1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,033 2 00:00:00,038 --> 00:00:03,054 Tragically, Luke 4 records the rejection 3 00:00:03,062 --> 00:00:05,083 of Jesus in Nazareth. 4 00:00:05,088 --> 00:00:08,021 It is not something that just happened. 5 00:00:08,029 --> 00:00:10,050 It's something that continues to happen. 6 00:00:10,058 --> 00:00:12,092 For example, the place in which I am standing is 7 00:00:13,000 --> 00:00:14,050 a large marketplace. 8 00:00:14,054 --> 00:00:16,067 There were many merchants and vendors 9 00:00:16,071 --> 00:00:19,050 who were out selling their wares. 10 00:00:19,054 --> 00:00:24,062 The entire area was filled with tourists and shoppers 11 00:00:24,067 --> 00:00:28,000 and passers-by until I heard something that 12 00:00:28,004 --> 00:00:29,058 I've never heard in my life. 13 00:00:29,067 --> 00:00:33,029 It was in fact a Muslim call to prayer right here in Nazareth. 14 00:00:33,033 --> 00:00:34,058 We're in the middle of Ramadan, 15 00:00:34,067 --> 00:00:37,017 the high holy month for those who are Muslim. 16 00:00:37,025 --> 00:00:40,004 And the call for prayer went out and the shops closed 17 00:00:40,012 --> 00:00:43,067 and the people left and most went for washings. 18 00:00:43,075 --> 00:00:46,017 We saw some of the men trying to cleanse themselves-- 19 00:00:46,021 --> 00:00:48,042 of course something that only Jesus can do. 20 00:00:48,050 --> 00:00:52,000 Their efforts are futile to try to cleanse themselves. 21 00:00:52,008 --> 00:00:56,046 And from there proceeding to mosques for time of prayer 22 00:00:56,050 --> 00:01:00,033 and gathering and this entire area is vacant 23 00:01:00,038 --> 00:01:02,017 and the church is locked up. 24 00:01:02,025 --> 00:01:06,029 Not only was Jesus rejected in Nazareth, he is rejected in 25 00:01:06,033 --> 00:01:09,079 Nazareth and the first recording of the rejection of Jesus is 26 00:01:09,083 --> 00:01:12,012 found in Luke chapter 4. 27 00:01:12,017 --> 00:01:13,092 He tells us beginning in verse 22, 28 00:01:14,000 --> 00:01:16,017 "And all spoke well of him and marveled 29 00:01:16,025 --> 00:01:18,067 "at the gracious words that were coming from his mouth. 30 00:01:18,075 --> 00:01:22,017 "And they said, 'Is not this Joseph's son?' 31 00:01:22,021 --> 00:01:24,012 "And he said to them, 'Doubtless you will quote to me 32 00:01:24,017 --> 00:01:26,062 "this proverb, 'Physician, heal yourself.' 33 00:01:26,067 --> 00:01:29,008 "What we have heard you did at Capernaum, 34 00:01:29,017 --> 00:01:31,067 do here in your hometown as well.' 35 00:01:31,071 --> 00:01:33,025 And he said, 'Truly, I say to you, 36 00:01:33,033 --> 00:01:37,025 "'no prophet is acceptable in his hometown. 37 00:01:37,033 --> 00:01:41,079 "'But in truth, I tell you there were many widows in Israel 38 00:01:41,083 --> 00:01:44,050 "'in the days of Elijah, when the heavens were shut up for 39 00:01:44,054 --> 00:01:49,025 "'three years and six months and a great famine came over all the land, 40 00:01:49,033 --> 00:01:53,038 "'and Elijah was sent to none of them but only to Zarephath, 41 00:01:53,046 --> 00:01:56,012 "'in the land of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow. 42 00:01:56,017 --> 00:01:58,062 "'And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of 43 00:01:58,067 --> 00:02:01,083 "'the prophet Elisha, and none of them was cleansed, 44 00:02:01,088 --> 00:02:03,083 but only Naaman the Syrian.' 45 00:02:03,088 --> 00:02:05,021 "When they heard these things, 46 00:02:05,029 --> 00:02:08,038 all in the synagogue were filled with wrath." 47 00:02:08,046 --> 00:02:13,062 Again, the synagogue is underneath the church behind me. 48 00:02:13,067 --> 00:02:17,033 "And they rose up and drove him out of the town and brought him 49 00:02:17,038 --> 00:02:20,054 "to the brow of a hill on which their town was built, 50 00:02:20,062 --> 00:02:23,067 "so that they could throw him down the cliff. 51 00:02:23,075 --> 00:02:27,079 But passing through their midst, he went away." 52 00:02:32,071 --> 00:02:47,096 [music] 53 00:02:56,096 --> 00:02:57,096 Howdy, Mars Hill. 54 00:02:58,000 --> 00:03:01,067 We are in Luke 4:22-30. 55 00:03:01,071 --> 00:03:03,092 If you're new, one of the things we like to do is go 56 00:03:04,000 --> 00:03:05,042 through books of the Bible. 57 00:03:05,050 --> 00:03:08,054 We love the Bible at Mars Hill Church and we learn about Jesus 58 00:03:08,062 --> 00:03:11,088 from the Bible and so we like to go through books of the Bible 59 00:03:11,096 --> 00:03:14,004 and help you learn the Bible for yourself. 60 00:03:14,012 --> 00:03:17,050 Community groups also help you to learn the Scriptures and to 61 00:03:17,058 --> 00:03:20,000 be on mission with and for and like Jesus. 62 00:03:20,008 --> 00:03:23,067 And today, you're gonna get to learn about Jesus as a prophet. 63 00:03:23,075 --> 00:03:26,092 He is God and he came into human history as a man, 64 00:03:27,000 --> 00:03:31,033 and he came to preach and to prophesy. 65 00:03:31,038 --> 00:03:33,083 That's part of his ministry. 66 00:03:33,092 --> 00:03:36,038 So I want to give you a bit of information about the prophets. 67 00:03:36,046 --> 00:03:38,071 The Bible has a succession of prophets. 68 00:03:38,079 --> 00:03:41,088 They are, in fact, the authors of Scripture. 69 00:03:41,096 --> 00:03:44,088 And a prophet is someone who is hand-chosen by God. 70 00:03:44,096 --> 00:03:47,067 Unlike a priest who has to come from a certain family line 71 00:03:47,075 --> 00:03:50,067 and go through certain training and pass certain exams, 72 00:03:50,071 --> 00:03:52,083 prophets are just appointed by God, 73 00:03:52,088 --> 00:03:54,050 the Holy Spirit is upon them. 74 00:03:54,058 --> 00:03:56,067 They oftentimes don't walk out of institutions. 75 00:03:56,071 --> 00:03:58,000 They walk out of the woods. 76 00:03:58,008 --> 00:03:59,071 They serve God alone. 77 00:03:59,079 --> 00:04:02,000 They are often fearless. 78 00:04:02,008 --> 00:04:04,058 Some of them do have massive depression 79 00:04:04,067 --> 00:04:06,046 because of the rejection they suffer. 80 00:04:06,050 --> 00:04:09,050 The call in a prophet's life is very intense. 81 00:04:09,054 --> 00:04:11,062 They say hundreds of times in the Old Testament, 82 00:04:11,067 --> 00:04:12,083 "Thus saith the Lord." 83 00:04:12,088 --> 00:04:14,046 They speak on behalf of God. 84 00:04:14,050 --> 00:04:16,038 They're communicators for God. 85 00:04:16,046 --> 00:04:19,079 Some prophets were preaching prophets and they had scribes 86 00:04:19,083 --> 00:04:21,050 to record their words. 87 00:04:21,058 --> 00:04:23,000 Others were writing prophets. 88 00:04:23,004 --> 00:04:25,000 Some were both. 89 00:04:25,004 --> 00:04:28,033 And these men were rejected because they would come 90 00:04:28,042 --> 00:04:29,092 to God's people and they would say, 91 00:04:30,000 --> 00:04:31,062 "You're in sin. You're in rebellion. 92 00:04:31,067 --> 00:04:33,025 You need to repent." 93 00:04:33,033 --> 00:04:35,096 And the old Puritans were fond of saying that the same sun 94 00:04:36,000 --> 00:04:38,067 that melts the ice hardens the clay. 95 00:04:38,071 --> 00:04:41,000 And the prophets would thunder God's Word 96 00:04:41,008 --> 00:04:43,033 and some people's hearts would melt: 97 00:04:43,042 --> 00:04:44,067 "I am in sin. 98 00:04:44,071 --> 00:04:45,062 "I am in rebellion. 99 00:04:45,067 --> 00:04:46,083 "I am in folly. 100 00:04:46,088 --> 00:04:48,000 "I do need to repent. 101 00:04:48,004 --> 00:04:49,067 I do need to return to the Lord." 102 00:04:49,071 --> 00:04:52,004 And others, their hearts would harden. 103 00:04:52,012 --> 00:04:55,088 They'd become more religious and contentious and self-righteous, 104 00:04:55,096 --> 00:04:58,050 ultimately putting the prophet to death. 105 00:04:58,054 --> 00:05:02,050 And so Jesus, in the tradition of the prophets, comes preaching. 106 00:05:02,054 --> 00:05:04,088 He is loved by some, hated by many, 107 00:05:04,096 --> 00:05:07,083 and ultimately would be put to death. 108 00:05:07,092 --> 00:05:11,083 The great prophet of the Old Testament is Moses. 109 00:05:11,092 --> 00:05:15,075 And what we see in Deuteronomy chapter 18 110 00:05:15,083 --> 00:05:22,012 is a section of Scripture where it speaks about prophets and prophecy. 111 00:05:22,017 --> 00:05:27,029 And there, God reveals to Moses that there is a way to test true 112 00:05:27,033 --> 00:05:28,075 and false prophets. 113 00:05:28,083 --> 00:05:31,054 And you need to know this, that there are false prophets. 114 00:05:31,062 --> 00:05:33,021 They prophesy lies. 115 00:05:33,029 --> 00:05:36,067 They're empowered by Satan, not the Holy Spirit. 116 00:05:36,075 --> 00:05:38,038 They found religions. 117 00:05:38,046 --> 00:05:40,083 They found ideologies and spiritualities 118 00:05:40,088 --> 00:05:42,083 and they lead people astray. 119 00:05:42,092 --> 00:05:45,033 The question is, well, how do you know who is true 120 00:05:45,038 --> 00:05:47,088 and who is false for those who claim to speak 121 00:05:47,096 --> 00:05:49,050 and serve on behalf of God? 122 00:05:49,054 --> 00:05:52,067 And the qualifications in Deuteronomy 18, I'll summarize 123 00:05:52,071 --> 00:05:55,058 them for you, but you can read them for yourself and discuss 124 00:05:55,067 --> 00:05:57,083 them with your community group. 125 00:05:57,088 --> 00:06:02,075 Part of it is that a true prophet always preaches 126 00:06:02,083 --> 00:06:06,012 that which comes to pass. 127 00:06:06,017 --> 00:06:10,058 A true prophet is 100% correct all the time. 128 00:06:10,067 --> 00:06:13,062 And a false prophet is hit or miss. 129 00:06:13,067 --> 00:06:17,017 And so, as we come to the Scriptures, 130 00:06:17,025 --> 00:06:21,025 we learn that we need to be very judicious and discerning. 131 00:06:21,033 --> 00:06:24,092 Can't believe every teacher, every preacher, every book. 132 00:06:25,000 --> 00:06:26,000 Some are true, some are false. 133 00:06:26,004 --> 00:06:28,033 Some are true prophets, some are false prophets. 134 00:06:28,038 --> 00:06:32,046 Some are sent by God, some are sent by Satan. 135 00:06:32,050 --> 00:06:35,050 And so Moses lays out, or God through Moses lays out this 136 00:06:35,054 --> 00:06:40,021 criterion between two true and false prophets, and then he says, 137 00:06:40,029 --> 00:06:43,058 "I'm sending another prophet, a capital P Prophet. 138 00:06:43,067 --> 00:06:44,092 "The Prophet. 139 00:06:45,000 --> 00:06:46,000 "The Messenger. 140 00:06:46,004 --> 00:06:47,004 "The Spokesman. 141 00:06:47,012 --> 00:06:47,075 He's coming." 142 00:06:47,083 --> 00:06:49,083 He's talking ultimately about the Lord Jesus Christ. 143 00:06:49,092 --> 00:06:51,092 And that he is coming into human history 144 00:06:52,000 --> 00:06:54,054 and he will proclaim the truth. 145 00:06:54,062 --> 00:06:57,071 And so from that moment forward, there was this anticipation 146 00:06:57,079 --> 00:07:01,000 and expectation for the coming of Jesus. 147 00:07:01,004 --> 00:07:04,033 God would come into human history as a prophet himself. 148 00:07:04,042 --> 00:07:06,050 And in the meantime, there were a succession of prophets, 149 00:07:06,058 --> 00:07:09,012 major and minor prophets in the Bible. 150 00:07:09,017 --> 00:07:12,000 They were sent on behalf of God as ambassadors of God 151 00:07:12,008 --> 00:07:14,088 and spokesmen of God and representatives of God 152 00:07:14,096 --> 00:07:18,033 so that if you rejected the prophet, you were rejecting God 153 00:07:18,038 --> 00:07:21,083 because it was in fact God who sent them. 154 00:07:21,088 --> 00:07:25,017 And Jesus comes, and we've learned in Luke's Gospel 155 00:07:25,021 --> 00:07:26,033 that he's God become a man. 156 00:07:26,042 --> 00:07:28,021 He's Emmanuel, God with us. 157 00:07:28,029 --> 00:07:29,083 He's the capital P Prophet. 158 00:07:29,088 --> 00:07:31,000 He's the messenger. 159 00:07:31,008 --> 00:07:32,012 He's the spokesman. 160 00:07:32,017 --> 00:07:33,071 He's the one. 161 00:07:33,079 --> 00:07:35,029 We learn that he grew in wisdom, stature, 162 00:07:35,033 --> 00:07:38,050 and favor with men and God, that he loved the Scriptures, 163 00:07:38,058 --> 00:07:42,021 that he grew up in a small, rural town called Nazareth, that he was baptized 164 00:07:42,029 --> 00:07:46,067 in the Jordan by his prophet cousin, John, 165 00:07:46,071 --> 00:07:48,046 that the Holy Spirit descended on him, 166 00:07:48,050 --> 00:07:51,017 anointing and appointing him for public ministry 167 00:07:51,021 --> 00:07:54,029 that included preaching and teaching the Scriptures. 168 00:07:54,033 --> 00:07:58,050 He was led by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by Satan and tested 169 00:07:58,058 --> 00:08:01,029 for 40 days and he never sinned. 170 00:08:01,033 --> 00:08:07,000 In Jesus' whole life, alone of all human lives, is without sin. 171 00:08:07,004 --> 00:08:09,050 And then Jesus begins his public ministry. 172 00:08:09,054 --> 00:08:11,062 We read that he is preaching and teaching. 173 00:08:11,067 --> 00:08:14,062 We saw in the first half of Luke chapter 4 174 00:08:14,067 --> 00:08:18,021 that he is--not to be disrespectful, I've got to be careful-- 175 00:08:18,029 --> 00:08:20,092 but Jesus is a bit of a rock star. 176 00:08:21,000 --> 00:08:24,067 He is this young, fiery evangelist, preacher, 177 00:08:24,071 --> 00:08:29,038 prophet, teacher; winsome, authoritative, compelling. 178 00:08:29,046 --> 00:08:31,050 And so he goes on tour. 179 00:08:31,058 --> 00:08:35,004 And he is going from synagogue to synagogue. 180 00:08:35,012 --> 00:08:37,017 These are like the old covenant churches, 181 00:08:37,025 --> 00:08:39,033 where God's people would gather for Scripture and preaching 182 00:08:39,038 --> 00:08:41,088 and teaching and song and prayer. 183 00:08:41,096 --> 00:08:45,062 And the synagogues are full in this rural area. 184 00:08:45,067 --> 00:08:46,079 It's around Galilee. 185 00:08:46,083 --> 00:08:49,038 It's a rural area, small towns, farmers, 186 00:08:49,046 --> 00:08:51,067 simple folks, illiterate people. 187 00:08:51,075 --> 00:08:53,029 He's not in the big city yet. 188 00:08:53,033 --> 00:08:56,067 That'll come later in Luke's Gospel. 189 00:08:56,075 --> 00:08:59,071 And he's going from synagogue to synagogue and the crowds come. 190 00:08:59,079 --> 00:09:02,067 And these towns were not big; dozens, hundreds of people. 191 00:09:02,075 --> 00:09:05,021 And so the synagogues are small. 192 00:09:05,029 --> 00:09:07,092 But they're packed and everybody's captivated 193 00:09:08,000 --> 00:09:12,083 by this young, fiery preacher, Jesus of Nazareth. 194 00:09:12,092 --> 00:09:18,050 And the tour continues and the fame spreads 195 00:09:18,054 --> 00:09:20,071 and he heads toward Nazareth, his hometown. 196 00:09:20,079 --> 00:09:22,042 The town where he grew up. 197 00:09:22,050 --> 00:09:23,050 Small, little town. 198 00:09:23,054 --> 00:09:25,088 People living in 400, 500, 600 square foot homes, 199 00:09:25,096 --> 00:09:28,033 animals living under part of that dwelling, 200 00:09:28,038 --> 00:09:30,075 one well for the whole town. 201 00:09:30,083 --> 00:09:34,000 Not a big place, not a big deal. 202 00:09:34,004 --> 00:09:36,062 But here comes the favorite son. 203 00:09:36,067 --> 00:09:38,033 Here comes Jesus. 204 00:09:38,042 --> 00:09:40,029 He's coming home to Nazareth. 205 00:09:40,033 --> 00:09:41,050 And he's going to show up at the synagogue 206 00:09:41,058 --> 00:09:43,096 and he's going to preach on the Sabbath day. 207 00:09:44,000 --> 00:09:45,083 It's going to be a Saturday for them. 208 00:09:45,092 --> 00:09:49,017 And as was his custom, we are told in Luke 4, 209 00:09:49,021 --> 00:09:53,017 He opened the Scriptures, he unrolled the scroll of Isaiah, 210 00:09:53,025 --> 00:09:58,033 He reads from Isaiah 58 and 61, "The Spirit of the Lord is on me. 211 00:09:58,038 --> 00:10:02,017 "He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor, 212 00:10:02,025 --> 00:10:05,083 "to bring sight to the blind, to set the captives free. 213 00:10:05,092 --> 00:10:09,004 This is the year of the Lord's favor." 214 00:10:09,012 --> 00:10:11,079 And he rolls up the scroll and he looks them in the eye 215 00:10:11,083 --> 00:10:15,058 and he says, "Today, these Scriptures are fulfilled 216 00:10:15,067 --> 00:10:19,096 in your hearing. I'm here." 217 00:10:20,000 --> 00:10:22,050 And then there's the response of the people. 218 00:10:22,058 --> 00:10:27,050 We pick that up in Luke 4:22-24. 219 00:10:27,058 --> 00:10:30,025 "And all spoke well of him and marveled at the gracious words 220 00:10:30,033 --> 00:10:32,025 "that were coming from his mouth. 221 00:10:32,033 --> 00:10:35,000 "And they said, 'Is not this Joseph's son?' 222 00:10:35,008 --> 00:10:36,033 "And he said to them, 'Doubtless you will quote 223 00:10:36,042 --> 00:10:39,042 to me this proverb,'" or proverbial saying 224 00:10:39,050 --> 00:10:42,000 from their town. "'Physician, heal yourself.' 225 00:10:42,008 --> 00:10:43,050 "What we have heard you did at Capernaum, 226 00:10:43,054 --> 00:10:45,062 "do here in your hometown as well.' 227 00:10:45,067 --> 00:10:48,046 "And he said, 'Truly, I say to you, no prophet is acceptable 228 00:10:48,050 --> 00:10:50,000 in his hometown.'" 229 00:10:50,004 --> 00:10:52,088 At first, Jesus is well received, as the prophets often 230 00:10:52,096 --> 00:10:58,004 are before they're rejected, exiled, and executed. 231 00:10:58,012 --> 00:10:59,050 And they said, "Jesus, this is amazing. 232 00:10:59,058 --> 00:11:04,000 "You're such a great communicator. 233 00:11:04,004 --> 00:11:06,038 What an amazing communicator Jesus is." 234 00:11:06,046 --> 00:11:09,096 Everyone's held captive, hanging on his every word. 235 00:11:10,000 --> 00:11:13,071 And then it dawns on them, "Isn't this Joseph's son? 236 00:11:13,079 --> 00:11:15,075 "Didn't we see him grow up? 237 00:11:15,083 --> 00:11:19,033 "Didn't he play on our kid's little league team? 238 00:11:19,038 --> 00:11:23,012 "I knew Jesus when he was just a little guy. 239 00:11:23,029 --> 00:11:24,033 Saw him go through puberty." 240 00:11:24,042 --> 00:11:26,004 These are people who grew up with him. 241 00:11:26,012 --> 00:11:26,067 They've known him. 242 00:11:26,071 --> 00:11:32,092 These are family, friends, relatives, neighbors. 243 00:11:33,000 --> 00:11:35,054 They're gonna have a very hard time receiving him as Lord, God, 244 00:11:35,062 --> 00:11:37,079 Savior, Christ, and Prophet. 245 00:11:37,083 --> 00:11:41,038 How many of you, you understand that? 246 00:11:41,092 --> 00:11:45,058 It's amazing how Jesus tells them, 247 00:11:45,067 --> 00:11:46,083 "I'm not done preaching my sermon. 248 00:11:46,092 --> 00:11:48,050 "Don't get all excited yet. 249 00:11:48,058 --> 00:11:50,079 I haven't offended you." 250 00:11:50,083 --> 00:11:52,075 Every good sermon has a point of offense. 251 00:11:52,083 --> 00:11:56,017 A really good sermon has multiple. 252 00:11:56,050 --> 00:11:57,083 Jesus says, "Oh yeah, you love 253 00:11:57,092 --> 00:12:01,088 that I'm home and the synagogue's full." 254 00:12:02,004 --> 00:12:04,075 But a prophet is without honor in his hometown. 255 00:12:04,083 --> 00:12:08,017 "You're going to reject me." 256 00:12:08,088 --> 00:12:09,075 Now let me say this. 257 00:12:09,083 --> 00:12:11,079 This is principally true. 258 00:12:11,083 --> 00:12:14,062 Prophets are without honor in their hometown. 259 00:12:14,067 --> 00:12:18,017 Every time I do consulting at another church or organization, 260 00:12:18,021 --> 00:12:20,096 I always ask them, "Hey, do you guys know what an expert is?" 261 00:12:21,000 --> 00:12:21,067 They say, "What?" 262 00:12:21,075 --> 00:12:23,088 I say, "A guy from out of town." 263 00:12:23,096 --> 00:12:27,079 That's always an expert because you tend not to listen to the 264 00:12:27,083 --> 00:12:29,017 people that are closest to you 265 00:12:29,021 --> 00:12:31,029 or respect the people that you know the best. 266 00:12:31,033 --> 00:12:34,021 The old adage is true that familiarity, indeed, 267 00:12:34,029 --> 00:12:36,017 does breed contempt. 268 00:12:36,025 --> 00:12:38,008 And it happens. 269 00:12:38,017 --> 00:12:39,050 Now, sometimes it's reasonable. 270 00:12:39,058 --> 00:12:41,092 Like, if you hung out with me a lot, you would respect me less 271 00:12:42,000 --> 00:12:44,033 because you would see I'm a work in progress 272 00:12:44,042 --> 00:12:47,000 and it is obvious and evident. 273 00:12:47,008 --> 00:12:49,025 And what I would say is when you're dealing with spiritual 274 00:12:49,033 --> 00:12:52,017 leadership: your community group leader, your redemption group 275 00:12:52,021 --> 00:12:54,029 leader, deacons, elders, people that are serving 276 00:12:54,033 --> 00:12:57,054 in various teams at the church, the closer you get to them, 277 00:12:57,062 --> 00:13:01,000 the proclivity will be for you to respect them less. 278 00:13:01,004 --> 00:13:03,079 Now, if you see some big sin in their life, let us know. 279 00:13:03,083 --> 00:13:06,046 But if it's just because they're a work in progress, 280 00:13:06,050 --> 00:13:08,054 don't think that they're Jesus. 281 00:13:08,062 --> 00:13:10,050 They just work for him. 282 00:13:10,058 --> 00:13:11,038 Alright? 283 00:13:11,046 --> 00:13:12,029 They're not perfect. 284 00:13:12,033 --> 00:13:13,058 They're a work in progress. 285 00:13:13,067 --> 00:13:16,088 And we all need to be humble, repentant servants being honest 286 00:13:16,096 --> 00:13:19,075 about our failures, faults, and flaws and our shortcomings, 287 00:13:19,083 --> 00:13:23,021 but people still need to respect spiritual authority because what 288 00:13:23,029 --> 00:13:26,083 can sometimes happen is that disrespect is 289 00:13:26,092 --> 00:13:29,067 to your own destruction. 290 00:13:29,075 --> 00:13:33,029 And what can happen is you don't want to repent because 291 00:13:33,033 --> 00:13:35,096 spiritual authority will say, "You know, I love you and I see this 292 00:13:36,000 --> 00:13:37,058 in your life and I need you to work on this 293 00:13:37,067 --> 00:13:40,042 or acknowledge this or do this or stop doing that." 294 00:13:40,050 --> 00:13:42,062 And the first thing is, you get religious and defensive and say, 295 00:13:42,067 --> 00:13:44,062 "Well, you're not perfect and I know you well enough 296 00:13:44,067 --> 00:13:46,004 that I see things in your life." 297 00:13:46,012 --> 00:13:49,012 And you become very critical trying to find ways to reject 298 00:13:49,017 --> 00:13:51,004 their service of you. 299 00:13:51,012 --> 00:13:53,050 That's to your own destruction. 300 00:13:53,054 --> 00:13:57,046 Need to be humble, receptive, teachable, submissive. 301 00:13:57,050 --> 00:13:59,021 And with Jesus, there's no excuse at all. 302 00:13:59,029 --> 00:14:00,050 It's not like they can look at him and say, 303 00:14:00,058 --> 00:14:02,050 "Well, who are you to tell us what to do?" 304 00:14:02,054 --> 00:14:03,088 "I am the maker of Heaven and Earth. 305 00:14:03,096 --> 00:14:05,079 That is my resume." 306 00:14:05,083 --> 00:14:06,050 Alright? 307 00:14:06,058 --> 00:14:09,004 And they can't look at Jesus like they would look at me, 308 00:14:09,012 --> 00:14:11,038 or you might look at me and say, "Well you know, here are these 309 00:14:11,046 --> 00:14:14,050 things I have with Mark or whatever elder or leader it is. 310 00:14:14,054 --> 00:14:17,088 I see these imperfections, quirks, sins, eccentricities." 311 00:14:17,096 --> 00:14:20,017 You can't look at Jesus and say, "You know, I just don't trust 312 00:14:20,021 --> 00:14:25,000 the guy 'cause I see, I see things that are not right." 313 00:14:25,004 --> 00:14:28,017 All you see is the glory of God. 314 00:14:28,021 --> 00:14:31,008 So the rejection of Jesus is indicative that sometimes it's 315 00:14:31,017 --> 00:14:36,000 not just that you can't respect certain spiritual authorities, 316 00:14:36,008 --> 00:14:38,017 but sometimes even if it's good and godly authority, 317 00:14:38,025 --> 00:14:40,050 you could still reject them. 318 00:14:40,058 --> 00:14:42,067 And sometimes it's just a reflection of your own heart, 319 00:14:42,071 --> 00:14:44,079 that you're stubborn, hard-hearted, religious, 320 00:14:44,083 --> 00:14:48,000 self-righteous, or simply don't like the counsel you've been 321 00:14:48,008 --> 00:14:49,092 given so you'll push back. 322 00:14:50,000 --> 00:14:51,058 And Jesus says, "That's what's going to happen because 323 00:14:51,067 --> 00:14:53,054 "familiarity breeds contempt. 324 00:14:53,062 --> 00:14:56,000 A prophet is without honor in their hometown." 325 00:14:56,008 --> 00:14:58,004 So be gracious with your community group leader. 326 00:14:58,012 --> 00:15:00,008 Be gracious with your redemption group leader. 327 00:15:00,017 --> 00:15:03,067 Be gracious with those in spiritual authority. 328 00:15:03,075 --> 00:15:04,075 They're not perfect. 329 00:15:04,083 --> 00:15:05,079 They're not Jesus. 330 00:15:05,083 --> 00:15:07,000 And if people are going to criticize him, 331 00:15:07,008 --> 00:15:12,062 imagine how easy it is to take a crack at them. 332 00:15:12,067 --> 00:15:13,083 He continues. 333 00:15:13,092 --> 00:15:16,012 The tone in the room is changed at this point. 334 00:15:16,017 --> 00:15:17,004 "Yay! 335 00:15:17,012 --> 00:15:18,029 Jesus is here!" 336 00:15:18,033 --> 00:15:21,025 Huge crowd, big day, celebration. 337 00:15:21,033 --> 00:15:23,092 "Oh, he's getting kind of stern with us." 338 00:15:24,000 --> 00:15:26,017 What next? 339 00:15:26,025 --> 00:15:32,075 We read in Luke 4:25-26, "But in truth," that's "amen." 340 00:15:32,083 --> 00:15:34,092 That's in agreement with God. 341 00:15:35,000 --> 00:15:37,000 "I tell you, there were many widows in Israel in the days 342 00:15:37,004 --> 00:15:39,067 "of Elijah, when the heavens were shut for three years 343 00:15:39,071 --> 00:15:42,083 "and six months," a famine and a drought, "and a great famine came 344 00:15:42,088 --> 00:15:46,046 "over all the land, and Elijah was sent to none of them but only to 345 00:15:46,050 --> 00:15:51,050 Zarephath, in the land of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow." 346 00:15:51,054 --> 00:15:53,000 Jesus looks at them and says, 347 00:15:53,004 --> 00:15:54,046 "I'm going to take you to the Old Testament." 348 00:15:54,050 --> 00:15:55,050 He's a Bible teacher. 349 00:15:55,054 --> 00:15:57,096 Jesus is a Bible teacher. 350 00:15:58,000 --> 00:15:59,054 Now, some of you are going, 351 00:15:59,062 --> 00:16:02,021 "Who? What? Where?" 352 00:16:02,029 --> 00:16:03,079 It's in 1 King 17. 353 00:16:03,083 --> 00:16:05,000 So we'll go there. 354 00:16:05,008 --> 00:16:07,046 We're going to read a lot of Bible. 355 00:16:07,050 --> 00:16:08,033 Isn't that great? 356 00:16:08,038 --> 00:16:11,038 'Cause faith comes by hearing the Word of God. 357 00:16:11,046 --> 00:16:13,067 We love the Bible at Mars Hill. 358 00:16:13,075 --> 00:16:16,000 We're really excited about the Bible. 359 00:16:16,004 --> 00:16:17,008 It's all true. 360 00:16:17,017 --> 00:16:18,004 It's all good. 361 00:16:18,012 --> 00:16:20,067 It's all from God through the prophets. 362 00:16:20,071 --> 00:16:22,083 And if it's in there, it's for us. 363 00:16:22,088 --> 00:16:25,008 We don't worship the Bible, but we learn about the God 364 00:16:25,017 --> 00:16:27,033 we do worship from the Bible. 365 00:16:27,042 --> 00:16:29,000 So I'm gonna have this great pleasure today. 366 00:16:29,008 --> 00:16:31,038 I get to read a lot of Bible. 367 00:16:31,046 --> 00:16:33,008 I had somebody after the last service say, 368 00:16:33,017 --> 00:16:34,012 "That's really cool. 369 00:16:34,017 --> 00:16:35,033 You get to read a lot of Bible." 370 00:16:35,042 --> 00:16:36,096 It is. 371 00:16:37,000 --> 00:16:37,083 It is. 372 00:16:37,092 --> 00:16:39,054 I'm actually very excited about that. 373 00:16:39,062 --> 00:16:42,075 So, 1 Kings 17:8. 374 00:16:42,083 --> 00:16:44,062 Mars Hill, do you love the Bible? 375 00:16:44,067 --> 00:16:45,046 (congregation) Yes. 376 00:16:45,050 --> 00:16:46,067 We do, don't we? 377 00:16:46,071 --> 00:16:47,017 We like this book. 378 00:16:47,021 --> 00:16:51,000 This is the book that God wrote, so this one's our favorite. 379 00:16:51,004 --> 00:16:51,083 So here it is. 380 00:16:51,092 --> 00:16:55,071 1 Kings 17:8: Drought and famine. 381 00:16:55,079 --> 00:16:57,033 God is judging his people. 382 00:16:57,038 --> 00:16:58,071 They're being horrible and God's like, 383 00:16:58,079 --> 00:17:00,058 "Well, how about no rain, no food? 384 00:17:00,067 --> 00:17:04,054 Will that cause you to pay a little bit of attention to me?" 385 00:17:04,062 --> 00:17:05,033 And here's what happens. 386 00:17:05,038 --> 00:17:06,088 "Then the Word of the Lord came to him." 387 00:17:06,096 --> 00:17:08,067 And this is how the prophets work. 388 00:17:08,075 --> 00:17:10,017 The Word of the Lord comes to them. 389 00:17:10,025 --> 00:17:12,021 The Holy Spirit comes upon them. 390 00:17:12,029 --> 00:17:13,096 It's a revelation miracle. 391 00:17:14,000 --> 00:17:16,062 God's going to speak through him. 392 00:17:16,067 --> 00:17:19,025 God says, "Arise. Go to Zarephath," 393 00:17:19,033 --> 00:17:21,050 same place Jesus is talking about. 394 00:17:21,058 --> 00:17:23,083 Here we are, "which belongs to Sidon." 395 00:17:23,092 --> 00:17:27,075 Are those friends of God's people or enemies of God's people? 396 00:17:27,083 --> 00:17:29,000 Enemies. 397 00:17:29,008 --> 00:17:31,096 This is not a people group that loves the God of the Bible, 398 00:17:32,000 --> 00:17:33,054 worships the God of the Bible. 399 00:17:33,062 --> 00:17:36,050 They have a different God named Baal. 400 00:17:36,058 --> 00:17:41,021 Just so you know, different religions have different gods. 401 00:17:41,029 --> 00:17:44,017 Baal is different than Yahweh. 402 00:17:44,021 --> 00:17:47,067 Mohammed is different than Yahweh. 403 00:17:47,075 --> 00:17:50,058 We worship the God of the Bible, Yahweh. 404 00:17:50,067 --> 00:17:52,083 Jesus Christ. 405 00:17:52,088 --> 00:17:54,079 That's who we worship. 406 00:17:54,083 --> 00:17:56,083 Some people say, "No, all religions worship the same God." 407 00:17:56,092 --> 00:17:58,038 No, they don't. 408 00:17:58,046 --> 00:18:03,029 Some religions worship this demon, some religions worship this demon, 409 00:18:03,033 --> 00:18:05,038 and we worship the Creator of Heaven and Earth. 410 00:18:05,046 --> 00:18:07,088 And I don't say that arrogantly, I say that truthfully, 411 00:18:07,096 --> 00:18:10,071 that demons will masquerade with spiritual power, 412 00:18:10,079 --> 00:18:15,062 empowering false prophets, false teachers, false apostles 413 00:18:15,067 --> 00:18:19,033 to create false religions and to teach false doctrines 414 00:18:19,042 --> 00:18:22,008 to lead people astray into destruction 415 00:18:22,017 --> 00:18:26,067 in this life and eternal death and damnation in the life to come. 416 00:18:26,075 --> 00:18:30,088 We are not spiritual relativists and pluralists. 417 00:18:30,096 --> 00:18:32,075 We're Christians. 418 00:18:32,083 --> 00:18:34,088 And when Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, 419 00:18:34,096 --> 00:18:40,033 and no one comes to the Father but by me," we agree with him. 420 00:18:40,042 --> 00:18:41,038 We say, "He's not a liar. 421 00:18:41,046 --> 00:18:43,012 He's a truth teller." 422 00:18:43,017 --> 00:18:46,038 And he's not just a religious leader, he's a savior. 423 00:18:46,046 --> 00:18:52,021 And here, Jesus is disorienting his hearers, saying, "They worship Baal. 424 00:18:52,029 --> 00:18:53,029 Remember the story of Elijah?" 425 00:18:53,033 --> 00:18:55,021 He's telling God's people, "They worship Baal. 426 00:18:55,029 --> 00:18:56,021 "That's the wrong god. 427 00:18:56,029 --> 00:18:57,017 "That's a demon god. 428 00:18:57,025 --> 00:18:58,017 "That's a false god. 429 00:18:58,025 --> 00:18:59,038 "That's another religion. 430 00:18:59,046 --> 00:19:01,092 That's the other team." 431 00:19:02,000 --> 00:19:03,096 Very disorienting to these religious people. 432 00:19:04,000 --> 00:19:08,042 Where could he be going with this? 433 00:19:08,079 --> 00:19:10,017 "Arise, 434 00:19:10,021 --> 00:19:13,083 "go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, the worshipers of Baal, 435 00:19:13,092 --> 00:19:14,079 "and dwell there. 436 00:19:14,083 --> 00:19:18,004 Behold, I have commanded a widow there to feed you." 437 00:19:18,012 --> 00:19:22,062 Just so you know, a widow is as low as it gets on the socioeconomic order. 438 00:19:22,067 --> 00:19:24,050 Husband dead, she's got a little kid. 439 00:19:24,058 --> 00:19:25,096 You'll meet him in a moment. 440 00:19:26,000 --> 00:19:27,071 This means she's destitute poor. 441 00:19:27,079 --> 00:19:29,021 She doesn't own land. 442 00:19:29,029 --> 00:19:30,025 She can't own land. 443 00:19:30,033 --> 00:19:31,088 She can't vote. 444 00:19:31,096 --> 00:19:34,067 Earning an income is almost impossible. 445 00:19:34,075 --> 00:19:36,088 She's dependent on charity, the equivalent 446 00:19:36,096 --> 00:19:40,025 of the Old Testament food bank just for survival. 447 00:19:40,033 --> 00:19:43,017 And when you get your food from the food bank and it doesn't rain 448 00:19:43,021 --> 00:19:46,050 for three years and there's a famine and a drought and you're last 449 00:19:46,058 --> 00:19:51,088 in the provision line, you are in dire straits. 450 00:19:51,096 --> 00:19:54,079 She's the lowest of the low and she's a pagan and she worships 451 00:19:54,083 --> 00:19:57,000 the wrong god and she's on the other team 452 00:19:57,008 --> 00:19:59,050 and she lives in the wrong nation. 453 00:19:59,058 --> 00:20:03,000 This gal has nothing going for her. 454 00:20:03,008 --> 00:20:06,000 But you're going to see that God loves her and he's gracious. 455 00:20:06,004 --> 00:20:07,050 See, God's always the hero. 456 00:20:07,054 --> 00:20:09,042 We'll keep reading. 457 00:20:09,050 --> 00:20:10,054 "So he arose and went. 458 00:20:10,062 --> 00:20:12,067 And there he came to the gate of the city and behold." 459 00:20:12,075 --> 00:20:15,012 See, the Bible's funny. 460 00:20:15,017 --> 00:20:15,088 Oh, behold! 461 00:20:15,096 --> 00:20:16,067 A widow! 462 00:20:16,075 --> 00:20:17,042 Haha. 463 00:20:17,050 --> 00:20:18,079 Because God said, "Go there. 464 00:20:18,083 --> 00:20:20,062 There'll be a widow." 465 00:20:20,067 --> 00:20:25,000 And you get there, there's a widow, 'cause God's in control. 466 00:20:25,008 --> 00:20:27,083 And he says funny little things like "Behold." 467 00:20:27,092 --> 00:20:30,038 [congregation laughing] 468 00:20:30,046 --> 00:20:32,029 That's pretty cool right there. 469 00:20:32,033 --> 00:20:33,050 "Behold." 470 00:20:33,054 --> 00:20:34,033 Oh! 471 00:20:34,042 --> 00:20:36,033 A widow. 472 00:20:36,038 --> 00:20:39,017 "Was gathering sticks." 473 00:20:39,021 --> 00:20:43,067 You know you're poor when you don't even have your own sticks. 474 00:20:45,029 --> 00:20:46,092 "And he called to her and said, 'Bring me a little water 475 00:20:47,000 --> 00:20:48,050 in a vessel that I may drink.' 476 00:20:48,054 --> 00:20:50,071 And as she was going to bring it, he called to her and said, 477 00:20:50,079 --> 00:20:52,067 'Bring me a morsel of bread in your hand.'" 478 00:20:52,071 --> 00:20:53,067 Bring me bread? 479 00:20:53,071 --> 00:20:54,050 What's she got? 480 00:20:54,054 --> 00:20:56,071 Nothing. 481 00:20:56,079 --> 00:20:59,033 "And she said, 'As the Lord your God lives.'" 482 00:20:59,038 --> 00:21:02,075 She agrees with my previous statement. 483 00:21:02,083 --> 00:21:04,054 She says, "Your God." 484 00:21:04,062 --> 00:21:05,083 See, that's not her God. 485 00:21:05,088 --> 00:21:08,000 She doesn't say "Our God." 486 00:21:08,008 --> 00:21:09,004 Your God. 487 00:21:09,012 --> 00:21:10,079 Her god is probably Baal. 488 00:21:10,083 --> 00:21:13,058 Your God is the God of the Bible. 489 00:21:13,067 --> 00:21:16,046 So she says, "You want me to bring you water and food? 490 00:21:16,050 --> 00:21:23,075 I will do that out of respect for your God, but your God is not my god." 491 00:21:23,083 --> 00:21:27,000 "I have nothing baked, only a handful of flour in a jar 492 00:21:27,004 --> 00:21:29,050 "and a little oil in a jug. 493 00:21:29,058 --> 00:21:32,075 And now I am gathering a couple of sticks," obviously to make a fire, 494 00:21:32,083 --> 00:21:35,062 "that I may go in and prepare it for myself and my son, 495 00:21:35,067 --> 00:21:42,062 that we may eat it and die." How poor is this woman? 496 00:21:42,067 --> 00:21:44,067 I want to thank you for being really generous on Haiti 497 00:21:44,075 --> 00:21:48,000 and God's opening our hearts to be more generous, I believe. 498 00:21:48,004 --> 00:21:51,004 My trip to Haiti was amazing, life changing. 499 00:21:51,012 --> 00:21:52,062 Definitely want to help people. 500 00:21:52,067 --> 00:21:55,033 The world is a totally different perspective to me. 501 00:21:55,038 --> 00:21:57,012 Here's the one big idea. 502 00:21:57,017 --> 00:21:59,017 We're the rich people. 503 00:21:59,025 --> 00:22:02,075 When you read the rich people in the Bible, don't say, "I'm not rich. 504 00:22:02,083 --> 00:22:05,096 I only have a 2G connection and I take the bus." 505 00:22:06,000 --> 00:22:07,067 [congregation laughing] 506 00:22:07,071 --> 00:22:09,046 You're rich. 507 00:22:09,050 --> 00:22:10,054 You are rich. 508 00:22:10,062 --> 00:22:11,096 Her issue is starvation. 509 00:22:12,000 --> 00:22:13,079 Our issue is obesity. 510 00:22:13,083 --> 00:22:15,050 We're the rich. 511 00:22:15,058 --> 00:22:17,021 See, we say, "But I live in an apartment." 512 00:22:17,029 --> 00:22:19,079 It beats the tarps that I saw in Haiti. 513 00:22:19,083 --> 00:22:21,008 You're rich. 514 00:22:21,017 --> 00:22:22,050 We are the rich. 515 00:22:22,058 --> 00:22:27,062 We are the fat consumers of the world. 516 00:22:27,067 --> 00:22:28,033 Okay? 517 00:22:28,038 --> 00:22:31,079 And the most struggling among us still live 518 00:22:31,083 --> 00:22:36,050 at a very high level compared to those in the world. 519 00:22:36,058 --> 00:22:41,050 Compared to those in the world, when the Bible speaks of the rich, that's us. 520 00:22:41,058 --> 00:22:44,000 We always think of somebody else. 521 00:22:44,008 --> 00:22:46,067 Doesn't matter how much you make or how well you live, 522 00:22:46,071 --> 00:22:48,083 you always think "Yeah, rich? 523 00:22:48,092 --> 00:22:51,042 That's that other guy." 524 00:22:51,050 --> 00:22:58,042 The truth is, we're the rich to whom much is entrusted, much is expected. 525 00:22:58,050 --> 00:23:01,062 We see our lives in perspective here to this woman. 526 00:23:01,067 --> 00:23:03,038 No husband. 527 00:23:03,046 --> 00:23:09,042 Destitute poverty, pagan nation, worships a demon god. 528 00:23:09,050 --> 00:23:11,071 Hasn't rained for years. 529 00:23:11,079 --> 00:23:15,033 Famine and drought cover the land. 530 00:23:15,042 --> 00:23:19,033 Her small son is very skinny. 531 00:23:19,038 --> 00:23:21,050 He's starving to death. 532 00:23:21,054 --> 00:23:23,004 He's malnourished. 533 00:23:23,012 --> 00:23:24,067 Do you see him? 534 00:23:24,075 --> 00:23:27,000 She is skin and bones. 535 00:23:27,004 --> 00:23:31,050 Anything that she has, she gives to her young son. 536 00:23:31,058 --> 00:23:34,088 She is down to a bit of oil, a bit of flour. 537 00:23:34,096 --> 00:23:36,083 That's all she has. 538 00:23:36,088 --> 00:23:40,008 She has no food. 539 00:23:40,017 --> 00:23:44,083 She's going to make the equivalent of a bit of bread or a few crackers 540 00:23:44,092 --> 00:23:49,038 and the prophet shows up and says, "I would like to eat that." 541 00:23:49,046 --> 00:23:52,083 [congregation laughing] 542 00:23:53,067 --> 00:23:54,092 Right. 543 00:23:55,000 --> 00:23:59,067 How many of you at this point would be like, "No. 544 00:23:59,075 --> 00:24:02,083 "You are a foreigner from a different country. 545 00:24:02,092 --> 00:24:06,033 "You are of a different religion. 546 00:24:06,038 --> 00:24:09,025 "And I am a widow and he is an orphan. 547 00:24:09,033 --> 00:24:11,021 Get a job." 548 00:24:11,029 --> 00:24:13,046 [congregation laughing] 549 00:24:13,050 --> 00:24:16,050 "And bring us something to eat." 550 00:24:17,071 --> 00:24:21,054 It seems like he's being rude, isn't he? 551 00:24:21,071 --> 00:24:23,083 I mean, this is seemingly rude. 552 00:24:23,092 --> 00:24:26,096 He's not being rude, he's inviting her to faith. 553 00:24:27,000 --> 00:24:29,088 And faith requires believing in what we do not see, 554 00:24:29,096 --> 00:24:33,000 trusting in the promises of God. 555 00:24:34,088 --> 00:24:37,017 "And Elijah said to her, 'Do not fear; 556 00:24:37,025 --> 00:24:39,096 "'Go and do as you have said. But first make me a little cake 557 00:24:40,000 --> 00:24:42,042 "'of it and bring it to me, 558 00:24:42,050 --> 00:24:45,025 "'and afterward make something for yourself and your son. 559 00:24:45,033 --> 00:24:48,033 "'For thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, "The jar of flour 560 00:24:48,038 --> 00:24:50,088 "'"shall not be spent, and the jug of oil shall not be empty, 561 00:24:50,096 --> 00:24:54,054 until the day that the Lord sends rain upon the Earth.'" 562 00:24:54,062 --> 00:24:57,008 And she went and she did as Elijah said." 563 00:24:57,017 --> 00:24:58,021 You know what faith is? 564 00:24:58,029 --> 00:25:01,004 Obeying God. 565 00:25:01,012 --> 00:25:03,029 And see, here God is speaking through Elijah. 566 00:25:03,033 --> 00:25:05,075 The Word of God is coming through the servant of God. 567 00:25:05,083 --> 00:25:10,008 Faith is obeying. 568 00:25:10,042 --> 00:25:13,083 Does she have any reason to believe that if I give him my food, 569 00:25:13,092 --> 00:25:17,017 I'll have food forever? 570 00:25:17,038 --> 00:25:20,050 How many of you, if I told that to you right now, you're starving to death, 571 00:25:20,058 --> 00:25:22,004 you're homeless, you're living in the park, 572 00:25:22,012 --> 00:25:24,046 devastation has come, famine has come, 573 00:25:24,050 --> 00:25:27,033 you're down to a Lunchable and I come up to you and say, 574 00:25:27,038 --> 00:25:28,096 "Give that to me and the Lunchable 575 00:25:29,000 --> 00:25:35,008 will magically reappear itself by the Lunchable fairy forever." 576 00:25:35,046 --> 00:25:41,021 How many of you would eat the Lunchable and not share the Lunchable? 577 00:25:41,029 --> 00:25:44,083 What she says is, "You can have it." 578 00:25:44,088 --> 00:25:46,025 She's generous. 579 00:25:46,033 --> 00:25:48,067 She's kind. 580 00:25:48,071 --> 00:25:50,096 You know, statistically, the most generous 581 00:25:51,000 --> 00:25:53,000 people are the most poor people. 582 00:25:53,008 --> 00:25:54,071 Do you know that the poorer you are statistically, 583 00:25:54,079 --> 00:25:57,038 the more you give to church and charity? 584 00:25:57,046 --> 00:26:01,017 The richer you get, the greedier you become, statistically. 585 00:26:01,025 --> 00:26:05,075 This woman is giving almost everything she has. 586 00:26:05,083 --> 00:26:08,042 She's very generous. 587 00:26:10,017 --> 00:26:15,038 "The jar of flour was not--" Oh, verse 14. 588 00:26:15,046 --> 00:26:23,062 God promises that her oil will magically--not magically--miraculously. 589 00:26:23,067 --> 00:26:24,046 Get the word right. 590 00:26:24,050 --> 00:26:25,046 That's another team. 591 00:26:25,050 --> 00:26:29,017 Ours is the miraculous team. 592 00:26:31,017 --> 00:26:35,083 Miraculously, the oil and the flour would, 593 00:26:35,092 --> 00:26:38,012 by God's provision, just like the manna in the wilderness 594 00:26:38,017 --> 00:26:41,079 for the Israelites, it would just keep appearing. 595 00:26:41,083 --> 00:26:43,054 "And she went and did as Elijah said. 596 00:26:43,062 --> 00:26:46,000 And she and her household ate for many days." 597 00:26:46,008 --> 00:26:47,046 This gal started putting on weight. 598 00:26:47,050 --> 00:26:49,000 She's on a high-carb diet. 599 00:26:49,004 --> 00:26:51,067 It went really well for her. 600 00:26:51,071 --> 00:26:55,083 "The jar of flour was not spent, neither did the jug of oil become empty, 601 00:26:55,092 --> 00:27:00,054 according to the Word of the Lord that he spoke by Elijah." 602 00:27:00,062 --> 00:27:05,000 This gal started to believe in the God of the Bible, 603 00:27:05,008 --> 00:27:08,017 that God is loving and gracious and compassionate and kind. 604 00:27:08,025 --> 00:27:11,079 And that even if you're a poor widow in a foreign country, 605 00:27:11,083 --> 00:27:15,033 worshipping a demon god, he still knows you and he loves you 606 00:27:15,038 --> 00:27:19,029 and he cares for you and he comes for you. 607 00:27:19,033 --> 00:27:23,096 What a wonderful God that is. 608 00:27:24,000 --> 00:27:25,071 And some of you would say, "I love these stories 609 00:27:25,079 --> 00:27:28,033 where it's hard and then it's good." 610 00:27:28,042 --> 00:27:30,021 And you know what it is? 611 00:27:30,029 --> 00:27:32,062 It's then hard again. 612 00:27:32,067 --> 00:27:34,088 And that's life. 613 00:27:34,096 --> 00:27:37,050 "After this, the son of the woman, the mistress of the house, 614 00:27:37,054 --> 00:27:41,042 became ill. And his illness was so severe that there was no breath left in him." 615 00:27:41,050 --> 00:27:43,017 Her son died. 616 00:27:43,025 --> 00:27:44,079 It's all she's got, Mars Hill. 617 00:27:44,083 --> 00:27:48,046 Can you see him? Little boy. Dead. 618 00:27:48,050 --> 00:27:51,042 I've got a 4-year-old, an 8-year-old, a 10-year-old son. 619 00:27:51,050 --> 00:27:56,000 One of those boys dies, part of me dies. 620 00:27:56,004 --> 00:27:57,000 He dies. 621 00:27:57,008 --> 00:27:58,075 This is all she's got. 622 00:27:58,083 --> 00:28:02,054 She's got no affluence, she's got no husband. 623 00:28:02,062 --> 00:28:05,096 She's got this little boy. 624 00:28:06,012 --> 00:28:11,017 "And she said to Elijah, 'What have you against me, oh man of God?'" 625 00:28:11,025 --> 00:28:12,096 See, she doesn't understand God yet. 626 00:28:13,000 --> 00:28:16,083 Something bad happens and she immediately blames God. 627 00:28:16,092 --> 00:28:18,033 "Why did God do this to me? 628 00:28:18,042 --> 00:28:20,025 What do you have against me?" 629 00:28:20,033 --> 00:28:27,000 The answer is that not everything that happens is God punishing you. 630 00:28:28,012 --> 00:28:30,021 "'You have come to me to bring my sin to remembrance 631 00:28:30,029 --> 00:28:32,088 and to cause the death of my son.'" 632 00:28:32,096 --> 00:28:35,050 See, she doesn't understand that ultimately a savior is coming 633 00:28:35,054 --> 00:28:38,058 and that he will die in her place for her sins and that God 634 00:28:38,067 --> 00:28:41,092 will punish him and not her. 635 00:28:42,000 --> 00:28:44,017 She doesn't understand God yet. 636 00:28:44,021 --> 00:28:46,017 Some of you still don't understand God. 637 00:28:46,021 --> 00:28:51,008 God corrects and chastens and disciplines us, but if we are in Christ, 638 00:28:51,017 --> 00:28:53,008 He does not punish us. 639 00:28:53,017 --> 00:28:56,046 He punished Jesus in our place for our sins. 640 00:28:56,050 --> 00:28:58,046 That punishment has already been taken care of. 641 00:28:58,050 --> 00:29:02,008 She doesn't understand the God of the Bible yet. 642 00:29:02,017 --> 00:29:04,071 "And he," meaning Elijah, "said to her, 'Give me your son.' 643 00:29:04,079 --> 00:29:06,083 And he took him from her arms." 644 00:29:06,088 --> 00:29:07,092 Can you see it? 645 00:29:08,000 --> 00:29:09,033 This is a little boy. 646 00:29:09,038 --> 00:29:10,083 My ten-year-old son, buddy Zac. 647 00:29:10,092 --> 00:29:12,017 He's big enough to carry. 648 00:29:12,025 --> 00:29:14,021 Calvin, who's eight, he's big enough to carry. 649 00:29:14,029 --> 00:29:16,058 Gideon, four, old enough to carry. 650 00:29:16,067 --> 00:29:22,017 I can't fathom carrying a dead son in your arms. 651 00:29:22,021 --> 00:29:26,096 She is devastated and distraught and discouraged. 652 00:29:27,000 --> 00:29:31,008 And Elijah carries her son "into the upper chamber where he lodged." 653 00:29:31,017 --> 00:29:32,042 Isn't that amazing? 654 00:29:32,050 --> 00:29:35,050 She allowed Elijah to live with her. 655 00:29:35,054 --> 00:29:37,008 She gave him a room. 656 00:29:37,017 --> 00:29:40,083 Mars Hill, I want you to see the generosity of this woman. 657 00:29:40,092 --> 00:29:45,000 She houses the man of God, feeds the man of God. 658 00:29:45,096 --> 00:29:47,083 "And laid him on his own bed. 659 00:29:47,092 --> 00:29:50,046 And he cried out to the Lord." 660 00:29:50,050 --> 00:29:54,033 Elijah loves the Lord and he's devastated at the death of the boy. 661 00:29:54,038 --> 00:29:56,000 "He cried to the Lord, 'O Lord, my God 662 00:29:56,008 --> 00:29:58,042 "'have you brought calamity even upon the widow 663 00:29:58,050 --> 00:30:00,075 with whom I sojourn, by killing her son?'" 664 00:30:00,083 --> 00:30:01,096 Here's what he doesn't do. 665 00:30:02,000 --> 00:30:05,046 He doesn't accuse God, but he inquires. 666 00:30:05,050 --> 00:30:07,071 I was praying with a couple. 667 00:30:07,079 --> 00:30:13,050 Their son's diagnosed with-- I think it was epilepsy. 668 00:30:16,025 --> 00:30:18,042 Don't accuse God 'cause we're not God 669 00:30:18,050 --> 00:30:21,029 and we don't know what God's thinking or doin'. 670 00:30:21,033 --> 00:30:23,083 But it's okay to ask God, "God, what's going on? 671 00:30:23,092 --> 00:30:25,017 "I don't understand. 672 00:30:25,021 --> 00:30:27,017 "I'm totally confused here. 673 00:30:27,025 --> 00:30:31,029 "God, I thought you loved this woman and her son and you sent me here and, 674 00:30:31,033 --> 00:30:34,033 "you know, she's been very kind to me and she's been very respectful 675 00:30:34,038 --> 00:30:37,033 "of you and she gave me food to eat. 676 00:30:37,038 --> 00:30:39,017 "She gave me a room to sleep in. 677 00:30:39,021 --> 00:30:41,079 "She did that because she wants to honor you. 678 00:30:41,083 --> 00:30:43,012 "God, why is her son dead? 679 00:30:43,017 --> 00:30:46,088 I just don't understand." 680 00:30:47,017 --> 00:30:48,050 This is not accusing God. 681 00:30:48,058 --> 00:30:52,000 This is inquiring of God. 682 00:30:54,000 --> 00:30:57,075 "Then he stretched himself upon the child three times and cried to the Lord, 683 00:30:57,083 --> 00:31:02,025 'Oh Lord my God, let this child's life come into him again.'" 684 00:31:02,033 --> 00:31:03,038 And the Lord what? 685 00:31:03,046 --> 00:31:07,092 Mars Hill, that is--that is an amazing word right there. 686 00:31:08,000 --> 00:31:09,062 "And the Lord," what? 687 00:31:09,067 --> 00:31:12,067 "Listened." 688 00:31:12,071 --> 00:31:13,092 See, we love that about our God. 689 00:31:14,000 --> 00:31:16,038 He listens. 690 00:31:16,046 --> 00:31:18,038 He listens. 691 00:31:18,046 --> 00:31:19,075 Why talk to God? 692 00:31:19,083 --> 00:31:22,088 Because he listens. 693 00:31:23,042 --> 00:31:25,062 "And the Lord listened to the voice of Elijah. 694 00:31:25,067 --> 00:31:30,050 And the life of the child came into him again, and he revived." 695 00:31:30,054 --> 00:31:32,000 The child came back to life. 696 00:31:32,004 --> 00:31:35,038 Do you know that we believe this, that God can actually do this? 697 00:31:35,046 --> 00:31:36,050 He doesn't do it all the time. 698 00:31:36,054 --> 00:31:37,067 That's why we call it a miracle. 699 00:31:37,071 --> 00:31:38,075 It's unusual. 700 00:31:38,083 --> 00:31:40,054 We admit that. 701 00:31:40,062 --> 00:31:42,029 But we believe that God can raise the dead. 702 00:31:42,033 --> 00:31:48,008 In fact, he's going to do it with Jesus and he's going to do it with you. 703 00:31:48,033 --> 00:31:53,012 That whether it's now or later, the dead rise. 704 00:31:53,088 --> 00:31:58,054 We believe that all the little boys and girls who die will rise. 705 00:31:58,062 --> 00:32:03,054 We believe that those who love Jesus will rise to eternal life, 706 00:32:03,062 --> 00:32:07,025 to never suffer or get sick or hungry or die again. 707 00:32:07,033 --> 00:32:08,075 We believe that the world as it is, 708 00:32:08,083 --> 00:32:12,033 is the result of sin and rebellion and Satan and death. 709 00:32:12,042 --> 00:32:17,067 And we believe that Jesus is the hero and that religion is a problem. 710 00:32:18,067 --> 00:32:20,008 You will die. 711 00:32:20,017 --> 00:32:22,004 Your sons and daughters will die. 712 00:32:22,012 --> 00:32:26,067 And in Christ, they will rise as this little boy rose, giving us a foretaste 713 00:32:26,075 --> 00:32:35,012 of the kingdom and the resurrection and the healing that is coming. 714 00:32:35,017 --> 00:32:36,054 "And Elijah took the child and brought him down 715 00:32:36,062 --> 00:32:38,042 "from the upper chamber into the house 716 00:32:38,050 --> 00:32:40,054 and delivered him to his mother." 717 00:32:40,062 --> 00:32:43,083 Ladies, can you feel her joy? 718 00:32:43,088 --> 00:32:46,071 There's my little boy. 719 00:32:46,079 --> 00:32:48,033 He's just going to run outside and play. 720 00:32:48,042 --> 00:32:49,067 He's going to do what boys do. 721 00:32:49,071 --> 00:32:52,067 He's fine. 722 00:32:53,008 --> 00:32:54,062 "And Elijah said, 'See, 723 00:32:54,067 --> 00:32:56,008 your son lives.'" 724 00:32:56,017 --> 00:32:58,042 This is God's way of telling all of those people: God, 725 00:32:58,050 --> 00:33:01,046 the God of the Bible, the real God, he knows you. 726 00:33:01,050 --> 00:33:02,071 He loves you. 727 00:33:02,079 --> 00:33:03,083 He pays attention to you. 728 00:33:03,088 --> 00:33:05,000 He cares for you. 729 00:33:05,004 --> 00:33:08,092 He does for you what the demon gods can't do. 730 00:33:09,000 --> 00:33:12,067 "And the woman said to Elijah, 'I know that you are a man of God.'" 731 00:33:12,071 --> 00:33:15,025 Wow! 732 00:33:15,062 --> 00:33:17,012 "'And that the word of the Lord is in your mouth.'" 733 00:33:17,017 --> 00:33:18,042 What you say is true. 734 00:33:18,050 --> 00:33:19,067 She converts. 735 00:33:19,071 --> 00:33:21,083 She gives her life to the God of the Bible. 736 00:33:21,088 --> 00:33:24,096 She becomes a worshiper of the God of the Bible. 737 00:33:25,000 --> 00:33:26,075 The kingdom of God breaks in. 738 00:33:26,083 --> 00:33:31,029 The presence and goodness of God breaks in through the prophet 739 00:33:31,033 --> 00:33:35,079 to a people who are far away from God. 740 00:33:35,083 --> 00:33:38,050 Jesus is saying this to what people? 741 00:33:38,054 --> 00:33:41,096 A bunch of religious people in a synagogue in Nazareth. 742 00:33:42,000 --> 00:33:48,067 What he's telling them is, "You are more needy than that widow. 743 00:33:48,075 --> 00:33:52,038 "And you are farther from God than she was, 744 00:33:52,046 --> 00:33:58,046 because at least she had faith and did what she was told." 745 00:34:00,017 --> 00:34:03,054 Now, he told them, "You will hate me by the time this sermon is done." 746 00:34:03,062 --> 00:34:05,067 And he's well on his way. 747 00:34:05,075 --> 00:34:07,071 Religious people don't want to hear 748 00:34:07,079 --> 00:34:11,017 that they're in worse condition spiritually than 749 00:34:11,025 --> 00:34:17,033 a pagan, demon-god worshiping, starving widow. 750 00:34:17,038 --> 00:34:20,000 And he's not done. 751 00:34:20,004 --> 00:34:23,033 He proceeds on with his sermon. 752 00:34:23,038 --> 00:34:26,083 Luke 4:27: "'And there were many lepers in Israel 753 00:34:26,092 --> 00:34:28,046 in the time of the prophet Elisha,'" 754 00:34:28,050 --> 00:34:31,029 he was the successor to Elijah, "'and none of them was cleansed, 755 00:34:31,033 --> 00:34:34,021 but only Naaman the Syrian.'" 756 00:34:34,029 --> 00:34:35,083 Lepers. 757 00:34:35,092 --> 00:34:38,008 They occupy an interesting place in Scripture. 758 00:34:38,017 --> 00:34:41,017 This is the disease you definitely don't want to get. 759 00:34:41,021 --> 00:34:43,017 It's a debilitating skin disease. 760 00:34:43,025 --> 00:34:51,017 Your limbs just become cankerous and seeping with sores and stench and filth, 761 00:34:51,021 --> 00:34:55,067 and flesh is falling off your body, and you lose touch so you burn yourself 762 00:34:55,071 --> 00:34:58,058 and cut yourself and limbs are falling off, 763 00:34:58,067 --> 00:35:01,092 and your face is disfigured, and you're a grotesque mess. 764 00:35:02,000 --> 00:35:03,008 You're exiled. 765 00:35:03,017 --> 00:35:05,033 They considered you cursed of God. 766 00:35:05,038 --> 00:35:09,067 It was a horrible condition. 767 00:35:09,075 --> 00:35:12,050 He's here speaking out of 2 Kings chapter 5. 768 00:35:12,054 --> 00:35:13,062 We'll read more Bible. 769 00:35:13,067 --> 00:35:15,025 Here's the story. 770 00:35:15,033 --> 00:35:16,079 Gonna meet Naaman. 771 00:35:16,083 --> 00:35:21,033 2 Kings 5:1: "Naaman, commander of the army of the king of Syria." 772 00:35:21,042 --> 00:35:25,033 Commander of the army of the king of Syria. 773 00:35:25,042 --> 00:35:27,092 That is an introduction. 774 00:35:28,000 --> 00:35:34,033 Hi, I am Naaman, commander of the king of Syria's army. 775 00:35:34,042 --> 00:35:36,083 This guy is a big deal. 776 00:35:36,088 --> 00:35:38,058 He is a warrior. 777 00:35:38,067 --> 00:35:41,025 He has conquered nations and foes. 778 00:35:41,033 --> 00:35:43,096 He has treaded enemies underfoot. 779 00:35:44,000 --> 00:35:46,008 He is a man in authority. 780 00:35:46,017 --> 00:35:52,071 And you read Syrian--do they love God's people or not so much? 781 00:35:52,079 --> 00:35:56,075 Well, even if you're not up on history, current events would say-- 782 00:35:56,083 --> 00:36:03,042 some things never change--Syrians tend not to be real friendly of Israelites. 783 00:36:03,050 --> 00:36:05,046 We were up in Israel this summer. 784 00:36:05,050 --> 00:36:09,000 We climbed up to where Jesus apparently transfigured, and we were right 785 00:36:09,008 --> 00:36:14,000 on the border of Syria and all their guards were there with sniper rifles, 786 00:36:14,008 --> 00:36:16,033 keeping us in scope. 787 00:36:16,042 --> 00:36:20,017 It didn't feel welcoming. 788 00:36:20,021 --> 00:36:21,000 Alright? 789 00:36:21,004 --> 00:36:23,038 The Syrians here are like that. 790 00:36:23,046 --> 00:36:27,033 They're not real friendly toward God's people. 791 00:36:27,075 --> 00:36:31,004 "He was a great man with his master and in high favor, because by him 792 00:36:31,012 --> 00:36:33,046 the Lord had given victory to Syria." 793 00:36:33,050 --> 00:36:35,083 He conquered God's people. 794 00:36:35,088 --> 00:36:39,050 God allowed him to do that to teach them a lesson that they were a bunch 795 00:36:39,054 --> 00:36:43,054 of rebellious, stiff-necked, hard-hearted, self-righteous religious people. 796 00:36:43,062 --> 00:36:45,083 And so sometimes God will even use a godless person 797 00:36:45,092 --> 00:36:49,029 to discipline a godly person. 798 00:36:49,033 --> 00:36:51,075 That's what God does 'cause he loves his kids. 799 00:36:51,083 --> 00:36:54,092 And apparently this guy was a good wooden spoon. 800 00:36:55,000 --> 00:36:56,067 [congregation laughing] 801 00:36:56,071 --> 00:37:02,054 "He was a mighty man of valor, but he was a leper." 802 00:37:02,062 --> 00:37:09,029 He can rule a nation, but he can't cure his own condition. 803 00:37:09,033 --> 00:37:10,088 He's in desperate need. 804 00:37:10,096 --> 00:37:15,046 "Now the Syrians on one of their raids--" 805 00:37:15,050 --> 00:37:19,067 You just...we don't have guys like this. 806 00:37:19,075 --> 00:37:23,012 Guys are too busy, you know, playing video games and watching television 807 00:37:23,017 --> 00:37:26,033 to go on raids, but in the olden days, 808 00:37:26,042 --> 00:37:28,058 guys would use their free time to go on a raid. 809 00:37:28,067 --> 00:37:30,071 What that means is, we're gonna go into that nation, 810 00:37:30,079 --> 00:37:33,079 and we're gonna take all their stuff, and we're gonna take their people, 811 00:37:33,083 --> 00:37:39,050 and we're gonna make 'em ours. These are dudes. 812 00:37:40,046 --> 00:37:42,050 They "had carried off a little girl from the land of Israel, 813 00:37:42,058 --> 00:37:44,033 and she worked in the service of Naaman's wife." 814 00:37:44,042 --> 00:37:47,071 Imagine, hypothetically--this, of course, will never happen-- 815 00:37:47,079 --> 00:37:49,083 but the Canadians come down... 816 00:37:49,092 --> 00:37:52,017 [congregation laughing] 817 00:37:52,021 --> 00:37:55,000 and if they did, we could handle 'em. 818 00:37:55,004 --> 00:37:56,004 I met 'em. 819 00:37:56,012 --> 00:37:57,017 They're not scary. 820 00:37:57,025 --> 00:38:02,096 If the Canadians came down and they took all our junior high kids, 821 00:38:03,000 --> 00:38:03,079 some of you'd be like, "See? 822 00:38:03,083 --> 00:38:07,029 The Lord answers prayer." 823 00:38:07,033 --> 00:38:09,067 But some of you would be very sad. 824 00:38:09,071 --> 00:38:12,083 You'd be like, "They took all our junior high kids." 825 00:38:12,092 --> 00:38:17,054 The Syrians came down and they took all the junior high kids. 826 00:38:18,025 --> 00:38:21,079 So, here's what happens. 827 00:38:21,083 --> 00:38:25,000 Verse 3: "She," this junior high gal who loves the God of the Bible, 828 00:38:25,004 --> 00:38:27,054 "said to her mistress, 'Would that my lord 829 00:38:27,062 --> 00:38:30,092 "'were with the prophet who is in Samaria. 830 00:38:31,000 --> 00:38:32,004 He would cure him of leprosy.'" 831 00:38:32,012 --> 00:38:33,029 This little gal's a nice gal. 832 00:38:33,033 --> 00:38:35,000 She says, "Oh, we worship the God of the Bible. 833 00:38:35,008 --> 00:38:36,000 "He heals people. 834 00:38:36,008 --> 00:38:37,083 "He's got a prophet named Elisha. 835 00:38:37,088 --> 00:38:42,088 "Maybe we could send the guy who took me captive in war over there to get healed. 836 00:38:42,096 --> 00:38:44,054 And he could go meet with the prophet." 837 00:38:44,062 --> 00:38:47,008 She's a sweet gal. 838 00:38:47,046 --> 00:38:48,071 "And the king of Syria said, 'Go now, and I will send 839 00:38:48,079 --> 00:38:51,042 a letter to the king of Israel.'" 840 00:38:51,050 --> 00:38:54,050 So this is international diplomacy. 841 00:38:54,058 --> 00:38:55,096 Everybody knows about this. 842 00:38:56,000 --> 00:38:56,083 It's in the news. 843 00:38:56,092 --> 00:38:57,071 It's a big deal. 844 00:38:57,079 --> 00:39:00,067 The Syrians are sending one of their leaders to Israel to meet 845 00:39:00,071 --> 00:39:01,096 with the prophet to be healed. 846 00:39:02,000 --> 00:39:03,075 This is a global issue, right? 847 00:39:03,083 --> 00:39:09,012 Larry King is updating this and it's on the bottom of the feed for Fox News 848 00:39:09,017 --> 00:39:12,021 and the Twitter account's gone kookoo for Cocoa Puffs-- 849 00:39:12,029 --> 00:39:14,079 I mean, this is a big, big deal. 850 00:39:14,083 --> 00:39:16,067 Everyone's paying attention. 851 00:39:16,075 --> 00:39:18,050 So this guy who's going with leprosy, 852 00:39:18,054 --> 00:39:21,000 he's in a potentially very humiliating situation. 853 00:39:21,004 --> 00:39:22,092 "Hi, I come from your enemies. 854 00:39:23,000 --> 00:39:24,017 "I've got leprosy. 855 00:39:24,021 --> 00:39:26,017 "I--you know, hey, thanks for the junior high kids. 856 00:39:26,021 --> 00:39:27,021 "Where's the prophet? 857 00:39:27,029 --> 00:39:28,025 I'd like to be healed." 858 00:39:28,033 --> 00:39:31,017 This is very humbling. 859 00:39:31,021 --> 00:39:32,067 Very humbling. 860 00:39:32,071 --> 00:39:35,000 "So he went, taking with him ten talents of silver." 861 00:39:35,004 --> 00:39:38,050 Seven hundred and fifty pounds. 862 00:39:38,058 --> 00:39:40,067 "Six thousand shekels of gold." 863 00:39:40,071 --> 00:39:42,067 A hundred and fifty pounds of gold. 864 00:39:42,071 --> 00:39:44,096 "Ten changes of clothing." 865 00:39:45,000 --> 00:39:51,067 One commentator I read said this might be upwards of a billion dollars. 866 00:39:51,071 --> 00:39:54,071 This guy really wants to get over leprosy. 867 00:39:54,079 --> 00:39:57,092 And this is a powerful man. 868 00:39:58,000 --> 00:40:02,046 This is like Bill Gates walking into some Baptist church 869 00:40:02,050 --> 00:40:06,092 with his credit card saying, "I need help. 870 00:40:08,033 --> 00:40:10,004 "Take whatever you want. 871 00:40:10,012 --> 00:40:13,000 There's a billion dollar limit." 872 00:40:13,042 --> 00:40:15,050 See, at this point he doesn't understand God at all. 873 00:40:15,058 --> 00:40:18,096 Because ours is a God of grace. 874 00:40:19,000 --> 00:40:21,021 He gives generously because he's good. 875 00:40:21,029 --> 00:40:25,000 The difference between Christianity and religion is religion 876 00:40:25,004 --> 00:40:27,075 assumes God is bad and you gotta make him good. 877 00:40:27,083 --> 00:40:32,025 You gotta pray, give, serve, tithe, manipulate God. 878 00:40:32,033 --> 00:40:37,042 See, the Bible teaches that God is good and he's gracious and he's generous. 879 00:40:37,050 --> 00:40:39,012 We don't need to make him be good. 880 00:40:39,017 --> 00:40:40,008 He is. 881 00:40:40,017 --> 00:40:41,038 We don't need to make him be generous. 882 00:40:41,046 --> 00:40:43,067 He is. 883 00:40:43,075 --> 00:40:47,058 So this guy rolls in, thinking he's going to buy God. 884 00:40:47,096 --> 00:40:49,042 "I want God to heal me. 885 00:40:49,050 --> 00:40:50,062 How much?" 886 00:40:50,067 --> 00:40:51,042 You know. 887 00:40:51,050 --> 00:40:52,088 "Where's the menu? 888 00:40:52,096 --> 00:40:55,058 How much is a leprosy healing?" 889 00:40:55,067 --> 00:40:57,042 And people do that even to this day. 890 00:40:57,050 --> 00:40:58,083 They roll into the church, think, 891 00:40:58,088 --> 00:41:00,050 "Okay, God. Help. 892 00:41:00,058 --> 00:41:01,046 "I need you to. 893 00:41:01,050 --> 00:41:02,042 How much?" 894 00:41:02,050 --> 00:41:03,017 Answer? 895 00:41:03,021 --> 00:41:04,067 Grace. 896 00:41:04,071 --> 00:41:06,067 It doesn't mean we don't give to God and his purposes, 897 00:41:06,071 --> 00:41:09,017 but we don't give to manipulate him. 898 00:41:09,021 --> 00:41:11,012 We give because we love him. 899 00:41:11,017 --> 00:41:15,017 Because he loved us first. 900 00:41:16,025 --> 00:41:17,004 I've seen this. 901 00:41:17,012 --> 00:41:20,067 I had one guy a couple years ago literally write out a $250,000 check 902 00:41:20,071 --> 00:41:23,092 and say, "Can you save my marriage?" 903 00:41:24,000 --> 00:41:25,021 No. 904 00:41:25,029 --> 00:41:27,008 Because I didn't create the Heavens and the Earth. 905 00:41:27,017 --> 00:41:28,067 There are certain things beyond my job description. 906 00:41:28,071 --> 00:41:31,008 Here what I can do, though, I can give you the $250,000 back 907 00:41:31,017 --> 00:41:33,067 and I can meet with your wife, and we can love and serve your family, 908 00:41:33,071 --> 00:41:35,017 and we're gonna talk about Jesus, 909 00:41:35,025 --> 00:41:38,017 and he's a God of grace, and the Holy Spirit changes hearts, 910 00:41:38,021 --> 00:41:39,096 but you can't pay for this. 911 00:41:40,000 --> 00:41:41,088 Maybe after it's all said and done, and you love Jesus 912 00:41:41,096 --> 00:41:44,088 and you know something about him, then you can give generously. 913 00:41:44,096 --> 00:41:49,088 But right now, let's not turn this into you paying God so that he works for you. 914 00:41:49,096 --> 00:41:53,096 That's not how it goes. 915 00:41:55,092 --> 00:41:58,004 "And he brought the letter to the king of Israel, which read, 'When this letter 916 00:41:58,012 --> 00:42:00,033 "'reaches you, know that I have sent you Naaman my servant, 917 00:42:00,038 --> 00:42:02,004 that you may cure him of leprosy.'" 918 00:42:02,012 --> 00:42:03,050 The king got the letter. 919 00:42:03,058 --> 00:42:06,083 "And when the king of Israel read the letter, he tore his clothes and said, 920 00:42:06,088 --> 00:42:09,000 "'Am I God, to kill and make alive, 921 00:42:09,008 --> 00:42:11,062 "'that this man sends word to me to cure leprosy? 922 00:42:11,067 --> 00:42:14,008 Only consider, and see how he is seeking a quarrel with me.'" 923 00:42:14,017 --> 00:42:17,012 The king's like, "You gotta be kidding!" 924 00:42:17,017 --> 00:42:18,017 Dear Hank. 925 00:42:18,021 --> 00:42:19,004 Cure leprosy. 926 00:42:19,012 --> 00:42:20,000 Love, James. 927 00:42:20,004 --> 00:42:20,075 What? 928 00:42:20,083 --> 00:42:24,083 That--I totally missed that class in college. 929 00:42:24,088 --> 00:42:28,067 I don't--How many of you community group leaders, this would bum you out? 930 00:42:28,071 --> 00:42:29,029 Somebody shows up, 931 00:42:29,033 --> 00:42:31,079 "Hi. I have AIDS and a letter from Pastor Mark. 932 00:42:31,083 --> 00:42:32,083 He says to fix it." 933 00:42:32,088 --> 00:42:35,025 You'd be like, "Come on. Come on! 934 00:42:35,033 --> 00:42:38,079 "I do what I can, but this is totally beyond my scope of training. 935 00:42:38,083 --> 00:42:40,092 "I don't have the magic wand. 936 00:42:41,000 --> 00:42:43,017 I can't just: 'Be healed.'" 937 00:42:43,021 --> 00:42:44,038 Alright? 938 00:42:44,046 --> 00:42:46,033 So the king's like, "This is not good." 939 00:42:46,038 --> 00:42:46,062 Right? 940 00:42:46,067 --> 00:42:49,004 This is a big, international incident. 941 00:42:49,012 --> 00:42:54,038 "If I don't heal him, then they're gonna come and take more junior high kids." 942 00:42:56,054 --> 00:42:59,004 "But when Elisha," verse 8, "the man of God--" 943 00:42:59,012 --> 00:43:01,012 You know, don't you love this? 944 00:43:01,017 --> 00:43:02,058 You see, one of the reason I know the Bible's true? 945 00:43:02,067 --> 00:43:03,067 Nobody's writing this. 946 00:43:03,075 --> 00:43:05,008 Nobody's making it up. 947 00:43:05,017 --> 00:43:06,046 There's no committee somewhere going, 948 00:43:06,050 --> 00:43:10,017 "Okay. Leprosy, international incident, billion dollars, 949 00:43:10,025 --> 00:43:14,008 ten changes of clothing, his whole wardrobe, entourage thing." 950 00:43:14,017 --> 00:43:15,062 I love the Bible. 951 00:43:15,067 --> 00:43:21,029 The Bible is amazing because it shows us history and it shows us 952 00:43:21,033 --> 00:43:25,083 in such a way that we know that it's factual. 953 00:43:25,092 --> 00:43:28,058 This is not stuff that people make up. 954 00:43:28,067 --> 00:43:31,025 "When Elisha the man of God heard the king of Israel had torn his clothes, 955 00:43:31,033 --> 00:43:34,017 "he said to the king, saying 'Why have you torn your clothes?'" 956 00:43:34,025 --> 00:43:36,033 What, you can't handle that? 957 00:43:36,042 --> 00:43:39,029 "Let him come now to me, that he may know that there is a prophet in Israel." 958 00:43:39,033 --> 00:43:41,008 Elisha raises his hand. 959 00:43:41,017 --> 00:43:44,021 "I'll take the leper." 960 00:43:44,029 --> 00:43:45,029 I'm sure the king's like, "Good. 961 00:43:45,033 --> 00:43:48,029 I'm glad somebody volunteered." 962 00:43:48,050 --> 00:43:51,033 Elisha said, "Hey, I trust that God can do whatever. 963 00:43:51,038 --> 00:43:53,025 If he sent him here, send him to me." 964 00:43:53,033 --> 00:43:56,058 I don't think he's saying this arrogantly, "I'm a prophet." 965 00:43:56,067 --> 00:43:59,017 Prophet usually means you'll be exiled and murdered. 966 00:43:59,021 --> 00:44:02,025 So it's not the thing you put on a t-shirt, you know? 967 00:44:02,033 --> 00:44:04,058 But he accepts his position from God. 968 00:44:04,067 --> 00:44:06,000 He welcomes the leper. 969 00:44:06,008 --> 00:44:09,029 "So Naaman came with his horses and chariots," full entourage. 970 00:44:09,033 --> 00:44:12,029 I mean, this guy's rolling with a massive posse. 971 00:44:12,033 --> 00:44:14,033 "And stood at the door of Elisha's house." 972 00:44:14,042 --> 00:44:15,054 And this is awesome. 973 00:44:15,062 --> 00:44:16,088 I love this! 974 00:44:16,096 --> 00:44:18,083 "And Elisha sent a message to him." 975 00:44:18,092 --> 00:44:20,083 Did Elisha come out? 976 00:44:20,092 --> 00:44:22,017 No! 977 00:44:22,021 --> 00:44:23,071 He's like, "Tell him..." 978 00:44:23,079 --> 00:44:25,038 [laughing] 979 00:44:25,046 --> 00:44:28,092 He already came from another country with diplomatic immunity, 980 00:44:29,000 --> 00:44:34,046 full military guard, happens to have upwards of a billion dollars, 981 00:44:34,050 --> 00:44:36,083 and Elisha's like, "Look, man. 982 00:44:36,092 --> 00:44:40,096 "It's lunch and just tell 'em what to do. 983 00:44:41,000 --> 00:44:43,050 I'm totally tied up with nothing." 984 00:44:43,054 --> 00:44:45,083 I love that! 985 00:44:45,088 --> 00:44:50,038 Because sometimes the truth is, you don't need to meet with a man of God, 986 00:44:50,046 --> 00:44:54,067 you just need to obey the Word of God. 987 00:44:54,075 --> 00:44:55,071 I'll say that again. 988 00:44:55,079 --> 00:44:56,092 It just came to me. 989 00:44:57,000 --> 00:44:58,017 And that was pretty good. 990 00:44:58,021 --> 00:45:03,008 You don't need to meet with the man of God, you need to obey the word of God. 991 00:45:03,017 --> 00:45:04,058 Elisha doesn't need to come out. 992 00:45:04,067 --> 00:45:06,025 "Hi, I'm the holy, spiritual man. 993 00:45:06,033 --> 00:45:08,096 "You can tell by the big hat and the ring and the robe and, you know, 994 00:45:09,000 --> 00:45:11,029 "and the wafting incense and the magic wand. 995 00:45:11,033 --> 00:45:12,042 It's me." 996 00:45:12,050 --> 00:45:15,029 He doesn't need to meet with Elisha. 997 00:45:15,033 --> 00:45:17,033 Elisha's like, "You know what? 998 00:45:17,038 --> 00:45:18,071 "God's gonna tell you what to do. 999 00:45:18,079 --> 00:45:19,083 "You just need to go do it. 1000 00:45:19,092 --> 00:45:22,083 You don't need to meet with a magic holy man." 1001 00:45:22,092 --> 00:45:24,029 There's only one holy man. 1002 00:45:24,033 --> 00:45:26,021 His name's Jesus. 1003 00:45:26,029 --> 00:45:28,054 I'm not saying that it's not good to meet with a pastor, 1004 00:45:28,062 --> 00:45:31,050 it's not good to meet with a spiritual leader, but sometimes you know what? 1005 00:45:31,054 --> 00:45:33,054 God already told you what to do. 1006 00:45:33,062 --> 00:45:34,067 Just do it. 1007 00:45:34,071 --> 00:45:37,083 Or you read the Bible and through his prophets, he tells you what to do. 1008 00:45:37,088 --> 00:45:39,029 Just go do it. 1009 00:45:39,033 --> 00:45:41,025 You don't need to meet with anybody. 1010 00:45:41,033 --> 00:45:43,079 You need to do what you're supposed to do. 1011 00:45:43,083 --> 00:45:45,067 So here's what Elisha tells him. 1012 00:45:45,071 --> 00:45:46,083 "Go and wash in the Jordan." 1013 00:45:46,092 --> 00:45:48,017 How far away is that? 1014 00:45:48,025 --> 00:45:51,021 About 40 miles! 1015 00:45:51,029 --> 00:45:54,038 He's already come across a country. 1016 00:45:54,046 --> 00:45:58,004 "Go another 40 miles and wash in the Jordan." 1017 00:45:58,012 --> 00:45:59,008 How many times? 1018 00:45:59,017 --> 00:46:02,025 Seven times. 1019 00:46:02,079 --> 00:46:04,062 "And your flesh shall be restored, and you shall be clean." 1020 00:46:04,067 --> 00:46:06,050 How many of you, if I said, "Okay, look. 1021 00:46:06,054 --> 00:46:08,096 "You want to be cleansed of whatever ailments you have? 1022 00:46:09,000 --> 00:46:10,012 "Go to Mexico. 1023 00:46:10,017 --> 00:46:11,025 "Find a river. 1024 00:46:11,033 --> 00:46:13,050 "Bathe yourself seven times. 1025 00:46:13,054 --> 00:46:17,000 Go in, scrub, scrub, scrub, get out, dry off, scrub, scrub, scrub--seven times." 1026 00:46:17,008 --> 00:46:18,038 How many, if I told you right now, 1027 00:46:18,046 --> 00:46:21,038 "God wants you tomorrow to take seven showers." 1028 00:46:21,046 --> 00:46:24,000 Just that, you'd be like, "Nope. 1029 00:46:24,004 --> 00:46:25,054 Not gonna do it." 1030 00:46:25,062 --> 00:46:26,054 'Cause it's silly. 1031 00:46:26,062 --> 00:46:28,017 Even if nobody's lookin', I feel weird. 1032 00:46:28,021 --> 00:46:29,038 Shower, dry off. 1033 00:46:29,046 --> 00:46:30,033 Shower, dry off. 1034 00:46:30,042 --> 00:46:31,033 Shower, dry off. 1035 00:46:31,042 --> 00:46:33,000 Shower, dry off. 1036 00:46:33,008 --> 00:46:34,017 What about the salmon? 1037 00:46:34,025 --> 00:46:35,079 I mean, there's all these reasons... 1038 00:46:35,083 --> 00:46:37,067 [congregation laughing] 1039 00:46:37,071 --> 00:46:40,058 you totally had it coming. 1040 00:46:40,067 --> 00:46:41,075 You go, "No, I'm not going to do that. 1041 00:46:41,083 --> 00:46:45,046 "Even if nobody's lookin' and it's not on TV and it's not a diplomatic 1042 00:46:45,050 --> 00:46:52,017 international event, it just feels weird and I don't like feelin' weird." 1043 00:46:52,096 --> 00:46:56,054 So--yeah, this is great. 1044 00:46:57,025 --> 00:47:00,017 "But Naaman was...angry." 1045 00:47:00,021 --> 00:47:02,042 "I don't like it." 1046 00:47:02,050 --> 00:47:03,079 See, we do this with God a lot. 1047 00:47:03,083 --> 00:47:04,083 God's like, "Do this." 1048 00:47:04,088 --> 00:47:07,004 We're like, "No." 1049 00:47:07,033 --> 00:47:10,050 God's like, "Well, guess who's in charge? 1050 00:47:10,054 --> 00:47:13,058 We don't negotiate." 1051 00:47:13,067 --> 00:47:14,042 "Naaman was angry 1052 00:47:14,050 --> 00:47:15,083 "and went away, saying, 1053 00:47:15,092 --> 00:47:17,083 "'Behold, I thought he would surely come out to me and stand 1054 00:47:17,088 --> 00:47:19,017 and call on the name of the Lord--'" 1055 00:47:19,025 --> 00:47:22,054 "Do some holy magic stuff, maybe hit me in the head 1056 00:47:22,062 --> 00:47:28,033 and wave his hand over me and cure the leper and do the voodoo stuff." 1057 00:47:28,038 --> 00:47:29,058 See, and that's what some people want. 1058 00:47:29,067 --> 00:47:32,033 "Where is the holy man doing the holy stuff?" 1059 00:47:32,042 --> 00:47:33,058 God's like, "Trust me. 1060 00:47:33,067 --> 00:47:36,050 "I'm gonna make you do something a little goofy. 1061 00:47:36,054 --> 00:47:38,050 "Hey, thanks for traveling across the country. 1062 00:47:38,058 --> 00:47:40,088 "Nice letter from the king. 1063 00:47:40,096 --> 00:47:43,017 "Go find the river, the river of God's people, 1064 00:47:43,021 --> 00:47:45,079 "the river Jesus will be baptized in. 1065 00:47:45,083 --> 00:47:48,058 "Not one of your rivers up in your pagan nation. 1066 00:47:48,067 --> 00:47:51,058 "Go there in front of all the people who love and worship the God of the Bible. 1067 00:47:51,067 --> 00:47:55,000 "Publicly humiliate yourself and don't just take one bath, 1068 00:47:55,004 --> 00:47:56,088 take seven." 1069 00:47:56,096 --> 00:47:59,067 Now, if you're a leper, do you think that feels good? 1070 00:47:59,071 --> 00:48:02,046 I've never had leprosy, but I'm thinking seven baths-- 1071 00:48:02,050 --> 00:48:05,038 that's not so comfortable. 1072 00:48:06,038 --> 00:48:07,088 He's angry. 1073 00:48:07,096 --> 00:48:10,000 "God didn't meet me on my terms. 1074 00:48:10,004 --> 00:48:12,092 He didn't do it the way I think he should do it." 1075 00:48:13,000 --> 00:48:15,058 It's 'cause he loves you. 1076 00:48:15,067 --> 00:48:18,017 And he wants you to be humble and trusting, 1077 00:48:18,021 --> 00:48:22,000 and learn to obey, even if it doesn't seem very wise. 1078 00:48:25,046 --> 00:48:30,012 "'Are not Abana and Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, 1079 00:48:30,017 --> 00:48:32,033 better than all the waters of Israel?'" 1080 00:48:32,038 --> 00:48:33,071 "Why do I gotta go to this country? 1081 00:48:33,079 --> 00:48:34,067 "Why not that country? 1082 00:48:34,071 --> 00:48:36,004 "Why with these people, not those people? 1083 00:48:36,012 --> 00:48:37,021 "We have our own rivers. 1084 00:48:37,029 --> 00:48:38,029 "We have our own gods. 1085 00:48:38,033 --> 00:48:40,000 We have our own religion." 1086 00:48:40,008 --> 00:48:43,008 God says, "I know, and that's all wrong. 1087 00:48:43,017 --> 00:48:44,058 So go to the Jordan. 1088 00:48:44,067 --> 00:48:47,042 That's the river I'm picking." 1089 00:48:47,050 --> 00:48:51,025 "'Could I not wash in there and be clean?'" 1090 00:48:52,000 --> 00:48:55,000 See, it's not about the water, it's about the faith 1091 00:48:55,008 --> 00:48:57,017 and the humility and the obedience. 1092 00:48:57,021 --> 00:49:00,050 "So he turned and went away in a rage." 1093 00:49:00,058 --> 00:49:04,067 See, this guy's used to being in charge, not taking orders. 1094 00:49:04,088 --> 00:49:07,058 "But his servant," the low slave. 1095 00:49:07,067 --> 00:49:10,042 The guy on the journey carrying the bag. 1096 00:49:10,050 --> 00:49:12,004 "Came and said, 'My father.'" 1097 00:49:12,012 --> 00:49:13,096 Nice way to start. 1098 00:49:14,000 --> 00:49:16,054 "'It is a great word the prophet has spoken to you; 1099 00:49:16,062 --> 00:49:17,050 will you not do it?'" 1100 00:49:17,054 --> 00:49:18,038 He's like, "Hey! 1101 00:49:18,046 --> 00:49:19,021 "He said to go in the river. 1102 00:49:19,029 --> 00:49:23,071 "Maybe we should--I mean... go in the river. 1103 00:49:23,079 --> 00:49:26,029 You are a leper." 1104 00:49:26,033 --> 00:49:28,088 Like some of you come here and you say, "I don't want Jesus!" 1105 00:49:28,096 --> 00:49:30,062 You're going to hell! 1106 00:49:30,067 --> 00:49:32,067 You say, "Well, I don't want Jesus!" 1107 00:49:32,075 --> 00:49:34,025 Well, you're going to hell. 1108 00:49:34,033 --> 00:49:38,096 Like, you should probably look at your option. 1109 00:49:39,000 --> 00:49:40,017 "I don't want to go to the river!" 1110 00:49:40,021 --> 00:49:41,033 "You have leprosy." 1111 00:49:41,042 --> 00:49:42,067 "I don't want to go to the river!" 1112 00:49:42,071 --> 00:49:47,017 "Back to my first point, you have leprosy. 1113 00:49:47,021 --> 00:49:49,058 "And he said that's the only way to get rid of that problem, 1114 00:49:49,067 --> 00:49:51,067 "just like Jesus is the only way to get rid of sin. 1115 00:49:51,071 --> 00:49:52,050 "This is how it works. 1116 00:49:52,054 --> 00:49:57,000 Either do it that way or it's gonna go bad for you." 1117 00:49:57,075 --> 00:50:00,050 "'Has he actually said to you, "Wash, and be clean"?'" 1118 00:50:00,054 --> 00:50:01,092 That's what he said. 1119 00:50:02,000 --> 00:50:05,071 "So," this is repentance. 1120 00:50:05,079 --> 00:50:07,062 It's like, "Alright, fine. 1121 00:50:07,067 --> 00:50:11,083 "I don't understand, but I'll submit. 1122 00:50:11,092 --> 00:50:13,029 "I'm used to giving orders. 1123 00:50:13,033 --> 00:50:14,067 "I'll take a few. 1124 00:50:14,071 --> 00:50:21,012 I'm going down to the river to take seven baths in the Jordan." 1125 00:50:21,017 --> 00:50:24,046 "He went down, dipped himself seven times." 1126 00:50:24,050 --> 00:50:27,017 Think he was feeling silly around five? 1127 00:50:27,021 --> 00:50:28,033 Crowd's there. 1128 00:50:28,038 --> 00:50:30,033 "Hey, aren't you that guy who took the junior high kids?" 1129 00:50:30,042 --> 00:50:33,042 "Yeah..." 1130 00:50:34,088 --> 00:50:38,067 "According to the word of the man of God," that's Scripture, 1131 00:50:38,071 --> 00:50:42,021 "and his flesh was restored like the flesh of a baby and he was clean." 1132 00:50:42,029 --> 00:50:44,067 He had baby-smooth skin. 1133 00:50:44,075 --> 00:50:46,058 Totally healed. 1134 00:50:47,012 --> 00:50:48,083 Totally healed. 1135 00:50:48,092 --> 00:50:51,067 How much of the money did Elisha take? 1136 00:50:51,075 --> 00:50:53,000 Nothing. 1137 00:50:53,004 --> 00:50:56,004 As he was leaving, heading home-- the rest of the story, and you can read it 1138 00:50:56,012 --> 00:50:59,046 or read it to your kids tonight-- one of the servants followed him, 1139 00:50:59,050 --> 00:51:01,096 said, "Hey, hey, that billion dollars, I'd like a little bit." 1140 00:51:02,000 --> 00:51:05,000 And he took it and he got leprosy and his whole family got leprosy 1141 00:51:05,008 --> 00:51:07,079 because it was greed. 1142 00:51:08,017 --> 00:51:10,075 It was greed. 1143 00:51:11,029 --> 00:51:12,000 Back up. 1144 00:51:12,004 --> 00:51:14,058 Who's Jesus telling this story to? 1145 00:51:14,067 --> 00:51:18,033 The religious people in Nazareth in the synagogue. 1146 00:51:18,042 --> 00:51:22,017 How would they respond to the story of the widow and the leper? 1147 00:51:23,025 --> 00:51:28,033 "When they heard these things in the synagogue, all were filled with wrath. 1148 00:51:28,038 --> 00:51:30,092 "And they rose up and they drove him out of the town and they brought him 1149 00:51:31,000 --> 00:51:33,021 "to the brow of the hill on which their town was built, 1150 00:51:33,029 --> 00:51:35,012 "so that they could throw him down the cliff. 1151 00:51:35,017 --> 00:51:38,025 But passing through their midst, he went away." 1152 00:51:38,033 --> 00:51:45,067 Jesus, are you saying that us decent, moral, heterosexual, Republican, 1153 00:51:45,075 --> 00:51:52,017 tithing, community group attending, ESV Bible reading, home school co-op 1154 00:51:52,025 --> 00:51:58,071 joining, decent, upright, moral citizens--that in the sight of God 1155 00:51:58,079 --> 00:52:06,021 we are as needy as the widow and our sin is as horrific as the leprosy 1156 00:52:06,029 --> 00:52:10,050 and that we need provision and cleansing? 1157 00:52:10,071 --> 00:52:12,071 It can't be. 1158 00:52:12,079 --> 00:52:14,075 We're the good guys. 1159 00:52:14,083 --> 00:52:20,025 How could you possibly say that the bad guys have something to teach us? 1160 00:52:21,038 --> 00:52:24,033 He goes after their religion. 1161 00:52:24,050 --> 00:52:29,033 And as religious people often do, they would rather kill Jesus 1162 00:52:29,038 --> 00:52:32,021 than kill their religion. 1163 00:52:32,029 --> 00:52:34,092 And the difference between Jesus and religion is this: 1164 00:52:35,000 --> 00:52:37,038 religion is about what you do for God. 1165 00:52:37,046 --> 00:52:40,046 Jesus is about what God does for you. 1166 00:52:40,050 --> 00:52:44,062 Religion is about how you earn favor from God. 1167 00:52:44,067 --> 00:52:50,071 Jesus is about how God gives you righteousness as a gift. 1168 00:52:50,079 --> 00:52:55,017 Religion is about you becoming very proud of your performance. 1169 00:52:55,021 --> 00:53:02,083 Jesus is about becoming very proud of his performance in your place. 1170 00:53:03,000 --> 00:53:05,021 And some of you are deeply religious. 1171 00:53:05,029 --> 00:53:07,071 And one of the reasons that we continually hammer on religion 1172 00:53:07,079 --> 00:53:11,071 at Mars Hill is religion is the enemy of Jesus. 1173 00:53:11,079 --> 00:53:18,021 It leads to arrogance and pride and self-righteousness and judgmentalism. 1174 00:53:19,033 --> 00:53:26,050 And some of you love religion more than Jesus. 1175 00:53:26,054 --> 00:53:31,075 One of the reasons that we always talk against sin and religion is 1176 00:53:31,083 --> 00:53:36,004 because both are enemies of Jesus. 1177 00:53:37,004 --> 00:53:42,029 And here their sin is religion. 1178 00:53:43,000 --> 00:53:45,012 And they decide they're going to kill Jesus. 1179 00:53:45,017 --> 00:53:46,021 This is what happens to the prophets. 1180 00:53:46,029 --> 00:53:47,083 They're killed. 1181 00:53:47,092 --> 00:53:50,050 There's two ways you would kill by stoning. 1182 00:53:50,058 --> 00:53:53,058 One, you would throw the rocks at the person. 1183 00:53:53,067 --> 00:53:56,096 Or you would throw the person off the cliff onto the rocks. 1184 00:53:57,000 --> 00:53:58,067 They try to do that here. 1185 00:53:58,071 --> 00:54:00,050 Somehow, he escapes. 1186 00:54:00,058 --> 00:54:01,079 Question. 1187 00:54:01,083 --> 00:54:06,025 Is there any record that Jesus ever returned to Nazareth? 1188 00:54:06,033 --> 00:54:08,075 There is no record that he ever returned to Nazareth. 1189 00:54:08,083 --> 00:54:10,083 He is gone forever. 1190 00:54:10,092 --> 00:54:13,088 He is the prophet without honor in his own hometown. 1191 00:54:13,096 --> 00:54:17,000 Nazareth lost the opportunity to be the headquarters 1192 00:54:17,004 --> 00:54:21,088 for the worldwide ministry of Jesus Christ. 1193 00:54:21,096 --> 00:54:26,058 Tragic moment in the history of Nazareth. 1194 00:54:26,067 --> 00:54:28,000 Tragic moment. 1195 00:54:28,004 --> 00:54:30,033 Today, it is largely a Muslim town. 1196 00:54:30,042 --> 00:54:34,083 It still rejects Jesus. 1197 00:54:34,092 --> 00:54:40,079 Still very, very religious, but rejects Jesus. 1198 00:54:40,083 --> 00:54:42,025 I've been there and seen it. 1199 00:54:42,033 --> 00:54:45,042 It's one of the most religious places I've ever seen 1200 00:54:45,050 --> 00:54:50,083 and the rejection of Jesus is overt. 1201 00:54:54,050 --> 00:54:57,050 Now, here's my concern. 1202 00:54:57,058 --> 00:55:03,050 As we read this story, we can act in such a way or respond in such a way 1203 00:55:03,054 --> 00:55:09,071 that we think, "Thank you, Lord, that I haven't rejected Jesus." 1204 00:55:09,079 --> 00:55:10,071 Okay. 1205 00:55:10,079 --> 00:55:14,046 I want to take from the story eight ways that you could reject Jesus 1206 00:55:14,050 --> 00:55:16,096 to make you aware of them in closing. 1207 00:55:17,000 --> 00:55:21,054 Because I don't want you to reject Jesus. 1208 00:55:21,062 --> 00:55:24,025 What would compel you to reject Jesus Christ? 1209 00:55:24,033 --> 00:55:27,012 You can discuss this in your community group this week. 1210 00:55:27,017 --> 00:55:29,042 Number one: For some of you, it is theology. 1211 00:55:29,050 --> 00:55:33,083 They love Jesus as a teacher and a healer and a feeder 1212 00:55:33,088 --> 00:55:37,000 and a defender of the poor. 1213 00:55:37,008 --> 00:55:41,088 But when he said, "I'm God, and I speak on behalf of God," 1214 00:55:41,096 --> 00:55:45,058 they said, "No, you're Joseph's son. 1215 00:55:45,067 --> 00:55:49,029 You're just a really good guy, but you're not God." 1216 00:55:49,033 --> 00:55:51,050 Some of you do that. 1217 00:55:51,058 --> 00:55:53,071 "Jesus is a good man, but not the God-man. 1218 00:55:53,079 --> 00:55:57,033 "He's a good teacher, except for when he lies, 1219 00:55:57,042 --> 00:56:00,062 saying things like 'I'm God and savior.'" 1220 00:56:00,067 --> 00:56:02,075 Don't reject him theologically. 1221 00:56:02,083 --> 00:56:05,046 Number two: You can reject him because of control. 1222 00:56:05,050 --> 00:56:07,050 This was the real conflict in Nazareth. 1223 00:56:07,054 --> 00:56:10,062 He showed up and they said, "Here's what we want, Jesus. 1224 00:56:10,067 --> 00:56:11,067 "You grew up with us. 1225 00:56:11,071 --> 00:56:14,050 "You know that we're poor and she's sick and he needs a job, 1226 00:56:14,054 --> 00:56:20,071 "and we've got a dumpy, rural hick-town nobody comes from, to, or through here, 1227 00:56:20,079 --> 00:56:23,025 "and you--you're a rock star. 1228 00:56:23,033 --> 00:56:24,071 "You draw huge crowds. 1229 00:56:24,079 --> 00:56:26,096 "You can heal and feed people. 1230 00:56:27,000 --> 00:56:28,017 "We're gonna set up a tent. 1231 00:56:28,025 --> 00:56:29,050 "You're gonna be the circus act. 1232 00:56:29,058 --> 00:56:31,029 "People are going to come from miles around. 1233 00:56:31,033 --> 00:56:35,092 "You can feed us, heal us, bless us, make us headquarters. 1234 00:56:36,000 --> 00:56:38,083 "We're gonna use you for our own mission. 1235 00:56:38,092 --> 00:56:41,067 We wanna get rich and famous." 1236 00:56:41,075 --> 00:56:43,004 It was a control issue. 1237 00:56:43,012 --> 00:56:45,017 Jesus said, "I'm not going to do any miracles here in Nazareth. 1238 00:56:45,021 --> 00:56:48,050 "Not 'cause I can't do any miracles, but because if I do, 1239 00:56:48,054 --> 00:56:50,083 "you will think that you controlled me. 1240 00:56:50,092 --> 00:56:55,075 And your motives are disgusting, and you don't love God." 1241 00:56:55,083 --> 00:57:01,000 And for the widow, she got her miracle after she trusted the Lord. 1242 00:57:01,008 --> 00:57:04,021 For the leper, he trusted the Lord and he got his miracle. 1243 00:57:04,029 --> 00:57:06,021 "You guys don't even love me, you don't even trust me. 1244 00:57:06,029 --> 00:57:07,050 "You just want miracles. 1245 00:57:07,054 --> 00:57:10,096 "You want me to be the magic genie who jumps out of the bottle 1246 00:57:11,000 --> 00:57:13,062 "and answers all the requests. 1247 00:57:13,067 --> 00:57:14,088 No." 1248 00:57:14,096 --> 00:57:16,054 And, see, some people are like that with Jesus. 1249 00:57:16,062 --> 00:57:18,050 They come in to church or ministry. 1250 00:57:18,058 --> 00:57:19,042 "Okay! 1251 00:57:19,050 --> 00:57:20,029 "Here's what I want. 1252 00:57:20,033 --> 00:57:21,025 "Jesus, give it to me. 1253 00:57:21,033 --> 00:57:22,008 "He didn't give it to me? 1254 00:57:22,017 --> 00:57:24,021 "Well, then I reject you. 1255 00:57:24,029 --> 00:57:26,025 "I'm post-Christian, anti-Christian. 1256 00:57:26,033 --> 00:57:29,000 Find another religion or go my own way." 1257 00:57:29,004 --> 00:57:31,096 It's how to reject Jesus. 1258 00:57:32,000 --> 00:57:33,000 Greed. 1259 00:57:33,004 --> 00:57:36,000 Again, there's a lot of money to be made in Nazareth. 1260 00:57:36,004 --> 00:57:38,071 If you could get Jesus to stay there and all the crowds to come to him, 1261 00:57:38,079 --> 00:57:42,000 and you could build a huge synagogue, and you could take an offering 1262 00:57:42,008 --> 00:57:47,058 after you heal people, you'll be doing well. 1263 00:57:47,067 --> 00:57:49,012 They wanted to use Jesus for the money, 1264 00:57:49,017 --> 00:57:53,000 so he uses the analogy and the illustration of the widow. 1265 00:57:53,008 --> 00:57:56,038 What he says is she had nothing and she allowed the servant of God to live 1266 00:57:56,046 --> 00:58:02,029 with her and to eat of her final meal before she starved to death. 1267 00:58:02,033 --> 00:58:04,062 You don't use God for money. 1268 00:58:04,067 --> 00:58:06,033 That's idolatry. 1269 00:58:06,038 --> 00:58:08,058 You love God because he's God. 1270 00:58:08,067 --> 00:58:13,021 You love Jesus because he's God. 1271 00:58:13,058 --> 00:58:16,004 Sometimes it's just selfishness. 1272 00:58:16,012 --> 00:58:18,012 The people in Nazareth, when he showed up they didn't say, 1273 00:58:18,017 --> 00:58:19,079 "Jesus! This is amazing! 1274 00:58:19,083 --> 00:58:21,033 "We could reach the nations. 1275 00:58:21,042 --> 00:58:24,029 "We could spread the good news that God has come. 1276 00:58:24,033 --> 00:58:26,017 "How could we help you and serve you? 1277 00:58:26,025 --> 00:58:30,004 How could we give our lives so that others would come to know you?" 1278 00:58:30,012 --> 00:58:31,083 It was just all about me. 1279 00:58:31,088 --> 00:58:34,017 "Where's my miracle? 1280 00:58:34,025 --> 00:58:36,083 "Where's my healing? 1281 00:58:36,088 --> 00:58:39,000 "Where's my food? 1282 00:58:39,008 --> 00:58:40,050 "Where's my provision? 1283 00:58:40,058 --> 00:58:41,088 What about me?" 1284 00:58:41,096 --> 00:58:46,038 Complete selfishness can cause you to reject Jesus. 1285 00:58:47,050 --> 00:58:49,021 Familiarity. 1286 00:58:49,029 --> 00:58:51,004 "Isn't this Joseph's son? 1287 00:58:51,012 --> 00:58:54,004 "He says he's God, Lord, Savior, Christ, King, and Prophet, 1288 00:58:54,012 --> 00:58:57,075 "but we saw him grow up. 1289 00:58:57,083 --> 00:58:59,033 "We know who he is. 1290 00:58:59,042 --> 00:59:00,083 "That's not who he is. 1291 00:59:00,092 --> 00:59:02,067 We know who he is." 1292 00:59:02,075 --> 00:59:05,042 The truth is, you can become so familiar with Jesus 1293 00:59:05,050 --> 00:59:06,083 that you don't even know who he is. 1294 00:59:06,088 --> 00:59:10,033 You can grow up in church, be around Bible teaching, go to camp, 1295 00:59:10,042 --> 00:59:12,096 go to Christian school, have Christian family, 1296 00:59:13,000 --> 00:59:15,067 friends, relatives, co-workers, neighbors. 1297 00:59:15,071 --> 00:59:18,033 You can even go to Bible college and get some goofy, 1298 00:59:18,042 --> 00:59:23,067 dinky Bible college prof that gives you some weird, funky new liberal insight on Jesus 1299 00:59:23,071 --> 00:59:26,054 and all of a sudden, you feel like you got it all nailed down and covered, 1300 00:59:26,062 --> 00:59:29,096 and you reject him and move on and get into spiritism 1301 00:59:30,000 --> 00:59:32,096 and get into demonism and get into false teaching. 1302 00:59:33,000 --> 00:59:33,096 Why? Because you're like, 1303 00:59:34,000 --> 00:59:36,062 "I know Jesus. I know the stories. I know the doctrine. 1304 00:59:36,067 --> 00:59:38,017 "I got it all nailed down, you know. 1305 00:59:38,021 --> 00:59:40,012 "But I've kind of moved on to some other things as well, 1306 00:59:40,017 --> 00:59:42,067 "in addition to or in place of him. 1307 00:59:42,071 --> 00:59:45,012 Because I know him really well." 1308 00:59:45,017 --> 00:59:48,012 And the truth is, you don't. 1309 00:59:48,017 --> 00:59:50,033 You don't. You don't know him at all. 1310 00:59:50,042 --> 00:59:52,004 You're like the people in Nazareth. 1311 00:59:52,012 --> 00:59:57,075 They've become so familiar of him that they're really not aware 1312 00:59:57,083 --> 01:00:01,062 of his true identity as God among them. 1313 01:00:01,067 --> 01:00:03,067 I really worry about this with the church kids. 1314 01:00:03,071 --> 01:00:08,038 See, I'm a fired up, full tank of gas kinda guy when it comes to Jesus. 1315 01:00:08,046 --> 01:00:12,008 And part of that is, I didn't grow up knowing a lot about Jesus 1316 01:00:12,017 --> 01:00:13,017 and reading the Bible. 1317 01:00:13,021 --> 01:00:17,021 We were marginal Catholic, but I wasn't payin' any attention. 1318 01:00:17,029 --> 01:00:18,071 And I woulda said, "Oh, I know who Jesus is. 1319 01:00:18,079 --> 01:00:21,038 "Yeah, he did something with fishes and loaves and, yeah, 1320 01:00:21,046 --> 01:00:23,000 "He can water-ski without a boat and stuff. 1321 01:00:23,008 --> 01:00:25,054 Yeah, I know a few things about him." 1322 01:00:25,062 --> 01:00:27,054 But I didn't really know much about Jesus 1323 01:00:27,062 --> 01:00:28,083 and I wasn't that familiar with him. 1324 01:00:28,092 --> 01:00:32,050 When I start meeting Jesus and readin' the Bible and being with God's people, 1325 01:00:32,054 --> 01:00:36,046 it's like I'm fired up because it's all pretty fresh and new to me. 1326 01:00:36,050 --> 01:00:39,083 For those of you that are like my wife and now like my kids, and you're gonna 1327 01:00:39,092 --> 01:00:42,088 hear the name of Jesus and you're gonna hear Bible teaching and Bible reading 1328 01:00:42,096 --> 01:00:44,092 and be around God's people for a long time, 1329 01:00:45,000 --> 01:00:47,050 don't get too familiar with Jesus. 1330 01:00:47,058 --> 01:00:51,067 Still be amazed and shocked and continue 1331 01:00:51,075 --> 01:00:55,004 to be astonished by this man. 1332 01:00:55,083 --> 01:00:57,038 Comfort. 1333 01:00:57,046 --> 01:00:58,050 It's where he uses the example. 1334 01:00:58,054 --> 01:01:00,067 Do you think it was comfortable for the widow to give what 1335 01:01:00,075 --> 01:01:03,025 she had and her house to the prophet? 1336 01:01:03,033 --> 01:01:04,017 No. 1337 01:01:04,025 --> 01:01:07,025 Do you think it was comfortable for Naaman to go to another nation 1338 01:01:07,033 --> 01:01:10,050 and another God and go down to the river and publically humiliate himself? 1339 01:01:10,058 --> 01:01:12,017 No. 1340 01:01:12,021 --> 01:01:13,021 Some of you, it's just comfort. 1341 01:01:13,029 --> 01:01:14,088 You're like, "I would give, but it's not comfortable. 1342 01:01:14,096 --> 01:01:15,088 "I would serve, but it's not comfortable. 1343 01:01:15,096 --> 01:01:17,038 "I would pray, but it's not comfortable. 1344 01:01:17,046 --> 01:01:20,008 I would whatever, but it's just not comfortable." 1345 01:01:20,017 --> 01:01:24,083 Because you worship convenience instead of Christ. 1346 01:01:24,092 --> 01:01:26,071 And sometimes it's just embarrassment because being 1347 01:01:26,079 --> 01:01:31,017 a Christian does not get you cool points anywhere. 1348 01:01:31,025 --> 01:01:32,050 Okay? 1349 01:01:32,054 --> 01:01:35,058 You just--this was my big thing as a non-Christian. 1350 01:01:35,067 --> 01:01:37,004 All the Christians would come to me and they'd be like, 1351 01:01:37,012 --> 01:01:38,088 "Okay, you need to give your life to Christ." 1352 01:01:38,096 --> 01:01:41,017 And I'm like, "I don't want to join the team, man. 1353 01:01:41,021 --> 01:01:42,058 "The Ned Flander society. 1354 01:01:42,067 --> 01:01:45,071 I do not want to join the team." 1355 01:01:45,079 --> 01:01:48,017 And it was always the kids with the bumper stickers and the t-shirts 1356 01:01:48,025 --> 01:01:52,083 and the permagrins and the parted hair and the wristbands, 1357 01:01:52,088 --> 01:01:54,017 and they're like, "We love Jesus! 1358 01:01:54,021 --> 01:01:55,008 We love him, we love him." 1359 01:01:55,017 --> 01:01:57,017 I was like, "Aaaargh! 1360 01:01:57,025 --> 01:01:58,017 "Seriously, 1361 01:01:58,021 --> 01:02:00,025 "is there another team that he has? 1362 01:02:00,033 --> 01:02:01,071 "Maybe wearing black, you know? 1363 01:02:01,079 --> 01:02:04,054 Could I join that team?" 1364 01:02:04,062 --> 01:02:05,058 It was just embarrassing. 1365 01:02:05,067 --> 01:02:07,025 "I love Jesus." 1366 01:02:07,033 --> 01:02:09,038 You know how weird it is to get converted in college 1367 01:02:09,046 --> 01:02:11,008 and your philosophy class, when they're like, 1368 01:02:11,017 --> 01:02:12,029 "How many of you are Christians?" 1369 01:02:12,033 --> 01:02:14,025 "Oh, here we go." 1370 01:02:14,033 --> 01:02:15,021 You know. 1371 01:02:15,029 --> 01:02:16,008 History class. 1372 01:02:16,017 --> 01:02:17,017 "Yeah, I love Jesus." 1373 01:02:17,025 --> 01:02:18,017 Sociology class. 1374 01:02:18,021 --> 01:02:19,000 "I love Jesus." 1375 01:02:19,004 --> 01:02:19,092 Women's studies class. 1376 01:02:20,000 --> 01:02:21,062 "Oh yeah, I love Jesus." 1377 01:02:21,067 --> 01:02:23,042 You know? 1378 01:02:23,050 --> 01:02:27,067 You're just a piƱata for your whole undergrad degree. 1379 01:02:27,075 --> 01:02:29,017 It's embarrassing. 1380 01:02:29,025 --> 01:02:32,050 And then every time any Christian says or does anything stupid, 1381 01:02:32,054 --> 01:02:37,038 myself included--I am not beyond this capacity--it's like, "You Christians." 1382 01:02:37,046 --> 01:02:38,075 You're like, "There's billions of us! 1383 01:02:38,083 --> 01:02:42,071 Just 'cause one duffed it doesn't mean we're all doing it." 1384 01:02:42,079 --> 01:02:43,062 But it's embarrassing. 1385 01:02:43,067 --> 01:02:46,012 Do you think it was embarrassing for Naaman to go down to the river? 1386 01:02:46,017 --> 01:02:49,042 "Hi, I'm the mighty man, leper, help." 1387 01:02:49,050 --> 01:02:52,029 It's kind of embarrassing. 1388 01:02:52,033 --> 01:02:55,071 For those in Nazareth, it's like, "You're the bad guys." 1389 01:02:55,079 --> 01:02:56,054 "Really? 1390 01:02:56,062 --> 01:02:59,012 "That's kind of embarrassing, 'cause we took a vote. 1391 01:02:59,017 --> 01:03:01,058 We thought we were the good guys." 1392 01:03:01,067 --> 01:03:05,038 Some of you just need to be humiliated for Christ. 1393 01:03:05,046 --> 01:03:08,012 And lastly, sometimes it's just good old-fashioned religion. 1394 01:03:08,017 --> 01:03:09,050 Me? That was me. 1395 01:03:09,058 --> 01:03:13,025 Before I met Jesus at age 19, I was a religious guy. 1396 01:03:13,033 --> 01:03:14,054 I thought, "Okay, I believe in God. 1397 01:03:14,062 --> 01:03:16,046 "I'm a good person. 1398 01:03:16,050 --> 01:03:17,083 Good enough." 1399 01:03:17,088 --> 01:03:21,000 Didn't drink, didn't smoke, didn't do drugs, most likely to succeed, 1400 01:03:21,004 --> 01:03:24,079 student body president, 4-year letterman, man of the year, holier-than-thou, 1401 01:03:24,083 --> 01:03:26,046 "Da da dada, I'm here. 1402 01:03:26,050 --> 01:03:28,012 You're welcome." 1403 01:03:28,017 --> 01:03:30,046 Just kind of that attitude. 1404 01:03:30,050 --> 01:03:32,096 Better than everybody. 1405 01:03:33,000 --> 01:03:35,033 And you know what? That's religion. 1406 01:03:35,042 --> 01:03:36,054 And sometimes it's just religion. 1407 01:03:36,062 --> 01:03:38,075 I mean, religious people don't think they need Jesus 'cause they think 1408 01:03:38,083 --> 01:03:41,042 they're doing fine without him and they don't realize 1409 01:03:41,050 --> 01:03:46,083 that they're in worse shape than the widow and the leper. 1410 01:03:48,004 --> 01:03:52,004 The truth is, we're as needy as the widow. 1411 01:03:52,012 --> 01:03:54,017 We're as hopeless as the leper. 1412 01:03:54,021 --> 01:03:55,071 We're sinners by nature and choice. 1413 01:03:55,079 --> 01:04:00,096 And they didn't kill Jesus on this occasion, but eventually they did. 1414 01:04:01,000 --> 01:04:02,000 And you know what he did? 1415 01:04:02,008 --> 01:04:04,067 It was the most amazing thing in the world. 1416 01:04:04,075 --> 01:04:11,017 He took our sin upon his sinless self and he died to forgive us 1417 01:04:11,021 --> 01:04:12,079 of all of our sin. 1418 01:04:12,083 --> 01:04:14,096 That's amazing. 1419 01:04:15,000 --> 01:04:17,038 That's amazing. 1420 01:04:17,046 --> 01:04:19,017 You know what Jesus is? 1421 01:04:19,021 --> 01:04:22,012 He's good to the end. 1422 01:04:22,017 --> 01:04:25,042 He provides for us like he did the widow. 1423 01:04:25,050 --> 01:04:28,071 He heals us like he did the leper. 1424 01:04:28,079 --> 01:04:35,075 He does that as we murder him, and he loves us. 1425 01:04:35,083 --> 01:04:38,046 Some of you are going to reject him as they did in Nazareth. 1426 01:04:38,050 --> 01:04:41,008 I would beg you not to do that. 1427 01:04:41,017 --> 01:04:50,000 Some of you would reject him like the soldier rejected God, 1428 01:04:50,004 --> 01:04:53,029 and then he had a change of heart and mind, and he received God. 1429 01:04:53,033 --> 01:04:54,038 See, there's still hope for you. 1430 01:04:54,046 --> 01:04:55,021 You're still alive. 1431 01:04:55,029 --> 01:04:56,067 Just 'cause you've rejected Jesus doesn't mean 1432 01:04:56,071 --> 01:04:59,000 you can't receive him today. 1433 01:04:59,004 --> 01:05:01,033 That some of you will be like the widow and you will just receive 1434 01:05:01,038 --> 01:05:03,083 the Lord into your life. 1435 01:05:03,088 --> 01:05:09,083 That's what I want for you, because I love you, and I want good for you. 1436 01:05:09,088 --> 01:05:14,017 And I want you to enjoy the gift of Jesus Christ. 1437 01:05:14,021 --> 01:05:15,050 Amen. 1438 01:05:15,058 --> 01:05:16,042 I'll pray. 1439 01:05:16,050 --> 01:05:18,029 Father God, thank you for the Bible. 1440 01:05:18,033 --> 01:05:20,083 God, we love the Bible. 1441 01:05:20,088 --> 01:05:24,033 We don't worship the Bible, but we worship the God of the Bible. 1442 01:05:24,038 --> 01:05:25,088 We thank you for the prophets, who were filled 1443 01:05:25,096 --> 01:05:27,033 with the Holy Spirit to write the Scriptures. 1444 01:05:27,042 --> 01:05:30,025 We thank you for Jesus, the capital P Prophet, 1445 01:05:30,033 --> 01:05:34,012 the fulfillment of all Scripture. 1446 01:05:34,017 --> 01:05:39,046 God, we thank you that we do read in Scripture of places 1447 01:05:39,050 --> 01:05:45,000 that you were received, like the widow's home. 1448 01:05:45,008 --> 01:05:47,004 May our home be like that. 1449 01:05:47,012 --> 01:05:50,033 A place where you, Lord Jesus, are received. 1450 01:05:50,042 --> 01:05:53,092 We read of people who receive you even after being angry and upset 1451 01:05:54,000 --> 01:05:58,092 and independent and self-righteous, like the commander and the soldier. 1452 01:05:59,000 --> 01:06:02,000 God, may our hearts and our minds and our lives open 1453 01:06:02,004 --> 01:06:06,083 as his did to receive you, Lord Jesus. 1454 01:06:06,088 --> 01:06:09,004 Lord Jesus, you are welcome here at Mars Hill Church. 1455 01:06:09,012 --> 01:06:10,021 We love you. 1456 01:06:10,029 --> 01:06:11,067 We welcome you. 1457 01:06:11,075 --> 01:06:13,017 We don't want to be like Nazareth. 1458 01:06:13,025 --> 01:06:16,017 We don't want to get proud and religious and assuming just because 1459 01:06:16,021 --> 01:06:19,067 we welcomed you yesterday, that we won't reject you tomorrow. 1460 01:06:19,075 --> 01:06:24,038 Please keep us humble and repentant and obedient. 1461 01:06:24,046 --> 01:06:27,075 But Lord Jesus, we welcome you here at Mars Hill Church. 1462 01:06:27,083 --> 01:06:30,092 We welcome you in Seattle and the Puget Sound 1463 01:06:31,000 --> 01:06:32,050 and Albuquerque and Santa Fe, 1464 01:06:32,058 --> 01:06:35,079 we welcome you, Lord Jesus, to be with us. 1465 01:06:35,083 --> 01:06:38,038 Thank you that you're willing to come to be with us. 1466 01:06:38,046 --> 01:06:41,075 We welcome you into our church and into our cities and into our homes 1467 01:06:41,083 --> 01:06:47,050 and into our community groups and into our redemption groups and into our families. 1468 01:06:47,054 --> 01:06:49,071 We welcome you, Lord Jesus. 1469 01:06:49,079 --> 01:06:54,096 And we ask you to be with us because you are good, and we need you 1470 01:06:55,000 --> 01:06:56,046 more than a leper. 1471 01:06:56,050 --> 01:07:00,012 And our condition is worse than the widow. 1472 01:07:00,017 --> 01:07:02,038 And apart from you, we have no hope. 1473 01:07:02,046 --> 01:07:06,096 But in you, we have much joy, and so we rejoice in your good name. 1474 01:07:07,000 --> 01:07:08,033 Amen.