1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,058 2 00:00:02,058 --> 00:00:07,075 [music] 3 00:00:07,075 --> 00:01:07,067 4 00:01:07,067 --> 00:01:08,083 Howdy, Mars Hill. 5 00:01:08,083 --> 00:01:13,071 We are here on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. 6 00:01:13,071 --> 00:01:16,054 This was a region in which much 7 00:01:16,054 --> 00:01:19,067 of Jesus' early ministry occurred. 8 00:01:19,067 --> 00:01:22,079 Luke is one of the most chronological, 9 00:01:22,079 --> 00:01:27,021 perhaps the most chronological, gospels telling the story 10 00:01:27,021 --> 00:01:30,008 of Jesus in historical order. 11 00:01:30,008 --> 00:01:34,017 And he actually reveals to us that the first portion 12 00:01:34,017 --> 00:01:37,000 of Jesus' ministry was in and around Galilee 13 00:01:37,000 --> 00:01:38,088 and the region of Galilee. 14 00:01:38,088 --> 00:01:43,050 The book of Luke actually breaks down at 9:51 where it 15 00:01:43,050 --> 00:01:45,096 says that, "He set his face toward Jerusalem." 16 00:01:45,096 --> 00:01:49,096 That's the geographic breakdown of the book of Luke. 17 00:01:49,096 --> 00:01:54,029 And so up until that point, the first portion of Jesus' ministry 18 00:01:54,029 --> 00:01:56,079 would have been in the region of Galilee, 19 00:01:56,079 --> 00:01:59,075 and then he began his journey toward Jerusalem, 20 00:01:59,075 --> 00:02:03,096 ultimately his crucifixion, and the book then transitions 21 00:02:03,096 --> 00:02:09,058 at 9:51 into Jesus' journey and ultimate death, burial, 22 00:02:09,058 --> 00:02:11,088 resurrection in Jerusalem. 23 00:02:11,088 --> 00:02:15,029 What's interesting, as well, is that most of Jesus' disciples 24 00:02:15,029 --> 00:02:18,054 came from this particular region of Galilee. 25 00:02:18,054 --> 00:02:21,075 If I'm not mistaken, perhaps all but Judas Iscariot, 26 00:02:21,075 --> 00:02:24,092 came from this general region. 27 00:02:24,092 --> 00:02:28,017 Not surprisingly, it was filled with small towns 28 00:02:28,017 --> 00:02:33,021 that were essentially villages for fishing and for farming. 29 00:02:33,021 --> 00:02:35,058 Peter lived not far from here, 30 00:02:35,058 --> 00:02:38,096 as well as Andrew, James, John, Matthew. 31 00:02:38,096 --> 00:02:43,004 Others either lived or resided at certain points 32 00:02:43,004 --> 00:02:47,012 in the ministry of Jesus in this region and area of Galilee. 33 00:02:47,012 --> 00:02:50,004 The towns and villages surrounding us were actually 34 00:02:50,004 --> 00:02:53,046 quite small, 50 to 100 people as we've seen some 35 00:02:53,046 --> 00:02:56,050 of the archaeological digs and investigations. 36 00:02:56,050 --> 00:03:00,033 So you're looking at 10, 12, 15 families, perhaps, 37 00:03:00,033 --> 00:03:02,096 constituting a city or a village. 38 00:03:02,096 --> 00:03:06,058 We know, as well, that 19 of Jesus' 32 parables 39 00:03:06,058 --> 00:03:10,025 were spoken and taught in the region of Galilee, 40 00:03:10,025 --> 00:03:13,017 and as we look around at the panoramic scenery, 41 00:03:13,017 --> 00:03:16,017 it's not surprising that he used a lot of imagery 42 00:03:16,017 --> 00:03:17,083 from fishing and farming. 43 00:03:17,083 --> 00:03:20,050 That would have absolutely been consistent with the landscape 44 00:03:20,050 --> 00:03:24,067 here and upwards behind us over the hill. 45 00:03:24,067 --> 00:03:27,025 What's interesting, as well, is some of the details 46 00:03:27,025 --> 00:03:28,075 about the Sea of Galilee. 47 00:03:28,075 --> 00:03:31,017 I don't know about you, when I first heard 48 00:03:31,017 --> 00:03:33,033 of the Sea of Galilee in the Scriptures, 49 00:03:33,033 --> 00:03:36,017 I did not imagine anything of this scope or magnitude. 50 00:03:36,017 --> 00:03:38,083 You're looking at 12 miles across the lake, 51 00:03:38,083 --> 00:03:41,062 6 miles across the lake, 52 00:03:41,062 --> 00:03:45,025 200 feet deep at it's greatest depth. 53 00:03:45,025 --> 00:03:47,033 And we are told from the locals 54 00:03:47,033 --> 00:03:50,021 that the lake actually was much larger. 55 00:03:50,021 --> 00:03:53,075 The shore would have extended up some additional 40 yards 56 00:03:53,075 --> 00:03:55,025 even last year. 57 00:03:55,025 --> 00:03:59,025 And in the days of Jesus, if you can see into the distance, 58 00:03:59,025 --> 00:04:04,067 there would have been beaches and shores up the hillside, 59 00:04:04,067 --> 00:04:08,000 and with this being a primary source of water, 60 00:04:08,000 --> 00:04:10,008 it has been depleted over the years, 61 00:04:10,008 --> 00:04:14,058 so as magnificent and large as the Sea of Galilee is, 62 00:04:14,058 --> 00:04:16,092 remember that in the days of Jesus, 63 00:04:16,092 --> 00:04:19,017 it was actually much larger. 64 00:04:19,017 --> 00:04:22,000 As you read the Scriptures, you'll hear this referred to 65 00:04:22,000 --> 00:04:24,042 in a variety of ways. 66 00:04:24,042 --> 00:04:27,067 In the Old Testament, you'll hear it called Kinneret. 67 00:04:27,067 --> 00:04:31,021 In the New Testament, it will be referred to as 68 00:04:31,021 --> 00:04:33,058 the Sea of Tiberias, the Sea of Gennesaret, 69 00:04:33,058 --> 00:04:35,012 or the Sea of Chinnereth. 70 00:04:35,012 --> 00:04:37,096 Part of that is because the lake is so large 71 00:04:37,096 --> 00:04:40,067 that there are multiple villages and towns that existed 72 00:04:40,067 --> 00:04:43,008 in the days of Jesus, surrounding the lake, 73 00:04:43,008 --> 00:04:45,058 and so the locals would name it after themselves. 74 00:04:45,058 --> 00:04:49,033 So over in Tiberias, you would call it the Sea of Tiberias. 75 00:04:49,033 --> 00:04:52,067 Likewise, if you were in Chinnereth, 76 00:04:52,067 --> 00:04:55,000 you would call it the Sea of Chinnereth, 77 00:04:55,000 --> 00:04:57,092 so it would be named by the locals contingent upon their 78 00:04:57,092 --> 00:05:01,083 village, and they sort of titled the lake after their locale. 79 00:05:01,083 --> 00:05:04,046 Now, one thing that is interesting, as well, before 80 00:05:04,046 --> 00:05:09,046 we launch into Luke 8 is that though it is calm at present, 81 00:05:09,046 --> 00:05:12,050 for those of us who have been out on the lake 82 00:05:12,050 --> 00:05:15,046 in the evening time, as we did last night, 83 00:05:15,046 --> 00:05:18,000 the wind really does pick up, 84 00:05:18,000 --> 00:05:20,033 and it still does till this day. 85 00:05:20,033 --> 00:05:25,004 Between 3:00 and 4:00 and maybe 6:00 and 7:00 p.m., the winds 86 00:05:25,004 --> 00:05:29,058 really pick up and it can become quite treacherous on the lake. 87 00:05:29,058 --> 00:05:32,071 And so the locals and the fishermen know to be 88 00:05:32,071 --> 00:05:35,083 very careful during those hours, because if you get trapped in 89 00:05:35,083 --> 00:05:39,012 the middle of this lake during the moments of high seas 90 00:05:39,012 --> 00:05:42,042 and high winds, your life is in very severe jeopardy, 91 00:05:42,042 --> 00:05:45,062 and that leads us to Luke 8. 92 00:05:45,062 --> 00:05:49,017 I will read it to you, and we will then pray. 93 00:05:49,017 --> 00:05:53,017 Luke 8:22, "One day, he," that is Jesus, 94 00:05:53,017 --> 00:05:56,062 "got into a boat with his disciples, and he said to them, 95 00:05:56,062 --> 00:05:59,075 "'Let us go across to the other side of the lake.'" 96 00:05:59,075 --> 00:06:03,083 Isn't it amazing you read that, and you think 13 men in a boat, 97 00:06:03,083 --> 00:06:07,075 perhaps 6 oars, and they're gonna go for a nice row. 98 00:06:07,075 --> 00:06:10,012 Well, this is the nice row. 99 00:06:10,012 --> 00:06:11,088 This is quite an event. 100 00:06:11,088 --> 00:06:14,083 For Jesus to request this, it's a big commitment 101 00:06:14,083 --> 00:06:17,096 on behalf of his disciples, who were weary and exhausted 102 00:06:17,096 --> 00:06:21,033 after a long day of ministry, to jump in the boat, 103 00:06:21,033 --> 00:06:25,050 to grab the oars, and to make this journey. 104 00:06:25,050 --> 00:06:29,058 "So they set out, and as they sailed he fell asleep. 105 00:06:29,058 --> 00:06:31,092 "And a windstorm came down on the lake, 106 00:06:31,092 --> 00:06:35,025 "and they were filling with water and they were in danger. 107 00:06:35,025 --> 00:06:37,083 "And they went and woke him, saying, 'Master, Master, 108 00:06:37,083 --> 00:06:39,054 "'we are perishing!' 109 00:06:39,054 --> 00:06:42,096 "And he awoke and rebuked the wind and the raging waves, 110 00:06:42,096 --> 00:06:45,062 "and they ceased, and there was calm. 111 00:06:45,062 --> 00:06:49,000 "He said to them, 'Where is your faith?' 112 00:06:49,000 --> 00:06:52,088 "And they were afraid, and they marveled, saying to one another, 113 00:06:52,088 --> 00:06:57,021 "'Who then is this, that he commands even winds and water, 114 00:06:57,021 --> 00:06:59,004 and they obey him?'" 115 00:06:59,004 --> 00:07:02,083 Father God, I do thank you that we have an opportunity 116 00:07:02,083 --> 00:07:06,071 to be on the shores of the Sea of Galilee on this, 117 00:07:06,071 --> 00:07:11,000 a Sunday, the resurrection day of Jesus Christ. 118 00:07:11,000 --> 00:07:15,017 And God, we thank you for the opportunity to open 119 00:07:15,017 --> 00:07:19,033 the Scriptures, and see the place where the events 120 00:07:19,033 --> 00:07:24,008 that are recorded faithfully and perfectly transpired. 121 00:07:24,008 --> 00:07:27,083 It is our request, Lord God, as we open the Word of God, 122 00:07:27,083 --> 00:07:31,079 that we would not be focused primarily on the lake 123 00:07:31,079 --> 00:07:35,079 or the storm, but on the one who calmed them. 124 00:07:35,079 --> 00:07:37,088 May we learn about Jesus. 125 00:07:37,088 --> 00:07:41,071 May we learn about his humanity in his exhaustion, 126 00:07:41,071 --> 00:07:46,000 and his divinity in commanding the wind and the waves 127 00:07:46,000 --> 00:07:47,033 to obey him. 128 00:07:47,033 --> 00:07:49,058 And so God, as we open your Word, 129 00:07:49,058 --> 00:07:51,017 we ask that the Holy Spirit, 130 00:07:51,017 --> 00:07:53,046 who has inspired the Scriptures to be written, 131 00:07:53,046 --> 00:07:56,000 would come to illuminate our understanding of them, 132 00:07:56,000 --> 00:08:00,046 so that we might learn to love, appreciate, worship, and serve, 133 00:08:00,046 --> 00:08:04,075 and enjoy Jesus, in whose name we pray, Amen. 134 00:08:04,075 --> 00:08:10,046 Now, what is interesting is that preceding what we just read 135 00:08:10,046 --> 00:08:14,042 in Luke 8, is that Jesus had been doing a lot 136 00:08:14,042 --> 00:08:17,033 of preaching, teaching, healing. 137 00:08:17,033 --> 00:08:21,008 We are told in the section of Luke 8 138 00:08:21,008 --> 00:08:23,083 that precedes the portion we just read, 139 00:08:23,083 --> 00:08:27,050 that large crowds and multitudes were coming to hear Jesus. 140 00:08:27,050 --> 00:08:30,067 And let me just say that this would have been very unusual, 141 00:08:30,067 --> 00:08:33,017 the town he grew up in, Nazareth, was 50, 142 00:08:33,017 --> 00:08:34,096 perhaps a hundred people. 143 00:08:34,096 --> 00:08:38,046 Our guide was gracious enough to inform us that most, 144 00:08:38,046 --> 00:08:41,017 if not all of the women who lived therein, 145 00:08:41,017 --> 00:08:43,067 would have been illiterate, that the men generally 146 00:08:43,067 --> 00:08:46,096 were illiterate, that perhaps only a handful of men, 147 00:08:46,096 --> 00:08:50,017 five or so would have been literate. 148 00:08:50,017 --> 00:08:54,042 And so for Jesus to be literate growing up in a small town 149 00:08:54,042 --> 00:08:57,000 as a carpenter's son, would have been unusual. 150 00:08:57,000 --> 00:09:00,054 For him to be such a learned man and a good teacher, 151 00:09:00,054 --> 00:09:03,033 that they were amazed at his insights earlier in Luke 152 00:09:03,033 --> 00:09:05,058 as he went to the temple and dialogued 153 00:09:05,058 --> 00:09:08,050 with the scholars of the Old Testament Scriptures. 154 00:09:08,050 --> 00:09:10,088 And that he would have been qualified, 155 00:09:10,088 --> 00:09:13,054 competent enough to be called a rabbi. 156 00:09:13,054 --> 00:09:17,083 That's very unusual for a man from such a humble beginning. 157 00:09:17,083 --> 00:09:21,083 And Jesus was a rabbi, meaning he was a preacher and a teacher. 158 00:09:21,083 --> 00:09:25,033 And large crowds would come to him, and we read that, 159 00:09:25,033 --> 00:09:27,096 and we think, "Well, of course, Jesus drew large crowds." 160 00:09:27,096 --> 00:09:30,062 Well, that's because most of us live in cities 161 00:09:30,062 --> 00:09:32,042 in or near major urban centers. 162 00:09:32,042 --> 00:09:35,083 Again, think about spread villages, 163 00:09:35,083 --> 00:09:39,079 50 to 100 people scattered around the lake. 164 00:09:39,079 --> 00:09:43,067 For Jesus to amass audiences of thousands 165 00:09:43,067 --> 00:09:46,075 was an extraordinary event. 166 00:09:46,075 --> 00:09:49,012 And for them to walk in the heat, 167 00:09:49,012 --> 00:09:53,092 for them to come to places, and hear him preach and teach 168 00:09:53,092 --> 00:09:56,033 was very, very unusual. 169 00:09:56,033 --> 00:10:01,075 Well, we are told that the result was Jesus was exhausted. 170 00:10:01,075 --> 00:10:05,000 That's what Luke tells us in chapter 8 beginning in verse 22, 171 00:10:05,000 --> 00:10:07,075 that he was tired, that he was weary. 172 00:10:07,075 --> 00:10:12,042 And I am exhausted, and I am weary driving around in a bus 173 00:10:12,042 --> 00:10:14,000 to see where Jesus walked. 174 00:10:14,000 --> 00:10:17,017 I don't know about you. 175 00:10:17,017 --> 00:10:19,017 I couldn't imagine walking. 176 00:10:19,017 --> 00:10:22,083 I mean, you hear that Jesus went from this town to this town, 177 00:10:22,083 --> 00:10:25,054 and then you realize that that's a few days' walk. 178 00:10:25,054 --> 00:10:27,096 And you read that Jesus wanted to be alone, 179 00:10:27,096 --> 00:10:30,088 and there was a multitude, so he climbed up a hill. 180 00:10:30,088 --> 00:10:32,088 And then you look at Mount Hermon 181 00:10:32,088 --> 00:10:35,038 that's 6,000 feet at its peak, and you realize, 182 00:10:35,038 --> 00:10:37,054 he really wanted some silence and solitude. 183 00:10:37,054 --> 00:10:41,038 And the reason that he was left alone is no one else was willing 184 00:10:41,038 --> 00:10:44,000 or able to make that kind of journey. 185 00:10:44,000 --> 00:10:49,004 Jesus was in extraordinary shape, unbelievable shape. 186 00:10:49,004 --> 00:10:51,058 It has been upwards of 100 degrees 187 00:10:51,058 --> 00:10:55,054 with almost 100% humidity in our time here. 188 00:10:55,054 --> 00:10:59,008 If you can imagine thousands following him everywhere he 189 00:10:59,008 --> 00:11:04,067 went, no hotel to go to, no bus to climb on board, difficulty, 190 00:11:04,067 --> 00:11:08,042 perhaps, finding shade, and water, and food. 191 00:11:08,042 --> 00:11:10,017 He doesn't have a guide. 192 00:11:10,017 --> 00:11:13,029 People are following him, and he's having to lead them. 193 00:11:13,029 --> 00:11:15,012 Some are hurt, some are tired. 194 00:11:15,012 --> 00:11:16,038 Others need prayer. 195 00:11:16,038 --> 00:11:19,083 A few have demons that need to be cast out. 196 00:11:19,083 --> 00:11:24,004 He's been preaching, teaching, answering questions. 197 00:11:24,004 --> 00:11:27,029 He's been doing this for a lengthy season. 198 00:11:27,029 --> 00:11:31,008 He is absolutely exhausted. 199 00:11:31,008 --> 00:11:32,075 Again, I'm tired. 200 00:11:32,075 --> 00:11:35,092 I'm exhausted this morning, to be honest with you. 201 00:11:35,092 --> 00:11:39,092 And I woke up, and I prayed, I said, "Lord, how will I do it?" 202 00:11:39,092 --> 00:11:43,021 And then I remembered I have to preach on Jesus' ministry being 203 00:11:43,021 --> 00:11:47,025 extraordinarily more difficult than anything we've endured, 204 00:11:47,025 --> 00:11:50,062 and that does help us to appreciate what we read 205 00:11:50,062 --> 00:11:53,088 in Luke 8, that the crowds were coming to him. 206 00:11:53,088 --> 00:11:55,058 They were pressing in upon him. 207 00:11:55,058 --> 00:12:00,029 And I'll tell you this, Jesus was fully God, fully man. 208 00:12:00,029 --> 00:12:02,088 And what can happen is sometimes we see Jesus, 209 00:12:02,088 --> 00:12:06,096 almost as if he's Superman, that outwardly he looks like 210 00:12:06,096 --> 00:12:09,079 a humble Galilean peasant, a carpenter, and a rabbi, 211 00:12:09,079 --> 00:12:13,067 but under his cloak, he would have worn a red "S" on his chest 212 00:12:13,067 --> 00:12:16,000 for savior, and that he was indestructible. 213 00:12:16,000 --> 00:12:18,096 And the result is that sometimes we don't fully appreciate 214 00:12:18,096 --> 00:12:20,046 the humanity of Jesus. 215 00:12:20,046 --> 00:12:23,071 Philippians 2:5-11 says that he came humbly, 216 00:12:23,071 --> 00:12:28,004 that he set aside the continual use of his divine attributes, 217 00:12:28,004 --> 00:12:32,012 that God became a man to reconcile men and women to God, 218 00:12:32,012 --> 00:12:35,079 and he did so humbly as our priest, as our intercessor, 219 00:12:35,079 --> 00:12:37,046 as our advocate. 220 00:12:37,046 --> 00:12:40,067 That's why Hebrews says that we do not have a high priest 221 00:12:40,067 --> 00:12:43,033 who is unable to sympathize with us in our weakness, 222 00:12:43,033 --> 00:12:46,017 but he has been through what we have been through. 223 00:12:46,017 --> 00:12:48,046 He understands what we are enduring. 224 00:12:48,046 --> 00:12:52,004 And so he was absolutely fatigued, exhausted. 225 00:12:52,004 --> 00:12:56,071 And I can tell you as a pastor with a ministry that is far less 226 00:12:56,071 --> 00:13:00,012 demanding than Jesus', it does get exhausting. 227 00:13:00,012 --> 00:13:03,058 There is a limit to the number of hours you can work. 228 00:13:03,058 --> 00:13:06,075 There is a limit to how far you can press yourself. 229 00:13:06,075 --> 00:13:09,058 There is a limit to even though you love people, 230 00:13:09,058 --> 00:13:11,092 how many you can serve continually. 231 00:13:11,092 --> 00:13:14,067 I'm here right now, to be honest with you, with 232 00:13:14,067 --> 00:13:18,046 an ulcer that I've been enjoying for about a month or so, 233 00:13:18,046 --> 00:13:21,038 just from overwork, and pressure, 234 00:13:21,038 --> 00:13:23,012 and requirements of ministry. 235 00:13:23,012 --> 00:13:25,096 And that's with all of the advent of modern technology, 236 00:13:25,096 --> 00:13:29,054 that's with the support of a wife, and a family, and a staff. 237 00:13:29,054 --> 00:13:32,050 I can't even imagine the pressure 238 00:13:32,050 --> 00:13:34,096 of the ministry of Jesus. 239 00:13:34,096 --> 00:13:38,029 There was no one that drew the crowds that he did. 240 00:13:38,029 --> 00:13:40,054 A typical rabbi would have a synagogue 241 00:13:40,054 --> 00:13:43,038 in one of these small towns that would attract upwards 242 00:13:43,038 --> 00:13:46,058 of 20 people for the Scripture reading on the Sabbath. 243 00:13:46,058 --> 00:13:51,033 And Jesus has thousands that follow him wherever he goes. 244 00:13:51,033 --> 00:13:55,000 I want you to get the magnitude of the exhaustion of Jesus. 245 00:13:55,000 --> 00:13:57,017 So what does he tell his disciples? 246 00:13:57,017 --> 00:13:58,054 "Pull up a boat." 247 00:13:58,054 --> 00:14:00,050 And Peter and others were fisherman, 248 00:14:00,050 --> 00:14:02,067 they had fished on this lake. 249 00:14:02,067 --> 00:14:05,062 They had spent much of their upbringing here. 250 00:14:05,062 --> 00:14:07,092 This is where they fed their families, 251 00:14:07,092 --> 00:14:11,096 and where they enjoyed their trade, as it were. 252 00:14:11,096 --> 00:14:14,096 And he realized the only way to get away from people 253 00:14:14,096 --> 00:14:19,054 was to go out there, was to go out there. 254 00:14:19,054 --> 00:14:23,067 They couldn't follow him, and if they did follow him, 255 00:14:23,067 --> 00:14:26,012 it would only be for a while. 256 00:14:26,012 --> 00:14:30,017 And so he asked his disciples to get him a boat, and to take him 257 00:14:30,017 --> 00:14:33,000 to the other side, perhaps knowing that the crowds would 258 00:14:33,000 --> 00:14:37,062 meet him there eventually, but he might actually get a day off. 259 00:14:37,062 --> 00:14:41,017 Jesus is so exhausted, we are told, 260 00:14:41,017 --> 00:14:44,029 that he goes underneath, or into the boat. 261 00:14:44,029 --> 00:14:47,000 And we can assume, we saw yesterday, 262 00:14:47,000 --> 00:14:51,025 the excavation of a roughly 2,000-year-old fishing boat. 263 00:14:51,025 --> 00:14:54,071 It gives you some idea of what Jesus and the disciples were on. 264 00:14:54,071 --> 00:14:57,000 Thirteen men on a boat of that size, 265 00:14:57,000 --> 00:14:59,083 it would have been a full boat under a heavy load. 266 00:14:59,083 --> 00:15:02,083 And we saw on that boat there was a potential place, 267 00:15:02,083 --> 00:15:05,088 if Jesus' boat was the same or similar, 268 00:15:05,088 --> 00:15:08,021 for him to tuck away to get some sleep. 269 00:15:08,021 --> 00:15:12,088 Now, how tired is Jesus when that looks like a nice hotel? 270 00:15:12,088 --> 00:15:15,017 When that looks like a good place to sleep? 271 00:15:15,017 --> 00:15:16,042 He's that exhausted. 272 00:15:16,042 --> 00:15:20,058 He lays down to sleep, and the disciples faithfully-- 273 00:15:20,058 --> 00:15:22,079 the fishermen who are well schooled 274 00:15:22,079 --> 00:15:25,067 in how to cross this lake, they begin rowing, 275 00:15:25,067 --> 00:15:28,033 perhaps six of them, and then the men are, perhaps, 276 00:15:28,033 --> 00:15:32,083 taking shifts, six at a time, and they begin rowing, 277 00:15:32,083 --> 00:15:35,000 and what do we read? 278 00:15:35,000 --> 00:15:40,008 Well, we read, "A windstorm came down on the lake, 279 00:15:40,008 --> 00:15:43,083 and they were filling with water and were in danger." 280 00:15:43,083 --> 00:15:46,029 These are men who knew the seas well. 281 00:15:46,029 --> 00:15:48,067 These are fisherman, these are not novices, 282 00:15:48,067 --> 00:15:54,025 and they realize this storm is potentially catastrophic. 283 00:15:54,025 --> 00:15:56,017 Some of the other gospels will record 284 00:15:56,017 --> 00:15:59,033 that they had been rowing all night. 285 00:15:59,033 --> 00:16:02,033 Now, you understand that the disciples are exhausted as well. 286 00:16:02,033 --> 00:16:04,075 They've been preaching, and teaching, and feeding, 287 00:16:04,075 --> 00:16:07,025 and tending to, looking after thousands, 288 00:16:07,025 --> 00:16:11,004 taking care of the elderly, tending to the children. 289 00:16:11,004 --> 00:16:13,096 People are dehydrated, they're hot, they're hungry, 290 00:16:13,096 --> 00:16:17,025 some are grumpy, some, perhaps, fell, 291 00:16:17,025 --> 00:16:20,000 rolled their ankle, got injured. 292 00:16:20,000 --> 00:16:22,012 There's pregnant women to tend to. 293 00:16:22,012 --> 00:16:23,092 There's conflict to mediate. 294 00:16:23,092 --> 00:16:27,088 The disciples are equally exhausted. 295 00:16:27,088 --> 00:16:31,083 And they're rowing all night, and if you can imagine being 296 00:16:31,083 --> 00:16:34,054 out on this sea in the middle of the night, 297 00:16:34,054 --> 00:16:39,008 it is just utter and complete darkness in the days of Jesus. 298 00:16:39,008 --> 00:16:42,017 And so if, in fact, it was night, 299 00:16:42,017 --> 00:16:47,004 they had very difficult capacity of even seeing 300 00:16:47,004 --> 00:16:50,025 a fire over on the shore. 301 00:16:50,025 --> 00:16:54,058 At some point you just get exhausted and bewildered. 302 00:16:54,058 --> 00:16:58,088 You're just rowing, and you're disoriented. 303 00:16:58,088 --> 00:17:01,071 And they know we are not making progress. 304 00:17:01,071 --> 00:17:07,046 This storm is so strong, we have been turned around so many times 305 00:17:07,046 --> 00:17:10,025 that we don't know if we'll be able to survive, 306 00:17:10,025 --> 00:17:12,088 and find our place to shore. 307 00:17:12,088 --> 00:17:15,004 And so in a moment of desperation, 308 00:17:15,004 --> 00:17:17,033 the fishermen come to the end of themselves. 309 00:17:17,033 --> 00:17:20,000 And my guess is they don't want to awaken Jesus. 310 00:17:20,000 --> 00:17:20,088 They love him. 311 00:17:20,088 --> 00:17:23,054 They know he's exhausted, and if anyone needs this rest, 312 00:17:23,054 --> 00:17:25,029 it is that man. 313 00:17:25,029 --> 00:17:29,000 And they awaken Jesus, "Master, master, we hate to awaken you. 314 00:17:29,000 --> 00:17:31,088 There's nothing else we can do, humanly speaking." 315 00:17:31,088 --> 00:17:35,021 The fishermen are going to drown on the lake that they 316 00:17:35,021 --> 00:17:39,050 have spent their life navigating storms. 317 00:17:39,050 --> 00:17:42,067 And so what does Jesus do? 318 00:17:42,067 --> 00:17:48,029 "He awoke, he rebuked the wind and the raging waves, 319 00:17:48,029 --> 00:17:51,046 and they ceased, and there was a calm." 320 00:17:51,046 --> 00:17:54,067 There's no indication that this was a long process, 321 00:17:54,067 --> 00:17:57,050 that this took a lot of time, or that for Jesus, 322 00:17:57,050 --> 00:17:59,017 this was even very complicated. 323 00:17:59,017 --> 00:18:00,083 "Jesus, we hate to awaken you. 324 00:18:00,083 --> 00:18:02,025 We're all going to die." 325 00:18:02,025 --> 00:18:06,017 Jesus stands up, "Stop," and perhaps lays back down, 326 00:18:06,017 --> 00:18:08,083 and goes back to sleep. 327 00:18:08,083 --> 00:18:11,004 And the wind dies. 328 00:18:11,004 --> 00:18:13,017 And again if you're here during the winds, 329 00:18:13,017 --> 00:18:15,088 these are strong winds that go for multiple hours, 330 00:18:15,088 --> 00:18:19,025 and at times, can kick up unexpectedly. 331 00:18:19,025 --> 00:18:23,021 Not only did the winds obey him, but the waves obey him. 332 00:18:23,021 --> 00:18:25,062 He just looks at the sea, calm, 333 00:18:25,062 --> 00:18:29,079 and it's tranquil as we enjoy it this morning. 334 00:18:29,079 --> 00:18:33,075 Now, Luke, who is writing this, is a medical doctor. 335 00:18:33,075 --> 00:18:35,021 He's an educated man. 336 00:18:35,021 --> 00:18:38,000 He was a traveling companion of Paul. 337 00:18:38,000 --> 00:18:42,075 He opens Luke by telling us that he is basing his biography of 338 00:18:42,075 --> 00:18:47,071 Jesus on eyewitness testimony, that he was financed by 339 00:18:47,071 --> 00:18:51,000 Excellent Theophilus, perhaps a governor or leader 340 00:18:51,000 --> 00:18:52,071 with that title "Excellent." 341 00:18:52,071 --> 00:18:56,004 And this was his benefactor, so we can assume that Theophilus, 342 00:18:56,004 --> 00:18:58,096 this affluent man, helped to finance Luke's research. 343 00:18:58,096 --> 00:19:02,075 Luke, being a medical doctor, also would have invested his 344 00:19:02,075 --> 00:19:06,062 life savings, and taken multiple years to travel throughout 345 00:19:06,062 --> 00:19:09,083 this region to interview those who were involved. 346 00:19:09,083 --> 00:19:13,017 And so this is based upon the eyewitness testimony 347 00:19:13,017 --> 00:19:15,067 of some of the men who were there. 348 00:19:15,067 --> 00:19:18,046 Luke actually interviewed them. 349 00:19:18,046 --> 00:19:21,096 He talked to Peter and others and he would have asked them 350 00:19:21,096 --> 00:19:23,067 exactly what happened. 351 00:19:23,067 --> 00:19:26,017 He confirmed that all of their stories corroborated, 352 00:19:26,017 --> 00:19:28,050 and that this is, in fact, what happened, 353 00:19:28,050 --> 00:19:31,000 and is historically accurate. 354 00:19:31,000 --> 00:19:34,058 He said to them, "Where is your faith?" 355 00:19:34,058 --> 00:19:36,038 Why? 356 00:19:36,038 --> 00:19:37,096 They were amazed. 357 00:19:37,096 --> 00:19:40,067 They were absolutely stunned. 358 00:19:40,067 --> 00:19:44,017 They knew Jesus was a miracle worker, and a demon caster, 359 00:19:44,017 --> 00:19:47,050 and a great teacher, but this is the revelation 360 00:19:47,050 --> 00:19:50,046 of their friend Jesus as God incarnate, 361 00:19:50,046 --> 00:19:52,046 as the second member of the Trinity, 362 00:19:52,046 --> 00:19:56,062 the Son of God coming into human history. 363 00:19:56,062 --> 00:19:59,083 "And they were afraid, and they marveled, saying to one another, 364 00:19:59,083 --> 00:20:04,042 "'Who then is this, that he commands even winds and water, 365 00:20:04,042 --> 00:20:06,017 'and they obey him?'" 366 00:20:06,017 --> 00:20:07,050 The disciples are bewildered. 367 00:20:07,050 --> 00:20:09,012 "Who is this Jesus? 368 00:20:09,012 --> 00:20:13,062 "We thought he was a holy man, a rabbi, perhaps a prophet. 369 00:20:13,062 --> 00:20:15,096 "Like many do today, he's a good man, 370 00:20:15,096 --> 00:20:18,025 "and a moral teacher, and a wonderful example, 371 00:20:18,025 --> 00:20:21,033 "and maybe had a bit of supernatural capacity, 372 00:20:21,033 --> 00:20:24,046 "but this far exceeds anything we had previously ascertained 373 00:20:24,046 --> 00:20:25,096 "about this man, Jesus. 374 00:20:25,096 --> 00:20:27,017 Who is he?" 375 00:20:27,017 --> 00:20:29,017 That's a great question. 376 00:20:29,017 --> 00:20:34,000 It's a great question, and it reveals the divinity of Jesus. 377 00:20:34,000 --> 00:20:36,096 It reveals the divinity of Jesus. 378 00:20:36,096 --> 00:20:39,096 And here we see the divinity and humanity of Jesus 379 00:20:39,096 --> 00:20:41,004 coming together. 380 00:20:41,004 --> 00:20:43,029 The humanity: he is fully man. 381 00:20:43,029 --> 00:20:46,012 He is completely exhausted. 382 00:20:46,012 --> 00:20:49,092 He's fully God, and the wind and the waves obey him. 383 00:20:49,092 --> 00:20:52,079 Now, what has happened in the history of Christianity 384 00:20:52,079 --> 00:20:55,033 is that some have stressed the humanity of Jesus, 385 00:20:55,033 --> 00:20:57,062 they tend to be more liberal. 386 00:20:57,062 --> 00:20:59,083 Others stress the divinity of Jesus, 387 00:20:59,083 --> 00:21:02,000 they tend to be more fundamental. 388 00:21:02,000 --> 00:21:05,058 And the Bible says that "Jesus was fully man, fully God. 389 00:21:05,058 --> 00:21:08,033 One person, two natures." 390 00:21:08,033 --> 00:21:10,088 We're not teaching that a man became God. 391 00:21:10,088 --> 00:21:14,054 We're teaching that God became a man. 392 00:21:14,054 --> 00:21:16,092 In 451, the Christians got together 393 00:21:16,092 --> 00:21:18,075 for the Council of Chalcedon, 394 00:21:18,075 --> 00:21:21,067 and they termed this "the hypostatic union." 395 00:21:21,067 --> 00:21:27,058 Jesus is one person with two natures: fully man, fully God. 396 00:21:27,058 --> 00:21:31,050 And we see this here as he is preaching, and teaching, 397 00:21:31,050 --> 00:21:35,083 and working, and feeding, and healing, and casting out demons, 398 00:21:35,083 --> 00:21:40,017 he does so out of his humanity as a man, fully exhausted, 399 00:21:40,017 --> 00:21:44,050 desperate for a break, needing reprieve from the crowds, 400 00:21:44,050 --> 00:21:47,054 asleep in a boat, so tired that he sleeps 401 00:21:47,054 --> 00:21:50,092 through a horrendous storm. 402 00:21:50,092 --> 00:21:56,000 And then we see him reveal his divinity 403 00:21:56,000 --> 00:21:58,004 in two ways, number one: 404 00:21:58,004 --> 00:22:01,050 it reveals to us that Jesus is Creator. 405 00:22:01,050 --> 00:22:04,071 We are told throughout Scripture that Jesus is Creator. 406 00:22:04,071 --> 00:22:06,033 We read in Genesis 1 407 00:22:06,033 --> 00:22:09,038 that everything that came into existence and all of creation 408 00:22:09,038 --> 00:22:11,071 was by virtue of the Word of God, 409 00:22:11,071 --> 00:22:15,058 that God proverbially spoke creation into existence. 410 00:22:15,058 --> 00:22:19,004 God said and it was so. God said and it was so. 411 00:22:19,004 --> 00:22:20,088 God said and it was so. 412 00:22:20,088 --> 00:22:23,083 That's the rhythm of Genesis 1. 413 00:22:23,083 --> 00:22:28,004 We then read in places like John 1:3 of Jesus, 414 00:22:28,004 --> 00:22:29,083 "All things are made through him." 415 00:22:29,083 --> 00:22:35,083 And Colossians 1:16, "By him all things were created." 416 00:22:35,083 --> 00:22:39,029 And so God spoke creation into existence, 417 00:22:39,029 --> 00:22:44,054 and Jesus is that God who spoke creation into existence. 418 00:22:44,054 --> 00:22:48,083 This explains why the wind and the waves obeyed his voice. 419 00:22:48,083 --> 00:22:53,062 This is the voice they had heard previously at creation. 420 00:22:53,062 --> 00:22:56,029 It was the Word of God. 421 00:22:56,029 --> 00:23:01,033 It was the declaration of God in Genesis 1 that caused 422 00:23:01,033 --> 00:23:04,021 all that is to come into existence out of nothing, 423 00:23:04,021 --> 00:23:07,088 what the theologians would call "ex nihilo." 424 00:23:07,088 --> 00:23:10,021 It says it this way in Hebrews 11, 425 00:23:10,021 --> 00:23:12,062 "Out of nothing, everything was made." 426 00:23:12,062 --> 00:23:17,004 God didn't start with matter, God started himself existing 427 00:23:17,004 --> 00:23:21,000 eternally, and he created time, space, and matter. 428 00:23:21,000 --> 00:23:23,050 He spoke the world, and the wind, 429 00:23:23,050 --> 00:23:26,054 and the waves into existence. 430 00:23:26,054 --> 00:23:28,038 And his name is Jesus Christ. 431 00:23:28,038 --> 00:23:31,062 And so when he then enters into his creation, 432 00:23:31,062 --> 00:23:34,021 adds to his divinity, humanity, 433 00:23:34,021 --> 00:23:37,071 to quote the church father Augustine, 434 00:23:37,071 --> 00:23:41,021 he stands up and speaks, and creation obeys him, 435 00:23:41,021 --> 00:23:43,096 because he is the author of creation. 436 00:23:43,096 --> 00:23:46,058 The same one who spoke this world into existence 437 00:23:46,058 --> 00:23:49,021 just gave it a command to obey him. 438 00:23:49,021 --> 00:23:50,050 And does it? 439 00:23:50,050 --> 00:23:52,021 Absolutely. 440 00:23:52,021 --> 00:23:54,071 And the disciples, in seeing this, 441 00:23:54,071 --> 00:23:57,083 they recognize, "This is God. 442 00:23:57,083 --> 00:24:00,012 This is God among us." 443 00:24:00,012 --> 00:24:03,088 Only God has authority to command the wind and the waves. 444 00:24:03,088 --> 00:24:06,058 And these were men who were learned in Scripture, 445 00:24:06,058 --> 00:24:10,062 and they would have taken note of many Scriptures. 446 00:24:10,062 --> 00:24:13,092 Due to the heat and the time, I won't read them all, 447 00:24:13,092 --> 00:24:17,000 but the Psalms speak frequently of God's voice 448 00:24:17,000 --> 00:24:20,033 being the only one that can still the waves and the waters. 449 00:24:20,033 --> 00:24:28,021 Psalm 65:7, Psalm 89:9, Psalm 106:7-9, 450 00:24:28,021 --> 00:24:32,046 and Psalm 107:23-29. 451 00:24:32,046 --> 00:24:37,017 I'll read one for you as well, Psalm 89:9. 452 00:24:37,017 --> 00:24:41,096 "You," speaking of God, "Rule the raging of the sea; 453 00:24:41,096 --> 00:24:46,004 When its waves rise, you still them." 454 00:24:46,004 --> 00:24:47,079 I'll read it again. 455 00:24:47,079 --> 00:24:51,050 "You rule the raging of the sea; When its waves rise, 456 00:24:51,050 --> 00:24:53,046 you still them." 457 00:24:53,046 --> 00:24:56,017 These men were familiar with the Psalms, 458 00:24:56,017 --> 00:25:00,012 this and others, where it says that the wind and the waves 459 00:25:00,012 --> 00:25:02,046 were under the jurisdiction of the God 460 00:25:02,046 --> 00:25:04,050 who created the heavens and the earth. 461 00:25:04,050 --> 00:25:08,004 And this Jesus who has come is Creator God, 462 00:25:08,004 --> 00:25:10,096 and sovereign ruling reigning God, 463 00:25:10,096 --> 00:25:14,050 to the degree that the wind and the waves obey him. 464 00:25:14,050 --> 00:25:18,096 That being said, we're here to worship Jesus, 465 00:25:18,096 --> 00:25:22,038 to acknowledge that our creator is also our redeemer, 466 00:25:22,038 --> 00:25:23,096 and our sustainer. 467 00:25:23,096 --> 00:25:24,096 He's our savior. 468 00:25:24,096 --> 00:25:29,025 His name is Jesus, and that our life is much like 469 00:25:29,025 --> 00:25:32,067 that occasion recorded in Luke 8. 470 00:25:32,067 --> 00:25:37,008 We are living our life, we are exhausted, we are weary. 471 00:25:37,008 --> 00:25:41,079 Crisis comes out of nowhere, and it is good for us 472 00:25:41,079 --> 00:25:45,067 to always do as they did, and go find the Master, 473 00:25:45,067 --> 00:25:49,088 to go to Jesus in prayer, to go to Jesus in Scripture, 474 00:25:49,088 --> 00:25:56,054 to go to Jesus in song, to go to Jesus requesting help. 475 00:25:56,054 --> 00:26:00,029 And they did the absolutely only thing that they could do, 476 00:26:00,029 --> 00:26:03,062 and what is interesting is that they didn't go to Jesus until 477 00:26:03,062 --> 00:26:06,017 they had exhausted all of their own efforts. 478 00:26:06,017 --> 00:26:11,004 And so many of us live so much of our lives in that same trap. 479 00:26:11,004 --> 00:26:14,025 Out of nowhere, comes a great storm. 480 00:26:14,025 --> 00:26:19,067 We work ourselves until the point of being at the end, 481 00:26:19,067 --> 00:26:22,017 and then in desperation, we call out to Jesus. 482 00:26:22,017 --> 00:26:25,050 He comes to help, to serve, to be with us. 483 00:26:25,050 --> 00:26:27,067 And friends, I would just encourage you, 484 00:26:27,067 --> 00:26:29,058 it's not something I've practiced well, 485 00:26:29,058 --> 00:26:32,025 but we should go to Jesus first, 486 00:26:32,025 --> 00:26:34,092 and we should ask the one who created the world, 487 00:26:34,092 --> 00:26:38,083 and rules the world to help us as his servants in it. 488 00:26:38,083 --> 00:26:41,054 So Father God, we thank you for the Scriptures. 489 00:26:41,054 --> 00:26:43,067 We thank you for the Lord Jesus. 490 00:26:43,067 --> 00:26:46,083 We thank you that he is Creator, he made the world. 491 00:26:46,083 --> 00:26:50,067 We thank you that he is Savior, he came into the world to live 492 00:26:50,067 --> 00:26:54,058 without sin, to die for sinners, to rise for salvation. 493 00:26:54,058 --> 00:26:57,017 We thank you, Lord Jesus, that you are sovereign, 494 00:26:57,017 --> 00:26:59,083 and ruling and reigning over creation today. 495 00:26:59,083 --> 00:27:03,054 And we thank you that whatever storm we find ourselves in, 496 00:27:03,054 --> 00:27:06,054 no matter how hard we have rowed against it, 497 00:27:06,054 --> 00:27:09,062 that if we simply come to you, you do love us, 498 00:27:09,062 --> 00:27:12,071 you will navigate for us, you will get us through it, 499 00:27:12,071 --> 00:27:14,083 that you are deliverer and savior. 500 00:27:14,083 --> 00:27:18,033 We love you, we worship you, we thank you, and we thank you, 501 00:27:18,033 --> 00:27:21,000 Lord God, that we get an opportunity to understand 502 00:27:21,000 --> 00:27:25,029 a little bit more of Jesus as we enjoy the Scriptures 503 00:27:25,029 --> 00:27:27,083 here on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. 504 00:27:27,083 --> 00:27:29,008 We're grateful for this gift. 505 00:27:29,008 --> 00:27:31,008 In Jesus' good name, Amen. 506 00:27:31,008 --> 00:27:31,058 507 00:27:31,058 --> 00:00:00,000