:26:24,000 the Father was well pleased with him. 609 00:26:24,083 --> 00:26:25,917 Before you do anything, if you're in Christ, 610 00:26:26,000 --> 00:26:27,708 God is pleased with you. 611 00:26:27,792 --> 00:26:29,667 Don't let the enemy whisper in your ear. 612 00:26:29,750 --> 00:26:32,625 Don't let him condemn you, shame you, cripple you. 613 00:26:32,667 --> 00:26:34,625 Receive Christ. 614 00:26:34,667 --> 00:26:36,667 Receive the Holy Spirit. 615 00:26:36,750 --> 00:26:40,167 Receive righteousness as a gift, and then let the Father 616 00:26:40,250 --> 00:26:42,500 tell you, "I'm well pleased with you. 617 00:26:42,542 --> 00:26:44,708 "Now we're going to go do some things together, 618 00:26:44,792 --> 00:26:48,000 "not so that I will love you, but because I do 619 00:26:48,083 --> 00:26:50,208 "because you are in Christ, and I love Christ, 620 00:26:50,292 --> 00:26:53,500 and if you are in Christ, I love you." 621 00:26:53,542 --> 00:26:57,000 And so here we see, and this is not that Jesus was without 622 00:26:57,083 --> 00:27:00,375 the Holy Spirit to this point in his public ministry. 623 00:27:00,458 --> 00:27:02,792 He was living by the power of the Holy Spirit, 624 00:27:02,833 --> 00:27:04,708 but at this point, the Holy Spirit 625 00:27:04,792 --> 00:27:06,083 shows up publicly. 626 00:27:06,167 --> 00:27:07,417 You know why? 627 00:27:07,500 --> 00:27:08,917 Because people couldn't see it. 628 00:27:09,000 --> 00:27:11,917 So people are looking at Jesus, "How does he do it? 629 00:27:12,000 --> 00:27:13,917 "Oh, the Holy Spirit descends on him, 630 00:27:14,000 --> 00:27:15,875 and that's how he does it." 631 00:27:15,958 --> 00:27:19,375 Matthew 3 has this account of the baptism as well, 632 00:27:19,458 --> 00:27:22,708 and it adds one interesting piece of information. 633 00:27:22,792 --> 00:27:25,625 It says that the Holy Spirit rested on Jesus. 634 00:27:25,667 --> 00:27:27,208 It uses that language. 635 00:27:27,292 --> 00:27:31,625 The Holy Spirit stayed on Jesus, so that as Jesus continued 636 00:27:31,667 --> 00:27:34,417 forward with his life, you were to see the Holy Spirit 637 00:27:34,500 --> 00:27:37,708 in and with and through the Lord Jesus. 638 00:27:37,792 --> 00:27:40,625 So you and I, if we look at Jesus and we say, 639 00:27:40,667 --> 00:27:42,500 "I want to live a life like Jesus," 640 00:27:42,583 --> 00:27:45,292 by the power of the Holy Spirit. 641 00:27:45,333 --> 00:27:48,583 The story then continues over in chapter 4, verse 1. 642 00:27:48,667 --> 00:27:51,625 Some of you were wrongly told, "Give your life to Jesus, 643 00:27:51,667 --> 00:27:53,917 and he'll take all your troubles away." 644 00:27:54,000 --> 00:27:56,125 You got saved and it got worse. 645 00:27:56,167 --> 00:27:57,917 You go, "I don't think it worked." 646 00:27:58,000 --> 00:28:01,000 It did work because, see, there is God and Satan, 647 00:28:01,083 --> 00:28:02,500 and there's a great war. 648 00:28:02,542 --> 00:28:04,667 And if you're on Satan's team of darkness, 649 00:28:04,750 --> 00:28:06,708 and you join Jesus' team of light, 650 00:28:06,792 --> 00:28:09,333 then you will receive a heavier assault and attack 651 00:28:09,375 --> 00:28:12,917 because now you've aligned yourself with Jesus. 652 00:28:13,000 --> 00:28:15,125 So Jesus publicly begins his ministry, 653 00:28:15,167 --> 00:28:19,417 and then in Luke 4, he gets tempted. 654 00:28:19,500 --> 00:28:21,583 "And Jesus, full of the," what? 655 00:28:21,667 --> 00:28:22,917 "Holy Spirit." 656 00:28:23,000 --> 00:28:25,167 You see it's right there, right? 657 00:28:25,250 --> 00:28:28,208 So oftentimes what happens is people will talk a lot about 658 00:28:28,292 --> 00:28:31,208 the Holy Spirit and not connect him to Jesus. 659 00:28:31,292 --> 00:28:34,125 And the result is people have a really weird idea of who 660 00:28:34,167 --> 00:28:37,000 the Holy Spirit is or what he does. 661 00:28:37,042 --> 00:28:41,125 To be filled with the Holy Spirit is to be like Jesus. 662 00:28:41,167 --> 00:28:45,208 To be led by the Holy Spirit is to be like Jesus. 663 00:28:45,292 --> 00:28:47,625 I want you to see that. 664 00:28:47,667 --> 00:28:49,875 And so here, "Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, 665 00:28:49,958 --> 00:28:53,167 "returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit 666 00:28:53,250 --> 00:28:55,000 into the wilderness." 667 00:28:55,083 --> 00:28:58,500 The Holy Spirit can lead you, direct your life course. 668 00:28:58,583 --> 00:29:00,500 "Live here, marry them, work here, 669 00:29:00,583 --> 00:29:02,000 do that, don't do that." 670 00:29:02,083 --> 00:29:03,333 He can direct your steps. 671 00:29:03,375 --> 00:29:04,750 He will. 672 00:29:05,083 --> 00:29:06,583 He will. 673 00:29:06,667 --> 00:29:08,792 "For 40 days, being tempted by the devil." 674 00:29:08,833 --> 00:29:12,000 This is 40 days of fasting and prayer. 675 00:29:12,042 --> 00:29:14,208 And we don't know exactly what Jesus was doing. 676 00:29:14,292 --> 00:29:16,375 I think it is possible that he was studying 677 00:29:16,458 --> 00:29:18,125 the book of Deuteronomy because you'll see, 678 00:29:18,167 --> 00:29:20,083 if you read the rest of the chapter, 679 00:29:20,167 --> 00:29:22,500 as Satan comes to him, he repeatedly quotes, 680 00:29:22,583 --> 00:29:26,917 from memory, Deuteronomy. 681 00:29:27,000 --> 00:29:29,125 "And he ate nothing." 682 00:29:29,167 --> 00:29:32,208 How many of you guys really struggle even missing a meal? 683 00:29:32,292 --> 00:29:34,083 I do. 684 00:29:34,167 --> 00:29:38,375 Jesus, for 40 days, fasts and prays. 685 00:29:38,458 --> 00:29:40,333 I would say just Practically, don't do this 686 00:29:40,375 --> 00:29:42,917 unless you get a little medical counsel. 687 00:29:43,000 --> 00:29:44,625 Otherwise, you won't just be like Jesus, 688 00:29:44,667 --> 00:29:46,000 you'll see him, right? 689 00:29:46,042 --> 00:29:47,333 You're gonna die. 690 00:29:47,375 --> 00:29:49,625 [congregation laughing] 691 00:29:49,667 --> 00:29:52,708 But here's when Satan really will hit us: 692 00:29:52,792 --> 00:29:56,792 when we're hungry, isolated, and tired, okay? 693 00:29:56,833 --> 00:29:58,500 That's when he's going to hit you: 694 00:29:58,542 --> 00:30:00,875 when you're hungry, isolated, and tired 695 00:30:00,958 --> 00:30:02,208 because then you're weaker. 696 00:30:02,292 --> 00:30:03,625 Here is Jesus getting hit. 697 00:30:03,667 --> 00:30:06,792 He's hungry, isolated, and tired. 698 00:30:06,833 --> 00:30:08,333 He's in a weak moment. 699 00:30:08,375 --> 00:30:11,000 And if you have weak moments, you're hungry, 700 00:30:11,083 --> 00:30:15,125 isolated, tired, you're vulnerable. 701 00:30:15,167 --> 00:30:16,875 "And he ate nothing during those days. 702 00:30:16,958 --> 00:30:19,000 And when they were ended, he was hungry." 703 00:30:19,083 --> 00:30:23,667 So the devil comes to him and tempts him and tests him. 704 00:30:23,750 --> 00:30:27,792 And I won't read it all, but Jesus said no to temptation 705 00:30:27,833 --> 00:30:29,167 and yes to God. 706 00:30:29,250 --> 00:30:31,625 The Bible says in Hebrews 4 that Jesus was tempted 707 00:30:31,667 --> 00:30:33,833 in every way as we are, yet without sin. 708 00:30:33,875 --> 00:30:36,417 Have you ever wondered how did Jesus say no to temptation? 709 00:30:36,500 --> 00:30:37,792 And he had big temptation. 710 00:30:37,833 --> 00:30:39,208 Satan comes, says in this context, 711 00:30:39,292 --> 00:30:41,333 shows him all the kingdoms of the world: 712 00:30:41,375 --> 00:30:43,708 any woman you want, any money you want, 713 00:30:43,792 --> 00:30:46,083 any house you want, any glory you want, 714 00:30:46,167 --> 00:30:48,167 any position you want, any fame you want, 715 00:30:48,250 --> 00:30:49,833 any power you want. 716 00:30:49,875 --> 00:30:52,000 Satan says, "I'll give it to you. 717 00:30:52,042 --> 00:30:54,583 "You can have a crown without a cross. 718 00:30:54,667 --> 00:30:58,208 You can have ruling without suffering." 719 00:30:58,292 --> 00:31:02,792 How tempting would that be? 720 00:31:02,833 --> 00:31:05,625 How did Jesus say no? 721 00:31:05,667 --> 00:31:08,708 By the power of the Holy Spirit. 722 00:31:08,792 --> 00:31:11,667 How can you say no to temptation? 723 00:31:11,750 --> 00:31:13,833 By the power of the Holy Spirit. 724 00:31:13,875 --> 00:31:15,500 It's not a sin to be tempted. 725 00:31:15,583 --> 00:31:18,125 You need to know this because Satan is also a liar, 726 00:31:18,167 --> 00:31:19,500 it says in John 8. 727 00:31:19,542 --> 00:31:21,417 He's going to lie to you and say, 728 00:31:21,500 --> 00:31:22,875 "Well, you're tempted. It's too late. 729 00:31:22,958 --> 00:31:24,208 Might as well finish." 730 00:31:24,292 --> 00:31:25,500 Temptation and sin are different. 731 00:31:25,583 --> 00:31:27,208 Temptation is not a sin. 732 00:31:27,292 --> 00:31:30,667 Temptation is an opportunity to sin or to worship God. 733 00:31:30,750 --> 00:31:33,125 Jesus was what? 734 00:31:33,167 --> 00:31:34,417 Tempted. 735 00:31:34,500 --> 00:31:35,875 You will be what? 736 00:31:35,958 --> 00:31:37,208 Tempted. 737 00:31:37,292 --> 00:31:38,875 But Jesus never sinned. 738 00:31:38,958 --> 00:31:41,000 He said no to sin and yes to God. 739 00:31:41,083 --> 00:31:44,000 You can do that by the power of the Holy Spirit. 740 00:31:44,042 --> 00:31:45,333 When tempted, you can say, 741 00:31:45,375 --> 00:31:47,833 "Okay Jesus, the enemy is hitting me now. 742 00:31:47,875 --> 00:31:51,500 "Holy Spirit, please give me a new mind. 743 00:31:51,583 --> 00:31:53,875 "Let me think differently about this temptation. 744 00:31:53,958 --> 00:31:55,333 "Give me new desires. 745 00:31:55,375 --> 00:31:57,000 "Make me not want to do this. 746 00:31:57,083 --> 00:32:00,333 "Give me new passion to obey. 747 00:32:00,375 --> 00:32:03,125 "Give me new pleasures for holiness. 748 00:32:03,167 --> 00:32:04,917 "Holy Spirit, please help me. 749 00:32:05,000 --> 00:32:06,708 "I want to be like Jesus now. 750 00:32:06,792 --> 00:32:09,625 I want to say no to that and walk away from it." 751 00:32:09,667 --> 00:32:12,500 Will the Holy Spirit show up and empower you in that moment? 752 00:32:12,583 --> 00:32:14,000 Yes or no? 753 00:32:14,042 --> 00:32:15,875 Absolutely. 754 00:32:15,958 --> 00:32:19,167 So when you're tempted, know it's an opportunity 755 00:32:19,250 --> 00:32:21,917 to invite the Holy Spirit to empower you 756 00:32:22,000 --> 00:32:27,208 to say no and live a new life. 757 00:32:27,292 --> 00:32:31,208 Chapter 4, verse 14, "And Jesus returned in the power 758 00:32:31,292 --> 00:32:33,125 "of the Spirit to Galilee. 759 00:32:33,167 --> 00:32:35,833 "A report about him went through all their surroundings. 760 00:32:35,875 --> 00:32:37,417 "And he taught in their synagogues, 761 00:32:37,500 --> 00:32:39,000 being glorified by all." 762 00:32:39,083 --> 00:32:40,917 So Jesus overcomes temptation. 763 00:32:41,000 --> 00:32:43,333 He returns back into town, it says that he's full 764 00:32:43,375 --> 00:32:45,000 of the Holy Spirit, and he teaches. 765 00:32:45,083 --> 00:32:46,708 How many of you want to teach? 766 00:32:46,792 --> 00:32:49,000 You want to teach your kids the truth. 767 00:32:49,042 --> 00:32:51,625 You want to help your spouse by being a good counselor 768 00:32:51,667 --> 00:32:52,917 and confidante. 769 00:32:53,000 --> 00:32:55,125 Maybe you want to lead a Community Group here 770 00:32:55,167 --> 00:32:57,708 at Mars Hill, or you want to lead a Redemption Group, 771 00:32:57,792 --> 00:33:00,583 or you're feeling God's call on your life to teach others. 772 00:33:00,667 --> 00:33:03,417 This could be one-on-one in counseling or in small groups. 773 00:33:03,500 --> 00:33:06,375 This could be in classes, or maybe it's even preaching, 774 00:33:06,458 --> 00:33:08,500 and God is calling you to plant a church, 775 00:33:08,583 --> 00:33:10,917 but you have this desire to teach others. 776 00:33:11,000 --> 00:33:12,583 How can you do that? 777 00:33:12,667 --> 00:33:15,083 By the power of the Holy Spirit. 778 00:33:15,167 --> 00:33:16,833 The difference between mere teaching 779 00:33:16,875 --> 00:33:20,500 and Spirit-empowered teaching is great. 780 00:33:20,542 --> 00:33:22,792 It's not enough to just say the truth. 781 00:33:22,833 --> 00:33:25,167 The Holy Spirit has to be involved to not only 782 00:33:25,250 --> 00:33:27,875 take your words, but take their hearts and open them 783 00:33:27,958 --> 00:33:29,708 both to the purposes of God. 784 00:33:29,792 --> 00:33:31,625 And some of you might have fear, saying, 785 00:33:31,667 --> 00:33:34,000 "I don't know if I'm going to do it right. 786 00:33:34,083 --> 00:33:36,417 I don't know if I'm going to do it well." 787 00:33:36,500 --> 00:33:39,333 Let me say, as a teacher, one of the most important things 788 00:33:39,375 --> 00:33:42,208 about teaching is being filled with the Holy Spirit, 789 00:33:42,292 --> 00:33:45,625 being led by the Holy Spirit, trusting the Holy Spirit 790 00:33:45,667 --> 00:33:50,375 to guide your instruction and to open their understanding. 791 00:33:50,458 --> 00:33:55,500 And so Jesus here opens Isaiah, and he opens to Isaiah 61:1-2. 792 00:33:55,583 --> 00:33:58,708 "'The Spirit of the Lord is upon me.'" 793 00:33:58,792 --> 00:34:00,625 What's he saying? 794 00:34:00,667 --> 00:34:03,417 "The Holy Spirit is on me." 795 00:34:03,500 --> 00:34:07,333 He's taking Isaiah 61:1, which was written 700 years 796 00:34:07,375 --> 00:34:09,500 before Jesus was even born on the earth, 797 00:34:09,583 --> 00:34:12,417 and he's saying, "This was about me and here I am. 798 00:34:12,500 --> 00:34:15,792 The Spirit of the Lord is on me." 799 00:34:15,833 --> 00:34:18,375 Jesus tells us openly, publicly, plainly, clearly. 800 00:34:18,458 --> 00:34:21,292 How is he going to do all of his life and ministry? 801 00:34:21,333 --> 00:34:23,000 How is he going to do it? 802 00:34:23,042 --> 00:34:24,667 By the power of the Holy Spirit. 803 00:34:24,750 --> 00:34:27,833 "'The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me 804 00:34:27,875 --> 00:34:29,500 "'to proclaim good news to the poor. 805 00:34:29,583 --> 00:34:32,000 "'He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives, 806 00:34:32,042 --> 00:34:33,417 "'recovering of sight to the blind, 807 00:34:33,500 --> 00:34:35,375 "'to set at liberty those who are oppressed, 808 00:34:35,458 --> 00:34:37,333 to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.'" 809 00:34:37,375 --> 00:34:39,917 What Jesus is saying is, "I have a message of liberation," 810 00:34:40,000 --> 00:34:41,875 that certain people live in captivity. 811 00:34:41,958 --> 00:34:44,375 There are two kinds of slavery, friends. 812 00:34:44,458 --> 00:34:47,000 There is slavery where someone or something you hate 813 00:34:47,042 --> 00:34:49,083 overtakes you. 814 00:34:49,167 --> 00:34:51,417 There is also self-selected slavery, 815 00:34:51,500 --> 00:34:55,292 where you give yourself to someone or something you love. 816 00:34:55,333 --> 00:34:58,833 Many of us, our slavery is self-selected. 817 00:34:58,875 --> 00:35:01,417 In our culture, we use the language of addiction. 818 00:35:01,500 --> 00:35:03,625 The biblical language is slavery, 819 00:35:03,667 --> 00:35:06,708 whether it's sex, food, money, power, people. 820 00:35:06,792 --> 00:35:10,625 Whomever, whatever you worship, you give yourself to, 821 00:35:10,667 --> 00:35:13,833 you're enslaved by, it or they control and master you 822 00:35:13,875 --> 00:35:15,208 like a lord. 823 00:35:15,292 --> 00:35:17,583 That's self-selected slavery. 824 00:35:17,667 --> 00:35:22,208 And Jesus is saying that people are held captive in slavery, 825 00:35:22,292 --> 00:35:24,375 and they need to be set free. 826 00:35:24,458 --> 00:35:28,500 And the Spirit of the Lord is on him to proclaim good news, 827 00:35:28,542 --> 00:35:31,625 and the good news is different than good advice. 828 00:35:31,667 --> 00:35:33,875 Good advice tells you what to do. 829 00:35:33,958 --> 00:35:36,583 Good news tells you what Jesus has done. 830 00:35:36,667 --> 00:35:40,167 Good advice tells you how to be spiritual or religious. 831 00:35:40,250 --> 00:35:42,792 Good news tells you how to be a Christian. 832 00:35:42,833 --> 00:35:45,000 The good news is also called the gospel. 833 00:35:45,083 --> 00:35:48,000 It's that Jesus is God, that God became a man, 834 00:35:48,042 --> 00:35:50,292 that God was tempted as we've been tempted, 835 00:35:50,333 --> 00:35:52,875 but God resisted all temptation; 836 00:35:52,958 --> 00:35:55,083 that he lived by the person and the presence 837 00:35:55,167 --> 00:35:56,833 and the power of the Holy Spirit; 838 00:35:56,875 --> 00:35:58,833 that he went to the cross, substituted himself, 839 00:35:58,875 --> 00:36:01,500 died in our place for our sins. 840 00:36:01,542 --> 00:36:03,917 Atonement is necessary. 841 00:36:04,000 --> 00:36:07,625 The wage for sin is death, and Jesus pays that penalty. 842 00:36:07,667 --> 00:36:11,583 He goes into the ground, and he resurrects 3 days later, 843 00:36:11,667 --> 00:36:14,375 triumphant over Satan, sin, death, hell, 844 00:36:14,458 --> 00:36:16,333 and the wrath of God. 845 00:36:16,375 --> 00:36:20,000 And if you trust in him, you receive the Holy Spirit, 846 00:36:20,083 --> 00:36:23,333 you become a new person with new desires, new heart, 847 00:36:23,375 --> 00:36:27,208 new mind, new life; so much so that in the Bible, 848 00:36:27,292 --> 00:36:31,083 many who become Christians get a new name 849 00:36:31,167 --> 00:36:33,625 because they're not just better versions of themselves, 850 00:36:33,667 --> 00:36:35,000 they're new people altogether. 851 00:36:35,083 --> 00:36:37,083 How many of you at Mars Hill Albuquerque, 852 00:36:37,167 --> 00:36:39,500 that has been your experience? 853 00:36:39,583 --> 00:36:43,500 We are this close to our 300th baptism in this church 854 00:36:43,583 --> 00:36:46,208 since it became Mars Hill a few years ago. 855 00:36:46,292 --> 00:36:50,917 There are people here who have absolutely, radically changed. 856 00:36:51,000 --> 00:36:54,583 They were captives, and they've been set free. 857 00:36:54,667 --> 00:36:57,833 They were maybe sinners, or spiritual, or religious, 858 00:36:57,875 --> 00:36:59,833 and now they're filled with the Holy Spirit, 859 00:36:59,875 --> 00:37:02,125 living new lives-- not perfect lives, 860 00:37:02,167 --> 00:37:05,125 but new lives patterned after Jesus. 861 00:37:05,167 --> 00:37:07,292 Jesus starts his public ministry, saying, 862 00:37:07,333 --> 00:37:10,583 "That's why I'm here. This is what I'm doing." 863 00:37:10,667 --> 00:37:15,167 Go over to chapter 4, verse 36. 864 00:37:15,250 --> 00:37:17,583 "And they were all amazed and said to one another, 865 00:37:17,667 --> 00:37:18,917 'What is this word? 866 00:37:19,000 --> 00:37:20,500 For with authority and power--'" 867 00:37:20,583 --> 00:37:23,917 That's another word that Luke uses for the Holy Spirit. 868 00:37:24,000 --> 00:37:25,833 "'--he commands the unclean spirits, 869 00:37:25,875 --> 00:37:27,625 and they come out of him.'" 870 00:37:27,667 --> 00:37:29,333 Not all spirits are clean spirits. 871 00:37:29,375 --> 00:37:31,500 Not all spirits are holy spirits. 872 00:37:31,583 --> 00:37:34,500 There are also demons, not just angels. 873 00:37:34,583 --> 00:37:37,167 And one of the great lies that the enemy has told 874 00:37:37,250 --> 00:37:39,333 is that everything in the spirit realm is good 875 00:37:39,375 --> 00:37:40,667 or trustworthy or helpful. 876 00:37:40,750 --> 00:37:42,000 It's not true. 877 00:37:42,083 --> 00:37:44,167 Satan will even perform counterfeit signs, 878 00:37:44,250 --> 00:37:46,708 wonders, and miracles, the Bible says. 879 00:37:46,792 --> 00:37:48,583 He will masquerade, the Bible says, 880 00:37:48,667 --> 00:37:50,417 as an angel of light. 881 00:37:50,500 --> 00:37:52,833 In this land of great light, this is the cause 882 00:37:52,875 --> 00:37:55,000 of great spiritual darkness. 883 00:37:55,083 --> 00:37:57,208 People just want to connect to the spirit world. 884 00:37:57,292 --> 00:37:59,000 They want to be spiritual people, 885 00:37:59,083 --> 00:38:01,417 but they open themselves up to the demonic. 886 00:38:01,500 --> 00:38:04,875 And Jesus comes along, and he literally casts 887 00:38:04,958 --> 00:38:07,708 unclean spirits away from people. 888 00:38:07,792 --> 00:38:11,500 Some of you, this has been your history or your family history. 889 00:38:11,583 --> 00:38:14,292 You live in fear of the spirit realm. 890 00:38:14,333 --> 00:38:17,208 This is why some of you have traditions or incantations, 891 00:38:17,292 --> 00:38:20,333 or you have physical objects trying to protect yourself. 892 00:38:20,375 --> 00:38:22,917 None of that can help! 893 00:38:23,000 --> 00:38:24,417 That's all demonic! 894 00:38:24,500 --> 00:38:26,333 Remove it from your house! 895 00:38:26,375 --> 00:38:31,125 Remove it from your children and invite in the Holy Spirit 896 00:38:31,167 --> 00:38:35,000 and know that Jesus has authority over all spirits. 897 00:38:35,042 --> 00:38:38,292 And if you are in Christ, he gives this authority to you, 898 00:38:38,333 --> 00:38:41,000 and you can command, in the strong name of Jesus, 899 00:38:41,083 --> 00:38:43,875 "I command you to depart from us. 900 00:38:43,958 --> 00:38:47,125 "I demand that my children would sleep well tonight. 901 00:38:47,167 --> 00:38:50,125 "I ask that the Holy Spirit would reside in our home, 902 00:38:50,167 --> 00:38:53,000 "and I pray that we would be filled individually 903 00:38:53,083 --> 00:38:55,625 "and collectively by the Holy Spirit 904 00:38:55,667 --> 00:38:58,292 "and that Jesus, you would cast away our enemy, 905 00:38:58,333 --> 00:39:01,000 "his servants, and their effects that have plagued our family 906 00:39:01,042 --> 00:39:02,375 for generations." 907 00:39:02,458 --> 00:39:04,792 That's exactly what Jesus wants. 908 00:39:04,833 --> 00:39:07,083 And, again, it is not rejecting your heritage. 909 00:39:07,167 --> 00:39:09,500 It is rejecting the lie that the father of lies 910 00:39:09,583 --> 00:39:11,417 told your ancestors. 911 00:39:11,500 --> 00:39:14,000 And Jesus comes along, and he gets rid of all 912 00:39:14,083 --> 00:39:17,583 the spiritual darkness, oppression, and damage, 913 00:39:17,667 --> 00:39:21,417 and the people are shocked. And Jesus is alive 914 00:39:21,500 --> 00:39:23,917 and Jesus gives you that power, and the Holy Spirit 915 00:39:24,000 --> 00:39:26,708 dwells in you, and you can exercise your authority 916 00:39:26,792 --> 00:39:28,917 in Christ, and you don't need a shaman, 917 00:39:29,000 --> 00:39:31,500 you don't need a holy man, you don't need a pastor, 918 00:39:31,583 --> 00:39:33,708 you don't need to go to a sacred place, 919 00:39:33,792 --> 00:39:35,875 you don't need to go to a powerful object. 920 00:39:35,958 --> 00:39:39,375 All you need is to belong to Jesus and use his authority 921 00:39:39,458 --> 00:39:41,500 that he's delegated to you. 922 00:39:41,583 --> 00:39:43,833 That is such good news. 923 00:39:43,875 --> 00:39:47,917 If Albuquerque knew this, the whole city would change 924 00:39:48,000 --> 00:39:50,500 and generations would be affected. 925 00:39:50,583 --> 00:39:51,833 People are looking. 926 00:39:51,875 --> 00:39:53,667 They're looking to worship something. 927 00:39:53,750 --> 00:39:55,833 They want to believe in something greater 928 00:39:55,875 --> 00:39:57,167 than themselves. 929 00:39:57,250 --> 00:40:00,000 I was raised in a Catholic church. 930 00:40:00,083 --> 00:40:02,417 I saw the cross, I saw the crucifix, 931 00:40:02,500 --> 00:40:04,917 I saw the stations of the cross, 932 00:40:05,000 --> 00:40:07,500 but I had no idea what the gospel was. 933 00:40:07,583 --> 00:40:12,125 I needed somebody to tell me about Jesus. 934 00:40:12,167 --> 00:40:14,500 Someone needed to tell me, "Hey, have you ever asked 935 00:40:14,583 --> 00:40:17,000 Jesus to forgive you of your sins?" 936 00:40:17,083 --> 00:40:21,500 People need to hear in a very clear, in a very bold way, 937 00:40:21,583 --> 00:40:24,500 who Jesus is and what he's done. 938 00:40:24,583 --> 00:40:28,917 The story continues, chapter 5, verse 17. 939 00:40:29,000 --> 00:40:31,125 "On one of those days, as he was teaching, 940 00:40:31,167 --> 00:40:33,708 Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there." 941 00:40:33,792 --> 00:40:35,875 These are religious leaders, and some of you come 942 00:40:35,958 --> 00:40:38,000 from religious backgrounds. 943 00:40:38,083 --> 00:40:41,333 Tradition, morality, self-righteousness, pride, 944 00:40:41,375 --> 00:40:43,708 those are the people who murdered Christ. 945 00:40:43,792 --> 00:40:45,833 Religion does not save. 946 00:40:45,875 --> 00:40:49,917 Repentance of religion and faith in Jesus is what saves. 947 00:40:50,000 --> 00:40:51,625 We're not trying to make you religious. 948 00:40:51,667 --> 00:40:53,500 We want you to be Christians. 949 00:40:53,583 --> 00:40:56,625 And there are many religious people who are not Christians, 950 00:40:56,667 --> 00:40:59,292 and these people are sitting here listening to Jesus, 951 00:40:59,333 --> 00:41:01,333 not so that they could learn from him, 952 00:41:01,375 --> 00:41:05,583 but so that they could criticize and judge him. 953 00:41:05,667 --> 00:41:07,500 "They were sitting there, who had come from 954 00:41:07,583 --> 00:41:10,000 "every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem. 955 00:41:10,083 --> 00:41:12,667 And the power of the Lord was with him to heal." 956 00:41:12,750 --> 00:41:14,375 Did Jesus heal? Yes or no? 957 00:41:14,458 --> 00:41:15,708 Yes. 958 00:41:15,792 --> 00:41:17,000 How did he heal? 959 00:41:17,083 --> 00:41:19,333 By the power of the Holy Spirit. 960 00:41:19,375 --> 00:41:21,875 Jesus can still heal. 961 00:41:21,958 --> 00:41:24,292 Again, we don't need to go to a sacred place. 962 00:41:24,333 --> 00:41:25,708 We go to Jesus. 963 00:41:25,792 --> 00:41:27,792 We don't need to manipulate the spirit realm. 964 00:41:27,833 --> 00:41:30,917 We need to ask Jesus, the great physician. 965 00:41:31,000 --> 00:41:32,708 Jesus hears and answers every prayer. 966 00:41:32,792 --> 00:41:35,125 Sometimes he says yes, sometimes he says no, 967 00:41:35,167 --> 00:41:37,375 sometimes he says later. 968 00:41:37,458 --> 00:41:39,792 But the truth is we can pray for the sick, 969 00:41:39,833 --> 00:41:41,708 and God does heal some. 970 00:41:41,792 --> 00:41:45,208 And the truth is that even if we die, 971 00:41:45,292 --> 00:41:47,708 we will be healed then. 972 00:41:47,792 --> 00:41:50,083 Ultimately, there is the resurrection of the dead, 973 00:41:50,167 --> 00:41:52,667 that the blind will see, that the lame will run, 974 00:41:52,750 --> 00:41:55,083 that the mute will sing the glory of God 975 00:41:55,167 --> 00:41:57,500 because as Jesus rose from death, 976 00:41:57,583 --> 00:41:59,625 his people rise from death. 977 00:41:59,667 --> 00:42:03,000 As Jesus got a glorified body, we get a glorified body. 978 00:42:03,083 --> 00:42:05,583 The truth is some get healing in this life. 979 00:42:05,667 --> 00:42:09,583 All who belong to Jesus get healing in the life to come, 980 00:42:09,667 --> 00:42:12,792 and it's by the power of the Holy Spirit. 981 00:42:12,833 --> 00:42:15,708 The story continues, chapter 6, verse 19. 982 00:42:15,792 --> 00:42:17,625 "And all the crowd sought to touch him, 983 00:42:17,667 --> 00:42:20,000 for power came out from him and healed them all." 984 00:42:20,083 --> 00:42:23,500 Again, Jesus heals by the power of the Holy Spirit. 985 00:42:23,583 --> 00:42:25,000 Pray for the sick. 986 00:42:25,042 --> 00:42:26,583 Pray that Jesus would heal them. 987 00:42:26,667 --> 00:42:28,500 But hear me, friends. 988 00:42:28,583 --> 00:42:31,125 It's better to not be healed and belong to Jesus 989 00:42:31,167 --> 00:42:34,583 than be healed by a demon and not belong to Jesus. 990 00:42:34,667 --> 00:42:36,708 The goal is not just physical healing, 991 00:42:36,792 --> 00:42:40,583 but spiritual healing that leads to an eternal resurrection 992 00:42:40,667 --> 00:42:45,875 and complete and full healing forever in the presence of God. 993 00:42:45,958 --> 00:42:48,625 Go over to chapter 9. 994 00:42:48,667 --> 00:42:50,500 I know we're covering a lot. 995 00:42:50,542 --> 00:42:53,708 I'm only here one weekend; I'm trying to pack in all I can 996 00:42:53,792 --> 00:42:55,500 and eat a lot of green chile. 997 00:42:55,583 --> 00:42:57,208 So far, it's all going really well. 998 00:42:57,292 --> 00:43:00,167 Luke 9, "He called the twelve together," 999 00:43:00,250 --> 00:43:02,583 so Jesus gets his disciples together, 1000 00:43:02,667 --> 00:43:05,333 "and he gave them power and authority." 1001 00:43:05,375 --> 00:43:08,375 Again, this is biblical language for the Holy Spirit. 1002 00:43:08,458 --> 00:43:10,500 The Holy Spirit is going to go with you. 1003 00:43:10,583 --> 00:43:12,500 The Holy Spirit is going to empower you. 1004 00:43:12,542 --> 00:43:14,875 He's going to lead you. He's going to guide you. 1005 00:43:14,958 --> 00:43:18,125 He's going to enable you. ". . . over demons and to cure diseases, 1006 00:43:18,167 --> 00:43:20,792 "and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God 1007 00:43:20,833 --> 00:43:22,125 and to heal." 1008 00:43:22,167 --> 00:43:24,792 The kingdom of God is really important, 1009 00:43:24,833 --> 00:43:26,708 that there is God, who is a King, 1010 00:43:26,792 --> 00:43:29,125 and there is Satan, who is his adversary, an enemy. 1011 00:43:29,167 --> 00:43:31,000 There is God, who rules and reigns, 1012 00:43:31,083 --> 00:43:33,625 and there is Satan, who is trying to rule and reign, 1013 00:43:33,667 --> 00:43:35,208 and there's this cosmic battle. 1014 00:43:35,292 --> 00:43:37,917 And, ultimately, Satan was defeated at the cross, 1015 00:43:38,000 --> 00:43:40,375 and he will be destroyed at the Second Coming. 1016 00:43:40,458 --> 00:43:43,000 But as God's people go out, they need to know that 1017 00:43:43,083 --> 00:43:44,417 they're going out to war. 1018 00:43:44,500 --> 00:43:46,833 You don't just go to work, you don't go home; 1019 00:43:46,875 --> 00:43:48,167 you go to war. 1020 00:43:48,250 --> 00:43:50,583 That there are people that are held captive by sin; 1021 00:43:50,667 --> 00:43:52,292 that Satan and demons are at work; 1022 00:43:52,333 --> 00:43:54,833 that lies have done their destruction and damage. 1023 00:43:54,875 --> 00:43:57,208 And as you go as a citizen of the kingdom, 1024 00:43:57,292 --> 00:44:00,333 you are like a soldier heading into enemy fire. 1025 00:44:00,375 --> 00:44:03,000 But as you go, you go with power and authority. 1026 00:44:03,083 --> 00:44:05,667 You go with the person and work of the Holy Spirit 1027 00:44:05,750 --> 00:44:07,833 to tell the truth, to pray for the sick, 1028 00:44:07,875 --> 00:44:09,500 and to call a lie a lie, 1029 00:44:09,583 --> 00:44:11,208 and to invite people to meet Jesus, 1030 00:44:11,292 --> 00:44:13,167 and to be part of his great kingdom. 1031 00:44:13,250 --> 00:44:14,500 You need to know this. 1032 00:44:14,583 --> 00:44:15,833 Some of you wrongly thought, 1033 00:44:15,875 --> 00:44:17,500 "As soon as I become a Christian, 1034 00:44:17,583 --> 00:44:19,208 my life will get easier." It won't. 1035 00:44:19,292 --> 00:44:21,167 In fact, it oftentimes gets harder because Satan 1036 00:44:21,250 --> 00:44:23,917 does particularly hate and declare war 1037 00:44:24,000 --> 00:44:26,917 against those who love and serve Jesus. 1038 00:44:27,000 --> 00:44:28,208 And it's a war, friends. 1039 00:44:28,292 --> 00:44:31,125 It's a war for your marriage. It's a war for your children. 1040 00:44:31,167 --> 00:44:32,625 It's a war for your grandchildren. 1041 00:44:32,667 --> 00:44:35,500 It's a war for your community. It's a war for your city. 1042 00:44:35,583 --> 00:44:39,208 It's a war, and there are two kings and two kingdoms. 1043 00:44:39,292 --> 00:44:41,667 And if you've gone from darkness to light, 1044 00:44:41,750 --> 00:44:45,833 you have become a soldier in the army of God, 1045 00:44:45,875 --> 00:44:48,125 and through the power of the Holy Spirit 1046 00:44:48,167 --> 00:44:51,417 you can live a new life and introduce others to Jesus 1047 00:44:51,500 --> 00:44:54,833 and help set captives free. 1048 00:44:54,875 --> 00:44:58,625 The story then continues. 1049 00:44:58,667 --> 00:45:02,792 Flip over to chapter 10, verse 19. 1050 00:45:02,833 --> 00:45:05,292 He says something else. 1051 00:45:05,333 --> 00:45:07,125 "Behold, I have given you authority," 1052 00:45:07,167 --> 00:45:09,000 there's the language for the Holy Spirit, 1053 00:45:09,083 --> 00:45:10,833 "to tread on serpents and scorpions," 1054 00:45:10,875 --> 00:45:14,833 that's language for demons, "and over all powers of the enemy, 1055 00:45:14,875 --> 00:45:17,500 "and nothing shall hurt you. 1056 00:45:17,583 --> 00:45:19,917 "Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, 1057 00:45:20,000 --> 00:45:21,917 "that the spirits are subject to you, 1058 00:45:22,000 --> 00:45:24,083 but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." 1059 00:45:24,167 --> 00:45:25,875 Here Jesus is course correcting. 1060 00:45:25,958 --> 00:45:28,000 He knows that some will come along and say, 1061 00:45:28,083 --> 00:45:30,000 "You can have power! You can command demons! 1062 00:45:30,042 --> 00:45:32,125 You can walk in victory. You can have authority." 1063 00:45:32,167 --> 00:45:34,500 And he knows that then Satan would even use that 1064 00:45:34,583 --> 00:45:36,208 to tempt certain people's pride to think, 1065 00:45:36,292 --> 00:45:38,417 "Yes, I'm very powerful. Yes, I'm very spiritual. 1066 00:45:38,500 --> 00:45:40,208 Yes, I have great authority." 1067 00:45:40,292 --> 00:45:42,917 And then it would lead to spiritual excess 1068 00:45:43,000 --> 00:45:44,833 and to boastfulness, 1069 00:45:44,875 --> 00:45:47,167 and it would lead away from Jesus to me, 1070 00:45:47,250 --> 00:45:49,625 away from his victory to mine. 1071 00:45:49,667 --> 00:45:51,833 And so Jesus says, "Don't rejoice that you have 1072 00:45:51,875 --> 00:45:53,500 "spiritual authority. 1073 00:45:53,583 --> 00:45:55,917 Don't rejoice that demons are subject to your name." 1074 00:45:56,000 --> 00:45:57,833 If you want to get excited about anything, 1075 00:45:57,875 --> 00:46:00,083 get excited about the fact that you're a Christian. 1076 00:46:00,167 --> 00:46:02,500 Get excited about the fact that Jesus died for you. 1077 00:46:02,542 --> 00:46:04,875 Get excited about the fact that Jesus rose for you. 1078 00:46:04,958 --> 00:46:07,583 Get excited about the fact that Jesus loves you. 1079 00:46:07,667 --> 00:46:09,792 You know what's even better than casting out demons? 1080 00:46:09,833 --> 00:46:13,000 Being loved by Jesus. 1081 00:46:13,042 --> 00:46:14,333 And that's what he's saying. 1082 00:46:14,375 --> 00:46:16,208 Some of you come from Pentecostal and Charismatic 1083 00:46:16,292 --> 00:46:18,208 backgrounds where every Sunday was cast-out-the-demon, 1084 00:46:18,292 --> 00:46:20,792 freak-out, make-it-weird Sunday. 1085 00:46:20,833 --> 00:46:22,292 [congregation laughing] 1086 00:46:22,333 --> 00:46:25,375 What he's saying is we shouldn't be pursuing 1087 00:46:25,458 --> 00:46:26,833 signs and wonders. 1088 00:46:26,875 --> 00:46:29,000 We should be pursuing Jesus. 1089 00:46:29,083 --> 00:46:32,208 But as we pursue Jesus, signs and wonders should follow us. 1090 00:46:32,292 --> 00:46:33,917 That's what Jesus says elsewhere. 1091 00:46:34,000 --> 00:46:36,500 "A wicked and adulterous generation seeks for a sign." 1092 00:46:36,583 --> 00:46:38,333 We don't chase spiritual power. 1093 00:46:38,375 --> 00:46:40,125 We want Jesus. 1094 00:46:40,167 --> 00:46:43,000 We don't focus all our energy on demons. 1095 00:46:43,042 --> 00:46:45,292 We want to get to know the Holy Spirit. 1096 00:46:45,333 --> 00:46:48,708 We do exercise our spiritual authority as is necessary, 1097 00:46:48,792 --> 00:46:50,875 but do you know what we're really excited about? 1098 00:46:50,958 --> 00:46:52,208 Jesus. 1099 00:46:52,292 --> 00:46:55,000 He's our God, he loves us, and our names are written 1100 00:46:55,083 --> 00:46:57,667 in his book and we're going to be with him forever. 1101 00:46:57,750 --> 00:47:00,375 And then Jesus has something amazing that he says. 1102 00:47:00,458 --> 00:47:02,333 And some of you will struggle with despair, 1103 00:47:02,375 --> 00:47:03,833 discouragement, and depression. 1104 00:47:03,875 --> 00:47:06,000 The number one category of prescription medication 1105 00:47:06,083 --> 00:47:07,833 in the U.S. is antidepressants. 1106 00:47:07,875 --> 00:47:10,125 People are bummed out. 1107 00:47:10,167 --> 00:47:12,625 And I'm not saying that there's never an emotional reason 1108 00:47:12,667 --> 00:47:17,208 or a biological or physiological reason, 1109 00:47:17,292 --> 00:47:19,917 but it's amazing we live in a land that was created 1110 00:47:20,000 --> 00:47:22,375 for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, 1111 00:47:22,458 --> 00:47:25,375 and a lot of people just aren't happy. 1112 00:47:25,458 --> 00:47:27,500 And Jesus was broke, homelessness, hated, 1113 00:47:27,583 --> 00:47:30,667 going to be crucified, and he had joy. 1114 00:47:30,750 --> 00:47:32,167 That's different. 1115 00:47:32,250 --> 00:47:33,667 [congregation laughing] 1116 00:47:33,750 --> 00:47:35,833 Here's what we read in Luke 10:21. 1117 00:47:35,875 --> 00:47:40,792 "In that same hour he rejoiced in," what? 1118 00:47:40,833 --> 00:47:43,417 Where did Jesus' joy come from? 1119 00:47:43,500 --> 00:47:47,833 "The Holy Spirit," not from circumstances. 1120 00:47:47,875 --> 00:47:51,500 See, sometimes you can't change what's going on in your life, 1121 00:47:51,583 --> 00:47:54,917 but you can have a change of attitude 1122 00:47:55,000 --> 00:47:56,625 by the power of the Holy Spirit. 1123 00:47:56,667 --> 00:47:57,917 I'll give you an example. 1124 00:47:58,000 --> 00:47:59,625 I was talking to a woman recently. 1125 00:47:59,667 --> 00:48:01,000 She's dying of cancer. 1126 00:48:01,083 --> 00:48:02,375 Her body is wasting away. 1127 00:48:02,458 --> 00:48:03,833 She's very sick. She's very unwell. 1128 00:48:03,875 --> 00:48:06,500 I was talking to her. I said, "How are you doing?" 1129 00:48:06,542 --> 00:48:08,417 She said, "Well, I'm dying and it's horrible, 1130 00:48:08,500 --> 00:48:09,875 "and I don't want to die. 1131 00:48:09,958 --> 00:48:12,792 "I want to see my kids. I want to see my grandkids. 1132 00:48:12,833 --> 00:48:14,125 I want to live!" 1133 00:48:14,167 --> 00:48:15,833 I said, "Well, how are you doing?" 1134 00:48:15,875 --> 00:48:17,708 She said, "You know what's really weird, though, 1135 00:48:17,792 --> 00:48:19,417 I have a lot of joy." 1136 00:48:19,500 --> 00:48:21,208 I said, "Explain that." 1137 00:48:21,292 --> 00:48:24,208 She said, "Well, as I suffer, I really appreciate 1138 00:48:24,292 --> 00:48:27,083 "that Jesus suffered for me. 1139 00:48:27,167 --> 00:48:29,708 It makes me really appreciate his suffering more." 1140 00:48:29,792 --> 00:48:31,917 And she said, "As I'm dying, I really appreciate 1141 00:48:32,000 --> 00:48:34,000 that Jesus died for me." 1142 00:48:34,083 --> 00:48:36,208 And she says, "Because Jesus rose, 1143 00:48:36,292 --> 00:48:40,417 "I'm really excited that one day I'm going to get a new body, 1144 00:48:40,500 --> 00:48:42,500 "and it's not going to have cancer 1145 00:48:42,542 --> 00:48:45,708 and I'm going to be with Jesus forever." 1146 00:48:45,792 --> 00:48:48,417 And she says, "And as I'm dying, I'm talking to people 1147 00:48:48,500 --> 00:48:50,625 "about Jesus, and they're becoming Christians, 1148 00:48:50,667 --> 00:48:52,583 and I'm really excited about that." 1149 00:48:52,667 --> 00:48:55,000 And she said, "So I'm even hoping that Jesus saves 1150 00:48:55,042 --> 00:48:57,875 "the rest of my family, so that we could all be together 1151 00:48:57,958 --> 00:48:59,208 with Jesus forever." 1152 00:48:59,292 --> 00:49:01,417 She said, "So, if I think about the cancer, 1153 00:49:01,500 --> 00:49:04,708 "I'm really depressed, but if I think about Jesus, 1154 00:49:04,792 --> 00:49:07,333 I'm really encouraged." 1155 00:49:07,375 --> 00:49:10,833 That's the joy of the Holy Spirit. 1156 00:49:10,875 --> 00:49:13,833 That's where the Holy Spirit is letting you think of things 1157 00:49:13,875 --> 00:49:16,625 in connection to Jesus. 1158 00:49:16,667 --> 00:49:19,375 If you want to have joy, ask the Holy Spirit, 1159 00:49:19,458 --> 00:49:21,000 "Teach me about Jesus. 1160 00:49:21,083 --> 00:49:24,583 "Help me to think like he thinks and to feel like he feels 1161 00:49:24,667 --> 00:49:26,917 "so that even if I can't change my circumstances, 1162 00:49:27,000 --> 00:49:29,333 "I can have a change of attitude in the midst 1163 00:49:29,375 --> 00:49:33,625 of my unchanging circumstances." 1164 00:49:33,667 --> 00:49:37,667 Chapter 11, verse 13, "If you then, who are evil--" 1165 00:49:37,750 --> 00:49:40,333 sort of an offensive statement, right? 1166 00:49:40,375 --> 00:49:43,667 You probably wouldn't put that on your bumper sticker, 1167 00:49:43,750 --> 00:49:45,875 "You who are evil." 1168 00:49:45,958 --> 00:49:47,583 But what he's saying is this. 1169 00:49:47,667 --> 00:49:49,583 Apart from the work of the Holy Spirit-- 1170 00:49:49,667 --> 00:49:52,708 and the Holy Spirit is the one who takes the cross of Jesus, 1171 00:49:52,792 --> 00:49:55,292 applies that salvation and redemption to us-- 1172 00:49:55,333 --> 00:49:57,000 apart from the Holy Spirit's work 1173 00:49:57,042 --> 00:49:58,792 of applying the work of Jesus, 1174 00:49:58,833 --> 00:50:00,125 we're evil. 1175 00:50:00,167 --> 00:50:01,708 We're selfish. 1176 00:50:01,792 --> 00:50:04,000 We're inward-looking. 1177 00:50:04,042 --> 00:50:06,000 We don't exist for the glory of God. 1178 00:50:06,083 --> 00:50:07,917 We exist for the glory of self. 1179 00:50:08,000 --> 00:50:10,833 "If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts 1180 00:50:10,875 --> 00:50:13,708 "to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father 1181 00:50:13,792 --> 00:50:15,625 give the Holy Spirit to those who," what? 1182 00:50:15,667 --> 00:50:17,875 "Ask him!" 1183 00:50:17,958 --> 00:50:21,333 How do you receive the Holy Spirit, Mars Hill? 1184 00:50:21,375 --> 00:50:23,000 Ask. 1185 00:50:23,083 --> 00:50:24,417 Ask the Father. 1186 00:50:24,500 --> 00:50:26,333 You know, when my kids come to me 1187 00:50:26,375 --> 00:50:30,500 and they ask for gifts, they don't have to ask it perfectly. 1188 00:50:30,583 --> 00:50:32,708 They don't have to get all the language right. 1189 00:50:32,792 --> 00:50:37,208 I'm their father, I interpret, I understand. 1190 00:50:37,292 --> 00:50:39,125 And I'm a dad who loves his kids, 1191 00:50:39,167 --> 00:50:42,000 so do you know what I say if it's a good gift? 1192 00:50:42,083 --> 00:50:44,667 "Yeah sure, that's great. I'd love to give that to you." 1193 00:50:44,750 --> 00:50:46,125 God the Father is a Father. 1194 00:50:46,167 --> 00:50:48,083 He loves you. 1195 00:50:48,167 --> 00:50:50,208 And if you go to him and you say, 1196 00:50:50,292 --> 00:50:51,875 "Father, give me the Holy Spirit 1197 00:50:51,958 --> 00:50:54,792 "so that I might live by the power of the Holy Spirit 1198 00:50:54,833 --> 00:50:57,792 like Jesus did, my big brother," what will his answer always be? 1199 00:50:57,833 --> 00:50:59,208 "Yes." 1200 00:50:59,292 --> 00:51:01,208 And some of you have been wrongly told, 1201 00:51:01,292 --> 00:51:03,625 "Well, you don't know if you have the Holy Spirit 1202 00:51:03,667 --> 00:51:05,000 "unless you speak in tongues. 1203 00:51:05,042 --> 00:51:07,125 "You don't know if you have the Holy Spirit 1204 00:51:07,167 --> 00:51:08,625 unless something happens." Here's the truth. 1205 00:51:08,667 --> 00:51:11,208 You know you have the Holy Spirit if you love Jesus. 1206 00:51:11,292 --> 00:51:12,917 Some of you will speak in tongues; 1207 00:51:13,000 --> 00:51:14,292 some of you won't. 1208 00:51:14,333 --> 00:51:16,000 There's a whole bunch of spiritual gifts 1209 00:51:16,042 --> 00:51:17,333 that the Holy Spirit gives, 1210 00:51:17,375 --> 00:51:19,917 and not one of them is altogether indicative 1211 00:51:20,000 --> 00:51:22,917 of whether or not you have the Holy Spirit. 1212 00:51:23,000 --> 00:51:24,375 But Paul does say in Corinthians, 1213 00:51:24,458 --> 00:51:29,083 "No one says Jesus is Lord, but by the Holy Spirit." 1214 00:51:29,167 --> 00:51:32,500 If you call Jesus Lord, if you love Jesus as Lord, 1215 00:51:32,583 --> 00:51:34,833 you have the Holy Spirit. 1216 00:51:34,875 --> 00:51:37,917 For me, I've never spoken in tongues. 1217 00:51:38,000 --> 00:51:41,000 I've had people come up and say, "It's so sad you don't have 1218 00:51:41,083 --> 00:51:42,792 the Holy Spirit." 1219 00:51:42,833 --> 00:51:44,125 Really? 1220 00:51:44,167 --> 00:51:45,833 Then how did I become a Christian? 1221 00:51:45,875 --> 00:51:47,500 Then how do I teach the Bible? 1222 00:51:47,583 --> 00:51:49,625 Then how do I repent of sin? 1223 00:51:49,667 --> 00:51:52,792 Then what accounts for all the changes I've seen in my life 1224 00:51:52,833 --> 00:51:56,417 since I was a 19-year-old boy from a blue collar family 1225 00:51:56,500 --> 00:52:02,083 with a violent temper, sleeping with his girlfriend? 1226 00:52:02,167 --> 00:52:05,500 Well, the difference is the Holy Spirit. 1227 00:52:05,583 --> 00:52:08,917 And if you want the Holy Spirit, all you've got to do is ask. 1228 00:52:09,000 --> 00:52:12,208 "Father, please give me the Holy Spirit." 1229 00:52:12,292 --> 00:52:15,833 And Jesus says the answer is always yes, 1230 00:52:15,875 --> 00:52:20,833 and your life will begin to change. 1231 00:52:20,875 --> 00:52:26,417 Chapter 12, verse 12. 1232 00:52:26,500 --> 00:52:30,125 How many of you, you don't talk about Jesus boldly and clearly 1233 00:52:30,167 --> 00:52:32,625 and frequently because you're afraid? 1234 00:52:32,667 --> 00:52:35,083 You have anxiety? 1235 00:52:35,167 --> 00:52:39,208 You want to talk to them, but, "What if I say it wrong? 1236 00:52:39,292 --> 00:52:41,208 "I'd love to speak up in Community Group, 1237 00:52:41,292 --> 00:52:43,667 "but, ah man, what if I say it wrong? 1238 00:52:43,750 --> 00:52:45,375 "I'd love to lead a Community Group, 1239 00:52:45,458 --> 00:52:47,500 "but what if I don't know what to say? 1240 00:52:47,583 --> 00:52:50,667 "I'd love to even talk to my kids about Jesus or my family, 1241 00:52:50,750 --> 00:52:53,000 "friends, coworkers, but there's anxiety. 1242 00:52:53,042 --> 00:52:54,417 "What if I say it wrong? 1243 00:52:54,500 --> 00:52:56,375 "What if I don't get the words right? 1244 00:52:56,458 --> 00:52:57,833 What if I make it worse?" 1245 00:52:57,875 --> 00:52:59,167 Here's what Jesus says. 1246 00:52:59,250 --> 00:53:01,417 Chapter 12, verse 12, "For the Holy Spirit will 1247 00:53:01,500 --> 00:53:04,083 teach you in that very hour what you ought to say." 1248 00:53:04,167 --> 00:53:05,417 You know what? 1249 00:53:05,500 --> 00:53:07,583 The Holy Spirit wants you to talk to people. 1250 00:53:07,667 --> 00:53:09,000 He wants you to serve people. 1251 00:53:09,083 --> 00:53:10,708 He wants you to minister to people. 1252 00:53:10,792 --> 00:53:12,667 He wants you to tell people about Jesus. 1253 00:53:12,750 --> 00:53:14,000 So here's the key. 1254 00:53:14,083 --> 00:53:16,167 When it's time to talk, just take a moment, 1255 00:53:16,250 --> 00:53:17,500 even quietly in your mind. 1256 00:53:17,583 --> 00:53:19,417 Say, "Okay Holy Spirit, I'm claiming Luke 12:12. 1257 00:53:19,500 --> 00:53:20,917 Give me the words to say." 1258 00:53:21,000 --> 00:53:22,833 How many of you have had that experience? 1259 00:53:22,875 --> 00:53:24,500 You open your mouth, and you're like, 1260 00:53:24,583 --> 00:53:26,208 "I don't know where this is going," 1261 00:53:26,292 --> 00:53:27,917 and you say it and you're like, 1262 00:53:28,000 --> 00:53:29,417 "That was awesome! That was awesome! 1263 00:53:29,500 --> 00:53:32,083 Yay, I didn't duff it, yay!" 1264 00:53:32,167 --> 00:53:33,917 That was the Holy Spirit, right? 1265 00:53:34,000 --> 00:53:35,625 How many of you have said something 1266 00:53:35,667 --> 00:53:37,833 and you're like, "That-- I didn't even know that!" 1267 00:53:37,875 --> 00:53:39,208 [congregation laughing] 1268 00:53:39,292 --> 00:53:42,000 "And I said that. That was great! 1269 00:53:42,042 --> 00:53:44,375 "That was a verse I didn't even memorize, 1270 00:53:44,458 --> 00:53:47,208 "but I remembered it right then, because the Holy Spirit 1271 00:53:47,292 --> 00:53:48,917 brought it to mind." 1272 00:53:49,000 --> 00:53:51,083 What that is is in faith stepping forward saying, 1273 00:53:51,167 --> 00:53:52,917 "I'm going to talk about Jesus now, 1274 00:53:53,000 --> 00:53:56,292 "and I'm going to trust that the Holy Spirit is going to give me 1275 00:53:56,333 --> 00:53:57,625 the words to say." 1276 00:53:57,667 --> 00:53:59,333 Because, friends, it's not just you speaking; 1277 00:53:59,375 --> 00:54:03,875 it's God speaking through you. And God wants to use you. 1278 00:54:03,958 --> 00:54:06,000 He wants you to be the mailman or mailwoman 1279 00:54:06,083 --> 00:54:07,792 to deliver the mail. 1280 00:54:07,833 --> 00:54:09,917 How many of you have had this experience? 1281 00:54:10,000 --> 00:54:12,417 And you see that God uses your words 1282 00:54:12,500 --> 00:54:15,667 and then he opens their heart and then it ministers to them 1283 00:54:15,750 --> 00:54:18,583 and it makes a big difference and you walk away feeling so 1284 00:54:18,667 --> 00:54:22,417 joyful, like, "Man, I just got to help somebody for Jesus." 1285 00:54:22,500 --> 00:54:24,417 God wants you to share in his joy. 1286 00:54:24,500 --> 00:54:26,125 God wants you to help his people. 1287 00:54:26,167 --> 00:54:28,000 God wants you to speak of his Son. 1288 00:54:28,083 --> 00:54:30,875 And you don't need to be timid, anxiety-filled, or fearful. 1289 00:54:30,958 --> 00:54:33,375 You just need to, by faith, open your mouth, 1290 00:54:33,458 --> 00:54:36,792 and ask the Holy Spirit to guide your words, and he will. 1291 00:54:36,833 --> 00:54:38,375 He does. 1292 00:54:38,458 --> 00:54:40,333 Jump over to Luke 24. 1293 00:54:40,375 --> 00:54:42,917 This is now, in the storyline of Luke's gospel, 1294 00:54:43,000 --> 00:54:45,417 after Jesus' death in our place for sins 1295 00:54:45,500 --> 00:54:49,208 on the cross, after Jesus' resurrection. 1296 00:54:49,292 --> 00:54:52,417 At the end of Luke's gospel, beginning in verse 49, 1297 00:54:52,500 --> 00:54:54,792 Jesus gets his followers together. 1298 00:54:54,833 --> 00:54:57,833 Acts tells us that there was about 120 of them, 1299 00:54:57,875 --> 00:55:01,000 and they're all wondering, "What now? 1300 00:55:01,042 --> 00:55:02,625 "I mean, Jesus lived, died, rose. 1301 00:55:02,667 --> 00:55:04,000 What now?" 1302 00:55:04,042 --> 00:55:06,125 And they're really excited and they want to go 1303 00:55:06,167 --> 00:55:07,500 tell everybody about Jesus. 1304 00:55:07,542 --> 00:55:09,167 They want to go preach the gospel 1305 00:55:09,250 --> 00:55:10,667 and plant churches and be missionaries 1306 00:55:10,750 --> 00:55:12,625 and let everybody know Jesus is God! 1307 00:55:12,667 --> 00:55:14,208 God came among us! 1308 00:55:14,292 --> 00:55:15,667 He was tempted as we are. 1309 00:55:15,750 --> 00:55:18,083 He said no to sin. He went to the cross. 1310 00:55:18,167 --> 00:55:19,500 He paid our penalty for sin. 1311 00:55:19,583 --> 00:55:20,875 He conquered Satan, our enemy. 1312 00:55:20,958 --> 00:55:23,000 He forgives our sin. He sends the Holy Spirit. 1313 00:55:23,083 --> 00:55:25,500 He changes our lives. He makes all things new. 1314 00:55:25,542 --> 00:55:28,000 We could rise from death and be with him forever! 1315 00:55:28,042 --> 00:55:29,417 Jesus is Lord! 1316 00:55:29,500 --> 00:55:30,917 They're really fired up. 1317 00:55:31,000 --> 00:55:33,333 And Jesus looks at them, and here's what he says. 1318 00:55:33,375 --> 00:55:38,125 "Not yet. Don't go. It's not time." 1319 00:55:38,167 --> 00:55:40,000 What do you need? 1320 00:55:40,042 --> 00:55:42,000 Power. 1321 00:55:42,042 --> 00:55:43,625 Power. 1322 00:55:43,667 --> 00:55:46,792 Verse 49, "And behold, I am sending you the promise 1323 00:55:46,833 --> 00:55:48,500 "of my Father upon you. 1324 00:55:48,583 --> 00:55:51,500 "But stay in the city until you are clothed with power 1325 00:55:51,583 --> 00:55:53,000 from on high." 1326 00:55:53,083 --> 00:55:56,708 Again, Christianity is not the life you live for God! 1327 00:55:56,792 --> 00:55:58,417 It's not. 1328 00:55:58,500 --> 00:56:02,625 It's the life of Jesus put in you by the Holy Spirit 1329 00:56:02,667 --> 00:56:06,917 and lived through you by the power of the Holy Spirit. 1330 00:56:07,000 --> 00:56:09,417 Again, you don't have to sin! 1331 00:56:09,500 --> 00:56:10,708 You could change. 1332 00:56:10,792 --> 00:56:13,083 You shouldn't be religious and try and change yourself! 1333 00:56:13,167 --> 00:56:14,417 You need the Holy Spirit. 1334 00:56:14,500 --> 00:56:16,375 And you shouldn't be spiritual and just accept 1335 00:56:16,458 --> 00:56:18,167 any old spiritual power. 1336 00:56:18,250 --> 00:56:20,833 You need Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. 1337 00:56:20,875 --> 00:56:24,208 And he tells them, "You can't go live the Christian life yet. 1338 00:56:24,292 --> 00:56:27,792 "The Holy Spirit has to come, and he has to take the work 1339 00:56:27,833 --> 00:56:29,917 of salvation and apply it to you. 1340 00:56:30,000 --> 00:56:32,583 "He needs to do a changing work in you 1341 00:56:32,667 --> 00:56:35,000 "so that then you can go live a new life 1342 00:56:35,042 --> 00:56:38,708 and tell people about Jesus." 1343 00:56:38,792 --> 00:56:42,333 And it happens. 1344 00:56:42,375 --> 00:56:44,125 Luke is a prequel. 1345 00:56:44,167 --> 00:56:46,208 The book of Acts is a sequel. 1346 00:56:46,292 --> 00:56:48,417 He wrote one book in two parts. 1347 00:56:48,500 --> 00:56:50,208 Luke is about the life of Jesus. 1348 00:56:50,292 --> 00:56:52,333 Acts is about the life of the church. 1349 00:56:52,375 --> 00:56:55,708 Luke is about the work of the Holy Spirit through Jesus. 1350 00:56:55,792 --> 00:56:59,708 Acts is about the application of the work of Jesus to the church, 1351 00:56:59,792 --> 00:57:04,333 and then the work of the Holy Spirit through the church. 1352 00:57:04,375 --> 00:57:09,917 Today we are 2,000 years removed, 1353 00:57:10,000 --> 00:57:12,583 and what we see early on in the book of Acts 1354 00:57:12,667 --> 00:57:16,333 is that the church is gathered together, about 120 people, 1355 00:57:16,375 --> 00:57:18,833 and just as the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus, 1356 00:57:18,875 --> 00:57:21,625 so God the Holy Spirit descends on the church, 1357 00:57:21,667 --> 00:57:25,208 and he applies the work of Jesus to their life 1358 00:57:25,292 --> 00:57:27,417 by the power of the Holy Spirit. 1359 00:57:27,500 --> 00:57:30,500 And then the church explodes! 1360 00:57:30,583 --> 00:57:32,625 Thousands of people become Christians 1361 00:57:32,667 --> 00:57:38,292 and Christianity goes from 120 people in Israel 1362 00:57:38,333 --> 00:57:41,292 to now billions of people spread across all the nations 1363 00:57:41,333 --> 00:57:42,667 of the earth. 1364 00:57:42,750 --> 00:57:45,333 You and I are here as part of the witness, 1365 00:57:45,375 --> 00:57:49,167 the testimony, the evidence that Jesus is God, 1366 00:57:49,250 --> 00:57:52,625 that he died and rose, and that he has sent the Holy Spirit 1367 00:57:52,667 --> 00:57:54,792 and that the Holy Spirit has been at work 1368 00:57:54,833 --> 00:57:57,500 and that captives have been set free 1369 00:57:57,583 --> 00:57:59,958 and that light has been brought into darkness 1370 00:58:00,083 --> 00:58:03,208 and that the nations of the earth belong to Jesus. 1371 00:58:03,292 --> 00:58:06,708 You and I are part of the evidence of the resurrection 1372 00:58:06,792 --> 00:58:09,000 of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. 1373 00:58:09,042 --> 00:58:12,000 If Jesus didn't rise, if the Holy Spirit wasn't sent, 1374 00:58:12,042 --> 00:58:14,375 we are not here! 1375 00:58:14,458 --> 00:58:17,208 The church does not exist! 1376 00:58:17,292 --> 00:58:18,917 But Jesus is alive. 1377 00:58:19,000 --> 00:58:21,000 The Holy Spirit has been poured out, 1378 00:58:21,083 --> 00:58:24,208 and we're here as witnesses to that. 1379 00:58:24,292 --> 00:58:27,083 My hope for Albuquerque is that more and more people 1380 00:58:27,167 --> 00:58:29,083 would hear the gospel. 1381 00:58:29,167 --> 00:58:33,000 The Spirit is working here, the Spirit is moving here, 1382 00:58:33,083 --> 00:58:36,875 and we can see the evidence of the Spirit. 1383 00:58:36,958 --> 00:58:39,583 People are worshiping and singing out the name of Jesus 1384 00:58:39,667 --> 00:58:41,333 for the first time ever. 1385 00:58:41,375 --> 00:58:44,208 People that despised the name of Jesus 1386 00:58:44,292 --> 00:58:47,125 and rejected the name of Jesus, or were ashamed of the name 1387 00:58:47,167 --> 00:58:51,500 of Jesus, are now singing out the name of Jesus. 1388 00:58:51,583 --> 00:58:54,833 When you're in a room full of people singing to Jesus, 1389 00:58:54,875 --> 00:58:57,333 there's the evidence right there. 1390 00:58:57,375 --> 00:59:04,000 And so here's fantastic news. 1391 00:59:04,083 --> 00:59:07,333 Some of you have experienced tremendous life change, 1392 00:59:07,375 --> 00:59:09,208 and some of you are going to experience 1393 00:59:09,292 --> 00:59:11,583 tremendous life change. 1394 00:59:11,667 --> 00:59:13,292 For those of you who are sinners, 1395 00:59:13,333 --> 00:59:16,000 you're just stuck, and you've sort of accepted your sin, 1396 00:59:16,083 --> 00:59:17,917 you've either claimed it as an identity, 1397 00:59:18,000 --> 00:59:19,625 "Well, this is just who I am," 1398 00:59:19,667 --> 00:59:21,500 or you've tried to hide it in shame 1399 00:59:21,583 --> 00:59:23,000 and you hope no one knows. 1400 00:59:23,083 --> 00:59:24,333 Jesus knows. 1401 00:59:24,375 --> 00:59:26,000 You don't have to be a sinner. 1402 00:59:26,083 --> 00:59:28,208 Give your sin to Jesus, receive the Holy Spirit, 1403 00:59:28,292 --> 00:59:32,000 become a new person, get a new life. 1404 00:59:32,083 --> 00:59:33,417 Some of you are religious. 1405 00:59:33,500 --> 00:59:35,500 Repent of your religion. 1406 00:59:35,583 --> 00:59:38,375 Stop trying to change yourself. 1407 00:59:38,458 --> 00:59:40,667 Give your religious sin to Jesus, 1408 00:59:40,750 --> 00:59:43,083 receive the Holy Spirit, become a new person, 1409 00:59:43,167 --> 00:59:44,625 live a new life. 1410 00:59:44,667 --> 00:59:47,708 Some of you are spiritual, and you've been trying to change 1411 00:59:47,792 --> 00:59:52,083 by external spiritual power, but you've not gone to Jesus 1412 00:59:52,167 --> 00:59:53,833 and received the Holy Spirit. 1413 00:59:53,875 --> 00:59:57,417 Repent of your spirituality, receive Jesus, 1414 00:59:57,500 --> 01:00:00,208 be filled with the Holy Spirit, become a new person, 1415 01:00:00,292 --> 01:00:01,917 live a new life. 1416 01:00:02,000 --> 01:00:05,167 And the way we demonstrate that is in baptism, 1417 01:00:05,250 --> 01:00:07,500 where we show Jesus lived for me. 1418 01:00:07,583 --> 01:00:09,167 He died for me. 1419 01:00:09,250 --> 01:00:10,625 He rose for me. 1420 01:00:10,667 --> 01:00:15,917 And as water cleanses from filth, Jesus cleanses from sin. 1421 01:00:16,000 --> 01:00:18,500 So as Jesus rose from death, I'm going to ask you 1422 01:00:18,583 --> 01:00:20,167 to rise from your seats. 1423 01:00:20,250 --> 01:00:21,708 I'm going to pray for us. 1424 01:00:21,792 --> 01:00:23,417 Donna's going to lead us in song, 1425 01:00:23,500 --> 01:00:26,333 and you guys are going to be filled with the Holy Spirit 1426 01:00:26,375 --> 01:00:27,625 and worship, amen? 1427 01:00:27,667 --> 01:00:29,833 All right, Father God, we pray against the enemy, 1428 01:00:29,875 --> 01:00:32,125 his servants, their works and effects. 1429 01:00:32,167 --> 01:00:35,125 Father, you said to ask for the Holy Spirit. 1430 01:00:35,167 --> 01:00:37,833 We ask for the Holy Spirit. 1431 01:00:37,875 --> 01:00:41,917 We ask for the Holy Spirit to apply to us the saving work 1432 01:00:42,000 --> 01:00:45,917 of Jesus, to fill us, change us, give us new lives, 1433 01:00:46,000 --> 01:00:49,917 free us from sin, free us from religion, 1434 01:00:50,000 --> 01:00:53,000 free us from spirituality. 1435 01:00:53,083 --> 01:00:57,333 Holy Spirit, we ask right now that you would change people, 1436 01:00:57,375 --> 01:00:58,792 that you would break their heart, 1437 01:00:58,833 --> 01:01:00,500 that you would change their will, 1438 01:01:00,583 --> 01:01:02,500 that you would renew their mind, 1439 01:01:02,583 --> 01:01:05,000 that you would regenerate their soul. 1440 01:01:05,042 --> 01:01:08,917 God, we ask that today we would see people changed 1441 01:01:09,000 --> 01:01:13,167 from the inside out and that we would see their lives change. 1442 01:01:13,250 --> 01:01:16,875 And God, I pray particularly for the men because, Jesus, 1443 01:01:16,958 --> 01:01:20,125 if they worship you, their wives will worship you. 1444 01:01:20,167 --> 01:01:23,333 If they worship you, their children will worship you. 1445 01:01:23,375 --> 01:01:26,083 I pray for the young men who have not had fathers, 1446 01:01:26,167 --> 01:01:29,792 that, God, you would today adopt them as their heavenly Father 1447 01:01:29,833 --> 01:01:31,792 and make them good fathers. 1448 01:01:31,833 --> 01:01:33,625 For those, Lord God, who are there, 1449 01:01:33,667 --> 01:01:36,333 and they're older men, and maybe they're proud, 1450 01:01:36,375 --> 01:01:39,208 and they don't want to bend their knee and bow their head, 1451 01:01:39,292 --> 01:01:41,875 and they don't want to get wet in front of others, 1452 01:01:41,958 --> 01:01:43,583 I pray that they would be humble, 1453 01:01:43,667 --> 01:01:45,500 and they would know that the best leaders 1454 01:01:45,583 --> 01:01:46,833 are the most humble leaders, 1455 01:01:46,875 --> 01:01:48,792 and that their family would worship you, too. 1456 01:01:48,833 --> 01:01:51,167 And God, I pray for those families who have suffered 1457 01:01:51,250 --> 01:01:53,625 under spiritual darkness for generations; 1458 01:01:53,667 --> 01:01:55,833 that today you would save people; 1459 01:01:55,875 --> 01:01:57,875 that you would break those chains of bondage; 1460 01:01:57,958 --> 01:01:59,833 that you would raise up men as patriarchs, 1461 01:01:59,875 --> 01:02:01,417 women as matriarchs, 1462 01:02:01,500 --> 01:02:04,000 and that for generations the story would be told 1463 01:02:04,042 --> 01:02:08,292 that on this day, the Holy Spirit filled someone 1464 01:02:08,333 --> 01:02:11,875 with their last name, and their family has never been the same. 1465 01:02:11,958 --> 01:02:13,917 Holy Spirit, we love you. 1466 01:02:14,000 --> 01:02:17,000 We thank you that you empowered the life of Jesus, 1467 01:02:17,042 --> 01:02:20,000 and we ask you to apply his salvation to us 1468 01:02:20,083 --> 01:02:22,583 and empower us to live for him, amen.