1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:05,208 2 00:00:05,292 --> 00:00:15,292 [music] 3 00:00:32,042 --> 00:00:35,583 People in general, but men in particular, 4 00:00:35,667 --> 00:00:38,667 are prone to worship money and power. 5 00:00:38,750 --> 00:00:40,333 Money and power. Right, men? 6 00:00:40,375 --> 00:00:43,333 If you had to vote, would you want money or no money? 7 00:00:43,375 --> 00:00:44,708 Money. 8 00:00:44,792 --> 00:00:47,500 Power or no power? Yeah, no need to take a vote. 9 00:00:47,583 --> 00:00:48,917 It's unanimous. 10 00:00:49,000 --> 00:00:50,875 People in general, but men in particular, 11 00:00:50,958 --> 00:00:54,917 when given the option, prefer money and power. 12 00:00:55,000 --> 00:00:58,875 And oftentimes what's motivating that is an underlying idol: 13 00:00:58,958 --> 00:01:02,167 we want control, we want an identity of success, 14 00:01:02,250 --> 00:01:05,333 we want status, we want comfort, we want security, 15 00:01:05,375 --> 00:01:07,375 we want people to fear us. 16 00:01:07,458 --> 00:01:10,708 Money and power can contribute to the achieving 17 00:01:10,792 --> 00:01:13,375 of those pursuits. 18 00:01:13,458 --> 00:01:16,500 And what happens is some men and women 19 00:01:16,583 --> 00:01:18,125 achieve that objective. 20 00:01:18,167 --> 00:01:22,500 They receive, over the course of time, money and power. 21 00:01:22,583 --> 00:01:26,167 And what happens is it's not always pretty. 22 00:01:26,250 --> 00:01:30,167 You may be well known, but not well loved. 23 00:01:30,250 --> 00:01:34,667 You may be very rich, but not very generous. 24 00:01:34,750 --> 00:01:39,000 People may fear you, but not really know you. 25 00:01:39,083 --> 00:01:41,625 And people talk about you, but they don't really have 26 00:01:41,667 --> 00:01:44,417 a relationship with you. 27 00:01:44,500 --> 00:01:46,292 And this happens in every generation. 28 00:01:46,333 --> 00:01:49,000 Every generation has some of the most note-worthy 29 00:01:49,083 --> 00:01:52,875 and notorious examples of people who worshipped money and power 30 00:01:52,958 --> 00:01:55,125 and how it did not end well for them. 31 00:01:55,167 --> 00:02:00,583 Perhaps our generation's most tragic example is Bernie Madoff. 32 00:02:00,667 --> 00:02:03,083 You know the story, the greatest Ponzi scheme perhaps 33 00:02:03,167 --> 00:02:05,792 in the history of the world, where he reportedly, 34 00:02:05,833 --> 00:02:09,292 allegedly billed people out of billions of dollars. 35 00:02:09,333 --> 00:02:12,667 And it was set up to where there were people who would lose 36 00:02:12,750 --> 00:02:15,500 their money, and the money would essentially come to the top 37 00:02:15,583 --> 00:02:17,000 of the pyramid scheme. 38 00:02:17,083 --> 00:02:19,167 And at the top was Bernie Madoff. 39 00:02:19,250 --> 00:02:21,417 Well, there's a guy like that in the Bible. 40 00:02:21,500 --> 00:02:24,292 He was a crook and a thief of a different sort 41 00:02:24,333 --> 00:02:26,125 with his own kind of Ponzi scheme. 42 00:02:26,167 --> 00:02:29,708 And he ripped people off and he was very rich and very powerful. 43 00:02:29,792 --> 00:02:31,292 And his name is Zacchaeus. 44 00:02:31,333 --> 00:02:34,708 And today you're going to see him meet Jesus and how his life 45 00:02:34,792 --> 00:02:40,083 changes with his relationship beginning with Jesus Christ. 46 00:02:40,167 --> 00:02:42,625 And today we just wanna thank Luke--actually, 47 00:02:42,667 --> 00:02:45,917 the story of Zacchaeus is only found in the Gospel of Luke. 48 00:02:46,000 --> 00:02:48,333 So had Luke not faithfully recorded this by the power 49 00:02:48,375 --> 00:02:49,917 of the Holy Spirit for us, 50 00:02:50,000 --> 00:02:52,500 we wouldn't know the story of Zacchaeus. 51 00:02:52,542 --> 00:02:54,625 Some of you are familiar with this story. 52 00:02:54,667 --> 00:02:56,833 Others of you, perhaps, are not. 53 00:02:56,875 --> 00:03:01,500 We'll launch in, Luke 19, we learn about Jesus and Zacchaeus. 54 00:03:01,583 --> 00:03:05,917 The first thing we learn is that Zacchaeus was a wee, rich man. 55 00:03:06,000 --> 00:03:08,000 He was a little guy. 56 00:03:08,042 --> 00:03:11,833 Luke 19:1-4, "He," that is Jesus, "entered Jericho," 57 00:03:11,875 --> 00:03:14,500 that's a town he's passing through on his way to Jerusalem 58 00:03:14,583 --> 00:03:17,875 where he's gonna die on the cross in our place for our sins. 59 00:03:17,958 --> 00:03:20,208 "He entered Jericho and was passing through. 60 00:03:20,292 --> 00:03:23,000 "And there was a man named Zacchaeus. 61 00:03:23,083 --> 00:03:26,708 "He was a chief tax collector and was rich. 62 00:03:26,792 --> 00:03:29,208 "And he was seeking to see who Jesus was, 63 00:03:29,292 --> 00:03:31,708 but on account of the crowd he could not" see, 64 00:03:31,792 --> 00:03:33,625 because he was a wee little man. 65 00:03:33,667 --> 00:03:35,917 "So he ran on ahead 66 00:03:36,000 --> 00:03:39,125 "and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him, 67 00:03:39,167 --> 00:03:43,000 for he," that being Jesus, "was about to pass by." 68 00:03:43,083 --> 00:03:44,625 So here's the story: 69 00:03:44,667 --> 00:03:50,083 Zacchaeus, we learn of him, as being both wealthy and powerful. 70 00:03:50,167 --> 00:03:54,208 He's not just a tax collector, he's the chief tax collector. 71 00:03:54,292 --> 00:03:57,417 So, again, in this Ponzi scheme that the Roman government has 72 00:03:57,500 --> 00:04:00,333 set up--and the Roman government at this point had overtaken 73 00:04:00,375 --> 00:04:03,000 God's people and they were ruling over them. 74 00:04:03,083 --> 00:04:06,208 And so then they would take some of those who were Jewish, 75 00:04:06,292 --> 00:04:08,375 they would appoint them to be tax collectors. 76 00:04:08,458 --> 00:04:09,792 These were traitors. 77 00:04:09,833 --> 00:04:12,000 We would put them today in the same category 78 00:04:12,083 --> 00:04:13,833 as pimps and those who are in 79 00:04:13,875 --> 00:04:17,167 sex trafficking and drug dealers. 80 00:04:17,250 --> 00:04:19,875 This is the worst of the worst. 81 00:04:19,958 --> 00:04:24,833 These are people who betrayed their own--their own nation, 82 00:04:24,875 --> 00:04:29,333 they betrayed their own God, they betrayed their own family 83 00:04:29,375 --> 00:04:31,000 to become tax collectors. 84 00:04:31,083 --> 00:04:33,917 And the way this Ponzi scheme worked, 85 00:04:34,000 --> 00:04:37,125 you would collect money for the godless Roman government, 86 00:04:37,167 --> 00:04:41,500 anything you could extort beyond that was yours. 87 00:04:41,583 --> 00:04:44,000 So your job was extortion. 88 00:04:44,083 --> 00:04:46,708 And you would have to pay a percentage up the pyramid 89 00:04:46,792 --> 00:04:50,083 to the guy at the top, the head of the Ponzi scheme. 90 00:04:50,167 --> 00:04:51,500 Who is it? 91 00:04:51,542 --> 00:04:52,917 Zacchaeus. 92 00:04:53,000 --> 00:04:57,500 He's not just a tax collector, he's the chief tax collector. 93 00:04:57,542 --> 00:04:59,417 He's a very powerful man. 94 00:04:59,500 --> 00:05:02,792 He's bankrupted people, he's defaulted on loans, 95 00:05:02,833 --> 00:05:05,708 he has seized people's possessions. 96 00:05:05,792 --> 00:05:08,500 Today he would be the kind of guy who's very rich, 97 00:05:08,583 --> 00:05:10,000 that's what the Bible says. 98 00:05:10,083 --> 00:05:13,292 He's very rich. He is loaded. 99 00:05:13,333 --> 00:05:14,792 Multimillionaire. 100 00:05:14,833 --> 00:05:16,625 Billionaire. 101 00:05:16,667 --> 00:05:19,875 This is a guy with private jets, vacation homes, 102 00:05:19,958 --> 00:05:24,500 a staff to serve him, only eats the finest of foods, 103 00:05:24,583 --> 00:05:29,583 only drinks the finest of wines, and he lives the life of a god. 104 00:05:30,833 --> 00:05:33,292 He is essentially worshiped by people. 105 00:05:33,333 --> 00:05:37,500 And nonetheless, he's seizing homes and assets and cars and 106 00:05:37,542 --> 00:05:40,875 bankrupting people and taking their retirement account 107 00:05:40,958 --> 00:05:43,000 and taking their children's college fund 108 00:05:43,083 --> 00:05:45,833 and he is ripping people off. 109 00:05:45,875 --> 00:05:47,625 That's who he is. 110 00:05:47,667 --> 00:05:56,958 Now let me say this: sometimes actions are legal and sinful. 111 00:05:57,958 --> 00:06:03,417 What Zacchaeus is doing is not illegal, but it is sinful. 112 00:06:03,500 --> 00:06:06,125 It is acceptable in the eyes of the government, 113 00:06:06,167 --> 00:06:09,000 but it is unacceptable in the sight of God. 114 00:06:09,042 --> 00:06:12,333 And this is important because you and I need to know that 115 00:06:12,375 --> 00:06:15,708 we are to submit to the government, Romans 13. 116 00:06:15,792 --> 00:06:18,500 But beyond that there are the laws of God. 117 00:06:18,542 --> 00:06:22,167 And the laws of God will say that things are sinful that are, 118 00:06:22,250 --> 00:06:23,583 in fact, legal. 119 00:06:23,667 --> 00:06:25,333 Adultery, it's not illegal. 120 00:06:25,375 --> 00:06:26,708 Sinful. 121 00:06:26,792 --> 00:06:29,667 Gossip is not illegal, it's sinful. 122 00:06:29,750 --> 00:06:33,583 Coveting is not illegal, it's sinful. 123 00:06:35,667 --> 00:06:38,500 Therefore, let's say, for example, you have a child, 124 00:06:38,583 --> 00:06:41,583 3-year-old kid, and they are disobeying the Bible; 125 00:06:41,667 --> 00:06:44,417 they're dishonoring their father and mother. 126 00:06:44,500 --> 00:06:48,417 They don't obey, they're throwing their food at dinner, 127 00:06:48,500 --> 00:06:50,208 they call their dad a booger. 128 00:06:50,292 --> 00:06:54,417 Alright, they're just horrible, small people. 129 00:06:54,500 --> 00:06:57,333 As a parent you cannot pick up the phone, dial 9-1-1, 130 00:06:57,375 --> 00:06:59,333 "Hello, 9-1-1, what is it?" 131 00:06:59,375 --> 00:07:03,667 "My child is violating one of the Ten Commandments. 132 00:07:03,750 --> 00:07:06,625 "They are dishonoring their father and mother. 133 00:07:06,667 --> 00:07:08,333 "We heard the 'b' word. 134 00:07:08,375 --> 00:07:09,708 "They called us a booger. 135 00:07:09,792 --> 00:07:14,625 "You need to send out an officer with a Taser immediately. 136 00:07:14,667 --> 00:07:17,125 We need to Taser the 3-year-old." 137 00:07:17,167 --> 00:07:20,208 They will say, "This is not an emergency." 138 00:07:20,292 --> 00:07:24,500 Because it's not illegal, it's just sinful. 139 00:07:24,583 --> 00:07:29,333 And sometimes you and I, we get away with things in the eyes of 140 00:07:29,375 --> 00:07:33,625 the government that we don't get away with in the eyes of God. 141 00:07:33,667 --> 00:07:37,583 And so we need to take our morality beyond the law, 142 00:07:37,667 --> 00:07:39,625 to the law of God. 143 00:07:39,667 --> 00:07:44,875 And here, what Zacchaeus is doing, is not illegal, 144 00:07:44,958 --> 00:07:47,125 but it's sinful. 145 00:07:47,167 --> 00:07:49,333 You couldn't call the police on him, 146 00:07:49,375 --> 00:07:52,417 but God is going to deal with him, and here he is, 147 00:07:52,500 --> 00:07:53,917 Jesus Christ. 148 00:07:54,000 --> 00:07:56,917 This is very important to recognize. 149 00:07:57,000 --> 00:08:02,667 Sometimes what is legal is simultaneously sinful. 150 00:08:02,750 --> 00:08:07,167 Now here's what we know about this man: he's very rich, 151 00:08:07,250 --> 00:08:10,917 he's very powerful, he's very little. 152 00:08:11,000 --> 00:08:15,917 I see Danny DeVito. 153 00:08:16,000 --> 00:08:18,333 I just do. 154 00:08:18,375 --> 00:08:20,333 Maybe Woody Allen. 155 00:08:20,375 --> 00:08:21,875 He's a little guy. 156 00:08:21,958 --> 00:08:24,083 I don't think Jeff Bezos is that big, 157 00:08:24,167 --> 00:08:27,208 maybe he's like a Jeff Bezos, Amazon.com kind-- 158 00:08:27,292 --> 00:08:29,708 he's a little, rich man. 159 00:08:29,792 --> 00:08:31,125 You see him? 160 00:08:31,167 --> 00:08:33,500 I need you to get a picture of him. 161 00:08:33,542 --> 00:08:34,875 And here comes Jesus. 162 00:08:34,958 --> 00:08:36,708 And he really wants to see Jesus. 163 00:08:36,792 --> 00:08:40,708 So he does two things that are not supposed to be done 164 00:08:40,792 --> 00:08:43,708 by a man in that day or a man in this day. 165 00:08:43,792 --> 00:08:45,167 Number one, he runs. 166 00:08:45,250 --> 00:08:46,583 And men don't run, right? 167 00:08:46,667 --> 00:08:48,667 Unless we wanna get fit, we stole something, 168 00:08:48,750 --> 00:08:51,292 or there's a dog involved, right? 169 00:08:51,333 --> 00:08:53,875 Those are the three exception clauses in the male behavioral 170 00:08:53,958 --> 00:08:56,375 contract by which you can run. 171 00:08:56,458 --> 00:08:59,375 This is athletic, defense, or thievery; 172 00:08:59,458 --> 00:09:01,917 those are the clauses by which a man can run. 173 00:09:02,000 --> 00:09:03,917 But a businessman does not run, right? 174 00:09:04,000 --> 00:09:05,500 He was wearing, probably, a robe. 175 00:09:05,542 --> 00:09:08,667 But in our day, it'd be a guy in a really nice suit. 176 00:09:08,750 --> 00:09:11,208 And Jesus is coming and he wants to see Jesus, 177 00:09:11,292 --> 00:09:13,875 but he's such a wee little man he can't see him, 178 00:09:13,958 --> 00:09:16,375 so he runs ahead and not only does he run, 179 00:09:16,458 --> 00:09:17,875 number two, he climbs a tree. 180 00:09:17,958 --> 00:09:21,333 Now, how many of you growing up as a kid, you heard this story, 181 00:09:21,375 --> 00:09:23,833 and it's a pretty awesome story because just the thought 182 00:09:23,875 --> 00:09:26,125 of Danny DeVito climbing a tree is fantastic, right? 183 00:09:26,167 --> 00:09:28,417 I mean, it's just fantastic. 184 00:09:28,500 --> 00:09:32,000 So it would be like there's a famous person come to town 185 00:09:32,083 --> 00:09:33,583 and he's traveling with an entourage 186 00:09:33,667 --> 00:09:35,125 and there's a large crowd. 187 00:09:35,167 --> 00:09:37,417 And you're walking along trying to look at him, 188 00:09:37,500 --> 00:09:40,625 you look up in a tree and there's Bill Gates in a suit, 189 00:09:40,667 --> 00:09:42,000 up in a tree. 190 00:09:42,083 --> 00:09:43,417 That's fantastic. 191 00:09:43,500 --> 00:09:45,625 And that's exactly what happens here with Zacchaeus. 192 00:09:45,667 --> 00:09:49,125 He does what a respectable, dignified businessman would not 193 00:09:49,167 --> 00:09:53,500 do: he runs and he climbs a tree 'cause he's a wee little man. 194 00:09:53,583 --> 00:09:56,167 And then as Jesus passes by, the question is, well, 195 00:09:56,250 --> 00:09:58,625 what is Jesus gonna do with Zacchaeus? 196 00:09:58,667 --> 00:10:00,417 How will he respond? 197 00:10:00,500 --> 00:10:02,708 What will he do? 198 00:10:02,792 --> 00:10:06,125 And it's funny because Zacchaeus' name literally means 199 00:10:06,167 --> 00:10:08,500 "the righteous one." 200 00:10:08,542 --> 00:10:10,667 So if your name's Zac, like my son Zac, 201 00:10:10,750 --> 00:10:13,167 your name means "the righteous one." 202 00:10:13,250 --> 00:10:16,833 And everybody would've thought, "that's not true." 203 00:10:16,875 --> 00:10:19,208 That's like calling Charlie Sheen "the sober one." 204 00:10:19,292 --> 00:10:21,125 It's like, really? 205 00:10:21,167 --> 00:10:23,375 Really? 206 00:10:23,458 --> 00:10:26,500 And so, his name betrays his character, 207 00:10:26,583 --> 00:10:30,208 but we're gonna see Jesus change everything, and by grace 208 00:10:30,292 --> 00:10:32,208 through faith, make him a righteous man. 209 00:10:32,292 --> 00:10:33,625 So you gotta see him. 210 00:10:33,667 --> 00:10:35,625 You see him, Zacchaeus up in the tree? 211 00:10:35,667 --> 00:10:41,000 I think a short, chubby, older, perhaps balding, well-dressed, 212 00:10:41,042 --> 00:10:44,625 rich man, who maybe got a boost from all of his bodyguards 213 00:10:44,667 --> 00:10:47,417 up into the tree, right? 214 00:10:47,500 --> 00:10:49,708 So you gotta see him. There he is. 215 00:10:49,792 --> 00:10:51,208 Now Jesus comes by. 216 00:10:51,292 --> 00:10:54,708 Luke 19:5, Jesus called Zacchaeus. 217 00:10:54,792 --> 00:10:57,208 "And when Jesus came to the place, 218 00:10:57,292 --> 00:11:00,292 "he looked up and said to him, 'Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, 219 00:11:00,333 --> 00:11:03,333 for I must stay at your house today.'" 220 00:11:03,375 --> 00:11:05,625 There's a sense of urgency. 221 00:11:05,667 --> 00:11:08,792 So Jesus looks up in the tree and it's kind of this funny 222 00:11:08,833 --> 00:11:11,000 moment, this huge crowd is around following Jesus as 223 00:11:11,042 --> 00:11:14,125 he's passing through Jericho, on his way to Jerusalem, 224 00:11:14,167 --> 00:11:16,208 during the feast of Passover, 225 00:11:16,292 --> 00:11:18,500 where he's ultimately gonna be crucified, 226 00:11:18,583 --> 00:11:22,625 die and rise in our place for our sins as our Savior. 227 00:11:22,667 --> 00:11:25,708 He looks up in the tree and there's Zacchaeus. 228 00:11:25,792 --> 00:11:27,500 And here's what he does, friends. 229 00:11:27,583 --> 00:11:30,500 He calls Zacchaeus by name. 230 00:11:30,583 --> 00:11:31,917 That's really important. 231 00:11:32,000 --> 00:11:34,167 We don't know how he knew Zacchaeus' name. 232 00:11:34,250 --> 00:11:37,625 Maybe the Holy Spirit revealed that to him, I don't know. 233 00:11:37,667 --> 00:11:41,292 Maybe Zacchaeus was so notorious that everybody kind of knew 234 00:11:41,333 --> 00:11:43,417 who he was. 235 00:11:43,500 --> 00:11:45,083 We don't know. 236 00:11:45,167 --> 00:11:49,625 But Jesus sees him, calls out, "Zacchaeus!" 237 00:11:49,667 --> 00:11:55,000 Friends, Jesus always, always does this. 238 00:11:55,083 --> 00:11:58,833 He's always calling people out by name. 239 00:11:58,875 --> 00:12:03,625 When I was 19 years of age, he called for me, "Mark." 240 00:12:03,667 --> 00:12:08,333 And the Holy Spirit changed by heart, changed my life, 241 00:12:08,375 --> 00:12:10,708 I became a Christian. 242 00:12:10,792 --> 00:12:15,625 Those of you who are Christian, Jesus called you. 243 00:12:15,667 --> 00:12:17,875 He called you by name. 244 00:12:17,958 --> 00:12:20,500 Yes, there are billions of people on the earth, 245 00:12:20,542 --> 00:12:24,083 but the Bible says he knows your name, every day of your life, 246 00:12:24,167 --> 00:12:25,625 and every hair on your head. 247 00:12:25,667 --> 00:12:28,125 For some of you, it's not a lot of work. 248 00:12:28,167 --> 00:12:29,708 But he knows them all. 249 00:12:29,792 --> 00:12:31,167 He knows those things. 250 00:12:31,250 --> 00:12:34,333 And Jesus still calls by name. 251 00:12:34,375 --> 00:12:36,833 And if you're here today and you're not a Christian, 252 00:12:36,875 --> 00:12:38,208 let me say this: 253 00:12:38,292 --> 00:12:41,083 Perhaps Jesus is calling you by name. 254 00:12:41,167 --> 00:12:43,125 He's calling you unto himself. 255 00:12:43,167 --> 00:12:45,625 He's calling you to know him. 256 00:12:45,667 --> 00:12:50,208 And when Jesus calls Zacchaeus, he calls him to a friendship. 257 00:12:50,292 --> 00:12:52,000 And he does it openly and publicly. 258 00:12:52,042 --> 00:12:54,833 He says, "Zacchaeus, I'm going to your house." 259 00:12:54,875 --> 00:12:58,833 Now this may seem rude at first, Jesus invites himself over 260 00:12:58,875 --> 00:13:02,208 with his disciples, so it's gonna be a big event. 261 00:13:02,292 --> 00:13:05,667 "Hey, the 13 of us are coming to your house. 262 00:13:05,750 --> 00:13:08,292 We like to eat." 263 00:13:08,333 --> 00:13:10,625 I mean, "Fix us something to eat." 264 00:13:10,667 --> 00:13:14,000 And here's what Jesus is doing: Jesus is telling Zacchaeus, 265 00:13:14,083 --> 00:13:17,833 "I want to be your friend." 266 00:13:17,875 --> 00:13:20,667 Because going to someone's home and having a meal with them, 267 00:13:20,750 --> 00:13:24,792 in that culture, as ours, that's an act of friendship. 268 00:13:24,833 --> 00:13:26,792 How many people do you think had gone 269 00:13:26,833 --> 00:13:29,333 to Zacchaeus' house for dinner? 270 00:13:29,375 --> 00:13:30,708 Not a lot. 271 00:13:30,792 --> 00:13:34,333 He eats well alone. 272 00:13:34,375 --> 00:13:39,000 Furthermore, Jesus does this in front of the crowd. 273 00:13:39,083 --> 00:13:42,125 Those who would have been friends with Zacchaeus, 274 00:13:42,167 --> 00:13:45,292 had spent time at his home and perhaps eaten a meal with him, 275 00:13:45,333 --> 00:13:48,208 they wouldn't put this on their Facebook wall, right? 276 00:13:48,292 --> 00:13:50,833 "Going to Zacchaeus' house for dinner tonight," 277 00:13:50,875 --> 00:13:53,625 'cause the trolls would just go crazy. 278 00:13:53,667 --> 00:13:57,125 It's not a very popular thing to be friends with Zacchaeus, so if 279 00:13:57,167 --> 00:14:01,333 you are friends with Zacchaeus you don't really tell anyone. 280 00:14:01,375 --> 00:14:03,292 And Jesus is telling everyone, 281 00:14:03,333 --> 00:14:06,833 "Zacchaeus is as of this moment my friend. 282 00:14:06,875 --> 00:14:08,500 "I'm going to his house. 283 00:14:08,583 --> 00:14:10,125 "We're gonna eat a meal together. 284 00:14:10,167 --> 00:14:12,333 I love Zacchaeus." 285 00:14:12,375 --> 00:14:14,500 That's amazing, isn't it? 286 00:14:14,583 --> 00:14:17,708 This is what Jesus does for sinners. 287 00:14:17,792 --> 00:14:22,833 He calls us by name, he invites us to a friendship. 288 00:14:22,875 --> 00:14:26,125 John 15, Jesus says he's our friend. 289 00:14:26,167 --> 00:14:27,625 Don't overlook this. 290 00:14:27,667 --> 00:14:31,333 Jesus is Lord, God, Savior, King, Sovereign, 291 00:14:31,375 --> 00:14:34,917 Christ, and friend. 292 00:14:35,000 --> 00:14:38,875 He's not just a theological position we adhere to; 293 00:14:38,958 --> 00:14:41,917 he's a person we get to know. 294 00:14:42,000 --> 00:14:46,000 Jesus is alive and he wants to eat with you, 295 00:14:46,042 --> 00:14:49,292 he wants to speak with you, he wants to help you. 296 00:14:49,333 --> 00:14:51,000 Jesus is a friend. 297 00:14:51,083 --> 00:14:54,708 He's God and our friend. 298 00:14:54,792 --> 00:14:56,125 Isn't that amazing? 299 00:14:56,167 --> 00:14:59,917 That God would become a man, and that he would invite his enemies 300 00:15:00,042 --> 00:15:05,000 to be his friends and be willing to eat with us and to spend time 301 00:15:05,083 --> 00:15:08,875 with us and through the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit 302 00:15:08,958 --> 00:15:11,667 to never leave us nor forsake us. 303 00:15:11,750 --> 00:15:15,792 And that's exactly what's happening here for Zacchaeus. 304 00:15:15,833 --> 00:15:21,250 Now, there are two responses, and the question to you is this: 305 00:15:22,167 --> 00:15:25,917 What would your response have been? 306 00:15:26,000 --> 00:15:28,333 Jesus looks at Zacchaeus, "Zacchaeus, today, 307 00:15:28,375 --> 00:15:30,917 "come down from the tree right now. 308 00:15:31,000 --> 00:15:32,417 "I wanna be your friend. 309 00:15:32,500 --> 00:15:33,833 Let's eat together." 310 00:15:33,875 --> 00:15:35,208 Here are the two responses: 311 00:15:35,292 --> 00:15:36,625 Zacchaeus and the crowd. 312 00:15:36,667 --> 00:15:38,000 Luke 19:6, 313 00:15:38,083 --> 00:15:40,500 "So he hurried and came down and received him joyfully. 314 00:15:40,583 --> 00:15:43,000 "And when they saw it, they all grumbled, 315 00:15:43,083 --> 00:15:47,417 'He has gone in to be the guest of a man who is a sinner.'" 316 00:15:47,500 --> 00:15:49,208 Two responses. 317 00:15:49,292 --> 00:15:52,125 Zacchaeus' response: "Yes, Jesus! 318 00:15:52,167 --> 00:15:54,000 "I'd love to be your friend! 319 00:15:54,083 --> 00:15:55,708 "You wanna eat with me? 320 00:15:55,792 --> 00:15:58,625 Let's go right now." 321 00:15:58,667 --> 00:16:03,833 Zacchaeus is really glad that Jesus cares for him. 322 00:16:03,875 --> 00:16:05,917 And so he receives the love, the grace, 323 00:16:06,000 --> 00:16:08,708 the mercy of Jesus Christ. 324 00:16:08,792 --> 00:16:12,125 He's not just undeserving, he's ill-deserving, 325 00:16:12,167 --> 00:16:16,583 as we are, as I am. 326 00:16:16,667 --> 00:16:18,125 That's his response. 327 00:16:18,167 --> 00:16:20,917 The crowd, not really joyful. 328 00:16:21,000 --> 00:16:24,000 They're not all Tweeting, "Yay! Zacchaeus got saved! 329 00:16:24,042 --> 00:16:26,000 We're so excited!" 330 00:16:26,083 --> 00:16:28,500 They are grumbling. 331 00:16:28,583 --> 00:16:32,625 This means they're talking about Zacchaeus, but not to Zacchaeus. 332 00:16:32,667 --> 00:16:35,792 They're talking about Jesus, but not to Jesus. 333 00:16:35,833 --> 00:16:37,917 They're gossiping and grumbling. 334 00:16:38,000 --> 00:16:41,167 Some of you will call this prayer. 335 00:16:41,250 --> 00:16:43,292 So in your Community Group or your friendships, 336 00:16:43,333 --> 00:16:45,792 you'll be like, "So and so's a such and such. 337 00:16:45,833 --> 00:16:47,167 Pray for them." 338 00:16:47,250 --> 00:16:48,708 Well, have you talked to them? 339 00:16:48,792 --> 00:16:50,125 "No." 340 00:16:50,167 --> 00:16:55,333 Okay, then you're in sin because you're grumbling and gossiping. 341 00:16:55,375 --> 00:16:57,917 So they don't walk up to Jesus and say, 342 00:16:58,000 --> 00:17:01,625 "We disagree with your leadership." 343 00:17:01,667 --> 00:17:03,917 They don't walk up to Zacchaeus and say, 344 00:17:04,000 --> 00:17:05,917 "We don't think you should be the one 345 00:17:06,000 --> 00:17:07,875 to have lunch with Jesus." 346 00:17:07,958 --> 00:17:10,208 They say that amongst themselves. 347 00:17:10,292 --> 00:17:14,292 And friends, let me say this: this is common whenever 348 00:17:14,333 --> 00:17:16,917 God's grace is poured out. 349 00:17:17,000 --> 00:17:18,917 People grumble. 350 00:17:19,000 --> 00:17:21,208 Sometimes every questioning the leadership of a church, 351 00:17:21,292 --> 00:17:24,125 a ministry, and organization. 352 00:17:24,167 --> 00:17:25,583 Should they make that decision? 353 00:17:25,667 --> 00:17:27,000 Should they love those people? 354 00:17:27,042 --> 00:17:30,208 Should they be that kind and that accommodating? 355 00:17:30,292 --> 00:17:32,500 "That's just not acceptable." 356 00:17:32,583 --> 00:17:33,917 What do they say? 357 00:17:34,000 --> 00:17:35,333 "He's a sinner!" 358 00:17:35,375 --> 00:17:40,792 Do you understand those smug, religious, underpinnings here? 359 00:17:42,000 --> 00:17:45,333 What they're saying is, "We're better than he is." 360 00:17:45,375 --> 00:17:47,417 That's what they're saying. 361 00:17:47,500 --> 00:17:50,500 "Well, of course God loves us, we're pretty loveable." 362 00:17:50,542 --> 00:17:54,375 And "Of course God could forgive Us, our sins aren't that bad. 363 00:17:54,458 --> 00:17:57,333 But Zacchaeus?" 364 00:17:57,375 --> 00:18:00,833 Who, if God saved and forgave them, 365 00:18:00,875 --> 00:18:03,333 would cause you to grumble? 366 00:18:03,375 --> 00:18:07,208 The person who abused you, ripped you off, harmed you, 367 00:18:07,292 --> 00:18:11,792 betrayed you, cheated on you, divorced you, hit you, 368 00:18:11,833 --> 00:18:15,833 lied about you, fired you? 369 00:18:15,875 --> 00:18:19,167 Who would it be that if God loved and saved them 370 00:18:19,250 --> 00:18:20,625 you would be grumbling? 371 00:18:20,667 --> 00:18:22,917 "That just really frustrates me. 372 00:18:23,000 --> 00:18:25,833 "So what? They just get forgiven? 373 00:18:25,875 --> 00:18:30,292 It's just fine and now it's all over?" 374 00:18:30,333 --> 00:18:32,000 They grumble. 375 00:18:32,500 --> 00:18:33,833 They grumble. 376 00:18:33,875 --> 00:18:37,125 And the key, friends, is to know this: in the sight of God, 377 00:18:37,167 --> 00:18:39,208 we're all guilty. 378 00:18:39,292 --> 00:18:42,417 And that God would call any of us and love any of us 379 00:18:42,500 --> 00:18:45,500 and forgive any of us, well that's a miracle. 380 00:18:45,583 --> 00:18:49,208 And at any point that we struggle for God to love, seek, 381 00:18:49,292 --> 00:18:53,583 save, serve someone, we are saying, 382 00:18:53,667 --> 00:18:55,875 "I deserve salvation, they do not." 383 00:18:55,958 --> 00:19:00,833 And we have missed the gospel of Grace altogether. 384 00:19:00,875 --> 00:19:03,292 Altogether. 385 00:19:03,333 --> 00:19:08,375 So we wanna be a people who rejoice when anyone responds to 386 00:19:08,458 --> 00:19:12,000 the invitation from Jesus to be friends with him 387 00:19:12,083 --> 00:19:14,375 and have their sin forgiven. 388 00:19:14,458 --> 00:19:17,375 And some of you are here today and you may be wondering, 389 00:19:17,458 --> 00:19:20,625 "Could Jesus really call me to be a Christian and his friend?" 390 00:19:20,667 --> 00:19:23,417 Some of you are keenly aware of the things you've done 391 00:19:23,500 --> 00:19:27,125 and failed to do and the way you've lived and how really 392 00:19:27,167 --> 00:19:29,417 in the sight of God it is dishonoring. 393 00:19:29,500 --> 00:19:31,333 Even if it's not illegal, it's sinful. 394 00:19:31,375 --> 00:19:34,500 And some of you have that which is also illegal. 395 00:19:34,583 --> 00:19:37,583 And from Zacchaeus we get so much hope and encouragement. 396 00:19:37,667 --> 00:19:39,125 It doesn't matter who you are, 397 00:19:39,167 --> 00:19:41,125 it doesn't matter what you've done. 398 00:19:41,167 --> 00:19:44,833 Jesus calls out to you and he will welcome you as a friend 399 00:19:44,875 --> 00:19:48,875 and he will forgive you of any and all sin. 400 00:19:48,958 --> 00:19:51,333 That's exactly what he does for Zacchaeus, 401 00:19:51,375 --> 00:19:54,333 that's what he does for me, that's what he does for all 402 00:19:54,375 --> 00:19:57,333 who are Christian. 403 00:19:57,375 --> 00:19:59,708 But here's the underlying problem with those 404 00:19:59,792 --> 00:20:01,583 who are grumbling. 405 00:20:01,667 --> 00:20:04,375 They are thinking that of all that's going to happen now, 406 00:20:04,458 --> 00:20:08,000 Jesus is going to forgive him, and all of the evil, atrocity, 407 00:20:08,042 --> 00:20:12,500 and injustice that he's done will just be swept away 408 00:20:12,542 --> 00:20:16,667 and there will not be any justice brought. 409 00:20:20,500 --> 00:20:23,833 So, here's the key. 410 00:20:23,875 --> 00:20:26,625 Here's what happens with Zacchaeus. 411 00:20:26,667 --> 00:20:29,208 It's a little equation: repentance plus restitution 412 00:20:29,292 --> 00:20:32,000 equals rejoicing. 413 00:20:32,083 --> 00:20:35,333 Luke 19:8-10, "And Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, 414 00:20:35,375 --> 00:20:38,375 'Behold,'" what does he call Jesus? 415 00:20:38,458 --> 00:20:41,000 "Lord," so he's become a Christian now. 416 00:20:41,042 --> 00:20:42,917 Jesus is his Lord. 417 00:20:43,000 --> 00:20:45,667 "'The half of my goods I give to the poor. 418 00:20:45,750 --> 00:20:47,708 "'And if I've defrauded anyone of anything, 419 00:20:47,792 --> 00:20:49,375 "'I restore it fourfold.' 420 00:20:49,458 --> 00:20:52,500 "And Jesus said to him, 'Today salvation has come to this 421 00:20:52,542 --> 00:20:57,333 house, since he also is a son of Abraham,'" that is, by faith. 422 00:20:57,375 --> 00:21:01,208 "'For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.'" 423 00:21:01,292 --> 00:21:02,708 Now here's what happens. 424 00:21:02,792 --> 00:21:05,875 Zacchaeus is guilty. 425 00:21:05,958 --> 00:21:08,500 He's guilty. 426 00:21:08,583 --> 00:21:10,875 And Jesus forgives him. 427 00:21:10,958 --> 00:21:14,417 And those who are present grumble, "That's not fair." 428 00:21:14,500 --> 00:21:18,667 Now the truth is this: Jesus not only forgives people, 429 00:21:18,750 --> 00:21:21,708 he changes them. 430 00:21:21,792 --> 00:21:23,583 Religious people don't get that. 431 00:21:23,667 --> 00:21:25,333 "How could he just forgive them?" 432 00:21:25,375 --> 00:21:27,417 Well, he's also going to change them. 433 00:21:27,500 --> 00:21:30,708 So here Zacchaeus indicates that he's come to saving faith 434 00:21:30,792 --> 00:21:32,125 in Jesus Christ. 435 00:21:32,167 --> 00:21:34,500 He calls him his Lord. 436 00:21:34,542 --> 00:21:37,417 And in that day, when you were under the leadership of 437 00:21:37,500 --> 00:21:40,917 the Roman government, you were to say, "Caesar is lord. 438 00:21:41,000 --> 00:21:44,292 He's the highest authority in my life." 439 00:21:44,333 --> 00:21:49,917 And he here says, "No, Caesar is no longer my lord. 440 00:21:50,000 --> 00:21:53,667 Jesus is my Lord." 441 00:21:53,750 --> 00:21:59,000 The shortest doctrinal statement in the Bible, "Jesus is Lord." 442 00:22:00,875 --> 00:22:05,833 Above all people, above all kings, above all kingdoms, 443 00:22:05,875 --> 00:22:08,708 Jesus Christ above all. 444 00:22:08,792 --> 00:22:13,333 Our Creator God, our Savior, and our friend. 445 00:22:13,375 --> 00:22:17,292 So he looks at Jesus, he says, "Lord." 446 00:22:17,333 --> 00:22:21,917 This indicates that something has changed in his heart 447 00:22:22,000 --> 00:22:24,292 and in his allegiance. 448 00:22:24,333 --> 00:22:26,500 He now serves Jesus. 449 00:22:26,583 --> 00:22:28,500 He now belongs to Jesus. 450 00:22:28,583 --> 00:22:30,333 He now knows Jesus. 451 00:22:30,375 --> 00:22:32,583 He now loves Jesus. 452 00:22:32,667 --> 00:22:34,500 Above all. 453 00:22:34,583 --> 00:22:39,125 And so Jesus forgives him and that changes him. 454 00:22:39,167 --> 00:22:41,792 See, Christianity is not "do whatever you want, 455 00:22:41,833 --> 00:22:44,375 "God will forgive you, keep doing whatever you want, 456 00:22:44,458 --> 00:22:46,917 and God will keep forgiving you." 457 00:22:47,000 --> 00:22:50,208 Christianity is you do what you want, you meet Jesus, 458 00:22:50,292 --> 00:22:53,167 you realize it's sinful and wicked, you realize that he, 459 00:22:53,250 --> 00:22:55,500 in fact, is Lord. 460 00:22:55,542 --> 00:22:58,667 You don't want to continue sinning because something 461 00:22:58,750 --> 00:23:02,083 happens deep in you--you change. 462 00:23:02,167 --> 00:23:04,500 The Bible calls it being born again. 463 00:23:04,542 --> 00:23:06,917 You become a new person. 464 00:23:07,000 --> 00:23:10,500 You now have a new power through the Holy Spirit. 465 00:23:10,542 --> 00:23:12,792 You now have a new Lord in Jesus. 466 00:23:12,833 --> 00:23:15,000 You now have a new authority in Scripture. 467 00:23:15,083 --> 00:23:20,000 And you now have a new nature that has new desires. 468 00:23:20,083 --> 00:23:23,000 You don't wanna keep living the way you used to. 469 00:23:23,083 --> 00:23:25,167 You want to change. 470 00:23:25,250 --> 00:23:26,833 You want to be different. 471 00:23:26,875 --> 00:23:29,083 You want to be like Jesus. 472 00:23:29,167 --> 00:23:32,000 Not so that he'll love you, but because he already has. 473 00:23:32,083 --> 00:23:35,875 Not so that he'll forgive you, but because he already does. 474 00:23:35,958 --> 00:23:38,667 Not so that God would be pleased with you, 475 00:23:38,750 --> 00:23:44,000 but because Jesus has already called you a friend. 476 00:23:44,083 --> 00:23:48,583 And so the result of this is not religion, it's rejoicing. 477 00:23:48,667 --> 00:23:51,917 And so he here repents; he publicly, in front of a crowd, 478 00:23:52,000 --> 00:23:56,000 he acknowledges, "Yes, I have sinned. 479 00:23:56,042 --> 00:23:58,333 I have sinned." 480 00:23:58,375 --> 00:24:00,583 And repentance, there's a constellation of words in 481 00:24:00,667 --> 00:24:03,667 the Bible, Old and New Testament that speak of repentance, 482 00:24:03,750 --> 00:24:07,417 but they all essentially communicate the same big idea. 483 00:24:07,500 --> 00:24:10,500 There is Jesus and sin. 484 00:24:10,583 --> 00:24:13,875 And you can only go one direction at one time. 485 00:24:13,958 --> 00:24:17,583 And so sin is when we turn our back on Jesus, 486 00:24:17,667 --> 00:24:19,500 we walk toward our sin. 487 00:24:19,542 --> 00:24:21,667 For him it was money and power. 488 00:24:21,750 --> 00:24:25,417 Repentance is where we have a change of mind and a change of 489 00:24:25,500 --> 00:24:29,500 heart and a change of desire by the presence and the power of 490 00:24:29,542 --> 00:24:33,125 the Holy Spirit, we become born again spiritually, 491 00:24:33,167 --> 00:24:35,208 and we literally repent. 492 00:24:35,292 --> 00:24:37,417 It's a turning. 493 00:24:37,500 --> 00:24:41,417 We turn our back on our sin and we turn our face toward Jesus 494 00:24:41,500 --> 00:24:44,500 and we begin walking with him. 495 00:24:44,583 --> 00:24:48,625 In its simplest understanding, that's repentance. 496 00:24:48,667 --> 00:24:52,708 Back on Jesus, face toward sin, turn around, back on sin, 497 00:24:52,792 --> 00:24:55,000 face toward Jesus. 498 00:24:55,083 --> 00:24:57,083 He here repents. 499 00:24:57,167 --> 00:25:02,625 And it culminates in restitution. 500 00:25:02,667 --> 00:25:06,208 He has sins of omission: he's not helped the poor. 501 00:25:06,292 --> 00:25:09,708 He has sins of commission: he has defrauded others. 502 00:25:09,792 --> 00:25:12,167 That's exactly what he says. 503 00:25:12,250 --> 00:25:15,708 And immediately as a brand-new person he does something he's 504 00:25:15,792 --> 00:25:19,000 never done: he publicly confesses his sin, 505 00:25:19,083 --> 00:25:21,500 he publicly practices repentance, 506 00:25:21,583 --> 00:25:25,500 and he also guarantees restitution. 507 00:25:25,583 --> 00:25:27,833 Now let me say what restitution is not. 508 00:25:27,875 --> 00:25:30,625 Restitution is not penance. 509 00:25:30,667 --> 00:25:33,708 Penance is the false teaching that you have done something 510 00:25:33,792 --> 00:25:37,000 and you need to pay God and others back so that you 511 00:25:37,042 --> 00:25:38,625 can be forgiven. 512 00:25:38,667 --> 00:25:40,333 That's not true. 513 00:25:40,375 --> 00:25:45,583 It's not karma or reincarnation where you gotta pay off the debt 514 00:25:45,667 --> 00:25:48,333 so that you can be forgiven. 515 00:25:48,375 --> 00:25:51,208 This has actually nothing to do with being forgiven 516 00:25:51,292 --> 00:25:53,333 in the sight of God. This is evidence 517 00:25:53,375 --> 00:25:57,375 that you've received God's forgiveness. 518 00:25:57,458 --> 00:25:59,833 Let me say it this way: 519 00:25:59,875 --> 00:26:01,292 God forgives you, 520 00:26:01,333 --> 00:26:04,000 but what if you've really harmed other people? 521 00:26:04,083 --> 00:26:07,708 Your new nature, your new heart as a new person should be to do 522 00:26:07,792 --> 00:26:10,625 all you can to right your wrongs, 523 00:26:10,667 --> 00:26:12,417 to help those you've harmed, 524 00:26:12,500 --> 00:26:14,917 to pay back those you've ripped off. 525 00:26:15,000 --> 00:26:18,000 Not so that you would be acceptable in the sight of God, 526 00:26:18,042 --> 00:26:21,125 but because Jesus has called you a friend and you wanna be 527 00:26:21,167 --> 00:26:24,417 a friend to others as he's been a friend to you. 528 00:26:24,500 --> 00:26:27,000 That's restitution. 529 00:26:27,042 --> 00:26:29,667 And very few evangelical Christians 530 00:26:29,750 --> 00:26:31,708 understand restitution. 531 00:26:31,792 --> 00:26:37,625 It's not works, again, it's not karma, again, it is not penance. 532 00:26:37,667 --> 00:26:40,000 It's justice. 533 00:26:40,083 --> 00:26:42,083 It's doing the right thing. 534 00:26:42,875 --> 00:26:46,000 It's doing the right thing. 535 00:26:46,083 --> 00:26:50,708 And so he says, "For my sins of omission, not helping the poor, 536 00:26:50,792 --> 00:26:55,500 I'm going to give half of all my assets." 537 00:26:55,583 --> 00:26:57,125 That's a lot. 538 00:26:57,167 --> 00:26:59,625 That's a 50% tithe. 539 00:26:59,667 --> 00:27:01,208 That's a lot, right? 540 00:27:01,292 --> 00:27:06,208 Even if he's a multimillionaire or a billionaire, this is a lot. 541 00:27:06,292 --> 00:27:09,708 And he says, "Now, regarding those I have defrauded--" 542 00:27:09,792 --> 00:27:12,625 he's essentially saying, "You're welcome to meet with me. 543 00:27:12,667 --> 00:27:15,917 Tell me how I've ripped you off or what of my employees has," 544 00:27:16,000 --> 00:27:20,125 and he has many, "and I will pay you back," how much? 545 00:27:20,167 --> 00:27:23,000 "Fourfold." 546 00:27:23,042 --> 00:27:25,625 Is that restitution? 547 00:27:25,667 --> 00:27:28,125 Yeah. 548 00:27:28,167 --> 00:27:30,167 This is like a friend of yours 549 00:27:30,250 --> 00:27:34,833 borrows your Hyundai forever, right? 550 00:27:34,875 --> 00:27:37,500 You're like, "They never brought my Hyundai back." 551 00:27:37,542 --> 00:27:39,583 For some, maybe that's a blessing, 552 00:27:39,667 --> 00:27:42,500 but for most it would be a curse. 553 00:27:42,583 --> 00:27:46,833 You say, "I lent them my car and they stole it!" 554 00:27:46,875 --> 00:27:49,083 Then you get a text, "Hey, I met Jesus, 555 00:27:49,167 --> 00:27:52,292 "I feel terrible about stealing your Hyundai, 556 00:27:52,333 --> 00:27:54,875 "so I parked my BMW in your driveway. 557 00:27:54,958 --> 00:27:56,708 "The keys are under the mat. 558 00:27:56,792 --> 00:27:58,292 Please forgive me." 559 00:27:58,333 --> 00:28:02,333 Yay team Jesus! 560 00:28:02,375 --> 00:28:04,708 Right? 561 00:28:04,792 --> 00:28:07,208 That's what's happening here. 562 00:28:07,292 --> 00:28:10,667 See, Zacchaeus comes down and he has a party at his house and 563 00:28:10,750 --> 00:28:13,167 Jesus and the disciples come over and they're rejoicing. 564 00:28:13,250 --> 00:28:15,208 And in making this statement publicly, 565 00:28:15,292 --> 00:28:19,625 would you anticipate that others would be rejoicing, too? 566 00:28:19,667 --> 00:28:21,292 "Sweetheart, you remember Zacchaeus?" 567 00:28:21,333 --> 00:28:24,417 "Yeah, the guy who ripped us off and he took all the money 568 00:28:24,500 --> 00:28:25,917 out of our kids' college account." 569 00:28:26,000 --> 00:28:27,333 "He got saved. 570 00:28:27,375 --> 00:28:29,625 He said he's gonna give us four times more." 571 00:28:29,667 --> 00:28:31,000 "Really? 572 00:28:31,083 --> 00:28:33,375 Well, that's, that's amazing." 573 00:28:33,458 --> 00:28:38,125 There was just a ripple effect of rejoicing in the community. 574 00:28:38,167 --> 00:28:40,000 "What?" 575 00:28:40,083 --> 00:28:43,000 And the poor were rejoicing. 576 00:28:43,042 --> 00:28:45,208 "Zacchaeus is gonna feed us all! 577 00:28:45,292 --> 00:28:48,000 "He's so rich we're gonna get fat. 578 00:28:48,042 --> 00:28:50,833 Yay team Jesus!" 579 00:28:50,875 --> 00:28:54,167 So it's not enough to receive the grace of God, 580 00:28:54,250 --> 00:28:58,000 we need to be agents of the grace of God. 581 00:28:58,083 --> 00:29:01,208 See, it's not enough to say, "I want Jesus to forgive my sin, 582 00:29:01,292 --> 00:29:04,167 "but I'm really frustrated when he forgives the sin of someone 583 00:29:04,250 --> 00:29:05,875 who's sinned against me." 584 00:29:05,958 --> 00:29:07,417 Friends, we can't receive grace 585 00:29:07,500 --> 00:29:09,292 without rejoicing when others receive it. 586 00:29:09,333 --> 00:29:13,000 And we can't receive the grace of God without sharing it. 587 00:29:13,042 --> 00:29:15,625 So Zacchaeus realizes that God has been generous to me, 588 00:29:15,667 --> 00:29:18,125 I need to be generous with others. 589 00:29:18,167 --> 00:29:21,375 'Cause he just met the most generous person in the history 590 00:29:21,458 --> 00:29:24,500 of the world, Jesus Christ. 591 00:29:24,583 --> 00:29:27,417 Jesus is generous. 592 00:29:27,500 --> 00:29:29,667 What did he just give Zacchaeus? 593 00:29:29,750 --> 00:29:33,208 Forgiveness of sin, eternal life, and a new nature. 594 00:29:33,292 --> 00:29:35,500 What did Zacchaeus do? Nothing. 595 00:29:35,583 --> 00:29:37,375 What did he pay? Nothing. 596 00:29:37,458 --> 00:29:41,125 Zacchaeus just got the gift of salvation. 597 00:29:41,167 --> 00:29:45,583 And that generosity changed him to become a generous man. 598 00:29:45,667 --> 00:29:48,708 See, you need to see Jesus as generous. 599 00:29:48,792 --> 00:29:50,792 For God so loved the world he, what? 600 00:29:50,833 --> 00:29:52,167 What's the Bible say? 601 00:29:52,250 --> 00:29:56,917 For God so loved the word he gave his only Son that whoever 602 00:29:57,000 --> 00:30:02,625 believes him shall not perish, but receive everlasting life. 603 00:30:02,667 --> 00:30:04,625 Our God's a giver. 604 00:30:04,667 --> 00:30:07,333 The greatest gift that's ever been given is the gift that 605 00:30:07,375 --> 00:30:11,167 in this story Jesus is on the way to Jerusalem to give. 606 00:30:11,250 --> 00:30:14,000 He's gonna die in your place, my place, 607 00:30:14,042 --> 00:30:17,500 his place for our sins as our substitute, 608 00:30:17,542 --> 00:30:24,000 canceling our debt and giving us forgiveness of sin, new nature, 609 00:30:24,083 --> 00:30:30,000 new desires, new life, new Lord, new community, new eternity. 610 00:30:31,250 --> 00:30:32,708 He's a giver. 611 00:30:32,792 --> 00:30:36,500 And Zacchaeus just met the Giver of givers. 612 00:30:36,583 --> 00:30:38,833 And he knows that his sins are forgiven, 613 00:30:38,875 --> 00:30:42,292 but he is immediately practicing the works of discipleship. 614 00:30:42,333 --> 00:30:45,708 He's becoming like his teacher. 615 00:30:45,792 --> 00:30:47,667 He's becoming, by the grace of God, 616 00:30:47,750 --> 00:30:49,417 through the power of the Holy Spirit, 617 00:30:49,500 --> 00:30:51,625 he's becoming more like Jesus. 618 00:30:51,667 --> 00:30:54,833 "Well, if Jesus is gonna be so generous, I wanna be generous, 619 00:30:54,875 --> 00:30:57,125 'cause he's now my Lord." 620 00:30:57,167 --> 00:30:59,500 It's beautiful, isn't it? 621 00:30:59,542 --> 00:31:02,500 How do you think the grumbling people felt? 622 00:31:02,583 --> 00:31:06,208 Probably a little embarrassed. 623 00:31:06,292 --> 00:31:09,917 Don't grumble when people get saved. 624 00:31:10,000 --> 00:31:12,833 Don't grumble when God is working in their life. 625 00:31:12,875 --> 00:31:15,500 Wait and see what he does. 626 00:31:15,583 --> 00:31:20,833 Repentance plus restitution equals rejoicing. 627 00:31:20,875 --> 00:31:23,708 And this man, he moves very quickly. 628 00:31:23,792 --> 00:31:26,417 This is his first day as a Christian and we see 629 00:31:26,500 --> 00:31:30,417 immediate work in his heart and in his life. 630 00:31:30,500 --> 00:31:34,417 And now I think it's noteworthy that this is a rich man. 631 00:31:34,500 --> 00:31:38,500 We read earlier in Luke's Gospel, it's easier for a camel, 632 00:31:38,583 --> 00:31:41,083 fairly large, to go through the eye of needle, 633 00:31:41,167 --> 00:31:43,917 particularly small, than for a rich man to enter 634 00:31:44,000 --> 00:31:45,708 into the kingdom of heaven. 635 00:31:45,792 --> 00:31:48,500 Here Jesus gets a camel through the eye of a needle. 636 00:31:48,542 --> 00:31:50,833 He saves a rich man. 637 00:31:50,875 --> 00:31:54,333 And this is important because Jesus talks a lot about money, 638 00:31:54,375 --> 00:31:56,000 wealth, possessions. 639 00:31:56,042 --> 00:31:59,083 Roughly 25% of his teaching in the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, 640 00:31:59,167 --> 00:32:02,792 Luke, and John, is about money, wealth, possessions. 641 00:32:02,833 --> 00:32:05,083 Because they are an indicator, not the only, 642 00:32:05,167 --> 00:32:07,208 but an indicator of the human heart. 643 00:32:07,292 --> 00:32:10,333 And here we see that Jesus really is Zacchaeus' Lord 644 00:32:10,375 --> 00:32:15,625 because he is willing to do away with his false gods, his idols, 645 00:32:15,667 --> 00:32:18,333 that he has given his life to and received his identity, 646 00:32:18,375 --> 00:32:21,833 comfort, and security from money and power. 647 00:32:21,875 --> 00:32:25,833 He's willing to let them go because Jesus is his Lord. 648 00:32:25,875 --> 00:32:29,500 Now, Jesus talks a lot about money, status, 649 00:32:29,583 --> 00:32:32,000 wealth, and possessions. 650 00:32:32,083 --> 00:32:35,083 And I want you to see that God loves both the rich 651 00:32:35,167 --> 00:32:39,417 and the poor, that God saves both the rich and the poor, 652 00:32:39,500 --> 00:32:42,333 and that in the kingdom of God and in the church of 653 00:32:42,375 --> 00:32:45,917 Jesus Christ, we need both the rich and the poor-- 654 00:32:46,000 --> 00:32:49,167 that God loves all people and we're all sinners and we all sin 655 00:32:49,250 --> 00:32:53,792 in different ways and we all need to come to the same Savior. 656 00:32:53,833 --> 00:32:57,208 And so I don't care here if you showed up on a skateboard 657 00:32:57,292 --> 00:33:00,208 or were dropped off by a limo. 658 00:33:00,292 --> 00:33:03,500 Jesus loves you, he calls you by name, 659 00:33:03,583 --> 00:33:07,125 he invites you into friendship, he wants you to turn from sin, 660 00:33:07,167 --> 00:33:10,125 trust in him, repent, and, as is appropriate, 661 00:33:10,167 --> 00:33:13,208 practice restitution. 662 00:33:13,292 --> 00:33:18,292 And this is important to get our theology of finances correct. 663 00:33:18,333 --> 00:33:22,292 Because in our day, there are two polar, divided, 664 00:33:22,333 --> 00:33:26,125 competitive teachings among Bible preachers and pastors 665 00:33:26,167 --> 00:33:28,792 and writers and leaders when it comes to 666 00:33:28,833 --> 00:33:30,792 money, wealth, and possessions. 667 00:33:30,833 --> 00:33:33,500 One, you've heard me say this, but because Jesus keeps talking 668 00:33:33,542 --> 00:33:36,583 about money I wanna continually re-emphasize this. 669 00:33:36,667 --> 00:33:40,000 There is a prosperity theology and a poverty theology, 670 00:33:40,083 --> 00:33:42,917 and both are very popular and very critical of one another 671 00:33:43,000 --> 00:33:44,333 in our day. 672 00:33:44,375 --> 00:33:46,500 The prosperity theology says the more you love God, 673 00:33:46,583 --> 00:33:48,583 the more he will give you, 674 00:33:48,667 --> 00:33:52,333 that Jesus is basically a get-rich-quick scheme. 675 00:33:52,375 --> 00:33:55,500 That Christianity is like a stick and Jesus is like a piƱata 676 00:33:55,583 --> 00:33:58,708 and if you have enough faith you can whack him in the middle 677 00:33:58,792 --> 00:34:02,583 and stuff will fall out of the sky to make your life easy. 678 00:34:02,667 --> 00:34:05,625 The opposite of that is a poverty theology, which some 679 00:34:05,667 --> 00:34:08,625 are promoting, even some people that I know and love 680 00:34:08,667 --> 00:34:11,000 but disagree with on this point. 681 00:34:11,042 --> 00:34:14,500 And that is that the less you have, the closer you are to God, 682 00:34:14,583 --> 00:34:17,000 that money, wealth, and possessions for the Christian 683 00:34:17,042 --> 00:34:19,833 is like kryptonite for Superman. 684 00:34:19,875 --> 00:34:23,083 Stay far away. 685 00:34:23,167 --> 00:34:27,000 And God does not want us to pursue a prosperity or a poverty 686 00:34:27,083 --> 00:34:31,333 theology. He wants us to be good stewards, 687 00:34:31,375 --> 00:34:35,000 whether we have much or little. 688 00:34:35,083 --> 00:34:40,417 He wants us to be generous, whether we have much or little. 689 00:34:40,500 --> 00:34:45,125 He wants us to practice restitution if we have stolen, 690 00:34:45,167 --> 00:34:48,375 whether we have much or little. 691 00:34:48,458 --> 00:34:51,000 And he wants us to know that our righteousness is 692 00:34:51,083 --> 00:34:56,625 in Jesus Christ, not in riches or in poverty. 693 00:34:56,667 --> 00:35:01,000 And so there's a taxonomy that I like to share with you and I'll 694 00:35:01,083 --> 00:35:04,500 share it again because I really want you to think biblically 695 00:35:04,542 --> 00:35:07,333 about wealth, money, possessions, credit, 696 00:35:07,375 --> 00:35:09,333 and the like. 697 00:35:09,375 --> 00:35:12,125 And in our day there are two categories. 698 00:35:12,167 --> 00:35:16,000 Those who hold a prosperity theology will read the Bible 699 00:35:16,083 --> 00:35:20,167 and pull out all the people who love the Lord and are rich. 700 00:35:20,250 --> 00:35:23,292 Those who hold a poverty theology will read the Bible 701 00:35:23,333 --> 00:35:27,875 and pull out those who are poor and love the Lord. 702 00:35:27,958 --> 00:35:31,125 And the truth is, there's not two kinds of people, 703 00:35:31,167 --> 00:35:33,833 there are four kinds of people, economically speaking, 704 00:35:33,875 --> 00:35:36,125 in the Bible. 705 00:35:36,167 --> 00:35:39,083 Now, I'll share them with you. 706 00:35:39,167 --> 00:35:41,333 It's about riches and righteousness. 707 00:35:41,375 --> 00:35:43,500 So first category, there are those who are 708 00:35:43,583 --> 00:35:45,625 unrighteous and rich. 709 00:35:45,667 --> 00:35:48,625 Would you agree to me that prior to his conversion here in 710 00:35:48,667 --> 00:35:51,375 meeting Jesus and responding to his invitation of repentance 711 00:35:51,458 --> 00:35:56,500 and friendship, Zacchaeus was both unrighteous and rich? 712 00:35:56,583 --> 00:35:59,500 How he got his money: unrighteous. 713 00:35:59,583 --> 00:36:03,208 Maybe legal, but sinful. 714 00:36:03,292 --> 00:36:07,833 How he used his money, unrighteous. 715 00:36:07,875 --> 00:36:12,167 He wasn't generous to the poor, he didn't give to God. 716 00:36:12,250 --> 00:36:14,625 Furthermore, he defrauded people. 717 00:36:14,667 --> 00:36:17,083 He's rich, but he's unrighteous. 718 00:36:17,167 --> 00:36:21,500 And he, himself, openly, publicly confesses that. 719 00:36:21,583 --> 00:36:24,000 Some of you are like that. 720 00:36:24,083 --> 00:36:26,417 You're rich, but unrighteous. 721 00:36:26,500 --> 00:36:29,667 The way you got your wealth and the way you use your wealth, 722 00:36:29,750 --> 00:36:33,917 it's not honoring to the Lord, it's not helpful to others. 723 00:36:34,000 --> 00:36:39,208 Number two, there are those who are righteous and rich. 724 00:36:39,292 --> 00:36:43,583 Zacchaeus, in this act of repentance and restitution, 725 00:36:43,667 --> 00:36:47,208 he went from category one to category two, right? 726 00:36:47,292 --> 00:36:50,000 He's still rich, but now he's acting in a way 727 00:36:50,042 --> 00:36:52,167 that is righteous. 728 00:36:52,250 --> 00:36:54,875 Through his restitution, "Fifty percent of everything 729 00:36:54,958 --> 00:36:56,917 "I own goes to the poor. 730 00:36:57,000 --> 00:37:01,833 And if I defrauded anyone, I'll pay them back fourfold." 731 00:37:01,875 --> 00:37:06,292 That is very generous; that's above the requirements 732 00:37:06,333 --> 00:37:10,333 of even the law of God. 733 00:37:10,375 --> 00:37:13,208 He becomes, by the grace of God, in an act of repentance 734 00:37:13,292 --> 00:37:16,292 and restitution, righteous and rich. 735 00:37:16,333 --> 00:37:17,917 Some of you are like that. 736 00:37:18,000 --> 00:37:20,375 Now, he didn't get his money in a godly way, 737 00:37:20,458 --> 00:37:23,083 but some of you have worked hard, you've got an inheritance, 738 00:37:23,167 --> 00:37:26,000 you've invested well, you're a good steward of your money, 739 00:37:26,042 --> 00:37:28,708 the way you receive your money, you're generous first to your 740 00:37:28,792 --> 00:37:32,333 family, which is important, you give to the cause of God, 741 00:37:32,375 --> 00:37:34,875 you help the poor, you look for those in need. 742 00:37:34,958 --> 00:37:38,000 You're rich and righteous. 743 00:37:38,083 --> 00:37:39,708 God bless you. 744 00:37:39,792 --> 00:37:41,792 Don't feel guilty about being rich, 745 00:37:41,833 --> 00:37:45,000 just be a good steward of the wealth that God has given you. 746 00:37:45,042 --> 00:37:47,333 Some of the godliest people I know, quite frankly, 747 00:37:47,375 --> 00:37:49,000 are some of the richest. 748 00:37:49,042 --> 00:37:54,500 Some of the most bighearted, generous people who are looking 749 00:37:54,542 --> 00:37:57,625 for others in need and like to quietly, 750 00:37:57,667 --> 00:38:02,000 humbly seek those who are suffering and hurting, 751 00:38:02,083 --> 00:38:04,625 and to serve them--because you know what? 752 00:38:04,667 --> 00:38:08,625 Money can be a way that we love people. 753 00:38:08,667 --> 00:38:12,333 Money can be--rather love rather can be our words, 754 00:38:12,375 --> 00:38:15,625 but it also can be our works, 755 00:38:15,667 --> 00:38:18,208 and sometimes it can be our wealth. 756 00:38:18,292 --> 00:38:21,667 So love can come in words or works or wealth. 757 00:38:21,750 --> 00:38:24,792 And sometimes when we give a gift to somebody, 758 00:38:24,833 --> 00:38:28,917 or we help somebody, that's love. 759 00:38:29,000 --> 00:38:30,667 That's love. 760 00:38:30,750 --> 00:38:33,333 Some of the godliest, most loving people I know 761 00:38:33,375 --> 00:38:34,875 are righteous and rich. 762 00:38:34,958 --> 00:38:38,875 This is where, quite frankly, I do get tired of the economic 763 00:38:38,958 --> 00:38:41,417 discussion in our culture, "Give it to the rich! 764 00:38:41,500 --> 00:38:43,917 Give it to the rich! Give it to the rich!" 765 00:38:44,000 --> 00:38:45,333 Why? 766 00:38:45,375 --> 00:38:48,125 "'Cause they're all unholy and the poor people are all holy." 767 00:38:48,167 --> 00:38:51,708 It's not that simple. It's not that simple. 768 00:38:51,792 --> 00:38:56,333 Number three, there are some who are righteous and poor. 769 00:38:56,375 --> 00:38:59,500 Who, in the story, is both righteous and poor? 770 00:38:59,583 --> 00:39:02,000 Jesus. 771 00:39:02,042 --> 00:39:06,583 He's righteous, never sinned, he's God, and he's poor. 772 00:39:06,667 --> 00:39:08,708 He's homeless. 773 00:39:08,792 --> 00:39:11,417 He's not homeless 'cause he won't work a job. 774 00:39:11,500 --> 00:39:14,667 He left his job to go atone for the sin of the world; 775 00:39:14,750 --> 00:39:16,625 he had another job to do. 776 00:39:16,667 --> 00:39:19,333 It's not that he's lazy, it's not that he was gambling, 777 00:39:19,375 --> 00:39:22,000 it's not that he drank it all away. 778 00:39:22,083 --> 00:39:26,375 He didn't leave it all at the casino. 779 00:39:26,458 --> 00:39:29,917 He's giving it away as a single man without a family to care 780 00:39:30,000 --> 00:39:34,167 for, he's decided to live absolutely minimally 781 00:39:34,250 --> 00:39:36,917 on the generosity of others. 782 00:39:37,000 --> 00:39:41,208 He is both righteous and poor. 783 00:39:41,292 --> 00:39:43,375 Some of you are like that. 784 00:39:43,458 --> 00:39:44,792 You're poor and righteous. 785 00:39:44,833 --> 00:39:46,708 You didn't sin. You're not late. 786 00:39:46,792 --> 00:39:48,833 You're college students, you just lost your job, 787 00:39:48,875 --> 00:39:51,000 you're single mom trying to make ends meet. 788 00:39:51,083 --> 00:39:55,417 You're poor, but we don't have a rebuke for you. You didn't sin. 789 00:39:55,500 --> 00:39:58,375 You're just in a hard place. 790 00:39:58,458 --> 00:40:01,667 There are some, however, who are both, category four, 791 00:40:01,750 --> 00:40:03,625 unrighteous and poor. 792 00:40:03,667 --> 00:40:05,792 We don't see any in this particular story, 793 00:40:05,833 --> 00:40:08,500 but they are in the Bible, particularly in Proverbs. 794 00:40:08,583 --> 00:40:11,167 The sluggard who won't get out of bed in the morning. 795 00:40:11,250 --> 00:40:14,167 Alright, the guy who can't get up by the crack of dinner 796 00:40:14,250 --> 00:40:15,708 so he keeps losing a job. 797 00:40:15,792 --> 00:40:17,125 That guy. 798 00:40:17,167 --> 00:40:18,917 The people who chase get-rich-quick schemes, 799 00:40:19,000 --> 00:40:22,792 their whole goal is to retire by the age of 30 or 40, 800 00:40:22,833 --> 00:40:27,292 so they leverage everything and the roulette wheel of their life 801 00:40:27,333 --> 00:40:30,000 spins and they lose it all. 802 00:40:30,083 --> 00:40:33,500 The people who can't control their substance addiction 803 00:40:33,583 --> 00:40:37,375 and they eat and drink and smoke and they get themselves 804 00:40:37,458 --> 00:40:40,875 into this position where through drugs and alcohol and the like, 805 00:40:40,958 --> 00:40:43,417 they just lose their job, they lose their home, 806 00:40:43,500 --> 00:40:46,333 they lose everything. 807 00:40:46,375 --> 00:40:48,375 I'm not saying we shouldn't help such people, 808 00:40:48,458 --> 00:40:52,625 but I'm saying it's mercy to do so because they've shipwrecked 809 00:40:52,667 --> 00:40:55,500 their own life and to help them is to treat them 810 00:40:55,542 --> 00:40:57,333 as God in Christ has treated us. 811 00:40:57,375 --> 00:40:59,875 We shipwrecked our life and Jesus helps us. 812 00:40:59,958 --> 00:41:02,208 And when others shipwreck their life, we wanna help them. 813 00:41:02,292 --> 00:41:06,417 But it's not saying that they're righteous. 814 00:41:06,500 --> 00:41:10,625 The guy who won't work, the Bible says, shouldn't eat. 815 00:41:10,667 --> 00:41:14,000 Now, I tell you this because, again, over and over and over, 816 00:41:14,083 --> 00:41:17,208 Jesus keeps talking about money, status, wealth, and possessions, 817 00:41:17,292 --> 00:41:21,708 and some of us think culturally, some of us think politically, 818 00:41:21,792 --> 00:41:23,917 some of us think economically. 819 00:41:24,000 --> 00:41:27,917 Oftentimes we don't think biblically. 820 00:41:28,000 --> 00:41:30,667 Which category are you in? 821 00:41:30,750 --> 00:41:39,083 Be a good steward, be generous, practice repentance as required, 822 00:41:40,167 --> 00:41:44,125 practice restitution so that for you and others 823 00:41:44,167 --> 00:41:46,667 there might be rejoicing. 824 00:41:46,750 --> 00:41:51,125 Now, I was curious, was this just a big day for Zacchaeus, 825 00:41:51,167 --> 00:41:55,333 or was this a true, heartfelt life change? 826 00:41:55,375 --> 00:41:58,208 Was this a day where he got really motivated and Jesus 827 00:41:58,292 --> 00:42:01,083 is there and there's a crowd and the press is there 828 00:42:01,167 --> 00:42:04,500 and he's thinking, "If I say I'm sorry and make a big plea, 829 00:42:04,583 --> 00:42:06,625 "this could be really helpful. 830 00:42:06,667 --> 00:42:08,625 "People will like me, I'll get some friends, 831 00:42:08,667 --> 00:42:11,000 "I could run for political office. 832 00:42:11,042 --> 00:42:16,125 Maybe the believers will embrace me and take me in." 833 00:42:16,167 --> 00:42:18,000 Did he really change? 834 00:42:18,083 --> 00:42:21,500 Or was this just a photo opportunity to write a big check 835 00:42:21,583 --> 00:42:24,375 and make the news? 836 00:42:24,458 --> 00:42:27,500 So I did a little work and it's not in the Bible, 837 00:42:27,583 --> 00:42:29,500 but in the history of the church, 838 00:42:29,583 --> 00:42:33,208 Clement was the bishop of Alexandria, and in a homily, 839 00:42:33,292 --> 00:42:36,125 a sermon of his, he says that this man Zacchaeus 840 00:42:36,167 --> 00:42:39,500 actually went on to become bishop of Caesarea, 841 00:42:39,583 --> 00:42:44,208 possibly appointed by Peter himself. 842 00:42:44,292 --> 00:42:48,125 He really did change, by the grace of God. 843 00:42:48,167 --> 00:42:50,875 He went from a thief to a pastor. 844 00:42:50,958 --> 00:42:53,708 He ultimately then, it would have required, 845 00:42:53,792 --> 00:42:58,667 him quitting his job, walking away from employment at 846 00:42:58,750 --> 00:43:01,667 the Roman government, having a complete alteration 847 00:43:01,750 --> 00:43:03,583 in his standard of living. 848 00:43:03,667 --> 00:43:05,667 Jesus as Lord, he learns the Bible. 849 00:43:05,750 --> 00:43:07,083 He learns theology. 850 00:43:07,167 --> 00:43:09,083 He learns how to preach and teach. 851 00:43:09,167 --> 00:43:14,208 He becomes a pastor, not just a pastor, but a pastor to pastors. 852 00:43:14,292 --> 00:43:17,417 This infers, for the rest of his life, he was very generous. 853 00:43:17,500 --> 00:43:20,167 He's still giving to the poor, still giving to the church, 854 00:43:20,250 --> 00:43:21,667 still giving to the ministry. 855 00:43:21,750 --> 00:43:23,208 He's still giving to others. 856 00:43:23,292 --> 00:43:27,625 This led to a deep, profound change in his life. 857 00:43:27,667 --> 00:43:31,917 Let me say this: don't timestamp people. 858 00:43:32,000 --> 00:43:35,167 Don't look at someone and say, "That's who they are 859 00:43:35,250 --> 00:43:38,000 and that's who they'll always be." 860 00:43:38,083 --> 00:43:39,417 In the grace of God, 861 00:43:39,500 --> 00:43:42,125 they could become someone completely different. 862 00:43:42,167 --> 00:43:44,375 They could change. 863 00:43:44,458 --> 00:43:46,500 If you're a Christian, that's what you've experienced. 864 00:43:46,542 --> 00:43:49,167 As a Christian, that's what I've experienced. 865 00:43:49,250 --> 00:43:51,583 And as Christians, we would say we're not perfect, 866 00:43:51,667 --> 00:43:54,375 but we're in progress by the grace of God. 867 00:43:54,458 --> 00:43:56,917 And who we were is not who we are. 868 00:43:57,000 --> 00:44:01,000 And by the grace of God, in the future it is not who we will be. 869 00:44:01,042 --> 00:44:03,500 And this man changes. 870 00:44:03,583 --> 00:44:08,500 He becomes, insofar as we can tell, a pastor to pastors. 871 00:44:08,583 --> 00:44:10,000 Isn't that amazing? 872 00:44:10,083 --> 00:44:13,417 Can you imagine what his testimony was like? 873 00:44:13,500 --> 00:44:16,667 How 'bout you? 874 00:44:17,583 --> 00:44:19,583 How 'bout you? 875 00:44:19,667 --> 00:44:21,833 I wanna close with a few questions for you. 876 00:44:21,875 --> 00:44:24,375 What does it look like for you? 877 00:44:24,458 --> 00:44:27,333 What is your repentance plus restitution 878 00:44:27,375 --> 00:44:30,333 that would result in rejoicing? 879 00:44:30,375 --> 00:44:33,083 We can't just look at the story of Zacchaeus and say, 880 00:44:33,167 --> 00:44:34,500 "That's amazing!" 881 00:44:34,542 --> 00:44:36,500 We have to look at Zacchaeus and say, 882 00:44:36,583 --> 00:44:39,208 "That could be amazing for me, as well." 883 00:44:39,292 --> 00:44:41,708 So I'm gonna give you some questions to think about 884 00:44:41,792 --> 00:44:43,500 personally, to talk about with your family, 885 00:44:43,583 --> 00:44:45,708 to discuss in your Community Group: 886 00:44:45,792 --> 00:44:49,625 Number one, what have you taken that you need to give back? 887 00:44:49,667 --> 00:44:51,625 Have you stolen anything? 888 00:44:51,667 --> 00:44:53,917 You can't say, "Jesus forgives me." 889 00:44:54,000 --> 00:44:57,917 You gotta say, "Jesus forgives me, and I gotta give it back." 890 00:44:58,000 --> 00:44:59,958 Some of you, the people you stole from, 891 00:45:00,083 --> 00:45:01,875 they don't even know. 892 00:45:01,958 --> 00:45:04,375 Some of you would say, "It's not illegal! 893 00:45:04,458 --> 00:45:07,500 It was called bankruptcy." 894 00:45:08,875 --> 00:45:11,500 But you intentionally were fraudulent in your dealings with 895 00:45:11,542 --> 00:45:15,000 people, if you're intentionally trying to find a legal way to 896 00:45:15,083 --> 00:45:19,208 take money out of someone's pocket, it may be legal, 897 00:45:19,292 --> 00:45:24,000 but it might still be sinful. 898 00:45:24,083 --> 00:45:27,333 What have you taken that you need to repay? 899 00:45:27,375 --> 00:45:30,625 See, if this sermon does its job, hundreds of thousands of dollars 900 00:45:30,667 --> 00:45:32,625 are gonna come out of Mars Hill Church. 901 00:45:32,667 --> 00:45:34,625 Some of you say, "I can't afford it." 902 00:45:34,667 --> 00:45:36,375 You may need to sell your car. 903 00:45:36,458 --> 00:45:38,375 You may need to downsize your lifestyle. 904 00:45:38,458 --> 00:45:42,292 You need to make some serious changes as an act of repentance 905 00:45:42,333 --> 00:45:44,500 and restitution. 906 00:45:44,583 --> 00:45:47,333 And the Holy Spirit for each of you is gonna highlight 907 00:45:47,375 --> 00:45:49,500 one of these questions, or more, something that is 908 00:45:49,583 --> 00:45:51,625 an action item for you. 909 00:45:51,667 --> 00:45:53,917 Yes, Jesus forgives. 910 00:45:54,000 --> 00:45:57,833 But what about that which you've stolen? 911 00:45:57,875 --> 00:45:59,917 Wouldn't it be good to pay it back? 912 00:46:00,042 --> 00:46:03,500 And let me ask this: if you were in the position of the victim, 913 00:46:03,583 --> 00:46:05,792 isn't that what you would want? 914 00:46:05,833 --> 00:46:08,292 If someone called you, said, "I became a Christian! 915 00:46:08,333 --> 00:46:09,792 "He forgave all my sin! 916 00:46:09,833 --> 00:46:11,625 Thanks for letting me rip you off!" 917 00:46:11,667 --> 00:46:13,625 You would say, "You know, as the victim, 918 00:46:13,667 --> 00:46:15,708 that doesn't sit quite right." 919 00:46:15,792 --> 00:46:19,417 Now, as the victim, you could say, "I forgive you, as well. 920 00:46:19,500 --> 00:46:21,000 "The debt is forgiven. 921 00:46:21,083 --> 00:46:22,417 I do not want repayment." 922 00:46:22,500 --> 00:46:24,000 You have that right. 923 00:46:24,083 --> 00:46:27,667 Or you could say, "Yes, I appreciate that offer, 924 00:46:27,750 --> 00:46:30,917 and I will receive it." 925 00:46:31,000 --> 00:46:34,333 See, we want to treat others as we would want to be treated, 926 00:46:34,375 --> 00:46:36,167 Jesus says. 927 00:46:36,250 --> 00:46:40,417 Number two, how have you defrauded 928 00:46:40,500 --> 00:46:42,708 and what should you pay? 929 00:46:42,792 --> 00:46:44,500 I'll give you an example. 930 00:46:44,583 --> 00:46:49,333 Are you the person at work who shows up late, leaves early, 931 00:46:49,375 --> 00:46:53,917 in the middle spends a lot of time on Facebook and Twitter, 932 00:46:54,000 --> 00:46:56,375 watches a lot of YouTube videos, 933 00:46:56,458 --> 00:46:58,167 returns a lot of personal e-mails, 934 00:46:58,250 --> 00:47:01,167 takes a lot of personal phone calls? 935 00:47:01,250 --> 00:47:04,667 That's defrauding your employer. 936 00:47:04,750 --> 00:47:06,583 You say, "Everybody does it! 937 00:47:06,667 --> 00:47:08,708 It's not illegal!" 938 00:47:08,792 --> 00:47:10,583 But it's sinful. 939 00:47:10,667 --> 00:47:14,125 Have you billed clients for hours you didn't work? 940 00:47:14,167 --> 00:47:16,333 Have you padded all of your billing? 941 00:47:16,375 --> 00:47:18,875 You're just like Zacchaeus. 942 00:47:19,375 --> 00:47:22,708 You're just like Zacchaeus. 943 00:47:22,792 --> 00:47:25,083 Who have you defrauded? 944 00:47:26,000 --> 00:47:28,208 Who have you defrauded? 945 00:47:28,292 --> 00:47:32,167 Are you that person who had that car that was a total piece of 946 00:47:32,250 --> 00:47:37,083 garbage, you totally knew it, somebody came to buy it, 947 00:47:37,167 --> 00:47:39,833 they saw the fish on the back, they asked you, 948 00:47:39,875 --> 00:47:41,500 "How does it run?" 949 00:47:41,583 --> 00:47:44,208 You're like, "Great." 950 00:47:44,292 --> 00:47:48,000 Alright brother... 951 00:47:48,042 --> 00:47:50,792 Oh, you know, hey, lemon laws, it's not illegal. 952 00:47:50,833 --> 00:47:53,000 But were you defrauding? 953 00:47:53,083 --> 00:47:54,417 Were you dishonest? 954 00:47:54,500 --> 00:47:56,792 You said, "If I tell 'em it's a lemon, 955 00:47:56,833 --> 00:47:58,167 they're not gonna buy it." 956 00:47:58,250 --> 00:48:00,333 I know. Maybe you shouldn't sell it. 957 00:48:00,375 --> 00:48:02,292 "But I won't get my money back." 958 00:48:02,333 --> 00:48:08,167 True, but you also wouldn't be defrauding someone. 959 00:48:08,250 --> 00:48:11,500 Alright, it would be really cool, I think, if we just put, 960 00:48:11,542 --> 00:48:14,667 some of us on our vehicles, "This car is a lemon, 961 00:48:14,750 --> 00:48:19,667 and so I'm gonna sell it cheap to the glory of God." 962 00:48:19,750 --> 00:48:22,167 At least you know what you're getting. 963 00:48:22,250 --> 00:48:24,667 How many of you have been defrauded? 964 00:48:24,750 --> 00:48:29,000 Somebody sold you something, they didn't tell the truth. 965 00:48:29,083 --> 00:48:32,667 Somebody billed you for something that wasn't honest. 966 00:48:32,750 --> 00:48:36,667 They charged you for something and they padded it. 967 00:48:39,000 --> 00:48:43,500 We wanna treat others the way we want to be treated. 968 00:48:43,542 --> 00:48:46,000 Number three, when have you been lazy 969 00:48:46,083 --> 00:48:48,833 and what does it look like to change? 970 00:48:48,875 --> 00:48:51,333 Have you really not done what you're supposed to do 971 00:48:51,375 --> 00:48:53,125 for your family? 972 00:48:53,167 --> 00:48:55,500 Have you not done what you're supposed to do 973 00:48:55,542 --> 00:48:56,875 for your employer? 974 00:48:56,958 --> 00:48:59,083 Have you not done what you're supposed to do 975 00:48:59,167 --> 00:49:00,500 in your school work? 976 00:49:00,583 --> 00:49:02,708 Whatever your "job," quote unquote, is? 977 00:49:02,792 --> 00:49:07,500 Just lazy, not doing your best, defrauding others 978 00:49:07,542 --> 00:49:09,333 of good service. 979 00:49:09,375 --> 00:49:11,667 What does it look like for you to change? 980 00:49:11,750 --> 00:49:13,875 That's why some of you, you don't work hard, 981 00:49:13,958 --> 00:49:16,583 you don't work a lot, you can't keep a job. 982 00:49:16,667 --> 00:49:19,708 Some of you, you don't work toward progress, 983 00:49:19,792 --> 00:49:21,583 you just sort of settle in. 984 00:49:21,667 --> 00:49:24,583 You've learned at your job, "If I just don't get in trouble, 985 00:49:24,667 --> 00:49:27,083 "don't do anything crazy, hide over here in the corner, 986 00:49:27,167 --> 00:49:29,625 I can sort of just milk this job." 987 00:49:29,667 --> 00:49:32,167 Number four, whom have you neglected and what does 988 00:49:32,250 --> 00:49:34,167 your restitution require? 989 00:49:34,250 --> 00:49:35,583 See, we steal from people. 990 00:49:35,667 --> 00:49:40,000 We steal memories, we steal friendship, we steal joy. 991 00:49:40,083 --> 00:49:43,208 Gracie and I just finished the marriage books and sent off 992 00:49:43,292 --> 00:49:46,208 the final edits, it'll be out at the end of this year, 993 00:49:46,292 --> 00:49:49,333 and we tell a story in there from a counseling appointment 994 00:49:49,375 --> 00:49:51,708 a long while ago. 995 00:49:51,792 --> 00:49:54,708 And the story was a husband and wife who had been married 996 00:49:54,792 --> 00:49:57,500 for a long time, and there hadn't been adultery or divorce, 997 00:49:57,583 --> 00:50:00,292 but there hadn't been friendship. 998 00:50:00,333 --> 00:50:02,292 I asked her, "What do you want?" 999 00:50:02,333 --> 00:50:05,792 She said, "I want him to sit on the couch and talk to me 1000 00:50:05,833 --> 00:50:07,167 "20, 30 minutes a day. 1001 00:50:07,250 --> 00:50:08,583 Is that unreasonable?" 1002 00:50:08,667 --> 00:50:10,917 "No. How long you been waiting?" 1003 00:50:11,000 --> 00:50:13,500 "Forty years." 1004 00:50:13,542 --> 00:50:15,500 "You've been waiting on the couch after dinner 1005 00:50:15,583 --> 00:50:17,208 every day for 40 years?" 1006 00:50:17,292 --> 00:50:21,833 "Yes, and he never sits down and visits with me." 1007 00:50:21,875 --> 00:50:24,292 And he might say, "That's not illegal!" 1008 00:50:24,333 --> 00:50:26,000 But it's sinful. 1009 00:50:26,042 --> 00:50:28,917 And you've stolen thousands of hours from your wife. 1010 00:50:29,000 --> 00:50:31,083 Some of you, you don't have date night, 1011 00:50:31,167 --> 00:50:34,083 you don't court your spouse, you don't spend time with your kids, 1012 00:50:34,167 --> 00:50:37,292 you don't go to their events, you don't do a lot of things 1013 00:50:37,333 --> 00:50:40,000 that no one would arrest you for, but you've stolen memories, 1014 00:50:40,083 --> 00:50:41,792 you've stolen hope, you've stolen encouragement, 1015 00:50:41,833 --> 00:50:43,500 you've stolen joy. 1016 00:50:43,583 --> 00:50:45,833 Some of you have intentionally sabotaged birthdays 1017 00:50:45,875 --> 00:50:49,333 and holidays, made vacations miserable. 1018 00:50:49,375 --> 00:50:51,500 You've stolen. 1019 00:50:51,583 --> 00:50:55,167 You've stolen joy and friendship and community and life. 1020 00:50:55,250 --> 00:50:57,000 And what does restitution require? 1021 00:50:57,042 --> 00:51:00,208 What does it look like to say you're sorry and try to, 1022 00:51:00,292 --> 00:51:05,083 in as much as you're able, do it right and make up for it? 1023 00:51:05,167 --> 00:51:08,583 Number five, which sinner have you not called out, 1024 00:51:08,667 --> 00:51:10,833 but only grumbled about? 1025 00:51:10,875 --> 00:51:13,292 Zacchaeus is a sinner, everybody knows it, 1026 00:51:13,333 --> 00:51:14,833 they're all talking about him. 1027 00:51:14,875 --> 00:51:18,417 And Jesus calls out to him and they grumble. 1028 00:51:18,500 --> 00:51:20,417 Who do you gossip about? 1029 00:51:20,500 --> 00:51:22,417 Who do you talk-- "They drive me crazy. 1030 00:51:22,500 --> 00:51:24,417 They're driving me nuts. They're so horrible." 1031 00:51:24,500 --> 00:51:25,833 Have you talked to them? 1032 00:51:25,875 --> 00:51:27,208 "No." 1033 00:51:27,292 --> 00:51:29,000 Well, maybe you should call them out, 1034 00:51:29,083 --> 00:51:30,417 like Jesus called Zacchaeus out. 1035 00:51:30,500 --> 00:51:34,083 "Look, I love ya, I'm frustrated with ya, here's the truth. 1036 00:51:34,167 --> 00:51:36,292 "We need to deal with this. 1037 00:51:36,333 --> 00:51:37,833 "I'm calling you out. 1038 00:51:37,875 --> 00:51:39,208 "I'm calling you into friendship, 1039 00:51:39,292 --> 00:51:41,708 "but a friendship in which you're gonna make some changes 1040 00:51:41,792 --> 00:51:43,792 thanks to Jesus." 1041 00:51:43,833 --> 00:51:45,625 Who do you need to talk to? 1042 00:51:45,667 --> 00:51:48,417 It may be fear of man or laziness on your behalf, 1043 00:51:48,500 --> 00:51:51,500 but how have you acted like the crowd instead of like Jesus? 1044 00:51:51,583 --> 00:51:53,625 Everybody knew Zacchaeus had a problem. 1045 00:51:53,667 --> 00:51:56,583 Only one person talked to him. 1046 00:51:56,667 --> 00:51:59,833 Number six, what joys have you stolen and need to repay? 1047 00:51:59,875 --> 00:52:03,417 Sort of back to my earlier point. 1048 00:52:03,500 --> 00:52:05,708 I know parents who have missed their kids' birthdays. 1049 00:52:05,792 --> 00:52:09,500 I know parents who have missed important seasons and moments 1050 00:52:09,583 --> 00:52:11,125 and opportunities in their kid's life. 1051 00:52:11,167 --> 00:52:14,333 Not 'cause they had to, just 'cause they chose to. 1052 00:52:14,375 --> 00:52:17,208 Anniversaries, birthdays, "I'm not organized, 1053 00:52:17,292 --> 00:52:21,000 I'm not sentimental, I'm not romantic, I'm not considerate." 1054 00:52:21,042 --> 00:52:24,083 What you should say is, "I'm unrepented." 1055 00:52:26,042 --> 00:52:28,500 Number seven, what sins have you tolerated and what does 1056 00:52:28,583 --> 00:52:30,125 repentance look like? 1057 00:52:30,167 --> 00:52:33,333 Zacchaeus had tolerated the sin in his life for a long time. 1058 00:52:33,375 --> 00:52:35,500 It takes more than a few years to become 1059 00:52:35,583 --> 00:52:38,125 the chief tax collector and very rich. 1060 00:52:38,167 --> 00:52:40,292 What have you accommodated, accepted, 1061 00:52:40,333 --> 00:52:42,000 tolerated for a long time? 1062 00:52:42,083 --> 00:52:44,833 And today's the day you say, "Yeah, that needs to die. 1063 00:52:44,875 --> 00:52:49,375 My back needs to turn on it, my face needs to turn toward him." 1064 00:52:49,458 --> 00:52:52,792 And number eight, have you been greedy and if so what does it 1065 00:52:52,833 --> 00:52:54,292 look like to be generous? 1066 00:52:54,333 --> 00:52:57,625 Have you been greedy? Have you been greedy? 1067 00:52:57,667 --> 00:53:00,167 When you get, do you increase your standard of giving 1068 00:53:00,250 --> 00:53:01,875 or just your standard of living? 1069 00:53:01,958 --> 00:53:05,083 Have you played that myth that as soon as I get out of 1070 00:53:05,167 --> 00:53:06,917 this hole, then I'm gonna be generous? 1071 00:53:07,000 --> 00:53:09,917 And you get out of that hole to get into another hole? 1072 00:53:10,000 --> 00:53:12,583 Because you've not had repentance. 1073 00:53:12,667 --> 00:53:15,833 You've not practiced restitution. 1074 00:53:15,875 --> 00:53:17,583 Have you been greedy? 1075 00:53:17,667 --> 00:53:19,917 Generosity, friends, should start with our family, 1076 00:53:20,000 --> 00:53:23,375 should extend from there to the work of God, and to the poor. 1077 00:53:23,458 --> 00:53:26,375 Some of you say, "I knew this is where it was going. 1078 00:53:26,458 --> 00:53:27,792 He wants my money." 1079 00:53:27,833 --> 00:53:29,167 I don't want your money. 1080 00:53:29,250 --> 00:53:31,083 I want you to have joy. 1081 00:53:31,167 --> 00:53:34,833 Zacchaeus was a miserable man and then he met Jesus, 1082 00:53:34,875 --> 00:53:36,625 then he changed. 1083 00:53:36,667 --> 00:53:38,500 And he rejoiced and his generosity 1084 00:53:38,583 --> 00:53:40,833 enabled others to rejoice. 1085 00:53:40,875 --> 00:53:44,083 And the Bible says that we are more blessed--this is from 1086 00:53:44,167 --> 00:53:48,500 the lips of Jesus--it is more blessed to what than what? 1087 00:53:48,583 --> 00:53:50,333 To give than receive. 1088 00:53:50,375 --> 00:53:55,417 See, Jesus is the biggest giver; Jesus is the most joyful. 1089 00:53:55,500 --> 00:53:59,333 And Jesus wants us to receive from him the gift of eternal 1090 00:53:59,375 --> 00:54:05,208 life, the forgiveness of sins, and to participate with him 1091 00:54:05,292 --> 00:54:07,792 and his work on the earth of being generous 1092 00:54:07,833 --> 00:54:10,125 that we might share in his joy. 1093 00:54:10,167 --> 00:54:14,792 That's why the Bible says that God loves a cheerful giver. 1094 00:54:14,833 --> 00:54:17,375 If you're here today and you say, "You know what? 1095 00:54:17,458 --> 00:54:19,417 "I am unwilling to have any alteration 1096 00:54:19,500 --> 00:54:22,625 in my standard of living, my financial security." 1097 00:54:22,667 --> 00:54:25,333 Tragically, what you're saying is, 1098 00:54:25,375 --> 00:54:28,125 "I choose my idol and I reject Jesus." 1099 00:54:28,167 --> 00:54:30,292 We don't want that for any of you. 1100 00:54:30,333 --> 00:54:32,625 Jesus says to him, "Today, salvation 1101 00:54:32,667 --> 00:54:34,500 has come to your house." 1102 00:54:34,583 --> 00:54:36,625 Let me invite you, today salvation 1103 00:54:36,667 --> 00:54:38,417 could come to your house. 1104 00:54:38,500 --> 00:54:41,625 Receive Jesus as Savior and friend. 1105 00:54:41,667 --> 00:54:45,583 And Jesus says, "For the Son of Man came to seek 1106 00:54:45,667 --> 00:54:47,625 and to save the lost." 1107 00:54:47,667 --> 00:54:49,667 Some of us are lost. 1108 00:54:49,750 --> 00:54:51,292 Some of you are lost. 1109 00:54:51,333 --> 00:54:52,917 At one point I was lost. 1110 00:54:53,000 --> 00:54:55,333 And Jesus comes today to seek and save you. 1111 00:54:55,375 --> 00:54:57,583 Jesus comes to call out to you. 1112 00:54:57,667 --> 00:55:01,083 And in the story he's on his way to the cross where he's gonna 1113 00:55:01,167 --> 00:55:05,083 pay your debt and give you the gift of God as a friend. 1114 00:55:05,167 --> 00:55:07,125 That's our Jesus. 1115 00:55:07,167 --> 00:55:10,917 Father God, thank you for an opportunity to study your Word. 1116 00:55:11,000 --> 00:55:14,083 Lord, we acknowledge that there is currently nothing perfect 1117 00:55:14,167 --> 00:55:17,208 on the earth except the Scriptures. 1118 00:55:17,292 --> 00:55:21,000 And Lord God, we thank you for your perfect Word. 1119 00:55:21,042 --> 00:55:26,625 And that God, it does show us how sinful we are 1120 00:55:26,667 --> 00:55:30,208 and how wonderful Jesus is. 1121 00:55:30,292 --> 00:55:33,625 God, I pray for my friends and for myself, 1122 00:55:33,667 --> 00:55:36,875 beginning even with the stewardship of my own family. 1123 00:55:36,958 --> 00:55:40,500 That God, we would not hear this as a word of condemnation, 1124 00:55:40,542 --> 00:55:44,417 but a word of conviction that would lead to repentance 1125 00:55:44,500 --> 00:55:47,625 and restitution and rejoicing. 1126 00:55:47,667 --> 00:55:52,667 Jesus, thank you for the joy and thank you that we don't have to 1127 00:55:52,750 --> 00:55:57,000 worship our money, but we can worship with our money. 1128 00:55:57,083 --> 00:56:01,125 Please help us to be wise, good, generous stewards, 1129 00:56:01,167 --> 00:56:04,000 and to have the kind of joy and fruitfulness 1130 00:56:04,083 --> 00:56:06,500 that Zacchaeus experienced. 1131 00:56:06,542 --> 00:56:09,917 I pray this would be the course of our life as seemingly it was 1132 00:56:10,000 --> 00:56:12,833 the course of his new life. 1133 00:56:12,875 --> 00:56:14,917 God, I pray for those who are rich. 1134 00:56:15,000 --> 00:56:16,667 I pray for those who are poor. 1135 00:56:16,750 --> 00:56:19,167 And I pray that by your grace, through your Spirit, 1136 00:56:19,250 --> 00:56:21,500 because of your Son, whether rich or poor, 1137 00:56:21,583 --> 00:56:25,125 we would act in a way that is righteous to your glory, 1138 00:56:25,167 --> 00:56:27,292 others' good, our joy. 1139 00:56:27,333 --> 00:56:29,583 In Jesus' name, amen.