1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,008 2 00:00:01,008 --> 00:00:03,017 "On a Sabbath, while he was going through the grainfields, 3 00:00:03,017 --> 00:00:06,025 "his disciples plucked and ate some heads of grain, 4 00:00:06,025 --> 00:00:08,004 "rubbing them in their hands. 5 00:00:08,004 --> 00:00:09,079 "But some of the Pharisees said, 6 00:00:09,079 --> 00:00:14,008 "'Why are you doing what is not lawful to do on the Sabbath?' 7 00:00:14,008 --> 00:00:17,088 "And Jesus answered them, 'Have you not read what David did 8 00:00:17,088 --> 00:00:20,071 "'when he was hungry, he and those who were with him: 9 00:00:20,071 --> 00:00:24,012 "'how he entered the house of God and took and ate 10 00:00:24,012 --> 00:00:25,088 "'the bread of the Presence, 11 00:00:25,088 --> 00:00:29,029 "'which is not lawful for any but the priests to eat, 12 00:00:29,029 --> 00:00:32,042 "'and also gave it to those with him?' 13 00:00:32,042 --> 00:00:37,021 "And he said to them, 'The Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath.' 14 00:00:37,021 --> 00:00:41,025 "On another Sabbath, he entered the synagogue and was teaching, 15 00:00:41,025 --> 00:00:44,079 "and a man was there whose right hand was withered. 16 00:00:44,079 --> 00:00:47,083 "And the scribes and the Pharisees watched him, 17 00:00:47,083 --> 00:00:50,079 "to see whether he would heal on the Sabbath, 18 00:00:50,079 --> 00:00:53,062 "so that they might find a reason to accuse him. 19 00:00:53,062 --> 00:00:57,038 "But he knew their thoughts, and he said to the man 20 00:00:57,038 --> 00:01:00,008 "with the withered hand, 'Come and stand here.' 21 00:01:00,008 --> 00:01:02,017 "And he rose and stood there. 22 00:01:02,017 --> 00:01:04,054 "And Jesus said to them, 'I ask you, 23 00:01:04,054 --> 00:01:08,067 "'is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, 24 00:01:08,067 --> 00:01:12,017 "'to save life or to destroy it?' 25 00:01:12,017 --> 00:01:15,075 "And after looking around at them all he said to him, 26 00:01:15,075 --> 00:01:17,083 "'Stretch out your hand.' 27 00:01:17,083 --> 00:01:21,029 "And he did so, and his hand was restored. 28 00:01:21,029 --> 00:01:26,004 "But they were filled with fury and discussed with one another 29 00:01:26,004 --> 00:01:30,008 what they might do to Jesus." 30 00:01:38,079 --> 00:01:53,079 [music] 31 00:01:56,079 --> 00:01:58,029 All righty, Mars Hill. 32 00:01:58,029 --> 00:02:00,042 We're in Luke 6:1-11. 33 00:02:00,042 --> 00:02:03,050 If you've got a Bible, feel free to go there as we deal 34 00:02:03,050 --> 00:02:06,017 with Jesus the Sabbath Lord. 35 00:02:06,017 --> 00:02:09,029 Let me begin by saying that what we're talking about today is 36 00:02:09,029 --> 00:02:13,000 very important for your life individually, your family, 37 00:02:13,000 --> 00:02:17,008 if you have a family, married, children, and the like, 38 00:02:17,008 --> 00:02:20,025 your community group, the campus that you're involved in 39 00:02:20,025 --> 00:02:23,038 at Mars Hill Church, the more than 300 churches 40 00:02:23,038 --> 00:02:27,033 in our Acts 29 Church Planting Network, 41 00:02:27,033 --> 00:02:30,067 as well as those churches, and networks, and ministries, 42 00:02:30,067 --> 00:02:32,000 that by God's grace, 43 00:02:32,000 --> 00:02:35,008 we're able to partner with around the world. 44 00:02:35,008 --> 00:02:40,046 That you are to enjoy freedom, and life, and transformation, 45 00:02:40,046 --> 00:02:43,092 and hope, and joy, beginning in your life 46 00:02:43,092 --> 00:02:46,012 with Jesus flowing out to your family, 47 00:02:46,012 --> 00:02:47,075 flowing out to your community group, 48 00:02:47,075 --> 00:02:50,050 flowing out to your campus, flowing out from our church, 49 00:02:50,050 --> 00:02:52,083 to serve and assist other churches, 50 00:02:52,083 --> 00:02:56,017 and flowing out from our nation to the nations of the earth. 51 00:02:56,017 --> 00:02:58,033 And I've been really blessed traveling. 52 00:02:58,033 --> 00:02:59,096 My big travel season is over. 53 00:02:59,096 --> 00:03:03,083 Recently got back from Africa but it is really amazing 54 00:03:03,083 --> 00:03:06,029 to see what God is doing globally, 55 00:03:06,029 --> 00:03:09,054 raising up church planting leaders, young pastors 56 00:03:09,054 --> 00:03:12,067 in and around urban centers who are like-minded, 57 00:03:12,067 --> 00:03:15,088 and friends and partners, and what could ruin all of this 58 00:03:15,088 --> 00:03:18,067 from your life, to your family, to your community group, 59 00:03:18,067 --> 00:03:22,021 to your campus, to our network, to our movement, 60 00:03:22,021 --> 00:03:23,071 is something called legalism. 61 00:03:23,071 --> 00:03:27,079 It's a pernicious, continual, ever-present danger. 62 00:03:27,079 --> 00:03:32,075 And as we get into Luke 6 today, the battlefield is the Sabbath, 63 00:03:32,075 --> 00:03:35,033 but the issue is legalism. So 64 00:03:35,033 --> 00:03:38,029 let me address both before we jump into the story 65 00:03:38,029 --> 00:03:40,067 in Luke 6:1-11. 66 00:03:40,067 --> 00:03:44,067 Legalism is the enemy of Jesus Christ. 67 00:03:44,067 --> 00:03:46,071 "Legalism is religion:" 68 00:03:46,071 --> 00:03:50,050 those words I will use frequently, synonymously. 69 00:03:50,050 --> 00:03:53,058 James says that, "Pure religion is to look after widows, 70 00:03:53,058 --> 00:03:55,046 orphans and those in need." 71 00:03:55,046 --> 00:03:58,083 What we're talking about is like the band name Bad Religion. 72 00:03:58,083 --> 00:04:02,004 Bad religion is rule making. 73 00:04:02,004 --> 00:04:03,017 It is legalism. 74 00:04:03,017 --> 00:04:05,062 It is living by the letter of the law, 75 00:04:05,062 --> 00:04:09,021 not the spirit of the law, and it is living out of devotion 76 00:04:09,021 --> 00:04:12,067 to the law, not out of love for God and people. 77 00:04:12,067 --> 00:04:15,092 And so legalism is where people take the Scriptures 78 00:04:15,092 --> 00:04:18,017 and they add to it. 79 00:04:18,017 --> 00:04:22,038 Oftentimes saying, "Well, God wrote a number of rules, 80 00:04:22,038 --> 00:04:26,029 "but those rules aren't clearly sufficient, so we feel 81 00:04:26,029 --> 00:04:28,050 "permission to add to God's rules 82 00:04:28,050 --> 00:04:31,000 to make other books and lists." 83 00:04:31,000 --> 00:04:33,058 And this gets done by denominations, traditions; 84 00:04:33,058 --> 00:04:36,017 this gets done by churches, religious leaders, 85 00:04:36,017 --> 00:04:38,079 authors, and the like. 86 00:04:38,079 --> 00:04:41,021 And so all of a sudden, you've got the Scriptures, plus you 87 00:04:41,021 --> 00:04:44,083 need to have this other book, or this other list of rules. 88 00:04:44,083 --> 00:04:48,012 These are not books and lists of rules that help illustrate 89 00:04:48,012 --> 00:04:51,088 and inform us of what the Bible says, but add to it. 90 00:04:51,088 --> 00:04:55,004 This is a denial of something called "sola scriptura," 91 00:04:55,004 --> 00:04:57,062 where Scripture is our highest authority. 92 00:04:57,062 --> 00:05:01,000 That slogan was used by the Protestant Reformers to say that 93 00:05:01,000 --> 00:05:04,054 the Bible alone, Scripture alone, is our highest authority. 94 00:05:04,054 --> 00:05:06,083 All other authorities like other books, teachers, 95 00:05:06,083 --> 00:05:11,083 rules, and leaders are under, not equal to, Scripture. 96 00:05:11,083 --> 00:05:16,017 Legalists tend to elevate teachers and also other lists, 97 00:05:16,017 --> 00:05:18,050 and rules, and books equal to Scripture. 98 00:05:18,050 --> 00:05:21,067 This is also legalism, and religion is a denial 99 00:05:21,067 --> 00:05:23,079 of the something called the sufficiency of Scripture, 100 00:05:23,079 --> 00:05:25,083 that we need more than just the Bible. 101 00:05:25,083 --> 00:05:27,079 We need other teachers. 102 00:05:27,079 --> 00:05:29,000 We need other rules. 103 00:05:29,000 --> 00:05:32,008 We need other additions, not to just explain what 104 00:05:32,008 --> 00:05:34,008 the Bible says, which is a good thing, 105 00:05:34,008 --> 00:05:37,033 but add to it, which is a bad thing. 106 00:05:37,033 --> 00:05:41,062 Proverbs 30:5-6 says it this way, "Every word of God is flawless," 107 00:05:41,062 --> 00:05:42,096 one translation will say. 108 00:05:42,096 --> 00:05:46,038 Another will say, "Every word of God proves true." 109 00:05:46,038 --> 00:05:49,096 It goes on to then say, "Do not add to his word or he will 110 00:05:49,096 --> 00:05:53,021 rebuke you and prove you to be a liar." 111 00:05:53,021 --> 00:05:56,054 Every word of Scripture is flawless, it's perfect. 112 00:05:56,054 --> 00:05:58,083 Scripture alone is highest authority. 113 00:05:58,083 --> 00:06:00,042 It is sufficient. 114 00:06:00,042 --> 00:06:04,029 Do not add to it, or God will rebuke you as a liar. 115 00:06:04,029 --> 00:06:06,012 And religious people are dangerous, 116 00:06:06,012 --> 00:06:09,021 deadly, and damaging, because they're bold, 117 00:06:09,021 --> 00:06:11,096 they are courageous, they're arrogant, as we will see, 118 00:06:11,096 --> 00:06:15,096 and they push people to obey them rather than God. 119 00:06:15,096 --> 00:06:19,075 And the result of religion is that some people feel 120 00:06:19,075 --> 00:06:24,083 and present life with God as a sort of paint-by-numbers kit. 121 00:06:24,083 --> 00:06:27,083 It's artless. It's heartless. 122 00:06:27,083 --> 00:06:32,004 All you do is just get the Bible and the other rule book, 123 00:06:32,004 --> 00:06:35,025 put them together, and then paint by numbers. 124 00:06:35,025 --> 00:06:37,033 You guys ever painted by numbers? 125 00:06:37,033 --> 00:06:39,042 The whole goal is that everyone's painting would look 126 00:06:39,042 --> 00:06:42,029 exactly the same. 127 00:06:42,029 --> 00:06:46,033 And to do that, all you need to do is obey all of the rules. 128 00:06:46,033 --> 00:06:50,050 All of the number two dots, you paint those in with the green. 129 00:06:50,050 --> 00:06:51,083 The number threes with the orange. 130 00:06:51,083 --> 00:06:53,012 The number four with the red. 131 00:06:53,012 --> 00:06:54,042 The number five with the yellow. 132 00:06:54,042 --> 00:06:56,008 Do not go outside of the lines, 133 00:06:56,008 --> 00:06:58,000 that would be a violation of the rule. 134 00:06:58,000 --> 00:07:01,000 And your goal is to make your picture look like everyone's 135 00:07:01,000 --> 00:07:05,083 picture, and some people really prefer the paint-by-numbers 136 00:07:05,083 --> 00:07:10,042 relationship view with God; no passion, no love, no prayer, 137 00:07:10,042 --> 00:07:14,083 no heart, no discernment, no care, just paint by numbers. 138 00:07:14,083 --> 00:07:20,021 "Eat this, do this, pray this, read this, do that, tithe this. 139 00:07:20,021 --> 00:07:24,079 "Good, my picture is perfect even if my heart is passionless, 140 00:07:24,079 --> 00:07:28,054 "and my relationship is null and void. 141 00:07:28,054 --> 00:07:30,042 I was obedient to the law." 142 00:07:30,042 --> 00:07:32,017 God wants more. 143 00:07:32,017 --> 00:07:35,029 God wants more than a paint-by-numbers relationship 144 00:07:35,029 --> 00:07:36,054 with his people. 145 00:07:36,054 --> 00:07:40,058 He wants a living, active, vibrant, conversant, prayerful, 146 00:07:40,058 --> 00:07:44,083 discernment, Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, living, loving, 147 00:07:44,083 --> 00:07:48,012 life-giving relationship with you. 148 00:07:48,012 --> 00:07:54,008 And religion and legalism, which undergirds religion, 149 00:07:54,008 --> 00:07:56,092 is an enemy of that kind of living, loving, 150 00:07:56,092 --> 00:08:00,012 life-giving relationship with God. 151 00:08:00,012 --> 00:08:04,075 And as we get into it today, the religious legalists show up to 152 00:08:04,075 --> 00:08:09,000 argue with Jesus Christ, and the real issue is legalism, 153 00:08:09,000 --> 00:08:10,079 and the battlefield is the Sabbath. 154 00:08:10,079 --> 00:08:12,017 And there will be other battlefields throughout 155 00:08:12,017 --> 00:08:15,054 the course of this gospel, but today it is the Sabbath, 156 00:08:15,054 --> 00:08:17,067 and Luke will give us two occasions where 157 00:08:17,067 --> 00:08:19,050 Jesus has a conflict-- 158 00:08:19,050 --> 00:08:20,050 And there is such a thing as 159 00:08:20,050 --> 00:08:23,038 good, holy, sanctified conflict--on the Sabbath 160 00:08:23,038 --> 00:08:25,067 with religious legalists. 161 00:08:25,067 --> 00:08:28,050 So let me tell you a little bit about the Sabbath. 162 00:08:28,050 --> 00:08:30,042 The Sabbath was created by God. 163 00:08:30,042 --> 00:08:33,079 Genesis 1:2 says that, "For 6 days God worked, 164 00:08:33,079 --> 00:08:35,075 and on the 7th day he rested." 165 00:08:35,075 --> 00:08:39,075 Exodus 20:8-11, next book of the Bible. 166 00:08:39,075 --> 00:08:42,033 In the Ten Commandments, I think it's the fourth commandment, 167 00:08:42,033 --> 00:08:45,083 God says, "I worked six days, rested on the seventh. 168 00:08:45,083 --> 00:08:49,033 You work six days, take the seventh day off." 169 00:08:49,033 --> 00:08:53,062 Let me say this--the Sabbath is a gift to be enjoyed. 170 00:08:53,062 --> 00:08:56,058 It's a good thing, and religious people take it 171 00:08:56,058 --> 00:08:58,083 and they make it into a bad thing. 172 00:08:58,083 --> 00:09:00,050 Religious people could take good things, 173 00:09:00,050 --> 00:09:03,083 make them into bad things by putting so many extraneous rules 174 00:09:03,083 --> 00:09:06,017 around them that they're not even fun anymore. 175 00:09:06,017 --> 00:09:08,088 This would be like birthday cake rules. 176 00:09:08,088 --> 00:09:10,092 You don't need birthday cake rules. 177 00:09:10,092 --> 00:09:13,021 Birthday cake is fantastic all by itself. 178 00:09:13,021 --> 00:09:15,067 It doesn't need a list of rules. 179 00:09:15,067 --> 00:09:18,017 It just needs a fork, if that. 180 00:09:18,017 --> 00:09:19,046 That's all a birthday cake needs. 181 00:09:19,046 --> 00:09:21,000 And the reason I think of birthday cake, 182 00:09:21,000 --> 00:09:23,021 it's one of the happiest things I could think of. 183 00:09:23,021 --> 00:09:26,000 You just give someone a cake, they just figure out what to do 184 00:09:26,000 --> 00:09:28,083 with it, all right, they don't need a list. 185 00:09:28,083 --> 00:09:30,075 If you want to ruin a birthday cake, go to a kid and say, 186 00:09:30,075 --> 00:09:32,012 "Okay, we're gonna give you a birthday cake, 187 00:09:32,012 --> 00:09:35,021 "not chocolate which is what you wanted, but we're gonna give you 188 00:09:35,021 --> 00:09:37,021 "vanilla because we're religious, 189 00:09:37,021 --> 00:09:39,058 "and we don't do chocolate or sprinkles. 190 00:09:39,058 --> 00:09:42,083 "So eat your vanilla cake, and eat it on Tuesday, 191 00:09:42,083 --> 00:09:45,050 "not Wednesday, not Monday. 192 00:09:45,050 --> 00:09:49,000 "Eat it between 2:17 and 2:19, not before or after. 193 00:09:49,000 --> 00:09:50,088 "Eat it with your left hand, not your right hand. 194 00:09:50,088 --> 00:09:54,000 "Use a spoon and not a fork and if you drop it on the floor, 195 00:09:54,000 --> 00:09:55,025 "there's no 10-second rule. 196 00:09:55,025 --> 00:09:56,083 "We're legalists, you cannot pick it up and eat it. 197 00:09:56,083 --> 00:09:58,012 "We live by the letter of the law. 198 00:09:58,012 --> 00:09:59,054 Enjoy your birthday cake." 199 00:09:59,054 --> 00:10:01,083 At that point, eating birthday cake would sound like 200 00:10:01,083 --> 00:10:03,000 going to the dentist. 201 00:10:03,000 --> 00:10:05,004 It's something you have to do, not something you get to do. 202 00:10:05,004 --> 00:10:07,050 It would have been awesome, but they ruined it. 203 00:10:07,050 --> 00:10:10,075 That's what religious people do to everything. 204 00:10:10,075 --> 00:10:13,079 And the Sabbath, they did the exact same thing. 205 00:10:13,079 --> 00:10:15,096 God says something good, "Hey, you know what? 206 00:10:15,096 --> 00:10:16,096 Take a day off." 207 00:10:16,096 --> 00:10:20,088 You'd think people would be like, "That is a good idea." 208 00:10:20,088 --> 00:10:22,025 And then the religious people come along and say, 209 00:10:22,025 --> 00:10:25,025 "Oh, we need to put together a rule book for this." 210 00:10:25,025 --> 00:10:26,088 Really, a rule book for a day off? 211 00:10:26,088 --> 00:10:29,000 We need a rule book for a day off? 212 00:10:29,000 --> 00:10:30,071 "Yes, and then you need to memorize the rules, 213 00:10:30,071 --> 00:10:33,000 "and you need to obey the rules and we're gonna discipline you 214 00:10:33,000 --> 00:10:34,067 if you disobey the rules." 215 00:10:34,067 --> 00:10:37,054 And the whole point is it's supposed to be a day off, 216 00:10:37,054 --> 00:10:39,054 and you've made this into a lot of work. 217 00:10:39,054 --> 00:10:41,004 Now, I actually I have a to-do list, 218 00:10:41,004 --> 00:10:44,083 a religious job description for my day off. 219 00:10:44,083 --> 00:10:45,088 You've ruined everything. 220 00:10:45,088 --> 00:10:48,021 I was gonna nap, but now I gotta figure out whether or not 221 00:10:48,021 --> 00:10:51,025 I'm obeying the nap rules for the day off. 222 00:10:51,025 --> 00:10:54,004 So let me say this about the Sabbath, it's a good thing, 223 00:10:54,004 --> 00:10:56,079 take a day off, rest, enjoy your friends, community. 224 00:10:56,079 --> 00:10:59,008 God wants you to rest, it's a real gift. 225 00:10:59,008 --> 00:11:01,092 It gives people a day off, it gave the slaves a day off. 226 00:11:01,092 --> 00:11:03,004 It gave the poor a day off. 227 00:11:03,004 --> 00:11:04,042 It gave the land a day off. 228 00:11:04,042 --> 00:11:07,012 It gave the animals a day off, but the religious people, 229 00:11:07,012 --> 00:11:11,062 they wanted to add to what God said about the Sabbath, 230 00:11:11,062 --> 00:11:13,096 so they came up with all kinds of rules. 231 00:11:13,096 --> 00:11:17,004 And the Sabbath used to be on Saturday, 232 00:11:17,004 --> 00:11:19,088 and then Jesus rose from death on Sunday. 233 00:11:19,088 --> 00:11:22,000 So the church started worshiping on what Revelation calls, 234 00:11:22,000 --> 00:11:24,025 "the Lord's day," on Sunday. 235 00:11:24,025 --> 00:11:26,050 Constantine allegedly gets converted, 236 00:11:26,050 --> 00:11:31,071 the Roman emperor, in the early 300s and so all of a sudden, 237 00:11:31,071 --> 00:11:34,083 he declares that Sunday's the new Sabbath day. 238 00:11:34,083 --> 00:11:36,083 America's founded, we can't decide. 239 00:11:36,083 --> 00:11:39,017 "Well, do we get the Jewish Saturday Sabbath 240 00:11:39,017 --> 00:11:40,075 or the Christian Sunday Sabbath?" 241 00:11:40,075 --> 00:11:43,012 Well, we're Americans, so we took them both. 242 00:11:43,012 --> 00:11:45,025 We took a 2-day weekend. 243 00:11:45,025 --> 00:11:46,088 Some of you here are like, "Oh, really? 244 00:11:46,088 --> 00:11:48,075 "Are there any other religions that have any other days? Maybe 245 00:11:48,075 --> 00:11:50,033 we can petition for those also." 246 00:11:50,033 --> 00:11:52,079 That's why we got a 2-day weekend. 247 00:11:52,079 --> 00:11:54,038 And Paul says in the New Testament, 248 00:11:54,038 --> 00:11:57,021 "Don't let people judge what day," the principle is: 249 00:11:57,021 --> 00:12:00,012 Get a day off, rest from your labors, enjoy God, your work, 250 00:12:00,012 --> 00:12:03,021 your friends, your family, your neighbors, practice hospitality, 251 00:12:03,021 --> 00:12:06,000 enjoy community, and take a nap, 252 00:12:06,000 --> 00:12:07,083 because the sovereign God of the universe has still got it 253 00:12:07,083 --> 00:12:10,033 under control even if you take a day off. 254 00:12:10,033 --> 00:12:13,004 It's a really good principle, but again, 255 00:12:13,004 --> 00:12:14,083 the religious people made a whole bunch of rules 256 00:12:14,083 --> 00:12:16,067 that God never put in the Bible. 257 00:12:16,067 --> 00:12:18,083 And I'll say this up front, we love the Bible. 258 00:12:18,083 --> 00:12:20,062 We believe everything the Bible says, 259 00:12:20,062 --> 00:12:23,062 and if you've come here with an additional list of rules, 260 00:12:23,062 --> 00:12:25,000 feel free to put those away. 261 00:12:25,000 --> 00:12:27,067 We still have a lot of things in here we're working on. 262 00:12:27,067 --> 00:12:29,042 We're not ready for your list yet. 263 00:12:29,042 --> 00:12:31,046 Amen? 264 00:12:31,046 --> 00:12:34,033 Now, what you'll learn today are a number of things 265 00:12:34,033 --> 00:12:36,008 about legalism. 266 00:12:36,008 --> 00:12:38,088 The first is this: legalism makes you bold. 267 00:12:38,088 --> 00:12:42,067 We're gonna jump into this story where Jesus has conflict with 268 00:12:42,067 --> 00:12:45,088 religious legalists on and about the Sabbath. 269 00:12:45,088 --> 00:12:49,050 Luke 6:1-2, "On a Sabbath," so it was a Saturday, 270 00:12:49,050 --> 00:12:51,029 this was before Jesus rose from death, 271 00:12:51,029 --> 00:12:55,033 and the Sabbath shifted to Sunday. 272 00:12:55,033 --> 00:12:56,096 "While he was going through the grainfields, 273 00:12:56,096 --> 00:12:59,025 "his disciples plucked and ate some heads of grain, 274 00:12:59,025 --> 00:13:00,038 "rubbing them in their hands. 275 00:13:00,038 --> 00:13:03,000 "But some of the Pharisees said, 'Why are you doing what is not 276 00:13:03,000 --> 00:13:04,050 'lawful to do on the Sabbath?'" 277 00:13:04,050 --> 00:13:05,079 Okay, you're gonna meet a few character here. 278 00:13:05,079 --> 00:13:07,075 First, you'll meet the Pharisees and then later on 279 00:13:07,075 --> 00:13:10,017 in this chapter, you'll meet the scribes. 280 00:13:10,017 --> 00:13:12,067 The scribes were the religious leaders 40 or older, 281 00:13:12,067 --> 00:13:14,025 formerly theologically trained. 282 00:13:14,025 --> 00:13:18,092 I'll be 40 in the fall, so let's say these are my peers. 283 00:13:18,092 --> 00:13:19,092 I hate to say that, 284 00:13:19,092 --> 00:13:23,012 but that's the religious professional, the teacher. 285 00:13:23,012 --> 00:13:25,017 We'll call him the queen bee. 286 00:13:25,017 --> 00:13:27,046 And then there were the Pharisees. 287 00:13:27,046 --> 00:13:29,062 These were their followers, blue-collar folk, 288 00:13:29,062 --> 00:13:31,042 often not formerly educated. 289 00:13:31,042 --> 00:13:33,088 We'll call them the swarm. 290 00:13:33,088 --> 00:13:35,083 And what they would do, they would take the teaching of the 291 00:13:35,083 --> 00:13:38,083 queen bee, and then they would swarm around other religious 292 00:13:38,083 --> 00:13:41,075 leaders, and traditions, and classes, and meetings, 293 00:13:41,075 --> 00:13:44,000 and services, and groups. 294 00:13:44,000 --> 00:13:46,092 They'd swarm in, and criticize, and sting, and kill. 295 00:13:46,092 --> 00:13:48,050 Okay, so you guys can be the Pharisees. 296 00:13:48,050 --> 00:13:50,012 That's how this would work. 297 00:13:50,012 --> 00:13:52,054 And so they--here's what's happening. 298 00:13:52,054 --> 00:13:54,046 Jesus on a Sabbath day, it's a Saturday, 299 00:13:54,046 --> 00:13:55,092 he's walking through a grain field. 300 00:13:55,092 --> 00:13:58,058 Deuteronomy, the Old Testament law, 301 00:13:58,058 --> 00:14:00,083 made a provision that if you're walking through someone's field, 302 00:14:00,083 --> 00:14:02,083 and you're hungry, as long as you don't, you know, 303 00:14:02,083 --> 00:14:05,096 take out a winnowing fork, as long as you don't pull out, 304 00:14:05,096 --> 00:14:10,000 you know, a harvester and steal them blind, 305 00:14:10,000 --> 00:14:11,033 you could pick a little bit of food and eat it 306 00:14:11,033 --> 00:14:12,058 to feed yourself. 307 00:14:12,058 --> 00:14:15,017 It was a generosity provision for the hungry. 308 00:14:15,017 --> 00:14:16,083 So they're not disobeying the law here. 309 00:14:16,083 --> 00:14:18,042 So they're walking through and all of a sudden, 310 00:14:18,042 --> 00:14:19,075 they pluck a little bit of grain. 311 00:14:19,075 --> 00:14:21,033 They rub it in their hands 'cause they're preparing a meal 312 00:14:21,033 --> 00:14:22,092 'cause they're hungry. 313 00:14:22,092 --> 00:14:24,033 And according to the religious people, 314 00:14:24,033 --> 00:14:26,050 you're not supposed to prepare a meal on the Sabbath, 315 00:14:26,050 --> 00:14:28,096 that's supposed to be done the day before. 316 00:14:28,096 --> 00:14:31,079 And they had made--'cause all the Bible said was, 317 00:14:31,079 --> 00:14:33,017 "Don't work on the Sabbath," 318 00:14:33,017 --> 00:14:35,017 so the religious people came along and put together 319 00:14:35,017 --> 00:14:36,071 an addendum to the Bible, 320 00:14:36,071 --> 00:14:39,004 a 39-point checklist for what constitutes 321 00:14:39,004 --> 00:14:41,033 the Hebrew word "work." 322 00:14:41,033 --> 00:14:43,088 I'm not making this up. 323 00:14:43,088 --> 00:14:45,071 And they look at Jesus and they realize, 324 00:14:45,071 --> 00:14:48,025 he has now broken four of their rules. 325 00:14:48,025 --> 00:14:50,062 Number one: he is reaping. 326 00:14:50,062 --> 00:14:51,083 Number two: he is threshing. 327 00:14:51,083 --> 00:14:53,025 Number three: he is winnowing. 328 00:14:53,025 --> 00:14:56,042 And number four: he is preparing food. 329 00:14:56,042 --> 00:14:59,067 And so they come up to him, and here's my question, where? 330 00:14:59,067 --> 00:15:01,033 In the grain field. 331 00:15:01,033 --> 00:15:05,062 They're following him around. 332 00:15:05,062 --> 00:15:07,033 That's what religious people do. 333 00:15:07,033 --> 00:15:10,092 It's okay on the Sabbath to hassle God, 334 00:15:10,092 --> 00:15:13,038 but it's not okay to make a sandwich. 335 00:15:13,038 --> 00:15:15,029 That's religious people. 336 00:15:15,029 --> 00:15:17,092 And today with Twitter, Facebook, blogging, 337 00:15:17,092 --> 00:15:20,083 religious people--it's like crack for religious people. 338 00:15:20,083 --> 00:15:24,079 They get to just RSS feed and watch everybody and cyber stalk. 339 00:15:24,079 --> 00:15:26,008 That's what they do. 340 00:15:26,008 --> 00:15:31,050 So here, they're following Jesus around in the grain field, 341 00:15:31,050 --> 00:15:35,050 and here's what they say, "Why are you doing what is not lawful 342 00:15:35,050 --> 00:15:36,050 on the Sabbath?" 343 00:15:36,050 --> 00:15:37,054 This is very bold. 344 00:15:37,054 --> 00:15:41,012 You walk up to Jesus and you assume if you disagree with him, 345 00:15:41,012 --> 00:15:42,067 he's wrong. 346 00:15:42,067 --> 00:15:45,017 That's a huge assumption. 347 00:15:45,017 --> 00:15:48,017 "Hello God, why do you do this? 348 00:15:48,017 --> 00:15:50,012 You have broken our rules." 349 00:15:50,012 --> 00:15:52,075 Do you think Jesus cares about the rules? 350 00:15:52,075 --> 00:15:56,083 You think Jesus is like, "Ooh, so sorry. 351 00:15:56,083 --> 00:15:59,067 "I made the heavens and the earth, and your scribe, 352 00:15:59,067 --> 00:16:02,038 "who I made, made a list. 353 00:16:02,038 --> 00:16:04,046 "Well, I'm not very interested in the list that your scribe 354 00:16:04,046 --> 00:16:08,062 made 'cause I made your scribe." 355 00:16:08,062 --> 00:16:11,033 See this is what happens, religious people are bold. 356 00:16:11,033 --> 00:16:12,075 They'll follow you around. 357 00:16:12,075 --> 00:16:16,025 They'll get right in your face, and they'll assume if there's 358 00:16:16,025 --> 00:16:19,033 disagreement, they're right, you're wrong. 359 00:16:19,033 --> 00:16:21,042 And for some of you, see, some of you are gonna really struggle 360 00:16:21,042 --> 00:16:23,042 with religious people 'cause they're bold. 361 00:16:23,042 --> 00:16:24,088 You're more shy. 362 00:16:24,088 --> 00:16:27,033 They're more bold, so they're gonna run you over. 363 00:16:27,033 --> 00:16:28,096 Some of you are young, they're old. 364 00:16:28,096 --> 00:16:30,033 Some of you are new Christians, 365 00:16:30,033 --> 00:16:33,021 they say they've been Christians for a while. 366 00:16:33,021 --> 00:16:35,062 All right, some of you, you haven't read a lot, 367 00:16:35,062 --> 00:16:39,021 and you're pretty simple, and they've got a lot of verses. 368 00:16:39,021 --> 00:16:41,050 Now, they don't use them right, but they know them, 369 00:16:41,050 --> 00:16:44,012 and they put you on the defensive, 370 00:16:44,012 --> 00:16:46,029 and they make you feel like you're stupid, 371 00:16:46,029 --> 00:16:49,033 and you're not that holy, and you're not that well read, 372 00:16:49,033 --> 00:16:51,083 and you should just shut up and obey them because they know what 373 00:16:51,083 --> 00:16:53,071 they're talking about. 374 00:16:53,071 --> 00:16:57,000 Now if you do that, they'll rob you of your joy. 375 00:16:57,000 --> 00:16:59,067 They'll rob you of your freedom in Christ. 376 00:16:59,067 --> 00:17:00,083 They're very bold. 377 00:17:00,083 --> 00:17:04,000 You can be bold and wrong. 378 00:17:04,000 --> 00:17:06,042 You can be bold and wrong. 379 00:17:06,042 --> 00:17:09,046 Just because they're bold doesn't mean they're right. 380 00:17:09,046 --> 00:17:14,083 Some of you really need to push back family, friends, 381 00:17:14,083 --> 00:17:17,096 coworkers, religious people. 382 00:17:17,096 --> 00:17:25,079 Very bold--so bold, they confront Jesus to his face. 383 00:17:25,079 --> 00:17:28,042 That indicates there's something seriously wrong with them. 384 00:17:28,042 --> 00:17:31,079 They're not accusing him of disobeying the law. 385 00:17:31,079 --> 00:17:35,088 He's disobeying their laws. 386 00:17:35,088 --> 00:17:37,050 Just so you know, Jesus couldn't make it 387 00:17:37,050 --> 00:17:40,054 in a lot of Christian colleges or denominations, 388 00:17:40,054 --> 00:17:43,033 because he breaks some of their rules. 389 00:17:43,033 --> 00:17:45,021 He doesn't break any of the Bible's rules, 390 00:17:45,021 --> 00:17:48,079 but he breaks certain religious rules. 391 00:17:48,079 --> 00:17:51,033 Number two: legalism makes you unbiblical. 392 00:17:51,033 --> 00:17:53,067 "And Jesus answered them, 'Have you not read what David did when 393 00:17:53,067 --> 00:17:56,058 "'he was hungry, he and those who were with him: how he 394 00:17:56,058 --> 00:17:58,029 entered the house of God,'" the tabernacle, 395 00:17:58,029 --> 00:18:00,012 "'Took and ate the bread of the Presence, 396 00:18:00,012 --> 00:18:02,033 "'which is not lawful for any but the priests to eat, 397 00:18:02,033 --> 00:18:05,008 and also gave it to those with him?'" 398 00:18:05,008 --> 00:18:07,033 Here's what he says, "You guys have a lot of rules, 399 00:18:07,033 --> 00:18:10,017 but your rules don't agree with the Bible," 400 00:18:10,017 --> 00:18:13,000 so you're on the horns of a terrible dilemma. 401 00:18:13,000 --> 00:18:15,075 Do you keep your rules and disobey the Bible, 402 00:18:15,075 --> 00:18:17,092 or do you keep the Bible and repent of your rules? 403 00:18:17,092 --> 00:18:19,092 What are you gonna do? 404 00:18:19,092 --> 00:18:22,017 And he does something in philosophy that's called a 405 00:18:22,017 --> 00:18:24,033 "reductio ad absurdum," 406 00:18:24,033 --> 00:18:26,054 and this is a philosophical treatment. 407 00:18:26,054 --> 00:18:29,000 It says, "Assume that the position of your opponent is 408 00:18:29,000 --> 00:18:32,050 "right, and then walk it out to its logical conclusion, showing 409 00:18:32,050 --> 00:18:36,079 it to be ridiculous because religion is ridiculous." 410 00:18:36,079 --> 00:18:37,083 I'll give you an example. 411 00:18:37,083 --> 00:18:39,029 I was at a conference not long ago. 412 00:18:39,029 --> 00:18:43,000 I had a Baptist pastor come up and he--I mean, 413 00:18:43,000 --> 00:18:45,079 this guy was upset, and he said, 414 00:18:45,079 --> 00:18:49,025 "All alcohol consumption is a sin." 415 00:18:49,025 --> 00:18:50,058 That's what he told me. 416 00:18:50,058 --> 00:18:52,046 I told him, I said, "Look, here's the deal. 417 00:18:52,046 --> 00:18:54,000 "I come from a long line of alcoholics. 418 00:18:54,000 --> 00:18:55,079 "I know alcohol could cause great damage. 419 00:18:55,079 --> 00:18:57,083 "I didn't even have a drink till I was 30 'cause I was afraid 420 00:18:57,083 --> 00:18:59,012 "of being an alcoholic. 421 00:18:59,012 --> 00:19:00,083 "I don't think anybody should be drinking under age, 422 00:19:00,083 --> 00:19:03,083 "disobeying the law, causing anyone else to stumble. 423 00:19:03,083 --> 00:19:06,092 "If you're saying alcohol can be dangerous, I agree. 424 00:19:06,092 --> 00:19:08,096 "But are you sure you want to say it like that, 425 00:19:08,096 --> 00:19:11,025 all alcohol consumption is a sin?" 426 00:19:11,025 --> 00:19:12,054 He said, "Yes." 427 00:19:12,054 --> 00:19:14,058 I said, "Okay, let me assume that that's true. 428 00:19:14,058 --> 00:19:19,021 "You serve, I volley, my next question is, what about Jesus? 429 00:19:19,021 --> 00:19:22,008 Jesus made and drank wine." 430 00:19:22,008 --> 00:19:25,054 Just leave a long, awkward silence. 431 00:19:25,054 --> 00:19:30,021 He said, "He either drank grape juice or he drank wine 432 00:19:30,021 --> 00:19:35,004 but if he did drink wine, he shouldn't have." 433 00:19:35,004 --> 00:19:42,033 "Oh, so Jesus isn't as holy as you?" 434 00:19:42,033 --> 00:19:44,083 That's a real problem. 435 00:19:44,083 --> 00:19:48,088 See, it's either change the Bible or question 436 00:19:48,088 --> 00:19:55,029 Jesus' character, probably not the best conclusion. 437 00:19:55,029 --> 00:19:58,050 The God you worship needs to give an account to you, 438 00:19:58,050 --> 00:20:01,088 that seems like an inversion of the relationship. 439 00:20:01,088 --> 00:20:05,079 Jesus never did sin, but he did drink wine. 440 00:20:06,083 --> 00:20:10,038 Jesus does this same thing here and he says, "Okay, 441 00:20:10,038 --> 00:20:12,058 "you've got a rule that you could never make a meal and eat 442 00:20:12,058 --> 00:20:15,071 anything that's not pre-prepared on the Sabbath." 443 00:20:15,071 --> 00:20:17,075 He says, "Well, let's just--let's not argue 444 00:20:17,075 --> 00:20:19,058 "your goofy list. 445 00:20:19,058 --> 00:20:22,008 Let's go to the book that God wrote." 446 00:20:22,008 --> 00:20:25,054 He says, "Do you remember the story in 1 Samuel 21?" 447 00:20:25,054 --> 00:20:28,017 Saul was king, he started off pretty good, 448 00:20:28,017 --> 00:20:30,075 he went totally thoroughly coocoo for cocoa puffs, 449 00:20:30,075 --> 00:20:32,017 lost his mind. 450 00:20:32,017 --> 00:20:34,096 Starts chucking spears at David who was to be a successor 451 00:20:34,096 --> 00:20:37,012 as the next king. 452 00:20:37,012 --> 00:20:40,096 David and his mighty men, his soldier warrior comrades, 453 00:20:40,096 --> 00:20:44,033 they are literally running for their life, 454 00:20:44,033 --> 00:20:46,029 and it's the Sabbath. 455 00:20:46,029 --> 00:20:47,042 And I know religious people would be like, 456 00:20:47,042 --> 00:20:48,071 "You can't run on the Sabbath." 457 00:20:48,071 --> 00:20:52,046 Well, they're trying to kill him, he needs to run, alright? 458 00:20:52,046 --> 00:20:56,050 So he's running for his life, and he shows up at the 459 00:20:56,050 --> 00:21:00,058 tabernacle, and he goes up to the priest, and he tells him, 460 00:21:00,058 --> 00:21:01,062 "Hey, look. 461 00:21:01,062 --> 00:21:02,067 "We're starving to death. 462 00:21:02,067 --> 00:21:03,071 "We're out of provisions. 463 00:21:03,071 --> 00:21:05,033 "We're running for our life. 464 00:21:05,033 --> 00:21:08,008 Do you have anything to eat?" 465 00:21:08,008 --> 00:21:10,071 And the priest says, "You know, not really, 466 00:21:10,071 --> 00:21:12,096 all we have is the bread of the Presence." 467 00:21:12,096 --> 00:21:15,058 Now, in the presence of God there were 12 loaves. 468 00:21:15,058 --> 00:21:16,096 They would be placed there on the Sabbath, 469 00:21:16,096 --> 00:21:18,088 and they would be replaced every week. 470 00:21:18,088 --> 00:21:20,096 It was to show that God is our provider, 471 00:21:20,096 --> 00:21:24,000 and we are dependent on him. 472 00:21:24,000 --> 00:21:27,008 No one was allowed to eat that bread except for when it was 473 00:21:27,008 --> 00:21:29,038 taken off the altar after a week. 474 00:21:29,038 --> 00:21:32,038 The priests could eat it because they were holy men of God, 475 00:21:32,038 --> 00:21:36,004 and they were allowed to partake. 476 00:21:36,004 --> 00:21:39,000 And the priest says, "All we have is that bread. 477 00:21:39,000 --> 00:21:41,096 That's the only bread we got." 478 00:21:41,096 --> 00:21:44,008 So then he asked him a good question, 479 00:21:44,008 --> 00:21:45,071 "Are you holy men or not? 480 00:21:45,071 --> 00:21:47,046 "Are you those kind of soldiers that are running around with 481 00:21:47,046 --> 00:21:50,092 women, or have you kept your hands pure and to yourself?" 482 00:21:50,092 --> 00:21:53,008 David says, "Me and my men, we love the Lord. 483 00:21:53,008 --> 00:21:55,004 "We've not been messing around with women. 484 00:21:55,004 --> 00:21:58,025 "We're not, you know, unclean, and sinful, 485 00:21:58,025 --> 00:22:00,058 "and godless, like a lot of soldiers. 486 00:22:00,058 --> 00:22:02,062 "We're godly men, we're serving the Lord. 487 00:22:02,062 --> 00:22:04,012 "Like the Blues Brothers, 488 00:22:04,012 --> 00:22:05,042 "we're on a mission from God. 489 00:22:05,042 --> 00:22:08,029 We're just hungry, that's all." 490 00:22:08,029 --> 00:22:10,000 So the priest takes the bread of the Presence, 491 00:22:10,000 --> 00:22:12,033 he gives it to David and his men, and they go off, 492 00:22:12,033 --> 00:22:15,050 and they have a nice feast. 493 00:22:15,050 --> 00:22:23,000 Now, the question is, did they sin in eating the bread? 494 00:22:23,000 --> 00:22:26,067 Did the priest sin in giving them the bread? 495 00:22:26,067 --> 00:22:30,004 The answer is no. 496 00:22:30,004 --> 00:22:32,054 No. 497 00:22:32,054 --> 00:22:35,062 And so legalism makes you unbiblical. 498 00:22:35,062 --> 00:22:38,029 Jesus says, "You know, I'm greater than David, 499 00:22:38,029 --> 00:22:40,062 "and my men are greater than his men, 500 00:22:40,062 --> 00:22:45,000 "and the priest allowed them to eat the holy bread on 501 00:22:45,000 --> 00:22:48,083 "the Sabbath, surely we can pick a few heads of grain 502 00:22:48,083 --> 00:22:51,083 "and make a bite to eat on the Sabbath. 503 00:22:51,083 --> 00:22:53,088 "We're not dishonoring my Father. 504 00:22:53,088 --> 00:22:56,004 "We're not sinning against him. 505 00:22:56,004 --> 00:23:01,017 "We do abide by the Sabbath laws, but our God loves mercy, 506 00:23:01,017 --> 00:23:03,067 "and he cares for people, and we're hungry 507 00:23:03,067 --> 00:23:08,025 so it's okay to eat." 508 00:23:08,025 --> 00:23:11,062 And see what happens, religious people become unbiblical. 509 00:23:11,062 --> 00:23:14,096 They make rules outside of the Bible, 510 00:23:14,096 --> 00:23:17,017 then they enforce their rules outside of the Bible, and then 511 00:23:17,017 --> 00:23:19,088 invariably it paints them in a corner where they have to start 512 00:23:19,088 --> 00:23:23,021 disagreeing or rewriting parts of the Bible. 513 00:23:23,021 --> 00:23:25,046 It's unbiblical. 514 00:23:25,046 --> 00:23:28,071 It's unbiblical. 515 00:23:28,071 --> 00:23:32,038 Number three: legalism makes you arrogant. 516 00:23:32,038 --> 00:23:33,038 "And he said to them, 517 00:23:33,038 --> 00:23:35,096 'The Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath.'" 518 00:23:35,096 --> 00:23:37,017 Here's how arrogant they are. 519 00:23:37,017 --> 00:23:39,071 They come to Jesus to argue, not to listen. 520 00:23:39,071 --> 00:23:41,088 Jesus says, "First of all, I'm the Son of Man." 521 00:23:41,088 --> 00:23:45,008 That's a messianic title of divinity from Daniel 7. 522 00:23:45,008 --> 00:23:47,075 The Son of Man is the one who is with God the Father in eternity 523 00:23:47,075 --> 00:23:51,096 past, comes into human history as the God--man, ruler, king. 524 00:23:51,096 --> 00:23:56,012 And Jesus says, "That's me, so don't argue with me, 525 00:23:56,012 --> 00:23:57,017 "listen to me. 526 00:23:57,017 --> 00:23:58,071 "Don't fight with me, follow me. 527 00:23:58,071 --> 00:24:02,050 If we disagree, assume you're wrong." 528 00:24:02,050 --> 00:24:04,050 See, some of you would come here today and you would disagree 529 00:24:04,050 --> 00:24:08,004 with Jesus, you disagree with parts of the Bible. 530 00:24:08,004 --> 00:24:09,075 Assume you're wrong. 531 00:24:09,075 --> 00:24:11,008 It's a very proud thing to say, 532 00:24:11,008 --> 00:24:12,062 "Well, that's just Jesus' opinion." 533 00:24:12,062 --> 00:24:17,058 Well, he's God so your opinion probably doesn't count. 534 00:24:17,058 --> 00:24:20,075 And he says, "I'm Lord of the Sabbath," saying, 535 00:24:20,075 --> 00:24:23,058 "I'm creator God, the whole 'seven-day' thing, 536 00:24:23,058 --> 00:24:24,071 "that was my idea. 537 00:24:24,071 --> 00:24:28,021 "The 'take a day off,' that was my idea. 538 00:24:28,021 --> 00:24:32,017 "The book it's written in, yeah, that's my book. 539 00:24:32,017 --> 00:24:35,025 "And so I get to decide what's acceptable and unacceptable 540 00:24:35,025 --> 00:24:36,067 on the Sabbath." 541 00:24:36,067 --> 00:24:38,071 But see, here's what religious people do. 542 00:24:38,071 --> 00:24:39,071 They're so arrogant. 543 00:24:39,071 --> 00:24:42,067 They always place themselves in the position of judge, 544 00:24:42,067 --> 00:24:46,067 and they're sitting in judgment over Jesus. 545 00:24:46,067 --> 00:24:49,038 Religious people, if you allow them, 546 00:24:49,038 --> 00:24:51,092 they will put you on the defensive. 547 00:24:51,092 --> 00:24:53,021 They will judge you. 548 00:24:53,021 --> 00:24:57,033 They will make you give an account to them, not to Jesus. 549 00:24:57,033 --> 00:25:00,050 All of a sudden, you're trying to earn their favor. 550 00:25:00,050 --> 00:25:02,000 You're trying to earn their approval. 551 00:25:02,000 --> 00:25:04,038 You're trying to get them to say, "Well done, 552 00:25:04,038 --> 00:25:06,012 good and faithful servant." 553 00:25:06,012 --> 00:25:07,071 Incredibly arrogant. 554 00:25:07,071 --> 00:25:10,050 They've assumed God's position, 555 00:25:10,050 --> 00:25:13,067 and Jesus will not tolerate that. 556 00:25:13,067 --> 00:25:15,012 He doesn't appeal to their authority. 557 00:25:15,012 --> 00:25:17,075 He doesn't accept their theology. 558 00:25:17,075 --> 00:25:21,000 He instead invites them to acknowledge him 559 00:25:21,000 --> 00:25:23,096 as God become a man, and Lord of the Sabbath, 560 00:25:23,096 --> 00:25:27,050 as well as the other 6 days of the week. 561 00:25:27,050 --> 00:25:28,075 Arrogant. 562 00:25:28,075 --> 00:25:31,054 And see for some of you, this is where it will become 563 00:25:31,054 --> 00:25:34,033 very difficult because religious people are proud. 564 00:25:34,033 --> 00:25:36,021 They are self-confident. 565 00:25:36,021 --> 00:25:39,042 They are absolutely assured. 566 00:25:39,042 --> 00:25:41,042 And you may think, "I don't know, maybe they're right." 567 00:25:41,042 --> 00:25:47,029 They seem so convinced that they've become convincing. 568 00:25:48,067 --> 00:25:51,071 Additionally, what we see is that legalism 569 00:25:51,071 --> 00:25:53,038 makes you unloving. 570 00:25:53,038 --> 00:25:56,054 It moves from the first story to the second story. 571 00:25:56,054 --> 00:26:05,050 Luke 6:6-10, "On another Sabbath, he," that's Jesus, 572 00:26:05,050 --> 00:26:07,054 "Entered the synagogue and was teaching, 573 00:26:07,054 --> 00:26:09,088 "and a man was there whose right hand was withered. 574 00:26:09,088 --> 00:26:13,021 And the scribes," there's the queen bee, 575 00:26:13,021 --> 00:26:15,017 "And the Pharisees," there's the swarm, 576 00:26:15,017 --> 00:26:17,071 "Watched him, to see whether he would heal on the Sabbath, 577 00:26:17,071 --> 00:26:21,017 so that they might find a reason to accuse him." 578 00:26:21,017 --> 00:26:22,046 That's telling. 579 00:26:22,046 --> 00:26:25,033 "But he knew their thoughts," I think through the Holy Spirit, 580 00:26:25,033 --> 00:26:27,067 "And he said to the man with the withered hand, 581 00:26:27,067 --> 00:26:28,075 "'Come and stand here.' 582 00:26:28,075 --> 00:26:30,000 "And he rose and stood there. 583 00:26:30,000 --> 00:26:31,000 "And Jesus said to them, 584 00:26:31,000 --> 00:26:34,042 "'I ask you, is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good 585 00:26:34,042 --> 00:26:38,050 "'or to do harm, to save life or to destroy it?' 586 00:26:38,050 --> 00:26:41,092 "And after looking around at them all he said to him, 587 00:26:41,092 --> 00:26:43,042 "'Stretch out your hand.' 588 00:26:43,042 --> 00:26:46,008 And he did so, and his hand was restored." 589 00:26:46,008 --> 00:26:48,021 Now, here's what had happened. 590 00:26:48,021 --> 00:26:49,083 The Bible said, "No working on the Sabbath," 591 00:26:49,083 --> 00:26:52,038 so the religious people came along and they made 592 00:26:52,038 --> 00:26:55,033 a number of rules, one of which was you're only allowed to do 593 00:26:55,033 --> 00:26:57,058 emergency medical care on the Sabbath, 594 00:26:57,058 --> 00:26:59,071 and they had a whole list of rules for what defined emergency 595 00:26:59,071 --> 00:27:04,038 care--a baby being born or a traumatic accident. 596 00:27:04,038 --> 00:27:06,042 Religious people worked this way as well. 597 00:27:06,042 --> 00:27:08,050 They worked through something called "the fear of man." 598 00:27:08,050 --> 00:27:12,029 Proverbs 29:25, "The fear of man is a trap or a snare." 599 00:27:12,029 --> 00:27:15,004 They like to make a scene in public, 600 00:27:15,004 --> 00:27:17,075 that's why they'll swarm to a blog, swarm to a Facebook, 601 00:27:17,075 --> 00:27:20,017 swarm to a Twitter account, swarm to a church, 602 00:27:20,017 --> 00:27:24,025 swarm to a church meeting, swarm to a dinner at someone's home. 603 00:27:24,025 --> 00:27:29,058 Swarm you at work, swarm you as family members at the holidays. 604 00:27:29,058 --> 00:27:31,083 They swarm, and they're always looking for an audience 605 00:27:31,083 --> 00:27:35,054 to pressure you, back down, compromise, be quiet. 606 00:27:35,054 --> 00:27:37,058 Do you want to get stung some more? 607 00:27:37,058 --> 00:27:41,029 Then tap out, give up, give in. 608 00:27:41,029 --> 00:27:43,046 So they're always picking a fight with Jesus where there's 609 00:27:43,046 --> 00:27:47,062 a crowd, and here it's on the Sabbath, a Saturday, 610 00:27:47,062 --> 00:27:51,067 in the synagogue in front of an audience. 611 00:27:51,067 --> 00:27:54,021 And it says, "They come not to listen to Jesus, 612 00:27:54,021 --> 00:27:56,042 but to find fault with him." 613 00:27:56,042 --> 00:28:01,017 Let me say this--you need to examine your own heart. 614 00:28:01,017 --> 00:28:04,083 When you listen to me, another preacher, teacher, radio, 615 00:28:04,083 --> 00:28:09,008 podcast, read a book, are you listening, 616 00:28:09,008 --> 00:28:10,096 are you reading? 617 00:28:10,096 --> 00:28:13,029 First asking, "Okay God, teach me. 618 00:28:13,029 --> 00:28:14,033 "I want to be humble. 619 00:28:14,033 --> 00:28:15,083 "I want to learn. 620 00:28:15,083 --> 00:28:18,021 "Secondly, show me my sins, my faults, my flaws, 621 00:28:18,021 --> 00:28:20,046 "my failures so I can grow. 622 00:28:20,046 --> 00:28:23,025 "Thirdly, show me things I can help other people with 623 00:28:23,025 --> 00:28:24,058 "as a good friend. 624 00:28:24,058 --> 00:28:27,050 "Fourthly, if there's anything wrong or askew or really 625 00:28:27,050 --> 00:28:31,033 dangerous here, show me that so I don't get led into error." 626 00:28:31,033 --> 00:28:33,096 But don't start with, "If I disagree, they're wrong, 627 00:28:33,096 --> 00:28:39,050 I'm right and I'm here as God to judge." 628 00:28:39,050 --> 00:28:42,033 When you come, are you coming to listen or criticize? 629 00:28:42,033 --> 00:28:46,021 Are you coming to find what is helpful or to pick at, 630 00:28:46,021 --> 00:28:49,054 critique that which you might find fault with because you're 631 00:28:49,054 --> 00:28:52,025 inerrant like the Bible? 632 00:28:52,025 --> 00:28:54,038 Their heart is bad. 633 00:28:54,038 --> 00:28:56,088 I mean, you think about this, they had an opportunity to 634 00:28:56,088 --> 00:29:01,050 listen to Jesus teach, and they don't hear a word. 635 00:29:01,050 --> 00:29:02,092 All they're thinking is, 636 00:29:02,092 --> 00:29:04,067 "Oh, I can take that quote out of context. 637 00:29:04,067 --> 00:29:06,083 "That might get him in trouble. 638 00:29:06,083 --> 00:29:09,012 "Oh, I wouldn't have said it that way, 639 00:29:09,012 --> 00:29:11,058 "so obviously he didn't say it well. 640 00:29:11,058 --> 00:29:14,017 "Yeah, that's not a great illustration, 641 00:29:14,017 --> 00:29:15,075 I would have done it differently." 642 00:29:15,075 --> 00:29:20,012 They're criticizing, picking apart the teaching of Jesus. 643 00:29:20,012 --> 00:29:21,083 They're trying to find fault. 644 00:29:21,083 --> 00:29:24,008 Let me say this--there's no fault in Jesus' teaching, 645 00:29:24,008 --> 00:29:26,075 the rest of us, there's always something to find fault in, 646 00:29:26,075 --> 00:29:28,017 especially me. 647 00:29:28,017 --> 00:29:29,025 You want to find fault with me? 648 00:29:29,025 --> 00:29:32,008 If you can't find it, just e-mail and I'll tell you 649 00:29:32,008 --> 00:29:35,012 what was wrong with this sermon, all right? 650 00:29:35,012 --> 00:29:38,083 There's lots of things wrong with this sermon. 651 00:29:38,083 --> 00:29:40,083 Teachers are not inerrant like the Bible, 652 00:29:40,083 --> 00:29:45,017 and neither are the hearers. 653 00:29:45,017 --> 00:29:47,071 And this guy walks in with a withered hand. 654 00:29:47,071 --> 00:29:50,004 This is a medical diagnosis by Luke the physician. 655 00:29:50,004 --> 00:29:52,025 I don't know if he was born this way, had a traumatic accident, 656 00:29:52,025 --> 00:29:53,062 we don't know what happened. 657 00:29:53,062 --> 00:29:55,067 Most people are right-handed so odds are, 658 00:29:55,067 --> 00:29:58,017 this is the hand he really, really needs. 659 00:29:58,017 --> 00:30:01,029 His right hand is withered, he walks in. 660 00:30:01,029 --> 00:30:02,050 You know what this guy wants? 661 00:30:02,050 --> 00:30:05,071 He wants to be healed, and the religious people decided this 662 00:30:05,071 --> 00:30:10,025 isn't urgent, come back another day, which is very unloving 663 00:30:10,025 --> 00:30:13,096 because for this guy, it probably seemed fairly urgent. 664 00:30:13,096 --> 00:30:16,017 Like, "My hand doesn't work, if he could fix it, 665 00:30:16,017 --> 00:30:18,017 "today's good for me. 666 00:30:18,017 --> 00:30:21,033 It's far better than tomorrow." 667 00:30:21,033 --> 00:30:23,021 And so now Jesus has a decision. 668 00:30:23,021 --> 00:30:25,083 Will he heal this man publicly in front of the scribes and 669 00:30:25,083 --> 00:30:30,008 Pharisees knowing that this will be their opportunity? 670 00:30:30,008 --> 00:30:32,088 Or does he cave into fear of man and say, "I'll do it tomorrow, 671 00:30:32,088 --> 00:30:38,000 and I'll do it privately, so that I don't get criticized." 672 00:30:38,000 --> 00:30:39,083 And he steps forth boldly, and it says that he 673 00:30:39,083 --> 00:30:42,008 looked everyone in the eye. 674 00:30:42,008 --> 00:30:44,025 What he's doing, he's saying, "You, and you, and you, 675 00:30:44,025 --> 00:30:47,067 "and you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and you 676 00:30:47,067 --> 00:30:50,008 "would all need to make a decision. 677 00:30:50,008 --> 00:30:52,012 "Are you gonna live for the approval of the scribes 678 00:30:52,012 --> 00:30:54,000 "and the Pharisees, the religious legalists, 679 00:30:54,000 --> 00:30:57,083 or will you serve God alone?" 680 00:30:57,083 --> 00:31:00,042 And Jesus tells him, "Stand up and come here 681 00:31:00,042 --> 00:31:03,000 and raise your hand." 682 00:31:03,000 --> 00:31:04,042 This is an act of faith. 683 00:31:04,042 --> 00:31:06,025 "If you think I can heal you, raise your hand," so he does. 684 00:31:06,025 --> 00:31:09,096 That's an act of faith, and he's healed. 685 00:31:09,096 --> 00:31:13,038 And the religious people are unhappy 'cause Jesus didn't 686 00:31:13,038 --> 00:31:15,096 paint by their numbers. 687 00:31:15,096 --> 00:31:18,033 "Well, our numbers say that you can only fill in 688 00:31:18,033 --> 00:31:21,017 "the green box for healing on a day 689 00:31:21,017 --> 00:31:22,079 "other than the Sabbath, 690 00:31:22,079 --> 00:31:24,058 "and you painted the right color in the right box, 691 00:31:24,058 --> 00:31:28,067 "but you painted it on the wrong day. 692 00:31:28,067 --> 00:31:31,062 So we're not happy with you." 693 00:31:34,042 --> 00:31:35,075 It's amazing. 694 00:31:35,075 --> 00:31:36,075 It's tragic. 695 00:31:36,075 --> 00:31:37,075 It's horrible. 696 00:31:37,075 --> 00:31:42,083 It's religion, and the truth is, was this a lot of work? 697 00:31:42,083 --> 00:31:45,033 The guy did this... 698 00:31:45,033 --> 00:31:48,000 Doesn't seem like a ton of work and Jesus healed him. 699 00:31:48,000 --> 00:31:49,004 That's it. 700 00:31:49,004 --> 00:31:50,004 Wasn't a ton of work. 701 00:31:50,004 --> 00:31:52,038 It took more work to criticize Jesus than it did 702 00:31:52,038 --> 00:31:54,008 to heal the man. 703 00:31:54,008 --> 00:31:57,033 Yet in their religious ideology, criticizing Jesus doesn't count 704 00:31:57,033 --> 00:32:00,071 for work, but simply having a guy raise his right hand, 705 00:32:00,071 --> 00:32:03,054 that was a real problem, 706 00:32:03,054 --> 00:32:08,050 because that's what religious people are like. 707 00:32:08,050 --> 00:32:10,050 That's why Paul says in the New Testament, 708 00:32:10,050 --> 00:32:12,000 "Take your Sabbath day, you really need it. 709 00:32:12,000 --> 00:32:14,033 It is a gift from God, but don't let anyone judge you." 710 00:32:14,033 --> 00:32:16,058 Do you know on Sunday, Sunday's Christian Sabbath, 711 00:32:16,058 --> 00:32:18,067 you should take a day off, practice hospitality, 712 00:32:18,067 --> 00:32:22,004 enjoy your friends, get a day off. 713 00:32:22,004 --> 00:32:24,000 Some of us though, we work on Sunday. 714 00:32:24,000 --> 00:32:26,021 I do, I don't know if you noticed that. 715 00:32:26,021 --> 00:32:28,050 I work on Sunday, so Sunday's not a Sabbath day for me, 716 00:32:28,050 --> 00:32:32,038 Saturday is. 717 00:32:32,038 --> 00:32:36,046 See, the point is that God wants us to grow in rest, and love, 718 00:32:36,046 --> 00:32:39,017 and relationship with him and his people. 719 00:32:39,017 --> 00:32:41,004 And religious people come around, 720 00:32:41,004 --> 00:32:43,000 and they make rules around gifts, 721 00:32:43,000 --> 00:32:47,058 and they turn delights into duties and drudgeries. 722 00:32:47,058 --> 00:32:50,025 If you want to raise somebody who really hates God 723 00:32:50,025 --> 00:32:55,008 as a parent, be a legalist religious person. 724 00:32:55,008 --> 00:32:58,083 Put so many rules around faith and God that it's not even 725 00:32:58,083 --> 00:33:01,054 enjoyable or freeing. 726 00:33:01,054 --> 00:33:04,079 Some of you were raised in those homes, 727 00:33:04,079 --> 00:33:06,075 and you don't even know there's a difference between Jesus 728 00:33:06,075 --> 00:33:09,046 and religion, and I apologize, there is. 729 00:33:09,046 --> 00:33:12,017 I want you to see here that the religious people are the ones 730 00:33:12,017 --> 00:33:15,092 fighting with Jesus, not working for him. 731 00:33:15,092 --> 00:33:19,025 These are the people who ultimately kill Jesus. 732 00:33:19,025 --> 00:33:21,021 They're the real problem. 733 00:33:21,021 --> 00:33:23,025 I talked to a guy earlier today, he comes up to me, 734 00:33:23,025 --> 00:33:24,083 tears in his eyes. 735 00:33:24,083 --> 00:33:26,092 I preached this sermon a little earlier. 736 00:33:26,092 --> 00:33:29,017 He says, "Pastor Mark, I'm not a Christian. 737 00:33:29,017 --> 00:33:31,021 "My whole family's really religious. 738 00:33:31,021 --> 00:33:33,096 They love rules, and rules about the rules." 739 00:33:33,096 --> 00:33:38,000 He said, "Are you sure there's a difference between religion 740 00:33:38,000 --> 00:33:40,096 and all of its rules, and Jesus?" 741 00:33:40,096 --> 00:33:42,067 I said, "Yeah." 742 00:33:42,067 --> 00:33:44,088 He said, "'Cause I know I've got a lot of sin, 743 00:33:44,088 --> 00:33:48,071 "and I want a God who will forgive me and help me, 744 00:33:48,071 --> 00:33:52,075 not just give more rules to me that I can't do." 745 00:33:52,075 --> 00:33:54,050 I said, "Well, that's not Jesus. 746 00:33:54,050 --> 00:33:56,033 "Jesus will show you your sin, 747 00:33:56,033 --> 00:33:58,021 "died for your sin to forgive you, 748 00:33:58,021 --> 00:34:00,046 "and then gives you a new life, 749 00:34:00,046 --> 00:34:01,083 "and the power of the Holy Spirit, 750 00:34:01,083 --> 00:34:06,004 and the support of his people to help you change." 751 00:34:06,004 --> 00:34:08,083 He said, "So God doesn't just stand back and judge me 752 00:34:08,083 --> 00:34:10,046 and give more rules?" 753 00:34:10,046 --> 00:34:15,054 I said, "No, God comes near in Jesus to help you to change." 754 00:34:15,054 --> 00:34:18,046 The guy said, "I've always hated Jesus, 755 00:34:18,046 --> 00:34:20,088 but I think I just hated religion." 756 00:34:20,088 --> 00:34:23,000 He said, "You know, Jesus sounds helpful 757 00:34:23,000 --> 00:34:24,046 and I could use that help." 758 00:34:24,046 --> 00:34:26,092 Yeah, see some of you religious people, 759 00:34:26,092 --> 00:34:29,062 you're really serious and you're proud and you're devout 760 00:34:29,062 --> 00:34:32,054 and you're killing people. 761 00:34:32,054 --> 00:34:35,071 You're killing people. 762 00:34:35,071 --> 00:34:37,079 You're no help at all. 763 00:34:37,079 --> 00:34:41,050 In fact, Jesus says, "Your converts are twice the son 764 00:34:41,050 --> 00:34:44,038 of hell that you are." 765 00:34:44,038 --> 00:34:46,062 Look at these people. 766 00:34:46,062 --> 00:34:47,096 And some of us would read the story and say, 767 00:34:47,096 --> 00:34:49,096 "I can't believe they did that to Jesus." 768 00:34:49,096 --> 00:34:53,058 If you're religious, if you're legalistic, 769 00:34:53,058 --> 00:34:56,054 if you're moralistic, if you're self-righteous, 770 00:34:56,054 --> 00:35:00,083 if you're hardhearted, if you have rules that are outside of 771 00:35:00,083 --> 00:35:03,054 the Bible, that you hold equal to the Bible, 772 00:35:03,054 --> 00:35:06,071 you're on your way to being a Pharisee. 773 00:35:06,071 --> 00:35:09,042 You've taken the first step. 774 00:35:09,042 --> 00:35:13,071 Some of you are far down the path, and it's very unloving. 775 00:35:13,071 --> 00:35:15,075 This was very unloving to Jesus. 776 00:35:15,075 --> 00:35:17,062 They show up to criticize him. 777 00:35:17,062 --> 00:35:19,029 This is very unloving to the man. 778 00:35:19,029 --> 00:35:23,058 They're unhappy at the way that he was healed. 779 00:35:23,058 --> 00:35:25,058 So here's what we'll do at this point. 780 00:35:25,058 --> 00:35:30,079 We will take a few moments and make fun of religious people, 781 00:35:30,079 --> 00:35:34,025 and we do this in love. 782 00:35:34,025 --> 00:35:39,017 No, we do, because we love to make fun of religious people. 783 00:35:41,079 --> 00:35:45,008 Religious people take themselves way too seriously, 784 00:35:45,008 --> 00:35:47,000 and they expect everyone to take them very, 785 00:35:47,000 --> 00:35:50,092 very seriously and sometimes the best thing we can do is laugh 786 00:35:50,092 --> 00:35:55,025 at them and invite them to join us as a liberation. 787 00:35:55,025 --> 00:35:57,075 That's why the Old Testament prophets and Jesus use prophetic 788 00:35:57,075 --> 00:36:00,017 irony and sarcasm. 789 00:36:00,017 --> 00:36:03,042 So, we will also make fun of lots of religious people 790 00:36:03,042 --> 00:36:07,033 because we believe in diversity, and so we believe in making fun 791 00:36:07,033 --> 00:36:12,029 of lots of people, that's our diversity commitment. 792 00:36:12,029 --> 00:36:16,025 We will start with the Jews. 793 00:36:16,025 --> 00:36:22,012 Now, in Judaism, it really is a rule-based legalistic religion. 794 00:36:22,012 --> 00:36:24,062 Lots of rules, and rules about the rules, 795 00:36:24,062 --> 00:36:27,025 and different teams and tribes, and different rules. 796 00:36:27,025 --> 00:36:28,033 I'll give you a few examples. 797 00:36:28,033 --> 00:36:31,067 There's a guy on staff who has a friend who's Jewish, 798 00:36:31,067 --> 00:36:35,092 and his team of Judaism made a rule that you cannot travel more 799 00:36:35,092 --> 00:36:39,008 than, let's say, I think it was a mile on the Sabbath, 800 00:36:39,008 --> 00:36:42,050 with the only exception being if it was over water, 801 00:36:42,050 --> 00:36:45,033 and that was to cover in case you're on a boat. 802 00:36:45,033 --> 00:36:49,033 Hard to mark how long a mile is, and sometimes a boat, 803 00:36:49,033 --> 00:36:52,046 because of the sea, just gets moved more than a mile, 804 00:36:52,046 --> 00:36:54,017 and there's not a lot you can do about it. 805 00:36:54,017 --> 00:36:57,000 So this guy, to be committed to the law, 806 00:36:57,000 --> 00:36:59,004 he gets in his car on the Sabbath, 807 00:36:59,004 --> 00:37:02,017 puts a bottle of water under his seat and then drives, 808 00:37:02,017 --> 00:37:05,071 knowing that he's now met the exception of being 809 00:37:05,071 --> 00:37:09,033 "over water." 810 00:37:10,083 --> 00:37:14,025 Can you imagine God in heaven going, "Doh, that kid's smart. 811 00:37:14,025 --> 00:37:16,038 "I didn't see that coming. 812 00:37:16,038 --> 00:37:19,071 He got me with that." 813 00:37:19,071 --> 00:37:21,092 The thing too I don't understand about religion-- 814 00:37:21,092 --> 00:37:24,038 and religious people love rules, and rules about the rules. 815 00:37:24,038 --> 00:37:25,083 I don't get the hats. 816 00:37:25,083 --> 00:37:27,004 I don't understand the hats. 817 00:37:27,004 --> 00:37:29,017 I don't know why if you go to a Catholic place, 818 00:37:29,017 --> 00:37:30,029 you gotta take your hat off. 819 00:37:30,029 --> 00:37:32,017 You go to a Jewish place, gotta put your hat on. 820 00:37:32,017 --> 00:37:36,017 Depending upon what team you're on in Judaism or Catholicism or 821 00:37:36,017 --> 00:37:39,004 Orthodoxy, you get a big hat, small hat, colored hat, 822 00:37:39,004 --> 00:37:40,088 round hat, all kinds of hats. 823 00:37:40,088 --> 00:37:42,033 I don't understand the hats. 824 00:37:42,033 --> 00:37:45,000 They are funny, so I thought I would share a few with you. 825 00:37:45,000 --> 00:37:48,021 Here's one example of a religious hat. 826 00:37:51,096 --> 00:37:56,038 What I like about that hat is you can put a cake in it, 827 00:37:56,038 --> 00:38:01,008 and I like cake, and so I like that. 828 00:38:01,008 --> 00:38:03,046 And it's funny, it's like the religious people think, 829 00:38:03,046 --> 00:38:04,062 "Well, God's in heaven. 830 00:38:04,062 --> 00:38:05,062 "We're way down here. 831 00:38:05,062 --> 00:38:07,088 "How will he know who his children are? 832 00:38:07,088 --> 00:38:11,046 Oh, we'll put the hats on, and then he can't miss us." 833 00:38:11,046 --> 00:38:12,083 "My people are the ones with hats." 834 00:38:12,083 --> 00:38:16,017 I also love it when we combine a hat with a dress on a man. 835 00:38:16,017 --> 00:38:18,088 I always think that's a nice combination. 836 00:38:18,088 --> 00:38:21,083 These are religious leaders. 837 00:38:21,083 --> 00:38:24,050 Can you tell which one is in charge? 838 00:38:24,050 --> 00:38:26,000 The one with the hat. 839 00:38:26,000 --> 00:38:29,071 The hat always makes you closer to God, and so you get the hat. 840 00:38:29,071 --> 00:38:34,008 I would not wear a hat, maybe a cowboy hat. 841 00:38:34,008 --> 00:38:35,079 What I love too is the dresses. 842 00:38:35,079 --> 00:38:37,025 I'm not sure where the dresses kicked in. 843 00:38:37,025 --> 00:38:39,012 I always think it's interesting when the religious leader 844 00:38:39,012 --> 00:38:40,067 has to wear a dress. 845 00:38:40,067 --> 00:38:42,033 Anytime a man has to wear a dress, 846 00:38:42,033 --> 00:38:45,054 something theologically has really gone sideways for me, 847 00:38:45,054 --> 00:38:47,042 unless it's a Jedi robe. 848 00:38:47,042 --> 00:38:51,004 I would totally wear a Jedi robe. 849 00:38:52,088 --> 00:38:57,042 I'll tell you one guy-in-a-dress story that is an actual fact. 850 00:38:57,042 --> 00:39:01,000 I visited a while back a gay church. 851 00:39:01,000 --> 00:39:02,088 And I know that sounds weird. 852 00:39:02,088 --> 00:39:05,000 It's like I went to this vegan steakhouse. 853 00:39:05,000 --> 00:39:16,004 But I--so I went to this gay church and the guy, 854 00:39:16,004 --> 00:39:18,058 who's a greeter's wearing like a skirt, 855 00:39:18,058 --> 00:39:22,067 and has like a fabulous handbag, and I walked in 856 00:39:22,067 --> 00:39:24,025 wearing a baseball hat. 857 00:39:24,025 --> 00:39:26,033 And he stopped me and he said, 858 00:39:26,033 --> 00:39:28,067 "Sir, you will need to take that hat off. 859 00:39:28,067 --> 00:39:36,017 That is not acceptable," said the guy in the dress. 860 00:39:36,017 --> 00:39:39,050 And I thought, that is a very curious place to draw the line. 861 00:39:39,050 --> 00:39:43,008 Like, I could wear a dress, but not with a hat. 862 00:39:43,008 --> 00:39:45,083 So out of respect, I took the hat off, 863 00:39:45,083 --> 00:39:47,075 and now I have a good joke. 864 00:39:47,075 --> 00:39:50,067 I will also tell you some things I learned 865 00:39:50,067 --> 00:39:52,050 about the Jews in Israel. 866 00:39:52,050 --> 00:39:54,012 I went to Israel, which was awesome, 867 00:39:54,012 --> 00:39:57,017 and I discovered something called the Shabbat elevator. 868 00:39:57,017 --> 00:39:58,046 I will share it with you. 869 00:39:58,046 --> 00:40:02,050 This is official footage taken on location in Israel 870 00:40:02,050 --> 00:40:05,012 of a Shabbat, Sabbath elevator. 871 00:40:05,012 --> 00:40:07,054 And the rule here is if you're Jewish on the Sabbath, 872 00:40:07,054 --> 00:40:11,042 you cannot cause electricity to current 873 00:40:11,042 --> 00:40:13,008 so you can't push buttons. 874 00:40:13,008 --> 00:40:16,088 So the Shabbat elevator in the hotel, I didn't know this, 875 00:40:16,088 --> 00:40:20,017 it stops on every floor so no Orthodox Jew has to push 876 00:40:20,017 --> 00:40:23,079 the button, 'cause that would be a sin to push the button. 877 00:40:23,079 --> 00:40:25,000 And so I didn't know this. 878 00:40:25,000 --> 00:40:28,038 So being a dumb Gentile, I got on the Shabbat elevator 879 00:40:28,038 --> 00:40:30,067 with a lot of the Jewish people. 880 00:40:30,067 --> 00:40:32,046 And it stopped on every floor, it was really slow. 881 00:40:32,046 --> 00:40:34,075 So I asked one of the guys, "What is up with this elevator?" 882 00:40:34,075 --> 00:40:37,017 He said, "Oh, this is the Shabbat elevator." 883 00:40:37,017 --> 00:40:39,067 So I asked, "Is Shabbat Hebrew for slow?" 884 00:40:39,067 --> 00:40:46,088 He said, "No, we cannot push the button because that would be 885 00:40:46,088 --> 00:40:51,012 a sin, so it just stops on every floor for the Sabbath." 886 00:40:51,012 --> 00:40:53,012 I said, "Is there a Gentile elevator?" 887 00:40:53,012 --> 00:40:55,017 He said, "Oh yes, there are Gentile elevators 888 00:40:55,017 --> 00:40:56,067 and you could push the button." 889 00:40:56,067 --> 00:40:58,067 I said, "Okay," thank you, Jesus. 890 00:40:58,067 --> 00:41:02,021 So I went over and I started taking the Gentile elevator, 891 00:41:02,021 --> 00:41:04,008 henceforth called "the Gentavator." 892 00:41:04,008 --> 00:41:07,012 And I jumped on the Gentavator, and as soon as I got on 893 00:41:07,012 --> 00:41:09,067 the Gentavator, all of the Jews jumped on the Gentavator 894 00:41:09,067 --> 00:41:13,054 and said, "Could you push number seven please?" 895 00:41:13,054 --> 00:41:19,067 [congregation laughing] 896 00:41:19,067 --> 00:41:23,071 "It's a sin, could you do it for me?" 897 00:41:23,071 --> 00:41:25,079 "Yes, I'm a new covenant Christian, 898 00:41:25,079 --> 00:41:28,088 I will push it twice." 899 00:41:31,083 --> 00:41:33,088 Awesome, yes. 900 00:41:33,088 --> 00:41:36,067 The next morning after riding the Gentavator and pushing the 901 00:41:36,067 --> 00:41:39,058 button for all the Jewish people that I love with all my heart, 902 00:41:39,058 --> 00:41:44,012 I saw a man that I will now refer to as Mr. Goldilocks 903 00:41:44,012 --> 00:41:48,012 because he had these sideburns that were Goldilock-esque, 904 00:41:48,012 --> 00:41:51,000 and he was a big man, maybe 400 pounds, 905 00:41:51,000 --> 00:41:52,058 couldn't get things out of his pocket 906 00:41:52,058 --> 00:41:54,021 'cause they were too far away. 907 00:41:54,021 --> 00:41:59,000 And he was eating for breakfast, a whole massive cheesecake and 908 00:41:59,000 --> 00:42:03,092 four huge glasses of chocolate milk, while wearing a black hat, 909 00:42:03,092 --> 00:42:08,021 of course, a white shirt, a little braided belt, 910 00:42:08,021 --> 00:42:10,000 black pants, black shoes 911 00:42:10,000 --> 00:42:15,062 with his Goldilock ringlet sideburns. 912 00:42:15,062 --> 00:42:18,058 And so I asked one of the Jewish guys who was with us, nice guy, 913 00:42:18,058 --> 00:42:22,050 I said, "What's up with all the dairy for breakfast? 914 00:42:22,050 --> 00:42:25,067 That's a cheesecake for breakfast?" 915 00:42:25,067 --> 00:42:29,079 He said, "Well, you know, the dietary laws say that we cannot 916 00:42:29,079 --> 00:42:32,008 "eat dairy past a certain time of day, 917 00:42:32,008 --> 00:42:35,004 "and we can't mix it with other foods, so in an effort 918 00:42:35,004 --> 00:42:38,033 to please God, we eat all our dairy at once." 919 00:42:38,033 --> 00:42:39,067 Really? 920 00:42:39,067 --> 00:42:42,046 So a whole cheesecake for breakfast and four glasses of 921 00:42:42,046 --> 00:42:44,012 chocolate milk and God's in heaven going, 922 00:42:44,012 --> 00:42:47,088 "That's what I was wanting to have happen, all my kids 923 00:42:47,088 --> 00:42:53,050 to die of heart attacks and lactose intolerance, fabulous." 924 00:42:53,050 --> 00:42:56,058 So those will be the Jewish examples. 925 00:42:56,058 --> 00:42:59,017 We'll move on to Catholics. 926 00:42:59,017 --> 00:43:01,021 "Did he say that?" 927 00:43:01,021 --> 00:43:03,071 "Yes, he did, he did say that." 928 00:43:03,071 --> 00:43:04,088 I grew up Catholic. 929 00:43:04,088 --> 00:43:06,038 Very glad to have you. 930 00:43:06,038 --> 00:43:08,046 Welcome to Mars Hill, enjoy our mass. 931 00:43:08,046 --> 00:43:10,075 And the way it worked in Catholicism was there was 932 00:43:10,075 --> 00:43:12,000 lots of goofy rules. 933 00:43:12,000 --> 00:43:14,029 One of them was no meat on Friday. 934 00:43:14,029 --> 00:43:16,000 I do not know why. 935 00:43:16,000 --> 00:43:17,088 I do not know why. 936 00:43:17,088 --> 00:43:21,062 And so what happened in Zurich during the Reformation is that 937 00:43:21,062 --> 00:43:24,025 all of the Protestants would get together on Friday night after 938 00:43:24,025 --> 00:43:27,050 they got off work for a city-wide, open-air barbecue. 939 00:43:27,050 --> 00:43:29,017 I just think that's awesome. 940 00:43:29,017 --> 00:43:32,050 Also in Catholicism there are weird rules like priests cannot 941 00:43:32,050 --> 00:43:35,079 get married, which has not worked out so well. 942 00:43:35,079 --> 00:43:37,075 Sometimes you don't get the most healthy guys to sign up for 943 00:43:37,075 --> 00:43:41,042 the job when you forbid marriage and children. 944 00:43:41,042 --> 00:43:42,050 It's not worked out so well. 945 00:43:42,050 --> 00:43:46,017 Paul said that's among the "doctrines of demons." 946 00:43:46,017 --> 00:43:47,088 And they will say-- and I love Catholics, 947 00:43:47,088 --> 00:43:50,000 I just don't agree with a lot of their goofy rules. 948 00:43:50,000 --> 00:43:52,075 They will say, "Well, you know, Peter's our Pope. 949 00:43:52,075 --> 00:43:54,008 He's our founder." 950 00:43:54,008 --> 00:43:56,033 Okay, then let's do "reductio ad absurdum." 951 00:43:56,033 --> 00:43:57,038 He was married. 952 00:43:57,038 --> 00:43:58,079 He was. 953 00:43:58,079 --> 00:44:01,012 We already saw it in Luke's Gospel. 954 00:44:01,012 --> 00:44:07,017 Jesus came and healed his mother-in-law. 955 00:44:07,017 --> 00:44:09,000 They are a package deal with a wife, 956 00:44:09,000 --> 00:44:10,071 I don't know if you knew that. 957 00:44:10,071 --> 00:44:12,042 All right, there's no guy out there right now going, 958 00:44:12,042 --> 00:44:14,067 "I could give or take the wife, mother-in-law, 959 00:44:14,067 --> 00:44:16,042 that's what I'm looking for." 960 00:44:16,042 --> 00:44:18,021 It's a package deal. 961 00:44:18,021 --> 00:44:20,092 Peter had a mother-in-law, that means he had a wife. 962 00:44:20,092 --> 00:44:23,021 He was married, so the whole thing is built on 963 00:44:23,021 --> 00:44:25,050 a faulty, flawed system. 964 00:44:25,050 --> 00:44:27,083 The other thing in Catholicism that I think is really, really, 965 00:44:27,083 --> 00:44:30,079 really interesting is when we went to Israel, 966 00:44:30,079 --> 00:44:33,004 certain sites are run by the Catholic Church, 967 00:44:33,004 --> 00:44:35,038 the holy sites, and when you get to the holy sites, 968 00:44:35,038 --> 00:44:38,029 you always see this sign... 969 00:44:41,083 --> 00:44:43,050 You'll notice there are no verses on the sign 970 00:44:43,050 --> 00:44:45,075 'cause it's not in God's book. 971 00:44:45,075 --> 00:44:47,012 "No shorts." 972 00:44:47,012 --> 00:44:49,058 I asked repeatedly, "Why?" 973 00:44:49,058 --> 00:44:51,033 "Your knees will show." 974 00:44:51,033 --> 00:44:55,004 God sees them either way. 975 00:44:55,004 --> 00:44:56,079 It's not like God's like, "Oh, those are pants. 976 00:44:56,079 --> 00:45:00,083 I cannot see the knees." 977 00:45:00,083 --> 00:45:02,054 I just, I don't understand. 978 00:45:02,054 --> 00:45:06,050 Now I have saved, arguably the best for last on Catholicism, 979 00:45:06,050 --> 00:45:08,079 and this is a big issue for some of you former Catholics, 980 00:45:08,079 --> 00:45:11,017 and especially at our Albuquerque campus where 981 00:45:11,017 --> 00:45:13,046 Catholicism is just in the water, 982 00:45:13,046 --> 00:45:15,075 it just is something you've got to deal with. 983 00:45:15,075 --> 00:45:17,017 Take a deep breath. 984 00:45:17,017 --> 00:45:19,054 I'm gonna reload because this one is so awesome, 985 00:45:19,054 --> 00:45:22,067 we have to nail it. 986 00:45:22,067 --> 00:45:24,029 This is my twenty-third sermon in Luke, 987 00:45:24,029 --> 00:45:29,050 and I have been waiting to share this for a long time. 988 00:45:29,050 --> 00:45:34,033 This one is fantastic. 989 00:45:34,033 --> 00:45:38,050 In the Bible, Jesus taught and 5,000 men came out, 990 00:45:38,050 --> 00:45:39,050 plus the women and the children, 991 00:45:39,050 --> 00:45:43,000 that's maybe, 20,000, 25,000 people. 992 00:45:43,000 --> 00:45:46,046 And so Jesus had this little boy come to him and hand him 993 00:45:46,046 --> 00:45:48,050 a Lunchable, right? 994 00:45:48,050 --> 00:45:50,054 Couple fishes and loaves, Hebrew Lunchable, 995 00:45:50,054 --> 00:45:53,067 and Jesus multiplied it and fed 20,000, 25,000 people. 996 00:45:53,067 --> 00:45:57,083 So they all sat on the grass and had an enormous picnic. 997 00:45:57,083 --> 00:46:01,038 And I thought, I can't wait to go to that place and just 998 00:46:01,038 --> 00:46:06,025 envision in my mind 20,000 people having a picnic on a hill 999 00:46:06,025 --> 00:46:09,075 and I got there, it was a Catholic holy site. 1000 00:46:09,075 --> 00:46:14,038 I am not kidding you, this is the sign... 1001 00:46:23,017 --> 00:46:26,008 That is awesome. 1002 00:46:26,008 --> 00:46:29,050 [laughing] 1003 00:46:29,050 --> 00:46:32,050 "You know what this place needs, it needs a sign that says, 1004 00:46:32,050 --> 00:46:36,046 'No picnics.'" 1005 00:46:36,046 --> 00:46:40,000 That's awesome. 1006 00:46:40,000 --> 00:46:43,033 The Muslims. 1007 00:46:43,033 --> 00:46:44,050 It got so quiet. 1008 00:46:44,050 --> 00:46:47,042 Everybody's like, "Oh, man. 1009 00:46:47,042 --> 00:46:49,000 "Can't we do the Mormons and the under britches, 1010 00:46:49,000 --> 00:46:51,067 can't we do anything else?" 1011 00:46:51,067 --> 00:46:55,038 No, that's too easy. 1012 00:46:55,038 --> 00:46:56,071 We won't talk about the burkas. 1013 00:46:56,071 --> 00:46:58,042 I'll just give you one thing on the Muslims. 1014 00:46:58,042 --> 00:46:59,071 It's amazing, you see everybody's like, 1015 00:46:59,071 --> 00:47:06,029 "Oh man, move fast, say it quick." 1016 00:47:06,029 --> 00:47:10,058 We were in Turkey, right now--we were in Turkey, which is 1017 00:47:10,058 --> 00:47:12,042 a predominantly Muslim--everybody's Muslim 1018 00:47:12,042 --> 00:47:14,004 or everybody claims to be Muslim there. 1019 00:47:14,004 --> 00:47:16,075 And everywhere we went for a bite to eat, they kept asking, 1020 00:47:16,075 --> 00:47:17,096 "Do you want some raki?" 1021 00:47:17,096 --> 00:47:18,096 I think that's how you say it. 1022 00:47:18,096 --> 00:47:20,029 "You want raki, you want raki, you want raki?" 1023 00:47:20,029 --> 00:47:22,004 I was like, "I'd love to meet him, is he here?" 1024 00:47:22,004 --> 00:47:23,033 They're like, "No, it's a drink." 1025 00:47:23,033 --> 00:47:24,075 "Oh, okay, what is it?" 1026 00:47:24,075 --> 00:47:27,000 "Well, it's an alcohol, really hard beverage. 1027 00:47:27,000 --> 00:47:28,033 "It tastes like, what is it? 1028 00:47:28,033 --> 00:47:29,067 Sambuca." 1029 00:47:29,067 --> 00:47:30,083 I was like, "Really? 1030 00:47:30,083 --> 00:47:31,075 "Oh, okay. 1031 00:47:31,075 --> 00:47:32,083 Well, you guys are Muslim countries." 1032 00:47:32,083 --> 00:47:33,083 So finally I asked our tour guide, 1033 00:47:33,083 --> 00:47:35,000 I was like, "You guys are a Muslim country. 1034 00:47:35,000 --> 00:47:36,017 "You're not supposed to drink alcohol. 1035 00:47:36,017 --> 00:47:38,033 You guys keep offering me raki, why?" 1036 00:47:38,033 --> 00:47:40,025 He said, "It's our national drink." 1037 00:47:40,025 --> 00:47:41,083 Really? 1038 00:47:41,083 --> 00:47:43,067 National drink is hard alcohol? 1039 00:47:43,067 --> 00:47:46,038 You know, bottled water would have been a better choice just 1040 00:47:46,038 --> 00:47:48,062 for health purposes, but I'm not a hater. 1041 00:47:48,062 --> 00:47:49,071 Okay, fine. 1042 00:47:49,071 --> 00:47:52,025 "Explain this to me, how come Muslims aren't allowed to drink 1043 00:47:52,025 --> 00:47:55,058 and your national drink is a hard alcohol?" 1044 00:47:55,058 --> 00:47:59,029 What he said was, "You know, the Muslim scholars 1045 00:47:59,029 --> 00:48:01,054 "say we're not allowed to drink fermented drink, 1046 00:48:01,054 --> 00:48:05,046 and this is alcohol that's distilled." 1047 00:48:05,046 --> 00:48:06,083 I said, "So do you ever get drunk?" 1048 00:48:06,083 --> 00:48:07,062 "Yeah." 1049 00:48:07,062 --> 00:48:08,067 "Does your dad ever get drunk?" 1050 00:48:08,067 --> 00:48:09,071 "Yeah, he's an alcoholic." 1051 00:48:09,071 --> 00:48:10,071 "Is that a problem?" 1052 00:48:10,071 --> 00:48:12,067 "No, it's not fermented." 1053 00:48:12,067 --> 00:48:15,079 So you can be a distilled alcoholic, no problem. 1054 00:48:15,079 --> 00:48:18,025 You just can't be a fermented alcoholic. 1055 00:48:18,025 --> 00:48:19,054 "We gotta draw the line somewhere 1056 00:48:19,054 --> 00:48:21,050 and that's where we're gonna draw it." 1057 00:48:21,050 --> 00:48:24,021 I thought that was awesome. 1058 00:48:24,021 --> 00:48:25,062 How about this one? Oh, you know what? 1059 00:48:25,062 --> 00:48:26,079 It's not just religious people. 1060 00:48:26,079 --> 00:48:28,017 There's secular religious people too. 1061 00:48:28,017 --> 00:48:31,012 I double-dog-dare ya in Seattle, even with an atheist to do this. 1062 00:48:31,012 --> 00:48:36,033 Get a huge SUV, drive it up to a yoga center, okay, 1063 00:48:36,033 --> 00:48:41,021 and just leave it running, don't turn it off. 1064 00:48:41,021 --> 00:48:44,046 Just roll the windows down, just start eating a lot of meat, 1065 00:48:44,046 --> 00:48:51,004 okay, while smoking a cigarette and littering. 1066 00:48:51,004 --> 00:48:56,008 Just see if the lotus position Pharisees don't come out, 1067 00:48:56,008 --> 00:48:57,025 "What are you doing?" 1068 00:48:57,025 --> 00:49:01,017 "Well, I'm smoking less than 20 feet from a building, 1069 00:49:01,017 --> 00:49:03,075 "and I am littering, and I am killing animals, 1070 00:49:03,075 --> 00:49:05,042 "and eating them. 1071 00:49:05,042 --> 00:49:08,000 "And I leave my vehicle running 'cause I read about 1072 00:49:08,000 --> 00:49:12,083 "global warming and it's too cold. 1073 00:49:15,083 --> 00:49:19,033 "So I just run my SUV every day for a couple hours, 1074 00:49:19,033 --> 00:49:26,017 "and occasionally I just get aerosol cans, and I just unload. 1075 00:49:26,017 --> 00:49:29,083 "If you would like, you can come in with me, eat some meat. 1076 00:49:29,083 --> 00:49:32,038 "I'll give you a cigarette, we can drive down to the river, 1077 00:49:32,038 --> 00:49:42,096 and we could just put our ashes on the salmon, smoked salmon." 1078 00:49:46,029 --> 00:49:50,058 And see if you don't have a full-on Pharisee, right? 1079 00:49:50,058 --> 00:49:52,088 Atheistic Pharisees show up. 1080 00:49:52,088 --> 00:49:55,012 We'll deal with Christians as well, alright? 1081 00:49:55,012 --> 00:49:56,017 Okay, so we're Reformed. 1082 00:49:56,017 --> 00:49:57,058 We'll pick on Calvinists. 1083 00:49:57,058 --> 00:50:00,004 The Westminster Confession of Faith, which is pretty good, 1084 00:50:00,004 --> 00:50:03,000 in chapter 21, point number, I think it's 8, 1085 00:50:03,000 --> 00:50:05,012 says that on the Sabbath you're not allowed to do 1086 00:50:05,012 --> 00:50:08,079 anything that's, "recreation," recreation. 1087 00:50:08,079 --> 00:50:10,046 So no sport, no fun. 1088 00:50:10,046 --> 00:50:14,029 So if you're Presbyterian, this is it, which means yesterday 1089 00:50:14,029 --> 00:50:17,017 when I took my sons to T-ball and baseball and threw the ball 1090 00:50:17,017 --> 00:50:19,071 around with them, if I was in a Presbyterian church 1091 00:50:19,071 --> 00:50:20,075 that strictly adhered to 1092 00:50:20,075 --> 00:50:22,017 the Westminster Confession of Faith, 1093 00:50:22,017 --> 00:50:25,038 I'm in sin 'cause I played catch. 1094 00:50:25,038 --> 00:50:27,067 I don't think that's what Jesus meant. 1095 00:50:27,067 --> 00:50:30,000 I don't think that's what the Bible meant. 1096 00:50:30,000 --> 00:50:32,079 How about other Christian legalisms? 1097 00:50:32,079 --> 00:50:34,029 Do you know at Mars Hill Church, 1098 00:50:34,029 --> 00:50:35,092 we can have our own legalisms as well? 1099 00:50:35,092 --> 00:50:38,012 I'll give you two that a lot of ladies here are prone toward, 1100 00:50:38,012 --> 00:50:41,046 natural childbirth and home schooling. 1101 00:50:41,046 --> 00:50:42,083 They go together like two barrels on a gun 1102 00:50:42,083 --> 00:50:45,075 to shoot the other women. 1103 00:50:45,075 --> 00:50:49,017 Natural childbirth is where you don't use drugs, right? 1104 00:50:49,017 --> 00:50:51,033 You're like, "I understand the crucifixion 1105 00:50:51,033 --> 00:50:52,088 "'cause I felt the pain. 1106 00:50:52,088 --> 00:50:55,088 I committed myself to natural childbirth." 1107 00:50:55,088 --> 00:50:59,021 Right, and natural childbirth is fine, it's great. 1108 00:50:59,021 --> 00:51:01,000 You can do it, praise God, you got options, 1109 00:51:01,000 --> 00:51:03,046 but it doesn't work for everybody. 1110 00:51:03,046 --> 00:51:05,075 Some ladies need to go to the hospital, and I saw it, 1111 00:51:05,075 --> 00:51:08,067 I've been there for five births, each of my kids. 1112 00:51:08,067 --> 00:51:11,096 The first one, Grace is in labor for like 20 hours, 1113 00:51:11,096 --> 00:51:13,058 my Shrek-size head, her body. 1114 00:51:13,058 --> 00:51:15,012 The doctor finally comes to me and says, 1115 00:51:15,012 --> 00:51:17,004 "We cannot make this geometry work." 1116 00:51:17,004 --> 00:51:19,000 I understand. 1117 00:51:19,000 --> 00:51:22,058 I can't even find a hat that fits. 1118 00:51:22,058 --> 00:51:24,096 "We're gonna need to do an emergency c-section," 1119 00:51:24,096 --> 00:51:26,071 which kind of freaked me out. 1120 00:51:26,071 --> 00:51:27,096 So they rush her in. 1121 00:51:27,096 --> 00:51:30,000 They say, "We're gonna need to do an epidural." 1122 00:51:30,000 --> 00:51:31,017 "What is that?" 1123 00:51:31,017 --> 00:51:32,050 "Well, that's where we tap her spine, 1124 00:51:32,050 --> 00:51:35,017 "and we put drugs in there to numb the pain so she 1125 00:51:35,017 --> 00:51:37,017 can endure the C-section." 1126 00:51:37,017 --> 00:51:39,021 And then they cut her open, they take her organs out. 1127 00:51:39,021 --> 00:51:43,000 I'm there watching the whole thing, and at one point 1128 00:51:43,000 --> 00:51:45,067 the nurse looks at me and says, "Do you need anything?" 1129 00:51:45,067 --> 00:51:54,071 "Yes, I need an epidural, 'cause I'm freaking out, man. 1130 00:51:54,071 --> 00:51:57,062 Hook me up to whatever she's got." 1131 00:51:57,062 --> 00:52:00,046 But the natural childbirth crowd, it's like, 1132 00:52:00,046 --> 00:52:02,088 "Oh, that is not very Christ-like. 1133 00:52:02,088 --> 00:52:04,079 I suffered for my baby." 1134 00:52:04,079 --> 00:52:08,075 And then it turns into home schooling becomes legalistic, 1135 00:52:08,075 --> 00:52:11,025 it becomes the only way do it. 1136 00:52:11,025 --> 00:52:13,029 Not against home schooling, it's totally fine, 1137 00:52:13,029 --> 00:52:16,033 but some of you ladies, it's like, "I do natural childbirth, 1138 00:52:16,033 --> 00:52:20,067 and I do home schooling, and I didn't do drugs for either." 1139 00:52:20,067 --> 00:52:30,042 Well, that's cool, but don't get so religious about it. 1140 00:52:31,092 --> 00:52:34,083 Oh, that was fun. 1141 00:52:34,083 --> 00:52:39,058 We will now read from the Bob Jones University handbook, 1142 00:52:39,058 --> 00:52:42,038 because we can. 1143 00:52:42,038 --> 00:52:45,062 It's not in my Bible, so don't get confused if you're new. 1144 00:52:45,062 --> 00:52:48,017 I just taped it in here. 1145 00:52:48,017 --> 00:52:51,075 Bob Jones is like Mecca for Christian fundamentalist 1146 00:52:51,075 --> 00:52:55,071 religious types, and it may be a little bit of a stretch to call 1147 00:52:55,071 --> 00:52:59,050 them Pharisees but, you know, there are Christian people 1148 00:52:59,050 --> 00:53:02,033 who really are legalistic, and they love their rules, 1149 00:53:02,033 --> 00:53:06,067 and certain places tend to encourage that. 1150 00:53:06,067 --> 00:53:10,050 The Bob Jones University handbook, years 1994, 1995, 1151 00:53:10,050 --> 00:53:12,058 not that far ago. 1152 00:53:12,058 --> 00:53:15,050 "All women students, ninth grade and above are to wear hose 1153 00:53:15,050 --> 00:53:17,067 at all time." 1154 00:53:17,067 --> 00:53:19,021 I wonder if that includes sleeping. 1155 00:53:19,021 --> 00:53:21,046 I just thought of that. 1156 00:53:21,046 --> 00:53:25,038 "Jean skirts and jumpers are permitted after 7:00 p.m. 1157 00:53:25,038 --> 00:53:28,033 "on weekdays, 1158 00:53:28,033 --> 00:53:32,096 "on Saturdays, and on outings, Jean jackets are permitted 1159 00:53:32,096 --> 00:53:34,050 "on outings only. 1160 00:53:34,050 --> 00:53:38,025 Split skirts, not culottes," that's what it says, 1161 00:53:38,025 --> 00:53:41,083 "May be worn to weekend ball games." 1162 00:53:41,083 --> 00:53:42,083 Oh, that's good. 1163 00:53:42,083 --> 00:53:44,050 For you men, "Coats and ties should be worn to 1164 00:53:44,050 --> 00:53:47,054 evening assemblies." 1165 00:53:47,054 --> 00:53:49,067 Imagine if our evening service, all the guys are walking in 1166 00:53:49,067 --> 00:53:52,025 in suits and ties. 1167 00:53:52,025 --> 00:53:53,050 "Man, are the Mormons taking us over? 1168 00:53:53,050 --> 00:53:56,038 What happened at Mars Hill?" 1169 00:53:56,038 --> 00:53:58,012 "When on front campus on Sundays, 1170 00:53:58,012 --> 00:54:00,062 except for Sunday breakfast when only a tie is required." 1171 00:54:00,062 --> 00:54:02,042 "Haircuts," you knew this was coming. 1172 00:54:02,042 --> 00:54:04,062 "Men are to have their hair cut so the back is tapered 1173 00:54:04,062 --> 00:54:06,079 "and does not come over the collar or ears. 1174 00:54:06,079 --> 00:54:08,033 "Sideburns are to be no longer 1175 00:54:08,033 --> 00:54:09,058 "than the lower opening of the ear. 1176 00:54:09,058 --> 00:54:12,062 Mustaches and beards are not permitted." 1177 00:54:12,062 --> 00:54:14,017 That would be hard for me 'cause I grow a beard in 1178 00:54:14,017 --> 00:54:17,017 like 17 minutes. 1179 00:54:17,017 --> 00:54:20,054 My dad Chewbacca. 1180 00:54:20,054 --> 00:54:23,033 "In front the hair must not fall lower than two finger-widths 1181 00:54:23,033 --> 00:54:24,038 above the eyebrows." 1182 00:54:24,038 --> 00:54:25,088 And you know there was some little Nazi 1183 00:54:25,088 --> 00:54:27,017 walking around checking. 1184 00:54:27,017 --> 00:54:30,033 That kid, like, "Oh, I'm gonna be a deacon, 1185 00:54:30,033 --> 00:54:33,021 that's what I'm gonna be." 1186 00:54:35,079 --> 00:54:37,096 They would have to kick Samson out of school. 1187 00:54:37,096 --> 00:54:40,029 "Oh, long hair, there you go." 1188 00:54:40,029 --> 00:54:43,092 "Dormitory students may watch only G-rated home videos 1189 00:54:43,092 --> 00:54:44,096 "while visiting in town. 1190 00:54:44,096 --> 00:54:47,088 VCRs are not permitted in the dormitories." 1191 00:54:47,088 --> 00:54:49,021 You'll love this, Mars Hill. 1192 00:54:49,021 --> 00:54:52,025 "Students may listen to only three types of music. 1193 00:54:52,025 --> 00:54:54,008 "Number one: classical. 1194 00:54:54,008 --> 00:54:56,029 Number two: semi-classical." 1195 00:54:56,029 --> 00:54:58,038 [laughing] 1196 00:54:58,038 --> 00:55:01,012 That is awesome. 1197 00:55:01,012 --> 00:55:03,079 "Three: serious religious music." 1198 00:55:03,079 --> 00:55:05,038 Like Muslim chants? 1199 00:55:05,038 --> 00:55:07,008 They don't even qualify that. 1200 00:55:07,008 --> 00:55:09,017 And it goes on to say you can't listen to folk music or rock 1201 00:55:09,017 --> 00:55:13,046 music or serious religious music or classic music done in a folk 1202 00:55:13,046 --> 00:55:17,042 or rock style, and you cannot listen to new age music, 1203 00:55:17,042 --> 00:55:20,021 and there's a whole paper in the dean's office that explains what 1204 00:55:20,021 --> 00:55:23,079 new age music is, and its dangers. 1205 00:55:23,079 --> 00:55:27,062 And this is interesting, this next policy was in place till 1206 00:55:27,062 --> 00:55:30,008 the year 2000, you ready? 1207 00:55:30,008 --> 00:55:32,042 Interracial dating. 1208 00:55:32,042 --> 00:55:35,071 "There is to be no interracial dating. 1209 00:55:35,071 --> 00:55:38,067 "Students who become partners in an interracial marriage 1210 00:55:38,067 --> 00:55:41,088 "will be expelled. 1211 00:55:41,088 --> 00:55:45,025 "Students who are members of, or affiliated with, any group or 1212 00:55:45,025 --> 00:55:48,054 "organization which holds interracial marriage as one 1213 00:55:48,054 --> 00:55:51,058 "of its goals or advocates interracial marriage 1214 00:55:51,058 --> 00:55:53,025 will be expelled." 1215 00:55:53,025 --> 00:55:54,083 That's the Christian fundamentalist doctrine 1216 00:55:54,083 --> 00:55:56,079 of degrees of separation. 1217 00:55:56,079 --> 00:55:58,067 You can't marry someone of another race, 1218 00:55:58,067 --> 00:56:00,079 and you can't be in an organization that will marry 1219 00:56:00,079 --> 00:56:03,062 someone of another race otherwise you're guilty 1220 00:56:03,062 --> 00:56:05,038 by association. 1221 00:56:05,038 --> 00:56:07,038 "Students who date outside of their own race 1222 00:56:07,038 --> 00:56:13,062 will be expelled," until the year 2000. 1223 00:56:13,062 --> 00:56:19,021 They would have to kick Moses out because he married a woman 1224 00:56:19,021 --> 00:56:23,017 who was, the Scripture tells us, black. 1225 00:56:23,017 --> 00:56:27,071 So Moses, who wrote the first five books of the Old Testament, 1226 00:56:27,071 --> 00:56:30,058 would have to get kicked out of school. 1227 00:56:30,058 --> 00:56:35,042 My point is, back to my preface, legalism makes you bold, 1228 00:56:35,042 --> 00:56:40,017 unbiblical, arrogant, and unloving. 1229 00:56:40,017 --> 00:56:42,071 And lastly, here's the big problem, 1230 00:56:42,071 --> 00:56:46,050 legalism makes you dangerous, makes you dangerous. 1231 00:56:46,050 --> 00:56:50,033 Luke 6:11, "But they were filled with fury and discussed with 1232 00:56:50,033 --> 00:56:52,083 one another what they might do to Jesus." 1233 00:56:52,083 --> 00:56:55,033 See, Jesus breaks their rules, not the Bible rules. 1234 00:56:55,033 --> 00:56:56,096 He does so publicly. 1235 00:56:56,096 --> 00:56:58,083 He takes them on. 1236 00:56:58,083 --> 00:57:01,088 They pick the fight, but he's not gonna lose it. 1237 00:57:01,088 --> 00:57:06,021 And what they decide is, "We are furious." 1238 00:57:06,021 --> 00:57:09,021 And religious people attack, and they get angry, 1239 00:57:09,021 --> 00:57:10,025 and they defend their idols. 1240 00:57:10,025 --> 00:57:11,067 Anytime you attack someone's idol, 1241 00:57:11,067 --> 00:57:14,058 people tend to get very violent to defend their idol. 1242 00:57:14,058 --> 00:57:17,046 When your idol is religion, you tend to get violent defending 1243 00:57:17,046 --> 00:57:21,050 your religion, which is your idol. 1244 00:57:21,050 --> 00:57:24,042 And apparently for them, it's a sin for Jesus to heal on the 1245 00:57:24,042 --> 00:57:28,033 Sabbath, but it's not a sin for them to plot his murder on 1246 00:57:28,033 --> 00:57:32,033 the Sabbath, which is curious indeed. 1247 00:57:32,033 --> 00:57:35,000 Religion makes you very dangerous, 1248 00:57:35,000 --> 00:57:39,008 legalism makes you very dangerous. 1249 00:57:39,008 --> 00:57:44,050 It could kill everything that we enjoy of God's grace. 1250 00:57:46,000 --> 00:57:49,038 There are, I think, seven steps to becoming a legalist. 1251 00:57:49,038 --> 00:57:54,004 I'll share them with you, so you cannot do them by God's grace, 1252 00:57:54,004 --> 00:57:58,096 and not parent your children to become little legalists. 1253 00:57:58,096 --> 00:58:00,067 Here's how you become a legalist. 1254 00:58:00,067 --> 00:58:03,042 Number one: make rules outside of the Bible. 1255 00:58:03,042 --> 00:58:08,017 Make rules outside the Bible that are equal to the Bible. 1256 00:58:08,017 --> 00:58:11,054 Number two: push yourself to try and keep your rules. 1257 00:58:11,054 --> 00:58:13,021 "I'm gonna get up at this time, I'm gonna read this many verses. 1258 00:58:13,021 --> 00:58:16,004 I'm gonna give this--" You make a punch list, 1259 00:58:16,004 --> 00:58:17,067 and you work really hard, really devout, 1260 00:58:17,067 --> 00:58:23,050 really serious to really be a Varsity-committed believer. 1261 00:58:23,050 --> 00:58:26,042 And it's not bad to be zealous, provided you're zealous for 1262 00:58:26,042 --> 00:58:30,083 the right things, like love, and grace, and mercy. 1263 00:58:30,083 --> 00:58:34,008 Number three: castigate yourself when you don't keep your rules. 1264 00:58:34,008 --> 00:58:35,083 Beat yourself up, punish yourself, 1265 00:58:35,083 --> 00:58:37,058 put yourself in the position of God. 1266 00:58:37,058 --> 00:58:39,083 Make your own rules, be your own judge, 1267 00:58:39,083 --> 00:58:43,021 and then atone for your own sin. 1268 00:58:43,021 --> 00:58:45,000 Number four: become proud when you do keep the rules. 1269 00:58:45,000 --> 00:58:46,004 "I did it. 1270 00:58:46,004 --> 00:58:47,038 "I got up early, I served hard. 1271 00:58:47,038 --> 00:58:48,038 "I gave a lot. 1272 00:58:48,038 --> 00:58:49,038 "I was committed. 1273 00:58:49,038 --> 00:58:50,038 "I was devoted. 1274 00:58:50,038 --> 00:58:51,038 "I did it! 1275 00:58:51,038 --> 00:58:54,029 I'm a good person, better than others." 1276 00:58:54,029 --> 00:58:57,021 Number five: appoint yourself as judge over people. 1277 00:58:57,021 --> 00:58:59,033 "Oh, you didn't do the thing that I do, 1278 00:58:59,033 --> 00:59:01,033 "you don't do it as well as I do. 1279 00:59:01,033 --> 00:59:03,021 "You should do it like I do. 1280 00:59:03,021 --> 00:59:05,025 "I judge you, I follow you around. 1281 00:59:05,025 --> 00:59:06,050 "I criticize you. 1282 00:59:06,050 --> 00:59:12,008 I do to you what the Pharisees did to Jesus." 1283 00:59:12,008 --> 00:59:13,058 Get angry with people who break your rules 1284 00:59:13,058 --> 00:59:14,062 or have different rules. 1285 00:59:14,062 --> 00:59:16,071 "How dare you break my rules?" 1286 00:59:16,071 --> 00:59:18,050 If you're a parent that parents like this, 1287 00:59:18,050 --> 00:59:20,029 you'll destroy a child. 1288 00:59:20,029 --> 00:59:21,083 If you're a boss who leads like this, 1289 00:59:21,083 --> 00:59:24,067 you'll destroy an employee. 1290 00:59:24,067 --> 00:59:26,000 If you're a community group leader, 1291 00:59:26,000 --> 00:59:29,000 a deacon or a pastor or a spiritual leader who leads like 1292 00:59:29,000 --> 00:59:34,004 this, you will destroy people by either them becoming devastated, 1293 00:59:34,004 --> 00:59:37,008 broken religious people or proud self-righteous 1294 00:59:37,008 --> 00:59:39,083 violent Pharisees. 1295 00:59:39,083 --> 00:59:43,025 And then number seven: you just beat the losers. 1296 00:59:43,025 --> 00:59:44,075 "You didn't obey my rules. 1297 00:59:44,075 --> 00:59:45,083 "You didn't listen to me. 1298 00:59:45,083 --> 00:59:46,083 "You do it the way I do it. 1299 00:59:46,083 --> 00:59:50,000 You don't do it as well as I do it. 1300 00:59:50,000 --> 00:59:53,000 "Yeah, I know it's not in the Bible but through intimidation, 1301 00:59:53,000 --> 00:59:56,000 "coercion, force, threatening, me and my friends, 1302 00:59:56,000 --> 00:59:57,008 "we're gonna swarm on you. 1303 00:59:57,008 --> 00:59:58,038 "We're gonna criticize you. 1304 00:59:58,038 --> 00:59:59,079 "We're gonna say things about you. 1305 00:59:59,079 --> 01:00:02,008 "We're gonna pressure you, verbally, emotionally, 1306 01:00:02,008 --> 01:00:04,033 spiritually, sometimes even physically," 1307 01:00:04,033 --> 01:00:06,012 as they did with the murder of Jesus. 1308 01:00:06,012 --> 01:00:09,062 "We're going to beat you, we're going to punish you. 1309 01:00:09,062 --> 01:00:11,062 "We're not gonna draw you in with love. 1310 01:00:11,062 --> 01:00:13,025 "We're gonna coerce you through fear, 1311 01:00:13,025 --> 01:00:18,012 "intimidation, and force 'cause we don't care about the heart. 1312 01:00:18,012 --> 01:00:19,096 "We just want you to paint by numbers. 1313 01:00:19,096 --> 01:00:23,021 "We want to decide the numbers, 1314 01:00:23,021 --> 01:00:28,004 and we just want you to shut up and paint." 1315 01:00:28,004 --> 01:00:29,046 That's religion. 1316 01:00:29,046 --> 01:00:31,000 That's legalism. 1317 01:00:31,000 --> 01:00:32,067 And you know what? 1318 01:00:32,067 --> 01:00:34,021 At Mars Hill, I wrote this down, 1319 01:00:34,021 --> 01:00:37,029 I think the campuses that are most susceptible to religion 1320 01:00:37,029 --> 01:00:41,046 and to legalism are the Federal Way Campus, the Olympia Campus, 1321 01:00:41,046 --> 01:00:43,092 the West Seattle Campus, the Bellevue Campus, 1322 01:00:43,092 --> 01:00:46,017 the Lake City Campus, the Shoreline Campus, 1323 01:00:46,017 --> 01:00:49,004 and the Albuquerque Campus 'cause it's steeped, 1324 01:00:49,004 --> 01:00:50,071 that whole city is, in Catholicism. 1325 01:00:50,071 --> 01:00:53,079 I'll go on record and say it. 1326 01:00:53,079 --> 01:00:57,012 Legalism and religion are real threats to the health 1327 01:00:57,012 --> 01:00:59,067 and well-being of those campuses. 1328 01:00:59,067 --> 01:01:03,008 Now for Ballard, Downtown, and the UW Campuses, 1329 01:01:03,008 --> 01:01:08,067 the real threat and risk is reverse legalism. 1330 01:01:08,067 --> 01:01:10,062 "Oh, they don't drink? 1331 01:01:10,062 --> 01:01:12,046 "We're gonna drink. 1332 01:01:12,046 --> 01:01:14,054 "Oh, they don't smoke? 1333 01:01:14,054 --> 01:01:18,083 We'll smoke a pack a day to show our freedom in Christ." 1334 01:01:18,083 --> 01:01:20,067 Right? 1335 01:01:20,067 --> 01:01:23,021 "Oh, they tithe, we're not gonna tithe. 1336 01:01:23,021 --> 01:01:26,050 "That's how free in Christ we are. 1337 01:01:26,050 --> 01:01:28,054 "Oh, they serve, well, we're not any of that kind of 1338 01:01:28,054 --> 01:01:32,017 "works theology, we have a nap theology. 1339 01:01:32,017 --> 01:01:33,088 "We sleep like Calvinists. 1340 01:01:33,088 --> 01:01:39,062 "We don't do anything, Jesus said, 'It's finished.' 1341 01:01:39,062 --> 01:01:42,092 "So we're done. 1342 01:01:42,092 --> 01:01:46,083 "Oh, they read their Bible every day, oh, that's a lot. 1343 01:01:46,083 --> 01:01:51,075 "Yeah, we don't have a list like that, yeah, we're not legalists. 1344 01:01:51,075 --> 01:01:54,050 "We don't read the Bible at all. 1345 01:01:54,050 --> 01:01:56,029 "Don't want to get all religious, 1346 01:01:56,029 --> 01:02:00,046 "read a book or pray or serve or care or give. 1347 01:02:00,046 --> 01:02:01,054 "We're free in Christ. 1348 01:02:01,054 --> 01:02:02,071 "Anybody see my pants? 1349 01:02:02,071 --> 01:02:06,017 I go to the Ballard campus," right? 1350 01:02:06,017 --> 01:02:08,067 We can be total reverse legalists. 1351 01:02:08,067 --> 01:02:11,012 "Oh, that church doesn't use instruments, we got a punk band, 1352 01:02:11,012 --> 01:02:14,062 yee-haw, thank you, Jesus," right? 1353 01:02:14,062 --> 01:02:16,033 And we can just be reverse legalists, 1354 01:02:16,033 --> 01:02:19,058 and we could appoint ourselves as judges. 1355 01:02:19,058 --> 01:02:21,050 We could judge all the religious people, 1356 01:02:21,050 --> 01:02:27,038 and we could condemn them, and we could feel holier than they 1357 01:02:27,038 --> 01:02:32,050 are because they're trying so hard, and we don't do anything. 1358 01:02:32,050 --> 01:02:34,021 And so for seven of our campuses, 1359 01:02:34,021 --> 01:02:36,000 I think religion is a real threat. 1360 01:02:36,000 --> 01:02:38,050 For three of our campuses, I think reverse religion, 1361 01:02:38,050 --> 01:02:41,062 reverse legalism is a real threat. 1362 01:02:41,062 --> 01:02:46,008 And the answer is not to be a legalist and not to be someone 1363 01:02:46,008 --> 01:02:49,088 who is a libertine, not to be someone who is religious, 1364 01:02:49,088 --> 01:02:52,025 and not to be someone who is irreligious, 1365 01:02:52,025 --> 01:02:57,029 but the whole point is really what the Pharisees 1366 01:02:57,029 --> 01:02:59,096 and the scribes were missing on the Sabbath, 1367 01:02:59,096 --> 01:03:03,029 and that is that the Sabbath is a day to stop working, 1368 01:03:03,029 --> 01:03:06,054 and just rest in the finished work of Jesus, 1369 01:03:06,054 --> 01:03:10,042 to stop impressing God, and start enjoying him. 1370 01:03:10,042 --> 01:03:13,046 To stop doing things for him, 1371 01:03:13,046 --> 01:03:17,038 and acknowledge what he's done for you. 1372 01:03:17,038 --> 01:03:20,092 See, religion and irreligion, legalism, 1373 01:03:20,092 --> 01:03:25,075 and what I'll call licentiousness or lawlessness, 1374 01:03:25,075 --> 01:03:29,054 all it is is just trying to find a way to be righteous 1375 01:03:29,054 --> 01:03:33,025 in the sight of God by what you do or do not do. 1376 01:03:33,025 --> 01:03:35,092 And the truth is Jesus lived the perfect life. 1377 01:03:35,092 --> 01:03:37,054 He died a substitutionary death, 1378 01:03:37,054 --> 01:03:42,004 and he rises to give the gift of righteousness. 1379 01:03:42,004 --> 01:03:46,092 So on the Sabbath day, we stop trying to be more righteous, 1380 01:03:46,092 --> 01:03:50,029 and we receive the righteousness of Jesus. 1381 01:03:50,029 --> 01:03:52,071 That's what they missed. 1382 01:03:52,071 --> 01:03:55,000 So now that I've got you all, right, 1383 01:03:55,000 --> 01:03:56,079 we made a lot of the fun of the religious people, 1384 01:03:56,079 --> 01:03:57,083 and you know what? 1385 01:03:57,083 --> 01:04:01,000 The irreligious people are just another form of religion. 1386 01:04:01,000 --> 01:04:03,088 We've made fun of the legalists, but those who are lawless 1387 01:04:03,088 --> 01:04:06,054 and don't obey even the rules in the Bible, 1388 01:04:06,054 --> 01:04:10,025 they've got a reverse legalism going on. 1389 01:04:10,025 --> 01:04:11,067 Those of you who are legalists, 1390 01:04:11,067 --> 01:04:13,079 repent of your legalism in religion. 1391 01:04:13,079 --> 01:04:15,083 Those of you who are lawless and irreligious, 1392 01:04:15,083 --> 01:04:18,058 repent of your lawlessness and irreligion. 1393 01:04:18,058 --> 01:04:23,054 Come to Jesus, all of us, receiving his death for our sin, 1394 01:04:23,054 --> 01:04:25,096 his righteousness for our unrighteousness, 1395 01:04:25,096 --> 01:04:29,088 let him do a work for us, let him do a work in us, so that by 1396 01:04:29,088 --> 01:04:34,012 grace he might do a work through us, that wouldn't contribute to 1397 01:04:34,012 --> 01:04:36,071 our righteousness, but would be an outflowing of his 1398 01:04:36,071 --> 01:04:40,042 gifted to us, Amen? 1399 01:04:40,042 --> 01:04:43,062 So I hope I've got you all. 1400 01:04:43,062 --> 01:04:45,054 We had a few laughs at the religious people, 1401 01:04:45,054 --> 01:04:47,062 but the truth is there's a little bit of religion 1402 01:04:47,062 --> 01:04:48,083 in all of us. 1403 01:04:48,083 --> 01:04:51,083 Martin Luther rightly said, "Religion is the default mode of 1404 01:04:51,083 --> 01:04:53,092 the human heart." 1405 01:04:53,092 --> 01:04:57,033 So let us not just start by criticizing the Pharisees, 1406 01:04:57,033 --> 01:04:59,088 because if we do so too wholeheartedly, 1407 01:04:59,088 --> 01:05:04,083 we're becoming one, by appointing ourselves in 1408 01:05:04,083 --> 01:05:08,042 the position of righteous, religious judge. 1409 01:05:08,042 --> 01:05:10,012 That's Jesus' job. 1410 01:05:10,012 --> 01:05:12,046 I'll pray. 1411 01:05:12,046 --> 01:05:16,021 Father God, I pray for those who would hear this and really 1412 01:05:16,021 --> 01:05:18,058 struggle with religion. 1413 01:05:18,058 --> 01:05:21,042 I pray for those who would struggle with irreligion. 1414 01:05:21,042 --> 01:05:23,042 I pray for those who would struggle with legalism. 1415 01:05:23,042 --> 01:05:26,050 I pray for those who would struggle with lawlessness 1416 01:05:26,050 --> 01:05:29,012 or licentiousness. 1417 01:05:29,012 --> 01:05:32,004 I pray for those, Lord God, who would have a proclivity to add 1418 01:05:32,004 --> 01:05:33,079 to the Scriptures. 1419 01:05:33,079 --> 01:05:36,025 I pray for those who would have a proclivity to ignore whole 1420 01:05:36,025 --> 01:05:39,000 portions of the Scriptures. 1421 01:05:39,000 --> 01:05:41,058 Father God, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, 1422 01:05:41,058 --> 01:05:44,000 we repent of our religion, our irreligion, 1423 01:05:44,000 --> 01:05:46,083 our legalism, and our lawlessness 1424 01:05:46,083 --> 01:05:52,038 of adding to, and subtracting from, the perfection of 1425 01:05:52,038 --> 01:05:54,021 Scripture in the finished work of Jesus. 1426 01:05:54,021 --> 01:05:57,050 Please give us the grace to not just laugh at others, 1427 01:05:57,050 --> 01:06:01,050 but also laugh at ourselves, so that we might take you 1428 01:06:01,050 --> 01:06:03,083 seriously, but not ourselves. 1429 01:06:03,083 --> 01:06:06,075 In Jesus' name, Amen. 1430 01:06:07,025 --> 00:00:00,000