1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,042 2 00:00:00,050 --> 00:00:02,042 Hi, Pastor Mark here in Jerusalem 3 00:00:02,050 --> 00:00:05,067 at the Church of the Ascension, 4 00:00:05,071 --> 00:00:09,021 built actually among a beautiful grove of olive trees, 5 00:00:09,029 --> 00:00:13,025 right here on the Mount of Olives where tradition tells us 6 00:00:13,033 --> 00:00:16,021 that Jesus ascended into heaven 7 00:00:16,029 --> 00:00:18,025 after his resurrection from death. 8 00:00:18,033 --> 00:00:21,071 And as we were visiting this place, we found this fig tree, 9 00:00:21,079 --> 00:00:25,042 not the most glorious, beautiful, amazing, or fruitful, 10 00:00:25,050 --> 00:00:30,067 but fitting as a context and backdrop for Luke 6 11 00:00:30,071 --> 00:00:35,017 where Jesus tells a parable, saying in verse 43 and onward, 12 00:00:35,025 --> 00:00:38,025 "For no good tree bears bad fruit, 13 00:00:38,033 --> 00:00:41,058 "nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit, 14 00:00:41,067 --> 00:00:45,008 "for each tree is known by its own fruit. 15 00:00:45,017 --> 00:00:47,083 "For figs are not gathered from thornbushes, 16 00:00:47,092 --> 00:00:51,050 "nor are grapes picked up from a bramble bush. 17 00:00:51,058 --> 00:00:53,083 "The good person out of the good treasure of his heart 18 00:00:53,088 --> 00:00:57,088 "produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure 19 00:00:57,096 --> 00:01:00,092 "produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart 20 00:01:01,000 --> 00:01:03,038 the mouth speaks." 21 00:01:03,046 --> 00:01:04,017 22 00:01:04,025 --> 00:01:05,054 Hi, Pastor Mark here in Jerusalem, 23 00:01:05,062 --> 00:01:09,050 actually underground in what is referred to as 24 00:01:09,058 --> 00:01:12,000 King Solomon's Quarry, 25 00:01:12,008 --> 00:01:15,000 and this is an epic place that seems to go on 26 00:01:15,008 --> 00:01:18,096 forever and ever, apparently all the way down to a spring. 27 00:01:19,000 --> 00:01:22,021 One of the first things that you recognize regarding topography 28 00:01:22,029 --> 00:01:25,050 as you ascend into the great city of Jerusalem is 29 00:01:25,058 --> 00:01:32,017 that the entire city is built on and out of rock. 30 00:01:32,021 --> 00:01:35,079 It is stone as far as the eye can see. 31 00:01:35,083 --> 00:01:38,008 One of the most important buildings, of course, 32 00:01:38,017 --> 00:01:40,083 in the history of the world was the temple. 33 00:01:40,092 --> 00:01:46,050 The second temple was created under the leadership of Herod by 34 00:01:46,054 --> 00:01:51,012 the stones that were excavated from this very quarry. 35 00:01:51,017 --> 00:01:55,008 And so where we are standing is the place that the stones were 36 00:01:55,017 --> 00:01:58,083 gathered, hewn, cut, and removed for the construction 37 00:01:58,088 --> 00:02:01,025 of the temple where the sacrifices were offered, 38 00:02:01,033 --> 00:02:03,021 where God's people came to worship. 39 00:02:03,029 --> 00:02:08,046 Essentially these rocks created the house for God. 40 00:02:08,050 --> 00:02:11,075 Beginning in Luke 6:46, Jesus teaches this, 41 00:02:11,083 --> 00:02:13,004 "Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord,' 42 00:02:13,012 --> 00:02:14,092 "and not do what I tell you? 43 00:02:15,000 --> 00:02:18,058 "Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them, 44 00:02:18,067 --> 00:02:21,004 "I will show you what he is like: 45 00:02:21,012 --> 00:02:24,062 "he is like a man building a house," or a temple, 46 00:02:24,067 --> 00:02:27,083 "who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. 47 00:02:27,092 --> 00:02:31,021 "And when a flood arose, the stream broke against the house 48 00:02:31,029 --> 00:02:34,071 "and could not shake it, because it had been well built. 49 00:02:34,079 --> 00:02:38,092 "But the one who hears and does not do them is like a man who 50 00:02:39,000 --> 00:02:42,017 "built a house on the ground without a foundation. 51 00:02:42,025 --> 00:02:45,083 "When the stream broke against it, immediately it fell, 52 00:02:45,092 --> 00:02:50,025 and the ruin of that house was great." 53 00:02:50,033 --> 00:02:59,000 54 00:02:59,004 --> 00:03:04,004 [music] 55 00:03:04,012 --> 00:03:17,000 56 00:03:17,008 --> 00:03:19,012 All righty Mars Hill, as you're finding your place 57 00:03:19,017 --> 00:03:24,000 in Luke 6:37-49 in your Bible, iPhone, laptop, whatever, 58 00:03:24,008 --> 00:03:27,033 one quick announcement--the latest book is out: "Doctrine." 59 00:03:27,038 --> 00:03:30,000 Really excited about this book. 60 00:03:30,004 --> 00:03:32,033 It lays out the framework for Mars Hill, 61 00:03:32,038 --> 00:03:33,083 what we believe, and why. 62 00:03:33,092 --> 00:03:36,079 So if you've got questions, this would be a great place to start. 63 00:03:36,083 --> 00:03:39,033 It also looks like the Metallica "Black" album which is 64 00:03:39,038 --> 00:03:43,025 very important, and I praise God for that as well. 65 00:03:43,033 --> 00:03:48,071 It's the best thing I've been able to write to date 66 00:03:48,079 --> 00:03:50,054 by God's grace, really excited about it. 67 00:03:50,062 --> 00:03:53,062 And it lays out our membership curriculum now as well, 68 00:03:53,067 --> 00:03:55,042 as there are community group questions at the end, 69 00:03:55,050 --> 00:03:57,004 and so some will, in the future, 70 00:03:57,012 --> 00:04:00,008 be going through this book for membership. 71 00:04:00,017 --> 00:04:02,033 And so you're welcome to pick one up, and as always, 72 00:04:02,038 --> 00:04:05,046 if you pick one up at Mars Hill, any profits go to the church, 73 00:04:05,050 --> 00:04:06,050 not to me. 74 00:04:06,054 --> 00:04:08,062 I always say that just so you know. 75 00:04:08,067 --> 00:04:10,017 Here's what we're gonna do today as well. 76 00:04:10,025 --> 00:04:15,029 Jesus preached a long sermon, and it was written down, 77 00:04:15,033 --> 00:04:19,058 transcribed, and we have the summary of the transcript 78 00:04:19,067 --> 00:04:22,075 with some of the portions of that sermon 79 00:04:22,083 --> 00:04:25,075 given to us in Luke 6. 80 00:04:25,083 --> 00:04:28,046 We looked at the first half of Jesus' sermon last week. 81 00:04:28,050 --> 00:04:30,092 We'll look at the second half this week. 82 00:04:31,000 --> 00:04:34,000 And Jesus had a large crowd, and to give you some idea 83 00:04:34,004 --> 00:04:36,096 of the setting, let me show you the rough location 84 00:04:37,000 --> 00:04:40,000 where Jesus was teaching Luke 6. 85 00:04:40,008 --> 00:04:42,075 It's just up from the Sea of Galilee, 86 00:04:42,083 --> 00:04:47,038 rolling hills, up into some very beautiful farmland. 87 00:04:47,046 --> 00:04:52,004 And it was in this rough area, tradition tells us actually 88 00:04:52,012 --> 00:04:55,083 in this area that Jesus preached the sermon 89 00:04:55,088 --> 00:04:57,017 that we will study today. 90 00:04:57,025 --> 00:04:58,088 So you need to envision this. 91 00:04:58,096 --> 00:05:00,062 Jesus has been preaching and teaching in small town 92 00:05:00,067 --> 00:05:04,050 synagogues, 50, a hundred people living in those communities. 93 00:05:04,054 --> 00:05:06,075 They would come out to hear Jesus preach and teach, 94 00:05:06,083 --> 00:05:11,050 and now his fame has grown, and many, multitudes, 95 00:05:11,058 --> 00:05:14,004 maybe thousands are coming out to hear him preach and teach. 96 00:05:14,012 --> 00:05:16,071 And so they're walking, multiple days' journey. 97 00:05:16,079 --> 00:05:18,021 They're coming from long distances, 98 00:05:18,029 --> 00:05:20,071 and they're all sitting on the grass as Jesus 99 00:05:20,079 --> 00:05:23,004 is preaching and teaching. 100 00:05:23,012 --> 00:05:25,042 And so we're gonna look at, frankly, 101 00:05:25,050 --> 00:05:27,054 more Scripture today than we should. 102 00:05:27,062 --> 00:05:29,071 This should be five sermons instead of one. 103 00:05:29,079 --> 00:05:31,096 But we want to get through Luke before we see Jesus 104 00:05:32,000 --> 00:05:33,083 face-to-face, so we're taking large chunks 105 00:05:33,092 --> 00:05:36,017 and gonna hammer the book through. 106 00:05:36,021 --> 00:05:39,008 And so what we'll look at today are a series of principles 107 00:05:39,017 --> 00:05:43,029 that are going to be, I pray, I hope, I trust, 108 00:05:43,033 --> 00:05:46,033 used by the Holy Spirit in your life. 109 00:05:46,038 --> 00:05:50,033 These principles come from the Holy Spirit who inspired 110 00:05:50,038 --> 00:05:51,075 the writing of Scripture, 111 00:05:51,083 --> 00:05:53,050 and the teaching ministry of Jesus, 112 00:05:53,058 --> 00:05:56,058 and he will then take some of these principles for you, 113 00:05:56,067 --> 00:05:58,067 and he'll highlight certain principles. 114 00:05:58,071 --> 00:06:00,079 He'll bring to mind certain people. 115 00:06:00,083 --> 00:06:03,033 He'll bring to mind certain things. 116 00:06:03,038 --> 00:06:06,038 Even if you're not a Christian, don't resist or fight those. 117 00:06:06,046 --> 00:06:09,000 Go with those, those are God's gift to you. 118 00:06:09,008 --> 00:06:11,021 And so I give you principles from Jesus' teaching, 119 00:06:11,029 --> 00:06:13,088 and the Holy Spirit will give you the particular application 120 00:06:13,096 --> 00:06:17,042 of them, the first of which is this: 121 00:06:17,050 --> 00:06:20,008 "Forgiven people should forgive." 122 00:06:20,017 --> 00:06:22,050 Jesus says it this way in Luke 6:37: 123 00:06:22,054 --> 00:06:24,054 "Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, 124 00:06:24,062 --> 00:06:26,000 "and you will not be condemned; 125 00:06:26,004 --> 00:06:28,000 forgive, and you will be forgiven." 126 00:06:28,004 --> 00:06:31,038 Even if you don't know any Bible, you know this verse. 127 00:06:31,046 --> 00:06:35,083 All right, this is the American, non-Christian life verse. 128 00:06:35,088 --> 00:06:37,088 Hey, thou shall not judge, right? 129 00:06:37,096 --> 00:06:40,046 And people will use this verse all the time, 130 00:06:40,050 --> 00:06:43,088 and what's amazing is in using it, they're judging you, 131 00:06:43,096 --> 00:06:45,062 which I think is curious. 132 00:06:45,067 --> 00:06:47,004 "Hey, I think that's wrong." 133 00:06:47,012 --> 00:06:48,054 "Hey, thou shall not judge." 134 00:06:48,062 --> 00:06:52,062 "Are you judging my judging 'cause that, 135 00:06:52,067 --> 00:06:54,058 "that's a party foul right here. 136 00:06:54,067 --> 00:06:57,021 "That's--you're judging my judging. 137 00:06:57,029 --> 00:07:00,029 That's very judgmental of my judgmentalism." 138 00:07:00,033 --> 00:07:04,029 And so there's really no way around judging, but what 139 00:07:04,033 --> 00:07:07,050 does Jesus mean by this, that "thou shall not judge"? 140 00:07:07,058 --> 00:07:12,017 Now in one regard, I think what is he is talking about is 141 00:07:12,021 --> 00:07:15,075 that person who lives their life as a judge, 142 00:07:15,083 --> 00:07:17,092 they're always judging people. 143 00:07:18,000 --> 00:07:22,054 This is the moral cop, the neatnik, the nitpick. 144 00:07:22,062 --> 00:07:26,033 This is the person who is always criticizing. 145 00:07:26,038 --> 00:07:28,050 They take that disposition of a critic. 146 00:07:28,054 --> 00:07:31,012 Some of you are like that. 147 00:07:31,017 --> 00:07:34,050 You always find fault, flaw, failure. 148 00:07:34,058 --> 00:07:36,075 You're always looking for what's wrong, 149 00:07:36,083 --> 00:07:40,025 and you make sure to let someone know. 150 00:07:40,033 --> 00:07:44,033 I have a friend, almost a former friend, they're working on it, 151 00:07:44,042 --> 00:07:48,000 that every time the phone rings, or I get a text, or an e-mail, 152 00:07:48,008 --> 00:07:51,017 I just say, "Ah, here we go again." 153 00:07:51,021 --> 00:07:54,042 "Dear Mark, I have a problem with," fill in the blank. 154 00:07:54,050 --> 00:07:55,046 I know you do. 155 00:07:55,050 --> 00:07:58,096 I don't get a birthday card, attaboy, nothing. 156 00:07:59,000 --> 00:08:01,062 If you say anything, it's bad. 157 00:08:01,067 --> 00:08:03,083 That's just how this person is. 158 00:08:03,088 --> 00:08:06,050 They have the spiritual gift of discouragement. 159 00:08:06,054 --> 00:08:08,017 There's never anything that they have to say 160 00:08:08,025 --> 00:08:10,038 that's very encouraging. 161 00:08:10,046 --> 00:08:13,000 And I think what Jesus is pushing against is saying, 162 00:08:13,008 --> 00:08:14,067 "Don't be like that." 163 00:08:14,075 --> 00:08:16,050 The truth is the Bible is filled with laws, 164 00:08:16,054 --> 00:08:18,062 that our lives are filled with sin, but if sinners 165 00:08:18,067 --> 00:08:22,033 are gonna coexist, a couple things need to happen. 166 00:08:22,042 --> 00:08:26,004 We need to be humble, prayerful, careful, biblical, merciful, 167 00:08:26,012 --> 00:08:30,054 gracious as we approach people, so that when we judge them, 168 00:08:30,062 --> 00:08:34,000 as Jesus says, it's not in a condemning way. 169 00:08:34,008 --> 00:08:35,000 "I have no hope for you. 170 00:08:35,008 --> 00:08:36,000 "I'm done with you. 171 00:08:36,008 --> 00:08:37,000 "You're worthless. 172 00:08:37,008 --> 00:08:39,058 I'm sick of it, we're through." 173 00:08:39,067 --> 00:08:42,058 That is judging, and then condemning. 174 00:08:42,067 --> 00:08:45,071 And the truth is we don't know what God has for people, 175 00:08:45,079 --> 00:08:50,088 and just so you know, the job of capital "J" judge, 176 00:08:50,096 --> 00:08:52,067 that's taken by Jesus. 177 00:08:52,071 --> 00:08:53,088 Jesus says in John 5, 178 00:08:53,096 --> 00:08:55,088 "The Father's entrusted all judgment to me." 179 00:08:55,096 --> 00:08:56,092 He's the judge. 180 00:08:57,000 --> 00:08:59,067 So here's the bottom line, Christians don't decide who 181 00:08:59,071 --> 00:09:02,067 goes to heaven and who goes to hell, God does. 182 00:09:02,075 --> 00:09:04,058 Heaven belongs to God. 183 00:09:04,067 --> 00:09:06,033 Hell is ruled by God. 184 00:09:06,038 --> 00:09:11,042 God decides who goes where, not me, not you, not us. 185 00:09:11,050 --> 00:09:13,025 We don't condemn anyone. 186 00:09:13,033 --> 00:09:14,092 What we can do is share Jesus, 187 00:09:15,000 --> 00:09:16,062 the truth of the Bible with people. 188 00:09:16,067 --> 00:09:18,017 Hey, here's what Jesus says: 189 00:09:18,025 --> 00:09:19,033 "I'm the way, the truth, and the life. 190 00:09:19,038 --> 00:09:21,017 No one comes to the Father but by me." 191 00:09:21,021 --> 00:09:23,083 So I love you, here's the bottom line. 192 00:09:23,088 --> 00:09:26,017 Jesus says if you're connected to him, you get to be with him. 193 00:09:26,025 --> 00:09:27,067 If you're disconnected from him, 194 00:09:27,071 --> 00:09:29,008 you're gonna give an account to him. 195 00:09:29,017 --> 00:09:30,008 That's what he said. 196 00:09:30,017 --> 00:09:31,079 I don't determine who goes to heaven or hell, 197 00:09:31,083 --> 00:09:33,033 but that's between you and him. 198 00:09:33,038 --> 00:09:34,083 That's what he said. 199 00:09:34,088 --> 00:09:36,096 People come up to me all the time: "Pastor Mark, 200 00:09:37,000 --> 00:09:38,050 my uncle died, is he in heaven or hell?" 201 00:09:38,054 --> 00:09:41,000 I don't know, that's totally above my pay grade. 202 00:09:41,004 --> 00:09:42,004 That's not my job. 203 00:09:42,012 --> 00:09:43,058 I don't know, I don't know. 204 00:09:43,067 --> 00:09:45,083 I do believe in heaven, I do believe in hell, 205 00:09:45,092 --> 00:09:49,033 and I do know that it's not my job to decide who goes where. 206 00:09:49,038 --> 00:09:52,050 But to tell people about Jesus, and let Jesus decide who's in, 207 00:09:52,054 --> 00:09:54,046 who's out, that's his job. 208 00:09:54,050 --> 00:09:58,000 So he's saying here, don't have that critic, moral cop, 209 00:09:58,004 --> 00:10:02,000 negative, difficult, discouraging disposition, 210 00:10:02,004 --> 00:10:04,067 and don't just judge people and then, "That's it, 211 00:10:04,071 --> 00:10:08,012 you're kindling, good-bye," and just leave them there. 212 00:10:08,017 --> 00:10:12,021 If fact, instead, what we should do is judge people, 213 00:10:12,029 --> 00:10:14,033 but not only judge people. 214 00:10:14,042 --> 00:10:18,067 And we should primarily judge Christians, not non-Christians. 215 00:10:18,075 --> 00:10:22,000 A little while later, a guy comes along, his name is Paul. 216 00:10:22,008 --> 00:10:25,021 He's well aware of what Jesus taught, and he's got a situation 217 00:10:25,029 --> 00:10:27,088 in a crazy church called Corinth. 218 00:10:27,096 --> 00:10:30,033 And in chapter 5, one guy, we don't know the story. 219 00:10:30,038 --> 00:10:31,083 It's either his mother or mother-in-law, 220 00:10:31,088 --> 00:10:35,062 but he has an intimate romantic relationship. 221 00:10:35,067 --> 00:10:38,075 Whatever it is, it's a total mom fail. 222 00:10:38,083 --> 00:10:42,008 And then in chapter 6, there's a couple Christians who decide, 223 00:10:42,017 --> 00:10:44,054 "I don't like to work, so I'll just sue other Christians. 224 00:10:44,062 --> 00:10:47,058 That'll give me enough money to retire." 225 00:10:47,067 --> 00:10:50,083 And so here's what Paul has to say about these two issues 226 00:10:50,092 --> 00:10:55,058 in 1 Corinthians 5:12-13, "What business is it of mine 227 00:10:55,067 --> 00:10:57,038 "to judge those outside the church? 228 00:10:57,046 --> 00:10:59,033 "Are you not to judge those inside? 229 00:10:59,042 --> 00:11:01,004 God will judge those outside." 230 00:11:01,012 --> 00:11:02,092 Here's what he's saying: look, Christians should judge 231 00:11:03,000 --> 00:11:05,062 one another, and when it comes to the non-Christians, 232 00:11:05,067 --> 00:11:07,046 we shouldn't expect them to act like Christians and say, 233 00:11:07,050 --> 00:11:09,058 "You know what, this is wrong, this is wrong, this is wrong, 234 00:11:09,067 --> 00:11:11,008 you really gotta get your life together." 235 00:11:11,017 --> 00:11:14,000 The more important thing is you need to meet Jesus, 236 00:11:14,008 --> 00:11:18,017 and rather than working on a bunch of behavior modification, 237 00:11:18,025 --> 00:11:20,067 want to introduce you to someone named Jesus, 238 00:11:20,071 --> 00:11:22,071 so that he can change your heart, change your life, 239 00:11:22,079 --> 00:11:26,025 and then the issues in your life will get worked out 240 00:11:26,033 --> 00:11:28,000 through his grace, and his power, 241 00:11:28,008 --> 00:11:31,017 and his love, and his support, and his forgiveness. 242 00:11:31,021 --> 00:11:32,079 So what Paul is saying is this: 243 00:11:32,083 --> 00:11:39,008 Christians need to do what we tend to do in reverse. 244 00:11:39,017 --> 00:11:41,000 We tend to let Christian brothers and sisters get away 245 00:11:41,008 --> 00:11:44,050 with sin, and then we tend to serve as the moral police, 246 00:11:44,054 --> 00:11:47,083 complaining about the behavior of non-Christians. 247 00:11:47,088 --> 00:11:49,029 Paul said, "Don't do that." 248 00:11:49,033 --> 00:11:52,083 Non-Christians don't know Jesus, talk to them about Jesus. 249 00:11:52,088 --> 00:11:55,042 Christians who say they are Christians, and do belong 250 00:11:55,050 --> 00:11:57,083 to Jesus, we have higher expectations of them. 251 00:11:57,092 --> 00:11:59,088 And if they say they believe in the God of the Bible, 252 00:11:59,096 --> 00:12:01,088 then we need to hold them to the standards of the Bible, 253 00:12:01,096 --> 00:12:04,008 feel free to judge them, not in a condemning way, 254 00:12:04,017 --> 00:12:06,071 but in a discerning way, not to destroy them, 255 00:12:06,079 --> 00:12:09,021 but to help them, to show them, "You're stuck here. 256 00:12:09,029 --> 00:12:10,025 "I'm here to help. 257 00:12:10,033 --> 00:12:11,033 "We need to get you out. 258 00:12:11,038 --> 00:12:12,096 "This is a wreck, and by the grace of God, 259 00:12:13,000 --> 00:12:14,075 it needs to change." 260 00:12:14,083 --> 00:12:17,058 He says the same thing in 1 Corinthians 6:2-3. 261 00:12:17,067 --> 00:12:19,000 "Do you not know that the saints," 262 00:12:19,004 --> 00:12:21,000 those are the Christians, "Will judge the world? 263 00:12:21,008 --> 00:12:22,075 "And if the world is to be judged by you, 264 00:12:22,083 --> 00:12:25,033 "are you incompetent to try trivial cases? 265 00:12:25,038 --> 00:12:28,033 "Do you not know that we are to judge angels? 266 00:12:28,038 --> 00:12:30,096 How much more, then, matters pertaining to this life!" 267 00:12:31,000 --> 00:12:32,067 Here's what he says, "Dear Christian, 268 00:12:32,075 --> 00:12:35,017 "you will rise from death, you'll sit with Jesus. 269 00:12:35,021 --> 00:12:37,017 "You'll be involved in the judgment at the end, 270 00:12:37,021 --> 00:12:39,096 and you will assist in the judgment of angels." 271 00:12:40,000 --> 00:12:43,050 If that's the case, feel free to keep one another in line, 272 00:12:43,054 --> 00:12:46,062 feel free to show in love, in community, 273 00:12:46,067 --> 00:12:49,021 "This is a problem, this is an issue. 274 00:12:49,029 --> 00:12:50,021 "This concerns me. 275 00:12:50,029 --> 00:12:51,021 "This needs work. 276 00:12:51,029 --> 00:12:53,008 This needs to change." 277 00:12:53,017 --> 00:12:55,012 And so what he's saying here is that Christians should judge 278 00:12:55,017 --> 00:13:01,017 Christians, and should introduce non-Christians to Jesus. 279 00:13:01,021 --> 00:13:07,008 What that means is we should judge, but not condemn. 280 00:13:07,017 --> 00:13:10,054 Judge, and then forgive. 281 00:13:10,062 --> 00:13:12,000 That's what Jesus is saying here. 282 00:13:12,008 --> 00:13:13,033 When he says, "Thou shall not judge." 283 00:13:13,042 --> 00:13:16,017 Don't judge, and then condemn. 284 00:13:16,021 --> 00:13:18,083 Instead what he says is, "Forgive." 285 00:13:18,092 --> 00:13:21,062 Forgive, because it would be hypocritical for us 286 00:13:21,067 --> 00:13:24,012 to go to God and say, "God, I have sinned against you, 287 00:13:24,017 --> 00:13:26,054 "and you've sent your son to die on the cross 288 00:13:26,062 --> 00:13:30,021 "in my place, for my sins, to secure my salvation. 289 00:13:30,029 --> 00:13:34,054 And I come to you, Lord God, asking for forgiveness." 290 00:13:34,062 --> 00:13:37,050 And then when someone sins against you, to say, 291 00:13:37,058 --> 00:13:39,046 "I will not forgive." 292 00:13:39,050 --> 00:13:41,000 That's hypocritical. 293 00:13:41,004 --> 00:13:43,017 If you're getting forgiveness, 294 00:13:43,021 --> 00:13:47,025 you need to be giving forgiveness. 295 00:13:47,033 --> 00:13:52,054 Now, in saying that, some of you would say, 296 00:13:52,062 --> 00:13:54,092 "I thought we weren't supposed to judge?" 297 00:13:55,000 --> 00:14:00,012 To forgive someone, you have to judge them, right? 298 00:14:00,017 --> 00:14:02,083 You have to say, you have to determine, 299 00:14:02,088 --> 00:14:06,067 you have to discern and ascertain what you said or did, 300 00:14:06,075 --> 00:14:09,079 or failed to say or do was sin. 301 00:14:09,083 --> 00:14:11,083 So you have to come to a judgment about that. 302 00:14:11,092 --> 00:14:13,050 And the truth is, we all believe in judgment, 303 00:14:13,058 --> 00:14:17,017 not eternal condemnation that we're God and sit on a throne, 304 00:14:17,021 --> 00:14:19,029 but we all believe in saying, "That's right, that's wrong. 305 00:14:19,033 --> 00:14:21,008 That's acceptable, that's unacceptable." 306 00:14:21,017 --> 00:14:23,017 That's why you'd be very bummed if someone broke into your 307 00:14:23,025 --> 00:14:25,025 house, took all your stuff, pulled a gun on you. 308 00:14:25,033 --> 00:14:27,046 You called 911, and they said, "Hey man, 309 00:14:27,050 --> 00:14:28,083 "didn't you read Luke 6? 310 00:14:28,088 --> 00:14:29,092 "'Thou shall not judge.' 311 00:14:30,000 --> 00:14:33,017 Hey, we're not gonna send the cops, that would be judgmental." 312 00:14:33,025 --> 00:14:39,021 You'd say, "No, send the cops with guns and dogs, 313 00:14:39,029 --> 00:14:41,083 "and if need be, arrest this person, and bring them 314 00:14:41,088 --> 00:14:45,062 before a judge because they need to be judged." 315 00:14:45,067 --> 00:14:47,046 We can't get rid of teachers. 316 00:14:47,050 --> 00:14:48,083 We can't get rid of coaches. 317 00:14:48,092 --> 00:14:50,021 We can't get rid of umpires. 318 00:14:50,029 --> 00:14:51,062 We can't get rid of referees. 319 00:14:51,067 --> 00:14:53,004 We can't get rid of cops. 320 00:14:53,012 --> 00:14:54,042 We can't get rid of judges. 321 00:14:54,050 --> 00:14:56,004 We can't get rid of courts. 322 00:14:56,012 --> 00:14:58,000 What we can get rid of is self-righteous, 323 00:14:58,004 --> 00:15:00,092 arrogant religion that condemns people unnecessarily, 324 00:15:01,000 --> 00:15:02,067 has no love or hope for them. 325 00:15:02,071 --> 00:15:06,008 And what we can replace it with is a desire among God's people, 326 00:15:06,017 --> 00:15:09,000 to hold one another to a high standard that is biblical. 327 00:15:09,004 --> 00:15:12,021 Additionally, we can judge one another and say, "You know what? 328 00:15:12,029 --> 00:15:13,025 "That's wrong. 329 00:15:13,033 --> 00:15:14,025 "That's unacceptable. 330 00:15:14,033 --> 00:15:15,025 "That's sinful. 331 00:15:15,033 --> 00:15:16,025 "I do love ya. 332 00:15:16,033 --> 00:15:17,025 "I'm not trying to be a jerk about it, 333 00:15:17,033 --> 00:15:22,033 but I'm here to help," and then forgive. 334 00:15:22,042 --> 00:15:24,046 See, what Jesus is condemning is moving from judging 335 00:15:24,050 --> 00:15:26,033 to condemning. 336 00:15:26,038 --> 00:15:28,021 He's condemning condemning. 337 00:15:28,029 --> 00:15:33,008 What he's encouraging is to move from judging to forgiving. 338 00:15:33,017 --> 00:15:37,021 So let me ask this--I'll give you five questions. 339 00:15:37,029 --> 00:15:39,096 Here's the first one: discuss in your community group 340 00:15:40,000 --> 00:15:44,050 or with your family, who do you need to forgive? 341 00:15:44,058 --> 00:15:45,067 Who do you need to forgive? 342 00:15:45,075 --> 00:15:47,017 What did they do? 343 00:15:47,021 --> 00:15:49,012 See, if you don't forgive them, 344 00:15:49,017 --> 00:15:51,025 you'll become a bitter hypocrite. 345 00:15:51,033 --> 00:15:54,075 Bitter, that's what occurs to those who are unforgiving. 346 00:15:54,083 --> 00:15:57,017 And hypocrite, you're gonna want God to forgive you, 347 00:15:57,021 --> 00:15:59,083 but you not to forgive them. 348 00:15:59,092 --> 00:16:01,046 And part of it will be an emotional struggle, 349 00:16:01,050 --> 00:16:02,083 because some of you immediately will say, 350 00:16:02,088 --> 00:16:05,067 "But what they did was wrong and they never said they're sorry. 351 00:16:05,075 --> 00:16:07,071 How can I forgive them?" 352 00:16:07,079 --> 00:16:09,075 Let me explain this to you. 353 00:16:09,083 --> 00:16:12,092 It takes one to repent, and one to forgive, 354 00:16:13,000 --> 00:16:15,075 and two to reconcile. 355 00:16:15,083 --> 00:16:18,046 You can forgive whether or not 356 00:16:18,050 --> 00:16:23,025 they ever repent and apologize and change. 357 00:16:23,033 --> 00:16:25,062 So you can forgive, and in forgiving, 358 00:16:25,067 --> 00:16:27,079 let me tell you what you're not doing. 359 00:16:27,083 --> 00:16:29,067 You're not approving. 360 00:16:29,071 --> 00:16:30,088 When you forgive someone, you're not approving. 361 00:16:30,096 --> 00:16:33,029 You're not saying, "I'm okay with what you did, 362 00:16:33,033 --> 00:16:34,096 or failed to do." 363 00:16:35,000 --> 00:16:36,021 I'm not saying that. 364 00:16:36,029 --> 00:16:37,079 You're saying, in fact, just the opposite. 365 00:16:37,083 --> 00:16:40,050 "What you did was wrong, what you failed to do was wrong, 366 00:16:40,058 --> 00:16:43,025 and I choose to forgive you." 367 00:16:43,033 --> 00:16:45,050 It is also not denying. 368 00:16:45,054 --> 00:16:46,050 "Oh, it didn't happen. 369 00:16:46,054 --> 00:16:47,067 "I don't even know what you're talking about. 370 00:16:47,071 --> 00:16:49,000 I don't even remember that." 371 00:16:49,008 --> 00:16:51,017 Forgiveness is not denying that sin occurred. 372 00:16:51,021 --> 00:16:52,096 Forgiveness is not diminishing it. 373 00:16:53,000 --> 00:16:54,000 "Oh, it's no big deal. 374 00:16:54,008 --> 00:16:55,033 "Nobody's perfect. 375 00:16:55,042 --> 00:16:57,088 It didn't really bother me." 376 00:16:57,096 --> 00:16:59,088 No, it was such a big deal, Jesus died for it, 377 00:16:59,096 --> 00:17:03,017 so it's a big deal. 378 00:17:03,021 --> 00:17:07,042 It's not covering sin. 379 00:17:07,050 --> 00:17:10,029 Forgiveness is not covering sin. 380 00:17:10,033 --> 00:17:13,050 You can forgive someone and still call the police 381 00:17:13,058 --> 00:17:16,054 and have them arrested if they've committed a crime. 382 00:17:16,062 --> 00:17:17,071 "I thought you forgave me?" 383 00:17:17,079 --> 00:17:19,092 "I do, I'm not bitter, I'm not angry, 384 00:17:20,000 --> 00:17:24,038 "but you committed a crime, so that's justice, 385 00:17:24,046 --> 00:17:26,046 "and I love you, and I forgive you. 386 00:17:26,050 --> 00:17:29,017 "And Jesus died for it, and he can forgive you, 387 00:17:29,025 --> 00:17:33,067 but just because I forgive you doesn't mean it didn't happen." 388 00:17:33,071 --> 00:17:37,000 See, some of you need to understand the fullness of 389 00:17:37,004 --> 00:17:40,092 forgiveness and forgive, and leave those people to God that 390 00:17:41,000 --> 00:17:44,033 ultimately he will judge them, and if they don't repent, 391 00:17:44,038 --> 00:17:46,050 he will condemn them, 392 00:17:46,054 --> 00:17:49,033 so that you can judge them and forgive them, 393 00:17:49,038 --> 00:17:51,096 and then leave them to his care. 394 00:17:52,000 --> 00:17:53,054 Maybe they'll repent and God'll forgive them. 395 00:17:53,062 --> 00:17:55,033 Maybe they won't and God will condemn them. 396 00:17:55,042 --> 00:17:56,067 That's his business. 397 00:17:56,075 --> 00:18:01,067 For your heart of bitterness, for your life of hypocrisy, 398 00:18:01,075 --> 00:18:04,021 and forgive others just like the Bible says 399 00:18:04,029 --> 00:18:06,088 as God and Christ forgave you. 400 00:18:06,096 --> 00:18:09,062 Who do you need to forgive? 401 00:18:09,067 --> 00:18:10,021 402 00:18:10,029 --> 00:18:11,092 Who do you need to forgive? 403 00:18:12,000 --> 00:18:13,004 What did they say? 404 00:18:13,012 --> 00:18:14,004 What did they do? 405 00:18:14,012 --> 00:18:16,000 What did they fail to do? 406 00:18:16,004 --> 00:18:19,062 I'm under no illusion that this is easy or simple. 407 00:18:19,067 --> 00:18:23,058 I know, as a pastor, we have a front-row seat for the most 408 00:18:23,067 --> 00:18:26,029 painful moments of people's lives. 409 00:18:26,033 --> 00:18:29,067 And again, this is a principle, and now the Holy Spirit 410 00:18:29,075 --> 00:18:31,050 will give you a name. 411 00:18:31,058 --> 00:18:33,067 He will give you a face. 412 00:18:33,075 --> 00:18:36,096 Some of you right now are resisting and fighting. 413 00:18:37,000 --> 00:18:39,012 "Not that, can we move on? 414 00:18:39,017 --> 00:18:40,050 "I thought there were more points. 415 00:18:40,054 --> 00:18:42,008 Next point." 416 00:18:42,017 --> 00:18:45,050 Let's sit here for a moment, and let the Holy Spirit give us 417 00:18:45,058 --> 00:18:49,083 that name, give us that face-- who do you need to forgive? 418 00:18:49,092 --> 00:18:52,050 I feel prompted to even tell some of you through 419 00:18:52,058 --> 00:18:57,008 the Holy Spirit that the person you need to forgive is dead. 420 00:18:57,017 --> 00:18:59,021 You say, "But it's never gonna be okay." 421 00:18:59,029 --> 00:19:03,054 You still need to forgive them. 422 00:19:03,062 --> 00:19:07,008 Number two: getters should be givers. 423 00:19:07,017 --> 00:19:09,000 I don't know if getters is a word, I made it up. 424 00:19:09,004 --> 00:19:11,012 I do that occasionally. 425 00:19:11,017 --> 00:19:13,000 You're welcome. 426 00:19:13,004 --> 00:19:15,021 Luke 6:38, "Give, and it will be given to you. 427 00:19:15,029 --> 00:19:17,025 "Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, 428 00:19:17,033 --> 00:19:19,038 "will be put into your lap. 429 00:19:19,046 --> 00:19:23,017 For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you." 430 00:19:23,021 --> 00:19:24,050 Here's what he's saying. 431 00:19:24,054 --> 00:19:26,004 If God forgives you, forgive others. 432 00:19:26,012 --> 00:19:28,029 If God gives to you, give to others. 433 00:19:28,033 --> 00:19:30,017 That's the way it's supposed to work, otherwise, 434 00:19:30,021 --> 00:19:33,058 we're hypocrites receiving forgiveness and generosity, 435 00:19:33,067 --> 00:19:36,004 and not giving forgiveness and generosity. 436 00:19:36,012 --> 00:19:37,096 And so our relationship with God shows up in our 437 00:19:38,000 --> 00:19:40,000 relationship with others, and our relationship to 438 00:19:40,004 --> 00:19:43,017 our wealth, and our possessions, and our finances. 439 00:19:43,025 --> 00:19:44,096 So let's me unpack this. 440 00:19:45,000 --> 00:19:48,033 What he is advocating here is what I will call 441 00:19:48,042 --> 00:19:50,062 generosity theology. 442 00:19:50,067 --> 00:19:52,088 There are two extremes when it comes to money, finances, 443 00:19:52,096 --> 00:19:54,075 possessions, and wealth in the Bible. 444 00:19:54,083 --> 00:19:59,046 Prosperity theology, which basically says God is a piƱata 445 00:19:59,050 --> 00:20:01,033 and tithing is a stick. 446 00:20:01,038 --> 00:20:02,067 Give him a whack, 447 00:20:02,075 --> 00:20:05,075 and watch vehicles with rims fall out of the sky. 448 00:20:05,083 --> 00:20:09,017 All right, that's my version of prosperity theology. 449 00:20:09,025 --> 00:20:12,017 And basically what it is, it's worshiping 450 00:20:12,021 --> 00:20:14,046 money, wealth, possessions, and status 451 00:20:14,050 --> 00:20:17,046 and using God to give you your idols. 452 00:20:17,050 --> 00:20:20,017 "Oh, if I pray, if I tithe, if I do these things, 453 00:20:20,021 --> 00:20:21,083 "then God will bless me, and make me rich, 454 00:20:21,092 --> 00:20:24,096 'cause what I really care about is my wealth." 455 00:20:25,000 --> 00:20:29,021 On the extreme other side is poverty theology. 456 00:20:29,029 --> 00:20:30,025 "I don't need to get a job. 457 00:20:30,033 --> 00:20:31,033 "I don't need to pay my bills. 458 00:20:31,038 --> 00:20:32,088 "I don't need to take care of my family. 459 00:20:32,096 --> 00:20:34,050 "I don't need to leave an inheritance 460 00:20:34,054 --> 00:20:36,096 "to my children's children, like Proverbs says. 461 00:20:37,000 --> 00:20:40,012 "I just make no money, and I'm not generous, 462 00:20:40,017 --> 00:20:44,004 "and I live minimally, and I give minimally. 463 00:20:44,012 --> 00:20:45,004 "Why? 464 00:20:45,012 --> 00:20:47,092 Because I think the less I make, the holier I am." 465 00:20:48,000 --> 00:20:49,075 We don't advocate either of those. 466 00:20:49,083 --> 00:20:53,033 What we advocate is work hard, work smart, work fair. 467 00:20:53,042 --> 00:20:56,046 Grow your wealth little by little like Proverbs says, 468 00:20:56,050 --> 00:21:02,012 and first of all, see yourself as a generous steward, 469 00:21:02,017 --> 00:21:05,008 that ultimately everything belongs to God. 470 00:21:05,017 --> 00:21:07,038 And see my guess is there's really nobody who's gonna hear 471 00:21:07,046 --> 00:21:09,096 this sermon that actually functionally believes 472 00:21:10,000 --> 00:21:13,042 with this principle, that God owns everything, 473 00:21:13,050 --> 00:21:17,000 and that he gives to us, so everything we have is 474 00:21:17,008 --> 00:21:20,067 a received gift, and we are stewards. 475 00:21:20,071 --> 00:21:24,021 We are to then disperse, dispense, 476 00:21:24,029 --> 00:21:28,079 distribute the resources that God gives to us in a way 477 00:21:28,083 --> 00:21:31,017 that glorifies him and helps others. 478 00:21:31,021 --> 00:21:34,008 So if you say, "Oh no, no, no, I worked really hard 479 00:21:34,017 --> 00:21:37,008 to make my way in this world." 480 00:21:37,017 --> 00:21:39,000 And I would say, "God gave us the world. 481 00:21:39,008 --> 00:21:40,050 "He's a very generous giver. 482 00:21:40,054 --> 00:21:41,096 "He gave us life and breath. 483 00:21:42,000 --> 00:21:44,008 "He gave us talent, skills, ability. 484 00:21:44,017 --> 00:21:45,017 "He gave us intellect. 485 00:21:45,021 --> 00:21:46,012 "He gave us an education. 486 00:21:46,017 --> 00:21:48,012 "He gave us a job, whatever it is that we have. 487 00:21:48,017 --> 00:21:52,058 "He gave us possessions," that everything really does come 488 00:21:52,067 --> 00:21:55,075 from God, that our God is a very generous giver, 489 00:21:55,083 --> 00:21:59,050 that God gives us his own son, that God sheds his blood 490 00:21:59,058 --> 00:22:03,017 in our place for our sins, that salvation is a gift, 491 00:22:03,021 --> 00:22:06,025 that the Holy Spirit is a gift, that our spiritual gift is, 492 00:22:06,033 --> 00:22:08,092 in fact, a gift, that our church is a gift, 493 00:22:09,000 --> 00:22:12,088 that the Bible is a gift, that God's people are a gift, 494 00:22:12,096 --> 00:22:15,017 that the kingdom that awaits us is a gift, 495 00:22:15,025 --> 00:22:19,054 that no one could ever possibly outgive our God. 496 00:22:19,062 --> 00:22:20,088 Our God's a giver. 497 00:22:20,096 --> 00:22:22,096 He's a very generous giver. 498 00:22:23,000 --> 00:22:24,004 That's why the Bible says, 499 00:22:24,012 --> 00:22:26,021 "God so loved the world that he" what? 500 00:22:26,029 --> 00:22:28,008 "He gave." 501 00:22:28,017 --> 00:22:29,058 We know God loves us. 502 00:22:29,067 --> 00:22:32,008 He's a giver. 503 00:22:32,017 --> 00:22:35,096 And generosity theology is, "As God gives to me, 504 00:22:36,000 --> 00:22:37,058 "I give to others. 505 00:22:37,067 --> 00:22:39,017 "I give to the poor. 506 00:22:39,021 --> 00:22:42,017 I give to the church." 507 00:22:42,025 --> 00:22:44,025 And the attitude is not, "God, how much of my money 508 00:22:44,033 --> 00:22:46,075 "do I have to give you?" 509 00:22:46,083 --> 00:22:50,075 "God, how much of your money do I get to keep?" 510 00:22:50,083 --> 00:22:54,050 It's assuming that the first fruits off the top, 511 00:22:54,058 --> 00:23:00,021 they belong to those things that God deems to be meritorious. 512 00:23:00,029 --> 00:23:03,029 And what he says is for those who are generous stewards, 513 00:23:03,033 --> 00:23:06,062 for those who give, that's what he talks about, 514 00:23:06,067 --> 00:23:10,050 give, all right, give. 515 00:23:10,054 --> 00:23:13,092 For those who do give, God likes to give more to them. 516 00:23:14,000 --> 00:23:17,017 This is not prosperity theology. 517 00:23:17,025 --> 00:23:19,025 "Oh, so if I give, I get more?" 518 00:23:19,033 --> 00:23:24,008 It's not a Ponzi scheme, right? 519 00:23:24,017 --> 00:23:26,050 God may even increase your income, 520 00:23:26,058 --> 00:23:28,054 not to increase your standard of living, 521 00:23:28,062 --> 00:23:31,029 but to increase your standard of giving. 522 00:23:31,033 --> 00:23:34,071 What he's saying is this, if God can find a faithful steward, 523 00:23:34,079 --> 00:23:35,079 he'll give him a little. 524 00:23:35,083 --> 00:23:37,012 If he's a good steward, he'll give him a little more. 525 00:23:37,017 --> 00:23:38,025 If he's faithful, he'll give more. 526 00:23:38,033 --> 00:23:40,029 And isn't that the way you would work? 527 00:23:40,033 --> 00:23:43,058 Let's say you were very affluent, and you met someone, 528 00:23:43,067 --> 00:23:45,004 and you said, "Okay I'm gonna give you this money, 529 00:23:45,012 --> 00:23:46,046 "and this percentage goes to the poor, 530 00:23:46,050 --> 00:23:47,079 "and this percentage goes to the church, 531 00:23:47,083 --> 00:23:49,042 and this percentage you can spend." 532 00:23:49,050 --> 00:23:50,067 And they actually did it. 533 00:23:50,071 --> 00:23:52,050 They came back, said, 534 00:23:52,058 --> 00:23:54,050 "Okay, I did everything you asked me do with the funds." 535 00:23:54,054 --> 00:23:57,021 You say, "Good, I'm gonna increase what I 536 00:23:57,029 --> 00:23:59,017 "entrust to use 'cause you're faithful, 537 00:23:59,025 --> 00:24:00,075 you don't steal from me." 538 00:24:00,083 --> 00:24:02,050 The person who came back and said, "I know you gave it to me, 539 00:24:02,054 --> 00:24:03,054 "but I forgot about the poor, 540 00:24:03,062 --> 00:24:04,096 "and I never made it to the church, 541 00:24:05,000 --> 00:24:08,038 and I blew the rest, and I need some more." 542 00:24:08,046 --> 00:24:11,042 You'd say, "I don't invest that way. 543 00:24:11,050 --> 00:24:15,067 "I don't put water in a bucket with no bottom. 544 00:24:15,075 --> 00:24:18,042 "I'm not gonna waste anymore resources on you, 545 00:24:18,050 --> 00:24:21,046 'cause you're not a good steward." 546 00:24:21,050 --> 00:24:23,042 And so what he's talking about here is that if you're 547 00:24:23,050 --> 00:24:26,075 a faithful steward, and you give as God wants you to give, 548 00:24:26,083 --> 00:24:29,062 God tends to, he doesn't have to, 549 00:24:29,067 --> 00:24:31,071 and sometimes you get the reward in this life, 550 00:24:31,079 --> 00:24:34,017 and sometimes you're storing up your treasure in heaven, 551 00:24:34,021 --> 00:24:36,012 so you gotta wait a while to see your reward. 552 00:24:36,017 --> 00:24:38,096 But one way or another, God likes to give to those 553 00:24:39,000 --> 00:24:43,000 who are giving, so that they can give some more. 554 00:24:43,008 --> 00:24:46,021 And he uses this analogy: "good measure, pressed down, 555 00:24:46,029 --> 00:24:48,079 shaken together, running over, put into your lap." 556 00:24:48,083 --> 00:24:51,075 Say, "What does that mean?" 557 00:24:51,083 --> 00:24:54,033 Well, I'll tell you, give you an analogy, modern-day analogy. 558 00:24:54,042 --> 00:24:56,000 Okay, have you been to the grocery store, 559 00:24:56,008 --> 00:25:00,017 and seen the glorious aisle filled with all the chips? 560 00:25:00,025 --> 00:25:02,088 It's an amazing place, all of these chips, 561 00:25:02,096 --> 00:25:05,046 just all kind of things ending in -itos: 562 00:25:05,050 --> 00:25:07,058 Cheetos, Doritos, Fritos. 563 00:25:07,067 --> 00:25:09,058 It's just ito-tastic. 564 00:25:09,067 --> 00:25:11,079 It's amazing what's there. 565 00:25:11,083 --> 00:25:15,021 And there's also potato chips and Sun Chips, and it's amazing. 566 00:25:15,029 --> 00:25:17,071 And you notice how big the bags are. 567 00:25:17,079 --> 00:25:23,038 They're huge bags, like half your size, unless you eat a lot, 568 00:25:23,046 --> 00:25:25,079 and then like a third of your size. 569 00:25:25,083 --> 00:25:28,054 And have you ever purchased one of these bags of chips 570 00:25:28,062 --> 00:25:32,004 and they're full? 571 00:25:32,012 --> 00:25:38,033 You open it, you smell it, oh, that's chip-tastic. 572 00:25:38,038 --> 00:25:44,046 Then you look in, it's not filled with chips. 573 00:25:44,050 --> 00:25:47,033 There's a couple chips at the bottom. 574 00:25:47,038 --> 00:25:52,050 It's filled with air and lies. 575 00:25:52,054 --> 00:26:00,017 576 00:26:00,021 --> 00:26:02,092 That's what he's talking about. 577 00:26:03,000 --> 00:26:04,000 I'll explain it to ya. 578 00:26:04,004 --> 00:26:06,038 The way you would buy grain or corn in that day, 579 00:26:06,046 --> 00:26:08,067 you would bring your bucket, or you'd bring your bowl, 580 00:26:08,075 --> 00:26:11,083 or you'd bring your container to the market, and you'd say, 581 00:26:11,088 --> 00:26:13,071 "Okay, fill it up with grain, or fill it up with corn," 582 00:26:13,079 --> 00:26:14,079 or whatever it is. 583 00:26:14,083 --> 00:26:16,079 And they'd fill it up and say, "Okay, give me your money." 584 00:26:16,083 --> 00:26:18,096 And you'd say, "No, no. 585 00:26:19,000 --> 00:26:21,025 "Shake it up a little bit. 586 00:26:21,033 --> 00:26:24,067 "Stomp it down, and then let it all settle. 587 00:26:24,075 --> 00:26:26,033 "And then put some more in there, and then shake it again, 588 00:26:26,042 --> 00:26:28,046 "and stomp it again, and then pour some more in there. 589 00:26:28,050 --> 00:26:32,021 "And eventually when it's totally full, then I'll pay, 590 00:26:32,029 --> 00:26:36,038 but until then it's just like a bag of chips." 591 00:26:36,046 --> 00:26:37,067 The next time you go to the grocery store, 592 00:26:37,071 --> 00:26:39,079 you should open the bag of chips 593 00:26:39,083 --> 00:26:41,054 when you are at the checkout line and say, 594 00:26:41,062 --> 00:26:42,058 "I'm missing chips. 595 00:26:42,067 --> 00:26:46,017 "I need more chips in my bag. 596 00:26:46,025 --> 00:26:48,042 "I would like it to be pressed down, shaken together, 597 00:26:48,050 --> 00:26:53,083 running over, and I would like some on my lap." 598 00:26:53,088 --> 00:26:55,062 599 00:26:55,067 --> 00:27:00,017 That's where they're gonna end up anyway so-- 600 00:27:00,025 --> 00:27:01,083 and that's what he's talking about, 601 00:27:01,088 --> 00:27:05,004 that if you're a generous giver, God may, in fact, 602 00:27:05,012 --> 00:27:08,012 give generously to you, so that, you know, 603 00:27:08,017 --> 00:27:09,083 his provision is full, and it's overflowing, 604 00:27:09,088 --> 00:27:11,029 and the lap here is talking about, 605 00:27:11,033 --> 00:27:14,083 actually having extra to put in your pockets. 606 00:27:14,088 --> 00:27:18,033 See, and I know we're in the middle of a financial downturn, 607 00:27:18,042 --> 00:27:20,092 and people are struggling, and I'm well aware of that, 608 00:27:21,000 --> 00:27:23,067 but you know what happens. 609 00:27:23,071 --> 00:27:27,000 "God, as soon as you give me more, then I'll give anything." 610 00:27:27,004 --> 00:27:29,017 And God would say, "I've already been giving, 611 00:27:29,021 --> 00:27:31,092 "and you haven't done anything, so how about if you 612 00:27:32,000 --> 00:27:34,000 "prove faithful with what I've given ya, 613 00:27:34,004 --> 00:27:37,062 and then we'll talk about me helping ya out some more." 614 00:27:37,067 --> 00:27:40,008 So this is where I get to tell you how it's going at 615 00:27:40,017 --> 00:27:42,008 Mars Hill financially. 616 00:27:42,017 --> 00:27:43,088 You're welcome. 617 00:27:43,096 --> 00:27:47,021 This is my favorite part of the job: charts and graphs. 618 00:27:47,029 --> 00:27:50,012 All right, here is 2009 giving. 619 00:27:50,017 --> 00:27:53,083 We have this broken down into categories. 620 00:27:53,088 --> 00:27:57,062 The white category are people last year, all year, 621 00:27:57,067 --> 00:28:01,083 who gave nothing, about a third of the church. 622 00:28:01,088 --> 00:28:05,008 Thirty percent of the people gave nothing. 623 00:28:05,017 --> 00:28:10,000 Of those who gave $1 to $500, the black section. 624 00:28:10,008 --> 00:28:13,033 That is about 38% of the church. 625 00:28:13,042 --> 00:28:18,075 So 68% of the church gave $500 or less all year, all year. 626 00:28:18,083 --> 00:28:22,083 So today, maybe give to you looks like $1. 627 00:28:22,092 --> 00:28:24,042 You gotta start somewhere. 628 00:28:24,050 --> 00:28:26,000 You can go home, say, "How'd it go?" 629 00:28:26,008 --> 00:28:27,000 Say, "You know what? 630 00:28:27,008 --> 00:28:29,038 "I took my giving to a whole new level today. 631 00:28:29,046 --> 00:28:33,000 "I moved into a whole new category of givers at Mars Hill 632 00:28:33,004 --> 00:28:36,038 with ten dimes, I did it." 633 00:28:36,046 --> 00:28:38,071 All of my kids are in that category, 634 00:28:38,079 --> 00:28:40,092 so you can join my 4-year-old son Gideon today 635 00:28:41,000 --> 00:28:44,042 in the black category. 636 00:28:44,050 --> 00:28:47,088 637 00:28:47,096 --> 00:28:50,054 In the darker brown category, 638 00:28:50,062 --> 00:28:53,075 those are people that gave $500 to $1,500 last year, 639 00:28:53,083 --> 00:28:57,092 13% of the church; $1,500 to $4,000 a year, 640 00:28:58,000 --> 00:28:59,004 which is where we're getting into people 641 00:28:59,012 --> 00:29:00,067 who have actually been getting somewhere near 642 00:29:00,075 --> 00:29:03,025 a certain percentage of generosity. 643 00:29:03,033 --> 00:29:04,058 That's 11%. 644 00:29:04,067 --> 00:29:09,050 Only 9% of people at Mars Hill gave $4,000 or more, all year. 645 00:29:09,058 --> 00:29:11,054 That's households, so if there's a husband and wife working, 646 00:29:11,062 --> 00:29:15,079 that's both incomes combined. 647 00:29:15,083 --> 00:29:20,000 And I'll tell you it's always interesting for me because-- 648 00:29:20,008 --> 00:29:23,017 I guess I'll just ask you this question: 649 00:29:23,021 --> 00:29:25,000 Has God been generous to us? 650 00:29:25,008 --> 00:29:27,075 Has God been generous to you, individually? 651 00:29:27,083 --> 00:29:32,000 Has God been generous to us corporately? 652 00:29:32,004 --> 00:29:33,033 Has he? 653 00:29:33,038 --> 00:29:37,008 It's amazing, Mars Hill, I mean God's been so generous to us 654 00:29:37,017 --> 00:29:38,083 it's amazing. 655 00:29:38,088 --> 00:29:40,092 I mean, it was amazing to me. 656 00:29:41,000 --> 00:29:44,046 Easter came, it's kind of our big Sunday of the year. 657 00:29:44,050 --> 00:29:47,075 Thirteen thousand people. 658 00:29:47,083 --> 00:29:49,038 Seven thousand people on Good Friday. 659 00:29:49,046 --> 00:29:51,050 Twenty thousand people for the weekend. 660 00:29:51,058 --> 00:29:55,025 We baptized 376 people. 661 00:29:55,033 --> 00:29:59,021 We've had free real estate given to us over the years as well. 662 00:29:59,029 --> 00:30:02,017 We're looking at potentially partnerships to continue those 663 00:30:02,025 --> 00:30:04,092 kinds of things in the future, and pray that I have good news 664 00:30:05,000 --> 00:30:06,083 to share with you. 665 00:30:06,092 --> 00:30:08,050 God has been so generous to us. 666 00:30:08,054 --> 00:30:11,025 Very talented people, lots of people meeting Jesus, 667 00:30:11,033 --> 00:30:13,008 lots of good things happening. 668 00:30:13,017 --> 00:30:15,083 And it was amazing 'cause Easter was over and I went home. 669 00:30:15,088 --> 00:30:18,088 I was kind of like a rung bell, really excited. 670 00:30:18,096 --> 00:30:21,067 I was like wow, 13,000 people. 671 00:30:21,071 --> 00:30:23,075 You know what, it's not just all about the numbers, 672 00:30:23,083 --> 00:30:27,079 but it's amazing that God would be that gracious and generous 673 00:30:27,083 --> 00:30:30,042 to bring that many people for us to love, and encourage, 674 00:30:30,050 --> 00:30:32,017 and serve, and connect with. 675 00:30:32,021 --> 00:30:33,067 And we got killed on budget. 676 00:30:33,075 --> 00:30:36,017 We missed budget by a ton that day, 677 00:30:36,021 --> 00:30:39,008 and our giving was way down from the year before. 678 00:30:39,017 --> 00:30:45,017 And I was like how is it that more people receive more grace, 679 00:30:45,021 --> 00:30:47,096 and they become less gracious? 680 00:30:48,000 --> 00:30:50,000 How does that happen? 681 00:30:50,008 --> 00:30:50,062 682 00:30:50,067 --> 00:30:51,058 How does that happen? 683 00:30:51,067 --> 00:30:52,079 I love you. 684 00:30:52,083 --> 00:30:54,054 I feel about the church, like I do my kids. 685 00:30:54,062 --> 00:30:56,054 You see problems, you work on them. 686 00:30:56,062 --> 00:30:57,054 You hang in there. 687 00:30:57,062 --> 00:30:58,054 You don't threaten them. 688 00:30:58,062 --> 00:30:59,054 You don't freak out. 689 00:30:59,062 --> 00:31:00,062 You don't get mean. 690 00:31:00,067 --> 00:31:01,062 You don't get mad. 691 00:31:01,067 --> 00:31:03,067 Just keep praying, keep talking, keep working on it, 692 00:31:03,075 --> 00:31:05,042 so we're gonna keep working on it. 693 00:31:05,050 --> 00:31:07,008 For those of you that have been faithful, praise be to God. 694 00:31:07,017 --> 00:31:08,008 Thank you. 695 00:31:08,017 --> 00:31:11,012 For those of you who haven't, what does Jesus say? 696 00:31:11,017 --> 00:31:13,004 What's his word? 697 00:31:13,012 --> 00:31:14,050 Give. 698 00:31:14,058 --> 00:31:15,083 Say, "What's that mean in Greek?" 699 00:31:15,088 --> 00:31:17,088 Give. 700 00:31:17,096 --> 00:31:18,096 Some of you say, "How much?" 701 00:31:19,000 --> 00:31:21,083 Ask him, all right, ask him. 702 00:31:21,092 --> 00:31:25,038 Ask him what it is that you are to give. 703 00:31:25,046 --> 00:31:27,008 We're not gonna set a percentage and be legalistic. 704 00:31:27,017 --> 00:31:29,033 We're just gonna say if you're a Christian and you've received, 705 00:31:29,042 --> 00:31:31,046 and everything you have received is a gift from God, 706 00:31:31,050 --> 00:31:36,033 God doesn't give just to us, God gives through us. 707 00:31:36,038 --> 00:31:38,000 That's what a gal today told me. 708 00:31:38,008 --> 00:31:39,025 It was a cool conversation. 709 00:31:39,033 --> 00:31:40,096 She said, "I'm a brand-new Christian." 710 00:31:41,000 --> 00:31:43,033 And she said, "God's given a lot to me, 711 00:31:43,038 --> 00:31:45,058 "and now I realize he's giving through me, 712 00:31:45,067 --> 00:31:47,025 "and I'm getting to love people, and serve people, 713 00:31:47,033 --> 00:31:48,079 and help people, and be generous." 714 00:31:48,083 --> 00:31:51,067 And she says, "This is a really fun life. 715 00:31:51,071 --> 00:31:54,025 I like doing what God's doing and doing it with him." 716 00:31:54,033 --> 00:31:56,012 That's what we're talking about. 717 00:31:56,017 --> 00:31:58,088 So forgiven people should forgive, 718 00:31:58,096 --> 00:32:01,092 and getters should be givers, and again, 719 00:32:02,000 --> 00:32:06,012 this is the Holy Spirit looking at you, working on your hearts. 720 00:32:06,017 --> 00:32:10,075 What does that mean for me functionally, practically? 721 00:32:10,083 --> 00:32:12,050 Number three: he goes on to say that 722 00:32:12,058 --> 00:32:14,000 leaders should lead themselves. 723 00:32:14,008 --> 00:32:15,062 And let me preface this by saying, 724 00:32:15,067 --> 00:32:17,042 people like me are leaders, 725 00:32:17,050 --> 00:32:19,021 but to some degree we're all leaders. 726 00:32:19,029 --> 00:32:21,012 You're a mom or a dad, you're leading. 727 00:32:21,017 --> 00:32:22,046 You're a coach, you're leading. 728 00:32:22,050 --> 00:32:24,000 You're a teacher, you're leading. 729 00:32:24,008 --> 00:32:26,092 Community group leaders, service team leader, obvious leader. 730 00:32:27,000 --> 00:32:29,017 Deacon, elder, obvious leader. 731 00:32:29,025 --> 00:32:31,033 Husband, father, obvious leader. 732 00:32:31,042 --> 00:32:33,033 Mother, grandmother, leader. 733 00:32:33,038 --> 00:32:34,075 Everybody's leading someone. 734 00:32:34,083 --> 00:32:38,004 Everybody's teaching someone, and before we can teach anyone 735 00:32:38,012 --> 00:32:41,008 or lead anyone, particularly those of us who are entrusted 736 00:32:41,017 --> 00:32:44,050 with offices of leadership, we need to lead ourselves. 737 00:32:44,054 --> 00:32:48,008 Luke 6:39-42, "He also told them a parable:" 738 00:32:48,017 --> 00:32:50,017 which is a little story to illustrate a point, 739 00:32:50,025 --> 00:32:51,062 "Can a blind man lead a blind man?" 740 00:32:51,067 --> 00:32:55,054 Technically yes, but it's gonna go really bad. 741 00:32:55,062 --> 00:32:58,012 "Will they not both fall into a pit?" 742 00:32:58,017 --> 00:32:59,083 Yeah, it's only a matter of time. 743 00:32:59,092 --> 00:33:01,054 "A disciple is not above his teacher, 744 00:33:01,062 --> 00:33:03,025 "but everyone when he is fully trained will be 745 00:33:03,033 --> 00:33:05,017 "like his teacher. 746 00:33:05,025 --> 00:33:07,004 "Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, 747 00:33:07,012 --> 00:33:10,042 but do not notice the log," all right, the lumberyard, 748 00:33:10,050 --> 00:33:12,017 "That is in your own eye? 749 00:33:12,025 --> 00:33:13,021 "How can you say to your brother, 750 00:33:13,029 --> 00:33:16,012 "'Brother, let me take the speck that is in your eye,' 751 00:33:16,017 --> 00:33:19,071 "when you yourself do not see the log that is in your own eye? 752 00:33:19,079 --> 00:33:22,071 You hypocrite," there's the word, that's the big idea. 753 00:33:22,079 --> 00:33:24,025 "First take the log out of your own eye, then 754 00:33:24,033 --> 00:33:26,088 "you will be able to clearly see and take out that speck 755 00:33:26,096 --> 00:33:29,067 that is in your brother's eye." 756 00:33:29,071 --> 00:33:35,000 Here's what he's saying: we're hypocrites and blind guides. 757 00:33:35,008 --> 00:33:40,058 And I know some of you are like, "No, I'm special. 758 00:33:40,067 --> 00:33:43,058 "When I went to Sunday school, they said I was like 759 00:33:43,067 --> 00:33:45,083 a snowflake, pure white, and one of a kind." 760 00:33:45,092 --> 00:33:51,029 No, you're a blind guide and a hypocrite, and they lied, 761 00:33:51,033 --> 00:33:53,079 and so they're blind guides and hypocrites too. 762 00:33:53,083 --> 00:33:55,096 And the way it all works is we're all blind 763 00:33:56,000 --> 00:33:58,033 to our own blindness. 764 00:33:58,038 --> 00:34:00,033 We're all blind to our own blindness, 765 00:34:00,042 --> 00:34:02,096 and some of our blindness is self-selected like, 766 00:34:03,000 --> 00:34:04,021 "Do you see that?" 767 00:34:04,029 --> 00:34:08,071 "Nope, I do not see that" 'cause you closed your eyes. 768 00:34:08,079 --> 00:34:12,071 And we're all hypocrites and the hypocrite, by definition, 769 00:34:12,079 --> 00:34:14,088 here's a hypocrite according to Jesus: 770 00:34:14,096 --> 00:34:18,050 You've got a big issue in your life, and you're gossiping, 771 00:34:18,054 --> 00:34:21,033 quarreling, nagging, neatniking, nitpicking, 772 00:34:21,038 --> 00:34:26,021 moral copping, judging about someone who's got a much more 773 00:34:26,029 --> 00:34:30,096 minor issue in their life. 774 00:34:31,000 --> 00:34:32,021 All right? 775 00:34:32,029 --> 00:34:34,050 And what he doesn't say is, "Oh, well you can't deal with 776 00:34:34,058 --> 00:34:36,067 anybody else, and their sin, and their issues." 777 00:34:36,071 --> 00:34:38,088 What he says is, "Hey, first thing's first. 778 00:34:38,096 --> 00:34:42,033 Deal with your own lumberyard." 779 00:34:42,042 --> 00:34:46,025 Deal with your own lumberyard, 'cause I'll be honest with ya 780 00:34:46,033 --> 00:34:48,042 and say--it's not always this way, 781 00:34:48,050 --> 00:34:50,058 and I don't want to broad stroke. 782 00:34:50,067 --> 00:34:52,096 But some of the worst marriages I've ever seen are 783 00:34:53,000 --> 00:34:55,017 marriage counselors. 784 00:34:55,025 --> 00:34:56,071 I mean, I'm serious. 785 00:34:56,079 --> 00:35:02,012 Some of the worst fathers I've seen teach as pastors 786 00:35:02,017 --> 00:35:04,017 about fathering. 787 00:35:04,021 --> 00:35:07,050 Their wife and their kids are nothing more than just props. 788 00:35:07,058 --> 00:35:12,092 They're not really objects of affection. 789 00:35:13,000 --> 00:35:16,050 Sometimes in our--I've seen it, all this is gonna be 790 00:35:16,054 --> 00:35:19,071 controversial, but sometimes the most disturbed people go get 791 00:35:19,079 --> 00:35:21,062 counseling degrees, not just to help other people, 792 00:35:21,067 --> 00:35:24,042 but because they're trying to figure out their own issues. 793 00:35:24,050 --> 00:35:25,096 It's not bad to go get a counseling degree, 794 00:35:26,000 --> 00:35:27,088 but before you start counseling anybody else, 795 00:35:27,096 --> 00:35:29,079 you gotta figure out your own stuff. 796 00:35:29,083 --> 00:35:30,096 Before you start working on their marriage, 797 00:35:31,000 --> 00:35:32,062 you gotta get your own marriage under control. 798 00:35:32,067 --> 00:35:34,088 Before you start telling people what to do with their kids, 799 00:35:34,096 --> 00:35:36,054 you need to get yours out of rehab. 800 00:35:36,062 --> 00:35:38,025 First thing's first. 801 00:35:38,033 --> 00:35:40,067 You gotta deal with your own stuff first. 802 00:35:40,075 --> 00:35:44,075 And what happens is it's easier to see sin in someone else's 803 00:35:44,083 --> 00:35:47,088 life than it is your own, and it's easier to tell them 804 00:35:47,096 --> 00:35:51,004 what to do than the hard work of doing it yourself. 805 00:35:51,012 --> 00:35:53,000 That's by definition, a hypocrite. 806 00:35:53,004 --> 00:35:56,008 So let me say this: all of us, to varying degrees, 807 00:35:56,017 --> 00:35:59,046 are blind guides and hypocrites, 808 00:35:59,050 --> 00:36:02,033 well aware, more aware of everyone's sin in their life, 809 00:36:02,042 --> 00:36:05,008 far less aware of our sin in our life. 810 00:36:05,017 --> 00:36:06,050 And the more religious you are, 811 00:36:06,058 --> 00:36:09,083 the worse it's going to be for you. 812 00:36:09,092 --> 00:36:12,058 That's the way that it works. 813 00:36:12,067 --> 00:36:14,071 And so what is Jesus' answer? 814 00:36:14,079 --> 00:36:18,033 He says, "Well, students become like their teachers, 815 00:36:18,038 --> 00:36:22,075 so you gotta be careful who you pick to follow." 816 00:36:22,083 --> 00:36:27,050 What that means is be very careful to pick a church. 817 00:36:27,058 --> 00:36:32,092 Be very careful to pick friends; friends that you say, 818 00:36:33,000 --> 00:36:36,079 "I welcome you to speak into my life and give me counsel." 819 00:36:36,083 --> 00:36:41,017 Be very careful what books you read for instruction in life. 820 00:36:41,025 --> 00:36:44,096 Be very careful what podcasts, and blogs, and tweets, 821 00:36:45,000 --> 00:36:49,033 and RSS feeds, and magazines, and television shows, 822 00:36:49,038 --> 00:36:54,046 and radio talk programs that you consume, because when 823 00:36:54,050 --> 00:36:58,033 fully trained, you'll become like your teacher. 824 00:36:58,038 --> 00:37:01,096 And if they're blind, you'll share their blindness. 825 00:37:02,000 --> 00:37:05,062 If they're hypocrites, you'll share their hypocrisy, 826 00:37:05,067 --> 00:37:09,050 because as Jesus says, when fully trained, 827 00:37:09,058 --> 00:37:12,075 students become like their teachers. 828 00:37:12,083 --> 00:37:18,017 It's very important that you decide who to listen to, 829 00:37:18,025 --> 00:37:20,033 who to follow. 830 00:37:20,042 --> 00:37:23,033 It's the only way to deal with your blindness is to find people 831 00:37:23,038 --> 00:37:25,017 who aren't blind where you're blind, 832 00:37:25,025 --> 00:37:28,004 and have them love you enough to judge you-- 833 00:37:28,012 --> 00:37:29,050 back to my first point-- 834 00:37:29,054 --> 00:37:33,008 and to help you to see these are issues and areas that 835 00:37:33,017 --> 00:37:35,062 you really need some work. 836 00:37:35,067 --> 00:37:39,000 Additionally, you need people who are not hypocrites, 837 00:37:39,004 --> 00:37:41,000 who condone your lifestyle, 838 00:37:41,008 --> 00:37:44,071 and participate in it where it is sinful. 839 00:37:44,079 --> 00:37:48,058 You also need people who are willing to lovingly confront you 840 00:37:48,067 --> 00:37:53,058 in community, and say, you are a total hypocrite. 841 00:37:53,067 --> 00:37:57,071 You freak out on people who do this, but here's your issue, 842 00:37:57,079 --> 00:37:59,062 and again, all of this is principle. 843 00:37:59,067 --> 00:38:02,021 God the Holy Spirit will now name it for you. 844 00:38:02,029 --> 00:38:04,033 Don't think about your friend. 845 00:38:04,038 --> 00:38:07,000 Don't think, "Oh yes, they really need to hear this sermon. 846 00:38:07,004 --> 00:38:08,075 This will be very good for them." 847 00:38:08,083 --> 00:38:12,012 First thing's first, before you counsel anyone, 848 00:38:12,017 --> 00:38:14,050 deal with your own stuff. 849 00:38:14,054 --> 00:38:19,042 I mean, I'm continually shocked at the horrible husbands 850 00:38:19,050 --> 00:38:22,038 who want to counsel men on marriage. 851 00:38:22,046 --> 00:38:24,088 I'm continually shocked at the horrible fathers 852 00:38:24,096 --> 00:38:27,071 who want to counsel men on fatherhood. 853 00:38:27,079 --> 00:38:28,071 It's amazing. 854 00:38:28,079 --> 00:38:31,058 Even in the pastorate, even in counseling. 855 00:38:31,067 --> 00:38:35,012 Same is true for women-- women who quarrel, argue, 856 00:38:35,017 --> 00:38:38,083 dishonor their husband, yet want to tell other women how they 857 00:38:38,092 --> 00:38:41,021 should live their life, and how they should organize their home. 858 00:38:41,029 --> 00:38:44,033 This is what we do, and to some degree we're all hypocrites. 859 00:38:44,038 --> 00:38:51,012 And here's the truth: sometimes the myth is laid out there, 860 00:38:51,017 --> 00:38:52,050 "you should never judge anyone." 861 00:38:52,054 --> 00:38:54,017 Well, we have to, if we love them, 862 00:38:54,025 --> 00:38:57,025 diagnose what's wrong in their life in a non-condemning, 863 00:38:57,033 --> 00:39:00,050 but in a convicting way. 864 00:39:00,054 --> 00:39:04,008 And additionally if we really love them, 865 00:39:04,017 --> 00:39:09,008 we need to not follow them, we need to rebuke them, 866 00:39:09,017 --> 00:39:11,021 and say, "I love you. 867 00:39:11,029 --> 00:39:13,017 "Stop giving me advice. 868 00:39:13,025 --> 00:39:15,025 "I'm not asking for it, I'm not looking for it, 869 00:39:15,033 --> 00:39:18,079 "and the truth is we all see a lumberyard coming out of your 870 00:39:18,083 --> 00:39:23,083 head, and that should probably be your first priority." 871 00:39:23,088 --> 00:39:28,075 And if you do that, and someone is humble, they'll thank you. 872 00:39:28,083 --> 00:39:33,038 And if they're arrogant, they'll bristle. 873 00:39:33,046 --> 00:39:36,050 Proverbs says, "Rebuke a wise man, he'll thank you. 874 00:39:36,058 --> 00:39:39,071 Rebuke a fool, he'll hate you." 875 00:39:39,079 --> 00:39:41,071 You don't know who someone is, wise or foolish, 876 00:39:41,079 --> 00:39:43,096 until they don't get their way, or you point out their 877 00:39:44,000 --> 00:39:47,054 lumberyard, or you show them their blindness. 878 00:39:47,062 --> 00:39:50,071 But the truth is it's not just Christians who are hypocrites, 879 00:39:50,079 --> 00:39:52,033 non-Christians are hypocrites too. 880 00:39:52,038 --> 00:39:53,096 And non-Christians love to throw that line, 881 00:39:54,000 --> 00:39:55,054 "All you Christians are hypocrites." 882 00:39:55,062 --> 00:39:58,033 And so are all you non-Christians. 883 00:39:58,042 --> 00:40:00,083 Right, I'll give you one example that I think is funny. 884 00:40:00,088 --> 00:40:03,008 Back to my previous point. 885 00:40:03,017 --> 00:40:05,075 The--according to "US Today" article 886 00:40:05,083 --> 00:40:09,017 a few years ago, the least charitably generous city in 887 00:40:09,021 --> 00:40:11,092 the United States of America is? 888 00:40:12,000 --> 00:40:13,079 Seattle. 889 00:40:13,083 --> 00:40:16,033 See, here's our deal, we are cause oriented. 890 00:40:16,042 --> 00:40:17,038 "What about the poor? 891 00:40:17,046 --> 00:40:18,075 "What about low income housing? 892 00:40:18,083 --> 00:40:20,008 "What about single mothers? 893 00:40:20,017 --> 00:40:21,054 "What about homelessness? 894 00:40:21,062 --> 00:40:22,075 "What about the needy? 895 00:40:22,083 --> 00:40:25,067 Somebody else should totally do something about that." 896 00:40:25,071 --> 00:40:27,079 That's Seattle. 897 00:40:27,083 --> 00:40:28,038 898 00:40:28,046 --> 00:40:30,017 That's Seattle. 899 00:40:30,021 --> 00:40:31,017 Are you gonna do anything? 900 00:40:31,025 --> 00:40:33,038 "Well, hey man, thou shall not judge, right?" 901 00:40:33,046 --> 00:40:35,079 I mean here we go again. 902 00:40:35,083 --> 00:40:39,008 And so we're all hypocrites to varying degrees, 903 00:40:39,017 --> 00:40:41,033 and we're all blind in varying ways, 904 00:40:41,038 --> 00:40:47,000 and we need each other to point out our blindness, 905 00:40:47,004 --> 00:40:49,004 and to help us. 906 00:40:49,012 --> 00:40:52,008 Who do you need to forgive? 907 00:40:52,017 --> 00:40:53,033 How is your financial giving? 908 00:40:53,042 --> 00:40:55,079 What log is in your eye? 909 00:40:55,083 --> 00:40:58,017 Third question, what log is in your eye? 910 00:40:58,021 --> 00:41:01,062 Say, "Yeah, yeah, this is a big issue. 911 00:41:01,067 --> 00:41:04,054 "I've not really dealt with it, 912 00:41:04,062 --> 00:41:07,071 repented of it, and put it to death." 913 00:41:07,079 --> 00:41:11,046 Sort of culminates then in point four: 914 00:41:11,050 --> 00:41:14,050 good trees should produce good fruit. 915 00:41:14,058 --> 00:41:19,008 Luke 6:43-45, "For no good tree bears bad fruit, 916 00:41:19,017 --> 00:41:21,021 "nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit, 917 00:41:21,029 --> 00:41:22,096 "for each tree is known by its own fruit. 918 00:41:23,000 --> 00:41:24,071 "For figs are not gathered from thornbushes, 919 00:41:24,079 --> 00:41:27,033 "nor are grapes picked from a bramble bush. 920 00:41:27,038 --> 00:41:29,017 "The good person out of the good treasure of his heart 921 00:41:29,025 --> 00:41:31,046 "produces good, and the evil person 922 00:41:31,050 --> 00:41:34,033 "out of his evil treasure produces evil, 923 00:41:34,042 --> 00:41:37,038 "for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." 924 00:41:37,046 --> 00:41:41,008 Okay, Jesus here is confronting one of our most preciously, 925 00:41:41,017 --> 00:41:44,029 deeply held cultural myths: 926 00:41:44,033 --> 00:41:47,071 "We're all good people, and sometimes we do bad things." 927 00:41:47,079 --> 00:41:49,046 You ever seen someone do something horrible, 928 00:41:49,050 --> 00:41:51,067 and it's on the news? 929 00:41:51,075 --> 00:41:53,029 Happens all the time. 930 00:41:53,033 --> 00:41:54,096 And then everybody gets on there like, 931 00:41:55,000 --> 00:41:57,088 "They're just a really good person. 932 00:41:57,096 --> 00:41:59,046 "I mean, yeah, they murder people, 933 00:41:59,050 --> 00:42:04,021 but deep down in their heart, they're golden." 934 00:42:04,029 --> 00:42:06,029 Really? 935 00:42:06,033 --> 00:42:07,088 Seriously? 936 00:42:07,096 --> 00:42:13,017 See, because there's this deeply held lie, this myth. 937 00:42:13,025 --> 00:42:17,000 It's very pervasive and powerful in our culture that, 938 00:42:17,004 --> 00:42:18,088 "Yeah, the world has got some corruption, 939 00:42:18,096 --> 00:42:21,050 "and I've got a little corruption, but deep down in me, 940 00:42:21,054 --> 00:42:24,054 there's purity, there's goodness." 941 00:42:24,062 --> 00:42:29,012 No, that's blindness to our blindness. 942 00:42:29,017 --> 00:42:35,012 That's self-selected blindness to our depravity and corruption, 943 00:42:35,017 --> 00:42:41,062 that we inherit a sin nature, that we are sinners by nature. 944 00:42:41,067 --> 00:42:44,096 It goes all the way down to the roots. 945 00:42:45,000 --> 00:42:49,062 And what Jesus is saying, you can't say good tree, bad fruit. 946 00:42:49,067 --> 00:42:51,058 Doesn't make any sense at all. 947 00:42:51,067 --> 00:42:54,054 "Oh, that's a fantastic apple tree, 948 00:42:54,062 --> 00:42:57,021 and all it produces is grenades." 949 00:42:57,029 --> 00:42:59,042 Really? 950 00:42:59,050 --> 00:43:03,008 It doesn't seem like a fantastic apple tree. 951 00:43:03,017 --> 00:43:06,046 "Oh, it's a very good apple tree and produces grenades. 952 00:43:06,050 --> 00:43:08,000 Don't pick them." 953 00:43:08,004 --> 00:43:09,067 Really? 954 00:43:09,075 --> 00:43:13,017 "That's a very good person, they just produce wickedness, 955 00:43:13,021 --> 00:43:15,004 but they're a very good person." 956 00:43:15,012 --> 00:43:16,025 That's insane. 957 00:43:16,033 --> 00:43:18,025 That's crazy. 958 00:43:18,033 --> 00:43:21,021 But it's a deeply-held myth, and some people perpetuate it, 959 00:43:21,029 --> 00:43:22,083 even about their own kids. 960 00:43:22,092 --> 00:43:23,092 The kids are horrible. 961 00:43:24,000 --> 00:43:25,092 "Oh, they're just a little angel in their heart." 962 00:43:26,000 --> 00:43:32,075 No, they're not, they're evil. 963 00:43:32,083 --> 00:43:35,033 And I see girlfriends do this with their boyfriend, "Oh yeah, 964 00:43:35,042 --> 00:43:38,054 "he's drunk, unemployed, can't find his pants, and hits me, 965 00:43:38,062 --> 00:43:43,033 "but you know deep down, he's a winner, winner chicken dinner, 966 00:43:43,038 --> 00:43:44,033 "total sweetheart kind of guy. 967 00:43:44,038 --> 00:43:45,062 That's who he is." 968 00:43:45,067 --> 00:43:46,075 No, he's not. 969 00:43:46,083 --> 00:43:50,075 He's Satan way down deep in the roots. 970 00:43:50,083 --> 00:43:52,075 He's just a bad guy. 971 00:43:52,083 --> 00:43:56,000 "Oh, but you know if we just loved him, and cared for him, 972 00:43:56,008 --> 00:43:57,067 and enabled him." 973 00:43:57,075 --> 00:44:00,038 No, what, worship him as God and let him do it? 974 00:44:00,046 --> 00:44:02,050 No. 975 00:44:02,054 --> 00:44:04,008 And here's what Jesus is saying, we don't need 976 00:44:04,017 --> 00:44:06,083 behavior modification, we need regeneration. 977 00:44:06,092 --> 00:44:09,004 That's the biblical doctrine. 978 00:44:09,012 --> 00:44:11,008 You don't need to become a better person, 979 00:44:11,017 --> 00:44:14,004 you need to become a different person. 980 00:44:14,012 --> 00:44:18,050 What he's talking about is uprooting one tree, saying, 981 00:44:18,058 --> 00:44:20,017 that one's worthless. 982 00:44:20,021 --> 00:44:21,042 It's a bad tree. 983 00:44:21,050 --> 00:44:22,067 It's bad to the roots. 984 00:44:22,071 --> 00:44:27,033 It has nothing but bad fruit. 985 00:44:27,038 --> 00:44:33,025 And then God replants us in Christ as a whole new tree. 986 00:44:33,033 --> 00:44:37,071 New creation in Christ, new person, new heart, new mind, 987 00:44:37,079 --> 00:44:40,096 new will, new emotions, new life, new appetites, 988 00:44:41,000 --> 00:44:45,096 new passions, new pleasures, new affections, new person. 989 00:44:46,000 --> 00:44:47,062 Some of you would come to church and say, 990 00:44:47,067 --> 00:44:50,050 "Give me steps to become a better person." 991 00:44:50,058 --> 00:44:52,000 And you'll be into pop psychology, 992 00:44:52,004 --> 00:44:53,025 self-help, self-esteem. 993 00:44:53,033 --> 00:44:55,033 "Do these four things, don't do these three things. 994 00:44:55,038 --> 00:44:56,096 Follow these 27 steps." 995 00:44:57,000 --> 00:45:00,033 First thing's first, life change is good. 996 00:45:00,042 --> 00:45:02,083 If you're an alcoholic, don't be an alcoholic. 997 00:45:02,092 --> 00:45:04,054 If you're a drug addict, don't do drugs. 998 00:45:04,062 --> 00:45:07,042 If you're a sex addict, we don't want you to be addicted to sex. 999 00:45:07,050 --> 00:45:10,050 If you got a chronic gambling problem, you need to stop. 1000 00:45:10,054 --> 00:45:14,033 If you're running yourself into debt and overspending, yeah, 1001 00:45:14,038 --> 00:45:15,083 you need to get that under control. 1002 00:45:15,088 --> 00:45:18,050 If you're a glutton, whatever it is, yeah, 1003 00:45:18,054 --> 00:45:21,083 we want that behavior to stop, but God wants far more 1004 00:45:21,088 --> 00:45:24,033 than just changed behavior. 1005 00:45:24,042 --> 00:45:28,033 He wants new people. 1006 00:45:28,038 --> 00:45:30,088 And Jesus uses the language of the heart. 1007 00:45:30,096 --> 00:45:35,092 The heart is the seat, sum, center, essence of who you are. 1008 00:45:36,000 --> 00:45:38,092 The Bible uses that word, not of the literal organ, 1009 00:45:39,000 --> 00:45:43,042 but of the metaphorical center. 1010 00:45:43,050 --> 00:45:47,071 And Jesus is saying, "Life comes out of the heart, 1011 00:45:47,079 --> 00:45:49,050 "words come out of the heart, 1012 00:45:49,058 --> 00:45:52,054 motives and deeds come out of the heart." 1013 00:45:52,062 --> 00:45:54,012 And the old heart, the Bible says, 1014 00:45:54,017 --> 00:45:57,058 the heart you get as a descendent of Adam is 1015 00:45:57,067 --> 00:45:58,079 a heart of stone. 1016 00:45:58,083 --> 00:46:01,000 It's hard-hearted toward God, stubborn, rebellious, 1017 00:46:01,008 --> 00:46:04,004 defiant, foolish, and dead. 1018 00:46:04,012 --> 00:46:06,033 When you become a Christian, God takes out the heart of stone, 1019 00:46:06,042 --> 00:46:08,096 he gives you a heart of flesh, not a perfect heart, 1020 00:46:09,000 --> 00:46:12,004 but a new heart, a heart that is by the power of the Holy Spirit, 1021 00:46:12,012 --> 00:46:14,075 and the grace of God, increasingly made to be 1022 00:46:14,083 --> 00:46:18,058 more, and more, and more like Jesus. 1023 00:46:18,067 --> 00:46:22,033 And God doesn't want you to do better or try harder, 1024 00:46:22,038 --> 00:46:26,079 he wants you to be uprooted, replanted, born-again, 1025 00:46:26,083 --> 00:46:29,075 regenerated, new heart. 1026 00:46:29,083 --> 00:46:31,004 This is where Christianity is different than 1027 00:46:31,012 --> 00:46:32,004 every other religion. 1028 00:46:32,012 --> 00:46:33,046 Some people say, "Well, Christianity teaches 1029 00:46:33,050 --> 00:46:35,092 some of the same values as other religions." 1030 00:46:36,000 --> 00:46:36,096 True. 1031 00:46:37,000 --> 00:46:41,083 And none of them provide the power to obey God. 1032 00:46:41,088 --> 00:46:45,079 Christianity says God changes us at the deepest level, 1033 00:46:45,083 --> 00:46:49,058 and gives us the Holy Spirit to live by his power. 1034 00:46:49,067 --> 00:46:51,075 So God doesn't just tell us what to do, 1035 00:46:51,083 --> 00:46:54,042 he lives a life through us, 1036 00:46:54,050 --> 00:46:57,033 and it all starts with coming to Jesus. 1037 00:46:57,042 --> 00:46:59,033 So that's what I would tell you. 1038 00:46:59,038 --> 00:47:00,079 If you're not a Christian you say, 1039 00:47:00,083 --> 00:47:02,017 "I don't know how to get my life together." 1040 00:47:02,025 --> 00:47:04,017 And some of you may say, "My life's not out of order, 1041 00:47:04,021 --> 00:47:05,025 it's going pretty good." 1042 00:47:05,033 --> 00:47:10,083 You're proud and arrogant and independent, and that's sin too. 1043 00:47:10,088 --> 00:47:12,092 And what you need is to come to Jesus. 1044 00:47:13,000 --> 00:47:14,096 So if you're here trying to figure out how to get your life 1045 00:47:15,000 --> 00:47:18,000 together, let's not worry about the behavior just yet. 1046 00:47:18,008 --> 00:47:20,004 Let's get you connected to Jesus, 1047 00:47:20,012 --> 00:47:23,046 and he'll change you from the inside out, instead of trying to 1048 00:47:23,050 --> 00:47:27,046 make behavior adjustments from the outside in. 1049 00:47:27,050 --> 00:47:29,025 Give your sin to Jesus, he died for it. 1050 00:47:29,033 --> 00:47:30,050 He rose for it. 1051 00:47:30,058 --> 00:47:35,012 Receive from him a new heart, and a new life, so that you 1052 00:47:35,017 --> 00:47:38,012 can be a good tree that produces good fruit. 1053 00:47:38,017 --> 00:47:41,008 The fruit of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, 1054 00:47:41,017 --> 00:47:43,025 goodness, gentleness, self-control, 1055 00:47:43,033 --> 00:47:45,071 the stuff that Galatians talks about. 1056 00:47:45,079 --> 00:47:48,079 I'll give you one analogy, one illustration. 1057 00:47:48,083 --> 00:47:51,050 It was phenomenally encouraging this week. 1058 00:47:51,058 --> 00:47:54,054 I'm visiting the various campuses of Mars Hill, 1059 00:47:54,062 --> 00:47:56,025 as we meet in different locations, 1060 00:47:56,033 --> 00:47:58,025 and I went to the University of Washington, 1061 00:47:58,033 --> 00:47:59,083 spent the day there. 1062 00:47:59,092 --> 00:48:02,092 There was this wonderful, cool, awesome gal 1063 00:48:03,000 --> 00:48:06,012 who just absolutely encouraged me. 1064 00:48:06,017 --> 00:48:08,017 She said, "Pastor Mark," she raised her hand, 1065 00:48:08,025 --> 00:48:10,092 room of people, leaders. 1066 00:48:11,000 --> 00:48:13,058 She said, "I've got a ministry to gals." 1067 00:48:13,067 --> 00:48:16,046 And she said, "My ministry comes out of the fact that 1068 00:48:16,050 --> 00:48:18,012 "I lived a certain life. 1069 00:48:18,017 --> 00:48:19,083 "Thursday, Friday, Saturday, whatever it is, 1070 00:48:19,088 --> 00:48:21,004 "I'd get dressed up. 1071 00:48:21,012 --> 00:48:22,004 "I'd go out. 1072 00:48:22,012 --> 00:48:25,033 "I'd get drunk, and I'd let guys destroy me, 1073 00:48:25,042 --> 00:48:26,088 "and then I'd come home and cry. 1074 00:48:26,096 --> 00:48:29,008 "And then I'd do it again, and I did it week after week for 1075 00:48:29,017 --> 00:48:34,017 I don't know how long, a year, 2, 3 years, whatever it is." 1076 00:48:34,021 --> 00:48:36,000 And she said, "And I don't do that anymore, 1077 00:48:36,004 --> 00:48:38,029 "and I have a heart for girls that are like that, 1078 00:48:38,033 --> 00:48:41,062 "getting all dressed up, and drunk and abused. 1079 00:48:41,067 --> 00:48:43,033 "So I tell my story, and they come to me, 1080 00:48:43,038 --> 00:48:45,012 "and they want me to pray for them, and talk to them, 1081 00:48:45,017 --> 00:48:46,012 "and help them. 1082 00:48:46,017 --> 00:48:49,042 So I need a lot more training and biblical counseling." 1083 00:48:49,050 --> 00:48:50,092 Fantastic. 1084 00:48:51,000 --> 00:48:52,025 I mean, she's brave, she's bold. 1085 00:48:52,033 --> 00:48:55,058 She's being honest about her life, fantastic. 1086 00:48:55,067 --> 00:48:58,029 She got baptized here at Easter a few weeks ago. 1087 00:48:58,033 --> 00:49:01,067 So I asked her, I said, "What do you tell them?" 1088 00:49:01,071 --> 00:49:03,021 She says, "Here's what I tell them, 1089 00:49:03,029 --> 00:49:07,088 I love the Holy Spirit 'cause he just changed me." 1090 00:49:07,096 --> 00:49:09,075 That's a great answer. 1091 00:49:09,083 --> 00:49:13,012 She said, "What I used to do, I don't want to do that anymore. 1092 00:49:13,017 --> 00:49:15,012 "What I used to enjoy, I don't enjoy it. 1093 00:49:15,017 --> 00:49:18,083 "The trap I was stuck in, God got me out. 1094 00:49:18,088 --> 00:49:21,054 "The enslavement that I was beholden to, 1095 00:49:21,062 --> 00:49:23,096 I've been set free and redeemed." 1096 00:49:24,000 --> 00:49:25,067 She said, "I'm a new person. 1097 00:49:25,075 --> 00:49:28,000 "I don't think like I used to think. 1098 00:49:28,008 --> 00:49:30,096 "I don't act like I used to act, and it's not me, it's God. 1099 00:49:31,000 --> 00:49:33,029 The Holy Spirit just changed me." 1100 00:49:33,033 --> 00:49:35,008 And she said, "Now I'm telling everybody that 1101 00:49:35,017 --> 00:49:37,046 the Holy Spirit changes people." 1102 00:49:37,050 --> 00:49:38,071 Great. 1103 00:49:38,079 --> 00:49:39,088 I said, "How long ago did this happen?" 1104 00:49:39,096 --> 00:49:42,067 She said, "Two months ago." 1105 00:49:42,071 --> 00:49:49,025 Two months ago, unbelievable. 1106 00:49:49,033 --> 00:49:53,033 And that's what Jesus is talking about. 1107 00:49:53,038 --> 00:49:55,062 All right, she didn't come to church looking for religion 1108 00:49:55,067 --> 00:49:58,004 saying, "I have a really bad apple tree, 1109 00:49:58,012 --> 00:50:02,071 how do I duct tape oranges to it?" 1110 00:50:02,079 --> 00:50:06,046 She walked in, and God said, "New tree, 1111 00:50:06,050 --> 00:50:10,062 "all the way down to the roots, new person, new life. 1112 00:50:10,067 --> 00:50:11,092 You get to start over." 1113 00:50:12,000 --> 00:50:13,092 That's our God. 1114 00:50:14,000 --> 00:50:14,042 1115 00:50:14,050 --> 00:50:16,021 That's our God. 1116 00:50:16,029 --> 00:50:20,067 So let me ask you, fourth question, how's your life going? 1117 00:50:20,071 --> 00:50:23,025 What kind of fruit are you reaping? 1118 00:50:23,033 --> 00:50:26,046 Is it destruction, death, folly, foolishness, independence, 1119 00:50:26,050 --> 00:50:31,025 selfishness, self-righteousness, pride, despair, or is there 1120 00:50:31,033 --> 00:50:33,062 love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, 1121 00:50:33,067 --> 00:50:35,067 gentleness, self-control? 1122 00:50:35,075 --> 00:50:39,033 Some of you may not even be Christians. 1123 00:50:39,038 --> 00:50:43,017 Some of you may be religious people, spiritual people, 1124 00:50:43,021 --> 00:50:46,083 moral people, but you may have never come to Jesus, 1125 00:50:46,088 --> 00:50:48,071 and had him give you a new heart. 1126 00:50:48,079 --> 00:50:50,067 So you need to go to Jesus tonight in prayer, 1127 00:50:50,071 --> 00:50:54,033 and literally just ask him, "Jesus, give me a new heart. 1128 00:50:54,038 --> 00:50:58,017 "Before I can change anything, you need to change me. 1129 00:50:58,025 --> 00:51:03,017 "At the depth, seat, sum, center, essence of who I am. 1130 00:51:03,025 --> 00:51:06,075 "Lord Jesus, pull up my old life by the roots, 1131 00:51:06,083 --> 00:51:09,042 and plant me in you." 1132 00:51:09,050 --> 00:51:11,008 And he will and he does. 1133 00:51:11,017 --> 00:51:13,000 Some of you, that explains your whole life. 1134 00:51:13,008 --> 00:51:14,088 That's why you have so many problems. 1135 00:51:14,096 --> 00:51:17,083 You're trying to live the Christian life without Christ, 1136 00:51:17,092 --> 00:51:19,067 and it's not even living the Christian life, 1137 00:51:19,071 --> 00:51:22,067 it's Christ living through you. 1138 00:51:22,075 --> 00:51:27,017 And he sums all this up in this great and glorious way. 1139 00:51:27,021 --> 00:51:30,012 Number five: truth plus obedience equals 1140 00:51:30,017 --> 00:51:32,079 a rock-solid foundation. 1141 00:51:32,083 --> 00:51:36,017 Luke 6:46, "Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord,' 1142 00:51:36,025 --> 00:51:38,017 "Jesus says, 'and not do what I tell you?'" 1143 00:51:38,021 --> 00:51:39,079 That's a good question. 1144 00:51:39,083 --> 00:51:41,029 "You're the king, you're the boss, you're right, 1145 00:51:41,033 --> 00:51:43,050 you're perfect, you're true and I disagree." 1146 00:51:43,054 --> 00:51:45,021 What? 1147 00:51:45,029 --> 00:51:48,000 With him? 1148 00:51:48,008 --> 00:51:50,038 Seriously? 1149 00:51:50,046 --> 00:51:53,083 Every time we sin, that's what we're saying with our actions. 1150 00:51:53,088 --> 00:51:55,038 "Everyone who comes to me." 1151 00:51:55,046 --> 00:51:58,000 So my first thing would be, you've gotta come to Jesus. 1152 00:51:58,004 --> 00:52:01,025 Would you come to Jesus? 1153 00:52:01,033 --> 00:52:03,092 Please come to Jesus. 1154 00:52:04,000 --> 00:52:07,046 "Everyone who comes to me and hears my words," that's truth, 1155 00:52:07,050 --> 00:52:09,021 "And does them," that's obedience, 1156 00:52:09,029 --> 00:52:11,000 "I will show you what he is like." 1157 00:52:11,004 --> 00:52:12,050 And Jesus has a great analogy. 1158 00:52:12,054 --> 00:52:13,083 "He is like a man building a house, 1159 00:52:13,088 --> 00:52:16,017 "who dug deep and laid the foundation on a rock. 1160 00:52:16,025 --> 00:52:18,029 "And when a flood arose, the stream broke against the house 1161 00:52:18,033 --> 00:52:22,033 "and could not shake it, because it had been well built. 1162 00:52:22,038 --> 00:52:24,033 "But the one who hears and does not do them is like a man who 1163 00:52:24,042 --> 00:52:27,071 "built a house on the ground without a foundation. 1164 00:52:27,079 --> 00:52:30,050 "When the stream broke against it, immediately it fell, 1165 00:52:30,058 --> 00:52:32,062 and the ruin of that house was great." 1166 00:52:32,067 --> 00:52:35,012 Here's what he's saying: there's two ways to build a house, 1167 00:52:35,017 --> 00:52:37,054 with or without a foundation. 1168 00:52:37,062 --> 00:52:41,050 And a foundation that is set on rock will be fine. 1169 00:52:41,054 --> 00:52:44,050 A house without a foundation, or that sets itself on shifting 1170 00:52:44,054 --> 00:52:48,000 sands, it is only a matter of time before trouble comes 1171 00:52:48,008 --> 00:52:49,042 and that house is destroyed. 1172 00:52:49,050 --> 00:52:51,046 That's why if you go right now to the bank and say, 1173 00:52:51,050 --> 00:52:54,062 "I would like to buy a house that has no foundation, 1174 00:52:54,067 --> 00:52:57,096 and is on the beach," you will not get a loan. 1175 00:52:58,000 --> 00:53:00,054 You will get a chuckle, but not a loan. 1176 00:53:00,062 --> 00:53:03,017 It's only a matter of time before that house 1177 00:53:03,025 --> 00:53:04,058 ceases to exist. 1178 00:53:04,067 --> 00:53:07,033 And here's what Jesus is saying: trouble, strife, turmoil, 1179 00:53:07,042 --> 00:53:09,058 difficulty, hardship will come. 1180 00:53:09,067 --> 00:53:10,079 You will lose your job. 1181 00:53:10,083 --> 00:53:12,017 You will get sick. 1182 00:53:12,021 --> 00:53:13,096 You will have trouble. 1183 00:53:14,000 --> 00:53:15,062 That's what Jesus says. 1184 00:53:15,067 --> 00:53:18,050 In this world, you will have trouble. 1185 00:53:18,058 --> 00:53:21,033 That's what he says, so don't set up your life in such a way 1186 00:53:21,042 --> 00:53:22,033 and say, "You know what? 1187 00:53:22,042 --> 00:53:24,083 Everything will be fine as long as nothing goes wrong." 1188 00:53:24,088 --> 00:53:27,000 Something's gonna go wrong. 1189 00:53:27,008 --> 00:53:28,046 That's what he's saying. 1190 00:53:28,050 --> 00:53:30,058 A storm will come. 1191 00:53:30,067 --> 00:53:34,017 Hardship, trials, strife, something's gonna hit. 1192 00:53:34,021 --> 00:53:36,029 And some of you don't pay any attention to the foundation, 1193 00:53:36,033 --> 00:53:38,008 what you're building your life on. 1194 00:53:38,017 --> 00:53:40,025 First principles, your church, your friends, your theology, 1195 00:53:40,033 --> 00:53:44,017 your doctrine, your relationship with Christ, your prayer life, 1196 00:53:44,021 --> 00:53:46,021 Bible reading, until what? 1197 00:53:46,029 --> 00:53:49,033 Storm comes, you're floating down the river trying to put 1198 00:53:49,042 --> 00:53:50,096 a foundation under the thing. 1199 00:53:51,000 --> 00:53:57,083 It's a little late in the day. 1200 00:53:57,088 --> 00:54:01,012 We love you. 1201 00:54:01,017 --> 00:54:06,088 We want good for you, and the truth is, it's your life. 1202 00:54:06,096 --> 00:54:08,075 You can blame other people. 1203 00:54:08,083 --> 00:54:09,079 You can excuse yourself. 1204 00:54:09,083 --> 00:54:10,075 You can pass the buck. 1205 00:54:10,083 --> 00:54:12,017 You can blame it on your parents. 1206 00:54:12,025 --> 00:54:14,092 You can rail against culture. 1207 00:54:15,000 --> 00:54:18,083 You can hope that some elected official just starts giving away 1208 00:54:18,092 --> 00:54:24,017 free foundations to everyone, or you can, as an adult, 1209 00:54:24,025 --> 00:54:26,000 take responsibility and say, 1210 00:54:26,008 --> 00:54:32,058 "My life, my foundation, my responsibility." 1211 00:54:32,067 --> 00:54:38,025 1212 00:54:38,033 --> 00:54:43,071 Is your problem a truth problem, or an obedience problem? 1213 00:54:43,079 --> 00:54:44,050 1214 00:54:44,054 --> 00:54:47,000 Is your problem a truth problem, or an obedience problem? 1215 00:54:47,004 --> 00:54:49,067 Jesus says, "Everyone who hears my words," right, 1216 00:54:49,075 --> 00:54:51,000 that's the truth. 1217 00:54:51,004 --> 00:54:53,033 Jesus says, "Elsewhere sanctify them by the truth, your word, 1218 00:54:53,042 --> 00:54:55,092 Scriptures is true." 1219 00:54:56,000 --> 00:54:58,033 Is it a truth problem? 1220 00:54:58,042 --> 00:54:59,092 You're not getting a lot of truth. 1221 00:55:00,004 --> 00:55:01,062 You're not reading your Bible. 1222 00:55:01,067 --> 00:55:03,083 See, truth comes through the Scriptures. 1223 00:55:03,088 --> 00:55:06,033 Truth comes from the conviction of the Holy Spirit. 1224 00:55:06,042 --> 00:55:09,083 Truth can also come through godly friends who give good 1225 00:55:09,092 --> 00:55:13,000 counsel, people who are willing to show you where you're blind 1226 00:55:13,004 --> 00:55:14,092 and hypocritical. 1227 00:55:15,000 --> 00:55:16,088 Truth can come through reading good books, 1228 00:55:16,096 --> 00:55:18,096 to listening to good teachers. 1229 00:55:19,000 --> 00:55:22,017 Do you have a truth problem, meaning you're not inputting 1230 00:55:22,021 --> 00:55:23,092 a lot of truth? 1231 00:55:24,000 --> 00:55:26,092 It may be information, but it's not truth. 1232 00:55:27,000 --> 00:55:29,062 You're reading garbage when it comes to how to fix 1233 00:55:29,067 --> 00:55:31,042 your marriage, your life. 1234 00:55:31,050 --> 00:55:34,050 Is it a truth problem? 1235 00:55:34,058 --> 00:55:37,062 You're believing lies, things that are inconsistent 1236 00:55:37,067 --> 00:55:39,079 with Scripture. 1237 00:55:39,083 --> 00:55:42,050 Is it a truth problem? 1238 00:55:42,058 --> 00:55:45,017 God says one thing, but somebody else says another thing, 1239 00:55:45,025 --> 00:55:47,067 and you're conflicted. 1240 00:55:47,071 --> 00:55:49,000 Let me give you a piece of good advice. 1241 00:55:49,008 --> 00:55:52,000 Don't believe everything you think. 1242 00:55:52,004 --> 00:55:55,017 Okay, meditate on that. 1243 00:55:55,025 --> 00:55:57,038 Don't believe everything you think. 1244 00:55:57,046 --> 00:56:00,075 If you're prone toward blindness and hypocrisy, 1245 00:56:00,083 --> 00:56:03,083 some of what you think is wrong, 1246 00:56:03,088 --> 00:56:06,008 so you're gonna need somebody to put truth into you, 1247 00:56:06,017 --> 00:56:08,079 'cause you got some folly and error. 1248 00:56:08,083 --> 00:56:10,075 Is your problem a truth problem, or is your problem 1249 00:56:10,083 --> 00:56:12,062 an obedience problem? 1250 00:56:12,067 --> 00:56:15,071 You know what to do, you just don't do it. 1251 00:56:15,079 --> 00:56:17,096 James, Jesus' brother, echoing this says, 1252 00:56:18,000 --> 00:56:20,017 in his epistle bearing his name, 1253 00:56:20,021 --> 00:56:22,083 "Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves, 1254 00:56:22,088 --> 00:56:24,025 do what it says." 1255 00:56:24,033 --> 00:56:26,029 And let me say, counseling can be hard, but pretty much 1256 00:56:26,033 --> 00:56:28,004 counseling is asking three questions, 1257 00:56:28,012 --> 00:56:30,029 and enduring awkward silence. 1258 00:56:30,033 --> 00:56:31,050 I'll tell you what they are. 1259 00:56:31,054 --> 00:56:35,071 People come into me, first question: what's the problem? 1260 00:56:35,079 --> 00:56:38,050 Then they tell you, and you leave an awkward silence. 1261 00:56:38,054 --> 00:56:44,012 Then the second question is: "What has God told you to do?" 1262 00:56:44,017 --> 00:56:45,088 And they'll usually tell you. 1263 00:56:45,096 --> 00:56:48,025 And then you leave an awkward silence. 1264 00:56:48,033 --> 00:56:52,017 And then the third question is: "Are you gonna do that?" 1265 00:56:52,021 --> 00:56:53,033 And then you pray. 1266 00:56:53,042 --> 00:56:55,038 That's counseling. 1267 00:56:55,046 --> 00:56:57,029 It really is. 1268 00:56:57,033 --> 00:56:58,067 I've done a lot of counseling. 1269 00:56:58,071 --> 00:57:00,058 That's most of it. 1270 00:57:00,067 --> 00:57:03,029 I'll give you some examples. 1271 00:57:03,033 --> 00:57:07,062 Since we're here-- oh, what comes to mind? 1272 00:57:07,067 --> 00:57:10,067 A guy recently, he's really big. 1273 00:57:10,071 --> 00:57:11,079 He's out of shape. 1274 00:57:11,083 --> 00:57:12,079 He's obese. 1275 00:57:12,083 --> 00:57:14,017 He's gonna kill himself. 1276 00:57:14,021 --> 00:57:17,000 Comes in, look at him, what's the problem? 1277 00:57:17,004 --> 00:57:18,046 He's like, "Well, I'm big." 1278 00:57:18,050 --> 00:57:21,012 Okay, agreed. 1279 00:57:21,017 --> 00:57:22,042 What has God told you to do? 1280 00:57:22,050 --> 00:57:24,000 "You know, I've been praying about it, reading about it. 1281 00:57:24,008 --> 00:57:27,038 "I think food is an idol for me, and I think God wants me 1282 00:57:27,046 --> 00:57:29,083 to eat less and exercise more." 1283 00:57:29,088 --> 00:57:31,050 Okay, sounds good. 1284 00:57:31,054 --> 00:57:33,062 Are you gonna do that? 1285 00:57:33,067 --> 00:57:36,071 He says, "I'm praying about it." 1286 00:57:36,079 --> 00:57:37,075 Really? 1287 00:57:37,083 --> 00:57:42,088 Praying about what, whether or not you're gonna do it? 1288 00:57:42,096 --> 00:57:45,000 Okay, just so you know, you're not gonna get smaller 1289 00:57:45,004 --> 00:57:47,033 praying about it. 1290 00:57:47,042 --> 00:57:50,000 You're gonna get smaller obeying it. 1291 00:57:50,008 --> 00:57:51,012 He actually asked me, he's like, 1292 00:57:51,017 --> 00:57:53,025 "Are there any verses in the Bible on weight loss?" 1293 00:57:53,033 --> 00:57:57,017 Well, no, there's not like 1 and 2 Dietitians. 1294 00:57:57,021 --> 00:58:04,033 You know, I think you need to just eat less and exercise more. 1295 00:58:04,042 --> 00:58:06,083 If that's what he said, do it 'cause that actually sounds like 1296 00:58:06,088 --> 00:58:08,050 a pretty good idea. 1297 00:58:08,054 --> 00:58:11,050 You know, you can put acacia berries on your chocolate 1298 00:58:11,058 --> 00:58:16,067 sundae, but that probably isn't gonna do it for ya, you know? 1299 00:58:16,071 --> 00:58:18,075 I talked to a lady, awesome. 1300 00:58:18,083 --> 00:58:21,038 She says, "We're having some marital trouble. 1301 00:58:21,046 --> 00:58:23,012 "My husband is very miserable. 1302 00:58:23,017 --> 00:58:24,033 He's depressed." 1303 00:58:24,042 --> 00:58:25,050 Okay. 1304 00:58:25,058 --> 00:58:27,083 "What'd ya do?" 1305 00:58:27,092 --> 00:58:30,054 Just to check. 1306 00:58:30,062 --> 00:58:35,050 She says, "Well, I nag him a lot, a lot." 1307 00:58:35,054 --> 00:58:36,033 Okay. 1308 00:58:36,038 --> 00:58:37,046 Okay, so that's the problem. 1309 00:58:37,050 --> 00:58:39,071 He's depressed, and you're nagging him, 1310 00:58:39,079 --> 00:58:41,042 and then he gets depressed, and then you nag him about 1311 00:58:41,050 --> 00:58:44,079 being depressed, which that didn't help, did it? 1312 00:58:44,083 --> 00:58:46,075 "Okay, so what did God tell you to do?" 1313 00:58:46,083 --> 00:58:51,033 "God said when he annoys me to first pray for him, 1314 00:58:51,038 --> 00:58:53,083 "and leave the Holy Spirit a little bit of an opportunity 1315 00:58:53,092 --> 00:58:56,067 "to work on him before I start criticizing him. 1316 00:58:56,075 --> 00:58:59,088 "And then if God doesn't get through to him, 1317 00:58:59,096 --> 00:59:02,029 maybe then I could lovingly say something." 1318 00:59:02,033 --> 00:59:03,029 That sounds good. 1319 00:59:03,033 --> 00:59:04,071 "Are you gonna do it?" 1320 00:59:04,079 --> 00:59:06,075 She says, "Well, I don't know, he really annoys me." 1321 00:59:06,083 --> 00:59:10,050 Okay, just checkin'. 1322 00:59:10,058 --> 00:59:11,096 Send him in, I'll hold him. 1323 00:59:12,000 --> 00:59:13,008 He can cry. 1324 00:59:13,017 --> 00:59:16,042 We can read Lamentations, but I don't have any plan "B" for you. 1325 00:59:16,050 --> 00:59:19,017 It's gonna go bad. 1326 00:59:19,025 --> 00:59:22,050 Gal comes in, fantastic. 1327 00:59:22,054 --> 00:59:25,092 "Pastor Mark, I'm a Christian, my boyfriend's a non-Christian. 1328 00:59:26,000 --> 00:59:27,004 "We're kind of dating. 1329 00:59:27,012 --> 00:59:28,008 "It's getting pretty serious. 1330 00:59:28,017 --> 00:59:29,008 "Sleeping together. 1331 00:59:29,017 --> 00:59:30,050 Thinking about living together." 1332 00:59:30,058 --> 00:59:31,067 There's the problem. 1333 00:59:31,075 --> 00:59:32,075 "Okay, what has God told you to do?" 1334 00:59:32,083 --> 00:59:35,025 "Well, he told me not to date him." 1335 00:59:35,033 --> 00:59:37,017 I said, "Okay." 1336 00:59:37,025 --> 00:59:38,050 Third question, "Well, what are you gonna do?" 1337 00:59:38,054 --> 00:59:42,017 She says, "Well, I'm praying he becomes a Christian." 1338 00:59:42,025 --> 00:59:44,017 Really? 1339 00:59:44,021 --> 00:59:47,025 Seriously? 1340 00:59:47,033 --> 00:59:50,012 Ahh! 1341 00:59:50,017 --> 00:59:51,008 "Could you meet with him?" 1342 00:59:51,017 --> 00:59:56,067 I could but--but how about if you obey God, 1343 00:59:56,071 --> 01:00:00,021 and then I talk to him? 1344 01:00:00,029 --> 01:00:01,067 See, this is what we do. 1345 01:00:01,075 --> 01:00:03,067 We, but you know we laugh at people, 1346 01:00:03,075 --> 01:00:06,050 and then the Holy Spirit would right now tell you, 1347 01:00:06,058 --> 01:00:10,000 "You do it too," and so do I. 1348 01:00:10,008 --> 01:00:12,075 For some of us it's a truth problem. 1349 01:00:12,083 --> 01:00:15,008 We just, we don't know what we're talking about. 1350 01:00:15,017 --> 01:00:16,038 For others, it's an obedience problem. 1351 01:00:16,046 --> 01:00:18,079 We know exactly what we're supposed to do. 1352 01:00:18,083 --> 01:00:19,088 And some of you come here and you'd say, 1353 01:00:19,096 --> 01:00:21,004 "Okay, give me a new verse, give me a new sermon, 1354 01:00:21,012 --> 01:00:22,050 "give me a new book, give me a new this, give me that." 1355 01:00:22,054 --> 01:00:25,079 Maybe what you need to do is just obey the teaching 1356 01:00:25,083 --> 01:00:29,000 you've already received, and God can teach you a few things 1357 01:00:29,004 --> 01:00:30,092 down the road, but right now, 1358 01:00:31,000 --> 01:00:32,038 you already know what you're supposed to do, 1359 01:00:32,046 --> 01:00:33,083 so let's knock that out first. 1360 01:00:33,092 --> 01:00:35,092 So let me ask you, last question: 1361 01:00:36,000 --> 01:00:37,096 what has the Holy Spirit highlighted? 1362 01:00:38,000 --> 01:00:43,000 Truth you need to learn, or obedience you need to enact? 1363 01:00:43,008 --> 01:00:44,025 What is it? 1364 01:00:44,033 --> 01:00:45,038 I don't know what it is. 1365 01:00:45,046 --> 01:00:47,062 The Holy Spirit knows, he'll tell you. 1366 01:00:47,067 --> 01:00:48,092 He's telling you right now. 1367 01:00:49,000 --> 01:00:52,088 I trust him for that. 1368 01:00:52,096 --> 01:00:56,025 So in closing, we want the truth in you. 1369 01:00:56,033 --> 01:00:58,092 We want obedience through you. 1370 01:00:59,000 --> 01:01:01,008 If you don't have a Bible, pick one up on your way out. 1371 01:01:01,017 --> 01:01:03,038 We'd love to give you one. 1372 01:01:03,046 --> 01:01:06,008 If you want to study, I'll tell you what, 1373 01:01:06,017 --> 01:01:07,017 you really need community. 1374 01:01:07,025 --> 01:01:10,050 You're not gonna make it 20, 30, 40, 50 years all by yourself. 1375 01:01:10,054 --> 01:01:12,012 If you're blind to your own blindness, 1376 01:01:12,017 --> 01:01:15,008 and you're a hypocrite to your own hypocrisy, 1377 01:01:15,017 --> 01:01:18,017 you're gonna need some people in community to help get you 1378 01:01:18,021 --> 01:01:19,062 moving toward Jesus. 1379 01:01:19,067 --> 01:01:21,021 That's why we have community. 1380 01:01:21,029 --> 01:01:25,029 Community groups are where we do that, they meet every week, 1381 01:01:25,033 --> 01:01:28,067 usually following the sermon, doing life together. 1382 01:01:28,071 --> 01:01:29,092 There are hundreds of them. 1383 01:01:30,000 --> 01:01:33,058 Some all over the Puget Sound, some down in Albuquerque. 1384 01:01:33,067 --> 01:01:36,046 Wherever your campus is, wherever you live or work, 1385 01:01:36,050 --> 01:01:38,038 we'll find one near you. 1386 01:01:38,046 --> 01:01:40,033 And today here's what we're gonna do. 1387 01:01:40,042 --> 01:01:44,012 I told you I got the new "Doctrine" book, 464 pages, 1388 01:01:44,017 --> 01:01:46,000 about a thousand footnotes. 1389 01:01:46,004 --> 01:01:48,083 It literally gave me an intestinal ulcer. 1390 01:01:48,092 --> 01:01:51,050 It's the work that I'm most pleased with. 1391 01:01:51,054 --> 01:01:55,042 If this is a day you say, "Okay, that's it. 1392 01:01:55,050 --> 01:01:58,067 Time for me to truth in, obedience out," 1393 01:01:58,071 --> 01:02:00,092 here's what I'm gonna ask you to do. 1394 01:02:01,000 --> 01:02:07,017 Fill out the card, and actually give us the true information. 1395 01:02:07,021 --> 01:02:09,004 1396 01:02:09,012 --> 01:02:10,029 Check the box. 1397 01:02:10,033 --> 01:02:12,058 It says, "I want to join a community group." 1398 01:02:12,067 --> 01:02:13,071 And if you will covenant with me, 1399 01:02:13,079 --> 01:02:15,050 you'll start reading the Scriptures. 1400 01:02:15,058 --> 01:02:18,012 If you don't know where to start, start in Luke's Gospel 1. 1401 01:02:18,017 --> 01:02:19,017 Keep going. 1402 01:02:19,025 --> 01:02:21,067 I'll give you a free copy of the "Doctrine" book. 1403 01:02:21,075 --> 01:02:25,033 Don't tell the accountants, I didn't get permission. 1404 01:02:25,042 --> 01:02:26,096 True story. 1405 01:02:27,000 --> 01:02:30,033 'Cause you guys give so bad, we've been getting killed on 1406 01:02:30,042 --> 01:02:32,012 budget, and I know they'd say, "We don't have the money." 1407 01:02:32,017 --> 01:02:34,033 So I'll just give them away before they find out. 1408 01:02:34,038 --> 01:02:37,096 So if you will actually fill this out, 1409 01:02:38,000 --> 01:02:40,096 and on your way out give it to us and say, "Here's who I am, 1410 01:02:41,000 --> 01:02:43,088 put me in a community group," we will then make sure 1411 01:02:43,096 --> 01:02:45,017 you have a free Bible. 1412 01:02:45,021 --> 01:02:47,025 We'll give you a free copy of the "Doctrine" book, 1413 01:02:47,033 --> 01:02:50,021 and someone will contact you in the following week, 1414 01:02:50,029 --> 01:02:51,067 and we'll help you get into a group. 1415 01:02:51,075 --> 01:02:53,033 'Cause here's what we don't want to do, 1416 01:02:53,042 --> 01:02:56,046 we don't want to just judge you, and point out some things in 1417 01:02:56,050 --> 01:02:58,096 your life that need work, and then condemn you, and say, 1418 01:02:59,000 --> 01:03:00,008 "That's it. 1419 01:03:00,017 --> 01:03:01,071 Good luck, go do it." 1420 01:03:01,079 --> 01:03:03,004 We want to invite you into community. 1421 01:03:03,012 --> 01:03:06,050 We want to say come to Jesus, come to community group. 1422 01:03:06,058 --> 01:03:07,083 Get a Bible. 1423 01:03:07,092 --> 01:03:10,033 Get some Christian material to help you learn the Bible. 1424 01:03:10,042 --> 01:03:12,012 Let us help you, we love you. 1425 01:03:12,017 --> 01:03:14,033 Our goal is not to destroy you, our goal is to serve you. 1426 01:03:14,038 --> 01:03:18,088 Our goal is not to condemn you, our goal is to come alongside 1427 01:03:18,096 --> 01:03:21,054 of you, and that's the heart of Mars Hill. 1428 01:03:21,062 --> 01:03:24,004 And so if you want a free gift, you'd love to get plugged 1429 01:03:24,012 --> 01:03:26,071 into a group, there's the offer, there's the pitch. 1430 01:03:26,079 --> 01:03:27,083 We love ya. 1431 01:03:27,088 --> 01:03:30,000 Get connected. 1432 01:03:30,008 --> 01:03:30,054 1433 01:03:30,062 --> 01:03:31,071 Get connected. 1434 01:03:31,079 --> 01:03:35,067 Father God, I do pray for us as a people individually that, 1435 01:03:35,075 --> 01:03:42,004 Lord God, we would forgive, and be givers, and lead ourselves, 1436 01:03:42,012 --> 01:03:45,050 and be good trees that produce good fruit, with lives 1437 01:03:45,058 --> 01:03:49,067 and legacies built on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ. 1438 01:03:49,071 --> 01:03:53,004 I pray as well, Lord God, for those who are not Christian, 1439 01:03:53,012 --> 01:03:54,050 that you would give them a new heart, 1440 01:03:54,058 --> 01:03:56,062 to live a new life as a new person. 1441 01:03:56,067 --> 01:03:59,008 I pray, Lord God, for those of us who are blind to our 1442 01:03:59,017 --> 01:04:03,042 own blindness, and hypocrites to our own hypocrisy, 1443 01:04:03,050 --> 01:04:06,058 that we would not feel destroyed by this message, 1444 01:04:06,067 --> 01:04:10,092 but compelled to receive the grace that we need to make 1445 01:04:11,000 --> 01:04:13,083 the changes that we need, so that you would receive 1446 01:04:13,088 --> 01:04:15,004 the glory you deserve. 1447 01:04:15,012 --> 01:04:17,071 In Jesus' name, Amen. 1448 01:04:18,021 --> 00:00:00,000