1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,208 2 00:00:01,292 --> 00:00:11,292 [music] 3 00:00:12,667 --> 00:00:16,000 What do you think about the church? 4 00:00:19,875 --> 00:00:23,042 Do you love the church? 5 00:00:29,833 --> 00:00:32,875 Do you serve the church? 6 00:00:39,458 --> 00:00:44,083 When you see the church, what do you see? 7 00:00:52,375 --> 00:00:57,375 Jesus loves his church. 8 00:01:14,333 --> 00:01:17,500 So, who is it? 9 00:01:17,583 --> 00:01:20,375 That person that you're not reconciled to. 10 00:01:20,458 --> 00:01:23,208 That relationship that's the most awkward, 11 00:01:23,292 --> 00:01:27,792 frustrating, disappointing. 12 00:01:27,833 --> 00:01:33,500 The relationship that, perhaps, was strong, solid, good, 13 00:01:33,583 --> 00:01:37,917 encouraging, loving, hopeful, and now it's just obliterated, 14 00:01:38,000 --> 00:01:44,000 or confusing, or awkward, or strained, or over. 15 00:01:44,083 --> 00:01:48,417 I want you to go with the first person that the Holy Spirit 16 00:01:48,500 --> 00:01:51,917 brought to mind, and I know some of you are maybe saying, "No. 17 00:01:52,000 --> 00:01:55,083 I am going to think about someone else at this point." 18 00:01:55,167 --> 00:01:58,083 Think about them. 19 00:01:58,167 --> 00:02:01,833 The psychologists say when we have conflict, 20 00:02:01,875 --> 00:02:06,917 we're prone toward fight, we're gonna escalate; flight, 21 00:02:07,000 --> 00:02:10,917 we're gonna avoid them; or fright, we just get paralyzed, 22 00:02:11,000 --> 00:02:14,000 we don't know what to say or do. 23 00:02:14,083 --> 00:02:18,792 How have you responded to their offenses against you? 24 00:02:18,833 --> 00:02:22,500 Have you added to their sin with your own sin? 25 00:02:22,583 --> 00:02:26,708 Have you involved other people to increase the drama 26 00:02:26,792 --> 00:02:30,708 and decrease the opportunity to reconcile the relationship? 27 00:02:30,792 --> 00:02:32,625 And as Christians, what do we do? 28 00:02:32,667 --> 00:02:35,583 Because here's what can happen, you come into the church with 29 00:02:35,667 --> 00:02:38,708 idealistic expectations that go unmet, you meet some people, 30 00:02:38,792 --> 00:02:41,208 you all belong to Jesus, and next thing you know, 31 00:02:41,292 --> 00:02:46,417 the relationships are not what Jesus intended. 32 00:02:46,500 --> 00:02:47,917 I'm your pastor. 33 00:02:48,000 --> 00:02:49,708 I love you very, very much. 34 00:02:49,792 --> 00:02:52,500 I can say that individually for every person who calls 35 00:02:52,583 --> 00:02:55,792 Mars Hill Church home and those who are visiting. 36 00:02:55,833 --> 00:03:00,500 And I love us as a church because Jesus loves this church. 37 00:03:00,583 --> 00:03:02,333 And the way we treat one another, 38 00:03:02,375 --> 00:03:05,125 especially in the most tenuous seasons, 39 00:03:05,167 --> 00:03:07,625 it says a lot about our relationship with Jesus, 40 00:03:07,667 --> 00:03:11,000 because that's the basis for a relationship with one another. 41 00:03:11,083 --> 00:03:13,917 So, as we deal with the big subject today of 42 00:03:14,000 --> 00:03:17,500 "Jesus Reconciles," I don't want this just to be, for you, 43 00:03:17,542 --> 00:03:20,333 a theoretical, theological conversation, 44 00:03:20,375 --> 00:03:23,500 but a very personal and practical conversation. 45 00:03:23,542 --> 00:03:26,708 I want you to consider this almost like a counseling 46 00:03:26,792 --> 00:03:31,125 appointment, me and you, and you've got a story of hurt 47 00:03:31,167 --> 00:03:34,333 and you need counsel on what to do. 48 00:03:34,375 --> 00:03:38,125 And where we're going to be today is Matthew 18:15-20. 49 00:03:38,167 --> 00:03:41,292 And as you find that place in your Bible or on your app, 50 00:03:41,333 --> 00:03:44,083 let me preface my sermon by saying I'm always worried 51 00:03:44,167 --> 00:03:48,208 to teach this text, because what some people do is they'll take 52 00:03:48,292 --> 00:03:52,417 this text and they'll apply it to every single potential kind 53 00:03:52,500 --> 00:03:54,708 of conflict in a church. 54 00:03:54,792 --> 00:03:57,708 And I've got a whole chapter in the "Vintage Church" book that 55 00:03:57,792 --> 00:03:59,708 deals with lots of different cases, and variables, 56 00:03:59,792 --> 00:04:01,792 and scenarios. 57 00:04:01,833 --> 00:04:06,125 This is not a process that fits every single situation. 58 00:04:06,167 --> 00:04:09,083 If somebody's a heretic, leading people astray, 59 00:04:09,167 --> 00:04:12,208 and they're a wolf, you don't deal with them in this process. 60 00:04:12,292 --> 00:04:13,917 If a man sexually assaults a woman, 61 00:04:14,000 --> 00:04:16,125 you don't quote Matthew 18 and say, 62 00:04:16,167 --> 00:04:19,708 "Well, you need to go meet with them one on one privately." 63 00:04:19,792 --> 00:04:22,833 So, this doesn't apply to all people, times, circumstances. 64 00:04:22,875 --> 00:04:26,917 This is about a particular series of situations where 65 00:04:27,000 --> 00:04:33,333 two people have an interpersonal conflict and they're struggling 66 00:04:33,375 --> 00:04:36,375 because they're not living in reconciliation. 67 00:04:36,458 --> 00:04:39,500 So, let's reduce it down to the intended scope. 68 00:04:39,583 --> 00:04:42,500 Two people have an interpersonal conflict. 69 00:04:42,583 --> 00:04:45,625 This can be in your family, this can be in your business, 70 00:04:45,667 --> 00:04:47,625 this can be in our ministry. 71 00:04:47,667 --> 00:04:52,625 And the Lord Jesus gives us a process by which to deal 72 00:04:52,667 --> 00:04:54,333 with these interpersonal conflicts. 73 00:04:54,375 --> 00:04:56,833 So, you need to look at it in three ways. 74 00:04:56,875 --> 00:04:58,833 Number one, some of you are the offender, 75 00:04:58,875 --> 00:05:01,208 you've done something that has harmed, 76 00:05:01,292 --> 00:05:04,000 damaged a relationship with another person. 77 00:05:04,083 --> 00:05:07,708 Some of you are the offended, someone has sinned against you, 78 00:05:07,792 --> 00:05:09,167 and as a result, 79 00:05:09,250 --> 00:05:10,875 the relationship is unreconciled; 80 00:05:10,958 --> 00:05:13,917 and some of you are the middle man or the middle woman, 81 00:05:14,000 --> 00:05:17,792 you know the story between these two people who are in conflict, 82 00:05:17,833 --> 00:05:20,500 and you're a bit of a confidant or a counselor, 83 00:05:20,583 --> 00:05:22,500 and you're the person in the middle. 84 00:05:22,583 --> 00:05:26,417 And what Jesus has to say for us fits all three people: 85 00:05:26,500 --> 00:05:29,375 the offended, the offender, and the person in the middle. 86 00:05:29,458 --> 00:05:32,375 And so, read it with me, and then I'm going to ask you 87 00:05:32,458 --> 00:05:33,792 eight painful questions. 88 00:05:33,833 --> 00:05:36,292 Here's the day you wish you hadn't come to church, 89 00:05:36,333 --> 00:05:39,500 because I'm going to ask you to deal with the thing you don't 90 00:05:39,542 --> 00:05:42,625 want to deal with, with the person you don't want to deal with. 91 00:05:42,667 --> 00:05:44,667 "If your brother sins against you," here's Jesus, 92 00:05:44,750 --> 00:05:47,583 "go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. 93 00:05:47,667 --> 00:05:50,417 "If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. 94 00:05:50,500 --> 00:05:52,125 "But if he does not listen, 95 00:05:52,167 --> 00:05:54,208 take one or two others along with you," 96 00:05:54,292 --> 00:05:57,417 not so that one can hold him and the other can punch them 97 00:05:57,500 --> 00:06:00,208 while you mock them, but "that every charge may be established 98 00:06:00,292 --> 00:06:03,208 by the evidence of two or three witnesses." 99 00:06:03,292 --> 00:06:06,000 That's an Old Testament requirement for justice. 100 00:06:06,042 --> 00:06:09,000 "If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. 101 00:06:09,042 --> 00:06:11,500 "And if he refuses to listen even to the church, 102 00:06:11,542 --> 00:06:14,917 "let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. 103 00:06:15,000 --> 00:06:18,417 "Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound 104 00:06:18,500 --> 00:06:20,583 "in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth 105 00:06:20,667 --> 00:06:22,000 "shall be loosed in heaven. 106 00:06:22,042 --> 00:06:25,167 "Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about 107 00:06:25,250 --> 00:06:27,375 "anything they ask, it will be done for them 108 00:06:27,458 --> 00:06:29,000 "by my Father in heaven. 109 00:06:29,083 --> 00:06:31,500 "For where two or three are gathered in my name, 110 00:06:31,583 --> 00:06:33,417 there am I among them." 111 00:06:33,500 --> 00:06:35,917 Sadly, some take this as the definition of the church, 112 00:06:36,000 --> 00:06:37,417 "where two or three are gathered." 113 00:06:37,500 --> 00:06:39,125 That's not the context. 114 00:06:39,167 --> 00:06:41,875 The church is far more than just two or three people 115 00:06:41,958 --> 00:06:43,500 getting together. 116 00:06:43,542 --> 00:06:46,417 What he's talking about here is two or three people being 117 00:06:46,500 --> 00:06:49,167 witnesses to sinful activities so that there could be justice 118 00:06:49,250 --> 00:06:50,625 in the church. 119 00:06:50,667 --> 00:06:52,125 What he's talking about, basically, 120 00:06:52,167 --> 00:06:54,708 here is the size of the proverbial jury. 121 00:06:54,792 --> 00:06:57,208 So, what do we do when we have these conflicts? 122 00:06:57,292 --> 00:06:59,125 We're the one who has offended someone, 123 00:06:59,167 --> 00:07:02,000 been offended by someone, or we're the person in the middle, 124 00:07:02,083 --> 00:07:04,208 seeking to give counsel. 125 00:07:04,292 --> 00:07:07,500 Eight questions Jesus has for reconciliation. 126 00:07:07,583 --> 00:07:08,917 You ready? 127 00:07:09,000 --> 00:07:11,000 Take a deep breath. 128 00:07:11,042 --> 00:07:13,667 Ready? This is hard, right? 129 00:07:13,750 --> 00:07:16,708 If you're really going to be honest, 130 00:07:16,792 --> 00:07:19,500 if you have an unreconciled relationship, 131 00:07:19,542 --> 00:07:21,167 it's heartbreaking. 132 00:07:21,250 --> 00:07:23,833 You wake up in the morning, thinking about them. 133 00:07:23,875 --> 00:07:26,333 You go to bed at night, thinking about them. 134 00:07:26,375 --> 00:07:28,625 Sometimes, you're concerned for them. 135 00:07:28,667 --> 00:07:31,208 Other times, you're frustrated with them. 136 00:07:31,292 --> 00:07:35,167 If you happen to see them, you get that knot in your stomach. 137 00:07:35,250 --> 00:07:40,125 Their name shows up, text, e-mail, call on your phone. 138 00:07:40,167 --> 00:07:42,917 You have that hard decision. 139 00:07:43,000 --> 00:07:47,167 "Do I answer it? Do I ignore it? 140 00:07:47,250 --> 00:07:51,833 "If I ignore it and I see them or they follow up with me, 141 00:07:51,875 --> 00:07:53,667 "am I going to lie and say, 142 00:07:53,750 --> 00:07:57,208 "'Oh, I don't know. I didn't get it.' 143 00:07:57,292 --> 00:07:59,917 "If I ignore them, will they just leave me alone? 144 00:08:00,042 --> 00:08:02,917 Can we just pretend like we don't know each other?" 145 00:08:03,000 --> 00:08:05,208 But then there's friends and sometimes family members 146 00:08:05,292 --> 00:08:06,833 or coworkers implicated, 147 00:08:06,875 --> 00:08:08,583 and, "Hey, have you talked to so-and-so? 148 00:08:08,667 --> 00:08:10,333 How's it going? Where you guys at?" 149 00:08:10,375 --> 00:08:14,125 And it just bleeds for a long time. 150 00:08:14,167 --> 00:08:17,917 Eight questions Jesus asked. 151 00:08:18,000 --> 00:08:20,000 Number one: are you both Christians? 152 00:08:20,042 --> 00:08:22,000 That's his first question. 153 00:08:22,042 --> 00:08:24,708 Here's how he says it: "If a brother sins against you." 154 00:08:24,792 --> 00:08:26,417 He's using the language of "brother" here, 155 00:08:26,500 --> 00:08:27,917 so we're talking about two Christians. 156 00:08:28,000 --> 00:08:30,417 So, we're not talking about a process for a Christian 157 00:08:30,500 --> 00:08:31,917 and a non-Christian, or two non-Christians. 158 00:08:32,000 --> 00:08:33,333 Christian, Christian. 159 00:08:33,375 --> 00:08:36,083 Two professing, practicing Christians. 160 00:08:36,167 --> 00:08:37,500 Are they a Christian? 161 00:08:37,542 --> 00:08:39,208 And he uses the language of "brother," 162 00:08:39,292 --> 00:08:43,125 which probably was very controversial in that day. 163 00:08:43,167 --> 00:08:46,625 In that day, inheritance rights were tied to the family line, 164 00:08:46,667 --> 00:08:50,417 so legally, you were not allowed to call anyone a close relative 165 00:08:50,500 --> 00:08:52,875 unless they actually were, because it could confuse 166 00:08:52,958 --> 00:08:56,125 inheritance and property rights, which was very important. 167 00:08:56,167 --> 00:08:59,833 But when Jesus came as our big brother and he died and rose 168 00:08:59,875 --> 00:09:02,708 to take away our sin, he reconciled us to the Father. 169 00:09:02,792 --> 00:09:05,208 That means, according to the Bible, God's our Father, 170 00:09:05,292 --> 00:09:07,917 we're adopted into the family called the church, 171 00:09:08,000 --> 00:09:11,000 and our relationships with one another can be as close 172 00:09:11,042 --> 00:09:15,000 or sometimes even closer than relatives of birth, 173 00:09:15,083 --> 00:09:18,333 because we're related now, through the new birth 174 00:09:18,375 --> 00:09:20,500 that the Holy Spirit brings. 175 00:09:20,583 --> 00:09:22,667 So, we're to treat one another like family. 176 00:09:22,750 --> 00:09:25,792 Now, how many of you have a family that you fight with? 177 00:09:25,833 --> 00:09:27,792 You ever had a fight with your family? 178 00:09:27,833 --> 00:09:30,083 If you don't have a fight with your family, 179 00:09:30,167 --> 00:09:33,083 it's because you've moved so far away you can no longer fight 180 00:09:33,167 --> 00:09:35,208 with your family. 181 00:09:35,292 --> 00:09:37,500 Family members fight, but we fight with our family 182 00:09:37,583 --> 00:09:39,708 differently than we fight with our enemy. 183 00:09:39,792 --> 00:09:43,917 Somebody breaks into my home, the fight will be far different 184 00:09:44,000 --> 00:09:48,292 than if I was a kid wrestling with one of my brothers. 185 00:09:48,333 --> 00:09:52,625 There's a threshold that's different with a family. 186 00:09:52,667 --> 00:09:55,333 So, the first thing is, as we're dealing with one another, 187 00:09:55,375 --> 00:09:58,583 we need to recognize we're not enemy, we're family, 188 00:09:58,667 --> 00:10:00,375 if we're adopted by God the Father 189 00:10:00,458 --> 00:10:02,375 and Jesus is our big brother. 190 00:10:02,458 --> 00:10:05,125 And the question is: are you both Christians? 191 00:10:05,167 --> 00:10:06,917 That's the question. 192 00:10:07,000 --> 00:10:08,333 If you're both Christians, 193 00:10:08,375 --> 00:10:10,500 then the rest of the process applies to you. 194 00:10:10,583 --> 00:10:13,208 Now, if the person you're dealing with is not a Christian, 195 00:10:13,292 --> 00:10:17,208 rather than trying to deal with their reconciliation with you, 196 00:10:17,292 --> 00:10:19,417 the first thing you want to work on is 197 00:10:19,500 --> 00:10:21,208 their reconciliation with God. 198 00:10:21,292 --> 00:10:22,625 Right? 199 00:10:22,667 --> 00:10:25,792 They may be reconciled to you and still not reconciled to God, 200 00:10:25,833 --> 00:10:28,792 and if they become reconciled to God through repenting of sin, 201 00:10:28,833 --> 00:10:31,292 and faith in Jesus Christ, getting a new nature, 202 00:10:31,333 --> 00:10:34,000 becoming a new person as a Christian, 203 00:10:34,042 --> 00:10:37,000 reconciled to God the Father through the work of God the Son 204 00:10:37,083 --> 00:10:40,667 by the power of God the Spirit, after that reconciliation, 205 00:10:40,750 --> 00:10:44,000 then the two of you can work on your reconciliation with 206 00:10:44,083 --> 00:10:47,083 the Holy Spirit's power, and Jesus' forgiveness, 207 00:10:47,167 --> 00:10:49,208 and the Father's oversight. 208 00:10:49,292 --> 00:10:52,000 So, first thing is, if somebody's offended you or you have 209 00:10:52,042 --> 00:10:53,500 a strained, unreconciled relationship, 210 00:10:53,583 --> 00:10:56,500 but they're not a Christian, the hope and goal is evangelism. 211 00:10:56,542 --> 00:10:58,708 Talk to them about Jesus. 212 00:10:58,792 --> 00:11:01,375 Talk to them about being reconciled to Jesus. 213 00:11:01,458 --> 00:11:04,167 Pray for them to be reconciled to Jesus. 214 00:11:04,250 --> 00:11:06,208 And for those of you who are parents, 215 00:11:06,292 --> 00:11:09,208 let me say that this language of brother and family, 216 00:11:09,292 --> 00:11:11,125 though it's speaking spiritually, 217 00:11:11,167 --> 00:11:14,708 it's intensely practical for how we parent. 218 00:11:14,792 --> 00:11:17,500 I've got five kids, and every once in awhile, 219 00:11:17,583 --> 00:11:19,000 they have a little conflict. 220 00:11:19,083 --> 00:11:20,708 You ever seen that with kids? 221 00:11:20,792 --> 00:11:22,792 They're sinners too. 222 00:11:22,833 --> 00:11:25,792 And what can happen is they don't know how to resolve their 223 00:11:25,833 --> 00:11:29,000 conflict, so what we do as parents is we set in motion 224 00:11:29,083 --> 00:11:31,333 biblical patterns. 225 00:11:31,375 --> 00:11:34,500 So, the first thing is we need to teach them to follow this 226 00:11:34,542 --> 00:11:37,125 same process that I'm going to share with you. 227 00:11:37,167 --> 00:11:38,625 "Have you guys talked about it?" 228 00:11:38,667 --> 00:11:40,000 "No." 229 00:11:40,083 --> 00:11:42,208 Because sometimes what can happen is the kids have 230 00:11:42,292 --> 00:11:44,208 a conflict, they immediately call the parents in, 231 00:11:44,292 --> 00:11:47,208 and they don't learn how to even do Matthew 18 as children, 232 00:11:47,292 --> 00:11:49,208 sometimes because they're fearful and they don't like 233 00:11:49,292 --> 00:11:51,417 the conflict that comes through looking at one another 234 00:11:51,500 --> 00:11:53,917 and saying, "That was wrong, and you sinned against me, 235 00:11:54,000 --> 00:11:55,500 and I need you to apologize." 236 00:11:55,542 --> 00:11:58,000 They struggle sometimes with timidity and not working through 237 00:11:58,042 --> 00:11:59,708 this kind of process. 238 00:11:59,792 --> 00:12:02,833 But let me say, as parents, this applies to even how we 239 00:12:02,875 --> 00:12:04,917 raise our children. 240 00:12:05,000 --> 00:12:09,417 The first question, then, is: are you both Christians? 241 00:12:09,500 --> 00:12:13,417 If yes, then you move on to the second question. 242 00:12:13,500 --> 00:12:16,417 Did someone sin? 243 00:12:16,500 --> 00:12:18,917 How many of you have had a conflict, 244 00:12:19,000 --> 00:12:20,333 but it wasn't a sin? 245 00:12:20,375 --> 00:12:22,917 "They're just annoying!" 246 00:12:23,000 --> 00:12:25,375 Or that's what we think. 247 00:12:25,458 --> 00:12:29,667 See, they think they're eccentric, or clever, or cute, 248 00:12:29,750 --> 00:12:36,208 or humorous, or unique, all synonyms for annoying. 249 00:12:36,292 --> 00:12:37,833 Okay? 250 00:12:37,875 --> 00:12:40,000 You ever had a relationship conflict with someone? 251 00:12:40,083 --> 00:12:43,500 They're just annoying you, but they're not sinning. 252 00:12:43,583 --> 00:12:47,208 It may just be their personality. 253 00:12:47,292 --> 00:12:51,875 I know someone who snorts when they laugh. 254 00:12:51,958 --> 00:12:56,708 It's very annoying, because they snort very, very, very loud, 255 00:12:56,792 --> 00:13:00,208 to where if you're in public, everyone stops and looks for 256 00:13:00,292 --> 00:13:02,625 the wild beast that's been released in the restaurant. 257 00:13:02,667 --> 00:13:04,000 Right? 258 00:13:04,083 --> 00:13:06,208 Like, it's very loud. But that's not a sin. 259 00:13:06,292 --> 00:13:09,000 It's not like, "Well, we need to get the elders involved." 260 00:13:09,042 --> 00:13:10,375 You know? 261 00:13:10,458 --> 00:13:12,125 It's like, "Well, that's just your thing." 262 00:13:12,167 --> 00:13:14,500 You know? 263 00:13:14,583 --> 00:13:16,792 Someone just laughed so hard they snorted. 264 00:13:16,833 --> 00:13:18,583 That's awesome. 265 00:13:18,667 --> 00:13:20,500 Thank you for the illustration. 266 00:13:20,542 --> 00:13:22,083 Okay? 267 00:13:22,167 --> 00:13:24,833 What we will not do is get two or three witnesses, 268 00:13:24,875 --> 00:13:27,417 since we already have them. 269 00:13:27,500 --> 00:13:31,625 But there are certain things that are not sinful, 270 00:13:31,667 --> 00:13:37,583 they're just frustrating, annoying, eccentric, or odd. 271 00:13:37,667 --> 00:13:40,708 And in those occasions, that's where Proverbs 19:11 272 00:13:40,792 --> 00:13:42,917 comes into play. 273 00:13:43,000 --> 00:13:46,208 "Good sense makes one slow to anger." 274 00:13:46,292 --> 00:13:49,000 So, the Bible says, in the most popular verse that's quoted 275 00:13:49,083 --> 00:13:52,000 more than any other verse in the Bible, that God is, quote, 276 00:13:52,083 --> 00:13:56,125 "Slow to anger," that God has a very long wick, 277 00:13:56,167 --> 00:13:59,167 and that God's people should have a very long wick. 278 00:13:59,250 --> 00:14:01,917 Some of you are short wick people, okay? 279 00:14:02,000 --> 00:14:05,292 I was raised in a home where I had a very short wick, 280 00:14:05,333 --> 00:14:07,792 and the neighborhood I grew up in was very violent 281 00:14:07,833 --> 00:14:09,167 and dangerous. 282 00:14:09,250 --> 00:14:11,917 And the oldest of five kids, sometimes you'd need to escalate 283 00:14:12,000 --> 00:14:13,833 and defend, or get in a fight. 284 00:14:13,875 --> 00:14:17,000 The Bible says, "Slow to anger." 285 00:14:17,083 --> 00:14:19,125 Long wick. 286 00:14:19,167 --> 00:14:23,208 It's been a learning process and a growing process for me. 287 00:14:23,292 --> 00:14:25,417 "And it is his glory to overlook an offense." 288 00:14:25,500 --> 00:14:27,125 Sometimes you overlook an offense, 289 00:14:27,167 --> 00:14:30,375 and here's sometimes why: extenuating circumstances 290 00:14:30,458 --> 00:14:32,375 that are reasonable. 291 00:14:32,458 --> 00:14:35,708 Let's say a mom just gave birth to a kid, 292 00:14:35,792 --> 00:14:38,917 and she's exhausted because the kid's not sleeping, 293 00:14:39,000 --> 00:14:42,917 and kid has allergies, and let's say mom's now got 294 00:14:43,000 --> 00:14:46,708 postpartum depression, and, you know, her body's readjusting, 295 00:14:46,792 --> 00:14:49,625 and she's grumpy with her husband. 296 00:14:49,667 --> 00:14:52,000 You know what he should do? 297 00:14:52,083 --> 00:14:53,500 Overlook. 298 00:14:53,583 --> 00:14:56,000 Say, "You know what? I understand. 299 00:14:56,083 --> 00:15:00,833 "The kid is screaming and you've got postpartum depression, 300 00:15:00,875 --> 00:15:04,708 "and, you know, it's hard. 301 00:15:04,792 --> 00:15:07,417 "Neither of us has slept since the last presidential election. 302 00:15:07,500 --> 00:15:09,625 "We're both a little tired. 303 00:15:09,667 --> 00:15:11,792 So, I'm going to overlook that." 304 00:15:11,833 --> 00:15:13,625 Right? 305 00:15:13,667 --> 00:15:16,208 Sometimes you look at someone and instead of just judging 306 00:15:16,292 --> 00:15:19,500 them, you have a little compassion, a little empathy. 307 00:15:19,542 --> 00:15:21,208 "Sorry it's a hard season. 308 00:15:21,292 --> 00:15:23,208 "Sorry it was a rough day. 309 00:15:23,292 --> 00:15:25,625 I'm sorry for the circumstances you're in." 310 00:15:25,667 --> 00:15:28,375 And sometimes in those moments, the best thing is to approach 311 00:15:28,458 --> 00:15:30,500 the person in love and just say, "I'm sorry. 312 00:15:30,583 --> 00:15:32,500 It seems like you're having a rough day." 313 00:15:32,583 --> 00:15:35,000 And usually what happens in that moment, the person melts. 314 00:15:35,083 --> 00:15:36,875 "Oh yes, thank you! I'm so frustrated." 315 00:15:36,958 --> 00:15:39,583 "Yeah, I know. We could tell." 316 00:15:39,667 --> 00:15:44,333 Like, "This was not a secret that you let us in on, 317 00:15:44,375 --> 00:15:47,333 "but I know you're frustrated and I know you blew up, 318 00:15:47,375 --> 00:15:49,333 "but I know you've had a hard day 319 00:15:49,375 --> 00:15:51,333 and I know there's a lot going on," 320 00:15:51,375 --> 00:15:54,000 or, "I know it's a rough season and I'm so sorry 321 00:15:54,083 --> 00:15:55,417 "you're frustrated. 322 00:15:55,500 --> 00:15:56,917 Let me just pray for you." 323 00:15:57,000 --> 00:15:58,333 "Oh, thank you." 324 00:15:58,375 --> 00:15:59,833 That's how you overlook an offense, 325 00:15:59,875 --> 00:16:01,917 and sometimes we have to overlook an offense. 326 00:16:02,000 --> 00:16:03,625 Now, some of you overlook every offense, 327 00:16:03,667 --> 00:16:05,375 and that means that you're a coward, 328 00:16:05,458 --> 00:16:09,125 so this verse isn't for every single moment of your life, 329 00:16:09,167 --> 00:16:11,833 but it's when there's extenuating circumstances 330 00:16:11,875 --> 00:16:15,792 that make some degree of sense. 331 00:16:15,833 --> 00:16:18,000 Did someone actually sin? 332 00:16:18,042 --> 00:16:20,708 And by sin, what we're talking about is violating the Word 333 00:16:20,792 --> 00:16:25,583 of God, which is a reflection of the character of God. 334 00:16:25,667 --> 00:16:27,333 Is it a sin? 335 00:16:27,375 --> 00:16:28,833 Does God say it's a sin? 336 00:16:28,875 --> 00:16:32,083 Because if God says it's a sin and you don't deal with it, 337 00:16:32,167 --> 00:16:35,000 then you are disagreeing with God, 338 00:16:35,083 --> 00:16:38,000 and you're enabling sin rather than calling people to repent 339 00:16:38,083 --> 00:16:41,125 of sin, which frankly means you really don't love them 340 00:16:41,167 --> 00:16:42,917 because sin leads to what? 341 00:16:43,000 --> 00:16:44,833 Well, it leads to death. 342 00:16:44,875 --> 00:16:47,375 And if you see somebody who's rebelling, and sinning, 343 00:16:47,458 --> 00:16:49,875 and they're on a path toward destruction and to harm 344 00:16:49,958 --> 00:16:53,833 themselves, addressing that is really an act of love. 345 00:16:53,875 --> 00:16:55,375 It's saying, "You're going a direction 346 00:16:55,458 --> 00:16:56,917 "that does not lead to life. 347 00:16:57,000 --> 00:16:58,333 "It leads to death. 348 00:16:58,375 --> 00:17:01,125 "And I want to point that out because I love you 349 00:17:01,167 --> 00:17:02,667 and I'm concerned for you." 350 00:17:02,750 --> 00:17:05,917 Let me say this as well: there's a difference between a sin 351 00:17:06,000 --> 00:17:08,500 and a crime. 352 00:17:08,583 --> 00:17:10,917 A sin is something that Christians are supposed 353 00:17:11,000 --> 00:17:13,708 to handle with the presence of God. 354 00:17:13,792 --> 00:17:16,083 A crime is something that we need to report 355 00:17:16,167 --> 00:17:18,125 to the authorities. 356 00:17:18,167 --> 00:17:23,000 One of the saddest things that's happened in recent years is, 357 00:17:23,042 --> 00:17:26,625 regarding Christianity, certain churches or traditions of 358 00:17:26,667 --> 00:17:29,667 Christianity have decided that when a crime is committed, 359 00:17:29,750 --> 00:17:32,125 they don't report it and they hide it. 360 00:17:32,167 --> 00:17:34,708 We don't hide crimes. 361 00:17:34,792 --> 00:17:37,208 Romans 13 says to obey the governing authority. 362 00:17:37,292 --> 00:17:42,417 So, if someone sexually assaults you, call the police. 363 00:17:42,500 --> 00:17:46,125 If you're working for a company and you're a believer, 364 00:17:46,167 --> 00:17:48,125 and someone claims to be a believer, 365 00:17:48,167 --> 00:17:50,000 and you find that they're stealing. 366 00:17:50,042 --> 00:17:53,792 I mean, it's real and it's real bad, 367 00:17:53,833 --> 00:17:56,292 you need to notify the proper authorities in your company 368 00:17:56,333 --> 00:17:59,583 and see what their policies are. 369 00:17:59,667 --> 00:18:02,125 There are times that crimes are committed, 370 00:18:02,167 --> 00:18:05,417 and sometimes as Christians, we can misapply Scripture, 371 00:18:05,500 --> 00:18:07,583 especially things like Matthew 18, 372 00:18:07,667 --> 00:18:11,875 and take a situation that's only regarding a personal offense, 373 00:18:11,958 --> 00:18:16,125 an interpersonal conflict, and apply it, one size fits all, 374 00:18:16,167 --> 00:18:19,875 paint-by-numbers kit, for every conceivable situation. 375 00:18:19,958 --> 00:18:21,833 It's not. 376 00:18:21,875 --> 00:18:23,917 It's not. 377 00:18:24,000 --> 00:18:27,083 I mean, I know one pastor, someone came in and they thought 378 00:18:27,167 --> 00:18:30,000 it was confessional time, and they're talking about how angry 379 00:18:30,083 --> 00:18:32,208 they are, and "I think I'm going to escalate, 380 00:18:32,292 --> 00:18:34,708 and I'm thinking about killing this person." 381 00:18:34,792 --> 00:18:37,708 Call the police. 382 00:18:37,792 --> 00:18:41,500 Don't just try to deal with it as a church issue, 383 00:18:41,542 --> 00:18:43,583 because now it's a legal issue. 384 00:18:43,667 --> 00:18:46,000 You understand the difference? 385 00:18:46,083 --> 00:18:51,083 I've seen women, whose husbands were abusing their children, 386 00:18:51,167 --> 00:18:54,417 not call the police because they didn't think that it was okay 387 00:18:54,500 --> 00:18:56,500 to get the officials involved. 388 00:18:56,583 --> 00:18:58,333 That's not the case. 389 00:18:58,375 --> 00:19:00,125 We're to obey the governing authorities, 390 00:19:00,167 --> 00:19:03,000 and where laws are broken, then the appropriate authorities 391 00:19:03,042 --> 00:19:05,500 need to be notified. 392 00:19:05,542 --> 00:19:09,208 But the question is: has an actual sin been committed? 393 00:19:09,292 --> 00:19:11,833 Did a fellow Christian gossip about you? 394 00:19:11,875 --> 00:19:14,208 Did they lie about you? 395 00:19:14,292 --> 00:19:18,667 Did they misrepresent you? 396 00:19:18,750 --> 00:19:21,708 What did they do to you? 397 00:19:21,792 --> 00:19:23,333 It's not a crime. 398 00:19:23,375 --> 00:19:25,000 You couldn't call the police. 399 00:19:25,042 --> 00:19:26,500 But it's a sin. 400 00:19:26,542 --> 00:19:27,917 I'll give you an example. 401 00:19:28,000 --> 00:19:30,500 Adultery is a sin, but it's not a crime. 402 00:19:30,542 --> 00:19:31,875 Like, if you call 9-1-1. 403 00:19:31,958 --> 00:19:34,083 "Hello, 9-1-1. What are you reporting?" 404 00:19:34,167 --> 00:19:35,875 "Adultery." 405 00:19:35,958 --> 00:19:39,083 You will not see them leap to action. 406 00:19:39,167 --> 00:19:42,083 They will say, "It's not a crime." 407 00:19:42,167 --> 00:19:45,083 So, something like that is not a crime, it's a sin. 408 00:19:45,167 --> 00:19:47,000 It's something that the government doesn't see 409 00:19:47,083 --> 00:19:48,833 as wrong, but God does. 410 00:19:48,875 --> 00:19:51,417 See the difference? 411 00:19:51,500 --> 00:19:53,792 Same with someone who's drinking too much, 412 00:19:53,833 --> 00:19:56,583 and maybe you're married to them or they're your roommate, 413 00:19:56,667 --> 00:19:58,917 and they're an alcoholic, they're drunk all the time. 414 00:19:59,000 --> 00:20:00,500 You can't call the police. 415 00:20:00,583 --> 00:20:02,375 "They're drunk again." 416 00:20:02,458 --> 00:20:05,333 They'll tell you, "Well, good luck with that." 417 00:20:05,375 --> 00:20:08,000 That's a sin, not a crime. 418 00:20:08,042 --> 00:20:11,167 Those kinds of things is what the Scripture is referring to. 419 00:20:11,250 --> 00:20:15,500 Third question: Are you talking about them 420 00:20:15,542 --> 00:20:18,583 or to them first? 421 00:20:18,667 --> 00:20:21,208 Right? 422 00:20:21,292 --> 00:20:22,875 Are they a brother? 423 00:20:22,958 --> 00:20:24,333 Are they sinning? 424 00:20:24,375 --> 00:20:25,917 That's what Jesus says, 425 00:20:26,000 --> 00:20:30,500 "If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, 426 00:20:30,542 --> 00:20:33,375 between you and him," what? 427 00:20:33,458 --> 00:20:36,000 "Alone." 428 00:20:36,083 --> 00:20:39,208 Are you talking to them or about them? 429 00:20:39,292 --> 00:20:42,167 If you're talking about them, it's gossip. 430 00:20:42,250 --> 00:20:44,208 Some of you say, "But I'm really hurt." 431 00:20:44,292 --> 00:20:46,625 Okay, it's still gossip. 432 00:20:46,667 --> 00:20:48,417 "But they really did a bad thing." 433 00:20:48,500 --> 00:20:50,417 It's still gossip. 434 00:20:50,500 --> 00:20:52,667 "But they sinned first, don't I get a freebie?" 435 00:20:52,750 --> 00:20:54,875 No, it's gossip. 436 00:20:54,958 --> 00:20:57,083 "Well, what if I say it's a prayer request?" 437 00:20:57,167 --> 00:21:00,625 Then it's a prayerful gossip request. 438 00:21:00,667 --> 00:21:03,375 "What if we're in women's ministry and we're all talking 439 00:21:03,458 --> 00:21:04,833 about our husbands?" 440 00:21:04,875 --> 00:21:06,833 Then you're all gossiping! 441 00:21:06,875 --> 00:21:09,583 "Well, what about if I put it on my Facebook wall?" 442 00:21:09,667 --> 00:21:11,417 Then you're gossiping openly and publicly. 443 00:21:11,500 --> 00:21:13,000 "What if I Twitter it?" 444 00:21:13,042 --> 00:21:15,875 Well, then you're inviting everybody else into it. 445 00:21:15,958 --> 00:21:18,167 You see how it works? 446 00:21:18,250 --> 00:21:21,875 In the age of social media, we are encouraged to talk about 447 00:21:21,958 --> 00:21:26,208 people, not to them, and to invite others to take offense 448 00:21:26,292 --> 00:21:29,583 for us so that we can amass a bit of an army 449 00:21:29,667 --> 00:21:32,292 to march against them. 450 00:21:32,333 --> 00:21:35,583 And sometimes, in the church, it does pass itself 451 00:21:35,667 --> 00:21:37,000 as prayer request. 452 00:21:37,042 --> 00:21:38,375 "Please pray for me." 453 00:21:38,458 --> 00:21:39,792 "Oh, well of course! 454 00:21:39,833 --> 00:21:41,167 "Who's against prayer? 455 00:21:41,250 --> 00:21:42,583 "Of course I will. 456 00:21:42,667 --> 00:21:44,333 What can I pray for you about?" 457 00:21:44,375 --> 00:21:48,708 "My husband is a jackalope." 458 00:21:48,792 --> 00:21:50,167 "Oh yeah, I will. 459 00:21:50,250 --> 00:21:54,833 How is he a jackalope? I'd like to pray specifically." 460 00:21:54,875 --> 00:21:56,708 "Well, let me tell you." 461 00:21:56,792 --> 00:21:59,208 And then he's at work, "Pray for me!" 462 00:21:59,292 --> 00:22:00,833 "Oh, why?" 463 00:22:00,875 --> 00:22:05,917 "Well, my wife is a horrendous former human being. 464 00:22:06,000 --> 00:22:08,333 "She's morphed into something far less. 465 00:22:08,375 --> 00:22:12,167 "She's gone two people back on the evolutionary chart. 466 00:22:12,250 --> 00:22:14,708 She's very difficult to live with." 467 00:22:14,792 --> 00:22:16,375 "Oh yes, I will. 468 00:22:16,458 --> 00:22:19,500 Well, what in particular would you like me to pray for?" 469 00:22:19,583 --> 00:22:23,792 See, when someone comes to you and they start leaking--because 470 00:22:23,833 --> 00:22:26,583 when you're hurt, you leak. Right? 471 00:22:26,667 --> 00:22:28,417 Emotionally you start leaking. It comes out. 472 00:22:28,500 --> 00:22:30,500 And you can see it on people's face. 473 00:22:30,583 --> 00:22:31,917 "What's wrong?" 474 00:22:32,000 --> 00:22:33,833 "Oh, well," then here we go. 475 00:22:33,875 --> 00:22:36,292 What you need to tell them is, "Wait, wait, wait. 476 00:22:36,333 --> 00:22:39,000 Have you talked to them? Have you talked to them?" 477 00:22:39,083 --> 00:22:40,875 "No, not yet." 478 00:22:40,958 --> 00:22:44,333 And then what people will do--because there's a small, 479 00:22:44,375 --> 00:22:48,208 evil attorney that lives in each of us, right? 480 00:22:48,292 --> 00:22:51,708 And when needed, rises to our defense with an airtight case 481 00:22:51,792 --> 00:22:53,208 for our sin. 482 00:22:53,292 --> 00:22:54,833 Right? 483 00:22:54,875 --> 00:22:57,000 So then, the small attorney arises and says, "Well, 484 00:22:57,083 --> 00:22:59,792 they'll never listen, so I'm not going to talk to them," 485 00:22:59,833 --> 00:23:02,000 or, "I talked to them about this last year," 486 00:23:02,083 --> 00:23:03,792 or, "They do this all the time," 487 00:23:03,833 --> 00:23:05,917 or "Someone has already confronted them," or, you know, 488 00:23:06,000 --> 00:23:08,417 "Pastor Mark just preached on this and they didn't even 489 00:23:08,500 --> 00:23:10,167 pay attention," or--there's a lot of answers. 490 00:23:10,250 --> 00:23:11,583 Have you talked to them? 491 00:23:11,667 --> 00:23:13,708 "Well, they'll just get mad. It'll make things worse. 492 00:23:13,792 --> 00:23:15,500 They'll escalate. They'll get other people." 493 00:23:15,583 --> 00:23:18,708 "Have you talked to them?" "No." 494 00:23:18,792 --> 00:23:24,500 Then talk to them, don't talk about them. 495 00:23:24,542 --> 00:23:30,417 Now, let me give you some practical, practical counsel. 496 00:23:30,500 --> 00:23:33,583 When you're really frustrated, somebody is driving you crazy, 497 00:23:33,667 --> 00:23:35,500 and you've got a strained relationship, 498 00:23:35,583 --> 00:23:37,667 you may need a lightning rod. 499 00:23:37,750 --> 00:23:39,792 You know what a lightning rod is? 500 00:23:39,833 --> 00:23:41,792 If you were growing up where there's lightning, 501 00:23:41,833 --> 00:23:43,167 there's lightning rods. 502 00:23:43,250 --> 00:23:44,708 Without lightning rods, people die, 503 00:23:44,792 --> 00:23:46,625 so lightning rods are very important. 504 00:23:46,667 --> 00:23:49,125 What a lightning rod does, it takes all the energy 505 00:23:49,167 --> 00:23:51,625 and it grounds it out so nobody dies. 506 00:23:51,667 --> 00:23:54,125 When you're really frustrated, alright, 507 00:23:54,167 --> 00:23:56,000 you been there? 508 00:23:56,083 --> 00:23:57,875 You're going to need a lightning rod. 509 00:23:57,958 --> 00:23:59,583 You're going to need somebody, 510 00:23:59,667 --> 00:24:01,500 just, "Gosh! I'm so frustrated! 511 00:24:01,583 --> 00:24:03,917 I'm so angry! I'm so hurt!" 512 00:24:04,000 --> 00:24:07,583 Whatever it is to ground out your storm before you go 513 00:24:07,667 --> 00:24:12,417 talk to that person. 514 00:24:12,500 --> 00:24:15,333 Let that be God. 515 00:24:15,375 --> 00:24:17,500 Pray. 516 00:24:17,542 --> 00:24:19,000 Read the Psalms. 517 00:24:19,042 --> 00:24:22,167 If you've not read the Psalms, the Psalms are a lot of prayers. 518 00:24:22,250 --> 00:24:24,583 Some of them are lightning rod prayers. 519 00:24:24,667 --> 00:24:26,875 "God, it's a dark day. I'm depressed. 520 00:24:26,958 --> 00:24:29,500 I want all my enemies to die." 521 00:24:29,583 --> 00:24:31,500 Some of you are like, "That's in there? 522 00:24:31,583 --> 00:24:34,000 What a great book. I'm going to start reading it." 523 00:24:34,083 --> 00:24:36,167 Yes, that's the Psalms, and what that is, 524 00:24:36,250 --> 00:24:38,625 that's allowing God to be your lightning rod, 525 00:24:38,667 --> 00:24:40,000 because you know what? 526 00:24:40,083 --> 00:24:41,708 God is big enough to handle it. 527 00:24:41,792 --> 00:24:44,292 The God of the Bible can ground out your storm. 528 00:24:44,333 --> 00:24:46,417 So, you don't accuse God or yell at God. 529 00:24:46,500 --> 00:24:48,167 I'm not saying that, but you're like, 530 00:24:48,250 --> 00:24:49,583 "Lord, I'm so--" 531 00:24:49,667 --> 00:24:52,333 And this is where you get alone with God and you 532 00:24:52,375 --> 00:24:54,833 carve out some time for silence, and solitude, and prayer. 533 00:24:54,875 --> 00:24:57,417 "God, I'm so frustrated. I'm so hurt. 534 00:24:57,500 --> 00:25:01,708 "Man, I'm just so disappointed in them. 535 00:25:01,792 --> 00:25:04,583 I'm so worried for them." 536 00:25:04,667 --> 00:25:07,583 Let God be your lightning rod, ground out your storm so that 537 00:25:07,667 --> 00:25:11,667 then you can go talk to them in a way that is not to defeat 538 00:25:11,750 --> 00:25:16,417 them, but to invite them to put their sin to death so that your 539 00:25:16,500 --> 00:25:18,500 relationship can be reconciled. 540 00:25:18,542 --> 00:25:20,583 Does that make sense? 541 00:25:20,667 --> 00:25:23,917 You will need somebody to talk to. 542 00:25:24,000 --> 00:25:28,375 Talk to the Lord, and then go talk to the person. 543 00:25:28,458 --> 00:25:31,917 Now, here's what it says in Proverbs 26:20, 544 00:25:32,000 --> 00:25:34,375 the New Living Translation, 545 00:25:34,458 --> 00:25:36,333 "Fire goes out without wood." 546 00:25:36,375 --> 00:25:39,083 Any campers in the house confirm this as fact? 547 00:25:39,167 --> 00:25:41,708 You run out of wood, eventually your fire goes out. 548 00:25:41,792 --> 00:25:44,917 "And quarrels disappear when gossip stops." 549 00:25:45,000 --> 00:25:47,500 You need to look at interpersonal conflict 550 00:25:47,583 --> 00:25:51,208 like a fire, and the more you gossip about it, 551 00:25:51,292 --> 00:25:53,917 the more logs you're throwing on that fire. 552 00:25:54,000 --> 00:25:55,917 "I'm going to go talk to that person." 553 00:25:56,000 --> 00:25:57,333 Another log on the fire. 554 00:25:57,375 --> 00:25:59,000 "I'm going to post it on Twitter." 555 00:25:59,083 --> 00:26:00,500 Another log on the fire. 556 00:26:00,583 --> 00:26:02,208 "I'm going to put it on Facebook." 557 00:26:02,292 --> 00:26:03,625 Another log on the fire. 558 00:26:03,667 --> 00:26:05,375 "I'm going to make this the topic 559 00:26:05,458 --> 00:26:06,792 for Community Group this week." 560 00:26:06,833 --> 00:26:08,500 Another log on the fire. 561 00:26:08,542 --> 00:26:11,292 Next thing you know, it's an inferno, 562 00:26:11,333 --> 00:26:16,792 and it's going to burn hot for a long time. 563 00:26:16,833 --> 00:26:20,375 The goal, when there's conflict, is to not be the one throwing 564 00:26:20,458 --> 00:26:24,875 more logs on the fire, because that's not a godly thing to do. 565 00:26:24,958 --> 00:26:28,625 And the way we put water on the fire instead of logs on the fire 566 00:26:28,667 --> 00:26:30,500 is we go talk to them. 567 00:26:30,583 --> 00:26:32,083 When we go talk to someone, 568 00:26:32,167 --> 00:26:34,083 we're trying to put water on the fire. 569 00:26:34,167 --> 00:26:37,083 When we talk about someone, we're throwing logs on the fire. 570 00:26:37,167 --> 00:26:39,708 How many of you have done this? Recently? 571 00:26:39,792 --> 00:26:42,500 And you're like, "Oh, that's why it went..." 572 00:26:42,583 --> 00:26:46,125 Yeah, because now other people take offense for you, 573 00:26:46,167 --> 00:26:48,708 and they take your side, and they all show up 574 00:26:48,792 --> 00:26:54,333 for the bonfire with their wood. 575 00:26:54,375 --> 00:26:57,208 Number four, what do you do? 576 00:26:57,292 --> 00:27:01,208 Can you reconcile simply and privately? 577 00:27:01,292 --> 00:27:04,500 All right, here's what the Lord Jesus Christ says: 578 00:27:04,583 --> 00:27:08,167 "If he listens to you, you have gained your brother." 579 00:27:08,250 --> 00:27:12,500 So, what he says is, "If you've been sinned against, 580 00:27:12,583 --> 00:27:15,125 "go talk to them. 581 00:27:15,167 --> 00:27:17,292 "See if you can agree with them. 582 00:27:17,333 --> 00:27:20,625 "See if the two of you can work this out, and if so, 583 00:27:20,667 --> 00:27:23,083 then it's over." 584 00:27:23,167 --> 00:27:27,500 Just a deep breath, praise God, give me a hug, glad that's over, 585 00:27:27,583 --> 00:27:29,833 our friendship's back. 586 00:27:29,875 --> 00:27:32,833 That's the goal, is reconciliation. 587 00:27:32,875 --> 00:27:35,792 The confronting of the sin is never to crush somebody, 588 00:27:35,833 --> 00:27:39,125 but to invite them to turn away from the sin 589 00:27:39,167 --> 00:27:43,292 that Jesus was crushed for. 590 00:27:43,333 --> 00:27:46,667 Since Jesus already died for our sin, if we're two Christians, 591 00:27:46,750 --> 00:27:49,708 we don't want to punish someone for their sin because Jesus was 592 00:27:49,792 --> 00:27:54,500 already punished, but we want to invite them to walk away from 593 00:27:54,583 --> 00:27:59,125 their sin and to walk with us and to walk with Jesus. 594 00:27:59,167 --> 00:28:01,125 That's the goal. 595 00:28:01,167 --> 00:28:03,625 Can you work it out between the two of you? 596 00:28:03,667 --> 00:28:05,500 That's the big question. 597 00:28:05,583 --> 00:28:08,208 And here, the reason, when we're talking about reconciliation, 598 00:28:08,292 --> 00:28:10,917 for picking this text is, there are a lot of other 599 00:28:11,000 --> 00:28:12,833 case scenarios and variables, 600 00:28:12,875 --> 00:28:15,333 but most of the time, in a church, 601 00:28:15,375 --> 00:28:18,333 this is where the bulk of the conflict lies: 602 00:28:18,375 --> 00:28:20,875 interpersonal conflict. 603 00:28:20,958 --> 00:28:24,792 And if we don't have a process by which to resolve it 604 00:28:24,833 --> 00:28:27,500 and work toward reconciliation, then what we end up with 605 00:28:27,583 --> 00:28:30,083 is anarchy and division. 606 00:28:30,167 --> 00:28:32,833 This is where people's feelings get hurt, they leave the church, 607 00:28:32,875 --> 00:28:34,792 they--you know, they're frustrated. 608 00:28:34,833 --> 00:28:37,417 This is where friends are no longer friends. 609 00:28:37,500 --> 00:28:40,917 This is where businesses sever because the partners 610 00:28:41,000 --> 00:28:42,625 can't work it out. 611 00:28:42,667 --> 00:28:44,833 This is where families are strained, 612 00:28:44,875 --> 00:28:47,917 and tempers are flared, and voices are raised, 613 00:28:48,000 --> 00:28:51,292 and holidays are awkward. 614 00:28:51,333 --> 00:28:53,583 This could even be in your own marriage, 615 00:28:53,667 --> 00:28:56,083 to where there's a series of issues in your marriage 616 00:28:56,167 --> 00:28:58,417 that are like grenades. 617 00:28:58,500 --> 00:29:01,583 Don't talk about that, don't get into that, don't go near that, 618 00:29:01,667 --> 00:29:03,708 it'll explode. 619 00:29:03,792 --> 00:29:08,792 And our life becomes managing instead of reconciling. 620 00:29:08,833 --> 00:29:13,000 Can you reconcile simply and privately? 621 00:29:13,042 --> 00:29:15,000 The two of you work it out, 622 00:29:15,083 --> 00:29:17,708 a whole bunch of people don't need to get involved, 623 00:29:17,792 --> 00:29:20,417 and a lot of water goes on that fire, 624 00:29:20,500 --> 00:29:22,833 not a lot of logs. 625 00:29:22,875 --> 00:29:27,625 As I've said, don't use Twitter, don't use your blog, 626 00:29:27,667 --> 00:29:31,917 don't use Facebook, because that's not private. 627 00:29:32,000 --> 00:29:36,500 Don't use a mass group e-mail, don't couch it in terms of 628 00:29:36,583 --> 00:29:40,500 a prayer request for a large number of people. 629 00:29:40,583 --> 00:29:42,125 Go talk to them. 630 00:29:42,167 --> 00:29:44,625 Talk to the Lord and talk to them, 631 00:29:44,667 --> 00:29:49,625 and do it, as often as is possible, face-to-face. 632 00:29:49,667 --> 00:29:54,000 And I think Jesus is going that direction here. 633 00:29:54,042 --> 00:29:57,333 He says, "Go tell him his faults." 634 00:29:57,375 --> 00:30:01,500 So, you're going to them for a face-to-face conversation. 635 00:30:01,583 --> 00:30:04,792 And Gracie and I unpacked this in the "Real Marriage" book, 636 00:30:04,833 --> 00:30:07,375 but there's relationships that are back-to-back, 637 00:30:07,458 --> 00:30:10,000 you've really become enemies; there's relationships that are 638 00:30:10,083 --> 00:30:12,625 shoulder-to-shoulder, you've sort of learned to coexist 639 00:30:12,667 --> 00:30:15,500 somewhat peaceably, but you're not really close; 640 00:30:15,542 --> 00:30:18,000 and then there are relationships that are face-to-face, 641 00:30:18,083 --> 00:30:20,833 and that's the Bible's language for friendship. 642 00:30:20,875 --> 00:30:23,500 That's why it says in 1 Corinthians 13 that one day 643 00:30:23,583 --> 00:30:25,083 we'll see the Lord Jesus how? 644 00:30:25,167 --> 00:30:26,917 Face-to-face. 645 00:30:27,000 --> 00:30:29,208 That's what friends do. 646 00:30:29,292 --> 00:30:32,625 The best way to reconcile a strained relationship 647 00:30:32,667 --> 00:30:35,917 is two people--and don't do this in a public place, 648 00:30:36,000 --> 00:30:38,500 because one of you may need to be honest, 649 00:30:38,583 --> 00:30:41,500 or the other one may get tearful. 650 00:30:41,583 --> 00:30:45,708 Somewhere safe, somewhere neutral, somewhere private. 651 00:30:45,792 --> 00:30:48,625 And again, we're not talking about a dangerous person 652 00:30:48,667 --> 00:30:51,167 who has assaulted you or sexually assaulted you. 653 00:30:51,250 --> 00:30:53,208 You call the police for that. 654 00:30:53,292 --> 00:30:55,083 You don't meet one-on-one, privately, 655 00:30:55,167 --> 00:30:58,000 under those kinds of circumstances. 656 00:30:58,083 --> 00:31:01,208 But where you're offended and hurt and there needs to be 657 00:31:01,292 --> 00:31:04,500 reconciliation, the two of you sitting down--because you know 658 00:31:04,542 --> 00:31:09,500 as well as I do, you get more information face-to-face than 659 00:31:09,542 --> 00:31:11,417 any other form of communication. 660 00:31:11,500 --> 00:31:12,917 Right? 661 00:31:13,000 --> 00:31:18,625 Body language, facial expressions, tone says a lot. 662 00:31:18,667 --> 00:31:21,000 How many of you have gotten an e-mail and completely 663 00:31:21,083 --> 00:31:23,583 misinterpreted it because you didn't get all that 664 00:31:23,667 --> 00:31:26,667 non-verbal information? 665 00:31:26,750 --> 00:31:30,625 You read something online and you completely misinterpreted, 666 00:31:30,667 --> 00:31:33,667 or perhaps you've been misinterpreted because you don't 667 00:31:33,750 --> 00:31:36,708 get all that non-verbal communication. 668 00:31:36,792 --> 00:31:39,500 Someone sits down, their shoulders are slumped. 669 00:31:39,542 --> 00:31:41,500 You say, "You know, you sinned against me." 670 00:31:41,542 --> 00:31:44,208 And they look at you and there's tears in their eyes, 671 00:31:44,292 --> 00:31:46,708 and they say, "You're right, and I have felt terrible, 672 00:31:46,792 --> 00:31:48,125 and I'm really sorry." 673 00:31:48,167 --> 00:31:50,500 Well, that sort of settles it right there. 674 00:31:50,583 --> 00:31:53,417 "Will you please forgive me?" "Yeah." 675 00:31:53,500 --> 00:31:56,708 And see, what can happen is when we become bitter, 676 00:31:56,792 --> 00:31:58,708 we interpret everything through the lens of bitterness, 677 00:31:58,792 --> 00:32:01,375 meaning someone might even be apologizing, 678 00:32:01,458 --> 00:32:05,083 but we hear it in a way that's not even hopeful. 679 00:32:05,167 --> 00:32:07,208 The face-to-face takes that away. 680 00:32:07,292 --> 00:32:09,500 This is why, back to the parenting illustration, 681 00:32:09,583 --> 00:32:12,917 with our kids, one of the things I like to do--because some of my 682 00:32:13,000 --> 00:32:16,500 kids are a little more timid, and so they'll be sinned against 683 00:32:16,583 --> 00:32:19,417 and they'll want to get me involved immediately, right? 684 00:32:19,500 --> 00:32:21,000 "Dad, you need to get involved." 685 00:32:21,042 --> 00:32:22,500 "Okay, what happened?" 686 00:32:22,542 --> 00:32:25,208 "Well, they da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da." 687 00:32:25,292 --> 00:32:27,625 "Okay, well, wait, wait, wait. Have you talked to them?" 688 00:32:27,667 --> 00:32:29,375 "No, I have not talked to them. 689 00:32:29,458 --> 00:32:32,375 That's why I'm bringing you in. I'm looking for the big gun." 690 00:32:32,458 --> 00:32:34,583 "Well, okay, now wait. You need to be brave. 691 00:32:34,667 --> 00:32:37,083 "You need to go ask them to talk to you. 692 00:32:37,167 --> 00:32:38,625 "You need to pull them aside 693 00:32:38,667 --> 00:32:40,125 "so that everybody else isn't watching. 694 00:32:40,167 --> 00:32:42,833 "You need to tell them exactly what sin they committed against 695 00:32:42,875 --> 00:32:46,125 "you, you need to tell them how that made you feel, 696 00:32:46,167 --> 00:32:48,833 "and you need to ask them to apologize, 697 00:32:48,875 --> 00:32:51,167 and then you need to forgive them." 698 00:32:51,250 --> 00:32:53,125 So, for our kids, you know, 699 00:32:53,167 --> 00:32:55,583 the process is the offended party 700 00:32:55,667 --> 00:32:57,792 will go to the offender, and I tell them, 701 00:32:57,833 --> 00:32:59,500 "Look one another in the eye." 702 00:32:59,542 --> 00:33:01,375 Right? 703 00:33:01,458 --> 00:33:03,167 One of them's playing video games, 704 00:33:03,250 --> 00:33:05,208 put the joystick or controller down. 705 00:33:05,292 --> 00:33:10,708 I just revealed my age, which is elderly. 706 00:33:10,792 --> 00:33:16,292 And, you know, no phone, no TV, no distraction. 707 00:33:18,583 --> 00:33:20,417 Look one another in the eye. 708 00:33:20,500 --> 00:33:22,417 And what happens is most of the time, 709 00:33:22,500 --> 00:33:24,125 what do you think the kids do? 710 00:33:24,167 --> 00:33:25,500 They get teared up. 711 00:33:25,583 --> 00:33:27,708 "Hey, when you said that, when you did that, 712 00:33:27,792 --> 00:33:31,125 "that was a sin and it really hurt me, and here's how I feel, 713 00:33:31,167 --> 00:33:32,625 and I need you to apologize." 714 00:33:32,667 --> 00:33:34,500 Then I ask the offended party, 715 00:33:34,542 --> 00:33:38,000 "Well, you need to repent not just of sin, 716 00:33:38,083 --> 00:33:40,833 you need to repent of this specific sin." 717 00:33:40,875 --> 00:33:45,708 "I'm sorry that I said or did 'blank,'" not just, "Sorry!" 718 00:33:45,792 --> 00:33:48,625 How many of you were those kids? Right? 719 00:33:48,667 --> 00:33:52,500 Like, you're basically a very small terrorist, right, 720 00:33:52,583 --> 00:33:56,000 is what you are as a child, just walking around hitting children 721 00:33:56,083 --> 00:34:00,125 indiscriminately, throwing things, blowing things up. 722 00:34:00,167 --> 00:34:02,708 You're just a very small terrorist. 723 00:34:02,792 --> 00:34:06,667 And so one of your victims gets hurt, 724 00:34:06,750 --> 00:34:11,375 and so they run to their parents or your joint parent and say, 725 00:34:11,458 --> 00:34:13,708 you know, "Tommy hit me with a Tonka truck. 726 00:34:13,792 --> 00:34:16,500 He waylaid me," or "Jenny pulled all my hair. 727 00:34:16,583 --> 00:34:19,333 You can see it's missing." Okay? 728 00:34:19,375 --> 00:34:22,000 And then the parent says, "Tell them you're sorry!" 729 00:34:22,083 --> 00:34:25,833 And the small terrorist just is like, "Sorry!" 730 00:34:25,875 --> 00:34:27,333 "Okay, well that's over." 731 00:34:27,375 --> 00:34:30,625 No, it's not, because that's not reconciliation and that's not 732 00:34:30,667 --> 00:34:35,083 the person apologizing or repenting. 733 00:34:35,167 --> 00:34:39,417 They don't have a change of heart, mind, or attitude. 734 00:34:39,500 --> 00:34:41,667 "You sinned against me. You said or did this. 735 00:34:41,750 --> 00:34:43,083 "Here's how I feel. 736 00:34:43,167 --> 00:34:45,000 I need you to acknowledge that and apologize." 737 00:34:45,083 --> 00:34:48,083 "You're right, I'm sorry, I did." 738 00:34:48,167 --> 00:34:50,625 Then I have the child ask this question: 739 00:34:50,667 --> 00:34:53,333 "Will you please forgive me?" 740 00:34:53,375 --> 00:34:57,417 And then the other child has to forgive them. 741 00:34:57,500 --> 00:34:58,833 Now, I'll be honest. 742 00:34:58,875 --> 00:35:02,292 Sometimes this kid says, "No." 743 00:35:02,333 --> 00:35:06,667 Now we go to Ephesians 4 and we deal with bitterness, 744 00:35:06,750 --> 00:35:09,500 but I've had some of my kids say, 745 00:35:09,583 --> 00:35:12,417 "I need to think and pray about that," 746 00:35:12,500 --> 00:35:15,125 and they'll go think about it and come back and say, 747 00:35:15,167 --> 00:35:16,667 "Yes, I do forgive you." 748 00:35:16,750 --> 00:35:20,167 And then what I make them do, I make them hug each other, okay, 749 00:35:20,250 --> 00:35:24,292 and pray together. 750 00:35:24,333 --> 00:35:30,208 Now, my hope is that my children grow up to have Christian 751 00:35:30,292 --> 00:35:34,333 friendship with one another and to have some life skills 752 00:35:34,375 --> 00:35:38,667 and some habits in place based upon Matthew 18 753 00:35:38,750 --> 00:35:41,583 that carry into their marriage, their parenting, 754 00:35:41,667 --> 00:35:44,208 their ministry, and their business. 755 00:35:44,292 --> 00:35:47,375 That's the hope. 756 00:35:47,458 --> 00:35:53,167 Can you resolve it or reconcile it simply and privately? 757 00:35:53,250 --> 00:35:56,125 Now, let me give you a pastoral, practical tip. 758 00:35:56,167 --> 00:35:59,208 Before you go meet with them face-to-face, 759 00:35:59,292 --> 00:36:03,125 you may need to spend some time fasting and praying, 760 00:36:03,167 --> 00:36:07,375 even for a few days, to prepare your heart, alright, 761 00:36:07,458 --> 00:36:09,417 so that you can do Galatians 6, 762 00:36:09,500 --> 00:36:13,875 which is to be gentle, to be godly. 763 00:36:13,958 --> 00:36:17,208 Here's another tip, because some of you are more timid. 764 00:36:17,292 --> 00:36:21,625 You don't like conflict, you've got fear of man issues. 765 00:36:21,667 --> 00:36:25,000 Write down the big points of what you want to say, 766 00:36:25,042 --> 00:36:27,500 so that when you meet, and you're emotional, 767 00:36:27,542 --> 00:36:31,500 and you're looking at them, you have your thoughts organized 768 00:36:31,583 --> 00:36:34,292 so that you can hit everything, because there's nothing worse 769 00:36:34,333 --> 00:36:37,208 than meeting with someone, working it out, walking away, 770 00:36:37,292 --> 00:36:39,667 and realizing, "Oh, I forgot to get into that. 771 00:36:39,750 --> 00:36:41,833 Let's do it again." 772 00:36:41,875 --> 00:36:44,500 Ideally, you'd do it at once. 773 00:36:44,583 --> 00:36:46,708 So, organize your thoughts. 774 00:36:46,792 --> 00:36:49,125 When you meet, open in prayer. 775 00:36:49,167 --> 00:36:51,625 Invite the Lord Jesus to be in your midst, 776 00:36:51,667 --> 00:36:54,625 as he promises a bit later in this text that he is, 777 00:36:54,667 --> 00:36:57,333 and acknowledge his presence. 778 00:36:57,375 --> 00:37:01,000 And then tell them, "You know, I have some things written down 779 00:37:01,083 --> 00:37:03,083 "and I'd like to present those to you, 780 00:37:03,167 --> 00:37:04,708 "and while I present those, 781 00:37:04,792 --> 00:37:06,583 "I'd appreciate if you didn't get defensive 782 00:37:06,667 --> 00:37:08,000 "or argue at every point. 783 00:37:08,042 --> 00:37:10,167 "Hear me out, and then let's talk about this, 784 00:37:10,250 --> 00:37:11,667 "and then let's see. 785 00:37:11,750 --> 00:37:16,500 Let's see if we can't work toward reconciliation." 786 00:37:16,583 --> 00:37:21,917 Number five: if you cannot reconcile, 787 00:37:22,000 --> 00:37:25,333 what godly neutral mediators would help? 788 00:37:25,375 --> 00:37:27,708 So, let's say you meet with them, you say, 789 00:37:27,792 --> 00:37:30,333 "Okay, here's the issue," and they say, "I disagree. 790 00:37:30,375 --> 00:37:32,083 "You're wrong. I'm justified. 791 00:37:32,167 --> 00:37:33,500 I will not apologize," 792 00:37:33,583 --> 00:37:36,292 or, "What I've said or done, I'm not going to change. 793 00:37:36,333 --> 00:37:38,292 "I won't be repenting, changing my direction. 794 00:37:38,333 --> 00:37:42,500 It's going to continue like this because this is how I am." 795 00:37:42,583 --> 00:37:46,917 Well, here's what the Lord Jesus says under those circumstances. 796 00:37:47,000 --> 00:37:50,417 "But if he does not listen, take one or two others along, 797 00:37:50,500 --> 00:37:52,833 "that every charge may be established by the evidence 798 00:37:52,875 --> 00:37:54,500 of two or three witnesses." 799 00:37:54,583 --> 00:37:57,875 So, now we're talking about a charge, not just a concern, 800 00:37:57,958 --> 00:37:59,583 but a charge. 801 00:37:59,667 --> 00:38:02,000 Now it's getting a little more formal. 802 00:38:02,042 --> 00:38:04,833 What he's talking about here is--some would call it, 803 00:38:04,875 --> 00:38:07,792 in the secular world, a bit of an intervention. 804 00:38:07,833 --> 00:38:10,125 This is where two or three people--you bring along 805 00:38:10,167 --> 00:38:11,500 a few other people. 806 00:38:11,583 --> 00:38:14,375 The Lord Jesus leaves it a bit flexible so that we 807 00:38:14,458 --> 00:38:17,792 can ascertain what would be best in each circumstance. 808 00:38:17,833 --> 00:38:20,417 He says, "Bring along two or three witnesses," 809 00:38:20,500 --> 00:38:22,417 and these are mediators. 810 00:38:22,500 --> 00:38:24,333 These are counselors. 811 00:38:24,375 --> 00:38:26,875 These are neutral third parties. 812 00:38:26,958 --> 00:38:30,792 Don't bring along everybody who agrees with you, okay, 813 00:38:30,833 --> 00:38:33,208 because that's a gang initiation. 814 00:38:33,292 --> 00:38:35,000 Okay? That's what that is. 815 00:38:35,083 --> 00:38:37,208 We're all here to jump you. Okay? 816 00:38:37,292 --> 00:38:39,667 How many of you have felt set up that way? 817 00:38:39,750 --> 00:38:42,167 You show up to meet with somebody and they bring 818 00:38:42,250 --> 00:38:43,667 everybody who agrees with them. 819 00:38:43,750 --> 00:38:46,000 This is not neutral or objective, right? 820 00:38:46,042 --> 00:38:48,917 These people are taking the position, to some degree, 821 00:38:49,000 --> 00:38:50,917 like a judge. 822 00:38:51,000 --> 00:38:53,708 They're going to look at all the evidence and help these 823 00:38:53,792 --> 00:38:57,667 conflicted parties come to some resolution and reconciliation. 824 00:38:57,750 --> 00:39:00,333 This could be a Community Group leader, 825 00:39:00,375 --> 00:39:02,125 this could be a Redemption Group leader, 826 00:39:02,167 --> 00:39:05,125 this could be a godly person or a godly couple that 827 00:39:05,167 --> 00:39:08,083 the two of you really admire, and trust, and look up to, 828 00:39:08,167 --> 00:39:09,708 and they have innate spiritual authority. 829 00:39:09,792 --> 00:39:11,833 This could be a biblical counselor, 830 00:39:11,875 --> 00:39:14,167 this could be a Christian conciliation service 831 00:39:14,250 --> 00:39:16,333 or a peacemaker ministry. 832 00:39:16,375 --> 00:39:17,708 You know? 833 00:39:17,792 --> 00:39:19,667 There's different ways that this could play out. 834 00:39:19,750 --> 00:39:21,125 This could be their family members. 835 00:39:21,167 --> 00:39:23,833 Maybe there's self-destructive behavior of gambling, 836 00:39:23,875 --> 00:39:26,792 or alcohol, or drugs, or something like that, 837 00:39:26,833 --> 00:39:29,708 and you say, "Man, their parents love them and they respect 838 00:39:29,792 --> 00:39:33,208 "their parents, and maybe involving godly, 839 00:39:33,292 --> 00:39:36,500 "loving people who are not against them but care for them 840 00:39:36,583 --> 00:39:39,083 would be helpful in this moment." 841 00:39:39,167 --> 00:39:42,000 Here's what you don't do: you don't just bring in everybody 842 00:39:42,042 --> 00:39:43,625 who agrees with you. 843 00:39:43,667 --> 00:39:45,833 You try to, in as much as you're able, 844 00:39:45,875 --> 00:39:47,208 bring in somebody that's neutral. 845 00:39:47,292 --> 00:39:49,917 And sometimes you can even negotiate this with the person 846 00:39:50,000 --> 00:39:51,917 who's offended or you think is offended. 847 00:39:52,000 --> 00:39:53,708 Say, "Okay, look. We don't agree. 848 00:39:53,792 --> 00:39:58,125 "Let's let somebody else play umpire, referee on this. 849 00:39:58,167 --> 00:40:01,583 "Who can we mutually agree to to sit down with that we both 850 00:40:01,667 --> 00:40:04,375 submit to, and have them help us?" 851 00:40:04,458 --> 00:40:06,917 And sometimes you can even negotiate and say, 852 00:40:07,000 --> 00:40:10,417 "Well, so-and-so's godly," or, "That couple's really godly, 853 00:40:10,500 --> 00:40:12,583 "and I'd be happy to meet with them, 854 00:40:12,667 --> 00:40:14,792 and let's let them help us sort this out." 855 00:40:14,833 --> 00:40:17,500 "Okay, so we both agree who's going to help us here," 856 00:40:17,583 --> 00:40:19,833 and sometimes that takes away the conflict over who 857 00:40:19,875 --> 00:40:22,500 the mediator even is. 858 00:40:22,542 --> 00:40:24,833 But, at this point too, you've got to ask, 859 00:40:24,875 --> 00:40:27,500 "Is it that big of a deal? 860 00:40:27,583 --> 00:40:30,000 "Do I want to continue to pursue this?" 861 00:40:30,042 --> 00:40:32,500 Or back to the previous proverb, 862 00:40:32,542 --> 00:40:35,500 "Is this where I overlook the offense? 863 00:40:35,542 --> 00:40:37,833 "You know, it's not that big of a deal. 864 00:40:37,875 --> 00:40:41,208 "I'm going to let it go at this point because this is where it 865 00:40:41,292 --> 00:40:43,208 starts to transition from informal to formal, 866 00:40:43,292 --> 00:40:44,833 with that language of 'a charge.'" 867 00:40:44,875 --> 00:40:48,500 Now, for those of you who are brought in as the mediator, 868 00:40:48,583 --> 00:40:53,333 the umpire, the third party, Proverbs 18:17 is for you: 869 00:40:53,375 --> 00:40:55,500 "The one who states his case first seems right, 870 00:40:55,583 --> 00:40:58,292 until the other comes along and examines him." 871 00:40:58,333 --> 00:41:00,917 Here's what he's saying: "The first guy to say it 872 00:41:01,000 --> 00:41:03,417 sounds like he's right." 873 00:41:03,500 --> 00:41:06,333 Have you ever had that situation? 874 00:41:06,375 --> 00:41:10,375 Let me say this: oftentimes the guilty party speaks loudest 875 00:41:10,458 --> 00:41:15,667 and first, because they're trying to establish the story. 876 00:41:15,750 --> 00:41:19,333 I can tell you this: just because they're your friend, 877 00:41:19,375 --> 00:41:22,708 family member, coworker, don't immediately take their side. 878 00:41:22,792 --> 00:41:26,625 Don't play devil's advocate, but say, 879 00:41:26,667 --> 00:41:28,500 "I'm very sorry you feel that way. 880 00:41:28,542 --> 00:41:30,333 "That sounds horrible. 881 00:41:30,375 --> 00:41:32,125 "I don't know all the facts, however, 882 00:41:32,167 --> 00:41:36,000 and I don't want to rush to a premature conclusion." 883 00:41:36,042 --> 00:41:38,417 When people are very emotional and they're inviting you in 884 00:41:38,500 --> 00:41:40,708 to take their side and take offense for them, 885 00:41:40,792 --> 00:41:43,125 you need to be godly and work toward reconciliation, 886 00:41:43,167 --> 00:41:45,875 not just enabling your friend. 887 00:41:45,958 --> 00:41:47,292 I'll give you an example. 888 00:41:47,333 --> 00:41:50,417 Early on in ministry, there was a gal engaged to a guy. 889 00:41:50,500 --> 00:41:52,125 They both said they were Christian, 890 00:41:52,167 --> 00:41:55,917 showed up at Mars Hill, and she broke off the engagement 891 00:41:56,000 --> 00:41:58,625 a few weeks before the wedding, okay? 892 00:41:58,667 --> 00:42:00,917 And she didn't really say anything because she was 893 00:42:01,000 --> 00:42:02,333 humiliated, embarrassed, 894 00:42:02,375 --> 00:42:04,500 and didn't want everybody in her business. 895 00:42:04,542 --> 00:42:07,917 And so he just told everybody, "Yeah, she dumped me. 896 00:42:08,000 --> 00:42:09,833 "She dumped me right before the wedding. 897 00:42:09,875 --> 00:42:12,333 "We got all these plans made, and invitations sent out, 898 00:42:12,375 --> 00:42:14,083 and she just dumped me." 899 00:42:14,167 --> 00:42:17,125 Well, then, everybody's talking about it because the church 900 00:42:17,167 --> 00:42:19,000 was small at that point. 901 00:42:19,042 --> 00:42:20,417 "Oh, what a horrible woman. 902 00:42:20,500 --> 00:42:22,208 She did such a terrible thing." 903 00:42:22,292 --> 00:42:25,000 What he didn't say was that he had been sleeping with 904 00:42:25,042 --> 00:42:28,417 her best friend and got her pregnant. 905 00:42:28,500 --> 00:42:33,125 Would you agree, yes or no, those are variables that 906 00:42:33,167 --> 00:42:37,792 factor in to the marriage? 907 00:42:40,500 --> 00:42:42,667 He didn't say that. 908 00:42:42,750 --> 00:42:45,167 He didn't say, "I was sleeping with her best friend, 909 00:42:45,250 --> 00:42:48,500 got her pregnant." 910 00:42:48,583 --> 00:42:50,708 What he said was, "She dumped me." 911 00:42:50,792 --> 00:42:54,292 "Oh, I'm so sorry. That's so sad. 912 00:42:54,333 --> 00:42:57,583 "You're going to lose money, and people had flights booked, 913 00:42:57,667 --> 00:42:59,375 and that's horrible." 914 00:42:59,458 --> 00:43:01,500 A lot of people rushed to his side. 915 00:43:01,583 --> 00:43:03,000 But she's in this hard position 916 00:43:03,083 --> 00:43:04,708 because if she tells the whole story, 917 00:43:04,792 --> 00:43:06,917 she feels a little embarrassed and awkward about it, 918 00:43:07,000 --> 00:43:09,417 and she doesn't know if it's her position to expose 919 00:43:09,500 --> 00:43:11,792 this other woman who's now pregnant with his baby. 920 00:43:11,833 --> 00:43:13,792 I mean, it's a little complicated, right? 921 00:43:13,833 --> 00:43:18,000 We've got ourselves a Jerry Springer episode. 922 00:43:18,083 --> 00:43:20,792 And over time, those people who ran to his defense, 923 00:43:20,833 --> 00:43:22,167 and, "She's horrible. 924 00:43:22,250 --> 00:43:23,667 I can't believe she did that," 925 00:43:23,750 --> 00:43:25,875 they had to come back to her and what? 926 00:43:25,958 --> 00:43:27,292 Apologize. 927 00:43:27,333 --> 00:43:29,500 "I'm sorry. I didn't know the whole story." 928 00:43:29,583 --> 00:43:35,167 Let me say this: rarely do you know the whole story. 929 00:43:35,250 --> 00:43:38,417 Rarely do you know the whole story. 930 00:43:38,500 --> 00:43:43,500 So, those godly, neutral mediators, if you're invited in, 931 00:43:43,583 --> 00:43:46,333 make sure to hear both sides. 932 00:43:46,375 --> 00:43:49,500 And in the day of technology where people get to present 933 00:43:49,583 --> 00:43:53,917 their case first, Proverbs 18:17 is more true than ever. 934 00:43:54,000 --> 00:43:56,208 They seem right. 935 00:43:56,292 --> 00:43:58,625 And sometimes people want to present the rest 936 00:43:58,667 --> 00:44:03,417 of the information and sometimes they don't for personal reasons. 937 00:44:03,500 --> 00:44:05,000 See, we've got a church, friends, 938 00:44:05,083 --> 00:44:07,500 where if you just took all the women who were 939 00:44:07,583 --> 00:44:10,208 sexually assaulted, we'd still have a megachurch, 940 00:44:10,292 --> 00:44:13,208 and so sometimes they don't want to tell the whole story because 941 00:44:13,292 --> 00:44:15,500 they don't want the whole world in their business, 942 00:44:15,542 --> 00:44:17,500 and just because their offender gives his side 943 00:44:17,542 --> 00:44:19,000 of the story first, 944 00:44:19,083 --> 00:44:20,833 don't automatically and immediately think that 945 00:44:20,875 --> 00:44:22,625 that's the whole story. 946 00:44:22,667 --> 00:44:25,083 You get the picture? 947 00:44:25,167 --> 00:44:29,208 Number six: 948 00:44:29,292 --> 00:44:33,083 has your conflict escalated to a formal process? 949 00:44:33,167 --> 00:44:36,500 So, you've realized it is a big deal, we have to deal with it. 950 00:44:36,542 --> 00:44:38,583 It is a sin, not just an annoyance. 951 00:44:38,667 --> 00:44:40,708 I have talked to them, it didn't go anywhere. 952 00:44:40,792 --> 00:44:44,167 I brought in some godly people and we didn't make any progress. 953 00:44:44,250 --> 00:44:46,000 It's still going. 954 00:44:46,083 --> 00:44:47,500 They're still doing it. 955 00:44:47,542 --> 00:44:48,875 It's a problem. 956 00:44:48,958 --> 00:44:50,292 It's become an issue. 957 00:44:50,333 --> 00:44:52,000 Yes, we need to pick it up. 958 00:44:52,083 --> 00:44:53,500 Here's what the Lord Jesus says: 959 00:44:53,583 --> 00:44:56,500 "If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church." 960 00:44:56,583 --> 00:44:59,000 What he's talking about here is bringing in some godly 961 00:44:59,083 --> 00:45:00,917 spiritual authority. 962 00:45:01,000 --> 00:45:02,625 This is where it officially transitions 963 00:45:02,667 --> 00:45:05,208 from informal to formal. 964 00:45:05,292 --> 00:45:09,500 This is where the wife says, "You can't be married to me 965 00:45:09,583 --> 00:45:13,167 and have a girlfriend." 966 00:45:13,250 --> 00:45:14,583 Right? 967 00:45:14,667 --> 00:45:17,500 This is where the wife says, "You can't say you're 968 00:45:17,583 --> 00:45:21,875 a Christian dad who hits our kids." 969 00:45:21,958 --> 00:45:24,083 Right? 970 00:45:24,167 --> 00:45:28,792 This is where the man says, "You can't be the Christian mother 971 00:45:28,833 --> 00:45:34,083 "of our children running around on me. 972 00:45:34,167 --> 00:45:36,708 "You can't be the Christian mother of our children 973 00:45:36,792 --> 00:45:42,500 "gambling away all of our money while I'm at work. 974 00:45:42,583 --> 00:45:44,333 "This has to stop. 975 00:45:44,375 --> 00:45:47,417 "We can't just keep doing this. 976 00:45:47,500 --> 00:45:50,833 I love you, but this has to stop." 977 00:45:50,875 --> 00:45:53,000 And this is where it becomes formal. 978 00:45:53,083 --> 00:45:56,917 This could be--what he's talking about here is godly 979 00:45:57,000 --> 00:45:58,417 spiritual leadership. 980 00:45:58,500 --> 00:46:01,417 Biblical counselor, again, maybe a Christian conciliation 981 00:46:01,500 --> 00:46:04,417 service, a Christian peacemaker ministry, 982 00:46:04,500 --> 00:46:08,500 maybe leaders in the church, 983 00:46:08,583 --> 00:46:11,208 and someone else coming in and saying, 984 00:46:11,292 --> 00:46:15,333 "Please, we love you, we want to help you. 985 00:46:15,375 --> 00:46:18,500 "What you're doing is just not right. 986 00:46:18,542 --> 00:46:21,667 "It's an offense against God, it's breaking people's hearts, 987 00:46:21,750 --> 00:46:23,917 "it's causing so much trouble. 988 00:46:24,000 --> 00:46:26,083 "We want to help you. 989 00:46:26,167 --> 00:46:28,708 "Please, would you let us help you? 990 00:46:28,792 --> 00:46:31,000 "Would you acknowledge that this is a problem? 991 00:46:31,083 --> 00:46:33,375 "Would you invite us in? Don't get hard-hearted. 992 00:46:33,458 --> 00:46:36,792 Don't get stiff-necked. Don't get self-defensive." 993 00:46:36,833 --> 00:46:38,292 Right? 994 00:46:38,333 --> 00:46:41,000 "We're family, we love you, we're here to help." 995 00:46:41,083 --> 00:46:45,208 That's the tone of it. 996 00:46:45,292 --> 00:46:47,917 And it is an act of love, right? 997 00:46:48,000 --> 00:46:51,125 It's an act of love for the glory of God. 998 00:46:51,167 --> 00:46:53,125 If they profess to be a Christian 999 00:46:53,167 --> 00:46:56,625 and they're violating God's will and Word, 1000 00:46:56,667 --> 00:46:59,125 it's an act of love to the glory of God 1001 00:46:59,167 --> 00:47:00,625 to address it. 1002 00:47:00,667 --> 00:47:03,125 It's an act of love for the person who's sinning 1003 00:47:03,167 --> 00:47:07,417 because they're destroying their life. 1004 00:47:07,500 --> 00:47:09,917 Hebrews quotes Proverbs and says, 1005 00:47:10,000 --> 00:47:13,125 "No discipline at the time seems pleasant." 1006 00:47:13,167 --> 00:47:15,625 You ever disciplined a kid, and they looked at you, 1007 00:47:15,667 --> 00:47:18,708 and their first response was, "Thank you." 1008 00:47:18,792 --> 00:47:22,208 No, "Thank you" usually comes later. 1009 00:47:22,292 --> 00:47:26,375 They're harming themselves and you're trying to help them, 1010 00:47:26,458 --> 00:47:29,333 and at first they may feel a little defensive, 1011 00:47:29,375 --> 00:47:32,625 but over time, they'll come back and say, "Thanks. 1012 00:47:32,667 --> 00:47:36,083 "I was going a bad direction and you helped me with 1013 00:47:36,167 --> 00:47:38,708 a course correction." 1014 00:47:38,792 --> 00:47:40,500 It's loving for the glory of God. 1015 00:47:40,583 --> 00:47:41,917 It's loving for the offender. 1016 00:47:42,000 --> 00:47:45,500 It's loving for the offended, the person who keeps being hurt 1017 00:47:45,583 --> 00:47:47,917 and sinned against. 1018 00:47:48,000 --> 00:47:49,333 "It needs to stop. 1019 00:47:49,375 --> 00:47:50,708 You're hurting them." 1020 00:47:50,792 --> 00:47:54,208 And it's also loving for those who are implicated. 1021 00:47:54,292 --> 00:47:57,333 The family and friends who are Christian or even non-Christian 1022 00:47:57,375 --> 00:48:01,125 are looking at it, and they're implicated in it, 1023 00:48:01,167 --> 00:48:04,667 it's loving for them as well. 1024 00:48:04,750 --> 00:48:09,667 Has it escalated to a formal process? 1025 00:48:09,750 --> 00:48:13,917 Hopefully, at that point, the person says, 1026 00:48:14,000 --> 00:48:17,500 "Okay, I need help." 1027 00:48:17,583 --> 00:48:18,917 Great, then there's reconciliation. 1028 00:48:19,000 --> 00:48:21,125 "Let me hug you. Let me pray for you. 1029 00:48:21,167 --> 00:48:23,333 "It's hard, it's awkward, but how can we help? 1030 00:48:23,375 --> 00:48:25,417 What do we need to do? We're family." 1031 00:48:25,500 --> 00:48:30,917 Sometimes they say, "No. I won't. 1032 00:48:31,000 --> 00:48:33,792 "I'm going to keep committing adultery. 1033 00:48:33,833 --> 00:48:38,625 "I'm going to keep getting drunk and destroying my family. 1034 00:48:38,667 --> 00:48:41,000 "I'm going to keep gambling away all our money. 1035 00:48:41,042 --> 00:48:43,917 "I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing. 1036 00:48:44,000 --> 00:48:48,375 I want Jesus and porn." 1037 00:48:48,458 --> 00:48:52,667 Number seven: is it time to part ways? 1038 00:48:52,750 --> 00:48:56,500 Here's what the Lord Jesus says, "And if he refuses to listen 1039 00:48:56,583 --> 00:48:59,417 "to even the church, let him be to you as a Gentile 1040 00:48:59,500 --> 00:49:02,000 and a tax collector." 1041 00:49:02,042 --> 00:49:04,792 Now, for us, a bit historically removed, 1042 00:49:04,833 --> 00:49:07,167 we hear Gentile and tax collector, 1043 00:49:07,250 --> 00:49:10,167 we say, "Okay, what do we do with that?" 1044 00:49:10,250 --> 00:49:13,792 What he's giving here is a range of people. 1045 00:49:13,833 --> 00:49:19,375 The Gentile was the one who had rejected Jesus. 1046 00:49:21,958 --> 00:49:26,167 The tax collector was the one who was an enemy of Jesus. 1047 00:49:26,250 --> 00:49:29,000 So, there's a range. 1048 00:49:29,083 --> 00:49:32,000 What we're not doing in this moment is saying whether or not 1049 00:49:32,083 --> 00:49:34,833 someone is a true Christian, because the fact is-- 1050 00:49:34,875 --> 00:49:36,708 1 John says it perfectly, 1051 00:49:36,792 --> 00:49:39,833 "Only the Lord truly knows whose are his." 1052 00:49:39,875 --> 00:49:41,500 Okay? 1053 00:49:41,583 --> 00:49:44,417 If they are a Christian who's in sin, they may continue, 1054 00:49:44,500 --> 00:49:46,125 and then eventually, they'll come to repentance 1055 00:49:46,167 --> 00:49:47,583 and come back. 1056 00:49:47,667 --> 00:49:49,000 That's what 1 John says. 1057 00:49:49,083 --> 00:49:52,000 He says, "They were never a part of us because they departed 1058 00:49:52,083 --> 00:49:54,000 from us and never returned." 1059 00:49:54,083 --> 00:49:56,833 Sometimes a Christian will choose a sinful path 1060 00:49:56,875 --> 00:50:00,583 and then eventually, through the Holy Spirit's conviction, 1061 00:50:00,667 --> 00:50:03,375 they come to their senses and they turn around 1062 00:50:03,458 --> 00:50:06,417 and they return home, kind of like the prodigal son. 1063 00:50:06,500 --> 00:50:09,375 He went far from home, he got in a lot of trouble, 1064 00:50:09,458 --> 00:50:11,500 but he came back to his dad. 1065 00:50:11,583 --> 00:50:15,333 Others that are non-Christians, they just keep going. 1066 00:50:15,375 --> 00:50:17,375 They don't come back to God the Father. 1067 00:50:17,458 --> 00:50:20,625 They don't come back to the Lord Jesus Christ. 1068 00:50:20,667 --> 00:50:22,333 They just keep going. 1069 00:50:22,375 --> 00:50:25,417 Now, it's hard in those moments when someone says they're 1070 00:50:25,500 --> 00:50:28,667 a Christian and they're walking away from Jesus and holiness. 1071 00:50:28,750 --> 00:50:30,417 Are they a Christian or a non-Christian? 1072 00:50:30,500 --> 00:50:33,333 How many of you have had that difficult situation? 1073 00:50:33,375 --> 00:50:35,417 "I don't know, because they're going the direction 1074 00:50:35,500 --> 00:50:36,833 "of non-Christians. 1075 00:50:36,875 --> 00:50:38,708 "They're thinking and acting like non-Christians. 1076 00:50:38,792 --> 00:50:44,833 They're walking away from not only Jesus, but Christians." 1077 00:50:44,875 --> 00:50:48,125 We're not judging their eternal soul. 1078 00:50:48,167 --> 00:50:51,375 Pray, be worried, be concerned. 1079 00:50:51,458 --> 00:50:53,208 Maybe they'll come to repentance, 1080 00:50:53,292 --> 00:50:55,000 and maybe they'll come back to Jesus, 1081 00:50:55,083 --> 00:50:57,333 and maybe they'll come back to their Christian community. 1082 00:50:57,375 --> 00:50:59,000 Maybe not. 1083 00:50:59,042 --> 00:51:00,625 So, we're not rendering a verdict, 1084 00:51:00,667 --> 00:51:02,417 Christian or non-Christian. 1085 00:51:02,500 --> 00:51:03,917 Jesus says it in John 5. 1086 00:51:04,000 --> 00:51:06,417 He says, "The Father has entrusted all judgment to me." 1087 00:51:06,500 --> 00:51:09,417 So, Jesus ultimately knows who is and is not a Christian, 1088 00:51:09,500 --> 00:51:13,292 and Jesus ultimately knows who is a non-Christian, 1089 00:51:13,333 --> 00:51:15,083 so we leave it to him. 1090 00:51:15,167 --> 00:51:17,833 But, what we're saying is, because they're acting like 1091 00:51:17,875 --> 00:51:21,417 unbelievers, we have to treat them like unbelievers until they 1092 00:51:21,500 --> 00:51:24,833 repent, turn around, and come back to Jesus and his people 1093 00:51:24,875 --> 00:51:28,125 and want to start living like believers. 1094 00:51:28,167 --> 00:51:30,208 So, Gentiles were those who--they weren't allowed in 1095 00:51:30,292 --> 00:51:33,333 the, you know, private meetings of the church. 1096 00:51:33,375 --> 00:51:37,500 They were not ones who received Jesus. 1097 00:51:37,542 --> 00:51:39,333 They're not taking Communion. 1098 00:51:39,375 --> 00:51:42,333 They're not in church leadership. 1099 00:51:42,375 --> 00:51:44,833 The goal with the Gentile is to evangelize them, like, 1100 00:51:44,875 --> 00:51:47,083 "You don't know Jesus, so--" 1101 00:51:47,167 --> 00:51:48,500 With certain people, you're like, 1102 00:51:48,542 --> 00:51:50,667 "I don't know if they're a Christian or not, 1103 00:51:50,750 --> 00:51:53,667 "so I'm just going to talk to them about Jesus, and sin, 1104 00:51:53,750 --> 00:51:55,167 "and his death, burial, resurrection, 1105 00:51:55,250 --> 00:51:57,917 "and see if they'll turn from sin and trust in him, 1106 00:51:58,000 --> 00:52:00,167 "because I'm not sure where they're at with Jesus. 1107 00:52:00,250 --> 00:52:02,500 They say they're a Christian, but I don't know." 1108 00:52:02,583 --> 00:52:08,625 The tax collectors were even worse. 1109 00:52:08,667 --> 00:52:12,708 These were Jews who said they believed in and worshiped 1110 00:52:12,792 --> 00:52:14,500 the God of the Bible, 1111 00:52:14,542 --> 00:52:16,417 but when Roman occupation happened 1112 00:52:16,500 --> 00:52:18,917 and the Roman government took over Israel, 1113 00:52:19,000 --> 00:52:23,375 what the Romans wanted to do was tax God's people as much as they 1114 00:52:23,458 --> 00:52:26,833 could to fund their godless government 1115 00:52:26,875 --> 00:52:30,000 and their dictatorship, essentially. 1116 00:52:30,042 --> 00:52:35,417 So, they would hire certain Jews to be their tax collectors. 1117 00:52:35,500 --> 00:52:40,667 So, Jews would betray other Jews to go raise money 1118 00:52:40,750 --> 00:52:42,333 for the government. 1119 00:52:42,375 --> 00:52:45,083 And the way it worked was they would have to generate 1120 00:52:45,167 --> 00:52:47,292 a certain amount of revenue per resident and business, 1121 00:52:47,333 --> 00:52:49,833 anything beyond that was their personal income. 1122 00:52:49,875 --> 00:52:53,208 What that means is these are crooked criminals. 1123 00:52:53,292 --> 00:52:56,125 They are giving money to godless government 1124 00:52:56,167 --> 00:52:59,625 and they are extorting money for their own personal gain. 1125 00:52:59,667 --> 00:53:04,292 These are people who are, to the believers, 1126 00:53:04,333 --> 00:53:06,833 like Judas was to Jesus. 1127 00:53:06,875 --> 00:53:09,167 Just think, when you hear "tax collector," 1128 00:53:09,250 --> 00:53:11,500 in the first century, it would have sounded like 1129 00:53:11,583 --> 00:53:15,333 "Judas Iscariot," the one who stole, 1130 00:53:15,375 --> 00:53:18,125 betrayed, and destroyed the Lord Jesus. 1131 00:53:18,167 --> 00:53:20,875 Like, that's the attitude. 1132 00:53:20,958 --> 00:53:23,375 They're like a bunch of Judases. 1133 00:53:23,458 --> 00:53:27,000 Well, you wouldn't go into business with Judas. 1134 00:53:27,083 --> 00:53:30,375 Probably wouldn't have Judas in your weekly Community Group. 1135 00:53:30,458 --> 00:53:36,375 Probably wouldn't have Judas leading worship on Sunday. 1136 00:53:36,458 --> 00:53:41,500 With Judas, he's real dangerous, violent, 1137 00:53:41,542 --> 00:53:43,500 greedy, selfish. 1138 00:53:43,542 --> 00:53:46,000 To use the language of the Bible, not a shepherd, 1139 00:53:46,042 --> 00:53:49,292 not a sheep, but a wolf. 1140 00:53:49,333 --> 00:53:51,667 They were more in that category. 1141 00:53:51,750 --> 00:53:55,167 So he says, "Treat certain people on this range from 1142 00:53:55,250 --> 00:53:57,708 "'let's evangelize, talk to them about Jesus, 1143 00:53:57,792 --> 00:53:59,708 "'but not pretend they're believers in fellowship,' 1144 00:53:59,792 --> 00:54:04,417 all the way to 'they are really dangerous people.'" 1145 00:54:04,500 --> 00:54:06,917 There are people who are sexual predators that will say 1146 00:54:07,000 --> 00:54:09,917 that they are Christians so that they can get access to church 1147 00:54:10,000 --> 00:54:12,000 and children's ministry. 1148 00:54:12,083 --> 00:54:14,000 That's why we have security. 1149 00:54:14,042 --> 00:54:15,583 That's why we do background checks. 1150 00:54:15,667 --> 00:54:19,083 That's why we're vigilant for the well-being of our people, 1151 00:54:19,167 --> 00:54:23,208 because some people are very dangerous and very destructive, 1152 00:54:23,292 --> 00:54:25,917 and we want them to repent, we want them to change, 1153 00:54:26,000 --> 00:54:28,417 we want them to get help, but if they don't, 1154 00:54:28,500 --> 00:54:31,333 we need to be careful for our well-being 1155 00:54:31,375 --> 00:54:34,000 and the well-being of the church. 1156 00:54:34,042 --> 00:54:37,125 Sad, isn't it? 1157 00:54:37,167 --> 00:54:40,708 As a pastor who's been, since core group phase, 1158 00:54:40,792 --> 00:54:43,917 honored with the great privilege of leading Mars Hill Church 1159 00:54:44,000 --> 00:54:47,167 for 16 years, I don't have a lot of these cases, 1160 00:54:47,250 --> 00:54:50,917 but every one absolutely breaks my heart. 1161 00:54:51,000 --> 00:54:56,417 There's a short list of people that I literally pray for 1162 00:54:56,500 --> 00:55:02,792 every single morning because I'm worried about them, 1163 00:55:02,833 --> 00:55:08,208 because I love them, because this kind of process has been 1164 00:55:08,292 --> 00:55:12,208 undertaken and they're just plowing forward 1165 00:55:12,292 --> 00:55:15,000 toward destruction. 1166 00:55:15,042 --> 00:55:18,333 I don't want that for anybody. 1167 00:55:22,875 --> 00:55:27,625 And sometimes, people come back. 1168 00:55:27,667 --> 00:55:31,000 There's also a list of great stories of people 1169 00:55:31,083 --> 00:55:34,917 who have walked away from Jesus and his people, 1170 00:55:35,000 --> 00:55:38,167 and sometimes it's weeks, or months, or years, 1171 00:55:38,250 --> 00:55:42,000 and I've been in it long enough, sometimes it's a decade. 1172 00:55:42,042 --> 00:55:44,500 They turn around, which is repentance. 1173 00:55:44,583 --> 00:55:46,500 They acknowledge their sin. 1174 00:55:46,583 --> 00:55:50,208 They reconcile with God through faith in Jesus Christ 1175 00:55:50,292 --> 00:55:52,667 and they reconcile with others. 1176 00:55:52,750 --> 00:55:56,833 Since Jesus was punished for them, 1177 00:55:56,875 --> 00:56:02,500 their friends don't need to punish them but welcome them 1178 00:56:02,542 --> 00:56:05,833 because the price has been paid by Jesus. 1179 00:56:05,875 --> 00:56:07,708 So, having been in ministry awhile, 1180 00:56:07,792 --> 00:56:11,625 these are the most concerning and sometimes 1181 00:56:11,667 --> 00:56:15,417 encouraging circumstances. 1182 00:56:15,500 --> 00:56:17,500 Last question. 1183 00:56:17,542 --> 00:56:19,208 First, let me read Romans 12:18. 1184 00:56:19,292 --> 00:56:21,167 Go back, I missed it. 1185 00:56:21,250 --> 00:56:23,708 Here's an exhortation from the Apostle Paul. 1186 00:56:23,792 --> 00:56:26,667 Romans 12:18, "If possible, so far as it depends on you, 1187 00:56:26,750 --> 00:56:28,333 live peaceably with all." 1188 00:56:28,375 --> 00:56:30,208 Let me give you a pastoral counsel. 1189 00:56:30,292 --> 00:56:32,417 Your goal is reconciliation, but if you can't have 1190 00:56:32,500 --> 00:56:35,917 reconciliation, peace. 1191 00:56:36,000 --> 00:56:38,000 You see that? 1192 00:56:38,083 --> 00:56:41,625 It may come to a point where you just say, "We just disagree, 1193 00:56:41,667 --> 00:56:44,667 "and unless one of us has a change of mind, 1194 00:56:44,750 --> 00:56:47,125 "we're going to keep disagreeing, 1195 00:56:47,167 --> 00:56:49,292 "so let's not fight and argue about this. 1196 00:56:49,333 --> 00:56:51,208 "Let's just live in peace. 1197 00:56:51,292 --> 00:56:53,333 "You don't attack me, I don't attack you. 1198 00:56:53,375 --> 00:56:56,208 "You don't seek vengeance on me, I don't seek vengeance on you. 1199 00:56:56,292 --> 00:56:58,833 "We just sort of part company. 1200 00:56:58,875 --> 00:57:01,500 "You go do your thing, I go do my thing. 1201 00:57:01,583 --> 00:57:04,333 "We both pray to guard our hearts against bitterness. 1202 00:57:04,375 --> 00:57:07,208 "If either of us ever has a change of mind and wants 1203 00:57:07,292 --> 00:57:10,917 "to apologize to the other one, let's agree to do that, 1204 00:57:11,000 --> 00:57:16,333 but let's live at peace." 1205 00:57:16,375 --> 00:57:18,792 The goal is reconciliation, and when you can't get 1206 00:57:18,833 --> 00:57:23,500 reconciliation, the next best thing is probably just peace. 1207 00:57:23,542 --> 00:57:25,667 And this is where you say, "You know what? 1208 00:57:25,750 --> 00:57:28,000 "We can't do business together anymore. 1209 00:57:28,083 --> 00:57:30,000 We just can't," or "You know what? 1210 00:57:30,083 --> 00:57:32,375 We just can't do ministry together anymore," 1211 00:57:32,458 --> 00:57:35,125 or "You know, our families used to be super duper close 1212 00:57:35,167 --> 00:57:37,167 "and it's not going to be that way, 1213 00:57:37,250 --> 00:57:39,000 "and we're not going to attack you, 1214 00:57:39,083 --> 00:57:41,333 "but there's going to be a little distance now. 1215 00:57:41,375 --> 00:57:44,583 Things are going to change, and we're just going to have peace." 1216 00:57:44,667 --> 00:57:46,208 Not reconciliation. Peace. 1217 00:57:46,292 --> 00:57:48,000 You understand that? 1218 00:57:48,083 --> 00:57:51,208 Otherwise, it bleeds for years, and it implicates 1219 00:57:51,292 --> 00:57:55,375 lots of other people, and it leads to bitterness, 1220 00:57:55,458 --> 00:58:00,667 and Satan gets a foothold, and horrible things happen. 1221 00:58:02,000 --> 00:58:06,833 Last question: what does Jesus think about your behavior? 1222 00:58:09,292 --> 00:58:11,708 See, in the middle of it, what can happen is, 1223 00:58:11,792 --> 00:58:13,708 especially when we're the offended party, 1224 00:58:13,792 --> 00:58:15,708 we have strong opinions. 1225 00:58:15,792 --> 00:58:18,500 Maybe we're the offender. 1226 00:58:18,583 --> 00:58:20,167 We have strong opinions as well. 1227 00:58:20,250 --> 00:58:21,583 "Well, it's not as bad," 1228 00:58:21,667 --> 00:58:23,333 or "That's not how it went down," 1229 00:58:23,375 --> 00:58:25,000 or "I didn't say it like that," 1230 00:58:25,083 --> 00:58:26,500 or "You misinterpreted my words," 1231 00:58:26,583 --> 00:58:28,292 or "You took that out of context." 1232 00:58:28,333 --> 00:58:31,500 And what can happen is we have our own version of the facts. 1233 00:58:31,542 --> 00:58:32,875 Above it all is 1234 00:58:32,958 --> 00:58:35,667 the Lord Jesus Christ, who lived without sin, 1235 00:58:35,750 --> 00:58:38,917 God among us, died on a cross in our place for our sins, 1236 00:58:39,000 --> 00:58:42,167 conquered sin and death, rose, ascended into heaven. 1237 00:58:42,250 --> 00:58:47,500 He now sees and knows all perfectly. 1238 00:58:47,583 --> 00:58:51,417 When he looks at the situation, what does he see? 1239 00:58:51,500 --> 00:58:55,208 Here's what Jesus says: "Truly, I say to you, 1240 00:58:55,292 --> 00:58:58,000 "whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, 1241 00:58:58,083 --> 00:59:00,833 whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." 1242 00:59:00,875 --> 00:59:03,667 He's talking about when the process has been undertaken 1243 00:59:03,750 --> 00:59:05,667 and a decision has been rendered, 1244 00:59:05,750 --> 00:59:07,375 it's not just an earthly decision, 1245 00:59:07,458 --> 00:59:10,000 it's a heavenly decision as well. 1246 00:59:10,083 --> 00:59:13,583 "Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth 1247 00:59:13,667 --> 00:59:16,208 "about anything they ask, it will be done for them 1248 00:59:16,292 --> 00:59:17,917 "by my Father in heaven. 1249 00:59:18,000 --> 00:59:20,417 "For where two or three are gathered in my name, 1250 00:59:20,500 --> 00:59:21,833 there am I among them." 1251 00:59:21,875 --> 00:59:23,500 When there's an interpersonal conflict, 1252 00:59:23,583 --> 00:59:26,500 and it gets to the point where they haven't been able to 1253 00:59:26,583 --> 00:59:29,000 resolve it privately, and good godly people have come in, 1254 00:59:29,083 --> 00:59:30,500 and they have obeyed the Scriptures, 1255 00:59:30,583 --> 00:59:33,000 and they've fasted and prayed, and they've been filled with 1256 00:59:33,083 --> 00:59:35,208 the Holy Spirit, and they've rendered a verdict saying 1257 00:59:35,292 --> 00:59:36,917 "This was wrong," or "This was right," 1258 00:59:37,000 --> 00:59:38,417 or "Here's how we see it," 1259 00:59:38,500 --> 00:59:40,875 Jesus says, "I'm there too. 1260 00:59:40,958 --> 00:59:43,708 "I'm present with them, particularly through 1261 00:59:43,792 --> 00:59:49,833 "the Holy Spirit, and I am involved in the process. 1262 00:59:49,875 --> 00:59:56,083 "I see and know all, and it's not just the people in the room, 1263 00:59:56,167 --> 00:59:58,417 it's my presence as well." 1264 00:59:58,500 --> 01:00:01,125 That's how much Jesus loves his church, 1265 01:00:01,167 --> 01:00:04,417 to be involved even in the interpersonal conflict 1266 01:00:04,500 --> 01:00:07,625 between two professing believers. 1267 01:00:07,667 --> 01:00:10,875 Jesus loves the whole church, and sometimes what hurts 1268 01:00:10,958 --> 01:00:13,000 and harms the whole church is a conflict 1269 01:00:13,083 --> 01:00:14,917 between two believers in the church. 1270 01:00:15,000 --> 01:00:16,417 You see this, for example, 1271 01:00:16,500 --> 01:00:18,167 I'm reminded of the Book of Philippians, 1272 01:00:18,250 --> 01:00:20,833 where Paul mentions two women, Euodia and Syntyche. 1273 01:00:20,875 --> 01:00:22,917 Apparently they had some conflict. 1274 01:00:23,000 --> 01:00:25,917 There was no heresy or charge of sin on Paul's behalf. 1275 01:00:26,000 --> 01:00:27,333 They just weren't getting along. 1276 01:00:27,375 --> 01:00:30,917 We don't know what happened, but they had a bit of a scrap, 1277 01:00:31,000 --> 01:00:33,917 and the whole church knew about it and the whole church 1278 01:00:34,000 --> 01:00:36,875 was involved in it, so Paul addresses it. 1279 01:00:36,958 --> 01:00:39,917 And what he says is, "Work it out." 1280 01:00:40,000 --> 01:00:41,417 And you know what? 1281 01:00:41,500 --> 01:00:44,208 Jesus honors those who try to work it out. 1282 01:00:44,292 --> 01:00:47,625 Jesus shows up when people try to work it out. 1283 01:00:47,667 --> 01:00:50,292 Now, Satan shows up when they don't, 1284 01:00:50,333 --> 01:00:53,125 but Jesus shows up when they do. 1285 01:00:53,167 --> 01:00:57,000 How about you? 1286 01:00:57,083 --> 01:00:59,333 Have you tried? 1287 01:00:59,375 --> 01:01:03,333 Have you tried to reconcile with that person that the Holy Spirit 1288 01:01:03,375 --> 01:01:06,375 brought to mind at the beginning of the sermon? 1289 01:01:06,458 --> 01:01:10,917 Have you tried to reconcile according to Jesus' process? 1290 01:01:11,000 --> 01:01:12,333 Some of you say, "Well, I tried." 1291 01:01:12,375 --> 01:01:14,583 Did you try it like this? 1292 01:01:14,667 --> 01:01:16,833 Then try it like this, because Jesus says, 1293 01:01:16,875 --> 01:01:20,583 "Here's how I want you to do it, and if you do it the way 1294 01:01:20,667 --> 01:01:23,583 "I'm asking you to do it, I'm going to go with you 1295 01:01:23,667 --> 01:01:25,000 and I'll be involved." 1296 01:01:25,042 --> 01:01:26,708 And what that means is, friends, sometimes, 1297 01:01:26,792 --> 01:01:30,000 even after all of this, because we're sinners and imperfect, 1298 01:01:30,083 --> 01:01:32,917 it's not all right. 1299 01:01:33,000 --> 01:01:35,417 But the trust is, one day, we'll all stand before 1300 01:01:35,500 --> 01:01:39,208 the white throne of Jesus, his great judgment seat, 1301 01:01:39,292 --> 01:01:43,500 and ultimately Jesus will be the one who sorts it all out, 1302 01:01:43,542 --> 01:01:47,417 renders the verdict, reconciles the relationship. 1303 01:01:47,500 --> 01:01:51,000 And sometimes a little patience is all we need. 1304 01:01:51,083 --> 01:01:53,667 Now, here's what I'd like to say as well. 1305 01:01:53,750 --> 01:01:56,625 If you're here and you're not a Christian, you're thinking, 1306 01:01:56,667 --> 01:01:59,000 "Man, I really want to try Christianity because it 1307 01:01:59,083 --> 01:02:01,417 "seems like it helps you live a better life, 1308 01:02:01,500 --> 01:02:04,292 and it produces better families and better relationships." 1309 01:02:04,333 --> 01:02:05,667 That's all secondary. 1310 01:02:05,750 --> 01:02:08,125 What's primary is, before you think about being reconciled 1311 01:02:08,167 --> 01:02:10,833 to others, you've got to be reconciled to God. 1312 01:02:10,875 --> 01:02:13,417 And when we sin, it doesn't just affect others. 1313 01:02:13,500 --> 01:02:16,708 We tend to see our sin affecting our relationship with others, 1314 01:02:16,792 --> 01:02:19,167 but our sin also affects our relationship with God. 1315 01:02:19,250 --> 01:02:21,000 We see this in Genesis 3. 1316 01:02:21,083 --> 01:02:23,583 Our first parents sin and they're separated from God 1317 01:02:23,667 --> 01:02:26,167 and one another. 1318 01:02:26,250 --> 01:02:29,208 So, we're all sinners by nature and choice. 1319 01:02:29,292 --> 01:02:32,167 We all sin, and when we do, it separates us from God 1320 01:02:32,250 --> 01:02:33,583 and one another. 1321 01:02:33,667 --> 01:02:35,583 So, before we can reconcile with one another, 1322 01:02:35,667 --> 01:02:37,833 we have to be reconciled to God in Christ. 1323 01:02:37,875 --> 01:02:39,625 This is what Paul tells the Corinthians. 1324 01:02:39,667 --> 01:02:42,208 He says, "Therefore, be reconciled to God in Christ 1325 01:02:42,292 --> 01:02:45,917 and then you'll receive this ministry of reconciliation." 1326 01:02:46,000 --> 01:02:48,833 So, let me ask you, are you really a Christian? 1327 01:02:48,875 --> 01:02:51,167 Are you reconciled to God the Father 1328 01:02:51,250 --> 01:02:53,208 through faith in Jesus Christ, 1329 01:02:53,292 --> 01:02:56,292 that you are a sinner, and that sin has separated you 1330 01:02:56,333 --> 01:02:59,500 from God, and Jesus has come to live without sin, 1331 01:02:59,583 --> 01:03:03,500 to die for sin, to be the mediator, the God-man, 1332 01:03:03,583 --> 01:03:09,833 who comes as God as a man to reconcile men and women to God? 1333 01:03:09,875 --> 01:03:12,208 That's why the Bible says, "There's only one mediator 1334 01:03:12,292 --> 01:03:14,667 between us and God, the man Christ Jesus." 1335 01:03:14,750 --> 01:03:17,875 You can't be reconciled to God apart from Christ Jesus, 1336 01:03:17,958 --> 01:03:21,083 and once you are reconciled to God through Christ Jesus, 1337 01:03:21,167 --> 01:03:24,500 you now can be reconciled to your brothers and sisters 1338 01:03:24,542 --> 01:03:27,000 in Christ through Christ Jesus. 1339 01:03:27,083 --> 01:03:30,083 Isn't that wonderful? 1340 01:03:30,167 --> 01:03:32,625 I know for some of you this sounds very painful, 1341 01:03:32,667 --> 01:03:35,417 but let me say, when reconciled to God and others, 1342 01:03:35,500 --> 01:03:37,625 it's incredibly joyful. 1343 01:03:37,667 --> 01:03:40,833 And so the hope is not in you, and it's not in me, 1344 01:03:40,875 --> 01:03:43,000 and it's not in them, but it's in him, 1345 01:03:43,083 --> 01:03:45,333 that if he could reconcile us to God, 1346 01:03:45,375 --> 01:03:47,125 he could reconcile us to one another. 1347 01:03:47,167 --> 01:03:48,792 Amen? 1348 01:03:48,833 --> 01:03:51,000 And so, on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ, 1349 01:03:51,042 --> 01:03:54,083 I invite you in faith to turn from sin, trust in him, 1350 01:03:54,167 --> 01:03:57,333 and to obey his commands as a believer to reconcile those 1351 01:03:57,375 --> 01:04:02,833 relationships that are strained according to his instructions. 1352 01:04:02,875 --> 01:04:05,500 Father God, I pray against the enemy, his servants, 1353 01:04:05,583 --> 01:04:07,667 their works, and effects. 1354 01:04:07,750 --> 01:04:09,792 And Lord Jesus, I know that for you, 1355 01:04:09,833 --> 01:04:12,583 this is not just theoretical. 1356 01:04:12,667 --> 01:04:15,792 It's emotional and practical. 1357 01:04:15,833 --> 01:04:18,167 You did have strained relationships with a guy 1358 01:04:18,250 --> 01:04:22,625 like Peter, and you looked him in the face. 1359 01:04:22,667 --> 01:04:27,000 You talked to him, not about him, and he repented, 1360 01:04:27,083 --> 01:04:30,500 and you were reconciled. 1361 01:04:30,583 --> 01:04:33,708 And Lord Jesus, you had a strained relationship 1362 01:04:33,792 --> 01:04:36,083 with a guy named Judas, 1363 01:04:36,167 --> 01:04:38,833 and you looked him in the eye as well, 1364 01:04:38,875 --> 01:04:41,500 and he decided to turn his back on you, 1365 01:04:41,583 --> 01:04:45,917 and to walk away from you, and to walk away from your people, 1366 01:04:46,000 --> 01:04:48,000 your disciples. 1367 01:04:48,083 --> 01:04:50,833 And he walked toward destruction and death, 1368 01:04:50,875 --> 01:04:53,792 and he ruined his own life. 1369 01:04:53,833 --> 01:04:57,417 Lord Jesus, you know what it's like to experience 1370 01:04:57,500 --> 01:05:00,833 the grief of unreconciled relationships 1371 01:05:00,875 --> 01:05:04,500 and the joy of reconciled relationships. 1372 01:05:04,583 --> 01:05:08,125 I pray for Mars Hill Church, that we would be reconciled to 1373 01:05:08,167 --> 01:05:13,500 you and that you would help us to reconcile to one another. 1374 01:05:13,583 --> 01:05:16,667 And Jesus, I thank you that you promise us that if we're 1375 01:05:16,750 --> 01:05:21,125 willing, you're willing to be present, and so we invite you, 1376 01:05:21,167 --> 01:05:22,750 Lord Jesus. Amen.