1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,021 2 00:00:00,029 --> 00:00:02,042 Hi, Pastor Mark here in Capernaum. 3 00:00:02,050 --> 00:00:05,050 This was hometown to Peter, as well as some 4 00:00:05,058 --> 00:00:06,096 of Jesus' other disciples. 5 00:00:07,004 --> 00:00:09,083 As you read the Scriptures, you realize that they were fishermen, 6 00:00:09,092 --> 00:00:12,050 and you can see just behind me the Sea of Galilee where they, 7 00:00:12,058 --> 00:00:15,012 in fact, enjoyed their trade of fishing 8 00:00:15,021 --> 00:00:16,079 and providing for their families. 9 00:00:16,088 --> 00:00:19,017 And the Bible tells us that though Jesus grew up 10 00:00:19,025 --> 00:00:22,096 in Nazareth, when he began his public ministry, he essentially 11 00:00:23,004 --> 00:00:25,038 relocated to Capernaum, that's the city 12 00:00:25,046 --> 00:00:27,054 that we are standing in presently. 13 00:00:27,062 --> 00:00:29,096 In the days of Jesus, it was actually a very small town, 14 00:00:30,004 --> 00:00:34,008 perhaps 50, no more than 100 people, and you can see 15 00:00:34,017 --> 00:00:36,079 just behind me, some of the ancient ruins of the city. 16 00:00:36,088 --> 00:00:39,012 These would have been the homes where people lived, 17 00:00:39,021 --> 00:00:43,067 they're quite small, 500, 600, 700, 800 square feet per family, 18 00:00:43,075 --> 00:00:45,029 roads between them. 19 00:00:45,038 --> 00:00:50,017 And this is actually the entire city of Capernaum and its ancient ruins. 20 00:00:50,025 --> 00:00:53,004 Just behind me is a meeting place that has some seats 21 00:00:53,012 --> 00:00:55,054 for people to gather and discuss. 22 00:00:55,062 --> 00:00:58,042 And that in total is the entirety 23 00:00:58,050 --> 00:00:59,062 of the town of Capernaum. 24 00:00:59,071 --> 00:01:02,079 So for scope and size, sometimes we hear of these cities 25 00:01:02,088 --> 00:01:04,033 and we think of large cities. 26 00:01:04,042 --> 00:01:07,092 We're talking very small villages, simple way of life, 27 00:01:08,000 --> 00:01:11,042 everyone dependent on the sea for their income and well-being. 28 00:01:11,050 --> 00:01:14,062 And just off to my left there was a Catholic church 29 00:01:14,071 --> 00:01:19,079 that was built and underneath it is actually Peter's home, the home 30 00:01:19,088 --> 00:01:23,054 that Peter resided in when Jesus called him into ministry, 31 00:01:23,062 --> 00:01:25,054 as this was his hometown. 32 00:01:25,062 --> 00:01:29,033 And something very interesting happened here that Luke records 33 00:01:29,042 --> 00:01:32,062 in chapter 5 in the town of Capernaum that 34 00:01:32,071 --> 00:01:34,062 I'll read for you. 35 00:01:34,071 --> 00:01:37,038 "On one of those days, as he was teaching, Pharisees and teachers 36 00:01:37,046 --> 00:01:40,029 "of the law were sitting there, who had come from every village 37 00:01:40,038 --> 00:01:43,012 of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem." 38 00:01:43,021 --> 00:01:45,075 Many days' walk to come here, 39 00:01:45,083 --> 00:01:48,067 this man Jesus in this small town. 40 00:01:48,075 --> 00:01:51,008 "And the power of the Lord was with him to heal. 41 00:01:51,017 --> 00:01:55,042 "And behold, some men were bringing on a bed a man who was paralyzed, 42 00:01:55,050 --> 00:01:58,092 and they were seeking to bring him in and lay him before Jesus." 43 00:01:59,000 --> 00:02:02,000 In one of these homes, we know not exactly which, 44 00:02:02,008 --> 00:02:04,079 but that's where Jesus was brought this man. 45 00:02:04,088 --> 00:02:07,033 "But finding no way to bring him in, because of the crowd, 46 00:02:07,042 --> 00:02:10,092 "they went up on the roof and let him down with his bed through 47 00:02:11,000 --> 00:02:14,004 the tiles into the midst before Jesus." 48 00:02:14,012 --> 00:02:16,038 So you can imagine the rooftops of the homes, 49 00:02:16,046 --> 00:02:20,083 perhaps about the same height that we are standing, and they allow the man 50 00:02:20,092 --> 00:02:24,088 to be lifted down into the home through an opening in the roof 51 00:02:24,096 --> 00:02:27,083 that they created so he could get before Jesus. 52 00:02:27,092 --> 00:02:32,021 "And when he saw their faith, he said, 'Man, your sins are forgiven you.' 53 00:02:32,029 --> 00:02:34,083 "And the scribes and the Pharisees began to question, saying, 54 00:02:34,092 --> 00:02:37,025 "'Who is this who speaks blasphemies? 55 00:02:37,033 --> 00:02:40,017 "Who can forgive sins but God alone?' 56 00:02:40,025 --> 00:02:43,042 When Jesus perceived their thoughts," he knew their minds, 57 00:02:43,050 --> 00:02:46,050 "he answered them, 'Why do you question in your hearts? 58 00:02:46,058 --> 00:02:50,025 "Which is easier, to say, 'Your sins are forgiven you,' or to say, 59 00:02:50,033 --> 00:02:53,017 "'Rise and walk'? But that you may know that the Son of Man 60 00:02:53,025 --> 00:02:55,088 "has authority on earth to forgive sins'— 61 00:02:55,096 --> 00:02:57,075 "he said to the man who was paralyzed— 62 00:02:57,083 --> 00:03:01,029 "'I say to you, rise, pick up your bed and go home.' 63 00:03:01,038 --> 00:03:04,079 "And immediately he rose up before them and picked up what 64 00:03:04,088 --> 00:03:08,025 "he had been lying on and went home, glorifying God. 65 00:03:08,033 --> 00:03:11,067 "And amazement seized them all, and they glorified God and were 66 00:03:11,075 --> 00:03:17,008 filled with awe, saying, 'We have seen extraordinary things today.'" 67 00:03:19,071 --> 00:03:31,092 [music] 68 00:03:44,021 --> 00:03:46,046 All right, Mars Hill, Jesus changes lives, 69 00:03:46,054 --> 00:03:50,012 that's what we are so excited about as a church. 70 00:03:50,021 --> 00:03:53,083 You're going to see two examples of Jesus changing lives 71 00:03:53,092 --> 00:03:56,075 in Luke 5:12-26. 72 00:03:56,083 --> 00:03:58,088 If you've got a Bible, feel free to go there. 73 00:03:58,096 --> 00:04:01,046 You're gonna meet a leper and a paralytic, 74 00:04:01,054 --> 00:04:03,042 and we'll start with the leper. 75 00:04:03,050 --> 00:04:05,025 Before we get into this man's story, 76 00:04:05,033 --> 00:04:08,088 let me introduce you, a little bit, to leprosy. 77 00:04:08,096 --> 00:04:11,033 In that day, people were well aware of lepers. 78 00:04:11,042 --> 00:04:13,096 There were quite a few of them, and many people witnessed 79 00:04:14,004 --> 00:04:15,075 and/or knew lepers. 80 00:04:15,083 --> 00:04:19,067 In our day, it is a condition that sadly does still befall 81 00:04:19,075 --> 00:04:22,092 some on the earth, but most of us, in our context, 82 00:04:23,000 --> 00:04:24,029 probably haven't seen it. 83 00:04:24,038 --> 00:04:27,071 Leprosy was a horrendously debilitating, 84 00:04:27,079 --> 00:04:30,029 painful skin condition. 85 00:04:30,038 --> 00:04:34,025 I'll show you a few photos so you can get an appreciation of it. 86 00:04:34,033 --> 00:04:38,042 It starts with red open sores that become porous. 87 00:04:38,050 --> 00:04:41,083 This causes great discomfort and pain. 88 00:04:41,092 --> 00:04:44,046 You don't want to bathe because the open sores 89 00:04:44,054 --> 00:04:48,054 and wounds are so incredibly painful. 90 00:04:48,062 --> 00:04:53,025 Over time, this also can cause serious nerve damage. 91 00:04:53,033 --> 00:04:56,004 And the result being that if you burn yourself while cooking 92 00:04:56,012 --> 00:05:00,079 or injure yourself while working, you don't feel it. 93 00:05:00,088 --> 00:05:02,054 And so people could live many years. 94 00:05:02,062 --> 00:05:05,075 There are some ancient records of people lasting upwards 95 00:05:05,083 --> 00:05:09,079 of 20 years suffering continually with leprosy, 96 00:05:09,088 --> 00:05:15,000 but because you would hit your hand or your foot, things of that nature, 97 00:05:15,008 --> 00:05:20,038 eventually you'd start losing appendages and limbs, 98 00:05:20,046 --> 00:05:22,046 because you were numb and desensitized. 99 00:05:22,054 --> 00:05:25,029 And so these are some additional modern-day photos 100 00:05:25,038 --> 00:05:28,088 of lepers on the earth. 101 00:05:28,096 --> 00:05:32,046 This is what happens when the body loses its sensitivity 102 00:05:32,054 --> 00:05:37,021 and its ability to touch and the nerve endings are damaged. 103 00:05:37,029 --> 00:05:40,092 Imagine living in this condition for years. 104 00:05:41,000 --> 00:05:44,071 One more example. 105 00:05:45,075 --> 00:05:50,033 I show that to you so you have an appreciation of the depth of suffering. 106 00:05:50,042 --> 00:05:54,083 Imagine the horrific suffering that comes 107 00:05:54,092 --> 00:05:58,079 with this condition of leprosy. 108 00:05:58,088 --> 00:06:02,079 And if that was not bad enough, to make matters worse, 109 00:06:02,088 --> 00:06:06,071 some people thought, wrongly, that all lepers were cursed 110 00:06:06,079 --> 00:06:08,050 of God for sin in their life. 111 00:06:08,058 --> 00:06:13,017 So oftentimes, when they needed compassion, they didn't receive it. 112 00:06:13,025 --> 00:06:15,012 And the truth is, there are some people in the Bible, 113 00:06:15,021 --> 00:06:19,000 like Uzziah, as one example, who was stricken with leprosy 114 00:06:19,008 --> 00:06:21,042 as judgment from God for sin. 115 00:06:21,050 --> 00:06:24,021 But not every leper was suffering because of God's 116 00:06:24,029 --> 00:06:27,038 judgment for a particular sin in their life. 117 00:06:27,046 --> 00:06:30,079 Yet, some religious people who were rather cruel 118 00:06:30,088 --> 00:06:35,096 and judgmental and unloving, they would proclaim the lepers to, 119 00:06:36,004 --> 00:06:40,017 in essence, be cursed of God and beyond any mercy or kindness 120 00:06:40,025 --> 00:06:45,000 or hope, which made their life all the more lonely. 121 00:06:46,067 --> 00:06:49,038 Imagine this is you. 122 00:06:49,046 --> 00:06:53,058 This is your spouse, you get married and they get leprosy. 123 00:06:53,067 --> 00:06:57,004 These are your children, you have children, they're healthy 124 00:06:57,012 --> 00:06:59,025 and then one day you see a rash on their arm 125 00:06:59,033 --> 00:07:02,050 and then it begins to spread. 126 00:07:04,050 --> 00:07:09,012 Those who had leprosy were quarantined for health purposes. 127 00:07:09,021 --> 00:07:12,008 They weren't allowed to live in the city and be in community. 128 00:07:12,017 --> 00:07:14,021 They couldn't enjoy the things that we take for granted, 129 00:07:14,029 --> 00:07:16,071 going to the store, worshiping with God's people, 130 00:07:16,079 --> 00:07:19,008 having a meal with friends, traveling freely. 131 00:07:19,017 --> 00:07:22,042 They were ostracized from the community. 132 00:07:22,050 --> 00:07:25,025 They lived outside of the camps is what the Bible says, 133 00:07:25,033 --> 00:07:27,092 they were in exile. 134 00:07:28,000 --> 00:07:29,088 They couldn't hold a job 135 00:07:29,096 --> 00:07:32,058 because they couldn't be around other people. 136 00:07:32,067 --> 00:07:38,050 This was such a horrendous condition that you could catch it 137 00:07:38,058 --> 00:07:41,042 if a leper sneezed around you, 138 00:07:41,050 --> 00:07:44,012 so you wanted to be nowhere near a leper, 139 00:07:44,021 --> 00:07:48,042 and you weren't certainly going to work in proximity to a leper, 140 00:07:48,050 --> 00:07:51,062 and so the lepers would live in exile. 141 00:07:51,071 --> 00:07:56,046 They couldn't obtain a job, they would beg for a living. 142 00:07:57,038 --> 00:08:00,071 Oftentimes they depended on family and friends to select 143 00:08:00,079 --> 00:08:04,021 for them a third place, somewhere neutral. 144 00:08:04,029 --> 00:08:06,033 The family and friends would go there, they would leave money 145 00:08:06,042 --> 00:08:08,000 and leave food and leave supplies 146 00:08:08,008 --> 00:08:10,096 and then sometime later, the leper would come alone. 147 00:08:11,004 --> 00:08:15,058 They were always alone or they were with other lepers, 148 00:08:15,067 --> 00:08:20,062 filled with stench, not bathing, suffering people, 149 00:08:20,071 --> 00:08:23,021 horrendous condition. 150 00:08:23,029 --> 00:08:29,062 The Bible speaks of this as well in Leviticus 13:45-46. 151 00:08:29,071 --> 00:08:34,004 "The person with such an infectious disease must wear torn clothes, 152 00:08:34,012 --> 00:08:35,042 "let his hair be unkempt, 153 00:08:35,050 --> 00:08:40,025 "cover the lower part of his face and cry out, 'Unclean, unclean!' 154 00:08:40,033 --> 00:08:43,008 "As long as he has the infection, he remains unclean. 155 00:08:43,017 --> 00:08:44,079 He must live alone." 156 00:08:44,088 --> 00:08:47,008 Imagine that, total isolation. 157 00:08:47,017 --> 00:08:50,042 "He must live outside the camp." 158 00:08:50,050 --> 00:08:53,029 Commentator Godet called this the living death. 159 00:08:53,038 --> 00:08:59,054 This is the AIDS, Ebola, West Nile virus, bubonic plague, 160 00:08:59,062 --> 00:09:01,096 black death of its day. 161 00:09:02,004 --> 00:09:04,075 And it consumed your identity. 162 00:09:04,083 --> 00:09:08,012 If you were anywhere near other people, as you approached them, 163 00:09:08,021 --> 00:09:10,025 you would have to cry out your identity, 164 00:09:10,033 --> 00:09:13,075 "Unclean, unclean, unclean." 165 00:09:13,083 --> 00:09:19,025 And the women and children would scream and everyone would run. 166 00:09:19,050 --> 00:09:22,017 Some ancient reports that I read in researching for the sermon 167 00:09:22,025 --> 00:09:25,000 said that certain religious people would actually carry 168 00:09:25,008 --> 00:09:27,088 rocks in their pocket just in case they were anywhere near 169 00:09:27,096 --> 00:09:32,083 a leper, they'd throw rocks at the leper to drive them away. 170 00:09:35,042 --> 00:09:38,088 Emotionally, I want you to feel devastated for these people. 171 00:09:38,096 --> 00:09:41,075 This is horrendous. 172 00:09:41,083 --> 00:09:43,021 Their life is destroyed. 173 00:09:43,029 --> 00:09:46,092 They're without any hope and there is no cure for them. 174 00:09:47,000 --> 00:09:50,042 Now, knowing that, it's amazing what Jesus does. 175 00:09:50,050 --> 00:09:55,038 We pick up the story in Luke 5:12-14, "While he," Jesus, 176 00:09:55,046 --> 00:10:00,000 "Was in the one of cities—" So he's in one of these areas, 177 00:10:00,008 --> 00:10:05,033 a gathering point in the hill country around the Sea of Galilee 178 00:10:05,042 --> 00:10:08,096 and the region of Galilee, and a leper's going to come to him in a city. 179 00:10:09,004 --> 00:10:11,038 And this is unusual because a leper isn't supposed 180 00:10:11,046 --> 00:10:13,088 to come into the city. 181 00:10:13,096 --> 00:10:16,067 So this leper wants to get to Jesus, 182 00:10:16,075 --> 00:10:19,050 is desperate to get to Jesus. 183 00:10:19,058 --> 00:10:22,079 So they go into the city, "Unclean, unclean." 184 00:10:22,088 --> 00:10:25,071 People are running from them, cursing them out, commanding 185 00:10:25,079 --> 00:10:30,004 them to leave the city, fleeing their presence. 186 00:10:30,012 --> 00:10:31,042 These people are unkempt. 187 00:10:31,050 --> 00:10:34,033 They haven't showered sometimes in maybe years, 188 00:10:34,042 --> 00:10:41,008 because you can't clean skin that is that destroyed and open with sores, 189 00:10:41,017 --> 00:10:46,071 seeping wounds. May have already had stones thrown at him. 190 00:10:46,079 --> 00:10:48,071 This man desperately wants to get to Jesus, 191 00:10:48,079 --> 00:10:51,017 so he goes into the city looking for Jesus. 192 00:10:51,025 --> 00:10:53,046 "There came a man full of leprosy." 193 00:10:53,054 --> 00:10:57,029 That is a clinical medical diagnosis from the physician, 194 00:10:57,038 --> 00:10:59,096 Luke, who pens the book. 195 00:11:00,004 --> 00:11:04,096 This isn't a man who simply recently obtained this infection. 196 00:11:05,004 --> 00:11:07,025 He is quote, "full of leprosy." 197 00:11:07,033 --> 00:11:11,042 He has open sores on his ears and his nose and his eyelids 198 00:11:11,050 --> 00:11:18,079 and his lips and his fingers, his face is covered in open sores. 199 00:11:18,088 --> 00:11:21,054 Some ancient reports say that it could actually attack 200 00:11:21,062 --> 00:11:25,038 the mucus membranes so that even your eyes would fall out of your head. 201 00:11:25,046 --> 00:11:29,042 He's at that state. 202 00:11:30,075 --> 00:11:34,008 "And when he saw Jesus, he fell on his face." 203 00:11:34,017 --> 00:11:37,038 This is utter humility, total desperation, 204 00:11:37,046 --> 00:11:40,025 complete reverence for Jesus. 205 00:11:40,033 --> 00:11:44,012 Do you think it was difficult for him to get down on his face? 206 00:11:44,021 --> 00:11:46,075 If his condition was as advanced as Luke indicates, 207 00:11:46,083 --> 00:11:49,008 he may not have had all his fingers and toes, 208 00:11:49,017 --> 00:11:52,083 his joints would have infected and affected. 209 00:11:52,092 --> 00:11:56,008 This is very painful for this man to get down on the ground. 210 00:11:56,017 --> 00:12:00,042 And so rather than doing so graciously and gracefully, 211 00:12:00,050 --> 00:12:06,021 he simply falls face down in the dirt at the feet of Jesus. 212 00:12:06,029 --> 00:12:07,038 To do what? 213 00:12:07,046 --> 00:12:09,008 To worship him. 214 00:12:09,017 --> 00:12:12,004 To worship him. 215 00:12:12,012 --> 00:12:16,017 He is worshiping Jesus before Jesus heals him. 216 00:12:16,025 --> 00:12:19,008 Some would come to Jesus and say, 217 00:12:19,017 --> 00:12:21,067 "If you will heal me, then I will worship you." 218 00:12:21,075 --> 00:12:26,062 This man says, "Whether or not you heal me, I will worship you 219 00:12:26,071 --> 00:12:28,025 because you are worthy." 220 00:12:28,033 --> 00:12:31,008 That should be our attitude toward Jesus. 221 00:12:31,017 --> 00:12:33,088 And he "begged him," the Bible says. 222 00:12:33,096 --> 00:12:35,000 This man is desperate. 223 00:12:35,008 --> 00:12:37,075 There's some of you who do not pray either because you're 224 00:12:37,083 --> 00:12:41,083 self-sufficient and/or your life doesn't have any immediately 225 00:12:41,092 --> 00:12:43,042 visible crisis. 226 00:12:43,050 --> 00:12:47,008 Some of you pray on occasion as a need arises, 227 00:12:47,017 --> 00:12:49,058 and some of you are desperate prayers. 228 00:12:49,067 --> 00:12:53,033 You beg God, because you absolutely know beyond a shadow 229 00:12:53,042 --> 00:12:56,088 of a doubt that apart from his grace, you are doomed, 230 00:12:56,096 --> 00:12:59,017 that your life is in a hopeless condition. 231 00:12:59,025 --> 00:13:01,012 That was this man's condition. 232 00:13:01,021 --> 00:13:04,046 He was a hopeless man, apart from the grace of God, 233 00:13:04,054 --> 00:13:10,067 and he is a desperate prayer, not just asking Jesus, but begging him. 234 00:13:10,075 --> 00:13:13,092 You can hear the quiver in his voice, you can see the tears 235 00:13:14,000 --> 00:13:17,092 in his eyes, this man is desperate. 236 00:13:18,000 --> 00:13:20,008 And here's what he said, "Lord." 237 00:13:20,017 --> 00:13:21,079 I love that. 238 00:13:21,088 --> 00:13:25,067 He recognizes that Jesus Christ is Lord. 239 00:13:25,075 --> 00:13:29,038 You're going to see in a bit that the religious leaders do not, 240 00:13:29,046 --> 00:13:30,054 but the leper does. 241 00:13:30,062 --> 00:13:33,012 He sees that Jesus Christ is Lord. 242 00:13:33,021 --> 00:13:36,000 "If you will, you can make me clean." 243 00:13:36,008 --> 00:13:41,000 There's humility here in that he's saying, "I worship you, 244 00:13:41,008 --> 00:13:42,062 "you're my Lord. 245 00:13:42,071 --> 00:13:44,096 "You have the power to heal. 246 00:13:45,004 --> 00:13:48,038 You don't have to, but I'm asking that you would." 247 00:13:48,046 --> 00:13:50,058 That's a humble prayer of faith. 248 00:13:50,067 --> 00:13:52,038 That's a good way to pray. 249 00:13:52,046 --> 00:13:54,079 "I worship you, you are Lord. 250 00:13:54,088 --> 00:13:58,017 "You can do whatever you want, but because you're loving, 251 00:13:58,025 --> 00:14:01,025 I'm making my request known to you." 252 00:14:02,042 --> 00:14:06,038 "And Jesus stretched out his hand," and what? 253 00:14:06,046 --> 00:14:08,038 What did he do Mars Hill? 254 00:14:08,046 --> 00:14:10,058 He touched him. 255 00:14:11,054 --> 00:14:14,004 That's amazing. 256 00:14:14,012 --> 00:14:16,042 How long do you think it had been since 257 00:14:16,050 --> 00:14:18,088 anyone had touched this man? 258 00:14:18,096 --> 00:14:22,033 It may have been years, it may have been decades. 259 00:14:22,042 --> 00:14:25,021 To be full of leprosy, his condition was advanced. 260 00:14:25,029 --> 00:14:29,083 He had been in this state for a long time. 261 00:14:31,058 --> 00:14:35,000 He was used to people running from him, 262 00:14:35,008 --> 00:14:37,054 not walking toward him. 263 00:14:37,062 --> 00:14:42,079 The greatest fear that others had was touching him, 264 00:14:42,088 --> 00:14:44,004 and what does Jesus do? 265 00:14:44,012 --> 00:14:47,025 Touches him. 266 00:14:47,033 --> 00:14:51,004 See, God comes to earth, 267 00:14:51,012 --> 00:14:53,062 and what he doesn't do is simply look at this man and say, 268 00:14:53,071 --> 00:14:54,079 "Be clean." 269 00:14:54,088 --> 00:14:56,062 He could have done that. 270 00:14:56,071 --> 00:14:58,083 Instead, Mars Hill, you've gotta see it. 271 00:14:58,092 --> 00:15:02,000 He touches him in the middle of the crowd and the religious 272 00:15:02,008 --> 00:15:07,021 leaders and all of the fans, Jesus stops his teaching, stops 273 00:15:07,029 --> 00:15:10,046 answering questions and for a moment, devotes all 274 00:15:10,054 --> 00:15:13,046 of his attention to this desperate man. 275 00:15:13,054 --> 00:15:20,004 He steps forward, and you almost get the picture, at least I do, 276 00:15:20,012 --> 00:15:24,071 that this man's face is on the ground, that this man is 277 00:15:24,079 --> 00:15:28,083 absolutely destroyed and devastated. 278 00:15:28,092 --> 00:15:31,000 He's probably worried at this point that he's put himself 279 00:15:31,008 --> 00:15:35,050 in a vulnerable position where the mob would come and kick him, 280 00:15:35,058 --> 00:15:37,075 literally to kill him or to drive him out of town. 281 00:15:37,083 --> 00:15:39,079 I mean, he is in a vulnerable place. 282 00:15:39,088 --> 00:15:43,092 Here's a broken, desperate, leprous man face down in 283 00:15:44,000 --> 00:15:50,046 the dirt, and he's begging Jesus, "Please heal me." 284 00:15:50,054 --> 00:15:52,088 Now, what he's expecting is a word from Jesus, 285 00:15:52,096 --> 00:15:56,083 and what he gets is a touch from Jesus. 286 00:15:56,092 --> 00:16:00,075 Jesus touches this man. 287 00:16:01,050 --> 00:16:05,088 He feels Jesus touch him. 288 00:16:08,029 --> 00:16:11,029 Friends, this is one of the reasons, there are so many, 289 00:16:11,038 --> 00:16:14,079 why we love Jesus. 290 00:16:15,062 --> 00:16:21,017 Jesus touches those who are unclean. 291 00:16:21,038 --> 00:16:23,088 That's what he does. 292 00:16:23,096 --> 00:16:26,050 Jesus is being affectionate to this man and he's blessing 293 00:16:26,058 --> 00:16:32,092 this man and he's encouraging this man and he is publicly 294 00:16:33,000 --> 00:16:35,000 dignifying this man. 295 00:16:35,008 --> 00:16:37,092 Isn't that amazing? 296 00:16:38,033 --> 00:16:41,046 See, the religious leaders in that day, they actually had a rule: 297 00:16:41,054 --> 00:16:44,088 You cannot touch someone who has leprosy, if you do, 298 00:16:44,096 --> 00:16:51,046 you will be ceremonially, ritually, religiously unclean. 299 00:16:51,054 --> 00:16:53,054 That wasn't a rule in the Bible, that was a rule 300 00:16:53,062 --> 00:16:59,029 that the religious people made and Jesus says, "No. 301 00:16:59,058 --> 00:17:02,025 "I love him. 302 00:17:03,083 --> 00:17:07,000 "I'm identifying myself with him. 303 00:17:07,025 --> 00:17:10,025 He needs touch." 304 00:17:11,017 --> 00:17:13,038 Touch is such an amazing gift. 305 00:17:13,046 --> 00:17:16,012 Those who are child development psychologists they will tell you 306 00:17:16,021 --> 00:17:19,050 that without touch, a human being actually doesn't develop, 307 00:17:19,058 --> 00:17:21,067 mature or live. 308 00:17:21,075 --> 00:17:23,071 If you raise a child in isolation, they die. 309 00:17:23,079 --> 00:17:26,054 Same with a human being, if they live in isolation, they die. 310 00:17:26,062 --> 00:17:28,008 It's not good to be alone. 311 00:17:28,017 --> 00:17:31,067 This man's been alone for years and his new life begins 312 00:17:31,075 --> 00:17:34,062 when Jesus touches him as a friend. 313 00:17:34,071 --> 00:17:36,088 How amazing is that? 314 00:17:36,096 --> 00:17:39,071 And we, as the church, get to be the proverbial body of Christ 315 00:17:39,079 --> 00:17:43,000 and that we get to reach out and touch hurting, broken, 316 00:17:43,008 --> 00:17:49,042 desperate, needy, unclean people with the love of Jesus. 317 00:17:49,050 --> 00:17:51,058 It's amazing. 318 00:17:51,067 --> 00:17:53,025 It's amazing. 319 00:17:53,033 --> 00:17:58,067 All week I've just been thinking about Jesus embracing this man. 320 00:17:58,075 --> 00:18:04,050 I literally, I can't get over it, how wonderful that is. 321 00:18:05,025 --> 00:18:09,050 The story continues. 322 00:18:10,071 --> 00:18:14,075 Jesus says, "I will; be clean." 323 00:18:14,083 --> 00:18:20,025 Touches him, he says, "I will heal you; be clean." 324 00:18:20,075 --> 00:18:22,000 And what Mars Hill? 325 00:18:22,008 --> 00:18:24,088 "Immediately the leprosy left him." 326 00:18:24,096 --> 00:18:28,021 His skin was immediately healed. 327 00:18:28,029 --> 00:18:30,004 I don't know if he got fingers and toes back, 328 00:18:30,012 --> 00:18:35,092 I don't know what happened, but immediately he was healed. 329 00:18:36,000 --> 00:18:39,088 "And the leprosy left him. And he charged him to tell no one." 330 00:18:39,096 --> 00:18:41,000 Isn't that amazing? 331 00:18:41,008 --> 00:18:43,012 Jesus is gonna tell this guy, "Don't tell anyone." 332 00:18:43,021 --> 00:18:45,067 He tells everyone, all right. 333 00:18:45,075 --> 00:18:48,079 Jesus rises from death, tells us, "Tell everyone." 334 00:18:48,088 --> 00:18:50,042 We don't tell anyone. 335 00:18:50,050 --> 00:18:53,029 It's amazing how upside down it all is. 336 00:18:53,038 --> 00:18:55,079 "Jesus charged him to tell no one, but 'go and show yourself 337 00:18:55,088 --> 00:18:59,038 to the priest, and make an offering for your cleansing, as Moses 338 00:18:59,046 --> 00:19:01,067 commanded, for a proof to them.'" 339 00:19:01,075 --> 00:19:05,075 What he's referring to here, when he mentions Moses, is the Old Testament. 340 00:19:05,083 --> 00:19:09,075 The first five books were written by Moses. 341 00:19:09,083 --> 00:19:13,042 And here Jesus is going back to Leviticus 14. 342 00:19:13,050 --> 00:19:17,067 Now, Jesus ignores, rightly, all of the goofy religious rules 343 00:19:17,075 --> 00:19:19,050 that aren't in the Bible, but he obeys everything 344 00:19:19,058 --> 00:19:21,079 that's in the Scriptures. 345 00:19:21,088 --> 00:19:25,004 And here he tells the man, "You've been healed, 346 00:19:25,012 --> 00:19:27,079 now you need to obey the Bible." 347 00:19:27,088 --> 00:19:29,062 So if you want to study this on your own, 348 00:19:29,071 --> 00:19:31,029 it might be interesting for you. 349 00:19:31,038 --> 00:19:35,012 Leviticus 14 gives detailed instructions for someone 350 00:19:35,021 --> 00:19:39,000 who has experienced an alleged healing from leprosy. 351 00:19:39,008 --> 00:19:41,058 And here's how it would go, I'll give the summary. 352 00:19:41,067 --> 00:19:44,050 The leper would schedule an appointment with the priest— 353 00:19:44,058 --> 00:19:50,096 the leader and spiritual intercessor and mediator between God and the people— 354 00:19:51,004 --> 00:19:53,042 and they would meet in a third place outside of the city, 355 00:19:53,050 --> 00:19:56,054 outside of the camp, and the priest would come 356 00:19:56,062 --> 00:19:59,075 to verify the healing of the leper. 357 00:19:59,083 --> 00:20:01,092 And if the leper had, in fact, been healed, 358 00:20:02,000 --> 00:20:06,083 the priest would serve to function, basically, as the medical doctor 359 00:20:06,092 --> 00:20:10,042 of that community in that capacity and declare a healing. 360 00:20:10,050 --> 00:20:13,017 And then what would happen would be, if someone was, in fact, 361 00:20:13,025 --> 00:20:16,004 healed from leprosy, two birds would be taken, 362 00:20:16,012 --> 00:20:22,012 one would be sacrificed and the other would be set free. 363 00:20:22,046 --> 00:20:24,071 All of this happened over a bowl of clean water showing 364 00:20:24,079 --> 00:20:29,083 that it is God, by his grace, that cleanses. 365 00:20:29,092 --> 00:20:34,067 And this is like what was called Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement 366 00:20:34,075 --> 00:20:38,075 or the Day, it was the high holy day in the nation of Israel. 367 00:20:38,083 --> 00:20:40,092 And two goats would be brought into the temple, 368 00:20:41,000 --> 00:20:44,029 and the priest, again, serving as the intercessor and the mediator 369 00:20:44,038 --> 00:20:47,042 and the advocate and representative of the people, 370 00:20:47,050 --> 00:20:53,046 would name the sins over one goat and then slaughter it as a substitute, 371 00:20:53,054 --> 00:20:56,042 and then name the sins over the other goat and then send it away 372 00:20:56,050 --> 00:20:57,029 as the scapegoat. 373 00:20:57,038 --> 00:20:59,062 So there was the sacrificial goat and the scapegoat, 374 00:20:59,071 --> 00:21:02,046 that you're forgiven and your sins are taken away. 375 00:21:02,054 --> 00:21:05,054 And the same kind of thing would happen here where, instead 376 00:21:05,062 --> 00:21:09,054 of two goats it was two lambs, not lambs, it was, rather, 377 00:21:09,062 --> 00:21:12,088 two birds, and two birds would be brought and one would be 378 00:21:12,096 --> 00:21:15,021 sacrificed and the other would be set free, showing 379 00:21:15,029 --> 00:21:18,042 that through the shedding of blood— ultimately foreshadowing the coming 380 00:21:18,050 --> 00:21:21,088 of Jesus and his death in our place for our sins on the cross— 381 00:21:21,096 --> 00:21:24,062 our sins would be forgiven, and the other dove's sent away, 382 00:21:24,071 --> 00:21:29,033 showing that Jesus takes our sin away. 383 00:21:29,042 --> 00:21:31,033 And then what would happen is that the person would have 384 00:21:31,042 --> 00:21:35,042 to bathe, 'cause they hadn't had a bath in a long time. 385 00:21:35,050 --> 00:21:37,017 They would be shaved. 386 00:21:37,025 --> 00:21:41,000 Usually they had long, scraggily hair, they were not kempt. 387 00:21:41,008 --> 00:21:43,029 And they would be shaved, and they would shave their whole body, 388 00:21:43,038 --> 00:21:45,050 including their eyebrows. 389 00:21:45,058 --> 00:21:47,000 And what they would say then is, 390 00:21:47,008 --> 00:21:49,092 "You're like a baby. You've been born-again. 391 00:21:50,000 --> 00:21:52,062 God has given you a brand-new life." 392 00:21:52,071 --> 00:21:55,058 Sort of like when you become a Christian. 393 00:21:55,067 --> 00:21:58,017 And then what would happen is they would be allowed to meet 394 00:21:58,025 --> 00:22:01,067 with people again, so there would be a week-long party. 395 00:22:01,075 --> 00:22:04,092 Could you imagine that for this man? 396 00:22:05,000 --> 00:22:09,050 If he was married when he got leprosy, he hasn't seen his wife in years, 397 00:22:09,058 --> 00:22:14,017 hasn't held her hand, hasn't snuggled with her. 398 00:22:14,025 --> 00:22:16,092 If he was a daddy when he got leprosy, 399 00:22:17,000 --> 00:22:20,096 he hasn't been able to see his children grow up in years. 400 00:22:21,004 --> 00:22:24,021 He's not had dinner at anyone's home. He's not hugged anyone. 401 00:22:24,029 --> 00:22:26,008 He's not been invited to a party. 402 00:22:26,017 --> 00:22:28,029 He's not sat down to eat a meal with anyone. 403 00:22:28,038 --> 00:22:32,067 It's been years, like I said, maybe decades. 404 00:22:33,029 --> 00:22:36,000 And now word goes back to the people, 405 00:22:36,008 --> 00:22:38,062 "He's healed. God did a miracle. His leprosy's gone. 406 00:22:38,071 --> 00:22:41,025 Praise God, let's throw a huge party," 407 00:22:41,033 --> 00:22:44,021 and it was a one-week-long party. 408 00:22:44,029 --> 00:22:46,067 And they would celebrate and he'd tell the story of God's 409 00:22:46,075 --> 00:22:49,075 grace and catch up with everyone and "What's God been doing 410 00:22:49,083 --> 00:22:53,062 in your life and how are things going and what have I missed?" 411 00:22:53,071 --> 00:22:57,000 This is like someone who's been in a coma for years 412 00:22:57,008 --> 00:23:01,042 and comes out of it, they have so much catching up to do. 413 00:23:02,008 --> 00:23:04,033 And then at the end of that week-long celebration, they 414 00:23:04,042 --> 00:23:10,012 would bathe yet again, and they would shave yet again, showing 415 00:23:10,021 --> 00:23:15,046 full and total healing and cleansing and forgiveness. 416 00:23:15,054 --> 00:23:19,058 And then the priest would take three lambs 417 00:23:19,067 --> 00:23:22,029 and offer three lambs for sacrifice. 418 00:23:22,038 --> 00:23:24,046 And these are lambs without spot or blemish. 419 00:23:24,054 --> 00:23:27,042 All of this is foreshadowing the coming of Jesus. 420 00:23:27,050 --> 00:23:31,033 When Jesus begins his ministry, it's John the Baptizer, his cousin, who says, 421 00:23:31,042 --> 00:23:34,071 "Behold, the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." 422 00:23:34,079 --> 00:23:37,004 In 1 Peter 1 we are told that Jesus is quote, 423 00:23:37,012 --> 00:23:39,050 "A lamb without spot or blemish." 424 00:23:39,058 --> 00:23:42,000 And I'll double check to get this right, one was for a guilt 425 00:23:42,008 --> 00:23:45,029 offering, one for a sin offering and one for a burnt offering 426 00:23:45,038 --> 00:23:50,021 to make up for all the years of missed worshipful sacrifices. 427 00:23:50,029 --> 00:23:53,000 And their sin was dealt with through this offering of 428 00:23:53,008 --> 00:23:57,004 an unblemished lamb, showing that ultimately Jesus is coming 429 00:23:57,012 --> 00:23:58,092 and he's going to take care of us. 430 00:23:59,000 --> 00:24:02,008 And then the priest would do a most interesting thing, again, 431 00:24:02,017 --> 00:24:04,079 you can read all of this in Leviticus 14. 432 00:24:04,088 --> 00:24:10,017 He would take some of the blood and he'd place it on the man's ear 433 00:24:10,025 --> 00:24:14,000 and on his thumb and on his big toe. 434 00:24:14,008 --> 00:24:16,042 Why? 435 00:24:16,050 --> 00:24:20,083 You belong to God now, listen to him, you belong to God now, 436 00:24:20,092 --> 00:24:22,062 serve him. 437 00:24:22,071 --> 00:24:24,067 You belong to God now. 438 00:24:24,075 --> 00:24:26,033 Walk in his ways. 439 00:24:26,042 --> 00:24:28,062 That's what it meant. 440 00:24:28,071 --> 00:24:31,025 That's exactly what life is supposed to be. 441 00:24:31,033 --> 00:24:36,046 Jesus sheds his blood so that we can be forgiven and cleansed, 442 00:24:36,054 --> 00:24:39,029 and now that we belong to him, we should listen to him, 443 00:24:39,038 --> 00:24:42,088 serve him, follow him. 444 00:24:42,096 --> 00:24:46,012 Now, let me make this personal for us, otherwise what we can do 445 00:24:46,021 --> 00:24:48,075 is simply read the story and say, "That's amazing that Jesus 446 00:24:48,083 --> 00:24:53,038 did that for that man" and we rejoice in that, but you could 447 00:24:53,046 --> 00:24:55,079 miss the fullness of what is happening here, because sometimes 448 00:24:55,088 --> 00:25:00,017 God will use a physical healing to teach a spiritual truth, 449 00:25:00,025 --> 00:25:01,075 and that's the case here. 450 00:25:01,083 --> 00:25:06,079 In Isaiah 1:4-6, written about 700 years before Jesus was born, 451 00:25:06,088 --> 00:25:12,004 God used leprosy as an analogy for sin. 452 00:25:12,012 --> 00:25:13,042 What he says is: 453 00:25:13,050 --> 00:25:17,071 People are sinful and they're unclean and filthy like lepers. 454 00:25:17,079 --> 00:25:19,067 It's a condition that is deep. 455 00:25:19,075 --> 00:25:21,083 It's a condition that is incurable. 456 00:25:21,092 --> 00:25:24,096 It is a condition that makes you insensitive. 457 00:25:25,004 --> 00:25:28,054 It is a condition that causes you to live separated from God, 458 00:25:28,062 --> 00:25:30,071 outside of the proverbial camp. 459 00:25:30,079 --> 00:25:33,000 It is a condition that, ultimately, will lead 460 00:25:33,008 --> 00:25:35,058 to your death. 461 00:25:35,067 --> 00:25:38,083 And God says that we're all sinners by nature and choice, 462 00:25:38,092 --> 00:25:41,096 that because of our sin, we're in the same position 463 00:25:42,004 --> 00:25:43,021 as the leper. 464 00:25:43,029 --> 00:25:45,004 Some of you say, "I don't believe that, I don't think 465 00:25:45,012 --> 00:25:48,000 I'm as disgusting as a leper." 466 00:25:48,008 --> 00:25:50,096 And it's because the earth is one big leper colony 467 00:25:51,004 --> 00:25:53,004 and since there's nothing but lepers here, 468 00:25:53,012 --> 00:25:57,017 we don't get as disgusted by it as God does. 469 00:25:57,025 --> 00:25:59,096 And so God comes to earth as the man Jesus Christ, 470 00:26:00,004 --> 00:26:04,092 and in seeing sin, he has the same repulsion and reaction as you 471 00:26:05,000 --> 00:26:11,000 and I would to someone who is a person full of leprosy. 472 00:26:11,008 --> 00:26:14,054 If you and I were to see someone full of leprosy, we would recoil 473 00:26:14,062 --> 00:26:19,004 and say, "That is unfortunate, and that is grotesque." 474 00:26:19,012 --> 00:26:23,083 And when Jesus looks at sin, it is grotesque to him, 475 00:26:23,092 --> 00:26:26,042 as leprosy is to us. 476 00:26:26,050 --> 00:26:28,046 And what does he do? 477 00:26:28,054 --> 00:26:30,092 He touches us. 478 00:26:31,000 --> 00:26:33,079 That's what he does. 479 00:26:33,088 --> 00:26:36,029 See, some of you would hear this and you would say, 480 00:26:36,038 --> 00:26:38,062 "Unclean, that's me." 481 00:26:38,071 --> 00:26:41,062 Some of you, because of sin you've committed, some of you 482 00:26:41,071 --> 00:26:46,004 have done some very filthy, dirty, nasty, vile things, 483 00:26:46,012 --> 00:26:48,033 very gross. 484 00:26:48,042 --> 00:26:53,096 You should walk in saying, "Unclean, unclean." 485 00:26:54,054 --> 00:26:58,017 Some of you have had very disgusting, nasty, vile, 486 00:26:58,025 --> 00:27:00,046 grotesque things done you. 487 00:27:00,054 --> 00:27:04,046 You've been abused, raped, molested, cheated on, lied to, 488 00:27:04,054 --> 00:27:11,012 betrayed, taken advantage of, and you just feel dirty and filthy, 489 00:27:11,021 --> 00:27:17,071 and you feel as if your identity is unclean, unclean. 490 00:27:17,079 --> 00:27:20,058 And the truth is that Jesus cleanses and that he puts 491 00:27:20,067 --> 00:27:24,083 a hand on us too, just like he did the leper. 492 00:27:24,092 --> 00:27:28,025 If you ask Jesus, "Would you please heal me and cleanse me?" 493 00:27:28,033 --> 00:27:35,025 He would say, as he said to this man, "I will, be clean. 494 00:27:35,033 --> 00:27:36,092 Be clean." 495 00:27:37,000 --> 00:27:39,079 We call this the biblical doctrine of expiation, that 496 00:27:39,088 --> 00:27:41,050 Jesus makes us clean. 497 00:27:41,058 --> 00:27:45,000 Mars Hill, in Christ you are clean. 498 00:27:45,008 --> 00:27:47,054 You're clean. 499 00:27:47,062 --> 00:27:51,000 That's why the church always gets to wear white in the Bible, 500 00:27:51,008 --> 00:27:53,017 you're clean. 501 00:27:53,025 --> 00:27:55,088 That's why if we confess our sins, he will both forgive us 502 00:27:55,096 --> 00:27:58,075 and cleanse us of our unrighteousness, 503 00:27:58,083 --> 00:28:02,038 that's what the Bible says. 504 00:28:03,033 --> 00:28:05,088 In Christ, you're clean. 505 00:28:05,096 --> 00:28:08,079 You're not an alcoholic, you're not a drug addict. 506 00:28:08,088 --> 00:28:11,042 You're not a whore, you're not a fornicator. 507 00:28:11,050 --> 00:28:12,092 You're not an adulterer. 508 00:28:13,000 --> 00:28:19,050 Those are things you've done, but in Christ you're made clean. 509 00:28:19,058 --> 00:28:24,092 By the power of the Holy Spirit, you're cleansed. 510 00:28:25,000 --> 00:28:26,042 To what? 511 00:28:26,050 --> 00:28:31,062 To commission your ear, your thumb and your toe to God 512 00:28:31,071 --> 00:28:34,012 and say, "From now on, I listen to him, I serve him, 513 00:28:34,021 --> 00:28:36,029 I walk with him." 514 00:28:36,038 --> 00:28:37,062 No longer unclean. 515 00:28:37,071 --> 00:28:39,012 Your identity's changed. 516 00:28:39,021 --> 00:28:42,096 Jesus, in touching this man, does the same for us. 517 00:28:43,004 --> 00:28:47,067 He takes his filth away, he gives his dignity back, 518 00:28:47,075 --> 00:28:51,062 and the man gets a brand-new identity to go live a new life 519 00:28:51,071 --> 00:28:54,012 as if he was reborn. 520 00:28:54,021 --> 00:28:55,042 That's what Jesus gives. 521 00:28:55,050 --> 00:28:56,083 If you're here and you're not a Christian, 522 00:28:56,092 --> 00:28:57,092 you have may not known this. 523 00:28:58,000 --> 00:29:01,088 You may have thought that all Christianity is, is guilt. 524 00:29:01,096 --> 00:29:05,079 We just remind you all the time of all the things you do wrong. 525 00:29:05,088 --> 00:29:08,079 No, we remind you of all the things you do wrong, 526 00:29:08,088 --> 00:29:10,096 then we remind you of all the things that Jesus does right, 527 00:29:11,004 --> 00:29:14,079 and we remind you of the love of Jesus that forgives sin and cleanses, 528 00:29:14,088 --> 00:29:18,017 so you can be happy and go live a new life. 529 00:29:18,025 --> 00:29:21,079 It doesn't end with guilt, it ends with joy. 530 00:29:21,088 --> 00:29:25,012 This man got to party for a week. 531 00:29:25,021 --> 00:29:29,000 That's the result of a right understanding 532 00:29:29,008 --> 00:29:31,004 of the work of Jesus. 533 00:29:31,012 --> 00:29:34,029 That's amazing that Jesus would do that. 534 00:29:34,038 --> 00:29:38,079 A new identity as a clean person. 535 00:29:39,008 --> 00:29:41,042 Now how is Jesus going to respond to this? 536 00:29:41,050 --> 00:29:46,054 Luke 5:15-16, "But now even more the report 537 00:29:46,062 --> 00:29:50,012 "about him went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear him 538 00:29:50,021 --> 00:29:51,088 and to be healed of their infirmities." 539 00:29:51,096 --> 00:29:55,071 As soon as word got out, "Hey, this guy Jesus, he heals lepers 540 00:29:55,079 --> 00:29:59,058 with no co-pay, no deductible, no two-day follow up." 541 00:29:59,067 --> 00:30:01,058 The line got really line. 542 00:30:01,067 --> 00:30:02,062 "Really? 543 00:30:02,071 --> 00:30:04,075 I'm in." 544 00:30:04,083 --> 00:30:06,096 So what is Jesus going to do? 545 00:30:07,004 --> 00:30:09,092 Is he going to pour himself out 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 546 00:30:10,000 --> 00:30:12,067 365 days a year? 547 00:30:12,075 --> 00:30:15,042 No, he does something very unexpected. 548 00:30:15,050 --> 00:30:18,079 "He would withdraw to desolate places and pray." 549 00:30:18,088 --> 00:30:20,075 The New International Version of the Bible says, 550 00:30:20,083 --> 00:30:24,046 "Jesus often withdrew to lonely places to pray or be alone 551 00:30:24,054 --> 00:30:27,004 with the Father." 552 00:30:27,033 --> 00:30:31,025 So the line gets long and Jesus leaves town. 553 00:30:31,033 --> 00:30:34,017 Now, for those who were in line, I'm sure this seemed cruel. 554 00:30:34,025 --> 00:30:37,088 "Why did he didn't get healed? How come I get healed? He's no better than I am." 555 00:30:37,096 --> 00:30:39,021 "Hey, where did Jesus go?" 556 00:30:39,029 --> 00:30:42,079 It's not like there's a lot of people who can heal lepers. 557 00:30:42,088 --> 00:30:46,079 "I've been waiting in line for 2 days." 558 00:30:46,088 --> 00:30:49,046 It would appear, perhaps, that Jesus is being unkind, 559 00:30:49,054 --> 00:30:50,075 unpleasant, uncaring. 560 00:30:50,083 --> 00:30:51,096 He's not. 561 00:30:52,004 --> 00:30:54,042 He's doing exactly what the Father has called him to do, 562 00:30:54,050 --> 00:31:01,004 not everything that he could possibly do, but everything that he is called to do. 563 00:31:01,012 --> 00:31:04,046 And see, when God became a man, 564 00:31:04,054 --> 00:31:08,033 he took upon himself certain limitations. 565 00:31:08,042 --> 00:31:10,092 He did this to humbly identify with us. 566 00:31:11,000 --> 00:31:13,083 So Jesus needs to eat and he needs to get some sleep 567 00:31:13,092 --> 00:31:16,067 and he needs to get a day off and he needs to drink some water, 568 00:31:16,075 --> 00:31:18,029 otherwise he's gonna die. 569 00:31:18,038 --> 00:31:22,083 He can't just be healing people 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 570 00:31:22,092 --> 00:31:26,046 so he has to manage, not just his time, but his energy. 571 00:31:26,054 --> 00:31:28,079 You need to remember that. 572 00:31:28,088 --> 00:31:31,000 So much of our world is about time management, 573 00:31:31,008 --> 00:31:36,012 it should be also primarily about energy management. 574 00:31:36,021 --> 00:31:37,083 Jesus here has poured himself out. 575 00:31:37,092 --> 00:31:40,008 He's been preaching and teaching, healing people, 576 00:31:40,017 --> 00:31:42,092 casting out demons and curing lepers. 577 00:31:43,000 --> 00:31:45,079 That's what we've read in the previous sections 578 00:31:45,088 --> 00:31:47,042 of Luke's Gospel. 579 00:31:47,050 --> 00:31:48,062 And you know what he is? 580 00:31:48,071 --> 00:31:50,054 He's tired. 581 00:31:50,062 --> 00:31:52,083 And it's not that there are not people who need him, 582 00:31:52,092 --> 00:31:55,046 it's that he has nothing left to give. 583 00:31:55,054 --> 00:31:58,000 He's emptied his bucket, and he's gotta go get with the Father 584 00:31:58,008 --> 00:32:00,021 to have it filled back up. 585 00:32:00,029 --> 00:32:04,000 Now, I'll tell you how this works physiologically. 586 00:32:04,008 --> 00:32:06,050 When you're on, when you're busy, when you're doing 587 00:32:06,058 --> 00:32:10,088 something, like I am, you feel strong and powerful 588 00:32:10,096 --> 00:32:12,038 and alert and focused. 589 00:32:12,046 --> 00:32:13,054 Why? 590 00:32:13,062 --> 00:32:17,042 Because your body is producing adrenaline and cortisol. 591 00:32:17,050 --> 00:32:20,092 You're strong and moving, and so you ride that adrenaline 592 00:32:21,000 --> 00:32:23,083 and cortisol until you crash. 593 00:32:23,092 --> 00:32:26,046 Now what happens then, you have one of two options: 594 00:32:26,054 --> 00:32:30,083 You accept your limitations and you do what Jesus did and you unplug 595 00:32:30,092 --> 00:32:33,025 and you go be with the Father and get your day off and pray 596 00:32:33,033 --> 00:32:35,033 and rest and recover; 597 00:32:35,042 --> 00:32:38,004 or you do what I did for a decade, and you drink 598 00:32:38,012 --> 00:32:42,025 energy drinks and caffeine and carbohydrates and sugar 599 00:32:42,033 --> 00:32:46,008 and you combine that with stubbornness and you keep going. 600 00:32:46,017 --> 00:32:47,071 I'm not saying you should do that, 601 00:32:47,079 --> 00:32:50,000 I'm saying that's what I did. 602 00:32:50,008 --> 00:32:53,067 And I did that until I fried out my adrenal glands 603 00:32:53,075 --> 00:32:57,000 and really put myself in a very precarious position, health-wise, 604 00:32:57,008 --> 00:32:58,058 a few years ago. 605 00:32:58,067 --> 00:33:01,021 And what happens is, some of you are workaholics 606 00:33:01,029 --> 00:33:05,042 and you're not addicted to the work, you're addicted to the high, 607 00:33:05,050 --> 00:33:11,042 'cause it feels good to be going, and then there's always a reaction. 608 00:33:11,050 --> 00:33:14,012 So if you push hard, you crash hard. 609 00:33:14,021 --> 00:33:17,079 You get depressed, easily tempted, grumpy, low energy, 610 00:33:17,088 --> 00:33:20,075 mental fogginess, you don't like that. 611 00:33:20,083 --> 00:33:24,008 So you push again to turn the adrenal glands back on, kick up 612 00:33:24,017 --> 00:33:28,092 the cortisol production and push through to keep going, 613 00:33:29,000 --> 00:33:30,096 until eventually you break all at once. 614 00:33:31,004 --> 00:33:34,008 This is where you have panic attack, heart attack, some sort 615 00:33:34,017 --> 00:33:37,004 of physical breaking point at the weak spot in your particular 616 00:33:37,012 --> 00:33:41,096 anatomy, major depression, self-medicating with drugs, 617 00:33:42,004 --> 00:33:47,012 alcohol, sex, pornography, shopping. 618 00:33:47,021 --> 00:33:48,071 Jesus doesn't do any of those things. 619 00:33:48,079 --> 00:33:52,046 Today the psychologists, the psychiatrists, the sociologists, 620 00:33:52,054 --> 00:33:56,058 the medical doctors, they will say that if you pour yourself out, 621 00:33:56,067 --> 00:33:59,071 expect to be depleted and the best thing to do 622 00:33:59,079 --> 00:34:01,075 is to get silence and solitude. 623 00:34:01,083 --> 00:34:02,096 Really? 624 00:34:03,004 --> 00:34:04,079 I know a guy who did that. 625 00:34:04,088 --> 00:34:06,012 Oh, his name's Jesus. 626 00:34:06,021 --> 00:34:08,075 We should probably do what he did. 627 00:34:08,083 --> 00:34:11,004 Isn't that amazing that 2,000 years later the doctors 628 00:34:11,012 --> 00:34:14,058 are basically saying, "Ah, do what Jesus did." 629 00:34:14,067 --> 00:34:17,021 See, 'cause Jesus knew what he was doing, he had wisdom 630 00:34:17,029 --> 00:34:19,038 from the Holy Spirit. 631 00:34:19,046 --> 00:34:22,012 So he poured himself out, and when the bucket was empty, 632 00:34:22,021 --> 00:34:24,058 he went to get it refilled with the Father. 633 00:34:24,067 --> 00:34:26,017 And I'm sure everybody was asking, 634 00:34:26,025 --> 00:34:28,050 "Hey Jesus, what about your 2 o'clock appointment? 635 00:34:28,058 --> 00:34:30,079 People are stacked up here." 636 00:34:30,088 --> 00:34:32,033 Jesus says, "I'll be back later." 637 00:34:32,042 --> 00:34:33,046 When? 638 00:34:33,054 --> 00:34:36,075 "When the bucket's full, and I'll give you what I got." 639 00:34:36,083 --> 00:34:39,079 But this was Jesus' habitual practice to get alone 640 00:34:39,088 --> 00:34:41,021 with the Father. 641 00:34:41,029 --> 00:34:46,008 Now, let me say this: All of you need to be aware of this; 642 00:34:46,017 --> 00:34:50,012 all of you need to be aware of this, that if you don't pay attention 643 00:34:50,021 --> 00:34:53,012 to your body and you're not willing to live within 644 00:34:53,021 --> 00:34:56,079 the limitations that God gave you, you will not have the prolonged 645 00:34:56,088 --> 00:34:59,012 productivity that Jesus did. 646 00:34:59,021 --> 00:35:01,096 So that's true for all of us, but especially four kinds of people, 647 00:35:02,004 --> 00:35:03,021 in my pastoral experience. 648 00:35:03,029 --> 00:35:06,054 Number one: Those people who are intense. 649 00:35:06,062 --> 00:35:07,096 Any of you intense? 650 00:35:08,004 --> 00:35:11,050 I don't have a graduated spectrum, I have on and off, 651 00:35:11,058 --> 00:35:12,075 right, that's it. 652 00:35:12,083 --> 00:35:15,025 Some of you, you're like, "I'm going out at 25%." 653 00:35:15,033 --> 00:35:17,033 God bless you, help me. 654 00:35:17,042 --> 00:35:19,017 I don't even know how do that. 655 00:35:19,025 --> 00:35:21,021 To me, it was like, "I'm gonna write a book," 656 00:35:21,029 --> 00:35:23,067 so I wrote six in a year, all right? 657 00:35:23,075 --> 00:35:27,088 It's like, "Hey, everything fell down in Haiti, I'm gonna go there." 658 00:35:27,096 --> 00:35:30,092 You know, some of us are a little intense. 659 00:35:31,000 --> 00:35:34,071 We can't do something, we have to do it all. 660 00:35:34,079 --> 00:35:37,083 So people like that, you gotta be very careful, if you're like me, 661 00:35:37,092 --> 00:35:41,058 what you actually commit yourself to, 'cause it's all or nothing, 662 00:35:41,067 --> 00:35:43,079 which means when you go hard for something, you're gonna 663 00:35:43,088 --> 00:35:46,029 be done at the end 'cause you're gonna leave it all on the field, 664 00:35:46,038 --> 00:35:47,088 you're not gonna leave anything back. 665 00:35:47,096 --> 00:35:50,067 Number two: You need to be careful if you're a caretaker, 666 00:35:50,075 --> 00:35:56,071 you're a counselor, you're a caseworker, you're a foster parent, 667 00:35:56,079 --> 00:35:59,075 you work in hospice, you're a nurse, you're a doctor, 668 00:35:59,083 --> 00:36:04,058 you're a drug treatment counselor, right, you're an EMT. 669 00:36:04,067 --> 00:36:05,083 You're a caregiver. 670 00:36:05,092 --> 00:36:09,046 Your job is to pour yourself out to help hurting people. 671 00:36:09,054 --> 00:36:12,046 Your bucket's gonna get empty all the time. 672 00:36:12,054 --> 00:36:15,088 Number three: Those of you who are high-capacity leaders like Jesus, 673 00:36:15,096 --> 00:36:18,075 the needs are never ending, you could work 24 hours a day, 674 00:36:18,083 --> 00:36:22,079 and that wouldn't even begin to take care of all the needs. 675 00:36:22,088 --> 00:36:25,050 And number four: Those of you who are just people 676 00:36:25,058 --> 00:36:29,083 with small emotional buckets, you don't have a big bucket. 677 00:36:29,092 --> 00:36:32,083 It doesn't take a lot to empty it out. 678 00:36:32,092 --> 00:36:37,042 Those kinds of people are particularly susceptible to burn out 679 00:36:37,050 --> 00:36:41,004 and to depression, and to physically, emotionally, 680 00:36:41,012 --> 00:36:45,004 mentally, spiritually breaking, and the younger you are, 681 00:36:45,012 --> 00:36:46,083 the less you believe it. 682 00:36:46,092 --> 00:36:49,017 You just feel like, "I got this red cape and this 'S' 683 00:36:49,025 --> 00:36:51,029 on my chest, I feel great." 684 00:36:51,038 --> 00:36:58,075 That's the adrenaline, all right, you're temporarily insane, okay? 685 00:36:59,000 --> 00:37:05,042 And so, I love this about Jesus, he takes care not only of the leper, but himself. 686 00:37:05,050 --> 00:37:07,054 You notice that? 687 00:37:07,062 --> 00:37:09,075 He takes care of the leper and himself. 688 00:37:09,083 --> 00:37:13,033 That was very convicting for me this week studying this, 689 00:37:13,042 --> 00:37:18,021 'cause most of the pastors I know, myself included, not in the best shape, 690 00:37:18,029 --> 00:37:19,092 push it too hard, work too many hours, 691 00:37:20,000 --> 00:37:21,042 skip the day off, why? 692 00:37:21,050 --> 00:37:28,042 "I'm helping hurting people," and you're hurting yourself. 693 00:37:28,050 --> 00:37:34,058 Many ministry leaders are the least healthy of all, and Jesus has this— 694 00:37:34,067 --> 00:37:36,088 and I would give this to our community group leaders, 695 00:37:36,096 --> 00:37:40,038 our service team leads, our deacons, our elders, the givers 696 00:37:40,046 --> 00:37:44,033 in this church, those who pour themselves out like Jesus. 697 00:37:44,042 --> 00:37:47,033 He took care of the lepers and himself, 698 00:37:47,042 --> 00:37:48,079 and he didn't feel guilty about that. 699 00:37:48,088 --> 00:37:50,067 That amazes me. 700 00:37:50,075 --> 00:37:52,071 He worked from conviction, not guilt. 701 00:37:52,079 --> 00:37:56,071 Guilt comes from people, conviction comes from the Lord. 702 00:37:56,079 --> 00:37:59,042 So I want to give you permission to pour yourself out 703 00:37:59,050 --> 00:38:04,054 for people and take care of yourself, Jesus does both. 704 00:38:04,062 --> 00:38:07,029 So he transforms the leper's life. 705 00:38:07,038 --> 00:38:10,042 He also takes care of himself, and then he's going to have 706 00:38:10,050 --> 00:38:13,038 a little more energy left to pour himself out 707 00:38:13,046 --> 00:38:14,096 to serve the paralytic. 708 00:38:15,004 --> 00:38:18,046 He's not done, all right, he's unplugging from work to plug 709 00:38:18,054 --> 00:38:20,017 back into the Father 710 00:38:20,025 --> 00:38:22,054 and then he's gonna plug back into ministry. 711 00:38:22,062 --> 00:38:27,000 So we pick up the story of the paralytic in Luke 5:17-19. 712 00:38:27,008 --> 00:38:28,058 "On one of those days, he was teaching." 713 00:38:28,067 --> 00:38:31,029 So we see that Jesus' ministry is teaching, preaching, 714 00:38:31,038 --> 00:38:35,004 casting out demons, healing the sick. 715 00:38:35,012 --> 00:38:38,042 The "Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there." 716 00:38:38,050 --> 00:38:40,050 Okay, we're gonna talk about these guys. 717 00:38:40,058 --> 00:38:43,054 You'll see a little further down, it's probably the scribes. 718 00:38:43,062 --> 00:38:46,008 So it's the Pharisees and the scribes. 719 00:38:46,017 --> 00:38:47,088 They're gonna appear a lot in Luke's Gospel. 720 00:38:47,096 --> 00:38:50,046 They're predominant in the Gospel. 721 00:38:50,054 --> 00:38:53,008 The most stinging renunciation of these people 722 00:38:53,017 --> 00:38:55,008 is in Matthew 23. 723 00:38:55,017 --> 00:38:58,062 In the next section of Luke, we're going to deal at length 724 00:38:58,071 --> 00:39:01,012 with the Pharisees and the scribes, but let me introduce 725 00:39:01,021 --> 00:39:04,046 you to them today since they figure prominently here, 726 00:39:04,054 --> 00:39:09,079 and they make reappearing cameos throughout the course of the book. 727 00:39:09,088 --> 00:39:15,021 Now, they started with a good idea, that is: 728 00:39:15,029 --> 00:39:17,079 "We want people to obey the Bible." 729 00:39:17,088 --> 00:39:18,088 That's a good idea. 730 00:39:18,096 --> 00:39:20,038 Like if we were gonna vote for that, I would hope 731 00:39:20,046 --> 00:39:22,012 that you would vote yes. 732 00:39:22,021 --> 00:39:25,021 If I came to you and said, "How many of you want people to obey the Bible?" 733 00:39:25,029 --> 00:39:26,021 "Yes." 734 00:39:26,029 --> 00:39:27,004 "Okay, you're a Pharisee." 735 00:39:27,012 --> 00:39:29,033 Now, wait a minute, not exactly, right? 736 00:39:29,042 --> 00:39:32,000 How did they get from a good thing to a Pharisee? 737 00:39:32,008 --> 00:39:35,004 And if you don't know, Pharisee's a bad thing. 738 00:39:35,012 --> 00:39:37,046 These are the religious guys. 739 00:39:37,054 --> 00:39:40,079 They actually are complicit in the murder of Jesus. 740 00:39:40,088 --> 00:39:45,079 They are his archenemies, that's the Pharisees. 741 00:39:45,088 --> 00:39:47,062 Well, they started with a good idea, 742 00:39:47,071 --> 00:39:52,075 but they had the wrong answer. 743 00:39:52,083 --> 00:39:55,017 They made it about what we do, not about what Jesus does. 744 00:39:55,025 --> 00:39:58,083 They made it about their perfect life, not Jesus' perfect life. 745 00:39:58,092 --> 00:40:01,042 They made it about our works, not God's grace. 746 00:40:01,050 --> 00:40:03,050 They got it all wrong. 747 00:40:03,058 --> 00:40:05,033 They became religious. 748 00:40:05,042 --> 00:40:08,025 Now, the scribes were the professional, 749 00:40:08,033 --> 00:40:10,029 formerly trained theologians. 750 00:40:10,038 --> 00:40:12,046 So these are guys that went to Bible college and seminary. 751 00:40:12,054 --> 00:40:15,025 They have degrees after their name, big libraries, 752 00:40:15,033 --> 00:40:17,017 they publish books. 753 00:40:17,025 --> 00:40:19,025 You know, they're respected because these 754 00:40:19,033 --> 00:40:21,058 are the highly trained professionals. 755 00:40:21,067 --> 00:40:24,092 And the Pharisees were the middle class, not formerly 756 00:40:25,000 --> 00:40:28,029 educated group of people that would collect themselves 757 00:40:28,038 --> 00:40:30,096 into closed communities, and one group of Pharisees 758 00:40:31,004 --> 00:40:36,071 would be under one scribe, sort of their resident expert theologian. 759 00:40:36,079 --> 00:40:40,071 So, you know, think, guy with a beard and a couple degrees 760 00:40:40,079 --> 00:40:42,075 and all his Facebook friends, all right, 761 00:40:42,083 --> 00:40:45,050 that's what we're looking at. 762 00:40:45,058 --> 00:40:49,000 And the Pharisees then would try and enforce all the rules 763 00:40:49,008 --> 00:40:54,008 and laws that their scribe made, but being working class and not 764 00:40:54,017 --> 00:40:57,071 having a great education, they were obedient 765 00:40:57,079 --> 00:41:02,046 to the point of blindness. 766 00:41:03,004 --> 00:41:05,075 And the result was they became very powerful, 767 00:41:05,083 --> 00:41:09,029 particularly after the temple's destroyed in 70 A.D. 768 00:41:09,038 --> 00:41:15,004 They became one of the, if not the strongest voices in all 769 00:41:15,012 --> 00:41:19,046 of Judaism, very powerful. 770 00:41:19,096 --> 00:41:24,050 "And they came from every village of Galilee and Judea and Jerusalem," 771 00:41:24,058 --> 00:41:27,008 the big city where all the big scholars live. 772 00:41:27,017 --> 00:41:31,012 So Jesus now has gotten famous, his teaching has gotten out, 773 00:41:31,021 --> 00:41:34,050 and everybody's coming to listen, and now the scribes and the 774 00:41:34,058 --> 00:41:37,017 Pharisees are there, and Jesus is going to teach, 775 00:41:37,025 --> 00:41:40,088 and they're all sitting in the front row, laptops open, looking 776 00:41:40,096 --> 00:41:45,012 for free Wi-Fi, ready to live blog and Twitter this thing and figure 777 00:41:45,021 --> 00:41:50,025 out what Jesus thinks and give their opinion to the world. 778 00:41:50,038 --> 00:41:53,046 "And the power of the Lord was with him," that's Jesus, "to heal." 779 00:41:53,054 --> 00:41:55,079 The other guys had a theology of healing, 780 00:41:55,088 --> 00:41:57,092 Jesus had people he healed. 781 00:41:58,000 --> 00:42:00,021 He had a totally different level of authority and power. 782 00:42:00,029 --> 00:42:02,046 "And behold, some men were bringing on a bed a man who 783 00:42:02,054 --> 00:42:05,004 "was paralyzed, and they were seeking to bring him in and lay him 784 00:42:05,012 --> 00:42:07,058 "before Jesus, but finding no way to bring him in, 785 00:42:07,067 --> 00:42:10,021 "because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down 786 00:42:10,029 --> 00:42:13,021 with his bed through the tiles into their midst before Jesus." 787 00:42:13,029 --> 00:42:15,012 This is a great story. 788 00:42:15,021 --> 00:42:16,046 Jesus is teaching in a home. 789 00:42:16,054 --> 00:42:18,042 It's like a community group, 790 00:42:18,050 --> 00:42:20,054 but Jesus shows up to your community group. 791 00:42:20,062 --> 00:42:22,092 That's a great day. 792 00:42:23,000 --> 00:42:26,046 And all of a sudden, your community group's really big; it really grew. 793 00:42:26,054 --> 00:42:30,088 House is full and, of course, who takes all the front-row seats? 794 00:42:30,096 --> 00:42:34,004 All the religious people, all the Bible college and seminary guys. 795 00:42:34,012 --> 00:42:36,017 They take all the first row. 796 00:42:36,025 --> 00:42:38,000 They're not even in your group, they just showed up 797 00:42:38,008 --> 00:42:40,017 and made it their own. 798 00:42:40,025 --> 00:42:42,021 And then there's everybody else, and then there's a bunch 799 00:42:42,029 --> 00:42:43,042 of people who can't even get in the house, 800 00:42:43,050 --> 00:42:46,017 so they're outside listening. 801 00:42:46,025 --> 00:42:48,046 And there's this guy who's a paralytic. 802 00:42:48,054 --> 00:42:52,058 He's totally paralyzed and his friends get a cot and they carry him 803 00:42:52,067 --> 00:42:53,067 and they get to the house and they're like, 804 00:42:53,075 --> 00:42:56,004 "We can't get our friend to Jesus." 805 00:42:56,012 --> 00:42:57,004 Why? 806 00:42:57,012 --> 00:42:59,025 Because people are in the way, especially the religious people. 807 00:42:59,033 --> 00:43:01,088 I think it's amazing that you want to get a hurting person 808 00:43:01,096 --> 00:43:04,071 to Jesus and it's religious people who are in the way. 809 00:43:04,079 --> 00:43:07,062 Some things never change. 810 00:43:07,071 --> 00:43:10,000 And so these guys are so determined to get their buddy 811 00:43:10,008 --> 00:43:13,096 to Jesus, they go up on the roof and they start dismantling it. 812 00:43:14,004 --> 00:43:15,083 Don't do this to your community group leader. 813 00:43:15,092 --> 00:43:18,033 They start dismantling the roof, 814 00:43:18,042 --> 00:43:19,050 and they've got it all figured out. 815 00:43:19,058 --> 00:43:21,038 "All right, we got some ropes and we're gonna put it on 816 00:43:21,046 --> 00:43:24,092 "the cot and we're gonna bring this guy down and we're drop him 817 00:43:25,000 --> 00:43:26,054 right in front of Jesus." 818 00:43:26,062 --> 00:43:29,042 And they drop him right in front of Jesus, which is like, there's 819 00:43:29,050 --> 00:43:33,083 no way he can ignore this request, all right? 820 00:43:33,092 --> 00:43:38,079 And there he is the paralytic guy, "Hi Jesus, I'm paralyzed." 821 00:43:38,088 --> 00:43:41,075 It's a pretty funny moment, I think. 822 00:43:41,083 --> 00:43:46,054 It's like "Cirque du Jesus" here he comes, you know like— 823 00:43:46,062 --> 00:43:52,008 And here's my question, what are you willing to do 824 00:43:52,017 --> 00:43:54,058 to bring your friend to Jesus? 825 00:43:54,067 --> 00:43:57,071 These guys so want their friend to get to Jesus, 826 00:43:57,079 --> 00:43:58,088 they go out of their way. 827 00:43:58,096 --> 00:44:01,054 They get a cot, they carry him. 828 00:44:01,062 --> 00:44:04,029 They climb up on the roof, they dismantle the roof, 829 00:44:04,038 --> 00:44:06,000 and they lower him down. 830 00:44:06,008 --> 00:44:09,038 These are guys who really want to get their friend to Jesus. 831 00:44:09,046 --> 00:44:12,025 Statistically, at things like evangelistic rallies and crusades, 832 00:44:12,033 --> 00:44:15,058 Billy Graham type stuff, about three-fourths of the people 833 00:44:15,067 --> 00:44:17,042 who actually give their lives to Jesus 834 00:44:17,050 --> 00:44:20,071 were brought by a Christian. 835 00:44:20,079 --> 00:44:21,083 You know what it is? 836 00:44:21,092 --> 00:44:24,079 It's Christians bringing their non-Christian friends, 837 00:44:24,088 --> 00:44:28,000 family, coworkers, neighbors. 838 00:44:28,008 --> 00:44:31,004 And some of you, you know people who don't know Jesus 839 00:44:31,012 --> 00:44:33,042 and you need to bring them to Jesus and the question is, 840 00:44:33,050 --> 00:44:36,092 what are you willing to do to make that happen? 841 00:44:37,000 --> 00:44:38,092 Have you even invited them to church, community group, 842 00:44:39,000 --> 00:44:41,025 have you bought them a Bible, have you bought them a book, 843 00:44:41,033 --> 00:44:42,079 have you brought them a meal? 844 00:44:42,088 --> 00:44:44,071 Some of you say, "I've invited them, but they never come." 845 00:44:44,079 --> 00:44:50,058 Go pick them up, 'cause non-Christians will make excuses like, "Well, I forgot." 846 00:44:50,067 --> 00:44:52,050 Honk, honk. 847 00:44:54,000 --> 00:44:55,012 "Well, I didn't know where it was." 848 00:44:55,021 --> 00:44:59,054 "I know where it is, I'll come get you. I'll bring a muffin and coffee, I'll smile. 849 00:44:59,062 --> 00:45:01,046 "I'm not gonna do this in a mean way. 850 00:45:01,054 --> 00:45:03,033 "After we're done, I'll buy you something to eat. 851 00:45:03,042 --> 00:45:07,062 Oh, here's a Bible with your name on it, you know, I love you." 852 00:45:07,071 --> 00:45:11,062 What are you willing to do to bring your friends to Jesus? 853 00:45:11,071 --> 00:45:15,046 Friends, that's what God is asking of us all. 854 00:45:15,054 --> 00:45:19,029 People need Jesus and it is our great privilege to bring them 855 00:45:19,038 --> 00:45:23,017 to him, and there's always going to be an obstacle. 856 00:45:23,025 --> 00:45:26,004 The question is are you gonna be creative and resilient enough 857 00:45:26,012 --> 00:45:30,042 to get around that obstacle and to find a way to get them to Jesus. 858 00:45:30,050 --> 00:45:33,046 And his friends do this, these are great friends, 859 00:45:33,054 --> 00:45:34,071 these are great friends. 860 00:45:34,079 --> 00:45:36,042 They get him to Jesus. 861 00:45:36,050 --> 00:45:40,029 Now, let me say this, what's going to happen now is Jesus is 862 00:45:40,038 --> 00:45:42,050 going to heal him, and we'll get into that in a moment, 863 00:45:42,058 --> 00:45:45,000 and the Pharisees and the scribes, rather than rejoicing, 864 00:45:45,008 --> 00:45:46,050 they start criticizing. 865 00:45:46,058 --> 00:45:49,046 So let me explain their mindset to you, 866 00:45:49,054 --> 00:45:51,033 and then we'll get back into the story. 867 00:45:51,042 --> 00:45:54,067 Pharisee literally means separated one, 868 00:45:54,075 --> 00:45:55,083 one who's separated. 869 00:45:55,092 --> 00:46:01,050 And their ideology was that sin is caught like leprosy. 870 00:46:01,058 --> 00:46:05,079 They don't understand that sin is in us, not out there. 871 00:46:05,088 --> 00:46:09,092 Sin is out there, but the real problem with sin is in me, 872 00:46:10,000 --> 00:46:13,062 and so what they would think is "Oh, we're clean, they're unclean. 873 00:46:13,071 --> 00:46:16,088 "We're the holy guys, they're the unholy guys, 874 00:46:16,096 --> 00:46:21,038 so we can't be near them, 'cause we'll catch their sin." 875 00:46:22,062 --> 00:46:23,083 That's what they thought. 876 00:46:23,092 --> 00:46:25,021 That's what religious people always think. 877 00:46:25,029 --> 00:46:28,042 So then what they did is they took the Bible and they made 878 00:46:28,050 --> 00:46:32,088 additional rules alongside of the Bible, so they said, 879 00:46:32,096 --> 00:46:35,021 "Well, if you don't want to get near sinners and their sin, 880 00:46:35,029 --> 00:46:38,029 "obey the rules in the Bible and all these additional rules 881 00:46:38,038 --> 00:46:41,004 that we have made." 882 00:46:41,012 --> 00:46:43,004 And religious people love their rules. 883 00:46:43,012 --> 00:46:48,088 They have rules about the rules, that's religious people. 884 00:46:48,096 --> 00:46:52,046 And what I find very interesting here as well is 885 00:46:52,054 --> 00:46:56,046 that these religious people don't do anything to help this man. 886 00:46:56,054 --> 00:46:57,083 He gets lowered down. 887 00:46:57,092 --> 00:47:00,075 They don't jump up—first they don't say, "Hey, you know what? 888 00:47:00,083 --> 00:47:04,079 We should step aside so that the paralytic man could get to Jesus." 889 00:47:04,088 --> 00:47:07,046 No, they don't. 890 00:47:07,054 --> 00:47:10,054 They're so worried about finding anything Jesus would say 891 00:47:10,062 --> 00:47:13,075 that they would disagree with so that they could criticize him 892 00:47:13,083 --> 00:47:16,071 that they're completely oblivious to the fact that they're surrounded 893 00:47:16,079 --> 00:47:17,096 with hurting and needy people. 894 00:47:18,004 --> 00:47:20,012 That's the way religious people are. 895 00:47:20,021 --> 00:47:22,067 They come not to learn, they come to argue. 896 00:47:22,075 --> 00:47:25,021 I would ask you that; do you come to learn 897 00:47:25,029 --> 00:47:27,075 or do you come to argue? 898 00:47:27,083 --> 00:47:30,058 Some people just have that critical disposition, that 899 00:47:30,067 --> 00:47:34,046 pharisaical attitude which is, "I'm always right, 900 00:47:34,054 --> 00:47:35,075 "there's always something wrong 901 00:47:35,083 --> 00:47:37,096 "and it's my job to find it and criticize it. 902 00:47:38,004 --> 00:47:41,071 I'm not here to learn, I'm here to critique." 903 00:47:41,079 --> 00:47:44,008 They're completely oblivious to the hurting 904 00:47:44,017 --> 00:47:46,058 and needy people around them. 905 00:47:46,067 --> 00:47:48,042 Furthermore, Jesus is going to help this man. 906 00:47:48,050 --> 00:47:49,046 They don't do anything. 907 00:47:49,054 --> 00:47:50,058 They don't pray for him, they don't help him, 908 00:47:50,067 --> 00:47:52,025 they don't do anything. 909 00:47:52,033 --> 00:47:56,075 Religious people tend to criticize those who are helping 910 00:47:56,083 --> 00:48:01,067 rather than helping, and they do the same thing tragically with Jesus. 911 00:48:01,096 --> 00:48:05,025 Now, as I unpack the Pharisees, let me say this, 912 00:48:05,033 --> 00:48:09,000 there's a little Pharisee in us all. 913 00:48:09,046 --> 00:48:13,000 There is a bit of religion in each of us. 914 00:48:13,008 --> 00:48:16,054 Martin Luther says, rightly, that religion is the default mode 915 00:48:16,062 --> 00:48:18,021 of the human heart. 916 00:48:18,029 --> 00:48:21,092 And at Mars Hill, our religion is being irreligious. 917 00:48:22,000 --> 00:48:23,050 That's our religion. 918 00:48:23,058 --> 00:48:25,075 We're like, "Oh, well we don't— 919 00:48:25,083 --> 00:48:28,092 "you know, tattoos, we got a punk rock band. 920 00:48:29,000 --> 00:48:30,096 "Half our church has a smoke break. 921 00:48:31,004 --> 00:48:33,067 "Alcohol's fine. 922 00:48:33,075 --> 00:48:35,046 Praise God, we're not religious." 923 00:48:35,054 --> 00:48:39,054 No, we are, we're just tattooed, chain smoking, 924 00:48:39,062 --> 00:48:41,067 beer-drinking religious people. 925 00:48:41,075 --> 00:48:42,096 That's all we are. 926 00:48:43,004 --> 00:48:45,088 We're just our own happier version, to be sure, 927 00:48:45,096 --> 00:48:48,075 but our own version nonetheless. 928 00:48:50,017 --> 00:48:53,042 And so we've always gotta be careful to say, you know what? 929 00:48:53,050 --> 00:48:56,046 It's not like there's religious people and irreligious people. 930 00:48:56,054 --> 00:48:59,017 We're all religious people, we just have different rules 931 00:48:59,025 --> 00:49:04,012 on our list, so you gotta be very careful, 'cause we're all religious. 932 00:49:04,021 --> 00:49:07,042 That's the default mode of the human heart. 933 00:49:07,050 --> 00:49:10,058 And where this religion, I think, is most clearly seen 934 00:49:10,067 --> 00:49:14,012 in our day is in Christian Fundamentalism. 935 00:49:14,021 --> 00:49:15,062 And the whole point is separation. 936 00:49:15,071 --> 00:49:17,096 "Don't watch TV." "Why?" 937 00:49:18,004 --> 00:49:20,079 "It's got sin on it." "Yeah, it does. 938 00:49:20,088 --> 00:49:25,021 The Bible's got sin in it too, so I don't know what to do with that." 939 00:49:25,029 --> 00:49:27,025 "Don't read it, people do nasty things." 940 00:49:27,033 --> 00:49:30,062 "Yeah, okay, all right." 941 00:49:30,071 --> 00:49:32,008 "Don't listen to the radio." "Why?" 942 00:49:32,017 --> 00:49:35,042 "People say things on there that are not nice." 943 00:49:35,050 --> 00:49:36,083 "Okay." 944 00:49:36,092 --> 00:49:42,075 "Don't have any non-Christian friends, don't let your kids have any non-Christian friends. 945 00:49:42,083 --> 00:49:44,071 "Don't listen to any non-Christian music, 946 00:49:44,079 --> 00:49:46,038 "don't watch any non-Christian shows. 947 00:49:46,046 --> 00:49:47,075 Don't read any non-Christian books." 948 00:49:47,083 --> 00:49:50,012 "Why?" "Because they're the bad guys, we're the good guys, 949 00:49:50,021 --> 00:49:51,092 we don't want to get all dirty." 950 00:49:52,000 --> 00:49:54,004 Religion, separatism. 951 00:49:54,012 --> 00:49:55,062 Fundamentalists actually create something called 952 00:49:55,071 --> 00:49:58,050 three degrees of separation, okay? 953 00:49:58,058 --> 00:50:00,033 You're gonna see this in the coming weeks. 954 00:50:00,042 --> 00:50:03,062 The religious people, in that day, they practice separation too. 955 00:50:03,071 --> 00:50:07,042 So they look at Jesus, they're like, "What are you doing eating with those guys?" 956 00:50:07,050 --> 00:50:10,004 Jesus is like, "Well, they're sinners." 957 00:50:10,012 --> 00:50:12,083 They're like, "Yeah, we know. You're gonna catch it." 958 00:50:12,092 --> 00:50:17,092 He's like, "Uh, no, I'm gonna fix it. That's what I do." 959 00:50:18,067 --> 00:50:21,017 And so, you'll see that they freak out on Jesus all the time, 960 00:50:21,025 --> 00:50:24,058 because he's friends with people who are not the good guys. 961 00:50:24,067 --> 00:50:28,008 And the truth is the Bible's all bad guys, Jesus is the good guy. 962 00:50:28,017 --> 00:50:32,012 There's not a team of good guys, there's one good guy. 963 00:50:32,021 --> 00:50:36,075 And what happens is religious people, not only don't want "holy people," 964 00:50:36,083 --> 00:50:40,029 and I use that word in quotes very loosely with a sense of irony. 965 00:50:40,038 --> 00:50:42,092 Holy people, what they don't want, they don't want holy people 966 00:50:43,000 --> 00:50:44,071 to hang out with unholy people. 967 00:50:44,079 --> 00:50:47,038 And so Christian Fundamentalists even go a step further and say, 968 00:50:47,046 --> 00:50:50,062 "We have three degrees of separation which means holy people can't 969 00:50:50,071 --> 00:50:55,046 hang out with holy people that hang out with unholy people." 970 00:50:55,054 --> 00:50:57,025 Which means you can't even have a friend who's 971 00:50:57,033 --> 00:51:00,050 a friend of an unholy person. 972 00:51:00,058 --> 00:51:04,012 Yet Jesus obliterates all this, God becomes a man and he goes 973 00:51:04,021 --> 00:51:09,029 down and touches lepers and has dinner with sinners. 974 00:51:09,038 --> 00:51:12,096 Does he sin? No. 975 00:51:13,004 --> 00:51:16,054 But he breaks all the religious rules. 976 00:51:16,062 --> 00:51:19,017 Does he break any of the Bible rules? 977 00:51:19,025 --> 00:51:24,017 None of them, none of them, but he breaks a lot 978 00:51:24,025 --> 00:51:25,054 of the religious rules. 979 00:51:25,062 --> 00:51:29,042 And so Jesus is always calling sinners to repent of sin 980 00:51:29,050 --> 00:51:33,008 and religious people to repent of religion. 981 00:51:33,017 --> 00:51:35,004 And ultimately, a lot of the sinners want to have dinner 982 00:51:35,012 --> 00:51:41,042 with him and the religious people shout "Crucify him." 983 00:51:41,050 --> 00:51:45,046 We need to be very careful that if we're zealous and we love the Bible 984 00:51:45,054 --> 00:51:47,083 and we're passionate and we're devoted 985 00:51:47,092 --> 00:51:51,008 that we don't end up being pharisaical and religious, 986 00:51:51,017 --> 00:51:53,062 'cause they started with a good idea: 987 00:51:53,071 --> 00:51:56,050 We want to be serious about the Bible. 988 00:51:56,058 --> 00:51:58,029 And there are some ways that they got off track. 989 00:51:58,038 --> 00:52:01,012 I'll share them with you, and then we'll close the story. 990 00:52:01,021 --> 00:52:04,042 Number one: They were proud. 991 00:52:05,062 --> 00:52:06,083 They were proud. 992 00:52:06,092 --> 00:52:08,042 "We're the good guys, you're the bad guys. 993 00:52:08,050 --> 00:52:10,033 "We have the answers, you have the questions. 994 00:52:10,042 --> 00:52:13,008 We have the solutions, you have the problems." 995 00:52:13,017 --> 00:52:17,017 And here is where their error got them of pride: 996 00:52:17,025 --> 00:52:21,071 "The Bible is perfect and so is my interpretation." 997 00:52:21,079 --> 00:52:25,079 "The Bible is perfect and so is my teacher." 998 00:52:25,088 --> 00:52:30,046 Just so you know this, the Bible is perfect, your pastor's not. 999 00:52:30,054 --> 00:52:34,067 Inerrancy doesn't extend to Bible teachers, 1000 00:52:34,075 --> 00:52:37,021 and what invariably happens, people will put somebody in a position 1001 00:52:37,029 --> 00:52:40,004 of a scribe saying, "Look, you're the authority, you study it, 1002 00:52:40,012 --> 00:52:41,096 "you walk with God, you get stuff done. 1003 00:52:42,004 --> 00:52:45,083 Whatever you say, that must be true." 1004 00:52:45,092 --> 00:52:49,058 No, the Bible's true and we who are gifted and graced of God 1005 00:52:49,067 --> 00:52:52,088 to be Bible teachers, we do our best but we're not perfect, 1006 00:52:52,096 --> 00:52:57,046 not because we don't love God, but because we're not God. 1007 00:52:57,054 --> 00:53:00,021 So be very careful if there's any author you read, 1008 00:53:00,029 --> 00:53:03,033 any publisher you love, any confession of faith that 1009 00:53:03,042 --> 00:53:07,021 you adore, any systematic theology that you embrace 1010 00:53:07,029 --> 00:53:11,025 that you don't see anything in it that you disagree with. 1011 00:53:11,033 --> 00:53:14,054 You're in trouble, 'cause now you've extended inerrancy 1012 00:53:14,062 --> 00:53:17,088 outside of Scripture and you've extended inerrancy 1013 00:53:17,096 --> 00:53:21,033 to fallible human teachers. 1014 00:53:21,042 --> 00:53:22,092 It's pride. 1015 00:53:23,000 --> 00:53:24,096 I asked one guy recently, he was arguing with me about 1016 00:53:25,004 --> 00:53:29,008 a more fundamental religious kind of teacher and he kept quoting this guy. 1017 00:53:29,017 --> 00:53:31,012 I didn't hear a lot of verses, I heard a lot of quotes. 1018 00:53:31,021 --> 00:53:33,075 "Well, you know, scholar such and such says, blank." 1019 00:53:33,083 --> 00:53:35,046 I finally looked at him I say, "Is there anything 1020 00:53:35,054 --> 00:53:37,033 this guy's ever taught that you disagree with?" 1021 00:53:37,042 --> 00:53:39,092 He says, "No, he teaches the Bible." 1022 00:53:40,058 --> 00:53:42,012 "I'm sure he got something wrong. 1023 00:53:42,021 --> 00:53:45,046 It's a huge book. There's a lot in there." 1024 00:53:45,054 --> 00:53:48,033 And it doesn't mean that you gotta come with an attitude 1025 00:53:48,042 --> 00:53:51,017 of critic, but you come saying, "That's not Jesus, 1026 00:53:51,025 --> 00:53:54,054 "that's one of his servants and those messages are not Bible, 1027 00:53:54,062 --> 00:53:57,004 they're commentary on it." 1028 00:53:57,012 --> 00:53:59,033 Number two: Cessationists. 1029 00:53:59,042 --> 00:54:01,075 Now, we believe that the Holy Spirit is alive and active 1030 00:54:01,083 --> 00:54:04,042 today, that God's the same yesterday, today, and forever. 1031 00:54:04,050 --> 00:54:06,062 We believe that the Holy Spirit will convict you of sin, 1032 00:54:06,071 --> 00:54:10,054 reveal to you Jesus, lead you and guide you, work through 1033 00:54:10,062 --> 00:54:15,079 your conscience and God's people to help course correct your life. 1034 00:54:15,088 --> 00:54:18,008 And what religious like to do is assume 1035 00:54:18,017 --> 00:54:22,017 that the Holy Spirit has ceased his work. 1036 00:54:22,025 --> 00:54:24,004 "You don't need the Holy Spirit to convict you of sin, 1037 00:54:24,012 --> 00:54:26,004 "we'll take care of that. 1038 00:54:26,012 --> 00:54:28,000 "You don't need the Holy Spirit to teach you, 1039 00:54:28,008 --> 00:54:29,067 "we'll take care of that. 1040 00:54:29,075 --> 00:54:31,088 "You don't need the Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you, 1041 00:54:31,096 --> 00:54:34,004 "we'll just tell you what to do. 1042 00:54:34,012 --> 00:54:37,071 "You don't need the Holy Spirit really for anything, 1043 00:54:37,079 --> 00:54:41,021 just obey the spiritual leader." 1044 00:54:41,029 --> 00:54:42,079 It's horrendous. 1045 00:54:42,088 --> 00:54:47,062 It replaces the Holy Spirit's ministry in your life 1046 00:54:47,071 --> 00:54:49,042 with a religious spiritual leader. 1047 00:54:49,050 --> 00:54:52,008 It's very ungodly. 1048 00:54:52,017 --> 00:54:54,004 That's why those who are the most religious are sometimes 1049 00:54:54,012 --> 00:54:58,067 the most opposed to the personal ministry of the Holy Spirit 1050 00:54:58,075 --> 00:55:01,042 in the life of a believer. 1051 00:55:01,050 --> 00:55:03,067 "We can't trust the Holy Spirit, trust the teacher," 1052 00:55:03,075 --> 00:55:07,033 and so then the teacher will sometimes even cause you to doubt the power 1053 00:55:07,042 --> 00:55:11,029 and presence and person of the Holy Spirit. 1054 00:55:11,038 --> 00:55:12,038 It's horrible. 1055 00:55:12,046 --> 00:55:14,033 Number three: It ends up being unloving. 1056 00:55:14,042 --> 00:55:16,058 Jesus rebukes these guys for it all the time. 1057 00:55:16,067 --> 00:55:20,029 "You're not loving," and then they want to argue what loves means, 1058 00:55:20,038 --> 00:55:23,000 "Well, what does love--?" And they go off into theology land 1059 00:55:23,008 --> 00:55:27,071 and live in their head rather than saying, "I'm a jerk. 1060 00:55:27,079 --> 00:55:29,000 "I'm a jerk. 1061 00:55:29,008 --> 00:55:30,054 "I'm mean. 1062 00:55:30,062 --> 00:55:32,050 "I judge people, I criticize people. 1063 00:55:32,058 --> 00:55:34,042 "I don't love people, I don't serve people. 1064 00:55:34,050 --> 00:55:35,083 "I live in my head. 1065 00:55:35,092 --> 00:55:40,038 I turn everything into a theological argument." 1066 00:55:41,046 --> 00:55:43,042 Unloving. 1067 00:55:43,050 --> 00:55:45,062 Did you know that people flocked to Jesus in a way 1068 00:55:45,071 --> 00:55:47,096 that they didn't flock to Pharisees? 1069 00:55:48,004 --> 00:55:50,004 Did you know that people wanted to have dinner with Jesus in a way 1070 00:55:50,012 --> 00:55:52,029 that they didn't want to have dinner with the Pharisees? 1071 00:55:52,038 --> 00:55:54,042 It's 'cause Jesus was loving. 1072 00:55:54,050 --> 00:55:57,092 He actually cared about people. 1073 00:55:58,000 --> 00:55:58,083 They were hypocritical. 1074 00:55:58,092 --> 00:56:00,071 Jesus is clear on this repeatedly, again, 1075 00:56:00,079 --> 00:56:03,012 Matthew 23 is a great place to read. 1076 00:56:03,021 --> 00:56:06,033 What he'd say is, "You guys have a list of rules that you enforce 1077 00:56:06,042 --> 00:56:07,088 "on everyone like the sheriff, 1078 00:56:07,096 --> 00:56:09,092 you don't even obey your own rules." 1079 00:56:10,000 --> 00:56:12,042 This is what religious people do. 1080 00:56:12,050 --> 00:56:15,025 I mean, how many of you have wanted to vomit 1081 00:56:15,033 --> 00:56:17,038 when some hard-core Bible thumper, it's like, 1082 00:56:17,046 --> 00:56:20,004 and he had an adulteress affair or he's a drug addict. 1083 00:56:20,012 --> 00:56:26,058 You're like, "Come on. Seriously? Again? Come on." 1084 00:56:26,067 --> 00:56:28,042 Do we need any more hypocrisy? 1085 00:56:28,050 --> 00:56:31,054 Come on, you preach one thing, do another, 1086 00:56:31,062 --> 00:56:34,021 that doesn't help the cause. 1087 00:56:34,029 --> 00:56:36,042 It's hypocrisy. 1088 00:56:36,050 --> 00:56:39,079 It's because they think they're the hero, not Jesus, 1089 00:56:39,088 --> 00:56:46,050 and they start acting as if they are beyond the law, and they're not. 1090 00:56:46,058 --> 00:56:50,058 And that hypocrisy, it really turns off non-Christians, 1091 00:56:50,067 --> 00:56:54,033 becomes disdainful. 1092 00:56:54,042 --> 00:56:56,071 Jesus rebukes them for this. 1093 00:56:56,079 --> 00:56:59,088 "You guys are hypocrites, man, a bunch of hypocrites." 1094 00:56:59,096 --> 00:57:01,058 You know, I was recently dealing with a pastor. 1095 00:57:01,067 --> 00:57:04,004 He and his elder board were disciplining another pastor 1096 00:57:04,012 --> 00:57:06,042 in the church, this is a friend or mine, for committing adultery 1097 00:57:06,050 --> 00:57:08,046 and the whole time they were disciplining that pastor 1098 00:57:08,054 --> 00:57:11,012 for committing adultery, another pastor who was part 1099 00:57:11,021 --> 00:57:15,042 of the discipline process was also having adultery and sitting 1100 00:57:15,050 --> 00:57:17,046 in on the meeting and saying, "I can't believe you did that, 1101 00:57:17,054 --> 00:57:20,096 man, that's gross," and then he's doing it. 1102 00:57:21,004 --> 00:57:24,054 That's as religious as it gets. 1103 00:57:25,071 --> 00:57:27,067 It's joyless, it's not fun. 1104 00:57:27,075 --> 00:57:31,079 Fundamentalism is not fun, it's mental, but not fun. 1105 00:57:31,088 --> 00:57:33,067 It's not fun. 1106 00:57:33,075 --> 00:57:35,075 How many religious people, you're like, 1107 00:57:35,083 --> 00:57:37,054 "Man, those are some happy people?" 1108 00:57:37,062 --> 00:57:42,008 No, furrowed brow, loaded gun, these are not happy people. 1109 00:57:42,033 --> 00:57:43,088 They're defined by what they're against. 1110 00:57:43,096 --> 00:57:45,033 They're always railing against something. 1111 00:57:45,042 --> 00:57:47,054 They're always upset at somebody. 1112 00:57:47,062 --> 00:57:49,021 They're not fun at all. 1113 00:57:49,029 --> 00:57:51,092 That's why their kids, as soon as they can, they leave 1114 00:57:52,000 --> 00:57:56,050 and they rebel and they go sin, 'cause at least that looks fun. 1115 00:57:56,058 --> 00:57:57,079 They're joyless. 1116 00:57:57,088 --> 00:58:01,071 See, Jesus was—he had sorrow, but he was also joyful. 1117 00:58:01,079 --> 00:58:03,042 And they have what I call methodolatry. 1118 00:58:03,050 --> 00:58:06,033 I make words up, that's one of them. 1119 00:58:06,042 --> 00:58:10,046 The Bible gives us principles and methods and the principles 1120 00:58:10,054 --> 00:58:15,096 are unchanging and the methods are changing and idolatry 1121 00:58:16,004 --> 00:58:17,058 happens when you take your method 1122 00:58:17,067 --> 00:58:19,038 and you turn it into an idol. 1123 00:58:19,046 --> 00:58:23,004 It's methodolatry, which is: The Bible says to do something 1124 00:58:23,012 --> 00:58:26,025 and "There's only way do it and that's our way." 1125 00:58:26,033 --> 00:58:28,062 So the Bible says to worship God, religious people say, 1126 00:58:28,071 --> 00:58:33,012 "Like this, sing these songs with these instruments in this order." 1127 00:58:33,021 --> 00:58:36,008 The Bible says Ephesians 6, raise your kids, train them. 1128 00:58:36,017 --> 00:58:37,083 "Well, you gotta school them in this way, 1129 00:58:37,092 --> 00:58:39,075 this kind of education." 1130 00:58:39,083 --> 00:58:42,058 The Bible says to preach, study, memorize the word and they say, 1131 00:58:42,067 --> 00:58:44,083 "But there's only one translation." 1132 00:58:44,092 --> 00:58:47,017 All right, it's always something. 1133 00:58:47,025 --> 00:58:49,000 It's methodolatry. 1134 00:58:49,008 --> 00:58:51,017 Have deep, passionate convictions. 1135 00:58:51,025 --> 00:58:54,042 Have methods but hold the principle tightly, 1136 00:58:54,050 --> 00:58:56,021 hold the method loosely. 1137 00:58:56,029 --> 00:58:58,008 Don't commit methodolatry. 1138 00:58:58,017 --> 00:59:00,029 "It's my way or you're not biblical." 1139 00:59:00,038 --> 00:59:04,012 Some people love God and they believe the Bible. 1140 00:59:04,021 --> 00:59:06,029 They're from different denominations and traditions. 1141 00:59:06,038 --> 00:59:11,025 They're not from our or your sect or team or tribe or style, 1142 00:59:11,033 --> 00:59:14,021 but if they love Jesus, believe the Bible and they're acting out 1143 00:59:14,029 --> 00:59:16,033 the principles, we shouldn't be like the Pharisees saying, 1144 00:59:16,042 --> 00:59:19,038 "I don't know about them, let's be separated." 1145 00:59:19,046 --> 00:59:21,008 They're family. 1146 00:59:21,017 --> 00:59:23,083 Praise God for the diversity. 1147 00:59:23,092 --> 00:59:27,004 Praise God for the diversity, and avoid the methodolatry. 1148 00:59:27,012 --> 00:59:29,083 And number seven, these people are very powerful, why? 1149 00:59:29,092 --> 00:59:31,071 They're bold, they're confident. 1150 00:59:31,079 --> 00:59:35,038 They just rattle off verses like "Jeopardy." 1151 00:59:35,046 --> 00:59:37,029 All right, they've memorized a lot of verses. 1152 00:59:37,038 --> 00:59:39,012 You're like, "I don't know, they sound biblical. 1153 00:59:39,021 --> 00:59:41,058 "They're serious, they're confident, they seem to be bold. 1154 00:59:41,067 --> 00:59:43,083 "It seems like they're willing to die on every hill. 1155 00:59:43,092 --> 00:59:46,054 "There's a lot them and they swarm you like bees, 1156 00:59:46,062 --> 00:59:48,075 maybe they're right." 1157 00:59:48,083 --> 00:59:53,017 No, you can be zealous and wrong. 1158 00:59:53,025 --> 00:59:56,062 You can be biblical and unbiblical, meaning you quote 1159 00:59:56,071 --> 01:00:00,004 verses but you're not using them like God intends, 1160 01:00:00,012 --> 01:00:02,083 and that's religious people. 1161 01:00:02,092 --> 01:00:06,038 So here's what's gonna happen, Jesus is gonna have a showdown, 1162 01:00:06,046 --> 01:00:08,075 the first of many, with the religious people. 1163 01:00:08,083 --> 01:00:10,083 Again, back to the story, 1164 01:00:10,092 --> 01:00:13,054 the friends bring this paralytic guy to Jesus. 1165 01:00:13,062 --> 01:00:15,050 He's dropped in front of Jesus. 1166 01:00:15,058 --> 01:00:20,071 Luke 5:20-22, we read this, "And when he saw their faith, 1167 01:00:20,079 --> 01:00:24,021 he said, 'Man, your sins are forgiven you.'" 1168 01:00:24,029 --> 01:00:25,079 That's a big statement. 1169 01:00:25,088 --> 01:00:29,079 No other religious leader says this; Mohammed, Krishna, Buddha. 1170 01:00:29,088 --> 01:00:32,004 They don't say, "Your sins are forgiven." 1171 01:00:32,012 --> 01:00:34,079 They say, "We've uncovered this process by which 1172 01:00:34,088 --> 01:00:37,092 "you can go through these rituals and routines and sufferings 1173 01:00:38,000 --> 01:00:41,000 "and potential reincarnations and pay God back, 1174 01:00:41,008 --> 01:00:44,071 and maybe someday he will forgive you if you earn it." 1175 01:00:44,079 --> 01:00:46,017 It's a big process. 1176 01:00:46,025 --> 01:00:49,096 Here Jesus says, "Forgiven. I could just forgive." 1177 01:00:50,004 --> 01:00:53,046 Now, somehow this man's injury and his sin are connected. 1178 01:00:53,054 --> 01:00:56,017 I don't know how, but I'll give you one potential example 1179 01:00:56,025 --> 01:00:59,004 of what this might look like. 1180 01:00:59,012 --> 01:01:01,058 He's a paralytic who's sinned. 1181 01:01:01,067 --> 01:01:04,050 There was a guy early on in Mars Hill, he walked in 1182 01:01:04,058 --> 01:01:08,012 and this guy didn't really have use of most of his fingers. 1183 01:01:08,021 --> 01:01:09,083 He had previously been a locksmith. 1184 01:01:09,092 --> 01:01:13,058 His arms were all contorted and he had nerve damage. 1185 01:01:13,067 --> 01:01:18,042 He walked with permanent crutches and his knees would 1186 01:01:18,050 --> 01:01:22,079 buckle and he walked on one ankle and he shook a lot 1187 01:01:22,088 --> 01:01:25,092 and he often fell over. 1188 01:01:26,000 --> 01:01:30,029 He was in bad shape, physically destroyed, and I would visit him at his house, 1189 01:01:30,038 --> 01:01:32,083 pretty much every week, pick him up, take him to church, 1190 01:01:32,092 --> 01:01:34,004 got to know him. 1191 01:01:34,012 --> 01:01:36,029 He met Jesus, got saved, got baptized. 1192 01:01:36,038 --> 01:01:38,029 He's moved out of state since then, 1193 01:01:38,038 --> 01:01:40,012 he's sent me a letter recently. 1194 01:01:40,021 --> 01:01:42,050 Still loves Jesus, walking faithfully as a Christian, 1195 01:01:42,058 --> 01:01:44,050 but one day I finally asked him, what happened? 1196 01:01:44,058 --> 01:01:47,008 Were you born like this or did something happen? 1197 01:01:47,017 --> 01:01:49,075 And he said, "Before I met Jesus, I'm drinking and partying 1198 01:01:49,083 --> 01:01:51,096 "and messin' around and livin' a reckless life. 1199 01:01:52,004 --> 01:01:55,046 "I'm going like a hundred miles an hour on a motorcycle, 1200 01:01:55,054 --> 01:02:00,079 "and I miss a turn in the road and I fly into a telephone pole. 1201 01:02:00,088 --> 01:02:03,029 "And I broke almost every bone in my body and I was 1202 01:02:03,038 --> 01:02:09,042 in the hospital for months and nothing's worked right since." 1203 01:02:09,050 --> 01:02:12,042 He's a man whose body is destroyed, 1204 01:02:12,050 --> 01:02:14,092 but it's because of his sin. 1205 01:02:15,000 --> 01:02:17,029 He's not a victim, he can't sue anyone. 1206 01:02:17,038 --> 01:02:18,079 He wasn't born like that. 1207 01:02:18,088 --> 01:02:20,012 He did it to himself. 1208 01:02:20,021 --> 01:02:21,025 Some of you are here like that, 1209 01:02:21,033 --> 01:02:22,054 you've just wrecked your whole life. 1210 01:02:22,062 --> 01:02:25,038 You just ran it right into a telephone pole. 1211 01:02:25,046 --> 01:02:28,012 You say, "Yeah, everything about me is just broken, 1212 01:02:28,021 --> 01:02:30,062 but it's my fault, I did it." 1213 01:02:30,071 --> 01:02:33,054 That's this guy. 1214 01:02:33,083 --> 01:02:35,017 "And the scribes and the Pharisees began 1215 01:02:35,025 --> 01:02:38,038 to question saying, 'Who is this who speaks blasphemies? 1216 01:02:38,046 --> 01:02:42,092 Who can forgive sins by God alone?'" 1217 01:02:43,000 --> 01:02:46,075 Here's their deal, what they don't say is, "He was healed. 1218 01:02:46,083 --> 01:02:52,004 Wow, that was cool. He's gonna be healed. Yes!" 1219 01:02:52,012 --> 01:02:57,004 Instead they're like, "What's the theological presupposition behind this healing?" 1220 01:02:57,012 --> 01:03:01,042 They just totally go Bible college, first year, home schooled, 1221 01:03:01,050 --> 01:03:06,079 neatnik, weird kid on Jesus, that's how they go. 1222 01:03:07,088 --> 01:03:11,029 And here's the thing, when we sin, 1223 01:03:11,038 --> 01:03:15,088 we sin against people and God, so we gotta apologize to people and God. 1224 01:03:15,096 --> 01:03:18,033 That's what repentance is. 1225 01:03:18,042 --> 01:03:21,050 And Jesus says, "I'm gonna forgive this guy." 1226 01:03:21,058 --> 01:03:25,025 And they say, "Blasphemy, you're saying you're God." 1227 01:03:25,033 --> 01:03:28,092 And the point is "Yeah, I know. 1228 01:03:29,000 --> 01:03:33,088 That's the big 'E' on the eye chart I'm trying to communicate. I'm God." 1229 01:03:33,096 --> 01:03:37,021 Now, some of you have been told Jesus never said he was God. 1230 01:03:37,029 --> 01:03:40,075 He repeatedly says he's God in a lot of different ways, 1231 01:03:40,083 --> 01:03:43,004 this is one of them. 1232 01:03:43,012 --> 01:03:46,033 Psalm 51:4, "Against you only, Lord, have I sinned." 1233 01:03:46,042 --> 01:03:48,071 We sin against God, so who has to forgive us? God. 1234 01:03:48,079 --> 01:03:53,096 Jesus says, "I'll forgive you." What's he saying? "I'm God." 1235 01:03:55,033 --> 01:03:57,021 "When Jesus perceived their thoughts," you'd think 1236 01:03:57,029 --> 01:04:00,079 at that point they'd start to rethink their position. 1237 01:04:00,088 --> 01:04:03,017 "You're not God!" "I know what you're thinking." 1238 01:04:03,025 --> 01:04:05,008 "Really? 1239 01:04:05,017 --> 01:04:09,062 "That's a real point in your column, all right, 1240 01:04:09,071 --> 01:04:13,008 like, you know my thoughts." 1241 01:04:13,029 --> 01:04:15,042 Seriously? 1242 01:04:15,054 --> 01:04:17,058 "When Jesus perceived their thoughts, he answered them, 1243 01:04:17,067 --> 01:04:19,088 "'Why do you question in your hearts? 1244 01:04:19,096 --> 01:04:22,042 "Which is easier, to say, 'Your sins are forgiven you,' or to say, 1245 01:04:22,050 --> 01:04:23,062 'Rise and walk'?" 1246 01:04:23,071 --> 01:04:24,092 Here's what he's saying. 1247 01:04:25,000 --> 01:04:28,025 "If I just tell this guy his sins are forgiven, you won't know, 1248 01:04:28,033 --> 01:04:30,058 "'cause that's an invisible spiritual transaction. 1249 01:04:30,067 --> 01:04:35,004 "But if I also tell him your sins are forgiven, walk. 1250 01:04:35,012 --> 01:04:39,038 "I forgive your sin and I heal the paralyzation that's come 1251 01:04:39,046 --> 01:04:42,079 upon you as a result of your sin, then that's evidence that I'm God." 1252 01:04:42,088 --> 01:04:43,096 And you know what? 1253 01:04:44,004 --> 01:04:46,025 He does it. 1254 01:04:46,033 --> 01:04:49,054 He does it. 1255 01:04:49,071 --> 01:04:55,008 Jesus, let me tell ya this, Jesus forgives sin. 1256 01:04:55,017 --> 01:04:56,083 You're not gonna find another religion 1257 01:04:56,092 --> 01:04:58,038 that will forgive your sin. 1258 01:04:58,046 --> 01:05:02,071 Every other religion is about you obeying somebody's stupid 1259 01:05:02,079 --> 01:05:08,075 list of ridiculous rules in an effort to make God love you. 1260 01:05:08,083 --> 01:05:12,088 Jesus loves you unconditionally by grace 1261 01:05:12,096 --> 01:05:15,071 and he just forgives you. 1262 01:05:15,079 --> 01:05:18,029 That's why we're so into Jesus. 1263 01:05:18,038 --> 01:05:21,042 Jesus is so much better than religion. 1264 01:05:21,050 --> 01:05:23,017 Some of you would come here and you'd say, 1265 01:05:23,025 --> 01:05:28,021 "I feel unclean like the leper and I feel guilty like the paralytic. 1266 01:05:28,029 --> 01:05:29,054 What should I do?" 1267 01:05:29,062 --> 01:05:34,042 Answer, Jesus touches to cleanse and he forgives. 1268 01:05:34,050 --> 01:05:36,075 He does the work of salvation. 1269 01:05:36,083 --> 01:05:38,046 This is our Jesus. 1270 01:05:38,054 --> 01:05:42,071 This is why we're so excited about him, at least, I am. 1271 01:05:42,079 --> 01:05:49,029 Now, the story continues then, Luke 5:24-26. 1272 01:05:49,038 --> 01:05:52,054 Jesus says, "But that you may know that the Son of Man—" 1273 01:05:52,062 --> 01:05:55,071 This is Jesus' favorite title for himself. 1274 01:05:55,079 --> 01:06:01,042 It's taken from Daniel 7:13-14; it is that God the Father 1275 01:06:01,050 --> 01:06:05,071 and the Son of God, the Son of Man, they are together in eternity past 1276 01:06:05,079 --> 01:06:12,046 and Jesus the Son of Man, the Son of God, comes into human history to conquer sin, 1277 01:06:12,054 --> 01:06:15,092 to liberate people and to establish his unending forever kingdom. 1278 01:06:16,000 --> 01:06:19,038 This is a majestic claim to deity. 1279 01:06:19,046 --> 01:06:23,008 Jesus is saying, "I'm God become a man." 1280 01:06:23,025 --> 01:06:26,088 He says it 25 times in Luke, 83 times in the Gospels, 1281 01:06:26,096 --> 01:06:29,021 his favorite authority title. 1282 01:06:29,029 --> 01:06:32,062 "And authority on earth to forgive sins," he says. 1283 01:06:32,071 --> 01:06:35,021 "He said to the man who was paralyzed, 'I say to you,'" 1284 01:06:35,029 --> 01:06:40,025 his own authority, "'Pick up your bed and go home.' 1285 01:06:40,033 --> 01:06:43,033 "And immediately he rose up before them and picked up 1286 01:06:43,042 --> 01:06:46,029 what he had been lying on and he went home, glorifying God." 1287 01:06:46,038 --> 01:06:48,021 What a great day? 1288 01:06:48,029 --> 01:06:51,046 "I was carried here on a stretcher, I'm carrying the stretcher home." 1289 01:06:51,054 --> 01:06:53,042 That's a good day. 1290 01:06:53,050 --> 01:06:56,004 "And amazement seized them all." 1291 01:06:56,012 --> 01:06:59,079 Never seen anything like this, "And they glorified God 1292 01:06:59,088 --> 01:07:00,058 and were filled with awe." 1293 01:07:00,067 --> 01:07:02,004 That's worship. 1294 01:07:02,012 --> 01:07:05,050 They're shouting praises to Jesus saying, "We have seen 1295 01:07:05,058 --> 01:07:09,038 extraordinary things today." 1296 01:07:09,054 --> 01:07:12,000 Some of you would come here and you are unclean. 1297 01:07:12,008 --> 01:07:15,021 You are filthy, you are dirty like the leper 1298 01:07:15,029 --> 01:07:17,088 and Jesus would reach out and touch you and say, 1299 01:07:17,096 --> 01:07:20,025 "You're clean, in me, you're clean. 1300 01:07:20,033 --> 01:07:22,067 "I took all your sin, went to the cross, suffered and died 1301 01:07:22,075 --> 01:07:25,083 "in your place for your sins to give you my righteousness. 1302 01:07:25,092 --> 01:07:27,004 "You're clean. 1303 01:07:27,012 --> 01:07:28,042 New identity." 1304 01:07:28,050 --> 01:07:30,000 "Stop saying, I'm unclean. 1305 01:07:30,008 --> 01:07:31,079 "Stop saying, I'm unworthy. 1306 01:07:31,088 --> 01:07:34,008 Stop saying, I'm filthy and defiled." 1307 01:07:34,017 --> 01:07:35,083 You're clean. 1308 01:07:35,092 --> 01:07:38,038 Go home take a shower. 1309 01:07:38,046 --> 01:07:40,033 Every time you take a shower, remind yourself, 1310 01:07:40,042 --> 01:07:42,096 "In Christ, I'm clean." 1311 01:07:43,004 --> 01:07:47,042 Every time you wear white remind yourself, "In Christ, I'm clean. 1312 01:07:47,050 --> 01:07:50,083 "I don't need to say, 'Unclean, unclean,' 1313 01:07:50,092 --> 01:07:52,079 in Christ I've been made clean." 1314 01:07:52,088 --> 01:07:56,012 And next time you do sin and when you are sinned against 1315 01:07:56,021 --> 01:08:00,058 and you do feel filthy and dirty and defiled, you go back to Jesus 1316 01:08:00,067 --> 01:08:04,008 and he'll touch you again and he'll declare you clean. 1317 01:08:04,017 --> 01:08:05,075 And for those of you who are coming 1318 01:08:05,083 --> 01:08:08,042 and you're not just filthy, you're guilty. 1319 01:08:08,050 --> 01:08:10,012 You've done horrible things. 1320 01:08:10,021 --> 01:08:11,058 You're a total sinner. 1321 01:08:11,067 --> 01:08:14,038 You've wrapped your whole life around the pole. 1322 01:08:14,046 --> 01:08:17,021 You have blown it yourself, you have no one to sue, 1323 01:08:17,029 --> 01:08:20,021 no one to blame, it's all on you. 1324 01:08:20,029 --> 01:08:21,046 You know what? 1325 01:08:21,054 --> 01:08:24,000 Jesus forgives. 1326 01:08:24,008 --> 01:08:26,042 He just does. 1327 01:08:26,050 --> 01:08:30,075 He's not like religious people giving you a list to do. 1328 01:08:30,083 --> 01:08:34,042 He's a God who comes to live and to die and to rise 1329 01:08:34,050 --> 01:08:36,054 and to give forgiveness. 1330 01:08:36,062 --> 01:08:38,075 That's what he does. 1331 01:08:38,083 --> 01:08:40,029 We haven't gotten over this. 1332 01:08:40,038 --> 01:08:43,042 Two thousand years, people are still filled with awe, 1333 01:08:43,050 --> 01:08:44,083 glorifying God. 1334 01:08:44,092 --> 01:08:48,017 "You're serious, this is who God is, this is how he works, 1335 01:08:48,025 --> 01:08:49,054 you have to be kidding me?" 1336 01:08:49,062 --> 01:08:52,033 And the default mode of the religious heart is always to 1337 01:08:52,042 --> 01:08:56,012 find something wrong, something to criticize, to come 1338 01:08:56,021 --> 01:09:00,067 with an attitude and a disposition of a critic rather than, like 1339 01:09:00,075 --> 01:09:04,025 the leper, just say, "I'm gonna throw myself at Jesus' feet. 1340 01:09:04,033 --> 01:09:06,088 "I'm gonna cry out for mercy and I'm gonna let him 1341 01:09:06,096 --> 01:09:08,038 "touch me and heal me. 1342 01:09:08,046 --> 01:09:12,038 "I'm gonna let him forgive me, and I'm gonna run home and be happy. 1343 01:09:12,046 --> 01:09:14,000 That's what I'm gonna do." 1344 01:09:14,008 --> 01:09:16,004 That's what I want for y'all, 1345 01:09:16,012 --> 01:09:19,029 and that's exactly what happens for this guy. 1346 01:09:20,071 --> 01:09:22,017 Now, the religious people don't get it. 1347 01:09:22,025 --> 01:09:24,012 They're over in the corner. 1348 01:09:24,021 --> 01:09:27,038 "You know, what did you think of his exegesis of the Hebrew? 1349 01:09:27,046 --> 01:09:29,004 "I wouldn't have gone that direction. 1350 01:09:29,012 --> 01:09:31,000 "I don't know, he's not dressed very nice, 1351 01:09:31,008 --> 01:09:32,096 "and I heard he's got a tattoo that says King of kings 1352 01:09:33,004 --> 01:09:34,092 "and Lord of lords down his thigh. 1353 01:09:35,000 --> 01:09:37,000 "I don't know what our position is on tattoos. 1354 01:09:37,008 --> 01:09:40,038 "Someone else said that he eats with sinners. 1355 01:09:40,046 --> 01:09:42,058 "I heard maybe that he slipped in a ham sandwich. 1356 01:09:42,067 --> 01:09:43,096 He also drinks." 1357 01:09:44,004 --> 01:09:45,004 Right? 1358 01:09:45,012 --> 01:09:47,088 They're having the wrong conversation, 1359 01:09:47,096 --> 01:09:49,038 all right, they're twittering it. 1360 01:09:49,046 --> 01:09:52,008 You know, it's just everybody else is getting involved. 1361 01:09:52,017 --> 01:09:54,050 The whole pajama hadin's on board. 1362 01:09:54,058 --> 01:09:56,062 All the bloggers are giving their opinion, 1363 01:09:56,071 --> 01:09:58,062 meanwhile this guy's like, "I'm healed! 1364 01:09:58,071 --> 01:10:01,021 "Anyone else want to come to my house for a party? 1365 01:10:01,029 --> 01:10:03,067 My sins are forgiven." 1366 01:10:03,075 --> 01:10:04,029 And you know what? 1367 01:10:04,038 --> 01:10:05,050 I'm glad he was healed. 1368 01:10:05,058 --> 01:10:06,075 I praise God that he was healed. 1369 01:10:06,083 --> 01:10:08,012 I rejoice that he was healed. 1370 01:10:08,021 --> 01:10:10,012 But the big miracle, the exciting part, 1371 01:10:10,021 --> 01:10:11,075 his sins were forgiven. 1372 01:10:11,083 --> 01:10:13,033 That's the great part. 1373 01:10:13,042 --> 01:10:16,004 Now healing, that's a bonus, we're all for it. 1374 01:10:16,012 --> 01:10:19,000 Jesus can and does heal, but if you had to choose 1375 01:10:19,008 --> 01:10:22,021 between healing and forgiveness, forgiveness is what you want, 1376 01:10:22,029 --> 01:10:24,058 because if nothing else, at the resurrection of the dead, 1377 01:10:24,067 --> 01:10:29,071 healing is a bonus that God throws in for all of his children, 1378 01:10:29,079 --> 01:10:32,075 and the miracle here is that sinners can be forgiven. 1379 01:10:32,083 --> 01:10:36,000 So I got good news, Mars Hill. I'm actually really fired up today. 1380 01:10:36,008 --> 01:10:39,050 I love this, 'cause it's the Bible going, 1381 01:10:39,058 --> 01:10:41,088 "If you're filthy, Jesus cleanses. 1382 01:10:41,096 --> 01:10:43,092 "If you're guilty, Jesus forgives. 1383 01:10:44,000 --> 01:10:46,038 And if you're religious, knock it off." 1384 01:10:46,046 --> 01:10:48,062 I love that. 1385 01:10:49,021 --> 01:10:52,025 All right, that's everybody. 1386 01:10:52,050 --> 01:10:55,071 If you're breathing, you're on one of these teams. 1387 01:10:55,079 --> 01:10:59,038 So we have to respond as he did and as they did, 1388 01:10:59,046 --> 01:11:03,000 filled with awe, we're cleansed, we're forgiven, 1389 01:11:03,008 --> 01:11:05,012 we don't want to get religious. 1390 01:11:05,021 --> 01:11:08,029 So we repent of our filth, we repent of our sin, 1391 01:11:08,038 --> 01:11:11,050 we repent of our religion, we're filled with awe. 1392 01:11:11,058 --> 01:11:15,054 We rejoice and glorify God, really happy, 1393 01:11:15,062 --> 01:11:18,025 because Jesus has touched us, Amen? 1394 01:11:18,033 --> 01:11:20,008 I'm gonna pray. We gotta sing. 1395 01:11:20,017 --> 01:11:22,042 Father God, I thank you for the Bible. 1396 01:11:22,050 --> 01:11:24,062 God, I love the Scriptures. 1397 01:11:24,071 --> 01:11:27,008 I pray that we would love the Scriptures and that we would 1398 01:11:27,017 --> 01:11:32,054 not encumber them with so much religion and God talk and rule making 1399 01:11:32,062 --> 01:11:37,042 and do-ism, but instead, Lord God, we would see 1400 01:11:37,050 --> 01:11:39,079 that the Bible's about Jesus. 1401 01:11:39,088 --> 01:11:42,008 It's about what he does, not what we do. 1402 01:11:42,017 --> 01:11:44,071 It's about the perfect life he lived, not the perfect life 1403 01:11:44,079 --> 01:11:47,025 we should live. 1404 01:11:47,033 --> 01:11:49,008 It's about the grace that he gives, it's not 1405 01:11:49,017 --> 01:11:52,000 about the works that we do. 1406 01:11:52,008 --> 01:11:56,000 I pray, Lord God, that like the leper, we would accept 1407 01:11:56,008 --> 01:12:00,000 our identity as clean, go live a new, clean life that, 1408 01:12:00,008 --> 01:12:05,021 because you've made us clean, may we come clean, may we live clean. 1409 01:12:05,029 --> 01:12:08,050 God, like the paralytic, thank you that you forgive sin. 1410 01:12:08,058 --> 01:12:11,025 May we take up our mat and walk. 1411 01:12:11,033 --> 01:12:14,096 May we walk in newness of life with Jesus. 1412 01:12:15,004 --> 01:12:20,038 And God, as frustrated as I and we get by religious people, 1413 01:12:20,046 --> 01:12:25,000 we confess and I confess, we're religious people. 1414 01:12:25,008 --> 01:12:27,000 We have a different list with different rules 1415 01:12:27,008 --> 01:12:29,062 that aren't in the Bible. 1416 01:12:29,071 --> 01:12:34,067 God, may we just accept what is in the Bible and not add to it, 1417 01:12:34,075 --> 01:12:37,038 not become self-righteous, not become proud. 1418 01:12:37,046 --> 01:12:41,050 God, we know that religion is the default mode of the human heart, 1419 01:12:41,058 --> 01:12:43,025 but as we see from the story, 1420 01:12:43,033 --> 01:12:47,000 it's religion that keeps hurting people from Jesus. 1421 01:12:47,008 --> 01:12:49,000 So God, I pray for those who are hurting that they would 1422 01:12:49,008 --> 01:12:53,008 throw themselves at Jesus' feet, that they would recognize him as 1423 01:12:53,017 --> 01:12:55,038 Lord, that they would worship him and that they would beg 1424 01:12:55,046 --> 01:12:59,000 for mercy and that, Lord Jesus, you would come and touch them. 1425 01:12:59,008 --> 01:13:01,046 I pray for those who would hear this and they've been brought 1426 01:13:01,054 --> 01:13:04,038 by friends, that, Lord God, you would forgive their sins 1427 01:13:04,046 --> 01:13:08,046 and call them to sin no more and to walk home with joy. 1428 01:13:08,054 --> 01:13:11,025 And God for those of us who are religious or have been religious 1429 01:13:11,033 --> 01:13:15,004 or will be religious, thank you that you cleanse from filth, 1430 01:13:15,012 --> 01:13:17,079 that you forgive sin and you save from religion. 1431 01:13:17,088 --> 01:13:19,088 Amen.