1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,333 2 00:00:01,333 --> 00:00:02,708 Well howdy, Mars Hill. 3 00:00:02,792 --> 00:00:05,542 We continue in our study of Luke's Gospel. 4 00:00:05,625 --> 00:00:10,833 You can open your Bible or your app to Luke 12:22-34. 5 00:00:10,875 --> 00:00:14,667 As you're doing that, we're taking these 2 1/2 years of studying Luke 6 00:00:14,750 --> 00:00:18,958 to really examine the life and teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ. 7 00:00:19,000 --> 00:00:24,167 And we find ourselves in Luke 12, amidst a 3-week miniseries, 8 00:00:24,250 --> 00:00:27,000 where Jesus is talking a lot about wealth, 9 00:00:27,083 --> 00:00:30,208 finances, possessions, and the like. 10 00:00:30,292 --> 00:00:33,875 So to serve you, Pastor Jamie Munson, my good friend 11 00:00:33,958 --> 00:00:36,583 and your lead executive pastor, 12 00:00:36,667 --> 00:00:40,458 has put together for you a book, "Money: God or Gift?" 13 00:00:40,500 --> 00:00:42,792 It's free 14 00:00:42,833 --> 00:00:47,083 and he has also compiled for us a community group curriculum. 15 00:00:47,167 --> 00:00:50,958 So the community groups will be going through a chapter of the book 16 00:00:51,000 --> 00:00:54,667 each week in conjunction with the text of the sermon. 17 00:00:54,708 --> 00:00:58,875 If you didn't get one please make sure to pick one up on your way out. 18 00:00:58,958 --> 00:01:00,833 We're giving them away for free at the church. 19 00:01:00,875 --> 00:01:02,875 They can also be ordered at Amazon.com. 20 00:01:02,958 --> 00:01:05,333 And Pastor Jamie wanted me to tell you 21 00:01:05,375 --> 00:01:08,333 that if you're struggling financially with making a budget, 22 00:01:08,375 --> 00:01:11,333 living within your means, or making some tough decisions, 23 00:01:11,417 --> 00:01:15,000 money@marshillchurch.org is a place you can e-mail 24 00:01:15,042 --> 00:01:18,333 and certified financial counselors who are trained and love Jesus, 25 00:01:18,417 --> 00:01:21,625 people who are members of the church, will meet with you free of charge 26 00:01:21,667 --> 00:01:24,458 and help answer your questions and get your budget set up 27 00:01:24,500 --> 00:01:26,208 and give you some beginning counsel. 28 00:01:26,292 --> 00:01:29,833 And we'd love to serve you in that way if we could be of any help to you. 29 00:01:29,875 --> 00:01:33,417 Second resource as well is that today, 30 00:01:33,500 --> 00:01:36,208 in conjunction with the sermon, 31 00:01:36,292 --> 00:01:38,500 I have a book that I'll recommend. 32 00:01:38,542 --> 00:01:40,583 This one is for sale for $14. 33 00:01:40,667 --> 00:01:43,458 It's called "Running Scared" by Dr. Ed Welch, 34 00:01:43,500 --> 00:01:47,167 who is a very gifted Biblical counselor and Bible teacher. 35 00:01:47,250 --> 00:01:49,333 And I read this book this week 36 00:01:49,375 --> 00:01:53,167 and it has helped me quite a bit personally and it also has helped 37 00:01:53,208 --> 00:01:54,667 the sermon that I'll be preaching. 38 00:01:54,750 --> 00:01:56,792 So for those of you who like to read, 39 00:01:56,833 --> 00:01:59,333 we say that readers are leaders and leaders are readers, 40 00:01:59,375 --> 00:02:03,167 that might be a good resource for you to pick up on your way out. 41 00:02:03,250 --> 00:02:05,333 That being said, I will pray 42 00:02:05,417 --> 00:02:07,958 and we will see what Jesus has for us. 43 00:02:08,000 --> 00:02:11,375 So Lord Jesus, we thank you that we get to be the church, 44 00:02:11,458 --> 00:02:14,458 that you've taken enemies and you've made them family. 45 00:02:14,500 --> 00:02:17,500 Lord Jesus, we thank you for the Scriptures 46 00:02:17,583 --> 00:02:21,750 which reveal to us who you are and what you have done 47 00:02:21,833 --> 00:02:25,167 and what you have determined that we should do. 48 00:02:25,208 --> 00:02:27,583 As we open the Scriptures today, Lord Jesus, 49 00:02:27,667 --> 00:02:30,708 we invite you to send us the Holy Spirit. 50 00:02:30,792 --> 00:02:34,667 And Holy Spirit, we ask you to teach us about Jesus, 51 00:02:34,958 --> 00:02:36,792 to make us more like him, 52 00:02:36,833 --> 00:02:39,667 and to give us the power to follow in his example. 53 00:02:39,708 --> 00:02:42,708 So we ask this, Lord Jesus, in your good name, amen. 54 00:02:43,208 --> 00:02:47,250 Let me say this, as we get into Luke chapter 12, 55 00:02:47,333 --> 00:02:49,167 we believe the Bible. 56 00:02:49,250 --> 00:02:51,792 We're a Bible-believing church. 57 00:02:51,833 --> 00:02:53,917 We believe the Bible is true, 58 00:02:54,000 --> 00:02:57,333 but it's not just true like a crossword puzzle. 59 00:02:57,417 --> 00:03:02,167 It's true in a way that's helpful and practical and personal. 60 00:03:02,750 --> 00:03:07,042 And because the Bible is timeless, it's always timely 61 00:03:07,458 --> 00:03:10,917 for every person, every time, every place. 62 00:03:11,333 --> 00:03:15,125 And so when we open the Bible we receive it as truth. 63 00:03:15,833 --> 00:03:19,792 We look for it to be helpful and practical. 64 00:03:19,833 --> 00:03:24,000 And the only way that can happen is if we get to know Jesus. 65 00:03:24,083 --> 00:03:27,833 The whole Bible is ultimately about Jesus. 66 00:03:27,875 --> 00:03:31,875 And so what we have seen so far in Luke's Gospel 67 00:03:32,833 --> 00:03:36,500 is the life of Jesus, that our God became a man, 68 00:03:36,583 --> 00:03:40,333 that he entered into human history, that he walked the earth and endured 69 00:03:40,375 --> 00:03:42,375 the kind of things that we endure. 70 00:03:42,458 --> 00:03:46,042 And he relates to us and loves us and sympathizes with us. 71 00:03:46,125 --> 00:03:49,083 And so Jesus is our example of how to live a life. 72 00:03:49,167 --> 00:03:51,500 He's our instructor of how to live a life. 73 00:03:51,583 --> 00:03:56,000 And he is our savior who died and rose to take away our sin 74 00:03:56,042 --> 00:04:00,500 and send us the Holy Spirit so that we might live a life 75 00:04:00,583 --> 00:04:04,667 patterned after his life by the same power that he did. 76 00:04:04,708 --> 00:04:07,000 So we saw early on that the Holy Spirit 77 00:04:07,042 --> 00:04:08,833 descended upon Jesus at his baptism. 78 00:04:08,875 --> 00:04:12,333 We then learned, as we have studied Luke, that Jesus was 79 00:04:12,375 --> 00:04:15,042 filled with the Holy Spirit and led by the Holy Spirit 80 00:04:15,125 --> 00:04:17,167 and rejoiced in the Holy Spirit. 81 00:04:17,250 --> 00:04:19,125 So we don't come to the Bible 82 00:04:19,167 --> 00:04:22,667 just to get principles so we can do better and try harder. 83 00:04:22,958 --> 00:04:25,958 We come to the Bible to learn the truth about Jesus 84 00:04:26,000 --> 00:04:28,083 and to have him take away our sin 85 00:04:28,167 --> 00:04:32,625 and have him send us the powerful presence of God the Holy Spirit 86 00:04:32,667 --> 00:04:36,542 so we might live a life that is obedient to his teaching 87 00:04:36,625 --> 00:04:38,875 and following in his example. 88 00:04:39,417 --> 00:04:42,000 And this is really important as we get into this section today, 89 00:04:42,083 --> 00:04:45,667 because Jesus is going to talk about fear and anxiety. 90 00:04:46,500 --> 00:04:48,583 Fear and anxiety. 91 00:04:49,125 --> 00:04:52,875 And he is going to teach us some things, show us some things, 92 00:04:52,958 --> 00:04:56,167 but also then give us the power to obey them. 93 00:04:56,833 --> 00:05:00,042 Read with me. We'll read the whole thing to start with. 94 00:05:00,125 --> 00:05:03,333 Luke 12:22-34, 95 00:05:03,417 --> 00:05:06,000 "And he," that is Jesus, "said to his disciples, 96 00:05:06,042 --> 00:05:10,375 "'Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, 97 00:05:11,875 --> 00:05:15,167 "'what you will eat, nor about your body, 98 00:05:15,208 --> 00:05:16,667 "'what you will put on. 99 00:05:16,750 --> 00:05:19,417 "'For life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing. 100 00:05:19,500 --> 00:05:22,250 "'Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, 101 00:05:22,333 --> 00:05:26,167 "'they have neither storehouses nor barns, and yet God feeds them. 102 00:05:26,208 --> 00:05:29,000 "'Of how much more value are you than the birds! 103 00:05:29,042 --> 00:05:31,750 "'And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour 104 00:05:31,833 --> 00:05:33,833 "'to his span of life? 105 00:05:33,875 --> 00:05:37,167 "'If then you are not able to do as small a thing as that, 106 00:05:37,250 --> 00:05:39,500 "'why are you anxious about the rest? 107 00:05:39,583 --> 00:05:41,500 "'Consider the lilies, how they grow: 108 00:05:41,542 --> 00:05:43,958 "'they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, 109 00:05:44,000 --> 00:05:47,375 "'even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 110 00:05:47,792 --> 00:05:50,833 "'But if God so clothes the grass, which is alive in the field today, 111 00:05:50,875 --> 00:05:52,667 "'and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, 112 00:05:52,708 --> 00:05:55,208 "'how much more will he clothe you, 113 00:05:55,500 --> 00:05:57,292 "'O you of little faith! 114 00:05:57,333 --> 00:06:00,542 "'And do not seek what you are to eat and what you are to drink, 115 00:06:00,625 --> 00:06:04,333 "'nor be worried. For all the nations of the world seek after these things, 116 00:06:04,417 --> 00:06:06,958 "'and your Father knows that you need them. 117 00:06:07,167 --> 00:06:10,958 "'Instead, seek his kingdom, and all these things will be added to you. 118 00:06:11,000 --> 00:06:14,125 "'Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure 119 00:06:14,167 --> 00:06:16,167 "'to give you the kingdom. 120 00:06:16,250 --> 00:06:18,250 "'Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. 121 00:06:18,333 --> 00:06:21,208 "'Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, 122 00:06:21,292 --> 00:06:23,667 "'with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, 123 00:06:23,708 --> 00:06:26,833 "'where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. 124 00:06:26,875 --> 00:06:32,292 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.'" 125 00:06:34,167 --> 00:06:38,583 Start with one of three questions based on the teaching of Jesus. 126 00:06:38,667 --> 00:06:41,542 Number one, what does your mind fear? 127 00:06:42,000 --> 00:06:44,667 What does your mind fear? 128 00:06:45,292 --> 00:06:47,917 Who, what are you afraid of? 129 00:06:50,667 --> 00:06:54,167 Jesus has this to say about fear, Luke 12:32, 130 00:06:54,375 --> 00:06:58,208 "Fear not, little flock." Fear not. 131 00:06:59,125 --> 00:07:04,708 This is the most frequently uttered command in the whole Bible. 132 00:07:06,875 --> 00:07:11,375 The first five books of the Bible alone have 613 commands. 133 00:07:12,000 --> 00:07:14,708 And if you take the totality of the Bible, 134 00:07:14,792 --> 00:07:17,125 the 66 books of Scripture, 135 00:07:17,458 --> 00:07:20,208 and you pull out every single command, 136 00:07:20,292 --> 00:07:24,167 the one that is repeated most frequently is fear not. 137 00:07:25,042 --> 00:07:27,458 How many of you, that surprises you? 138 00:07:27,917 --> 00:07:31,042 This must be a perennial issue 139 00:07:31,250 --> 00:07:35,208 because the Bible was written over the course of a few thousand years 140 00:07:35,292 --> 00:07:39,583 by roughly 40 authors in multiple nations. 141 00:07:40,917 --> 00:07:44,833 And one thing is consistent: People are governed by their fears. 142 00:07:46,583 --> 00:07:50,292 See the book is timeless and so it's always timely. 143 00:07:50,333 --> 00:07:52,708 And Jesus says, "Fear not." 144 00:07:53,458 --> 00:07:56,792 Now what he doesn't say is, "Don't plan and prepare." 145 00:07:57,000 --> 00:08:00,542 See some of you are lazy or irresponsible or immature. 146 00:08:01,375 --> 00:08:03,667 You say, "That's why I don't make a budget. 147 00:08:03,708 --> 00:08:06,750 "That's why I don't pay my taxes. That's why I don't have life insurance. 148 00:08:06,833 --> 00:08:10,250 "That's why I don't have health insurance. Jesus says, 'Fear not.' 149 00:08:11,125 --> 00:08:13,042 So I don't!" 150 00:08:14,333 --> 00:08:16,000 You should. 151 00:08:16,750 --> 00:08:19,708 The Bible talks a lot as well about planning. 152 00:08:20,000 --> 00:08:23,500 If you read the book of Proverbs, much of it is about wisdom, 153 00:08:23,542 --> 00:08:27,000 storing up, planning, preparing, 154 00:08:27,083 --> 00:08:31,667 strategizing, anticipating your future, getting ready for it. 155 00:08:32,250 --> 00:08:35,500 And some of you would, in a very irresponsible way, 156 00:08:35,583 --> 00:08:37,333 consider yourself very mature. 157 00:08:37,417 --> 00:08:40,625 "I'm totally disorganized because I trust the Lord." 158 00:08:41,792 --> 00:08:43,250 God would say, 159 00:08:44,375 --> 00:08:46,833 "Administration is a gift that I gave. 160 00:08:47,167 --> 00:08:50,292 "Meet someone who has it. Ask them questions. 161 00:08:50,500 --> 00:08:53,333 "Get a budget. Get a plan. Get a schedule. 162 00:08:53,375 --> 00:08:55,750 "Think about your future. Think about your children's future. 163 00:08:55,833 --> 00:08:57,833 Think about your children's children's future." 164 00:08:57,875 --> 00:08:59,833 But don't fear it. 165 00:08:59,917 --> 00:09:03,375 Don't freak out about it. Don't stress over it. 166 00:09:03,625 --> 00:09:08,500 Do all you can and then trust God with that that only God can do. 167 00:09:10,042 --> 00:09:13,750 So if you're like me, we plan a little too much. 168 00:09:16,375 --> 00:09:20,500 The goal is to be ready for the future and to trust God in it 169 00:09:20,750 --> 00:09:23,583 so that you can enjoy it as it approaches. 170 00:09:24,333 --> 00:09:27,083 Now as we get into this as well, what is fear? 171 00:09:27,167 --> 00:09:31,542 Well, fear is our response to danger that is real or perceived. 172 00:09:32,083 --> 00:09:35,625 And it doesn't need to be real to be real scary. 173 00:09:35,917 --> 00:09:38,917 That's the whole point of Halloween. We just had it. 174 00:09:39,000 --> 00:09:41,625 The whole point is freak kids out. 175 00:09:42,250 --> 00:09:44,750 And they're not in real danger, 176 00:09:44,833 --> 00:09:48,167 but the fear is out of danger that is real 177 00:09:48,250 --> 00:09:51,792 or danger that is perceived to be potentially real. 178 00:09:51,833 --> 00:09:54,208 That's where fear comes from. 179 00:09:54,292 --> 00:09:57,708 And everyone fears. Everyone fears. 180 00:09:57,792 --> 00:10:01,333 What do you fear? You fear sickness? You fear death? 181 00:10:01,417 --> 00:10:03,208 You fear death by drowning? 182 00:10:03,292 --> 00:10:06,625 You fear death by burning? You fear public speaking? 183 00:10:06,667 --> 00:10:08,542 You fear being single? 184 00:10:09,667 --> 00:10:11,250 What do you fear? 185 00:10:11,333 --> 00:10:13,667 You fear not being able to have children? 186 00:10:13,958 --> 00:10:17,042 What do you fear? Do you fear unemployment? 187 00:10:17,292 --> 00:10:20,667 What do you fear? Everyone fears something. 188 00:10:21,917 --> 00:10:24,458 Many of us fear many things. 189 00:10:25,667 --> 00:10:27,792 And you can hear this one of two ways. 190 00:10:28,625 --> 00:10:30,125 (sternly) "Do not fear!" 191 00:10:30,167 --> 00:10:33,583 And that can sound pretty religious and not very helpful. 192 00:10:37,667 --> 00:10:40,333 It can come off as a command. 193 00:10:41,083 --> 00:10:45,000 Or it can be received as an invitation. 194 00:10:45,417 --> 00:10:47,250 (calmly) "Fear not." 195 00:10:48,500 --> 00:10:51,417 I had this experience this week. Two interesting experiences. 196 00:10:51,500 --> 00:10:54,542 What I find is, when I preach, God puts people in my path 197 00:10:54,625 --> 00:10:56,875 who are dealing with exactly what I'm studying 198 00:10:56,958 --> 00:10:59,208 because God is sovereign and good. 199 00:11:02,333 --> 00:11:04,667 And I met one man this week. 200 00:11:04,750 --> 00:11:07,667 A young man, he has a tattoo, one tattoo on his bicep. 201 00:11:07,708 --> 00:11:12,375 And it says, in the Greek that this was originally written in, "Fear not." 202 00:11:12,458 --> 00:11:15,167 So we had a quick little conversation about this. 203 00:11:15,250 --> 00:11:17,042 He said, "It's the issue of my life." 204 00:11:17,125 --> 00:11:19,208 I said, "You know what, if you're honest, 205 00:11:19,292 --> 00:11:21,958 I think it's the issue of everyone's life." 206 00:11:22,083 --> 00:11:25,917 Not everyone has a tattoo, but everyone has the same struggle. 207 00:11:26,417 --> 00:11:28,708 I dealt with another man this week. 208 00:11:29,583 --> 00:11:33,042 He's on a performance treadmill, trying to get God to love him. 209 00:11:33,125 --> 00:11:36,667 He's got it all backwards, because God's a loving father. 210 00:11:36,708 --> 00:11:38,667 His children start with his affection. 211 00:11:38,750 --> 00:11:41,833 They don't have to earn it. They start with it. 212 00:11:41,917 --> 00:11:46,167 There's no good father who, upon holding his newly born child, 213 00:11:46,250 --> 00:11:48,667 says, "If you do a really good job, 214 00:11:48,708 --> 00:11:51,500 I might have affection for you someday." 215 00:11:51,750 --> 00:11:53,625 A father says, "I love you. 216 00:11:53,667 --> 00:11:56,083 Whoever you are, whatever you do, I love you." 217 00:11:56,167 --> 00:11:57,917 You start with the love. 218 00:11:58,208 --> 00:12:00,833 But he's got this performance mindset with God. 219 00:12:00,917 --> 00:12:04,000 And he brought it up. He said, "I have panic attacks. I have stress. 220 00:12:04,042 --> 00:12:06,167 "I have fears. I'm anxious all the time. 221 00:12:06,208 --> 00:12:08,000 I really struggle with this. What do I do?" 222 00:12:08,083 --> 00:12:11,458 I said, "Well the most common command in the Bible is, 'Fear not.'" 223 00:12:11,500 --> 00:12:14,000 He said, "I know, and I read it and I just hear, 224 00:12:14,042 --> 00:12:18,042 (sternly) 'Fear not! Fear not! Fear not!' And it makes me more afraid." 225 00:12:20,750 --> 00:12:24,208 So I put a hand on his shoulder and I looked him in the eye, 226 00:12:24,667 --> 00:12:27,833 and I said, "God wants me to tell you that he loves you. 227 00:12:28,375 --> 00:12:31,208 "And he's saying it like this, look me in the eye. 228 00:12:31,792 --> 00:12:34,667 (calmly) "'Fear not. I'm your dad. I love you. 229 00:12:34,750 --> 00:12:37,250 "'I'm here. You're not alone. I'm with you. 230 00:12:37,333 --> 00:12:39,333 It's going to be all right.'" 231 00:12:39,917 --> 00:12:42,000 Grown man, started crying. 232 00:12:42,750 --> 00:12:46,750 He said, "Oh, I never heard it like that." 233 00:12:47,000 --> 00:12:48,917 That makes all the difference. 234 00:12:50,042 --> 00:12:52,750 See, Jesus' words are, (sternly) "Fear not, little flock." 235 00:12:52,833 --> 00:12:55,208 That doesn't seem to make a lot of sense, does it? 236 00:12:55,292 --> 00:12:57,792 (sternly) "Fear not, puny little one." 237 00:12:57,833 --> 00:13:01,917 "Well, that's kind of why I'm freaking out. I'm the puny little one." 238 00:13:05,500 --> 00:13:07,583 It's an invitation. (calmly) "Fear not." 239 00:13:08,333 --> 00:13:09,833 Fear not. 240 00:13:10,125 --> 00:13:12,958 Who are you afraid of? What are you afraid of? 241 00:13:13,000 --> 00:13:16,292 Let me unpack fear for you. And fear begins in the mind. 242 00:13:17,042 --> 00:13:19,083 Fear begins in the mind. 243 00:13:19,667 --> 00:13:23,042 I'll give you some insights on fear and on facing fear. 244 00:13:23,333 --> 00:13:26,042 Number one, fear is vision without optimism. 245 00:13:27,250 --> 00:13:29,833 Some of you are visionaries. You can see the future. 246 00:13:30,042 --> 00:13:32,958 Not perfectly, but you know where the economy's going. 247 00:13:33,000 --> 00:13:36,000 You know where your life is going. You know where your health is going. 248 00:13:36,042 --> 00:13:37,750 You know where your relationships are going. 249 00:13:37,833 --> 00:13:40,792 You know where your vocation is going. You have an idea of what's next. 250 00:13:40,833 --> 00:13:42,292 You can see down the road. 251 00:13:42,333 --> 00:13:47,625 But you don't have any optimism and so you're fearful. 252 00:13:47,667 --> 00:13:49,667 "Oh my gosh, that's going to go bad. 253 00:13:49,750 --> 00:13:52,375 "That could go bad. That could go sideways. That could hurt. 254 00:13:52,458 --> 00:13:54,917 That could be costly. That could fail." 255 00:13:57,500 --> 00:14:00,083 Fear seems reasonable to us even when it's irrational. 256 00:14:00,167 --> 00:14:02,667 How many of you have irrational fears? 257 00:14:02,708 --> 00:14:04,583 And people will try and reason with you. 258 00:14:04,667 --> 00:14:06,833 It doesn't make any difference. 259 00:14:06,875 --> 00:14:09,625 You're like, "You're being crazy." 260 00:14:09,875 --> 00:14:12,875 Okay, just so you know, if they are, 261 00:14:14,167 --> 00:14:17,083 reasoning probably isn't going to fix it, 262 00:14:18,167 --> 00:14:21,167 because by definition they're being unreasonable. 263 00:14:21,667 --> 00:14:26,458 So what we have is this entire list of things that people are afraid of. 264 00:14:26,500 --> 00:14:30,333 Some of them are irrational, but they're rational to the people. 265 00:14:30,792 --> 00:14:34,333 They're irrational to us, but they're rational to them. 266 00:14:34,417 --> 00:14:36,458 I'll give you some examples. 267 00:14:36,500 --> 00:14:39,583 This is going to be an intense sermon, we need little emotional break. 268 00:14:39,667 --> 00:14:41,417 You're welcome. All right. 269 00:14:44,500 --> 00:14:47,333 Are you afraid of that? Does that scare you? 270 00:14:48,167 --> 00:14:50,500 Okay. If so, here's what you have, 271 00:14:51,625 --> 00:14:53,750 coulrophobia, a fear of clowns. 272 00:14:54,667 --> 00:14:56,667 It's actually a diagnosis. 273 00:14:57,000 --> 00:14:59,958 And I'll tell you what, I don't care even if you don't have this, 274 00:15:00,083 --> 00:15:02,917 if you see a clown after midnight, they're scary. 275 00:15:03,000 --> 00:15:04,375 [congregation laughing] 276 00:15:04,458 --> 00:15:06,958 That's a clown up to no good. 277 00:15:07,000 --> 00:15:08,875 [congregation laughing] 278 00:15:08,958 --> 00:15:12,333 How about this one? Does this scare you? Peanut butter. 279 00:15:12,875 --> 00:15:14,292 If so, you may have-- 280 00:15:14,333 --> 00:15:18,250 and I went to public school so I don't know how this is going to go, but-- 281 00:15:18,333 --> 00:15:21,917 arachibutyrophobia, which means-- 282 00:15:22,000 --> 00:15:24,083 it's the clinical definition of fear 283 00:15:24,167 --> 00:15:27,500 of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. 284 00:15:29,167 --> 00:15:32,167 You say, "I didn't even know I had that. Now I--" 285 00:15:32,208 --> 00:15:35,000 How about this one? Okay. 286 00:15:35,083 --> 00:15:37,708 [congregation laughing] 287 00:15:37,792 --> 00:15:39,792 Are you scared of that? 288 00:15:40,750 --> 00:15:42,667 If so, here's what you have. 289 00:15:42,750 --> 00:15:44,750 Germanophobia. 290 00:15:45,750 --> 00:15:48,292 It is the fear of German people, 291 00:15:49,625 --> 00:15:53,083 which is a real bummer if you have that and are German. 292 00:15:54,208 --> 00:15:56,167 You're very fearful. 293 00:15:56,208 --> 00:15:57,708 How about this one? 294 00:15:58,333 --> 00:16:01,833 All right, my good friend, Dr. John Piper. 295 00:16:02,292 --> 00:16:04,667 If this frightens you, 296 00:16:05,083 --> 00:16:07,792 this man frightens you, here is what you may have. 297 00:16:07,833 --> 00:16:10,583 Homilophobia, which is a fear of sermons. 298 00:16:11,417 --> 00:16:13,917 Some of you say, "That's it. That's why I'm never coming back. 299 00:16:14,000 --> 00:16:17,042 I have a fear of sermons." It's actually a diagnosis. 300 00:16:17,125 --> 00:16:20,667 And some of you don't find this funny at all. You're not laughing. 301 00:16:20,708 --> 00:16:22,917 It may be because you have 302 00:16:23,000 --> 00:16:24,917 geliophobia, which is a fear of laughter. 303 00:16:25,000 --> 00:16:27,667 So I apologize for making fun of you. 304 00:16:31,292 --> 00:16:34,000 All right, some fears are rational, some are irrational, 305 00:16:34,083 --> 00:16:36,667 but they're always rational to the person who has them. 306 00:16:37,042 --> 00:16:38,583 Back to the list. 307 00:16:38,667 --> 00:16:41,083 Here's what fear's about and I've observed this 308 00:16:41,167 --> 00:16:43,458 through counseling and being a pastor 309 00:16:43,500 --> 00:16:45,875 and dealing with people's lives, including my own. 310 00:16:45,958 --> 00:16:48,000 Fear is about one of three things. 311 00:16:48,042 --> 00:16:50,250 Not getting what we want. 312 00:16:50,333 --> 00:16:53,708 So your hope is hung on something. "I want to get married. 313 00:16:53,792 --> 00:16:56,375 I don't think I'm going to get married. I'm fearful." 314 00:16:56,458 --> 00:16:58,625 "We want to have kids. I don't think we're going to have kids. 315 00:16:58,667 --> 00:17:00,875 We're fearful." "I want to graduate. 316 00:17:00,958 --> 00:17:03,292 I don't think I'm going to graduate." "I want a job." 317 00:17:03,333 --> 00:17:06,250 "I want to serve God." "I want to go into ministry." 318 00:17:06,333 --> 00:17:09,292 "I want to own a house." I--whatever. 319 00:17:11,083 --> 00:17:12,833 "I want a promotion. 320 00:17:14,000 --> 00:17:17,333 I don't think it's going to happen." And the fear comes in. 321 00:17:19,042 --> 00:17:21,958 "I'm not going to get it. It's not going to happen. 322 00:17:22,000 --> 00:17:24,667 The answer's no." And the fear comes in. 323 00:17:25,000 --> 00:17:28,000 "What will happen? What else will happen? 324 00:17:29,167 --> 00:17:31,042 How will I exist?" 325 00:17:31,125 --> 00:17:35,667 Or number two, getting what we want and losing it. There's a fear. 326 00:17:35,750 --> 00:17:39,167 That's why sometimes success is more fearful than failure. 327 00:17:39,542 --> 00:17:42,333 "We're married! What if we get divorced?" 328 00:17:43,000 --> 00:17:45,500 "We're pregnant! What if we miscarry?" 329 00:17:45,583 --> 00:17:47,958 "The child was born! What if they die? 330 00:17:48,000 --> 00:17:50,042 Or what if they don't love God?" 331 00:17:51,625 --> 00:17:53,458 "I got the job! 332 00:17:54,083 --> 00:17:56,417 The economy's rough. What if I get fired?" 333 00:17:56,500 --> 00:17:59,667 "We got the house! What if we can't make the mortgage? 334 00:18:02,000 --> 00:18:03,833 What then?" 335 00:18:03,917 --> 00:18:06,333 It's the fear of getting something your heart longs for 336 00:18:06,417 --> 00:18:07,792 and then losing it. 337 00:18:07,833 --> 00:18:09,667 That can cause fear. 338 00:18:09,750 --> 00:18:12,792 Or number three, getting what you don't want. 339 00:18:14,000 --> 00:18:16,667 "I got cancer. I don't want it." 340 00:18:17,833 --> 00:18:20,500 "I got fired. That's not what I wanted." 341 00:18:20,583 --> 00:18:24,083 "My spouse left. Nobody wants to marry me." 342 00:18:27,292 --> 00:18:29,375 "This isn't want I wanted." 343 00:18:31,750 --> 00:18:34,417 And fear--fear comes. 344 00:18:34,875 --> 00:18:37,500 You feel that? You feel it in the room, can't you? 345 00:18:37,583 --> 00:18:39,167 It's real. 346 00:18:39,667 --> 00:18:42,625 Fear reveals our values, our loves, 347 00:18:42,667 --> 00:18:45,167 our priorities, our longings. 348 00:18:46,333 --> 00:18:49,417 You only fear losing what you love. 349 00:18:50,333 --> 00:18:53,167 You only fear getting what you hate. 350 00:18:54,625 --> 00:18:58,083 It reveals a lot about what is essential to us, 351 00:18:58,167 --> 00:19:00,833 what is primary for us. 352 00:19:02,042 --> 00:19:04,417 Number five, fear increases with more freedom. 353 00:19:04,500 --> 00:19:08,083 The more choices, the more potential scenarios 354 00:19:08,583 --> 00:19:11,333 for not getting what you want, getting what you want and losing it, 355 00:19:11,375 --> 00:19:13,875 or getting something you don't want, getting it wrong. 356 00:19:13,958 --> 00:19:16,708 How many of you find as you get older and you have more choices 357 00:19:16,792 --> 00:19:20,417 and more freedoms, there's more fear? It's more stressful? 358 00:19:21,083 --> 00:19:24,417 This dawned on me not long ago at the grocery store. 359 00:19:25,500 --> 00:19:30,167 Walked down the cereal aisle, "Oh! I have to pick one. 360 00:19:31,167 --> 00:19:34,000 "And this will affect breakfast indefinitely, 361 00:19:34,917 --> 00:19:38,417 "which is the most important meal of the day some would say. 362 00:19:38,500 --> 00:19:41,000 "This could set in motion a whole month of my life 363 00:19:41,042 --> 00:19:42,750 "in a positive or negative direction. 364 00:19:42,833 --> 00:19:45,500 "Do I go for the bran? Do I go for the sugar? 365 00:19:45,583 --> 00:19:49,000 "I have gluten allergies, but all of those seem to be the tasty ones. 366 00:19:49,042 --> 00:19:51,333 Will I deny myself? Argh!" 367 00:19:51,417 --> 00:19:53,500 It's amazing. 368 00:19:54,333 --> 00:19:57,042 How many of you just-- the number of choices? 369 00:19:57,250 --> 00:19:59,708 "Where are we going to live? What are we going to do? 370 00:19:59,792 --> 00:20:02,375 What is my degree going to be? Who am I going to marry? 371 00:20:02,458 --> 00:20:06,458 There's a lot of people on the earth, I need to pick one. Argh!" 372 00:20:07,250 --> 00:20:11,333 You know, all these choices, they lead to fears out of our freedoms. 373 00:20:13,042 --> 00:20:16,083 Fear turns us into false prophets. Ed Welch makes this point in his book. 374 00:20:16,167 --> 00:20:17,625 I think it's very insightful. 375 00:20:17,667 --> 00:20:21,083 False prophets are those who predict the future wrongly. 376 00:20:21,500 --> 00:20:23,500 And in our own lives we can be false prophets. 377 00:20:23,583 --> 00:20:25,417 "It's going to go bad! It's going to go horrible! 378 00:20:25,500 --> 00:20:26,917 "This could be worst case scenario! 379 00:20:27,000 --> 00:20:28,667 Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" 380 00:20:28,708 --> 00:20:32,542 And then when we get there, we're like, "Nope. Sorry, I was wrong." 381 00:20:33,542 --> 00:20:35,667 How many of you, that's your life? 382 00:20:35,708 --> 00:20:38,833 You freak out about things that don't happen? Okay. 383 00:20:41,792 --> 00:20:44,625 Just so you know, this is your pastor. 384 00:20:44,667 --> 00:20:48,125 I'll just come clean and tell you, that's me. 385 00:20:48,333 --> 00:20:51,458 I tend to be a visionary. I see the future, I know what's coming. 386 00:20:51,500 --> 00:20:54,500 I freak out about it and then it never happens. 387 00:20:54,708 --> 00:20:58,333 How do I know that? Because I was up at 4:30 in the morning 388 00:20:58,542 --> 00:21:00,375 many times this last week 389 00:21:00,458 --> 00:21:03,917 just thinking about things that probably will never happen. 390 00:21:04,417 --> 00:21:06,458 Meanwhile my wife is sleeping. 391 00:21:06,667 --> 00:21:08,375 [congregation laughing] 392 00:21:08,458 --> 00:21:10,250 I said, "Well I'm studying, 'Fear not.'" 393 00:21:10,333 --> 00:21:12,000 She's like, "Hmm. I was sleeping." 394 00:21:12,083 --> 00:21:15,250 "Ah, you probably know more about it than me, 395 00:21:15,583 --> 00:21:17,583 because I was up stressing out." 396 00:21:19,333 --> 00:21:22,667 See, I tend to be that person who is a false prophet. 397 00:21:22,750 --> 00:21:25,542 How many of you are false prophets? All right, yeah. 398 00:21:25,625 --> 00:21:29,833 Your future is bleak and you will freak out until it doesn't happen. 399 00:21:33,292 --> 00:21:35,333 You'll get that on the way home. 400 00:21:35,375 --> 00:21:38,000 I just pulled the pin on the grenade and I'll leave it there. 401 00:21:38,083 --> 00:21:39,750 It'll go off later. 402 00:21:40,167 --> 00:21:43,792 Number seven, fear is not always sinful, right? Not always sinful. 403 00:21:43,833 --> 00:21:46,917 Right? You send your son off to battle as a soldier. 404 00:21:47,000 --> 00:21:49,125 There's real fear there. 405 00:21:49,333 --> 00:21:51,167 Your kid gets their driver's license. 406 00:21:51,208 --> 00:21:53,750 Your daughter goes on her first date, right? 407 00:21:53,833 --> 00:21:56,000 You're pregnant and you've had a bunch of miscarriages 408 00:21:56,042 --> 00:21:57,417 and you're hoping to carry to term. 409 00:21:57,500 --> 00:22:00,292 Some fears are real. Not all fears are sinful. 410 00:22:00,333 --> 00:22:03,167 You're kind of silly if you don't have any fears. 411 00:22:03,208 --> 00:22:05,625 You're probably not paying attention. 412 00:22:06,333 --> 00:22:10,333 But every fear is an opportunity 413 00:22:11,833 --> 00:22:14,500 to either run to or from God 414 00:22:14,542 --> 00:22:17,333 as the source of our comfort, hope, and help. 415 00:22:17,375 --> 00:22:21,375 Who do you fear? What do you fear? How do you fear? 416 00:22:21,833 --> 00:22:24,333 Fear is an enormous issue 417 00:22:24,417 --> 00:22:28,500 and it manifests itself with something called anxiety. 418 00:22:28,917 --> 00:22:32,333 Now let me say this before I go to the next slide. 419 00:22:32,667 --> 00:22:34,417 How wonderful is it 420 00:22:34,500 --> 00:22:39,167 that Jesus is talking about these issues that are so pertinent? 421 00:22:42,500 --> 00:22:44,167 So pertinent. 422 00:22:44,583 --> 00:22:48,042 Number one category of prescription medication in the U.S., 423 00:22:48,125 --> 00:22:49,917 antidepressants. 424 00:22:50,000 --> 00:22:53,167 One of the number one issues is sleeplessness. 425 00:22:54,667 --> 00:22:56,667 People are anxious 426 00:22:56,708 --> 00:23:00,458 and they're stressed out. They're freaked out. They're struggling. 427 00:23:00,500 --> 00:23:03,458 People are taking less of their vacations than ever, 428 00:23:03,500 --> 00:23:07,208 bringing their phones and laptops along to be connected 429 00:23:07,292 --> 00:23:12,792 to all of their responsibilities because they're so afraid 430 00:23:12,833 --> 00:23:17,667 of not having control that they can't even take a break. 431 00:23:19,500 --> 00:23:21,250 It's called anxiousness. 432 00:23:21,333 --> 00:23:24,333 Jesus is the wonderful counselor and he's talking to us 433 00:23:24,417 --> 00:23:27,583 about these things, because he really does love us 434 00:23:27,667 --> 00:23:29,667 and he wants to help us and serve us. 435 00:23:29,708 --> 00:23:32,333 So here is what Jesus has to say and here's my second question. 436 00:23:32,417 --> 00:23:36,583 When does your body manifest anxiety? Okay, fear starts where? 437 00:23:37,292 --> 00:23:38,833 The mind, 438 00:23:39,292 --> 00:23:44,500 anticipating the future and then being fearful of it. 439 00:23:45,542 --> 00:23:49,333 And this manifests itself with anxiety in the body. 440 00:23:49,417 --> 00:23:52,083 And God designed our bodies in such a way 441 00:23:52,167 --> 00:23:55,333 so as to give us clues about our mental state. 442 00:23:55,875 --> 00:23:59,333 And Luke is a doctor. He's a medical physician. 443 00:24:00,167 --> 00:24:02,833 He's reporting what Jesus is teaching. 444 00:24:02,875 --> 00:24:05,042 Here's what Jesus says in Luke 12:22, 445 00:24:05,125 --> 00:24:07,792 "Do not be anxious about your life." 446 00:24:08,000 --> 00:24:11,458 Now that is a big category. Right? The life. 447 00:24:11,833 --> 00:24:14,208 Some of you say, "Yeah, but what about finances?" Life. 448 00:24:14,292 --> 00:24:18,292 "What about health?" Life. "What about relationships?" Life. 449 00:24:19,167 --> 00:24:25,000 Anything in life is something that could potentially produce 450 00:24:25,083 --> 00:24:30,583 fear-based anxiety and we need to not be anxious. 451 00:24:32,125 --> 00:24:36,000 Luke 12:25, he says, "Which of you by being anxious," 452 00:24:36,333 --> 00:24:40,083 we call it stressed, "can add a single hour to his span of life?" 453 00:24:40,167 --> 00:24:43,042 Here's what Jesus is saying, "I don't want you to be anxious 454 00:24:43,125 --> 00:24:44,833 because you're going to hurt yourself. 455 00:24:46,417 --> 00:24:49,958 You're going to reduce the quality and duration of your life. 456 00:24:50,917 --> 00:24:54,458 You're actually going to shorten your lifespan 457 00:24:54,667 --> 00:24:57,958 if you're ruled by your fears and anxieties." 458 00:24:58,000 --> 00:25:01,667 Is that true? Does Jesus know what he's talking about? 459 00:25:01,750 --> 00:25:03,500 How many of you have gone to your doctor, 460 00:25:03,583 --> 00:25:05,167 say, "I want to live a long time." 461 00:25:05,208 --> 00:25:08,000 He says, "The key is to stress. 462 00:25:08,083 --> 00:25:11,708 "That definitely will-- you might see 400 463 00:25:11,792 --> 00:25:14,750 if you freak out. That'll help." 464 00:25:19,333 --> 00:25:23,458 Fear in the mind leads to anxiety in the body. 465 00:25:24,167 --> 00:25:25,958 That's what Jesus says. 466 00:25:26,250 --> 00:25:32,208 Anxiety is the body's response mechanism to fear of the mind 467 00:25:32,292 --> 00:25:35,000 and it results in what they call fight or flight, 468 00:25:35,042 --> 00:25:39,125 meaning you're going to get amped up and go to war, or run for your life. 469 00:25:39,167 --> 00:25:42,708 Most people in varying situations do one or the other. 470 00:25:44,083 --> 00:25:47,750 Now let me say this, and I'm going to talk about the physical, 471 00:25:47,833 --> 00:25:52,917 physiological signs of fear-based anxiety. 472 00:25:53,583 --> 00:25:57,333 And let me say this. I am chief of hypocrites. 473 00:25:58,458 --> 00:25:59,875 Okay? 474 00:26:00,583 --> 00:26:02,708 I'm chief of hypocrites. 475 00:26:03,542 --> 00:26:06,625 I'm not going to tell you, "Here's what I've learned 476 00:26:06,667 --> 00:26:08,500 and you should be like me." 477 00:26:08,583 --> 00:26:12,667 I'd say, "Here's where I'm a hypocrite. Let's be like Jesus together." 478 00:26:13,542 --> 00:26:16,458 My story is--some of you know my story. 479 00:26:16,500 --> 00:26:18,792 God saved me at 19. 480 00:26:18,833 --> 00:26:22,250 Married at 21, in college. Fearful. 481 00:26:23,000 --> 00:26:25,333 There's no money. We're married. 482 00:26:25,375 --> 00:26:27,833 Statistically, if you get married at that age in college 483 00:26:27,875 --> 00:26:31,000 you're going to get divorced. It's going to go really bad. 484 00:26:31,042 --> 00:26:33,500 Need to finish school. Lot of fears. 485 00:26:33,542 --> 00:26:36,667 Graduate. Got to find a job. Got to move back to Seattle. 486 00:26:36,708 --> 00:26:40,083 Got to start a church. Fearful. We start the church. 487 00:26:40,167 --> 00:26:42,333 There's no money. No salary for 3 years. 488 00:26:42,417 --> 00:26:44,583 Wife gets pregnant. More fear. 489 00:26:45,042 --> 00:26:48,333 Least churched city in America. Who's going to come? 490 00:26:48,375 --> 00:26:51,458 Fearful. Then I see the people who do come. 491 00:26:51,958 --> 00:26:55,292 More fear. Look at them. Look at them. 492 00:26:58,250 --> 00:27:01,167 And I felt God had called me to primarily reach young men 493 00:27:01,208 --> 00:27:03,333 who were single in their 20s. 494 00:27:03,417 --> 00:27:06,583 Then they show up and they're all broke. 495 00:27:06,875 --> 00:27:09,750 And they don't give and their girlfriends are all pregnant. 496 00:27:09,833 --> 00:27:11,333 More fear. 497 00:27:11,375 --> 00:27:15,333 Like, "If I succeed, that's still failure." All right? 498 00:27:15,792 --> 00:27:18,125 Like, "I have the people I'm trying to get. 499 00:27:18,167 --> 00:27:20,833 I don't even want them." I'm like, "Argh!" 500 00:27:21,667 --> 00:27:24,833 Fear, we don't have a place to meet. Fear, we're homeless. 501 00:27:24,875 --> 00:27:27,792 Fear, we have no money. Fear, it starts growing. 502 00:27:27,833 --> 00:27:30,500 We don't have enough leaders. Fear. Argh! 503 00:27:30,583 --> 00:27:33,542 It goes for awhile, a decade. 504 00:27:33,625 --> 00:27:36,000 [congregation laughing] 505 00:27:36,458 --> 00:27:40,167 Add more services, keep on moving. And here's what I decide. 506 00:27:40,208 --> 00:27:43,208 I'm tough. And I am, just so you know. 507 00:27:43,792 --> 00:27:45,208 I'm tough. 508 00:27:45,292 --> 00:27:47,667 So I'm going to be tough-- I'm just going to work hard. 509 00:27:47,708 --> 00:27:50,583 I'm going to work hard. I come from a blue collar, hardworking, 510 00:27:50,667 --> 00:27:52,458 dad's a construction worker, family. 511 00:27:52,500 --> 00:27:55,833 I'm going to work harder. I'm going to just grind it out. 512 00:27:55,917 --> 00:27:59,500 Preach, I don't know, 50 weeks a year. Six, seven times a Sunday. 513 00:27:59,542 --> 00:28:02,583 Travel, plant churches, family. 514 00:28:02,667 --> 00:28:04,667 Just grind it out and go. 515 00:28:06,500 --> 00:28:10,000 And then, a couple of years ago, I just tapped out. 516 00:28:10,583 --> 00:28:13,167 Some of you know my story. I just tapped out. 517 00:28:13,208 --> 00:28:17,208 Now I should have seen it coming. I wasn't paying attention. 518 00:28:18,333 --> 00:28:21,667 I couldn't sleep at all. Two or three hours a night. 519 00:28:21,750 --> 00:28:23,667 I could not sleep. 520 00:28:24,167 --> 00:28:27,750 I'd go to bed, wake up 2, 3 in the morning. 521 00:28:27,833 --> 00:28:30,667 Weeks of this. I mean I got black circles under my eyes. 522 00:28:30,708 --> 00:28:32,833 I am sleep deprived. I am dying. 523 00:28:34,000 --> 00:28:36,333 I have heartburn. I have allergies. 524 00:28:36,417 --> 00:28:39,667 I had a sinus infection that lasted over a year. 525 00:28:41,667 --> 00:28:46,000 As a preacher, that's really a complication. 526 00:28:46,458 --> 00:28:49,292 Sore throat and can't breathe for a year. 527 00:28:50,875 --> 00:28:53,833 I started getting all kinds of sickness 528 00:28:53,875 --> 00:28:56,833 and stomach problems and headaches 529 00:28:57,542 --> 00:28:59,875 and just finally hit the wall. 530 00:28:59,958 --> 00:29:02,667 I think probably, clinically, I don't know. 531 00:29:02,708 --> 00:29:05,250 I'm not a doctor, but I would say I would have met-- 532 00:29:05,333 --> 00:29:08,042 I've read the "Are you depressed?" list. 533 00:29:08,125 --> 00:29:11,875 And usually at the end, it just pops up, "We're sorry," 534 00:29:11,958 --> 00:29:15,333 you know, every time I'd take one of those tests. 535 00:29:16,250 --> 00:29:19,250 All right, because, I mean, I'm a straight A student 536 00:29:19,333 --> 00:29:20,833 on the depression test. 537 00:29:20,917 --> 00:29:23,250 At least I was at the time. 538 00:29:23,333 --> 00:29:25,875 And by God's grace it's getting better. 539 00:29:25,958 --> 00:29:27,667 But yeah, I think I was depressed, 540 00:29:27,750 --> 00:29:30,333 because I got to the point I didn't want to see anybody. 541 00:29:30,417 --> 00:29:33,292 I would just sit home, watch cage fighting. 542 00:29:33,333 --> 00:29:35,000 [congregation laughing] 543 00:29:35,083 --> 00:29:39,167 And smile, like, "Look at that. Nice." 544 00:29:39,417 --> 00:29:42,542 That is a symptom of depression, right? 545 00:29:42,625 --> 00:29:46,208 When like the only thing that cheers you up is someone being assaulted? 546 00:29:46,292 --> 00:29:47,833 [congregation laughing] 547 00:29:47,917 --> 00:29:49,833 Like probably depressed. 548 00:29:49,917 --> 00:29:53,708 So I go to my doctor. My doctor says, "You need a new job." 549 00:29:53,792 --> 00:29:56,333 I say, "You know, that's a great idea right there. 550 00:29:56,375 --> 00:30:01,458 I'd like to be a mattress tester. That's what I've always wanted to be." 551 00:30:01,500 --> 00:30:04,792 But I remembered, "No, Jesus said to plant a church and preach the Bible 552 00:30:04,833 --> 00:30:07,250 and train men and marry Grace. So I got to do that." 553 00:30:07,333 --> 00:30:10,625 So then for me it was diet, health, nutrition, exercise, 554 00:30:10,667 --> 00:30:12,000 theological change. 555 00:30:12,083 --> 00:30:15,625 I started reading books on stress and adrenaline and cortisol 556 00:30:15,667 --> 00:30:19,542 and anxiety, counseling books, medical books. 557 00:30:19,625 --> 00:30:22,375 I'm still reading all this kind of stuff. 558 00:30:22,458 --> 00:30:25,875 And you know what I found out? Jesus is right. 559 00:30:25,958 --> 00:30:29,333 Fear in the mind leads to anxiety in the body. 560 00:30:29,417 --> 00:30:32,833 So I'll share with you some things that I've learned through studies. 561 00:30:32,875 --> 00:30:35,917 And I tell you this not to judge you and say, "I've figured it out. 562 00:30:36,000 --> 00:30:37,833 Let me tell you how to do it," 563 00:30:37,875 --> 00:30:41,333 but as a guy who's always learning the same lesson over and over and over. 564 00:30:41,375 --> 00:30:44,375 I like to drive around the cul de sac. 565 00:30:45,458 --> 00:30:48,375 Here's what happens when fear in the mind results 566 00:30:48,458 --> 00:30:50,000 in anxiousness in the body. 567 00:30:50,042 --> 00:30:54,792 The brain signals the release of pituitary 568 00:30:54,833 --> 00:30:57,958 and adrenal hormones. Your hypothalamus kicks on. 569 00:30:58,000 --> 00:31:00,250 Your body becomes alert. You're on. 570 00:31:00,333 --> 00:31:02,000 All right? Your systems start to fire. 571 00:31:02,042 --> 00:31:04,500 This is like putting the key in the ignition for a car. 572 00:31:04,583 --> 00:31:07,875 Everything starts up. All the systems start firing. 573 00:31:07,958 --> 00:31:11,833 The adrenaline then starts pumping, as does the cortisol. 574 00:31:12,000 --> 00:31:14,875 You're going to live off of this energy source. 575 00:31:15,208 --> 00:31:18,375 For me, I lived off it for so long that I fatigued, 576 00:31:18,458 --> 00:31:20,500 tapped out, my adrenal gland. 577 00:31:21,042 --> 00:31:24,250 All right, my adrenal glands started taking vacations without me. 578 00:31:24,333 --> 00:31:26,583 It's like, "We're done. Good luck." 579 00:31:26,667 --> 00:31:28,917 No energy at all. So then I start drinking 580 00:31:29,000 --> 00:31:31,875 lots of caffeine and energy drinks 581 00:31:31,958 --> 00:31:36,125 and just trying to push beyond what God even intended for my body. 582 00:31:36,375 --> 00:31:39,000 Your hair stands up, your heart races, you sweat, 583 00:31:39,083 --> 00:31:41,833 your stomach churns, your blood thickens, 584 00:31:41,875 --> 00:31:44,375 your blood pressure elevates. 585 00:31:44,833 --> 00:31:48,542 Endorphins are released to numb the pain so you don't even feel it. 586 00:31:48,625 --> 00:31:50,917 How many of you are athletes 587 00:31:51,000 --> 00:31:53,125 and when you're competing you don't feel anything? 588 00:31:53,167 --> 00:31:54,833 It's the letdown, 589 00:31:54,917 --> 00:31:58,333 the hours and days afterward, where the pain kicks in? 590 00:31:58,667 --> 00:32:02,292 So when you're pushing it, you're not feeling it. 591 00:32:02,917 --> 00:32:06,875 Okay, God designed our bodies, in moments of terror or danger, 592 00:32:08,208 --> 00:32:10,708 to use all of our energies for survival. 593 00:32:10,792 --> 00:32:13,833 But the problem is we live in a world where we're stuck on. 594 00:32:13,917 --> 00:32:16,958 We're always in that state of perpetual stress. 595 00:32:17,625 --> 00:32:20,208 Glucose is released for quick energy. 596 00:32:21,458 --> 00:32:24,833 What happens then is as your adrenaline fires in seconds 597 00:32:24,917 --> 00:32:26,792 and is moderated by your cortisol, 598 00:32:26,833 --> 00:32:30,250 it can take hours to come down because you feel high. 599 00:32:30,333 --> 00:32:32,042 So for me, Sunday nights, 600 00:32:32,125 --> 00:32:36,208 it's quite frankly hard for me to get to bed before 2 a.m. 601 00:32:36,292 --> 00:32:39,542 Before 2 a.m., because it takes, usually for me, 602 00:32:39,625 --> 00:32:42,625 a good 4 hours-- if you're under moderate stress, 603 00:32:42,667 --> 00:32:44,917 2 hours, but if you're under a lot of stress, 604 00:32:45,000 --> 00:32:48,792 4 plus hours--for the adrenaline to just run its course 605 00:32:48,833 --> 00:32:51,167 and for you to come down from the high. 606 00:32:53,042 --> 00:32:56,167 What happens as well, your vision is clear, your attention is focused, 607 00:32:56,208 --> 00:32:58,875 your memory's aware, you feel alert, you feel powerful, 608 00:32:58,958 --> 00:33:01,250 you feel on, you feel good. 609 00:33:02,667 --> 00:33:05,250 That's why people get addicted to the high. 610 00:33:06,958 --> 00:33:10,833 What happens though is, if you're in this perpetual state of anxiety, 611 00:33:11,208 --> 00:33:14,833 you get unusual mood swings, anger, depression. 612 00:33:15,833 --> 00:33:19,500 A pastor buddy of mine, he was out for a run in great health 613 00:33:20,250 --> 00:33:23,417 and found himself just sitting on the side of the road, 614 00:33:23,500 --> 00:33:26,875 bawling uncontrollably and he knew not why. 615 00:33:27,333 --> 00:33:30,667 Just his emotions were out of control. 616 00:33:31,333 --> 00:33:33,458 Sometimes it's just exhaustion. 617 00:33:33,500 --> 00:33:36,833 You ever wake up, "Did I even go to bed?" 618 00:33:37,875 --> 00:33:40,667 See the average American is sleep deprived. 619 00:33:40,708 --> 00:33:43,375 They say it takes 8 to 10 hours of sleep-- 620 00:33:43,458 --> 00:33:45,500 that's what the average person requires. 621 00:33:45,583 --> 00:33:47,667 Let's say it's an average of 9. 622 00:33:47,708 --> 00:33:51,750 Most of you are getting a few hours less sleep than you should, 623 00:33:52,292 --> 00:33:55,750 meaning you're paying for it out of your account of health 624 00:33:55,833 --> 00:33:57,958 and with things like coffee. 625 00:34:00,375 --> 00:34:02,167 Nervous twitch. 626 00:34:02,250 --> 00:34:05,500 When I get stressed, I get a nervous eye twitch in my left eye. 627 00:34:05,583 --> 00:34:07,167 So if I'm preaching you think, 628 00:34:07,250 --> 00:34:09,833 "He's hitting on all of us. I do not know why." 629 00:34:09,875 --> 00:34:13,750 He's not hitting on all of you. He's freaking out. Pray for him. 630 00:34:14,833 --> 00:34:17,333 How about disassociation or checking out? 631 00:34:17,375 --> 00:34:19,500 How many of you, there's whole days you-- 632 00:34:19,542 --> 00:34:22,167 the day's over and you're like, "What did I even do today? 633 00:34:22,208 --> 00:34:25,333 I don't--I mean I was on auto-- I was mentally elsewhere." 634 00:34:25,375 --> 00:34:27,125 How many of you have had that commute? 635 00:34:27,167 --> 00:34:30,458 You get in the car, you drive home. You get home and you're like, 636 00:34:30,500 --> 00:34:33,667 "I'm home. I do not remember driving home. 637 00:34:33,708 --> 00:34:36,500 "I'm going to look around the front of the car for blood. 638 00:34:36,542 --> 00:34:38,917 "I don't know what happened on the way home. 639 00:34:39,000 --> 00:34:42,208 I was not there. I was disassociated, checked out." 640 00:34:43,000 --> 00:34:45,958 One of the elders at Mars Hill, I won't tell you which one, 641 00:34:46,000 --> 00:34:47,917 but you'll know. 642 00:34:48,125 --> 00:34:50,833 He gets canker sores when he's stressed out. 643 00:34:50,875 --> 00:34:53,458 I'm like, "Are you stressed?" He's like, "How do you know?" 644 00:34:53,500 --> 00:34:56,250 "Well, I can tell." He gets canker sores. 645 00:34:57,000 --> 00:34:58,958 Paranoia and suspicion. 646 00:34:59,458 --> 00:35:02,833 Weight change. You put on a lot of weight. You lose a lot of weight. 647 00:35:02,917 --> 00:35:04,833 Moments of panic, feeling overwhelmed. 648 00:35:04,875 --> 00:35:06,500 Fantasizing about dying. 649 00:35:06,583 --> 00:35:09,000 Some people get to the point where they're suicidal. 650 00:35:09,042 --> 00:35:12,500 For Christians, they tend to start reading books about the rapture. 651 00:35:12,583 --> 00:35:15,250 Kind of like, "I'm going to leave. Jesus, it's Monday. 652 00:35:15,333 --> 00:35:18,583 Monday's always a good day to take me home. Take me now." 653 00:35:18,667 --> 00:35:21,417 You start fantasizing about getting out. 654 00:35:21,875 --> 00:35:23,750 Insomnia. 655 00:35:23,833 --> 00:35:25,958 You start self-medicating then with alcohol, 656 00:35:26,000 --> 00:35:29,000 trying to get yourself to come down from the high. 657 00:35:29,083 --> 00:35:30,792 But that negatively affects your sleep. 658 00:35:30,833 --> 00:35:34,167 Or tobacco, trying to calm your system. 659 00:35:34,542 --> 00:35:36,542 High blood pressure. 660 00:35:37,000 --> 00:35:39,167 Junk food, unhealthy eating. 661 00:35:40,250 --> 00:35:42,167 We call it comfort food. 662 00:35:43,417 --> 00:35:46,542 It's a way of regulating the body's systems. 663 00:35:46,625 --> 00:35:49,542 Irritability. Reckless, aggressive driving. 664 00:35:49,625 --> 00:35:51,792 Like I did last night in traffic. 665 00:35:51,833 --> 00:35:55,667 Laid on the horn. Somebody went into the intersection and blocked it 666 00:35:55,708 --> 00:35:58,583 twice for an entire green light. 667 00:35:59,833 --> 00:36:02,542 And so I wanted to notify them. 668 00:36:02,625 --> 00:36:05,417 [congregation laughing] 669 00:36:12,208 --> 00:36:13,875 Just trying to serve. 670 00:36:13,958 --> 00:36:16,042 [congregation laughing] 671 00:36:17,750 --> 00:36:21,500 Physical symptoms. Irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, heart trouble, 672 00:36:21,583 --> 00:36:25,125 chronic sickness, stomach troubles, a victim mentality. 673 00:36:25,167 --> 00:36:28,250 "Everybody's against me. God's not here to help me." 674 00:36:28,875 --> 00:36:31,250 Some of you use shopping sprees. 675 00:36:31,792 --> 00:36:34,792 "I'm depressed. I'm going to the mall." 676 00:36:34,833 --> 00:36:38,625 Okay? Some people do that. Some of you ladies do that too. 677 00:36:38,667 --> 00:36:40,917 "I'm going to go buy clothes that make me feel better 678 00:36:41,000 --> 00:36:42,500 until I get the bill. 679 00:36:43,250 --> 00:36:46,625 And then I'll have fear of paying off the credit card." 680 00:36:46,667 --> 00:36:48,667 We go shopping as therapy. 681 00:36:49,083 --> 00:36:51,292 A lot of caffeine, panic attacks. 682 00:36:51,333 --> 00:36:54,833 And pretty soon everybody starts to feel like yet another burden 683 00:36:54,917 --> 00:36:59,375 and God seems really far away. That is anxiousness. 684 00:36:59,458 --> 00:37:02,250 Jesus says, "If you have anxiousness, 685 00:37:02,333 --> 00:37:07,000 you are reducing the quality and length of your life. 686 00:37:07,333 --> 00:37:09,125 It's going to kill you." 687 00:37:09,792 --> 00:37:13,375 There will be seasons of anxiousness and stress. 688 00:37:13,458 --> 00:37:18,333 Life in a fallen world is inevitably going to include those seasons, 689 00:37:18,417 --> 00:37:22,500 but particularly when they become consistent and constant 690 00:37:22,542 --> 00:37:26,333 that means that we are in the process of killing ourselves. 691 00:37:27,208 --> 00:37:30,583 And that's our whole culture. 692 00:37:31,292 --> 00:37:34,375 I mean to me this really scared me some years ago. 693 00:37:35,042 --> 00:37:37,000 I had a bunch of buddies 694 00:37:37,042 --> 00:37:40,042 who had faster growing churches and were young pastors. 695 00:37:40,125 --> 00:37:42,375 All of a sudden I start getting e-mails and calls, like, 696 00:37:42,458 --> 00:37:44,958 "They're in the hospital." Why? "Panic attack. 697 00:37:45,000 --> 00:37:46,667 They thought they were having a heart attack." 698 00:37:46,708 --> 00:37:48,083 "Really? They're in their 30s." 699 00:37:48,167 --> 00:37:50,000 "Oh yeah, that person has cancer." 700 00:37:50,083 --> 00:37:54,167 Start studying that anxiousness depletes 701 00:37:54,250 --> 00:37:59,333 the ability of the body to fight against sickness and illness. 702 00:37:59,417 --> 00:38:02,833 It reduces the health and well-being of the immune system, 703 00:38:02,917 --> 00:38:05,583 which means whatever your weak point is in your health, 704 00:38:05,667 --> 00:38:07,833 stress is going to exacerbate it 705 00:38:07,917 --> 00:38:11,250 and is going to make you incredibly vulnerable. 706 00:38:11,333 --> 00:38:13,000 It's going to expose it. 707 00:38:13,833 --> 00:38:18,083 Buddy of mine's losing blood. A buddy of mine had a heart attack. 708 00:38:18,458 --> 00:38:20,333 Multiple guys with cancer. 709 00:38:20,375 --> 00:38:22,000 All young guys 710 00:38:22,042 --> 00:38:25,083 with fast growing ministries, living off of the pressure. 711 00:38:25,167 --> 00:38:29,875 Fear of failure, fear of the critics, fear of finances, 712 00:38:29,958 --> 00:38:33,083 fear of success, fear of failure, 713 00:38:33,167 --> 00:38:36,125 fear of expectations, fear of demands. 714 00:38:36,167 --> 00:38:38,625 Just completely overwhelmed. 715 00:38:40,458 --> 00:38:42,500 Completely overwhelmed. 716 00:38:42,917 --> 00:38:45,750 And you start thinking, "If that's the way that a lot of pastors are, 717 00:38:45,833 --> 00:38:47,792 how are their people doing?" 718 00:38:49,333 --> 00:38:52,833 It sets in motion a whole culture of sickness and death. 719 00:38:54,333 --> 00:38:58,667 So friends, how wonderful is it that Jesus would talk about these things? 720 00:38:59,542 --> 00:39:01,167 And you know what? 721 00:39:01,250 --> 00:39:03,167 He does so sympathetically. 722 00:39:03,208 --> 00:39:05,375 Here's what is so wonderful about Jesus. 723 00:39:05,458 --> 00:39:07,542 Unlike other religions' view of gods, 724 00:39:07,625 --> 00:39:10,833 where God is far away and he's never been here 725 00:39:13,292 --> 00:39:15,500 and God just says, "Fear not!" 726 00:39:15,542 --> 00:39:17,458 That's easy for you to say! 727 00:39:17,500 --> 00:39:20,500 In heaven getting worshiped by the angels. 728 00:39:20,958 --> 00:39:22,958 That's really different 729 00:39:23,000 --> 00:39:27,500 than living here on the earth as a sinner in a crooked, fallen world 730 00:39:27,542 --> 00:39:30,333 with a bunch of people you can't depend on. 731 00:39:30,833 --> 00:39:33,833 And our God comes into human history. God becomes a man. 732 00:39:33,917 --> 00:39:35,167 His name is Jesus. 733 00:39:35,250 --> 00:39:37,667 In Hebrews it says, we do not have a high priest 734 00:39:37,708 --> 00:39:39,417 who is unable to sympathize with us 735 00:39:39,500 --> 00:39:41,167 in our weakness because he's been here. 736 00:39:41,250 --> 00:39:43,333 He gets it. He knows it. He feels it. 737 00:39:43,375 --> 00:39:47,583 Great. So when Jesus is talking about fear and anxiety, 738 00:39:48,167 --> 00:39:53,500 who could possibly have greater fears available to them than Jesus? 739 00:39:54,833 --> 00:40:00,000 Jesus is going to go to the cross and atone for the sin of the world 740 00:40:00,042 --> 00:40:03,125 and endure the wrath of the Father. 741 00:40:04,417 --> 00:40:06,667 Jesus does have 742 00:40:06,750 --> 00:40:10,667 some difficulty, some distress, 743 00:40:10,708 --> 00:40:13,083 and he works this through with the Father 744 00:40:13,167 --> 00:40:15,167 like we have to work it through with the Father. 745 00:40:15,208 --> 00:40:18,333 That's why in the garden of Gethsemane he is literally 746 00:40:18,417 --> 00:40:21,625 sweating drops of blood as he's anticipating 747 00:40:21,667 --> 00:40:24,167 his own execution and murder. 748 00:40:24,208 --> 00:40:26,250 When Jesus says, "Fear not," 749 00:40:26,333 --> 00:40:29,000 he understands what it's like to suffer physically. 750 00:40:29,083 --> 00:40:31,000 He understands what it's like to die. 751 00:40:31,083 --> 00:40:34,542 He understands what it's like to have people malign your reputation. 752 00:40:34,625 --> 00:40:37,625 He knows what it's like to have your family think you're crazy 753 00:40:37,667 --> 00:40:39,917 or disown you or turn their back on you. 754 00:40:40,000 --> 00:40:42,500 He knows what it's like to have friends you can't depend on, 755 00:40:42,542 --> 00:40:45,583 because his were all asleep in the garden when he needed them the most. 756 00:40:45,667 --> 00:40:48,042 He knows what it's like to have someone you love 757 00:40:48,125 --> 00:40:50,458 sabotage their own life, steal from you, 758 00:40:50,500 --> 00:40:52,500 betray you, and kill themselves. 759 00:40:52,583 --> 00:40:56,417 His name was Judas and Jesus loved him and served him. 760 00:40:56,500 --> 00:40:59,167 Jesus knows what it's like to be single and alone. 761 00:40:59,208 --> 00:41:02,125 He's at this point broke and homeless, 762 00:41:03,500 --> 00:41:05,500 heading toward the cross. 763 00:41:06,375 --> 00:41:08,792 So isn't it wonderful 764 00:41:08,833 --> 00:41:12,292 that Jesus isn't just another religious guy 765 00:41:12,333 --> 00:41:16,500 with a cushy, comfy life giving us principles 766 00:41:16,542 --> 00:41:19,167 that he himself has no need of? 767 00:41:19,250 --> 00:41:21,167 That's not our Jesus. 768 00:41:21,542 --> 00:41:26,000 Don't you love this Jesus? So when he says, "Fear not," okay. 769 00:41:26,625 --> 00:41:28,667 You understand. 770 00:41:29,208 --> 00:41:31,875 And you're not just giving me something to do. 771 00:41:31,958 --> 00:41:34,125 You're trying to lead me in a new way of life 772 00:41:34,167 --> 00:41:36,500 that's good for me because you love me. 773 00:41:36,833 --> 00:41:38,625 That's our Jesus. 774 00:41:39,708 --> 00:41:42,958 And Jesus is going to go a direction that I would have never expected. 775 00:41:43,000 --> 00:41:46,375 Like I said, I've read a stack of books as tall as me on adrenaline, 776 00:41:46,458 --> 00:41:51,167 stress, anxiety, the psychological, sociological, 777 00:41:51,208 --> 00:41:57,167 philosophical, biological, theological aspects of fear and anxiety. 778 00:41:57,500 --> 00:42:00,958 And not one of them has gone where Jesus is going to go. 779 00:42:02,000 --> 00:42:05,333 Jesus is going to go a completely different direction. 780 00:42:05,875 --> 00:42:09,000 Every book I've read, it's about paying attention to yourself, 781 00:42:09,083 --> 00:42:11,833 getting to know yourself, loving yourself, taking care of yourself. 782 00:42:11,917 --> 00:42:13,292 And you know what? 783 00:42:13,333 --> 00:42:16,125 To some degree, you need to be a good steward of your body 784 00:42:16,167 --> 00:42:17,833 and a good steward of your life. 785 00:42:17,917 --> 00:42:22,000 But what Jesus does, he redirects all of our focus away from ourself. 786 00:42:22,042 --> 00:42:24,625 And he says, "You know what part of the problem is? 787 00:42:24,667 --> 00:42:27,333 If all you ever do is think about yourself, 788 00:42:27,417 --> 00:42:30,042 you're going to end up with fear and anxiety. 789 00:42:30,125 --> 00:42:34,083 And if you start thinking about your Father and those in need, 790 00:42:36,750 --> 00:42:40,250 it'll completely alter the way you face your life." 791 00:42:41,167 --> 00:42:43,042 See part of the problem is, 792 00:42:43,667 --> 00:42:47,250 if I worship me, then learning to worship me better 793 00:42:48,000 --> 00:42:50,500 only makes me more fearful and anxious. 794 00:42:52,042 --> 00:42:54,750 That's where Luther says that sin is ultimately 795 00:42:54,833 --> 00:42:57,125 the self turning in on the self. 796 00:42:57,375 --> 00:43:01,208 And repentance is, "What about God and other people?" 797 00:43:03,417 --> 00:43:05,917 So Jesus' third question is, 798 00:43:06,333 --> 00:43:08,167 "Where is your treasure?" 799 00:43:08,208 --> 00:43:10,708 Your money, your possessions. Are you kidding me? 800 00:43:10,792 --> 00:43:13,125 Jesus goes to your stuff. 801 00:43:13,500 --> 00:43:16,333 He's going to go to your stuff. Are you kidding me? 802 00:43:16,417 --> 00:43:18,167 "Jesus I'm freaking out!" 803 00:43:18,250 --> 00:43:20,167 "Yeah, what about your car? What about your house? 804 00:43:20,208 --> 00:43:22,833 What about your job? What about your credit cards? What about your giving? 805 00:43:22,917 --> 00:43:25,083 What about the poor? " "What-- 806 00:43:25,167 --> 00:43:28,625 Jesus, what does my stuff have to do with my stress? 807 00:43:28,667 --> 00:43:31,958 Is this just another sermon where you take my stuff?" 808 00:43:32,000 --> 00:43:34,583 Jesus says, "I'm not trying to take your stuff. 809 00:43:34,667 --> 00:43:36,875 "I'm trying to take your stress. 810 00:43:37,250 --> 00:43:40,625 And a lot of your stress is connected to your stuff." 811 00:43:42,000 --> 00:43:44,000 This is unexpected. 812 00:43:44,958 --> 00:43:49,083 Here is what he says. We'll just unpack it. Luke 12:23, 813 00:43:49,500 --> 00:43:52,542 "For life is more than food." Really? 814 00:43:53,333 --> 00:43:56,000 How many of you, food is a big deal? 815 00:43:56,042 --> 00:43:58,125 Jesus is not saying here, "Don't eat." 816 00:43:58,167 --> 00:44:02,167 I would recommend it. It's a big part of seeing tomorrow. 817 00:44:02,208 --> 00:44:03,875 All right, feel free to eat. 818 00:44:03,958 --> 00:44:06,500 But what he's saying here is that food can become all consuming. 819 00:44:06,542 --> 00:44:09,333 And in these times that Jesus is teaching, 820 00:44:09,375 --> 00:44:11,167 people only had food for the day. 821 00:44:11,250 --> 00:44:14,000 For us it's a different problem. Their concern was starvation. 822 00:44:14,042 --> 00:44:15,833 Ours is obesity. 823 00:44:15,875 --> 00:44:18,250 They didn't have enough to eat. 824 00:44:18,333 --> 00:44:20,125 We eat too much. 825 00:44:20,167 --> 00:44:23,667 They're saying right now about a third of Americans are obese 826 00:44:23,708 --> 00:44:26,750 and within the next decade it'll be 42%. 827 00:44:27,417 --> 00:44:31,167 But you know what that is? That is, like Paul says elsewhere, 828 00:44:31,542 --> 00:44:34,208 our stomach becomes our God. 829 00:44:36,208 --> 00:44:38,000 Our stomach becomes our God. 830 00:44:38,083 --> 00:44:41,625 When we're happy, we reward ourselves with food. 831 00:44:42,250 --> 00:44:45,542 When we're stressed, we comfort ourselves with food. 832 00:44:45,625 --> 00:44:48,542 We have a relationship with food that is more akin 833 00:44:48,625 --> 00:44:51,375 to the relationship we're supposed to have with God. 834 00:44:51,458 --> 00:44:54,542 "I'm stressed. I need comfort." The Holy Spirit's the comforter. 835 00:44:54,625 --> 00:44:56,458 "I don't care. What's in the fridge? 836 00:44:56,500 --> 00:44:59,375 I'm not going to go to God, I'm going to go to the fridge." 837 00:44:59,458 --> 00:45:02,250 How many of you, like me-- I ask my wife this every day. 838 00:45:02,333 --> 00:45:03,625 "What's for dinner?" 839 00:45:03,667 --> 00:45:05,625 Because I like to think about it all day 840 00:45:05,667 --> 00:45:10,667 and prepare myself and if I don't like it then I want to have an option. 841 00:45:12,000 --> 00:45:15,417 Food is an indicator 842 00:45:15,750 --> 00:45:19,458 of where we're running with our fears and anxieties. 843 00:45:20,958 --> 00:45:23,833 How much of your time is considering food, 844 00:45:23,875 --> 00:45:26,625 preparing food, consuming food? Is it bad to enjoy food? 845 00:45:26,667 --> 00:45:29,500 No, God's a good God. God gives good gifts. 846 00:45:29,542 --> 00:45:33,958 But are you expecting something from food that you can only get from Jesus? 847 00:45:35,292 --> 00:45:37,833 "Life is more than food, and the body more than clothing." 848 00:45:37,917 --> 00:45:39,917 Are you kidding me? 849 00:45:41,000 --> 00:45:44,000 This sounds like hippie talk, right? 850 00:45:44,667 --> 00:45:47,250 I mean, let's just be honest. 851 00:45:47,625 --> 00:45:49,958 "You know life is not about clothing." 852 00:45:50,000 --> 00:45:52,833 "Oh really, Mr. Toga? Really?" 853 00:45:53,500 --> 00:45:56,500 How many of you, really life is about clothing? 854 00:45:56,583 --> 00:45:58,542 You have to wear the right clothes. 855 00:45:58,625 --> 00:46:01,833 And they're only right for a few months because there's new right clothes. 856 00:46:01,917 --> 00:46:04,917 They keep changing what is right clothes. 857 00:46:08,000 --> 00:46:11,833 That's the whole point of the fashion industry. "This is fashionable. 858 00:46:12,042 --> 00:46:13,833 "And now it's not. 859 00:46:13,917 --> 00:46:15,833 "You got to go shopping again. 860 00:46:15,917 --> 00:46:18,292 "You want to be up with the times and the trends. 861 00:46:18,333 --> 00:46:20,833 Aren't you afraid of what others will think?" 862 00:46:20,875 --> 00:46:23,875 "Yes I am, so I will go buy those clothes." And then you have debt. 863 00:46:23,958 --> 00:46:26,667 "Aren't you afraid of your debt?" "Yes! I'm afraid of my debt! 864 00:46:26,708 --> 00:46:31,167 I'm afraid of not looking my best and I'm afraid of paying for it!" 865 00:46:31,208 --> 00:46:34,333 Is it is a sin to wear clothes? No. Thank you for wearing some. 866 00:46:34,375 --> 00:46:36,375 Personally, I appreciate it. 867 00:46:36,458 --> 00:46:38,500 [congregation laughing] 868 00:46:38,958 --> 00:46:41,208 But how much time is put forth 869 00:46:41,292 --> 00:46:43,667 presenting ourselves as someone we're not? 870 00:46:43,750 --> 00:46:46,792 We want to look like we're together. We want to look like we're fine. 871 00:46:46,833 --> 00:46:50,458 We want to look like we've nailed it and we're lying. 872 00:46:50,500 --> 00:46:53,458 "How are you?" "Great." "Well you look great." 873 00:46:54,292 --> 00:46:56,500 "No, actually I'm freaking out, 874 00:46:56,917 --> 00:46:59,958 but I was hoping you'd look at my jeans and not my face." 875 00:47:00,083 --> 00:47:01,750 [congregation laughing] 876 00:47:03,333 --> 00:47:06,542 "Consider the ravens." This is--what? 877 00:47:06,917 --> 00:47:09,833 I never read this in an anti-stress book. 878 00:47:09,917 --> 00:47:13,042 Chapter four, nasty birds. 879 00:47:13,125 --> 00:47:14,667 What? 880 00:47:16,375 --> 00:47:19,792 Ravens are nasty birds, right? Nevermore. 881 00:47:19,833 --> 00:47:21,792 They're nasty. 882 00:47:21,833 --> 00:47:25,125 They're nasty. Pastor Bill said it. We were talking earlier. 883 00:47:25,167 --> 00:47:28,917 He said that ravens are on the list of unclean, nasty animals. 884 00:47:29,000 --> 00:47:31,083 They're nasty. And they are. 885 00:47:31,167 --> 00:47:33,333 They are. Nobody has pet ravens. 886 00:47:33,375 --> 00:47:34,958 [congregation laughing] 887 00:47:35,000 --> 00:47:38,250 All right, you don't. If you do, call 911. 888 00:47:38,333 --> 00:47:41,292 There's something profoundly wrong with you. 889 00:47:41,917 --> 00:47:44,167 If ravens show up, what do they do? 890 00:47:44,250 --> 00:47:46,833 They're scavenger birds. They steal stuff. 891 00:47:47,042 --> 00:47:49,333 They're horrible. I hate ravens. 892 00:47:50,167 --> 00:47:51,792 I just do. 893 00:47:51,833 --> 00:47:53,375 [congregation laughing] 894 00:47:53,458 --> 00:47:57,417 Jesus says, "Consider the ravens." You're like, "Mm, okay. 895 00:47:58,625 --> 00:48:01,667 Consider what?" "They neither sow nor reap." 896 00:48:02,000 --> 00:48:05,333 Did you know that ravens are not farmers? 897 00:48:06,458 --> 00:48:08,500 They don't have combines. 898 00:48:09,083 --> 00:48:10,667 Right, they don't. 899 00:48:10,708 --> 00:48:13,167 Not like they're all, right now, trying to figure out 900 00:48:13,208 --> 00:48:15,833 how to get their food to the raven grocery store. 901 00:48:15,875 --> 00:48:19,333 "They have neither storehouse nor barn, yet God," does what? 902 00:48:19,708 --> 00:48:23,500 He "feeds them." They're unclean, nasty, and vile and he feeds them. 903 00:48:23,583 --> 00:48:26,833 I don't even like them and God feeds them. 904 00:48:26,917 --> 00:48:30,000 Here's the point. Some of you will feel like a raven. 905 00:48:30,042 --> 00:48:32,417 "I'm just dirty and nasty and vile." And you know what? 906 00:48:32,500 --> 00:48:34,375 God loves you and he feeds you. 907 00:48:34,458 --> 00:48:37,208 And if God's going to feed a raven, 908 00:48:37,708 --> 00:48:39,333 a nasty bird, 909 00:48:41,333 --> 00:48:44,333 he loves us more than those nasty birds 910 00:48:44,375 --> 00:48:46,292 and we bear his image, unlike them. 911 00:48:46,333 --> 00:48:49,833 And so he is willing and glad to help us. 912 00:48:50,500 --> 00:48:54,500 "Of how much more value are you than the birds! 913 00:48:55,208 --> 00:48:58,667 "And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his lifespan? 914 00:48:58,750 --> 00:49:02,000 "If you are not able to do as small a thing 915 00:49:02,083 --> 00:49:05,125 as that, why are you anxious about the rest?" Here's what he's saying. 916 00:49:05,167 --> 00:49:08,042 There's some stuff that's just out of our control. 917 00:49:08,125 --> 00:49:09,792 Now... 918 00:49:10,583 --> 00:49:14,833 See, we believe here in the sovereignty of God, that God rules and reigns. 919 00:49:14,917 --> 00:49:18,042 And when we freak out, we're acting like heretics. 920 00:49:19,167 --> 00:49:21,333 So I do this. 921 00:49:22,083 --> 00:49:25,667 Now what I wish I were is sovereign. 922 00:49:26,583 --> 00:49:28,458 I call it being organized. 923 00:49:28,500 --> 00:49:31,042 But what I mean by that is sovereignty, 924 00:49:31,125 --> 00:49:32,625 that I wish I knew the future 925 00:49:32,667 --> 00:49:35,500 and I could prepare for it so I could control it. 926 00:49:35,875 --> 00:49:39,375 But invariably, it doesn't always work out like I was anticipating. 927 00:49:40,667 --> 00:49:42,542 And what he's saying is, 928 00:49:43,542 --> 00:49:48,417 "There is far more that is out of our control than we even imagine." 929 00:49:50,000 --> 00:49:53,208 He's not here saying, "Be irresponsible," 930 00:49:53,500 --> 00:49:55,833 but he is saying, "Be reasonable." 931 00:49:59,000 --> 00:50:01,667 If you're trying to predict the future 932 00:50:02,125 --> 00:50:05,667 and control it, you are trying to be God. 933 00:50:07,000 --> 00:50:09,875 Now it is not a sin to anticipate the future, 934 00:50:09,958 --> 00:50:12,458 and as a good steward, prepare for it. 935 00:50:12,667 --> 00:50:15,042 But if you're trying to control it 936 00:50:15,500 --> 00:50:19,667 and if you're fearful of it and anxious about it, 937 00:50:20,667 --> 00:50:23,625 you're in the position that's reserved for God. 938 00:50:23,667 --> 00:50:25,792 And that's not good for you. 939 00:50:27,500 --> 00:50:30,792 What are you worried about that really is in the hands of God? 940 00:50:30,833 --> 00:50:33,792 You've done all you can do. You got cancer? 941 00:50:33,833 --> 00:50:36,000 You've done everything your doctors said to do. 942 00:50:36,083 --> 00:50:37,792 That's all you can do. 943 00:50:37,833 --> 00:50:42,000 All right, you've applied for a million jobs, you're doing everything you can? 944 00:50:42,042 --> 00:50:44,167 You've done what you can do. 945 00:50:44,458 --> 00:50:47,000 You've pursued your spouse, you've tried to reconcile, 946 00:50:47,042 --> 00:50:49,250 you've forgiven them, you've prayed, 947 00:50:50,417 --> 00:50:53,292 you've made every effort to work it out? 948 00:50:53,500 --> 00:50:55,833 You've done what you can do. 949 00:50:56,875 --> 00:50:59,833 It's hard to be there, is it not? 950 00:51:01,583 --> 00:51:03,750 And Jesus is saying, 951 00:51:04,375 --> 00:51:07,875 "If it's out of your hands, don't be fearful. 952 00:51:09,250 --> 00:51:10,833 Be faithful." 953 00:51:14,125 --> 00:51:16,083 "Consider the lilies." 954 00:51:16,458 --> 00:51:18,000 What? 955 00:51:18,625 --> 00:51:21,500 Seriously, does this not sound like a community college prof 956 00:51:21,583 --> 00:51:24,000 who smokes a lot, right? 957 00:51:24,333 --> 00:51:26,333 "Consider the lilies... 958 00:51:26,417 --> 00:51:28,417 "Oh. 959 00:51:29,500 --> 00:51:33,458 I love Philosophy 101. Yeah, lilies." 960 00:51:34,958 --> 00:51:38,000 This is from a construction worker named Jesus. 961 00:51:38,042 --> 00:51:40,667 I think it's supposed to be disorienting. 962 00:51:40,917 --> 00:51:44,417 "Consider the lilies." Something I've never done. 963 00:51:46,292 --> 00:51:48,708 I've never had my lily day. 964 00:51:48,792 --> 00:51:50,125 Now don't raise your hand, gentlemen, 965 00:51:50,167 --> 00:51:52,833 but how many of you have never had your lily day? 966 00:51:52,875 --> 00:51:56,125 You're like, "Today I'm going to meditate on the lily. 967 00:51:56,417 --> 00:51:59,417 "I'm going to observe the lily and I'm going to ask the Holy Spirit 968 00:51:59,500 --> 00:52:03,083 to reveal to me deep spiritual truths from the lily." 969 00:52:04,500 --> 00:52:06,125 Okay? 970 00:52:06,167 --> 00:52:08,792 Again, this just sounds weird. 971 00:52:09,333 --> 00:52:12,708 How many of you, this is not what you're expecting? 972 00:52:12,792 --> 00:52:15,750 "Fear, anxiety, lily!" What? 973 00:52:15,833 --> 00:52:17,333 [congregation laughing] 974 00:52:17,417 --> 00:52:20,167 "Or raven! Either one, whatever works for you! 975 00:52:20,958 --> 00:52:23,375 Nasty bird, pretty flower." What? 976 00:52:23,833 --> 00:52:27,167 "Consider the--" "Okay, Jesus. You're God." 977 00:52:28,708 --> 00:52:30,417 "How they grow; 978 00:52:30,708 --> 00:52:32,708 they neither toil nor spin." 979 00:52:33,458 --> 00:52:36,917 Lilies don't have fashion shows. Lilies don't have malls. 980 00:52:37,875 --> 00:52:40,667 Lilies don't have "What Not To Wear" episodes. 981 00:52:42,708 --> 00:52:44,333 And lilies look awesome. 982 00:52:45,458 --> 00:52:48,000 I mean lilies look good. How many of you love spring? 983 00:52:48,083 --> 00:52:50,583 The flowers come, you're like, "That's amazing. 984 00:52:50,667 --> 00:52:53,583 Thanks, God. Nice." 985 00:52:53,667 --> 00:52:55,958 And the lilies aren't freaked out about it. 986 00:52:56,000 --> 00:52:58,458 All right, "Does this petal make my butt look big?" 987 00:52:58,500 --> 00:53:01,417 They're not freaked out about it. You know? 988 00:53:03,417 --> 00:53:05,250 I just made that up. 989 00:53:05,333 --> 00:53:07,667 [congregation laughing] 990 00:53:09,167 --> 00:53:12,000 "They neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon," 991 00:53:12,083 --> 00:53:14,083 this rich, wise man, 992 00:53:14,167 --> 00:53:17,708 "in all his glory was not arrayed as well as these." 993 00:53:19,458 --> 00:53:22,125 That's amazing. "But if God so clothes the grass, 994 00:53:22,167 --> 00:53:24,875 which is alive in the field today, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, 995 00:53:24,958 --> 00:53:28,000 how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith!" 996 00:53:28,917 --> 00:53:32,625 Look, your Dad's a good Dad. He'll take care of you. 997 00:53:33,583 --> 00:53:36,833 "Do not seek what you are to eat, drink," 998 00:53:37,042 --> 00:53:40,417 coffee, good coffee, wine, good wine, beer, microbeer, 999 00:53:40,625 --> 00:53:42,458 water, bottled water, 1000 00:53:42,500 --> 00:53:46,042 filtered water, triple filtered charcoal filtered water. 1001 00:53:46,125 --> 00:53:48,042 [congregation laughing] 1002 00:53:48,833 --> 00:53:50,667 Why? "Cause I'll get cancer and die." 1003 00:53:50,750 --> 00:53:52,500 "Nor be worried. 1004 00:53:55,917 --> 00:53:59,208 "For all the nations of the world seek after these things, 1005 00:53:59,292 --> 00:54:02,583 and your Father knows that you need them." Are they bad? 1006 00:54:03,500 --> 00:54:08,125 No. Your Father knows you have some needs like clothes 1007 00:54:08,167 --> 00:54:10,417 and food and drink. 1008 00:54:10,500 --> 00:54:12,375 It's not a sin to have and enjoy them. 1009 00:54:12,458 --> 00:54:16,625 It's a sin to allow those needs to so dominate your life 1010 00:54:16,667 --> 00:54:19,083 that it produces fearful anxiety. 1011 00:54:20,667 --> 00:54:23,125 "Instead, seek his kingdom." 1012 00:54:24,083 --> 00:54:26,292 It's a kingdom that never ends. 1013 00:54:26,333 --> 00:54:28,333 "And these things will be added to you." 1014 00:54:28,375 --> 00:54:32,000 These are blessings, benefits, and bonuses. 1015 00:54:33,958 --> 00:54:35,500 "Fear not, little flock, 1016 00:54:35,542 --> 00:54:38,000 for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." 1017 00:54:38,042 --> 00:54:39,958 Now this is pretty fantastic. 1018 00:54:41,417 --> 00:54:45,792 "Fear not!" "Why? I'm a little flock!" 1019 00:54:46,875 --> 00:54:49,500 How many of you think-- when you think, 1020 00:54:49,542 --> 00:54:52,917 "Fear not," you think a few baby lambs? 1021 00:54:54,083 --> 00:54:58,708 All right, if any group ever had a reason to be terrified-- 1022 00:54:59,208 --> 00:55:01,792 not only lambs. No one is afraid of lambs. 1023 00:55:01,833 --> 00:55:07,292 There's never been a horror film, you know, with a lamb on the loose. 1024 00:55:08,125 --> 00:55:11,458 Never on the news--it's like, "There's a cougar! There's a bear! 1025 00:55:11,500 --> 00:55:13,292 They're loose! There's a lamb loose!" 1026 00:55:13,333 --> 00:55:15,792 Everybody's like, "Well, good, I hope he comes to my house. 1027 00:55:15,833 --> 00:55:19,083 I'd love to pet him." You know, like there's no fear of a-- 1028 00:55:19,167 --> 00:55:21,333 let alone a baby lamb. 1029 00:55:21,375 --> 00:55:22,958 A baby lamb, right? 1030 00:55:23,000 --> 00:55:25,500 You got a whole flock of them, you're like, "That's ridiculous. 1031 00:55:25,583 --> 00:55:28,583 It's like a cotton ball ad. That's fantastic." 1032 00:55:31,708 --> 00:55:35,500 And you think, "Okay, so God looks at us like baby lambs. 1033 00:55:35,833 --> 00:55:39,042 And then he says, 'Fear not!'" You're like, "Well," 1034 00:55:41,167 --> 00:55:43,833 because he goes on to say what? 1035 00:55:45,250 --> 00:55:46,833 What does he say? 1036 00:55:46,875 --> 00:55:51,250 "It's your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom--" "Oh, you're kidding me." 1037 00:55:51,333 --> 00:55:53,542 He's not saying, "There's nothing to fear!" 1038 00:55:53,625 --> 00:55:55,917 He's not saying, "You're tough, you'll be fine." 1039 00:55:56,000 --> 00:55:58,792 What he's saying is, "You have a Father who loves you 1040 00:55:58,833 --> 00:56:00,625 and he happens to be a king. 1041 00:56:01,167 --> 00:56:02,583 You'll be all right." 1042 00:56:02,667 --> 00:56:04,875 Generally speaking, when the Bible says, "Fear not," 1043 00:56:04,958 --> 00:56:06,875 it then tells you who God is. 1044 00:56:07,958 --> 00:56:09,958 Because your theology 1045 00:56:10,000 --> 00:56:13,833 results in biography, culminates in doxology, meaning this. 1046 00:56:14,083 --> 00:56:17,667 Who God is changes how you live and why you worship him. 1047 00:56:21,333 --> 00:56:24,500 I love that Jesus is honest. "Life is scary. 1048 00:56:24,542 --> 00:56:26,625 You're not going to make it 1049 00:56:28,208 --> 00:56:30,542 unless you're with your Father. 1050 00:56:31,458 --> 00:56:33,042 Then you'll be fine." 1051 00:56:33,125 --> 00:56:38,875 Oh, so all of a sudden my focus is to shift from my fears to my Father. 1052 00:56:40,167 --> 00:56:42,667 "Oh, my dad is much bigger than my enemies. 1053 00:56:43,000 --> 00:56:46,083 And he loves me and he'll take care of me and he's generous and good." 1054 00:56:46,167 --> 00:56:48,417 Wow, that makes a big difference, doesn't it? 1055 00:56:48,500 --> 00:56:49,958 So you say, "Okay, I believe this. 1056 00:56:50,000 --> 00:56:53,208 I believe that God is a loving Father, takes away my sin, 1057 00:56:53,292 --> 00:56:54,792 adopts me into his family 1058 00:56:54,833 --> 00:56:58,500 through the death, burial, and resurrection of my big brother Jesus. 1059 00:56:58,542 --> 00:57:01,708 I believe that God is my Father, that my heavenly Father is a king, 1060 00:57:01,792 --> 00:57:04,250 that he has a perfect kingdom, that he's a generous giver, 1061 00:57:04,333 --> 00:57:07,333 and he wants to take good care of me. I believe that." 1062 00:57:07,417 --> 00:57:08,958 We'll see. 1063 00:57:09,000 --> 00:57:13,125 Again, Jesus is going to absolutely stun us with something unexpected. 1064 00:57:13,917 --> 00:57:17,500 Jesus is the most unpredictable teacher in the history of the world. 1065 00:57:18,625 --> 00:57:22,542 Faith is an internal conviction that leads to an external action. 1066 00:57:24,000 --> 00:57:27,833 It's what you believe that results in how you behave. 1067 00:57:28,667 --> 00:57:32,542 So if you're saying and agreeing, "Yeah that's the issue. 1068 00:57:32,833 --> 00:57:36,042 Fear is conquered by Father. That's the issue!" 1069 00:57:36,125 --> 00:57:38,208 Here is what he says, "Let's see it." 1070 00:57:38,292 --> 00:57:42,167 "Sell your possessions," verse 33, "and give to the needy. 1071 00:57:44,333 --> 00:57:47,083 Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, 1072 00:57:47,167 --> 00:57:49,292 with the treasure in the heavens that does not fail, 1073 00:57:49,333 --> 00:57:51,708 where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. 1074 00:57:51,792 --> 00:57:55,958 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." 1075 00:57:56,333 --> 00:57:59,333 Your life follows your money. Where does your money go? 1076 00:57:59,375 --> 00:58:01,833 Odds are your money goes to your fears. 1077 00:58:02,208 --> 00:58:04,417 You want security, so it goes to a home. 1078 00:58:04,500 --> 00:58:06,583 You want comfort, so it goes to entertainment. 1079 00:58:06,667 --> 00:58:08,833 You want status, so it goes to possessions. 1080 00:58:08,917 --> 00:58:11,792 You want approval, so it goes to clothes. 1081 00:58:11,833 --> 00:58:14,417 You want friends, so it goes to gifts. 1082 00:58:18,625 --> 00:58:20,083 He got us. 1083 00:58:20,167 --> 00:58:23,083 He got us all, because he loves us all. 1084 00:58:26,917 --> 00:58:28,750 So God is saying here, 1085 00:58:30,667 --> 00:58:35,708 "Give. If you really believe that the Father is a generous king, give. 1086 00:58:37,333 --> 00:58:40,000 Give your best." We call it first fruits. 1087 00:58:40,042 --> 00:58:43,833 Don't give your worst. Some of you are saying, "That's a great verse. 1088 00:58:43,917 --> 00:58:46,375 "'Sell your possessions, give it to the needy.' 1089 00:58:46,458 --> 00:58:49,208 "I have some junk I want to get rid of. That's a great idea. 1090 00:58:49,292 --> 00:58:53,417 That must mean garage sale in Greek. That must mean--" 1091 00:58:54,667 --> 00:58:56,667 Don't give junk. 1092 00:59:02,000 --> 00:59:05,333 Don't give junk to the needy, to the poor. 1093 00:59:07,875 --> 00:59:09,625 Give good things. 1094 00:59:10,125 --> 00:59:12,625 Take something you love, give it away. 1095 00:59:12,667 --> 00:59:16,000 Take something you've worked very hard for, give it away. 1096 00:59:16,083 --> 00:59:19,458 Take something that is very significant to you, give it away. 1097 00:59:20,333 --> 00:59:24,750 Take something that actually pains you to lose, give it away. 1098 00:59:26,833 --> 00:59:30,167 Find someone who is needy. Not in a patronizing way, 1099 00:59:33,125 --> 00:59:35,000 but in a perspective way. 1100 00:59:35,083 --> 00:59:37,208 Because see, what can happen is all we think about 1101 00:59:37,292 --> 00:59:39,125 is people who are better off than us 1102 00:59:39,167 --> 00:59:42,000 and we become fearful that we won't get what they get. 1103 00:59:42,083 --> 00:59:45,333 We tend not to look at people who are more needy than us and think, 1104 00:59:45,375 --> 00:59:49,125 "I've got it pretty good and I need to be generous." 1105 00:59:50,167 --> 00:59:53,292 So don't give garbage. Give good things. 1106 00:59:54,292 --> 00:59:56,500 "For God so love the world he," 1107 00:59:56,833 --> 01:00:02,500 what did he do? "He gave his Son," 1108 01:00:04,125 --> 01:00:06,250 his only begotten Son. 1109 01:00:06,500 --> 01:00:09,250 The gift that the Father gives to us is none other 1110 01:00:09,333 --> 01:00:11,208 than the life, death, burial, resurrection, 1111 01:00:11,292 --> 01:00:13,583 the righteousness, the salvation, 1112 01:00:13,667 --> 01:00:16,750 the kingdom citizenship, of Jesus Christ, 1113 01:00:16,833 --> 01:00:19,833 the second member of the Trinity, the Son of God. 1114 01:00:20,708 --> 01:00:24,042 God gave because he loved and God gave his best. 1115 01:00:24,667 --> 01:00:26,667 We need to give our best. 1116 01:00:27,292 --> 01:00:29,292 We need to give our best. 1117 01:00:30,417 --> 01:00:34,750 And as we give our best, God isn't taking our stuff. 1118 01:00:35,042 --> 01:00:37,500 He's taking our stress. 1119 01:00:39,708 --> 01:00:41,667 He's taking our stress. 1120 01:00:43,625 --> 01:00:45,667 It is such a joy to give. 1121 01:00:46,167 --> 01:00:48,583 It's such a joy to be generous. 1122 01:00:48,833 --> 01:00:52,083 It starts to reorient our hearts and our minds and our lives 1123 01:00:52,167 --> 01:00:54,625 and our eyes away from ourselves. 1124 01:00:55,417 --> 01:00:58,125 It allows us to get to know the Father. 1125 01:00:58,167 --> 01:01:00,500 It allows us to get to love others. 1126 01:01:00,583 --> 01:01:03,167 And Jesus here with our possessions is saying, 1127 01:01:03,250 --> 01:01:05,417 "What you really have is a heart problem. 1128 01:01:05,500 --> 01:01:08,708 "And just dealing with a heart problem will not be sufficient 1129 01:01:08,792 --> 01:01:11,958 "until you've dealt with the wealth problem because ultimately 1130 01:01:12,000 --> 01:01:14,083 "your heart follows your wealth. 1131 01:01:14,333 --> 01:01:18,667 "So don't just make this another psychological principle for health, 1132 01:01:18,708 --> 01:01:20,500 "cleansing, and transformation. 1133 01:01:20,542 --> 01:01:23,958 Make it a financial principle for generous giving." 1134 01:01:24,833 --> 01:01:26,833 Some of you say, "I knew it! 1135 01:01:26,875 --> 01:01:30,333 "I knew the megachurch pastor was gonna try and get my money! 1136 01:01:30,417 --> 01:01:33,417 I knew it!" Fear not. 1137 01:01:33,708 --> 01:01:36,333 [congregation laughing] 1138 01:01:36,375 --> 01:01:37,958 Fear not. 1139 01:01:38,417 --> 01:01:41,333 God doesn't want to just take your stuff. 1140 01:01:41,417 --> 01:01:43,167 He wants to take your stress 1141 01:01:43,208 --> 01:01:45,750 and so much of your stress is connected to your stuff, 1142 01:01:45,833 --> 01:01:49,417 that as you give, you're giving your stress to him, 1143 01:01:49,500 --> 01:01:52,250 you're giving your stuff to others. 1144 01:01:53,167 --> 01:01:56,917 Let me close with this about your Father. A couple of things. 1145 01:01:57,708 --> 01:02:00,667 You combat fear by knowing the Father. Amen? 1146 01:02:01,875 --> 01:02:04,292 Your Father is a rich and generous king. 1147 01:02:04,333 --> 01:02:06,292 Your Father's kingdom has nothing to fear. 1148 01:02:06,333 --> 01:02:09,500 There's no lack, there's no thieves, there's no decay. 1149 01:02:09,708 --> 01:02:14,250 The transmission will not blow up in the kingdom of God. 1150 01:02:14,458 --> 01:02:16,500 Your Father has proven faithful. 1151 01:02:16,542 --> 01:02:19,792 He feeds nasty birds and clothes little flowers. 1152 01:02:19,833 --> 01:02:21,500 He'll take care of you. 1153 01:02:21,542 --> 01:02:25,333 And your Father asks you to be generous as an act of faith. Why? 1154 01:02:25,417 --> 01:02:28,958 Because one of the ways that the Father feeds and clothes others 1155 01:02:29,000 --> 01:02:31,458 is through his sons and daughters. 1156 01:02:32,042 --> 01:02:35,625 And we're in this wonderful season. It's fantastic! 1157 01:02:35,667 --> 01:02:38,333 Everybody's broke! Nobody's got anything! 1158 01:02:38,417 --> 01:02:42,167 Everybody's freaked out! What an opportunity! 1159 01:02:42,875 --> 01:02:46,125 We just had an election and the whole point of an election 1160 01:02:46,167 --> 01:02:48,792 is freak everyone out, make them terrified! 1161 01:02:48,833 --> 01:02:50,667 Whoever makes you the most scared, 1162 01:02:50,750 --> 01:02:52,875 you'll vote for them to save you from hell. 1163 01:02:52,958 --> 01:02:54,667 Hell as they define it. 1164 01:02:54,833 --> 01:02:58,458 Not the real hell, but the one they're making you fearful of. 1165 01:02:58,667 --> 01:03:01,417 And so then everybody just votes and they all vote, 1166 01:03:01,500 --> 01:03:05,292 "No more taxes! No more programs! Downsize the government! 1167 01:03:05,333 --> 01:03:08,333 "We can't do anything for anyone! 1168 01:03:08,375 --> 01:03:10,583 Everybody's on their own!" 1169 01:03:10,667 --> 01:03:15,292 Yes! Yeah, perfect! We're finally needed! 1170 01:03:16,333 --> 01:03:19,875 There's an opportunity here, when the voters say, "No," 1171 01:03:19,958 --> 01:03:23,417 and the government says, "No," and the church says, "Yeah. 1172 01:03:24,333 --> 01:03:25,875 Yeah." 1173 01:03:26,625 --> 01:03:30,083 Some of you say, "I don't have a lot of money." You got a lot of stuff. 1174 01:03:30,167 --> 01:03:31,708 Have less. 1175 01:03:32,625 --> 01:03:34,250 Give it away. 1176 01:03:34,708 --> 01:03:39,083 Give some stuff away. Sell some stuff, give the money away. 1177 01:03:39,167 --> 01:03:41,083 Be generous. Pick someone who's in need, 1178 01:03:41,167 --> 01:03:44,500 not just nameless, faceless poor. 1179 01:03:44,917 --> 01:03:49,000 Somebody you know. Single mom, underemployed, unemployed dad. 1180 01:03:50,167 --> 01:03:51,667 Give it. 1181 01:03:51,750 --> 01:03:55,667 See what happens in your heart. See what happens in your heart. 1182 01:03:55,708 --> 01:03:59,417 See what happens with your fears. See what happens with your anxieties. 1183 01:04:01,000 --> 01:04:03,333 Oh what a good season this is. 1184 01:04:04,792 --> 01:04:07,333 What a great season this is. 1185 01:04:07,417 --> 01:04:10,083 The world is teed up for an opportunity 1186 01:04:10,917 --> 01:04:14,250 for the sons and daughters of God to just give. 1187 01:04:14,917 --> 01:04:17,500 We're going to collect our offering in a moment. 1188 01:04:17,583 --> 01:04:19,542 Let me close with a few things. 1189 01:04:21,917 --> 01:04:24,958 Who gives at Mars Hill? About three-fourths of the people. 1190 01:04:25,000 --> 01:04:28,000 Out of 10,000, about 7,500 last year gave anything, 1191 01:04:28,042 --> 01:04:30,083 a dollar once or regular giving. 1192 01:04:32,542 --> 01:04:36,042 Additionally, the average person gives $1,800 a year. 1193 01:04:36,125 --> 01:04:37,958 The average deacon gives three times that. 1194 01:04:38,000 --> 01:04:40,667 The average elder gives five times that, which is awesome, 1195 01:04:40,750 --> 01:04:42,667 because where your treasure is your heart is 1196 01:04:42,708 --> 01:04:45,500 and your pastors' hearts are in the most! 1197 01:04:45,542 --> 01:04:47,750 Yes! Praise God for that. 1198 01:04:48,000 --> 01:04:51,500 How much do we give? So far this year, $2.2 million away. 1199 01:04:51,583 --> 01:04:53,667 Awesome, praise God. We want to give more 1200 01:04:53,708 --> 01:04:56,458 and you're going to give individually as well to help the poor. 1201 01:04:56,500 --> 01:04:59,208 We'll collect our offering as a church and then you're going to leave 1202 01:04:59,292 --> 01:05:02,333 and you're going to figure out who you're going to give some stuff to, 1203 01:05:02,417 --> 01:05:05,250 who you're going to sell stuff to give money to. 1204 01:05:05,792 --> 01:05:08,792 Yes, we get to take our offering now! 1205 01:05:08,833 --> 01:05:11,333 Yes, we get to take our offering now. 1206 01:05:11,375 --> 01:05:15,333 All right, I'm going to pray. We're going to take our offering. 1207 01:05:15,500 --> 01:05:17,583 You should be excited. 1208 01:05:19,292 --> 01:05:22,208 Father God, thank you that you're a Dad who loves his kids. 1209 01:05:22,292 --> 01:05:24,458 Thank you that you feed nasty birds. 1210 01:05:24,500 --> 01:05:27,500 Thank you that you clothe simple flowers. 1211 01:05:27,542 --> 01:05:30,750 Thank you that your kingdom doesn't have a lack. 1212 01:05:30,833 --> 01:05:32,750 Thank you that you gave us your Son. 1213 01:05:32,833 --> 01:05:34,875 Thank you that you give us good things. 1214 01:05:34,958 --> 01:05:37,125 Thank you that you give us eternal life. 1215 01:05:37,167 --> 01:05:39,000 Thank you that you give us the truth. 1216 01:05:39,042 --> 01:05:41,250 Thank you that you give us the Holy Spirit. 1217 01:05:41,333 --> 01:05:43,292 Thank you that you give us one another. 1218 01:05:43,333 --> 01:05:47,625 And thank you that one day the world as we know it will come to an end 1219 01:05:47,667 --> 01:05:49,875 and we'll have nothing to fear. 1220 01:05:49,958 --> 01:05:53,917 Until then, please teach us as a little flock to fear not 1221 01:05:54,292 --> 01:05:58,042 for it is our Father's good pleasure to give us the kingdom. 1222 01:05:58,125 --> 01:06:01,417 God, thank you that you don't just take our stuff, you take our stress. 1223 01:06:01,500 --> 01:06:03,500 We give it to you in Jesus' name, amen.