1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,417 2 00:00:04,500 --> 00:00:09,500 [music] 3 00:00:30,833 --> 00:00:35,500 Alrighty Mars Hill, we're in Luke 18:15-17, 4 00:00:35,542 --> 00:00:37,000 Jesus and children. 5 00:00:37,042 --> 00:00:39,833 You could find it in your Bible or on your app 6 00:00:39,875 --> 00:00:41,208 and as you're doing that, 7 00:00:41,292 --> 00:00:45,417 I've got a few quick book plugs for the book table. 8 00:00:45,500 --> 00:00:48,667 Today obviously we're talking about Jesus and children, 9 00:00:48,750 --> 00:00:51,000 which raises a lot of questions for people 10 00:00:51,083 --> 00:00:52,667 about parenting and children. 11 00:00:52,750 --> 00:00:54,875 So now here's a few recommendations, 12 00:00:54,958 --> 00:00:57,083 "Shepherding a Child's Heart," by Tedd Tripp 13 00:00:57,167 --> 00:00:58,583 is a really great book, 14 00:00:58,667 --> 00:01:02,167 looks at how to raise children not just with external, 15 00:01:02,250 --> 00:01:05,500 moral obedience but inward, heart change. 16 00:01:05,583 --> 00:01:07,333 And we appreciate his work a lot. 17 00:01:07,375 --> 00:01:09,500 We've got this book on sale for you. 18 00:01:09,583 --> 00:01:11,833 He also lectured here at Mars Hill on parenting 19 00:01:11,875 --> 00:01:14,208 and all of those lectures in audio and video format 20 00:01:14,292 --> 00:01:16,083 are available for free 21 00:01:16,167 --> 00:01:19,708 at the marshillchurch.org media library. 22 00:01:19,792 --> 00:01:22,500 So you can grab that if you're a parent or grandparent 23 00:01:22,542 --> 00:01:24,375 or aspire to be as well. 24 00:01:24,458 --> 00:01:26,792 Nothing's more important than just time in the Bible. 25 00:01:26,833 --> 00:01:28,917 That's true for little people and big people. 26 00:01:29,000 --> 00:01:31,333 And the kids' Bible we recommend a lot is 27 00:01:31,375 --> 00:01:34,667 the "Jesus Storybook Bible" and it's a great, simple Bible. 28 00:01:34,750 --> 00:01:37,667 It takes some of the more popular primary stories 29 00:01:37,750 --> 00:01:40,000 of the Scripture and connects them all to Jesus 30 00:01:40,083 --> 00:01:42,125 and does so in a real creative, poetic, 31 00:01:42,167 --> 00:01:44,000 and really a great way. 32 00:01:44,083 --> 00:01:45,417 And so we recommend this. 33 00:01:45,500 --> 00:01:47,208 My kids all enjoyed it. 34 00:01:47,292 --> 00:01:50,708 I read it to them when they were little and as they got old 35 00:01:50,792 --> 00:01:53,000 enough to read, they started reading it for themselves. 36 00:01:53,083 --> 00:01:56,208 This one is a deluxe edition and it's also got the audio version, 37 00:01:56,292 --> 00:01:59,625 so your kids can listen to it and they can read and some kids 38 00:01:59,667 --> 00:02:02,000 like to do both and sort of follow along, 39 00:02:02,042 --> 00:02:03,667 which helps with their reading skills. 40 00:02:03,750 --> 00:02:06,000 So we'd recommend the "Jesus Storybook Bible." 41 00:02:06,083 --> 00:02:09,000 And my buddy Calvin, my 9-year-old son, 42 00:02:09,083 --> 00:02:11,500 when he was little, "Operation No More Tears" in Isaiah, 43 00:02:11,583 --> 00:02:13,333 that was his very favorite in that. 44 00:02:13,375 --> 00:02:15,000 I read it a lot. 45 00:02:15,083 --> 00:02:17,625 And Alexie liked the "Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, 46 00:02:17,667 --> 00:02:20,583 Always and Forever Love," that's their theme through 47 00:02:20,667 --> 00:02:22,625 the whole book is God's love for us. 48 00:02:22,667 --> 00:02:25,500 Additionally, "Long Story Short" is a great book. 49 00:02:25,583 --> 00:02:28,333 It's 10-minute devotionals for parents or grandparents 50 00:02:28,375 --> 00:02:30,167 with children. 51 00:02:30,250 --> 00:02:33,167 And it's set up every day, read a verse, ask some questions, 52 00:02:33,250 --> 00:02:35,917 have some discussions, learn some big truths. 53 00:02:36,000 --> 00:02:38,625 It follows the big ideas of the Bible. 54 00:02:38,667 --> 00:02:41,125 And this is the kind of book you can have 55 00:02:41,167 --> 00:02:43,417 on the dining room table along with a Bible 56 00:02:43,500 --> 00:02:46,208 and just have discussions over mealtime with your family. 57 00:02:46,292 --> 00:02:49,417 So if you're someone who would like to do that with your kids 58 00:02:49,500 --> 00:02:51,625 and/or grandkids, that would be a super helpful resource 59 00:02:51,667 --> 00:02:53,000 for you as well. 60 00:02:53,083 --> 00:02:55,583 And it's put together by a friend of ours from 61 00:02:55,667 --> 00:02:58,417 the Sovereign Grace network, which is a really great 62 00:02:58,500 --> 00:03:01,167 Bible-believing network of churches that we appreciate. 63 00:03:01,250 --> 00:03:04,500 And so that's a resource from one of their leaders. 64 00:03:04,583 --> 00:03:07,000 That being said, I'm gonna pray and we'll see what 65 00:03:07,083 --> 00:03:10,375 Jesus has for us today. 66 00:03:10,458 --> 00:03:12,208 Father God, thank you first of all 67 00:03:12,292 --> 00:03:14,875 that we get to come to you as Father. 68 00:03:14,958 --> 00:03:18,500 Just that in itself is astonishing and amazing. 69 00:03:18,583 --> 00:03:21,917 That of all the ways and names by which you could have revealed 70 00:03:22,000 --> 00:03:25,500 yourself to us, you chose Father or Daddy. 71 00:03:25,542 --> 00:03:27,833 And so Father, as we open the Scriptures today, 72 00:03:27,875 --> 00:03:31,417 we thank you that we get to see a moment where Jesus interacted 73 00:03:31,500 --> 00:03:35,000 with children, where the Son of God interacted 74 00:03:35,042 --> 00:03:37,000 with sons and daughters. 75 00:03:37,083 --> 00:03:38,792 And so we invite you, Holy Spirit, 76 00:03:38,833 --> 00:03:41,000 to illuminate our understanding of the Scriptures which you 77 00:03:41,083 --> 00:03:44,083 have written so that we could learn about Jesus, 78 00:03:44,167 --> 00:03:46,583 in whose name we pray, amen. 79 00:03:46,667 --> 00:03:48,125 Let me start with a story. 80 00:03:48,167 --> 00:03:51,833 It was something I experienced as a brand-new Christian. 81 00:03:51,875 --> 00:03:54,792 God saved me around age 19 in college. 82 00:03:54,833 --> 00:03:58,125 And I was working as a bellhop and shuttle driver, 83 00:03:58,167 --> 00:04:00,625 paying my way through school during the summers 84 00:04:00,667 --> 00:04:03,417 at a Marriott, Marriott Hotel. 85 00:04:03,500 --> 00:04:06,625 And being a brand-new Christian called into ministry, 86 00:04:06,667 --> 00:04:09,125 one of the people that I respected, appreciated, 87 00:04:09,167 --> 00:04:11,917 admired the most and do quite frankly to this day 88 00:04:12,000 --> 00:04:13,500 was Billy Graham. 89 00:04:13,542 --> 00:04:15,500 I think he's a wonderful man of God, 90 00:04:15,542 --> 00:04:18,500 he's been faithful to Jesus and he was faithful to his wife 91 00:04:18,542 --> 00:04:20,208 and he's a wonderful man of God. 92 00:04:20,292 --> 00:04:22,708 And I've gotten to know his grandson a little bit, 93 00:04:22,792 --> 00:04:25,208 a pastor named Tullian who's a really good Bible teacher 94 00:04:25,292 --> 00:04:26,625 and a dear friend. 95 00:04:26,667 --> 00:04:29,625 And all the stories about Billy as a man off the stage, 96 00:04:29,667 --> 00:04:32,000 behind the scenes only confirm the kind of man 97 00:04:32,083 --> 00:04:33,875 that he was and is. 98 00:04:33,958 --> 00:04:36,500 And that's a fantastic, admirable man of God, 99 00:04:36,583 --> 00:04:39,875 somebody I really appreciate, respect, admire a lot. 100 00:04:39,958 --> 00:04:43,083 And so it was a big shock for me when I was working 101 00:04:43,167 --> 00:04:45,917 at the Marriott, I was walking by the restaurant one morning 102 00:04:46,000 --> 00:04:47,667 and I looked over and I thought, 103 00:04:47,750 --> 00:04:49,208 "Man, that looks like Billy Graham." 104 00:04:49,292 --> 00:04:52,083 But he wasn't sitting there with like bodyguards and people with 105 00:04:52,167 --> 00:04:54,625 assault rifles, he was just sitting there reading the paper 106 00:04:54,667 --> 00:04:59,625 with thick glasses wearing a Minnesota Twins baseball cap. 107 00:04:59,667 --> 00:05:02,417 And I thought, "Well, he is a man of great faith, 108 00:05:02,500 --> 00:05:04,417 that could be him." 109 00:05:04,500 --> 00:05:07,125 Anyone who roots for the Twins has a lot of faith. 110 00:05:07,167 --> 00:05:10,625 And so I thought, "Well, I'm working but I got to go check." 111 00:05:10,667 --> 00:05:13,625 So I walked in, I said, "Sir, I hate to interrupt you," 112 00:05:13,667 --> 00:05:15,000 which I didn't. 113 00:05:15,083 --> 00:05:16,583 That's why I was interrupting him. 114 00:05:16,667 --> 00:05:18,333 But, "Sir, I hate to interrupt you," 115 00:05:18,375 --> 00:05:21,000 I don't remember exactly what I said, "Are you Billy Graham?" 116 00:05:21,083 --> 00:05:22,833 He said, "Yes," in that awesome voice. 117 00:05:22,875 --> 00:05:24,375 I freaked out. 118 00:05:24,458 --> 00:05:27,000 I was just totally-- "You're Billy Graham." 119 00:05:27,042 --> 00:05:29,500 This is amazing, sitting here in the Marriott. 120 00:05:29,583 --> 00:05:32,708 I don't remember what I said, but I think I told him something 121 00:05:32,792 --> 00:05:35,875 to the effect of, "Hey, I'm a pastor to be, want to be. 122 00:05:35,958 --> 00:05:38,208 "I'm a new Christian, God's called me to ministry, 123 00:05:38,292 --> 00:05:40,417 I want to teach the Bible, plant a church," 124 00:05:40,500 --> 00:05:43,125 and he--and I just remember, he was really nice to me. 125 00:05:43,167 --> 00:05:45,417 Put his paper down and just visited with me 126 00:05:45,500 --> 00:05:47,000 for a few minutes. 127 00:05:47,083 --> 00:05:48,417 "Well that's great. 128 00:05:48,500 --> 00:05:50,208 "What has God called you to? 129 00:05:50,292 --> 00:05:52,208 How can I be praying for you?" 130 00:05:52,292 --> 00:05:53,625 Awesome. 131 00:05:53,667 --> 00:05:56,375 You've got the bat phone, I mean, I'm sure, you know, 132 00:05:56,458 --> 00:05:58,333 you've got the red line. 133 00:05:58,375 --> 00:06:00,292 Awesome, please do pray. 134 00:06:00,333 --> 00:06:02,333 Awesome. 135 00:06:02,375 --> 00:06:05,000 And just really encouraged and I walked away thinking, 136 00:06:05,042 --> 00:06:09,000 "Billy Graham just took a moment and was present and loved me and 137 00:06:09,083 --> 00:06:13,583 served me and encouraged me," and that meant the world to me. 138 00:06:13,667 --> 00:06:16,000 And then I realized, "Uh-oh, I just outed Billy Graham," 139 00:06:16,083 --> 00:06:18,208 'cause the next thing I know, everybody in this 140 00:06:18,292 --> 00:06:20,333 busy restaurant is, "Is that Billy Graham? 141 00:06:20,375 --> 00:06:22,833 I think it is, I think it is Billy Graham." 142 00:06:22,875 --> 00:06:25,417 I'm like, "Oh, I just ruined this guy's private breakfast." 143 00:06:25,500 --> 00:06:28,708 Next thing you know, everybody's coming over to see Billy Graham 144 00:06:28,792 --> 00:06:32,000 and he ends up sitting there like Santa Claus and kids 145 00:06:32,083 --> 00:06:34,792 are climbing up on his lap and people are taking over 146 00:06:34,833 --> 00:06:39,333 their babies to have him pray for them and meet them. 147 00:06:39,375 --> 00:06:41,333 And he's answering their questions and they're all 148 00:06:41,375 --> 00:06:43,875 getting their photo taken of their kids with Billy Graham 149 00:06:43,958 --> 00:06:46,125 like he's Santa Claus at the mall. 150 00:06:46,167 --> 00:06:49,125 And the next thing I know, people are going up to their 151 00:06:49,167 --> 00:06:51,333 room and they're stealing the Gideon's Bible and they're 152 00:06:51,375 --> 00:06:53,833 bringing it down asking Billy to autograph the stolen Bible 153 00:06:53,875 --> 00:06:55,833 —which is awesome. 154 00:06:55,875 --> 00:06:59,500 And I had to make the drives to the airport 155 00:06:59,542 --> 00:07:01,083 and so I kept checking back. 156 00:07:01,167 --> 00:07:03,333 "Oh, there's a big line, it's a big party." 157 00:07:03,375 --> 00:07:06,000 The next thing I know, all the employees are hanging out 158 00:07:06,083 --> 00:07:07,417 with Billy Graham. 159 00:07:07,500 --> 00:07:10,625 And I don't know how long it was before he left 'cause I 160 00:07:10,667 --> 00:07:13,625 was working, but it was at least an hour Billy sat there. 161 00:07:13,667 --> 00:07:16,125 Kids climbing up on his lap, him praying for them, 162 00:07:16,167 --> 00:07:18,125 loving and serving people. 163 00:07:18,167 --> 00:07:22,500 And after he left, the buzz at my work for the next week was, 164 00:07:22,583 --> 00:07:24,833 "How awesome is Billy Graham?" 165 00:07:24,875 --> 00:07:27,667 The non-Christians I work with, some of whom were quite frankly 166 00:07:27,750 --> 00:07:29,667 opposed to the gospel, they loved Billy. 167 00:07:29,750 --> 00:07:33,208 They go, "He was so humble, he was so real, he was so nice. 168 00:07:33,292 --> 00:07:34,875 "It was so kind of him. 169 00:07:34,958 --> 00:07:36,333 He was accessible." 170 00:07:36,375 --> 00:07:38,667 And I thought, "Praise God for Billy Graham." 171 00:07:38,750 --> 00:07:41,375 Of all the Christians to drop into my workplace, 172 00:07:41,458 --> 00:07:44,500 we got this amazing man of God. 173 00:07:44,583 --> 00:07:48,125 And the way he conducted himself just put a sweetness into 174 00:07:48,167 --> 00:07:51,333 the workplace where people were absolutely blown away by the way 175 00:07:51,375 --> 00:07:56,000 he treated them, particularly the way he treated children. 176 00:07:56,042 --> 00:07:59,833 And it reminds me of the story of Jesus today. 177 00:07:59,875 --> 00:08:02,625 See, Billy in that moment, he was showing us 178 00:08:02,667 --> 00:08:04,917 a little bit of Jesus. 179 00:08:05,000 --> 00:08:07,667 We're gonna read a story, one of the most beloved stories 180 00:08:07,750 --> 00:08:09,167 in the whole Bible. 181 00:08:09,250 --> 00:08:12,333 It's in three of the four Gospel accounts of Jesus and it tells 182 00:08:12,375 --> 00:08:15,083 us about a day when Jesus had a moment like that. 183 00:08:15,167 --> 00:08:19,292 Big, famous, powerful man with enormous crowds has children who 184 00:08:19,333 --> 00:08:23,125 want to come and hang out with him and take a lot of his time 185 00:08:23,167 --> 00:08:26,917 and disrupt his day and interrupt his teaching. 186 00:08:27,000 --> 00:08:30,375 And there's his response and the response of his followers, 187 00:08:30,458 --> 00:08:32,125 some religious leaders. 188 00:08:32,167 --> 00:08:35,500 We'll read it for ourselves in Luke 18:15-17, 189 00:08:35,542 --> 00:08:37,833 "Now they were bringing even infants to him—" 190 00:08:37,875 --> 00:08:40,625 You see it, Jesus is like Santa Claus at the mall, 191 00:08:40,667 --> 00:08:43,125 a long line of kids coming to see him. 192 00:08:43,167 --> 00:08:44,625 "—that he might touch them. 193 00:08:44,667 --> 00:08:47,333 "And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. 194 00:08:47,375 --> 00:08:50,417 "But Jesus called them to him, saying, 195 00:08:50,500 --> 00:08:53,708 "'Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, 196 00:08:53,792 --> 00:08:55,708 "'for to such belongs the kingdom of God. 197 00:08:55,792 --> 00:08:59,167 "'Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom 198 00:08:59,250 --> 00:09:03,125 of God like a child shall not enter it.'" 199 00:09:03,167 --> 00:09:05,000 There's Jesus. 200 00:09:05,083 --> 00:09:07,792 Now, this event happens in the middle of the Roman Empire, 201 00:09:07,833 --> 00:09:10,167 which is one of the most far-reaching, 202 00:09:10,250 --> 00:09:14,625 long-lasting empires in the history of the world. 203 00:09:14,667 --> 00:09:20,292 And the Roman Empire was not particularly fond to children. 204 00:09:20,333 --> 00:09:23,417 There was abortion, a primitive form, 205 00:09:23,500 --> 00:09:25,917 there was also abandonment. 206 00:09:26,000 --> 00:09:29,417 This was particularly true if a disabled or handicapped child 207 00:09:29,500 --> 00:09:32,375 was born, they would literally oftentimes be put out 208 00:09:32,458 --> 00:09:35,167 with the trash. 209 00:09:35,250 --> 00:09:38,000 And the same was true for daughters, daughters were not, 210 00:09:38,083 --> 00:09:41,000 as is sadly the case in some nations in our own day, 211 00:09:41,083 --> 00:09:44,500 as valued as sons. 212 00:09:44,542 --> 00:09:48,167 And so if a daughter was born, some families literally 213 00:09:48,250 --> 00:09:51,792 would just put the daughter out alive, a baby, 214 00:09:51,833 --> 00:09:54,500 on the trash heap to be picked up on collection day 215 00:09:54,583 --> 00:09:56,417 and thrown away. 216 00:09:56,500 --> 00:09:59,500 Now, I'm a dad, I've got three boys, two girls, 217 00:09:59,583 --> 00:10:03,167 I couldn't fathom life without my daughters. 218 00:10:03,250 --> 00:10:05,875 I couldn't fathom life without my--I had lunch with my 219 00:10:05,958 --> 00:10:07,875 two daughters today. 220 00:10:07,958 --> 00:10:12,083 I got lots of kisses and snuggles and visits and laughs 221 00:10:12,167 --> 00:10:15,000 with my girls every day. 222 00:10:15,083 --> 00:10:17,125 To think of just discarding them, 223 00:10:17,167 --> 00:10:21,375 that kind of abandonment was common in that day. 224 00:10:21,458 --> 00:10:24,417 And then the result would be not only abortion and abandonment, 225 00:10:24,500 --> 00:10:26,292 but also abuse. 226 00:10:26,333 --> 00:10:28,875 Because these babies would be picked up and turned into 227 00:10:28,958 --> 00:10:32,833 slaves, gladiators, and prostitutes. 228 00:10:32,875 --> 00:10:36,083 And their lives would be wrecked and destroyed. 229 00:10:36,167 --> 00:10:38,792 And so Jesus here is working and speaking in the midst 230 00:10:38,833 --> 00:10:43,125 of a context that is not fond or friendly 231 00:10:43,167 --> 00:10:46,625 toward children oftentimes. 232 00:10:46,667 --> 00:10:48,708 And we might look at that and say, 233 00:10:48,792 --> 00:10:51,208 "Well, that's a very primitive time and those are very 234 00:10:51,292 --> 00:10:54,625 primitive people," but we're not that dissimilar. 235 00:10:54,667 --> 00:10:59,625 This year, 1.5 million American children will be aborted. 236 00:10:59,667 --> 00:11:02,417 Their lives will be taken in utero. 237 00:11:02,500 --> 00:11:05,167 Additionally, there is abandonment, 238 00:11:05,250 --> 00:11:07,333 particularly by fathers, 239 00:11:07,375 --> 00:11:10,333 where the fathers abandon their responsibilities 240 00:11:10,375 --> 00:11:11,875 toward their children. 241 00:11:11,958 --> 00:11:14,208 Forty percent of kids tonight will go to bed 242 00:11:14,292 --> 00:11:16,167 without their father. 243 00:11:16,250 --> 00:11:19,667 They're thrown into poverty, they're left in a very dangerous 244 00:11:19,750 --> 00:11:24,375 situation, economically and socially and physically. 245 00:11:24,458 --> 00:11:26,792 In certain ethnic communities, that percentage is 246 00:11:26,833 --> 00:11:30,125 much higher, over 50%. 247 00:11:30,167 --> 00:11:32,625 So there is abandonment as well today. 248 00:11:32,667 --> 00:11:34,833 And it does lead to abuse, 249 00:11:34,875 --> 00:11:36,875 child abuse of various sorts and kinds. 250 00:11:36,958 --> 00:11:39,125 Some people, and perhaps tragically some of you, 251 00:11:39,167 --> 00:11:42,125 harsh with children, mean with children, 252 00:11:42,167 --> 00:11:44,708 you don't just correct them but you punish them, 253 00:11:44,792 --> 00:11:47,833 which is sinful. 254 00:11:47,875 --> 00:11:53,500 As well, every 10 seconds, a report is made for child abuse. 255 00:11:53,583 --> 00:11:57,667 Now imagine all the cases that are not reported. 256 00:11:57,750 --> 00:12:02,208 So Jesus' Word and Jesus' example is fitting for his day 257 00:12:02,292 --> 00:12:07,417 but it fits our day, sadly, equally necessary. 258 00:12:07,500 --> 00:12:10,417 And so who is this man, Jesus, who's talking about children 259 00:12:10,500 --> 00:12:12,667 and interacting with children? 260 00:12:12,750 --> 00:12:15,000 Well, he's done one of the most extraordinary things 261 00:12:15,083 --> 00:12:17,375 in the history of the world and that is, 262 00:12:17,458 --> 00:12:21,167 bestowed particular dignity on children and childhood. 263 00:12:21,250 --> 00:12:27,625 'Cause Jesus Christ is God and we always say, become a man, 264 00:12:27,667 --> 00:12:30,417 which isn't wrong, but it's not altogether right. 265 00:12:30,500 --> 00:12:33,833 Before Jesus Christ was God become a man, 266 00:12:33,875 --> 00:12:36,583 he was God become a baby. 267 00:12:36,667 --> 00:12:39,583 We tend not to think of Jesus in that light, do you? 268 00:12:39,667 --> 00:12:41,833 I mean, Christmas you're like, "Oh, yeah, he's cute. 269 00:12:41,875 --> 00:12:43,208 He went to the cross." 270 00:12:43,292 --> 00:12:45,208 We sort of miss everything in the middle. 271 00:12:45,292 --> 00:12:47,000 And the church creeds do as well. 272 00:12:47,083 --> 00:12:48,792 He was born of the Virgin Mary 273 00:12:48,833 --> 00:12:50,292 and crucified under Pontius Pilate. 274 00:12:50,333 --> 00:12:51,833 Hey, what happened to elementary school? 275 00:12:51,875 --> 00:12:54,333 What happened to junior high? What happened to high school? 276 00:12:54,375 --> 00:12:56,333 The creeds all skip that time as well, 277 00:12:56,375 --> 00:13:01,417 because we struggle with Jesus being a child. 278 00:13:01,500 --> 00:13:05,000 But Jesus is God become a baby. 279 00:13:05,042 --> 00:13:07,208 We read previously in the narrative of Luke's Gospel 280 00:13:07,292 --> 00:13:09,833 and Luke 2:52 that Jesus grew in wisdom, stature, 281 00:13:09,875 --> 00:13:12,167 and favor with men and God. 282 00:13:12,250 --> 00:13:15,583 He grew up, he was a baby and then he was a little boy 283 00:13:15,667 --> 00:13:18,583 and he had to learn how to walk and talk and read 284 00:13:18,667 --> 00:13:20,000 and write and feed himself. 285 00:13:20,042 --> 00:13:22,333 And he went through the equivalent of elementary school 286 00:13:22,375 --> 00:13:24,208 and junior high and he grew up 287 00:13:24,292 --> 00:13:26,000 and went through his teens and 20s. 288 00:13:26,083 --> 00:13:29,000 And at this point in the story, he's in his early 30s. 289 00:13:29,083 --> 00:13:34,167 And so Jesus bestows particular dignity on childhood because God 290 00:13:34,250 --> 00:13:35,917 went through childhood. 291 00:13:36,000 --> 00:13:39,000 Now God doesn't grow, God doesn't change, but Jesus, 292 00:13:39,083 --> 00:13:42,208 in becoming a man, he humbled himself, 293 00:13:42,292 --> 00:13:45,500 he set aside the continual use of some of his divine attributes 294 00:13:45,583 --> 00:13:47,417 to identify with us. 295 00:13:47,500 --> 00:13:51,417 So he remained God, but he chose to humbly live among us 296 00:13:51,500 --> 00:13:53,000 like one of us. 297 00:13:53,042 --> 00:13:56,500 And now what this means about Jesus, and I see this as a dad, 298 00:13:56,542 --> 00:14:01,000 is that kids can relate to Jesus because he's been a kid. 299 00:14:01,042 --> 00:14:03,500 He had brothers and sisters. 300 00:14:03,542 --> 00:14:05,833 He had to obey his mother and his father. 301 00:14:05,875 --> 00:14:08,167 He had to do his homework. 302 00:14:08,250 --> 00:14:11,667 And so even children can relate to Jesus because at one point, 303 00:14:11,750 --> 00:14:13,708 he was their age. 304 00:14:13,792 --> 00:14:15,583 Isn't that fascinating? 305 00:14:15,667 --> 00:14:18,417 This hadn't even really dawned on me till I started talking 306 00:14:18,500 --> 00:14:19,833 to the kids. 307 00:14:19,875 --> 00:14:22,583 They'd ask things like, "Hey, Dad, was Jesus a good brother?" 308 00:14:22,667 --> 00:14:24,000 Yeah. 309 00:14:24,083 --> 00:14:25,667 "Did he do his chores?" 310 00:14:25,750 --> 00:14:27,500 Yeah. 311 00:14:27,583 --> 00:14:31,583 Kids start relating to Jesus at their age because at some point, 312 00:14:31,667 --> 00:14:33,417 he was their age. 313 00:14:33,500 --> 00:14:35,083 And what's the story of Jesus? 314 00:14:35,167 --> 00:14:40,625 Well, he was born of a single mother, a virgin, 315 00:14:40,667 --> 00:14:42,625 but a single mother nonetheless we read earlier 316 00:14:42,667 --> 00:14:44,625 in Luke's Gospel. 317 00:14:44,667 --> 00:14:47,500 And so this is one of the reasons we encourage men 318 00:14:47,583 --> 00:14:50,833 at Mars Hill who are single and want to marry, 319 00:14:50,875 --> 00:14:53,000 don't overlook the single mothers. 320 00:14:53,042 --> 00:14:56,417 Jesus' mother was a single mother. 321 00:14:56,500 --> 00:14:59,417 And Jesus' father, who adopted him, who was not his biological, 322 00:14:59,500 --> 00:15:02,625 but his adopted father, was a blue-collar carpenter worker 323 00:15:02,667 --> 00:15:05,000 named Joseph. 324 00:15:05,042 --> 00:15:07,292 So Jesus was adopted. 325 00:15:07,333 --> 00:15:11,375 So as Christians, we're in this great legacy where Christians 326 00:15:11,458 --> 00:15:13,000 are involved in foster care 327 00:15:13,042 --> 00:15:14,500 and Christians are involved in adoption. 328 00:15:14,542 --> 00:15:15,875 Why? 329 00:15:15,958 --> 00:15:17,625 Well, our God was adopted. 330 00:15:17,667 --> 00:15:20,417 A guy named Russell Moore in a book, "Adopted for Life," 331 00:15:20,500 --> 00:15:22,417 he hit some of these big ideas. 332 00:15:22,500 --> 00:15:23,833 So here's Jesus, right? 333 00:15:23,875 --> 00:15:26,333 He'd been a child. Now he's a grown man. 334 00:15:26,375 --> 00:15:28,375 He's eternally God entered into human history. 335 00:15:28,458 --> 00:15:31,333 His mom was a single mom, his daddy adopted him, 336 00:15:31,375 --> 00:15:38,792 and here he is male, not female, single, not married, 337 00:15:38,833 --> 00:15:42,333 childless, not a father. 338 00:15:42,375 --> 00:15:44,375 And who enjoys him? 339 00:15:44,458 --> 00:15:46,500 Who loves him? Who's drawn to him? 340 00:15:46,583 --> 00:15:48,292 Children. 341 00:15:48,333 --> 00:15:49,833 Isn't that amazing? 342 00:15:49,875 --> 00:15:52,583 See 'cause in our day, who's the least likely person 343 00:15:52,667 --> 00:15:54,083 to be with children? 344 00:15:54,167 --> 00:15:56,417 Single men. 345 00:15:56,500 --> 00:15:59,125 Some guys would say, "Uh, I don't like kids. 346 00:15:59,167 --> 00:16:01,625 That's women's work, I'm a man." 347 00:16:01,667 --> 00:16:03,792 You can't get any more manly than Jesus, 348 00:16:03,833 --> 00:16:06,417 he's as masculine as can be. 349 00:16:06,500 --> 00:16:09,833 He likes kids, and kids like him. 350 00:16:09,875 --> 00:16:11,375 They're, in fact, drawn to him. 351 00:16:11,458 --> 00:16:14,000 You're gonna see this at various points in the Gospel. 352 00:16:14,083 --> 00:16:15,417 They just come to him. 353 00:16:15,500 --> 00:16:17,625 At another point, they come to sing and dance 354 00:16:17,667 --> 00:16:19,000 and hang out with him. 355 00:16:19,083 --> 00:16:23,000 Jesus attracts children in a way that religious people don't. 356 00:16:23,083 --> 00:16:25,000 Right, we don't see this in the Gospels, 357 00:16:25,083 --> 00:16:27,583 "Oh, and the children all ran to the religious people." 358 00:16:27,667 --> 00:16:29,417 Never happens. 359 00:16:29,500 --> 00:16:31,333 The children all run to Jesus. 360 00:16:31,375 --> 00:16:35,625 They like him, he likes them. 361 00:16:35,667 --> 00:16:38,667 So men, this shows us it's a masculine, 362 00:16:38,750 --> 00:16:42,000 godly thing to love children, even if you're not a dad, 363 00:16:42,083 --> 00:16:44,083 and for children to enjoy being with you 364 00:16:44,167 --> 00:16:45,667 and you enjoy being with them. 365 00:16:45,750 --> 00:16:49,000 This is why we encourage men to aspire to be fathers and coaches 366 00:16:49,083 --> 00:16:53,333 and teachers and big brothers and nursery workers and to love 367 00:16:53,375 --> 00:16:55,125 and to serve children as Jesus did. 368 00:16:55,167 --> 00:16:58,500 So the children are coming to Jesus and some of the accounts 369 00:16:58,542 --> 00:17:01,000 say that the kids were old enough to walk. 370 00:17:01,083 --> 00:17:03,000 So you think, you know, kids with--you know, 371 00:17:03,083 --> 00:17:05,208 little girls with pigtails and think of, you know, 372 00:17:05,292 --> 00:17:07,083 little boys with Fudgesicles and boogers, right? 373 00:17:07,167 --> 00:17:08,583 They're all coming to Jesus. 374 00:17:08,667 --> 00:17:11,333 We're gonna go hang out with Jesus, he looks like fun. 375 00:17:11,375 --> 00:17:14,333 And there's also parents in this account who are sort of carrying 376 00:17:14,375 --> 00:17:15,833 their kids 'cause they're too small. 377 00:17:15,875 --> 00:17:17,792 And the disciples are freaking out, 378 00:17:17,833 --> 00:17:19,833 "Oh no, what about our service order? 379 00:17:19,875 --> 00:17:21,333 "This is our big event. 380 00:17:21,375 --> 00:17:22,875 "We have an order of things 381 00:17:22,958 --> 00:17:24,792 "and the kids are disrupting everything. 382 00:17:24,833 --> 00:17:27,417 "And oh my goodness, they're gonna--they're wiping boogers on 383 00:17:27,500 --> 00:17:30,667 "Jesus and somebody spilled their Fudgesicle on Jesus 384 00:17:30,750 --> 00:17:34,417 "and the one guy's--the kid's yanking on his beard." 385 00:17:34,500 --> 00:17:39,500 Oh, this is very not okay 'cause this is 386 00:17:39,583 --> 00:17:42,667 a solemn religious moment 387 00:17:42,750 --> 00:17:46,167 where Jesus is preaching a very important sermon. 388 00:17:46,250 --> 00:17:48,625 And Jesus says, "Nope, I like kids. 389 00:17:48,667 --> 00:17:50,833 "Bring the kids to me. 390 00:17:50,875 --> 00:17:53,083 "In fact, let's stop everything we're doing, 391 00:17:53,167 --> 00:17:55,333 let's make them a priority." 392 00:17:55,375 --> 00:17:59,000 Isn't that wonderful? 393 00:17:59,083 --> 00:18:02,833 So I read the commentaries on this and they brought out 394 00:18:02,875 --> 00:18:04,500 the obvious, right? 395 00:18:04,542 --> 00:18:06,333 That Jesus blessed them and welcomed them 396 00:18:06,375 --> 00:18:09,833 and he touched them and they all quoted Psalm 127 397 00:18:09,875 --> 00:18:12,583 where it says that children are a blessing from the Lord. 398 00:18:12,667 --> 00:18:14,167 And this is the big idea: 399 00:18:14,250 --> 00:18:16,417 children are a blessing from the Lord. 400 00:18:16,500 --> 00:18:18,000 We believe that. 401 00:18:18,083 --> 00:18:20,292 We really believe that at Mars Hill. 402 00:18:20,333 --> 00:18:23,500 And Jesus here demonstrates that he agrees with the Scripture 403 00:18:23,583 --> 00:18:24,917 that children are a blessing. 404 00:18:25,000 --> 00:18:28,583 But beyond that, most of the Bible commentaries were boring 405 00:18:28,667 --> 00:18:30,333 because Bible commentaries are written by 406 00:18:30,375 --> 00:18:33,500 old, white nerds, okay? 407 00:18:33,542 --> 00:18:36,708 I'm white and nerd and I'm getting old, 408 00:18:36,792 --> 00:18:38,917 and so I'm not saying it's all bad, 409 00:18:39,000 --> 00:18:41,708 but there are times in Bible commentaries where they miss it, 410 00:18:41,792 --> 00:18:43,708 like when there's kids or somebody's having fun 411 00:18:43,792 --> 00:18:45,125 or Jesus tells a joke. 412 00:18:45,167 --> 00:18:47,333 That tends to be where the old, white nerds 413 00:18:47,375 --> 00:18:48,708 don't land the dismount. 414 00:18:48,792 --> 00:18:50,500 They tend to miss what's going on. 415 00:18:50,583 --> 00:18:53,500 So I wanted to know, in this story where all the kids 416 00:18:53,583 --> 00:18:56,167 are coming to Jesus and Jesus is glad to see them 417 00:18:56,250 --> 00:18:58,917 and they're glad to see him, and you got to know 418 00:18:59,000 --> 00:19:00,792 it's kind of a fiasco and mess. 419 00:19:00,833 --> 00:19:02,167 It's not super clean, right? 420 00:19:02,250 --> 00:19:05,167 You ever seen a bunch of kids just rush to someone? 421 00:19:05,250 --> 00:19:06,583 It's not real orderly, right? 422 00:19:06,667 --> 00:19:09,333 You don't have a bunch of kids in a single-file line. 423 00:19:09,375 --> 00:19:11,833 "Oh, and what would you inquire of the Lord today?" 424 00:19:11,875 --> 00:19:13,333 It's not gonna be like that. 425 00:19:13,375 --> 00:19:14,708 Fudgesicles, boogers, and ponytails, 426 00:19:14,792 --> 00:19:16,333 that's what we're dealing with. 427 00:19:16,375 --> 00:19:19,333 So I went to the experts, I asked my kids. 428 00:19:19,375 --> 00:19:21,625 Alright, let's talk about this story. 429 00:19:21,667 --> 00:19:23,875 The old, white nerds missed the big idea. 430 00:19:23,958 --> 00:19:27,583 So I asked Gideon, my 5-year-old son, Gideon Joseph, 431 00:19:27,667 --> 00:19:29,417 my 7-year-old daughter, Alexie Grace, 432 00:19:29,500 --> 00:19:32,000 my 9-year-old son, Calvin Martin, 433 00:19:32,083 --> 00:19:34,708 my 11-year-old son, Zachariah Blaise, 434 00:19:34,792 --> 00:19:37,333 some questions about Jesus and the children. 435 00:19:37,375 --> 00:19:39,625 I didn't ask Ashley 'cause she's 13, 436 00:19:39,667 --> 00:19:42,333 so she would have been older than probably these kids were 437 00:19:42,375 --> 00:19:44,708 according to the Greek words that are used for children. 438 00:19:44,792 --> 00:19:47,708 And in that day she was actually old enough to be married, 439 00:19:47,792 --> 00:19:49,875 which freaks me out. 440 00:19:49,958 --> 00:19:53,917 So I'm not gonna talk about that 'cause it freaks me out. 441 00:19:54,000 --> 00:19:57,083 But my four younger children, I asked these questions. 442 00:19:57,167 --> 00:19:58,500 Alright. 443 00:19:58,542 --> 00:20:01,000 Why do you think the kids were coming to Jesus? 444 00:20:01,042 --> 00:20:02,375 I asked them the question. 445 00:20:02,458 --> 00:20:04,708 So Gideon, the great theologian that he is, said, 446 00:20:04,792 --> 00:20:07,708 "I think they liked him and they wanted to play with him 447 00:20:07,792 --> 00:20:09,125 because Jesus was fun." 448 00:20:09,167 --> 00:20:11,500 Let's unpack that. Do you think Jesus was fun? 449 00:20:11,583 --> 00:20:14,917 There are things that we call the attributes of God. 450 00:20:15,000 --> 00:20:18,000 He's omniscient, he's omnipotent, he's omnipresent. 451 00:20:18,083 --> 00:20:19,417 He's also fun. 452 00:20:19,500 --> 00:20:21,917 I think Gideon nailed it. I was thinking about it. 453 00:20:22,000 --> 00:20:24,000 I don't remember ever reading a systematic theology— 454 00:20:24,083 --> 00:20:26,333 and I've got a handful, more than a handful, 455 00:20:26,375 --> 00:20:29,833 I've got a roomful of systematic Theologies—and in the attributes 456 00:20:29,875 --> 00:20:33,917 of God, I've never remembered seeing "fun." 457 00:20:34,000 --> 00:20:36,292 But Gideon nailed it. 458 00:20:36,333 --> 00:20:38,625 Jesus is fun. 459 00:20:38,667 --> 00:20:40,833 He doesn't sin, but he's fun. 460 00:20:40,875 --> 00:20:42,833 That's why kids run to him. 461 00:20:42,875 --> 00:20:45,833 The only other time you see kids run to something is like 462 00:20:45,875 --> 00:20:48,125 an ice cream cart, right? 463 00:20:48,167 --> 00:20:50,333 Or like a Popsicle truck, they're running. 464 00:20:50,375 --> 00:20:52,417 Why? Good times. 465 00:20:52,500 --> 00:20:56,000 Kids run where there's fun. 466 00:20:56,083 --> 00:20:57,500 Jesus was fun. 467 00:20:57,583 --> 00:21:00,333 This is why Jesus keeps getting invited to parties and why 468 00:21:00,375 --> 00:21:02,583 the religious people were very furrow-browed and critical. 469 00:21:02,667 --> 00:21:04,500 "Oh, he cannot be the Son of God. 470 00:21:04,583 --> 00:21:08,583 People enjoy him." Right? 471 00:21:08,667 --> 00:21:11,583 Jesus got invited to parties, Jesus gathered a crowd, 472 00:21:11,667 --> 00:21:16,125 Jesus welcomed children because Jesus was and is fun. 473 00:21:16,167 --> 00:21:18,000 Some of you don't know that. 474 00:21:18,083 --> 00:21:20,125 Some of you are not fun. 475 00:21:20,167 --> 00:21:24,333 Repent and be fun. Repent and be fun. 476 00:21:24,375 --> 00:21:26,000 It's actually really important for kids. 477 00:21:26,042 --> 00:21:29,000 I've had parents be like, "I can't get my children to obey." 478 00:21:29,042 --> 00:21:30,375 "Are you any fun?" 479 00:21:30,458 --> 00:21:31,792 "No." 480 00:21:31,833 --> 00:21:33,167 "Ha-ha, be fun." 481 00:21:33,250 --> 00:21:35,333 Children like fun. 482 00:21:35,375 --> 00:21:37,333 It's good to be fun. God is fun. 483 00:21:37,375 --> 00:21:40,500 One of his attributes that Gideon illustrates for us 484 00:21:40,542 --> 00:21:41,875 is Jesus was fun. 485 00:21:41,958 --> 00:21:44,667 Alexie said, "I think they love God, thought he was fun." 486 00:21:44,750 --> 00:21:47,375 You'll notice a theme at the Driscoll household. 487 00:21:47,458 --> 00:21:49,375 Our God is a fun God. 488 00:21:49,458 --> 00:21:51,583 "And wanted to fun," oh there is it again, 489 00:21:51,667 --> 00:21:54,000 "with him and learn more about him." 490 00:21:54,083 --> 00:21:57,208 Alexie said, "I think Jesus was fun and so kids wanted to go 491 00:21:57,292 --> 00:22:00,333 "have fun with him and then he'd teach 'em while he was 492 00:22:00,375 --> 00:22:01,917 having fun with 'em." 493 00:22:02,000 --> 00:22:04,500 Calvin said, "I think they wanted to meet him 494 00:22:04,542 --> 00:22:07,333 or be close to him or to learn more about him." 495 00:22:07,375 --> 00:22:10,333 And Zach said, "I think they loved him and he was nice 496 00:22:10,375 --> 00:22:13,417 to them, so they wanted to spend time with him." 497 00:22:13,500 --> 00:22:15,792 I think those are good insights. 498 00:22:15,833 --> 00:22:19,000 I then asked them, "Why do you think the adults did not want 499 00:22:19,042 --> 00:22:21,292 the kids to come to Jesus?" 500 00:22:21,333 --> 00:22:23,708 Gideon said, "They thought the kids would be bothering Jesus 501 00:22:23,792 --> 00:22:27,833 because they thought Jesus was too busy for kids." 502 00:22:27,875 --> 00:22:29,833 See, sometimes we think that way, don't we? 503 00:22:29,875 --> 00:22:31,625 We have very important things to do. 504 00:22:31,667 --> 00:22:34,375 "You kids need to be quiet. you kids need to recognize 505 00:22:34,458 --> 00:22:36,417 "I'm very busy. I'm on the phone. 506 00:22:36,500 --> 00:22:39,500 "I'm surfing the Internet. I'm watching television. 507 00:22:39,583 --> 00:22:41,917 "I'm balancing my checkbook. 508 00:22:42,000 --> 00:22:44,500 "You kids are disrupting this, get out of my way. 509 00:22:44,542 --> 00:22:47,583 "I have very important, serious adult things to do. 510 00:22:47,667 --> 00:22:50,500 Don't bother me, I'm busy." 511 00:22:50,583 --> 00:22:54,667 Jesus says, "What could be more important than inviting kids 512 00:22:54,750 --> 00:23:01,125 to be loved and discipled and have some fun with them?" 513 00:23:01,167 --> 00:23:04,000 Very convicting. 514 00:23:04,083 --> 00:23:05,708 I feel prompted to tell you this. 515 00:23:05,792 --> 00:23:09,125 You know, there's a good parenting lesson here. 516 00:23:09,167 --> 00:23:12,500 One of the lies that has been promulgated is that you don't 517 00:23:12,542 --> 00:23:16,167 need quantity time with your children, you need what? 518 00:23:16,250 --> 00:23:17,875 Quality time. 519 00:23:17,958 --> 00:23:19,333 Here's the truth: 520 00:23:19,375 --> 00:23:22,000 You don't know when the quality time is going to come, 521 00:23:22,042 --> 00:23:24,500 when their heart's gonna open up, when a situation arises, 522 00:23:24,583 --> 00:23:26,167 when they need you. 523 00:23:26,250 --> 00:23:27,833 You just don't know. 524 00:23:27,875 --> 00:23:30,500 So you can't say, "Well, on Tuesday from 3 to 4, 525 00:23:30,583 --> 00:23:33,708 we're going to have deep, heartfelt conversation." 526 00:23:33,792 --> 00:23:37,125 Alright, you don't know, so you need to be there a lot, 527 00:23:37,167 --> 00:23:40,000 need to be available and attentive. 528 00:23:40,083 --> 00:23:42,708 And then when their little heart opens up, love and serve, 529 00:23:42,792 --> 00:23:44,667 encourage, instruct, correct whatever is needed 530 00:23:44,750 --> 00:23:46,083 at the moment. 531 00:23:46,167 --> 00:23:49,083 I saw this last night at my house, the latest example. 532 00:23:49,167 --> 00:23:51,667 I brushed my teeth, came out. 533 00:23:51,750 --> 00:23:53,083 It was bedtime. 534 00:23:53,167 --> 00:23:57,208 There's Alexie, 7-years-old, super affectionate, love her. 535 00:23:57,292 --> 00:23:59,667 I did bike riding with the kids yesterday. 536 00:23:59,750 --> 00:24:02,917 She sat on my lap for like 3 hours, we watched a movie, 537 00:24:03,000 --> 00:24:04,917 snuggled, held hands, went for a walk. 538 00:24:05,000 --> 00:24:07,417 You know, with all the kids, but Alexie was particularly 539 00:24:07,500 --> 00:24:08,833 affectionate yesterday. 540 00:24:08,875 --> 00:24:11,833 So she was waiting for me because she only goes to bed 541 00:24:11,875 --> 00:24:13,708 via piggyback ride. 542 00:24:13,792 --> 00:24:16,833 It's the only way she will go to bed, via piggyback ride. 543 00:24:16,875 --> 00:24:19,500 So it's not in the Bible, but it's a good idea, 544 00:24:19,583 --> 00:24:21,875 so I give her a piggyback ride every night. 545 00:24:21,958 --> 00:24:24,500 So she's waiting for me and I said, "Okay honey, 546 00:24:24,583 --> 00:24:26,083 you ready for your piggyback ride?" 547 00:24:26,167 --> 00:24:28,292 And I could just tell in her little face, 548 00:24:28,333 --> 00:24:30,000 because she's usually very joyous and joyful, 549 00:24:30,083 --> 00:24:32,375 I could just tell something was perhaps bothering her. 550 00:24:32,458 --> 00:24:36,000 So I got down on one knee and I looked her in the eye while 551 00:24:36,083 --> 00:24:38,792 she was sitting in a chair, and I said, "Sweetie pie, 552 00:24:38,833 --> 00:24:41,292 "is there something wrong that Daddy can help you with? 553 00:24:41,333 --> 00:24:43,500 Is there something that Daddy needs to know about?" 554 00:24:43,542 --> 00:24:44,875 "No, I'm fine." 555 00:24:44,958 --> 00:24:46,875 I said, "Honey, it doesn't look like it." 556 00:24:46,958 --> 00:24:48,292 [Mimics crying.] Exploded. 557 00:24:48,333 --> 00:24:51,500 Just started bawling because she had recently gotten 558 00:24:51,542 --> 00:24:53,000 a Beanie Baby. 559 00:24:53,083 --> 00:24:55,125 The Beanie Baby was apparently very old. 560 00:24:55,167 --> 00:24:57,417 She realized that maybe the Beanie Baby was worth 561 00:24:57,500 --> 00:24:59,208 a lot of money because we're walking-- 562 00:24:59,292 --> 00:25:01,125 we watch shows like "Pickers," right? 563 00:25:01,167 --> 00:25:04,125 So all my kids are like, "Oh, we could find old junk 564 00:25:04,167 --> 00:25:05,500 and get rich." 565 00:25:05,583 --> 00:25:07,708 So now this is kind of their thing. 566 00:25:07,792 --> 00:25:09,208 And somebody tells her, 567 00:25:09,292 --> 00:25:11,917 "Oh, that Beanie Baby could be worth a lot of money." 568 00:25:12,000 --> 00:25:14,708 And she is thinking, "I have hit the Beanie Baby jackpot." 569 00:25:14,792 --> 00:25:17,708 But, oh no, because she wanted to play with the Beanie Baby, 570 00:25:17,792 --> 00:25:20,500 she already took the tag off, which could diminish the value 571 00:25:20,542 --> 00:25:22,625 of said Beanie Baby. 572 00:25:22,667 --> 00:25:27,125 So she has a 7-year-old economic crisis on her hands 573 00:25:27,167 --> 00:25:29,000 and she's really worried about it. 574 00:25:29,042 --> 00:25:32,167 And her little heart in the moment, it's kind of a big deal. 575 00:25:32,250 --> 00:25:35,000 I got down on one knee, I said, "Honey, it's okay. 576 00:25:35,083 --> 00:25:36,833 "It's okay. Daddy makes money. 577 00:25:36,875 --> 00:25:38,708 "We're not dependent upon the Beanie Babies 578 00:25:38,792 --> 00:25:42,833 "for sustenance and life. 579 00:25:42,875 --> 00:25:44,333 "If you enjoy the Beanie Baby, 580 00:25:44,375 --> 00:25:46,167 "that's what the Beanie Baby was for. 581 00:25:46,250 --> 00:25:48,667 "Only adults would buy and sell and trade Beanie Babies. 582 00:25:48,750 --> 00:25:51,000 They're made for children to have fun with." 583 00:25:51,083 --> 00:25:53,625 I literally wiped the tears from her eyes, kissed her, 584 00:25:53,667 --> 00:25:55,333 snuggled with her, prayed for her, 585 00:25:55,375 --> 00:25:58,000 gave her a piggyback ride to bed. 586 00:25:58,083 --> 00:26:02,000 You don't know when the quality time is going to surface, 587 00:26:02,042 --> 00:26:05,500 so you have to be attentive and aware as much of the time 588 00:26:05,583 --> 00:26:07,500 as is possible. 589 00:26:07,583 --> 00:26:09,333 Now, say, "Where do you get that?" 590 00:26:09,375 --> 00:26:11,000 Look at Jesus. 591 00:26:11,042 --> 00:26:13,833 This was not, "And now we're going to do the children's 592 00:26:13,875 --> 00:26:15,792 discipleship lesson." 593 00:26:15,833 --> 00:26:17,917 Jesus is teaching. 594 00:26:18,000 --> 00:26:20,125 There's a big crowd, there's a lot going on. 595 00:26:20,167 --> 00:26:24,000 There's nothing in the schedule for the kids. 596 00:26:24,042 --> 00:26:26,500 But the kids decide, "Let's go see Jesus." 597 00:26:26,542 --> 00:26:29,500 So Jesus is attentive, he's present, 598 00:26:29,583 --> 00:26:32,000 and he makes them a priority. 599 00:26:32,083 --> 00:26:34,000 He disrupts his plans. 600 00:26:34,042 --> 00:26:37,500 He allows them to, in the providence of God, 601 00:26:37,542 --> 00:26:41,208 interrupt his day, and he makes them a priority. 602 00:26:41,292 --> 00:26:44,500 There's a great parenting lesson there. 603 00:26:44,583 --> 00:26:46,208 The children are a priority. 604 00:26:46,292 --> 00:26:48,625 They are a blessing. They are a gift. 605 00:26:48,667 --> 00:26:50,625 And that quality time comes sometimes 606 00:26:50,667 --> 00:26:52,125 when you don't expect it. 607 00:26:52,167 --> 00:26:54,625 And this was one of those quality time moments between 608 00:26:54,667 --> 00:26:57,875 the Lord Jesus and children. 609 00:26:57,958 --> 00:27:03,000 Alexie said, in regards to why do you think the adults did not 610 00:27:03,083 --> 00:27:06,875 want the kids to come to Jesus, "They thought Jesus was too busy 611 00:27:06,958 --> 00:27:09,917 preaching and that kids cause a lot of trouble." 612 00:27:10,000 --> 00:27:12,708 Religious people cause way more trouble than children 613 00:27:12,792 --> 00:27:15,000 throughout the Bible. 614 00:27:15,083 --> 00:27:18,208 There is yet to be a church that is split down the middle 615 00:27:18,292 --> 00:27:20,125 or a denomination that had declared war 616 00:27:20,167 --> 00:27:23,167 because the children have caused it. 617 00:27:23,250 --> 00:27:24,792 Religious people are always the problem. 618 00:27:24,833 --> 00:27:27,125 It wasn't the children who betrayed Jesus 619 00:27:27,167 --> 00:27:30,000 and crucified him. 620 00:27:30,083 --> 00:27:32,500 Calvin said, "They thought it would distract him while 621 00:27:32,583 --> 00:27:34,000 he was preaching." 622 00:27:34,083 --> 00:27:36,000 And Zach said, "They did not think children 623 00:27:36,083 --> 00:27:37,417 were as important as adults." 624 00:27:37,500 --> 00:27:40,125 That is significant. 625 00:27:40,167 --> 00:27:42,833 Do you really think that children are as important as 626 00:27:42,875 --> 00:27:47,500 adults, equally image bearers of God, and deserving of time, 627 00:27:47,583 --> 00:27:50,000 energy, attention, and investment? 628 00:27:50,083 --> 00:27:53,000 Then my last question was, "Why do you think Jesus was putting 629 00:27:53,083 --> 00:27:54,417 his hand on the kids?" 630 00:27:54,500 --> 00:27:57,333 Because the Bible says that he placed a hand on them. 631 00:27:57,375 --> 00:28:01,333 Gideon said, "Jesus loves kids and it would be awesome to have 632 00:28:01,375 --> 00:28:04,333 Jesus pray for you if you were a kid." 633 00:28:04,375 --> 00:28:06,000 Jesus--Gideon was cracking up. 634 00:28:06,042 --> 00:28:08,417 He thought about it, kind of rolled an eye, 635 00:28:08,500 --> 00:28:11,167 and he looked up in the air when he said this. 636 00:28:11,250 --> 00:28:12,917 And he's like, "He prayed for them! 637 00:28:13,000 --> 00:28:14,333 That would be awesome!" 638 00:28:14,375 --> 00:28:16,833 He was really enthusiastic about that. 639 00:28:16,875 --> 00:28:19,333 It was pretty funny. We all cracked up. 640 00:28:19,375 --> 00:28:21,000 Yes, it would be awesome. 641 00:28:21,042 --> 00:28:23,708 Alexie said, "He was probably blessing them and maybe 642 00:28:23,792 --> 00:28:26,208 he was praying for them," both of which are true, 643 00:28:26,292 --> 00:28:28,708 and I think that's exactly what was happening. 644 00:28:28,792 --> 00:28:32,708 Calvin, who's my most physically affectionate son, said, 645 00:28:32,792 --> 00:28:35,417 "Because he loved them and he wanted the kids to stay 646 00:28:35,500 --> 00:28:37,000 and spend time with him." 647 00:28:37,083 --> 00:28:39,500 See, Calvin, we call him Pastor Calvin because he's very 648 00:28:39,583 --> 00:28:44,292 emotionally intuitive and he's very physically affectionate. 649 00:28:44,333 --> 00:28:48,417 And so, for him, Jesus touching the children was an invitation 650 00:28:48,500 --> 00:28:51,000 to spend time with him. 651 00:28:51,042 --> 00:28:53,625 That's how Calvin saw him. 652 00:28:53,667 --> 00:28:56,000 And Zach says, "By embracing and loving them, 653 00:28:56,083 --> 00:28:58,292 "Jesus showed them that he wanted them to stay 654 00:28:58,333 --> 00:29:01,417 and spend time with him." 655 00:29:01,500 --> 00:29:03,917 There's the story of Jesus. 656 00:29:04,000 --> 00:29:06,417 Little children are attracted to him. 657 00:29:06,500 --> 00:29:08,000 He loves and enjoys them. 658 00:29:08,083 --> 00:29:09,792 He does so as a single man. 659 00:29:09,833 --> 00:29:11,167 So let me say this. 660 00:29:11,250 --> 00:29:13,583 Single men, you should have a heart for children. 661 00:29:13,667 --> 00:29:17,083 If you do not, you need to pray and ask God to help you 662 00:29:17,167 --> 00:29:18,500 have a heart for children. 663 00:29:18,542 --> 00:29:21,208 And for those of you men who aspire to be fathers, 664 00:29:21,292 --> 00:29:22,625 welcome to Mars Hill. 665 00:29:22,667 --> 00:29:24,625 We love you. We're glad to have you. 666 00:29:24,667 --> 00:29:27,917 And one of our big values is to raise men who, like Jesus, 667 00:29:28,000 --> 00:29:30,375 love women honorably, and appreciate 668 00:29:30,458 --> 00:29:32,500 and serve children nobly. 669 00:29:32,542 --> 00:29:36,208 And we see that as a masculine thing for the finest of men. 670 00:29:36,292 --> 00:29:38,625 And I will give you a secret, single men. 671 00:29:38,667 --> 00:29:40,167 Many of you are single. 672 00:29:40,250 --> 00:29:42,167 I say this once or twice a year. 673 00:29:42,250 --> 00:29:45,167 Work in the nursery, work in the nursery, work in the nursery. 674 00:29:45,250 --> 00:29:46,583 Please do yourself a favor. 675 00:29:46,667 --> 00:29:49,917 Volunteer for the nursery immediately for two reasons. 676 00:29:50,000 --> 00:29:52,208 Number one, you can practice on other people's children 677 00:29:52,292 --> 00:29:53,708 before you have your own. 678 00:29:53,792 --> 00:29:55,708 That's hugely helpful. 679 00:29:55,792 --> 00:29:57,125 Okay? 680 00:29:57,167 --> 00:29:59,625 Number two, do you know--see, most of you single men 681 00:29:59,667 --> 00:30:01,125 have never worked in the nursery. 682 00:30:01,167 --> 00:30:02,500 You don't know this. 683 00:30:02,583 --> 00:30:05,000 You're not a father like me, who's been in there. 684 00:30:05,083 --> 00:30:08,625 Usually in the nursery are volunteering, lovely, sweet, 685 00:30:08,667 --> 00:30:14,375 young, single women who really aspire to motherhood, okay? 686 00:30:15,792 --> 00:30:17,500 Okay. 687 00:30:17,542 --> 00:30:20,708 You single guys, you got to think about this, alright. 688 00:30:20,792 --> 00:30:23,667 If you're a single guy who wants to get married and become 689 00:30:23,750 --> 00:30:26,292 a father, you're working in the nursery with 690 00:30:26,333 --> 00:30:28,125 a lovely young woman. 691 00:30:28,167 --> 00:30:33,917 And the two of you are playing with children together. 692 00:30:34,000 --> 00:30:37,000 Alright, if you can't catch a fish, 693 00:30:37,083 --> 00:30:40,000 you have no bait on your hook, right? 694 00:30:40,083 --> 00:30:41,583 I mean, this is easy. 695 00:30:41,667 --> 00:30:44,083 You're playing with the child with a lovely young woman. 696 00:30:44,167 --> 00:30:45,875 "Oh, you like children? I like children. 697 00:30:45,958 --> 00:30:47,583 "You like Jesus? I like Jesus. 698 00:30:47,667 --> 00:30:49,083 "You would like to be pregnant? 699 00:30:49,167 --> 00:30:51,167 Hm-hmm!" 700 00:30:51,250 --> 00:30:54,000 [congregation laughing] 701 00:30:54,042 --> 00:30:57,083 "Since we're here, we might as well mosey over to Premarital," 702 00:30:57,167 --> 00:31:01,125 right? 703 00:31:01,167 --> 00:31:05,792 This is how it works. 704 00:31:05,833 --> 00:31:07,208 You're welcome. 705 00:31:07,292 --> 00:31:08,792 Alright. 706 00:31:11,375 --> 00:31:14,500 So here's Jesus with the children. 707 00:31:14,542 --> 00:31:19,625 Now let me shift if I may. 708 00:31:19,667 --> 00:31:21,833 Oh, I see you didn't see it coming. 709 00:31:21,875 --> 00:31:24,500 The key is to sneak up on 'em. 710 00:31:24,542 --> 00:31:26,833 Let me shift to children at Mars Hill, right. 711 00:31:26,875 --> 00:31:31,833 Jesus says, "Let's help children meet me," okay? 712 00:31:31,875 --> 00:31:34,500 So as Mars Hill Church, this is a ministry of ours, 713 00:31:34,583 --> 00:31:37,125 helping children meet Jesus. 714 00:31:37,167 --> 00:31:39,500 That's a big value to us. 715 00:31:39,542 --> 00:31:42,500 Let me tell you a little bit about kids at Mars Hill 716 00:31:42,542 --> 00:31:44,500 and something the Holy Spirit started convicting me 717 00:31:44,542 --> 00:31:45,875 of some months ago. 718 00:31:45,958 --> 00:31:48,208 On an average Sunday right now at Mars Hill, 719 00:31:48,292 --> 00:31:51,833 we have 1,600 children under the age of 10 720 00:31:51,875 --> 00:31:53,708 across all of our services and campuses. 721 00:31:53,792 --> 00:31:56,667 Technically a megachurch is 2,000 people or more. 722 00:31:56,750 --> 00:32:00,292 At the rate we're going, we will soon have a megachurch 723 00:32:00,333 --> 00:32:04,375 of elementary school kids. 724 00:32:04,458 --> 00:32:08,375 Now, this is unusual because we tend to be in cities 725 00:32:08,458 --> 00:32:10,500 where there are not a lot of children. 726 00:32:10,542 --> 00:32:12,500 People are single, they don't get married, 727 00:32:12,583 --> 00:32:15,167 they don't want to have children, and as a result, 728 00:32:15,250 --> 00:32:16,917 there are not a lot of children. 729 00:32:17,000 --> 00:32:20,000 But we, Mars Hill, we read the Bible, it said, "Be fruitful, 730 00:32:20,083 --> 00:32:22,375 increase in number, fill the earth, and subdue it," 731 00:32:22,458 --> 00:32:24,417 and we call dibs on that verse, right? 732 00:32:24,500 --> 00:32:26,208 We're like, "Done." 733 00:32:26,292 --> 00:32:27,625 Right? That's what we're doing. 734 00:32:27,667 --> 00:32:29,625 So here's what we have at Mars Hill. 735 00:32:29,667 --> 00:32:31,833 Every year, hundreds of weddings, hundreds of weddings. 736 00:32:31,875 --> 00:32:35,000 So it starts for us not just officiating weddings, 737 00:32:35,083 --> 00:32:37,833 but setting people up for a life together. 738 00:32:37,875 --> 00:32:42,125 'Cause getting married is easy and 50 years is hard. 739 00:32:42,167 --> 00:32:45,125 And so for us, we have Premarital and we want to help 740 00:32:45,167 --> 00:32:48,333 you marry the right person at the right way for the right time 741 00:32:48,375 --> 00:32:51,333 with the right motives for the right reasons. 742 00:32:51,375 --> 00:32:56,167 We want you to be part of this community so that you and your 743 00:32:56,250 --> 00:32:58,875 marriage and your children are in a context 744 00:32:58,958 --> 00:33:01,125 of extended support. 745 00:33:01,167 --> 00:33:04,333 'Cause see, here's what the Bible says, "God is a Father." 746 00:33:04,375 --> 00:33:05,833 That's hugely important. 747 00:33:05,875 --> 00:33:07,917 Of all the words God could have chosen, 748 00:33:08,000 --> 00:33:09,917 that is an amazing choice. 749 00:33:10,000 --> 00:33:15,083 God is Father, Jesus is the Son of God and he is our big brother 750 00:33:15,167 --> 00:33:18,500 and he has come to live without sin, to die for our sin, 751 00:33:18,542 --> 00:33:20,292 to save us. 752 00:33:20,333 --> 00:33:22,625 Our big brother's our Savior. 753 00:33:22,667 --> 00:33:25,625 He rises from death so that we might be, 754 00:33:25,667 --> 00:33:29,125 and here's the language of the Bible, adopted, 755 00:33:29,167 --> 00:33:32,000 adopted into the family of God. 756 00:33:32,083 --> 00:33:34,000 That's what it means to be a Christian. 757 00:33:34,083 --> 00:33:37,167 God is our Father and Jesus is our saving big brother. 758 00:33:37,250 --> 00:33:40,167 And the Bible then goes on to say that the church is 759 00:33:40,250 --> 00:33:42,500 the household of God, or the family of God. 760 00:33:42,583 --> 00:33:43,917 So you know what? 761 00:33:44,000 --> 00:33:47,083 We have a budget and we do business and we own real estate 762 00:33:47,167 --> 00:33:48,500 just like families do. 763 00:33:48,542 --> 00:33:51,333 But at the end of the day, we're not a business, 764 00:33:51,375 --> 00:33:54,000 we're a big, extended family. 765 00:33:54,083 --> 00:33:55,500 That's who we are. 766 00:33:55,583 --> 00:33:58,500 And the Bible then uses this language that women 767 00:33:58,583 --> 00:34:01,375 who are Christians are like, what, sisters. 768 00:34:01,458 --> 00:34:03,708 And men who are Christians are like brothers. 769 00:34:03,792 --> 00:34:05,333 That's the language of the Bible. 770 00:34:05,375 --> 00:34:08,333 Now I was talking to a scholar, he's one of the leading 771 00:34:08,375 --> 00:34:11,583 New Testament cultural context scholars on the earth, 772 00:34:11,667 --> 00:34:13,917 taught for many years at Cambridge. 773 00:34:14,000 --> 00:34:17,125 I was doing a preaching tour in Australia and I sat down with 774 00:34:17,167 --> 00:34:19,833 him and he said something to me that I'd never heard 775 00:34:19,875 --> 00:34:21,208 that I found fascinating. 776 00:34:21,292 --> 00:34:23,000 He said, in the early Roman Empire, 777 00:34:23,083 --> 00:34:25,500 in the days of the writing in the New Testament, 778 00:34:25,583 --> 00:34:28,208 it was actually illegal to call someone brother or sister who 779 00:34:28,292 --> 00:34:31,333 was not a biological relative, because tied to that 780 00:34:31,375 --> 00:34:35,917 were inheritance rights and land ownership. 781 00:34:36,000 --> 00:34:43,208 But we called one another brothers and sisters because 782 00:34:43,292 --> 00:34:47,000 when God is your Father, everything changes. 783 00:34:47,083 --> 00:34:49,833 And it doesn't mean you don't have a biological family, 784 00:34:49,875 --> 00:34:52,292 but you also have a spiritual family. 785 00:34:52,333 --> 00:34:54,292 And the church becomes a family for you. 786 00:34:54,333 --> 00:34:57,292 So she's like a sister and he's like a brother and Jesus 787 00:34:57,333 --> 00:35:01,208 is the big brother Savior and God is the Father. 788 00:35:01,292 --> 00:35:06,917 So we want you, if you're single, married, parent, 789 00:35:07,000 --> 00:35:09,417 whatever season of life, grandparent, 790 00:35:09,500 --> 00:35:13,417 to be in biblical community. 791 00:35:13,500 --> 00:35:15,708 We want to be that extended family. 792 00:35:15,792 --> 00:35:18,500 And a lot of this happens for us in Community Groups. 793 00:35:18,583 --> 00:35:21,708 So we would encourage you to be in community, 794 00:35:21,792 --> 00:35:23,500 particularly Community Groups 795 00:35:23,583 --> 00:35:25,833 with people of different life stages. 796 00:35:25,875 --> 00:35:29,125 Now some of you are gonna have a lot of questions about, "Well, 797 00:35:29,167 --> 00:35:31,833 what does this look like for me and marriage and kids?" 798 00:35:31,875 --> 00:35:33,625 So you don't want to assume anything. 799 00:35:33,667 --> 00:35:36,125 Let me take a few minutes and just explain children 800 00:35:36,167 --> 00:35:37,625 in the context of Mars Hill. 801 00:35:37,667 --> 00:35:40,500 Number one, as I told you, children are a blessing. 802 00:35:40,583 --> 00:35:42,000 We love kids. 803 00:35:42,083 --> 00:35:45,500 We see them as a blessing from God. 804 00:35:45,583 --> 00:35:49,708 And we see this for wives and mothers 805 00:35:49,792 --> 00:35:52,417 and for husbands and fathers. 806 00:35:52,500 --> 00:35:55,000 We also believe based on the teaching of the Bible 807 00:35:55,083 --> 00:35:59,500 that the person primarily responsible for the care 808 00:35:59,583 --> 00:36:02,208 and upbringing of the child is the father. 809 00:36:02,292 --> 00:36:04,417 Some of you say, "What about the mother?" 810 00:36:04,500 --> 00:36:06,625 She is incredibly important, usually it's mom 811 00:36:06,667 --> 00:36:09,125 who's raising the kids, feeding the kids, teaching the kids, 812 00:36:09,167 --> 00:36:10,833 and bringing 'em to church. 813 00:36:10,875 --> 00:36:14,333 But the Bible says that the father has to be involved. 814 00:36:14,375 --> 00:36:16,875 This is the teaching of the Old and New Testament, 815 00:36:16,958 --> 00:36:18,708 there are many places I could go. 816 00:36:18,792 --> 00:36:21,208 For those of you men who are interested in this, 817 00:36:21,292 --> 00:36:23,500 I've got a free book online called, "Pastor Dad." 818 00:36:23,583 --> 00:36:25,708 You can read it for yourself, it's short. 819 00:36:25,792 --> 00:36:28,000 But I'll just give you one example, 820 00:36:28,083 --> 00:36:31,083 Ephesians 6:4 says that children should honor and obey their 821 00:36:31,167 --> 00:36:33,708 mother and father so their life would be long 822 00:36:33,792 --> 00:36:36,833 and that it would be successful, 823 00:36:36,875 --> 00:36:40,500 and that fathers are responsible before God to raise 824 00:36:40,542 --> 00:36:45,500 their children in the Lord without frustrating them. 825 00:36:45,583 --> 00:36:48,625 So we believe that mothers and fathers are responsible 826 00:36:48,667 --> 00:36:50,833 for the wellbeing of the child or children, 827 00:36:50,875 --> 00:36:54,000 but fathers are primarily responsible. 828 00:36:54,083 --> 00:36:59,208 So we hold the fathers here to a high, high regard. 829 00:36:59,292 --> 00:37:02,583 And some have misunderstood this or maligned this and said, 830 00:37:02,667 --> 00:37:04,375 "Oh, so you don't honor women?" 831 00:37:04,458 --> 00:37:06,000 Yeah, we do. 832 00:37:06,083 --> 00:37:08,000 We don't want guys sleeping with their girlfriends, 833 00:37:08,083 --> 00:37:11,333 we want them marrying wives. 834 00:37:11,375 --> 00:37:13,500 We don't want guys walking out on their children, 835 00:37:13,583 --> 00:37:16,792 we want them to lovingly raise them. 836 00:37:16,833 --> 00:37:22,625 And we are tired of men abusing women and abandoning children. 837 00:37:22,667 --> 00:37:25,083 So we press men to be like Jesus, 838 00:37:25,167 --> 00:37:29,708 to treat women honorably and to love children nobly. 839 00:37:29,792 --> 00:37:31,917 And we believe that's a loving thing to do 840 00:37:32,000 --> 00:37:34,167 for women and children. 841 00:37:34,250 --> 00:37:38,500 And so for us, yes, yes, children are a blessing and yes, 842 00:37:38,583 --> 00:37:42,000 fathers are very important. 843 00:37:42,083 --> 00:37:44,875 This is why we would also encourage some of you men 844 00:37:44,958 --> 00:37:47,917 who are single to not just be looking for a good time, 845 00:37:48,000 --> 00:37:50,583 but a good legacy. 846 00:37:50,667 --> 00:37:53,000 Not just to be looking for the next weekend, 847 00:37:53,083 --> 00:37:56,333 but 5 generations into the future. 848 00:37:56,375 --> 00:37:59,000 Furthermore, it means that some of you men should not overlook 849 00:37:59,083 --> 00:38:03,000 single mothers as Jesus' own mother was a single mother. 850 00:38:03,083 --> 00:38:06,167 And those children need a good daddy as well. 851 00:38:06,250 --> 00:38:08,625 And the way children are integrated into Mars Hill is, 852 00:38:08,667 --> 00:38:11,292 yes, parents are primary, and then we see other things 853 00:38:11,333 --> 00:38:12,667 as secondary. 854 00:38:12,750 --> 00:38:16,500 Schools are secondary, church is secondary. 855 00:38:16,583 --> 00:38:20,208 There is this tragic myth that got promulgated that 856 00:38:20,292 --> 00:38:23,833 institutions can do a better job raising children than parents. 857 00:38:23,875 --> 00:38:25,833 We don't believe that. 858 00:38:25,875 --> 00:38:28,417 It doesn't matter if you do private school, public school, 859 00:38:28,500 --> 00:38:31,417 home school, or Christian school, for example, 860 00:38:31,500 --> 00:38:34,333 with your children, you should make the decision every child, 861 00:38:34,375 --> 00:38:37,125 every year, based upon circumstance. 862 00:38:37,167 --> 00:38:40,833 But no matter what, the parents have to be actively involved 863 00:38:40,875 --> 00:38:43,500 because you cannot replace the involvement and investment 864 00:38:43,583 --> 00:38:45,000 of the parents. 865 00:38:45,083 --> 00:38:46,708 You just can't. 866 00:38:46,792 --> 00:38:50,500 The parents are primary and they primarily responsible 867 00:38:50,542 --> 00:38:51,917 in the sight of God. 868 00:38:52,000 --> 00:38:54,625 But in addition to that, yes, school and church 869 00:38:54,667 --> 00:38:58,125 and other things, can be helpful and supplemental. 870 00:38:58,167 --> 00:39:00,208 So here's how it works at Mars Hill. 871 00:39:00,292 --> 00:39:02,000 We do have children's ministry on Sunday. 872 00:39:02,083 --> 00:39:05,125 Kids are welcome to go, those who are elementary school age. 873 00:39:05,167 --> 00:39:08,208 But they don't have to go. 874 00:39:08,292 --> 00:39:10,208 It's okay to have your kids in service. 875 00:39:10,292 --> 00:39:13,708 At about 7 or 8 years of age, my kids all decided just to 876 00:39:13,792 --> 00:39:15,917 transition into the service, they didn't want to go 877 00:39:16,000 --> 00:39:17,333 to kids' ministry any more. 878 00:39:17,375 --> 00:39:19,333 We don't have a hard and fast line. 879 00:39:19,375 --> 00:39:22,708 If you're a parent and you say, "I want my kids just to be 880 00:39:22,792 --> 00:39:25,000 in the service," great, we're glad to have them. 881 00:39:25,083 --> 00:39:27,500 And you may wonder, "Well, what if they make noise?" 882 00:39:27,583 --> 00:39:30,000 Well then praise be to God, it means they're alive. 883 00:39:30,083 --> 00:39:31,417 That's how we see it. 884 00:39:31,500 --> 00:39:33,917 "What if my baby cries?" Well, praise be to God. 885 00:39:34,000 --> 00:39:35,333 It means they're alive. 886 00:39:35,375 --> 00:39:36,875 "What if they're a little disruptive?" 887 00:39:36,958 --> 00:39:38,292 That's what children do. 888 00:39:38,333 --> 00:39:40,792 We would rather have a little commotion and a little 889 00:39:40,833 --> 00:39:45,333 disruption than a church that has no children. 890 00:39:45,375 --> 00:39:48,333 For us, for me, I'll just tell you me. 891 00:39:48,375 --> 00:39:51,000 I don't know if everybody agrees with me, here's my view. 892 00:39:51,042 --> 00:39:54,125 A baby's crying, praise God, it means we got a baby. 893 00:39:54,167 --> 00:39:57,625 When kids are talking, praise God, it means we got kids. 894 00:39:57,667 --> 00:40:00,625 We don't want your kids to be disruptive, but you know what? 895 00:40:00,667 --> 00:40:02,000 Kids are gonna make noise. 896 00:40:02,083 --> 00:40:04,500 So if your kids are in the service, they cry, 897 00:40:04,583 --> 00:40:06,333 they make a little noise, that's fine. 898 00:40:06,375 --> 00:40:07,833 We usually, depending upon campus, 899 00:40:07,875 --> 00:40:09,625 we have a room for nursing mothers, 900 00:40:09,667 --> 00:40:12,125 they're welcome to go to if they feel more comfortable. 901 00:40:12,167 --> 00:40:13,917 But at the end of the day, 902 00:40:14,000 --> 00:40:16,083 this is not some Old Testament temple. 903 00:40:16,167 --> 00:40:19,083 We meet in Old Testament temples with the holy of holies 904 00:40:19,167 --> 00:40:21,833 and the priest and you got to go through ritual purification 905 00:40:21,875 --> 00:40:23,583 and somebody's got to light the incense 906 00:40:23,667 --> 00:40:25,000 and it's all very serious. 907 00:40:25,042 --> 00:40:26,375 We're a family. 908 00:40:26,458 --> 00:40:28,208 Church is like a big living room. 909 00:40:28,292 --> 00:40:29,625 God is our Father. 910 00:40:29,667 --> 00:40:31,625 And you know what happens at the house? 911 00:40:31,667 --> 00:40:34,125 The kids show up, they break things, they spill things, 912 00:40:34,167 --> 00:40:35,500 they make noise. 913 00:40:35,583 --> 00:40:36,917 Praise be to God. 914 00:40:37,000 --> 00:40:39,000 That's how it is in my house. 915 00:40:39,083 --> 00:40:40,792 That's how it is at this church. 916 00:40:40,833 --> 00:40:43,292 So yeah, your kids are welcome, they're welcome in service. 917 00:40:43,333 --> 00:40:45,625 My only encouragement would be, don't let the boys 918 00:40:45,667 --> 00:40:47,833 run around a bunch, the chairs have metal legs 919 00:40:47,875 --> 00:40:49,583 and boys always lead with their head. 920 00:40:49,667 --> 00:40:51,125 Right, it's just a safety issue. 921 00:40:51,167 --> 00:40:52,792 Other than that, I don't care. 922 00:40:52,833 --> 00:40:55,292 I've had people come up and say, "That baby's crying." 923 00:40:55,333 --> 00:40:57,000 Well, you're complaining, you're far more difficult 924 00:40:57,083 --> 00:40:58,583 to listen to than that baby. 925 00:40:58,667 --> 00:41:01,833 That's kind of my position. 926 00:41:01,875 --> 00:41:04,417 Additionally, people ask, "Well, what about Communion? 927 00:41:04,500 --> 00:41:06,083 When can kids take Communion?" 928 00:41:06,167 --> 00:41:11,083 When the parents believe they've met Jesus as God and savior. 929 00:41:11,167 --> 00:41:13,583 So we let the parents decide that and Communion's where 930 00:41:13,667 --> 00:41:16,125 we remember the broken body and shed blood of Jesus. 931 00:41:16,167 --> 00:41:17,500 And you know what? 932 00:41:17,583 --> 00:41:19,667 Parents, we're gonna leave that up to you. 933 00:41:19,750 --> 00:41:22,625 We're not legalistic, we don't say, "Oh, at age 10," whatever. 934 00:41:22,667 --> 00:41:25,333 If your kid knows and loves Jesus and they want to 935 00:41:25,375 --> 00:41:28,333 take Communion, we don't restrict that. 936 00:41:28,375 --> 00:41:31,500 We say all Christians who repent of sin are welcome to take of 937 00:41:31,583 --> 00:41:34,083 Communion, even the little guys. 938 00:41:34,167 --> 00:41:36,167 That's why we even have juice and wine. 939 00:41:36,250 --> 00:41:38,833 They get bread and juice. 940 00:41:38,875 --> 00:41:40,417 It's okay. 941 00:41:40,500 --> 00:41:42,792 My kids started taking Communion pretty young. 942 00:41:42,833 --> 00:41:44,417 People ask, "What about baptism?" 943 00:41:44,500 --> 00:41:46,917 Now we don't baptize infants 'cause we don't believe there's 944 00:41:47,000 --> 00:41:48,625 any biblical precedent for it. 945 00:41:48,667 --> 00:41:50,708 Jesus-loving and Bible-believing Christians would disagree 946 00:41:50,792 --> 00:41:52,833 with us, but that's our conviction. 947 00:41:52,875 --> 00:41:54,208 It's in "Vintage Church," 948 00:41:54,292 --> 00:41:56,417 if you want to check it out for yourself. 949 00:41:56,500 --> 00:41:59,792 But we will baptize children who are old enough to have 950 00:41:59,833 --> 00:42:02,000 a profession of faith. 951 00:42:02,083 --> 00:42:04,167 And we set this up with the parents. 952 00:42:04,250 --> 00:42:05,917 The parents, you're first pastors, 953 00:42:06,000 --> 00:42:07,417 you're raising your kids. 954 00:42:07,500 --> 00:42:10,292 And if they love Jesus and they want to get baptized, 955 00:42:10,333 --> 00:42:13,292 I don't want you to push your kids to make a profession, 956 00:42:13,333 --> 00:42:15,500 I don't want you to push them to Communion. 957 00:42:15,542 --> 00:42:17,833 I don't want you to push them to baptism, 958 00:42:17,875 --> 00:42:20,833 but if and when they're ready and their heart opens up to 959 00:42:20,875 --> 00:42:22,333 Jesus, we're glad to baptize them. 960 00:42:22,375 --> 00:42:24,333 It was really great seeing at Easter when, 961 00:42:24,375 --> 00:42:26,625 in the grace of God, we baptized 724 people, 962 00:42:26,667 --> 00:42:28,000 some of them were children. 963 00:42:28,083 --> 00:42:30,208 And mothers and fathers were assisting with a baptism. 964 00:42:30,292 --> 00:42:31,625 That's what we believe. 965 00:42:31,667 --> 00:42:35,167 My youngest baptism in our family was Zach, 966 00:42:35,250 --> 00:42:37,333 I think he was about 5. 967 00:42:37,375 --> 00:42:40,000 He was just going into kindergarten, 968 00:42:40,042 --> 00:42:42,333 I came downstairs one day and he had his 969 00:42:42,375 --> 00:42:44,000 "Jesus Storybook Bible" open. 970 00:42:44,083 --> 00:42:47,208 I don't think he could read yet, but he knew all the stories 971 00:42:47,292 --> 00:42:49,208 'cause we read 'em a billion times. 972 00:42:49,292 --> 00:42:52,208 And he's eating his cereal and he got really serious, he said, 973 00:42:52,292 --> 00:42:54,083 "John the Baptizer baptized Jesus 974 00:42:54,167 --> 00:42:55,583 "and other people got baptized. 975 00:42:55,667 --> 00:42:57,583 I'm a Christian, I need to be baptized." 976 00:42:57,667 --> 00:43:00,167 I said, "Well, why do you need to get baptized?" 977 00:43:00,250 --> 00:43:03,167 He says, "Well, I know I'm a sinner and Jesus is God 978 00:43:03,250 --> 00:43:06,375 "and he lived and he died and he buried and he rose and 979 00:43:06,458 --> 00:43:08,375 that's what baptism represents, that's what I believe." 980 00:43:08,458 --> 00:43:11,583 Wow, for 5 you landed the dismount, that was pretty good. 981 00:43:11,667 --> 00:43:14,583 So I sat down and I had an honest conversation with him, 982 00:43:14,667 --> 00:43:16,583 "Do you feel like you should get baptized? 983 00:43:16,667 --> 00:43:18,333 "Do you feel like we're pushing you? 984 00:43:18,375 --> 00:43:20,667 Are you doing it 'cause your daddy's a pastor?" 985 00:43:20,750 --> 00:43:23,500 "No, Dad, I love Jesus and I want to get baptized. 986 00:43:23,583 --> 00:43:25,000 "I feel like I'm supposed to. 987 00:43:25,083 --> 00:43:26,792 "It's right here in my kids' Bible. 988 00:43:26,833 --> 00:43:29,500 See Jesus getting baptized, he says to do it like that." 989 00:43:29,583 --> 00:43:31,792 Okay, 'cause if you were 40, I'd say yes. 990 00:43:31,833 --> 00:43:34,333 Just 'cause you're 4, doesn't mean I should say no. 991 00:43:34,375 --> 00:43:36,083 I said, "Okay, here's what we do. 992 00:43:36,167 --> 00:43:38,292 "We got to schedule an appointment at the church. 993 00:43:38,333 --> 00:43:40,292 "You got to go meet with a leader, 994 00:43:40,333 --> 00:43:42,500 "they're gonna ask you a bunch of theological questions. 995 00:43:42,583 --> 00:43:44,333 If you pass, then they'll dunk you." 996 00:43:44,375 --> 00:43:45,708 So that's what we did. 997 00:43:45,792 --> 00:43:48,500 I brought him in, he carried his little "Jesus Storybook Bible," 998 00:43:48,583 --> 00:43:51,000 when into the meeting, I sat out in the hallway. 999 00:43:51,083 --> 00:43:53,000 I'm like, "You're on your own, big guy. 1000 00:43:53,083 --> 00:43:54,417 Good luck." 1001 00:43:54,500 --> 00:43:55,917 He nailed all the theological questions. 1002 00:43:56,000 --> 00:43:57,792 He nailed them all. He's even Trinitarian. 1003 00:43:57,833 --> 00:43:59,958 I mean, at 5, right? He nailed them all. 1004 00:44:00,083 --> 00:44:03,417 And he gave his own testimony and at that time it was a pastor 1005 00:44:03,500 --> 00:44:05,000 interviewing who said, "He's a Christian. 1006 00:44:05,042 --> 00:44:08,292 "If he was 40, we'd baptize him. He's 4, I think we should." 1007 00:44:08,333 --> 00:44:10,792 So I brought him up and handed him a mic, 1008 00:44:10,833 --> 00:44:13,375 he gave his testimony, we baptized him. 1009 00:44:13,458 --> 00:44:15,833 You know, that's what we believe, friends. 1010 00:44:15,875 --> 00:44:19,333 Jesus says, "Hey, don't get in the way of kids coming to me." 1011 00:44:19,375 --> 00:44:22,708 Right? We don't want to shove kids and have them fake faith, 1012 00:44:22,792 --> 00:44:24,708 but we want to love kids, encourage kids, 1013 00:44:24,792 --> 00:44:27,333 and see them come to Jesus. 1014 00:44:27,375 --> 00:44:28,708 This includes Community Groups. 1015 00:44:28,792 --> 00:44:30,833 Our Community Groups have children. 1016 00:44:30,875 --> 00:44:34,792 We do do classes and we do do age-specific ministry, 1017 00:44:34,833 --> 00:44:37,917 but we like to keep families intact because today oftentimes 1018 00:44:38,000 --> 00:44:40,125 they don't get a lot of time together. 1019 00:44:40,167 --> 00:44:42,125 So there'll be Community Groups where there's families. 1020 00:44:42,167 --> 00:44:44,125 If you're single, you can go to one. 1021 00:44:44,167 --> 00:44:46,625 You could see married people and their children 1022 00:44:46,667 --> 00:44:49,708 in their natural habitat, kind of like the zoo. 1023 00:44:49,792 --> 00:44:53,500 You can observe them up close and learn and take notes. 1024 00:44:53,542 --> 00:44:56,083 You can also help them by watching those kids 1025 00:44:56,167 --> 00:44:57,917 and giving them a date night. 1026 00:44:58,000 --> 00:45:01,167 And this allows parents to meet and families to meet and kids to 1027 00:45:01,250 --> 00:45:05,000 meet and all of a sudden, this extended family of Mars Hill 1028 00:45:05,042 --> 00:45:08,917 runs not so much on programming but more on friendship, love, 1029 00:45:09,000 --> 00:45:11,333 relationship, and community. 1030 00:45:11,375 --> 00:45:13,917 That's how we do things. 1031 00:45:14,000 --> 00:45:17,500 And it got me thinking and praying some months ago, 1032 00:45:17,542 --> 00:45:23,417 how could we do a better job welcoming children to Jesus? 1033 00:45:23,500 --> 00:45:25,625 'Cause he says that's part of our ministry. 1034 00:45:25,667 --> 00:45:27,917 So some months ago, the Holy Spirit started stirring 1035 00:45:28,000 --> 00:45:31,125 in my heart and soul and mind, what could we do to do 1036 00:45:31,167 --> 00:45:33,625 a better job in children's ministry at Mars Hill? 1037 00:45:33,667 --> 00:45:36,000 So let me cast a little vision for you 1038 00:45:36,042 --> 00:45:37,375 that I'm really excited about. 1039 00:45:37,458 --> 00:45:39,875 And it's something I've been thinking about and working on 1040 00:45:39,958 --> 00:45:42,625 and delegating out and we've started mobilizing toward. 1041 00:45:42,667 --> 00:45:44,500 We're calling it Mars Hill Kids. 1042 00:45:44,542 --> 00:45:47,625 It won't happen immediately, it's gonna take some time. 1043 00:45:47,667 --> 00:45:51,125 But what I want to do is I want to start preparing our children 1044 00:45:51,167 --> 00:45:53,917 for ministry at age 2. 1045 00:45:54,000 --> 00:45:55,792 Okay, and here's how I see it. 1046 00:45:55,833 --> 00:45:58,833 I want what happens in kids' ministry to be a mirror, 1047 00:45:58,875 --> 00:46:02,000 an age-appropriate mirror, of what we do on Sunday, 1048 00:46:02,083 --> 00:46:04,000 and what we do together as a church. 1049 00:46:04,083 --> 00:46:06,500 And I reverse engineered it and the way we're going, 1050 00:46:06,583 --> 00:46:09,000 we're gonna have thousands of kids which means on Sundays 1051 00:46:09,083 --> 00:46:13,125 scattered across what shortly will be 4 states, God-willing, 1052 00:46:13,167 --> 00:46:16,375 we would need 400 Sunday school teachers to give age-appropriate 1053 00:46:16,458 --> 00:46:19,500 lectures to a few thousand children. 1054 00:46:19,542 --> 00:46:22,833 That's impossible to do with quality assurance 1055 00:46:22,875 --> 00:46:24,333 across the board. 1056 00:46:24,375 --> 00:46:26,667 But we are a video church so I thought, 1057 00:46:26,750 --> 00:46:28,833 "Well, what if we built a Nickelodeon-type studio? 1058 00:46:28,875 --> 00:46:31,792 "What if we put together short, punchy, age-appropriate, 1059 00:46:31,833 --> 00:46:35,833 "Bible-based lessons about Jesus for kids with characters 1060 00:46:35,875 --> 00:46:37,667 "and fun and interaction? 1061 00:46:37,750 --> 00:46:40,167 "What if we recorded that and distributed it to all 1062 00:46:40,250 --> 00:46:43,083 "the campuses and made it available elsewhere as well 1063 00:46:43,167 --> 00:46:45,917 for those who wanted to use it?" 1064 00:46:46,000 --> 00:46:49,208 And so this is what we've been working on with Mars Hill Kids. 1065 00:46:49,292 --> 00:46:52,000 So it starts with the physical space and various campuses are 1066 00:46:52,083 --> 00:46:56,500 gonna get rebranded, painted, pick up, drop off, set up, 1067 00:46:56,542 --> 00:46:58,625 better for families. 1068 00:46:58,667 --> 00:47:01,792 Security cameras to ensure that everybody and everything's okay. 1069 00:47:01,833 --> 00:47:04,417 We already have tight security and security guards making sure 1070 00:47:04,500 --> 00:47:06,500 all the kids are fine. 1071 00:47:06,583 --> 00:47:10,292 In this as well, I want in every physical location that we own 1072 00:47:10,333 --> 00:47:14,333 an indoor play structure so that the kids can have some fun 1073 00:47:14,375 --> 00:47:16,667 and especially the boys and the kinesthetic learners 1074 00:47:16,750 --> 00:47:18,667 can get a little activity. 1075 00:47:18,750 --> 00:47:21,667 It also then will be the kind of place during the day 1076 00:47:21,750 --> 00:47:23,667 when the stay-at-home moms want to get together 1077 00:47:23,750 --> 00:47:25,667 and have play dates and Bible studies 1078 00:47:25,750 --> 00:47:28,167 and a place to collect and gather and their kids 1079 00:47:28,250 --> 00:47:30,625 to make friends and to bring their non-Christian friends 1080 00:47:30,667 --> 00:47:33,333 and their kids, it can be that free, cool, 1081 00:47:33,375 --> 00:47:37,500 nice indoor spot for people and kids and parents to gather. 1082 00:47:37,542 --> 00:47:40,625 And the way I want it to work is I want the kids 1083 00:47:40,667 --> 00:47:42,000 to have worship time. 1084 00:47:42,083 --> 00:47:45,000 We do that now, but I think we could do it better. 1085 00:47:45,083 --> 00:47:48,708 And I want there to be an adult leader and I want there to be 1086 00:47:48,792 --> 00:47:51,000 a child apprentice who is helping to lead worship 1087 00:47:51,083 --> 00:47:52,500 because someday they're gonna grow up 1088 00:47:52,583 --> 00:47:54,333 and they're gonna be our worship leader. 1089 00:47:54,375 --> 00:47:57,000 I also want the video teaching to be world-class and excellent. 1090 00:47:57,083 --> 00:47:59,208 And so we've hired a teacher to do that, 1091 00:47:59,292 --> 00:48:01,333 I'll explain her to you in a moment. 1092 00:48:01,375 --> 00:48:03,833 And then I want age-appropriate craft or activity 1093 00:48:03,875 --> 00:48:06,417 and I want kids' Community Groups. 1094 00:48:06,500 --> 00:48:09,417 I want the little kids breaking into Community Groups to pray 1095 00:48:09,500 --> 00:48:12,625 for one another and have a short, simple discussion. 1096 00:48:12,667 --> 00:48:15,167 And if they can learn to pray for one another 1097 00:48:15,250 --> 00:48:17,167 and answer basic questions and have a dialogue 1098 00:48:17,250 --> 00:48:18,708 and explain what they're learning, 1099 00:48:18,792 --> 00:48:21,333 it'll be an age-appropriate Community Group. 1100 00:48:21,375 --> 00:48:23,208 And then there'll be an adult overseer, 1101 00:48:23,292 --> 00:48:25,667 there'll be a child apprentice, the most natural leader 1102 00:48:25,750 --> 00:48:28,333 in the group, which means around age 2 or 3, 1103 00:48:28,375 --> 00:48:31,667 they're getting developed as Community Group leaders. 1104 00:48:31,750 --> 00:48:34,167 If there's a kid in the class who's a good, 1105 00:48:34,250 --> 00:48:36,000 natural leader with a big personality, 1106 00:48:36,083 --> 00:48:38,500 they will apprentice to lead the Sunday event, 1107 00:48:38,583 --> 00:48:41,667 they'll be practicing to become a campus pastor. 1108 00:48:41,750 --> 00:48:44,333 I want 2-year-olds getting ready to be campus pastors, 1109 00:48:44,375 --> 00:48:47,333 Community Group leaders, and worship leaders. 1110 00:48:47,375 --> 00:48:50,667 And so for us, the curriculum that this will based on is based 1111 00:48:50,750 --> 00:48:53,208 off the "Doctrine" book which we use for church membership. 1112 00:48:53,292 --> 00:48:55,000 Dr. Gerry Breshears and I wrote it. 1113 00:48:55,083 --> 00:48:57,500 It takes the big 13 themes of the Bible, 1114 00:48:57,583 --> 00:48:59,125 from Genesis to Revelation 1115 00:48:59,167 --> 00:49:02,833 following the narrative storyline of Scripture. 1116 00:49:02,875 --> 00:49:05,500 It's a pretty big, robust book. 1117 00:49:05,583 --> 00:49:08,500 I think it's got like a thousand footnotes and literally gave me 1118 00:49:08,583 --> 00:49:11,500 an intestinal ulcer writing, but it's done, praise be to God. 1119 00:49:11,583 --> 00:49:13,375 And we use it for our membership. 1120 00:49:13,458 --> 00:49:16,583 And so I thought, "What would it be like to hire somebody who's 1121 00:49:16,667 --> 00:49:18,583 "a curriculum developer to take the 'Doctrine' book 1122 00:49:18,667 --> 00:49:21,708 "and to make age-appropriate curriculum for video teaching, 1123 00:49:21,792 --> 00:49:23,917 "for a book, for home-based Bible studies 1124 00:49:24,000 --> 00:49:26,625 "for parents with children so that there's an integration 1125 00:49:26,667 --> 00:49:29,125 "between church and home based upon the 'Doctrine' book 1126 00:49:29,167 --> 00:49:31,583 "that's age appropriate so that when the kids 1127 00:49:31,667 --> 00:49:34,333 "grow up, they don't do like most kids and just leave 1128 00:49:34,375 --> 00:49:36,167 "after high school, but they realize, 1129 00:49:36,250 --> 00:49:37,917 "'Well, I'm ready for the Doctrine class. 1130 00:49:38,000 --> 00:49:40,625 "'I can become a member, I've been doing this curriculum 1131 00:49:40,667 --> 00:49:42,000 "'since I was 2. 1132 00:49:42,083 --> 00:49:44,000 "'Of course I'm gonna join a Community Group, 1133 00:49:44,083 --> 00:49:46,500 "'I'd been in one since I'd been in a diaper. 1134 00:49:46,583 --> 00:49:49,875 "'And I know how to sing songs and I'm okay with video 'cause 1135 00:49:49,958 --> 00:49:52,375 "'that's what I'd been doing for a really long time. 1136 00:49:52,458 --> 00:49:54,833 I'm an old school, 18-year-old veteran, that's what I am.'" 1137 00:49:54,875 --> 00:49:56,333 And so started thinking about it, 1138 00:49:56,375 --> 00:49:59,292 the curriculum needs to be 2-year cycles because 1139 00:49:59,333 --> 00:50:02,125 the learning styles of children and their needs rotate 1140 00:50:02,167 --> 00:50:03,583 about every 2 years. 1141 00:50:03,667 --> 00:50:05,500 So think, 2- and 3-year-olds, 4- and 5-year-olds, 1142 00:50:05,583 --> 00:50:07,875 6- and 7-year-olds, whatever the case may be. 1143 00:50:07,958 --> 00:50:09,833 So I started thinking and praying and envisioning 1144 00:50:09,875 --> 00:50:13,375 all of this for Mars Hill Kids and rebranding the space 1145 00:50:13,458 --> 00:50:16,167 and reinventing what we do for children together. 1146 00:50:16,250 --> 00:50:19,917 We sent out a national search for a world-class teacher 1147 00:50:20,000 --> 00:50:23,167 to write the curriculum, to publish the book. 1148 00:50:23,250 --> 00:50:26,292 And also out of this too, ultimately I'd like to see 1149 00:50:26,333 --> 00:50:29,125 a kids' Bible with Mars Hill illustrators, kind of cool, 1150 00:50:29,167 --> 00:50:31,417 dark, a lot of the bloody Old Testament stories 1151 00:50:31,500 --> 00:50:33,292 so the boys will like it too. 1152 00:50:33,333 --> 00:50:37,500 We're gonna do it Mars Hill style. 1153 00:50:37,583 --> 00:50:41,708 And so in the grace of God, come to find we had this teacher 1154 00:50:41,792 --> 00:50:44,833 and curriculum writer right in our midst. 1155 00:50:44,875 --> 00:50:47,333 A gal at the West Seattle campus, her name's Chrissie, 1156 00:50:47,375 --> 00:50:49,583 you could pray for her, she was recently married. 1157 00:50:49,667 --> 00:50:51,583 She's now working on the curriculum around which 1158 00:50:51,667 --> 00:50:55,667 the Mars Hill Kids experience will be built. 1159 00:50:55,750 --> 00:50:58,000 She's got her BA from Stanford, 1160 00:50:58,083 --> 00:51:00,333 she's got her master's from Pace University. 1161 00:51:00,375 --> 00:51:03,917 She's won the Sue Lehmann Excellence in Teaching Award, 1162 00:51:04,000 --> 00:51:06,417 it's a national prize for outstanding leadership towards 1163 00:51:06,500 --> 00:51:10,083 student achievement from over 4,000 teachers. 1164 00:51:10,167 --> 00:51:13,208 She also won the NBC Education Champion Award, 1165 00:51:13,292 --> 00:51:15,625 it's a national teaching honor awarded to 1166 00:51:15,667 --> 00:51:20,625 the 50 most effective educators in America. 1167 00:51:20,667 --> 00:51:22,833 She loves Jesus, she's a member of our church, 1168 00:51:22,875 --> 00:51:26,500 the Seattle Times and KING 5 have done feature stories on her 1169 00:51:26,583 --> 00:51:28,708 because she is a world-class teacher, 1170 00:51:28,792 --> 00:51:31,375 has helped set up charter schools and curriculum 1171 00:51:31,458 --> 00:51:34,375 for poor kids in rough neighborhoods. 1172 00:51:34,458 --> 00:51:36,625 And she feels called to do this for us. 1173 00:51:36,667 --> 00:51:38,000 So we've officially hired her. 1174 00:51:38,083 --> 00:51:39,917 All of this is underway. 1175 00:51:40,000 --> 00:51:42,417 It's gonna take a while to roll it all out. 1176 00:51:42,500 --> 00:51:45,833 But think, age-appropriate Doctrine curriculum with a book 1177 00:51:45,875 --> 00:51:49,375 for parents to help do devotions with their kids at home, 1178 00:51:49,458 --> 00:51:51,625 age appropriate so that they'll learn the doctrines 1179 00:51:51,667 --> 00:51:54,833 at an age-appropriate level, graduating toward memory verses 1180 00:51:54,875 --> 00:51:57,667 and reading in the Bible and homework assignments. 1181 00:51:57,750 --> 00:52:00,417 Think really cool, Nickelodeon-style videos shot, 1182 00:52:00,500 --> 00:52:01,833 age appropriate. 1183 00:52:01,875 --> 00:52:03,833 Fun worship experience, play structure, 1184 00:52:03,875 --> 00:52:06,167 an activity for the kinesthetic learners, 1185 00:52:06,250 --> 00:52:09,875 and also a Community Group time where kids are learning to share 1186 00:52:09,958 --> 00:52:12,208 their faith and pray for one another. 1187 00:52:12,292 --> 00:52:14,708 Okay, that's kind of my big vision I feel like 1188 00:52:14,792 --> 00:52:16,500 the Holy Spirit's given me for kids. 1189 00:52:16,583 --> 00:52:19,375 So I just encourage you right now, be praying for that. 1190 00:52:19,458 --> 00:52:20,875 I hope you're encouraged by it. 1191 00:52:20,958 --> 00:52:22,875 I don't think we've done a bad job, 1192 00:52:22,958 --> 00:52:26,292 but I think we could do far, far better and change is afoot. 1193 00:52:26,333 --> 00:52:29,000 And some of you have classic skills and abilities to help: 1194 00:52:29,083 --> 00:52:30,625 kids@marshillchurch.org. 1195 00:52:30,667 --> 00:52:34,833 Okay, kids@marshillchurch.org if you would like to nominate 1196 00:52:34,875 --> 00:52:37,083 yourself to help out. 1197 00:52:37,167 --> 00:52:38,500 So two big ideas. 1198 00:52:38,542 --> 00:52:40,333 Number one, we need to teach children, 1199 00:52:40,375 --> 00:52:42,083 not that we need to teach children, 1200 00:52:42,167 --> 00:52:43,583 we get to teach children. 1201 00:52:43,667 --> 00:52:46,583 And what a blessing and an honor and a joy that is. 1202 00:52:46,667 --> 00:52:50,208 Number two, Jesus says we also should learn from children. 1203 00:52:50,292 --> 00:52:53,333 Not that they're sinless and perfect, 1204 00:52:53,375 --> 00:52:56,917 but Jesus says we can learn from them. 1205 00:52:57,000 --> 00:52:59,583 He says, "For to such belongs the kingdom of God. 1206 00:52:59,667 --> 00:53:01,083 "Truly, I say to you, 1207 00:53:01,167 --> 00:53:03,083 "whoever does not receive the kingdom of God 1208 00:53:03,167 --> 00:53:05,000 like a child shall not enter it." 1209 00:53:05,083 --> 00:53:08,333 So in closing, let me tell you some things we can learn from 1210 00:53:08,375 --> 00:53:13,083 children about entering the kingdom of God like a child. 1211 00:53:13,167 --> 00:53:16,333 Children are born of a father in the same way that Christians 1212 00:53:16,375 --> 00:53:19,417 are born again of God the Father. 1213 00:53:19,500 --> 00:53:22,625 The Bible uses that language, that we're born of a father 1214 00:53:22,667 --> 00:53:25,375 but we're born again of God the Father, 1215 00:53:25,458 --> 00:53:27,875 spiritually reborn. 1216 00:53:27,958 --> 00:53:30,333 And children take their father at his word. 1217 00:53:30,375 --> 00:53:32,917 How many of you daddies are shocked to have learned this? 1218 00:53:33,000 --> 00:53:35,292 You say something, you think it's funny or cute, 1219 00:53:35,333 --> 00:53:38,000 your kids totally believe you. Right? 1220 00:53:38,083 --> 00:53:41,000 I mean, I was--I remember having a conversation with a little boy 1221 00:53:41,083 --> 00:53:43,083 one time, he's like, "We have a dragon." 1222 00:53:43,167 --> 00:53:45,417 I was like, "Really? Have you ever seen it?" 1223 00:53:45,500 --> 00:53:48,875 "No, but my dad said we have a dragon." 1224 00:53:48,958 --> 00:53:51,708 The dad's like, "I was kidding, they don't understand that." 1225 00:53:51,792 --> 00:53:53,125 Right? 1226 00:53:53,167 --> 00:53:55,500 They're literalists. They take you at your word. 1227 00:53:55,542 --> 00:53:57,583 They're wondering where their unicorn or their dragon 1228 00:53:57,667 --> 00:53:59,000 or their leprechaun is. 1229 00:53:59,083 --> 00:54:03,625 And so kids tend to come with just an implicit faith 1230 00:54:03,667 --> 00:54:05,125 in the words of their father. 1231 00:54:05,167 --> 00:54:07,083 "If Dad says it, it's true." 1232 00:54:07,167 --> 00:54:08,833 And in that same way, right, dads, 1233 00:54:08,875 --> 00:54:11,333 we need to always tell the truth to our kids. 1234 00:54:11,375 --> 00:54:13,125 Doesn't mean we can't use our imagination, 1235 00:54:13,167 --> 00:54:14,625 but we need to be truthful. 1236 00:54:14,667 --> 00:54:17,625 God's a Father and these are his words and, like children who 1237 00:54:17,667 --> 00:54:21,000 trust the words of their father, we need to take Dad at his Word. 1238 00:54:21,083 --> 00:54:23,208 So when we read, "What? They walked on water?" 1239 00:54:23,292 --> 00:54:25,000 "They did. Dad said they did." 1240 00:54:25,042 --> 00:54:26,375 "He rose from death?" 1241 00:54:26,458 --> 00:54:29,083 "Yes he did. Dad tells the truth." 1242 00:54:29,167 --> 00:54:32,167 Additionally, children utterly depend upon their father for 1243 00:54:32,250 --> 00:54:33,917 provision and protection. 1244 00:54:34,000 --> 00:54:37,500 My children do not make any money. 1245 00:54:37,583 --> 00:54:41,208 My 7-year-old daughter cannot defend herself. 1246 00:54:41,292 --> 00:54:45,792 Children require a father's provision and protection. 1247 00:54:45,833 --> 00:54:49,333 Our Father, God is our Father, he provides, 1248 00:54:49,375 --> 00:54:51,833 everything we have is a gift from him, James says, 1249 00:54:51,875 --> 00:54:54,083 and he protects us, looks over us. 1250 00:54:54,167 --> 00:54:56,083 He takes good care of us. 1251 00:54:56,167 --> 00:54:59,083 So we're supposed to start to see the kingdom of God like 1252 00:54:59,167 --> 00:55:05,000 a family governed by a Father who is a King and a warrior 1253 00:55:05,083 --> 00:55:08,000 filled with love and grace. 1254 00:55:08,083 --> 00:55:11,208 Also, children confidently approach their father 1255 00:55:11,292 --> 00:55:12,625 for anything. 1256 00:55:12,667 --> 00:55:14,000 Isn't that true? 1257 00:55:14,083 --> 00:55:16,792 My kids will walk up to me, "I need a bike. 1258 00:55:16,833 --> 00:55:19,333 "I want a glass of water. We need to wrestle. 1259 00:55:19,375 --> 00:55:21,083 I need you to pray for me." 1260 00:55:21,167 --> 00:55:24,125 They just walk right up and tell me whatever, whenever. 1261 00:55:24,167 --> 00:55:26,833 As Christians, we call that prayer. 1262 00:55:26,875 --> 00:55:29,833 Prayer is where the children of God just go to their Dad 1263 00:55:29,875 --> 00:55:32,875 and talk to him about whatever they need to talk him about. 1264 00:55:32,958 --> 00:55:35,583 Also, children receive instruction and correction 1265 00:55:35,667 --> 00:55:37,125 from their dad. 1266 00:55:37,167 --> 00:55:39,500 Dad teaches you things and corrects you. 1267 00:55:39,542 --> 00:55:44,208 God's our Father, he instructs us and he corrects us. 1268 00:55:44,292 --> 00:55:48,333 Additionally, children live in the father's kingdom, 1269 00:55:48,375 --> 00:55:52,208 whether that's a condo, a dorm, a home, an apartment. 1270 00:55:52,292 --> 00:55:55,208 God is a Father, he's preparing a place for us, 1271 00:55:55,292 --> 00:55:59,208 the kingdom of God is our home and we will live in the place 1272 00:55:59,292 --> 00:56:01,500 that the Father provides. 1273 00:56:01,542 --> 00:56:04,500 Additionally, children carry their father's name. 1274 00:56:04,583 --> 00:56:08,125 So the kids, in my house, I love 'em, enjoy 'em, appreciate 'em, 1275 00:56:08,167 --> 00:56:10,000 they're the Driscoll kids. 1276 00:56:10,083 --> 00:56:13,500 We carry the family name Christian. 1277 00:56:13,542 --> 00:56:15,208 It's a family name. 1278 00:56:15,292 --> 00:56:18,167 We're part of a big family with a great Father. 1279 00:56:18,250 --> 00:56:21,625 Children are objects of the father's love. 1280 00:56:21,667 --> 00:56:24,208 They're objects of the father's love and we, 1281 00:56:24,292 --> 00:56:28,000 as the children of God, are objects of the Father's love. 1282 00:56:28,083 --> 00:56:32,667 You have a Father who loves you, who loves you. 1283 00:56:32,750 --> 00:56:35,000 That changes everything. 1284 00:56:35,083 --> 00:56:37,625 If you turn from sin, trust in his Son, 1285 00:56:37,667 --> 00:56:42,000 you enjoy the benefits of being adopted into his family. 1286 00:56:42,042 --> 00:56:45,875 And lastly, children are a glorious inconvenience. 1287 00:56:45,958 --> 00:56:47,625 Are children an inconvenience? 1288 00:56:47,667 --> 00:56:49,125 Absolutely. 1289 00:56:49,167 --> 00:56:51,417 It's why many people don't want to have children. 1290 00:56:51,500 --> 00:56:53,167 "Oh, they're such an inconvenience." 1291 00:56:53,250 --> 00:56:55,500 Having a child is a big deal, 1292 00:56:55,583 --> 00:56:58,708 infertility can be a real pressing issue. 1293 00:56:58,792 --> 00:57:01,292 You finally get pregnant, maybe you have a miscarriage, 1294 00:57:01,333 --> 00:57:03,500 maybe you don't, you don't have the miscarriage, 1295 00:57:03,583 --> 00:57:07,875 then you have all the water retention and the weight gain 1296 00:57:07,958 --> 00:57:11,708 and the heartburn and the kicking of the bladder. 1297 00:57:11,792 --> 00:57:14,792 I mean, I've seen it firsthand, it's exciting. 1298 00:57:14,833 --> 00:57:17,208 It's an inconvenience. And then the baby's born. 1299 00:57:17,292 --> 00:57:18,875 Having a baby is an inconvenience. 1300 00:57:18,958 --> 00:57:21,625 I've watched it, I know why we give women drugs. 1301 00:57:21,667 --> 00:57:23,708 It's necessary. 1302 00:57:23,792 --> 00:57:26,208 And then the child is born and the children, 1303 00:57:26,292 --> 00:57:29,500 they sleep during the day, they're up all night, 1304 00:57:29,583 --> 00:57:32,500 they cost tons of money, they scream and fluids 1305 00:57:32,583 --> 00:57:36,875 come from every hole like a sprinkler, right? 1306 00:57:36,958 --> 00:57:38,375 They're an inconvenience. 1307 00:57:38,458 --> 00:57:40,708 And then we get to junior high, oh. 1308 00:57:40,792 --> 00:57:43,500 And then it's an--and then they want to go to college, 1309 00:57:43,542 --> 00:57:45,917 then they want to get married and it costs money 1310 00:57:46,000 --> 00:57:48,792 and they take time and they're an inconvenience. 1311 00:57:48,833 --> 00:57:50,167 And you know what? 1312 00:57:50,250 --> 00:57:52,000 They're a glorious inconvenience. 1313 00:57:52,583 --> 00:57:54,833 They're a glorious inconvenience. 1314 00:57:54,875 --> 00:57:57,667 And you and I— here's the big idea— 1315 00:57:57,750 --> 00:58:01,000 we tend to not see ourselves as children. 1316 00:58:01,042 --> 00:58:03,000 We tend to see ourselves like the disciples, 1317 00:58:03,042 --> 00:58:04,375 "Well, we're very responsible adults 1318 00:58:04,458 --> 00:58:06,000 with very important things to do." 1319 00:58:06,083 --> 00:58:08,000 And God says, "You know what I see? 1320 00:58:08,083 --> 00:58:11,208 Ponytails, boogers, and Fudgesicles, that's what I see." 1321 00:58:11,292 --> 00:58:15,208 You're not totally able to take care of yourself. 1322 00:58:15,292 --> 00:58:17,875 You need your dad. You were an inconvenience. 1323 00:58:17,958 --> 00:58:21,292 I don't know about you, Father, I apologize for being 1324 00:58:21,333 --> 00:58:24,125 such an enormous inconvenience. 1325 00:58:24,167 --> 00:58:25,500 But you know what? 1326 00:58:25,583 --> 00:58:29,000 The fact that the Father loves me and he endures with me and he 1327 00:58:29,083 --> 00:58:32,583 protects me and he provides for me and he instructs me 1328 00:58:32,667 --> 00:58:36,625 and he corrects me, it reveals that he's glorious. 1329 00:58:36,667 --> 00:58:39,333 He's amazing. 1330 00:58:39,375 --> 00:58:43,667 And we, by the grace of God, get to be the children of God. 1331 00:58:43,750 --> 00:58:48,792 We get to be that inconvenience through which he is revealed 1332 00:58:48,833 --> 00:58:50,583 to be glorious. 1333 00:58:50,667 --> 00:58:52,417 That's what Christianity's all about. 1334 00:58:52,500 --> 00:58:54,917 So if you're here and you're not a Christian, 1335 00:58:55,000 --> 00:58:58,708 I would invite you through Jesus Christ to enjoy God 1336 00:58:58,792 --> 00:59:03,083 as your Father and we as your family. 1337 00:59:03,167 --> 00:59:07,125 Isn't this good news? 1338 00:59:07,167 --> 00:59:12,375 And I want you just for a moment to consider with me, that if we 1339 00:59:12,458 --> 00:59:16,917 had the heart of Jesus for children and we raise children 1340 00:59:17,000 --> 00:59:21,333 who we love and instructed in the Lord and they grew up to 1341 00:59:21,375 --> 00:59:24,875 love and serve Jesus, let's say at Mars Hill, 1342 00:59:24,958 --> 00:59:30,417 we have a few thousand children and they all have children, 1343 00:59:30,500 --> 00:59:35,500 who all have children, who all have children, 1344 00:59:35,583 --> 00:59:38,167 who love and serve Jesus. 1345 00:59:38,250 --> 00:59:42,833 We're leaving a legacy of gospel faith that goes on 1346 00:59:42,875 --> 00:59:45,500 maybe until Jesus comes back. 1347 00:59:45,583 --> 00:59:48,917 There's a story at the end of Genesis where a little family of 1348 00:59:49,000 --> 00:59:52,417 60-some people goes into Egypt, they're the children of God. 1349 00:59:52,500 --> 00:59:55,833 They have children who have children who have children. 1350 00:59:55,875 --> 00:59:57,792 Four hundred and forty years later, 1351 00:59:57,833 --> 01:00:02,417 they emerge as the nation of Israel, a few million people. 1352 01:00:02,500 --> 01:00:05,917 They went from a few dozen to a few million. 1353 01:00:06,000 --> 01:00:11,083 We may be in the midst of that. 1354 01:00:11,167 --> 01:00:14,833 And it starts with the heart of Jesus. 1355 01:00:14,875 --> 01:00:19,625 We need to approach our Father and his kingdom like kids 1356 01:00:19,667 --> 01:00:24,833 and we need to raise our kids to love their heavenly Father. 1357 01:00:24,875 --> 01:00:27,708 Father, thank you for this wonderful opportunity that you 1358 01:00:27,792 --> 01:00:29,708 bestowed us a people. 1359 01:00:29,792 --> 01:00:32,833 God, this is a big vision, a big hope, a big dream, 1360 01:00:32,875 --> 01:00:35,333 a big possibility. 1361 01:00:35,375 --> 01:00:39,000 God, I pray for those who are struggling with infertility 1362 01:00:39,042 --> 01:00:41,333 that even if they don't have children, 1363 01:00:41,375 --> 01:00:43,708 they would have Jesus' heart for children and as parents, 1364 01:00:43,792 --> 01:00:48,792 one day, or teachers or nursery workers or big brothers 1365 01:00:48,833 --> 01:00:52,708 and sisters, that they would love and serve children. 1366 01:00:52,792 --> 01:00:58,125 God, I thank you as well for all the kids you've given us, 1367 01:00:58,167 --> 01:01:00,625 all the kids you've given us. 1368 01:01:00,667 --> 01:01:06,625 One thousand six hundred, every Sunday, little blessings, 1369 01:01:06,667 --> 01:01:10,208 and more in the belly and more to come. 1370 01:01:10,292 --> 01:01:13,125 Father, thank you that as we examine children, 1371 01:01:13,167 --> 01:01:16,792 we learn how you are a good Father and we're kids 1372 01:01:16,833 --> 01:01:18,500 that are an inconvenience. 1373 01:01:18,583 --> 01:01:20,292 And you're glorious. 1374 01:01:20,333 --> 01:01:22,500 And I pray, God, that the parents in general, 1375 01:01:22,583 --> 01:01:26,333 that the fathers in particular, that we would take it as 1376 01:01:26,375 --> 01:01:30,667 a noble, masculine honor to love and serve children 1377 01:01:30,750 --> 01:01:35,792 and to welcome them to Jesus, in whose name we pray, amen.