1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,000 2 00:00:04,000 --> 00:00:09,000 [music] 3 00:00:29,833 --> 00:00:31,333 All right, Mars Hill. 4 00:00:31,375 --> 00:00:33,667 Really fantastic, wonderful announcement. 5 00:00:33,667 --> 00:00:36,333 I've actually been waiting years to make this one. 6 00:00:36,375 --> 00:00:41,083 The latest two books from Re:Lit are out and they're by pastors 7 00:00:41,167 --> 00:00:43,583 at the Mars Hill Ballard campus. 8 00:00:43,667 --> 00:00:47,167 The Bible says that Jesus is our chief shepherd 9 00:00:47,250 --> 00:00:50,667 and that under Jesus are church leaders who are undershepherds 10 00:00:50,750 --> 00:00:53,000 and that the church collectively is like a flock 11 00:00:53,042 --> 00:00:55,833 and the Christians individually are like sheep 12 00:00:55,833 --> 00:00:59,167 and that always looming nearby are wolves. 13 00:00:59,167 --> 00:01:02,083 And so it's the job of the shepherd to love the sheep 14 00:01:02,167 --> 00:01:04,083 and protect the sheep, to feed the sheep 15 00:01:04,167 --> 00:01:06,542 and those that are hurting, to provide help for them. 16 00:01:06,667 --> 00:01:08,500 We call that biblical counseling, 17 00:01:08,500 --> 00:01:11,000 particularly for those who have been abused 18 00:01:11,083 --> 00:01:12,917 and those who are addicted. 19 00:01:13,000 --> 00:01:15,167 This started actually a few years ago, 20 00:01:15,167 --> 00:01:17,333 where we were trying to have a comprehensive plan 21 00:01:17,417 --> 00:01:19,667 for biblical counseling, to help hurting people. 22 00:01:19,667 --> 00:01:21,917 And so Pastor Mike Wilkerson started working 23 00:01:22,000 --> 00:01:25,083 on the redemption curriculum that we now use 24 00:01:25,167 --> 00:01:26,583 for our redemption books. 25 00:01:26,667 --> 00:01:29,708 And his book actually officially releases today. 26 00:01:29,833 --> 00:01:31,250 There you are, Pastor Mike. 27 00:01:31,333 --> 00:01:32,708 Congratulations. 28 00:01:32,833 --> 00:01:34,708 [applauding] 29 00:01:34,833 --> 00:01:37,500 So I'm gonna go ahead and have you take a moment, 30 00:01:37,583 --> 00:01:39,875 explain the big idea of the book, 31 00:01:40,000 --> 00:01:41,417 what you're hoping to accomplish, 32 00:01:41,500 --> 00:01:44,500 and what your vision is for it. 33 00:01:44,500 --> 00:01:46,667 Sure, well, the book is called "Redemption" 34 00:01:46,667 --> 00:01:48,500 because it's about, well the subtitle, 35 00:01:48,583 --> 00:01:50,708 "Freed by Jesus from the Idols We Worship 36 00:01:50,833 --> 00:01:52,333 and the Wounds We Carry." 37 00:01:52,375 --> 00:01:56,000 And as we were looking at how do we help all the people who are 38 00:01:56,042 --> 00:01:59,000 hurting both from the wounds of abuse and all kinds of other 39 00:01:59,042 --> 00:02:01,667 suffering here at Mars Hill, also people who are enslaved 40 00:02:01,750 --> 00:02:06,333 to habitual sin, addiction, this idea of slavery that both 41 00:02:06,417 --> 00:02:08,167 of those groups of people could say, 42 00:02:08,167 --> 00:02:10,000 "Yeah, it feels like slavery." 43 00:02:10,042 --> 00:02:13,167 And what we want them to know is that Jesus provides freedom, 44 00:02:13,250 --> 00:02:15,667 all kinds of sin, all kinds of suffering. 45 00:02:15,750 --> 00:02:18,542 In fact, one redemption group participant who read 46 00:02:18,667 --> 00:02:21,667 an early copy of this, he opened it up and found-- 47 00:02:21,667 --> 00:02:23,667 this is about the Exodus. 48 00:02:23,667 --> 00:02:26,333 This is about the Bible's backstory 49 00:02:26,333 --> 00:02:27,917 for redemption in Jesus. 50 00:02:28,000 --> 00:02:30,917 He said, "I open that up, I saw this is about slavery. 51 00:02:31,000 --> 00:02:32,750 It was exactly where I was at." 52 00:02:32,833 --> 00:02:35,667 This is a guy who has those wounds from past abuse 53 00:02:35,667 --> 00:02:38,500 and had been enslaved in habitual sin, who's saying, 54 00:02:38,500 --> 00:02:40,000 "That's exactly where I'm at." 55 00:02:40,083 --> 00:02:43,000 And we want to help people who are enslaved in all kinds 56 00:02:43,083 --> 00:02:46,250 of situations to know true freedom in Christ. 57 00:02:46,333 --> 00:02:48,250 And so that's what the book is about. 58 00:02:48,333 --> 00:02:50,667 It's a journey through the Exodus, freedom from slavery. 59 00:02:50,667 --> 00:02:53,500 It's interwoven with stories from a lot of people who've been 60 00:02:53,500 --> 00:02:55,917 in the groups and even some leaders of our groups. 61 00:02:56,000 --> 00:02:58,667 And our vision is to equip lots and lots of people 62 00:02:58,708 --> 00:03:01,167 with the gospel in their own lives, but also leaders 63 00:03:01,208 --> 00:03:03,750 that will help others in community at Mars Hill, 64 00:03:03,833 --> 00:03:05,750 throughout our community, and also at churches 65 00:03:05,833 --> 00:03:07,333 around the world. 66 00:03:07,333 --> 00:03:09,000 Seriously, buddy, fantastic work. 67 00:03:09,000 --> 00:03:10,333 Thank you. 68 00:03:10,417 --> 00:03:12,083 Very, very glad to finally have this. 69 00:03:12,167 --> 00:03:14,333 And with that, like two barrels in a gun, 70 00:03:14,333 --> 00:03:16,500 we're releasing a second book at the same time. 71 00:03:16,542 --> 00:03:19,000 This is Pastor Justin Holcomb. You guys could step forward. 72 00:03:19,000 --> 00:03:21,667 They all want to see the baby if at all possible. 73 00:03:21,750 --> 00:03:23,542 She's cute. It's just bright, yeah. 74 00:03:23,667 --> 00:03:25,167 And this is his wife, Lindsey. 75 00:03:25,167 --> 00:03:28,208 They're both leaders here at the church and they have as well 76 00:03:28,333 --> 00:03:32,583 a book that's releasing this week, "Rid of My Disgrace," 77 00:03:32,667 --> 00:03:35,167 and it is a hope, help, and healing for those 78 00:03:35,167 --> 00:03:37,500 who have been sexually assaulted. 79 00:03:37,500 --> 00:03:41,083 And so Justin's got a PhD in what? 80 00:03:41,167 --> 00:03:42,667 Theology and comparative religion. 81 00:03:43,333 --> 00:03:44,708 Theology and comparative religion. 82 00:03:44,833 --> 00:03:46,208 A couple master's degrees. 83 00:03:46,333 --> 00:03:48,875 He was a professor of sociology at the University of Virginia. 84 00:03:49,000 --> 00:03:50,875 We're glad to have him running The Resurgence. 85 00:03:51,000 --> 00:03:53,208 And he's got the background on the clinical side 86 00:03:53,333 --> 00:03:55,750 and then Lindsey has the history on the caseworker's side, 87 00:03:55,833 --> 00:03:57,875 having been a caseworker and case manager 88 00:03:58,000 --> 00:03:59,875 for a rape crisis clinic. 89 00:04:00,000 --> 00:04:03,083 And so why don't you tell a little bit about your book 90 00:04:03,167 --> 00:04:05,167 and then we'll hear from Lindsey as well? 91 00:04:05,167 --> 00:04:06,708 The purpose for the book is 92 00:04:06,833 --> 00:04:08,833 it's written to victims of sexual assault. 93 00:04:08,917 --> 00:04:10,833 It's not about them, but to them. 94 00:04:10,875 --> 00:04:13,667 'Cause there's too many books that kind of go big picture 95 00:04:13,708 --> 00:04:15,708 and just kind of talk about the issue. 96 00:04:15,833 --> 00:04:18,583 And we realized, we need to connect the dots between 97 00:04:18,667 --> 00:04:21,833 what Jesus and who he is and what he did on the cross, 98 00:04:21,917 --> 00:04:23,667 and the grace that comes from that, 99 00:04:23,750 --> 00:04:26,667 to the disgrace of sexual assault and the horror that 100 00:04:26,667 --> 00:04:30,833 people experience from the sense of denial and shame and guilt 101 00:04:30,917 --> 00:04:32,667 and anger and despair. 102 00:04:32,708 --> 00:04:36,000 What does Jesus' life, death, and resurrection mean for 103 00:04:36,083 --> 00:04:38,042 someone who experienced that? 104 00:04:38,167 --> 00:04:41,167 And so it was a--the book came out of me 105 00:04:41,250 --> 00:04:43,833 as a seminary professor dating Lindsey 106 00:04:43,875 --> 00:04:46,542 when we first started dating, that she started just handing me 107 00:04:46,667 --> 00:04:49,250 all of her books on this issue and telling me stories. 108 00:04:49,333 --> 00:04:52,667 And so we just started together thinking through this. 109 00:04:52,667 --> 00:04:55,500 And so it's a--we're thrilled to have this. 110 00:04:55,542 --> 00:04:58,417 This has been 2 years or so from when we first met, 111 00:04:58,500 --> 00:05:00,167 talking about this book. 112 00:05:00,250 --> 00:05:02,333 And it clicks in really nicely. 113 00:05:02,375 --> 00:05:05,417 I mean, we wrote these books together because redemption is 114 00:05:05,500 --> 00:05:10,667 the overarching kind of framework for Jesus 115 00:05:10,750 --> 00:05:12,875 and what it means for hope and healing. 116 00:05:13,000 --> 00:05:16,417 And then this is the book that clicks in under that framework 117 00:05:16,500 --> 00:05:19,833 and for that specific issue of sexual assault for victims, 118 00:05:19,917 --> 00:05:21,750 but also those who are supporting them. 119 00:05:21,833 --> 00:05:26,833 We wanted the people who have their spouse, their children, 120 00:05:26,917 --> 00:05:31,833 who they know victims to overhear how we are applying 121 00:05:31,875 --> 00:05:33,833 the gospel to their situation, 122 00:05:33,875 --> 00:05:36,500 and hopefully learn how to care for them in a biblical, 123 00:05:36,542 --> 00:05:38,875 practical, and helpful way. 124 00:05:39,000 --> 00:05:42,250 And how many people have this as a real issue in their life, 125 00:05:42,333 --> 00:05:44,250 men and women, sexual assault? 126 00:05:44,333 --> 00:05:50,167 The numbers are one in four women and one in six men will be 127 00:05:50,250 --> 00:05:52,833 or have been victims of sexual assault in their lifetime. 128 00:05:52,833 --> 00:05:56,167 And the younger the audience, the higher the percentages? 129 00:05:56,250 --> 00:06:00,833 Yeah, the horrible numbers are that between 12 and 19 is 130 00:06:00,875 --> 00:06:03,583 the sweet spot of horror, is that that's where 131 00:06:03,667 --> 00:06:07,667 a lot of the victims are; 16- to 19-year-old women 132 00:06:07,750 --> 00:06:11,542 are the highest numbers of victims. 133 00:06:11,667 --> 00:06:14,083 So give me the percentages for all women. 134 00:06:14,167 --> 00:06:15,750 Twenty-five percent. 135 00:06:15,833 --> 00:06:18,167 So if we have got on a really good Sunday, 136 00:06:18,250 --> 00:06:22,333 let's say Easter we hit, by God's grace, 16,000. 137 00:06:22,375 --> 00:06:24,833 Let's say half of those are female, 8,000. 138 00:06:24,833 --> 00:06:27,833 Twenty-five percent of those would still be a megachurch, 139 00:06:27,917 --> 00:06:30,833 two thousand people just female sexual assault victims. 140 00:06:30,917 --> 00:06:32,250 Yes. 141 00:06:32,333 --> 00:06:34,042 At Mars Hill Church. Still a megachurch. 142 00:06:34,167 --> 00:06:36,000 Yes. And you can do the same thing. 143 00:06:36,042 --> 00:06:39,375 I mean, if it's one in six men, it's almost the same for men. 144 00:06:39,500 --> 00:06:41,167 And frequently what happens is people think, 145 00:06:41,167 --> 00:06:42,500 "Women's issue." 146 00:06:42,583 --> 00:06:44,708 But if there's one out of six men or-- 147 00:06:44,833 --> 00:06:46,208 That's men who will report it. 148 00:06:46,333 --> 00:06:48,333 Yeah, 'cause out of the shame that--I mean, 149 00:06:48,333 --> 00:06:51,500 no--almost no men report out of the shame of thinking, 150 00:06:51,500 --> 00:06:54,167 "What about my sexuality? What does this mean for me? 151 00:06:54,167 --> 00:06:55,500 "Who's gonna believe me? 152 00:06:55,583 --> 00:06:57,250 Like they'll probably think I liked it." 153 00:06:57,333 --> 00:06:59,750 And so there's so many different reasons why a man 154 00:06:59,833 --> 00:07:01,583 would never report what happened to him. 155 00:07:01,667 --> 00:07:03,833 Well, it's been a huge issue at Mars Hill, 156 00:07:03,833 --> 00:07:05,833 so we're really thankful for your guys' work 157 00:07:05,833 --> 00:07:07,333 and we'll hear from Lindsey last. 158 00:07:07,375 --> 00:07:10,833 And I know a lot of the content of the book and the framework 159 00:07:10,875 --> 00:07:13,333 of the book came from your own practical ministry experience. 160 00:07:13,375 --> 00:07:15,333 So maybe give us the backstory on that. 161 00:07:15,375 --> 00:07:17,333 Sure, well, a couple of things I did 162 00:07:17,375 --> 00:07:18,833 at the sexual assault crisis center 163 00:07:18,875 --> 00:07:21,000 is I led a Bible study at a prison, 164 00:07:21,083 --> 00:07:22,417 a maximum security prison. 165 00:07:22,500 --> 00:07:25,167 And those women are the ones that taught me so much 166 00:07:25,208 --> 00:07:26,875 of the information that's in the book. 167 00:07:27,000 --> 00:07:30,000 A lot of the issues we cover of denial and anger are things 168 00:07:30,083 --> 00:07:32,208 that we thought we needed to really focus on. 169 00:07:32,333 --> 00:07:34,208 So a lot of their stories and experiences, 170 00:07:34,333 --> 00:07:37,208 we worked off of to be able to address in the book. 171 00:07:37,333 --> 00:07:38,708 So they were instrumental in helping 172 00:07:38,833 --> 00:07:40,167 to write this book for sure. 173 00:07:40,250 --> 00:07:42,667 What was it like writing a book with your husband? 174 00:07:42,667 --> 00:07:44,000 It was hard. 175 00:07:44,083 --> 00:07:46,208 It was wonderful and hard at the same time. 176 00:07:46,333 --> 00:07:48,417 'Cause it seems like you might have been pregnant 177 00:07:48,500 --> 00:07:49,833 at the time as well. 178 00:07:49,875 --> 00:07:51,542 I was--this one was in the belly, 179 00:07:51,667 --> 00:07:54,042 so I was very tired and sick all the time. 180 00:07:54,167 --> 00:07:57,208 But it was fun to be able to work off each other's strengths 181 00:07:57,333 --> 00:07:59,667 and weaknesses and figure out how to write the book, 182 00:07:59,708 --> 00:08:02,500 how to actually format a chapter and get the words flowing. 183 00:08:02,500 --> 00:08:05,333 But once we got the flow, it was actually fun. 184 00:08:05,375 --> 00:08:08,708 And what do you hope to have happen as a result of the book? 185 00:08:08,833 --> 00:08:10,167 What are you praying for? 186 00:08:10,167 --> 00:08:13,333 I just hope it gets into the hands of everyone that needs it. 187 00:08:13,333 --> 00:08:15,000 Those that are hurting, that are victims, 188 00:08:15,083 --> 00:08:17,042 and then those that can hopefully come alongside 189 00:08:17,167 --> 00:08:21,083 the victims and be a voice of hope and say the right things, 190 00:08:21,167 --> 00:08:23,167 and that's stuff we address in the book, 191 00:08:23,208 --> 00:08:25,667 what to say and what not to say, for sure. 192 00:08:25,750 --> 00:08:27,083 Well, we love you guys. 193 00:08:27,167 --> 00:08:29,333 We're very, very thankful for all of your work. 194 00:08:29,333 --> 00:08:32,000 And I'm gonna ask you, Lindsey, could you just close us 195 00:08:32,000 --> 00:08:34,500 in prayer, prayer for Mike's book, prayer for your book, 196 00:08:34,500 --> 00:08:36,667 prayer for the ministry that you guys have together, 197 00:08:36,708 --> 00:08:39,667 a lot of the counselors that we're training here at Mars Hill 198 00:08:39,708 --> 00:08:42,417 and around the world, and the victims who need the help. 199 00:08:42,500 --> 00:08:44,750 Jesus, we just thank you for these books 200 00:08:44,833 --> 00:08:46,750 that have just finally arrived. 201 00:08:46,833 --> 00:08:49,833 And we just pray for the people that are gonna receive them. 202 00:08:49,875 --> 00:08:53,500 I just pray that victims will receive this book on their own 203 00:08:53,542 --> 00:08:56,667 or that friends and family will give them to them and that they 204 00:08:56,708 --> 00:09:00,042 will read these words and that these words will be hope, 205 00:09:00,167 --> 00:09:02,375 that they would be words of hope and healing, 206 00:09:02,500 --> 00:09:06,000 that they will see that Jesus is the only hope for the abuse 207 00:09:06,083 --> 00:09:09,167 and the addiction and just the hurt that is in their lives. 208 00:09:09,250 --> 00:09:12,333 And so we just ask that you will bless the words that are 209 00:09:12,417 --> 00:09:14,542 in these books and we just pray for those 210 00:09:14,667 --> 00:09:16,042 that are caring for victims. 211 00:09:16,167 --> 00:09:19,667 We pray for pastors and teachers and caseworkers and counselors 212 00:09:19,750 --> 00:09:21,917 just across the nation and internationally, 213 00:09:22,000 --> 00:09:23,583 that they will just be encouraged, 214 00:09:23,667 --> 00:09:27,417 that you will protect them from doubt and anxiety and just lies, 215 00:09:27,500 --> 00:09:31,000 that you will just fill them with hope that Jesus is 216 00:09:31,042 --> 00:09:32,667 our only hope for healing. 217 00:09:32,708 --> 00:09:36,167 And so I thank you for the opportunity to be able to write 218 00:09:36,208 --> 00:09:39,833 this book and I just pray that you will just bless 219 00:09:39,875 --> 00:09:41,333 just everybody that reads it. 220 00:09:41,375 --> 00:09:42,833 In Jesus' name, amen. 221 00:09:42,917 --> 00:09:45,083 Amen. Love you guys. Thank you guys. 222 00:09:45,167 --> 00:09:47,167 All right. 223 00:09:47,250 --> 00:09:51,042 [applauding] 224 00:09:51,167 --> 00:09:53,167 And now the bad part. 225 00:09:53,167 --> 00:09:57,833 Luke 14:1-6, more religious people. 226 00:09:57,917 --> 00:10:02,208 And this week you're gonna see Jesus heals on the Sabbath. 227 00:10:02,333 --> 00:10:05,833 And what happens is Jesus helps those who are hurting 228 00:10:05,917 --> 00:10:09,708 and religious people criticize his compassion. 229 00:10:09,833 --> 00:10:12,000 It's unbelievable. 230 00:10:12,042 --> 00:10:13,500 It keeps happening. 231 00:10:13,583 --> 00:10:15,500 And for those of you who are new, 232 00:10:15,583 --> 00:10:18,500 find Luke 14 in your Bible or on your app. 233 00:10:18,583 --> 00:10:20,333 But here's where we find ourselves. 234 00:10:20,333 --> 00:10:24,000 We're taking about 2 years to go through the Gospel of Luke. 235 00:10:24,000 --> 00:10:26,417 We love the Bible, the Bible's all about Jesus. 236 00:10:26,500 --> 00:10:28,875 Luke is 1 of the 66 books of the Bible 237 00:10:29,000 --> 00:10:32,500 and it's a historical biography of Jesus Christ, 238 00:10:32,583 --> 00:10:34,833 where he went, what he taught, 239 00:10:34,875 --> 00:10:37,667 what he did, how people responded to him. 240 00:10:37,667 --> 00:10:40,500 We looked early on in the book that it was funded 241 00:10:40,542 --> 00:10:42,500 by a wealthy benefactor named Theophilus. 242 00:10:42,500 --> 00:10:45,167 Luke is a medical doctor and historian who, 243 00:10:45,167 --> 00:10:47,167 because of a generous financial gift, 244 00:10:47,167 --> 00:10:49,500 is allowed to spend a considerable amount of time 245 00:10:49,500 --> 00:10:52,167 traveling, interviewing people, and asking them, 246 00:10:52,167 --> 00:10:54,833 "So what did Jesus teach? What did he do for you? 247 00:10:54,875 --> 00:10:56,333 "How did he heal you? 248 00:10:56,375 --> 00:10:59,667 "What exactly transpired when he was doing his ministry 249 00:10:59,667 --> 00:11:02,500 "here on earth before his death, burial, resurrection, 250 00:11:02,500 --> 00:11:04,375 and ascension back into heaven?" 251 00:11:04,500 --> 00:11:06,250 He faithfully records that. 252 00:11:06,333 --> 00:11:09,375 And one thing we keep seeing over and over and over is 253 00:11:09,500 --> 00:11:12,083 conflict between Jesus and religious people. 254 00:11:12,167 --> 00:11:16,667 It happens over and over and over in Luke's gospel. 255 00:11:16,708 --> 00:11:20,333 And I believe there is a reason why Luke keeps emphasizing this. 256 00:11:20,333 --> 00:11:22,667 Number one, the default mode of the human heart, 257 00:11:22,667 --> 00:11:24,167 as Martin Luther said, is religion. 258 00:11:24,208 --> 00:11:26,875 We're all prone to go toward religion. 259 00:11:27,000 --> 00:11:29,542 And in varying ways, at varying times, to varying degrees, 260 00:11:29,667 --> 00:11:31,375 we're all religious. 261 00:11:31,500 --> 00:11:33,542 And so when we read about religious people, 262 00:11:33,667 --> 00:11:35,500 we can't simply criticize them. 263 00:11:35,542 --> 00:11:37,583 We also need to examine ourselves. 264 00:11:37,667 --> 00:11:40,750 Secondly, in a day when people don't have deep convictions, 265 00:11:40,833 --> 00:11:45,250 deep passions, deep commitments, it is intriguing and compelling 266 00:11:45,333 --> 00:11:48,000 to meet people who will die for their cause, 267 00:11:48,000 --> 00:11:50,167 who give their finances to their cause, 268 00:11:50,250 --> 00:11:52,708 who are willing to take a stand publicly, 269 00:11:52,833 --> 00:11:55,500 who are willing to get into a fight, 270 00:11:55,542 --> 00:11:57,917 who've memorized a few verses of the Bible 271 00:11:58,000 --> 00:11:59,667 and seem very convinced. 272 00:11:59,708 --> 00:12:03,000 Those people can be very compelling. 273 00:12:03,042 --> 00:12:07,333 But we see that they're committed to the wrong cause. 274 00:12:07,333 --> 00:12:10,417 Because, ultimately, they're opposing Jesus Christ. 275 00:12:10,500 --> 00:12:14,333 And we find yet another case study today where very devout, 276 00:12:14,375 --> 00:12:19,417 very bold, very committed, very organized religious people 277 00:12:19,500 --> 00:12:22,833 mount an attack on Jesus himself. 278 00:12:22,833 --> 00:12:27,500 And here it begins in Luke 14:1, where we see that religion 279 00:12:27,500 --> 00:12:28,833 wants a fight. 280 00:12:28,917 --> 00:12:31,667 If you had to choose one icon to defend 281 00:12:31,667 --> 00:12:35,042 religion, I think a clenched fist would be the best one. 282 00:12:35,167 --> 00:12:39,167 They're always looking for a fight, criticism, what's wrong, 283 00:12:39,208 --> 00:12:44,667 contentious, battle, always ready to have conflict. 284 00:12:44,750 --> 00:12:46,500 And so, here again, 285 00:12:46,542 --> 00:12:48,667 they're going to pick a fight with Jesus. 286 00:12:48,667 --> 00:12:51,000 We read, "One Sabbath, when he," that is, Jesus, 287 00:12:51,000 --> 00:12:54,167 "went to dine at the house of a ruler of the Pharisees, 288 00:12:54,167 --> 00:12:55,542 they were watching him carefully." 289 00:12:55,667 --> 00:12:57,000 We'll unpack this. 290 00:12:57,000 --> 00:13:00,333 Okay, here's Jesus and he gets invited to dinner by the leader 291 00:13:00,333 --> 00:13:01,917 of a group of Pharisees. 292 00:13:02,000 --> 00:13:06,708 Now the Pharisees were very conservative religious people. 293 00:13:06,833 --> 00:13:09,167 There's two ways to get into great trouble. 294 00:13:09,208 --> 00:13:12,917 Number one is every issue, just take the liberal side. 295 00:13:13,000 --> 00:13:16,375 Or every issue, just take the conservative side. 296 00:13:16,500 --> 00:13:18,917 Those are the two ways to get into trouble. 297 00:13:19,000 --> 00:13:21,333 This group decided, "On every issue, 298 00:13:21,375 --> 00:13:24,250 we'll just take the most conservative side." 299 00:13:24,333 --> 00:13:27,667 You and I need to take every issue, go to the Bible, and say, 300 00:13:27,708 --> 00:13:29,167 "I don't want to be liberal. 301 00:13:29,208 --> 00:13:30,667 "I don't want to be conservative. 302 00:13:30,750 --> 00:13:32,333 I want to be biblical." 303 00:13:32,375 --> 00:13:35,667 And sometimes that may mean that we take a position that's a bit 304 00:13:35,708 --> 00:13:37,375 more liberal, sometimes a bit more conservative. 305 00:13:37,500 --> 00:13:39,917 They just kept taking on every issue 306 00:13:40,000 --> 00:13:42,500 the most conservative option. 307 00:13:42,542 --> 00:13:45,167 And ended up becoming religious neatniks. 308 00:13:45,208 --> 00:13:47,083 They ended up becoming rule-makers 309 00:13:47,167 --> 00:13:48,500 outside of Scripture. 310 00:13:48,583 --> 00:13:51,167 And they ended up attacking Jesus Christ. 311 00:13:51,250 --> 00:13:56,167 The Pharisees also were not professionals theologically. 312 00:13:56,250 --> 00:13:58,333 They were like you, they had jobs. 313 00:13:58,375 --> 00:14:01,000 These are people who self-organized and they had, 314 00:14:01,000 --> 00:14:03,667 you'll meet 'em in a moment, what they called lawyers, 315 00:14:03,750 --> 00:14:05,333 experts in the Old Testament law. 316 00:14:05,417 --> 00:14:08,542 So I would be like a lawyer and you'd be like the Pharisees. 317 00:14:08,667 --> 00:14:12,000 And according to Josephus, who is a noteworthy, incredible, 318 00:14:12,000 --> 00:14:16,167 ancient Jewish historian, there weren't a lot of them. 319 00:14:16,208 --> 00:14:19,708 Maybe 6,000 Pharisees in the New Testament era 320 00:14:19,833 --> 00:14:21,542 of the 1st century. 321 00:14:21,667 --> 00:14:24,083 And what's curious is that's not a lot of people. 322 00:14:24,167 --> 00:14:26,333 That's less people than we have at Mars Hill. 323 00:14:26,417 --> 00:14:30,667 But it shows you that religious critics and neatniks who want 324 00:14:30,750 --> 00:14:33,708 to pick a fight and organize and are devoted to their cause 325 00:14:33,833 --> 00:14:35,833 can create a whole lot of trouble. 326 00:14:35,875 --> 00:14:37,667 That's why we keep seeing them 327 00:14:37,667 --> 00:14:39,167 throughout the storyline of Luke. 328 00:14:39,167 --> 00:14:41,667 And they show up in the weirdest places. 329 00:14:41,667 --> 00:14:44,167 Jesus is walking from Galilee to Jerusalem over the course 330 00:14:44,167 --> 00:14:47,333 of many months, he's out in the middle of nowhere in a field 331 00:14:47,375 --> 00:14:49,042 and it says the Pharisees were there. 332 00:14:49,167 --> 00:14:51,333 Like they teleported in. 333 00:14:51,333 --> 00:14:55,000 These guys are stalkers, they're just following him around. 334 00:14:55,000 --> 00:14:57,667 Religious people love to keep an eye on everyone else. 335 00:14:57,667 --> 00:15:00,167 And now in the age of the Internet and Facebook 336 00:15:00,250 --> 00:15:03,667 and Twitter and blogs, they're worse than ever. 337 00:15:03,750 --> 00:15:05,667 Keeping an eye on everyone and everything, 338 00:15:05,667 --> 00:15:07,708 always looking for a fight. 339 00:15:07,833 --> 00:15:09,750 It's a religious attitude. 340 00:15:09,833 --> 00:15:12,917 It's saying this as well, there's a conflict that keeps 341 00:15:13,000 --> 00:15:16,000 happening between Jesus and the religious leaders 342 00:15:16,042 --> 00:15:18,333 over the issue of the Sabbath. 343 00:15:18,417 --> 00:15:20,417 One of their primary issues was the Sabbath, 344 00:15:20,500 --> 00:15:23,083 and the Sabbath is that in 6 days, God worked, 345 00:15:23,167 --> 00:15:25,333 and on the 7th day, a Saturday, God rested. 346 00:15:25,417 --> 00:15:28,500 So God set in motion a 7-day week with a day of rest. 347 00:15:28,583 --> 00:15:29,917 That's the big idea. 348 00:15:30,000 --> 00:15:32,083 Now these religious neatniks, they added to that 349 00:15:32,167 --> 00:15:34,417 lots and lots of rules. 350 00:15:34,500 --> 00:15:36,417 And Jesus is breaking some of their rules. 351 00:15:36,500 --> 00:15:38,917 None of the rules of the Bible, but definitely some 352 00:15:39,000 --> 00:15:41,333 of their traditions. 353 00:15:41,333 --> 00:15:46,000 And so they have recurring conflict over the Sabbath. 354 00:15:46,000 --> 00:15:48,833 And it really is--underneath all of Jesus' conflict 355 00:15:48,875 --> 00:15:52,500 with the religious people are two big issues. 356 00:15:52,542 --> 00:15:56,500 Number one, where does authority reside? 357 00:15:56,542 --> 00:15:59,167 For the Pharisees, the religious people, 358 00:15:59,208 --> 00:16:02,250 it was what they would call Torah and tradition, 359 00:16:02,333 --> 00:16:06,167 meaning the Old Testament and tradition. 360 00:16:06,167 --> 00:16:09,333 And they would put them essentially side by side. 361 00:16:09,375 --> 00:16:11,500 So in addition to the Bible, there are teachers 362 00:16:11,583 --> 00:16:13,917 and commentators and history and traditions 363 00:16:14,000 --> 00:16:16,208 and rules and regulations. 364 00:16:16,333 --> 00:16:19,583 And a committee got together and guys educated beyond their 365 00:16:19,667 --> 00:16:22,833 intelligence voted and a guy with a big hat made it look 366 00:16:22,875 --> 00:16:24,833 official and they wrote it in a book 367 00:16:24,833 --> 00:16:27,542 and so it has to just be that way. 368 00:16:27,667 --> 00:16:30,667 It looked very official. 369 00:16:30,667 --> 00:16:33,875 Jesus keeps arguing just for Torah, not for tradition, 370 00:16:34,000 --> 00:16:36,333 asking, "Haven't you guys read your Bible? 371 00:16:36,333 --> 00:16:38,000 "Don't you know what the Bible says? 372 00:16:38,083 --> 00:16:39,500 "The Bible doesn't say that. 373 00:16:39,542 --> 00:16:42,542 "You know, your teacher does, but not the book 374 00:16:42,667 --> 00:16:45,667 that I inspired to be written." 375 00:16:45,708 --> 00:16:50,833 This is like Catholicism and Orthodoxy within Christianity. 376 00:16:50,875 --> 00:16:53,167 They would say that, in addition to the Bible, 377 00:16:53,167 --> 00:16:55,167 there is tradition. 378 00:16:55,208 --> 00:16:58,875 The Protestant Reformation instead taughtsola scriptura, 379 00:16:59,000 --> 00:17:02,375 Scripture alone is our highest authority. 380 00:17:02,500 --> 00:17:05,208 The Bible is over--for us-- all other authorities, 381 00:17:05,333 --> 00:17:09,042 tradition, reason, human experiences, all beneath 382 00:17:09,167 --> 00:17:12,333 the highest authority of Scripture. 383 00:17:12,375 --> 00:17:15,667 We don't dismiss church history and theologians. 384 00:17:15,667 --> 00:17:17,917 In fact, we appreciate them very much. 385 00:17:18,000 --> 00:17:20,417 But we test everything by Scripture and we don't lie 386 00:17:20,500 --> 00:17:25,708 alongside of the Bible anyone whose name is not in the Bible. 387 00:17:25,833 --> 00:17:27,500 They go under the Bible. 388 00:17:27,583 --> 00:17:30,875 The second point of conflict was not just where does authority 389 00:17:31,000 --> 00:17:35,750 reside, but number two, what company should you keep? 390 00:17:35,833 --> 00:17:39,083 Jesus as God comes to earth and starts hanging out 391 00:17:39,167 --> 00:17:40,583 with people who are sinners. 392 00:17:40,667 --> 00:17:43,833 And the religious people freaked out. 393 00:17:43,917 --> 00:17:46,375 In other places, they say he's a glutton and a drunkard 394 00:17:46,500 --> 00:17:48,542 and a friend of sinners. 395 00:17:48,667 --> 00:17:50,542 Look at the company that he keeps! 396 00:17:50,667 --> 00:17:52,750 Because see, religious people tend to think that sin 397 00:17:52,833 --> 00:17:54,417 is caught like a cold. 398 00:17:54,500 --> 00:17:55,833 "Oh, you're a sinner? 399 00:17:55,875 --> 00:17:58,333 "Well, I better keep a little distance 400 00:17:58,333 --> 00:17:59,833 so I don't catch your sin." 401 00:17:59,875 --> 00:18:02,500 Sin is not caught like a cold. 402 00:18:02,583 --> 00:18:05,833 Jesus is the great physician coming to help and to heal 403 00:18:05,875 --> 00:18:08,000 and to serve sinners. 404 00:18:08,083 --> 00:18:09,417 And they criticized him. 405 00:18:09,500 --> 00:18:12,375 "Look at Jesus, all he ever does is hang out with sinners." 406 00:18:12,500 --> 00:18:14,375 Jesus says, "Yeah, it's 'cause I'm a doctor." 407 00:18:14,500 --> 00:18:16,875 It's like a doctor only hangs out with sick people, 408 00:18:17,000 --> 00:18:18,333 he's trying to help. 409 00:18:18,333 --> 00:18:20,833 Jesus was not a drunkard, Jesus was not a glutton, 410 00:18:20,833 --> 00:18:23,000 but he was and is a friend of sinners. 411 00:18:23,042 --> 00:18:26,167 He's a friend of mine and I'm a sinner and I'm really glad 412 00:18:26,250 --> 00:18:28,000 he doesn't mind being friends with sinners. 413 00:18:28,083 --> 00:18:30,750 And their attitude was we need to separate from the world. 414 00:18:30,833 --> 00:18:32,500 We need to separate from the culture. 415 00:18:32,542 --> 00:18:34,250 We need to separate from our neighbors. 416 00:18:34,333 --> 00:18:36,000 We need to separate from sinners. 417 00:18:36,042 --> 00:18:39,667 And Jesus had the attitude of a missionary. 418 00:18:39,708 --> 00:18:42,667 So he's hanging out with people, he's going to dinner at their 419 00:18:42,667 --> 00:18:45,708 house, he's befriending them, he's opening his life to them, 420 00:18:45,833 --> 00:18:48,333 he's living in community with them. 421 00:18:48,375 --> 00:18:51,333 So the big debate was where does authority reside 422 00:18:51,375 --> 00:18:54,375 and what kind of company should you keep? 423 00:18:54,500 --> 00:18:56,500 And they kept picking a fight with Jesus, 424 00:18:56,542 --> 00:18:59,000 and of course he kept winning the fight. 425 00:18:59,000 --> 00:19:01,667 But they don't give up, they don't give in. 426 00:19:01,708 --> 00:19:06,500 And so here, on a Sabbath, he gets invited to the home 427 00:19:06,542 --> 00:19:08,000 of a Pharisee. 428 00:19:08,083 --> 00:19:10,917 What I find amazing: he went. 429 00:19:11,000 --> 00:19:13,250 That's amazing to me. 430 00:19:13,333 --> 00:19:16,333 I would not go. 431 00:19:16,417 --> 00:19:21,000 Like if you argued with me for 13 chapters of my life and kept 432 00:19:21,042 --> 00:19:25,417 picking a fight in public and never apologized and asked, 433 00:19:25,500 --> 00:19:27,917 "Hey, Pastor Mark, could you come over for dinner?" 434 00:19:28,000 --> 00:19:30,583 My answer would be, "No." 435 00:19:30,667 --> 00:19:33,583 Some of you are like, "That's why he didn't return my email." 436 00:19:33,667 --> 00:19:35,167 Exactly. 437 00:19:35,208 --> 00:19:37,083 That's why. 438 00:19:37,167 --> 00:19:39,167 Right, this is a setup. 439 00:19:39,167 --> 00:19:40,833 These are his enemies. 440 00:19:40,917 --> 00:19:44,333 All they ever do is just give him grief. 441 00:19:44,375 --> 00:19:46,375 And he accepts the invitation. 442 00:19:46,500 --> 00:19:48,208 And he goes 'cause Jesus loves everybody, 443 00:19:48,333 --> 00:19:51,500 Jesus serves everybody, Jesus is good to everybody, 444 00:19:51,500 --> 00:19:54,000 even his enemies. 445 00:19:54,000 --> 00:19:56,500 So what's wrong with religious people? 446 00:19:56,542 --> 00:19:58,667 Well, there are thousands of things, 447 00:19:58,667 --> 00:20:02,333 but for the sake of time, we will examine eight. 448 00:20:02,417 --> 00:20:05,500 What's wrong with religious people? 449 00:20:05,583 --> 00:20:07,500 Number one, they are negatives 450 00:20:07,500 --> 00:20:09,417 defined by what they are against. 451 00:20:09,500 --> 00:20:12,333 We see that over and over and over with the Pharisees. 452 00:20:12,417 --> 00:20:14,667 "Jesus, we're against your view of the Sabbath. 453 00:20:14,750 --> 00:20:16,833 "Jesus, we're against your view of the Sabbath. 454 00:20:16,875 --> 00:20:18,833 "Jesus, we're against your view of the Sabbath. 455 00:20:18,875 --> 00:20:21,333 "Oh, and while we're at it, we're against your friends. 456 00:20:21,375 --> 00:20:23,333 "We're against the people who hang out with. 457 00:20:23,375 --> 00:20:25,500 "We're against what you do when you're traveling 458 00:20:25,542 --> 00:20:27,000 "and how you conduct yourself. 459 00:20:27,000 --> 00:20:29,250 We're against all of that." 460 00:20:29,333 --> 00:20:31,000 They're negatives who define themselves 461 00:20:31,000 --> 00:20:32,833 by what they're against. 462 00:20:32,917 --> 00:20:36,042 Be careful because, see, again, when we live in this day, 463 00:20:36,167 --> 00:20:39,500 when people don't have strong convictions and real commitment, 464 00:20:39,542 --> 00:20:43,167 a person who's negative and is always shooting and criticizing 465 00:20:43,167 --> 00:20:45,750 and defining themselves by what they're against, 466 00:20:45,833 --> 00:20:48,500 they can be very compelling. 467 00:20:48,542 --> 00:20:54,000 But they're also just very negative. 468 00:20:54,083 --> 00:20:57,500 It's better to be known primarily about what you're 469 00:20:57,500 --> 00:21:00,000 for than what you're against. 470 00:21:00,083 --> 00:21:04,500 To be sure, there are things we have to be against like sin, 471 00:21:04,583 --> 00:21:07,333 but the truth is, most of our energy should be devoted 472 00:21:07,333 --> 00:21:11,875 to not just what we're for, but who we're for. 473 00:21:12,000 --> 00:21:13,583 Are you negative? 474 00:21:13,667 --> 00:21:15,000 Are you critical? 475 00:21:15,042 --> 00:21:17,000 You always got a fist ready to go. 476 00:21:17,042 --> 00:21:19,167 Everything you read, everything you hear, everywhere you go, 477 00:21:19,250 --> 00:21:20,833 you're looking for what's wrong 478 00:21:20,917 --> 00:21:23,583 so that you can point it out and pick a fight. 479 00:21:23,667 --> 00:21:25,083 You're on the road to religion. 480 00:21:25,167 --> 00:21:28,000 Number two, they are single-issue voters. 481 00:21:28,083 --> 00:21:32,583 They miss everything 'cause they're obsessed with one thing. 482 00:21:32,667 --> 00:21:34,333 Right, for these guys, what's their issue? 483 00:21:34,333 --> 00:21:35,667 It's the Sabbath. 484 00:21:35,750 --> 00:21:38,083 They keep fighting with Jesus over the Sabbath, 485 00:21:38,167 --> 00:21:39,833 over and over and over. 486 00:21:39,917 --> 00:21:42,500 I was thinking about it when I was preparing this sermon, 487 00:21:42,583 --> 00:21:44,833 I was like, "Not another fight over the Sabbath." 488 00:21:44,917 --> 00:21:48,500 This is like part 5 million in the book of Luke. 489 00:21:48,500 --> 00:21:51,833 I've preached this sermon already a whole bunch of times. 490 00:21:51,917 --> 00:21:53,250 And then it hit me. 491 00:21:53,333 --> 00:21:55,333 This is a tactic of religious people. 492 00:21:55,417 --> 00:21:57,000 They don't change the topic. 493 00:21:57,083 --> 00:21:58,583 They don't change their mind. 494 00:21:58,667 --> 00:22:01,500 They just try and wear you out. 495 00:22:01,500 --> 00:22:04,250 So that you reach the point you're like, "You're wrong, 496 00:22:04,333 --> 00:22:07,208 but I'm gonna agree with you just so you leave me alone." 497 00:22:07,333 --> 00:22:10,000 That's how religious people work. 498 00:22:10,708 --> 00:22:12,000 That's how religious people work. 499 00:22:12,083 --> 00:22:13,583 They're single-issue voters. 500 00:22:13,667 --> 00:22:15,917 They could have talked to Jesus about all kinds 501 00:22:16,000 --> 00:22:17,333 of very interesting things. 502 00:22:17,417 --> 00:22:19,500 "Hey, Jesus, you water-ski without a boat. 503 00:22:19,542 --> 00:22:22,708 "What's that like? 504 00:22:22,833 --> 00:22:25,708 "You fed a stadium with a little boy's Lunchable. 505 00:22:25,833 --> 00:22:29,167 "That was pretty awesome. How did you do that? 506 00:22:29,208 --> 00:22:31,875 "Hey, Jesus, what's heaven like? 507 00:22:32,000 --> 00:22:33,917 "What's an angel like? 508 00:22:34,000 --> 00:22:35,667 Am I going to hell?" 509 00:22:35,667 --> 00:22:37,583 I would ask questions like that. 510 00:22:37,667 --> 00:22:40,333 Instead, it's like, "What do you do on Saturdays? 511 00:22:40,375 --> 00:22:42,542 Do you work or not work?" 512 00:22:42,667 --> 00:22:44,667 What's interesting, these guys arguing with Jesus 513 00:22:44,750 --> 00:22:47,500 about working on the Sabbath, what are they doing? 514 00:22:47,583 --> 00:22:49,917 They're kind of working on the Sabbath. 515 00:22:50,000 --> 00:22:53,042 They devise a plan to have him over, to jump him, 516 00:22:53,167 --> 00:22:55,542 argue with him, set him up, and exhaust him 517 00:22:55,667 --> 00:22:58,000 because he's gonna work. 518 00:22:58,042 --> 00:23:01,167 Well, he's only working 'cause you're fighting with him. 519 00:23:01,167 --> 00:23:02,708 You'll get it later. 520 00:23:02,833 --> 00:23:04,667 But that's a very important point. 521 00:23:04,667 --> 00:23:08,333 Number three, they preach but they don't practice repentance. 522 00:23:08,333 --> 00:23:10,333 These are the religious people that are like, 523 00:23:10,375 --> 00:23:13,708 "You need to knock it off and you need to knock and you need 524 00:23:13,833 --> 00:23:17,042 to stop it and you guys are all wrong and this is deplorable." 525 00:23:17,167 --> 00:23:18,708 And they don't themselves repent. 526 00:23:18,833 --> 00:23:20,167 They never say, "I'm wrong. 527 00:23:20,208 --> 00:23:22,333 "I'm sorry. My fault. 528 00:23:22,333 --> 00:23:24,708 I'm an idiot." 529 00:23:24,833 --> 00:23:29,875 What they say is, "Well, you have things to work on. 530 00:23:30,000 --> 00:23:33,042 "And I'm gonna point them out to you because I'm the holy one 531 00:23:33,167 --> 00:23:34,542 and you're the unholy one." 532 00:23:34,667 --> 00:23:37,208 And you'll see it even in the story in a moment, 533 00:23:37,333 --> 00:23:40,333 Jesus proves 'em wrong and here's what it says. 534 00:23:40,333 --> 00:23:43,667 They remained silent. 535 00:23:43,750 --> 00:23:45,708 You know what they should've done? 536 00:23:45,833 --> 00:23:47,500 Apologized. 537 00:23:47,500 --> 00:23:50,042 But religious people can't do that. 538 00:23:50,167 --> 00:23:54,208 They're unwilling to do that, to say, "I'm wrong." 539 00:23:54,333 --> 00:23:56,500 Here's what happens if you catch a religious person, 540 00:23:56,500 --> 00:23:59,167 if they say something that's not true or they're wrong and you 541 00:23:59,167 --> 00:24:02,375 correct them, then they attack your character personally. 542 00:24:02,500 --> 00:24:05,042 They try to shift the subject from their sin 543 00:24:05,167 --> 00:24:06,667 to your character. 544 00:24:06,708 --> 00:24:08,208 They're gonna try that with Jesus. 545 00:24:08,333 --> 00:24:09,750 Jesus doesn't have any sin. 546 00:24:09,833 --> 00:24:12,833 They're still gonna try it. 547 00:24:14,667 --> 00:24:18,417 You and I need to practice saying, "I'm sorry. 548 00:24:18,500 --> 00:24:20,542 "I'm wrong. That was sin. 549 00:24:20,667 --> 00:24:22,917 "No excuse. Not your fault. 550 00:24:23,000 --> 00:24:24,917 Something wrong with me." 551 00:24:25,000 --> 00:24:27,250 If you're a religious person, you're always like this, 552 00:24:27,333 --> 00:24:30,500 you should just punch yourself in the face, right? 553 00:24:30,500 --> 00:24:34,000 You punch everybody else, may as well just be fair about it. 554 00:24:34,042 --> 00:24:36,667 Religious people preach repentance, 555 00:24:36,667 --> 00:24:38,875 they don't practice it. 556 00:24:39,000 --> 00:24:42,708 Number four, they prefer tidy answers over messy lives. 557 00:24:42,833 --> 00:24:45,667 Now, I could tell you this, being a pastor for a while, 558 00:24:45,667 --> 00:24:48,083 people's lives are complicated. 559 00:24:48,167 --> 00:24:51,167 And what happens to religious people, they live in their mind. 560 00:24:51,208 --> 00:24:52,708 They're all up in their head. 561 00:24:52,833 --> 00:24:56,208 They like to get everything down in charts and in manuals 562 00:24:56,333 --> 00:24:59,583 with rules and footnotes so that they don't have to 563 00:24:59,667 --> 00:25:01,417 actually deal with people. 564 00:25:01,500 --> 00:25:04,333 It's just, "Well, see page 47. 565 00:25:04,333 --> 00:25:07,042 "Yeah, it's over here in the manual in page 47. 566 00:25:07,167 --> 00:25:09,375 "There's three verses and two things to do. 567 00:25:09,500 --> 00:25:11,250 "Yeah, the committee voted. 568 00:25:11,333 --> 00:25:13,500 "Everybody was in a suit. It was totally official. 569 00:25:13,583 --> 00:25:16,208 Page 27, just do what the manual says." 570 00:25:16,333 --> 00:25:18,167 People's lives are messy. 571 00:25:18,250 --> 00:25:20,167 People's lives are complicated. 572 00:25:20,167 --> 00:25:23,000 People's lives are sometimes devastated and you can't just 573 00:25:23,083 --> 00:25:26,667 say, "Here's three verses and check the manual." 574 00:25:26,750 --> 00:25:29,167 You got to get to know the person, their life, 575 00:25:29,250 --> 00:25:31,000 their backstory, their family, their history, 576 00:25:31,083 --> 00:25:33,000 the circumstances, hear the other side, 577 00:25:33,000 --> 00:25:35,542 take it to the Bible, get wise counsel, 578 00:25:35,667 --> 00:25:38,667 prayerfully consider what the best answer is for them. 579 00:25:38,708 --> 00:25:42,250 Religious people are lazy when it comes to human suffering. 580 00:25:42,333 --> 00:25:45,333 I said it, I mean it. 581 00:25:45,375 --> 00:25:48,500 So these guys have an answer for everything. 582 00:25:48,500 --> 00:25:52,000 And one of their answers is, "We don't heal on the Sabbath." 583 00:25:52,000 --> 00:25:54,583 Jesus starts healing on the Sabbath. 584 00:25:54,667 --> 00:25:56,750 "Oh, that doesn't work with our manual." 585 00:25:56,833 --> 00:25:59,375 Jesus says, "I didn't write that manual. 586 00:25:59,500 --> 00:26:03,333 "I don't care if the guys in suits or hats took a vote. 587 00:26:03,417 --> 00:26:06,667 "Someone's suffering, I'm gonna serve them. 588 00:26:06,667 --> 00:26:09,333 I like to help hurting people," Jesus would say. 589 00:26:09,333 --> 00:26:11,083 "I don't care what the manual says. 590 00:26:11,167 --> 00:26:14,167 By the way, I wrote my own book." 591 00:26:17,000 --> 00:26:18,708 I had this, not long ago, 592 00:26:18,833 --> 00:26:20,667 it just drove me cuckoo for cocoa puffs. 593 00:26:20,750 --> 00:26:22,500 This gal, I'm talking to her. 594 00:26:22,583 --> 00:26:24,500 She comes from this church that's real religious 595 00:26:24,583 --> 00:26:26,333 and the pastors there just decided, 596 00:26:26,375 --> 00:26:28,333 "We're gonna have a position on divorce. 597 00:26:28,375 --> 00:26:30,333 No Christians can ever get divorced." 598 00:26:30,375 --> 00:26:32,000 Hoo, glad that's over. 599 00:26:32,042 --> 00:26:33,875 Really, it's that simple? 600 00:26:34,000 --> 00:26:36,417 You had a meeting and settled divorce for everyone 601 00:26:36,500 --> 00:26:38,500 for the rest of their life? 602 00:26:38,583 --> 00:26:41,167 "Yeah, we think divorce is bad." 603 00:26:41,167 --> 00:26:44,542 Even divorced people will tell you divorce is bad. 604 00:26:44,667 --> 00:26:49,000 But sometimes, because of unrepentant, habitual sin, 605 00:26:49,042 --> 00:26:51,208 not that we want everybody to get divorced, 606 00:26:51,333 --> 00:26:55,000 but sometimes the Bible does say there are some good reasons why 607 00:26:55,042 --> 00:26:58,000 it should be a possibility. 608 00:26:58,042 --> 00:27:01,333 So this poor gal, her husband commits adultery on her, 609 00:27:01,333 --> 00:27:03,500 beats her, sexually assaults her, 610 00:27:03,583 --> 00:27:07,667 and now is starting to do the same thing to her daughters. 611 00:27:07,750 --> 00:27:10,167 And the pastors say, "Well, it says in the manual. 612 00:27:10,167 --> 00:27:11,833 "We're on page 28. 613 00:27:11,875 --> 00:27:13,500 "No divorce, we took a vote. 614 00:27:13,542 --> 00:27:16,875 We're all wearing suits. It was very official." 615 00:27:17,000 --> 00:27:19,667 If you want to have an abusive situation, 616 00:27:19,708 --> 00:27:23,375 make one person obey the Bible and not the other. 617 00:27:23,500 --> 00:27:26,542 That's gonna be abusive. 618 00:27:26,667 --> 00:27:29,042 So she comes, she says, "Well, what do I do?" 619 00:27:29,167 --> 00:27:31,375 I said, "Well, it talks about husbands, 620 00:27:31,500 --> 00:27:33,167 "don't be harsh with your wives. 621 00:27:33,208 --> 00:27:35,833 "Thou shalt not commit adultery is in here somewhere. 622 00:27:35,917 --> 00:27:38,167 "In addition, husbands, love your wives 623 00:27:38,167 --> 00:27:40,167 "as Christ loves the church. 624 00:27:40,167 --> 00:27:42,708 "Jesus says in the case of adultery, 625 00:27:42,833 --> 00:27:46,500 "divorce is not required, but it's permissible. 626 00:27:46,500 --> 00:27:50,333 "And your children are getting harmed and your daughters 627 00:27:50,417 --> 00:27:52,417 "are getting assaulted. 628 00:27:52,500 --> 00:27:56,917 Yeah, you probably shouldn't go home to that guy." 629 00:27:59,000 --> 00:28:01,708 See, people's lives are messy. 630 00:28:01,833 --> 00:28:04,833 And religion just wants to keep it tidy. 631 00:28:04,917 --> 00:28:07,167 But if you're really gonna help hurting people, 632 00:28:07,250 --> 00:28:10,167 you need more than a manual, you need the Holy Spirit, wisdom, 633 00:28:10,167 --> 00:28:15,750 discernment, community, patience, time, and prayer. 634 00:28:15,833 --> 00:28:17,542 That's why they keep fighting with Jesus. 635 00:28:17,667 --> 00:28:21,542 He's not reading the lines out of the manual they wrote. 636 00:28:21,667 --> 00:28:23,333 It's because they're wrong. 637 00:28:23,417 --> 00:28:26,542 Number five, they convert believers, not unbelievers. 638 00:28:26,667 --> 00:28:28,583 Jesus keeps talking to people who don't necessarily 639 00:28:28,667 --> 00:28:30,833 have a relationship with a living God yet. 640 00:28:30,833 --> 00:28:33,250 The religious people, throughout the course of the book, 641 00:28:33,333 --> 00:28:36,333 they're talking to people who already believe in God. 642 00:28:36,333 --> 00:28:39,375 So Jesus saves people and then religious people try 643 00:28:39,500 --> 00:28:44,500 and recruit 'em for their team to be against Jesus. 644 00:28:44,542 --> 00:28:49,333 Cults, legalists, hardcore Christian fundamentalists 645 00:28:49,417 --> 00:28:52,500 tend not to have a lot of new Christians. 646 00:28:52,500 --> 00:28:55,333 They tend to take Christians and recruit them on their team 647 00:28:55,375 --> 00:28:58,333 to fight against other Christians. 648 00:28:58,333 --> 00:29:01,500 That's not where our energies are to be going. 649 00:29:01,500 --> 00:29:03,250 Our energies should been going toward people 650 00:29:03,333 --> 00:29:04,667 who don't know Jesus. 651 00:29:04,750 --> 00:29:07,667 We want 'em to meet Jesus, not just recruit the people who 652 00:29:07,750 --> 00:29:10,167 already do know Jesus to fight against the other people 653 00:29:10,250 --> 00:29:11,667 who know Jesus. 654 00:29:11,750 --> 00:29:13,500 That's what's going on here. 655 00:29:13,542 --> 00:29:16,333 Jesus is saving people and they're trying to steal them. 656 00:29:16,333 --> 00:29:19,167 That's why they keep picking their fights publicly, 657 00:29:19,167 --> 00:29:21,542 to steal his followers. 658 00:29:21,667 --> 00:29:24,542 Number six, they use fear of man to bully and exhaust people. 659 00:29:24,667 --> 00:29:27,375 This is why the religious people keep picking fights in public 660 00:29:27,500 --> 00:29:29,583 with an audience. 661 00:29:29,667 --> 00:29:31,417 And it's horrible. 662 00:29:31,500 --> 00:29:34,583 It wouldn't be so bad if they went up to Jesus and said, 663 00:29:34,667 --> 00:29:36,000 "Jesus, we disagree. 664 00:29:36,042 --> 00:29:38,917 "But since you're the maker of heaven and earth and were born 665 00:29:39,000 --> 00:29:42,083 "of a virgin, maybe we're wrong. 666 00:29:42,167 --> 00:29:45,750 Your resume's fairly impressive." 667 00:29:45,833 --> 00:29:48,500 So rather than fighting about this publicly--and praise God 668 00:29:48,542 --> 00:29:51,167 they didn't have blogs at this point-- 669 00:29:51,167 --> 00:29:53,167 they could've gone to Jesus and said, 670 00:29:53,167 --> 00:29:55,375 "Okay, could we sit down and talk about this? 671 00:29:55,500 --> 00:29:57,667 "Maybe we could do a Bible study with you? 672 00:29:57,667 --> 00:30:00,583 "You seem like a really good Bible teacher. 673 00:30:00,667 --> 00:30:05,333 Could we work this out with you privately rather than publicly?" 674 00:30:05,417 --> 00:30:07,000 there wouldn't have been a problem. 675 00:30:07,042 --> 00:30:10,000 But no, they're gonna pick a fight publicly. 676 00:30:10,000 --> 00:30:11,833 And they're gonna bully people. 677 00:30:11,875 --> 00:30:13,875 They're gonna seek to push people around. 678 00:30:14,000 --> 00:30:15,667 They're gonna work through fear of man 679 00:30:15,708 --> 00:30:17,583 by making it a public issue. 680 00:30:17,667 --> 00:30:20,667 Some of you are religious and you're like that. 681 00:30:20,708 --> 00:30:22,750 You talk about people, not to them. 682 00:30:22,833 --> 00:30:24,333 You pick fights in public. 683 00:30:24,333 --> 00:30:27,542 You don't pursue in private. 684 00:30:27,667 --> 00:30:29,708 You're on the road to religion. 685 00:30:29,833 --> 00:30:33,667 And be careful you don't get sucked in, blogs, Tweets, 686 00:30:33,667 --> 00:30:36,917 Facebook posts, whatever it is, don't get sucked in 687 00:30:37,000 --> 00:30:40,000 to all the religious drama. 688 00:30:40,000 --> 00:30:43,000 Don't go negative. 689 00:30:44,333 --> 00:30:46,750 And don't let people exhaust you and bully you around. 690 00:30:46,833 --> 00:30:48,542 Some of you have already been bullied. 691 00:30:48,667 --> 00:30:50,667 You believe something, but you've gotten criticized enough, 692 00:30:50,750 --> 00:30:53,500 you've taken a few steps back, and you know it's right, 693 00:30:53,583 --> 00:30:56,208 but you're just cowardly. 694 00:30:56,333 --> 00:30:59,208 Number seven, they confuse principles and methods. 695 00:30:59,333 --> 00:31:00,708 This is really important. 696 00:31:00,833 --> 00:31:03,000 The Bible has a whole bunch of fantastic, perfect, 697 00:31:03,000 --> 00:31:06,667 timeless principles and gives us freedom, 698 00:31:06,667 --> 00:31:08,208 according to conscience, community, 699 00:31:08,333 --> 00:31:11,542 and the Holy Spirit to come up with methods, right? 700 00:31:11,667 --> 00:31:16,333 Because circumstances, resources, cultures, 701 00:31:16,333 --> 00:31:18,000 different methods. 702 00:31:18,083 --> 00:31:20,250 Same principle. 703 00:31:20,333 --> 00:31:22,833 So the Bible says, "Sing to the Lord." 704 00:31:22,875 --> 00:31:24,250 What songs? What music? 705 00:31:24,333 --> 00:31:25,667 What order? What style? 706 00:31:25,750 --> 00:31:28,375 Doesn't say. Doesn't say. 707 00:31:28,500 --> 00:31:32,333 "Children--" or rather, "Parents, train your children." 708 00:31:32,333 --> 00:31:34,167 What kind of educational model? 709 00:31:34,167 --> 00:31:35,583 Well, doesn't say. 710 00:31:35,667 --> 00:31:37,167 There's a few options. 711 00:31:37,250 --> 00:31:40,708 So what we want to be is really, really strong on the principle 712 00:31:40,833 --> 00:31:43,042 and really, really, really flexible on the method. 713 00:31:43,167 --> 00:31:45,542 And this is where religious people get confusing 'cause when 714 00:31:45,667 --> 00:31:47,667 they start arguing, they'll start arguing for their 715 00:31:47,708 --> 00:31:49,667 principle and you're like, "I agree with that. 716 00:31:49,708 --> 00:31:51,042 That's biblical." 717 00:31:51,167 --> 00:31:53,042 And then they'll flip it to say, "Therefore, 718 00:31:53,167 --> 00:31:55,375 "if you believe this principle, there's only one method. 719 00:31:55,500 --> 00:31:57,875 You have to do it the way we do it." 720 00:31:58,000 --> 00:32:00,833 Oh, wait a minute. That's where I get off the bus. 721 00:32:00,833 --> 00:32:04,042 One principle, many methods. 722 00:32:04,167 --> 00:32:07,083 Have your methods, have your convictions, 723 00:32:07,167 --> 00:32:09,833 live your life according to your conscience, 724 00:32:09,833 --> 00:32:13,708 and allow others to do the same if they are likewise faithful 725 00:32:13,833 --> 00:32:16,333 to the timeless biblical principle. 726 00:32:16,417 --> 00:32:19,708 Now again, they're not gonna give that grace toward Jesus. 727 00:32:19,833 --> 00:32:22,500 They and Jesus agree that the Sabbath 728 00:32:22,542 --> 00:32:25,000 should be adhered to and it's a gift of God. 729 00:32:25,042 --> 00:32:27,000 They've got a lot of strict rules, 730 00:32:27,000 --> 00:32:29,583 Jesus doesn't obey all of their strict rules, 731 00:32:29,667 --> 00:32:31,875 they want not just to agree on the principle, 732 00:32:32,000 --> 00:32:34,667 they want him to conform to their method. 733 00:32:34,708 --> 00:32:37,667 And number eight, they labor to set the agenda 734 00:32:37,667 --> 00:32:39,167 and change the mission. 735 00:32:39,208 --> 00:32:42,833 Jesus' mission is to get from Galilee to Jerusalem, 736 00:32:42,875 --> 00:32:46,083 to go to a cross and die for the sin of the world. 737 00:32:46,167 --> 00:32:47,917 That's his agenda and mission. 738 00:32:48,000 --> 00:32:50,667 They're trying to subvert his mission. 739 00:32:50,708 --> 00:32:53,375 They want him to respond to them, to argue with them, 740 00:32:53,500 --> 00:32:57,167 to fight with them, to join their team, to back their cause. 741 00:32:57,250 --> 00:33:00,208 They're trying to get him off his divine mission. 742 00:33:00,333 --> 00:33:03,333 And this is where religious people, and I tell you this, 743 00:33:03,417 --> 00:33:05,417 Mars Hill, with so much passion. 744 00:33:05,500 --> 00:33:08,333 We have this magnificent opportunity to see people meet 745 00:33:08,417 --> 00:33:13,542 Jesus, to grow in Jesus, to see more churches get planted. 746 00:33:13,667 --> 00:33:16,333 And religious people could divert all of that to where 747 00:33:16,333 --> 00:33:19,000 we're responding to them rather than the Holy Spirit and we're 748 00:33:19,083 --> 00:33:22,208 getting tangled up in their nefarious mission rather than 749 00:33:22,333 --> 00:33:24,583 God's glorious mission. 750 00:33:24,667 --> 00:33:28,667 And they keep trying to sidetrack and hijack 751 00:33:28,708 --> 00:33:33,500 Jesus' time, his energy, his joy. 752 00:33:33,542 --> 00:33:35,208 So let's look at what happens. 753 00:33:35,333 --> 00:33:37,333 Here's the story. 754 00:33:37,333 --> 00:33:42,333 Whereas religious people want to fight, Jesus wants a friend. 755 00:33:42,417 --> 00:33:45,375 The icon for Jesus that I would give you throughout the totality 756 00:33:45,500 --> 00:33:48,583 of Luke's gospel is that his hand is always out, 757 00:33:48,667 --> 00:33:51,333 he's trying to be loving, gracious, truthful, 758 00:33:51,375 --> 00:33:54,750 friend to everyone, even his enemies. 759 00:33:54,833 --> 00:33:58,833 Jesus is open-handed, welcoming. 760 00:33:58,917 --> 00:34:04,208 Religious people are closed-handed, contentious. 761 00:34:05,333 --> 00:34:06,667 And here's the story. 762 00:34:06,750 --> 00:34:09,500 "And behold," Luke 14:2-6, "there was a man before him 763 00:34:09,542 --> 00:34:11,333 "who had dropsy. 764 00:34:11,417 --> 00:34:13,000 "And Jesus responded to the lawyers," 765 00:34:13,083 --> 00:34:15,500 so that would be a guy like me, "and the Pharisees," 766 00:34:15,583 --> 00:34:18,250 that'd be a group of people perhaps like some of you, 767 00:34:18,333 --> 00:34:21,833 "saying, 'Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath, or not?' 768 00:34:21,833 --> 00:34:23,208 But they remained silent." 769 00:34:23,333 --> 00:34:24,875 Don't you love that? 770 00:34:25,000 --> 00:34:27,542 "Then he took him and healed him and sent him away. 771 00:34:27,667 --> 00:34:29,542 "And he said to them, 'Which of you, 772 00:34:29,667 --> 00:34:32,500 "'having a son or an ox that has fallen into a well 773 00:34:32,500 --> 00:34:35,000 "'on a Sabbath day, will not immediately pull him out?' 774 00:34:35,000 --> 00:34:37,000 And they could not reply to these things." 775 00:34:37,000 --> 00:34:38,500 This is a total set up! 776 00:34:38,583 --> 00:34:40,833 "Hey Jesus, you want to come over for dinner?" 777 00:34:40,917 --> 00:34:43,083 Oh yeah, this will be awesome. 778 00:34:43,167 --> 00:34:47,333 "Okay, we got it all set up. Go get Dropsy Dan. 779 00:34:47,375 --> 00:34:52,042 "Go get Dropsy Dan, wheel him in here, put him in a chair. 780 00:34:52,167 --> 00:34:55,083 "We'll have Jesus sit here and across from Jesus 781 00:34:55,167 --> 00:34:57,000 "we'll have Dropsy Dan. 782 00:34:57,000 --> 00:35:00,167 "Dropsy Dan, we want you to look as miserable as possible. 783 00:35:00,208 --> 00:35:03,167 "If you could cry, that would be awesome. 784 00:35:03,208 --> 00:35:07,000 "Keep moaning, ahhhhh! 785 00:35:07,000 --> 00:35:09,833 "And say things like, 'I can't handle this another minute. 786 00:35:09,833 --> 00:35:11,833 "'I need relief right now.' 787 00:35:11,833 --> 00:35:14,500 "Okay, Dropsy Dan, here's what we need you to do. 788 00:35:14,583 --> 00:35:18,417 "Look miserable, moan a lot, cry a little. 789 00:35:18,500 --> 00:35:20,083 "Be awesome. Okay. 790 00:35:20,167 --> 00:35:21,917 "Okay, then here's what we're gonna do. 791 00:35:22,000 --> 00:35:23,833 "We're all gonna sit in a circle 792 00:35:23,875 --> 00:35:25,542 "and we're gonna sit Jesus right here. 793 00:35:25,667 --> 00:35:29,500 "And we know Jesus can't help but serve people and love them. 794 00:35:29,542 --> 00:35:32,500 This will trap him." 795 00:35:32,542 --> 00:35:35,542 Now this is pretty twisted, right? 796 00:35:35,667 --> 00:35:37,000 Would you agree? 797 00:35:37,000 --> 00:35:39,500 And, also, their whole argument is 798 00:35:39,500 --> 00:35:42,833 you're not supposed to work on Saturday. 799 00:35:42,833 --> 00:35:46,333 Is it just me or does this seem like a bit of work? 800 00:35:46,417 --> 00:35:49,833 Moving right along, what happens is they bring in Dropsy Dan 801 00:35:49,875 --> 00:35:54,000 and Jesus sits down and it's a total set up. 802 00:35:54,000 --> 00:35:56,333 And here's where they work through fear of man. 803 00:35:56,375 --> 00:35:59,000 And I love Jesus. Jesus is not a coward. 804 00:35:59,042 --> 00:36:02,333 He goes into the meeting, as far as we could tell, by himself. 805 00:36:02,375 --> 00:36:05,083 This is pretty amazing. 806 00:36:05,167 --> 00:36:08,000 And he sits down and he sees Dropsy Dan. 807 00:36:08,000 --> 00:36:09,833 And they're all thinking, "We got him. 808 00:36:09,833 --> 00:36:12,500 "He kept beating us on all of our Sabbath arguments, 809 00:36:12,500 --> 00:36:14,000 "but we got him. 810 00:36:14,000 --> 00:36:16,667 If he heals Dropsy Dan, he's ours." 811 00:36:16,750 --> 00:36:19,500 And it says that they were watching him closely. 812 00:36:19,500 --> 00:36:21,333 That's what it said in verse one. 813 00:36:21,333 --> 00:36:23,542 So they were all giving him the stink eye 814 00:36:23,667 --> 00:36:25,000 and leaning over their chair. 815 00:36:25,000 --> 00:36:27,000 I see guys in suits with clipboards, right? 816 00:36:27,000 --> 00:36:29,667 Like, "Is he gonna heal him? Is he gonna heal him? 817 00:36:29,750 --> 00:36:33,167 Is he gonna heal him? We got him now." 818 00:36:33,167 --> 00:36:38,375 And so Jesus asks them a question, fantastic. 819 00:36:39,667 --> 00:36:42,000 "Let me ask you a question. 820 00:36:42,042 --> 00:36:45,542 Is it a sin to heal on the Sabbath?" 821 00:36:45,667 --> 00:36:48,833 Oh, they weren't expecting a question. 822 00:36:48,917 --> 00:36:51,667 And now they're left on the horns of a terrible dilemma. 823 00:36:51,750 --> 00:36:54,833 "If we say, 'Yes, it's a sin to heal on the Sabbath,' 824 00:36:54,875 --> 00:36:56,583 we look pretty mean." 825 00:36:56,667 --> 00:36:59,000 Again, because religious people like tidy answers, 826 00:36:59,083 --> 00:37:01,417 not messy lives. 827 00:37:01,500 --> 00:37:05,375 "Yeah, we can't really be the anti-healing crowd, right?" 828 00:37:05,500 --> 00:37:08,167 Nobody has a bumper sticker on their camel like, 829 00:37:08,250 --> 00:37:09,833 "We're against healing." 830 00:37:09,875 --> 00:37:12,583 Like, really? You're gonna die on that hill? 831 00:37:12,667 --> 00:37:15,167 That's probably not gonna be real good. 832 00:37:15,208 --> 00:37:18,000 But if they say, "Yeah, you can heal on the Sabbath," 833 00:37:18,042 --> 00:37:20,500 then what Jesus is saying is, "Go ahead and burn 834 00:37:20,542 --> 00:37:22,333 "that little book that you guys wrote 835 00:37:22,417 --> 00:37:24,167 "when you got together with the guy 836 00:37:24,167 --> 00:37:27,333 "in the big hat and took a vote 'cause the rules you made 837 00:37:27,333 --> 00:37:30,042 and the manual you wrote, it just doesn't work." 838 00:37:30,167 --> 00:37:33,167 Now the Bible does, but their book doesn't. 839 00:37:33,208 --> 00:37:36,208 So do they deny all of their religion and tradition 840 00:37:36,333 --> 00:37:38,500 and all of their rules and all the junk 841 00:37:38,583 --> 00:37:40,417 they've committed their life to? 842 00:37:40,500 --> 00:37:42,167 Or not? 843 00:37:42,250 --> 00:37:43,542 And what does it say? 844 00:37:43,667 --> 00:37:45,000 "They remained silent." 845 00:37:45,042 --> 00:37:50,333 I hope Jesus left that for like 20 minutes, just that awkward... 846 00:38:02,500 --> 00:38:04,250 So then he asks them this story. 847 00:38:04,333 --> 00:38:07,250 "Okay, let's say it's Saturday. 848 00:38:07,333 --> 00:38:11,083 "You're walking along, you got a nice, expensive, helpful ox. 849 00:38:11,167 --> 00:38:16,333 "Ox falls into a hole. Do you help the ox out or not? 850 00:38:16,333 --> 00:38:17,833 "How about another one? 851 00:38:17,833 --> 00:38:24,833 "You've got a son who's fallen into a well on a Saturday. 852 00:38:26,833 --> 00:38:29,042 "So you're out--" no, you couldn't be playing Frisbee 853 00:38:29,167 --> 00:38:30,750 with your kid 'cause it's the Sabbath. 854 00:38:30,833 --> 00:38:33,917 I don't know how your kid fell in the well on the Sabbath. 855 00:38:34,000 --> 00:38:35,500 They're not allowed to do anything. 856 00:38:35,500 --> 00:38:38,417 But hypothetically, your kid fell in a well on the Sabbath. 857 00:38:38,500 --> 00:38:41,500 "So your kid--you're like, 'Hey, oh!' 858 00:38:43,542 --> 00:38:45,833 "And you hear Johnny, 'Ahhhh!' 859 00:38:45,917 --> 00:38:48,833 "Plunk. 860 00:38:48,917 --> 00:38:52,542 "'Oh, Johnny! Are you okay?' 861 00:38:52,667 --> 00:38:54,167 "'Yeah, Dad.' 862 00:38:54,208 --> 00:38:59,083 "'Tomorrow, I will give you a rope, Johnny, tomorrow. 863 00:38:59,167 --> 00:39:03,333 "'Your dad's a Pharisee and if I turn the crank, 864 00:39:03,417 --> 00:39:06,708 "'that'll be Sabbath work. 865 00:39:06,833 --> 00:39:11,000 "'And guys in a suit took a vote and there's this book 866 00:39:11,083 --> 00:39:14,167 "'that God did not write. 867 00:39:14,208 --> 00:39:16,208 "'Yes, Johnny, I am an idiot. 868 00:39:16,333 --> 00:39:19,000 "'Yes, thank you. 869 00:39:19,000 --> 00:39:20,375 "'Tomorrow, Johnny. 870 00:39:20,500 --> 00:39:23,042 "'You should have fallen in on Thursday, Johnny. 871 00:39:25,250 --> 00:39:27,667 "'I'm sorry we did not get you swim lessons. 872 00:39:27,750 --> 00:39:30,500 I am sorry, Johnny.'" 873 00:39:32,000 --> 00:39:34,042 Right? 874 00:39:34,167 --> 00:39:37,000 It's pretty fantastic. 875 00:39:37,042 --> 00:39:40,000 Jesus is like, "Would you turn the crank and send the bucket 876 00:39:40,042 --> 00:39:42,000 down to the kid?" 877 00:39:42,042 --> 00:39:43,833 "Yeah." 878 00:39:43,833 --> 00:39:47,167 "Well, wouldn't that violate page 27 in the manual?" 879 00:39:47,208 --> 00:39:48,833 "Yeah." 880 00:39:48,875 --> 00:39:51,250 "So maybe the manual is wrong." 881 00:39:51,333 --> 00:39:53,500 They remained silent. 882 00:39:53,542 --> 00:39:56,875 "Hmm, well, we won't talk about this." 883 00:39:57,000 --> 00:39:59,083 So what does Jesus do? 884 00:39:59,167 --> 00:40:02,208 He heals Dropsy Dan. 885 00:40:02,333 --> 00:40:03,667 I love this. 886 00:40:03,667 --> 00:40:05,042 Dropsy Dan doesn't ask. 887 00:40:05,167 --> 00:40:07,000 He's not like, "Jesus, please help me." 888 00:40:07,000 --> 00:40:09,000 He doesn't get up and come toward Jesus. 889 00:40:09,000 --> 00:40:11,375 Now dropsy here is a medical condition diagnosed 890 00:40:11,500 --> 00:40:13,083 by Luke the physician. 891 00:40:13,167 --> 00:40:16,208 This is where your body is retaining lots of water 892 00:40:16,333 --> 00:40:18,167 and you're swelling. 893 00:40:18,208 --> 00:40:21,333 And as a result, it gets hard to move and your joints ache 894 00:40:21,417 --> 00:40:23,333 and you start to have organ failure 895 00:40:23,333 --> 00:40:26,500 as the pressure collapses on your organs. 896 00:40:26,500 --> 00:40:31,750 This is a painful, slow, horrible way to die. 897 00:40:31,833 --> 00:40:34,667 And Jesus heals Dropsy Dan. 898 00:40:34,750 --> 00:40:39,333 And how he heals him is a picture of our own salvation. 899 00:40:39,417 --> 00:40:42,042 He doesn't say anything, he doesn't do anything. 900 00:40:42,167 --> 00:40:44,333 Jesus does it all. 901 00:40:44,417 --> 00:40:46,000 It's just like us. 902 00:40:46,000 --> 00:40:48,417 We sit there, just in this condition of sin 903 00:40:48,500 --> 00:40:52,833 that leads to death and Jesus comes and touches us 904 00:40:52,833 --> 00:40:54,583 and gives us new life. 905 00:40:54,667 --> 00:40:57,167 It's a great picture of salvation. 906 00:40:57,208 --> 00:40:59,333 And then Jesus does something wonderful. 907 00:40:59,375 --> 00:41:02,833 He tells him, "Leave." This is a double gift. 908 00:41:02,875 --> 00:41:06,167 "You're healed. Run for your life!" 909 00:41:08,917 --> 00:41:10,667 Dropsy Dan's like, "Woohoo! 910 00:41:10,708 --> 00:41:13,333 "I'm healed and I get to leave the Pharisees. 911 00:41:13,333 --> 00:41:16,417 What a fantastic day this is." 912 00:41:16,500 --> 00:41:20,167 And in this story, would you agree Jesus 913 00:41:20,208 --> 00:41:22,667 loved the guy with dropsy? 914 00:41:22,667 --> 00:41:24,542 He really did. 915 00:41:24,667 --> 00:41:27,667 And Jesus also loved the Pharisees. 916 00:41:27,750 --> 00:41:30,208 He had a meal with 'em, he talked to 'em, 917 00:41:30,333 --> 00:41:34,750 he put up with their nonsense, he served 'em. 918 00:41:34,833 --> 00:41:36,667 See, this is how good Jesus is. 919 00:41:36,708 --> 00:41:39,042 Jesus loves and serves everybody. 920 00:41:39,167 --> 00:41:41,000 Again, they come with a clenched fist, 921 00:41:41,042 --> 00:41:43,542 he comes with an open hand. 922 00:41:43,667 --> 00:41:45,500 And I was trying to figure out, 923 00:41:45,500 --> 00:41:49,000 "Okay, how am I gonna teach this and not have this be 924 00:41:49,000 --> 00:41:52,000 just another negative sermon?" 925 00:41:52,083 --> 00:41:53,500 Right? 926 00:41:53,500 --> 00:41:57,000 'Cause part of it is it is pretty fun to make fun 927 00:41:57,042 --> 00:42:02,667 of religious people and we do it in love because it helps them. 928 00:42:03,917 --> 00:42:05,250 No, it does, seriously. 929 00:42:05,333 --> 00:42:08,333 Religious people take themselves way too seriously. 930 00:42:08,375 --> 00:42:12,583 And so we make fun of them because we love them. 931 00:42:12,667 --> 00:42:15,208 We invite them to laugh at themselves. 932 00:42:15,333 --> 00:42:17,500 Now, they don't always laugh with us, 933 00:42:17,500 --> 00:42:20,583 but that makes it even funnier sometimes. 934 00:42:22,667 --> 00:42:25,708 But how do we have this sermon not just be, "We're good. 935 00:42:25,833 --> 00:42:27,167 "They're bad. 936 00:42:27,208 --> 00:42:28,750 "They're funny. They don't know it. 937 00:42:28,833 --> 00:42:30,667 We do"? 938 00:42:30,750 --> 00:42:32,083 'Cause if that happens, 939 00:42:32,167 --> 00:42:34,083 we're just a new kind of religious, right? 940 00:42:34,167 --> 00:42:36,375 "We're holier than you, we're better than you 'cause 941 00:42:36,500 --> 00:42:39,917 you're ridiculous and we make fun of you." 942 00:42:40,000 --> 00:42:44,375 The truth is that we all have ways, times, 943 00:42:44,500 --> 00:42:46,875 degrees to which we're religious. 944 00:42:47,000 --> 00:42:48,375 We just do. 945 00:42:48,500 --> 00:42:50,167 We get there, we go there. 946 00:42:50,167 --> 00:42:54,208 We always got to be reminded of the gospel, reminded of Jesus. 947 00:42:54,333 --> 00:42:57,500 I think that's why Luke keeps working in the story of conflict 948 00:42:57,542 --> 00:42:59,833 with the religious people, 'cause it's something 949 00:42:59,917 --> 00:43:03,667 that's also a recurring issue in our life. 950 00:43:03,667 --> 00:43:07,167 So is there any hope for religious people? 951 00:43:07,208 --> 00:43:09,000 Is there? 952 00:43:09,042 --> 00:43:10,667 There is. 953 00:43:10,667 --> 00:43:12,833 I was thinking and praying about it this week 954 00:43:12,875 --> 00:43:16,000 and I felt like the Holy Spirit wanted me to share a story 955 00:43:16,083 --> 00:43:18,333 with you from the Bible. 956 00:43:18,375 --> 00:43:23,083 Luke wrote this biography of Jesus and he writes the sequel, 957 00:43:23,167 --> 00:43:26,042 the book of Acts, which is the biography of the early church. 958 00:43:26,167 --> 00:43:29,542 And what really dominates the book of Luke is the story 959 00:43:29,667 --> 00:43:31,167 of the life of Jesus. 960 00:43:31,208 --> 00:43:34,417 What really dominates the book of Acts is the story of the life 961 00:43:34,500 --> 00:43:39,167 of a man who was named Saul and his name changed to Paul. 962 00:43:39,208 --> 00:43:42,000 He tells of him overseeing the execution and murder 963 00:43:42,000 --> 00:43:44,000 of an early church deacon. 964 00:43:44,000 --> 00:43:46,833 He shows that Jesus came down from heaven in Acts 9 965 00:43:46,875 --> 00:43:51,167 to save Saul and to turn him into a missionary 966 00:43:51,250 --> 00:43:54,583 to non-Jews, Gentiles. 967 00:43:54,667 --> 00:43:59,000 Chapter 22 of Acts, he includes the lengthy account of Paul's 968 00:43:59,083 --> 00:44:01,583 own testimony of God's work in his life. 969 00:44:01,667 --> 00:44:06,167 Does the same thing in the first half of Acts 26. 970 00:44:06,250 --> 00:44:09,208 Luke and Paul were really good friends. 971 00:44:09,333 --> 00:44:12,542 They're the two major, primary contributors 972 00:44:12,667 --> 00:44:14,042 to the New Testament. 973 00:44:14,167 --> 00:44:17,875 Luke wrote the most content, Paul wrote the most books. 974 00:44:18,000 --> 00:44:19,583 And you know what? They're friends. 975 00:44:19,667 --> 00:44:21,917 They travel together, they work together, they journey together. 976 00:44:22,000 --> 00:44:24,667 I think Luke may have even been Paul's personal physician 977 00:44:24,708 --> 00:44:28,417 'cause Paul had some real major health complications. 978 00:44:28,500 --> 00:44:30,000 And you know what's interesting? 979 00:44:30,000 --> 00:44:34,667 Luke, who writes this, he was a Gentile and Paul was a Jew. 980 00:44:34,750 --> 00:44:39,000 And God had to do a massive work in Paul's life to get him 981 00:44:39,000 --> 00:44:41,917 to be a different kind of man who was not religious. 982 00:44:42,000 --> 00:44:45,333 And he went on to preach, to teach boldly. 983 00:44:45,375 --> 00:44:48,083 Paul is one of the most influential men in the history 984 00:44:48,167 --> 00:44:51,500 of the world and that's not an overstatement. 985 00:44:51,500 --> 00:44:54,500 He traveled up to 18 miles a day on foot. 986 00:44:54,500 --> 00:44:59,208 He preached, he was shipwrecked, beaten, homeless, left for dead, 987 00:44:59,333 --> 00:45:01,750 stoned, adrift on the sea. 988 00:45:01,833 --> 00:45:04,667 He says, "I bear the marks of Jesus on my body." 989 00:45:04,750 --> 00:45:07,833 His body looked like Jesus' on the way to the cross. 990 00:45:07,833 --> 00:45:10,250 He was passionate. He was committed. 991 00:45:10,333 --> 00:45:11,750 He was relentless. 992 00:45:11,833 --> 00:45:14,167 He was zealous, but for the right cause. 993 00:45:14,250 --> 00:45:17,167 Love, grace, mercy, Jesus. 994 00:45:17,167 --> 00:45:21,000 Not law, rules, and religion. 995 00:45:22,875 --> 00:45:26,000 John Chrysostom, the early church father, says it this way. 996 00:45:26,083 --> 00:45:29,500 "Put the whole world on one side of the scale and you will see 997 00:45:29,583 --> 00:45:33,000 that the soul of Paul outweighs it." 998 00:45:33,083 --> 00:45:38,500 Paul started as a Pharisee. 999 00:45:38,542 --> 00:45:41,167 In the story of Paul, we have hope even 1000 00:45:41,250 --> 00:45:44,708 for the most religious. 1001 00:45:44,833 --> 00:45:49,042 Paul tells us his own story in Philippians 3. 1002 00:45:49,167 --> 00:45:50,542 He says it this way. 1003 00:45:50,667 --> 00:45:52,750 "If anyone else thinks he has reason for confidence 1004 00:45:52,833 --> 00:45:54,250 in the flesh, I have more." 1005 00:45:54,333 --> 00:45:55,667 Here's what he's saying. 1006 00:45:55,708 --> 00:45:57,708 "You religious people, you really think you're moral, 1007 00:45:57,833 --> 00:45:59,708 "you think you're good, you think you're devout. 1008 00:45:59,833 --> 00:46:02,667 "You did the good things. You didn't do the bad things. 1009 00:46:02,667 --> 00:46:04,833 "You think you're really holy, special? 1010 00:46:04,875 --> 00:46:06,750 I'm better than you." 1011 00:46:06,833 --> 00:46:08,500 That's what he's saying. 1012 00:46:08,500 --> 00:46:11,083 "I'm better than you. I'm more moral than you. 1013 00:46:11,167 --> 00:46:13,917 I'm more religious than you." 1014 00:46:14,000 --> 00:46:16,250 Then he shares with us his resume. 1015 00:46:16,333 --> 00:46:18,833 "Circumcised on the eighth day." 1016 00:46:18,875 --> 00:46:20,833 That was required. 1017 00:46:20,833 --> 00:46:25,167 "Of the people of Israel," a Jew all the way back to Abraham. 1018 00:46:25,208 --> 00:46:27,208 "Heard about him? Yeah, he's to the left. 1019 00:46:27,333 --> 00:46:29,500 "He's a big deal. 1020 00:46:29,583 --> 00:46:32,250 I descend from Abraham," he says. 1021 00:46:32,333 --> 00:46:34,375 "Of the tribe of Benjamin." 1022 00:46:34,500 --> 00:46:38,333 Oh, a very important family, again, in the Bible. 1023 00:46:38,333 --> 00:46:40,833 It's pretty cool when your family's in the concordance. 1024 00:46:40,917 --> 00:46:43,833 That's pretty awesome. 1025 00:46:43,875 --> 00:46:46,583 "A Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the law," a what? 1026 00:46:46,667 --> 00:46:49,167 "Pharisee," which is the same group 1027 00:46:49,167 --> 00:46:52,542 that kept ankle-biting Jesus. 1028 00:46:52,667 --> 00:46:56,042 "As to zeal, a persecutor of the church." 1029 00:46:56,167 --> 00:47:00,167 Actually murdered at least one Christian, incarcerated others, 1030 00:47:00,250 --> 00:47:02,500 harmed others, damaged others. 1031 00:47:02,542 --> 00:47:06,417 This guy is really committed to his cause. 1032 00:47:06,500 --> 00:47:10,042 "As to righteousness under the law, blameless." 1033 00:47:10,167 --> 00:47:13,667 How many of you would not put that on your business card? 1034 00:47:13,708 --> 00:47:18,833 "Hi, my name is Harriet, and as to the law, I am blameless." 1035 00:47:18,875 --> 00:47:21,167 That's a lot, right? 1036 00:47:21,208 --> 00:47:24,208 That's a rule-keeper right there. 1037 00:47:24,333 --> 00:47:27,417 "But whatever gain I had, 1038 00:47:27,500 --> 00:47:29,708 I counted as loss for the sake of Christ." 1039 00:47:29,833 --> 00:47:31,167 You know what? 1040 00:47:31,167 --> 00:47:35,417 He says, "And that used to matter to me till I met Jesus. 1041 00:47:35,500 --> 00:47:38,500 "That used to actually impress me till I met Jesus. 1042 00:47:38,500 --> 00:47:43,042 That used to actually motivate me till I met Jesus." 1043 00:47:43,167 --> 00:47:46,000 "Indeed, I count everything as loss because of 1044 00:47:46,000 --> 00:47:49,333 the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord." 1045 00:47:49,417 --> 00:47:50,833 Here's the truth. 1046 00:47:50,875 --> 00:47:53,167 Jesus Christ is Lord! 1047 00:47:53,250 --> 00:47:56,667 The question is, is he my Lord? 1048 00:47:56,667 --> 00:47:59,500 Paul says, "Not only is Jesus Christ Lord, 1049 00:47:59,542 --> 00:48:01,750 "he's my Lord. 1050 00:48:01,833 --> 00:48:04,083 "He's the one I worship. 1051 00:48:04,167 --> 00:48:05,833 "He's the one I live for. 1052 00:48:05,875 --> 00:48:08,333 "He's my savior. 1053 00:48:08,333 --> 00:48:13,167 "For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things 1054 00:48:13,167 --> 00:48:15,208 and count them as rubbish." 1055 00:48:15,333 --> 00:48:17,833 That's a word--some of your translations will say "garbage" 1056 00:48:17,875 --> 00:48:20,667 or "feces" or "excrement." 1057 00:48:20,750 --> 00:48:24,500 It's actually a loaded, pretty nasty word 'cause that's 1058 00:48:24,500 --> 00:48:27,333 what religion is, a pretty nasty thing. 1059 00:48:27,333 --> 00:48:29,500 And I've told you before, but I'll repeat it, 1060 00:48:29,583 --> 00:48:32,667 next time you go out in the yard or you're at the park 1061 00:48:32,750 --> 00:48:35,708 and you see a big steaming pile, think religion. 1062 00:48:35,833 --> 00:48:37,875 It's exactly what he's saying. 1063 00:48:38,000 --> 00:48:42,375 Paul used to say, "Oh, I was really impressed with my pile. 1064 00:48:42,500 --> 00:48:46,208 "And then I met Jesus and I realized it wasn't as big 1065 00:48:46,333 --> 00:48:49,167 of a deal as I was expecting." 1066 00:48:49,167 --> 00:48:52,333 "In order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, 1067 00:48:52,417 --> 00:48:55,667 "not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, 1068 00:48:55,708 --> 00:48:58,375 "but that which comes through faith in Christ, 1069 00:48:58,500 --> 00:49:03,167 "the righteousness from God that depends on faith-- 1070 00:49:03,167 --> 00:49:04,667 that I may know him," 1071 00:49:04,708 --> 00:49:07,667 that's what it's all about is knowing Jesus. 1072 00:49:07,708 --> 00:49:10,333 "And the power of his resurrection," 1073 00:49:10,333 --> 00:49:12,167 that's the power of the Holy Spirit. 1074 00:49:12,167 --> 00:49:15,167 "And may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 1075 00:49:15,167 --> 00:49:18,333 "that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection 1076 00:49:18,375 --> 00:49:20,167 from the dead." 1077 00:49:20,208 --> 00:49:25,208 Paul says, "If you think religion is going to satisfy, 1078 00:49:25,333 --> 00:49:29,833 "let me tell you from my own life example, it's garbage. 1079 00:49:29,875 --> 00:49:34,333 Religion is ridiculous." 1080 00:49:34,375 --> 00:49:37,667 And see, religion is seeking to answer a very important 1081 00:49:37,750 --> 00:49:43,333 question, and that is, how can we who are unholy and 1082 00:49:43,333 --> 00:49:48,542 unrighteous be declared holy and acceptable in the sight 1083 00:49:48,667 --> 00:49:52,167 of a holy and righteous God? 1084 00:49:52,167 --> 00:49:54,333 That's a very good question. 1085 00:49:54,375 --> 00:49:59,042 Religion asks the right question and provides the wrong answer. 1086 00:50:01,417 --> 00:50:05,875 So religion rightly ascertains: God is holy and righteous. 1087 00:50:06,000 --> 00:50:08,667 We're unholy, unrighteous sinners. 1088 00:50:08,667 --> 00:50:13,250 We deserve death, hell, judgment, wrath, condemnation. 1089 00:50:13,333 --> 00:50:16,667 How can we be declared righteous, 1090 00:50:16,708 --> 00:50:18,917 made holy in the sight of God? 1091 00:50:19,000 --> 00:50:21,583 That's a very good question. 1092 00:50:21,667 --> 00:50:25,500 And they provide the wrong answer. 1093 00:50:25,500 --> 00:50:32,167 They say, "What should we do to make ourselves holy? 1094 00:50:32,208 --> 00:50:37,833 What should we do to make ourselves righteous?" 1095 00:50:37,917 --> 00:50:41,542 And they miss Jesus, who makes them holy 1096 00:50:41,667 --> 00:50:43,917 and makes them righteous. 1097 00:50:44,000 --> 00:50:48,875 And they build traditions and rules and regulations 1098 00:50:51,208 --> 00:50:56,083 in an effort to perform their way to pleasing God. 1099 00:50:56,167 --> 00:50:59,667 Theologically, this is the doctrine of justification. 1100 00:50:59,708 --> 00:51:03,000 How can a sinner be declared righteous in the sight of God? 1101 00:51:03,042 --> 00:51:06,000 Paul says it this way, and I've shared it with you guys 1102 00:51:06,042 --> 00:51:08,000 many times and it's perhaps my favorite verse 1103 00:51:08,042 --> 00:51:10,333 in the whole Bible, it's 2 Corinthians 5:21. 1104 00:51:10,375 --> 00:51:11,833 Paul says it this way, 1105 00:51:11,875 --> 00:51:13,833 "God made him who knew no sin," Jesus. 1106 00:51:13,875 --> 00:51:18,000 God became a man, lived without any sin whatsoever. 1107 00:51:18,000 --> 00:51:21,708 "God made him who knew no sin to become sin," 1108 00:51:21,833 --> 00:51:23,250 that's on the cross, 1109 00:51:23,333 --> 00:51:27,042 Jesus took upon himself my sin, our sin. 1110 00:51:27,167 --> 00:51:30,375 "God made him who knew no sin to become sin, 1111 00:51:30,500 --> 00:51:36,208 so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." 1112 00:51:36,333 --> 00:51:38,917 Martin Luther calls this the great exchange. 1113 00:51:39,000 --> 00:51:41,875 Jesus lives without sin, goes to the cross to take my place 1114 00:51:42,000 --> 00:51:45,083 for my sin, all of my sin goes to Jesus. 1115 00:51:45,167 --> 00:51:46,417 He's my substitute. 1116 00:51:46,500 --> 00:51:47,917 He pays my debt of death. 1117 00:51:48,000 --> 00:51:50,833 And he rises from death, conquering Satan, sin, death, 1118 00:51:50,833 --> 00:51:52,917 hell, and the wrath of God. 1119 00:51:53,000 --> 00:51:55,750 Furthermore, not only does Jesus take all my sin, 1120 00:51:55,833 --> 00:51:59,375 he gives me all of his righteousness. 1121 00:51:59,500 --> 00:52:03,250 What the religious people want 1122 00:52:03,333 --> 00:52:07,583 is what Jesus alone gives: righteousness. 1123 00:52:07,667 --> 00:52:09,917 Some of you say, "That's my problem with Christianity, 1124 00:52:10,000 --> 00:52:11,333 "it's too easy. 1125 00:52:11,417 --> 00:52:14,750 You just receive this free gift of grace and righteousness." 1126 00:52:14,833 --> 00:52:16,833 No, it's the hardest thing in the world 1127 00:52:16,833 --> 00:52:20,500 because it requires humility. 1128 00:52:20,583 --> 00:52:23,417 To say, "I don't contribute to my salvation. 1129 00:52:23,500 --> 00:52:25,333 I don't participate in my salvation." 1130 00:52:25,375 --> 00:52:27,750 It's not Jesus works and I work and together 1131 00:52:27,833 --> 00:52:29,917 we get the job done. 1132 00:52:30,000 --> 00:52:33,042 It's all of Jesus, none of me, and I humbly receive 1133 00:52:33,167 --> 00:52:36,750 a gift of grace. 1134 00:52:36,833 --> 00:52:40,333 Is there hope for the religious? 1135 00:52:40,333 --> 00:52:42,167 Yes. 1136 00:52:42,167 --> 00:52:48,208 What the religious really want is what Jesus alone truly gives, 1137 00:52:48,333 --> 00:52:52,042 forgiveness of sin and righteousness. 1138 00:52:52,167 --> 00:52:54,208 So let me summarize with this. 1139 00:52:54,333 --> 00:52:58,833 It's not about me, it's about Jesus. 1140 00:52:58,917 --> 00:53:04,167 It's not about my performance, it's about his perfection. 1141 00:53:06,583 --> 00:53:10,333 It's ultimately not about my religion, 1142 00:53:10,417 --> 00:53:14,583 it's about his redemption. 1143 00:53:15,667 --> 00:53:18,333 It's not about what I do for God, 1144 00:53:18,375 --> 00:53:24,167 it's about what God does for me out of love. 1145 00:53:24,250 --> 00:53:29,333 And it's not a work I achieve, it's a gift I receive. 1146 00:53:31,500 --> 00:53:33,875 Amen. 1147 00:53:34,000 --> 00:53:36,542 Father God, I pray for my friends. 1148 00:53:36,667 --> 00:53:39,875 I pray that you would keep us from that default mode of 1149 00:53:40,000 --> 00:53:45,542 the human heart toward religion. 1150 00:53:45,667 --> 00:53:50,417 God, we want to serve zealously and passionately and fervently, 1151 00:53:50,500 --> 00:53:53,833 but we want to do it like Paul. 1152 00:53:53,833 --> 00:53:56,500 Not so that you'll love us, but because you do. 1153 00:53:56,500 --> 00:53:58,333 Not so that we could be righteous, 1154 00:53:58,333 --> 00:54:01,000 but because in Christ we are. 1155 00:54:01,042 --> 00:54:03,333 Not so that you would find us holy, 1156 00:54:03,417 --> 00:54:05,667 but because Jesus is our holiness, 1157 00:54:05,750 --> 00:54:09,000 Jesus is our righteousness. 1158 00:54:09,083 --> 00:54:12,750 Jesus, thank you so much that you deliver us not only from 1159 00:54:12,833 --> 00:54:15,667 Satan, sin, death, hell, and the wrath of God, 1160 00:54:15,750 --> 00:54:18,417 but religion as well. 1161 00:54:18,500 --> 00:54:23,375 Rule-keeping, nitpicking, fight-making. 1162 00:54:23,500 --> 00:54:28,500 Jesus, thank you for saving us from religion. 1163 00:54:28,542 --> 00:54:33,917 Please keep saving us from religion that leads to pride. 1164 00:54:34,000 --> 00:54:36,500 We feel like we're better than everyone else. 1165 00:54:36,500 --> 00:54:40,000 Or despair, we fell miserably short. 1166 00:54:40,000 --> 00:54:45,167 Please give us the Holy Spirit, the resurrection power. 1167 00:54:45,167 --> 00:54:49,083 Please give us new life that we would be as passionate 1168 00:54:49,167 --> 00:54:53,500 as Paul for the same reasons that he was. 1169 00:54:53,500 --> 00:54:57,583 God, please give us hope for those who are religious. 1170 00:54:57,667 --> 00:54:59,333 For those who are religious, God, 1171 00:54:59,333 --> 00:55:01,542 I pray they'd repent of their religion, 1172 00:55:01,667 --> 00:55:04,000 that they'd repent of their righteousness, 1173 00:55:04,083 --> 00:55:08,042 that their religion and their righteousness is their sin. 1174 00:55:08,167 --> 00:55:11,833 For those who have capitulated to religious people, 1175 00:55:11,875 --> 00:55:14,042 they've backed up on their convictions, 1176 00:55:14,167 --> 00:55:17,000 they've caved in under criticism, 1177 00:55:17,042 --> 00:55:20,000 please allow them to lovingly hold their ground 1178 00:55:20,042 --> 00:55:24,667 and have the conflict that is needed like Jesus did. 1179 00:55:24,667 --> 00:55:29,500 And Jesus, thank you for your healing of this man with dropsy. 1180 00:55:29,583 --> 00:55:32,875 In him, we see our own condition. 1181 00:55:33,000 --> 00:55:37,833 Sin has made us sick and will cost us our life. 1182 00:55:37,917 --> 00:55:41,500 And you come to make us all better and to send us 1183 00:55:41,542 --> 00:55:43,500 on a brand-new life. 1184 00:55:43,583 --> 00:55:46,500 We receive that and we're super excited about it 1185 00:55:46,583 --> 00:55:49,208 and we say thank you. Amen.