1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,050 2 00:00:00,054 --> 00:00:03,017 "After he had finished all his sayings in the hearing 3 00:00:03,021 --> 00:00:05,075 "of the people, he entered Capernaum. 4 00:00:05,083 --> 00:00:08,079 "Now a centurion had a servant who was sick 5 00:00:08,083 --> 00:00:13,050 "and at the point of death, who was highly valued by him. 6 00:00:13,054 --> 00:00:15,088 "When the centurion heard about Jesus, 7 00:00:15,096 --> 00:00:18,079 "he sent to him elders of the Jews, 8 00:00:18,083 --> 00:00:21,083 "asking him to come and heal his servant. 9 00:00:21,092 --> 00:00:25,050 "And when they came to Jesus, they pleaded with him earnestly, 10 00:00:25,054 --> 00:00:28,096 "saying, 'He is worthy to have you do this for him, 11 00:00:29,000 --> 00:00:31,083 "'for he loves our nation, and he is the one 12 00:00:31,092 --> 00:00:34,096 "'who built us our synagogue.' 13 00:00:35,000 --> 00:00:37,017 "And Jesus went with them. 14 00:00:37,025 --> 00:00:39,000 "When he was not far from the house, 15 00:00:39,008 --> 00:00:41,054 "the centurion sent friends, saying to him, 16 00:00:41,062 --> 00:00:45,017 "'Lord, do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy 17 00:00:45,025 --> 00:00:48,050 "'to have you come under my roof. 18 00:00:48,058 --> 00:00:51,067 "'Therefore I did not presume to come to you. 19 00:00:51,075 --> 00:00:55,050 "'But say the word, and let my servant be healed. 20 00:00:55,058 --> 00:00:58,033 "'For I too am a man set under authority, 21 00:00:58,042 --> 00:01:02,083 "'with soldiers under me: and I say to one, "Go," and he goes; 22 00:01:02,088 --> 00:01:05,096 "'and to another, "Come," and he comes; and to my servant, 23 00:01:06,000 --> 00:01:08,050 "'"Do this," and he does it.' 24 00:01:08,054 --> 00:01:11,067 "When Jesus heard these things, he marveled at him, 25 00:01:11,071 --> 00:01:15,033 "and turning to the crowd that followed him, said, 26 00:01:15,038 --> 00:01:19,062 "'I tell you, not even in Israel have I found such faith.' 27 00:01:19,067 --> 00:01:23,008 "And when those who had been sent returned to the house, 28 00:01:23,017 --> 00:01:26,038 they found the servant well." 29 00:01:26,046 --> 00:01:35,017 30 00:01:35,021 --> 00:01:43,017 [music] 31 00:01:43,021 --> 00:01:53,075 32 00:01:53,083 --> 00:01:55,012 Well, howdy, Mars Hill. 33 00:01:55,017 --> 00:01:57,025 We love to go through books of the Bible. 34 00:01:57,033 --> 00:02:00,025 If you're new, it is something that we enjoy, 35 00:02:00,033 --> 00:02:03,033 and we find ourselves in the book of the Bible called Luke. 36 00:02:03,038 --> 00:02:06,083 We're in chapter 7:1-10. 37 00:02:06,088 --> 00:02:09,083 Feel free to go there in your Bible, or on your iPhone, 38 00:02:09,092 --> 00:02:11,012 or whatever the case might be. 39 00:02:11,017 --> 00:02:12,042 If you don't have a Bible, you're certainly welcome to 40 00:02:12,050 --> 00:02:16,012 pick one up for free on your way out. 41 00:02:16,017 --> 00:02:19,004 And where we find ourselves in the story is that Jesus has been 42 00:02:19,012 --> 00:02:23,062 preaching, and teaching, and healing, performing miracles, 43 00:02:23,067 --> 00:02:28,038 dealing with troubled people, casting out demons, and he has 44 00:02:28,046 --> 00:02:31,042 been essentially kicked out of his hometown of Nazareth. 45 00:02:31,050 --> 00:02:34,062 They have sadly rejected him, and so he set up a base 46 00:02:34,067 --> 00:02:37,088 of operations in a town called Capernaum, small town, 47 00:02:37,096 --> 00:02:39,062 maybe 50, 100 people. 48 00:02:39,067 --> 00:02:42,046 Small homes, 400, 500, 600 square feet, 49 00:02:42,050 --> 00:02:46,046 fishing down the hillside toward the Sea of Galilee, 50 00:02:46,050 --> 00:02:49,004 farming up over the fertile plains. 51 00:02:49,012 --> 00:02:51,050 A lot of people who are not well educated, 52 00:02:51,054 --> 00:02:54,021 they're not financially prosperous. 53 00:02:54,029 --> 00:02:57,000 These are simple, hard-working, regular, 54 00:02:57,008 --> 00:03:01,029 poor people from that day and era. 55 00:03:01,033 --> 00:03:04,025 And what we're going to see today is that as Jesus is 56 00:03:04,033 --> 00:03:06,042 on a bit of a preaching and teaching tour, 57 00:03:06,050 --> 00:03:09,012 he's on his way back toward Capernaum, 58 00:03:09,017 --> 00:03:13,050 and he is approached with a situation of a man who was sick, 59 00:03:13,058 --> 00:03:16,075 and suffering, and near death, and that is the clinical 60 00:03:16,083 --> 00:03:20,021 diagnosis of Luke, who is a medical doctor, and the author 61 00:03:20,029 --> 00:03:23,008 of this book of the Bible bearing his name. 62 00:03:23,017 --> 00:03:26,079 And so we're going to get to know this man who is suffering, 63 00:03:26,083 --> 00:03:29,021 and how Jesus ministers to him. 64 00:03:29,029 --> 00:03:32,083 By way of preface, let me say, though, that sin, 65 00:03:32,088 --> 00:03:36,075 and sickness, and suffering, ultimately culminating in death, 66 00:03:36,083 --> 00:03:38,054 is not part of God's original plan. 67 00:03:38,062 --> 00:03:41,054 When God finished his work of creating the heavens, 68 00:03:41,062 --> 00:03:43,075 and the earth, and man and woman, 69 00:03:43,083 --> 00:03:45,029 in Genesis 1:31 it says that, 70 00:03:45,033 --> 00:03:48,050 "God saw everything that he had made and he said that it was," 71 00:03:48,058 --> 00:03:49,062 what? 72 00:03:49,067 --> 00:03:50,096 Very good, very good. 73 00:03:51,000 --> 00:03:51,096 Everything was great. 74 00:03:52,000 --> 00:03:54,008 We didn't need locks on our homes. 75 00:03:54,017 --> 00:03:55,058 We didn't need air bags in our cars. 76 00:03:55,067 --> 00:04:00,033 We didn't need 911, hospitals, ambulances, police, or soldiers. 77 00:04:00,038 --> 00:04:04,058 There was no sickness, sin, suffering, or death. 78 00:04:04,067 --> 00:04:06,079 Everything God made was very good. 79 00:04:06,083 --> 00:04:11,000 We sin and the result is all that is very bad. 80 00:04:11,008 --> 00:04:13,096 And what we find today is a man who is suffering. 81 00:04:14,000 --> 00:04:17,017 He is in a world of imperfection and sin, 82 00:04:17,021 --> 00:04:19,004 and as a result there is suffering. 83 00:04:19,012 --> 00:04:22,025 And the Bible says that he is near death. 84 00:04:22,033 --> 00:04:26,067 That means he does not go to Jesus because he is bedridden. 85 00:04:26,075 --> 00:04:31,050 This is a man who is in his final moments. 86 00:04:31,058 --> 00:04:35,046 Some of you have been there at the bedside of someone who is 87 00:04:35,050 --> 00:04:39,033 suffering and dying, and you've seen them in their last moments. 88 00:04:39,038 --> 00:04:40,088 That's where he's at. 89 00:04:40,096 --> 00:04:43,033 Some of you are approaching that day. 90 00:04:43,042 --> 00:04:45,092 There's a man at Mars Hill that I see every week, 91 00:04:46,000 --> 00:04:48,008 and he is on borrowed time. 92 00:04:48,017 --> 00:04:49,021 I've met with him. 93 00:04:49,029 --> 00:04:52,054 He does know Jesus, but his heart is blocked, 94 00:04:52,062 --> 00:04:54,042 there's nothing more they can do, 95 00:04:54,050 --> 00:04:57,017 and every week that he sees me, he says, "I'm still here, 96 00:04:57,021 --> 00:04:58,083 "if I'm not here next week, 97 00:04:58,088 --> 00:05:00,096 you know that I've gone to see Jesus." 98 00:05:01,000 --> 00:05:03,062 Some of you are well aware that your time could be 99 00:05:03,067 --> 00:05:05,046 very, very short. 100 00:05:05,050 --> 00:05:08,000 Some of you know and love people whose time is very short. 101 00:05:08,004 --> 00:05:10,083 Some of you have been with those in their last moments 102 00:05:10,092 --> 00:05:12,067 of suffering as they approach death. 103 00:05:12,075 --> 00:05:14,062 And this man is at that place. 104 00:05:14,067 --> 00:05:16,017 The doctors have done everything they can. 105 00:05:16,021 --> 00:05:19,025 The family and friends have done everything they can. 106 00:05:19,033 --> 00:05:22,000 There's nothing left that can be done and apart from a miracle 107 00:05:22,004 --> 00:05:26,008 of God's grace, he is going to die shortly. 108 00:05:26,017 --> 00:05:28,029 And he's a servant. 109 00:05:28,033 --> 00:05:30,058 He is a man who is essentially a slave. 110 00:05:30,067 --> 00:05:35,017 In that social order, he's at the bottom of priority. 111 00:05:35,021 --> 00:05:38,017 If he had a bad master, he would be treated as property, 112 00:05:38,021 --> 00:05:42,017 or an animal, yet, we're going to find that Jesus 113 00:05:42,021 --> 00:05:46,033 has great love and compassion for this man. 114 00:05:46,042 --> 00:05:51,000 And so emotionally, I need you to go to that place where you 115 00:05:51,004 --> 00:05:55,058 put in his place, someone that you know and love. 116 00:05:55,067 --> 00:05:58,046 God has helped me today. 117 00:05:58,050 --> 00:06:03,025 One of the great struggles of being a pastor is being aware 118 00:06:03,033 --> 00:06:05,012 of so much suffering in so many people's lives, 119 00:06:05,017 --> 00:06:07,067 and then emotionally just trying to endure that. 120 00:06:07,071 --> 00:06:10,083 I woke up this morning--to give you an example--and a friend 121 00:06:10,088 --> 00:06:11,088 of mine e-mailed. 122 00:06:11,096 --> 00:06:13,071 He was a guy I went to high school with. 123 00:06:13,079 --> 00:06:15,025 We played baseball together, 124 00:06:15,033 --> 00:06:16,083 lettered 4 years together in baseball. 125 00:06:16,088 --> 00:06:17,096 Played summer league together. 126 00:06:18,000 --> 00:06:20,062 We were friends, got along fine. 127 00:06:20,067 --> 00:06:22,029 Neither of us were Christians. 128 00:06:22,033 --> 00:06:23,079 We both graduated as non-Christians, 129 00:06:23,083 --> 00:06:26,067 and then we both became Christians. 130 00:06:26,075 --> 00:06:30,042 And he married a gal who graduated with my wife, 131 00:06:30,050 --> 00:06:32,029 grew up with my wife, went to church with my wife, 132 00:06:32,033 --> 00:06:33,075 was friends with my wife. 133 00:06:33,083 --> 00:06:35,092 And so of course, we've kept in touch over the years. 134 00:06:36,000 --> 00:06:36,096 He's a godly man. 135 00:06:37,000 --> 00:06:38,042 He's studied theology. 136 00:06:38,050 --> 00:06:39,083 He's a great Bible teacher. 137 00:06:39,088 --> 00:06:42,029 He loves Jesus, loves his wife, loves his kids. 138 00:06:42,033 --> 00:06:44,033 They're out of state and she was diagnosed 139 00:06:44,038 --> 00:06:47,025 with a very aggressive form of cancer. 140 00:06:47,033 --> 00:06:49,021 She's been through some surgeries, 141 00:06:49,029 --> 00:06:54,000 her health has taken a serious turn for the worse. 142 00:06:54,004 --> 00:06:57,000 She's really struggling just to live. 143 00:06:57,008 --> 00:07:00,038 And he e-mailed saying that he was hoping to get back 144 00:07:00,046 --> 00:07:02,083 to the Northwest because apart from a miracle, 145 00:07:02,088 --> 00:07:05,017 his wife is going to die, and she wants to spend 146 00:07:05,021 --> 00:07:08,000 her last days near her parents. 147 00:07:08,004 --> 00:07:11,033 And she also wants her parents to help out with her children 148 00:07:11,042 --> 00:07:16,050 as she's really struggling. 149 00:07:16,054 --> 00:07:20,067 Came into church today to find out that my sister 150 00:07:20,075 --> 00:07:23,000 suffered a miscarriage. 151 00:07:23,008 --> 00:07:25,050 So, I've gotta go see her. 152 00:07:25,054 --> 00:07:27,042 She lives locally and goes to Mars Hill. 153 00:07:27,050 --> 00:07:29,083 And I've seen her become a Christian, and get married, 154 00:07:29,088 --> 00:07:33,083 and seen her miscarry before and have a child. 155 00:07:33,088 --> 00:07:38,088 And death has come to my family today. 156 00:07:38,096 --> 00:07:41,067 Some of you are there. 157 00:07:41,075 --> 00:07:43,088 You're suffering as the servant is. 158 00:07:43,096 --> 00:07:46,062 Some of you are in the place of the centurion, his boss. 159 00:07:46,067 --> 00:07:48,058 There's someone that you love and care about and they're 160 00:07:48,067 --> 00:07:52,046 suffering, and so your heart is burdened for them. 161 00:07:52,050 --> 00:07:54,079 That's where I'm at today. 162 00:07:54,083 --> 00:07:56,075 And this man, the servant, the slave is at the place 163 00:07:56,083 --> 00:08:00,042 that apart from a miracle, he's simply going to die. 164 00:08:00,050 --> 00:08:02,038 He doesn't even go to Jesus to ask for a miracle, 165 00:08:02,046 --> 00:08:08,029 because he can't get out of bed and make it there. 166 00:08:08,033 --> 00:08:10,096 So there is the servant, and then there is the centurion, 167 00:08:11,000 --> 00:08:15,050 who is his boss. 168 00:08:15,054 --> 00:08:21,004 And the centurion is one who loves the servant very much. 169 00:08:21,012 --> 00:08:24,021 Centurion means the commander of a hundred, 170 00:08:24,029 --> 00:08:26,096 so he is a military leader, a man's man, a guy's guy, 171 00:08:27,000 --> 00:08:28,067 a dude's dude. 172 00:08:28,071 --> 00:08:31,071 Too often times in Christianity, Jesus is portrayed 173 00:08:31,079 --> 00:08:34,042 as the perfect fit for women and children, yet, 174 00:08:34,050 --> 00:08:37,054 men are not interested because men are interested in battle, 175 00:08:37,062 --> 00:08:40,033 be that actual battle as soldiers and warriors, 176 00:08:40,042 --> 00:08:43,033 or sports, which is a modified form of battle, 177 00:08:43,038 --> 00:08:46,000 or business, which is a financial form of battle. 178 00:08:46,008 --> 00:08:50,029 Men like conflict, combat, and conquering, 179 00:08:50,033 --> 00:08:53,021 and Jesus in Christianity is not often portrayed in such a way 180 00:08:53,029 --> 00:08:55,083 that is pleasing to real men. 181 00:08:55,092 --> 00:08:58,079 Here we get a picture of a real man, a man's man. 182 00:08:58,083 --> 00:09:00,092 He's a Roman soldier, a warrior. 183 00:09:01,000 --> 00:09:04,079 This is a man who goes into battle and leads other men. 184 00:09:04,083 --> 00:09:07,000 He would have been affluent, prominent. 185 00:09:07,004 --> 00:09:08,033 He was well known. 186 00:09:08,042 --> 00:09:09,096 He was successful. 187 00:09:10,000 --> 00:09:11,012 He works for the Roman government, 188 00:09:11,017 --> 00:09:15,050 and they were essentially overseeing--some would say, 189 00:09:15,058 --> 00:09:19,062 oppressing--the Jewish people, different races, 190 00:09:19,067 --> 00:09:22,062 different religions, different belief systems. 191 00:09:22,067 --> 00:09:26,004 And the Roman Empire was ruling over the Jewish people, 192 00:09:26,012 --> 00:09:28,004 so he could have been very cruel to those 193 00:09:28,012 --> 00:09:30,062 who were among God's people. 194 00:09:30,067 --> 00:09:33,075 But he, by all accounts, was not. 195 00:09:33,083 --> 00:09:35,067 He was not. 196 00:09:35,075 --> 00:09:39,038 And he loves this friend of his. 197 00:09:39,046 --> 00:09:42,042 Do you have a friend that you love who's suffering and dying? 198 00:09:42,050 --> 00:09:46,017 If so, you can perhaps identify with the centurion. 199 00:09:46,021 --> 00:09:50,017 The first person that comes to mind for me is a friend of mine 200 00:09:50,025 --> 00:09:52,000 named Matt Chandler. 201 00:09:52,008 --> 00:09:53,058 He's a dear friend of mine. 202 00:09:53,067 --> 00:09:56,000 I cannot overstate how much I love, and respect, 203 00:09:56,008 --> 00:09:58,042 and appreciate this man. 204 00:09:58,050 --> 00:10:00,054 He's part of our Acts 29 Church Planting Network. 205 00:10:00,062 --> 00:10:01,088 He's in Dallas, Texas. 206 00:10:01,096 --> 00:10:03,042 He took a small, struggling church, 207 00:10:03,050 --> 00:10:05,058 it has exploded into one of the largest 208 00:10:05,067 --> 00:10:08,050 and fastest-growing churches in America. 209 00:10:08,054 --> 00:10:09,067 He's in his 30s. 210 00:10:09,071 --> 00:10:10,067 He loves his wife. 211 00:10:10,071 --> 00:10:11,067 He loves his kids. 212 00:10:11,071 --> 00:10:12,067 He loves his Bible. 213 00:10:12,071 --> 00:10:13,067 He loves his Jesus. 214 00:10:13,071 --> 00:10:14,071 He loves his church. 215 00:10:14,079 --> 00:10:16,075 He's a world-class Bible teacher. 216 00:10:16,083 --> 00:10:20,000 God is using him to disciple the nations. 217 00:10:20,008 --> 00:10:21,088 He and I are close. 218 00:10:21,096 --> 00:10:24,017 I have dear affection for this man. 219 00:10:24,025 --> 00:10:27,079 I love seeing God's grace in his life. 220 00:10:27,083 --> 00:10:29,071 I enjoy his friendship. 221 00:10:29,079 --> 00:10:31,092 He's been a blessing to me personally. 222 00:10:32,000 --> 00:10:35,033 I'll never forget the day, it was Thanksgiving weekend, 223 00:10:35,042 --> 00:10:38,000 and I was home enjoying some time with my family. 224 00:10:38,004 --> 00:10:39,042 And I can't remember if it was an e-mail or a text, 225 00:10:39,050 --> 00:10:41,062 but I got word that he was home with his family, 226 00:10:41,067 --> 00:10:43,067 enjoying the holiday weekend, 227 00:10:43,071 --> 00:10:46,042 and he set his little daughter aside, 228 00:10:46,050 --> 00:10:48,042 and then blacked out, fell over. 229 00:10:48,050 --> 00:10:49,038 He's quite tall. 230 00:10:49,046 --> 00:10:53,000 Slammed his head on the mantle above the fireplace, 231 00:10:53,004 --> 00:10:54,075 cutting it open. 232 00:10:54,083 --> 00:10:57,012 Ladies, imagine yourself there. 233 00:10:57,017 --> 00:10:58,033 It's the holiday weekend. 234 00:10:58,042 --> 00:11:01,042 There's your healthy, young husband. 235 00:11:01,050 --> 00:11:03,033 You hear something, you go in the other room, 236 00:11:03,042 --> 00:11:05,033 and he's lying on the ground unconscious, bleeding. 237 00:11:05,042 --> 00:11:07,038 You have no idea what happened. 238 00:11:07,046 --> 00:11:08,083 She calls 911. 239 00:11:08,092 --> 00:11:11,092 The medics come, they rush him to the hospital. 240 00:11:12,000 --> 00:11:14,062 He wakes up not knowing where he is or what has happened, 241 00:11:14,067 --> 00:11:16,092 so he goes to take a punch at the doctors and nurses. 242 00:11:17,000 --> 00:11:19,046 He's an Acts 29 guy. 243 00:11:19,050 --> 00:11:23,033 That's how we do it. 244 00:11:23,038 --> 00:11:27,017 And they tell him, "You have a large aggressive tumor on 245 00:11:27,025 --> 00:11:30,083 "your brain that is impinging on your brain, 246 00:11:30,092 --> 00:11:33,012 "and it caused you to black out. 247 00:11:33,017 --> 00:11:35,029 And we can cut a certain amount." 248 00:11:35,033 --> 00:11:37,021 And they have, and he's got a big scar on his head, 249 00:11:37,029 --> 00:11:41,033 and they've shaved his head, and he's undergone surgery. 250 00:11:41,042 --> 00:11:43,079 "But we can't cut more." 251 00:11:43,083 --> 00:11:45,083 So they're taking him through aggressive treatment, 252 00:11:45,092 --> 00:11:49,004 and it's right in that region that is connected to 253 00:11:49,012 --> 00:11:51,050 speech and memory. 254 00:11:51,058 --> 00:11:55,017 And every time he undergoes certain like--certain treatment, 255 00:11:55,025 --> 00:11:58,008 he can and will lose IQ points. 256 00:11:58,017 --> 00:12:02,050 So for a Bible preacher, this is all very scary. 257 00:12:02,054 --> 00:12:04,075 It's even more scary to be a husband and a father, 258 00:12:04,083 --> 00:12:08,025 and thinking of not walking your daughter down the aisle 259 00:12:08,033 --> 00:12:09,046 for her wedding. 260 00:12:09,050 --> 00:12:11,096 I mean, that was the first thing that came to mind 261 00:12:12,000 --> 00:12:13,000 when I heard that. 262 00:12:13,008 --> 00:12:15,012 I thought, "Not Matt." 263 00:12:15,017 --> 00:12:17,029 I remember just sitting in the chair in my living room, 264 00:12:17,033 --> 00:12:19,038 and I put my face in my hands, 265 00:12:19,046 --> 00:12:23,000 and I just started crying like, "Not Matt. 266 00:12:23,004 --> 00:12:24,058 "His kids need him. 267 00:12:24,067 --> 00:12:26,038 "His wife needs him. 268 00:12:26,046 --> 00:12:29,067 God, you're using him to preach the Gospel to the nations." 269 00:12:29,075 --> 00:12:32,067 That was one of the first thoughts that came to mind is, 270 00:12:32,075 --> 00:12:35,079 "Who's gonna walk his little girl down the aisle?" 271 00:12:35,083 --> 00:12:37,067 That's our job as a dad. 272 00:12:37,071 --> 00:12:39,017 That's our great honor. 273 00:12:39,021 --> 00:12:44,017 We need to see our kids through to maturity. 274 00:12:44,021 --> 00:12:47,012 And he has publicly said that apart from a miracle, 275 00:12:47,017 --> 00:12:49,017 he'll be dead in a few years, 276 00:12:49,025 --> 00:12:54,088 and I'll be at my dear friend's funeral. 277 00:12:54,096 --> 00:12:57,058 Devastating. 278 00:12:57,067 --> 00:13:01,000 And the centurion has this affection for this servant. 279 00:13:01,004 --> 00:13:04,083 This is not just a guy who works for him or with him. 280 00:13:04,092 --> 00:13:07,017 This is a friend and a brother. 281 00:13:07,021 --> 00:13:10,058 This is someone he deeply cares about. 282 00:13:10,067 --> 00:13:14,025 And so he sends word to Jesus. 283 00:13:14,033 --> 00:13:15,071 "I need you to heal my servant." 284 00:13:15,079 --> 00:13:18,092 And he does so respectfully, because he's a Roman, 285 00:13:19,000 --> 00:13:20,046 Jesus is a Jew. 286 00:13:20,050 --> 00:13:24,046 Because he's a political leader, and Jesus is a homeless man, 287 00:13:24,050 --> 00:13:26,062 because he is not a worshiper of the God of the Bible, 288 00:13:26,067 --> 00:13:29,008 and Jesus is the God of the Bible. 289 00:13:29,017 --> 00:13:31,017 He knows that it, perhaps, would be inappropriate 290 00:13:31,021 --> 00:13:33,096 and disrespectful for him to approach Jesus 291 00:13:34,000 --> 00:13:35,029 and make a request. 292 00:13:35,033 --> 00:13:38,012 So he goes to the Jewish elders, spiritual leaders that are 293 00:13:38,017 --> 00:13:40,075 friends of his, and he asks them, 294 00:13:40,083 --> 00:13:44,038 "Could you do me a favor and go ask Jesus, one of your teachers. 295 00:13:44,046 --> 00:13:46,025 "I've heard he can heal. 296 00:13:46,033 --> 00:13:47,075 "I really love my friend. 297 00:13:47,083 --> 00:13:50,096 I need him to come and heal my friend." 298 00:13:51,000 --> 00:13:54,017 And the religious people blow it. 299 00:13:54,021 --> 00:13:57,062 All through Luke's Gospel, religious people blow it. 300 00:13:57,067 --> 00:13:59,075 Over and over and over they blow it. 301 00:13:59,083 --> 00:14:02,033 This is why we don't like religion, 302 00:14:02,042 --> 00:14:04,083 and we want to always repent of our own proclivities 303 00:14:04,092 --> 00:14:06,083 toward religion. 304 00:14:06,092 --> 00:14:10,096 Religious people in the Gospel of Luke are no friends of Jesus. 305 00:14:11,000 --> 00:14:15,000 Sinners and lost people, they're friends of Jesus. 306 00:14:15,004 --> 00:14:16,025 The religious people decide, 307 00:14:16,033 --> 00:14:18,012 "Yes, we will go to Jesus on your behalf, 308 00:14:18,017 --> 00:14:21,017 and we will inquire if he would come and heal your servant." 309 00:14:21,021 --> 00:14:25,058 And here is exactly what they tragically say to Jesus. 310 00:14:25,067 --> 00:14:27,025 "He is worthy to have you do this for him, 311 00:14:27,033 --> 00:14:28,083 "for he loves our nation, and he is the one 312 00:14:28,092 --> 00:14:31,038 who built our synagogue." 313 00:14:31,046 --> 00:14:34,054 They go to Jesus and say, "You owe this guy. 314 00:14:34,062 --> 00:14:38,017 "He's worthy because he was really nice to us, 315 00:14:38,021 --> 00:14:42,000 and he built our church." 316 00:14:42,004 --> 00:14:44,038 And see, religious people tend to work this way. 317 00:14:44,046 --> 00:14:48,042 They feel like if they sin, they owe God, 318 00:14:48,050 --> 00:14:50,067 so they have to pay him back through their good works, 319 00:14:50,075 --> 00:14:55,079 through going to purgatory, karma, reincarnation, suffering. 320 00:14:55,083 --> 00:15:00,017 But if they do good, they feel like God owes them. 321 00:15:00,021 --> 00:15:02,000 They're always keeping score. 322 00:15:02,008 --> 00:15:05,075 And so they would say, "Well, we looked at this guy's life, 323 00:15:05,083 --> 00:15:07,054 "and he's not even a Christian, 324 00:15:07,062 --> 00:15:10,004 "and he paid for our church building, the synagogue, 325 00:15:10,012 --> 00:15:12,025 "the old covenant equivalent of the church. 326 00:15:12,033 --> 00:15:13,096 "And he's really nice to us. 327 00:15:14,000 --> 00:15:16,017 "He's a Roman, but he's nice to us. 328 00:15:16,025 --> 00:15:18,079 "Even though we're not Romans, and because he's nice to us 329 00:15:18,083 --> 00:15:21,071 "and generous to us, we feel like you owe him, 330 00:15:21,079 --> 00:15:24,083 because he's a really moral, good guy." 331 00:15:24,092 --> 00:15:26,050 Religious people tend to think this, 332 00:15:26,054 --> 00:15:28,017 and even if you don't think this, 333 00:15:28,025 --> 00:15:31,008 you know you're a bit religious when you're suffering or life 334 00:15:31,017 --> 00:15:35,008 is damaging, or hurtful, or harmful, or painful, 335 00:15:35,017 --> 00:15:38,058 or strife-filled, and you become disappointed with, 336 00:15:38,067 --> 00:15:40,062 and embittered against God. 337 00:15:40,067 --> 00:15:44,021 "God, you owed me, and you did not deliver." 338 00:15:44,029 --> 00:15:46,021 You may not say that, but any sort of bitterness 339 00:15:46,029 --> 00:15:49,054 or disappointment with God is a declaration toward God 340 00:15:49,062 --> 00:15:55,008 that you did good, and he owed you, and he didn't come through, 341 00:15:55,017 --> 00:15:58,033 because you assume that God owes you. 342 00:15:58,042 --> 00:16:00,092 God owes no one nothing. 343 00:16:01,000 --> 00:16:03,033 God gave us life and breath on the earth, 344 00:16:03,038 --> 00:16:05,050 and we sinned against God, we rebelled against God, 345 00:16:05,058 --> 00:16:08,021 and God is obligated to no one. 346 00:16:08,029 --> 00:16:09,083 And what the religious people don't get in that day, 347 00:16:09,092 --> 00:16:12,029 and what the religious people don't get in this day, 348 00:16:12,033 --> 00:16:15,033 is that we don't pay God back, Jesus does. 349 00:16:15,042 --> 00:16:18,096 And God doesn't owe us anything, but he gives us grace. 350 00:16:19,000 --> 00:16:22,050 And grace by definition is to those who are ill-deserving, 351 00:16:22,058 --> 00:16:25,033 not just undeserving, but ill-deserving. 352 00:16:25,042 --> 00:16:28,083 We don't deserve anything but hell. 353 00:16:28,092 --> 00:16:31,088 Everything else we get is grace. 354 00:16:31,096 --> 00:16:35,017 And so they come to Jesus not asking him humbly, 355 00:16:35,025 --> 00:16:37,058 "Jesus, could you be gracious to this man?" 356 00:16:37,067 --> 00:16:39,096 They instead come to Jesus religiously and say, 357 00:16:40,000 --> 00:16:42,029 "You owe this man." 358 00:16:42,033 --> 00:16:46,042 Nonetheless, Jesus is so kind, and generous, and gracious, 359 00:16:46,050 --> 00:16:51,017 and merciful, and wonderful that he actually heals the man, 360 00:16:51,025 --> 00:16:55,054 because Jesus cares, not just about our spiritual well-being, 361 00:16:55,062 --> 00:16:58,083 he also cares about our physical well-being. 362 00:16:58,088 --> 00:17:01,054 God loves you, and he loves all of you. 363 00:17:01,062 --> 00:17:02,096 He loves whole people. 364 00:17:03,000 --> 00:17:07,000 He does want our inward soul to have faith in him 365 00:17:07,008 --> 00:17:08,025 and love for him. 366 00:17:08,033 --> 00:17:11,092 He also wants our outward body to enjoy wellness. 367 00:17:12,000 --> 00:17:14,000 That's why we want to be good stewards of the body that God 368 00:17:14,008 --> 00:17:17,021 has entrusted to our care, and part of our ministry is 369 00:17:17,029 --> 00:17:19,067 to care for those who are physically suffering, 370 00:17:19,075 --> 00:17:21,038 and hurting, and in need. 371 00:17:21,046 --> 00:17:22,088 That's why for those of you who are doctors, 372 00:17:22,096 --> 00:17:25,050 and those of you who are in medical professions, 373 00:17:25,058 --> 00:17:28,025 Luke, the author of this book of the Bible, 374 00:17:28,033 --> 00:17:30,033 would resonate with you and say, "It's good. 375 00:17:30,042 --> 00:17:31,071 "Minister to the whole person. 376 00:17:31,079 --> 00:17:36,004 Give them the love of Jesus in word and deed." 377 00:17:36,012 --> 00:17:42,025 And so Jesus ministers to this suffering servant 378 00:17:42,033 --> 00:17:46,008 by healing him, because God cares for the whole person. 379 00:17:46,017 --> 00:17:48,000 That's one of the reasons that Christians are to be about 380 00:17:48,008 --> 00:17:51,025 acts of mercy, and kindness, and charity. 381 00:17:51,033 --> 00:17:55,012 And I'll give you a point of encouragement, 382 00:17:55,017 --> 00:17:58,004 how God still likes to do this, 383 00:17:58,012 --> 00:18:01,012 and how generous and gracious he is. 384 00:18:01,017 --> 00:18:03,042 It's a bit tangential, but I hope it's encouraging 385 00:18:03,050 --> 00:18:05,050 and illustrative. 386 00:18:05,054 --> 00:18:08,000 Earlier this year when the earthquake hit Haiti, 387 00:18:08,004 --> 00:18:10,096 and some of you know I got to go there and made some footage, 388 00:18:11,000 --> 00:18:13,067 and we got to tell people, and we launched an organization 389 00:18:13,075 --> 00:18:16,033 called Churches Helping Churches to get money and relief 390 00:18:16,038 --> 00:18:19,008 and supplies and support to Christians whose churches 391 00:18:19,017 --> 00:18:22,025 fell down, and lives were devastated in Haiti. 392 00:18:22,033 --> 00:18:27,017 And so you, as a church, were very generous. 393 00:18:27,021 --> 00:18:30,004 Our general giving has been really down this year, 394 00:18:30,012 --> 00:18:33,004 but for that cause, many of you were large-hearted, 395 00:18:33,012 --> 00:18:35,067 and we gave about two-thirds of a million dollars, 396 00:18:35,071 --> 00:18:37,050 which was very generous. 397 00:18:37,058 --> 00:18:41,075 And so we have been giving some of that to pastors and clinics 398 00:18:41,083 --> 00:18:43,038 and those in need. 399 00:18:43,046 --> 00:18:44,058 We've got a conference coming up, 400 00:18:44,067 --> 00:18:46,062 more of a retreat actually, where a few of our pastors 401 00:18:46,067 --> 00:18:49,000 from Mars Hill, as well as others, are gonna go down, 402 00:18:49,008 --> 00:18:51,038 and we're gonna invest in hundreds of Haitian pastors, 403 00:18:51,046 --> 00:18:53,075 train them in biblical counseling, get them resources, 404 00:18:53,083 --> 00:18:55,054 see exactly what we need, 405 00:18:55,062 --> 00:18:58,067 build those ongoing partnerships to support these churches 406 00:18:58,071 --> 00:19:00,092 that still have a lot of hard work to do. 407 00:19:01,000 --> 00:19:02,046 And one of the things that happened in Haiti was when 408 00:19:02,050 --> 00:19:07,079 the earthquake came, the major hospital in Port-au-Prince was 409 00:19:07,083 --> 00:19:11,000 destroyed, so now a lot of the care for the physical body 410 00:19:11,004 --> 00:19:14,033 is happening in smaller makeshift clinics, 411 00:19:14,038 --> 00:19:18,050 but they're having a hard time getting medical supplies. 412 00:19:18,054 --> 00:19:22,000 And so last week, we finished a negotiation with an organization 413 00:19:22,004 --> 00:19:25,029 called International Aid, and we partner with them. 414 00:19:25,033 --> 00:19:27,012 They're great people, and they said, 415 00:19:27,017 --> 00:19:29,067 "We can help secure medical supplies that could be 416 00:19:29,075 --> 00:19:32,050 "distributed to these Christian clinics so that people could 417 00:19:32,054 --> 00:19:35,079 minister in word and deed to Christians and non-Christians." 418 00:19:35,083 --> 00:19:38,012 Everybody's welcome to come to these clinics. 419 00:19:38,017 --> 00:19:39,050 We want to pray for them and talk to them about 420 00:19:39,058 --> 00:19:40,058 the love of Jesus. 421 00:19:40,067 --> 00:19:42,079 We also want to serve them, and help them to enjoy physical 422 00:19:42,083 --> 00:19:46,092 healing, 'cause Jesus does both, and he cares about both. 423 00:19:47,000 --> 00:19:49,079 So they said, "We can secure and procure for you, 424 00:19:49,083 --> 00:19:52,033 "$1.7 million of medical supplies, 425 00:19:52,042 --> 00:19:54,050 "and the arrangement that has been made is 426 00:19:54,058 --> 00:19:58,000 Churches Helping Churches needs to pay for the transport." 427 00:19:58,008 --> 00:20:00,067 Well, it all worked out in God's grace that we were able to ship 428 00:20:00,071 --> 00:20:04,046 all of that last week for $17,000. 429 00:20:04,050 --> 00:20:10,029 $1.7 million of medical aid for $17,000. 430 00:20:10,033 --> 00:20:15,050 We praise God for that. 431 00:20:15,058 --> 00:20:19,054 And my point is simply this: God still cares about 432 00:20:19,062 --> 00:20:23,021 the whole person, and when we care about the whole person, 433 00:20:23,029 --> 00:20:27,000 God tends to pour out exceeding generosity and grace, 434 00:20:27,008 --> 00:20:29,033 to even take what we would give, 435 00:20:29,038 --> 00:20:35,012 and to multiply it like fishes and loaves to care for many. And 436 00:20:35,017 --> 00:20:39,012 that's what Jesus does, he cares for this whole person. 437 00:20:39,017 --> 00:20:42,000 He heals him physically. 438 00:20:42,004 --> 00:20:45,038 So there are three types of people here. 439 00:20:45,046 --> 00:20:47,083 There are those who are suffering. 440 00:20:47,088 --> 00:20:49,046 Some of you are here today, and you're there. 441 00:20:49,050 --> 00:20:50,067 Say, "You know what? 442 00:20:50,071 --> 00:20:52,079 "I need God's help. 443 00:20:52,083 --> 00:20:55,029 "Apart from God's help, my suffering will continue, 444 00:20:55,033 --> 00:20:58,050 and my life, perhaps, would even end." 445 00:20:58,054 --> 00:21:00,067 You do need Jesus. 446 00:21:00,071 --> 00:21:03,000 Some of you would come here like the religious people and say, 447 00:21:03,008 --> 00:21:04,067 "I feel like God owes me, 448 00:21:04,075 --> 00:21:07,050 or I feel like I've been a good person." 449 00:21:07,054 --> 00:21:09,000 And you need to meet Jesus. 450 00:21:09,008 --> 00:21:11,017 You know nothing of Jesus, you only know of religion. 451 00:21:11,021 --> 00:21:13,029 You don't know grace. 452 00:21:13,033 --> 00:21:15,017 The last thing you want to do is stand before God and say, 453 00:21:15,025 --> 00:21:18,062 "Give me what I deserve." 454 00:21:18,067 --> 00:21:20,029 You want to stand before God and say, 455 00:21:20,033 --> 00:21:25,054 "Give me the grace that comes through Jesus." 456 00:21:25,062 --> 00:21:29,017 And some of you would be like this centurion, 457 00:21:29,025 --> 00:21:33,071 this friend who asked the elders on behalf of his suffering 458 00:21:33,079 --> 00:21:39,012 servant and friend to inquire of Jesus' willingness to heal him. 459 00:21:39,017 --> 00:21:43,083 And let me say this, this centurion is an amazing man. 460 00:21:43,088 --> 00:21:46,017 He is, by all accounts at the beginning of the story, 461 00:21:46,025 --> 00:21:48,079 not a believer in Jesus, but by the end, 462 00:21:48,083 --> 00:21:50,058 he comes to faith in Jesus. 463 00:21:50,067 --> 00:21:52,075 Somewhere in this process, I believe, 464 00:21:52,083 --> 00:21:55,046 and most commentators agree, he experiences what we 465 00:21:55,050 --> 00:21:57,096 would call conversion. 466 00:21:58,000 --> 00:22:01,092 He goes from unbelief to belief in Jesus. 467 00:22:02,000 --> 00:22:05,050 But this man, even as a non-Christian, 468 00:22:05,054 --> 00:22:07,083 demonstrates amazing character. 469 00:22:07,088 --> 00:22:10,096 Let us go so far as to say that he is a moral man. 470 00:22:11,000 --> 00:22:13,038 He does not live to the glory of God. 471 00:22:13,046 --> 00:22:14,092 He is not filled with the Holy Spirit. 472 00:22:15,000 --> 00:22:17,025 He is not, apart from faith in Jesus, 473 00:22:17,033 --> 00:22:20,012 going to experience eternal life, but he's a good 474 00:22:20,017 --> 00:22:23,071 quote, unquote, "good man." 475 00:22:23,079 --> 00:22:27,096 And some of you need to know that the way Christians tend to 476 00:22:28,000 --> 00:22:31,000 portray ourselves religiously, holier than thou, 477 00:22:31,008 --> 00:22:33,017 better than everyone else, doesn't work because what 478 00:22:33,021 --> 00:22:35,075 happens is Christians have this proclivity to say, 479 00:22:35,083 --> 00:22:37,025 "Well, the non-Christians are the bad guys, 480 00:22:37,033 --> 00:22:38,083 and us Christians are the good guys." 481 00:22:38,088 --> 00:22:40,083 And immediately one of the non-Christians says, 482 00:22:40,088 --> 00:22:43,000 "I know a bunch of Christians that are far worse than a bunch 483 00:22:43,008 --> 00:22:48,083 of non-Christians," and we have to tap out because that's true. 484 00:22:48,088 --> 00:22:52,062 I know some really nasty Christians. 485 00:22:52,067 --> 00:22:55,050 And I know some really nice non-Christians. 486 00:22:55,054 --> 00:22:58,096 Like if you let me pick, I don't know, 487 00:22:59,000 --> 00:23:02,083 let's say I was gonna do a car trip across the country, right, 488 00:23:02,088 --> 00:23:04,058 I would not necessarily pick, 489 00:23:04,067 --> 00:23:07,092 depending upon who the options were, all Christians. 490 00:23:08,000 --> 00:23:11,000 There are certain Christians I would not want in the car, 491 00:23:11,008 --> 00:23:14,050 maybe in the trunk, not in the car. 492 00:23:14,054 --> 00:23:15,096 Not in the car. 493 00:23:16,000 --> 00:23:18,096 Maybe on the roof rack, not in the car. 494 00:23:19,000 --> 00:23:21,000 There are certain non-Christians that I wouldn't mind hanging out 495 00:23:21,004 --> 00:23:23,033 with, 'cause they're actually pretty nice, pretty gracious, 496 00:23:23,038 --> 00:23:26,025 pretty generous, pretty easy going. 497 00:23:26,033 --> 00:23:28,021 It's not that Christians are good people, 498 00:23:28,029 --> 00:23:30,033 and non-Christians are bad people. 499 00:23:30,042 --> 00:23:33,046 It's that everyone's a sinner, and some people live out of 500 00:23:33,050 --> 00:23:35,017 the conscience that God has given them, 501 00:23:35,025 --> 00:23:39,038 and others fight the conscience that God has given them. 502 00:23:39,046 --> 00:23:42,004 And so for the non-Christian, this moral centurion, 503 00:23:42,012 --> 00:23:43,067 he's living out of the conscience that God 504 00:23:43,075 --> 00:23:46,017 has given him as an image bearer, to live a certain kind 505 00:23:46,025 --> 00:23:48,042 of life that is not an act of worship, 506 00:23:48,050 --> 00:23:52,067 but it does make him a decent neighbor and a good citizen. 507 00:23:52,071 --> 00:23:54,008 Some of you would relate to him. 508 00:23:54,017 --> 00:23:56,058 You would say, "I don't feel like my life is 509 00:23:56,067 --> 00:23:58,000 "in ruin and I'm suffering, 510 00:23:58,008 --> 00:24:00,050 "and I don't feel like I am exceedingly religious. 511 00:24:00,058 --> 00:24:02,079 "I just feel like I'm a pretty decent moral person. 512 00:24:02,083 --> 00:24:03,088 "Yeah, I believe in God. 513 00:24:03,096 --> 00:24:05,075 "Why do I need to give my life to Jesus? 514 00:24:05,083 --> 00:24:08,038 "Because every time I hear about someone becoming a Christian, 515 00:24:08,046 --> 00:24:10,067 "it's 'cause a boulder fell on their life, 516 00:24:10,071 --> 00:24:11,083 "and they're trapped under it. 517 00:24:11,092 --> 00:24:15,017 "You know, addiction, death, suffering, poverty, 518 00:24:15,021 --> 00:24:17,017 "and then they cry out to Jesus in their moment of need. 519 00:24:17,021 --> 00:24:19,075 "But I don't consider myself to be in that painful place 520 00:24:19,083 --> 00:24:21,050 "and position of need. 521 00:24:21,058 --> 00:24:23,004 "Life's going pretty good. 522 00:24:23,012 --> 00:24:24,021 There's no crisis." 523 00:24:24,029 --> 00:24:25,083 That was this man. 524 00:24:25,088 --> 00:24:27,025 Look at his character. 525 00:24:27,033 --> 00:24:28,050 He's loving. 526 00:24:28,058 --> 00:24:30,088 That's what the religious leaders say, 527 00:24:30,096 --> 00:24:34,012 "He loves us and our nation." 528 00:24:34,017 --> 00:24:35,075 Do you know how loving that is? 529 00:24:35,083 --> 00:24:37,058 No one loves religious people. 530 00:24:37,067 --> 00:24:39,050 This guy actually loves religious people. 531 00:24:39,058 --> 00:24:42,033 That's very loving. 532 00:24:42,042 --> 00:24:44,033 And he also loves his servant. 533 00:24:44,042 --> 00:24:46,046 Servants didn't have legal rights. 534 00:24:46,050 --> 00:24:47,075 They couldn't sue. 535 00:24:47,083 --> 00:24:48,079 They couldn't take you to court. 536 00:24:48,083 --> 00:24:50,004 They couldn't testify in court. 537 00:24:50,012 --> 00:24:52,008 They were treated like animals and property, 538 00:24:52,017 --> 00:24:54,004 and he really loves his servant. 539 00:24:54,012 --> 00:24:56,029 And he's going above and beyond the call of duty, 540 00:24:56,033 --> 00:25:00,092 trying to get Jesus to come and save the life of his servant. 541 00:25:01,000 --> 00:25:02,054 That's a very loving man. 542 00:25:02,062 --> 00:25:03,083 He's also very generous. 543 00:25:03,092 --> 00:25:06,025 The Bible says here that he funded the synagogue, 544 00:25:06,033 --> 00:25:08,050 the old covenant equivalent of the church. 545 00:25:08,058 --> 00:25:10,092 Now imagine, Mars Hill, if we were going to start a campus, 546 00:25:11,000 --> 00:25:13,046 and I stood up and I said, "Okay, we're starting a campus. 547 00:25:13,050 --> 00:25:16,025 We need you guys all to give generously," and you didn't. 548 00:25:16,033 --> 00:25:17,075 This is Mars Hill. 549 00:25:17,083 --> 00:25:20,033 And then what happened was a non-Christian came forward 550 00:25:20,042 --> 00:25:21,088 and said, "Well, how much does it cost to start 551 00:25:21,096 --> 00:25:23,033 a Mars Hill campus?" 552 00:25:23,042 --> 00:25:24,058 We told them and they wrote a check and said, 553 00:25:24,067 --> 00:25:26,092 "I'll pay for it." 554 00:25:27,000 --> 00:25:27,058 "What? 555 00:25:27,067 --> 00:25:29,083 You're not a Christian." 556 00:25:29,088 --> 00:25:32,071 "Yeah, but I love you guys, so I'm here to help." 557 00:25:32,079 --> 00:25:33,092 Mind bending. 558 00:25:34,000 --> 00:25:35,088 That was this man, very generous. 559 00:25:35,096 --> 00:25:37,046 And some of you would ask, "Is this all true? 560 00:25:37,050 --> 00:25:38,046 "Is this real? 561 00:25:38,050 --> 00:25:39,092 "Is there a town called Capernaum? 562 00:25:40,000 --> 00:25:42,029 "Was there a place called a synagogue 563 00:25:42,033 --> 00:25:44,017 "that he actually built? 564 00:25:44,025 --> 00:25:45,096 Was a guy really healed in that town?" 565 00:25:46,000 --> 00:25:48,058 It's all true 'cause the Bible's not just philosophical, 566 00:25:48,067 --> 00:25:50,025 it's historical. 567 00:25:50,033 --> 00:25:51,058 So let me show this to you. 568 00:25:51,067 --> 00:25:56,083 We were in Israel this last summer and took this photo. 569 00:25:56,092 --> 00:26:00,088 This is an architectural rendering of the synagogue 570 00:26:00,096 --> 00:26:03,058 in Capernaum that this man paid for. 571 00:26:03,067 --> 00:26:07,071 That's where Jesus preached as well, previously in Luke 4, 572 00:26:07,079 --> 00:26:10,021 in the building that this guy built. 573 00:26:10,029 --> 00:26:11,038 Isn't that crazy? 574 00:26:11,046 --> 00:26:13,050 The non-Christian builds the building that Jesus comes 575 00:26:13,058 --> 00:26:15,075 and preaches in. 576 00:26:15,083 --> 00:26:18,062 Some of you say, "Well, how do we know it's true?" 577 00:26:18,067 --> 00:26:21,046 The next slide says, "The late fourth century A.D., 578 00:26:21,050 --> 00:26:23,033 "the white synagogue built upon the remains of the--" 579 00:26:23,038 --> 00:26:26,017 quote, unquote, "'synagogue of Jesus.'" 580 00:26:26,021 --> 00:26:28,054 Now here is what it is showing us. 581 00:26:28,062 --> 00:26:30,092 The white stones on the top, 582 00:26:31,000 --> 00:26:33,029 those are from the fourth century. 583 00:26:33,033 --> 00:26:37,092 They're built on the foundation of the dark stones beneath it. 584 00:26:38,000 --> 00:26:46,000 Those dark stones beneath were paid for by the centurion. 585 00:26:46,008 --> 00:26:48,004 Those are his stones. 586 00:26:48,012 --> 00:26:52,083 That's the foundation that he paid to have laid. 587 00:26:52,092 --> 00:26:54,062 Isn't that amazing? 588 00:26:54,067 --> 00:26:57,000 You can go there to this day, 2,000 years later, 589 00:26:57,008 --> 00:27:01,067 and see the foundation of the synagogue that was funded by 590 00:27:01,071 --> 00:27:04,058 the non-Christian centurion. 591 00:27:04,067 --> 00:27:07,079 Not only did he build it, he built it well. 592 00:27:07,083 --> 00:27:10,058 This is a very generous man. 593 00:27:10,067 --> 00:27:12,092 Additionally, we see that he is very considerate. 594 00:27:13,000 --> 00:27:17,000 He sends the elders to meet with Jesus, not to disrespect him. 595 00:27:17,004 --> 00:27:20,058 Additionally, he's a very humble man. 596 00:27:20,067 --> 00:27:22,067 As Jesus is approaching his home, 597 00:27:22,075 --> 00:27:26,067 he sends out additional servants and he says, quote, unquote, 598 00:27:26,071 --> 00:27:30,075 "I am unworthy to have you, Lord Jesus, into my home." 599 00:27:30,083 --> 00:27:33,017 How many of you, if Jesus said, "I'm coming to your house," 600 00:27:33,021 --> 00:27:36,029 immediately your thought would be, "Yes. 601 00:27:36,033 --> 00:27:37,058 "This is gonna be great. 602 00:27:37,067 --> 00:27:39,050 "I'm gonna get a photo with him, put him on Facebook. 603 00:27:39,054 --> 00:27:41,008 "I'm gonna have tons of friends. 604 00:27:41,017 --> 00:27:43,012 This is gonna be great." 605 00:27:43,017 --> 00:27:48,067 And this man is so humble, even as Jesus is coming to his house, 606 00:27:48,075 --> 00:27:50,000 he says, "You know what? 607 00:27:50,004 --> 00:27:52,033 "I don't need to waste Jesus' time. 608 00:27:52,042 --> 00:27:54,008 "Jesus is very important. 609 00:27:54,017 --> 00:27:56,033 "He's got a lot of things to do, lot of people to see. 610 00:27:56,038 --> 00:27:58,083 "Yeah, I'm an affluent man. 611 00:27:58,092 --> 00:28:00,017 "I'm a generous man. 612 00:28:00,025 --> 00:28:01,067 "I'm a powerful man. 613 00:28:01,075 --> 00:28:06,088 "I'm a strong man, but I'm not worthy to enjoy friendship 614 00:28:06,096 --> 00:28:08,096 with that man, Jesus." 615 00:28:09,000 --> 00:28:10,017 Very humble. 616 00:28:10,021 --> 00:28:12,033 He's also very effective. 617 00:28:12,038 --> 00:28:14,054 I love the fact that he gets stuff done. 618 00:28:14,062 --> 00:28:15,075 "My servant is ill. 619 00:28:15,083 --> 00:28:18,012 I gotta find a way to get to Jesus." 620 00:28:18,017 --> 00:28:19,083 He's also very honorable. 621 00:28:19,088 --> 00:28:22,079 He says, "Jesus, I understand this, 622 00:28:22,083 --> 00:28:27,038 you need to be in authority and under authority." 623 00:28:27,046 --> 00:28:28,067 Most men don't get that. 624 00:28:28,075 --> 00:28:31,008 Most men want to be in authority, 625 00:28:31,017 --> 00:28:35,058 and they chafe and bristle under authority. 626 00:28:35,067 --> 00:28:37,079 But he understands chain of command. 627 00:28:37,083 --> 00:28:39,067 He's very honorable. 628 00:28:39,075 --> 00:28:41,083 What he says is, "I'm a military leader. 629 00:28:41,088 --> 00:28:44,058 When I tell my guys to do something, they do it. 630 00:28:44,067 --> 00:28:48,008 "You are in a completely different rank, 631 00:28:48,017 --> 00:28:50,092 "and all you need to do is just give a command that there 632 00:28:51,000 --> 00:28:53,092 would be healing, and healing will occur." 633 00:28:54,000 --> 00:28:58,071 Despite all of his morality and his good citizenry, 634 00:28:58,079 --> 00:29:01,096 this man still needs to be converted. 635 00:29:02,000 --> 00:29:04,050 He needs to place his faith in Jesus. 636 00:29:04,054 --> 00:29:06,050 And some of you would come here today, and you would say, 637 00:29:06,054 --> 00:29:08,050 "That feels like me." 638 00:29:08,058 --> 00:29:12,021 I would, to some degree, relate to you. 639 00:29:12,029 --> 00:29:14,017 I did not become a Christian till I was 19. 640 00:29:14,021 --> 00:29:15,033 Some of you know my story. 641 00:29:15,038 --> 00:29:16,088 Before that I would have considered myself 642 00:29:16,096 --> 00:29:19,042 a "good, moral guy." 643 00:29:19,050 --> 00:29:23,038 My whole ethic was believe in God, be a good person, 644 00:29:23,046 --> 00:29:25,000 do nice things for people. 645 00:29:25,008 --> 00:29:28,017 And I tried to live out of that general ethic. 646 00:29:28,021 --> 00:29:30,088 Was not a Christian, was not filled with the Holy Spirit, 647 00:29:30,096 --> 00:29:32,088 did not love Jesus, was not reading my Bible, 648 00:29:32,096 --> 00:29:35,079 was not in church, was not connected to God or his people, 649 00:29:35,083 --> 00:29:37,054 but was moral. 650 00:29:37,062 --> 00:29:40,004 Never drank, never smoked, never did drugs. 651 00:29:40,012 --> 00:29:42,046 Most likely to succeed, student body president, 652 00:29:42,050 --> 00:29:44,083 four-year letterman, man of the year. 653 00:29:44,088 --> 00:29:46,071 A "good, moral guy." 654 00:29:46,079 --> 00:29:49,021 Worked hard, got a scholarship to college, 655 00:29:49,029 --> 00:29:51,033 was the first person in my family to go to college. 656 00:29:51,042 --> 00:29:54,000 I'm in college, and I didn't have a crisis. 657 00:29:54,004 --> 00:29:56,033 I wasn't drinking, smoking, doing drugs. 658 00:29:56,042 --> 00:29:57,046 Wasn't flunking out. 659 00:29:57,050 --> 00:29:58,062 Wasn't getting bad grades. 660 00:29:58,067 --> 00:30:00,046 Actually life was good. 661 00:30:00,050 --> 00:30:04,000 All things considered for that life stage and age, it was good. 662 00:30:04,004 --> 00:30:06,021 So why did I come to Jesus? 663 00:30:06,029 --> 00:30:07,042 'Cause I was reading the Bible, 664 00:30:07,050 --> 00:30:11,029 and I came to find that he's God. 665 00:30:11,033 --> 00:30:16,029 Not because I had a crisis, but because it's true. 666 00:30:16,033 --> 00:30:18,025 And at the time I would have told you, "Well, I'm not 667 00:30:18,033 --> 00:30:20,083 perfect, but I don't think I'm a big, nasty sinner." 668 00:30:20,092 --> 00:30:24,067 Having relooked at the evidence, after knowing Jesus for awhile, 669 00:30:24,071 --> 00:30:27,025 I've come to a different conclusion, that I'm far more 670 00:30:27,033 --> 00:30:29,004 sinful than I thought that I was, 671 00:30:29,012 --> 00:30:30,083 and I was filled with pride and self-righteousness 672 00:30:30,092 --> 00:30:33,033 in my own smug religion. 673 00:30:33,042 --> 00:30:36,058 But nonetheless at the time, had you compared me to other people, 674 00:30:36,067 --> 00:30:40,071 especially in my dorm, or the frat that I got kicked out of, 675 00:30:40,079 --> 00:30:44,029 which was like prison rules all the time, 676 00:30:44,033 --> 00:30:47,050 I was a fairly moral person. 677 00:30:47,054 --> 00:30:48,083 But then you compare me to Jesus, 678 00:30:48,088 --> 00:30:50,017 and you see all the sin in my life. 679 00:30:50,025 --> 00:30:51,029 Some of you would come here today, 680 00:30:51,033 --> 00:30:52,083 and you would compare yourself to others, and you would say, 681 00:30:52,092 --> 00:30:55,008 "I feel like this guy, I'm generous, and successful, 682 00:30:55,017 --> 00:30:56,096 "and I love people who work for me. 683 00:30:57,000 --> 00:30:59,017 "And I'm a good leader, and things are not going bad, 684 00:30:59,021 --> 00:31:01,067 and I got my life under control." 685 00:31:01,071 --> 00:31:03,067 And I would say, "Well, compare yourself to Jesus, 686 00:31:03,075 --> 00:31:05,088 not other people, you will see your sin." 687 00:31:05,096 --> 00:31:08,017 But the truth is some people come to Jesus 688 00:31:08,021 --> 00:31:11,008 because they have a crisis in their life, 689 00:31:11,017 --> 00:31:13,050 and they feel this urgent need for a savior. 690 00:31:13,054 --> 00:31:14,075 That's great. 691 00:31:14,083 --> 00:31:17,083 Others don't have that crisis moment. 692 00:31:17,088 --> 00:31:20,000 They just come to know that Jesus is, indeed, God, 693 00:31:20,008 --> 00:31:22,092 and they place their faith in him. 694 00:31:23,000 --> 00:31:26,071 And that is the turning point in the centurion's life where Jesus 695 00:31:26,079 --> 00:31:29,096 looks at him, and we are told that Jesus said that he was 696 00:31:30,000 --> 00:31:34,021 amazed at this man's faith, amazed. 697 00:31:34,029 --> 00:31:35,071 There's only two times in the Bible that we're told 698 00:31:35,079 --> 00:31:37,088 that Jesus is amazed. 699 00:31:37,096 --> 00:31:43,000 In Mark 6, as Jesus was rejected in his hometown of Nazareth, 700 00:31:43,008 --> 00:31:46,050 it says that Jesus was amazed at their lack of faith. 701 00:31:46,054 --> 00:31:49,046 He was shocked, stunned. 702 00:31:49,050 --> 00:31:56,033 Here he looks at this man's faith, and he's amazed. 703 00:31:56,042 --> 00:31:59,067 Because this man understands Jesus is God, 704 00:31:59,071 --> 00:32:05,033 that's the chain of command, you need to trust him, and he does. 705 00:32:05,038 --> 00:32:07,000 And he does. 706 00:32:07,004 --> 00:32:10,092 So for those of you who are moral today, come to Jesus. 707 00:32:11,000 --> 00:32:14,033 It's not that we want you to be immoral. 708 00:32:14,038 --> 00:32:17,046 We want you to live a new life out of your connection 709 00:32:17,050 --> 00:32:19,071 to the living God. 710 00:32:19,079 --> 00:32:24,025 Not just a good life but a new life, an eternal life. 711 00:32:24,033 --> 00:32:26,025 For those of you who are like the religious people, 712 00:32:26,033 --> 00:32:29,054 and filled with your own sense of worthiness because of things 713 00:32:29,062 --> 00:32:33,029 you've done or not done, come to Jesus. 714 00:32:33,033 --> 00:32:35,008 For those of you who are suffering and hurting 715 00:32:35,017 --> 00:32:38,062 like this servant, come to Jesus. 716 00:32:38,067 --> 00:32:41,096 Place faith in him as the centurion did. 717 00:32:42,000 --> 00:32:44,050 And as a side note, I would tell you that part of our heart 718 00:32:44,054 --> 00:32:48,088 at Mars Hill is for soldiers, warriors, centurions. 719 00:32:48,096 --> 00:32:50,000 It just is. 720 00:32:50,004 --> 00:32:52,033 One of the emphases of Mars Hill that God has given us 721 00:32:52,042 --> 00:32:56,004 is a focus, certainly a love for all people, 722 00:32:56,012 --> 00:32:57,092 but a focus on young men. 723 00:32:58,000 --> 00:32:59,088 The least likely person to go to church in America, 724 00:32:59,096 --> 00:33:02,054 young man in his 20s who is single. 725 00:33:02,062 --> 00:33:06,017 That tends to be the majority of attendees at Mars Hill. 726 00:33:06,021 --> 00:33:08,029 In so far as I'm aware, by a slight majority, 727 00:33:08,033 --> 00:33:12,088 our biggest demographic are single guys in their 20s, 728 00:33:12,096 --> 00:33:15,017 least likely people to go to church. 729 00:33:15,021 --> 00:33:17,079 Those tend to be the same guys who go into the military. 730 00:33:17,083 --> 00:33:21,033 Those tend to be the same guys who want to be, 731 00:33:21,038 --> 00:33:27,058 in one way or another, some kind of warrior for some cause. 732 00:33:27,067 --> 00:33:31,054 And so what we have seen is God be very generous and gracious to 733 00:33:31,062 --> 00:33:34,067 us to bring a lot of military personnel, men and women, 734 00:33:34,075 --> 00:33:37,033 but a lot of men, to Mars Hill, 735 00:33:37,042 --> 00:33:39,050 a lot of soldiers, a lot of warriors. 736 00:33:39,058 --> 00:33:43,067 This centurion is the equivalent of a captain in the military, 737 00:33:43,075 --> 00:33:45,079 in our present day vernacular. 738 00:33:45,083 --> 00:33:49,067 In addition, we give away lots of things online because our God 739 00:33:49,071 --> 00:33:53,033 is generous, and he is a giver of grace, so we give 740 00:33:53,038 --> 00:33:55,071 as a demonstration of generosity and grace. 741 00:33:55,079 --> 00:33:58,092 And what we've started seeing is lots of soldiers all around 742 00:33:59,000 --> 00:34:02,050 the world taking the videos of the sermons and meeting in tents 743 00:34:02,054 --> 00:34:06,062 in Baghdad, Iraq, and elsewhere, in addition, places 744 00:34:06,067 --> 00:34:09,050 like Afghanistan, and having Mars Hill. 745 00:34:09,058 --> 00:34:12,017 So we're getting feedback from Mars Hill Afghanistan, 746 00:34:12,025 --> 00:34:14,029 and Mars Hill Baghdad in tents. 747 00:34:14,033 --> 00:34:15,071 We'll give ya one photo. 748 00:34:15,079 --> 00:34:18,083 There are many, many, many we could show, 749 00:34:18,092 --> 00:34:22,096 but how cool is it that guys all over the world are getting 750 00:34:23,000 --> 00:34:26,000 together and going through the Bible, and watching sermons, 751 00:34:26,008 --> 00:34:30,083 and enjoying Mars Hill? 752 00:34:30,088 --> 00:34:35,000 So we started getting e-mails and letters from these soldiers 753 00:34:35,008 --> 00:34:36,067 saying, "We need Bibles. 754 00:34:36,075 --> 00:34:37,067 "We need books. 755 00:34:37,075 --> 00:34:39,025 We need resources." 756 00:34:39,033 --> 00:34:40,083 So we started shipping them. 757 00:34:40,092 --> 00:34:42,038 We have something called a Military Ministry. 758 00:34:42,046 --> 00:34:45,033 You can read about it more at theresurgence.com. 759 00:34:45,038 --> 00:34:48,025 And thus far we've given away 22,000 books 760 00:34:48,033 --> 00:34:51,046 to military personnel stationed overseas, 761 00:34:51,050 --> 00:34:54,033 22,000 Bibles and books. 762 00:34:54,042 --> 00:34:57,038 Okay, as people are generous, we're gonna give away more. 763 00:34:57,046 --> 00:34:58,012 Why? 764 00:34:58,017 --> 00:35:01,017 Because we want centurions to meet Jesus. 765 00:35:01,025 --> 00:35:07,012 We want soldiers and warriors to know Christ, have faith in him. 766 00:35:07,017 --> 00:35:09,054 We also give a lot of things away online. 767 00:35:09,062 --> 00:35:12,042 One of them is a resource called, "Porn-Again Christian." 768 00:35:12,050 --> 00:35:13,042 It's a little e-book. 769 00:35:13,050 --> 00:35:17,092 We did a whole section in the back on sexual slavery 770 00:35:18,000 --> 00:35:20,083 and sex trafficking, which is what prostitution is. 771 00:35:20,092 --> 00:35:22,058 It's modern-day slavery. 772 00:35:22,067 --> 00:35:25,046 It's amazing that many soldiers who would be trying to liberate 773 00:35:25,050 --> 00:35:27,092 a people, while employing prostitutes, 774 00:35:28,000 --> 00:35:31,092 are enslaving others in a literal slave trade. 775 00:35:32,000 --> 00:35:35,038 So we had that all included in that little book and put it up. 776 00:35:35,046 --> 00:35:39,017 It's been downloaded, or at least visited 330,000 times. 777 00:35:39,021 --> 00:35:40,067 We don't know how many times it's been forwarded. 778 00:35:40,071 --> 00:35:44,033 We know that a large portion of that audience of 779 00:35:44,042 --> 00:35:48,000 hundreds of thousands are military personnel, 780 00:35:48,004 --> 00:35:51,092 guys who are really continually tempted by pornography, 781 00:35:52,000 --> 00:35:55,096 and prostitution, and all kinds of sexual sin. 782 00:35:56,000 --> 00:35:58,067 So be praying for those who are in the military. 783 00:35:58,071 --> 00:36:01,067 We want the centurions to come, and to know, and to love, 784 00:36:01,071 --> 00:36:04,096 and to serve Jesus. 785 00:36:05,000 --> 00:36:07,062 I have seen recently in our own church, 786 00:36:07,067 --> 00:36:09,050 military personnel meet Jesus. 787 00:36:09,054 --> 00:36:11,088 I have seen soldiers--I've personally laid hands and prayed 788 00:36:11,096 --> 00:36:14,000 over many that are being deployed and coming back, 789 00:36:14,008 --> 00:36:17,004 praying for their well-being and safety, and some of them, 790 00:36:17,012 --> 00:36:20,004 their wives and children, if they're married. 791 00:36:20,012 --> 00:36:22,038 There's a lot of military personnel in our church, 792 00:36:22,046 --> 00:36:24,067 particularly down at the Olympia Campus. 793 00:36:24,071 --> 00:36:27,038 We also have a number at the Ballard Campus and elsewhere. 794 00:36:27,046 --> 00:36:29,000 We've seen the West Seattle Campus 795 00:36:29,008 --> 00:36:31,008 bring in chaplains from the military under 796 00:36:31,017 --> 00:36:33,042 Pastor James Noriega to train them. 797 00:36:33,050 --> 00:36:35,029 Now we've got a lot of chaplains asking for our help. 798 00:36:35,033 --> 00:36:37,088 Awesome, wonderful, thank you, praise God because we want 799 00:36:37,096 --> 00:36:43,025 centurions to meet Jesus, and have faith in him. 800 00:36:43,033 --> 00:36:45,075 That's what we want. 801 00:36:45,083 --> 00:36:46,008 802 00:36:46,017 --> 00:36:47,083 That's what we want. 803 00:36:47,088 --> 00:36:50,033 Even today, it was amazing, there was a soldier back from 804 00:36:50,042 --> 00:36:53,083 deployment, really struggling, saw buddies killed, 805 00:36:53,092 --> 00:36:56,075 has turned to drugs for comfort, knew nothing of Jesus 806 00:36:56,083 --> 00:36:59,046 or Mars Hill, driving by. 807 00:36:59,050 --> 00:37:03,021 Saw the sign, service, looked at his watch. 808 00:37:03,029 --> 00:37:04,071 Said, "Well, it's starting. 809 00:37:04,079 --> 00:37:06,025 I wonder what's going on in there." 810 00:37:06,033 --> 00:37:07,033 Walked in. 811 00:37:07,038 --> 00:37:10,075 In God's providence, it was the sermon about the centurion. 812 00:37:10,083 --> 00:37:14,046 He realized his need for Jesus, and he got saved today. 813 00:37:14,050 --> 00:37:17,017 That's what God does. 814 00:37:17,025 --> 00:37:21,088 [congregation applauding] 815 00:37:21,096 --> 00:37:23,062 That's what our God does. 816 00:37:23,067 --> 00:37:27,038 And so we want to get the word out that our Christ is a warrior 817 00:37:27,046 --> 00:37:31,017 as well, that he comes to battle Satan, sin, and death. 818 00:37:31,025 --> 00:37:33,000 And the Bible says when he comes again, 819 00:37:33,004 --> 00:37:35,046 he'll be riding as a warrior on a white horse, 820 00:37:35,050 --> 00:37:38,042 that a sword will come out of his mouth, with which 821 00:37:38,050 --> 00:37:41,017 to slay the nations, that he will ultimately set 822 00:37:41,021 --> 00:37:43,017 all the captives free, 823 00:37:43,025 --> 00:37:46,067 and his men will be riding with him. 824 00:37:46,075 --> 00:37:49,067 That ours is a faith that is not a faith of violence, 825 00:37:49,075 --> 00:37:51,050 ours is a faith of forgiveness. 826 00:37:51,054 --> 00:37:54,046 But when Jesus comes, he puts down all the bullies, 827 00:37:54,050 --> 00:37:57,033 and he puts down all the dictators and tyrants, 828 00:37:57,042 --> 00:37:59,079 and he sets all the captives free, 829 00:37:59,083 --> 00:38:02,000 and he wipes tears from eyes. 830 00:38:02,008 --> 00:38:04,062 So every soldier who goes into battle because they're an image 831 00:38:04,067 --> 00:38:09,046 bearer of God, has some echo of the Gospel in their soul. 832 00:38:09,050 --> 00:38:12,004 "I am going to possibly lay down my life, 833 00:38:12,012 --> 00:38:14,008 so that others might live." 834 00:38:14,017 --> 00:38:17,083 That's our Jesus, and they need to know him. 835 00:38:17,088 --> 00:38:19,071 And so we want to help. 836 00:38:19,079 --> 00:38:25,025 In closing, we have seen how the suffering gets healing from 837 00:38:25,033 --> 00:38:30,083 Jesus, how the religious still don't understand it's about 838 00:38:30,092 --> 00:38:33,096 grace, not works and merit. 839 00:38:34,000 --> 00:38:37,062 It's about what God does, not what we do. 840 00:38:37,067 --> 00:38:40,067 And additionally, we have seen that even if you are a moral, 841 00:38:40,075 --> 00:38:45,083 decent, good, upstanding, generous, loving citizen, 842 00:38:45,092 --> 00:38:49,017 that will not earn you status of forgiveness 843 00:38:49,025 --> 00:38:50,058 and salvation with God. 844 00:38:50,067 --> 00:38:52,083 You still need to place faith in Jesus, 845 00:38:52,092 --> 00:38:57,017 and all of this culminates in our understanding from this text 846 00:38:57,021 --> 00:38:59,025 of who Jesus is because ultimately, 847 00:38:59,033 --> 00:39:02,000 the whole Bible's about Jesus, Amen? 848 00:39:02,004 --> 00:39:03,025 It's all about Jesus. 849 00:39:03,033 --> 00:39:06,067 So I'll share with you ten things we learn about Jesus 850 00:39:06,075 --> 00:39:07,083 from this text. 851 00:39:07,088 --> 00:39:10,012 Number one: he is a sovereign ruler. 852 00:39:10,017 --> 00:39:12,067 I love the fact that the centurion gets this. 853 00:39:12,071 --> 00:39:15,017 He says, "I understand chain of command. 854 00:39:15,025 --> 00:39:19,033 "I rule over a hundred warriors, and you, 855 00:39:19,042 --> 00:39:23,004 you're in a completely different rank." 856 00:39:23,012 --> 00:39:24,050 God becomes a man. 857 00:39:24,058 --> 00:39:27,025 He has complete authority. 858 00:39:27,033 --> 00:39:28,067 He is sovereign ruler. 859 00:39:28,075 --> 00:39:32,054 The Bible says he is king of kings, lord of lords. 860 00:39:32,062 --> 00:39:35,033 For some of you, your Jesus is way too small. 861 00:39:35,038 --> 00:39:38,033 He's just a helper, a counselor, a comforter, a friend. 862 00:39:38,038 --> 00:39:39,083 He's not Christ. 863 00:39:39,088 --> 00:39:44,025 He's not ruler, Lord, savior, God, king, and judge. 864 00:39:44,033 --> 00:39:46,058 This man, the centurion, the soldier, 865 00:39:46,067 --> 00:39:49,054 he understands who Jesus is. 866 00:39:49,062 --> 00:39:51,029 "Oh, I understand chain of command. 867 00:39:51,033 --> 00:39:53,088 "You're at the top. 868 00:39:53,096 --> 00:39:55,092 Creator, that's who you are." 869 00:39:56,000 --> 00:39:58,012 That's who Jesus is. 870 00:39:58,017 --> 00:40:01,033 Number two: he is humble initiator. 871 00:40:01,038 --> 00:40:04,067 This sovereign king comes into human history 872 00:40:04,071 --> 00:40:06,050 as the man Jesus Christ. 873 00:40:06,054 --> 00:40:09,046 He goes on a tour to preach in towns. 874 00:40:09,050 --> 00:40:11,079 He goes to people. 875 00:40:11,083 --> 00:40:15,004 When requested to go to the home of the centurion, 876 00:40:15,012 --> 00:40:16,062 he is on his way. 877 00:40:16,067 --> 00:40:18,054 He's a humble initiator. 878 00:40:18,062 --> 00:40:20,004 He is going out to serve. 879 00:40:20,012 --> 00:40:21,017 He is going out to help. 880 00:40:21,025 --> 00:40:25,050 He is going out to preach, and teach, and demon cast, and heal. 881 00:40:25,058 --> 00:40:28,000 And unlike religion, where we go looking for God, 882 00:40:28,008 --> 00:40:31,079 Christianity's about God looking for us because we're lost, 883 00:40:31,083 --> 00:40:34,017 he's not. 884 00:40:34,025 --> 00:40:36,021 See, some of you are here today and you don't know it. 885 00:40:36,029 --> 00:40:38,033 Jesus is looking for you. 886 00:40:38,038 --> 00:40:39,075 That's why you're here. 887 00:40:39,083 --> 00:40:42,012 Because he is seeking you. 888 00:40:42,017 --> 00:40:43,050 He knows you. 889 00:40:43,058 --> 00:40:44,062 He loves you. 890 00:40:44,067 --> 00:40:45,092 He died for you. 891 00:40:46,000 --> 00:40:48,033 He's pursuing you. 892 00:40:48,038 --> 00:40:50,050 He's a humble initiator. 893 00:40:50,058 --> 00:40:53,038 He doesn't owe us anything, but he pursues us in love. 894 00:40:53,046 --> 00:40:55,050 Number three: he's a global savior. 895 00:40:55,054 --> 00:41:01,067 We see him in this story serving Jew and Gentile, rich and poor. 896 00:41:01,075 --> 00:41:05,075 We see him serving slave and free. 897 00:41:05,083 --> 00:41:09,088 We see him serving Roman and Jewish. 898 00:41:09,096 --> 00:41:13,079 We see that Jesus loves all people. 899 00:41:13,083 --> 00:41:17,012 Unlike some religions which tell you that they love--their God, 900 00:41:17,017 --> 00:41:19,050 rather, loves their nation, their people, their tribe, 901 00:41:19,058 --> 00:41:23,021 their tongue, their heritage, their tradition. 902 00:41:23,029 --> 00:41:25,012 Jesus loves all people. 903 00:41:25,017 --> 00:41:29,067 Jesus is for all nations, young, old, black, white, rich, poor, 904 00:41:29,071 --> 00:41:31,071 single, married. 905 00:41:31,079 --> 00:41:33,079 Jesus is for all. 906 00:41:33,083 --> 00:41:36,033 It's wonderful. 907 00:41:36,038 --> 00:41:40,054 One God, one savior, one answer, Jesus. 908 00:41:40,062 --> 00:41:44,050 It just is horrifying that some quasi religions, 909 00:41:44,058 --> 00:41:47,021 cults like Scientology would even teach you if you want to 910 00:41:47,029 --> 00:41:49,075 move up in an organization, you have to pay more money 911 00:41:49,083 --> 00:41:51,067 at each level. 912 00:41:51,071 --> 00:41:53,000 Jesus heals for free. 913 00:41:53,008 --> 00:41:54,071 Jesus teaches for free. 914 00:41:54,079 --> 00:41:56,054 Jesus serves for free. 915 00:41:56,062 --> 00:41:59,050 To be sure, people will give generously, 916 00:41:59,058 --> 00:42:01,050 but it's not to get him to do things. 917 00:42:01,054 --> 00:42:03,092 It's because they're grateful for what he's already done 918 00:42:04,000 --> 00:42:06,079 through grace. 919 00:42:06,083 --> 00:42:08,083 So if you're here, come for free, seats are free, 920 00:42:08,088 --> 00:42:10,012 Bibles are free. 921 00:42:10,017 --> 00:42:11,017 Prayer is free. 922 00:42:11,021 --> 00:42:12,042 Community groups are free. 923 00:42:12,050 --> 00:42:13,050 Help is free. 924 00:42:13,058 --> 00:42:15,017 Premarital counseling is free. 925 00:42:15,021 --> 00:42:16,071 Downloads are free. 926 00:42:16,079 --> 00:42:19,033 Salvation is free. 927 00:42:19,038 --> 00:42:23,096 Our God is a giver, not a taker, and we love the fact that he is, 928 00:42:24,000 --> 00:42:25,096 he is a global savior. 929 00:42:26,000 --> 00:42:28,000 He gives to everybody. 930 00:42:28,004 --> 00:42:30,004 And for those who really do know him and love him, 931 00:42:30,012 --> 00:42:33,071 we want to be generous as he's been generous, not, 932 00:42:33,079 --> 00:42:38,021 not to earn favor with him, but to demonstrate the favor that 933 00:42:38,029 --> 00:42:39,096 he's already given us. 934 00:42:40,000 --> 00:42:43,021 You need to know that the hope of the world is Jesus. 935 00:42:43,029 --> 00:42:45,067 The hope of all nations is Jesus. 936 00:42:45,071 --> 00:42:48,096 The hope of all people is Jesus, and we see him minister to these 937 00:42:49,000 --> 00:42:50,083 various groups in the story. 938 00:42:50,092 --> 00:42:52,025 He's also a faith seer. 939 00:42:52,033 --> 00:42:54,083 See, what religion does, religion looks at the outward. 940 00:42:54,092 --> 00:42:57,000 Did you do this? Did you not do that? 941 00:42:57,008 --> 00:42:58,012 Did you give? Did you tithe? 942 00:42:58,017 --> 00:42:59,021 Did you pray? Did you read? 943 00:42:59,029 --> 00:43:00,033 Did you serve? Did you cry? 944 00:43:00,038 --> 00:43:02,029 Did you go? 945 00:43:02,033 --> 00:43:05,017 And Jesus looks at the heart, "Do you love me?" 946 00:43:05,025 --> 00:43:07,054 Yeah, morality is great. 947 00:43:07,062 --> 00:43:09,012 I would rather live next to someone who was moral 948 00:43:09,017 --> 00:43:11,038 than immoral. 949 00:43:11,046 --> 00:43:13,025 But in so far as eternal life is concerned, 950 00:43:13,033 --> 00:43:16,029 you're not going to be judged just by the externals, 951 00:43:16,033 --> 00:43:18,096 but Jesus is gonna look all the way down to the seat, sum, 952 00:43:19,000 --> 00:43:21,017 center, total essence of who you are, 953 00:43:21,021 --> 00:43:24,033 look at the heart, and ask this question, "Do you trust me? 954 00:43:24,038 --> 00:43:26,008 "Do you have faith in me? 955 00:43:26,017 --> 00:43:27,083 "Do you love me? 956 00:43:27,092 --> 00:43:29,046 Do you belong to me?" 957 00:43:29,050 --> 00:43:31,000 It really comes down to you and Jesus. 958 00:43:31,008 --> 00:43:32,083 And religious people might pat you on the back, 959 00:43:32,092 --> 00:43:34,067 and say you're a good person, you do nice things. 960 00:43:34,075 --> 00:43:35,067 You give a lot. 961 00:43:35,075 --> 00:43:36,067 You serve a lot. 962 00:43:36,075 --> 00:43:38,083 You're like the centurion, and these are all wonderful 963 00:43:38,088 --> 00:43:41,008 characteristics of a decent neighbor, 964 00:43:41,017 --> 00:43:43,054 but these are not the marks of a Christian. 965 00:43:43,062 --> 00:43:47,033 The mark of a Christian is faith in Jesus, out of which, yes, 966 00:43:47,042 --> 00:43:50,042 new life flows, character flows, change flows. 967 00:43:50,050 --> 00:43:52,046 Some of you would judge Christians and say, 968 00:43:52,050 --> 00:43:53,083 "I don't like where they're at." 969 00:43:53,088 --> 00:43:56,050 You may look where they've come from and realize that God is 970 00:43:56,054 --> 00:43:59,000 working on them, and they have made some progress, 971 00:43:59,004 --> 00:44:01,033 but they've still got a long way to go. 972 00:44:01,042 --> 00:44:04,033 And Jesus looks at the faith. 973 00:44:04,042 --> 00:44:06,000 And so some of you are here today, and you would be, 974 00:44:06,008 --> 00:44:08,083 perhaps, in the same position that I was some years ago. 975 00:44:08,092 --> 00:44:11,033 They say, "I believe in God, and I think I'm a moral person. 976 00:44:11,038 --> 00:44:12,075 "And I try to help people, and do nice things, 977 00:44:12,083 --> 00:44:15,083 and be a good citizen." 978 00:44:15,088 --> 00:44:18,067 You know whether or not you really have faith in Jesus 979 00:44:18,075 --> 00:44:22,088 as God, and God knows whether or not you really have faith 980 00:44:22,096 --> 00:44:25,050 in Jesus as God. 981 00:44:25,054 --> 00:44:26,088 He sees faith. 982 00:44:26,096 --> 00:44:28,004 He's looking for faith. 983 00:44:28,012 --> 00:44:30,050 He's amazed, we're told in Scripture, 984 00:44:30,058 --> 00:44:33,054 by faith, and lack of faith. 985 00:44:33,062 --> 00:44:37,038 Number five: he's a grace giver. 986 00:44:37,046 --> 00:44:40,050 Does he give grace to the servant who is suffering? 987 00:44:40,058 --> 00:44:42,008 Yes, he heals him. 988 00:44:42,017 --> 00:44:43,075 That's a great gift. 989 00:44:43,083 --> 00:44:46,054 Does he give grace to the religious people? 990 00:44:46,062 --> 00:44:48,075 Yes, he puts up with them. 991 00:44:48,083 --> 00:44:50,096 They're gonna keep showing up in the book, 992 00:44:51,000 --> 00:44:53,033 and they're pretty much annoying every time. 993 00:44:53,038 --> 00:44:55,062 That's how religious people are. 994 00:44:55,067 --> 00:44:56,088 And he is gracious to them. 995 00:44:56,096 --> 00:45:01,004 He keeps teaching them, rebuking them, putting up with them. 996 00:45:01,012 --> 00:45:02,083 Is he gracious to the centurion? 997 00:45:02,088 --> 00:45:06,000 Yes, yes. 998 00:45:06,008 --> 00:45:08,062 The centurion actually gets saved and becomes a Christian. 999 00:45:08,067 --> 00:45:10,017 He receives saving grace. 1000 00:45:10,021 --> 00:45:12,088 What about the crowd that hears this story as Jesus uses this 1001 00:45:12,096 --> 00:45:14,088 man's faith as an example? 1002 00:45:14,096 --> 00:45:17,096 Yeah, he gives grace of teaching to them as well. 1003 00:45:18,000 --> 00:45:19,071 Our God is a grace giver. 1004 00:45:19,079 --> 00:45:21,088 He loves to give. 1005 00:45:21,096 --> 00:45:23,067 He's a giver. 1006 00:45:23,071 --> 00:45:26,025 Number six: Jesus is a prayer hearer. 1007 00:45:26,033 --> 00:45:29,050 I want you to see that the request from the centurion 1008 00:45:29,058 --> 00:45:32,058 through the elders to Jesus is a form of prayer. 1009 00:45:32,067 --> 00:45:35,033 Anytime we have a request, and we bring it to Jesus, 1010 00:45:35,042 --> 00:45:36,054 that's a form of prayer. 1011 00:45:36,062 --> 00:45:40,021 Jesus hears prayer in that day as he does in our day, 1012 00:45:40,029 --> 00:45:43,088 and he always answers prayer, sometimes yes, sometimes no, 1013 00:45:43,096 --> 00:45:48,012 sometimes later, but he always does answer prayer. 1014 00:45:48,017 --> 00:45:50,033 That's why we can't manipulate him through prayer. 1015 00:45:50,038 --> 00:45:52,088 We can't make him give us an answer that we want. 1016 00:45:52,096 --> 00:45:54,088 Again, back to the centurion's comment, 1017 00:45:54,096 --> 00:45:58,062 "You are at the head of the chain of command. 1018 00:45:58,067 --> 00:46:00,029 "You're the commander in chief. 1019 00:46:00,033 --> 00:46:04,017 "I can give you a request, but I cannot give you an order. 1020 00:46:04,025 --> 00:46:06,050 "And when you give a decree, I receive it 1021 00:46:06,058 --> 00:46:09,058 "because of the chain of command. 1022 00:46:09,067 --> 00:46:11,021 "You're a good ruler. 1023 00:46:11,029 --> 00:46:12,088 "You're a loving God. 1024 00:46:12,096 --> 00:46:14,083 I'll give you my request, you give me your answer, 1025 00:46:14,092 --> 00:46:16,096 I'll obey your orders." 1026 00:46:17,000 --> 00:46:18,092 But he does hear prayer. 1027 00:46:19,000 --> 00:46:20,083 That's why we pray. 1028 00:46:20,092 --> 00:46:23,000 Number seven: he's a transcendent doer. 1029 00:46:23,004 --> 00:46:28,058 Jesus is told rightly by the centurion's servants, 1030 00:46:28,067 --> 00:46:29,088 he has a bit of a change of mind. 1031 00:46:29,096 --> 00:46:31,067 He's requested that Jesus come to his house, 1032 00:46:31,071 --> 00:46:32,062 and then he thinks about it. 1033 00:46:32,067 --> 00:46:33,092 "Jesus is busy, got a lot going on. 1034 00:46:34,000 --> 00:46:35,033 "He doesn't need to come to my house. 1035 00:46:35,038 --> 00:46:37,062 All he needs to do is just give an order." 1036 00:46:37,067 --> 00:46:40,088 See, when you're in authority, that's how it works. 1037 00:46:40,096 --> 00:46:43,075 What he's saying is, "Jesus, you don't need to be at my house." 1038 00:46:43,083 --> 00:46:45,000 And how generous is he? 1039 00:46:45,008 --> 00:46:46,000 Where's the servant? 1040 00:46:46,004 --> 00:46:47,033 At his house. 1041 00:46:47,038 --> 00:46:48,092 This man's taking care of his friend. 1042 00:46:49,000 --> 00:46:51,050 This is kind of like hospice care, 1043 00:46:51,058 --> 00:46:54,088 those people who love and serve so well. 1044 00:46:54,096 --> 00:46:56,038 Those people are amazing. 1045 00:46:56,046 --> 00:46:57,071 He's like that. 1046 00:46:57,079 --> 00:47:01,033 "Jesus, you can heal from a distance." 1047 00:47:01,038 --> 00:47:03,067 This is good news for us 'cause Jesus goes to the cross, 1048 00:47:03,071 --> 00:47:05,088 dies for our sins, rises for our salvation, 1049 00:47:05,096 --> 00:47:07,033 ascends back into heaven. 1050 00:47:07,042 --> 00:47:10,000 He's seated on a throne today, ruling and reigning over 1051 00:47:10,008 --> 00:47:13,096 all nations, kingdoms, peoples, times, places. 1052 00:47:14,000 --> 00:47:16,054 And it seems like Jesus is far away, and you know what? 1053 00:47:16,062 --> 00:47:18,042 He can heal from his throne. 1054 00:47:18,050 --> 00:47:20,000 He can answer prayer from his throne. 1055 00:47:20,008 --> 00:47:23,058 He can save and bless from his throne. 1056 00:47:23,067 --> 00:47:25,029 He doesn't need to come to your house, 1057 00:47:25,033 --> 00:47:28,029 he can through the presence of the Holy Spirit, but Jesus, 1058 00:47:28,033 --> 00:47:31,088 from a distance, can still hear, and answer prayer, 1059 00:47:31,096 --> 00:47:34,033 and do good works, and he does. 1060 00:47:34,038 --> 00:47:38,017 Just like he didn't have to go to the bedside of the sick man, 1061 00:47:38,021 --> 00:47:40,004 he doesn't need to go anywhere. 1062 00:47:40,012 --> 00:47:42,092 He can answer prayer from his throne. 1063 00:47:43,000 --> 00:47:45,083 He's the ultimate healer, number eight. 1064 00:47:45,092 --> 00:47:49,067 He heals the servant physically. 1065 00:47:49,075 --> 00:47:52,029 He heals the centurion spiritually. 1066 00:47:52,033 --> 00:47:55,008 Jesus heals mind and body. 1067 00:47:55,017 --> 00:47:59,092 Jesus heals the whole person and in this life, we will die, 1068 00:48:00,004 --> 00:48:01,054 but because of Jesus' resurrection, 1069 00:48:01,062 --> 00:48:05,017 if our faith is in him, we too shall rise and enjoy perfect, 1070 00:48:05,021 --> 00:48:07,046 eternal healing. 1071 00:48:07,050 --> 00:48:09,062 He's the ultimate healer. 1072 00:48:09,067 --> 00:48:13,000 The last two, he's a greater centurion. 1073 00:48:13,004 --> 00:48:16,004 See, the centurion's job was to go into battle and, 1074 00:48:16,012 --> 00:48:21,012 as necessary, lay down his life so that others could be blessed, 1075 00:48:21,017 --> 00:48:23,000 that he would die that they might live, 1076 00:48:23,008 --> 00:48:26,008 that he would go as a substitute to die in their place 1077 00:48:26,017 --> 00:48:28,046 to secure their freedom. 1078 00:48:28,050 --> 00:48:30,029 And Jesus is a greater centurion. 1079 00:48:30,033 --> 00:48:32,083 He is God come into human history. 1080 00:48:32,088 --> 00:48:36,083 He is God at war against Satan, sin, death. 1081 00:48:36,092 --> 00:48:41,083 He is God who comes, not just leading a hundred, 1082 00:48:41,088 --> 00:48:45,008 but now leading billions of his servants. 1083 00:48:45,017 --> 00:48:48,042 And as the centurion is worried about his one servant, 1084 00:48:48,050 --> 00:48:52,058 so Jesus is worried about us all. 1085 00:48:52,067 --> 00:48:54,008 He's a greater centurion. 1086 00:48:54,017 --> 00:48:58,046 I want you men to see this man, the centurion, 1087 00:48:58,050 --> 00:49:00,088 probably with scars on his face and on his hand. 1088 00:49:00,096 --> 00:49:03,054 He's battle tested, general, captain. 1089 00:49:03,062 --> 00:49:06,083 He's strong, man's man, tough guy. 1090 00:49:06,092 --> 00:49:10,029 He gives orders, and young men are willing to die. 1091 00:49:10,033 --> 00:49:14,008 And he looks at Jesus and says, "You're the boss. 1092 00:49:14,017 --> 00:49:15,067 "You're in charge. 1093 00:49:15,071 --> 00:49:19,042 You're a greater warrior than I." 1094 00:49:19,050 --> 00:49:21,033 That's our Jesus, Mars Hill. 1095 00:49:21,038 --> 00:49:23,050 That's the Jesus we call men to. 1096 00:49:23,058 --> 00:49:25,083 That's the real Jesus. 1097 00:49:25,088 --> 00:49:29,054 Number ten: he's the better servant. 1098 00:49:29,062 --> 00:49:34,000 The centurion loved the servant because this was a humble, 1099 00:49:34,004 --> 00:49:37,025 faithful, dependable servant. 1100 00:49:37,033 --> 00:49:40,042 Jesus, we are told in the Bible, is the suffering servant. 1101 00:49:40,050 --> 00:49:43,000 Jesus serves better than any servant. 1102 00:49:43,004 --> 00:49:46,050 Jesus suffers, and he doesn't, 1103 00:49:46,054 --> 00:49:48,050 he doesn't leave his duties. 1104 00:49:48,054 --> 00:49:49,088 He goes all the way to the cross, 1105 00:49:49,096 --> 00:49:53,000 and he suffers in service to us. 1106 00:49:53,008 --> 00:49:55,058 And so what happens is, friends, when we suffer, 1107 00:49:55,067 --> 00:50:00,000 we can go to the Jesus who has suffered, and he serves us 1108 00:50:00,008 --> 00:50:03,096 as we're suffering, because we have a God who has suffered. 1109 00:50:04,000 --> 00:50:09,017 And even if and when we die, Jesus still serves us because 1110 00:50:09,021 --> 00:50:12,033 he's been through death, and he meets us on the other side, 1111 00:50:12,038 --> 00:50:14,062 and he wipes every tear from our eye, 1112 00:50:14,067 --> 00:50:18,083 and he gives us a resurrection kingdom where death and sin 1113 00:50:18,088 --> 00:50:21,079 are no more because of his victory. 1114 00:50:21,083 --> 00:50:24,079 It's all about Jesus. 1115 00:50:24,083 --> 00:50:28,029 So here's what we're going to do. 1116 00:50:28,033 --> 00:50:31,067 We're going to pray. 1117 00:50:31,071 --> 00:50:35,008 We're going to take a bit of time and pray for one another. 1118 00:50:35,017 --> 00:50:36,017 Some of you are here today, 1119 00:50:36,025 --> 00:50:37,092 and you're in the position of the servant. 1120 00:50:38,000 --> 00:50:42,017 You're hurting, suffering, it's a very difficult time for you. 1121 00:50:42,025 --> 00:50:44,000 You came in lonely. 1122 00:50:44,008 --> 00:50:45,088 You need to be prayed for. 1123 00:50:45,096 --> 00:50:49,092 Some of you need to pray, you're so self-consumed with your own 1124 00:50:50,000 --> 00:50:52,088 issues that you maybe have overlooked the needs of others, 1125 00:50:52,096 --> 00:50:55,042 and like the centurion, you need to see those who are suffering, 1126 00:50:55,050 --> 00:50:57,050 need to pray for them. 1127 00:50:57,054 --> 00:51:01,004 Some of you are like the centurion and your life 1128 00:51:01,012 --> 00:51:04,000 isn't horrible, but there's someone you really love, 1129 00:51:04,008 --> 00:51:06,029 and they're in a difficult place, and you need to intercede 1130 00:51:06,033 --> 00:51:07,038 and pray for them. 1131 00:51:07,046 --> 00:51:08,083 And just as he went and got the elders, 1132 00:51:08,092 --> 00:51:12,038 you need to get the people of God to pray. 1133 00:51:12,046 --> 00:51:14,071 So in a moment, I'm gonna have you raise your hand 1134 00:51:14,079 --> 00:51:15,075 if you want to be prayed for. 1135 00:51:15,083 --> 00:51:16,075 Don't leave, don't freak out. 1136 00:51:16,083 --> 00:51:17,075 Don't stress out. 1137 00:51:17,083 --> 00:51:18,075 "Oh no, now we're gonna do church, 1138 00:51:18,083 --> 00:51:20,033 I just came for the band." 1139 00:51:20,042 --> 00:51:22,033 All right, stick around. 1140 00:51:22,042 --> 00:51:23,050 And some of you would say, "But I'm not a Christian, 1141 00:51:23,054 --> 00:51:25,083 what am I doing in a prayer meeting?" 1142 00:51:25,088 --> 00:51:28,000 Well, the centurion started as a non-Christian, 1143 00:51:28,004 --> 00:51:30,067 and he ended up a Christian. 1144 00:51:30,075 --> 00:51:34,033 Stick around, stick around. 1145 00:51:34,042 --> 00:51:37,042 Let us pray for ya, let us pray for ya. 1146 00:51:37,050 --> 00:51:39,058 We believe that God can and does answer prayer. 1147 00:51:39,067 --> 00:51:41,096 We believe that God can and does heal. 1148 00:51:42,000 --> 00:51:44,000 One of the ways that the Gospel got started in my family 1149 00:51:44,008 --> 00:51:47,050 is God answered the prayer for my mom's healing in 1150 00:51:47,058 --> 00:51:48,075 a charismatic prayer meeting. 1151 00:51:48,083 --> 00:51:52,046 My mom was healed, which began my family's legacy with Jesus. 1152 00:51:52,050 --> 00:51:54,067 We know that Jesus can and does heal. 1153 00:51:54,075 --> 00:51:57,029 We know that he can and does answer prayer. 1154 00:51:57,033 --> 00:51:59,012 Father God, as we go into a time of prayer, 1155 00:51:59,017 --> 00:52:00,050 I pray against the enemy, his servants, 1156 00:52:00,058 --> 00:52:01,088 their works and effects. 1157 00:52:01,096 --> 00:52:04,021 I pray against our anxieties and fears. 1158 00:52:04,029 --> 00:52:07,050 I pray that, God, we would not just be an event but a church, 1159 00:52:07,058 --> 00:52:10,083 that we wouldn't be a people who simply consume, 1160 00:52:10,088 --> 00:52:15,083 but are participants in your grace as we enjoy extending love 1161 00:52:15,092 --> 00:52:18,021 and affection to others on your behalf. 1162 00:52:18,029 --> 00:52:21,000 As we pray, Lord God, I pray for those who are suffering, 1163 00:52:21,008 --> 00:52:23,004 that they would raise their hand to be prayed for. 1164 00:52:23,012 --> 00:52:25,033 I pray for those who, like the centurion, 1165 00:52:25,042 --> 00:52:27,067 love someone who is suffering, that they would raise their hand 1166 00:52:27,075 --> 00:52:29,071 and ask for prayer for them. 1167 00:52:29,079 --> 00:52:32,025 And I pray for the Christians that we would not be religious, 1168 00:52:32,033 --> 00:52:35,000 and by your grace, humbly do a better job than the people 1169 00:52:35,004 --> 00:52:39,046 in this story, that we would not come demanding or expecting, 1170 00:52:39,050 --> 00:52:42,029 that we would come humbly requesting that, Lord Jesus, 1171 00:52:42,033 --> 00:52:43,096 you would answer our prayers. 1172 00:52:44,000 --> 00:52:46,088 In your good name, and for your good glory, Amen. 1173 00:52:46,096 --> 00:52:47,046