1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,042 2 00:00:00,050 --> 00:00:03,000 "Soon afterward he went to a town called Nain, 3 00:00:03,004 --> 00:00:06,075 "and his disciples and a great crowd went with him. 4 00:00:06,083 --> 00:00:09,029 "As he drew near to the gate of the town, behold, 5 00:00:09,033 --> 00:00:11,062 "a man who had died was being carried out, 6 00:00:11,067 --> 00:00:14,058 "the only son of his mother, and she was a widow, 7 00:00:14,067 --> 00:00:18,008 "and a considerable crowd from the town was with her. 8 00:00:18,017 --> 00:00:21,033 "And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her 9 00:00:21,038 --> 00:00:24,017 "and said to her, 'Do not weep.' 10 00:00:24,021 --> 00:00:26,083 "Then he came up and touched the bier, 11 00:00:26,088 --> 00:00:29,046 "and the bearers stood still. 12 00:00:29,050 --> 00:00:34,000 "And he said, 'Young man, I say to you, arise.' 13 00:00:34,008 --> 00:00:37,083 "And the dead man sat up and began to speak, 14 00:00:37,092 --> 00:00:41,062 "and Jesus gave him to his mother. 15 00:00:41,067 --> 00:00:45,058 "Fear seized them all, and they glorified God, saying, 16 00:00:45,067 --> 00:00:49,017 "'A great prophet has arisen among us!' 17 00:00:49,025 --> 00:00:52,046 "and 'God has visited his people!' 18 00:00:52,050 --> 00:00:54,079 "And this report about him spread through 19 00:00:54,083 --> 00:00:59,083 the whole of Judea and all the surrounding country." 20 00:01:08,021 --> 00:01:18,021 [music] 21 00:01:26,092 --> 00:01:31,025 Alrighty, Mars Hill, we'll be in Luke 7, starting in verse 11. 22 00:01:31,033 --> 00:01:33,004 If you've got a Bible, feel free to go there. 23 00:01:33,004 --> 00:01:38,042 Father God, as we come to a devastating section 24 00:01:38,050 --> 00:01:40,088 of Scripture, I pray you would devastate us. 25 00:01:40,096 --> 00:01:44,088 As we come to a liberating section of Scripture, 26 00:01:44,096 --> 00:01:46,083 I pray you would liberate us. 27 00:01:46,088 --> 00:01:50,067 As we come to a rising section of Scripture, 28 00:01:50,071 --> 00:01:54,038 I pray you would give us hope and faith in the day 29 00:01:54,046 --> 00:01:56,012 of our own resurrection. 30 00:01:56,017 --> 00:01:59,054 And God, I ask and invite you, Holy Spirit, to be with us, 31 00:01:59,062 --> 00:02:03,062 so that we might come to know Jesus if we don't know him. 32 00:02:03,067 --> 00:02:08,079 Come to trust him if we don't fully and necessarily. 33 00:02:08,083 --> 00:02:13,033 And Lord God, come to worship him if we find it hard to do so 34 00:02:13,042 --> 00:02:14,062 because of suffering. 35 00:02:14,067 --> 00:02:16,079 And we ask for this grace in Jesus' good name. 36 00:02:16,083 --> 00:02:18,071 Amen. 37 00:02:18,079 --> 00:02:22,004 Today, we're going to look at a story of a dead man. 38 00:02:22,012 --> 00:02:26,029 So, I'll start with this question: 39 00:02:26,033 --> 00:02:28,062 Do you remember the first funeral you went to? 40 00:02:28,067 --> 00:02:32,071 The first person that you really loved who died? 41 00:02:32,079 --> 00:02:35,008 I can still remember the first funeral I went to. 42 00:02:35,017 --> 00:02:36,071 I was 10 years of age. 43 00:02:36,079 --> 00:02:39,004 My Grandpa George died. 44 00:02:39,012 --> 00:02:44,092 I loved, absolutely loved my Grandpa George. 45 00:02:45,000 --> 00:02:50,050 All of my memories of my Grandpa George are fantastic. 46 00:02:50,054 --> 00:02:59,062 Upstairs near my bedroom, there's a photo of him. 47 00:02:59,067 --> 00:03:02,062 I remember him all the time. 48 00:03:02,067 --> 00:03:05,038 I tell my kids stories about Grandpa George. 49 00:03:05,046 --> 00:03:08,021 He was loving, fun. 50 00:03:08,029 --> 00:03:11,033 I spent tons of hours at his house. 51 00:03:11,038 --> 00:03:14,079 Go out to breakfast, hang out, build stuff. 52 00:03:14,083 --> 00:03:17,033 I remember him teaching me how to ride a bike 53 00:03:17,038 --> 00:03:21,012 that was way too big, and I almost killed myself. 54 00:03:21,017 --> 00:03:25,000 I remember he was great, teaching me how to use 55 00:03:25,008 --> 00:03:28,046 lots of woodworking tools and to build things. 56 00:03:28,050 --> 00:03:30,096 He built me my first basketball hoop. 57 00:03:31,000 --> 00:03:34,067 And I can still remember going to his funeral. 58 00:03:34,071 --> 00:03:40,008 And being 10, I'd really not ever thought about death, 59 00:03:40,017 --> 00:03:44,038 never really considered that Grandpa George would die. 60 00:03:44,046 --> 00:03:48,042 And I remember going home from the funeral, 61 00:03:48,050 --> 00:03:50,021 and every time I'd shoot hoops, 62 00:03:50,029 --> 00:03:52,050 it just seemed curious to me that the backboard 63 00:03:52,054 --> 00:03:54,062 that I had made with my grandfather 64 00:03:54,067 --> 00:03:59,092 outlived my grandfather. 65 00:04:00,004 --> 00:04:03,067 Death is painful. 66 00:04:03,075 --> 00:04:06,050 It's usually preceded by suffering, 67 00:04:06,054 --> 00:04:10,012 sometimes it is completely unexpected, 68 00:04:10,017 --> 00:04:11,088 and it comes for us all, 69 00:04:11,096 --> 00:04:15,046 because the wage for sin is death, and all have sinned. 70 00:04:15,050 --> 00:04:20,062 And this world is not the way that God made it to be. 71 00:04:20,067 --> 00:04:23,046 This is the way that we have made it to be through sin, 72 00:04:23,050 --> 00:04:26,062 and rebellion, and folly. 73 00:04:26,067 --> 00:04:29,054 And when we suffer, sometimes we do foolish things, 74 00:04:29,062 --> 00:04:33,025 and get angry, and bitter, and mad at God 75 00:04:33,033 --> 00:04:40,000 for suffering that he didn't create, that we did. 76 00:04:40,004 --> 00:04:44,042 And as we get into the story, you're going to meet a woman 77 00:04:44,050 --> 00:04:47,054 who is at a funeral. 78 00:04:47,062 --> 00:04:53,004 And I want you to emotionally connect with this widow who is 79 00:04:53,012 --> 00:04:56,046 burying her only son. 80 00:04:56,050 --> 00:05:02,062 Horrible, horrible, horrible day. 81 00:05:02,067 --> 00:05:06,033 You're going to have days like that in your life 82 00:05:06,042 --> 00:05:09,017 where you're absolutely wrecked. 83 00:05:09,025 --> 00:05:12,038 You will be wrecked. 84 00:05:12,046 --> 00:05:18,038 Some of you will be there for a gaze and a glimpse into the days 85 00:05:18,046 --> 00:05:23,033 of other people's lives when they are absolutely wrecked, 86 00:05:23,038 --> 00:05:25,071 when suffering comes, when sickness comes, 87 00:05:25,079 --> 00:05:29,050 when death comes for them. 88 00:05:29,054 --> 00:05:32,050 All right, to be honest with you, I wasn't really at all 89 00:05:32,054 --> 00:05:35,021 prepared for this-- going into ministry. 90 00:05:35,029 --> 00:05:40,071 We started Mars Hill as a Bible study about 14 years ago. 91 00:05:40,079 --> 00:05:44,071 And at the time, I was 25, gathering a core group. 92 00:05:44,079 --> 00:05:46,079 And I thought, "Okay, I'm going to teach the Bible, 93 00:05:46,083 --> 00:05:47,092 "and I love people. 94 00:05:48,000 --> 00:05:50,083 We're going to see lost people meet Jesus." 95 00:05:50,088 --> 00:05:55,038 And I was not prepared at all for the devastation 96 00:05:55,046 --> 00:05:57,058 of wrecked lives. 97 00:05:57,067 --> 00:05:59,033 Hadn't been a pastor at any church. 98 00:05:59,038 --> 00:06:01,062 Had never been a member at any church. 99 00:06:01,067 --> 00:06:06,000 We didn't gather a lot of mature, healthy, helpful people. 100 00:06:06,004 --> 00:06:08,083 We gathered a lot of broken, devastated, wrecked, 101 00:06:08,092 --> 00:06:11,096 largely young, non-Christian people. 102 00:06:12,000 --> 00:06:14,029 I still remember my first hospital visit. 103 00:06:14,033 --> 00:06:16,071 All my hospital visits to that point, 104 00:06:16,079 --> 00:06:20,000 and there had only been a few, were to go congratulate someone 105 00:06:20,008 --> 00:06:22,067 because their baby was born. 106 00:06:22,075 --> 00:06:24,071 And I got a call from a young man in the congregation, 107 00:06:24,079 --> 00:06:27,017 was a newer Christian, came from a rough background. 108 00:06:27,025 --> 00:06:32,021 He had no living family except for his mother. 109 00:06:32,029 --> 00:06:34,004 And he said, "I need you to come to the hospital. 110 00:06:34,012 --> 00:06:35,008 It's an emergency." 111 00:06:35,017 --> 00:06:37,038 So, I got in my car and went downtown, very late at night. 112 00:06:37,046 --> 00:06:40,079 And I met him in the waiting room. 113 00:06:40,083 --> 00:06:42,042 And I said, "Okay, what's the situation?" 114 00:06:42,050 --> 00:06:46,000 He said, "Well, you know, you know my story, new Christian, 115 00:06:46,004 --> 00:06:48,033 "non-Christian family. 116 00:06:48,038 --> 00:06:50,038 "My mom's my only living relative. 117 00:06:50,046 --> 00:06:54,046 "She went to a Seattle area park, doused herself in gasoline 118 00:06:54,050 --> 00:06:57,058 "in her car, and set herself on fire. 119 00:06:57,067 --> 00:06:59,033 "And she's brain dead. 120 00:06:59,038 --> 00:07:02,012 "Her entire body is burned up, but they've got her heart 121 00:07:02,017 --> 00:07:03,062 "beating on a ventilator. 122 00:07:03,067 --> 00:07:06,017 "What do I do? 123 00:07:06,021 --> 00:07:08,096 "'Cause she's not a Christian, and she doesn't love Jesus. 124 00:07:09,000 --> 00:07:11,071 "And if I pull the plug, she dies and goes to hell. 125 00:07:11,079 --> 00:07:14,004 "And this is my only relative. 126 00:07:14,012 --> 00:07:16,012 What do I do?" 127 00:07:16,017 --> 00:07:17,071 And I remember just sitting there thinking, 128 00:07:17,079 --> 00:07:20,033 "I am not ready for this. 129 00:07:20,038 --> 00:07:23,067 "This man deserves far more than I'm able to give him 130 00:07:23,071 --> 00:07:27,083 at this point." 131 00:07:27,092 --> 00:07:33,038 And as a pastor, over the years, just continually being wrecked 132 00:07:33,046 --> 00:07:37,042 in my own life, and seeing other people's lives get wrecked, 133 00:07:37,050 --> 00:07:41,033 and being wrecked for them. 134 00:07:41,038 --> 00:07:45,029 It's why I always hate it when pastors just make every story 135 00:07:45,033 --> 00:07:47,042 a good story, and every verse a happy verse, 136 00:07:47,050 --> 00:07:50,054 and every tale has a glorious ending. 137 00:07:50,062 --> 00:07:53,079 And they don't really do the work of connecting with people 138 00:07:53,083 --> 00:07:56,075 who are suffering and hurting. 139 00:07:56,083 --> 00:07:58,079 Sometimes we get complaints as a church, "Oh, those 140 00:07:58,083 --> 00:08:01,033 big mega-churches, they just don't care about people." 141 00:08:01,038 --> 00:08:04,083 No, if you care about people, sometimes you get a lot of them. 142 00:08:04,088 --> 00:08:06,012 That's how we built this church. 143 00:08:06,017 --> 00:08:09,054 We care for hurting people, and so lots of hurting people come. 144 00:08:09,062 --> 00:08:11,096 If you just took all the women in our church who were raped 145 00:08:12,000 --> 00:08:18,033 or molested, you would have a mega-church of just victims. 146 00:08:18,038 --> 00:08:20,071 We're not immune, as pastors and leaders, 147 00:08:20,079 --> 00:08:24,021 from the suffering, and the pain, and the hurt 148 00:08:24,029 --> 00:08:25,033 in people's lives. 149 00:08:25,038 --> 00:08:29,029 And that includes individual pastors. 150 00:08:29,033 --> 00:08:32,042 I'll tell you a story about Pastor Chris Swan. 151 00:08:32,050 --> 00:08:36,058 He's the campus pastor over at our Bellevue campus. 152 00:08:36,067 --> 00:08:39,008 Been a friend of mine for over a decade. 153 00:08:39,017 --> 00:08:40,058 I'll get the numbers right. 154 00:08:40,067 --> 00:08:43,012 His wife, Susan, is fantastic. 155 00:08:43,017 --> 00:08:51,017 They've had 26 pregnancies, and 3 children, and 23 miscarriages, 156 00:08:51,021 --> 00:08:55,071 23 miscarriages. 157 00:08:55,079 --> 00:08:58,042 Pastor Chris, on his body, he's got the number 18, 158 00:08:58,050 --> 00:09:02,079 the number 20, and the number 25 tattooed on his body. 159 00:09:02,083 --> 00:09:05,029 Those are the three pregnancies that actually resulted 160 00:09:05,033 --> 00:09:08,038 in children. 161 00:09:08,046 --> 00:09:11,083 Above those numbers is tattooed the name of his wife, Susan, 162 00:09:11,088 --> 00:09:16,012 as a memorial to her, 'cause she's been through a lot. 163 00:09:16,017 --> 00:09:20,038 They finally, after having a few daughters, 164 00:09:20,046 --> 00:09:22,096 and desperately wanting a son, decided, 165 00:09:23,000 --> 00:09:25,096 "You know, we're just going to need to stop trying. 166 00:09:26,000 --> 00:09:29,033 At this point, let's just stop." 167 00:09:29,042 --> 00:09:33,033 And so, he had a vasectomy, and ultimately just accepted 168 00:09:33,042 --> 00:09:36,012 that he would never have a son. 169 00:09:36,017 --> 00:09:38,012 And then, he felt that God spoke to him and said, 170 00:09:38,017 --> 00:09:39,012 "I'll give you a son. 171 00:09:39,017 --> 00:09:43,017 Trust me again, and have a reversal." 172 00:09:43,021 --> 00:09:47,046 So, he did, and had a few more miscarriages. 173 00:09:47,050 --> 00:09:51,021 And then, God, in his grace, gave him a baby boy. 174 00:09:51,029 --> 00:09:53,004 I've seen that boy. 175 00:09:53,012 --> 00:09:56,017 He's spoiled. 176 00:09:56,025 --> 00:09:59,088 Between his sisters, and his mother, and his dad, 177 00:09:59,096 --> 00:10:04,004 he is well cared for. 178 00:10:04,012 --> 00:10:07,000 Pastor Dave Bruskas, your Albuquerque campus pastor, 179 00:10:07,008 --> 00:10:09,050 I asked people to write up their stories 180 00:10:09,054 --> 00:10:11,062 on Facebook and The City. 181 00:10:11,067 --> 00:10:14,004 I have maybe hundreds of them. 182 00:10:14,012 --> 00:10:15,096 I can't share them all with you. 183 00:10:16,000 --> 00:10:19,088 Pastor Dave Bruskas wrote his story. 184 00:10:19,096 --> 00:10:22,017 He said: "From the time I became a 13-year-old Christian, 185 00:10:22,021 --> 00:10:26,033 "I prayed God would give me a son that would change the world. 186 00:10:26,042 --> 00:10:29,062 "Kara," his great wife, "and I had one daughter, Lisa, 187 00:10:29,067 --> 00:10:33,012 "at the time our son, David Michael, was born. 188 00:10:33,017 --> 00:10:35,071 "Ultrasounds detected no problems, 189 00:10:35,079 --> 00:10:38,096 "nor were there any evidences of illness during his birth. 190 00:10:39,000 --> 00:10:41,021 "Within hours of his birth, we discovered he had 191 00:10:41,029 --> 00:10:45,008 "a congenital heart defect, and would require surgery. 192 00:10:45,017 --> 00:10:47,096 "His cardiologist gave us this prognosis: 193 00:10:48,000 --> 00:10:50,008 "'David would be the little kid who could jump off 194 00:10:50,017 --> 00:10:51,092 "'the diving board, and swim in the pool, 195 00:10:52,000 --> 00:10:53,071 "'but his heart condition wouldn't allow him 196 00:10:53,079 --> 00:10:56,029 "'to compete on the swim team.' 197 00:10:56,033 --> 00:10:58,083 "This seemed like a minor issue, as we would love and enjoy 198 00:10:58,088 --> 00:11:02,021 "this son we had prayed for with his small limitations. 199 00:11:02,029 --> 00:11:05,033 "David was transported to the Children's Hospital ICU 200 00:11:05,042 --> 00:11:06,079 "for surgery. 201 00:11:06,083 --> 00:11:11,096 "Two months and four days later, David's heart simply gave out. 202 00:11:12,000 --> 00:11:17,046 He had undergone many surgeries, and many more procedures." 203 00:11:17,050 --> 00:11:21,096 Nothing like seeing a little kid who's got a lot of scars. 204 00:11:22,000 --> 00:11:26,046 "We never saw him successfully removed from his ventilator. 205 00:11:26,050 --> 00:11:29,004 "He never left the ICU. 206 00:11:29,012 --> 00:11:32,058 "I held him in my arms as the doctors disconnected his 207 00:11:32,067 --> 00:11:43,038 "life support, and he went to be with Jesus quickly. 208 00:11:43,046 --> 00:11:49,021 "I think David's death has impacted me in several ways. 209 00:11:49,029 --> 00:11:52,042 "First, I have learned Jesus is real, 210 00:11:52,050 --> 00:11:54,054 "and comforts those who hurt. 211 00:11:54,062 --> 00:11:58,004 "I have never before or since experienced his presence 212 00:11:58,012 --> 00:12:01,054 "more powerfully than on the day we buried our son. 213 00:12:01,062 --> 00:12:03,079 "And Jesus is better than all the sons and daughters 214 00:12:03,083 --> 00:12:05,067 "he gives to mom and dad. 215 00:12:05,071 --> 00:12:08,096 "Second, the ache never goes away completely. 216 00:12:09,000 --> 00:12:11,088 "It isn't as constant as it used to be, 217 00:12:11,096 --> 00:12:15,046 "but there are still moments that I slip away and weep, 218 00:12:15,050 --> 00:12:22,062 "or that Kara and I spend date nights... 219 00:12:22,067 --> 00:12:26,054 "remembering David through tears. 220 00:12:26,062 --> 00:12:33,000 "Third, I'm so grateful for every moment that I have 221 00:12:33,004 --> 00:12:34,092 "with my children. 222 00:12:35,000 --> 00:12:40,054 "I no longer fear death as an unknown entity, theirs or mine. 223 00:12:40,062 --> 00:12:43,054 "But I do realize, while eternity is guaranteed 224 00:12:43,062 --> 00:12:47,004 "through Jesus, tomorrow on earth isn't. 225 00:12:47,012 --> 00:12:50,088 "Lastly, I long to be with Jesus, totally freed from sin, 226 00:12:50,096 --> 00:12:55,067 "away from this fallen world, not so much in a morbid way, 227 00:12:55,071 --> 00:12:57,033 "but like Paul who says, 228 00:12:57,038 --> 00:13:00,079 "'For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.' 229 00:13:00,083 --> 00:13:07,021 "The last time I held my son was to release him to be with Jesus. 230 00:13:07,029 --> 00:13:09,012 "The next time I hold him, 231 00:13:09,017 --> 00:13:15,029 we will both be with Jesus forever." 232 00:13:15,033 --> 00:13:20,088 Dave's a good friend. 233 00:13:20,096 --> 00:13:28,000 Every time he comes to the house, he was over recently, 234 00:13:28,008 --> 00:13:31,029 I see him watch my three boys. 235 00:13:31,033 --> 00:13:36,071 They're usually doing something ridiculous. 236 00:13:36,079 --> 00:13:38,071 And he just watches 'em. 237 00:13:38,079 --> 00:13:43,067 And you can tell that he wishes his son was alive. 238 00:13:43,071 --> 00:13:44,062 I got here this morning. 239 00:13:44,067 --> 00:13:48,058 I got a text message from one of my dearest friends. 240 00:13:48,067 --> 00:13:53,017 He's vice-president of Acts 29, pastors a church in St. Louis. 241 00:13:53,021 --> 00:13:57,021 He says, "Please pray for my 7-month-old daughter. 242 00:13:57,029 --> 00:14:00,079 "She has a very severe and rare form of staph infection. 243 00:14:00,083 --> 00:14:06,062 We're rushing her to the hospital right now." 244 00:14:06,067 --> 00:14:09,033 Your life is going to be wrecked. 245 00:14:09,042 --> 00:14:11,017 My life is going to be wrecked. 246 00:14:11,021 --> 00:14:15,046 And the more people you love, the more occasions you will have 247 00:14:15,050 --> 00:14:21,012 to be wrecked. 248 00:14:21,017 --> 00:14:26,033 And as we come to Luke today, I want you to emotionally connect 249 00:14:26,042 --> 00:14:31,021 with me, so that we can really appreciate an amazing woman. 250 00:14:31,029 --> 00:14:37,012 And we learn this, that Jesus finds wrecked people. 251 00:14:37,017 --> 00:14:38,062 That's what he does. 252 00:14:38,067 --> 00:14:41,029 That's our Jesus. 253 00:14:41,033 --> 00:14:43,067 God comes to earth as the man Jesus Christ, 254 00:14:43,071 --> 00:14:47,067 and he goes looking for absolutely wrecked people, 255 00:14:47,071 --> 00:14:51,083 people on the worst day of their whole life. 256 00:14:51,088 --> 00:14:55,017 Luke says it this way: "He went to a town called Nain, 257 00:14:55,021 --> 00:14:58,029 "and his disciples and a great crowd went with him. 258 00:14:58,033 --> 00:15:00,038 "As he drew near to the gate of the town, behold, 259 00:15:00,046 --> 00:15:04,004 a man who had died was being carried out." 260 00:15:04,012 --> 00:15:06,046 Do you feel that? 261 00:15:06,050 --> 00:15:13,033 Read these lines, "The only son of his mother, and," what? 262 00:15:13,042 --> 00:15:16,021 "She was a widow, and a considerable crowd 263 00:15:16,029 --> 00:15:18,021 "from the town was with her. 264 00:15:18,029 --> 00:15:21,004 "And when the Lord saw her, he had," what? 265 00:15:21,012 --> 00:15:26,038 "Compassion on her, compassion on her." 266 00:15:26,046 --> 00:15:28,054 This is a devastating day. 267 00:15:28,062 --> 00:15:29,092 This is a wrecked woman. 268 00:15:30,000 --> 00:15:31,021 She's in a town called Nain. 269 00:15:31,029 --> 00:15:34,012 Just so you know, this town doesn't appear any other time 270 00:15:34,017 --> 00:15:35,021 in the Bible. 271 00:15:35,029 --> 00:15:37,038 This is a very unimportant place. 272 00:15:37,046 --> 00:15:39,042 It's nowhere. 273 00:15:39,050 --> 00:15:40,038 274 00:15:40,046 --> 00:15:42,042 It's nowhere. 275 00:15:42,050 --> 00:15:45,012 It's 20 miles to Capernaum, 6 miles, let me get it right, 276 00:15:45,017 --> 00:15:47,004 to Nazareth. 277 00:15:47,012 --> 00:15:48,017 Nazareth is nowhere. 278 00:15:48,021 --> 00:15:49,021 Capernaum is nowhere. 279 00:15:49,029 --> 00:15:54,050 It's 20 miles to Capernaum, 6 miles to Nazareth. 280 00:15:54,054 --> 00:15:56,050 I've been in that region. 281 00:15:56,054 --> 00:15:59,008 It's still nothing. 282 00:15:59,017 --> 00:16:01,071 This is a small, little village. 283 00:16:01,079 --> 00:16:03,067 This likely means that this woman is poor, 284 00:16:03,071 --> 00:16:06,021 because everyone who lives there is poor. 285 00:16:06,029 --> 00:16:07,054 She's probably illiterate, 286 00:16:07,062 --> 00:16:09,096 can't even read the Scriptures for herself. 287 00:16:10,000 --> 00:16:11,046 Nearly all the women in that day, 288 00:16:11,050 --> 00:16:14,054 in that place, where illiterate. 289 00:16:14,062 --> 00:16:16,046 Here's what we know about her: 290 00:16:16,050 --> 00:16:18,012 she's already been to one funeral. 291 00:16:18,017 --> 00:16:20,033 Who's funeral has she been at? 292 00:16:20,042 --> 00:16:21,046 Her husband's. 293 00:16:21,050 --> 00:16:23,067 She's buried her husband. 294 00:16:23,071 --> 00:16:27,050 Ladies, think about that. 295 00:16:27,054 --> 00:16:31,088 The Bible gives particular affection to widows and orphans. 296 00:16:31,096 --> 00:16:33,046 She's a widow. 297 00:16:33,050 --> 00:16:36,050 She buried her husband. 298 00:16:36,054 --> 00:16:39,050 Ladies, I don't know what's going on with your husband, 299 00:16:39,054 --> 00:16:41,088 what you're fighting about, what you're bitter about, 300 00:16:41,096 --> 00:16:43,096 what you're nagging him about. 301 00:16:44,000 --> 00:16:48,004 Please take care of it, so that when you do bury him, 302 00:16:48,012 --> 00:16:50,029 you don't have regrets. 303 00:16:50,033 --> 00:16:54,012 She buried her husband, and now what is happening is 304 00:16:54,017 --> 00:16:59,038 she's burying her son, not just her son, her only son. 305 00:16:59,046 --> 00:17:04,012 And in that day, the son would grow up to look after his mom. 306 00:17:04,017 --> 00:17:06,033 He would love her, care for her, 307 00:17:06,042 --> 00:17:09,033 nurse her when she was sick, feed her. 308 00:17:09,038 --> 00:17:12,062 There was no such thing as social security or retirement, 309 00:17:12,067 --> 00:17:17,033 especially for a poor woman in a nowhere town like Nain. 310 00:17:17,038 --> 00:17:22,012 This woman is absolutely wrecked. 311 00:17:22,017 --> 00:17:23,067 She had a great life. 312 00:17:23,075 --> 00:17:27,096 Like some of you ladies, she had a husband, she had a son. 313 00:17:28,000 --> 00:17:29,071 She buried her husband. 314 00:17:29,079 --> 00:17:31,004 She's going to bury her son. 315 00:17:31,012 --> 00:17:35,021 I don't know if there's anything more devastating than a parent 316 00:17:35,029 --> 00:17:41,062 burying a child. 317 00:17:41,067 --> 00:17:47,071 I mean, I preach funerals for children. 318 00:17:47,079 --> 00:17:51,021 There's nothing like that. 319 00:17:51,029 --> 00:17:52,033 Grace had a miscarriage. 320 00:17:52,038 --> 00:17:54,054 We lost one of our own children. 321 00:17:54,062 --> 00:17:57,033 That was devastating enough. 322 00:17:57,038 --> 00:18:01,017 I saw my own sister give birth to twins prematurely. 323 00:18:01,021 --> 00:18:02,033 They both died. 324 00:18:02,038 --> 00:18:08,033 And she got to hold them... dead. 325 00:18:08,038 --> 00:18:11,083 She miscarried again last week. 326 00:18:11,088 --> 00:18:16,096 This woman's life is wrecked. 327 00:18:17,000 --> 00:18:20,033 And what we see is that Jesus comes to her. 328 00:18:20,038 --> 00:18:21,096 I love that. 329 00:18:22,000 --> 00:18:25,046 What we don't see is her asking for Jesus. 330 00:18:25,050 --> 00:18:27,054 She doesn't ask for Jesus. 331 00:18:27,062 --> 00:18:30,021 Jesus just comes to her. 332 00:18:30,029 --> 00:18:35,062 And Jesus goes out of his way to get to her. 333 00:18:35,067 --> 00:18:41,071 Jesus walks, likely, a few days, or at least a day over hilly 334 00:18:41,079 --> 00:18:47,033 terrain, crowds following him, multitudes pursuing him. 335 00:18:47,038 --> 00:18:49,000 They all want him to stop. 336 00:18:49,004 --> 00:18:50,025 They want him to ask questions. 337 00:18:50,033 --> 00:18:51,038 They want him to pray for them. 338 00:18:51,046 --> 00:18:54,021 They want him to plant a church, teach a Bible study, 339 00:18:54,029 --> 00:18:58,025 meet their needs, cast out their demons, heal their illnesses. 340 00:18:58,033 --> 00:19:01,050 And for reasons that Luke does not know, 341 00:19:01,058 --> 00:19:06,062 because he doesn't have the mind of God insofar as knowing 342 00:19:06,067 --> 00:19:10,050 everything that God knows, he only knows what God reveals, 343 00:19:10,054 --> 00:19:12,088 Jesus goes to Nain. 344 00:19:12,096 --> 00:19:16,017 He gets to Nain, so that he can get to this woman. 345 00:19:16,021 --> 00:19:18,079 And as he's coming into town, the whole village is out. 346 00:19:18,083 --> 00:19:21,050 And everyone's mourning and grieving for this poor woman, 347 00:19:21,054 --> 00:19:23,071 this widow. 348 00:19:23,079 --> 00:19:26,038 The professional wailer would've been wailing. 349 00:19:26,046 --> 00:19:28,079 Flute players would've been playing. 350 00:19:28,083 --> 00:19:31,029 This was a loud, community-wide event. 351 00:19:31,033 --> 00:19:33,088 The village has essentially shut down. 352 00:19:33,096 --> 00:19:35,062 Everyone is weeping and bawling. 353 00:19:35,067 --> 00:19:38,029 This young man's friends are weeping. 354 00:19:38,033 --> 00:19:41,067 All the families who know this family are weeping. 355 00:19:41,075 --> 00:19:43,096 The friends are embracing this woman, 356 00:19:44,000 --> 00:19:46,012 because she is devastated. 357 00:19:46,017 --> 00:19:52,033 And this is the second funeral they've attended with her. 358 00:19:52,038 --> 00:19:55,012 And Jesus shows up. 359 00:19:55,017 --> 00:19:57,067 And this is how our Jesus works. 360 00:19:57,075 --> 00:20:00,004 He comes to people who don't ask for him. 361 00:20:00,012 --> 00:20:02,083 He comforts people who don't seek him. 362 00:20:02,092 --> 00:20:05,029 He goes out of his way to pursue people 363 00:20:05,033 --> 00:20:08,017 who aren't even aware of him. 364 00:20:08,025 --> 00:20:09,067 That's our Jesus. 365 00:20:09,075 --> 00:20:12,067 This is where we get things like our Doctrine of Election. 366 00:20:12,075 --> 00:20:14,071 Jesus has chosen to get to her. 367 00:20:14,079 --> 00:20:17,000 Jesus has chosen to love her. 368 00:20:17,008 --> 00:20:19,046 Jesus has chosen to pursue her. 369 00:20:19,050 --> 00:20:22,033 Jesus has chosen to serve her. 370 00:20:22,038 --> 00:20:24,067 Our Jesus finds wrecked people. 371 00:20:24,075 --> 00:20:26,079 And I know some of you come here today, 372 00:20:26,083 --> 00:20:29,038 and you're absolutely wrecked. 373 00:20:29,046 --> 00:20:32,042 And Jesus comes to meet with you. 374 00:20:32,050 --> 00:20:35,071 And some of you know people who are absolutely wrecked, 375 00:20:35,079 --> 00:20:38,071 and you're devastated for them. 376 00:20:38,079 --> 00:20:44,058 You need to know that Jesus can, and does, pursue them. 377 00:20:44,067 --> 00:20:49,042 Jesus does find wrecked people, and it's so unusual, 378 00:20:49,050 --> 00:20:51,079 because this is not how we generally work. 379 00:20:51,083 --> 00:20:53,092 How many of you, when you find out that someone is really 380 00:20:54,000 --> 00:20:58,042 suffering, really hurting, you almost have to force yourself 381 00:20:58,050 --> 00:21:00,079 to pursue them? 382 00:21:00,083 --> 00:21:02,046 It's going to be exhausting. 383 00:21:02,050 --> 00:21:04,004 It's going to be devastating. 384 00:21:04,012 --> 00:21:08,062 It's going to be hard work to love them. 385 00:21:08,067 --> 00:21:12,012 Emotionally, it is costly. 386 00:21:12,017 --> 00:21:14,000 And that's what our Jesus does. 387 00:21:14,004 --> 00:21:18,012 He seeks and he finds wrecked people. 388 00:21:18,017 --> 00:21:23,017 I just want you to see that. 389 00:21:23,021 --> 00:21:27,021 Number two: Jesus does something. 390 00:21:27,029 --> 00:21:29,079 He touches dead people, and he brings life. 391 00:21:29,083 --> 00:21:34,004 Luke 7:14-15, "Then he came up and touched the bier, 392 00:21:34,012 --> 00:21:38,096 and the bearers stood still," those carrying the body. 393 00:21:39,000 --> 00:21:41,050 It's an open-casket funeral. 394 00:21:41,054 --> 00:21:44,046 Can you think of anything sadder than an open-casket funeral for 395 00:21:44,050 --> 00:21:46,038 a young man or a boy? 396 00:21:46,046 --> 00:21:48,033 "And he said, 'Young man, I say to you, arise.' 397 00:21:48,038 --> 00:21:50,096 "And the dead man sat up and began to speak," 398 00:21:51,000 --> 00:21:53,004 and there is the most glorious line, 399 00:21:53,012 --> 00:21:58,004 "and Jesus gave him to his mother." 400 00:21:58,012 --> 00:22:02,029 401 00:22:02,033 --> 00:22:04,012 The religious people would tell you that Jesus 402 00:22:04,017 --> 00:22:07,029 shouldn't do this. 403 00:22:07,033 --> 00:22:10,029 They would say that the dead body is therefore defiled, 404 00:22:10,033 --> 00:22:15,096 and the men who are carrying the open casket-- 405 00:22:16,000 --> 00:22:20,096 have you ever seen an open casket? 406 00:22:21,000 --> 00:22:21,096 407 00:22:22,000 --> 00:22:23,021 My Grandpa George died. 408 00:22:23,029 --> 00:22:25,071 They had an open casket. 409 00:22:25,079 --> 00:22:27,071 As a 10-year-old boy, I walked up, 410 00:22:27,079 --> 00:22:32,046 and I saw my dead grandfather. 411 00:22:32,050 --> 00:22:36,046 It was the most disorienting experience of my whole life 412 00:22:36,050 --> 00:22:40,004 to that point. 413 00:22:40,012 --> 00:22:42,092 You're not supposed to reach into the casket, 414 00:22:43,000 --> 00:22:45,008 and you're not supposed to touch a dead body. 415 00:22:45,017 --> 00:22:46,008 Why? 416 00:22:46,017 --> 00:22:48,021 Because it is ceremonially unclean. 417 00:22:48,029 --> 00:22:50,054 It'll make you defiled. 418 00:22:50,062 --> 00:22:52,079 And Jesus walks right up to the body, 419 00:22:52,083 --> 00:22:56,008 reaches into the casket, and what does it say? 420 00:22:56,017 --> 00:22:57,071 "The bearers stood still." 421 00:22:57,079 --> 00:23:01,046 Everyone is shocked, "What is he doing? 422 00:23:01,050 --> 00:23:05,046 He cannot touch the unclean dead." 423 00:23:05,050 --> 00:23:09,088 And Jesus reaches literally into death, and he touches 424 00:23:09,096 --> 00:23:14,029 the young man, and he gives him a command. 425 00:23:14,033 --> 00:23:15,083 What does he say? 426 00:23:15,092 --> 00:23:18,079 "Arise," one word. 427 00:23:18,083 --> 00:23:22,012 "Young man, I say to you, arise." 428 00:23:22,017 --> 00:23:24,083 The command is one word. 429 00:23:24,088 --> 00:23:26,033 And what happens? 430 00:23:26,038 --> 00:23:30,079 "The dead man," this is a clinical diagnosis from Luke 431 00:23:30,083 --> 00:23:33,083 who's a physician, this is a dead man, 432 00:23:33,088 --> 00:23:37,004 "sat up and began to speak." 433 00:23:37,012 --> 00:23:42,025 Can you imagine the emotional transition in that moment? 434 00:23:42,033 --> 00:23:46,075 The man sits up, and starts talking, 435 00:23:46,083 --> 00:23:51,012 gets out of the coffin, and Jesus escorts him. 436 00:23:51,017 --> 00:23:53,042 I mean, I can see it. 437 00:23:53,050 --> 00:23:57,038 Jesus escorts him over to his mother. 438 00:23:57,046 --> 00:24:00,012 Can you see her face? 439 00:24:00,017 --> 00:24:03,054 Can you feel her joy? 440 00:24:03,062 --> 00:24:08,083 How long do you think she held her son for? 441 00:24:08,088 --> 00:24:12,029 Think she was screaming with joy, jumping up and down? 442 00:24:12,033 --> 00:24:17,083 Think tears of shock and joy are coming down her face? 443 00:24:17,092 --> 00:24:20,029 She got her son back. 444 00:24:20,033 --> 00:24:25,029 She got her son back alive, and well, and restored to health. 445 00:24:25,033 --> 00:24:26,079 And that's what our Jesus does. 446 00:24:26,083 --> 00:24:31,071 He touches dead people, and he brings life. 447 00:24:31,079 --> 00:24:34,038 If I might work from this for a moment, 448 00:24:34,046 --> 00:24:38,042 he does this for us, to make us Christians. 449 00:24:38,050 --> 00:24:45,050 This is actually a very helpful analogy for salvation. 450 00:24:45,054 --> 00:24:48,054 I'll read it to you from Ephesians 2:4-5, 451 00:24:48,062 --> 00:24:51,046 "God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love 452 00:24:51,050 --> 00:24:56,004 "with which he loved us, even when we were dead 453 00:24:56,012 --> 00:24:58,088 "in our trespasses, made us alive 454 00:24:58,096 --> 00:25:00,067 together with Christ." 455 00:25:00,071 --> 00:25:04,000 What the Bible says is that because we are sinners, 456 00:25:04,004 --> 00:25:07,067 though physically alive, we are spiritually dead. 457 00:25:07,071 --> 00:25:11,033 We are spiritually in the same condition as this man. 458 00:25:11,042 --> 00:25:12,062 We are dead. 459 00:25:12,067 --> 00:25:14,062 We do not seek God. 460 00:25:14,067 --> 00:25:17,000 The Bible says that no one seeks God. 461 00:25:17,004 --> 00:25:18,029 We do not find God. 462 00:25:18,033 --> 00:25:20,033 This man was not crying out for help. 463 00:25:20,038 --> 00:25:22,071 This man is not seeking Jesus. 464 00:25:22,079 --> 00:25:26,038 This man is not running to Capernaum to find Jesus, 465 00:25:26,046 --> 00:25:27,079 and to get healing. 466 00:25:27,083 --> 00:25:29,088 This man is dead. 467 00:25:29,096 --> 00:25:31,058 This man does nothing. 468 00:25:31,067 --> 00:25:33,054 This man says nothing. 469 00:25:33,062 --> 00:25:35,058 This man seeks nothing. 470 00:25:35,067 --> 00:25:38,071 And Jesus finds him. 471 00:25:38,079 --> 00:25:40,038 And he doesn't reach out to Jesus. 472 00:25:40,046 --> 00:25:44,042 Jesus reaches out to him. 473 00:25:44,050 --> 00:25:49,033 And he doesn't participate in his revivification, 474 00:25:49,038 --> 00:25:51,021 or his healing. 475 00:25:51,029 --> 00:25:53,038 He receives it as a gift of grace. 476 00:25:53,046 --> 00:25:56,088 That is, friends, how salvation works. 477 00:25:56,096 --> 00:26:00,021 The you and I, as Paul says, we're dead in our sin, 478 00:26:00,029 --> 00:26:03,017 absolutely dead. 479 00:26:03,025 --> 00:26:09,033 And Jesus finds us, and Jesus reaches out to us, 480 00:26:09,042 --> 00:26:15,046 and Jesus touches us, and Jesus gives us spiritual life. 481 00:26:15,050 --> 00:26:18,021 He gives us a new heart, a new nature, 482 00:26:18,029 --> 00:26:20,046 a new power by the Holy Spirit. 483 00:26:20,050 --> 00:26:23,062 Anyone who is a Christian, to some degree, 484 00:26:23,067 --> 00:26:26,004 you've experienced this in your own life. 485 00:26:26,012 --> 00:26:28,038 I experienced it at age 19. 486 00:26:28,046 --> 00:26:32,008 I went from spiritual death to spiritual life. 487 00:26:32,017 --> 00:26:34,017 And I didn't do anything. 488 00:26:34,021 --> 00:26:39,042 Jesus reached down into my death and touched me. 489 00:26:39,050 --> 00:26:42,004 That's what he did. 490 00:26:42,012 --> 00:26:45,075 And see, this doesn't make Jesus unclean, because he's perfect 491 00:26:45,083 --> 00:26:47,050 and holy in God, and without sin. 492 00:26:47,054 --> 00:26:50,050 So when he touches the man, he is not made unclean, 493 00:26:50,054 --> 00:26:52,033 the man is made clean. 494 00:26:52,038 --> 00:26:54,000 He does not receive the death. 495 00:26:54,004 --> 00:26:56,038 He gives life. 496 00:26:56,046 --> 00:26:58,079 This is how it works. 497 00:26:58,083 --> 00:27:01,079 If you're a Christian, you've experienced this. 498 00:27:01,083 --> 00:27:03,067 If you're not here today and you're wondering, 499 00:27:03,071 --> 00:27:05,062 "How in the world do I get connected to God?" 500 00:27:05,067 --> 00:27:10,004 It is Jesus who gives life. 501 00:27:10,012 --> 00:27:13,021 Number two: on occasions throughout this life, 502 00:27:13,029 --> 00:27:17,000 Jesus actually does heal those who are sick. 503 00:27:17,008 --> 00:27:19,000 We have seen it in Luke's gospel. 504 00:27:19,008 --> 00:27:20,067 Does he heal everyone? No. 505 00:27:20,071 --> 00:27:23,088 Does he heal some? Yes. 506 00:27:23,096 --> 00:27:28,012 To this day, our Jesus can, and does, still heal, 507 00:27:28,017 --> 00:27:33,021 and so we, in prayer, ask him to. 508 00:27:33,029 --> 00:27:38,038 And sometimes, yes, our Jesus actually raises the dead 509 00:27:38,046 --> 00:27:40,058 in this life. 510 00:27:40,067 --> 00:27:45,088 Here, it is what I will call and distinguish as revivification. 511 00:27:45,096 --> 00:27:49,033 Resurrection is when you rise in a glorified body, 512 00:27:49,038 --> 00:27:51,046 never to die again. 513 00:27:51,050 --> 00:27:53,062 That will happen at the end of the age. 514 00:27:53,067 --> 00:27:58,046 Revivification is where a dead person receives life, 515 00:27:58,050 --> 00:28:03,033 comes back in a mortal body, and lives for a duration of time, 516 00:28:03,042 --> 00:28:08,088 and then, ultimately dies again, one day to rise again, 517 00:28:08,096 --> 00:28:13,033 to receive a glorified, resurrected, perfected body 518 00:28:13,038 --> 00:28:15,083 that will never taste death again. 519 00:28:15,088 --> 00:28:18,012 So, this is not his resurrection body. 520 00:28:18,017 --> 00:28:22,000 This is his revivification body. 521 00:28:22,004 --> 00:28:24,046 And Jesus does this--does it happen a lot? 522 00:28:24,050 --> 00:28:25,079 No. 523 00:28:25,083 --> 00:28:26,012 524 00:28:26,017 --> 00:28:27,050 No. 525 00:28:27,058 --> 00:28:29,025 No, it doesn't. 526 00:28:29,033 --> 00:28:34,071 Jesus only brings back three people from death, according to 527 00:28:34,079 --> 00:28:40,021 the New Testament: Lazarus, his friend, Jairus' daughter, 528 00:28:40,029 --> 00:28:43,050 a little girl, one of my daughter, Alexi who's 6, 529 00:28:43,054 --> 00:28:47,071 one of her favorite stories in the Bible, and the widow's son, 530 00:28:47,079 --> 00:28:49,033 only three people. 531 00:28:49,038 --> 00:28:51,004 It's not an often occurrence. 532 00:28:51,012 --> 00:28:52,038 It's a rare occurrence. 533 00:28:52,046 --> 00:28:57,025 But it's showing us the power of Jesus over death. 534 00:28:57,033 --> 00:29:00,004 And it's showing us the kingdom of God, and how things will 535 00:29:00,012 --> 00:29:06,033 ultimately be in the end. 536 00:29:06,038 --> 00:29:08,067 And that leads me to my third point: that one day, 537 00:29:08,071 --> 00:29:10,083 we will all rise. 538 00:29:10,092 --> 00:29:14,000 We will all rise, as this man rose. 539 00:29:14,008 --> 00:29:15,083 That death is an enemy. 540 00:29:15,088 --> 00:29:17,088 That death is unnatural. 541 00:29:17,096 --> 00:29:21,029 That death is the result of rebellion and sin. 542 00:29:21,033 --> 00:29:26,033 And Jesus Christ is the one who conquered death. 543 00:29:26,042 --> 00:29:33,029 He says this in John 5:28-29: "An hour is coming, 544 00:29:33,033 --> 00:29:36,067 "when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice, 545 00:29:36,075 --> 00:29:39,000 "and come out; those who have done good, 546 00:29:39,008 --> 00:29:42,000 "to the resurrection of life; and those who have done evil, 547 00:29:42,008 --> 00:29:46,096 to the resurrection of judgment." 548 00:29:47,000 --> 00:29:51,067 Jesus says everyone who dies will rise, 549 00:29:51,071 --> 00:29:55,012 and they will stand before him. 550 00:29:55,017 --> 00:29:57,079 The context here is that Jesus is the judge. 551 00:29:57,083 --> 00:29:59,033 You don't judge yourself. 552 00:29:59,038 --> 00:30:00,071 Jesus judges you. 553 00:30:00,079 --> 00:30:02,033 I don't judge you for heaven or hell. 554 00:30:02,042 --> 00:30:05,079 Jesus does. 555 00:30:05,083 --> 00:30:08,083 And Jesus says that all who die, 556 00:30:08,088 --> 00:30:12,000 rise and stand before him for judgment. 557 00:30:12,008 --> 00:30:14,062 Those who belong to him, and live life with him, 558 00:30:14,067 --> 00:30:16,046 receive eternal life. 559 00:30:16,050 --> 00:30:19,079 Those who do not belong to him, and do not live life with him, 560 00:30:19,083 --> 00:30:24,067 receive eternal death, and damnation, and condemnation. 561 00:30:24,075 --> 00:30:28,033 So, I want you to see that what Jesus is doing here, 562 00:30:28,038 --> 00:30:32,038 in addition to loving the widow, and raising the son, 563 00:30:32,046 --> 00:30:35,075 he is also unveiling the kingdom. 564 00:30:35,083 --> 00:30:39,054 See, our Jesus is a king, and he's bringing a kingdom, 565 00:30:39,062 --> 00:30:41,054 and you and I will rise, 566 00:30:41,062 --> 00:30:46,017 and resurrection is a revelation of the kingdom. 567 00:30:46,021 --> 00:30:47,071 It's a foreshadowing. 568 00:30:47,079 --> 00:30:51,088 It's a glimpse into what God intends for us all 569 00:30:51,096 --> 00:30:55,004 at the end of the age. 570 00:30:55,012 --> 00:30:58,067 Now, some of you will ask whether or not this, in fact, 571 00:30:58,071 --> 00:31:00,054 really did occur. 572 00:31:00,062 --> 00:31:03,012 It did. 573 00:31:03,017 --> 00:31:08,017 A dead man was brought back to life. 574 00:31:08,025 --> 00:31:12,067 Quadrus wrote to the Emperor Hadrian less than 575 00:31:12,075 --> 00:31:17,012 100 years after this raising of the widow's son, quote, 576 00:31:17,017 --> 00:31:21,079 and this is ancient history, "The persons who were healed, 577 00:31:21,083 --> 00:31:24,017 "and those who were raised from the dead by Jesus, 578 00:31:24,021 --> 00:31:26,062 "were not only seen when they were healed and raised, 579 00:31:26,067 --> 00:31:30,021 "but were also present also afterwards, and not merely 580 00:31:30,029 --> 00:31:33,004 "during the time that the Savior walked upon the earth. 581 00:31:33,012 --> 00:31:36,050 "But after his departure also, they were still there for 582 00:31:36,054 --> 00:31:39,004 "a considerable time, so that some of them lived 583 00:31:39,012 --> 00:31:42,025 even until our times." 584 00:31:42,033 --> 00:31:45,075 This ancient historical record going to the Emperor Hadrian 585 00:31:45,083 --> 00:31:47,096 says, "Yeah, Jesus healed people, 586 00:31:48,000 --> 00:31:50,012 "and he rose a few from death. 587 00:31:50,017 --> 00:31:53,025 "Many of them lived a long time, and some of them are still 588 00:31:53,033 --> 00:31:58,017 alive, and we've actually talked to them." 589 00:31:58,021 --> 00:32:00,012 590 00:32:00,017 --> 00:32:08,004 Number three: Jesus is a greater risen son. 591 00:32:08,012 --> 00:32:11,050 "Fear seized them all and they glorified God, saying, 592 00:32:11,054 --> 00:32:13,029 "'A great prophet has arisen among us!' 593 00:32:13,033 --> 00:32:15,071 "and 'God has visited his people!' 594 00:32:15,079 --> 00:32:18,000 "And this report about him spread throughout the whole 595 00:32:18,004 --> 00:32:23,021 of Judea and all the surrounding country." 596 00:32:23,029 --> 00:32:29,071 They're going to respond, first of all, with worship. 597 00:32:29,079 --> 00:32:32,012 When it says that great "fear seized them all," 598 00:32:32,017 --> 00:32:36,021 they were amazed, they were in awe, 599 00:32:36,029 --> 00:32:41,000 they were shocked that this Jesus had this authority 600 00:32:41,004 --> 00:32:42,042 and power over death. 601 00:32:42,050 --> 00:32:43,083 And so, they worshipped him. 602 00:32:43,088 --> 00:32:48,054 We need to respond today by worshipping the living Jesus. 603 00:32:48,062 --> 00:32:50,054 It says that news of him spread. 604 00:32:50,062 --> 00:32:52,017 So, they started doing evangelism, 605 00:32:52,021 --> 00:32:53,088 and getting the word out. 606 00:32:53,096 --> 00:32:57,038 People went to work, and school, and back home, and about their 607 00:32:57,046 --> 00:33:02,062 daily routines as missionaries for Jesus, talking about Jesus. 608 00:33:02,067 --> 00:33:05,046 "Jesus is amazing, do you know him? 609 00:33:05,050 --> 00:33:10,000 Can I talk to you about him?" 610 00:33:10,004 --> 00:33:13,038 See, the right response to the person and work of Jesus is 611 00:33:13,046 --> 00:33:16,079 worship and mission. 612 00:33:16,083 --> 00:33:19,096 And ultimately, Jesus is a greater son. 613 00:33:20,000 --> 00:33:23,050 You think about it. 614 00:33:23,058 --> 00:33:26,062 The parallels are curious. 615 00:33:26,067 --> 00:33:32,071 Jesus comes as the only begotten Son of God the Father. 616 00:33:32,079 --> 00:33:37,029 He is dearly loved, as this son was. 617 00:33:37,033 --> 00:33:39,083 He is a one-of-a-kind son. 618 00:33:39,088 --> 00:33:42,054 He's the Son of God. 619 00:33:42,062 --> 00:33:45,058 This son was the only son of this woman. 620 00:33:45,067 --> 00:33:47,096 The Father loved the Son. 621 00:33:48,000 --> 00:33:51,054 We heard that earlier in Luke at Jesus' baptism. 622 00:33:51,062 --> 00:33:57,058 And here, it's obvious that the mother loved her son. 623 00:33:57,067 --> 00:34:00,088 624 00:34:00,096 --> 00:34:08,000 And just as this son died, so Jesus, the greater Son, he died. 625 00:34:08,004 --> 00:34:09,096 He died, not for any sin that he committed, 626 00:34:10,000 --> 00:34:16,021 but in our place, for our sins. 627 00:34:16,029 --> 00:34:20,079 And as this young man rose from death, so Jesus, as a young man, 628 00:34:20,083 --> 00:34:23,017 did what? 629 00:34:23,021 --> 00:34:25,067 He rose from death. 630 00:34:25,075 --> 00:34:30,012 To conquer death for all of the children of God. 631 00:34:30,017 --> 00:34:30,096 632 00:34:31,000 --> 00:34:33,062 To conquer death for all of the children of God. 633 00:34:33,067 --> 00:34:38,071 That Jesus is the greater Son. 634 00:34:38,079 --> 00:34:41,000 So, for those of you who are suffering, or your life is 635 00:34:41,004 --> 00:34:46,012 wrecked, or for those of you who will have the great gift 636 00:34:46,017 --> 00:34:51,096 of being with those who are suffering and dying, 637 00:34:52,000 --> 00:34:57,021 I need you to know that you have a sympathetic high priest 638 00:34:57,029 --> 00:34:58,017 in Jesus. 639 00:34:58,021 --> 00:35:00,029 You have one who has been there. 640 00:35:00,033 --> 00:35:05,029 You have one who has tasted the full sting of the consequence 641 00:35:05,033 --> 00:35:08,054 of sin that is death. 642 00:35:08,062 --> 00:35:10,067 Our God is not immune from suffering. 643 00:35:10,075 --> 00:35:13,017 Our God is not indifferent toward suffering. 644 00:35:13,021 --> 00:35:16,004 Our God is not negligent toward death. 645 00:35:16,012 --> 00:35:18,000 Our God, Jesus, is the greater Son. 646 00:35:18,004 --> 00:35:23,029 He absolutely unequivocally, fully, thoroughly, 647 00:35:23,033 --> 00:35:28,096 completely knows what it is like to suffer and die. 648 00:35:29,000 --> 00:35:31,062 And he does so for you, for your sin. 649 00:35:31,067 --> 00:35:34,042 And he does so in love. 650 00:35:34,050 --> 00:35:39,004 Furthermore, for those of you who have buried someone that you 651 00:35:39,012 --> 00:35:42,021 love, I want you to know that God the Father is one 652 00:35:42,029 --> 00:35:45,008 who fully identifies. 653 00:35:45,017 --> 00:35:54,088 The Father was present for the death of God the Son. 654 00:35:54,096 --> 00:35:57,088 He was there. 655 00:35:57,096 --> 00:35:58,054 656 00:35:58,062 --> 00:35:59,092 He was there. 657 00:36:00,004 --> 00:36:03,079 The Father experienced--and even that the Bible would use that 658 00:36:03,083 --> 00:36:06,096 language that God is the Father, and that Jesus is the Son, 659 00:36:07,000 --> 00:36:10,033 and that Jesus would suffer and die, 660 00:36:10,042 --> 00:36:13,050 then you know what the Father felt. 661 00:36:13,058 --> 00:36:15,062 I'll read one testimony. 662 00:36:15,067 --> 00:36:18,021 I feel compelled to by the Holy Spirit. 663 00:36:18,029 --> 00:36:21,067 I didn't intend to. 664 00:36:21,071 --> 00:36:23,050 665 00:36:23,058 --> 00:36:26,062 "Our middle son, Jason, died on a rainy Thursday night 666 00:36:26,067 --> 00:36:33,021 "on his way to basketball practice, January 4, 2004. 667 00:36:33,029 --> 00:36:36,012 "Our whole lives are divided into before that day, 668 00:36:36,017 --> 00:36:37,017 "and after that day. 669 00:36:37,021 --> 00:36:40,088 "Everything is before Jason died, or after Jason died. 670 00:36:40,096 --> 00:36:42,079 "My husband made it to the scene of the accident 671 00:36:42,083 --> 00:36:45,050 while Jason was still alive." 672 00:36:45,054 --> 00:36:47,088 Imagine that, Dad, you get a call. 673 00:36:47,096 --> 00:36:49,021 "Your son's been in a car wreck." 674 00:36:49,029 --> 00:36:50,021 "Where is he?" 675 00:36:50,029 --> 00:36:51,021 "Here." 676 00:36:51,029 --> 00:36:52,021 You jump in the car, rainy night, 677 00:36:52,029 --> 00:36:56,017 drive there as fast as you can. 678 00:36:56,021 --> 00:37:02,038 "He couldn't get the door open, but he was able to reach 679 00:37:02,046 --> 00:37:07,062 through, hold his hand, and tell him that he loved him." 680 00:37:07,067 --> 00:37:17,067 The father was holding the son's hand as he died in the car. 681 00:37:17,071 --> 00:37:20,017 They have a lot to say, and it's quite good, 682 00:37:20,021 --> 00:37:22,004 but they say this a bit later. 683 00:37:22,012 --> 00:37:25,012 "Hope is all we have, hope of a life with Jesus, 684 00:37:25,017 --> 00:37:28,083 "hope of a reunion with our son, and hope that our son's death 685 00:37:28,088 --> 00:37:35,038 has and will be used to glorify God." 686 00:37:35,046 --> 00:37:37,071 687 00:37:37,079 --> 00:37:42,021 This dad says: "My wife and I lost triplet boys 688 00:37:42,029 --> 00:37:47,054 in the hospital," triplet boys. 689 00:37:47,062 --> 00:37:51,038 "Joshua was born January 3, 2007. 690 00:37:51,046 --> 00:37:53,054 "The other two, Nathaniel and Caleb, were born 691 00:37:53,062 --> 00:37:56,008 "January 12, 2007. 692 00:37:56,017 --> 00:37:59,092 "We buried all of them together. 693 00:38:00,004 --> 00:38:01,083 "What a dark time in my life. 694 00:38:01,088 --> 00:38:03,038 "Each time we visit the grave site, 695 00:38:03,046 --> 00:38:08,088 I know we are much closer to a glorious reunion." 696 00:38:08,096 --> 00:38:12,079 The Father was present for the death of his Son. 697 00:38:12,083 --> 00:38:16,021 It was the worst atrocity, humanly speaking. 698 00:38:16,029 --> 00:38:19,017 It was the greatest injustice, humanly speaking, 699 00:38:19,025 --> 00:38:21,046 in the history of the world, 700 00:38:21,050 --> 00:38:25,067 that sinners murdered the Son of God. 701 00:38:25,075 --> 00:38:27,083 And the Father was there and he felt it. 702 00:38:27,092 --> 00:38:30,046 So, let me say this for those of you who are suffering, 703 00:38:30,050 --> 00:38:34,004 your life is wrecked, or it will be wrecked. 704 00:38:34,012 --> 00:38:36,004 If your life is the one that is wrecked, 705 00:38:36,012 --> 00:38:40,008 I want you to remember Jesus, the greater Son, 706 00:38:40,017 --> 00:38:42,038 and I want you to go to him for comfort, and love, 707 00:38:42,046 --> 00:38:44,092 and support, and understanding, and encouragement. 708 00:38:45,000 --> 00:38:47,062 And I want you to be in community with his people. 709 00:38:47,067 --> 00:38:50,000 What we see with the widow of Nain is that the community 710 00:38:50,004 --> 00:38:52,046 came around her in her moment of suffering. 711 00:38:52,050 --> 00:38:54,008 You need to be in a community group. 712 00:38:54,017 --> 00:38:55,062 You need to be a member of a church. 713 00:38:55,067 --> 00:38:58,000 You need to be connected to God's people. 714 00:38:58,004 --> 00:39:01,083 You need others to rally around you when you are suffering. 715 00:39:01,092 --> 00:39:05,046 And you need to rally around them when they are suffering. 716 00:39:05,050 --> 00:39:09,017 Number two, for those of you who will experience the death 717 00:39:09,025 --> 00:39:14,021 of someone who is loved, don't accuse God of being evil. 718 00:39:14,029 --> 00:39:15,054 God is good. 719 00:39:15,062 --> 00:39:16,096 When God was done with this world, 720 00:39:17,000 --> 00:39:19,029 he said that everything was very good. 721 00:39:19,033 --> 00:39:20,079 God's not a sinner. 722 00:39:20,083 --> 00:39:21,079 We are. 723 00:39:21,083 --> 00:39:22,088 God brought life. 724 00:39:22,096 --> 00:39:24,012 We brought death. 725 00:39:24,017 --> 00:39:25,096 God has been faithful to us. 726 00:39:26,000 --> 00:39:29,029 We have been unfaithful to him. 727 00:39:29,033 --> 00:39:32,096 And when we suffer, or we see one who is suffering, 728 00:39:33,000 --> 00:39:38,000 to accuse God of evil is a horrendous thing. 729 00:39:38,008 --> 00:39:39,071 And I know some of you, in your pain, and your frustration, 730 00:39:39,079 --> 00:39:41,000 and your struggle, and your strife, 731 00:39:41,008 --> 00:39:42,062 you'll have questions and doubts. 732 00:39:42,067 --> 00:39:44,012 And that's okay. 733 00:39:44,017 --> 00:39:45,029 Work 'em through. 734 00:39:45,033 --> 00:39:47,000 Work out your salvation. 735 00:39:47,004 --> 00:39:48,083 It's okay. 736 00:39:48,092 --> 00:39:52,054 But we don't worship a God who is immune from suffering. 737 00:39:52,062 --> 00:39:55,096 Our Jesus suffered and died. 738 00:39:56,000 --> 00:39:58,079 And we don't worship God the Father who is indifferent 739 00:39:58,083 --> 00:39:59,096 towards suffering. 740 00:40:00,000 --> 00:40:04,012 If you're hurting, he knows exactly what you feel like, 741 00:40:04,017 --> 00:40:06,050 and his promise is, "Trust me. 742 00:40:06,058 --> 00:40:07,054 "Stick with me. 743 00:40:07,062 --> 00:40:10,054 "We need to get through death. 744 00:40:10,062 --> 00:40:14,096 "We need to get to the other side of the resurrection. 745 00:40:15,000 --> 00:40:18,062 "I have worked out all things for good. 746 00:40:18,067 --> 00:40:20,046 "I have a plan. 747 00:40:20,050 --> 00:40:23,079 "And I know right now, it is exceedingly painful 748 00:40:23,083 --> 00:40:27,088 "and I, myself, have felt that pain when my own son died, 749 00:40:27,096 --> 00:40:31,092 and I was there." 750 00:40:32,000 --> 00:40:35,054 And so, you and I find ourselves reading the story of 751 00:40:35,062 --> 00:40:39,050 the resurrection of the son, reminded of the resurrection 752 00:40:39,054 --> 00:40:41,038 of the Son of God. 753 00:40:41,046 --> 00:40:44,033 And God today would call us to worship him in faith, 754 00:40:44,038 --> 00:40:49,062 and get the good news out about Jesus, even though today truly 755 00:40:49,067 --> 00:40:55,029 feels like a funeral day. 756 00:40:55,033 --> 00:40:59,062 But there is a resurrection day. 757 00:40:59,067 --> 00:41:03,029 There is a resurrection day. 758 00:41:03,033 --> 00:41:06,062 And what'll happen for the children of God is that Jesus 759 00:41:06,067 --> 00:41:08,050 will again reach down into death, 760 00:41:08,058 --> 00:41:14,079 he will again declare, "Arise," dead people will come to life, 761 00:41:14,083 --> 00:41:18,004 and he will reunite them with those who love them. 762 00:41:18,012 --> 00:41:22,012 And in his presence, there will be resurrection 763 00:41:22,017 --> 00:41:25,017 and reconciliation. 764 00:41:25,021 --> 00:41:28,000 The Bible says that Jesus then will wipe every tear 765 00:41:28,008 --> 00:41:32,025 from our eyes, and sin and death will be no more. 766 00:41:32,033 --> 00:41:34,042 I just would implore you, Mars Hill. 767 00:41:34,050 --> 00:41:39,079 Suffer and weep as this woman did, mourn and cry as she did, 768 00:41:39,083 --> 00:41:45,008 surround and support one another as the people of Nain did, 769 00:41:45,017 --> 00:41:48,054 but by faith, trust that resurrection is coming, 770 00:41:48,062 --> 00:41:51,000 and this same Jesus, the greater Son, 771 00:41:51,004 --> 00:41:55,067 reaches down into death, and has life. 772 00:41:55,071 --> 00:42:00,088 And it will happen, and you will see it by the grace of God. 773 00:42:00,096 --> 00:42:05,096 Father God, I pray for us as a people. 774 00:42:06,000 --> 00:42:08,046 God, I felt compelled by the Holy Spirit in teaching this 775 00:42:08,050 --> 00:42:13,067 text, not to just run to resurrection, and to whip people 776 00:42:13,071 --> 00:42:17,046 into an emotional frenzy that "It's all going to be fine!" 777 00:42:17,050 --> 00:42:21,029 God, it will be fine, but it could be a long time. 778 00:42:21,033 --> 00:42:24,012 There could be a lot of wrecked days. 779 00:42:24,017 --> 00:42:28,012 There could be a lot of painful funerals. 780 00:42:28,017 --> 00:42:31,062 This woman had two funerals. 781 00:42:31,067 --> 00:42:34,062 Some of us have had many more. 782 00:42:34,067 --> 00:42:37,088 Lord Jesus, we thank you that you came into this world. 783 00:42:37,096 --> 00:42:40,062 We thank you that you suffered. 784 00:42:40,067 --> 00:42:45,058 We thank you that you were willing to die as a young man. 785 00:42:45,067 --> 00:42:49,017 We thank you that death could not hold you. 786 00:42:49,021 --> 00:42:52,071 We thank you that you are the greater Son, 787 00:42:52,079 --> 00:42:55,038 that you are the risen Son. 788 00:42:55,046 --> 00:43:01,029 Father God, we thank you that you understand the pain 789 00:43:01,033 --> 00:43:05,004 that we feel when we lose someone we love. 790 00:43:05,012 --> 00:43:09,017 And God, we thank you that you are the real God, and that 791 00:43:09,025 --> 00:43:12,079 you're the resurrection God, and that you're the living God. 792 00:43:12,083 --> 00:43:17,050 And by grace, we ask that you would right now reach down to 793 00:43:17,054 --> 00:43:21,050 those who are spiritually dead, and make them alive in Christ, 794 00:43:21,058 --> 00:43:25,054 that Lord God, they would enjoy that resurrection day as well. 795 00:43:25,062 --> 00:43:28,050 In Jesus' name, Amen. 796 00:43:28,054 --> 00:43:29,004