1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,267 2 00:00:00,333 --> 00:00:02,700 Hi, Pastor Mark here in Jerusalem, 3 00:00:02,767 --> 00:00:06,100 actually on location at the Church of the Ascension 4 00:00:06,167 --> 00:00:07,500 on the Mount of Olives, 5 00:00:07,567 --> 00:00:09,367 the place where tradition records that 6 00:00:09,433 --> 00:00:13,200 Jesus ascended into heaven after his resurrection from death. 7 00:00:13,267 --> 00:00:15,333 Surrounded by the Muslim quarters, 8 00:00:15,367 --> 00:00:18,533 it was most interesting and curious getting in here 9 00:00:18,600 --> 00:00:22,100 and as we were walking around we noticed this barren, 10 00:00:22,167 --> 00:00:25,067 unhealthy, unfruitful, unpleasant fig tree 11 00:00:25,167 --> 00:00:28,700 and it reminded me of Luke 13 where Jesus says, 12 00:00:28,767 --> 00:00:32,000 beginning in verse 6, "And he told this parable: 13 00:00:32,033 --> 00:00:35,267 "'A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, 14 00:00:35,333 --> 00:00:38,767 "'and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. 15 00:00:38,833 --> 00:00:40,367 "'And he said to the vinedresser, 16 00:00:40,433 --> 00:00:43,400 "'"Look, for three years now I have come seeking fruit 17 00:00:43,500 --> 00:00:46,000 "'"on this fig tree, and I find none. 18 00:00:46,067 --> 00:00:47,667 "'"Cut it down. 19 00:00:47,733 --> 00:00:50,000 "'"Why should it use up the ground?" 20 00:00:50,033 --> 00:00:53,067 "'And he answered him, "Sir, let it alone this year also, 21 00:00:53,167 --> 00:00:56,167 "'"until I dig around it and put on manure. 22 00:00:56,200 --> 00:00:59,067 "'"Then if it should bear fruit next year, well and good; 23 00:00:59,167 --> 00:01:03,167 but if not, you can cut it down."'" 24 00:01:10,100 --> 00:01:17,100 [music] 25 00:01:33,500 --> 00:01:35,067 Howdy Mars Hill. 26 00:01:35,167 --> 00:01:36,767 We are back in Luke's gospel. 27 00:01:36,833 --> 00:01:38,600 We started it last fall. 28 00:01:38,667 --> 00:01:43,167 Actually, that would be now a long time ago, two falls ago, 29 00:01:43,233 --> 00:01:45,500 and we'll finish it the fall of this year. 30 00:01:45,567 --> 00:01:48,200 And we find ourselves in about the middle of the book, 31 00:01:48,267 --> 00:01:51,000 Luke 13:6-9. 32 00:01:51,067 --> 00:01:54,100 As you're finding that place in your Bible or on your app, 33 00:01:54,167 --> 00:01:57,667 we wanted to let you know that the big theme for today 34 00:01:57,700 --> 00:01:59,267 is fruitfulness. 35 00:01:59,333 --> 00:02:03,000 And in light of that I wanted to do a brief summary of last year, 36 00:02:03,067 --> 00:02:05,167 which was by God's grace and your faithfulness 37 00:02:05,200 --> 00:02:07,667 the most fruitful year we've ever had as a church. 38 00:02:07,733 --> 00:02:10,200 Under the leadership of Pastor Jamie Munson 39 00:02:10,267 --> 00:02:13,333 and Pastor Tim Beltz, our annual report will be forthcoming 40 00:02:13,367 --> 00:02:14,733 in about a month. 41 00:02:14,833 --> 00:02:17,500 Right now all of the MBAs and CPAs at Mars Hill 42 00:02:17,567 --> 00:02:21,167 are back to work compiling all of the year-end giving 43 00:02:21,200 --> 00:02:22,933 and attendance and details. 44 00:02:23,000 --> 00:02:25,700 That'll all be published as an annual report. 45 00:02:25,767 --> 00:02:28,667 But the good news is, kind of the snapshot is, 46 00:02:28,700 --> 00:02:30,600 it was the best year we've ever had. 47 00:02:30,667 --> 00:02:34,333 We saw more church services, over 1,300, on Sundays. 48 00:02:34,400 --> 00:02:36,500 We saw more people attend Mars Hill, 49 00:02:36,567 --> 00:02:41,833 over 440,000 people in total on Sundays alone. 50 00:02:41,900 --> 00:02:45,000 Our community groups grew to the highest number ever, 51 00:02:45,033 --> 00:02:48,500 more than 400 groups, now pushing 500 groups. 52 00:02:48,533 --> 00:02:51,900 We saw more addicts and abuse victims by God's grace helped in 53 00:02:52,000 --> 00:02:55,333 Redemption Groups and the book for that is finished and will be 54 00:02:55,400 --> 00:02:59,233 out within weeks by one of our pastors, Mike Wilkerson. 55 00:02:59,333 --> 00:03:01,867 In addition, Justin Holcomb, one of our elders, 56 00:03:01,933 --> 00:03:05,900 has finished along with his wife their book for those who 57 00:03:06,000 --> 00:03:07,667 have been sexually abused. 58 00:03:07,700 --> 00:03:10,333 That is on its way out any day now as well, 59 00:03:10,367 --> 00:03:13,200 and so we've been able to help a lot of people there. 60 00:03:13,267 --> 00:03:15,700 We gave away more money than ever to church planting. 61 00:03:15,767 --> 00:03:18,900 We gave away more money than ever to the poor and those in 62 00:03:19,000 --> 00:03:21,567 need, including a large donation to Haiti, and I'll be returning 63 00:03:21,667 --> 00:03:24,367 there very shortly for a return visit to see how things 64 00:03:24,433 --> 00:03:27,100 are going with our service there. 65 00:03:27,167 --> 00:03:30,600 Additionally, we have seen more baptisms, I believe, 66 00:03:30,667 --> 00:03:34,500 than perhaps ever, almost 800 people meeting Jesus 67 00:03:34,567 --> 00:03:37,500 this year and getting baptized as new Christians. 68 00:03:37,533 --> 00:03:40,400 And the good news is that every single campus 69 00:03:40,500 --> 00:03:42,500 of Mars Hill Church grew this year. 70 00:03:42,533 --> 00:03:45,200 Not one has plateaud, not one is declining. 71 00:03:45,267 --> 00:03:48,600 Every single campus of Mars Hill Church is growing 72 00:03:48,667 --> 00:03:51,200 and we beat budget and brought in more money 73 00:03:51,267 --> 00:03:52,833 than we even needed. 74 00:03:52,900 --> 00:03:54,833 Praise God, thank you. 75 00:03:54,900 --> 00:03:58,500 Great year, great year. 76 00:03:58,533 --> 00:04:01,833 I took, I don't know what it was, 5, 6 weeks off. 77 00:04:01,867 --> 00:04:05,067 I had a fantastic vacation and break with my family to work on 78 00:04:05,167 --> 00:04:08,867 writing a book on marriage with Gracie, got time with the kids. 79 00:04:08,933 --> 00:04:12,500 And while I was gone, attendance was great, giving was up, 80 00:04:12,533 --> 00:04:16,233 so apparently that's the key to all of our financial problems. 81 00:04:16,333 --> 00:04:19,167 And sometimes the accusation against a big church is, 82 00:04:19,200 --> 00:04:21,100 "Well, it's all about one man." 83 00:04:21,167 --> 00:04:24,833 It is, his name's Jesus and when I'm on vacation he's still here- 84 00:04:24,867 --> 00:04:27,433 everything's fine, and the other elders did a great job 85 00:04:27,500 --> 00:04:30,433 and it makes me very glad to be part of this team. 86 00:04:30,500 --> 00:04:33,100 So I want to publicly thank all the elders who covered 87 00:04:33,167 --> 00:04:36,100 the pulpit while I was out and just to let you know, 88 00:04:36,167 --> 00:04:39,267 it's a great team we've got and it's a great church we've got. 89 00:04:39,333 --> 00:04:42,267 And some of you were incredibly fruitful this year and we have 90 00:04:42,333 --> 00:04:45,233 been blessed by it, so thank you very, very, very much. 91 00:04:45,333 --> 00:04:49,400 That being said, the theme of our study today is fruitfulness, 92 00:04:49,500 --> 00:04:52,233 and Jesus is going to hit this theme in a parable. 93 00:04:52,333 --> 00:04:53,833 So before we launch into Luke, 94 00:04:53,900 --> 00:04:56,233 let me do a little work on parables. 95 00:04:56,333 --> 00:05:01,100 By definition I will say that a parable is a small story 96 00:05:01,167 --> 00:05:03,167 that teaches a big idea. 97 00:05:03,233 --> 00:05:06,333 It's a small story that teaches a big idea. 98 00:05:06,400 --> 00:05:09,033 Nearly if not all cultures have parables. 99 00:05:09,100 --> 00:05:11,833 We have record of them going back 4 1/2 thousand years 100 00:05:11,900 --> 00:05:13,700 in varying civilizations. 101 00:05:13,767 --> 00:05:17,033 And they're simple stories that are memorable and they're built 102 00:05:17,100 --> 00:05:20,233 for the ear and they work for the young and the simple but 103 00:05:20,333 --> 00:05:23,700 they also are complex enough that they can even stun those 104 00:05:23,767 --> 00:05:26,000 who are gifted and profound. 105 00:05:26,033 --> 00:05:29,567 And so stories help to shape our life and parables are small, 106 00:05:29,667 --> 00:05:34,667 brief stories that pack in big, life-changing meaning. 107 00:05:34,700 --> 00:05:37,500 And when it comes to parables in the Bible, 108 00:05:37,567 --> 00:05:40,533 the Bible uses parables a great deal. 109 00:05:40,600 --> 00:05:43,500 The Bible uses parables in the Old Testament primarily 110 00:05:43,567 --> 00:05:47,333 in the prophets, as well as places like Proverbs, 111 00:05:47,400 --> 00:05:49,767 and Jesus uses parables frequently. 112 00:05:49,833 --> 00:05:52,333 And they're not commonly used in the epistles and letters 113 00:05:52,400 --> 00:05:53,833 following him. 114 00:05:53,900 --> 00:05:55,833 But they tend to serve a prophetic function, 115 00:05:55,867 --> 00:05:57,867 meaning they tend to point out people's sin, 116 00:05:57,933 --> 00:05:59,500 call them to repentance and change. 117 00:05:59,533 --> 00:06:02,433 That's why in the Old Testament the book with the most parables 118 00:06:02,500 --> 00:06:03,833 is Ezekiel. 119 00:06:03,900 --> 00:06:06,700 And Soren Kierkegaard, a Danish philosopher who was a Christian, 120 00:06:06,767 --> 00:06:09,500 he had a great insight regarding parables. 121 00:06:09,533 --> 00:06:11,933 He said that parables sneak up on you. 122 00:06:12,000 --> 00:06:13,933 They're like ninja stories. 123 00:06:14,000 --> 00:06:15,867 All right, you don't seem them coming. 124 00:06:15,933 --> 00:06:18,267 Because if you're confronted with the truth--let's say 125 00:06:18,333 --> 00:06:21,167 for example you're in sin and you're confronted in the truth, 126 00:06:21,200 --> 00:06:24,600 you may bristle and fight and defend yourself, and a story, 127 00:06:24,667 --> 00:06:27,933 a good parable, sneaks up on you because you don't see it coming. 128 00:06:28,000 --> 00:06:31,167 There's an example of this with a guy in the Bible named David. 129 00:06:31,200 --> 00:06:34,333 He was a king and the Bible says that he was a man 130 00:06:34,400 --> 00:06:35,667 after God's own heart. 131 00:06:35,733 --> 00:06:40,500 He was also a man after another man's wife. 132 00:06:40,533 --> 00:06:45,333 And he committed adultery and he stole another man's wife. 133 00:06:45,400 --> 00:06:47,400 And he was hard hearted, stiff necked, rebellious. 134 00:06:47,500 --> 00:06:50,067 We can assume that people had confronted him on his sin 135 00:06:50,167 --> 00:06:52,667 and the Holy Spirit had convicted him of his sin 136 00:06:52,700 --> 00:06:55,533 and he still wasn't repentant, so a friend came to him. 137 00:06:55,600 --> 00:06:58,367 And a friend told him a story, a parable. 138 00:06:58,433 --> 00:07:01,067 He said, "Now, King David, imagine that there's a very 139 00:07:01,167 --> 00:07:04,167 "powerful, mighty man who has many, many, many sheep. 140 00:07:04,233 --> 00:07:06,667 "And there's another very poor and powerless man 141 00:07:06,700 --> 00:07:08,833 "who has only one sheep. 142 00:07:08,867 --> 00:07:11,833 "And the mighty man steals the one sheep from the poor man. 143 00:07:11,900 --> 00:07:13,333 What do you think of that?" 144 00:07:13,400 --> 00:07:15,100 David said, "That's an atrocity." 145 00:07:15,167 --> 00:07:17,900 His friend said, "That's you." 146 00:07:18,000 --> 00:07:19,867 And his heart was broken. 147 00:07:19,933 --> 00:07:23,167 He penned Psalm 51 in repentance of his sin. 148 00:07:23,200 --> 00:07:24,867 The story snuck up on him. 149 00:07:24,933 --> 00:07:29,167 The parable got him in a way that face-to-face confrontation 150 00:07:29,233 --> 00:07:31,600 wasn't working. 151 00:07:31,667 --> 00:07:36,200 The parable was able to get his heart, and that's the intention 152 00:07:36,267 --> 00:07:39,333 of the parables, to get our heart, to expose our sin, 153 00:07:39,367 --> 00:07:41,333 that God might change our life. 154 00:07:41,367 --> 00:07:43,533 That's the purpose and function of a parable. 155 00:07:43,600 --> 00:07:46,500 Now, talk a little bit about Jesus' parables. 156 00:07:46,567 --> 00:07:48,700 Jesus' parables are the most famous stories 157 00:07:48,767 --> 00:07:50,200 in the history of the world. 158 00:07:50,267 --> 00:07:52,700 Jesus is the perfect storyteller. 159 00:07:52,767 --> 00:07:54,567 Even people who don't know Jesus, 160 00:07:54,667 --> 00:07:56,167 don't know anything of Christianity, 161 00:07:56,200 --> 00:07:58,333 they've heard about the Good Samaritan, 162 00:07:58,367 --> 00:08:00,100 they've heard about the Prodigal Son. 163 00:08:00,167 --> 00:08:02,733 These are parabolic stories that Jesus told 164 00:08:02,833 --> 00:08:06,000 a few thousand years ago that live on today. 165 00:08:06,067 --> 00:08:09,867 Jesus' parables are short, anywhere from 1 to 22 verses. 166 00:08:09,933 --> 00:08:11,900 Depending upon which scholar you read, 167 00:08:12,000 --> 00:08:16,100 there's between maybe 35 and 67 parables, depending upon 168 00:08:16,167 --> 00:08:18,333 how they define them. 169 00:08:18,400 --> 00:08:21,567 In Matthew, Mark, and Luke, what is called the Synoptic Gospels, 170 00:08:21,667 --> 00:08:25,667 roughly 35% of Jesus' teaching is in parable form. 171 00:08:25,700 --> 00:08:28,233 He's telling stories. 172 00:08:28,333 --> 00:08:31,500 So if you want to understand who Jesus is and how he teaches, 173 00:08:31,567 --> 00:08:34,000 you and I really need to understand parables. 174 00:08:34,033 --> 00:08:35,667 And I was thinking about this. 175 00:08:35,700 --> 00:08:38,267 In the history of my teaching, which is now 15 years 176 00:08:38,333 --> 00:08:41,333 at Mars Hill Church since we started the core group to launch 177 00:08:41,400 --> 00:08:45,100 this church, I've not really ever taught on the parables 178 00:08:45,167 --> 00:08:47,833 and I haven't done a lot of work in the parables. 179 00:08:47,867 --> 00:08:50,833 So I want to give you a little bit of background on 180 00:08:50,867 --> 00:08:53,667 the parables so that as you're reading ahead in your Bible, 181 00:08:53,700 --> 00:08:55,833 which I hope you would, and discussing the parables 182 00:08:55,900 --> 00:08:57,833 in your community group and with your family, 183 00:08:57,900 --> 00:09:00,767 you have an appreciation and understanding of them. 184 00:09:00,833 --> 00:09:03,233 After all, it's about a third of Jesus' teaching, 185 00:09:03,333 --> 00:09:06,500 so it's very significant and important. 186 00:09:06,567 --> 00:09:09,100 And as we come to study Jesus' parables, 187 00:09:09,167 --> 00:09:14,933 we find that Luke is filled with parables from Jesus. 188 00:09:15,000 --> 00:09:20,067 In fact, two thirds of all of Jesus' parables are in Luke. 189 00:09:20,167 --> 00:09:23,233 Eighteen parables of Jesus are unique to Luke, 190 00:09:23,333 --> 00:09:25,600 meaning they're not recorded anywhere else in the Bible. 191 00:09:25,667 --> 00:09:27,833 They're not recorded anywhere else in the world. 192 00:09:27,867 --> 00:09:30,267 So if we didn't have the gift of Luke's gospel, 193 00:09:30,333 --> 00:09:34,433 we'd be missing these great stories that Jesus told. 194 00:09:34,500 --> 00:09:38,933 Life-changing, earth-shattering, history-altering parables. 195 00:09:39,000 --> 00:09:42,700 And most of the parables happen between chapters 10 and 20 196 00:09:42,767 --> 00:09:44,333 in Luke's gospel. 197 00:09:44,400 --> 00:09:47,033 That's exactly where we find ourselves. 198 00:09:47,100 --> 00:09:50,667 Jesus has left the region of Galilee--fishermen, 199 00:09:50,733 --> 00:09:53,933 country folk, rural people, farmers. 200 00:09:54,000 --> 00:09:57,700 He is journeying over the course of a few months to Jerusalem, 201 00:09:57,767 --> 00:10:00,667 where he's ultimately going to suffer and die on the cross 202 00:10:00,733 --> 00:10:03,333 for our sins and rise as our savior. 203 00:10:03,400 --> 00:10:07,033 And along the way you'll see continually Jesus healing 204 00:10:07,100 --> 00:10:11,700 and teaching through the medium of parables. 205 00:10:11,767 --> 00:10:14,900 So this is going to be something that we study together 206 00:10:15,000 --> 00:10:17,933 in the ensuing months as we move toward the crucifixion of Jesus 207 00:10:18,000 --> 00:10:19,533 later in Luke's gospel. 208 00:10:19,600 --> 00:10:22,500 That being said, I want to give you a few principles for 209 00:10:22,567 --> 00:10:25,500 interpreting parables in general and then we'll look 210 00:10:25,533 --> 00:10:27,700 at today's parable in particular. 211 00:10:27,767 --> 00:10:30,033 Now, when it comes to interpreting the parables, 212 00:10:30,100 --> 00:10:33,233 one thing I will say is that they are frequently abused 213 00:10:33,333 --> 00:10:35,000 and misunderstood. 214 00:10:35,033 --> 00:10:38,200 They are mistreated, misinterpreted, misapplied. 215 00:10:38,267 --> 00:10:41,000 So we have to be careful with them. 216 00:10:41,067 --> 00:10:45,100 One way that this happens is that people will use 217 00:10:45,167 --> 00:10:47,567 the parables to teach doctrine. 218 00:10:47,667 --> 00:10:49,667 The parables are simple stories. 219 00:10:49,700 --> 00:10:52,733 They're not intended to introduce new doctrines. 220 00:10:52,833 --> 00:10:56,233 They illustrate, illuminate existing doctrines, 221 00:10:56,333 --> 00:10:59,100 they're extended analogies. 222 00:10:59,167 --> 00:11:01,767 So the Bible teaches a propositional truth claim 223 00:11:01,833 --> 00:11:04,067 and the parable illustrates it. 224 00:11:04,167 --> 00:11:07,600 It helps to expand it, illuminate it. 225 00:11:07,667 --> 00:11:10,667 It gives us new perspective on it. 226 00:11:10,733 --> 00:11:14,333 And in that way, a parable functions like a good film. 227 00:11:14,400 --> 00:11:17,267 If you're highly visual, if you're artistic and creative, 228 00:11:17,333 --> 00:11:20,600 if you love story and narrative and plot line, 229 00:11:20,667 --> 00:11:23,500 particularly in film, you'll really appreciate the parables 230 00:11:23,567 --> 00:11:28,067 because they create another universe, another world. 231 00:11:28,167 --> 00:11:31,667 And from that world we get a new vantage point on our own. 232 00:11:31,733 --> 00:11:34,567 And we see ourselves and our world in a different light. 233 00:11:34,667 --> 00:11:38,533 That's the purpose of a parable, to help us to see our life 234 00:11:38,600 --> 00:11:43,100 in our world from another perspective through story. 235 00:11:43,167 --> 00:11:45,500 Most of these stories include people. 236 00:11:45,567 --> 00:11:48,733 Most of these people in Jesus' parables are unnamed. 237 00:11:48,833 --> 00:11:52,667 In fact, with the exception of one parable in Luke 16, 238 00:11:52,733 --> 00:11:56,733 all of the parables have nothing but anonymous characters. 239 00:11:56,833 --> 00:11:58,667 We don't know their name. 240 00:11:58,733 --> 00:12:02,833 These are fictitious stories of fictitious people in ways that 241 00:12:02,867 --> 00:12:06,500 mirror reality, and so as we come to the story 242 00:12:06,533 --> 00:12:09,000 we're not trying to learn a new doctrine, 243 00:12:09,067 --> 00:12:10,667 but we we're getting fresh insight 244 00:12:10,700 --> 00:12:14,500 and perspective on truth that the Bible teaches elsewhere. 245 00:12:14,567 --> 00:12:17,667 And one of the ways we can most be served by studying 246 00:12:17,700 --> 00:12:20,833 the parables is figuring out in the story, "Who am I? 247 00:12:20,867 --> 00:12:23,867 Which character in the story am I?" 248 00:12:23,933 --> 00:12:27,167 and inserting ourselves so that we receive not just information 249 00:12:27,200 --> 00:12:31,100 but transformation, that we don't enjoy just a good story, 250 00:12:31,167 --> 00:12:34,500 but we emotionally enter into it to see how God would want 251 00:12:34,533 --> 00:12:37,500 to change us through the telling of the story. 252 00:12:37,533 --> 00:12:40,033 And so we don't use the parables to teach doctrine 253 00:12:40,100 --> 00:12:41,700 but to illustrate it. 254 00:12:41,767 --> 00:12:44,867 Number two, if you would, consider a parable 255 00:12:44,933 --> 00:12:48,667 like a pitcher built to hold, let's say, water. 256 00:12:48,700 --> 00:12:51,567 Jesus is the one who pours the meaning into the parable 257 00:12:51,667 --> 00:12:54,767 and as we study the parables we want to pour out 258 00:12:54,833 --> 00:12:57,267 the same meaning that Jesus poured in. 259 00:12:57,333 --> 00:12:59,767 So we need to consider the original hearers 260 00:12:59,833 --> 00:13:02,167 and the original audience, and the original context, 261 00:13:02,233 --> 00:13:04,167 the fact that these are simple stories for, 262 00:13:04,233 --> 00:13:07,033 what is commonly the case, simple people. 263 00:13:07,100 --> 00:13:10,333 We don't want to pour our own meaning into Jesus' story. 264 00:13:10,367 --> 00:13:13,167 Jesus pours in the meaning, we just want to faithfully 265 00:13:13,233 --> 00:13:14,667 pour it out. 266 00:13:14,733 --> 00:13:16,867 I'll give you a few ways to do that. 267 00:13:16,933 --> 00:13:19,367 There are a few questions as we're studying these parables 268 00:13:19,433 --> 00:13:20,933 for the next few months together. 269 00:13:21,000 --> 00:13:23,433 The first is, what does this parable teach about God 270 00:13:23,500 --> 00:13:25,000 and his kingdom? 271 00:13:25,033 --> 00:13:27,000 Jesus is King of Kings, Lord of Lords. 272 00:13:27,033 --> 00:13:29,600 He is eternally existed creator God. 273 00:13:29,667 --> 00:13:31,500 We have sinned against him. 274 00:13:31,567 --> 00:13:33,500 He came into history on a rescue mission. 275 00:13:33,567 --> 00:13:35,500 He lived without sin. 276 00:13:35,567 --> 00:13:37,500 He died for our sin. 277 00:13:37,533 --> 00:13:39,767 He rose as our savior. 278 00:13:39,833 --> 00:13:42,233 He's ascended into heaven. 279 00:13:42,333 --> 00:13:45,267 He has a kingdom that never ends where there's no death, 280 00:13:45,333 --> 00:13:48,900 where there is no sadness, where there is no enemy, 281 00:13:49,000 --> 00:13:53,333 and he ultimately will bring his kingdom to reside forever, 282 00:13:53,400 --> 00:13:56,700 crushing his enemies, blessing his friends. 283 00:13:56,767 --> 00:13:59,600 And sometimes we have a hard time getting our mind around 284 00:13:59,667 --> 00:14:02,167 this big concept of the kingdom of God, 285 00:14:02,233 --> 00:14:05,000 so Jesus comes and teaches the big concept of the kingdom 286 00:14:05,033 --> 00:14:08,333 of God with little parables and stories. 287 00:14:08,367 --> 00:14:10,833 So as we study the parables we're learning about Jesus 288 00:14:10,900 --> 00:14:14,067 as king and we're learning about Jesus' kingdom. 289 00:14:14,167 --> 00:14:18,033 Number two, what question does it answer? 290 00:14:18,100 --> 00:14:21,500 Twenty-two of Jesus' parables actually begin with 291 00:14:21,567 --> 00:14:24,200 or include a question. 292 00:14:24,267 --> 00:14:27,600 And then the story is the answer to the question. 293 00:14:27,667 --> 00:14:30,400 So to understand a parable we have to determine what 294 00:14:30,500 --> 00:14:33,700 the question is, either expressly stated or inferred 295 00:14:33,767 --> 00:14:35,700 through the story itself. 296 00:14:35,767 --> 00:14:39,000 Number three, what is the closing punch line? 297 00:14:39,067 --> 00:14:41,500 Every good joke has a good punch line. 298 00:14:41,567 --> 00:14:44,167 Every good parable has a good punch line. 299 00:14:44,233 --> 00:14:47,167 And that is the story goes on and then there's a reveal 300 00:14:47,233 --> 00:14:51,033 at the end, just like a great movie has an inexplicable close 301 00:14:51,100 --> 00:14:54,433 where it all makes sense and all the lines of the story 302 00:14:54,500 --> 00:14:57,000 converge together into meaning. 303 00:14:57,067 --> 00:14:59,233 That's the way the parables work. 304 00:14:59,333 --> 00:15:01,833 All right, if you're into literature, 305 00:15:01,867 --> 00:15:04,833 if you're into creativity and film and story, 306 00:15:04,867 --> 00:15:06,400 you're going to love the parables. 307 00:15:06,500 --> 00:15:08,733 You creative types are going to have a blast. 308 00:15:08,833 --> 00:15:11,733 Read ahead, read ahead, read ahead, it's all good. 309 00:15:11,833 --> 00:15:15,100 And there's a closing punch line and all but nine of Jesus' 310 00:15:15,167 --> 00:15:17,700 parables have a closing punch line that gives you 311 00:15:17,767 --> 00:15:19,367 the point of the story. 312 00:15:19,433 --> 00:15:21,600 Some of them, like today's, are left wide open. 313 00:15:21,667 --> 00:15:23,600 We don't know what happened, there's no resolution. 314 00:15:23,667 --> 00:15:25,100 What happened to the characters? 315 00:15:25,167 --> 00:15:28,333 And the point is then we are to insert ourselves in the story 316 00:15:28,367 --> 00:15:30,767 and say, "Well, I guess the story of my life 317 00:15:30,833 --> 00:15:32,167 could go good or bad. 318 00:15:32,233 --> 00:15:35,067 "I have to write the ending for myself. 319 00:15:35,167 --> 00:15:37,000 "What am I going to do? 320 00:15:37,033 --> 00:15:38,667 How will I respond?" 321 00:15:38,700 --> 00:15:42,567 And so it becomes very personal when that punch line is omitted. 322 00:15:42,667 --> 00:15:46,100 Number four, what did Jesus want the original hearers to learn? 323 00:15:46,167 --> 00:15:48,733 You can't just read the story and begin in our world. 324 00:15:48,833 --> 00:15:51,833 You have to go all the way back culturally to the fact 325 00:15:51,900 --> 00:15:54,733 that Jesus is walking from one town to another. 326 00:15:54,833 --> 00:15:56,333 It's going to take months. 327 00:15:56,367 --> 00:15:58,233 People are traveling with him. 328 00:15:58,333 --> 00:16:00,667 Some are coming out to see and hear them. 329 00:16:00,733 --> 00:16:02,033 Many of them are illiterate. 330 00:16:02,100 --> 00:16:03,767 Some of them are children. 331 00:16:03,833 --> 00:16:06,500 A handful are educated religious people. 332 00:16:06,533 --> 00:16:09,700 We're talking about a diverse, ancient audience. 333 00:16:09,767 --> 00:16:12,900 What would they have originally and initially understood 334 00:16:13,000 --> 00:16:14,900 Jesus' parable to mean? 335 00:16:15,000 --> 00:16:17,867 And then we understand that and we apply it principally 336 00:16:17,933 --> 00:16:19,500 to our own lives. 337 00:16:19,567 --> 00:16:22,033 Number five, lastly, what action does Jesus expect 338 00:16:22,100 --> 00:16:24,700 from me or from us? 339 00:16:24,767 --> 00:16:28,000 It's not just about information, it's about transformation. 340 00:16:28,033 --> 00:16:30,100 It's not just about what we believe, 341 00:16:30,167 --> 00:16:32,167 it's about how we behave. 342 00:16:32,233 --> 00:16:36,433 "Jesus, what do you want me to do, individually? 343 00:16:36,500 --> 00:16:40,167 "My family, my community group, my campus, my church? 344 00:16:40,200 --> 00:16:42,167 "What do you want us to do? 345 00:16:42,233 --> 00:16:44,167 What's the call to action?" 346 00:16:44,233 --> 00:16:48,233 So, for those of you who live a little too much in your mind, 347 00:16:48,333 --> 00:16:51,167 you would run down every potential rabbit trail of what 348 00:16:51,200 --> 00:16:54,200 the parable could mean and maybe even fall into the area 349 00:16:54,267 --> 00:16:57,067 of allegorizing and taking the simple story beyond its 350 00:16:57,167 --> 00:17:01,000 intention and trying to ascribe meaning to every detail, 351 00:17:01,033 --> 00:17:04,667 know when to stop interpreting and start obeying. 352 00:17:04,700 --> 00:17:08,000 At some point you stop trying to figure out what he was trying 353 00:17:08,033 --> 00:17:11,533 to say and you realize it was a simple statement to get you 354 00:17:11,600 --> 00:17:13,667 to get up and go do something. 355 00:17:13,733 --> 00:17:15,700 So you need to get up and obey. 356 00:17:15,767 --> 00:17:18,667 Now, that being said, let's look at the parable 357 00:17:18,733 --> 00:17:21,333 of the barren fig tree. 358 00:17:21,367 --> 00:17:25,600 Luke 13:6-9, "And he," Jesus, "told this parable: 359 00:17:25,667 --> 00:17:28,433 "'A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, 360 00:17:28,500 --> 00:17:31,167 "'and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. 361 00:17:31,200 --> 00:17:33,567 "'And he said to the vinedresser,'" his gardener, 362 00:17:33,667 --> 00:17:36,000 "'"Look, for three years now I have come seeking fruit 363 00:17:36,033 --> 00:17:38,867 "'"on this fig tree, and I find none. 364 00:17:38,933 --> 00:17:40,833 "'"Cut it down. 365 00:17:40,900 --> 00:17:42,567 "'"Why should it use up the ground?" 366 00:17:42,667 --> 00:17:45,333 "'And he answered him, "Sir, let it alone this year also, 367 00:17:45,367 --> 00:17:47,667 "'"until I dig around it and put on manure. 368 00:17:47,700 --> 00:17:50,367 "'"Then if it should bear fruit next year, well and good; 369 00:17:50,433 --> 00:17:52,600 but if not, you can cut it down."'" 370 00:17:52,667 --> 00:17:56,167 That's the simple story. That's the whole story. 371 00:17:56,233 --> 00:17:59,233 Here's the question that is seeking to be answered 372 00:17:59,333 --> 00:18:01,167 by the parable: 373 00:18:01,200 --> 00:18:06,167 Does God care about results, yes or no? 374 00:18:06,233 --> 00:18:10,367 Yes, God cares about results. 375 00:18:10,433 --> 00:18:12,067 God cares about effectiveness. 376 00:18:12,167 --> 00:18:14,933 God cares about performance. 377 00:18:15,000 --> 00:18:20,167 Here the word that encompasses all of that is "fruit," "fruit." 378 00:18:20,200 --> 00:18:23,500 God cares about fruitfulness. 379 00:18:23,533 --> 00:18:26,733 Fruitfulness here is good works. 380 00:18:26,833 --> 00:18:30,833 Good works, obedience, a changed life, 381 00:18:30,900 --> 00:18:34,533 living a kind of life that makes a difference, 382 00:18:34,600 --> 00:18:37,867 that when your life on the earth is done, people miss you 383 00:18:37,933 --> 00:18:40,267 because you were a gift to them. 384 00:18:40,333 --> 00:18:42,833 You were a channel of God's grace to them. 385 00:18:42,900 --> 00:18:46,167 You provided wisdom or generosity or help or service 386 00:18:46,233 --> 00:18:48,267 or rebuke or encouragement. 387 00:18:48,333 --> 00:18:49,933 That you were giving. 388 00:18:50,000 --> 00:18:51,667 That you were fruitful. 389 00:18:51,733 --> 00:18:53,533 That your life counted. 390 00:18:53,600 --> 00:18:55,500 That you weren't just a consumer, 391 00:18:55,567 --> 00:18:56,900 you were a producer. 392 00:18:57,000 --> 00:18:59,400 You didn't just take from everyone and everything, 393 00:18:59,500 --> 00:19:02,600 but you gave and they were blessed by you. 394 00:19:02,667 --> 00:19:04,933 And this is different than religion. 395 00:19:05,000 --> 00:19:08,000 Religion teaches that we're saved by our fruit, that 396 00:19:08,067 --> 00:19:11,333 we're saved by our good works, that if you live a moral life 397 00:19:11,367 --> 00:19:14,333 and you're a good decent person that you will stand before God 398 00:19:14,400 --> 00:19:17,067 and he'll find you pleasing in his sight in the end. 399 00:19:17,167 --> 00:19:19,267 Essentially the essence of all religion is the same, 400 00:19:19,333 --> 00:19:22,033 that you work hard, bear much fruit, 401 00:19:22,100 --> 00:19:25,267 God then judges on a curve and if you were better than most 402 00:19:25,333 --> 00:19:27,333 he finds you pleasing in his sight. 403 00:19:27,400 --> 00:19:29,533 We don't believe that at all. 404 00:19:29,600 --> 00:19:32,100 We don't believe that we're saved by our fruit, 405 00:19:32,167 --> 00:19:35,500 but rather we're the fruit of the work of Jesus. 406 00:19:35,567 --> 00:19:37,867 Jesus lived the perfect life, not us. 407 00:19:37,933 --> 00:19:40,500 Jesus paid the penalty for sin on the cross 408 00:19:40,567 --> 00:19:42,200 so that we don't have to. 409 00:19:42,267 --> 00:19:45,167 Jesus rose to give the gift we don't deserve: salvation, 410 00:19:45,233 --> 00:19:51,167 eternal life, citizenship, and adoption into the family of God. 411 00:19:51,200 --> 00:19:55,167 But some of you have misunderstood Christianity. 412 00:19:55,233 --> 00:19:58,033 Some of you, particularly who were raised in the church 413 00:19:58,100 --> 00:20:00,767 or maybe gave your life to Jesus when you were young, 414 00:20:00,833 --> 00:20:03,167 you misunderstood the gospel. 415 00:20:03,200 --> 00:20:06,600 And you thought, "Belong to Jesus, give your life to Jesus, 416 00:20:06,667 --> 00:20:08,867 "give your heart to Jesus, and when you die 417 00:20:08,933 --> 00:20:11,167 you get to go to heaven." 418 00:20:11,233 --> 00:20:16,333 That's almost true but it's missing something called life. 419 00:20:16,400 --> 00:20:19,167 It's not about just belonging to Jesus and going to heaven. 420 00:20:19,233 --> 00:20:22,067 It's about belonging to Jesus, living a fruitful life, 421 00:20:22,167 --> 00:20:25,167 and then going to heaven for an eternal reward. 422 00:20:25,200 --> 00:20:30,900 Your life counts, your life counts, your life matters. 423 00:20:31,000 --> 00:20:33,400 God has fruit for you to bear. 424 00:20:33,500 --> 00:20:35,567 He has good works for you to do. 425 00:20:35,667 --> 00:20:37,367 He has things for you to accomplish. 426 00:20:37,433 --> 00:20:41,167 Not so that you can become a Christian, but because you are. 427 00:20:41,200 --> 00:20:43,567 Not so that you'll become pleasing in his sight, 428 00:20:43,667 --> 00:20:46,333 but because through Christ you already are. 429 00:20:46,367 --> 00:20:48,500 Ephesians 2:8-10 says it this way, 430 00:20:48,533 --> 00:20:52,200 "We're saved by grace through faith in Christ alone." 431 00:20:52,267 --> 00:20:54,167 It's a gift, we didn't earn it, 432 00:20:54,233 --> 00:20:56,833 there's nothing for us to boast about. 433 00:20:56,867 --> 00:21:00,533 That's Ephesians 2:8-9, and it goes on then in Ephesians 2:10 434 00:21:00,600 --> 00:21:03,233 to say, "To do the good works he prepared in advance 435 00:21:03,333 --> 00:21:05,367 for us to do." 436 00:21:05,433 --> 00:21:08,700 So we're not saved by good works, or to use the parable, 437 00:21:08,767 --> 00:21:12,267 our fruit, but we're saved to our good works, 438 00:21:12,333 --> 00:21:13,833 to our fruitfulness. 439 00:21:13,867 --> 00:21:17,933 Once you meet Jesus, you're supposed to become increasingly 440 00:21:18,000 --> 00:21:21,833 fruitful, a little more fruitful every year throughout the course 441 00:21:21,900 --> 00:21:25,500 of your life, demonstrating the character, love, affection, 442 00:21:25,533 --> 00:21:29,700 generosity of God because you're in Christ. 443 00:21:29,767 --> 00:21:32,067 And Jesus says elsewhere, "If you abide in me, 444 00:21:32,167 --> 00:21:34,833 I'll abide in you and you'll bear much," what? 445 00:21:34,867 --> 00:21:38,333 "Fruit." Fruit that will last. 446 00:21:38,367 --> 00:21:41,533 Now, we hit this time of year and in the providence of God 447 00:21:41,600 --> 00:21:45,100 we hit this portion of Luke and this is the time of year 448 00:21:45,167 --> 00:21:48,167 when everyone looks back on their year. 449 00:21:48,233 --> 00:21:54,167 And we look and examine those areas that we were not fruitful. 450 00:21:54,200 --> 00:21:58,500 And so, to extend the analogy, Mars Hill is a vineyard. 451 00:21:58,533 --> 00:22:01,500 He's a tree, she's a tree, you're a tree, I'm a tree, 452 00:22:01,567 --> 00:22:03,167 we're all trees. 453 00:22:03,233 --> 00:22:04,833 This is God's vineyard. 454 00:22:04,867 --> 00:22:07,167 We're all fig trees. 455 00:22:07,200 --> 00:22:10,667 And it's a good time for us to look back on the previous year 456 00:22:10,733 --> 00:22:12,267 and celebrate and rejoice. 457 00:22:12,333 --> 00:22:13,667 Say, "You know what? 458 00:22:13,733 --> 00:22:17,367 "Insofar as a vineyard goes, what a great vineyard 459 00:22:17,433 --> 00:22:19,100 "Mars Hill Church is. 460 00:22:19,167 --> 00:22:21,400 "So much to celebrate, so much to rejoice in. 461 00:22:21,500 --> 00:22:23,900 "Biggest harvest ever, praise God. 462 00:22:24,000 --> 00:22:26,033 Look at all the figs." 463 00:22:26,100 --> 00:22:28,867 And also then to look at our own life and ask, 464 00:22:28,933 --> 00:22:31,267 "How many figs were on my tree last year? 465 00:22:31,333 --> 00:22:34,100 "How many figs were on my tree? 466 00:22:34,167 --> 00:22:36,500 "Was I fruitful? 467 00:22:36,533 --> 00:22:39,867 Did I bear good fruit last year?" 468 00:22:39,933 --> 00:22:42,533 Some of you were very fruitful, praise God, 469 00:22:42,600 --> 00:22:45,200 by the grace of God you'll be more fruitful this year 470 00:22:45,267 --> 00:22:47,033 we hope and pray. 471 00:22:47,100 --> 00:22:50,033 Some of you would say, "Well, there were areas of my life 472 00:22:50,100 --> 00:22:51,433 that were very fruitful." 473 00:22:51,500 --> 00:22:54,100 And we'd say, "Rejoice in those, praise God for every fig." 474 00:22:54,167 --> 00:22:56,100 But my assumption is, because we're all sinners 475 00:22:56,167 --> 00:23:00,033 in a fallen world, there are at least a few branches on our tree 476 00:23:00,100 --> 00:23:01,767 that were not very fruitful last year. 477 00:23:01,833 --> 00:23:04,500 And I've been praying for you that the Holy Spirit would 478 00:23:04,567 --> 00:23:07,567 highlight for you one particular part of your life 479 00:23:07,667 --> 00:23:11,033 that really needs to become more fruitful this year. 480 00:23:11,100 --> 00:23:13,667 It's usually the place we make a resolution. 481 00:23:13,700 --> 00:23:16,033 A resolution really doesn't work. 482 00:23:16,100 --> 00:23:19,733 Statistically they last 2 weeks, all right? 483 00:23:19,833 --> 00:23:21,700 We're not talking about a resolution. 484 00:23:21,767 --> 00:23:24,433 What we're talking about is a life of fruitfulness. 485 00:23:24,500 --> 00:23:27,333 They're very different, they're very different. 486 00:23:27,400 --> 00:23:30,567 A life of fruitfulness is in relationship with God 487 00:23:30,667 --> 00:23:34,500 out of love for God to bless and benefit and help other people 488 00:23:34,567 --> 00:23:37,900 like Jesus loves, blesses, and helps us. 489 00:23:38,000 --> 00:23:39,867 So what is it for you? 490 00:23:39,933 --> 00:23:43,100 What is it for you that, with the departure of last year 491 00:23:43,167 --> 00:23:45,833 and the entrance of this year, that God the Holy Spirit 492 00:23:45,900 --> 00:23:47,267 is highlighting for you? 493 00:23:47,333 --> 00:23:49,000 Is it more fruit in your marriage? 494 00:23:49,067 --> 00:23:51,267 Is it more fruit in your studies in school? 495 00:23:51,333 --> 00:23:53,067 Is it more fruit in your employment? 496 00:23:53,167 --> 00:23:54,667 More fruit in your finances? 497 00:23:54,700 --> 00:23:56,000 More fruit in your ministry? 498 00:23:56,067 --> 00:23:58,033 More fruit in your Bible reading? 499 00:23:58,100 --> 00:24:02,767 More fruit in your difficult relationships that are perhaps 500 00:24:02,833 --> 00:24:06,067 even strained with friends? 501 00:24:06,167 --> 00:24:09,367 Your health, your weight, your wellness, what is it? 502 00:24:09,433 --> 00:24:10,700 I don't know. 503 00:24:10,767 --> 00:24:13,400 But for this to be helpful for you, 504 00:24:13,500 --> 00:24:17,267 you need to determine where fruitfulness should be 505 00:24:17,333 --> 00:24:21,500 increasing and take the principles of this parable 506 00:24:21,567 --> 00:24:26,000 and apply them individually to that aspect of your life. 507 00:24:26,033 --> 00:24:28,733 Now, as we come back to the story, 508 00:24:28,833 --> 00:24:33,000 we're talking about a figless fig tree. 509 00:24:33,033 --> 00:24:35,400 That's not very good. 510 00:24:35,500 --> 00:24:37,333 Fig trees--I've been in Israel. 511 00:24:37,367 --> 00:24:40,167 They grow pretty easily, they're not hard to grow. 512 00:24:40,233 --> 00:24:41,833 They're not difficult to grow. 513 00:24:41,867 --> 00:24:43,167 They kind of just grow. 514 00:24:43,233 --> 00:24:46,500 Kind of like sticker bushes in the Northwest, all right? 515 00:24:46,533 --> 00:24:48,833 Nobody says, "I'm a really good sticker bush grower." 516 00:24:48,867 --> 00:24:51,033 We're all like, "You know what, it's not hard. 517 00:24:51,100 --> 00:24:54,200 All you have to do is just ignore your lawn and you'll have 518 00:24:54,267 --> 00:24:56,333 a lot of sticker bushes." 519 00:24:56,400 --> 00:24:59,000 And they just produce blackberries, right? 520 00:24:59,067 --> 00:25:02,333 I didn't know this, but in a lot of places in the U.S., 521 00:25:02,367 --> 00:25:04,333 they have a hard time growing sticker bushes 522 00:25:04,367 --> 00:25:05,700 and obtaining blackberries. 523 00:25:05,767 --> 00:25:07,533 We had people come into our neighborhood, 524 00:25:07,600 --> 00:25:10,000 visiting from out of state last year, and they said, 525 00:25:10,067 --> 00:25:12,200 "How did you do it?" "What do you mean?" 526 00:25:12,267 --> 00:25:14,433 "How did you cause all those blackberries to grow?" 527 00:25:14,500 --> 00:25:16,167 "We didn't cause those blackberries to grow 528 00:25:16,233 --> 00:25:17,567 in the Northwest." 529 00:25:17,667 --> 00:25:20,233 "You could just pull over on the side of the road 530 00:25:20,333 --> 00:25:21,667 and pick blackberries?" 531 00:25:21,700 --> 00:25:23,033 "Yes, they're everywhere. 532 00:25:23,100 --> 00:25:24,767 "All right, if we don't do something 533 00:25:24,833 --> 00:25:26,267 "there won't be room for people. 534 00:25:26,333 --> 00:25:28,500 It'll just be all sticker bushes, the whole state." 535 00:25:28,567 --> 00:25:31,000 "Oh, we can't get them to grow in our area!" 536 00:25:31,033 --> 00:25:32,367 "Oh, really? 537 00:25:32,433 --> 00:25:34,567 We can't stop them from growing in our area!" 538 00:25:34,667 --> 00:25:37,367 Fig trees are like sticker bushes in and around Israel. 539 00:25:37,433 --> 00:25:39,700 They just grow. They're kind of everywhere. 540 00:25:39,767 --> 00:25:41,167 They're not that difficult. 541 00:25:41,200 --> 00:25:44,833 Once they take root, they don't require a lot of maintenance. 542 00:25:44,900 --> 00:25:49,033 And this man owns a vineyard in the parable and apparently he's 543 00:25:49,100 --> 00:25:51,700 got all of his trees numbered and he keeps coming back, 544 00:25:51,767 --> 00:25:54,000 3 years in a row, to the same tree. 545 00:25:54,033 --> 00:25:56,867 He says, "That tree is 3 years fig free. 546 00:25:56,933 --> 00:25:59,700 What a worthless tree." 547 00:25:59,767 --> 00:26:01,833 Now some of you are like that. 548 00:26:01,900 --> 00:26:04,500 Some of you have been sitting in Christianity or sitting 549 00:26:04,567 --> 00:26:08,233 in Mars Hill months, years, no figs. 550 00:26:08,333 --> 00:26:09,667 There's no fruit at all. 551 00:26:09,733 --> 00:26:11,200 Say, "What have you done?" "Nothing." 552 00:26:11,267 --> 00:26:12,833 "What have you given?" "Nothing." 553 00:26:12,900 --> 00:26:14,567 "How's it going?" 554 00:26:14,667 --> 00:26:16,033 "I don't know." 555 00:26:16,100 --> 00:26:18,333 You're fig free, all right, you're fig free. 556 00:26:18,367 --> 00:26:21,500 And there's a guy in the story who comes along and he says, 557 00:26:21,533 --> 00:26:23,200 "Cut it down!" Right? 558 00:26:23,267 --> 00:26:26,700 Basically then, "It's worthless, throw it in the fire." Okay? 559 00:26:26,767 --> 00:26:29,767 Now, as I read the story, that's me. 560 00:26:29,833 --> 00:26:33,100 There's three things I like: results, results, and results. 561 00:26:33,167 --> 00:26:35,767 Those are my three favorite things, okay? 562 00:26:35,833 --> 00:26:38,600 So I read the story, if the story would have read, 563 00:26:38,667 --> 00:26:40,767 "And the guy came and said, 'Cut it down! 564 00:26:40,833 --> 00:26:43,033 "'Why should it use up the ground? 565 00:26:43,100 --> 00:26:44,900 Why should we let it take resources?'" 566 00:26:45,000 --> 00:26:47,200 Some of you take resources, you just sit there. 567 00:26:47,267 --> 00:26:51,267 See, my first inclination is, "It's not working, shoot it! 568 00:26:51,333 --> 00:26:54,500 They're not working, shoot them!" Right? 569 00:26:54,533 --> 00:26:56,900 If the story would have stopped with, "Cut it down," 570 00:26:57,000 --> 00:27:00,100 I would have said, "That's a good story right there." 571 00:27:00,167 --> 00:27:02,600 But you know what? God's not like me. 572 00:27:02,667 --> 00:27:05,600 God's not like--I mean, we're all glad for that. 573 00:27:05,667 --> 00:27:08,167 I'm glad, too! All right? 574 00:27:08,200 --> 00:27:10,433 Otherwise I wouldn't be here. 575 00:27:10,500 --> 00:27:13,500 Instead of, "Cut it down," God comes and says, 576 00:27:13,533 --> 00:27:16,900 "No, let's give it more time." 577 00:27:17,000 --> 00:27:18,400 Isn't that great? 578 00:27:18,500 --> 00:27:20,600 Some of you are here today and you wonder, 579 00:27:20,667 --> 00:27:23,200 "Is God angry at me? Is God mad at me? 580 00:27:23,267 --> 00:27:24,600 Is God done with me?" 581 00:27:24,667 --> 00:27:26,933 All right, your picture of God, he's just got 582 00:27:27,000 --> 00:27:28,333 an ax and a clipboard. 583 00:27:28,400 --> 00:27:29,733 "No figs? 584 00:27:29,833 --> 00:27:32,333 Cut it down and send them to hell!" 585 00:27:32,400 --> 00:27:34,833 Like, "Ah! Is it too late?" 586 00:27:34,867 --> 00:27:37,100 No, you're still breathing, God's not done with you. 587 00:27:37,167 --> 00:27:39,500 He loves you, there's hope for you. 588 00:27:39,533 --> 00:27:43,000 See, God's not like me. 589 00:27:43,033 --> 00:27:45,500 God's holy, that means he's just different. 590 00:27:45,567 --> 00:27:49,567 He's good and he looks at some of you who maybe whole areas 591 00:27:49,667 --> 00:27:53,833 of your life, it's really been fruitless, 592 00:27:53,867 --> 00:27:56,000 I mean you really haven't accomplished 593 00:27:56,067 --> 00:27:58,000 what you were supposed to. 594 00:27:58,067 --> 00:27:59,700 God wants to encourage you today. 595 00:27:59,767 --> 00:28:02,767 God wants to love you today. God wants to serve you today. 596 00:28:02,833 --> 00:28:04,433 God wants to help you today. 597 00:28:04,500 --> 00:28:06,933 God wants you to hear the voice of Jesus saying, 598 00:28:07,000 --> 00:28:08,933 "No, we're not going to cut it down. 599 00:28:09,000 --> 00:28:10,767 I'm going to put more effort in." 600 00:28:10,833 --> 00:28:13,100 Isn't that amazing? Isn't that amazing? 601 00:28:13,167 --> 00:28:16,667 This goes against prevailing business wisdom, by the way. 602 00:28:16,700 --> 00:28:18,433 I subscribe to the "Harvard Business Review" 603 00:28:18,500 --> 00:28:20,000 and I love business stuff. 604 00:28:20,033 --> 00:28:21,500 And usually it is, you know, 605 00:28:21,567 --> 00:28:23,333 "Hey, if it's not working, cut it. 606 00:28:23,400 --> 00:28:25,500 If it's working, put more resources into it." 607 00:28:25,567 --> 00:28:27,833 Here's the kingdom of God, it works upside down. 608 00:28:27,900 --> 00:28:30,000 God says, "If they're not working, 609 00:28:30,067 --> 00:28:32,267 be more gracious to them." 610 00:28:32,333 --> 00:28:33,767 "What?" 611 00:28:33,833 --> 00:28:36,100 "Yeah, they're going to need extra help, extra love, 612 00:28:36,167 --> 00:28:39,100 extra attention, extra affection, extra patience." 613 00:28:39,167 --> 00:28:41,867 Now God does have a long wick, he's slow to anger. 614 00:28:41,933 --> 00:28:44,500 God's not going to put up with us all forever. 615 00:28:44,567 --> 00:28:47,600 Right, we're supposed to hustle up and be about his business. 616 00:28:47,667 --> 00:28:50,600 But you're getting a word of hope and encouragement here, 617 00:28:50,667 --> 00:28:53,567 that God--God's hope, God's heart, 618 00:28:53,667 --> 00:28:57,000 is not to cut you down and throw you in the fire. 619 00:28:57,033 --> 00:29:00,400 God's heart is to give you more time and to work on you 620 00:29:00,500 --> 00:29:03,333 and to work with you and to work through you because God 621 00:29:03,367 --> 00:29:08,167 wants you to share in the joy of being fruitful. 622 00:29:08,233 --> 00:29:14,767 Be encouraged, be hopeful, God is good. 623 00:29:14,833 --> 00:29:16,733 That's why I love this story. 624 00:29:16,833 --> 00:29:18,533 It's not what I was expecting. 625 00:29:18,600 --> 00:29:22,033 Now, let me say this as well, I want to give you a few 626 00:29:22,100 --> 00:29:25,167 principles for being fruitful, and I hope and I trust 627 00:29:25,200 --> 00:29:29,833 and I pray that your desire would be fruitfulness. 628 00:29:29,900 --> 00:29:33,667 Don't be ashamed of the areas that you are not bearing fruit. 629 00:29:33,733 --> 00:29:35,500 Be honest about them. 630 00:29:35,533 --> 00:29:37,433 Don't bristle and defend yourselves. 631 00:29:37,500 --> 00:29:39,000 Don't blame other people. 632 00:29:39,067 --> 00:29:43,500 Don't make excuses and don't settle for fruitlessness. 633 00:29:43,533 --> 00:29:46,667 By the grace of God, we can be fruitful. 634 00:29:46,700 --> 00:29:49,200 I'll give you some principles for how to do that. 635 00:29:49,267 --> 00:29:53,067 How to be fruitful, number one, cultivate your relationship 636 00:29:53,167 --> 00:29:55,333 with the Holy Spirit. 637 00:29:55,400 --> 00:29:59,767 In Galatians 5:22 it speaks of the what of the Spirit? 638 00:29:59,833 --> 00:30:02,367 The fruit of the Spirit. 639 00:30:02,433 --> 00:30:03,900 How do you get fruit? 640 00:30:04,000 --> 00:30:08,667 Fruit--good works, changed character, new life, 641 00:30:08,700 --> 00:30:11,933 helpfulness to other people-- comes out of the power 642 00:30:12,000 --> 00:30:14,767 and presence of the Holy Spirit. 643 00:30:14,833 --> 00:30:17,000 Friends, fruitfulness is not what we do for God. 644 00:30:17,067 --> 00:30:18,733 It's what God does for us. 645 00:30:18,833 --> 00:30:22,233 It's what he does in us and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, 646 00:30:22,333 --> 00:30:24,167 it's what he does through us. 647 00:30:24,233 --> 00:30:27,400 So, again, don't look at God as a middle manager with 648 00:30:27,500 --> 00:30:31,067 a clipboard saying, "What have you done for me this year?" 649 00:30:31,167 --> 00:30:33,567 Look at God as a friend who's there to help, 650 00:30:33,667 --> 00:30:37,600 as a gardener who's willing to prune and serve and aid. 651 00:30:37,667 --> 00:30:41,400 And the seed of new life, and the seed of fruitfulness, 652 00:30:41,500 --> 00:30:44,600 is the indwelling presence and power of the Holy Spirit. 653 00:30:44,667 --> 00:30:48,667 That's the seed from which new life and fruitfulness come. 654 00:30:48,700 --> 00:30:51,867 The Holy Spirit takes up residence in every Christian. 655 00:30:51,933 --> 00:30:54,567 See, the non-Christian lives a natural life by their own 656 00:30:54,667 --> 00:30:56,367 willpower and strength. 657 00:30:56,433 --> 00:30:59,667 That's why their resolutions don't work. 658 00:30:59,733 --> 00:31:03,367 Willpower only lasts so long. 659 00:31:03,433 --> 00:31:06,733 Instead, Christians live a supernatural life not by 660 00:31:06,833 --> 00:31:12,100 their own power but by the power of the Holy Spirit, that God, 661 00:31:12,167 --> 00:31:15,767 that God is at work in us, that God is in--that God is at work 662 00:31:15,833 --> 00:31:18,267 through us so that we can be fruitful. 663 00:31:18,333 --> 00:31:20,000 So you want to cultivate your relationship 664 00:31:20,067 --> 00:31:21,567 with the Holy Spirit. 665 00:31:21,667 --> 00:31:25,000 Get to know and love and enjoy the Holy Spirit. 666 00:31:25,033 --> 00:31:27,600 A couple simple ways to do this. 667 00:31:27,667 --> 00:31:32,700 Number one is regular Bible reading, regular Bible reading. 668 00:31:32,767 --> 00:31:36,200 Something that basically all Christians believe 669 00:31:36,267 --> 00:31:39,033 but not all Christians obey. 670 00:31:39,100 --> 00:31:41,567 God the Holy Spirit, through human authors, 671 00:31:41,667 --> 00:31:45,000 he wrote the 66 books of the Bible. 672 00:31:45,033 --> 00:31:48,233 And through the Scriptures, this is the primary means 673 00:31:48,333 --> 00:31:51,267 by which God speaks to us. 674 00:31:51,333 --> 00:31:55,167 And so when you pick up your Bible and you pray and ask 675 00:31:55,200 --> 00:31:57,667 God the Holy Spirit to meet you, you'll learn Scripture. 676 00:31:57,700 --> 00:32:00,667 You can read the whole Bible, and this is a great time 677 00:32:00,700 --> 00:32:03,333 to commit yourself to it, 15 to 20 minutes a day, 678 00:32:03,367 --> 00:32:05,333 you read the whole Bible in a year. 679 00:32:05,367 --> 00:32:06,700 You can do it. 680 00:32:06,767 --> 00:32:08,900 Some of you have, do it again, praise God. 681 00:32:09,000 --> 00:32:10,667 Some of you haven't, you need to. 682 00:32:10,700 --> 00:32:12,167 This last year my 11-year-old son 683 00:32:12,200 --> 00:32:13,833 and my 13-year-old daughter both did. 684 00:32:13,867 --> 00:32:17,067 They both did, my 13-year-old daughter, 685 00:32:17,167 --> 00:32:19,533 the year before she read the whole English Standard Version 686 00:32:19,600 --> 00:32:23,167 of the Bible, this year she read the whole ESV translation of 687 00:32:23,233 --> 00:32:28,000 the Bible in the study Bible format with all the notes. 688 00:32:28,033 --> 00:32:29,400 With all the notes. 689 00:32:29,500 --> 00:32:31,400 She reads a little bit in the morning, 690 00:32:31,500 --> 00:32:32,900 a little bit in the evening. 691 00:32:33,000 --> 00:32:34,900 She read through the whole Bible this year. 692 00:32:35,000 --> 00:32:37,400 My 11-year-old son read through the New International Version 693 00:32:37,500 --> 00:32:39,667 of the Bible this year. 694 00:32:39,733 --> 00:32:41,500 I really want you to read 695 00:32:41,567 --> 00:32:43,500 through the whole Bible this year. 696 00:32:43,567 --> 00:32:46,700 Get an app that will do it, mark it out in your Bible, 697 00:32:46,767 --> 00:32:48,667 go old school, use something called a bookmark, 698 00:32:48,733 --> 00:32:52,067 the second half of which is fantastic word. 699 00:32:52,167 --> 00:32:56,833 You can use something like that--you can use something 700 00:32:56,900 --> 00:32:59,667 like that to just get you reading, right? 701 00:32:59,733 --> 00:33:02,267 So, through Scripture we cultivate our relationship with 702 00:33:02,333 --> 00:33:04,333 the Holy Spirit by listening to God, 703 00:33:04,367 --> 00:33:06,333 and we talk to God through prayer. 704 00:33:06,367 --> 00:33:08,667 So praying to God, beginning your day in prayer, 705 00:33:08,700 --> 00:33:11,433 praying over your decisions, asking God for wisdom, 706 00:33:11,500 --> 00:33:14,833 asking God for help, and then seeing God answer prayers. 707 00:33:14,900 --> 00:33:18,367 One of the things we do at the Driscoll dinner table is we have 708 00:33:18,433 --> 00:33:20,900 a notebook and we write in prayer requests for family, 709 00:33:21,000 --> 00:33:23,667 friends, neighbors, coworkers, classmates. 710 00:33:23,700 --> 00:33:26,233 And when prayers are answered we check them off 711 00:33:26,333 --> 00:33:28,567 and we recount how God hears and answers prayers. 712 00:33:28,667 --> 00:33:30,867 We have pages and pages and pages of prayers 713 00:33:30,933 --> 00:33:34,067 and one of the things we love to do when we have people 714 00:33:34,167 --> 00:33:36,567 over for dinner, sometimes when we start our prayer time, 715 00:33:36,667 --> 00:33:39,233 if they're in the book we'll pull it out and say, 716 00:33:39,333 --> 00:33:40,667 "Look, here you are. 717 00:33:40,700 --> 00:33:42,833 We prayed for you and God answered that prayer." 718 00:33:42,900 --> 00:33:44,833 We've seen people cry at our dinner table. 719 00:33:44,900 --> 00:33:47,500 Pray, pray for people, pray for yourself, pray for your needs. 720 00:33:47,567 --> 00:33:50,167 That's how we communicate with God and that's how you cultivate 721 00:33:50,233 --> 00:33:52,367 your relationship with the Holy Spirit, listening to God, 722 00:33:52,433 --> 00:33:53,767 talking to God. 723 00:33:53,833 --> 00:33:55,600 That could be plugging into Mars Hill, 724 00:33:55,667 --> 00:33:57,033 joining a community group, 725 00:33:57,100 --> 00:33:58,733 getting involved with God's people, 726 00:33:58,833 --> 00:34:01,333 having the Holy Spirit minister to you through the community 727 00:34:01,367 --> 00:34:03,067 of God's people. 728 00:34:03,167 --> 00:34:05,067 All right, what do you need to do, 729 00:34:05,167 --> 00:34:07,567 how do you need to reorganize and reorient your life 730 00:34:07,667 --> 00:34:09,333 to be filled with the Holy Spirit? 731 00:34:09,367 --> 00:34:11,500 And this includes being sensitive to the Holy Spirit. 732 00:34:11,567 --> 00:34:13,700 When he convicts you of sin, stop and listen. 733 00:34:13,767 --> 00:34:15,100 Don't quench, grieve, resist, fight. 734 00:34:15,167 --> 00:34:18,367 When he lays something on your heart, go with it. 735 00:34:18,433 --> 00:34:22,833 All right, be led, filled, directed by the Holy Spirit. 736 00:34:22,867 --> 00:34:25,533 That will cultivate fruitfulness in your life. 737 00:34:25,600 --> 00:34:29,533 Number two, repent of sins of commission and omission. 738 00:34:29,600 --> 00:34:32,867 Sins of commission are the occasions when we do 739 00:34:32,933 --> 00:34:34,833 what we're not supposed to do. 740 00:34:34,867 --> 00:34:38,767 Omission is when we don't do what we're supposed to do. 741 00:34:38,833 --> 00:34:42,667 Much of our fruitlessness or our lack of fruitfulness is 742 00:34:42,700 --> 00:34:45,667 the result of sins of omission. 743 00:34:45,700 --> 00:34:47,500 So repent of your sins of commission, 744 00:34:47,567 --> 00:34:49,600 meaning if you're doing something you're not supposed 745 00:34:49,667 --> 00:34:52,400 to be doing, stop doing it by the grace of God. 746 00:34:52,500 --> 00:34:53,933 Stop doing it. 747 00:34:54,000 --> 00:34:56,500 But what about those things that you should be doing 748 00:34:56,533 --> 00:34:57,867 that you're not? 749 00:34:57,933 --> 00:34:59,433 I'll give you an example. 750 00:34:59,500 --> 00:35:02,000 You may say, "I didn't steal any money last year." 751 00:35:02,067 --> 00:35:03,867 That would be a sin of commission, 752 00:35:03,933 --> 00:35:05,267 you're not supposed to steal. 753 00:35:05,333 --> 00:35:06,833 What about your sin of omission? 754 00:35:06,867 --> 00:35:08,367 Were you generous? "No." 755 00:35:08,433 --> 00:35:09,767 Okay. 756 00:35:09,833 --> 00:35:11,167 "Well, I didn't hurt anybody!" 757 00:35:11,200 --> 00:35:13,033 Yeah, but did you help anybody? 758 00:35:13,100 --> 00:35:14,600 "Oh yeah." 759 00:35:14,667 --> 00:35:17,433 See, our goal is not just to abstain from evil, 760 00:35:17,500 --> 00:35:19,933 but to be fruitful. 761 00:35:20,000 --> 00:35:22,433 So it's looking at those areas of your life, saying, 762 00:35:22,500 --> 00:35:25,100 "Yeah, last year I didn't do this, I didn't do this, 763 00:35:25,167 --> 00:35:26,500 "I didn't do this. 764 00:35:26,567 --> 00:35:28,000 "There were some things that, yeah, 765 00:35:28,067 --> 00:35:30,500 I was supposed to do and I didn't do them." 766 00:35:30,567 --> 00:35:32,333 All right, those things that you neglected, 767 00:35:32,400 --> 00:35:34,167 they reduced your fruitfulness. 768 00:35:34,233 --> 00:35:38,167 So repent of what you weren't supposed to do and did do 769 00:35:38,233 --> 00:35:42,033 and what you were supposed to do and didn't do. 770 00:35:42,100 --> 00:35:45,767 Additionally, another principle for fruitfulness, number three, 771 00:35:45,833 --> 00:35:48,900 count your figs, count your figs. 772 00:35:49,000 --> 00:35:51,033 Now, I'll extend the analogy. 773 00:35:51,100 --> 00:35:53,433 This guy owns a vineyard, apparently he's got all 774 00:35:53,500 --> 00:35:55,700 the trees numbered and he keeps an annual accounting 775 00:35:55,767 --> 00:35:57,100 of all of the trees. 776 00:35:57,167 --> 00:35:59,333 And he goes to tree number 27 and says, 777 00:35:59,367 --> 00:36:04,267 "Tree number 27 has had 0 figs 3 years running." 778 00:36:04,333 --> 00:36:07,267 Some of you, your big problem is you don't count your figs. 779 00:36:07,333 --> 00:36:08,700 You've got to measure, count. 780 00:36:08,767 --> 00:36:10,533 Some of you are naturally administratively 781 00:36:10,600 --> 00:36:12,267 gifted and organized. 782 00:36:12,333 --> 00:36:14,000 You're so freakishly tidy, 783 00:36:14,067 --> 00:36:16,000 you actually need to calm down, okay? 784 00:36:16,067 --> 00:36:19,200 But some of you need to get a label maker and you need 785 00:36:19,267 --> 00:36:20,600 to get a plan, right? 786 00:36:20,667 --> 00:36:22,500 You need to put some plans together. 787 00:36:22,533 --> 00:36:25,333 Let's say, for example, you want to lose weight this year 788 00:36:25,400 --> 00:36:27,067 and you want to be healthy. 789 00:36:27,167 --> 00:36:29,367 First thing you need is a scale. 790 00:36:29,433 --> 00:36:31,833 "How many figs do I weigh? 791 00:36:31,900 --> 00:36:33,667 "Okay, how many figs do I weigh? 792 00:36:33,733 --> 00:36:35,333 I got to count my figs." 793 00:36:35,400 --> 00:36:37,833 And then you got to read the boxes and labels. 794 00:36:37,900 --> 00:36:40,167 "How many calories, how many figs am I eating?" 795 00:36:40,233 --> 00:36:42,533 You've got to track it. How about time? 796 00:36:42,600 --> 00:36:44,333 How many of you are perennially late? 797 00:36:44,367 --> 00:36:47,400 You're always, or often, late? 798 00:36:47,500 --> 00:36:48,900 You know what you need? 799 00:36:49,000 --> 00:36:51,400 You need to track time. You need to count it. 800 00:36:51,500 --> 00:36:52,833 You need to measure it. 801 00:36:52,867 --> 00:36:54,833 "How long does it take to go somewhere? 802 00:36:54,867 --> 00:36:56,200 Why am I always late?" 803 00:36:56,267 --> 00:36:57,933 And I'll tell you what won't work, 804 00:36:58,000 --> 00:36:59,433 setting all your clocks to different times. 805 00:36:59,500 --> 00:37:00,900 I married that girl. 806 00:37:01,000 --> 00:37:03,600 I love her but I don't understand this. 807 00:37:03,667 --> 00:37:05,267 She's like, "Well, I'm always late 808 00:37:05,333 --> 00:37:06,833 so I changed all the clocks." 809 00:37:06,867 --> 00:37:09,167 Well, now you're late and confused. 810 00:37:09,233 --> 00:37:11,100 Like that, that didn't fix anything. 811 00:37:11,167 --> 00:37:14,867 Set all the clocks to the same time and then count time 812 00:37:14,933 --> 00:37:17,367 and show up on time, or early. 813 00:37:17,433 --> 00:37:20,167 All right, how many of you, the issue really is money, 814 00:37:20,200 --> 00:37:22,400 where you're like, "I exceed my budget. 815 00:37:22,500 --> 00:37:24,100 "I get upside down. 816 00:37:24,167 --> 00:37:27,500 "I'm in debt, then I'm not generous, everything's--" 817 00:37:27,567 --> 00:37:29,000 You know what you need? 818 00:37:29,033 --> 00:37:32,000 Some sort of accounting software and a budget. 819 00:37:32,033 --> 00:37:33,433 You got to count your figs. 820 00:37:33,500 --> 00:37:35,433 "How many figs do I have coming in? 821 00:37:35,500 --> 00:37:37,433 "How many figs do I have going out? 822 00:37:37,500 --> 00:37:39,000 "How many figs go to God? 823 00:37:39,033 --> 00:37:40,700 "How many figs go to the poor? 824 00:37:40,767 --> 00:37:43,700 "All right, how many figs go to, you know, the cable company. 825 00:37:43,767 --> 00:37:46,033 What am I doing with all of my figs?" 826 00:37:46,100 --> 00:37:48,033 You got to learn to count your figs. 827 00:37:48,100 --> 00:37:50,033 Some of you say, "I don't like numbers. 828 00:37:50,100 --> 00:37:51,433 I'm not good with numbers." 829 00:37:51,500 --> 00:37:53,433 You got to learn to count your figs. 830 00:37:53,500 --> 00:37:56,100 You won't make changes in your life unless you're tracking it, 831 00:37:56,167 --> 00:37:58,233 keeping an accounting and a reckoning of it. 832 00:37:58,333 --> 00:37:59,767 That's the point of the parable. 833 00:37:59,833 --> 00:38:02,500 He's got an idea of where his figs are coming from 834 00:38:02,567 --> 00:38:04,433 and where there is fruitlessness. 835 00:38:04,500 --> 00:38:08,167 Number four, measure fruitfulness, not busyness. 836 00:38:08,233 --> 00:38:09,900 This one's huge. 837 00:38:10,000 --> 00:38:12,267 Some of you say, "I'm busy! I'm active! 838 00:38:12,333 --> 00:38:17,200 I'm so busy, I'm committed to every--" but are you fruitful? 839 00:38:17,267 --> 00:38:21,900 There's a big difference between busyness and fruitfulness. 840 00:38:22,000 --> 00:38:24,367 Some people, they are filled with coffee. 841 00:38:24,433 --> 00:38:26,400 They're returning e-mails, talking on the phone, 842 00:38:26,500 --> 00:38:28,333 texting while they're driving, doing their make-up 843 00:38:28,400 --> 00:38:31,700 and their hair while doing Pilates on their way to work. 844 00:38:31,767 --> 00:38:35,000 I mean, they're multi-taskers, they're busy, 845 00:38:35,067 --> 00:38:36,867 they're active, they're rushed. 846 00:38:36,933 --> 00:38:39,100 They're always late, they're not emotionally present 847 00:38:39,167 --> 00:38:40,667 when they're there with you. 848 00:38:40,700 --> 00:38:42,433 They're taking calls over dinner, 849 00:38:42,500 --> 00:38:44,767 I mean they--stuffs falling through the cracks. 850 00:38:44,833 --> 00:38:46,200 They're not sleeping enough, 851 00:38:46,267 --> 00:38:47,667 they're stressed out and shaking. 852 00:38:47,733 --> 00:38:49,033 "I'm so busy!" 853 00:38:49,100 --> 00:38:50,533 And what they want is compassion. 854 00:38:50,600 --> 00:38:52,867 What they need is fruitfulness. 855 00:38:52,933 --> 00:38:55,767 Some of you need to learn to say, "I can't do that, 856 00:38:55,833 --> 00:38:57,767 "I can't do that, I can't do that. 857 00:38:57,833 --> 00:39:00,167 "I need to see three things through to completion 858 00:39:00,233 --> 00:39:02,500 "rather than seven things through to incompletion. 859 00:39:02,533 --> 00:39:05,000 I need to be fruitful not just busy." 860 00:39:05,033 --> 00:39:08,600 I'll give you an illustration from a cage fight. 861 00:39:08,667 --> 00:39:10,833 Back in the old pride fighting days, 862 00:39:10,900 --> 00:39:12,400 which cage fighting was in Japan. 863 00:39:12,500 --> 00:39:13,733 It was a big deal. 864 00:39:13,833 --> 00:39:15,833 And they had the most magnificent epic entrances 865 00:39:15,867 --> 00:39:17,167 for the fighters. 866 00:39:17,233 --> 00:39:20,167 The fireworks would go off and this huge screen would go up 867 00:39:20,200 --> 00:39:23,333 and the fighters would come down this walkway toward the cage 868 00:39:23,367 --> 00:39:27,867 and they'd have a whole posse and hip-hop dancers and music 869 00:39:27,933 --> 00:39:31,000 and costumes and it was awesome. 870 00:39:31,033 --> 00:39:32,867 And this--I remember this one fight, 871 00:39:32,933 --> 00:39:35,733 this guy's coming down the ramp and he is busy. 872 00:39:35,833 --> 00:39:38,200 He is dancing. He's screaming. 873 00:39:38,267 --> 00:39:40,867 He's banging his chest. He's very active. 874 00:39:40,933 --> 00:39:42,367 I mean, this guy's just shaking. 875 00:39:42,433 --> 00:39:45,700 He gets in the cage, he's running laps in the cage. 876 00:39:45,767 --> 00:39:48,833 And then his opponent comes out and it looks like somebody woke 877 00:39:48,900 --> 00:39:52,167 this guy up from a nap and he needed a cup of coffee 878 00:39:52,233 --> 00:39:54,267 and he didn't even want to be there. 879 00:39:54,333 --> 00:39:57,100 He just walked, no fly girls, no posse. 880 00:39:57,167 --> 00:39:59,000 Nothing with rims, nothing. 881 00:39:59,067 --> 00:40:03,433 Just him walking down this walkway, 882 00:40:03,500 --> 00:40:05,100 this ramp toward the ring. 883 00:40:05,167 --> 00:40:07,600 And he's like, "Ah," he's just kind of-- 884 00:40:07,667 --> 00:40:09,600 the guy is barely awake. 885 00:40:09,667 --> 00:40:13,033 And he gets into the ring and he sort of meanders to the middle 886 00:40:13,100 --> 00:40:16,333 and the other guy's running around the ring, "Argh!" 887 00:40:16,400 --> 00:40:19,000 And then they finally come together and the one guy's 888 00:40:19,033 --> 00:40:21,400 shaking and looking him in the eye and talking trash. 889 00:40:21,500 --> 00:40:23,900 And the one guy who's kind of asleep, he's like, 890 00:40:24,000 --> 00:40:25,333 "Mm-hmm, whatever." 891 00:40:25,367 --> 00:40:27,333 And then they come out, they touch gloves, 892 00:40:27,367 --> 00:40:29,333 and this one guy dances and he's screaming 893 00:40:29,367 --> 00:40:31,000 and he's, "Argh!" yelling. 894 00:40:31,033 --> 00:40:33,500 And the other guy punches him and knocks him out. 895 00:40:33,533 --> 00:40:35,200 I remember watching the fight thinking, 896 00:40:35,267 --> 00:40:38,333 "I want to be that guy. 897 00:40:38,367 --> 00:40:40,033 I want to be that guy." 898 00:40:40,100 --> 00:40:43,033 Because the one guy, if his family asked him, "How'd it go?" 899 00:40:43,100 --> 00:40:44,667 "I was really busy today." 900 00:40:44,700 --> 00:40:46,333 The other guy would be like, 901 00:40:46,367 --> 00:40:49,100 "I threw a punch and then I went home. 902 00:40:49,167 --> 00:40:51,400 And I knocked the other guy out." 903 00:40:51,500 --> 00:40:54,367 And the truth is, so many of you keep getting knocked out 904 00:40:54,433 --> 00:40:57,167 but it--you're not focused. 905 00:40:57,200 --> 00:40:59,433 You're not present. You don't have a plan. 906 00:40:59,500 --> 00:41:02,567 You don't have a budget. You don't have a schedule. 907 00:41:02,667 --> 00:41:04,867 You don't have priorities. You're just busy. 908 00:41:04,933 --> 00:41:07,200 Busyness and fruitfulness are two different things. 909 00:41:07,267 --> 00:41:10,767 Some of the most fruitful people I know are also some of the most 910 00:41:10,833 --> 00:41:14,333 present, focused, relaxed people I know. 911 00:41:14,400 --> 00:41:17,333 They don't waste their energy on things that they shouldn't 912 00:41:17,400 --> 00:41:18,733 waste their energy on. 913 00:41:18,833 --> 00:41:20,367 They focus it. 914 00:41:20,433 --> 00:41:22,733 "Need to love Jesus, need to love my spouse, 915 00:41:22,833 --> 00:41:25,200 "need to love my kids, need to help the poor, 916 00:41:25,267 --> 00:41:26,867 "need to serve those in need. 917 00:41:26,933 --> 00:41:29,167 "Going to do that and not going to waste 918 00:41:29,233 --> 00:41:31,500 all my time and energy on everything else." 919 00:41:31,533 --> 00:41:34,533 Don't exchange busyness for fruitfulness. 920 00:41:35,267 --> 00:41:38,233 Don't exchange busyness for fruitfulness. 921 00:41:38,333 --> 00:41:40,867 Number five, learn from fruitful people. 922 00:41:40,933 --> 00:41:44,200 Mars Hill, what a gift some of the people in this church are. 923 00:41:44,267 --> 00:41:46,667 Some of the people in this church are incredibly fruitful, 924 00:41:46,700 --> 00:41:50,600 wise, gifted, skilled, talented, competent, and able. 925 00:41:50,667 --> 00:41:53,433 There are some amazing people in our church. 926 00:41:53,500 --> 00:41:56,033 They have some skills in areas 927 00:41:56,100 --> 00:41:59,067 that would tremendously benefit you. 928 00:41:59,167 --> 00:42:02,500 This is where community and community groups are huge. 929 00:42:02,533 --> 00:42:04,333 So here's what you need to do. 930 00:42:04,400 --> 00:42:07,167 Find people who are fruitful where you're not very fruitful. 931 00:42:07,233 --> 00:42:10,167 And don't call them up and say, "I would like a mentor. 932 00:42:10,233 --> 00:42:13,333 Can we meet every Tuesday for the rest of my life?" 933 00:42:13,400 --> 00:42:16,833 Because they'll say, "I'm busy. I'm busy." 934 00:42:16,867 --> 00:42:20,000 What you need to do is figure out where you lack fruit, 935 00:42:20,067 --> 00:42:23,767 find someone who is fruitful, and then start recording. 936 00:42:23,833 --> 00:42:26,100 And I'm someone who takes notes on everything. 937 00:42:26,167 --> 00:42:27,567 I try to be ever present, 938 00:42:27,667 --> 00:42:29,400 paying attention in my life making notes. 939 00:42:29,500 --> 00:42:31,600 Say, "You know if I could meet with them." 940 00:42:31,667 --> 00:42:33,167 Maybe they've got a great marriage. 941 00:42:33,200 --> 00:42:34,833 They've been married for years. 942 00:42:34,867 --> 00:42:38,333 And you say, "Man, I would like to have a marriage like theirs. 943 00:42:38,367 --> 00:42:40,500 "I bet you they could teach me a lot. 944 00:42:40,567 --> 00:42:42,033 "What questions would I ask them? 945 00:42:42,100 --> 00:42:44,033 "What things in our marriage would I want 946 00:42:44,100 --> 00:42:45,433 their perspective on?" 947 00:42:45,500 --> 00:42:47,433 They raised amazing kids who totally love them 948 00:42:47,500 --> 00:42:48,833 and love Jesus. 949 00:42:48,900 --> 00:42:50,233 How do you do that? 950 00:42:50,333 --> 00:42:52,433 You meet a mom, she's got her act together. 951 00:42:52,500 --> 00:42:54,267 House is organized, everything's got a system, 952 00:42:54,333 --> 00:42:58,600 kids are always wearing pants, it's amazing. 953 00:42:58,667 --> 00:43:01,000 And you say, "How does she do that? 954 00:43:01,067 --> 00:43:04,700 How does she keep all of her complex life in order?" 955 00:43:04,767 --> 00:43:08,000 You meet someone who's good with investments and they know how to 956 00:43:08,033 --> 00:43:10,367 make it through tough economic times, whatever it is. 957 00:43:10,433 --> 00:43:13,167 Somebody who really knows their Bible and is really wise 958 00:43:13,233 --> 00:43:16,033 and reads the right books and listens to good teaching 959 00:43:16,100 --> 00:43:17,767 and they have lots of biblical wisdom. 960 00:43:17,833 --> 00:43:20,667 You say, "Man, if I could get a little time with them, 961 00:43:20,733 --> 00:43:23,333 "what would I ask them? 962 00:43:23,400 --> 00:43:25,333 What would I want to know from them?" 963 00:43:25,400 --> 00:43:27,567 See, wisdom is in the Bible first and foremost. 964 00:43:27,667 --> 00:43:29,000 It's also in books. 965 00:43:29,033 --> 00:43:30,667 And it's also in God's people. 966 00:43:30,700 --> 00:43:32,167 So you go to those people 967 00:43:32,200 --> 00:43:34,167 and you extract that wisdom as a gift. 968 00:43:34,200 --> 00:43:37,533 But to do so, number one, prayerfully consider what 969 00:43:37,600 --> 00:43:39,333 questions you'll ask in advance. 970 00:43:39,400 --> 00:43:41,167 Write those questions down. 971 00:43:41,200 --> 00:43:44,667 Don't waste their time, it's a treasure. 972 00:43:44,733 --> 00:43:48,000 Number two, humbly ask them. 973 00:43:48,067 --> 00:43:50,067 "Could I get 30 minutes of your time?" 974 00:43:50,167 --> 00:43:52,067 "Could I get 60 minutes of your time? 975 00:43:52,167 --> 00:43:53,533 "I won't waste it. 976 00:43:53,600 --> 00:43:56,533 "I've got a couple questions I would really like your help on 977 00:43:56,600 --> 00:43:59,033 "so that I could become more fruitful in my life. 978 00:43:59,100 --> 00:44:02,100 "And I promise you if you tell me things I'll do them. 979 00:44:02,167 --> 00:44:04,100 I will not be a waste of time." 980 00:44:04,167 --> 00:44:08,067 And then, if you ask them, what do you think they will say? 981 00:44:08,167 --> 00:44:10,667 "Sure." 982 00:44:10,733 --> 00:44:15,333 Fruitful people love to help make other people fruitful. 983 00:44:15,367 --> 00:44:18,333 The most fruitful person that I have personally ever met 984 00:44:18,400 --> 00:44:21,867 in my life goes to Mars Hill. 985 00:44:21,933 --> 00:44:25,067 And a few years ago I hit the wall, I wasn't doing well, 986 00:44:25,167 --> 00:44:26,667 things weren't working. 987 00:44:26,700 --> 00:44:29,233 And I didn't know how to become more fruitful. 988 00:44:29,333 --> 00:44:31,900 And this person who's very fruitful and very godly and very 989 00:44:32,000 --> 00:44:35,933 generous and I really love him, they're more fruitful than me 990 00:44:36,000 --> 00:44:39,333 and more calm and relaxed and easy going and happy. 991 00:44:39,400 --> 00:44:41,500 And I thought, "How do you do both?" 992 00:44:41,567 --> 00:44:43,433 Because that was a mystery to me. 993 00:44:43,500 --> 00:44:46,367 So I met with him and I had a list of questions, 994 00:44:46,433 --> 00:44:49,033 and I don't know, maybe it was an hour or two. 995 00:44:49,100 --> 00:44:50,433 I didn't track time. 996 00:44:50,500 --> 00:44:52,933 I would take as much as they would give me. 997 00:44:53,000 --> 00:44:54,933 They just told me, "Here's what I do. 998 00:44:55,000 --> 00:44:56,933 "Here's how I think. Here's what I've learned. 999 00:44:57,000 --> 00:44:58,433 "Here's mistakes I've made. 1000 00:44:58,500 --> 00:45:00,233 "Here's how I put my life together. 1001 00:45:00,333 --> 00:45:02,733 "You know, here's parts of Scripture that have helped me. 1002 00:45:02,833 --> 00:45:04,233 "Here's books that have helped me. 1003 00:45:04,333 --> 00:45:05,667 Here's systems." 1004 00:45:05,700 --> 00:45:07,833 I just took notes, page after page after page. 1005 00:45:07,900 --> 00:45:09,233 I typed all those up. 1006 00:45:09,333 --> 00:45:11,733 To be honest with you, that's a file I go 1007 00:45:11,833 --> 00:45:13,500 back to over and over and over. 1008 00:45:13,533 --> 00:45:15,667 I have for, I don't know, 4, 5 years. 1009 00:45:15,733 --> 00:45:17,067 It's been life changing. 1010 00:45:17,167 --> 00:45:19,567 One hour with the right person asking the right questions 1011 00:45:19,667 --> 00:45:23,433 can actually change a whole course of life. 1012 00:45:23,500 --> 00:45:26,867 So, learn from fruitful people. 1013 00:45:26,933 --> 00:45:29,500 Learn from fruitful people. 1014 00:45:29,533 --> 00:45:32,500 Number six, be an activist, not a fatalist. 1015 00:45:32,533 --> 00:45:34,533 Some of you have a theology of fatalism. 1016 00:45:34,600 --> 00:45:35,933 "God's sovereign! 1017 00:45:36,000 --> 00:45:37,433 "God does whatever he wants! 1018 00:45:37,500 --> 00:45:40,533 It's unavoidable, there's nothing we can do!" 1019 00:45:40,600 --> 00:45:44,867 And you use that as an excuse to be unfruitful. 1020 00:45:44,933 --> 00:45:47,167 You're not trying hard. You're not doing your best. 1021 00:45:47,233 --> 00:45:49,667 You're not making plans. You're not giving generously. 1022 00:45:49,700 --> 00:45:52,933 You're not staying busy. 1023 00:45:53,000 --> 00:45:55,600 God's sovereignty and human responsibility are like 1024 00:45:55,667 --> 00:45:58,233 two pedals on a bike, they work together. 1025 00:45:58,333 --> 00:46:00,167 God initiates, we respond. 1026 00:46:00,233 --> 00:46:06,833 God gets his work done through his people. 1027 00:46:06,867 --> 00:46:09,600 He's sovereign over the ends, what happens, and the means, 1028 00:46:09,667 --> 00:46:12,267 how it gets done. 1029 00:46:12,333 --> 00:46:14,900 If you only have one pedal, "It's all me!" 1030 00:46:15,000 --> 00:46:18,600 Well, you forgot about God and you're starting to act like God. 1031 00:46:18,667 --> 00:46:20,500 If, "It's all God!" 1032 00:46:20,567 --> 00:46:24,567 then you forget the fact that God works through us. 1033 00:46:24,667 --> 00:46:26,833 Yeah, God's going to get all his figs. 1034 00:46:26,900 --> 00:46:29,833 And some of them are going to be on our tree. 1035 00:46:29,900 --> 00:46:32,600 Don't have a theology of fatalism. 1036 00:46:32,667 --> 00:46:34,733 Have a theology of activism. 1037 00:46:34,833 --> 00:46:38,700 Stay busy, be fruitful, do good works. 1038 00:46:38,767 --> 00:46:40,500 Make your life count. 1039 00:46:40,567 --> 00:46:42,733 Don't waste your days. 1040 00:46:42,833 --> 00:46:47,600 And, number seven, turn your pains into plans. 1041 00:46:47,667 --> 00:46:49,233 I am a furious note taker. 1042 00:46:49,333 --> 00:46:53,900 I always carry a little notepad with me and I try to take notes. 1043 00:46:54,000 --> 00:46:56,100 And when something doesn't work or it hurts, 1044 00:46:56,167 --> 00:46:58,433 I want to make a plan to fix it. 1045 00:46:58,500 --> 00:47:01,500 Now let me say this, some pain in life you can't avoid. 1046 00:47:01,567 --> 00:47:02,900 It is what it is. 1047 00:47:03,000 --> 00:47:06,100 A lot of pain in life, a lot of pain in your life, 1048 00:47:06,167 --> 00:47:07,767 you can fix it. 1049 00:47:07,833 --> 00:47:10,167 You can fix it. 1050 00:47:10,200 --> 00:47:13,500 And so it's turning your pain into your plan. 1051 00:47:13,533 --> 00:47:16,333 So for me, when we go on vacation as a family, 1052 00:47:16,400 --> 00:47:17,833 I'm taking notes. 1053 00:47:17,867 --> 00:47:19,600 Not continually, but I'll jot things down. 1054 00:47:19,667 --> 00:47:21,100 "This really worked! 1055 00:47:21,167 --> 00:47:22,767 This did not work at all." 1056 00:47:22,833 --> 00:47:25,767 And I put them together as a file on my laptop under 1057 00:47:25,833 --> 00:47:28,433 "vacations" so when it comes time to plan a family vacation 1058 00:47:28,500 --> 00:47:31,000 I pull it up and I've got years of learning. 1059 00:47:31,033 --> 00:47:32,367 Because you know what happens? 1060 00:47:32,433 --> 00:47:35,033 You go on vacation, something doesn't work, it's a total bomb, 1061 00:47:35,100 --> 00:47:37,033 you forget about it, the next year, oh, 1062 00:47:37,100 --> 00:47:40,100 you didn't have the right plan, it's a bad vacation again. 1063 00:47:40,167 --> 00:47:42,833 You come home more tired from vacation than before you went. 1064 00:47:42,900 --> 00:47:47,433 Some of you just came through the holidays and it was painful. 1065 00:47:47,500 --> 00:47:49,933 It didn't work. You say, "It didn't work." 1066 00:47:50,000 --> 00:47:52,233 What are you going to do? "I don't know." 1067 00:47:52,333 --> 00:47:53,667 I'll tell you what, 1068 00:47:53,733 --> 00:47:56,500 within 2 weeks you won't even remember why it didn't work. 1069 00:47:56,567 --> 00:47:57,900 So write it down now. 1070 00:47:58,000 --> 00:48:00,900 Christmas 2009 didn't work. 1071 00:48:01,000 --> 00:48:02,667 It didn't work. 1072 00:48:02,700 --> 00:48:06,167 My daddy dates with my daughters got rushed. 1073 00:48:06,200 --> 00:48:09,067 I didn't get an away night with my wife to really connect 1074 00:48:09,167 --> 00:48:11,167 with her and make some great memories. 1075 00:48:11,233 --> 00:48:12,933 We didn't have our schedule put together 1076 00:48:13,000 --> 00:48:14,367 and it didn't really work. 1077 00:48:14,433 --> 00:48:18,500 And at the end of the holidays I felt like I missed it. 1078 00:48:18,567 --> 00:48:22,167 It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't wonderful. 1079 00:48:22,233 --> 00:48:27,567 I missed the opportunity to make memories with my wife and kids. 1080 00:48:27,667 --> 00:48:30,033 And so I made notes and I made a plan. 1081 00:48:30,100 --> 00:48:33,867 I put it in my laptop, and this year I pulled it up a couple 1082 00:48:33,933 --> 00:48:36,200 of months before Christmas. 1083 00:48:36,267 --> 00:48:38,733 And we put it all together, Gracie and I did. 1084 00:48:38,833 --> 00:48:40,667 And honestly, 2010, 1085 00:48:40,733 --> 00:48:42,600 best Christmas season of my whole life. 1086 00:48:42,667 --> 00:48:45,333 I got a whole daddy date with Ashley, a whole day, 1087 00:48:45,400 --> 00:48:46,900 it was fantastic. 1088 00:48:47,000 --> 00:48:49,900 I got a whole daddy date day with Alexie, it was great. 1089 00:48:50,000 --> 00:48:51,600 I got guy time with the boys, 1090 00:48:51,667 --> 00:48:54,333 I got away in the snow with Grace for an overnight. 1091 00:48:54,400 --> 00:48:57,167 It was amazing, it was amazing. 1092 00:48:57,200 --> 00:48:59,000 Christmas worked. 1093 00:48:59,067 --> 00:49:01,867 It wasn't painful, it was wonderful. 1094 00:49:01,933 --> 00:49:05,367 I feel encouraged, I feel refreshed, I feel hopeful. 1095 00:49:05,433 --> 00:49:09,000 So I spent a little time working on my life, not just in it, 1096 00:49:09,033 --> 00:49:11,167 putting together my schedule for this year, 1097 00:49:11,200 --> 00:49:13,233 my travel schedule for the next 18 months, 1098 00:49:13,333 --> 00:49:17,867 my preaching schedule for the next 24 months. 1099 00:49:17,933 --> 00:49:19,867 Plans for Mars Hill, plans for my family, 1100 00:49:19,933 --> 00:49:21,500 trying to tee it all up. 1101 00:49:21,567 --> 00:49:23,833 Yeah, there will be adjustments, nothing's perfect. 1102 00:49:23,867 --> 00:49:26,933 I sat down with Gracie and we took a whole day, 1103 00:49:27,000 --> 00:49:30,500 just her and I, laptops, paperwork, put it all together. 1104 00:49:30,533 --> 00:49:32,167 What's an ideal week look like? 1105 00:49:32,200 --> 00:49:34,167 What do you need from me? What's working? 1106 00:49:34,200 --> 00:49:36,000 What's not working? How can we help? 1107 00:49:36,067 --> 00:49:38,200 How do we need to adjust the kids' chores? 1108 00:49:38,267 --> 00:49:39,600 How did the holidays work? 1109 00:49:39,667 --> 00:49:41,600 What do we need for vacations this year? 1110 00:49:41,667 --> 00:49:44,100 What are we going to do for the kids' birthdays? 1111 00:49:44,167 --> 00:49:45,500 What about sports? 1112 00:49:45,567 --> 00:49:47,333 You know the complexity of life. 1113 00:49:47,400 --> 00:49:50,600 And Gracie and I spent a whole day putting the year together. 1114 00:49:50,667 --> 00:49:54,933 We made a plan. We made a plan. 1115 00:49:55,000 --> 00:49:58,267 And by the grace of God, we'll take notes along the way 1116 00:49:58,333 --> 00:50:01,267 and we'll make adjustments and next year will be better 1117 00:50:01,333 --> 00:50:03,767 than the year that we're looking forward to right now, 1118 00:50:03,833 --> 00:50:05,933 I hope and pray, by the grace of God. 1119 00:50:06,000 --> 00:50:07,833 Turn your pains into plans. 1120 00:50:07,867 --> 00:50:10,600 Learn from it, do something different. 1121 00:50:10,667 --> 00:50:13,733 If your thing's not working, try something else. 1122 00:50:13,833 --> 00:50:15,733 We do this with our kids as well. 1123 00:50:15,833 --> 00:50:17,267 What worked for you on vacation? 1124 00:50:17,333 --> 00:50:18,767 What are you learning in school? 1125 00:50:18,833 --> 00:50:20,333 How could we serve you better? 1126 00:50:20,367 --> 00:50:22,667 Who do we need to serve as a family? 1127 00:50:22,700 --> 00:50:25,333 We set goals like how much can we give this year, 1128 00:50:25,367 --> 00:50:28,833 because for 20 years Grace and I have set a goal to give more 1129 00:50:28,867 --> 00:50:30,833 every year than we did the year before, 1130 00:50:30,867 --> 00:50:32,333 and God's always answered that prayer. 1131 00:50:32,367 --> 00:50:34,033 But you got to have a plan. 1132 00:50:34,100 --> 00:50:35,533 I didn't know this for years. 1133 00:50:35,600 --> 00:50:38,533 It hurt my wife, it hurt my kids, it hurt my health, 1134 00:50:38,600 --> 00:50:39,933 it hurt our church. 1135 00:50:40,000 --> 00:50:41,667 All right, I want to be fruitful. 1136 00:50:41,733 --> 00:50:43,367 I want my family to be fruitful. 1137 00:50:43,433 --> 00:50:45,067 I want our church to be fruitful. 1138 00:50:45,167 --> 00:50:46,533 I want you to be fruitful. 1139 00:50:46,600 --> 00:50:49,500 And one big helpful idea is to turn your pains into plans. 1140 00:50:49,533 --> 00:50:51,667 This is the time of year to do that. 1141 00:50:51,733 --> 00:50:54,933 A resolution doesn't accomplish anything without a plan 1142 00:50:55,000 --> 00:50:57,000 and the power of the Holy Spirit. 1143 00:50:57,033 --> 00:51:01,700 Lastly, my favorite point of all, use your manure. 1144 00:51:01,767 --> 00:51:03,600 This is the best point of all. 1145 00:51:03,667 --> 00:51:06,667 All right, I will use a--make sure I get the right ones, 1146 00:51:06,700 --> 00:51:08,600 okay, here we go. 1147 00:51:08,667 --> 00:51:10,533 What are these? 1148 00:51:10,600 --> 00:51:12,100 These are Fig Newtons. 1149 00:51:12,167 --> 00:51:14,033 Did you get one on the way in? 1150 00:51:14,100 --> 00:51:17,233 How many of you walked in like, "What kind of weird cookie cult 1151 00:51:17,333 --> 00:51:18,667 "have I walked into? 1152 00:51:18,700 --> 00:51:21,000 They're handing out Fig Newtons in the foyer." 1153 00:51:21,033 --> 00:51:22,367 I love Fig Newtons. 1154 00:51:22,433 --> 00:51:24,833 I have since I was a little boy. 1155 00:51:24,867 --> 00:51:29,933 Eat them by the sleeve, fantastic. 1156 00:51:30,000 --> 00:51:31,500 Love Fig Newtons. 1157 00:51:31,567 --> 00:51:34,000 Jesus' parable's about what? 1158 00:51:34,067 --> 00:51:35,867 Figs. 1159 00:51:35,933 --> 00:51:39,033 Every time you eat a Fig Newton, and I would recommend fairly 1160 00:51:39,100 --> 00:51:43,700 frequently, think about Luke 13:6-9, the parable. 1161 00:51:43,767 --> 00:51:46,200 And every time you see Fig Newtons at the store, 1162 00:51:46,267 --> 00:51:47,600 remember Jesus. 1163 00:51:47,667 --> 00:51:49,600 And, "Yeah, Jesus wants me to be fruitful, 1164 00:51:49,667 --> 00:51:52,367 and he uses the analogy of a fig." 1165 00:51:52,433 --> 00:51:58,200 Now, this could be a while. I might eat a few more figs. 1166 00:51:58,267 --> 00:52:00,500 In the analogy and in the parable, 1167 00:52:00,567 --> 00:52:07,333 Jesus says to get figs, first you need manure. 1168 00:52:07,400 --> 00:52:10,167 Now if I came to you today and I said, 1169 00:52:10,200 --> 00:52:11,667 "Would you like some Fig Newtons?" 1170 00:52:11,733 --> 00:52:14,233 You would say, "Why yes." 1171 00:52:14,333 --> 00:52:17,267 "Oh, and by the way, it comes with manure." 1172 00:52:17,333 --> 00:52:21,600 You'd say, "Can I just--can I just get the Fig Newtons? 1173 00:52:21,667 --> 00:52:23,833 I would like the Fig Newtons without the manure." 1174 00:52:23,900 --> 00:52:27,400 But here's the point of the simple analogy and the parable. 1175 00:52:27,500 --> 00:52:31,100 It takes manure to get a fig. 1176 00:52:31,167 --> 00:52:32,767 Amen? 1177 00:52:32,833 --> 00:52:36,000 Okay, now let me tell you how this applies to your life. 1178 00:52:36,067 --> 00:52:39,600 You look at your life right now, where's the manure? 1179 00:52:39,667 --> 00:52:41,267 Where's the manure? 1180 00:52:41,333 --> 00:52:42,833 Is it in your marriage? 1181 00:52:42,867 --> 00:52:44,833 You say, "Yeah, my marriage is a pile. 1182 00:52:44,867 --> 00:52:47,367 "I got a lot of manure there. Yeah." 1183 00:52:47,433 --> 00:52:49,367 Is it your finances? "Oh, yeah, my finances. 1184 00:52:49,433 --> 00:52:51,900 "I go to the ATM, and I hit the button 1185 00:52:52,000 --> 00:52:54,167 "and manure comes out, not money. 1186 00:52:54,200 --> 00:52:55,867 I just--that's all that's going on." 1187 00:52:55,933 --> 00:52:57,400 How about your walk with God? 1188 00:52:57,500 --> 00:52:59,167 You say, "Yeah, this last year, woo-hoo. 1189 00:52:59,233 --> 00:53:02,767 Yeah, way--I--a lot more manure than figs." 1190 00:53:02,833 --> 00:53:06,000 All right, and some of you, when you get a lot of manure 1191 00:53:06,033 --> 00:53:08,167 in your life, and sometimes it's suffering, it's hardship, 1192 00:53:08,233 --> 00:53:10,367 it's pain, it's loss, it's failure, 1193 00:53:10,433 --> 00:53:12,033 it's trauma, it's trial. 1194 00:53:12,100 --> 00:53:13,933 You know what? It just stinks. 1195 00:53:14,000 --> 00:53:15,600 That's what it--it just stinks. 1196 00:53:15,667 --> 00:53:18,267 And some of you will look at it and you'll say, 1197 00:53:18,333 --> 00:53:20,933 "You know what, God? How come you don't love me? 1198 00:53:21,000 --> 00:53:22,667 "How come you're not good to me? 1199 00:53:22,733 --> 00:53:24,433 "How come you don't care about me? 1200 00:53:24,500 --> 00:53:26,000 "How come you're not helping me? 1201 00:53:26,033 --> 00:53:29,000 "You know, this part of my life, or maybe my whole life, 1202 00:53:29,033 --> 00:53:30,367 it's just manure!" 1203 00:53:30,433 --> 00:53:32,700 God would say, "I love you so much that 1204 00:53:32,767 --> 00:53:35,067 "I gave you that manure. 1205 00:53:35,167 --> 00:53:37,433 "And I'm digging around the roots 1206 00:53:37,500 --> 00:53:40,400 "and I'm putting the manure on your roots because I have 1207 00:53:40,500 --> 00:53:43,667 a whole lot of figs in your future." 1208 00:53:43,700 --> 00:53:47,433 So it takes a while to go from manure to fruit. 1209 00:53:47,500 --> 00:53:49,667 It takes a little while. 1210 00:53:49,733 --> 00:53:52,500 Do you know who the best counselors are we have found 1211 00:53:52,533 --> 00:53:55,433 in Redemption Groups for rape victims? 1212 00:53:55,500 --> 00:53:58,500 Who do you think the best counselors are for rape victims? 1213 00:53:58,533 --> 00:54:01,267 Those who have been raped. 1214 00:54:01,333 --> 00:54:06,100 Those people who have the best insight to help someone dying 1215 00:54:06,167 --> 00:54:10,333 of cancer is someone who has battled cancer. 1216 00:54:10,367 --> 00:54:15,167 Those people who have the greatest insights on marriage 1217 00:54:15,233 --> 00:54:21,833 are those whose marriage has endured some really rough water. 1218 00:54:21,867 --> 00:54:24,833 Those people who have tremendous insights, 1219 00:54:24,867 --> 00:54:29,267 wisdom, gifts to give, generally speaking, 1220 00:54:29,333 --> 00:54:33,533 it started for them with a lot of manure in their life. 1221 00:54:33,600 --> 00:54:38,200 Something painful, stinky, hard, difficult, disappointing, 1222 00:54:38,267 --> 00:54:40,600 maybe even embarrassing. 1223 00:54:40,667 --> 00:54:44,433 But by the grace of God, you don't waste your manure. 1224 00:54:44,500 --> 00:54:47,933 You use your manure and eventually there's a harvest. 1225 00:54:48,000 --> 00:54:50,900 There's fruitfulness. 1226 00:54:51,000 --> 00:54:53,933 I want you to be encouraged. 1227 00:54:54,000 --> 00:54:56,333 I want you to be hopeful. 1228 00:54:56,400 --> 00:54:59,000 I want you not to give up. 1229 00:54:59,067 --> 00:55:01,500 I do want you to turn your pain into plan 1230 00:55:01,567 --> 00:55:04,667 and I do want you to use your manure. 1231 00:55:04,733 --> 00:55:07,733 Whatever right now stinks the most in your life could be 1232 00:55:07,833 --> 00:55:11,200 something that God uses for an enormous harvest. 1233 00:55:11,267 --> 00:55:14,767 And some of you say, "You have no idea how much manure I have." 1234 00:55:14,833 --> 00:55:18,067 Well then you have no idea how many figs are going to come. 1235 00:55:18,167 --> 00:55:21,667 God apparently has a big harvest for you in fruitfulness 1236 00:55:21,733 --> 00:55:26,900 and righteousness and ministry and testimony and service. 1237 00:55:27,000 --> 00:55:28,933 He does. 1238 00:55:29,000 --> 00:55:30,833 He does! 1239 00:55:30,867 --> 00:55:33,100 He's not angry and looking at you today saying, 1240 00:55:33,167 --> 00:55:35,700 "I'm here to cut you down." 1241 00:55:35,767 --> 00:55:40,067 He's here to say, "I have great hope for that little tree 1242 00:55:40,167 --> 00:55:44,267 "and what stinks today will be joy tomorrow and fruitfulness 1243 00:55:44,333 --> 00:55:48,067 if you will use it." 1244 00:55:48,167 --> 00:55:49,833 And we want to help you. 1245 00:55:49,900 --> 00:55:52,233 We do want to help you. 1246 00:55:52,333 --> 00:55:54,233 Community groups, get connected. 1247 00:55:54,333 --> 00:55:56,900 Redemption Groups for those of you who are addicted or abused, 1248 00:55:57,000 --> 00:55:59,033 get connected. 1249 00:55:59,100 --> 00:56:01,667 Be reading your Bible, praying. 1250 00:56:01,733 --> 00:56:03,333 Work on your plans. 1251 00:56:03,400 --> 00:56:05,933 Fill out a visitor card when we take the offering. 1252 00:56:06,000 --> 00:56:08,600 Let us know who you are, how we can help you. 1253 00:56:08,667 --> 00:56:11,433 And let us know what gifts you have to give us. 1254 00:56:11,500 --> 00:56:13,933 Some of you are fruitful, and say, "I play drums. 1255 00:56:14,000 --> 00:56:16,167 I'm a financial coach. I can help people out." 1256 00:56:16,200 --> 00:56:19,533 Great, let us know how we can serve you, how you can serve us. 1257 00:56:19,600 --> 00:56:22,933 Number two, you can also drop by the connect desk on the way out. 1258 00:56:23,000 --> 00:56:26,100 Say, "You know what, I want to plant my tree in this vineyard. 1259 00:56:26,167 --> 00:56:27,533 Get me plugged in." 1260 00:56:27,600 --> 00:56:30,533 Number three, you can register on The City on your way out, 1261 00:56:30,600 --> 00:56:32,267 which is our online social networking tool. 1262 00:56:32,333 --> 00:56:33,833 Plant your tree in our vineyard. 1263 00:56:33,867 --> 00:56:36,333 Give us the fruit of your life. 1264 00:56:36,367 --> 00:56:39,667 Let us give you the fruit of our life and together this next 1265 00:56:39,733 --> 00:56:42,500 year, by the grace of God, will be the biggest harvest 1266 00:56:42,567 --> 00:56:44,033 we've ever seen. 1267 00:56:44,100 --> 00:56:45,567 I hope you're encouraged. 1268 00:56:45,667 --> 00:56:48,700 I come with tremendous hope for us as a people. 1269 00:56:48,767 --> 00:56:50,533 This has been a great vineyard. 1270 00:56:50,600 --> 00:56:53,500 It's produced a lot of figs. 1271 00:56:53,533 --> 00:56:56,433 And some of you God has wonderful things in store 1272 00:56:56,500 --> 00:56:58,067 for your future. 1273 00:56:58,167 --> 00:57:01,333 I don't want you to lose hope because you've not been fruitful 1274 00:57:01,400 --> 00:57:04,733 in the past and I don't want you to lose hope because right now 1275 00:57:04,833 --> 00:57:06,933 it just smells like manure on your roots. 1276 00:57:07,000 --> 00:57:08,500 Amen? 1277 00:57:08,533 --> 00:57:10,500 I hope you're encouraged. I'm encouraged for you. 1278 00:57:10,533 --> 00:57:12,500 Jesus loves you and so do we. 1279 00:57:12,533 --> 00:57:14,667 Father God, I pray against the enemy, his servants, 1280 00:57:14,733 --> 00:57:16,500 their works and effects. 1281 00:57:16,567 --> 00:57:18,033 Jesus, we thank you. 1282 00:57:18,100 --> 00:57:20,500 You're the master perfect storyteller. 1283 00:57:20,533 --> 00:57:24,167 Thank you for this simple little story and thank you for the rest 1284 00:57:24,200 --> 00:57:26,167 of the stories we'll be studying in Luke. 1285 00:57:26,233 --> 00:57:29,567 I pray for those, Lord God, who would look back on the year and 1286 00:57:29,667 --> 00:57:32,233 say, "It was fruitful, there is a lot to rejoice in." 1287 00:57:32,333 --> 00:57:33,733 Wonderful, we rejoice with them. 1288 00:57:33,833 --> 00:57:35,733 For those who would look back, Lord God, 1289 00:57:35,833 --> 00:57:38,933 and there was a part of their life or maybe the majority of 1290 00:57:39,000 --> 00:57:41,000 their life that was not very fruitful, 1291 00:57:41,033 --> 00:57:46,500 God, I pray that they wouldn't be condemned but convicted, 1292 00:57:46,533 --> 00:57:49,500 that they wouldn't lose hope, that they'd borrow the hope 1293 00:57:49,567 --> 00:57:52,667 that we have for them, that I have for them. 1294 00:57:52,700 --> 00:57:54,867 And God, I pray for us individually and corporately 1295 00:57:54,933 --> 00:57:57,067 that this would be a fruitful year for us. 1296 00:57:57,167 --> 00:57:59,900 Not just a busy year, but a fruitful year. 1297 00:58:00,033 --> 00:58:03,533 So Holy Spirit, we invite you to make us like Jesus, 1298 00:58:03,600 --> 00:58:05,933 in whose name we pray, amen.