1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:03,167 2 00:00:03,167 --> 00:00:13,167 [music] 3 00:00:31,500 --> 00:00:32,875 Alrighty, Mars Hill. 4 00:00:32,875 --> 00:00:36,792 Hey, what book of the Bible do you think we're in? 5 00:00:36,792 --> 00:00:39,583 If you're new, we're in Luke. 6 00:00:39,583 --> 00:00:42,167 And we've been in Luke for a few years. 7 00:00:42,167 --> 00:00:45,458 We knew the Rapture wasn't gonna happen, so we picked-- 8 00:00:45,458 --> 00:00:47,667 [applauding] 9 00:00:47,667 --> 00:00:51,792 We still got people to reach, churches to plant, stuff to do, 10 00:00:51,792 --> 00:00:53,333 babies to make. 11 00:00:53,333 --> 00:00:55,333 We got things we're working on. 12 00:00:55,333 --> 00:00:58,833 And so we picked a long book of the Bible, knowing for a fact 13 00:00:58,833 --> 00:01:01,250 we'd have plenty of time to work through it. 14 00:01:01,250 --> 00:01:08,792 And today we're in Luke 18:18-30, where Jesus talks on idolatry, 15 00:01:08,792 --> 00:01:11,333 money, and comedy. 16 00:01:11,333 --> 00:01:13,375 And the big idea is this: 17 00:01:13,375 --> 00:01:16,292 that everyone has something to teach us, 18 00:01:16,292 --> 00:01:20,458 that everyone has something to teach us if we have the humility 19 00:01:20,458 --> 00:01:24,458 to learn and the discernment to figure out what the lesson is. 20 00:01:24,458 --> 00:01:26,958 And some people come into our life and they serve 21 00:01:26,958 --> 00:01:29,500 as a positive example where, because of God's grace 22 00:01:29,500 --> 00:01:31,792 and the wisdom that they enjoy, 23 00:01:31,792 --> 00:01:34,000 they've got some great lessons to teach us. 24 00:01:34,000 --> 00:01:36,167 Other people, it is not positive, it's negative. 25 00:01:36,167 --> 00:01:39,000 They operated out of folly, not out of wisdom. 26 00:01:39,000 --> 00:01:42,042 And as a result, we can learn vicariously through some of 27 00:01:42,042 --> 00:01:45,167 their tragic decisions and experiences. 28 00:01:45,167 --> 00:01:49,083 And so Luke teaches us this way vicariously letting us 29 00:01:49,083 --> 00:01:53,000 eavesdrop in, look at Jesus having conversations 30 00:01:53,000 --> 00:01:56,083 and relations with various people. 31 00:01:56,083 --> 00:01:59,167 And today we're gonna see Jesus have a conversation 32 00:01:59,167 --> 00:02:02,167 with a rich ruler, and we're gonna learn 33 00:02:02,167 --> 00:02:05,667 vicariously through his own sin: 34 00:02:05,667 --> 00:02:08,167 idolatry, foolishness, and sadness. 35 00:02:08,167 --> 00:02:12,792 And we'll just read it all and then unpack three big ideas. 36 00:02:12,792 --> 00:02:15,000 Luke 18:18-30, 37 00:02:15,000 --> 00:02:17,500 "And the ruler asked him, 'Good Teacher, 38 00:02:17,500 --> 00:02:21,292 "'what must I do to inherit eternal life?' 39 00:02:21,292 --> 00:02:24,292 "And Jesus said to him, 'Why do you call me good? 40 00:02:24,292 --> 00:02:26,375 "'No one is good except God alone. 41 00:02:26,375 --> 00:02:27,792 "'You know the commandments: 42 00:02:27,792 --> 00:02:29,667 "'Do no commit adultery, Do not murder, 43 00:02:29,667 --> 00:02:31,875 "'Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, 44 00:02:31,875 --> 00:02:33,667 "'Honor your father and mother.' 45 00:02:33,667 --> 00:02:37,000 "And he said, 'All these I have kept from my youth.' 46 00:02:37,000 --> 00:02:39,500 "When Jesus heard this, he said to him, 47 00:02:39,500 --> 00:02:41,250 "'One thing you still lack. 48 00:02:41,250 --> 00:02:44,667 "'Sell all you have and distribute it to the poor, 49 00:02:44,667 --> 00:02:48,250 "'and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.' 50 00:02:48,250 --> 00:02:50,792 "But when he heard these things, he became very sad, 51 00:02:50,792 --> 00:02:53,292 "for he was extremely rich. 52 00:02:53,292 --> 00:02:55,667 "Jesus, seeing that he had become sad, said, 53 00:02:55,667 --> 00:02:58,875 "'How difficult is it for those who have wealth to enter 54 00:02:58,875 --> 00:03:00,458 "'the kingdom of God! 55 00:03:00,458 --> 00:03:02,958 "'For it is easier for a camel to go through 56 00:03:02,958 --> 00:03:05,958 "'the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter 57 00:03:05,958 --> 00:03:07,333 "the kingdom of God.' 58 00:03:07,333 --> 00:03:09,875 "Those who heard it said, 'Then who can be saved?' 59 00:03:09,875 --> 00:03:12,333 "But he said, 'What is impossible with men 60 00:03:12,333 --> 00:03:14,583 "is possible with God.' 61 00:03:14,583 --> 00:03:17,583 "Peter said, 'See, we have left our homes and followed you.' 62 00:03:17,583 --> 00:03:20,083 "And he said to them, 'Truly, I say to you, 63 00:03:20,083 --> 00:03:23,083 "'there is no one who has left house or wife or brothers 64 00:03:23,083 --> 00:03:26,083 "'or parents or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, 65 00:03:26,083 --> 00:03:28,875 "'who will not receive many times more in this time, 66 00:03:28,875 --> 00:03:33,167 and in the age to come eternal life.'" 67 00:03:33,167 --> 00:03:36,250 Here is a man, here's what we know of him: 68 00:03:36,250 --> 00:03:38,250 he is rich and he is a ruler. 69 00:03:38,250 --> 00:03:41,500 So he is wealthy and powerful, two things that you and I 70 00:03:41,500 --> 00:03:45,167 probably all, to some degree, aspire to. 71 00:03:45,167 --> 00:03:47,000 If someone came to you and said, 72 00:03:47,000 --> 00:03:49,167 "Would you like to be powerful or powerless?" 73 00:03:49,167 --> 00:03:50,542 I vote powerful. 74 00:03:50,542 --> 00:03:53,375 Do you want to be poor or rich? I vote rich. 75 00:03:53,375 --> 00:03:54,833 He has attained success. 76 00:03:54,833 --> 00:03:57,583 He's the kind of man in that day and our day 77 00:03:57,583 --> 00:03:59,167 that is widely admired. 78 00:03:59,167 --> 00:04:01,167 What a successful person. 79 00:04:01,167 --> 00:04:04,375 What an achievement his life is. 80 00:04:04,375 --> 00:04:06,750 He's the kind of person who becomes a celebrity, 81 00:04:06,750 --> 00:04:12,458 becomes famous, becomes looked up to and admired and emulated. 82 00:04:12,458 --> 00:04:15,000 And he has this conversation with Jesus. 83 00:04:15,000 --> 00:04:18,583 And in it, he reveals his own estimation of himself. 84 00:04:18,583 --> 00:04:21,542 He comes to Jesus and he asks a question that is not 85 00:04:21,542 --> 00:04:24,042 a bad question but it's asked in a bad way. 86 00:04:24,042 --> 00:04:28,042 He doesn't ask, "Jesus, what must I experience, 87 00:04:28,042 --> 00:04:30,375 receive to inherit eternal life?" 88 00:04:30,375 --> 00:04:35,083 Instead he says, "Lord Jesus, what must I do to inherit 89 00:04:35,083 --> 00:04:37,250 or receive eternal life?" 90 00:04:37,250 --> 00:04:39,792 His question is basically, "How can I save myself? 91 00:04:39,792 --> 00:04:42,167 "How can I save myself? 92 00:04:42,167 --> 00:04:44,875 "What religious work, what large check, 93 00:04:44,875 --> 00:04:50,000 "what sacred pilgrimage do I need to commit myself to 94 00:04:50,000 --> 00:04:53,167 "so that, in addition to all the other fantastic achievements 95 00:04:53,167 --> 00:04:56,583 "and accomplishments of my life, I can add to my resume, 96 00:04:56,583 --> 00:04:58,833 "'He saved himself. 97 00:04:58,833 --> 00:05:01,958 "'He merited, earned his salvation. 98 00:05:01,958 --> 00:05:04,292 He was pleasing in the sight of God.'" 99 00:05:04,292 --> 00:05:07,292 And so he starts with arrogance, not with humility and he starts 100 00:05:07,292 --> 00:05:11,875 not coming to Jesus empty-handed to receive a gift of salvation. 101 00:05:11,875 --> 00:05:14,500 He comes with his hands full of his achievements and 102 00:05:14,500 --> 00:05:18,667 accomplishments, asking Jesus what else he could do to show 103 00:05:18,667 --> 00:05:22,958 how fantastic and worthy he was. 104 00:05:22,958 --> 00:05:25,375 And that's his view of himself. 105 00:05:25,375 --> 00:05:27,250 Because Jesus says, "Well, let's start with 106 00:05:27,250 --> 00:05:28,667 the Ten Commandments." 107 00:05:28,667 --> 00:05:31,500 And there are 613 commandments in the first 5 books of 108 00:05:31,500 --> 00:05:33,083 the Old Testament alone. 109 00:05:33,083 --> 00:05:36,083 They're summarized in Exodus 20 110 00:05:36,083 --> 00:05:37,583 in the Ten Commandments. 111 00:05:37,583 --> 00:05:40,167 So Jesus runs through some of them. 112 00:05:40,167 --> 00:05:42,292 Don't murder, don't steal, don't lie, 113 00:05:42,292 --> 00:05:44,250 honor your mother and father. 114 00:05:44,250 --> 00:05:46,083 Jesus runs through some of the commandments. 115 00:05:46,083 --> 00:05:48,375 And the guy says, "Well, I know them. 116 00:05:48,375 --> 00:05:53,083 Thankfully, I've obeyed them fully since I was a little boy." 117 00:05:53,083 --> 00:05:56,000 What he's basically saying is, "I'm not perfect, 118 00:05:56,000 --> 00:05:58,458 "but I'm pretty close. 119 00:05:58,458 --> 00:06:01,792 "I'm not sinless, but some might think I am. 120 00:06:01,792 --> 00:06:07,000 That's how close I have come." 121 00:06:07,000 --> 00:06:08,500 What's his view of Jesus? 122 00:06:08,500 --> 00:06:10,500 His view of Jesus is a "good teacher," 123 00:06:10,500 --> 00:06:12,667 that's the language he uses. 124 00:06:12,667 --> 00:06:15,667 Some of you would want to put Jesus in that same category, 125 00:06:15,667 --> 00:06:17,042 good teacher. 126 00:06:17,042 --> 00:06:18,542 Many do, many other religions, philosophies, 127 00:06:18,542 --> 00:06:22,292 and spiritualties put Jesus in the category of good teacher. 128 00:06:22,292 --> 00:06:23,875 "He's like a Mahatma Gandhi 129 00:06:23,875 --> 00:06:25,875 "or he's like a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 130 00:06:25,875 --> 00:06:28,875 "or he's like an Abe Lincoln or he's like a Mother Teresa 131 00:06:28,875 --> 00:06:30,667 "or he's like a George Washington. 132 00:06:30,667 --> 00:06:33,167 "He's a good leader. 133 00:06:33,167 --> 00:06:34,667 "He's a good teacher. 134 00:06:34,667 --> 00:06:36,167 "He lived a good life. 135 00:06:36,167 --> 00:06:37,667 "He helped people. 136 00:06:37,667 --> 00:06:41,792 "He's a fantastic example. 137 00:06:41,792 --> 00:06:46,375 Not a Savior, but an example." 138 00:06:46,375 --> 00:06:48,667 And this man looks at Jesus and says, 139 00:06:48,667 --> 00:06:50,875 "You're a very good teacher." 140 00:06:50,875 --> 00:06:53,250 And Jesus rebukes him as Jesus would rebuke you. 141 00:06:53,250 --> 00:06:56,250 And friends, don't do this, don't do as he did, 142 00:06:56,250 --> 00:07:00,500 try to reduce Jesus to someone that he's not. 143 00:07:00,500 --> 00:07:02,458 Jesus is a good teacher, the finest, 144 00:07:02,458 --> 00:07:05,042 most extraordinary teacher in the history of the world. 145 00:07:05,042 --> 00:07:08,167 But he's far more than just a good teacher. 146 00:07:08,167 --> 00:07:11,000 He's also God become a man. 147 00:07:11,000 --> 00:07:15,667 And Jesus says, "Don't call me good unless you think I'm God 148 00:07:15,667 --> 00:07:19,292 because only God alone is truly good." 149 00:07:19,292 --> 00:07:22,583 See, we tend to think on a scale from really bad person 150 00:07:22,583 --> 00:07:25,167 to really good person. 151 00:07:25,167 --> 00:07:27,958 And that somewhere along that continuum there are people that 152 00:07:27,958 --> 00:07:32,875 are really bad, pretty bad, sort of bad, sometimes bad, 153 00:07:32,875 --> 00:07:36,333 not too bad, pretty good, really good. 154 00:07:36,333 --> 00:07:40,292 And he looks at Jesus and he says, "You're good." 155 00:07:40,292 --> 00:07:42,292 Jesus says, "Only God is good." 156 00:07:42,292 --> 00:07:44,000 'Cause see, God has a different category. 157 00:07:44,000 --> 00:07:47,000 God doesn't have a sliding scale from really bad to really good. 158 00:07:47,000 --> 00:07:52,000 God has two categories: sinner, sinless. 159 00:07:52,000 --> 00:07:55,000 Two categories. 160 00:07:55,000 --> 00:07:57,542 Jesus says, "The only person in the sinless category, 161 00:07:57,542 --> 00:08:01,667 "in the really truly good category is God. 162 00:08:01,667 --> 00:08:06,958 So don't say I'm good unless you think I'm God." 163 00:08:06,958 --> 00:08:10,958 Jesus Christ alone is without sin 164 00:08:10,958 --> 00:08:13,667 and he is in a category unto himself. 165 00:08:13,667 --> 00:08:15,792 Jesus is not--here's the big idea--. 166 00:08:15,792 --> 00:08:18,000 Jesus is not the best among us. 167 00:08:18,000 --> 00:08:21,875 He's not the supreme of our kind. 168 00:08:21,875 --> 00:08:27,083 He's not the most achieved and accomplished in our category. 169 00:08:27,083 --> 00:08:29,875 He's in a category unto himself. 170 00:08:29,875 --> 00:08:32,542 He's not just a good man, he's the God-man. 171 00:08:32,542 --> 00:08:36,167 He didn't just live a good life, he lived a sinless life. 172 00:08:36,167 --> 00:08:41,333 He's not just better than most, he's alone perfect. 173 00:08:41,333 --> 00:08:45,000 And so Jesus makes this strong claim, 174 00:08:45,000 --> 00:08:48,000 and he makes it so that we wouldn't fall in the same 175 00:08:48,000 --> 00:08:50,375 tragic error as the rich ruler. 176 00:08:50,375 --> 00:08:52,083 And some of you would. 177 00:08:52,083 --> 00:08:55,333 Just want Jesus to be in the category of one of the best 178 00:08:55,333 --> 00:08:58,542 among us, a fantastic teacher and moral example. 179 00:08:58,542 --> 00:09:03,292 And Jesus says, "I reject being categorized, rather, 180 00:09:03,292 --> 00:09:04,667 "in that way. 181 00:09:04,667 --> 00:09:08,667 "I'm God or I'm not God, but don't just disrespect me, 182 00:09:08,667 --> 00:09:13,292 "dishonor me, disregard me and call me a good teacher. 183 00:09:13,292 --> 00:09:16,292 "It's not like I'm a philosophy prophet at a university. 184 00:09:16,292 --> 00:09:18,833 "I'm here to atone for the sin of the world, 185 00:09:18,833 --> 00:09:21,083 not just throughout good moral truisms." 186 00:09:21,083 --> 00:09:25,000 So they're having their conversation. 187 00:09:25,000 --> 00:09:31,667 And his question is, "What must I do to save myself?" 188 00:09:31,667 --> 00:09:34,250 Had he come to any other religious leader but Jesus, 189 00:09:34,250 --> 00:09:36,375 he would have gotten a very different answer. 190 00:09:36,375 --> 00:09:39,250 He would have been told, "Do this, don't do these things, 191 00:09:39,250 --> 00:09:43,167 "obey, make sure you give, take a sacred pilgrimage to 192 00:09:43,167 --> 00:09:48,250 a holy place, do these things and you could save yourself." 193 00:09:48,250 --> 00:09:51,542 Jesus doesn't have that kind of conversation with him. 194 00:09:51,542 --> 00:09:55,000 Jesus instead moves into the conversation about idolatry, 195 00:09:55,000 --> 00:09:57,667 which is the first of our three big ideas. 196 00:09:57,667 --> 00:09:59,583 Idolatry. 197 00:09:59,583 --> 00:10:04,792 And so Jesus says, "Well, you know the commandments. 198 00:10:04,792 --> 00:10:07,292 "Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, 199 00:10:07,292 --> 00:10:09,833 "do not bear false witness, honor your mother and father. 200 00:10:09,833 --> 00:10:11,792 What about the commandments?" 201 00:10:11,792 --> 00:10:15,167 And the man says, "All these I have kept from my youth. 202 00:10:15,167 --> 00:10:18,167 All these I have kept from my youth." 203 00:10:18,167 --> 00:10:20,667 And Jesus then proceeds. 204 00:10:20,667 --> 00:10:24,583 He says, "One thing you still lack." 205 00:10:24,583 --> 00:10:28,167 And what Jesus is doing here is he's getting to the heart 206 00:10:28,167 --> 00:10:30,042 of God's commandments. 207 00:10:30,042 --> 00:10:32,083 Some of you say, "I haven't stolen." 208 00:10:32,083 --> 00:10:35,583 But have you coveted or become jealous or petty or bitter 209 00:10:35,583 --> 00:10:37,458 when someone has something you don't? 210 00:10:37,458 --> 00:10:39,000 Then you're guilty in your heart. 211 00:10:39,000 --> 00:10:41,000 Some of you say, "I've never committed adultery." 212 00:10:41,000 --> 00:10:43,292 Ah, but Jesus says in Matthew 5, 213 00:10:43,292 --> 00:10:45,750 if you lust in your heart, 214 00:10:45,750 --> 00:10:49,167 you've committed adultery by intent. 215 00:10:49,167 --> 00:10:52,542 God cares, yes, about our actions, 216 00:10:52,542 --> 00:10:55,292 but also about our motivations. 217 00:10:55,292 --> 00:10:58,958 Here Jesus sees his heart and his mind as Jesus sees 218 00:10:58,958 --> 00:11:03,000 your heart and your mind and my heart and my mind. 219 00:11:03,000 --> 00:11:05,500 And Jesus says, "Outwardly you've kept the commandments, 220 00:11:05,500 --> 00:11:08,542 "but you've not kept the spirit of the commandments. 221 00:11:08,542 --> 00:11:11,375 You've not kept the essence of the commandments." 222 00:11:11,375 --> 00:11:14,875 It's like a guy, he would say, "I take my wife on date night 223 00:11:14,875 --> 00:11:16,292 every week." 224 00:11:16,292 --> 00:11:18,792 Yeah, but you don't love her. And she knows that. 225 00:11:18,792 --> 00:11:20,292 And you check the dutiful box, 226 00:11:20,292 --> 00:11:24,375 but you don't have the emotional commitment. 227 00:11:25,958 --> 00:11:28,292 And here's the key about the Ten Commandments. 228 00:11:28,292 --> 00:11:31,000 Martin Luther, one of the greatest thinkers in the history 229 00:11:31,000 --> 00:11:34,458 of the world, he has phenomenally helpful insights 230 00:11:34,458 --> 00:11:36,083 on the Ten Commandments. 231 00:11:36,083 --> 00:11:39,583 He speaks of them in places like his "Heidelberg Catechism." 232 00:11:39,583 --> 00:11:42,375 And he says, "Really, there are two commandments and then 233 00:11:42,375 --> 00:11:46,083 implications and applications of those two commandments." 234 00:11:46,083 --> 00:11:47,875 And the first two commandments are these, 235 00:11:47,875 --> 00:11:49,542 Martin Luther rightly says, and again, 236 00:11:49,542 --> 00:11:52,583 we're speaking from Jesus who here mentions roughly half of 237 00:11:52,583 --> 00:11:54,083 the Ten Commandments. 238 00:11:54,083 --> 00:11:56,083 The first commandment is there's one God alone. 239 00:11:56,083 --> 00:11:58,375 The second commandment is you are to only worship 240 00:11:58,375 --> 00:12:00,667 that God alone. 241 00:12:00,667 --> 00:12:02,375 Martin Luther rightly ascertains, 242 00:12:02,375 --> 00:12:04,375 if we obey the first two commandments, 243 00:12:04,375 --> 00:12:06,875 we will not disobey the rest. 244 00:12:06,875 --> 00:12:10,250 This is very important for how we do counseling at Mars Hill. 245 00:12:10,250 --> 00:12:14,167 We want to do counseling the way Jesus does it. 246 00:12:14,167 --> 00:12:17,042 Because were Jesus to walk into the office today 247 00:12:17,042 --> 00:12:21,000 of a behaviorally based moral psychologist, 248 00:12:21,000 --> 00:12:23,792 the counselor would ask him, "So tell me about your life." 249 00:12:23,792 --> 00:12:26,500 "Well, my business is going very well. 250 00:12:26,500 --> 00:12:28,167 "I don't have any addictions. 251 00:12:28,167 --> 00:12:30,000 "I don't have any sexual sin. 252 00:12:30,000 --> 00:12:32,292 "I don't have any gambling problems. 253 00:12:32,292 --> 00:12:34,292 "My health is good. 254 00:12:34,292 --> 00:12:36,375 I'm very rich and very powerful." 255 00:12:36,375 --> 00:12:39,833 The counselor would say, "I don't think we need 256 00:12:39,833 --> 00:12:42,250 "a follow-up appointment. 257 00:12:42,250 --> 00:12:44,958 "You have a fantastic life. 258 00:12:44,958 --> 00:12:47,875 "You have no addictions. 259 00:12:47,875 --> 00:12:50,375 "You have no sinful, wicked, 260 00:12:50,375 --> 00:12:53,833 "destructive proclivities, compulsions. 261 00:12:53,833 --> 00:12:56,958 "You're not harming anyone. 262 00:12:56,958 --> 00:13:00,375 In fact, you should be the counselor." 263 00:13:00,375 --> 00:13:04,792 Because today, all we evaluate people based upon is 264 00:13:04,792 --> 00:13:08,958 their outward moral behavior. 265 00:13:08,958 --> 00:13:10,583 And if they're not behaving rightly, 266 00:13:10,583 --> 00:13:14,292 we want to change their behavior. 267 00:13:14,292 --> 00:13:16,750 And the issue here is Jesus isn't trying to change 268 00:13:16,750 --> 00:13:23,167 the man's behavior, he's trying to change the man's God. 269 00:13:23,167 --> 00:13:25,667 So it's far deeper. 270 00:13:25,667 --> 00:13:30,500 Yeah, the man doesn't have addictions and proclivities, 271 00:13:30,500 --> 00:13:36,375 but he worships the wrong God, which is a bigger problem. 272 00:13:36,375 --> 00:13:39,375 Here's how it plays in the Ten Commandments. 273 00:13:39,375 --> 00:13:46,667 If you commit adultery, your problem is not sexual, 274 00:13:46,667 --> 00:13:50,667 your problem is that you're worshiping the wrong God. 275 00:13:50,667 --> 00:13:54,542 You're worshiping sex or pleasure or convenience. 276 00:13:54,542 --> 00:13:56,875 And as a result of worshiping the wrong god, 277 00:13:56,875 --> 00:14:00,500 you committed the worship act, idolatrous worship act, 278 00:14:00,500 --> 00:14:02,667 of adultery. 279 00:14:02,667 --> 00:14:06,667 If you're someone who overeats and you're a glutton, 280 00:14:06,667 --> 00:14:09,250 your problem is not food and gluttony, 281 00:14:09,250 --> 00:14:13,083 your problem is worship and idolatry. 282 00:14:13,083 --> 00:14:14,875 You worship food. 283 00:14:14,875 --> 00:14:17,292 When you're sad, you go to food for comfort. 284 00:14:17,292 --> 00:14:19,875 When you're happy, you go to food to rejoice. 285 00:14:19,875 --> 00:14:23,667 When you've done something good, you reward yourself with food. 286 00:14:23,667 --> 00:14:26,167 It's all worship act. 287 00:14:26,167 --> 00:14:29,000 And so food is idolatry. 288 00:14:29,000 --> 00:14:31,792 Your god is your stomach, Paul says in the New Testament. 289 00:14:31,792 --> 00:14:33,667 So you don't have a food problem, 290 00:14:33,667 --> 00:14:35,292 you don't have a refrigerator problem, 291 00:14:35,292 --> 00:14:38,833 you have a worship problem, you have an idol problem. 292 00:14:38,833 --> 00:14:41,375 See, if you worship God, you won't worship food. 293 00:14:41,375 --> 00:14:44,833 If you worship God, you won't worship sex. 294 00:14:44,833 --> 00:14:49,500 Again, if you lose your temper, you get violent, you're angry, 295 00:14:49,500 --> 00:14:52,500 mean-spirited, perhaps it even escalates into murder, 296 00:14:52,500 --> 00:14:54,792 you don't have an anger problem. 297 00:14:54,792 --> 00:14:56,375 You have a worship problem. 298 00:14:56,375 --> 00:14:58,167 The issue may be control. 299 00:14:58,167 --> 00:15:00,292 Your issue may be selfishness. 300 00:15:00,292 --> 00:15:03,500 Your issue may be that you worship your anger. 301 00:15:03,500 --> 00:15:06,042 You feed it and stew on it and through bitterness 302 00:15:06,042 --> 00:15:09,167 you empower it. 303 00:15:09,167 --> 00:15:11,167 And you could look at someone and say, 304 00:15:11,167 --> 00:15:12,792 "We want to modify your behavior. 305 00:15:12,792 --> 00:15:15,292 "So we're going to give you principles of anger management, 306 00:15:15,292 --> 00:15:17,167 "which could be helpful. 307 00:15:17,167 --> 00:15:20,875 "But then all we might do for you is change your idol. 308 00:15:20,875 --> 00:15:22,875 "So, oh good, you don't worship anger anymore, 309 00:15:22,875 --> 00:15:25,042 "now you worship control. 310 00:15:25,042 --> 00:15:26,667 "And because you now worship control, 311 00:15:26,667 --> 00:15:28,292 "you don't lose your anger. 312 00:15:28,292 --> 00:15:29,750 "Oh, this is so good. 313 00:15:29,750 --> 00:15:32,500 "We've exchanged idols, but at least now we found an idol 314 00:15:32,500 --> 00:15:35,875 that the rest of us prefer." 315 00:15:35,875 --> 00:15:38,167 And this is where John Calvin says rightly that 316 00:15:38,167 --> 00:15:41,500 the human heart is an idol factory. 317 00:15:41,500 --> 00:15:44,500 We'll give up one idol to get another idol or we'll pick 318 00:15:44,500 --> 00:15:46,750 one idol to control our other idol. 319 00:15:46,750 --> 00:15:50,875 But at the end of the day, it's not about behavior modification. 320 00:15:50,875 --> 00:15:55,875 It's about worship alteration, that's what it's about. 321 00:15:55,875 --> 00:16:00,083 So Jesus is saying, "Let's find your idol. 322 00:16:00,083 --> 00:16:02,083 Let's not look at your behavior." 323 00:16:02,083 --> 00:16:04,292 Some of you would walk in here and say, 324 00:16:04,292 --> 00:16:06,292 "I feel like I'm a pretty good person. 325 00:16:06,292 --> 00:16:08,167 "I don't have any massive behavior problems 326 00:16:08,167 --> 00:16:10,292 that are out of control." 327 00:16:10,292 --> 00:16:13,292 And I would say, "Well, let's lift up the rock of pride. 328 00:16:13,292 --> 00:16:16,083 There may be something there." 329 00:16:16,083 --> 00:16:20,083 But furthermore, is there one God and do you worship him alone 330 00:16:20,083 --> 00:16:24,375 because for this man, he was his own god, 331 00:16:24,375 --> 00:16:27,542 and that is the god that most of us worship. 332 00:16:27,542 --> 00:16:29,542 "Look at my success. Look at my achievements. 333 00:16:29,542 --> 00:16:32,500 "Look at my accomplishments. Look at my possessions. 334 00:16:32,500 --> 00:16:37,500 "Look at all that I have done. Look at who I truly am. 335 00:16:37,500 --> 00:16:39,667 It's pretty fantastic." 336 00:16:39,667 --> 00:16:42,375 And it was all for his glory, not God's glory. 337 00:16:42,375 --> 00:16:45,042 His whole life was to glorify himself, 338 00:16:45,042 --> 00:16:49,583 not to honor the God who made him. 339 00:16:49,583 --> 00:16:51,000 He's an idolater. 340 00:16:51,000 --> 00:16:56,583 And he also idolizes his status and his success, 341 00:16:56,583 --> 00:16:59,583 his status and his success. 342 00:16:59,583 --> 00:17:03,167 So let's talk a little bit about idolatry. 343 00:17:03,167 --> 00:17:08,375 Idolatry is often a good thing that becomes a god thing. 344 00:17:08,375 --> 00:17:12,958 Idolatry is usually a good thing in a bad place. 345 00:17:12,958 --> 00:17:15,583 It goes from something that the Lord gives to functioning 346 00:17:15,583 --> 00:17:17,667 as a substitute lord. 347 00:17:17,667 --> 00:17:21,292 It becomes the most person, thing, experience, possession, 348 00:17:21,292 --> 00:17:24,875 achievement, accomplishment that we have in our whole life. 349 00:17:24,875 --> 00:17:27,083 It becomes central, preeminent, paramount. 350 00:17:27,083 --> 00:17:30,292 And here's how we worship idols, we--and here's the truth-- 351 00:17:30,292 --> 00:17:31,958 we all worship, all the time. 352 00:17:31,958 --> 00:17:33,667 Everyone is made as a worshipper. 353 00:17:33,667 --> 00:17:37,083 We all worship unceasingly continually. 354 00:17:37,083 --> 00:17:41,167 We're pouring ourselves out to someone or something that is 355 00:17:41,167 --> 00:17:46,667 essential, central, preeminent, prominent to us. 356 00:17:46,667 --> 00:17:49,542 Usually a good thing. 357 00:17:49,542 --> 00:17:53,167 And worship acts are sacrifices. 358 00:17:53,167 --> 00:17:55,292 We sacrifice our time, we sacrifice our health, 359 00:17:55,292 --> 00:17:57,167 we sacrifice our money. 360 00:17:57,167 --> 00:18:02,833 We say no to some things because we idolize one thing. 361 00:18:02,833 --> 00:18:05,542 And here's the truth about idols: they lie. 362 00:18:05,542 --> 00:18:09,083 They promise something that only the kingdom of God 363 00:18:09,083 --> 00:18:10,750 can ultimately provide. 364 00:18:10,750 --> 00:18:12,875 That's where Jesus transitions the discussion here 365 00:18:12,875 --> 00:18:14,333 to the kingdom of God. 366 00:18:14,333 --> 00:18:16,333 He's saying, "If you give up your idols, 367 00:18:16,333 --> 00:18:18,667 "I promise you what you're seeking will only ultimately 368 00:18:18,667 --> 00:18:21,667 be satisfied in the kingdom." 369 00:18:21,667 --> 00:18:23,958 See, this man is worshiping his possessions. 370 00:18:23,958 --> 00:18:25,333 Why? 371 00:18:25,333 --> 00:18:27,167 Because it gives him status. 372 00:18:27,167 --> 00:18:29,000 Jesus says, "Let go of your idol, 373 00:18:29,000 --> 00:18:31,542 let me give you status that lasts forever." 374 00:18:31,542 --> 00:18:34,042 He worships his success. 375 00:18:34,042 --> 00:18:37,583 And Jesus says, "It's not about success. 376 00:18:37,583 --> 00:18:39,792 "It's about God who loves you 377 00:18:39,792 --> 00:18:41,583 "and adopts you and cares for you, 378 00:18:41,583 --> 00:18:46,583 so let go of your idol and receive the love of God." 379 00:18:46,583 --> 00:18:48,083 See, idols lie to us. 380 00:18:48,083 --> 00:18:49,875 They give us an identity. 381 00:18:49,875 --> 00:18:51,292 "I'm pretty. I'm smart. 382 00:18:51,292 --> 00:18:52,792 "I'm funny. I'm successful. 383 00:18:52,792 --> 00:18:54,792 I just don't care." 384 00:18:54,792 --> 00:18:58,458 Those are all identities. 385 00:18:58,458 --> 00:19:02,375 See, idols want to give us comfort, peace, security, 386 00:19:02,375 --> 00:19:08,333 meaning, value, purpose, fun, identity, community. 387 00:19:08,333 --> 00:19:14,167 And they lie because they over promise and under deliver. 388 00:19:15,792 --> 00:19:21,375 And this man, he worships himself and he cares about 389 00:19:21,375 --> 00:19:27,750 his status, his comfort, his convenience. 390 00:19:27,750 --> 00:19:29,750 And when Jesus looks at him and says, 391 00:19:29,750 --> 00:19:32,375 "You don't think you've broken any of the Ten Commandments?" 392 00:19:32,375 --> 00:19:33,958 "No, I don't think I have." 393 00:19:33,958 --> 00:19:36,958 "Okay, then sell all your stuff and give it to the poor. 394 00:19:36,958 --> 00:19:38,958 "You can have me as your greatest treasure 395 00:19:38,958 --> 00:19:40,792 "or you can have all your stuff 396 00:19:40,792 --> 00:19:43,750 "and your standard of living. 397 00:19:43,750 --> 00:19:47,083 "You willing to go down to a smaller place to live, 398 00:19:47,083 --> 00:19:52,375 simpler lifestyle, downsize to follow me, your homeless God?" 399 00:19:54,375 --> 00:19:56,583 And it says, "The man left very sad 400 00:19:56,583 --> 00:19:59,167 because he was extremely rich." 401 00:19:59,167 --> 00:20:02,792 Jesus found his idol. 402 00:20:02,792 --> 00:20:06,167 What would you be unwilling to give up to follow Jesus? 403 00:20:08,792 --> 00:20:14,542 What would you cling to and walk away from Jesus grieved about 404 00:20:14,542 --> 00:20:17,583 because ultimately your idol had been exposed? 405 00:20:17,583 --> 00:20:19,250 Let me tell you this, friends. 406 00:20:19,250 --> 00:20:22,250 We oftentimes do not know what our idol is until we face 407 00:20:22,250 --> 00:20:24,958 the prospect of losing it. 408 00:20:24,958 --> 00:20:27,167 Some of you say, "I don't have an idol." 409 00:20:27,167 --> 00:20:29,167 You may. 410 00:20:29,167 --> 00:20:32,500 In fact, I would say, you do. 411 00:20:32,500 --> 00:20:36,167 And because your idol is safe and secure, 412 00:20:36,167 --> 00:20:37,667 you're unaware that it's an idol. 413 00:20:37,667 --> 00:20:41,000 But as soon as there is the prospect of losing it, 414 00:20:41,000 --> 00:20:42,875 that's when everything changes. 415 00:20:42,875 --> 00:20:45,250 And that was the situation in this man's life. 416 00:20:45,250 --> 00:20:48,750 He comes to Jesus, "I don't have any sin and I don't have 417 00:20:48,750 --> 00:20:51,792 any idolatry that is motivating my sin." 418 00:20:51,792 --> 00:20:53,958 Jesus says, "Well, then give me your stuff. 419 00:20:53,958 --> 00:20:56,958 Or rather, sell it and give all the money to the poor." 420 00:20:56,958 --> 00:20:58,958 Today the equivalent would be, "Take your car, 421 00:20:58,958 --> 00:21:01,292 "take your clothes, take your technology, take your furniture, 422 00:21:01,292 --> 00:21:03,542 "put it all on eBay, throw it on craigslist, 423 00:21:03,542 --> 00:21:05,875 "and give all the money to someone who's poor. 424 00:21:05,875 --> 00:21:08,583 "Hand it all to some single moms to help them out. 425 00:21:08,583 --> 00:21:10,875 "Downsize your standard of living. 426 00:21:10,875 --> 00:21:14,292 "Upgrade your standard of giving. 427 00:21:14,292 --> 00:21:15,958 "Take the bus. Sell your car. 428 00:21:15,958 --> 00:21:17,667 Follow me." 429 00:21:17,667 --> 00:21:22,833 How many of you say, "Yeah, that would be hard." 430 00:21:22,833 --> 00:21:26,792 Some of you say, "No, I could give up most of my stuff. 431 00:21:26,792 --> 00:21:29,375 "But there's a couple things that, you know, 432 00:21:29,375 --> 00:21:33,167 "if the house was on fire, I would grab them. 433 00:21:33,167 --> 00:21:35,583 The rest I could live without." 434 00:21:35,583 --> 00:21:39,667 And that is probably where your idol lies. 435 00:21:39,667 --> 00:21:43,167 Let me tell you a few things about your idols. 436 00:21:44,958 --> 00:21:49,792 Idols consume our life as we pursue them. 437 00:21:49,792 --> 00:21:52,875 They become all-consuming because idols need to be 438 00:21:52,875 --> 00:21:57,167 worshiped like God and they replace God. 439 00:21:57,167 --> 00:22:00,792 This is why some people can't stop working, can't stop eating, 440 00:22:00,792 --> 00:22:03,292 can't stop drinking, can't stop gambling, 441 00:22:03,292 --> 00:22:08,583 and/or can never be single, have to always be in a relationship. 442 00:22:08,583 --> 00:22:14,000 It's all-consuming, all-consuming. 443 00:22:14,000 --> 00:22:16,792 Number two: 444 00:22:16,792 --> 00:22:23,000 Many of us seek to manipulate God to give us our idol. 445 00:22:23,000 --> 00:22:25,542 There are even theologies that'll teach this. 446 00:22:25,542 --> 00:22:28,042 You're broke, you want to be rich, you worship money? 447 00:22:28,042 --> 00:22:30,375 Come to our church, come to Jesus. 448 00:22:30,375 --> 00:22:32,042 Jesus is an idol giver. 449 00:22:32,042 --> 00:22:34,500 He makes people rich. 450 00:22:34,500 --> 00:22:37,958 Right? Or you want to be healthy and you're sick? 451 00:22:37,958 --> 00:22:41,667 Well, come to Jesus, he'll make you healthy. 452 00:22:41,667 --> 00:22:44,375 He's an idol giver. 453 00:22:44,375 --> 00:22:46,333 You're single, you want to be married? 454 00:22:46,333 --> 00:22:50,333 Walk with Jesus, he's obligated to give you not just a spouse, 455 00:22:50,333 --> 00:22:53,083 but a fantastic one. 456 00:22:53,083 --> 00:22:54,792 You're struggling with infertility? 457 00:22:54,792 --> 00:22:56,667 You really want to have a child? 458 00:22:56,667 --> 00:22:58,083 Well, you know what? 459 00:22:58,083 --> 00:23:01,250 Jesus promises if you walk with him faithfully and you pray to 460 00:23:01,250 --> 00:23:06,250 him earnestly and you believe in him whole-heartedly, 461 00:23:06,250 --> 00:23:10,667 he will give you a child. 462 00:23:10,667 --> 00:23:14,792 Usually an idol is a good thing that becomes a god thing, 463 00:23:14,792 --> 00:23:17,792 and we seek to manipulate the real God and he cannot be 464 00:23:17,792 --> 00:23:21,458 manipulated to give us our idol. 465 00:23:21,458 --> 00:23:24,042 Number three: 466 00:23:24,042 --> 00:23:26,875 If we get our idol, we become consumed in keeping 467 00:23:26,875 --> 00:23:29,000 and preserving it. 468 00:23:29,000 --> 00:23:31,750 You're the student who worships your grade point average, 469 00:23:31,750 --> 00:23:33,750 you have to get a 4.0. 470 00:23:33,750 --> 00:23:35,167 You're consumed by it. 471 00:23:35,167 --> 00:23:37,542 You don't have friends. You don't have a job. 472 00:23:37,542 --> 00:23:39,292 You don't have time for church. Why? 473 00:23:39,292 --> 00:23:41,750 "I'm going to get a 4.0. 474 00:23:41,750 --> 00:23:45,750 I worship success, accomplishment, achievement." 475 00:23:45,750 --> 00:23:47,333 You're consumed by it. 476 00:23:47,333 --> 00:23:50,000 "God, please help me. God, please let me. 477 00:23:50,000 --> 00:23:51,667 "God, please assist me. 478 00:23:51,667 --> 00:23:55,583 I got it. I got my report card, 4.0, yes." 479 00:23:55,583 --> 00:23:58,083 But now you're obsessed in keeping it. 480 00:23:58,083 --> 00:24:01,500 Now you got to get a 4.0 the next quarter 'cause your 481 00:24:01,500 --> 00:24:04,583 identity and your righteousness is tied to your 482 00:24:04,583 --> 00:24:06,875 grade point average. 483 00:24:06,875 --> 00:24:08,292 Same with a mother. 484 00:24:08,292 --> 00:24:11,500 Is it a good thing or a bad thing to have a child? 485 00:24:11,500 --> 00:24:12,875 Covered it last week. 486 00:24:12,875 --> 00:24:14,875 It's a good thing. Children are a blessing. 487 00:24:14,875 --> 00:24:18,375 Can a child become an idol? Absolutely. 488 00:24:18,375 --> 00:24:22,500 You have to have a child. You have to get pregnant. 489 00:24:22,500 --> 00:24:25,500 Children are a blessing. 490 00:24:25,500 --> 00:24:32,458 But infertility, miscarriage, it's not just grievous, 491 00:24:32,458 --> 00:24:35,667 it's devastating. 492 00:24:35,667 --> 00:24:38,750 And all of a sudden you're very angry at God. 493 00:24:38,750 --> 00:24:40,458 "God, how could you? 494 00:24:40,458 --> 00:24:43,583 "How dare you? 495 00:24:43,583 --> 00:24:49,500 You took my idol," called spouse or child. 496 00:24:50,667 --> 00:24:52,542 And those who are present, including Peter, 497 00:24:52,542 --> 00:24:56,500 they move from the idol of money to the idol of family. 498 00:24:56,500 --> 00:24:59,292 Let me tell you, these are the two most popular idols 499 00:24:59,292 --> 00:25:03,083 and they're often at war. 500 00:25:03,083 --> 00:25:06,667 So dad can't come home from work because he's worshiping money 501 00:25:06,667 --> 00:25:09,833 and he's got to keep the family on the alter and sacrifice them 502 00:25:09,833 --> 00:25:15,083 to the god of forward progress at the job. 503 00:25:15,083 --> 00:25:17,833 Peter comes along and says, "We sold our houses, 504 00:25:17,833 --> 00:25:22,000 "we downsized our standard of living. 505 00:25:22,000 --> 00:25:25,583 Some of our family members think we're crazy." 506 00:25:28,458 --> 00:25:31,792 He's exposing his idol. 507 00:25:31,792 --> 00:25:33,292 "Jesus, we really, really, really, really, 508 00:25:33,292 --> 00:25:35,875 "really love our family. 509 00:25:35,875 --> 00:25:42,500 Please tell us that it's not in vain that we are following you." 510 00:25:42,500 --> 00:25:47,458 You get your idol, now you're obsessed to keep it. 511 00:25:47,458 --> 00:25:49,167 You finally get married. 512 00:25:49,167 --> 00:25:52,792 You become so obsessed with a relationship 513 00:25:52,792 --> 00:25:55,000 that you choke it out. 514 00:25:55,000 --> 00:25:58,083 You get a child, you become so controlling, 515 00:25:58,083 --> 00:26:04,250 so fearful that ultimately you destroy the child 516 00:26:04,250 --> 00:26:09,833 and/or the child grows up, the child leaves home, 517 00:26:09,833 --> 00:26:11,833 and the marriage collapses. 518 00:26:11,833 --> 00:26:13,292 Why? 519 00:26:13,292 --> 00:26:16,042 Because the idol left. 520 00:26:16,042 --> 00:26:20,292 And the husband and the wife were worshippers of the child. 521 00:26:20,292 --> 00:26:22,000 They lived for the child. 522 00:26:22,000 --> 00:26:23,583 They worked for the child. 523 00:26:23,583 --> 00:26:25,375 They went to church for the child. 524 00:26:25,375 --> 00:26:27,375 They stayed married for the child. 525 00:26:27,375 --> 00:26:29,875 And once the child is gone, the marriage is over. 526 00:26:29,875 --> 00:26:32,583 This is why marriages have crises and meltdowns 527 00:26:32,583 --> 00:26:34,000 and breakdowns. 528 00:26:34,000 --> 00:26:36,000 Some of you are older, you're feeling it. 529 00:26:36,000 --> 00:26:40,500 Some of you are younger and your parents are experiencing it. 530 00:26:40,500 --> 00:26:42,042 Say, "What happened? 531 00:26:42,042 --> 00:26:43,458 "Everything was fine. 532 00:26:43,458 --> 00:26:47,958 Oh, the idol left." 533 00:26:47,958 --> 00:26:50,958 Because number one, idols consume our life 534 00:26:50,958 --> 00:26:52,333 as we pursue them. 535 00:26:52,333 --> 00:26:55,542 Number two, we even seek to use God to be our idol giver. 536 00:26:55,542 --> 00:26:57,667 Number three, if we receive our idol, 537 00:26:57,667 --> 00:26:59,542 we become consumed with keeping it. 538 00:26:59,542 --> 00:27:01,792 And number four, if we lose our idol, 539 00:27:01,792 --> 00:27:04,667 we become devastated and destroyed. 540 00:27:04,667 --> 00:27:08,167 Not just grieved, devastated and destroyed, 541 00:27:08,167 --> 00:27:10,500 possibly even with God. 542 00:27:10,500 --> 00:27:13,333 "How dare you? 543 00:27:13,333 --> 00:27:16,875 You took my treasure." 544 00:27:16,875 --> 00:27:21,583 And Jesus here is saying to this man, "Give away your treasure." 545 00:27:21,583 --> 00:27:25,000 And the man says, "I am grieved." 546 00:27:25,000 --> 00:27:29,292 And Jesus says essentially, "I am grieved as well 547 00:27:29,292 --> 00:27:33,083 because I'm supposed to be your treasure." 548 00:27:34,875 --> 00:27:37,667 See, we should have a treasure. 549 00:27:37,667 --> 00:27:40,375 Our treasure should be Jesus. 550 00:27:40,375 --> 00:27:42,875 We should worship our treasure. 551 00:27:42,875 --> 00:27:45,167 And that treasure should be Jesus. 552 00:27:45,167 --> 00:27:47,042 And here's the truth. 553 00:27:47,042 --> 00:27:49,542 Jonathan Edwards says this in his book called, 554 00:27:49,542 --> 00:27:51,083 "The Nature of True Virtue" 555 00:27:51,083 --> 00:27:52,875 --he's one of the greatest theologians America's 556 00:27:52,875 --> 00:27:54,583 ever produced, arguably the greatest-- 557 00:27:54,583 --> 00:27:57,667 he says, what happens is this, if you idolize one thing, 558 00:27:57,667 --> 00:28:00,667 you demonize the other. 559 00:28:00,667 --> 00:28:03,792 So if you idolize your spouse, it's only a matter of time 560 00:28:03,792 --> 00:28:06,000 before they disappoint you because your spouse 561 00:28:06,000 --> 00:28:08,583 is not a good god. 562 00:28:08,583 --> 00:28:11,500 If you idolize children, if you idolize a dating relationship, 563 00:28:11,500 --> 00:28:14,375 if you idolize a job, if you idolize a home, 564 00:28:14,375 --> 00:28:18,667 if you idolize a car, if you idolize a standard of living, 565 00:28:18,667 --> 00:28:21,292 if you idolize peace, comfort, security, 566 00:28:21,292 --> 00:28:24,083 if you idolize fun and pleasure, 567 00:28:24,083 --> 00:28:27,167 eventually it's going to fail you because idols what? 568 00:28:27,167 --> 00:28:28,833 Idols lie. 569 00:28:28,833 --> 00:28:31,250 And you'll end up demonizing them. 570 00:28:31,250 --> 00:28:33,083 You'll hate your spouse. 571 00:28:33,083 --> 00:28:35,667 You'll hate your kids. You'll hate your job. 572 00:28:35,667 --> 00:28:38,542 You'll hate everything that has disappointed you. 573 00:28:38,542 --> 00:28:40,667 And the problem is not in the things, 574 00:28:40,667 --> 00:28:44,167 the problem is in our heart, that we worship someone or something 575 00:28:44,167 --> 00:28:47,333 that is not God, and then we want to destroy it when it 576 00:28:47,333 --> 00:28:51,500 fails us rather than repenting of turning a good thing 577 00:28:51,500 --> 00:28:54,167 into a god thing. 578 00:28:54,167 --> 00:28:56,500 And this is the hard conversation that Jesus is 579 00:28:56,500 --> 00:28:58,250 having with this man. 580 00:28:58,250 --> 00:28:59,750 The man walks up smiling, 581 00:28:59,750 --> 00:29:02,667 "Jesus, I am so glad to meet you. 582 00:29:02,667 --> 00:29:06,250 I've heard you're a good teacher." 583 00:29:06,250 --> 00:29:08,458 Jesus says, "Well, how are you doing at keeping 584 00:29:08,458 --> 00:29:09,833 the Ten Commandments?" 585 00:29:09,833 --> 00:29:13,000 "Well, since I want to save myself and I want God to be 586 00:29:13,000 --> 00:29:15,667 "pleased and I want to have a moral, compliant, obedient life, 587 00:29:15,667 --> 00:29:18,167 "I am happy to report I have kept the commandments 588 00:29:18,167 --> 00:29:19,667 "since I was a little boy. 589 00:29:19,667 --> 00:29:21,167 "My life is fantastic. 590 00:29:21,167 --> 00:29:22,667 "You want to see my car? 591 00:29:22,667 --> 00:29:24,167 "You want to see my house? 592 00:29:24,167 --> 00:29:25,750 "You want to see my friends? 593 00:29:25,750 --> 00:29:30,083 I really appreciate the life God has given me." 594 00:29:30,083 --> 00:29:32,792 "Then sell your stuff." 595 00:29:32,792 --> 00:29:42,583 "Oh, well now I'm very sad, because you're talking about me 596 00:29:42,583 --> 00:29:45,958 "driving up in a beater car or a bus. 597 00:29:45,958 --> 00:29:49,083 "And people aren't gonna look at me the same. 598 00:29:49,083 --> 00:29:53,875 "And if I can't live in that house, I gotta downsize. 599 00:29:53,875 --> 00:29:56,750 "I'm gonna be with a different class of people. 600 00:29:56,750 --> 00:29:58,958 "And I really like the food that I eat 601 00:29:58,958 --> 00:30:01,292 "and I really like the drink that I drink 602 00:30:01,292 --> 00:30:05,542 "and it just seems like you're asking a lot. 603 00:30:05,542 --> 00:30:07,750 "After all, I've worked hard and I've accomplished it 604 00:30:07,750 --> 00:30:10,500 and I've achieved it and I feel like I deserve it." 605 00:30:10,500 --> 00:30:12,958 Jesus says, "Me or your stuff. 606 00:30:12,958 --> 00:30:15,500 You can't have both. Pick one or the other." 607 00:30:15,500 --> 00:30:18,000 And the guy says, "Yeah, good luck with that. 608 00:30:18,000 --> 00:30:19,375 "That's funny. 609 00:30:19,375 --> 00:30:22,875 You're a homeless guy, you don't understand." 610 00:30:22,875 --> 00:30:27,958 Is Jesus your treasure? 611 00:30:27,958 --> 00:30:31,583 Now, we move on to money. 612 00:30:31,583 --> 00:30:34,500 One of the surest ways to find your idol 613 00:30:34,500 --> 00:30:39,167 is to follow your money, right? 614 00:30:39,167 --> 00:30:43,667 'Cause where you put your money, Jesus says elsewhere, 615 00:30:43,667 --> 00:30:45,667 that's where your heart is. 616 00:30:45,667 --> 00:30:49,167 So you can't say, "I love the Lord, I just don't give to him. 617 00:30:49,167 --> 00:30:52,667 I love my family, but I don't feed them," right? 618 00:30:55,583 --> 00:30:59,875 "I love single mothers and I really feel for them. 619 00:30:59,875 --> 00:31:03,000 "But you know, I mean, I got to have a bass boat 620 00:31:03,000 --> 00:31:05,000 "and I got to have a golf game 621 00:31:05,000 --> 00:31:08,500 "and I got to have tools in my garage and I got to have 622 00:31:08,500 --> 00:31:11,000 "a flat screen TV, so I mean, I love them. 623 00:31:11,000 --> 00:31:13,000 "I just, you know, I don't have any extra. 624 00:31:13,000 --> 00:31:14,750 "I just can't, you know, show it. 625 00:31:14,750 --> 00:31:16,167 "But don't judge me. 626 00:31:16,167 --> 00:31:17,542 You don't know my heart." 627 00:31:17,542 --> 00:31:20,167 No, I do know your heart 'cause I followed your wallet. 628 00:31:20,167 --> 00:31:22,875 Your wallet is an indicator of your heart. 629 00:31:22,875 --> 00:31:25,167 So a couple things. 630 00:31:25,167 --> 00:31:27,958 If you want to follow your idol--find your idol rather, 631 00:31:27,958 --> 00:31:30,083 follow your money, number two, 632 00:31:30,083 --> 00:31:33,500 everyone thinks that someone else is rich. 633 00:31:33,500 --> 00:31:35,000 I've met a lot of people. 634 00:31:35,000 --> 00:31:38,292 Every person I've met pretty much thinks when the Bible 635 00:31:38,292 --> 00:31:42,667 says rich, it's somebody just above them. 636 00:31:42,667 --> 00:31:45,583 And when it says poor, it's them. 637 00:31:45,583 --> 00:31:48,167 Okay, so you're like, "Oh, yeah, the rich, yeah. 638 00:31:48,167 --> 00:31:49,875 "Pfft, totally the rich. 639 00:31:49,875 --> 00:31:52,792 "Yeah, I watch "Robin Hood," I vote Democrat, 640 00:31:52,792 --> 00:31:55,875 "I agree with Jesus, stick it to the rich. 641 00:31:55,875 --> 00:31:58,500 "Yes, I hate the rich. 642 00:31:58,500 --> 00:32:01,667 Stick it to the rich." 643 00:32:01,667 --> 00:32:03,792 Everyone thinks someone else is rich. 644 00:32:03,792 --> 00:32:05,167 And you know what? 645 00:32:05,167 --> 00:32:07,667 Somebody thinks you're rich. 646 00:32:07,667 --> 00:32:11,042 Like had we met this guy, he would think you're rich. 647 00:32:11,042 --> 00:32:13,292 "What is that?" It's a toilet. 648 00:32:13,292 --> 00:32:15,333 "What is that?" It's connected to plumbing. 649 00:32:15,333 --> 00:32:17,333 "Unbelievable. Where does it all go?" 650 00:32:17,333 --> 00:32:18,750 It goes somewhere else. 651 00:32:18,750 --> 00:32:20,500 "You don't have to live with it?" 652 00:32:20,500 --> 00:32:21,875 No. 653 00:32:21,875 --> 00:32:23,292 "That's amazing right there." 654 00:32:23,292 --> 00:32:24,833 Would you like something to eat? 655 00:32:24,833 --> 00:32:27,042 "Sure, what's the really cold box filled with food?" 656 00:32:27,042 --> 00:32:28,458 We call it a fridge. 657 00:32:28,458 --> 00:32:30,000 "Wow." 658 00:32:30,000 --> 00:32:33,000 Would you like to sit in the chair and watch the TV? 659 00:32:33,000 --> 00:32:35,292 "Your paintings talk. 660 00:32:35,292 --> 00:32:37,292 "That's amazing. 661 00:32:37,292 --> 00:32:39,250 "And you can change them. 662 00:32:39,250 --> 00:32:41,458 "And you don't even need to get up. 663 00:32:41,458 --> 00:32:45,292 You could just do this or this or you could--it's amazing." 664 00:32:45,292 --> 00:32:46,667 Would you like a pizza? 665 00:32:46,667 --> 00:32:48,167 "What's a pizza?" 666 00:32:48,167 --> 00:32:50,375 A high school kid'll drive it to the house. 667 00:32:50,375 --> 00:32:52,292 We don't even need to get up. 668 00:32:52,292 --> 00:32:56,000 "Really? 669 00:32:56,000 --> 00:32:59,333 "I thought I was extremely rich. 670 00:32:59,333 --> 00:33:01,750 It's getting dark out, we should go to bed." 671 00:33:01,750 --> 00:33:06,792 We don't have to. We have electricity and lights. 672 00:33:06,792 --> 00:33:09,000 "Wow. 673 00:33:09,000 --> 00:33:11,583 "It's magic. 674 00:33:11,583 --> 00:33:13,583 It's amazing." 675 00:33:13,583 --> 00:33:16,583 If you don't like it here, we can get in a car 676 00:33:16,583 --> 00:33:18,792 and go somewhere else or jump on an airplane. 677 00:33:18,792 --> 00:33:21,292 It's a seat in the sky. 678 00:33:21,292 --> 00:33:23,792 "That's amazing." 679 00:33:23,792 --> 00:33:25,292 You know what, friends? 680 00:33:25,292 --> 00:33:30,667 He lived a rich life in his day but it's nothing compared to 681 00:33:30,667 --> 00:33:32,583 what we enjoy. 682 00:33:32,583 --> 00:33:35,500 In the history of the world, we're the rich. 683 00:33:35,500 --> 00:33:37,667 On the earth right now, we're the rich. 684 00:33:37,667 --> 00:33:42,500 The biggest medical problem in our country is obesity. 685 00:33:42,500 --> 00:33:46,000 That's really never been a huge issue, right? 686 00:33:46,000 --> 00:33:48,000 There's never been a group of people like, 687 00:33:48,000 --> 00:33:51,292 "We have so much food and so little space for it 688 00:33:51,292 --> 00:33:59,083 that we're dying of malted Milk Duds and Chiclets." 689 00:33:59,083 --> 00:34:03,500 Like we just--we--you know, we are a people who are going to 690 00:34:03,500 --> 00:34:09,083 eat until we blow up just like the Monty Python skit, right? 691 00:34:09,083 --> 00:34:11,792 Like, we're the rich. 692 00:34:11,792 --> 00:34:13,667 Right, go to a Third World country. 693 00:34:13,667 --> 00:34:15,542 We're the rich. We're the rich. 694 00:34:15,542 --> 00:34:18,167 So as we read this story, don't say, "Yes, yes, 695 00:34:18,167 --> 00:34:20,750 I love it when Jesus sticks it to the rich." 696 00:34:20,750 --> 00:34:24,250 We got to say, "Okay, Jesus, I raise my hand, I'm rich." 697 00:34:24,250 --> 00:34:26,875 And somebody somewhere thinks I'm rich." 698 00:34:26,875 --> 00:34:32,167 And this is an underlying problem for us. 699 00:34:32,167 --> 00:34:34,667 Alexis de Tocqueville, he was a sociologist, 700 00:34:34,667 --> 00:34:37,667 cultural observer who visited the United States of America 701 00:34:37,667 --> 00:34:39,167 a long time ago. 702 00:34:39,167 --> 00:34:41,375 But he had some brilliant observations that have stood 703 00:34:41,375 --> 00:34:42,792 the test of time. 704 00:34:42,792 --> 00:34:45,792 And he said, "The love of wealth is therefore to be traced 705 00:34:45,792 --> 00:34:48,792 "as either a principle or an accessory motive 706 00:34:48,792 --> 00:34:51,833 at the bottom of all that Americans do." 707 00:34:51,833 --> 00:34:54,667 He came to America and he said, "I understand Americans. 708 00:34:54,667 --> 00:34:56,333 "It's all about the money. 709 00:34:56,333 --> 00:34:58,958 Everything they do, it's about the money." 710 00:34:58,958 --> 00:35:01,542 It's not just the money, it's the comfort, security, identity, 711 00:35:01,542 --> 00:35:04,375 community that it affords. 712 00:35:04,375 --> 00:35:06,000 It's all about the money. 713 00:35:06,000 --> 00:35:09,667 Which is why Jesus' words are timeless and, for us, 714 00:35:09,667 --> 00:35:13,333 they are simultaneously timely. 715 00:35:13,333 --> 00:35:16,875 Roughly 25% of Jesus' teaching is about money, finances, 716 00:35:16,875 --> 00:35:19,250 wealth, and possessions. 717 00:35:19,250 --> 00:35:22,458 He keeps talking about it because we keep failing 718 00:35:22,458 --> 00:35:24,875 to understand it. 719 00:35:24,875 --> 00:35:27,542 And so here he does it again. 720 00:35:27,542 --> 00:35:31,292 Let me tell you a few things about money. 721 00:35:31,292 --> 00:35:35,792 Number one, you don't need to be rich to have money as your idol. 722 00:35:35,792 --> 00:35:38,500 You could be poor and obsessed with money, consumed with money, 723 00:35:38,500 --> 00:35:41,792 playing the Lotto, gambling, making foolish investments, 724 00:35:41,792 --> 00:35:44,667 trying to get rich quick, doing things that are illegal 725 00:35:44,667 --> 00:35:46,667 to get more money. 726 00:35:46,667 --> 00:35:50,000 Always thinking about money, stewing over money, 727 00:35:50,000 --> 00:35:53,292 not being generous with money, coveting money of others. 728 00:35:53,292 --> 00:35:57,292 You don't have to be rich to have money as an idol. 729 00:35:57,292 --> 00:36:00,667 You just don't have to be rich to have money as an idol. 730 00:36:00,667 --> 00:36:03,375 And Jesus is not here saying, "Everyone should sell everything 731 00:36:03,375 --> 00:36:07,875 because the less you have, the closer you are to God." 732 00:36:07,875 --> 00:36:09,333 This is not asceticism. 733 00:36:09,333 --> 00:36:11,375 Asceticism is if it's physical, it's bad. 734 00:36:11,375 --> 00:36:12,792 If it's spiritual, it's good. 735 00:36:12,792 --> 00:36:14,667 So get rid of everything that's physical. 736 00:36:14,667 --> 00:36:18,500 That comes from Platonic dualism in ancient Greek philosophy. 737 00:36:18,500 --> 00:36:20,875 It doesn't come from the teaching of the Bible. 738 00:36:20,875 --> 00:36:25,250 "God gives good gifts," James says. 739 00:36:25,250 --> 00:36:27,250 What would have happened had this man said, 740 00:36:27,250 --> 00:36:28,833 "Okay, Jesus, that's it. 741 00:36:28,833 --> 00:36:31,333 I'll sell everything and give my money to the poor." 742 00:36:31,333 --> 00:36:34,333 I don't know, maybe Jesus would have allowed him to because it 743 00:36:34,333 --> 00:36:36,667 was his idol, it was between him and God. 744 00:36:36,667 --> 00:36:39,167 Here's the big idea: whatever is between you and God, 745 00:36:39,167 --> 00:36:40,958 you need to get rid of it. 746 00:36:40,958 --> 00:36:42,958 I don't know what it is for you, 747 00:36:42,958 --> 00:36:44,458 the Holy Spirit can highlight that. 748 00:36:44,458 --> 00:36:46,458 I know what it is for me, right? 749 00:36:46,458 --> 00:36:48,167 For each of us, it's something different. 750 00:36:48,167 --> 00:36:49,750 For some of us it's money. 751 00:36:49,750 --> 00:36:52,375 For some it's, "I always got to be in a relationship." 752 00:36:52,375 --> 00:36:55,250 For some it's, you know, "I have to have that job. 753 00:36:55,250 --> 00:36:58,750 "I have to drive that car 'cause when I drive up in that car, 754 00:36:58,750 --> 00:37:01,000 "everybody thinks that I'm a certain kind of person. 755 00:37:01,000 --> 00:37:04,333 "So I work overtime and neglect my family and my health to drive 756 00:37:04,333 --> 00:37:07,333 my car so that everybody thinks that I'm somebody that I'm not." 757 00:37:07,333 --> 00:37:09,833 Whatever your thing is, if it's between you and Jesus 758 00:37:09,833 --> 00:37:12,500 and following him, which is the whole point of the story, 759 00:37:12,500 --> 00:37:14,292 you got to get rid of it. 760 00:37:14,292 --> 00:37:16,792 So maybe Jesus would look to the guy and say, 761 00:37:16,792 --> 00:37:19,792 "I need you to get all your stuff, put it on craigslist, 762 00:37:19,792 --> 00:37:22,292 eBay, give all the money away, downsize, simplify, follow me." 763 00:37:22,292 --> 00:37:24,583 Maybe he would have allowed him to do that. 764 00:37:24,583 --> 00:37:27,958 Or maybe he would have looked at him like Abraham looked at Isaac 765 00:37:27,958 --> 00:37:30,667 when he was gonna sacrifice him and said, "You know what? 766 00:37:30,667 --> 00:37:33,833 "Now that we see what's in your heart, no need to do that. 767 00:37:33,833 --> 00:37:35,833 "It's not about the stuff, it's about me 768 00:37:35,833 --> 00:37:37,333 and I am your treasure." 769 00:37:37,333 --> 00:37:39,083 I don't know. But how about you? 770 00:37:39,083 --> 00:37:40,500 How about you? 771 00:37:40,500 --> 00:37:42,500 What is between you and following Jesus faithfully, 772 00:37:42,500 --> 00:37:45,875 whole-heartedly, consistently? 773 00:37:45,875 --> 00:37:47,583 What is it? 774 00:37:47,583 --> 00:37:49,500 It needs to go. 775 00:37:49,500 --> 00:37:53,292 And if you say, "I can't let go of it," it's an idol. 776 00:37:53,292 --> 00:37:56,958 So you say, "Well, I can't let go because I'm married to him 777 00:37:56,958 --> 00:38:00,292 or I birthed him," okay. 778 00:38:00,292 --> 00:38:03,667 Then they need to be in the right place. 779 00:38:03,667 --> 00:38:09,375 Jesus needs to be your treasure, and they need to be a gift 780 00:38:09,375 --> 00:38:12,833 that he gives but not a god that you worship. 781 00:38:15,583 --> 00:38:18,667 Here's what the Bible says about money, wealth, 782 00:38:18,667 --> 00:38:20,292 finances, possessions. 783 00:38:20,292 --> 00:38:22,958 It says a lot. I can't get into all of it. 784 00:38:22,958 --> 00:38:25,583 If you want, probably the easiest thing to do is read 785 00:38:25,583 --> 00:38:28,167 the book of Proverbs which is all about practical wisdom. 786 00:38:28,167 --> 00:38:30,667 And as you read Proverbs, you see things about saving, 787 00:38:30,667 --> 00:38:32,250 spending, investing, money, stewardship. 788 00:38:32,250 --> 00:38:34,250 Just literally with a pen, keep it simple, 789 00:38:34,250 --> 00:38:37,083 just make a dollar sign next to those verses. 790 00:38:37,083 --> 00:38:39,667 Read Proverbs through and you'll just, "Oh, here they are. 791 00:38:39,667 --> 00:38:41,667 They're right there." 792 00:38:41,667 --> 00:38:44,667 Well, the Bible says to work hard and honest for our money, 793 00:38:44,667 --> 00:38:46,542 not to be thieves or crooks. 794 00:38:46,542 --> 00:38:51,667 The Bible says, as well, that we should first of all tithe. 795 00:38:51,667 --> 00:38:54,667 It's not necessarily a percent. 796 00:38:54,667 --> 00:38:58,750 2 Corinthians 8 and 9 says, cheerful, regular, sacrificial. 797 00:38:58,750 --> 00:39:00,375 It's firstfruits. 798 00:39:00,375 --> 00:39:03,667 That means it's off your gross, not your net, to the Lord. 799 00:39:03,667 --> 00:39:06,375 So you give to the Lord, give back to the Lord 800 00:39:06,375 --> 00:39:08,083 and the cause of the gospel. 801 00:39:08,083 --> 00:39:10,292 The Bible says, as well, spend. 802 00:39:10,292 --> 00:39:13,000 Right, pay for your place to live and something to eat 803 00:39:13,000 --> 00:39:15,000 and, you know, pay your bills. 804 00:39:15,000 --> 00:39:16,458 You got to live. 805 00:39:16,458 --> 00:39:19,292 That's okay, don't feel guilty about that. 806 00:39:19,292 --> 00:39:22,167 The Bible says as well to save some. 807 00:39:22,167 --> 00:39:23,792 'Cause you know what? 808 00:39:23,792 --> 00:39:26,667 Times are gonna get hard or your car's gonna blow up 809 00:39:26,667 --> 00:39:29,500 or you're gonna get sick or you're gonna get laid off. 810 00:39:29,500 --> 00:39:30,875 So save some. 811 00:39:30,875 --> 00:39:34,542 The Bible also says to invest, to think long-term because 812 00:39:34,542 --> 00:39:37,083 a wise man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, 813 00:39:37,083 --> 00:39:38,542 Proverbs says. 814 00:39:38,542 --> 00:39:42,000 So you're thinking, "Okay, how can I invest my money 815 00:39:42,000 --> 00:39:44,375 "so that there's something for my kids, my grandkids, 816 00:39:44,375 --> 00:39:46,042 "my great grandkids? 817 00:39:46,042 --> 00:39:48,583 How can I be a blessing generations into the future?" 818 00:39:48,583 --> 00:39:50,292 Invest. 819 00:39:50,292 --> 00:39:53,000 The Bible also says to give generously. 820 00:39:53,000 --> 00:39:57,375 That can be like Jesus' request of this man here to the poor. 821 00:39:57,375 --> 00:39:59,542 Oh, this person needs help, this person's sick, 822 00:39:59,542 --> 00:40:02,167 that single mom's having a hard time making ends meet. 823 00:40:02,167 --> 00:40:04,958 Being generous to the poor. 824 00:40:04,958 --> 00:40:08,083 The Bible says, as well, to not do certain things with money. 825 00:40:08,083 --> 00:40:09,583 Number one, the Bible says, 826 00:40:09,583 --> 00:40:12,458 "Don't love money 'cause that's a worship act. 827 00:40:12,458 --> 00:40:14,458 That's an idolatry issue." 828 00:40:14,458 --> 00:40:17,833 The Bible says not that money is the root of all kinds of evil, 829 00:40:17,833 --> 00:40:21,292 but the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. 830 00:40:21,292 --> 00:40:24,500 The Bible says not to put your hope in money 'cause sometimes 831 00:40:24,500 --> 00:40:25,875 it goes away, right? 832 00:40:25,875 --> 00:40:30,250 Real estate market crashes, your 401(k) blows up. 833 00:40:32,833 --> 00:40:36,958 The Bible says, as well, not to be enslaved to money. 834 00:40:36,958 --> 00:40:40,667 The Bible says the borrower is slave to the lender, 835 00:40:40,667 --> 00:40:44,833 meaning, if you spend more than you have and you go into debt 836 00:40:44,833 --> 00:40:50,667 and you try to play the credit card game, you're gonna lose. 837 00:40:50,667 --> 00:40:53,667 And some of you say, "No, I'm not a slave, I'm free. 838 00:40:53,667 --> 00:40:55,500 And I live in a free country." 839 00:40:55,500 --> 00:40:57,167 There are two kinds of slavery. 840 00:40:57,167 --> 00:40:59,792 One is imposed, the other is selected. 841 00:40:59,792 --> 00:41:03,833 Imposed slavery is where someone overtakes you against your will. 842 00:41:03,833 --> 00:41:07,958 Selected slavery is where you choose someone or something else 843 00:41:07,958 --> 00:41:11,292 to master you, to rule you, to control you. 844 00:41:11,292 --> 00:41:14,958 As soon as you sign up for a credit card and as soon as you 845 00:41:14,958 --> 00:41:19,042 spend more than you have, all of a sudden, you're in slavery. 846 00:41:19,042 --> 00:41:22,542 Where you work, how much you work, what you tithe, 847 00:41:22,542 --> 00:41:25,750 how you spend, where you live, how much time you give with your 848 00:41:25,750 --> 00:41:28,583 family, all of a sudden all of that is dictated by 849 00:41:28,583 --> 00:41:31,667 interest rates and debtors. 850 00:41:31,667 --> 00:41:34,750 And you're not free, you're in slavery. 851 00:41:34,750 --> 00:41:36,792 You're in slavery. 852 00:41:36,792 --> 00:41:41,583 And we don't see it as slavery because we choose it. 853 00:41:41,583 --> 00:41:45,167 This man is a slave. 854 00:41:45,167 --> 00:41:50,167 He doesn't own his stuff, his stuff owns him. 855 00:41:50,167 --> 00:41:53,167 When it comes down to whether he would rather have his stuff 856 00:41:53,167 --> 00:41:57,875 or his Savior, he chooses his stuff as his savior. 857 00:41:57,875 --> 00:42:02,542 That's the problem. That's the problem. 858 00:42:02,542 --> 00:42:05,167 How's it going for you? 859 00:42:05,167 --> 00:42:06,667 Don't you love this sermon? 860 00:42:06,667 --> 00:42:08,583 Aren't you so glad you're here? 861 00:42:08,583 --> 00:42:10,792 Aren't you all filled with joy? 862 00:42:10,792 --> 00:42:12,167 It's gonna get worse. 863 00:42:12,167 --> 00:42:16,000 I'll share with you some statistics. 864 00:42:16,000 --> 00:42:18,458 Here's the U.S. median household income. 865 00:42:18,458 --> 00:42:22,667 In the Seattle area, it's about $59,000 a year. 866 00:42:22,667 --> 00:42:24,458 In Bellevue, where we have a campus, 867 00:42:24,458 --> 00:42:27,042 it's about $80,000 a year. 868 00:42:27,042 --> 00:42:29,250 And down in Albuquerque where we have a campus, 869 00:42:29,250 --> 00:42:32,667 it's about $45,000 a year. 870 00:42:32,667 --> 00:42:34,875 Right, the closer you get to the urban center, 871 00:42:34,875 --> 00:42:37,583 it tends to be more single, less children. 872 00:42:37,583 --> 00:42:40,542 The further you get away from an urban center, more families, 873 00:42:40,542 --> 00:42:43,292 children, dual incomes. 874 00:42:43,292 --> 00:42:47,292 That's the average median household income. 875 00:42:47,292 --> 00:42:49,167 Charitable giving in the U.S. 876 00:42:49,167 --> 00:42:51,500 The U.S.--the average U.S. household, 877 00:42:51,500 --> 00:42:54,333 Christian and non, gives $1,620 a year, 878 00:42:54,333 --> 00:42:56,958 that's $3 a day. 879 00:42:56,958 --> 00:43:00,167 The average American gives 3.1% of their income, 880 00:43:00,167 --> 00:43:04,375 usually off the net, not off the gross. 881 00:43:04,375 --> 00:43:06,083 Here's the curious stat. 882 00:43:06,083 --> 00:43:08,875 Households earning under $10,000 a year 883 00:43:08,875 --> 00:43:11,333 give 5.2% of their income. 884 00:43:11,333 --> 00:43:14,667 That's the largest percentage of any other income group. 885 00:43:14,667 --> 00:43:16,583 Isn't that interesting? 886 00:43:16,583 --> 00:43:21,667 Percentage-wise, the people who make the least give the most. 887 00:43:21,667 --> 00:43:23,292 That's interesting. 888 00:43:23,292 --> 00:43:25,292 We see that, right? 889 00:43:25,292 --> 00:43:27,292 In Luke's Gospel, there's a widow. 890 00:43:27,292 --> 00:43:34,375 She gives percentage-wise far more than anyone. 891 00:43:34,375 --> 00:43:36,875 And some of you live under this myth. 892 00:43:36,875 --> 00:43:38,875 "When I make more, I'll give more." 893 00:43:38,875 --> 00:43:41,042 No, you won't. 894 00:43:41,042 --> 00:43:44,167 Because it's a heart issue, not a money issue. 895 00:43:44,167 --> 00:43:46,875 Again, if you don't give, you don't have a generosity problem, 896 00:43:46,875 --> 00:43:50,167 you have a worship and idolatry problem. 897 00:43:50,167 --> 00:43:53,667 Everyone I've ever met thinks that their life would be fine 898 00:43:53,667 --> 00:43:56,458 if they made 10% more. 899 00:43:56,458 --> 00:43:59,375 And many do and they're in the same place 900 00:43:59,375 --> 00:44:03,250 because they have the same heart. 901 00:44:03,250 --> 00:44:08,375 Those who are poorest tend to be most generous. 902 00:44:08,375 --> 00:44:12,667 Statistically, the more you make, the less you will give. 903 00:44:12,667 --> 00:44:15,875 And this is an important and timely word for us at Mars Hill 904 00:44:15,875 --> 00:44:18,667 because many of you are young, many of us are young, 905 00:44:18,667 --> 00:44:21,500 and you've not hit your peak earning years just yet. 906 00:44:21,500 --> 00:44:24,500 And some of you think, "Yeah, but when I make more money, 907 00:44:24,500 --> 00:44:25,875 I'll give more money." 908 00:44:25,875 --> 00:44:29,833 Not if you don't have one God and worship him alone. 909 00:44:32,083 --> 00:44:34,250 Little more encouragement and joy. 910 00:44:34,250 --> 00:44:35,667 You're welcome. 911 00:44:35,667 --> 00:44:37,833 Charitable giving by U.S. Christians. 912 00:44:37,833 --> 00:44:39,542 Twenty percent of U.S. Christians 913 00:44:39,542 --> 00:44:42,542 give nothing every year. 914 00:44:42,542 --> 00:44:47,167 The vast majority of U.S. Christians give about 3%. 915 00:44:47,167 --> 00:44:51,250 And 12% of U.S. Protestants give 10% or more, 916 00:44:51,250 --> 00:44:53,875 that's non-Catholics. 917 00:44:53,875 --> 00:44:56,875 So when we read this story, we can't say, "Yes, the rich, 918 00:44:56,875 --> 00:44:59,500 young ruler loved his stuff more than the Lord." 919 00:44:59,500 --> 00:45:05,292 We have to say, "And his followers are many. 920 00:45:05,292 --> 00:45:08,875 And perhaps I am among them." 921 00:45:08,875 --> 00:45:10,875 How about Mars Hill? 922 00:45:10,875 --> 00:45:16,875 We talked about Americans, Christians, certainly Mars Hill. 923 00:45:16,875 --> 00:45:19,667 It is estimated that our collective income, for those 924 00:45:19,667 --> 00:45:21,875 who call Mars Hill Church home this year, 925 00:45:21,875 --> 00:45:29,583 will be $300 million, $300 million. 926 00:45:29,583 --> 00:45:31,583 And I'll tell you this, Mars Hill. 927 00:45:31,583 --> 00:45:34,792 In the coming years, it is only going to increase. 928 00:45:34,792 --> 00:45:36,292 Many of you are young. 929 00:45:36,292 --> 00:45:37,667 Many are getting married. 930 00:45:37,667 --> 00:45:39,167 Many are starting their families. 931 00:45:39,167 --> 00:45:41,000 Many are starting their companies. 932 00:45:41,000 --> 00:45:44,333 Many are still finishing their education and internships. 933 00:45:44,333 --> 00:45:51,000 Our income escalator is only going up. 934 00:45:51,000 --> 00:45:53,958 And roughly half of adults who attend Mars Hill give anything. 935 00:45:53,958 --> 00:45:56,583 That means, the other half don't give anything. 936 00:45:56,583 --> 00:45:58,083 Last year, zero. 937 00:45:58,083 --> 00:45:59,500 This year, zero. 938 00:45:59,500 --> 00:46:01,375 And I tell exactly what's gonna happen. 939 00:46:01,375 --> 00:46:03,875 Some of you guys are going like, "I knew it. 940 00:46:03,875 --> 00:46:05,458 "The megachurch pastor talking about money. 941 00:46:05,458 --> 00:46:08,083 "I'm never coming back. I'm not giving anything. 942 00:46:08,083 --> 00:46:10,750 Me and my idols, we're gonna leave very sad." 943 00:46:10,750 --> 00:46:16,167 And I would say, "Kind of the big idea of the story is that 944 00:46:16,167 --> 00:46:19,542 "you don't know that you have idols until you face 945 00:46:19,542 --> 00:46:21,792 the prospect of losing them." 946 00:46:21,792 --> 00:46:24,458 And people tend to defend their idols. 947 00:46:24,458 --> 00:46:26,000 "Well, I have a good reason. 948 00:46:26,000 --> 00:46:29,500 "I have a lot of excuses and I have a lot of motivations and 949 00:46:29,500 --> 00:46:32,792 "you don't know my heart and you can't judge me and you can't 950 00:46:32,792 --> 00:46:35,667 spend my money and I don't believe in organized religion." 951 00:46:35,667 --> 00:46:38,000 And all of that is, theologically speaking, hooey. 952 00:46:38,000 --> 00:46:40,250 It's a Greek word. 953 00:46:42,083 --> 00:46:44,792 All we've done is found your idol. 954 00:46:46,167 --> 00:46:50,083 All we've done is found your idol. 955 00:46:50,083 --> 00:46:55,958 Now my third point is--we've talked idolatry, money, comedy. 956 00:46:56,583 --> 00:46:59,875 This may be unexpected. 957 00:47:01,792 --> 00:47:04,292 Comedy? 958 00:47:04,292 --> 00:47:08,167 Okay, I want you to hang in there with me. 959 00:47:08,167 --> 00:47:11,667 There was a Canadian researcher, Marshall McLuhan, 960 00:47:11,667 --> 00:47:16,292 some years ago he said, quote, "The medium is the message." 961 00:47:16,292 --> 00:47:21,083 Meaning, how you say something is really what people remember. 962 00:47:21,083 --> 00:47:24,500 The question is, how did Jesus say this? 963 00:47:24,500 --> 00:47:27,792 Right, do you think he said it furrowed brow? 964 00:47:27,792 --> 00:47:31,875 "Idolatry, money, sell all your stuff! 965 00:47:31,875 --> 00:47:34,250 I know your heart." 966 00:47:34,250 --> 00:47:35,750 You think he--was he angry? 967 00:47:35,750 --> 00:47:37,958 You know, furrowed brow, pointed finger, 968 00:47:37,958 --> 00:47:40,583 Mr. Burns-kind-of-looking guy. 969 00:47:40,583 --> 00:47:43,583 Was he like that? 970 00:47:43,583 --> 00:47:46,667 Was this like an IRS audit and he showed up with his, 971 00:47:46,667 --> 00:47:50,000 you know, shirt and tie and, "Hello, 972 00:47:50,000 --> 00:47:53,000 "I'm from the kingdom of God. 973 00:47:53,000 --> 00:47:56,750 "I know you tried to hide some of your assets. 974 00:47:56,750 --> 00:47:58,500 "I happen to see and know all. 975 00:47:58,500 --> 00:48:03,667 And I'm here to collect," right? 976 00:48:03,667 --> 00:48:05,875 How do you think Jesus said this? 977 00:48:05,875 --> 00:48:09,375 Do you think he did it shaking his head, "I can't believe you." 978 00:48:09,375 --> 00:48:11,583 You think it was shame and guilt and condemnation? 979 00:48:11,583 --> 00:48:13,958 "Look at all you have, you don't help anyone. 980 00:48:13,958 --> 00:48:15,833 "And when I give you an opportunity, 981 00:48:15,833 --> 00:48:17,250 "you don't do anything. 982 00:48:17,250 --> 00:48:18,667 "You don't care. 983 00:48:18,667 --> 00:48:20,042 "What good are you? 984 00:48:20,042 --> 00:48:22,500 "All that the Father has given you, you've totally, 985 00:48:22,500 --> 00:48:24,042 "recklessly squandered. 986 00:48:24,042 --> 00:48:25,667 "You've spent it on yourself. 987 00:48:25,667 --> 00:48:27,083 How dare you?" 988 00:48:27,083 --> 00:48:29,042 Do you think he yelled at him? 989 00:48:29,042 --> 00:48:30,958 How did Jesus say it? 990 00:48:30,958 --> 00:48:32,458 What did his face look like? 991 00:48:32,458 --> 00:48:33,958 What was his disposition? 992 00:48:33,958 --> 00:48:37,375 What was his presentation? 993 00:48:37,375 --> 00:48:39,375 He was witty. 994 00:48:39,375 --> 00:48:41,375 He was funny. 995 00:48:41,375 --> 00:48:43,875 He was clever. 996 00:48:43,875 --> 00:48:46,167 He says it this way. 997 00:48:46,167 --> 00:48:49,167 "You want to go to heaven? 998 00:48:49,167 --> 00:48:52,000 "Well, I got my work cut out today. 999 00:48:52,000 --> 00:48:55,167 "It would be easier for me to slam a camel through the eye 1000 00:48:55,167 --> 00:48:58,042 "of a needle than get you into the kingdom. 1001 00:48:58,042 --> 00:49:01,542 "Look at my to-do list. 1002 00:49:01,542 --> 00:49:04,250 "Save you, slam a camel through the eye of a needle, 1003 00:49:04,250 --> 00:49:05,833 "and then have lunch. 1004 00:49:05,833 --> 00:49:10,875 Look at that, that's a very tough morning for me." 1005 00:49:10,875 --> 00:49:13,167 And see what happens when Jesus says, 1006 00:49:13,167 --> 00:49:16,500 "Oh, it's gonna be easier to get a camel through the eye of 1007 00:49:16,500 --> 00:49:19,250 the needle than to get you into the kingdom of heaven," 1008 00:49:19,250 --> 00:49:21,875 religious commentators don't think Jesus had any sense of wit 1009 00:49:21,875 --> 00:49:23,583 or humor or irony or sarcasm. 1010 00:49:23,583 --> 00:49:25,583 So they all sat around in committees, 1011 00:49:25,583 --> 00:49:28,083 and I see 'em with suits on. 1012 00:49:28,083 --> 00:49:31,083 Just sort of, "Hmm, okay, what could this mean?" 1013 00:49:31,083 --> 00:49:33,583 There's somewhere a guy with a hat and he's ultimately 1014 00:49:33,583 --> 00:49:35,292 gonna render the final verdict. 1015 00:49:35,292 --> 00:49:37,875 I kind of see it like that. 1016 00:49:37,875 --> 00:49:40,167 And so what they say-- so then commentators 1017 00:49:40,167 --> 00:49:41,583 come up with things. 1018 00:49:41,583 --> 00:49:47,083 They say, "Oh, well, perhaps there was a needle with a hole 1019 00:49:47,083 --> 00:49:50,167 "and a certain particular kind of unusual thread 1020 00:49:50,167 --> 00:49:51,875 "called camel thread. 1021 00:49:51,875 --> 00:49:53,875 And perhaps," I'm not even making this up, 1022 00:49:53,875 --> 00:49:56,167 "perhaps camel thread was thicker than normal thread 1023 00:49:56,167 --> 00:49:59,375 "and mm-mm-mmm, it wouldn't fit through the hole. 1024 00:49:59,375 --> 00:50:03,750 Perhaps that's what the Lord was speaking of, was camel thread." 1025 00:50:03,750 --> 00:50:06,458 There's no evidence of camel thread, right? 1026 00:50:06,458 --> 00:50:09,292 It's like flying unicorns and honest politicians, right? 1027 00:50:09,292 --> 00:50:13,292 It doesn't exist, it just doesn't exist. 1028 00:50:13,292 --> 00:50:15,375 So then others come along and they say, 1029 00:50:15,375 --> 00:50:18,083 "Well, there was this wall around the city of Jerusalem 1030 00:50:18,083 --> 00:50:21,792 "and then there must have been a little doorway called 1031 00:50:21,792 --> 00:50:25,750 "the eye of the needle and then perhaps the camel 1032 00:50:25,750 --> 00:50:29,000 "would shimmy through, little hole in the wall, 1033 00:50:29,000 --> 00:50:31,083 "shimmy, shimmy, shimmy, shimmy, shake, 1034 00:50:31,083 --> 00:50:33,792 "and that's how you got your camel through the wall 1035 00:50:33,792 --> 00:50:35,292 "into the city. 1036 00:50:35,292 --> 00:50:37,083 It was the eye of the needle." 1037 00:50:37,083 --> 00:50:39,000 There's no evidence of that at all. 1038 00:50:39,000 --> 00:50:40,667 Not at all. 1039 00:50:40,667 --> 00:50:43,250 They just made--how many of you have heard that? 1040 00:50:43,250 --> 00:50:45,667 It doesn't exist. 1041 00:50:45,667 --> 00:50:49,000 Jesus here is telling a joke. 1042 00:50:49,000 --> 00:50:51,083 He's telling a joke, right? 1043 00:50:51,083 --> 00:50:53,667 He just is. 1044 00:50:53,667 --> 00:50:55,167 He's making a funny. 1045 00:50:55,167 --> 00:50:57,292 In that day, they would have understood it. 1046 00:50:57,292 --> 00:50:59,375 We've got our own cultural colloquialisms, 1047 00:50:59,375 --> 00:51:02,250 and humor tends to be very culturally contingent. 1048 00:51:02,250 --> 00:51:04,667 So sometimes because of the difference between our culture 1049 00:51:04,667 --> 00:51:08,000 and that culture we don't get the irony, the sarcasm, 1050 00:51:08,000 --> 00:51:09,500 the wittiness, the cleverness. 1051 00:51:09,500 --> 00:51:11,500 And Jesus wasn't making fun of the guy, 1052 00:51:11,500 --> 00:51:14,167 but he was inviting the guy to take himself less seriously. 1053 00:51:14,167 --> 00:51:16,542 Right, 'cause I see them like some of you. 1054 00:51:16,542 --> 00:51:18,292 You're like, "You're talking about my money." 1055 00:51:18,292 --> 00:51:19,792 I could see it. You're... 1056 00:51:19,792 --> 00:51:23,292 You look like someone shot your dog and all of a sudden you got 1057 00:51:23,292 --> 00:51:26,292 both your hands on your wallet 'cause you know we're gonna take 1058 00:51:26,292 --> 00:51:27,667 an offering in a moment. 1059 00:51:27,667 --> 00:51:29,167 You're like, "There is no way. 1060 00:51:29,167 --> 00:51:31,000 "There is no way--it's not gonna happen. 1061 00:51:31,000 --> 00:51:34,000 "I'm not even standing up for worship in case they take it 1062 00:51:34,000 --> 00:51:35,375 "out of my pocket. 1063 00:51:35,375 --> 00:51:37,375 I'm gonna sit down for all the singing." 1064 00:51:37,375 --> 00:51:39,875 Right, you're--and so Jesus here, he's making a little joke, 1065 00:51:39,875 --> 00:51:41,375 he's having--he's like, "Come on, man. 1066 00:51:41,375 --> 00:51:43,167 "Laugh a little. It's just your junk. 1067 00:51:43,167 --> 00:51:45,875 "It's all gonna burn, you know? I'm just checking your heart. 1068 00:51:45,875 --> 00:51:47,375 "You got a serious idol problem. 1069 00:51:47,375 --> 00:51:49,167 "I love you. Let's deal with this. 1070 00:51:49,167 --> 00:51:51,042 "Let's have a little fun. Lighten up. 1071 00:51:51,042 --> 00:51:52,458 Laugh a little." 1072 00:51:52,458 --> 00:51:55,583 How many of you have a hard time seeing Jesus in that light? 1073 00:51:55,583 --> 00:51:58,292 And part of it is, you think of the movies, right? 1074 00:51:58,292 --> 00:52:01,458 The first pictures of Jesus. 1075 00:52:01,458 --> 00:52:04,083 I'll give you a couple examples, or even religious leaders 1076 00:52:04,083 --> 00:52:05,583 that are in the Bible. 1077 00:52:05,583 --> 00:52:08,583 Like, you can't watch any old movie about Moses 1078 00:52:08,583 --> 00:52:11,792 where he ever smiles. 1079 00:52:11,792 --> 00:52:17,250 I mean, he's always looking like somebody just slapped my mother. 1080 00:52:17,250 --> 00:52:20,667 He always looks like that... 1081 00:52:20,667 --> 00:52:23,667 He's never smiling, man. 1082 00:52:23,667 --> 00:52:26,292 And then we get to the movies of Jesus, 1083 00:52:26,292 --> 00:52:28,500 originally made by guys like Cecil B. DeMille 1084 00:52:28,500 --> 00:52:31,667 and it kind of set the whole trajectory for how we view 1085 00:52:31,667 --> 00:52:33,583 Jesus culturally. 1086 00:52:33,583 --> 00:52:35,500 And Cecil B. DeMille, 1087 00:52:35,500 --> 00:52:38,292 I think he loved Jesus, he claimed to be a Christian. 1088 00:52:38,292 --> 00:52:40,292 But first of all, Jesus always looks weird. 1089 00:52:40,292 --> 00:52:42,667 Kids are watching it. "Hey, mom, which one's Jesus? 1090 00:52:42,667 --> 00:52:44,500 Is he the nuclear one who's glowing?" 1091 00:52:44,500 --> 00:52:46,000 "That would be him, yes. 1092 00:52:46,000 --> 00:52:48,000 "That's how we know it's the Lord Jesus. 1093 00:52:48,000 --> 00:52:50,792 He's nuclear, you know." 1094 00:52:50,792 --> 00:52:53,250 "Oh, with the halo?" "Yeah, that's him." 1095 00:52:53,250 --> 00:52:56,792 And in the movies, Jesus, he always has two looks. 1096 00:52:56,792 --> 00:53:00,875 One sort of very sad like, "Mm, oh, someone has died. 1097 00:53:00,875 --> 00:53:02,333 This is anguish." 1098 00:53:02,333 --> 00:53:09,000 And other times, more just like longing... 1099 00:53:14,333 --> 00:53:16,792 And he's never laughing, he's never fun, 1100 00:53:16,792 --> 00:53:18,958 he's never telling a joke, right? 1101 00:53:18,958 --> 00:53:21,833 He's never having a good time. 1102 00:53:21,833 --> 00:53:25,333 And so we tend to think, "Oh, well, Jesus is very serious. 1103 00:53:25,333 --> 00:53:28,333 "Certainly this can't be a joke. 1104 00:53:28,333 --> 00:53:30,958 Certainly this can't be a joke." 1105 00:53:30,958 --> 00:53:32,958 And there are even books that teach this. 1106 00:53:32,958 --> 00:53:35,167 There's a great author named G.K. Chesterton 1107 00:53:35,167 --> 00:53:37,583 and he wrote a fantastic little book called, "Orthodoxy." 1108 00:53:37,583 --> 00:53:40,167 But here's how he ends the book. 1109 00:53:40,167 --> 00:53:43,792 "There was some one thing that was too great for God to show us 1110 00:53:43,792 --> 00:53:45,792 "when he walked upon the earth. 1111 00:53:45,792 --> 00:53:48,792 And I have sometimes fancied that it was his mirth." 1112 00:53:48,792 --> 00:53:51,458 Chesterton said, "When we look at the whole life of Jesus, 1113 00:53:51,458 --> 00:53:53,958 the only thing missing is a sense of humor." 1114 00:53:53,958 --> 00:53:55,583 No. 1115 00:53:55,583 --> 00:53:57,083 No. 1116 00:53:57,083 --> 00:53:59,958 There's 17,000 books written roughly on Jesus that are in 1117 00:53:59,958 --> 00:54:03,000 the Library of Congress catalog. 1118 00:54:03,000 --> 00:54:06,083 There's one that I found on biblical humor called 1119 00:54:06,083 --> 00:54:07,792 "A Serrated Edge," by Doug Wilson. 1120 00:54:07,792 --> 00:54:10,667 I've only found one book on the humor of Jesus 1121 00:54:10,667 --> 00:54:12,333 out of the 17,000. 1122 00:54:12,333 --> 00:54:14,375 It's by an older guy named Elton Trueblood 1123 00:54:14,375 --> 00:54:17,375 and he says there are at least 30 passages in the Gospels 1124 00:54:17,375 --> 00:54:18,875 Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, 1125 00:54:18,875 --> 00:54:21,167 where Jesus is telling a joke, making a funny, 1126 00:54:21,167 --> 00:54:23,083 being witty, interesting in a way that 1127 00:54:23,083 --> 00:54:24,583 religious people don't get. 1128 00:54:24,583 --> 00:54:26,750 Here's what Elton Trueblood says, 1129 00:54:26,750 --> 00:54:29,000 "There are numerous passages which are practically 1130 00:54:29,000 --> 00:54:31,875 "incomprehensible when regarded as sober prose, 1131 00:54:31,875 --> 00:54:34,500 "but which are luminous once we become liberated from 1132 00:54:34,500 --> 00:54:38,292 "the gratuitous assumption that Christ never joked. 1133 00:54:38,292 --> 00:54:40,583 "Once we realize that Christ was not always engaged 1134 00:54:40,583 --> 00:54:44,292 "in pious talk, we have made an enormous step on the road 1135 00:54:44,292 --> 00:54:46,375 of understanding." 1136 00:54:46,375 --> 00:54:50,667 Jesus didn't joke all the time, but sometimes he did. 1137 00:54:50,667 --> 00:54:53,333 The "Dictionary of Biblical Imagery" says, 1138 00:54:53,333 --> 00:54:56,292 "If there is a single person within the pages of the Bible 1139 00:54:56,292 --> 00:54:58,250 "that we can consider to be a humorist, 1140 00:54:58,250 --> 00:55:00,583 "it is without a doubt Jesus. 1141 00:55:00,583 --> 00:55:05,292 "Jesus was a master of word play, irony, and satire, 1142 00:55:05,292 --> 00:55:09,375 often with an element of humor intermixed." 1143 00:55:09,375 --> 00:55:11,583 Here's two ways to find your idols: 1144 00:55:11,583 --> 00:55:15,583 follow the money and figure out what's not funny to you. 1145 00:55:18,167 --> 00:55:22,000 Follow the money and figure out what's not funny to you. 1146 00:55:22,000 --> 00:55:26,875 So I want you to see Jesus--now I got to be careful with this, 1147 00:55:26,875 --> 00:55:29,000 very careful. 1148 00:55:29,000 --> 00:55:32,792 I need to get my camel through my needle. 1149 00:55:32,792 --> 00:55:37,500 He's kind of like Stephen Colbert or Jon Stewart. 1150 00:55:37,500 --> 00:55:40,667 Do they tell the news, yes or no? 1151 00:55:40,667 --> 00:55:42,167 Yes. 1152 00:55:42,167 --> 00:55:45,000 Do they tell us about what's going on in the world? 1153 00:55:45,000 --> 00:55:46,667 Yes. 1154 00:55:46,667 --> 00:55:48,792 Do they have a very serious point? 1155 00:55:48,792 --> 00:55:50,292 Yes. 1156 00:55:50,292 --> 00:55:51,875 Is it hilarious? 1157 00:55:51,875 --> 00:55:53,667 Pretty much. 1158 00:55:53,667 --> 00:55:56,250 Are they witty? Totally. 1159 00:55:56,250 --> 00:55:59,083 When really serious guys in suits show up and sit down, 1160 00:55:59,083 --> 00:56:01,167 is it gonna be fantastic? 1161 00:56:01,167 --> 00:56:03,375 Yes. 1162 00:56:03,375 --> 00:56:05,292 And some of you have struggled, thinking, 1163 00:56:05,292 --> 00:56:09,083 "Why do I want to go to heaven and spend forever with Jesus?" 1164 00:56:09,083 --> 00:56:13,167 Imagine if Colbert called. 1165 00:56:13,167 --> 00:56:15,542 "So you know, I'm passing through Seattle. 1166 00:56:15,542 --> 00:56:18,375 "And I happen to have a lunch meeting with a Kennedy 1167 00:56:18,375 --> 00:56:19,875 at a Taco Bell." 1168 00:56:19,875 --> 00:56:23,542 All right, just think of the most awesome thing ever. 1169 00:56:23,542 --> 00:56:25,167 "And I'd like you to come." 1170 00:56:25,167 --> 00:56:26,667 Would you go? 1171 00:56:26,667 --> 00:56:28,083 Yeah, you'd be there early. 1172 00:56:28,083 --> 00:56:30,292 You'd eat your chalupa in advance just to ensure 1173 00:56:30,292 --> 00:56:33,667 you didn't miss any of the banter and dialog. 1174 00:56:33,667 --> 00:56:35,667 "This is gonna be so fun. 1175 00:56:35,667 --> 00:56:37,042 "This is--he's gonna say something, 1176 00:56:37,042 --> 00:56:41,083 do something very funny, hilarious, crazy." 1177 00:56:41,083 --> 00:56:43,542 Jon Stewart, same thing. 1178 00:56:43,542 --> 00:56:45,875 Right, if Jon Stewart called and said, "You know, 1179 00:56:45,875 --> 00:56:48,750 Rush Limbaugh and I, we--" 'cause I'm trying to think of 1180 00:56:48,750 --> 00:56:50,167 something ridiculous, right? 1181 00:56:50,167 --> 00:56:54,292 "Rush Limbaugh and I, we're gonna be talking about Jesus 1182 00:56:54,292 --> 00:56:56,750 "and the poor and politics. 1183 00:56:56,750 --> 00:57:00,375 "And we're gonna be doing it at a McDonald's and we can 1184 00:57:00,375 --> 00:57:02,542 "only have a certain number of people. 1185 00:57:02,542 --> 00:57:05,167 "And we were wondering if you would like to join us 1186 00:57:05,167 --> 00:57:06,750 and be part of the cast?" 1187 00:57:06,750 --> 00:57:09,833 You would say, "Oh, I'm McHappy. 1188 00:57:09,833 --> 00:57:12,167 Yes, I would love to." Why? 1189 00:57:12,167 --> 00:57:15,167 Because those men, they're witty, they're smart, 1190 00:57:15,167 --> 00:57:16,542 they're engaging. 1191 00:57:16,542 --> 00:57:18,375 I think Colbert says he loves Jesus, 1192 00:57:18,375 --> 00:57:20,833 Jon Stewart, pray for him. 1193 00:57:20,833 --> 00:57:24,042 But at the end of the day, the way they tell the news 1194 00:57:24,042 --> 00:57:25,792 and the way they interact with people 1195 00:57:25,792 --> 00:57:27,667 and the way they interview their guests 1196 00:57:27,667 --> 00:57:30,167 and the way they're compelling and witty and funny 1197 00:57:30,167 --> 00:57:32,792 and insightful and clever and--you're never sure exactly 1198 00:57:32,792 --> 00:57:35,375 how they're gonna say it or where it's gonna go. 1199 00:57:35,375 --> 00:57:38,375 Jesus was and is like that. 1200 00:57:38,375 --> 00:57:41,583 Perfectly, sinlessly, but like that. 1201 00:57:41,583 --> 00:57:44,292 That's why crowds come around. 1202 00:57:44,292 --> 00:57:46,958 That's why he's sort of--you sort of get the picture. 1203 00:57:46,958 --> 00:57:49,458 Like he sits down and then he sits the Pharisees 1204 00:57:49,458 --> 00:57:52,083 and lawyers down, "Why don't you guys sit on my couch? 1205 00:57:52,083 --> 00:57:53,500 Ha, ha." 1206 00:57:53,500 --> 00:57:55,500 You're like, "Oh, this is gonna be fantastic. 1207 00:57:55,500 --> 00:57:57,000 This is gonna be hilarious." 1208 00:57:57,000 --> 00:57:59,500 And they walk away going, "That was not funny. 1209 00:57:59,500 --> 00:58:02,000 That was not funny." 1210 00:58:03,875 --> 00:58:05,667 Friends, there's only two choices. 1211 00:58:05,667 --> 00:58:09,167 We laugh at ourselves or God laughs at us. 1212 00:58:09,167 --> 00:58:12,500 God laughs at us if we take ourselves too seriously. 1213 00:58:12,500 --> 00:58:17,000 If we laugh at ourselves, we get to laugh with God. 1214 00:58:17,000 --> 00:58:22,500 Idolaters should laugh. 1215 00:58:22,500 --> 00:58:26,167 "Right, yeah, what am I thinking?" 1216 00:58:26,167 --> 00:58:29,167 So then the question is asked, 1217 00:58:29,167 --> 00:58:33,292 "Well, who could possibly be saved if we're all idolaters 1218 00:58:33,292 --> 00:58:35,583 who take ourselves too seriously?" 1219 00:58:35,583 --> 00:58:40,167 And Jesus says, quote, "What is impossible with men 1220 00:58:40,167 --> 00:58:42,833 is possible with God." 1221 00:58:42,833 --> 00:58:46,583 Jesus says, "Have a good, deep, hearty laugh at your silly idols 1222 00:58:46,583 --> 00:58:49,750 "because I do the impossible. 1223 00:58:49,750 --> 00:58:53,167 "I get camels through eyes of needles. 1224 00:58:53,167 --> 00:58:59,000 I get people like us, you and me, into heaven." 1225 00:58:59,000 --> 00:59:01,167 Jesus does that. 1226 00:59:01,167 --> 00:59:04,167 He goes to the cross to pay for sin. 1227 00:59:04,167 --> 00:59:06,667 He rises to give new life. 1228 00:59:06,667 --> 00:59:10,875 The one thing the rich, young ruler could not obtain, 1229 00:59:10,875 --> 00:59:14,500 eternal life, forgiveness of sins, Jesus gives, 1230 00:59:14,500 --> 00:59:17,167 Jesus gives as a generous gift. 1231 00:59:17,167 --> 00:59:19,667 And he invites us to get rid of our idols 1232 00:59:19,667 --> 00:59:22,667 and have a good laugh, amen? 1233 00:59:22,667 --> 00:59:24,167 Good news. 1234 00:59:24,167 --> 00:59:26,833 2 Corinthians 9:7 says as a result we could be 1235 00:59:26,833 --> 00:59:28,250 what kind of giver? 1236 00:59:28,250 --> 00:59:30,083 Cheerful. 1237 00:59:30,083 --> 00:59:31,583 Jesus makes that possible. 1238 00:59:31,583 --> 00:59:34,375 Father God, thank you so much for the Bible. 1239 00:59:34,375 --> 00:59:37,792 We love your Word, Lord God. 1240 00:59:37,792 --> 00:59:41,083 Not that we worship a book, but we worship the Son of God 1241 00:59:41,083 --> 00:59:43,292 who's revealed in the book. 1242 00:59:43,292 --> 00:59:46,083 And so we thank you for the book. 1243 00:59:46,083 --> 00:59:49,292 And Jesus, we thank you that you'd stopped 1244 00:59:49,292 --> 00:59:53,583 and had a conversation with a rich ruler 1245 00:59:53,583 --> 00:59:55,792 and that we get to eavesdrop in on it. 1246 00:59:55,792 --> 01:00:01,083 We're like guests sitting at the set of your show. 1247 01:00:01,083 --> 01:00:03,667 And Jesus, we thank you that through the power of 1248 01:00:03,667 --> 01:00:07,958 the Holy Spirit, we even get to sit on the couch next to you, 1249 01:00:07,958 --> 01:00:11,000 that you ask us some questions, that you reveal our idols, 1250 01:00:11,000 --> 01:00:15,167 and that we see that we're a lot like the rich ruler. 1251 01:00:15,167 --> 01:00:18,375 In fact, just like the rich ruler. 1252 01:00:18,375 --> 01:00:20,083 We've got our idols. 1253 01:00:20,083 --> 01:00:21,500 We waste our money. 1254 01:00:21,500 --> 01:00:25,292 We take ourselves way too seriously. 1255 01:00:25,292 --> 01:00:28,875 And so God, we come to you acknowledging our idolatry 1256 01:00:28,875 --> 01:00:32,875 which undergirds and motivates our sin. 1257 01:00:32,875 --> 01:00:36,167 And we repent of it, we thank you Lord Jesus that you died 1258 01:00:36,167 --> 01:00:37,583 and rose for it. 1259 01:00:37,583 --> 01:00:40,667 And we ask that we wouldn't laugh at you, 1260 01:00:40,667 --> 01:00:44,250 but that by your grace, we'd laugh with you as we see 1261 01:00:44,250 --> 01:00:49,875 ourselves as silly sinners who need a sinless Savior. 1262 01:00:49,875 --> 01:00:53,167 And God, I think you that there's some comedy and humor 1263 01:00:53,167 --> 01:00:55,167 in the Scriptures. 1264 01:00:55,167 --> 01:00:58,792 Not only are you true and just and kind and good, 1265 01:00:58,792 --> 01:01:01,500 you're fun, enjoyable. 1266 01:01:01,500 --> 01:01:03,958 And we look forward to your kingdom, 1267 01:01:03,958 --> 01:01:07,167 when Lord Jesus I'm sure you're gonna give us something to laugh 1268 01:01:07,167 --> 01:01:11,167 about every day as we have some fun with you. 1269 01:01:11,167 --> 01:01:16,458 Until then, reveal our idols, help us steward our money, 1270 01:01:16,458 --> 01:01:20,375 and enjoy our life in your good name, amen.