1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,167 2 00:00:01,167 --> 00:00:03,750 Hi, Pastor Mark here in Bethlehem, 3 00:00:03,833 --> 00:00:07,000 in the Church of the Nativity, where it is held that Jesus 4 00:00:07,000 --> 00:00:09,833 was actually born in this place, 5 00:00:09,875 --> 00:00:12,667 and so we felt it was appropriate to read for you 6 00:00:12,708 --> 00:00:14,833 some of his teaching from Luke 13, 7 00:00:14,917 --> 00:00:16,500 beginning in verse 22. 8 00:00:16,583 --> 00:00:18,833 "He went on his way through towns and villages, 9 00:00:18,917 --> 00:00:20,500 "teaching and journeying toward Jerusalem. 10 00:00:20,500 --> 00:00:22,083 "And someone said to him, 11 00:00:22,167 --> 00:00:24,167 "'Lord, will those who are saved be few?' 12 00:00:24,250 --> 00:00:27,417 "And he said to them, 'Strive to enter through the narrow door. 13 00:00:27,500 --> 00:00:29,667 "'For many, I tell you, will seek to enter 14 00:00:29,708 --> 00:00:31,042 "'and will not be able. 15 00:00:31,167 --> 00:00:33,250 "'When once the master of the house has risen 16 00:00:33,333 --> 00:00:35,750 "'and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside 17 00:00:35,833 --> 00:00:38,417 "'and to knock at the door, saying, "Lord, open to us," 18 00:00:38,500 --> 00:00:40,667 "'then he will answer you, "I do not know 19 00:00:40,667 --> 00:00:42,167 "'where you come from." 20 00:00:42,167 --> 00:00:44,667 "'Then you will begin to say, "We ate and drank 21 00:00:44,667 --> 00:00:46,833 "'in your presence, and you taught in our streets." 22 00:00:46,875 --> 00:00:49,542 "'But he will say, "I tell you, I do not know 23 00:00:49,667 --> 00:00:51,000 "'"where you come from. 24 00:00:51,000 --> 00:00:53,000 "'Depart from me, all you workers of evil!" 25 00:00:53,000 --> 00:00:55,667 "'In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, 26 00:00:55,667 --> 00:00:58,667 "'when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets 27 00:00:58,667 --> 00:01:01,167 "'in the kingdom of God but you yourselves cast out. 28 00:01:01,250 --> 00:01:04,000 "'And people will come from east and west, and from north 29 00:01:04,083 --> 00:01:07,000 "'and south, and recline at table in the kingdom of God. 30 00:01:07,083 --> 00:01:10,167 "'And behold, some are last who will be first, 31 00:01:10,250 --> 00:01:13,500 and some who are first will be last.'" 32 00:01:13,583 --> 00:01:17,708 The kingdom of God, it's like a narrow door. 33 00:01:21,833 --> 00:01:26,833 [music] 34 00:01:48,417 --> 00:01:52,000 Imagine that a story has been told to you, 35 00:01:52,000 --> 00:01:55,167 a story that has been passed on in your family from 36 00:01:55,250 --> 00:01:59,750 one generation to the next for so many years that no one 37 00:01:59,833 --> 00:02:02,708 is exactly certain how old the story is, 38 00:02:02,833 --> 00:02:08,042 but it concerns a distant grandfather of yours. 39 00:02:08,167 --> 00:02:11,042 And the story is told that your grandfather lived 40 00:02:11,167 --> 00:02:14,167 in the very presence of God, that your grandfather 41 00:02:14,208 --> 00:02:17,500 experienced the grace, goodness, and generosity of God 42 00:02:17,583 --> 00:02:20,250 in his glorious kingdom, 43 00:02:20,333 --> 00:02:25,250 that your distant grandfather was exceedingly foolish. 44 00:02:25,333 --> 00:02:27,833 And rather than remaining humble, he became proud. 45 00:02:27,875 --> 00:02:30,667 And rather than obedience, he chose a tragic path 46 00:02:30,750 --> 00:02:32,167 of disobedience. 47 00:02:32,208 --> 00:02:34,000 And rather than life, he chose death. 48 00:02:34,083 --> 00:02:37,333 And rather than honoring God, he wanted to himself 49 00:02:37,375 --> 00:02:40,708 be honored as a god. 50 00:02:40,833 --> 00:02:43,833 And so your distant grandfather declared war on God, 51 00:02:43,833 --> 00:02:48,000 led an insurrection against God, disregarded, 52 00:02:48,042 --> 00:02:51,250 disowned, disobeyed God. 53 00:02:51,333 --> 00:02:56,667 And he fled from the presence of God. 54 00:02:56,667 --> 00:02:59,667 He ultimately came to the edge of God's kingdom and there 55 00:02:59,667 --> 00:03:02,542 he found a small, narrow door. 56 00:03:02,667 --> 00:03:04,917 And he passed through that door and that door 57 00:03:05,000 --> 00:03:07,000 slammed shut behind him. 58 00:03:07,083 --> 00:03:10,500 And he went from a world of light to a world of darkness, 59 00:03:10,500 --> 00:03:13,333 from a world of life to a world of death. 60 00:03:13,333 --> 00:03:16,000 And that every generation of your family has been born on 61 00:03:16,000 --> 00:03:21,667 that side of that door and that the story has been passed on 62 00:03:21,750 --> 00:03:25,167 to you that somewhere there is a long, dark tunnel. 63 00:03:25,250 --> 00:03:27,500 And in that tunnel there is a small, 64 00:03:27,542 --> 00:03:31,708 narrow door that is cracked open so that light may proceed 65 00:03:31,833 --> 00:03:35,750 from it, and that that door is the entry point 66 00:03:35,833 --> 00:03:40,833 back to the King and his kingdom. 67 00:03:40,833 --> 00:03:44,000 No one is certain where it is until you, 68 00:03:44,042 --> 00:03:48,500 on a day of providence, are going for a walk, 69 00:03:48,583 --> 00:03:51,542 out hiking perhaps in the woods, and you see this 70 00:03:51,667 --> 00:03:54,542 long, narrow tunnel. 71 00:03:54,667 --> 00:04:00,167 And you wonder, "Could that be the tunnel that is the legend, 72 00:04:00,208 --> 00:04:03,167 "the story, perhaps the true story that has been passed 73 00:04:03,208 --> 00:04:05,500 on to my family?" 74 00:04:05,500 --> 00:04:08,750 And with a bit of hope, you enter into that tunnel. 75 00:04:08,833 --> 00:04:14,000 And in fact, you find a small, narrow door that is cracked open 76 00:04:14,042 --> 00:04:19,500 with light peering from it into the dark cave, this long tunnel. 77 00:04:19,583 --> 00:04:24,167 But, in addition, there are thousands of other doors, 78 00:04:24,250 --> 00:04:30,167 each one representing another religion, philosophy, ideology, 79 00:04:30,250 --> 00:04:35,000 each guaranteeing some great gift of eternal life 80 00:04:35,083 --> 00:04:38,500 on the other side, each inviting you 81 00:04:38,500 --> 00:04:41,333 to put your hand on the knob, to open the door, 82 00:04:41,375 --> 00:04:44,000 and by faith to venture into whatever world 83 00:04:44,000 --> 00:04:50,500 is to be had on the other side of that threshold. 84 00:04:50,500 --> 00:04:53,500 And there you are with a decision to make. 85 00:04:53,583 --> 00:04:55,833 Which door will you choose? 86 00:04:55,833 --> 00:04:58,208 Which fate will you endure? 87 00:04:58,333 --> 00:05:04,667 Which world will you enter into? 88 00:05:04,667 --> 00:05:08,542 That is essentially the story that Jesus tells 89 00:05:08,667 --> 00:05:12,042 in Luke 13. 90 00:05:12,167 --> 00:05:18,000 We read, first of all, that salvation is one narrow door, 91 00:05:18,000 --> 00:05:21,208 the words of Jesus in Luke 13:22-24. 92 00:05:21,333 --> 00:05:24,000 We are told that, "He," Jesus, "went on his way through 93 00:05:24,000 --> 00:05:26,000 "the towns and villages, teaching and journeying 94 00:05:26,000 --> 00:05:27,583 "toward Jerusalem. 95 00:05:27,667 --> 00:05:29,167 "And someone said to him, 96 00:05:29,250 --> 00:05:32,208 "'Lord, will those who are saved be few?' 97 00:05:32,333 --> 00:05:36,667 "And he said to them, 'Strive to enter through the narrow door. 98 00:05:36,750 --> 00:05:38,667 "'For many, I tell you, 99 00:05:38,667 --> 00:05:43,333 will seek to enter and will not be able.'" 100 00:05:43,333 --> 00:05:47,042 Jesus says that there is in fact a door. 101 00:05:47,167 --> 00:05:50,542 A door exists to divide, to separate, 102 00:05:50,667 --> 00:05:55,208 to demarcate those who are in, those who are out, 103 00:05:55,333 --> 00:05:58,750 those who are family, those who are foe, 104 00:05:58,833 --> 00:06:03,333 those who are welcome, those who are unwelcome. 105 00:06:03,375 --> 00:06:08,833 Just as your home has a door, so the kingdom home of God 106 00:06:08,875 --> 00:06:11,042 has a door. 107 00:06:11,167 --> 00:06:16,000 And Jesus says that God dwells on one side and we on the other. 108 00:06:16,083 --> 00:06:19,542 Holiness on one side, unholiness on the other. 109 00:06:19,667 --> 00:06:23,375 Life on one side, death on the other. 110 00:06:23,500 --> 00:06:26,500 And that there is a door of division, separation, 111 00:06:26,542 --> 00:06:30,333 demarcation between us and God. 112 00:06:30,417 --> 00:06:32,333 It is a narrow door. 113 00:06:32,375 --> 00:06:33,833 It is a small door. 114 00:06:33,833 --> 00:06:36,750 Jesus says it is a door that few find 115 00:06:36,833 --> 00:06:42,667 and fewer still pass through by faith. 116 00:06:42,708 --> 00:06:45,250 They come to him and they ask this question: 117 00:06:45,333 --> 00:06:49,000 "Jesus, will many be saved?" 118 00:06:49,042 --> 00:06:54,083 And Jesus asks the question, "What about you?" 119 00:06:54,167 --> 00:06:57,708 Some of you have spent far too much time speculating about 120 00:06:57,833 --> 00:07:01,500 all of the religions and philosophies and ideologies. 121 00:07:01,500 --> 00:07:03,000 "How many will be saved? 122 00:07:03,083 --> 00:07:04,833 What about those who have never heard?" 123 00:07:04,917 --> 00:07:07,667 Perhaps some of those questions are, in fact, appropriate, 124 00:07:07,667 --> 00:07:10,000 but you have neglected the first 125 00:07:10,083 --> 00:07:12,042 and most important question of all. 126 00:07:12,167 --> 00:07:14,083 What about you? 127 00:07:14,167 --> 00:07:16,167 Will you be saved? 128 00:07:16,167 --> 00:07:19,750 Will you die to taste life or death, heaven or hell, 129 00:07:19,833 --> 00:07:23,042 blessing or judgment? 130 00:07:23,167 --> 00:07:27,333 Jesus says that it ultimately comes down to whether or not 131 00:07:27,333 --> 00:07:33,417 you are on this side or that side of the narrow door. 132 00:07:33,500 --> 00:07:36,167 The atheists are wrong. 133 00:07:36,250 --> 00:07:39,500 There is a God and there is a world beyond this world, 134 00:07:39,583 --> 00:07:43,000 and there is a life after this life. 135 00:07:43,083 --> 00:07:46,000 The atheists have lied. 136 00:07:46,000 --> 00:07:48,208 In addition, the pluralists have lied. 137 00:07:48,333 --> 00:07:51,833 There are not many doors that lead to eternal life. 138 00:07:51,875 --> 00:07:54,583 Not all religions go to the same place. 139 00:07:54,667 --> 00:07:58,667 All religions but one lead to hell. 140 00:07:58,750 --> 00:08:01,583 Jesus himself declares in John 14:6, 141 00:08:01,667 --> 00:08:04,417 "I am the way, the truth, the life. 142 00:08:04,500 --> 00:08:07,500 No one," that includes you, 143 00:08:07,542 --> 00:08:13,000 "comes to the Father but through me." 144 00:08:13,083 --> 00:08:16,500 And the universalists are wrong and they lie. 145 00:08:16,583 --> 00:08:21,333 Not everyone will die and go to be in a better place. 146 00:08:21,417 --> 00:08:25,375 We say these sort of foolish things at funerals of people who 147 00:08:25,500 --> 00:08:29,000 die because we're uncomfortable and we want hope 148 00:08:29,083 --> 00:08:30,542 and we don't want to lie. 149 00:08:30,667 --> 00:08:32,667 But we need not be foolish and say, 150 00:08:32,708 --> 00:08:34,417 "Well, it's a good thing they died. 151 00:08:34,500 --> 00:08:36,000 They've gone to a better place." 152 00:08:36,000 --> 00:08:40,333 Friends, most have not, will not, go to a better place. 153 00:08:40,375 --> 00:08:43,333 The door is narrow. 154 00:08:43,333 --> 00:08:47,000 If they did not pass through it, they do not inherit eternal life 155 00:08:47,083 --> 00:08:50,708 simply by virtue of dying. 156 00:08:50,833 --> 00:08:53,708 It's the decision they make in this life that ultimately 157 00:08:53,833 --> 00:08:58,833 determines where they go when this life ends. 158 00:08:58,833 --> 00:09:01,333 No one likes to speak of these things. 159 00:09:01,417 --> 00:09:03,667 Preachers don't preach of these things. 160 00:09:03,750 --> 00:09:07,375 Some Christians even renounce these things. 161 00:09:07,500 --> 00:09:10,875 And these are the things which Jesus himself has said. 162 00:09:11,000 --> 00:09:17,042 And let me ask you this: whom else will you trust? 163 00:09:17,167 --> 00:09:20,500 Whom else will you trust? 164 00:09:20,542 --> 00:09:23,542 Do you have a teacher, a religious leader, 165 00:09:23,667 --> 00:09:30,500 a philosopher who would give you some teaching that is contrary 166 00:09:30,583 --> 00:09:32,875 to the teaching of Jesus? 167 00:09:33,000 --> 00:09:37,333 Would you find them to be more humble, more credible? 168 00:09:37,417 --> 00:09:41,375 Would you choose to follow their instruction or would you trust 169 00:09:41,500 --> 00:09:47,417 in his instruction? 170 00:09:47,500 --> 00:09:50,917 You and I are in a position today that we have a very 171 00:09:51,000 --> 00:09:54,167 important decision to make. 172 00:09:54,250 --> 00:09:58,042 Which door will we pass through? 173 00:09:58,167 --> 00:10:01,333 I want you to think of this every time you pass through 174 00:10:01,375 --> 00:10:03,833 a threshold, you enter through a door, 175 00:10:03,833 --> 00:10:05,708 you place your hand upon a knob. 176 00:10:05,833 --> 00:10:10,333 Remember, remember, remember the words of Jesus. 177 00:10:10,333 --> 00:10:14,333 Of all the doors you will pass through, leaving this place, 178 00:10:14,375 --> 00:10:16,500 entering your own vehicle, 179 00:10:16,500 --> 00:10:18,667 returning--if you are still alive-- 180 00:10:18,750 --> 00:10:21,333 to the home that God has gifted you, 181 00:10:21,375 --> 00:10:24,000 every time you pass through a doorway, 182 00:10:24,083 --> 00:10:26,833 every time you place your hand upon a knob, 183 00:10:26,875 --> 00:10:30,000 remember the words of Jesus. 184 00:10:30,000 --> 00:10:33,667 There is one door that is the most important door. 185 00:10:33,667 --> 00:10:35,333 It is a narrow door. 186 00:10:35,417 --> 00:10:37,000 It is a door of faith. 187 00:10:37,083 --> 00:10:42,375 It is a door that separates us from God, life from death, 188 00:10:42,500 --> 00:10:47,833 hell from heaven. 189 00:10:47,917 --> 00:10:53,667 Some of you will say, "This is my problem with Christianity. 190 00:10:53,750 --> 00:10:59,833 It is so exclusive and narrow minded." 191 00:10:59,833 --> 00:11:03,583 Friends, we are as narrow as Jesus. 192 00:11:03,667 --> 00:11:06,167 He speaks of the path to salvation, 193 00:11:06,250 --> 00:11:09,708 forgiveness of sin, and eternal life as a narrow path that is 194 00:11:09,833 --> 00:11:16,333 to be traversed to a narrow door. 195 00:11:16,333 --> 00:11:21,333 And this door is open from God to us and it is an invitation 196 00:11:21,375 --> 00:11:25,333 for the enemies of God, not just the undeserving, 197 00:11:25,333 --> 00:11:30,375 but the ill-deserving to be welcomed into the kingdom of God 198 00:11:30,500 --> 00:11:35,042 and the presence of a holy, righteous, and good God. 199 00:11:35,167 --> 00:11:38,250 And before you judge God, let me first point out to you 200 00:11:38,333 --> 00:11:41,375 your own hypocrisy. 201 00:11:41,500 --> 00:11:44,667 None of you do this for your enemies. 202 00:11:44,667 --> 00:11:47,875 Those who have harmed you, abused you, abandoned you, 203 00:11:48,000 --> 00:11:52,333 betrayed you, maligned you, tonight you will not leave 204 00:11:52,333 --> 00:11:55,833 the front door to your home open. 205 00:11:55,833 --> 00:11:59,833 You will not leave a light on inviting them to come. 206 00:11:59,875 --> 00:12:02,500 You will not welcome them into your home that you might 207 00:12:02,583 --> 00:12:07,542 bless them and love them and lavish goodness upon them 208 00:12:07,667 --> 00:12:11,417 and sit down at your table and feast with them. 209 00:12:11,500 --> 00:12:13,333 We're all hypocrites. 210 00:12:13,333 --> 00:12:15,167 God is better than us all. 211 00:12:15,167 --> 00:12:21,167 God owes us nothing and he's opened a door. 212 00:12:21,167 --> 00:12:23,833 To be sure, it's a narrow door. 213 00:12:23,917 --> 00:12:27,333 And in this regard-- I will not lie to you-- 214 00:12:27,333 --> 00:12:31,833 Christianity is an exclusive religion. 215 00:12:31,833 --> 00:12:36,708 There is no salvation apart from Jesus. 216 00:12:36,833 --> 00:12:40,833 There is no forgiveness of sin apart from Jesus. 217 00:12:40,833 --> 00:12:44,875 There is no eternal life apart from Jesus. 218 00:12:45,000 --> 00:12:48,708 The path to salvation, the door of salvation, 219 00:12:48,833 --> 00:12:51,875 it is, in fact, narrow. 220 00:12:52,000 --> 00:12:54,083 In that regard, it is exclusive. 221 00:12:54,167 --> 00:13:00,417 There is no hope for sinners other than Jesus Christ. 222 00:13:01,833 --> 00:13:07,750 But Christianity is also the most inclusive. 223 00:13:07,833 --> 00:13:13,375 All are welcome to pass through the narrow door. 224 00:13:13,500 --> 00:13:17,167 You see, in some religions you need to be of a particular race, 225 00:13:17,250 --> 00:13:19,750 ethnicity, or people group. 226 00:13:19,833 --> 00:13:23,333 All nations are welcome to pass through the narrow door. 227 00:13:23,375 --> 00:13:26,667 You need to learn Hebrew or Arabic. 228 00:13:26,750 --> 00:13:30,875 All languages are welcome to pass through the narrow door. 229 00:13:31,000 --> 00:13:35,583 You must be of a particular nationality, tribe, 230 00:13:35,667 --> 00:13:37,833 ethnicity, or culture. 231 00:13:37,917 --> 00:13:40,000 All tribes, tongues, languages, nations, 232 00:13:40,000 --> 00:13:44,208 and people are welcome to pass through the narrow door. 233 00:13:44,333 --> 00:13:48,917 For some, you must be very smart and very studious. 234 00:13:49,000 --> 00:13:52,833 And even those who are simple are likewise welcome 235 00:13:52,917 --> 00:13:56,542 to pass through the narrow door. 236 00:13:56,667 --> 00:14:00,167 In some religions, it is preferable that you be affluent 237 00:14:00,250 --> 00:14:04,000 and wealthy so that you can buy your seat 238 00:14:04,083 --> 00:14:06,875 for the holy days in synagogue. 239 00:14:07,000 --> 00:14:10,708 Or in religions, if I might use that word exceedingly loosely, 240 00:14:10,833 --> 00:14:16,333 like Scientology, there are religions that are built 241 00:14:16,417 --> 00:14:19,333 for the rich and famous, where they have to pay large amounts 242 00:14:19,417 --> 00:14:21,583 of money to go through layers of teaching, 243 00:14:21,667 --> 00:14:23,750 training, and cleansing. 244 00:14:23,833 --> 00:14:26,750 And the rich and the poor, and the black and the white, 245 00:14:26,833 --> 00:14:31,000 and the young and the old, the simple and the wise 246 00:14:31,083 --> 00:14:33,500 are welcome to pass through the narrow door. 247 00:14:33,583 --> 00:14:38,333 And those who are the most reprehensible among us. 248 00:14:38,333 --> 00:14:40,917 See, many religions would teach that you need to be 249 00:14:41,000 --> 00:14:44,708 a good person who lives a good life, 250 00:14:44,833 --> 00:14:48,000 that you could stand before God, that your deeds of goodness 251 00:14:48,042 --> 00:14:51,208 would outweigh your deeds of badness. 252 00:14:51,333 --> 00:14:53,583 Christianity says, "No! 253 00:14:53,667 --> 00:14:56,333 "The most wicked, vile, and reprehensible among us, 254 00:14:56,375 --> 00:14:59,667 "if they come to repentance of sin, sincere faith in Jesus, 255 00:14:59,667 --> 00:15:03,333 "even in their dying breath, they too can pass by faith 256 00:15:03,333 --> 00:15:07,583 through the narrow door." 257 00:15:07,667 --> 00:15:11,333 Friends, there is one door. 258 00:15:11,417 --> 00:15:13,833 That door is narrow. 259 00:15:13,833 --> 00:15:16,333 It is exclusive. 260 00:15:16,333 --> 00:15:19,042 You must pass through it. 261 00:15:19,167 --> 00:15:20,917 But it is inclusive. 262 00:15:21,000 --> 00:15:25,667 All are welcome to pass through the one narrow door. 263 00:15:25,667 --> 00:15:31,667 Jesus continues, saying that the narrow door is closing. 264 00:15:31,667 --> 00:15:36,667 Luke 13:25-27, "When once the master of the house has risen 265 00:15:36,667 --> 00:15:39,167 "and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside 266 00:15:39,167 --> 00:15:41,833 "and to knock at the door, saying, 'Lord, open to us,' 267 00:15:41,833 --> 00:15:43,167 "then he will answer you, 268 00:15:43,250 --> 00:15:45,750 "'I do not know where you come from.' 269 00:15:45,833 --> 00:15:49,208 "Then you will begin to say, 'We ate and drank in your presence, 270 00:15:49,333 --> 00:15:51,000 "and you taught in our streets.' 271 00:15:51,042 --> 00:15:55,042 "But he will say, 'I tell you, I do not know where you come from. 272 00:15:55,167 --> 00:16:00,708 Depart from me, all you workers of evil!'" 273 00:16:00,833 --> 00:16:04,708 Now, were you and I to examine the life of these people, 274 00:16:04,833 --> 00:16:08,167 we would be hard pressed to declare them as evil. 275 00:16:08,167 --> 00:16:10,500 We would see these as moral people, 276 00:16:10,583 --> 00:16:14,042 good citizens, decent neighbors. 277 00:16:14,167 --> 00:16:17,042 And you might ask, "What evil have they done?" 278 00:16:17,167 --> 00:16:22,833 The evil they have done is this: lived a life apart from God. 279 00:16:22,833 --> 00:16:28,375 Sin is not just your deeds and misdeeds. 280 00:16:28,500 --> 00:16:32,667 It is whether or not you live in loving relationship 281 00:16:32,667 --> 00:16:35,708 with the God who made you. 282 00:16:35,833 --> 00:16:42,500 Any life, all of life, any of life that is lived apart from 283 00:16:42,583 --> 00:16:49,333 God is sinful, whether moral or immoral. 284 00:16:49,417 --> 00:16:51,833 These people were living apart from God. 285 00:16:51,833 --> 00:16:56,250 They were living apart from faith in Jesus. 286 00:16:56,333 --> 00:16:58,000 They had gazed upon the narrow door, 287 00:16:58,083 --> 00:17:00,917 but they had not passed through it. 288 00:17:01,000 --> 00:17:04,583 And Jesus here is saying that God is open to you. 289 00:17:04,667 --> 00:17:10,667 Friend, he has opened a door, a narrow door of opportunity, 290 00:17:10,708 --> 00:17:13,083 of invitation, of salvation. 291 00:17:13,167 --> 00:17:16,500 But that door will, in fact, close. 292 00:17:16,583 --> 00:17:19,500 There is no reincarnation. 293 00:17:19,583 --> 00:17:21,667 It's a lie. 294 00:17:21,667 --> 00:17:25,083 There is no second chance for salvation after death. 295 00:17:25,167 --> 00:17:26,875 It's a lie. 296 00:17:27,000 --> 00:17:29,250 There is no purgatory. 297 00:17:29,333 --> 00:17:31,917 It, too, is a lie. 298 00:17:32,000 --> 00:17:36,250 Hebrews 9:27 says, "It is appointed once for you to die, 299 00:17:36,333 --> 00:17:37,917 then judgment." 300 00:17:38,000 --> 00:17:40,167 You live, you die, you're judged. 301 00:17:40,250 --> 00:17:44,833 That's the truth. That's the truth. 302 00:17:44,875 --> 00:17:49,250 When you die, the door of opportunity 303 00:17:49,333 --> 00:17:51,917 slams shut behind you. 304 00:17:52,000 --> 00:17:54,333 As long as there is breath in your lungs, 305 00:17:54,333 --> 00:17:57,250 there is hope for your soul. 306 00:17:57,333 --> 00:18:01,708 Once you die, and we know not when we will die--some of you 307 00:18:01,833 --> 00:18:05,167 are young and you presume upon God's grace and you anticipate 308 00:18:05,250 --> 00:18:07,167 that you have decades left 309 00:18:07,250 --> 00:18:09,000 to sort out your spiritual condition. 310 00:18:09,042 --> 00:18:12,333 You do not know. 311 00:18:12,417 --> 00:18:16,542 You do not know the day of your death. 312 00:18:16,667 --> 00:18:20,583 It could come at a moment. 313 00:18:20,667 --> 00:18:25,167 Some of you may not live long. 314 00:18:25,250 --> 00:18:27,917 Some of you are presuming upon God's grace. 315 00:18:28,000 --> 00:18:31,833 Some of you are already living on borrowed time. 316 00:18:31,917 --> 00:18:34,208 You will die. 317 00:18:34,333 --> 00:18:35,875 The question is when. 318 00:18:36,000 --> 00:18:40,375 When you die, the door slams shut behind you, 319 00:18:40,500 --> 00:18:42,875 and you stand before God to give an account. 320 00:18:43,000 --> 00:18:48,000 And you will be judged eternally. 321 00:18:50,875 --> 00:18:53,333 Are you ready? 322 00:18:53,417 --> 00:18:56,833 These people were not. 323 00:18:56,875 --> 00:19:01,375 He says that there are many, perhaps even some of you, 324 00:19:01,500 --> 00:19:05,917 that when they die and the door of opportunity slams shut, 325 00:19:06,000 --> 00:19:08,750 which means that every minute of every day that door is 326 00:19:08,833 --> 00:19:14,208 slowly closing on us as we near our end, 327 00:19:14,333 --> 00:19:20,542 they were astonished that they died on this side of that door. 328 00:19:20,667 --> 00:19:22,042 That's not what they were anticipating. 329 00:19:22,167 --> 00:19:24,167 They were religious people and moral people 330 00:19:24,208 --> 00:19:28,333 and decent people and pious people. 331 00:19:28,375 --> 00:19:32,000 And they said, "Jesus, we knew about you and we had meals 332 00:19:32,083 --> 00:19:34,875 "with you and we were familiar with your teaching. 333 00:19:35,000 --> 00:19:39,000 How in the world could we die on this side of the door?" 334 00:19:39,042 --> 00:19:41,000 Jesus says, "Because you knew about me, 335 00:19:41,042 --> 00:19:44,000 "but you didn't know me. 336 00:19:44,000 --> 00:19:48,333 "You were so familiar with me that you overlooked me. 337 00:19:48,375 --> 00:19:51,042 "You had spent so many years looking at the door, 338 00:19:51,167 --> 00:19:54,667 you neglected to pass through it by faith." 339 00:19:54,708 --> 00:19:57,500 Friends, that is the case for some of you, 340 00:19:57,500 --> 00:20:01,000 perhaps many of you. 341 00:20:01,000 --> 00:20:03,333 Your parents were Christians. 342 00:20:03,417 --> 00:20:04,833 Your family is Christian. 343 00:20:04,833 --> 00:20:07,000 Your friends are Christian. 344 00:20:07,083 --> 00:20:10,333 Perhaps the school you attend is Christian. 345 00:20:10,333 --> 00:20:12,667 You attend Mars Hill. You're in a community group. 346 00:20:12,750 --> 00:20:14,208 You've read some of the Bible. 347 00:20:14,333 --> 00:20:16,833 You raised your hand at a camp as a child. 348 00:20:16,917 --> 00:20:19,667 And you would stand before Jesus in the end and say, 349 00:20:19,667 --> 00:20:22,917 "I belong to you," and he would say, "No, you don't. 350 00:20:23,000 --> 00:20:24,500 "It's one narrow door. 351 00:20:24,583 --> 00:20:26,167 "The line is single file. 352 00:20:26,250 --> 00:20:27,667 "You knew many who passed through, 353 00:20:27,750 --> 00:20:29,333 but you were not among them." 354 00:20:29,417 --> 00:20:31,750 Do you know Jesus? Do you love Jesus? 355 00:20:31,833 --> 00:20:34,375 Have you turned to Jesus? Are you trusting in Jesus? 356 00:20:34,500 --> 00:20:39,417 Do you worship Jesus as Lord, God, Savior, Christ, and King? 357 00:20:39,500 --> 00:20:41,875 Not your friends, not your family, not your school, 358 00:20:42,000 --> 00:20:45,167 not your community, not your group, not your relatives, 359 00:20:45,208 --> 00:20:46,833 not your history. 360 00:20:46,875 --> 00:20:48,833 You. 361 00:20:49,500 --> 00:20:51,208 You. 362 00:20:51,333 --> 00:20:53,250 Where are you at with Jesus? 363 00:20:53,333 --> 00:20:56,833 Have you passed through that narrow door of salvation? 364 00:20:56,833 --> 00:21:02,833 Have you received that kind invitation? 365 00:21:02,875 --> 00:21:06,208 Some of you would say, "I was baptized as a child." 366 00:21:06,333 --> 00:21:09,833 But did you pass through the narrow door? 367 00:21:09,917 --> 00:21:12,208 Your parents cannot carry you as an infant 368 00:21:12,333 --> 00:21:14,250 through the narrow door. 369 00:21:14,333 --> 00:21:16,667 You must yourself, of your own volition and will, 370 00:21:16,708 --> 00:21:23,000 you must choose to pass through the narrow door. 371 00:21:23,042 --> 00:21:26,833 Jesus then tells us why this door is the most important door 372 00:21:26,917 --> 00:21:30,167 in all of history, because this narrow door is, in fact, 373 00:21:30,208 --> 00:21:32,875 the door that divides heaven and hell. 374 00:21:33,000 --> 00:21:36,167 In Luke 13:28-30, he says it this way. 375 00:21:36,167 --> 00:21:39,250 "In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, 376 00:21:39,333 --> 00:21:42,208 "when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets 377 00:21:42,333 --> 00:21:47,542 "in the kingdom of God but you yourselves cast out. 378 00:21:47,667 --> 00:21:50,542 "And people will come from the east and west, and from north 379 00:21:50,667 --> 00:21:53,208 "and south, and recline at table in the kingdom of God. 380 00:21:53,333 --> 00:21:55,833 "And behold, some are last who will be first, 381 00:21:55,917 --> 00:21:58,583 and some are first who will be last." 382 00:21:58,667 --> 00:22:03,167 Jesus says that this door, this narrow door, 383 00:22:03,167 --> 00:22:08,667 this narrow door divides heaven and hell. 384 00:22:08,667 --> 00:22:10,375 Friends, there is a heaven. 385 00:22:10,500 --> 00:22:12,708 Jesus says it will be filled with feasting 386 00:22:12,833 --> 00:22:15,333 and laughing and blessing. 387 00:22:15,333 --> 00:22:18,167 It's like an enormous party without sin, 388 00:22:18,250 --> 00:22:22,000 where, in resurrection bodies, sickness is conquered, 389 00:22:22,083 --> 00:22:25,750 disease is destroyed, God is glorified. 390 00:22:25,833 --> 00:22:28,583 The nations come together and we live forever 391 00:22:28,667 --> 00:22:32,667 under the grace of a good king. 392 00:22:32,667 --> 00:22:37,500 The world as we know it is not the world as God finished it. 393 00:22:37,542 --> 00:22:40,667 In Genesis 1:31 it says, "When God completed his work, 394 00:22:40,750 --> 00:22:44,000 "he looked at all that he had made and he declared it 395 00:22:44,083 --> 00:22:45,667 to be very good." 396 00:22:45,750 --> 00:22:48,667 And the sin and the suffering and the sickness that we endure 397 00:22:48,667 --> 00:22:52,042 today is the result of our rebellion. 398 00:22:52,167 --> 00:22:58,667 We've passed through that door and we have created this world 399 00:22:58,708 --> 00:23:01,917 to be an absolute place of horror for us, 400 00:23:02,000 --> 00:23:06,083 but it is our doing, not God's. 401 00:23:06,167 --> 00:23:09,250 And Jesus says that there is a kingdom and that he, in fact, 402 00:23:09,333 --> 00:23:11,208 is a king. 403 00:23:11,333 --> 00:23:13,583 And for those who pass through this narrow door, 404 00:23:13,667 --> 00:23:17,333 returning back to their king, there is a heavenly kingdom. 405 00:23:17,333 --> 00:23:21,167 Additionally, there is an eternal hell. 406 00:23:21,208 --> 00:23:24,333 There is an eternal hell. 407 00:23:24,375 --> 00:23:30,542 This is not a point for philosophical speculation. 408 00:23:30,667 --> 00:23:32,833 This is a fact. 409 00:23:32,833 --> 00:23:38,167 There is a real hell that will be full. 410 00:23:40,500 --> 00:23:44,000 Many will not pass through the narrow door. 411 00:23:44,000 --> 00:23:48,542 They will die on this side of that door and they will stand 412 00:23:48,667 --> 00:23:53,167 before God to be judged for their deeds and misdeeds. 413 00:23:53,250 --> 00:23:55,750 Some of you will say, "I don't believe in that." 414 00:23:55,833 --> 00:23:59,750 Dear friend, come to Jesus or you will experience it. 415 00:23:59,833 --> 00:24:03,750 And if I'm wrong, I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. 416 00:24:03,833 --> 00:24:06,000 If you are wrong, you have nothing to gain 417 00:24:06,000 --> 00:24:11,875 and everything to lose. 418 00:24:12,000 --> 00:24:17,000 Jesus explains hell in the most painful of terms. 419 00:24:17,042 --> 00:24:22,000 Jesus speaks of hell more than anyone else in the Bible. 420 00:24:22,000 --> 00:24:26,542 Jesus likens hell to a place of conscious torment 421 00:24:26,667 --> 00:24:30,042 that is eternal and unending. 422 00:24:30,167 --> 00:24:33,542 Jesus says that it will be a place where people will be 423 00:24:33,667 --> 00:24:39,417 weeping profusely and that they will be gnashing, or grinding, 424 00:24:39,500 --> 00:24:42,750 their teeth in agony. 425 00:24:42,833 --> 00:24:47,000 Friends, have you seen someone in so much pain that their lips 426 00:24:47,042 --> 00:24:53,167 are quivering, their jaw is shaking, their eyes are weeping? 427 00:24:54,667 --> 00:25:01,250 Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever. 428 00:25:02,375 --> 00:25:05,583 And don't believe the cartoons and don't be a fool. 429 00:25:05,667 --> 00:25:07,667 Satan does not rule hell. 430 00:25:07,750 --> 00:25:10,000 Jesus does. 431 00:25:10,083 --> 00:25:12,875 Jesus is Lord of all. 432 00:25:13,000 --> 00:25:16,500 It says in Revelation 14 that Satan, demons, 433 00:25:16,500 --> 00:25:20,000 and those who do not pass through the narrow door will be, 434 00:25:20,042 --> 00:25:24,417 quote, "tormented forever in the presence of Jesus Christ, 435 00:25:24,500 --> 00:25:28,500 the Lamb of God, and his holy angels." 436 00:25:28,583 --> 00:25:30,833 Jesus rules heaven. 437 00:25:30,875 --> 00:25:32,875 Jesus rules hell. 438 00:25:33,000 --> 00:25:38,500 Jesus says in John 5 that he is the one who will judge you. 439 00:25:38,542 --> 00:25:41,333 Some of you have said to family and friends, 440 00:25:41,417 --> 00:25:43,833 "You can't judge me!" 441 00:25:43,833 --> 00:25:47,250 The truth is Jesus will. 442 00:25:47,333 --> 00:25:51,417 And when you die, there is no opportunity for salvation. 443 00:25:51,500 --> 00:25:57,000 The door slams shut behind you and you will stand before Jesus 444 00:25:57,042 --> 00:26:01,000 and he will sentence you to a punishment in hell that 445 00:26:01,042 --> 00:26:06,000 absolutely fits the degree of wickedness that was present 446 00:26:06,000 --> 00:26:08,167 in your life. 447 00:26:08,250 --> 00:26:11,208 That means that some of you will suffer more than others, 448 00:26:11,333 --> 00:26:15,667 but all who fail to pass through the narrow door will suffer 449 00:26:15,667 --> 00:26:20,333 and they will suffer forever. 450 00:26:20,417 --> 00:26:22,417 Many preachers are cowards. 451 00:26:22,500 --> 00:26:25,333 They don't tell you this. 452 00:26:25,333 --> 00:26:29,417 My job is to love you well and tell you the truth. 453 00:26:29,500 --> 00:26:31,875 The Bible says that teachers will be judged 454 00:26:32,000 --> 00:26:33,833 more strictly and harshly. 455 00:26:33,875 --> 00:26:36,833 That means I need to stand before Jesus and give an account 456 00:26:36,833 --> 00:26:39,417 for even these words. 457 00:26:39,500 --> 00:26:41,333 I'm not going to lie to you. 458 00:26:41,333 --> 00:26:42,917 I'm not going to sell you. 459 00:26:43,000 --> 00:26:45,333 I'm not going to soften the blow. 460 00:26:45,375 --> 00:26:47,167 I will treat you as adults, 461 00:26:47,250 --> 00:26:50,375 and I want you to make your own decision. 462 00:26:50,500 --> 00:26:55,333 But I also want my hands to be clean of your blood, and I want 463 00:26:55,417 --> 00:27:00,875 you to make the decision, fully aware of the consequences 464 00:27:01,000 --> 00:27:05,667 of this opportunity that God sets before you. 465 00:27:07,875 --> 00:27:13,750 Some of you are going to hell. 466 00:27:13,833 --> 00:27:16,667 And he says, "There you will see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob," 467 00:27:16,667 --> 00:27:19,000 not that they are in the place of torment, 468 00:27:19,042 --> 00:27:22,667 but somehow you will be able to gaze upon the place of blessing. 469 00:27:22,667 --> 00:27:26,167 And you will see the love and the grace and the mercy of God. 470 00:27:26,167 --> 00:27:32,167 And you will see the joy and the gratitude of the people of God. 471 00:27:32,167 --> 00:27:37,417 And for all of your days, you will regret your own folly 472 00:27:37,500 --> 00:27:41,000 and the opportunity that you allowed to pass you by. 473 00:27:41,042 --> 00:27:45,833 You will have no one to blame but yourself. 474 00:27:45,833 --> 00:27:51,333 And Jesus says that some who are last will be first and some 475 00:27:51,333 --> 00:27:57,167 who are first will be last. 476 00:27:57,208 --> 00:28:00,833 Amazingly, there are many who are last that are becoming first 477 00:28:00,875 --> 00:28:03,875 and they are passing through this narrow door. 478 00:28:04,000 --> 00:28:07,333 Just a bit over a year ago, an earthquake hit Haiti, 479 00:28:07,417 --> 00:28:10,833 and in some 37 seconds the poorest nation 480 00:28:10,917 --> 00:28:14,167 in the western hemisphere was literally rocked to its core. 481 00:28:14,167 --> 00:28:18,167 And the great city of Port-au-Prince saw upwards 482 00:28:18,250 --> 00:28:24,333 of half the buildings fall to the ground. 483 00:28:24,417 --> 00:28:27,875 By the grace of God and the work of Pastor James MacDonald from 484 00:28:28,000 --> 00:28:32,667 the Harvest Bible Chapel, we had entrance into the country just 485 00:28:32,750 --> 00:28:36,583 days after this tragedy and it was a miracle of God 486 00:28:36,667 --> 00:28:38,167 that we got in. 487 00:28:38,250 --> 00:28:41,375 And we were privileged to bring some of the film crew there 488 00:28:41,500 --> 00:28:43,917 to see the devastation and to investigate 489 00:28:44,000 --> 00:28:47,750 in a documentary style what was happening with the churches. 490 00:28:47,833 --> 00:28:50,833 Came back and preached that to you and showed that footage to 491 00:28:50,875 --> 00:28:54,208 you and other churches did as well and I want to thank you. 492 00:28:54,333 --> 00:28:59,250 You gave $750,000 to help that effort. 493 00:28:59,333 --> 00:29:02,708 And Churches Helping Churches, a small organization, 494 00:29:02,833 --> 00:29:05,583 was born with a minimal staff and a lot of volunteers 495 00:29:05,667 --> 00:29:08,833 and other churches, including Pastor James', 496 00:29:08,833 --> 00:29:10,417 took offerings as well 497 00:29:10,500 --> 00:29:14,667 and an additional $2 million was raised. 498 00:29:14,667 --> 00:29:18,042 Over $2.7 million in total. 499 00:29:18,167 --> 00:29:20,500 So on the 1-year anniversary of the quake, 500 00:29:20,583 --> 00:29:24,833 I had the honor of returning to see what God was doing. 501 00:29:24,917 --> 00:29:27,375 The capital building is still collapsed. 502 00:29:27,500 --> 00:29:30,333 All they've done is move the rubble and bodies out of 503 00:29:30,375 --> 00:29:33,167 the street, but there are no construction projects underway. 504 00:29:33,208 --> 00:29:34,833 Everything is as it was. 505 00:29:34,875 --> 00:29:36,667 There are upwards of 1 million people, 506 00:29:36,708 --> 00:29:38,667 they will call them displaced, they're homeless. 507 00:29:38,667 --> 00:29:40,333 Their homes fell to the ground. 508 00:29:40,375 --> 00:29:42,667 They're living under tarps and they're living in tents 509 00:29:42,667 --> 00:29:44,000 at the parks. 510 00:29:44,083 --> 00:29:46,542 One park has over 50,000 people living in it 511 00:29:46,667 --> 00:29:48,333 in the heart of the city. 512 00:29:48,417 --> 00:29:51,875 No electricity, no running water, no bathrooms. 513 00:29:52,000 --> 00:29:55,042 There's no functioning government. 514 00:29:55,167 --> 00:30:01,167 There's no military and there's a very minimal police force. 515 00:30:01,250 --> 00:30:04,000 And the church is exploding. 516 00:30:04,083 --> 00:30:07,167 Churches are filled with people who are running 517 00:30:07,167 --> 00:30:10,167 through the narrow door. 518 00:30:10,250 --> 00:30:12,917 I'll show you a photo of the event that we had. 519 00:30:13,000 --> 00:30:17,500 We had a service, a church service. 520 00:30:17,500 --> 00:30:21,083 The radio station, it was on radio and television, 521 00:30:21,167 --> 00:30:25,583 reported 50,000 people came on the 1-year anniversary 522 00:30:25,667 --> 00:30:28,083 of the quake. 523 00:30:28,167 --> 00:30:31,542 Where we were preaching from, there were actually five roads 524 00:30:31,667 --> 00:30:33,875 that came together and people lined two of them, 525 00:30:34,000 --> 00:30:35,500 so this is half the crowd. 526 00:30:35,542 --> 00:30:37,417 Actually less. 527 00:30:37,500 --> 00:30:40,167 There was a whole other street and then they spilled over 528 00:30:40,208 --> 00:30:44,333 into another area surrounding. 529 00:30:44,417 --> 00:30:47,500 These people came without water, without food. 530 00:30:47,542 --> 00:30:50,208 There was no shade or shelter and there were only 531 00:30:50,333 --> 00:30:54,500 a few portable bathrooms for 50,000 people. 532 00:30:54,583 --> 00:30:58,875 They stood in 90-some-degree weather for 5 or 6 hours. 533 00:31:01,667 --> 00:31:04,750 The president was going to do some sort of memorial event that 534 00:31:04,833 --> 00:31:08,000 night and so he allowed us to use his staging 535 00:31:08,000 --> 00:31:10,833 and his sound system for a mere $3,000. 536 00:31:10,833 --> 00:31:13,042 It was wonderful. 537 00:31:13,167 --> 00:31:17,542 Franklin Graham's crusade a bit prior had its literature show up 538 00:31:17,667 --> 00:31:20,333 late, so Franklin Graham was gracious and gave us 539 00:31:20,333 --> 00:31:23,500 all kinds of follow-up material for new Christians. 540 00:31:23,542 --> 00:31:25,500 People were very generous, very gracious. 541 00:31:25,583 --> 00:31:27,167 There are a lot of great organizations, 542 00:31:27,167 --> 00:31:31,167 including Christian ones, doing some wonderful things. 543 00:31:31,208 --> 00:31:36,667 And it's amazing that these people who are last-- 544 00:31:38,333 --> 00:31:41,917 the average person has a third-grade education. 545 00:31:42,000 --> 00:31:45,083 The average person we met is living under a tarp in a park 546 00:31:45,167 --> 00:31:48,875 and has been for a year. 547 00:31:49,000 --> 00:31:51,667 Seemingly every family has someone who's missing a limb 548 00:31:51,708 --> 00:31:54,583 because when the buildings fell upon people, 549 00:31:54,667 --> 00:31:57,708 the hospital also was destroyed, there's not medical care to tend 550 00:31:57,833 --> 00:32:03,167 to them, and so they just amputated their limbs. 551 00:32:03,208 --> 00:32:06,542 People everywhere without arms and legs. 552 00:32:09,417 --> 00:32:11,000 I want to thank you. 553 00:32:11,042 --> 00:32:13,708 We're able to build buildings at a seminary and rebuild 554 00:32:13,833 --> 00:32:18,083 50 church buildings and fly in $1.7 million in medical aid 555 00:32:18,167 --> 00:32:22,250 and help train thousands of pastors and also support those 556 00:32:22,333 --> 00:32:25,500 who are local, Creole- and French-speaking 557 00:32:25,500 --> 00:32:29,167 Haitian nationals who love Jesus, and host this event. 558 00:32:29,208 --> 00:32:33,542 I'll share one story with you of a man on the right 559 00:32:33,667 --> 00:32:35,542 who's a pastor. 560 00:32:35,667 --> 00:32:37,875 He was my translator for my brief sermon. 561 00:32:38,000 --> 00:32:39,875 We let the Haitians do the vast majority 562 00:32:40,000 --> 00:32:41,333 of the teaching and singing. 563 00:32:41,333 --> 00:32:43,833 Last thing we need is Americans getting in the way 564 00:32:43,833 --> 00:32:45,167 of what God is doing. 565 00:32:45,250 --> 00:32:47,167 We just wanted to thank them. 566 00:32:47,167 --> 00:32:49,167 The man on the right is a pastor. 567 00:32:49,167 --> 00:32:50,667 His home fell to the ground. 568 00:32:50,708 --> 00:32:52,833 He's living amidst the rubble a year later. 569 00:32:52,875 --> 00:32:54,833 His church fell to the ground as well. 570 00:32:54,875 --> 00:32:56,583 His people are displaced, homeless, 571 00:32:56,667 --> 00:32:59,167 living in the park in tents and under tarps, 572 00:32:59,250 --> 00:33:03,500 and so he decided to plant a church in the park. 573 00:33:03,500 --> 00:33:07,667 His church is now running 3,000 people, 3,000 homeless people, 574 00:33:07,708 --> 00:33:10,833 in the park because Haitians are just running 575 00:33:10,875 --> 00:33:12,500 through the narrow door. 576 00:33:12,500 --> 00:33:16,708 They are coming to Jesus in revival numbers. 577 00:33:16,833 --> 00:33:19,000 There was a non-Christian organization that asked to hire 578 00:33:19,000 --> 00:33:21,708 that pastor saying, "You're a man of integrity and we 579 00:33:21,833 --> 00:33:24,000 would like to employ you to help our organization." 580 00:33:24,042 --> 00:33:25,833 He said, "I must work for free. 581 00:33:25,833 --> 00:33:29,583 "You don't love Jesus, but I love what you're doing, 582 00:33:29,667 --> 00:33:32,333 "but I can't compromise my integrity so I cannot take 583 00:33:32,375 --> 00:33:35,708 a salary," said the homeless pastor with a church 584 00:33:35,833 --> 00:33:38,833 of homeless people in the park. 585 00:33:38,875 --> 00:33:41,708 The tarp or tent they were meeting under was destroyed 586 00:33:41,833 --> 00:33:46,000 in a great storm and so our leadership there under 587 00:33:46,000 --> 00:33:48,375 Thomas Kim approached him and said, "We'd like to 588 00:33:48,500 --> 00:33:50,250 replace that temporary shelter." 589 00:33:50,333 --> 00:33:53,667 He said, "No, our people need to learn to give generously. 590 00:33:53,708 --> 00:33:55,833 "They're homeless, but we can figure out how 591 00:33:55,833 --> 00:33:57,333 we're going to meet." 592 00:33:57,375 --> 00:34:00,500 And they did. 593 00:34:00,500 --> 00:34:03,250 On the left is his worship leader, 594 00:34:03,333 --> 00:34:08,583 a 12-year-old boy who sings like a Spirit-filled Michael Jackson. 595 00:34:08,667 --> 00:34:13,333 If we get the audio and the video set up, 596 00:34:13,375 --> 00:34:16,042 I'd love to have you hear him. 597 00:34:16,167 --> 00:34:19,542 He led worship for us for 50,000 people who were 598 00:34:19,667 --> 00:34:23,208 absolutely stunned and I was among them. 599 00:34:23,333 --> 00:34:25,500 Blown away. 600 00:34:25,583 --> 00:34:28,750 Unbelievable control, voice, passion, 601 00:34:28,833 --> 00:34:32,042 and spiritual authority in a 12-year-old boy. 602 00:34:32,167 --> 00:34:34,333 He speaks Creole, I speak English. 603 00:34:34,417 --> 00:34:36,208 It was hard to figure out. 604 00:34:36,333 --> 00:34:38,083 I think he may be an orphan. 605 00:34:38,167 --> 00:34:41,083 He's definitely living at the park homeless and displaced. 606 00:34:41,167 --> 00:34:46,500 He leads worship at a megachurch of 3,000 people. 607 00:34:48,583 --> 00:34:50,500 Of course we're going to support him. 608 00:34:50,500 --> 00:34:52,000 I'm in touch with the pastor. 609 00:34:52,083 --> 00:34:55,208 We're going to do good by this young man. 610 00:34:55,333 --> 00:35:00,833 The way he was found is at night in the parks they have nothing 611 00:35:00,875 --> 00:35:06,000 to do, so people just come together and they sing to Jesus. 612 00:35:06,042 --> 00:35:09,667 They've learned that life on the other side of that narrow door 613 00:35:09,708 --> 00:35:13,542 is really the life that counts the most. 614 00:35:13,667 --> 00:35:17,333 And so the whole city is quiet and there's no electricity 615 00:35:17,333 --> 00:35:19,833 in most areas. 616 00:35:19,833 --> 00:35:23,833 Yet, if you go for a walk, what you will hear are the voices 617 00:35:23,833 --> 00:35:28,000 of Christians worshiping Jesus, homeless, poor, 618 00:35:28,042 --> 00:35:32,000 amputated, in the parks. 619 00:35:32,083 --> 00:35:34,833 And there was a missionary couple that has been there for 620 00:35:34,875 --> 00:35:38,000 35 years and they were passing through the park and they heard 621 00:35:38,042 --> 00:35:40,333 the voice of this young boy leading worship. 622 00:35:40,417 --> 00:35:43,333 And so they found him and they invited him to our event 623 00:35:43,417 --> 00:35:45,917 and we just put him on the stage in front 624 00:35:46,000 --> 00:35:48,500 of 50,000 people and he was mesmerizing, 625 00:35:48,583 --> 00:35:50,750 by the grace of God. 626 00:35:50,833 --> 00:35:52,667 Mesmerizing. 627 00:35:52,708 --> 00:35:56,833 And as I looked out, I was overcome with emotion. 628 00:35:56,833 --> 00:36:01,000 I saw people who had literally one leg with crutches of 629 00:36:01,083 --> 00:36:06,750 two different sizes hobbling to worship in 90-degree heat. 630 00:36:06,833 --> 00:36:11,833 I saw children with one leg and one arm balancing on crutches 631 00:36:11,917 --> 00:36:14,917 so they could raise their one hand in worship to Jesus, 632 00:36:15,000 --> 00:36:18,375 singing for six hours. 633 00:36:18,500 --> 00:36:22,917 The last will be what? The last will be what? 634 00:36:23,000 --> 00:36:24,500 First. 635 00:36:24,542 --> 00:36:28,167 This narrow door is open. It is exclusive: 636 00:36:28,208 --> 00:36:30,167 there's one door. It is inclusive: 637 00:36:30,250 --> 00:36:33,583 all are welcome. 638 00:36:33,667 --> 00:36:36,500 And people with one leg and a third-grade education 639 00:36:36,500 --> 00:36:40,708 sleeping in a tent are running through that door. 640 00:36:40,833 --> 00:36:44,500 Additionally, Jesus says that the first will be what? 641 00:36:44,500 --> 00:36:46,833 Last. 642 00:36:46,833 --> 00:36:49,333 Mars Hill, what are you? 643 00:36:49,333 --> 00:36:53,042 First. 644 00:36:53,167 --> 00:36:56,833 If you've called other nations, you know that you have to enter 645 00:36:56,833 --> 00:36:59,750 a country code before you dial a number. 646 00:36:59,833 --> 00:37:01,833 If you're calling back to the States, 647 00:37:01,833 --> 00:37:03,375 you have enter our country code. 648 00:37:03,500 --> 00:37:05,542 What's our country code? 649 00:37:05,667 --> 00:37:07,667 Number one. 650 00:37:07,708 --> 00:37:09,542 We are first. 651 00:37:09,667 --> 00:37:11,917 We are the first nation in the world. 652 00:37:12,000 --> 00:37:18,000 We are the most preeminent, prominent nation in the world. 653 00:37:18,042 --> 00:37:20,333 The first shall be what? 654 00:37:20,333 --> 00:37:22,917 Last. 655 00:37:23,000 --> 00:37:27,667 My exhortation, my invitation to you is this. 656 00:37:27,750 --> 00:37:29,875 Do not be too smart. 657 00:37:30,000 --> 00:37:32,000 Do not be too smug. 658 00:37:32,000 --> 00:37:33,750 Do not be too affluent. 659 00:37:33,833 --> 00:37:35,708 Do not be too busy. 660 00:37:35,833 --> 00:37:37,542 Do not be too critical. 661 00:37:37,667 --> 00:37:39,333 Do not be too moral. 662 00:37:39,375 --> 00:37:45,000 Do not be self-righteous and fail to run through that door. 663 00:37:48,542 --> 00:37:53,000 For some who are last, this life is as close to hell 664 00:37:53,000 --> 00:37:55,333 as they will ever get. 665 00:37:55,333 --> 00:37:57,875 And for some who fail to pass through the door, 666 00:37:58,000 --> 00:37:59,833 this is their heaven. 667 00:37:59,917 --> 00:38:04,833 Hell awaits them and this is as close--this is as close 668 00:38:04,833 --> 00:38:10,208 to the kingdom of God as you will ever be. 669 00:38:10,333 --> 00:38:14,708 And Jesus closes with these final words that, in fact, 670 00:38:14,833 --> 00:38:17,583 he is that narrow door. 671 00:38:17,667 --> 00:38:21,583 The narrow door is Jesus Christ. 672 00:38:21,667 --> 00:38:25,750 Luke 13:31-51, "At that very hour some Pharisees," 673 00:38:25,833 --> 00:38:27,750 religious leaders, "came and said to him, 674 00:38:27,833 --> 00:38:30,333 "'Get away from here, for Herod wants to kill you.' 675 00:38:30,333 --> 00:38:33,167 And he said to them, 'Go and tell that fox,'" 676 00:38:33,208 --> 00:38:35,708 which is a very negative title and a criticism, 677 00:38:35,833 --> 00:38:38,250 "'"Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures 678 00:38:38,333 --> 00:38:41,042 "'today and tomorrow, and the third day I finish my course. 679 00:38:41,167 --> 00:38:44,500 "'Nevertheless, I must go on my way today and tomorrow 680 00:38:44,500 --> 00:38:48,000 "'and the day following, for it cannot be that a prophet 681 00:38:48,000 --> 00:38:50,667 should perish away from Jerusalem."' 682 00:38:50,750 --> 00:38:54,500 "'O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets 683 00:38:54,500 --> 00:38:57,167 "'and stones those who are sent to it! 684 00:38:57,167 --> 00:39:00,417 "'How often would I have gathered your children together 685 00:39:00,500 --> 00:39:04,417 as a hen gathers her brood,'" or her chicks, "'under her wings, 686 00:39:04,500 --> 00:39:06,000 "'and you would not! 687 00:39:06,000 --> 00:39:08,333 "'Behold, your house is forsaken. 688 00:39:08,375 --> 00:39:12,042 "'And I tell you, you will not see me until you say, 689 00:39:12,167 --> 00:39:16,667 "'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"'" 690 00:39:16,750 --> 00:39:22,000 God has opened a door from us to him. 691 00:39:22,042 --> 00:39:27,000 God has opened one narrow door from us to him. 692 00:39:27,042 --> 00:39:30,500 That door is Jesus Christ. 693 00:39:30,583 --> 00:39:35,500 Jesus says in John 10:9, "I am the door. 694 00:39:35,542 --> 00:39:40,750 He who passes through me shall inherit eternal life." 695 00:39:40,833 --> 00:39:45,167 Jesus says, "I am the door!" 696 00:39:45,208 --> 00:39:47,333 The door of salvation! 697 00:39:47,417 --> 00:39:49,708 The door of invitation! 698 00:39:49,833 --> 00:39:52,333 The door from God to man! 699 00:39:52,417 --> 00:39:54,750 The door from heaven to hell! 700 00:39:54,833 --> 00:40:00,333 The door that is available to you in this very moment 701 00:40:00,333 --> 00:40:03,708 is Jesus Christ! 702 00:40:03,833 --> 00:40:06,667 God became a man. 703 00:40:06,667 --> 00:40:12,000 He lived without sin and here he is on his way to Jerusalem 704 00:40:12,000 --> 00:40:16,167 and Jesus is focused, committed, devoted, 705 00:40:16,167 --> 00:40:19,667 and resolved to getting to Jerusalem. 706 00:40:19,708 --> 00:40:22,333 And the religious leaders come to him and they say, 707 00:40:22,417 --> 00:40:24,208 "Jesus, be careful. 708 00:40:24,333 --> 00:40:25,667 "Stop preaching. 709 00:40:25,708 --> 00:40:27,333 You will be put to death." 710 00:40:27,375 --> 00:40:31,917 And Jesus says, "I know, that's why I must get to Jerusalem." 711 00:40:32,000 --> 00:40:35,333 The great city of God where the presence of the Holy Spirit 712 00:40:35,417 --> 00:40:38,167 dwelt in the Holy of Holies, where the priests 713 00:40:38,167 --> 00:40:41,583 and the sacrificial system and the worship of God around 714 00:40:41,667 --> 00:40:46,333 the temple, all foreshadowing the coming of Jesus Christ 715 00:40:46,375 --> 00:40:51,833 were absolutely anticipating the fulfillment of all that 716 00:40:51,833 --> 00:40:55,167 was promised and longed for. 717 00:40:55,250 --> 00:40:58,417 And Jesus had to get to Jerusalem. 718 00:40:58,500 --> 00:41:03,333 And he had to suffer and die in our place for our sins as our 719 00:41:03,417 --> 00:41:07,917 savior to pay our debt to God and to take the door that 720 00:41:08,000 --> 00:41:12,000 had been slammed shut by our great-great-great-grandfather 721 00:41:12,042 --> 00:41:15,708 Adam through his rebellion, folly, and sin, 722 00:41:15,833 --> 00:41:19,417 and as the new Adam, the last Adam, to open that door, 723 00:41:19,500 --> 00:41:22,333 that the light of the kingdom of God might shine into 724 00:41:22,375 --> 00:41:25,667 the darkness of this world and that you and I would be invited 725 00:41:25,750 --> 00:41:29,167 to pass through that narrow door. 726 00:41:29,250 --> 00:41:35,167 Jesus Christ is the door of salvation and provision. 727 00:41:36,500 --> 00:41:40,375 He died in your place for your sins 728 00:41:40,500 --> 00:41:44,000 as your substitute and savior. 729 00:41:44,083 --> 00:41:47,000 And he knows exactly what his mission is and here he is 730 00:41:47,042 --> 00:41:51,833 absolutely committed to seeing it through to the end. 731 00:41:51,875 --> 00:41:56,667 He who has no sin became sin for us. 732 00:41:56,708 --> 00:42:01,333 God became a man to open a door of opportunity for men and women 733 00:42:01,417 --> 00:42:04,000 to come to God. 734 00:42:04,000 --> 00:42:07,500 Jesus is that door. 735 00:42:07,542 --> 00:42:11,667 Dear friend, let me implore you, let me beg you, 736 00:42:11,708 --> 00:42:15,250 don't complain about the door. 737 00:42:15,333 --> 00:42:18,250 Don't go searching for another door. 738 00:42:18,333 --> 00:42:21,875 Don't try one of the other thousands of doors that religion 739 00:42:22,000 --> 00:42:25,667 and ideology and philosophy would give you. 740 00:42:25,708 --> 00:42:27,208 Don't criticize the door. 741 00:42:27,333 --> 00:42:28,750 Don't critique the door. 742 00:42:28,833 --> 00:42:30,917 Don't just stare at the door. 743 00:42:31,000 --> 00:42:34,000 Don't walk away from the door and don't place your hand 744 00:42:34,042 --> 00:42:35,667 on the wrong knob. 745 00:42:35,667 --> 00:42:39,833 Don't walk through the wrong belief system. 746 00:42:39,917 --> 00:42:44,500 It's all a trap. It's all a lie. 747 00:42:44,500 --> 00:42:51,000 Instead, run, run to Jesus! 748 00:42:51,083 --> 00:42:54,375 Run through the narrow door! 749 00:42:54,500 --> 00:42:57,167 He used the word earlier, "strive." 750 00:42:57,208 --> 00:43:01,583 That's language of an athlete who is running and passionate 751 00:43:01,667 --> 00:43:03,708 and compelled and zealous. 752 00:43:03,833 --> 00:43:07,000 There's a sense of urgency. 753 00:43:07,083 --> 00:43:09,208 Run! 754 00:43:09,333 --> 00:43:12,333 Some of you are presuming on the grace of God. 755 00:43:12,333 --> 00:43:17,333 Some of you are living in the path of the wrath of God. 756 00:43:19,667 --> 00:43:23,167 Run through the door that God has opened! 757 00:43:23,250 --> 00:43:26,042 Run through the door that God has offered! 758 00:43:26,167 --> 00:43:31,250 Run by faith from your sin through Jesus to eternal life. 759 00:43:34,000 --> 00:43:38,500 This is your decision. 760 00:43:38,542 --> 00:43:41,167 I have done all I can do. 761 00:43:41,208 --> 00:43:45,708 Jesus has done everything that can be done. 762 00:43:45,833 --> 00:43:51,000 And now it is your decision what you will do. 763 00:43:51,042 --> 00:43:55,000 And what is the heart of Jesus? 764 00:43:55,042 --> 00:43:57,375 Some of you would say, "What a cruel God. 765 00:43:57,500 --> 00:43:58,875 "What a mean God. 766 00:43:59,000 --> 00:44:03,667 What a capricious God to send people to hell." 767 00:44:03,667 --> 00:44:06,167 What is Jesus doing here in the text, dear friends? 768 00:44:06,167 --> 00:44:08,000 What is he doing? 769 00:44:08,000 --> 00:44:10,042 Is he laughing? Is he scoffing? 770 00:44:10,167 --> 00:44:12,333 Is he dancing? 771 00:44:12,375 --> 00:44:17,000 He is weeping. He is weeping. 772 00:44:17,042 --> 00:44:22,583 His heart is broken. 773 00:44:22,667 --> 00:44:26,000 Yes, Jesus has risen from death. 774 00:44:26,083 --> 00:44:28,083 Yes, Jesus has ascended into heaven. 775 00:44:28,167 --> 00:44:32,583 Yes, Jesus will come again to judge the living and the dead. 776 00:44:32,667 --> 00:44:36,042 But the heart of Jesus today is the heart of Jesus 777 00:44:36,167 --> 00:44:39,000 as it was in that day. 778 00:44:39,083 --> 00:44:45,875 He is on the other side of this door, this narrow door, 779 00:44:46,000 --> 00:44:48,750 and he is weeping. 780 00:44:48,833 --> 00:44:52,167 His arms are stretched out. 781 00:44:52,208 --> 00:44:54,833 His eyes are filled with tears. 782 00:44:54,917 --> 00:44:57,250 He knows when you will die. 783 00:44:57,333 --> 00:44:59,375 He knows where you will go. 784 00:44:59,500 --> 00:45:05,500 He knows how you will suffer and that is what justice requires. 785 00:45:05,542 --> 00:45:12,542 And he is weeping, inviting you to run by faith through the door 786 00:45:12,667 --> 00:45:15,708 of salvation that he has suffered, died, 787 00:45:15,833 --> 00:45:19,167 and risen to open for you. 788 00:45:19,208 --> 00:45:22,708 This is the love of God. 789 00:45:22,833 --> 00:45:28,417 This is the love of God for you, dear friend. 790 00:45:28,500 --> 00:45:32,417 I believe Jesus is right now weeping for us 791 00:45:32,500 --> 00:45:38,000 as he was weeping for them. 792 00:45:38,083 --> 00:45:44,667 And it is my prayer that you would run. 793 00:45:44,667 --> 00:45:49,333 But that is something, dear friend, that you must decide. 794 00:45:52,083 --> 00:45:57,667 The narrow door is open and the decision is yours. 795 00:45:57,708 --> 00:46:02,333 Father God, we thank you that though we deserve nothing but 796 00:46:02,333 --> 00:46:07,500 hell and judgment because of our sin and folly and rebellion, 797 00:46:07,500 --> 00:46:14,167 you in love devised a plan to open a door of salvation 798 00:46:15,000 --> 00:46:21,833 from your world to ours, from your holiness to our sinfulness, 799 00:46:21,875 --> 00:46:25,750 from our death to your life. 800 00:46:25,833 --> 00:46:30,042 Lord Jesus, we thank you that as God you humbled yourself 801 00:46:30,167 --> 00:46:34,375 and became a man, that you lived the life we have not lived, 802 00:46:34,500 --> 00:46:37,375 the life without sin, that you died the death we should have 803 00:46:37,500 --> 00:46:41,500 died, the death for sin, that you rose to conquer sin 804 00:46:41,583 --> 00:46:46,375 and death and to open a narrow door of opportunity 805 00:46:46,500 --> 00:46:53,042 between your kingdom and the nations of this earth. 806 00:46:55,208 --> 00:47:00,375 Jesus, I pray for my friends a sober heart, 807 00:47:00,500 --> 00:47:06,417 a sense of urgency, 808 00:47:06,500 --> 00:47:12,375 that there is a door and it is open 809 00:47:12,500 --> 00:47:17,417 and on the other side you stand with tears in your eyes, 810 00:47:17,500 --> 00:47:21,500 scarred hands stretched out, 811 00:47:21,583 --> 00:47:25,083 willing to embrace any who by faith 812 00:47:25,167 --> 00:47:31,333 would run through that narrow door. 813 00:47:31,417 --> 00:47:37,000 Jesus, I pray for my friends, that they would run to you 814 00:47:37,000 --> 00:47:43,708 and that you would embrace them. 815 00:47:43,833 --> 00:47:46,542 Amen.