1 00:00:15,458 --> 00:00:16,750 Howdy Mars Hill Church. 2 00:00:16,833 --> 00:00:19,833 Pastor Sutton Turner here and I'm in Ethiopia. 3 00:00:19,875 --> 00:00:21,667 And I just want to thank Jesus 4 00:00:21,708 --> 00:00:25,000 for continuing to use Mars Hill Church 5 00:00:25,042 --> 00:00:28,583 to make disciples and plant churches. 6 00:00:29,167 --> 00:00:34,292 Mars Hill Global is the arm of Mars Hill Church 7 00:00:34,333 --> 00:00:35,917 that makes disciples 8 00:00:36,000 --> 00:00:38,833 and plant churches all over the world. 9 00:00:38,917 --> 00:00:40,375 We not only do church planting, 10 00:00:40,458 --> 00:00:43,333 but we help better equip church planters. 11 00:00:43,417 --> 00:00:47,042 Most recently we shipped and now distributed 12 00:00:47,125 --> 00:00:49,500 1,000 bibles into Amharic, 13 00:00:49,542 --> 00:00:52,125 which is the language here in Ethiopia. 14 00:00:52,167 --> 00:00:54,042 And we launched a project 15 00:00:54,125 --> 00:00:59,250 to translate Pastor Mark Driscoll's doctrine book into Spanish. 16 00:00:59,333 --> 00:01:02,583 We have people from over 29 different countries 17 00:01:02,667 --> 00:01:06,167 that are giving on a monthly basis to Mars Hill Global. 18 00:01:06,208 --> 00:01:08,125 So whether you're a member 19 00:01:08,167 --> 00:01:11,083 of one of our Mars Hill church locations 20 00:01:11,167 --> 00:01:12,542 in the United States, 21 00:01:12,625 --> 00:01:18,208 or you're 1 of 100,000 podcasters every single week, 22 00:01:18,292 --> 00:01:19,667 we encourage you to pray 23 00:01:19,750 --> 00:01:23,083 about giving above and beyond your tithe 24 00:01:23,167 --> 00:01:24,625 to Mars Hill Global. 25 00:01:24,667 --> 00:01:28,958 Thank you and let's see more materials translated, 26 00:01:29,000 --> 00:01:32,167 more pastors sent out, more churches planted, 27 00:01:32,250 --> 00:01:34,500 and more people saved by Jesus Christ. 28 00:01:48,750 --> 00:01:52,000 God always gets the last word. 29 00:01:52,042 --> 00:01:55,167 God alone gets the last word. 30 00:01:55,208 --> 00:01:57,833 The way that the Old Testament ends is the way 31 00:01:57,917 --> 00:02:00,417 that history ends and in the Book of Malachi, 32 00:02:00,500 --> 00:02:02,667 which is the last book of the Old Testament, 33 00:02:02,750 --> 00:02:05,750 they have had a long list of questions for 34 00:02:05,833 --> 00:02:07,417 and objections to God. 35 00:02:07,500 --> 00:02:09,917 Here's a few of them, "How have you loved us? 36 00:02:10,000 --> 00:02:12,583 "How have we despised your name? How have we polluted you? 37 00:02:12,667 --> 00:02:15,875 "How have we wearied him? Where is the God of justice? 38 00:02:15,958 --> 00:02:19,750 How have we robbed you? How have we spoken against you?" 39 00:02:19,833 --> 00:02:23,667 Lots of questions for God, lots of conversations with God, 40 00:02:23,708 --> 00:02:29,125 lots of accusations and lots of arguments toward God. 41 00:02:29,167 --> 00:02:32,500 And the book ends, Malachi ends, the Old Testament ends, 42 00:02:32,542 --> 00:02:36,958 God's final word for 400 years is that God gets the last word. 43 00:02:37,000 --> 00:02:39,250 God gets the final say. 44 00:02:39,333 --> 00:02:43,125 And this shows us how history ultimately will end. 45 00:02:43,167 --> 00:02:47,208 In the meantime, we will live in the midst of a culture that has 46 00:02:47,292 --> 00:02:51,500 objections to and quarrels with God, but in the end, 47 00:02:51,583 --> 00:02:53,708 God always gets the last word. 48 00:02:53,792 --> 00:02:55,667 God gets the final say. 49 00:02:55,750 --> 00:02:58,167 And if you'd find this place in your Bibles, 50 00:02:58,250 --> 00:02:59,583 we could study it together. 51 00:02:59,667 --> 00:03:03,042 It's Malachi chapter 4, verses 1 through 6. 52 00:03:03,125 --> 00:03:06,375 We're gonna hear God's final word for 400 years. 53 00:03:06,458 --> 00:03:08,417 This is the closing of the Old Testament, 54 00:03:08,500 --> 00:03:12,708 anticipating the coming of Jesus and God's got four things 55 00:03:12,792 --> 00:03:16,500 on his mind, heaven and hell, the Bible, repentance and men. 56 00:03:16,542 --> 00:03:18,125 So I'm pretty fired up. 57 00:03:18,167 --> 00:03:21,000 These are my four favorite things that are not foods. 58 00:03:21,083 --> 00:03:24,208 I'm really excited to talk about these things, heaven and hell, 59 00:03:24,292 --> 00:03:28,000 the Bible, repentance of sin and men. 60 00:03:28,042 --> 00:03:32,083 That's what's God's final word to all of human history, 61 00:03:32,167 --> 00:03:35,250 it's God speaking to us as well in our own day. 62 00:03:35,333 --> 00:03:38,167 So he starts by talking about heaven and hell. 63 00:03:38,250 --> 00:03:40,500 Malachi 4:1-3, "For behold"-- 64 00:03:40,583 --> 00:03:42,708 And that's God's way of getting our attention so, 65 00:03:42,792 --> 00:03:44,167 hey, pay attention. 66 00:03:44,250 --> 00:03:49,083 "For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven"-- 67 00:03:49,167 --> 00:03:51,333 you're gonna hear this language of hell-- 68 00:03:51,417 --> 00:03:55,167 "when all the arrogant and all evildoers will be stubble. 69 00:03:55,250 --> 00:04:02,250 "The day that is coming shall set them ablaze, 70 00:04:02,333 --> 00:04:04,125 "says the Lord of hosts, 71 00:04:04,167 --> 00:04:06,708 "so that it will leave them neither root nor branch. 72 00:04:06,792 --> 00:04:08,792 But for you who fear my name"-- 73 00:04:08,833 --> 00:04:11,000 so here's another category of people-- 74 00:04:11,083 --> 00:04:14,667 "But for you who fear my name"-- these are God's people-- 75 00:04:14,750 --> 00:04:17,375 "the sun of righteousness shall rise 76 00:04:17,458 --> 00:04:19,833 "with healing in its wings. 77 00:04:19,917 --> 00:04:22,708 "You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall. 78 00:04:22,792 --> 00:04:24,667 "And you shall tread down the wicked, 79 00:04:24,750 --> 00:04:27,458 "for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet, 80 00:04:27,500 --> 00:04:30,833 on the day when I act, says the Lord of hosts." 81 00:04:30,917 --> 00:04:34,500 He's speaking here about the day, the Day of the Lord. 82 00:04:34,583 --> 00:04:37,000 This is one of the big themes of the prophets 83 00:04:37,083 --> 00:04:38,417 in the Old Testament. 84 00:04:38,500 --> 00:04:40,333 They're leaning forward into something called 85 00:04:40,375 --> 00:04:41,708 the Day of the Lord, 86 00:04:41,792 --> 00:04:44,917 and the Day of the Lord is a succession of days and events 87 00:04:45,000 --> 00:04:47,875 through history that all culminate in the Last Day. 88 00:04:47,958 --> 00:04:50,500 The Last Day is the day of judgment. 89 00:04:50,583 --> 00:04:52,583 It's ultimately regarding the second coming 90 00:04:52,667 --> 00:04:54,000 of the Lord Jesus Christ, 91 00:04:54,083 --> 00:04:55,833 the resurrection of the dead, 92 00:04:55,875 --> 00:04:59,667 the judgment of all people into their eternal fate, 93 00:04:59,708 --> 00:05:03,333 reward in God's presence or punishment 94 00:05:03,417 --> 00:05:05,542 in the presence of Jesus. 95 00:05:05,625 --> 00:05:08,500 Everyone will give an account to the Lord Jesus Christ. 96 00:05:08,583 --> 00:05:11,542 Everyone will bow their head and bend their knee 97 00:05:11,625 --> 00:05:15,042 to the Lord Jesus Christ, some for eternal salvation, 98 00:05:15,125 --> 00:05:18,083 others for eternal damnation and that's what the Old Testament 99 00:05:18,167 --> 00:05:21,500 means speaking of the Day of the Lord. 100 00:05:21,542 --> 00:05:24,875 And so the Day of the Lord is the best day for the believer 101 00:05:24,958 --> 00:05:27,000 and the worst day for the unbeliever. 102 00:05:27,042 --> 00:05:30,500 It's two sides of the same proverbial coin. 103 00:05:30,583 --> 00:05:33,167 If you are here and you are not a Christian, 104 00:05:33,250 --> 00:05:37,083 I need you to know this, you are going to hell. 105 00:05:37,167 --> 00:05:38,833 You're going to hell. 106 00:05:38,875 --> 00:05:41,542 You might say, "That's not a very loving thing to say." 107 00:05:41,625 --> 00:05:45,208 Here's the good news, you don't have to go to hell. 108 00:05:45,292 --> 00:05:47,667 The bad news is right now if you don't know 109 00:05:47,708 --> 00:05:49,042 the Lord Jesus Christ, 110 00:05:49,125 --> 00:05:51,542 if you've not turned from sin and trusted in him, 111 00:05:51,625 --> 00:05:56,167 your eternal fate is now destined for hell, 112 00:05:56,208 --> 00:06:00,875 the conscious painful, torments of hell. 113 00:06:00,958 --> 00:06:03,625 And the reason that God is so emphatic about this throughout 114 00:06:03,667 --> 00:06:06,167 Scripture but particularly here in Malachi is we get 115 00:06:06,250 --> 00:06:09,917 so preoccupied with the present that we forget to anticipate 116 00:06:10,000 --> 00:06:11,833 the eternal. 117 00:06:11,917 --> 00:06:14,667 God here is gonna have his final word for 400 years, 118 00:06:14,708 --> 00:06:18,250 and what he wants people to know is that sin won't continue 119 00:06:18,333 --> 00:06:21,167 forever, that life as we know it doesn't continue forever, 120 00:06:21,250 --> 00:06:23,833 that there's a day coming when everything changes and life 121 00:06:23,917 --> 00:06:27,583 as we know it comes to an end and the eternal life that is set 122 00:06:27,667 --> 00:06:31,042 before us comes, comes for us. 123 00:06:31,125 --> 00:06:35,917 And so he likens hell to a fire, to burning. 124 00:06:36,000 --> 00:06:40,833 He using this language, "Burning like an oven and also ablaze." 125 00:06:40,917 --> 00:06:44,958 He's talking here about conscious torment. 126 00:06:45,000 --> 00:06:46,625 Now, some of you will say, 127 00:06:46,667 --> 00:06:48,833 "Well, this is the God of the Old Testament, 128 00:06:48,875 --> 00:06:51,000 "and God of the Old Testament is pretty intense. 129 00:06:51,083 --> 00:06:53,208 Then Jesus comes, Jesus is really sweet, really nice." 130 00:06:53,292 --> 00:06:56,625 Jesus talks of hell more than anyone else in the whole Bible. 131 00:06:56,667 --> 00:06:58,333 More than anyone in the whole Bible, 132 00:06:58,375 --> 00:07:01,875 Jesus talks about hell and he uses this same language, 133 00:07:01,958 --> 00:07:06,500 burning like an oven, ablaze, fiery flame, painful torment. 134 00:07:06,583 --> 00:07:11,417 Jesus uses this same language to capture our imaginations 135 00:07:11,500 --> 00:07:13,917 and to create a sense of urgency in us 136 00:07:14,000 --> 00:07:16,375 that we want to avoid that kind of eternal punishment 137 00:07:16,458 --> 00:07:19,708 that awaits us if we do not come to know him. 138 00:07:19,792 --> 00:07:22,167 And some will use this language to speak of something 139 00:07:22,250 --> 00:07:25,083 called annihilationism and that is that after you die, 140 00:07:25,167 --> 00:07:28,542 you cease to exist, that your suffering goes for a while, 141 00:07:28,625 --> 00:07:30,542 and then it comes to an end. 142 00:07:30,625 --> 00:07:33,708 Well, the burning that is spoken of here is not like the burning 143 00:07:33,792 --> 00:07:35,208 that you and I would experience. 144 00:07:35,292 --> 00:07:37,708 If you and I put a log on a fire, 145 00:07:37,792 --> 00:07:40,750 we put a fire in our hearth, eventually it burns out. 146 00:07:40,833 --> 00:07:43,417 The burning in hell is not like that. 147 00:07:43,500 --> 00:07:45,792 The burning in hell is a supernatural hell. 148 00:07:45,833 --> 00:07:48,875 It's something that is inexplicable 149 00:07:48,958 --> 00:07:51,417 because it's something that's eternal. 150 00:07:51,500 --> 00:07:54,750 So speaking of this same thing at the end of Isaiah--and it's 151 00:07:54,833 --> 00:07:57,542 interesting that Malachi closes by talking about hell, 152 00:07:57,625 --> 00:08:00,958 and Isaiah closes talking about hell because God always wants us 153 00:08:01,000 --> 00:08:03,958 to be thinking about the eternal and whether or not we're going 154 00:08:04,000 --> 00:08:06,083 to be with him or against him. 155 00:08:06,167 --> 00:08:08,625 But Isaiah 66:24 says it this way, 156 00:08:08,667 --> 00:08:12,500 "Their fire shall not quenched," 157 00:08:12,583 --> 00:08:15,292 that the fires of hell never go out, 158 00:08:15,333 --> 00:08:18,500 that the burning and the suffering it is eternal, 159 00:08:18,583 --> 00:08:23,000 it is unyielding, it is unending. 160 00:08:23,042 --> 00:08:26,333 Now we live in a day when I'm not supposed to say that, 161 00:08:26,417 --> 00:08:30,333 but because I love you, I have to say that. 162 00:08:30,375 --> 00:08:33,875 And I want to warn you to consider your eternal fate, 163 00:08:33,958 --> 00:08:37,250 whether or not you have turned from sin and trusted in Jesus 164 00:08:37,333 --> 00:08:40,583 or if you were destined for that kind of eternity. 165 00:08:40,667 --> 00:08:43,833 Because we love you, we don't want that for you. 166 00:08:43,875 --> 00:08:47,000 But you need to know this that no one is getting away 167 00:08:47,083 --> 00:08:48,750 with anything. 168 00:08:48,833 --> 00:08:50,750 He says that they will burn like stubble. 169 00:08:50,833 --> 00:08:55,167 It's almost like all of human history is getting stacked up 170 00:08:55,208 --> 00:08:57,833 like cordwood for an eternal burning. 171 00:08:57,917 --> 00:08:59,500 I was thinking about this recently. 172 00:08:59,583 --> 00:09:02,583 I was out on my woodpile swinging my ax because my son 173 00:09:02,667 --> 00:09:05,083 Gideon and I love to make fires in the hearth 174 00:09:05,167 --> 00:09:06,583 during the course of the winter. 175 00:09:06,667 --> 00:09:08,000 It warms up the house. 176 00:09:08,042 --> 00:09:09,708 We love to hang out there together. 177 00:09:09,792 --> 00:09:12,458 And as I'm chopping wood and stacking it with my son 178 00:09:12,500 --> 00:09:14,167 I thought, this is an interesting metaphor 179 00:09:14,208 --> 00:09:17,958 that the Bible uses for humanity, 180 00:09:18,000 --> 00:09:20,250 that people who are sinning 181 00:09:20,333 --> 00:09:21,750 are not getting away with anything. 182 00:09:21,833 --> 00:09:23,250 And they feel like they are. 183 00:09:23,333 --> 00:09:25,000 "I'm not on fire. I'm not burning. 184 00:09:25,042 --> 00:09:27,167 Nothing's happening to me. I'm getting away with it." 185 00:09:27,250 --> 00:09:28,583 No, you're not. 186 00:09:28,667 --> 00:09:31,583 You're being stacked up like cordwood with your mom 187 00:09:31,667 --> 00:09:34,583 and your dad and your brother and your sister and your aunt 188 00:09:34,667 --> 00:09:36,792 and your uncle and your cousin and your boyfriend 189 00:09:36,833 --> 00:09:38,167 and your girlfriend, 190 00:09:38,250 --> 00:09:40,375 all getting stacked up like cordwood getting away with 191 00:09:40,458 --> 00:09:42,917 nothing, just waiting for the day when God's patience 192 00:09:43,000 --> 00:09:44,625 comes to an end. 193 00:09:44,667 --> 00:09:48,667 He's got a long wick but it doesn't endure forever. 194 00:09:48,750 --> 00:09:52,833 There's a day when his patience comes to an end. 195 00:09:52,875 --> 00:09:56,792 There's a day when he sets humanity on fire 196 00:09:56,833 --> 00:09:59,542 for sinning against him and rebelling against him, 197 00:09:59,625 --> 00:10:02,208 and the time between today and that time is 198 00:10:02,292 --> 00:10:03,667 a season of patience. 199 00:10:03,750 --> 00:10:07,042 And here's the truth, we don't know how long that season is. 200 00:10:07,125 --> 00:10:09,542 So I would encourage you with a sense of urgency 201 00:10:09,625 --> 00:10:12,000 to consider your own fate. 202 00:10:12,083 --> 00:10:15,042 We live in a day when you're not supposed to hear that. 203 00:10:15,125 --> 00:10:17,000 We're to say that you're basically good. 204 00:10:17,042 --> 00:10:19,625 All religions are basically the same and the only thing 205 00:10:19,667 --> 00:10:22,125 you need to do to go to heaven is die. 206 00:10:22,167 --> 00:10:24,333 And then what we say is things like "Well, 207 00:10:24,375 --> 00:10:26,833 we know they're in a better place because they died." 208 00:10:26,875 --> 00:10:29,833 It takes more than your death to go to a better place. 209 00:10:29,875 --> 00:10:32,542 It takes the death of Jesus in your place to go 210 00:10:32,625 --> 00:10:33,958 to a better place. 211 00:10:34,000 --> 00:10:35,333 So he starts with hell. 212 00:10:35,417 --> 00:10:36,750 Does he have your attention? 213 00:10:36,833 --> 00:10:38,167 He should. 214 00:10:38,208 --> 00:10:40,792 And then he talks about heaven. 215 00:10:40,833 --> 00:10:46,083 See, for the non-Christian, this life is as close to heaven 216 00:10:46,167 --> 00:10:47,583 as they ever get. 217 00:10:47,667 --> 00:10:49,000 For the Christian, 218 00:10:49,042 --> 00:10:51,833 this is as close to hell as we ever get. 219 00:10:51,917 --> 00:10:54,667 Upon dying it gets worse for the non-Christian. 220 00:10:54,750 --> 00:10:56,667 It gets better for the Christian. 221 00:10:56,750 --> 00:10:59,583 So he not only speaks of hell, he also speaks of heaven 222 00:10:59,667 --> 00:11:02,458 and what I find curious is this, most Americans don't believe 223 00:11:02,500 --> 00:11:06,125 in hell, but they do believe in heaven. 224 00:11:06,167 --> 00:11:08,542 We don't want to think that there will be judgment, 225 00:11:08,625 --> 00:11:12,458 but we do want to think that there will be mercy. 226 00:11:12,500 --> 00:11:15,125 Well, there is judgment from Jesus Christ and there's mercy 227 00:11:15,167 --> 00:11:18,000 in Jesus Christ and here as he's leaning 400 years 228 00:11:18,083 --> 00:11:20,792 into the future regarding the coming of Jesus Christ, 229 00:11:20,833 --> 00:11:23,750 he's talking about whether or not we will eternally be 230 00:11:23,833 --> 00:11:27,583 with him in mercy or with him in justice. 231 00:11:27,667 --> 00:11:29,917 And I love the language he uses of heaven. 232 00:11:30,000 --> 00:11:32,833 Let me say this, we have done a terrible job as Christians 233 00:11:32,917 --> 00:11:36,167 talking about heaven to the degree where it's not even 234 00:11:36,250 --> 00:11:38,708 exciting or interesting. 235 00:11:38,792 --> 00:11:43,125 Like you would never market a vacation destination the way 236 00:11:43,167 --> 00:11:44,750 we have marketed heaven. 237 00:11:44,833 --> 00:11:47,417 You'd never do it because nobody would ever buy a ticket. 238 00:11:47,500 --> 00:11:49,500 So I've said it before but, you know, 239 00:11:49,583 --> 00:11:53,208 the picture that most people have is you die and become like 240 00:11:53,292 --> 00:11:59,500 a fat baby wearing a diaper, sitting on a cloud with 241 00:11:59,542 --> 00:12:02,917 small wings that really aren't good for any long journey. 242 00:12:03,000 --> 00:12:07,333 And, you know, maybe curly hair playing what instrument? 243 00:12:07,375 --> 00:12:09,125 A harp. 244 00:12:09,167 --> 00:12:11,875 Like who's in--like what 13-year-old boy right now 245 00:12:11,958 --> 00:12:14,333 is like "I want to rock the harp, you know, 246 00:12:14,375 --> 00:12:17,333 and I want to rock it forever in a diaper"? 247 00:12:17,375 --> 00:12:20,333 I mean you could see why it's a real hard sales pitch 248 00:12:20,375 --> 00:12:22,833 to get men really fired up for this eternal vision. 249 00:12:22,875 --> 00:12:24,208 You're like, "Really? 250 00:12:24,292 --> 00:12:27,417 "Are you sure it's not hell I'm wearing a diaper playing a harp? 251 00:12:27,500 --> 00:12:30,167 You sure it's heaven because that sounds like hell to me." 252 00:12:30,208 --> 00:12:33,167 How many of you men you go, "Yeah, it sounds like hell"? 253 00:12:33,208 --> 00:12:34,875 Hell to me would be eternal diaper-wearing 254 00:12:34,958 --> 00:12:36,292 harp playing me, okay? 255 00:12:36,333 --> 00:12:38,500 That's not the biblical picture of heaven. 256 00:12:38,542 --> 00:12:41,958 And some of you think that heaven is just an eternal 257 00:12:42,000 --> 00:12:44,167 ethereal state where our body goes into the ground 258 00:12:44,208 --> 00:12:46,583 and our soul goes to be with the Lord. 259 00:12:46,667 --> 00:12:49,000 Well, that's an intermediate state but the eternal state 260 00:12:49,042 --> 00:12:51,292 is where the soul comes back into the body, 261 00:12:51,333 --> 00:12:53,167 and the body is risen from death. 262 00:12:53,208 --> 00:12:55,917 Jesus was risen from death and our bodies will be risen 263 00:12:56,000 --> 00:13:00,042 from death like that, and the curse will be lifted. 264 00:13:00,125 --> 00:13:02,375 There'll be a new heaven, new earth, New Jerusalem. 265 00:13:02,458 --> 00:13:05,042 We talk about this and my kids ask me questions like, 266 00:13:05,125 --> 00:13:06,792 "Dad, can we go swimming in heaven?" 267 00:13:06,833 --> 00:13:08,167 Sure. 268 00:13:08,250 --> 00:13:10,167 "Can we throw the ball around in heaven? 269 00:13:10,250 --> 00:13:12,917 Can we climb trees in heaven? Can we wrestle in heaven?" 270 00:13:13,000 --> 00:13:15,417 Yes, you can do everything in heaven except for sin 271 00:13:15,500 --> 00:13:17,417 and experiencing the consequences of sin 272 00:13:17,500 --> 00:13:20,875 with things like disease and death, yeah. 273 00:13:20,958 --> 00:13:24,208 Our picture of heaven should be what this earth was intended 274 00:13:24,292 --> 00:13:28,917 to be before sin invaded it and corrupted it. 275 00:13:29,000 --> 00:13:32,333 We need a bigger grander more biblical understanding 276 00:13:32,417 --> 00:13:35,667 of the kingdom of God, the eternal kingdom of God. 277 00:13:35,708 --> 00:13:38,250 And he uses two analogies that are, I think, 278 00:13:38,333 --> 00:13:40,208 very beautiful sunshine. 279 00:13:40,292 --> 00:13:41,625 Because I live in Seattle, 280 00:13:41,667 --> 00:13:44,083 I find this one particularly appealing. 281 00:13:44,167 --> 00:13:48,333 This is the time of the year where it's dark all day, 282 00:13:48,417 --> 00:13:51,500 every day for months. 283 00:13:51,542 --> 00:13:56,042 You couldn't tell when the sun came up or when it came down 284 00:13:56,125 --> 00:13:57,750 unless you check your phone. 285 00:13:57,833 --> 00:14:01,000 That's the only way you can know when sun up and sun down 286 00:14:01,042 --> 00:14:04,000 is because if you look out your window it's all the same. 287 00:14:04,042 --> 00:14:05,375 It's dark all day. 288 00:14:05,458 --> 00:14:08,333 We're so far north, it's dark all day. 289 00:14:08,417 --> 00:14:12,000 And even if there is a bit of sun, the clouds obscure it. 290 00:14:12,083 --> 00:14:13,833 It's dark. 291 00:14:13,917 --> 00:14:16,958 Some who will hear this live in places that are not Seattle, 292 00:14:17,000 --> 00:14:18,958 the last shall be first. 293 00:14:19,000 --> 00:14:22,667 You'll live in Seattle in heaven and the first shall be last. 294 00:14:22,750 --> 00:14:24,500 And I'll live in southern California. 295 00:14:24,583 --> 00:14:26,667 Until then, I live in Seattle. 296 00:14:26,750 --> 00:14:29,250 And I'll be honest with you, about every February, March, 297 00:14:29,333 --> 00:14:31,333 I start getting really depressed. 298 00:14:31,417 --> 00:14:34,000 I can't go outside. It's always dark. 299 00:14:34,083 --> 00:14:35,750 It's always raining. The days are short. 300 00:14:35,833 --> 00:14:37,500 The kids are starting to go nuts. 301 00:14:37,583 --> 00:14:40,333 My boys are getting cabin fever, it's hard. 302 00:14:40,417 --> 00:14:43,750 What he says is that heaven will be like the sunshine 303 00:14:43,833 --> 00:14:45,833 of a new day. 304 00:14:45,917 --> 00:14:50,583 Think after a long, cold, hard, dark winter, 305 00:14:50,667 --> 00:14:55,042 you get that first day, the sun comes out. 306 00:14:55,125 --> 00:14:56,667 It's warm. 307 00:14:56,708 --> 00:14:58,667 And if you're living in southern California 308 00:14:58,708 --> 00:15:02,333 and hearing this, imagine, okay? 309 00:15:02,375 --> 00:15:06,167 You live in a place like this. 310 00:15:06,208 --> 00:15:11,250 There's a reason why people take their vacations in sunny places. 311 00:15:11,333 --> 00:15:13,167 There's a reason why during the winter, 312 00:15:13,250 --> 00:15:18,125 people go to places like Phoenix and Orange County, the sunshine. 313 00:15:18,167 --> 00:15:19,833 It's hopeful. 314 00:15:19,917 --> 00:15:21,625 It's life giving. 315 00:15:21,667 --> 00:15:23,792 It's healing. 316 00:15:23,833 --> 00:15:28,750 I could still remember many times after a long, cold, hard, 317 00:15:28,833 --> 00:15:31,958 dark winter, when you get one exceptional day. 318 00:15:32,000 --> 00:15:33,458 It's warm out. The sun's out. 319 00:15:33,500 --> 00:15:38,583 What I like to do is just go outside and just stand there. 320 00:15:38,667 --> 00:15:40,708 "Thank you, Lord." 321 00:15:40,792 --> 00:15:42,667 And I always quote Ecclesiastes which says, 322 00:15:42,750 --> 00:15:48,500 "Light is sweet and it pleases the eye to see the sun." 323 00:15:48,542 --> 00:15:52,125 He says that heaven will be like that and our glorified, 324 00:15:52,167 --> 00:15:54,833 resurrected, perfected bodies, 325 00:15:54,917 --> 00:15:57,333 it will be like the sunshine of a new day. 326 00:15:57,417 --> 00:16:00,625 And if you read Revelation it says that we won't have the sun, 327 00:16:00,667 --> 00:16:02,625 that actually all the light that will emanate 328 00:16:02,667 --> 00:16:04,000 through the new creation 329 00:16:04,083 --> 00:16:06,333 will be the unveiled glory of Jesus Christ. 330 00:16:06,375 --> 00:16:09,333 So we won't even need the sun 331 00:16:09,375 --> 00:16:11,250 because we'll have the Son of God. 332 00:16:11,333 --> 00:16:14,333 I mean it's mind bending, it's breathtaking. 333 00:16:14,417 --> 00:16:19,958 He also says that that day will come with healing, with healing. 334 00:16:20,000 --> 00:16:24,958 Doesn't that sound great? 335 00:16:25,000 --> 00:16:29,042 No more doctors. 336 00:16:29,125 --> 00:16:31,500 No more hospitals. 337 00:16:31,583 --> 00:16:33,583 No more surgeons. 338 00:16:33,667 --> 00:16:36,083 No more chemotherapy. 339 00:16:36,167 --> 00:16:38,333 No more hospice. 340 00:16:38,375 --> 00:16:40,500 No more physical therapy. 341 00:16:40,583 --> 00:16:42,333 No more wheelchairs. 342 00:16:42,417 --> 00:16:44,208 No more canes. 343 00:16:44,292 --> 00:16:46,042 No more walkers. 344 00:16:46,125 --> 00:16:48,167 No more prescriptions. 345 00:16:48,208 --> 00:16:52,000 It's almost hard to conceive of that world. 346 00:16:52,042 --> 00:16:53,667 Sin brings death. 347 00:16:53,750 --> 00:16:58,208 And because Jesus conquers death, he brings life. 348 00:16:58,292 --> 00:17:03,417 Healing, healing, spiritual healing, 349 00:17:03,500 --> 00:17:06,000 emotional healing, physical healing 350 00:17:06,083 --> 00:17:09,875 in totality for all of God's people forever. 351 00:17:09,958 --> 00:17:12,625 You know, this January it will be a year 352 00:17:12,667 --> 00:17:15,500 since Gracie's dad died. 353 00:17:15,583 --> 00:17:19,167 This will be the first Christmas for us without Grandpa Gibb. 354 00:17:19,250 --> 00:17:20,833 He loved Jesus. 355 00:17:20,875 --> 00:17:23,167 He was a pastor for 40 some years. 356 00:17:23,208 --> 00:17:25,208 We rejoice that he knew the Lord Jesus 357 00:17:25,292 --> 00:17:27,208 and we'll have a reunion with him. 358 00:17:27,292 --> 00:17:29,792 He lived into his 80s but as he got older, 359 00:17:29,833 --> 00:17:32,208 his health was waning. 360 00:17:32,292 --> 00:17:33,917 I remember when the kids were little, 361 00:17:34,000 --> 00:17:36,333 he'd jump in the pool and play ball and swim 362 00:17:36,417 --> 00:17:37,750 and go bike riding. 363 00:17:37,833 --> 00:17:40,958 As he got older, he'd watch them do those things but he himself 364 00:17:41,000 --> 00:17:42,458 would not do those things. 365 00:17:42,500 --> 00:17:46,333 It came down to where he would have a hard time even walking 366 00:17:46,417 --> 00:17:49,500 from his car to my son's baseball games because he 367 00:17:49,583 --> 00:17:52,500 would have shortness of breath and be winded. 368 00:17:52,542 --> 00:17:55,000 And then the final Christmas as his life energy 369 00:17:55,042 --> 00:17:56,375 was winding down, 370 00:17:56,458 --> 00:17:59,583 he pretty much sat in the chair, didn't say or do a lot, 371 00:17:59,667 --> 00:18:01,667 and we could tell he was very fatigued 372 00:18:01,708 --> 00:18:06,875 and he died shortly thereafter. 373 00:18:06,958 --> 00:18:11,458 The Bible says in the kingdom of God there will be healing, 374 00:18:11,500 --> 00:18:16,000 no more sickness, no more suffering, no more death. 375 00:18:16,042 --> 00:18:22,542 And then he says that it will be like calves 376 00:18:22,625 --> 00:18:25,583 leaping from a stall. 377 00:18:25,667 --> 00:18:28,875 Kind of get that picture after a long, cold, hard, winter, 378 00:18:28,958 --> 00:18:31,958 springtime comes, an animal is born. 379 00:18:32,000 --> 00:18:34,917 It's young and alive and vibrant and excited, 380 00:18:35,000 --> 00:18:37,125 but it's been pent up in a stall. 381 00:18:37,167 --> 00:18:39,333 And finally the stall is open and the animal 382 00:18:39,375 --> 00:18:42,708 is allowed to run free, how excited they are. 383 00:18:42,792 --> 00:18:44,917 I didn't understand this till we got a dog. 384 00:18:45,000 --> 00:18:48,500 We did get a dog so. 385 00:18:48,583 --> 00:18:51,500 We got a German shepherd, a nice dog. 386 00:18:51,583 --> 00:18:54,708 A family got rid of the dog, we got the dog, nice dog. 387 00:18:54,792 --> 00:18:58,458 I notice when we're gone during the day if the dog has to go in 388 00:18:58,500 --> 00:19:02,500 a crate or a kennel, we come home, guess what the dog does. 389 00:19:02,583 --> 00:19:05,250 The dog still got quite a bit of puppy in her. 390 00:19:05,333 --> 00:19:06,667 She freaks out. 391 00:19:06,708 --> 00:19:09,042 First thing I can tell is she stretches. 392 00:19:09,125 --> 00:19:11,542 As soon as we start driving up, she starts stretching. 393 00:19:11,625 --> 00:19:13,750 I won't stretch for you because I can't stretch. 394 00:19:13,833 --> 00:19:15,750 This is about as flexible as I am, 395 00:19:15,833 --> 00:19:17,500 but the dog really stretches out, 396 00:19:17,542 --> 00:19:20,500 and you can just tell the dog's getting ready to be free. 397 00:19:20,542 --> 00:19:24,500 Then the tail starting wagging and as soon as we come up, 398 00:19:24,542 --> 00:19:27,333 the dog starts jumping and I won't jump because I can't. 399 00:19:27,417 --> 00:19:29,500 But the dog starts jumping. 400 00:19:29,583 --> 00:19:32,333 We open the door, what does the dog do? 401 00:19:32,375 --> 00:19:34,083 Leaps, runs. 402 00:19:34,167 --> 00:19:36,708 Last time literally, I'm not even kidding, 403 00:19:36,792 --> 00:19:39,333 17 circles around me. 404 00:19:39,417 --> 00:19:40,833 You know why? 405 00:19:40,875 --> 00:19:46,208 The dog was so happy to be free, tail wagging, super excited. 406 00:19:46,292 --> 00:19:50,292 God says that we'll be like that at the resurrection of the dead. 407 00:19:50,333 --> 00:19:53,833 Finally out of the tomb, finally out of the coffin, 408 00:19:53,875 --> 00:19:56,792 finally out of the cursed, fallen body. 409 00:19:56,833 --> 00:20:00,042 Finally into the state that God intended when he made all things 410 00:20:00,125 --> 00:20:04,333 very good before sin made everything very bad. 411 00:20:04,417 --> 00:20:09,583 What amazing imagery. 412 00:20:09,667 --> 00:20:12,250 It's the Day of the Lord. 413 00:20:12,333 --> 00:20:17,667 Every day that you live between now and then is in preparation 414 00:20:17,750 --> 00:20:19,750 for that day. 415 00:20:19,833 --> 00:20:22,708 What will that day be like for you when the Lord Jesus 416 00:20:22,792 --> 00:20:25,250 comes back, when he calls you out of his grave 417 00:20:25,333 --> 00:20:27,333 as he came out of his grave? 418 00:20:27,375 --> 00:20:28,833 Are you going to hell? 419 00:20:28,875 --> 00:20:30,667 Are you going to heaven? 420 00:20:30,708 --> 00:20:33,708 Are you going to suffer forever or be blessed forever? 421 00:20:33,792 --> 00:20:35,792 Will you be like one who is living 422 00:20:35,833 --> 00:20:38,125 in a never-ending blazing furnace 423 00:20:38,167 --> 00:20:42,333 or like one who is healed with sunshine on their face 424 00:20:42,375 --> 00:20:47,500 and joy in their heart and a sweetness in their step? 425 00:20:47,583 --> 00:20:51,000 If you've not turned from sin and trusted in Jesus Christ 426 00:20:51,083 --> 00:20:55,000 who is God become a man, lived without sin, 427 00:20:55,042 --> 00:20:58,667 died on the cross in your place for your sins and rose as your 428 00:20:58,750 --> 00:21:04,833 Savior, then you are destined for hell instead of heaven. 429 00:21:04,875 --> 00:21:06,875 And it's interesting because a lot of people 430 00:21:06,958 --> 00:21:08,583 don't even think about these things, 431 00:21:08,667 --> 00:21:10,167 particularly young people say things like, 432 00:21:10,250 --> 00:21:12,667 "That's a long ways away, I'll get to it later." 433 00:21:12,750 --> 00:21:15,500 You do not know when your day of death is coming, 434 00:21:15,583 --> 00:21:18,375 and you should not presume upon God's grace. 435 00:21:18,458 --> 00:21:21,583 There should be a sense of urgency but if God is laying out 436 00:21:21,667 --> 00:21:26,917 this opportunity, hell or heaven, damnation or salvation, 437 00:21:27,000 --> 00:21:30,458 you should turn from sin and trust in Jesus right now 438 00:21:30,500 --> 00:21:34,500 and the rest of your days live in light of that day, 439 00:21:34,583 --> 00:21:36,917 the great day, the Day of the Lord. 440 00:21:37,000 --> 00:21:39,458 He starts with heaven and hell and then he proceeds 441 00:21:39,500 --> 00:21:41,833 to the law and the prophets. 442 00:21:41,875 --> 00:21:44,250 Again, this is God's final word for 400 years. 443 00:21:44,333 --> 00:21:47,750 Malachi 4:4-5, "Remember the law of my service Moses." 444 00:21:47,833 --> 00:21:50,250 Okay, we just dealt with this in the Ten Commandments. 445 00:21:50,333 --> 00:21:53,000 That's what he's going back to is the writings of Moses, 446 00:21:53,042 --> 00:21:55,708 which are the first five books of the Old Testament. 447 00:21:55,792 --> 00:21:58,333 The statutes and rules, there's 614 of them in 448 00:21:58,417 --> 00:22:00,583 the first five books of the Old Testament. 449 00:22:00,667 --> 00:22:03,167 "I commanded him at Horeb for all Israel. 450 00:22:03,208 --> 00:22:05,333 "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet 451 00:22:05,375 --> 00:22:07,708 before the great and awesome day of the Lord." 452 00:22:07,792 --> 00:22:09,500 So here he's talking about the law, 453 00:22:09,542 --> 00:22:13,208 Moses and the prophets, Elijah. 454 00:22:13,292 --> 00:22:15,292 The law is Moses and the prophets 455 00:22:15,333 --> 00:22:18,292 is typified by Elijah. 456 00:22:18,333 --> 00:22:21,667 So what the law does is the law is God's Word, 457 00:22:21,708 --> 00:22:24,875 and it is God giving us his standard. 458 00:22:24,958 --> 00:22:27,333 God is holy, God is righteous, God is good. 459 00:22:27,375 --> 00:22:31,167 God writes down, "This is why I made you and this is how you 460 00:22:31,208 --> 00:22:32,958 "were supposed to live 461 00:22:33,000 --> 00:22:34,792 "and if you disobey my law, 462 00:22:34,833 --> 00:22:37,667 my rules, then you're in sin." 463 00:22:37,750 --> 00:22:42,292 1 John says it this way that the breaking of the law is sin. 464 00:22:42,333 --> 00:22:44,417 So the law sets the standard. 465 00:22:44,500 --> 00:22:46,917 We judge ourselves by his standard. 466 00:22:47,000 --> 00:22:50,542 At any point that we fall short of his standard, it's sin. 467 00:22:50,625 --> 00:22:51,958 Okay this leads to condemnation. 468 00:22:52,000 --> 00:22:53,458 This leads to judgment. 469 00:22:53,500 --> 00:22:54,833 This leads to death. 470 00:22:54,917 --> 00:22:56,250 What do we do? 471 00:22:56,333 --> 00:23:00,125 Well, then the prophets come and they tell us to turn from 472 00:23:00,167 --> 00:23:02,333 our sin and trust in the Lord. 473 00:23:02,417 --> 00:23:04,583 They tell us that we have disobeyed the Lord, 474 00:23:04,667 --> 00:23:09,000 but the Lord is coming as Jesus Christ to save us. 475 00:23:09,042 --> 00:23:13,250 So we should trust in him and give our sin to him so that 476 00:23:13,333 --> 00:23:16,750 he will pay the penalty that we should have instead paid 477 00:23:16,833 --> 00:23:20,875 and that'll be God's mercy and grace and then his justice 478 00:23:20,958 --> 00:23:23,500 and his love will kiss at the cross 479 00:23:23,583 --> 00:23:25,458 where Jesus dies in our place 480 00:23:25,500 --> 00:23:28,333 because Jesus fulfills the law, never sins at all, 481 00:23:28,375 --> 00:23:32,500 goes to the cross for all of us lawbreakers so that he might die 482 00:23:32,542 --> 00:23:36,583 in our place that we might live with his righteousness. 483 00:23:36,667 --> 00:23:39,417 And so the prophets are always preaching repentance. 484 00:23:39,500 --> 00:23:42,000 Turn from sin, trust in Jesus. 485 00:23:42,042 --> 00:23:44,000 You're headed toward hell. 486 00:23:44,083 --> 00:23:46,167 You're living in the path of God's wrath. 487 00:23:46,250 --> 00:23:48,750 So turn around and run to Jesus. 488 00:23:48,833 --> 00:23:51,625 That's the point and the message of the prophets. 489 00:23:51,667 --> 00:23:54,958 So he mentions Moses and he mentions Elijah. 490 00:23:55,000 --> 00:23:57,292 Elijah's one of the towering prophetic figures 491 00:23:57,333 --> 00:23:58,750 of the Old Testament. 492 00:23:58,833 --> 00:24:00,208 He's an amazing guy. 493 00:24:00,292 --> 00:24:02,042 He's a guy who actually didn't die. 494 00:24:02,125 --> 00:24:04,042 There's only two guys in the Old Testament 495 00:24:04,125 --> 00:24:05,500 that didn't die, Enoch and Elijah. 496 00:24:05,583 --> 00:24:07,500 Elijah's a--he preaches publicly, 497 00:24:07,583 --> 00:24:09,333 he's up against the prophets of Baal. 498 00:24:09,417 --> 00:24:11,250 He's actually got a sense of humor. 499 00:24:11,333 --> 00:24:16,375 He holds his ground under intense scrutiny and opposition. 500 00:24:16,458 --> 00:24:20,042 And unlike most prophets that were killed, he doesn't die. 501 00:24:20,125 --> 00:24:25,125 God sends a limo for him, a chariot, 502 00:24:25,167 --> 00:24:29,750 and takes him up to heaven and there goes Elijah. 503 00:24:29,833 --> 00:24:35,042 So today Elijah's apparently in the presence of the Lord. 504 00:24:35,125 --> 00:24:39,083 And what God says here at the end of Malachi is, 505 00:24:39,167 --> 00:24:43,333 "I'm sending Elijah." 506 00:24:43,375 --> 00:24:50,083 So it's gonna be 400 years and the next thing God says is, 507 00:24:50,167 --> 00:24:55,792 "Wait for Elijah. Wait for Elijah." 508 00:24:55,833 --> 00:24:58,625 So even to this day devout Jewish people when they 509 00:24:58,667 --> 00:25:03,375 celebrate certain festivals, they will include Elijah. 510 00:25:03,458 --> 00:25:06,042 They'll go check the door to see if Elijah's here. 511 00:25:06,125 --> 00:25:07,458 It's part of their routine, 512 00:25:07,500 --> 00:25:09,583 they're still waiting for Elijah. 513 00:25:09,667 --> 00:25:12,083 God says, "I'm sending Elijah." 514 00:25:12,167 --> 00:25:14,083 So let's talk a little bit about Elijah. 515 00:25:14,167 --> 00:25:15,750 You want to talk about Elijah? 516 00:25:15,833 --> 00:25:17,500 Yeah, we got nothing else to do. 517 00:25:17,542 --> 00:25:19,000 You drove all the way here. 518 00:25:19,042 --> 00:25:20,458 All right, we'll talk about Elijah. 519 00:25:20,500 --> 00:25:21,833 Elijah's an amazing guy. 520 00:25:21,917 --> 00:25:25,042 Now let me say this, how many of you have heard that Elijah 521 00:25:25,125 --> 00:25:27,208 was reincarnated in John the Baptizer, 522 00:25:27,292 --> 00:25:28,875 John the Baptist? 523 00:25:28,958 --> 00:25:33,958 Okay, what happens is it's promised that Elijah will come. 524 00:25:34,000 --> 00:25:35,958 Four hundred years later, John the Baptizer comes 525 00:25:36,000 --> 00:25:37,667 and I'll show you in a minute 526 00:25:37,750 --> 00:25:39,833 how there's connection between Elijah and John the Baptizer 527 00:25:39,917 --> 00:25:42,208 and those who believe in reincarnation. 528 00:25:42,292 --> 00:25:43,875 We don't, the Bible doesn't. 529 00:25:43,958 --> 00:25:46,792 The Bible says in Hebrews 9:27, "It's appointed once for a man 530 00:25:46,833 --> 00:25:48,167 to die then judgment." 531 00:25:48,250 --> 00:25:49,667 You die once and get judged. 532 00:25:49,750 --> 00:25:51,875 You don't die and reincarnate and die and reincarnate. 533 00:25:51,958 --> 00:25:54,708 But those who want to try and stuff unbiblical reincarnation 534 00:25:54,792 --> 00:25:58,792 teaching in the Bible, their favorite spot to go is Elijah 535 00:25:58,833 --> 00:26:00,667 and John the Baptizer. 536 00:26:00,750 --> 00:26:02,792 So we'll unpack that. 537 00:26:02,833 --> 00:26:04,583 So 400 years go by. 538 00:26:04,667 --> 00:26:07,583 John the Baptizer shows up and he's preaching repentance of sin 539 00:26:07,667 --> 00:26:10,083 and preparing the way for the coming of the Lord 540 00:26:10,167 --> 00:26:13,083 just like Malachi 3 and 4 promised. 541 00:26:13,167 --> 00:26:16,458 So then Jesus says this in Matthew 11:13 and 14, 542 00:26:16,500 --> 00:26:18,250 "For all the prophets and the law"-- 543 00:26:18,333 --> 00:26:20,667 all right, so prophets, that includes Elijah. 544 00:26:20,708 --> 00:26:22,042 Law, there's Moses. 545 00:26:22,125 --> 00:26:24,917 We're back to Malachi 4, "prophesied until John," 546 00:26:25,000 --> 00:26:26,583 that's John the Baptizer. 547 00:26:26,667 --> 00:26:28,542 "And if you are willing to accept it, 548 00:26:28,625 --> 00:26:31,333 he is Elijah who is to come." 549 00:26:31,417 --> 00:26:37,000 So the promise was made, Jesus is coming but before he comes, 550 00:26:37,083 --> 00:26:39,750 look for Elijah. 551 00:26:39,833 --> 00:26:45,292 John the Baptizer shows up and then Jesus shows up and 552 00:26:45,333 --> 00:26:50,083 everybody's like, "Okay, Jesus is here, but where's Elijah?" 553 00:26:50,167 --> 00:26:55,375 Jesus' answer is, "Elijah is John." 554 00:26:55,458 --> 00:26:57,542 Was that reincarnation? 555 00:26:57,625 --> 00:26:58,958 What is that? 556 00:26:59,000 --> 00:27:01,833 You see where they get the concept of reincarnation? 557 00:27:01,875 --> 00:27:06,083 John 1:21, the Gospel of John, "And they asked John, 558 00:27:06,167 --> 00:27:08,083 "John the Baptizer, what then? 559 00:27:08,167 --> 00:27:09,500 Are you Elijah?" 560 00:27:09,542 --> 00:27:12,417 He says, "I am not." 561 00:27:12,500 --> 00:27:15,167 Anyone else confused yet? 562 00:27:15,208 --> 00:27:18,167 See, my goal is to make you confused and then resolve it 563 00:27:18,208 --> 00:27:20,667 so you feel like it was really worth your time. 564 00:27:20,708 --> 00:27:22,042 So how am I doing? 565 00:27:22,125 --> 00:27:23,458 Are you confused yet? 566 00:27:23,500 --> 00:27:24,833 Jesus says he's Elijah. 567 00:27:24,917 --> 00:27:26,583 They go to John, "Are you Elijah?" 568 00:27:26,667 --> 00:27:28,083 He's like, "I'm not Elijah." 569 00:27:28,167 --> 00:27:29,833 Well, is he Elijah or not Elijah? 570 00:27:29,875 --> 00:27:32,583 We're gonna need more Bible to untangle this knot. 571 00:27:32,667 --> 00:27:34,083 Here we go. 572 00:27:34,167 --> 00:27:36,833 Luke chapter 1, verse 17, he, John the Baptizer, 573 00:27:36,917 --> 00:27:39,125 "will go before him, Jesus, 574 00:27:39,167 --> 00:27:42,333 in the spirit and power of"--who? 575 00:27:42,417 --> 00:27:44,333 "Elijah. 576 00:27:44,417 --> 00:27:47,000 To turn the hearts of the fathers to the children." 577 00:27:47,042 --> 00:27:48,583 Right there he's quoting Malachi, 578 00:27:48,667 --> 00:27:51,500 the very text that we're in today. 579 00:27:51,542 --> 00:27:57,833 So here's how it worked, Elijah was a prophet filled with 580 00:27:57,875 --> 00:27:59,875 the Holy Spirit. 581 00:27:59,958 --> 00:28:03,500 He had a successor, a guy named Elisha. 582 00:28:03,542 --> 00:28:06,042 You remember what Elisha asked for? 583 00:28:06,125 --> 00:28:08,875 "Let me have your spirit." 584 00:28:08,958 --> 00:28:13,042 So Elisha received the Holy Spirit, 585 00:28:13,125 --> 00:28:14,500 God the Holy Spirit, 586 00:28:14,583 --> 00:28:19,833 and his empowering for life in ministry like Elijah did. 587 00:28:19,917 --> 00:28:22,333 So the Holy Spirit worked through Elijah and then he 588 00:28:22,417 --> 00:28:26,125 works through Elisha like he worked through Elijah, 589 00:28:26,167 --> 00:28:29,333 and then the Holy Spirit shows up and works through John 590 00:28:29,375 --> 00:28:32,500 the way he worked through Elijah. 591 00:28:32,542 --> 00:28:34,542 It's different men, 592 00:28:34,625 --> 00:28:36,958 but it's the same power of the Holy Spirit 593 00:28:37,000 --> 00:28:40,417 working through them anointing and appointing them for 594 00:28:40,500 --> 00:28:44,083 similar prophetic ministry to preach and to call people 595 00:28:44,167 --> 00:28:48,250 to repentance of sin and receiving of Jesus. 596 00:28:48,333 --> 00:28:49,917 You get that? 597 00:28:50,000 --> 00:28:51,542 So that's why he says, 598 00:28:51,625 --> 00:28:55,167 "In the spirit and power of Elijah." 599 00:28:55,250 --> 00:28:58,667 So Elijah's one guy, John's another guy. 600 00:28:58,750 --> 00:29:01,333 They're two different guys, but the Holy Spirit is working 601 00:29:01,375 --> 00:29:04,125 through them quite similarly. 602 00:29:04,167 --> 00:29:06,792 So ultimately John dies. 603 00:29:06,833 --> 00:29:08,667 They behead him. 604 00:29:08,750 --> 00:29:10,917 And here's what happens, Luke 9:30, 605 00:29:11,000 --> 00:29:13,917 Jesus goes up on a mountain, and who shows up? 606 00:29:14,000 --> 00:29:16,042 Right, I told you Elijah didn't die. 607 00:29:16,125 --> 00:29:17,458 He went up to heaven. 608 00:29:17,500 --> 00:29:19,958 Luke 9:30, "And behold, two men were talking with him, 609 00:29:20,000 --> 00:29:21,333 Moses and Elijah." 610 00:29:21,417 --> 00:29:22,750 What a day that was. 611 00:29:22,833 --> 00:29:24,917 Jesus takes a couple disciples up on a mountain. 612 00:29:25,000 --> 00:29:26,333 They're all hanging out. 613 00:29:26,375 --> 00:29:27,833 "What are you doing today, Jesus?" 614 00:29:27,875 --> 00:29:29,208 "We got a meeting." 615 00:29:29,292 --> 00:29:30,708 "Okay, cool, who's gonna join us?" 616 00:29:30,792 --> 00:29:33,625 "Moses and Elijah, the law and the prophets." 617 00:29:33,667 --> 00:29:36,792 So apparently then Elijah comes down from heaven 618 00:29:36,833 --> 00:29:42,667 for a little meeting because he didn't die. 619 00:29:42,750 --> 00:29:47,000 He went to heaven, he came down for a little trip, 620 00:29:47,042 --> 00:29:48,958 apparently went back up to heaven. 621 00:29:49,000 --> 00:29:52,208 Is Elijah coming back? 622 00:29:52,292 --> 00:29:53,833 I think he might be. 623 00:29:53,917 --> 00:29:55,458 It's in Revelation 11. 624 00:29:55,500 --> 00:29:57,500 I think it's verse 3 through-- 625 00:29:57,583 --> 00:29:59,250 got it in my notes here, 14. 626 00:29:59,333 --> 00:30:02,250 I won't read the whole thing but the story is that 627 00:30:02,333 --> 00:30:04,750 at the end of time--see, Malachi is the last book 628 00:30:04,833 --> 00:30:07,375 of the Old Testament and prepares us 629 00:30:07,458 --> 00:30:08,833 for the coming of Jesus. 630 00:30:08,917 --> 00:30:11,583 Revelation is the last book of the New Testament preparing us 631 00:30:11,667 --> 00:30:13,750 for the second coming of Jesus. 632 00:30:13,833 --> 00:30:16,667 And what it says in Revelation 11 is that two guys 633 00:30:16,750 --> 00:30:19,542 are gonna show up and preach. 634 00:30:19,625 --> 00:30:21,542 And it doesn't tell us it's Elijah, 635 00:30:21,625 --> 00:30:24,667 but it says it's a guy who can shut the heavens 636 00:30:24,750 --> 00:30:27,167 so that it doesn't rain. 637 00:30:27,208 --> 00:30:29,167 There's only one guy in the whole Bible 638 00:30:29,208 --> 00:30:31,000 who's got that on his resume. 639 00:30:31,083 --> 00:30:35,708 "I can make it not rain," Elijah. 640 00:30:35,792 --> 00:30:37,375 He actually did that. 641 00:30:37,458 --> 00:30:40,125 It tells us in James 5:17 that he prayed 642 00:30:40,167 --> 00:30:42,375 and it didn't rain for 6 months. 643 00:30:42,458 --> 00:30:45,708 And when he prayed again, it started raining again. 644 00:30:45,792 --> 00:30:49,958 So many commentators think that before Jesus comes 645 00:30:50,000 --> 00:30:54,167 a second time, Elijah will actually come. 646 00:30:54,250 --> 00:30:56,458 So before Jesus came the first time, 647 00:30:56,500 --> 00:30:59,125 the Holy Spirit empowered John the Baptizer 648 00:30:59,167 --> 00:31:01,542 to continue the ministry of Elijah. 649 00:31:01,625 --> 00:31:03,833 Elijah has not died yet. 650 00:31:03,917 --> 00:31:08,167 It seems to me most likely that before Jesus comes 651 00:31:08,208 --> 00:31:09,667 a second time, 652 00:31:09,750 --> 00:31:12,208 what we're waiting for, Elijah's gonna come back 653 00:31:12,292 --> 00:31:17,292 and preach and then they're gonna kill him. 654 00:31:17,333 --> 00:31:21,875 The reason he hasn't died yet is it's not his time to die. 655 00:31:21,958 --> 00:31:24,333 It says that he'll come back and preach 656 00:31:24,375 --> 00:31:26,833 and they're gonna kill him, Revelation 11. 657 00:31:26,875 --> 00:31:29,000 And then it says they're gonna throw a party. 658 00:31:29,042 --> 00:31:33,000 It's gonna be like a holiday, and then he's gonna rise from 659 00:31:33,083 --> 00:31:39,208 the dead, and then the end will come 660 00:31:39,292 --> 00:31:42,500 and judgment and justice will come. 661 00:31:42,542 --> 00:31:46,667 But Elijah is typified as one of the great prophets because he 662 00:31:46,708 --> 00:31:49,708 preached repentance, even though his life was in danger 663 00:31:49,792 --> 00:31:51,417 and he God spared his life. 664 00:31:51,500 --> 00:31:53,250 And apparently this guy, perhaps, 665 00:31:53,333 --> 00:31:56,250 I don't want to go out to the end of the limb, 666 00:31:56,333 --> 00:31:58,417 but it seems like he loves the Lord enough, 667 00:31:58,500 --> 00:32:00,917 according to Revelation 11, that he's gonna come back again, 668 00:32:01,000 --> 00:32:03,125 that right now Elijah's in heaven. 669 00:32:03,167 --> 00:32:06,167 Kind of like think about the most fearless guy 670 00:32:06,208 --> 00:32:08,167 on a football team, all right, 671 00:32:08,208 --> 00:32:10,333 and he's on the sidelines next to the coach 672 00:32:10,375 --> 00:32:14,958 and he knows his job is to go in and die. 673 00:32:15,000 --> 00:32:17,167 "Coach, is it time yet? Is it time yet?" 674 00:32:17,250 --> 00:32:18,583 "It's not time." 675 00:32:18,667 --> 00:32:20,083 "Put me in, coach." 676 00:32:20,167 --> 00:32:21,500 "Not yet." 677 00:32:21,542 --> 00:32:23,625 That's Elijah. 678 00:32:23,667 --> 00:32:25,125 "Hey, the earth is getting darker, 679 00:32:25,167 --> 00:32:27,500 "is it time for you to come back, Jesus? 680 00:32:27,583 --> 00:32:29,500 "When it's time, send me in. 681 00:32:29,583 --> 00:32:32,292 "I'm gonna go preach and they're gonna murder me 682 00:32:32,333 --> 00:32:34,875 and I'm gonna tell them about you." 683 00:32:34,958 --> 00:32:36,375 Elijah's a fearless man. 684 00:32:36,458 --> 00:32:38,875 The only way you become a fearless man is when 685 00:32:38,958 --> 00:32:41,542 you're filled with the Holy Spirit. 686 00:32:44,583 --> 00:32:48,875 This man Elijah's amazing 687 00:32:48,958 --> 00:32:51,833 and what God is wanting is for all of his men 688 00:32:51,917 --> 00:32:53,583 to be filled with the Holy Spirit 689 00:32:53,667 --> 00:32:56,292 and to have a courage like Elijah. 690 00:32:56,333 --> 00:33:00,375 And it takes a lot of courage to speak out against sin. 691 00:33:00,458 --> 00:33:03,042 And let me say this, this is what the prophets do 692 00:33:03,125 --> 00:33:04,750 and this is what Elijah did 693 00:33:04,833 --> 00:33:07,917 and this is what I think Elijah will be doing in the end, 694 00:33:08,000 --> 00:33:12,083 preaching the repentance of sin. 695 00:33:12,167 --> 00:33:15,625 You and I, we are to practice repentance. 696 00:33:15,667 --> 00:33:20,458 We are to see the sin in our own life and then we are to preach 697 00:33:20,500 --> 00:33:24,875 repentance inviting others to repent of their sin. 698 00:33:24,958 --> 00:33:28,542 If we preach repentance but don't practice it, 699 00:33:28,625 --> 00:33:31,000 we're hypocrites. 700 00:33:31,042 --> 00:33:37,167 If we don't preach or practice repentance, we're heretics. 701 00:33:37,208 --> 00:33:41,583 We are to be honest about the sin in our own life 702 00:33:41,667 --> 00:33:44,583 and be honest with others about the sin in their life. 703 00:33:44,667 --> 00:33:48,167 We are to turn from our sin and to implore others 704 00:33:48,208 --> 00:33:50,167 to turn from their sin. 705 00:33:50,208 --> 00:33:53,542 But what happens when we do that is we're met with the same kind 706 00:33:53,625 --> 00:33:58,000 of reaction that Elijah and John experienced. 707 00:33:58,042 --> 00:34:04,667 The call to repentance is always met with resistance, okay? 708 00:34:04,750 --> 00:34:08,125 The call to repentance is always met with resistance, 709 00:34:08,167 --> 00:34:11,500 that's why most of the prophets died young. 710 00:34:11,542 --> 00:34:15,583 That's why a guy like Elijah had to be taken off the scene 711 00:34:15,667 --> 00:34:20,625 of history and then sent again. 712 00:34:20,667 --> 00:34:24,958 And when it comes to repentance, we need to repent of our 713 00:34:25,000 --> 00:34:28,458 rebellion and our religion. 714 00:34:28,500 --> 00:34:31,167 For some of you, the sin that God wants to deal 715 00:34:31,250 --> 00:34:32,667 with is rebellion. 716 00:34:32,750 --> 00:34:35,333 You're just living an open, defiant life. 717 00:34:35,417 --> 00:34:38,333 You call it tolerance, diversity, pluralism, 718 00:34:38,417 --> 00:34:42,458 enlightenment, spirituality, being true to yourself. 719 00:34:42,500 --> 00:34:47,042 You've got all kinds of bumper sticker justifications, 720 00:34:47,125 --> 00:34:49,667 but your real issue is rebellion. 721 00:34:49,708 --> 00:34:52,167 You're not doing what the law of God says. 722 00:34:52,250 --> 00:34:55,000 You're doing what you say you should do. 723 00:34:55,042 --> 00:34:57,875 You've become a law unto yourself. 724 00:34:57,958 --> 00:35:02,833 As well, we need to repent of our religion. 725 00:35:02,917 --> 00:35:07,167 Religion is where we don't see our sin, we only see their sin. 726 00:35:07,208 --> 00:35:09,333 It's where we want people to change, 727 00:35:09,375 --> 00:35:10,833 but we don't want to change, 728 00:35:10,875 --> 00:35:13,833 where we don't want to be humble, we want to be proud. 729 00:35:13,875 --> 00:35:15,833 We don't want to be under God's authority, 730 00:35:15,875 --> 00:35:18,000 we want to exercise authority like we're God telling 731 00:35:18,042 --> 00:35:20,500 everyone else what to do and making and enforcing rules 732 00:35:20,542 --> 00:35:23,833 that God never made. 733 00:35:23,875 --> 00:35:27,333 When Jesus came, he certainly met resistance from 734 00:35:27,375 --> 00:35:28,792 rebellious people, 735 00:35:28,833 --> 00:35:30,958 but some of the strongest resistance that he met 736 00:35:31,000 --> 00:35:33,958 was from religious people. 737 00:35:34,000 --> 00:35:36,375 And the prophets stand up and they preach against 738 00:35:36,458 --> 00:35:38,333 rebellion and religion. 739 00:35:38,375 --> 00:35:39,833 To say it in our terms, 740 00:35:39,875 --> 00:35:43,167 they preach against the left and the right. 741 00:35:43,250 --> 00:35:45,333 Usually what happens is the left preaches 742 00:35:45,375 --> 00:35:46,708 against the right, 743 00:35:46,792 --> 00:35:48,333 the right preaches against the left 744 00:35:48,417 --> 00:35:50,333 and the prophet preaches against them both. 745 00:35:50,417 --> 00:35:52,583 What do you think that means for the prophet? 746 00:35:52,667 --> 00:35:56,333 They get shot by the left and the right, 747 00:35:56,417 --> 00:35:58,875 that's why rebellious people and religious people 748 00:35:58,958 --> 00:36:01,625 came together to murder Jesus. 749 00:36:01,667 --> 00:36:03,167 They don't come together for anything, 750 00:36:03,208 --> 00:36:06,042 but they come together to murder Jesus. 751 00:36:06,125 --> 00:36:09,583 And Elijah's a man who preaches repentance 752 00:36:09,667 --> 00:36:12,208 and it's met with resistance. 753 00:36:12,292 --> 00:36:15,208 And today let me say that the headwind that we're up against 754 00:36:15,292 --> 00:36:17,708 culture that I get into this a little bit in 755 00:36:17,792 --> 00:36:19,125 "A Call To Resurgence" 756 00:36:19,167 --> 00:36:21,208 is that today repentance is not a virtue, 757 00:36:21,292 --> 00:36:24,750 tolerance is. 758 00:36:24,833 --> 00:36:28,333 And in our culture, tolerance is the highest virtue. 759 00:36:28,375 --> 00:36:32,167 I'm working on a series and book for next fall, 760 00:36:32,250 --> 00:36:36,917 but a research firm was hired, 900,000 phone calls were made, 761 00:36:37,000 --> 00:36:40,708 72ish thousand people were spoken to, 762 00:36:40,792 --> 00:36:43,542 a sample size of 1,000 people were interviewed. 763 00:36:43,625 --> 00:36:47,000 What's your primary objection to Christianity? 764 00:36:47,042 --> 00:36:49,708 This is all research that we're working on. 765 00:36:49,792 --> 00:36:52,333 And they said, "Our primary objection to Christianity 766 00:36:52,417 --> 00:36:55,250 is intolerance," 767 00:36:55,333 --> 00:36:57,500 that God's not okay with everyone, 768 00:36:57,542 --> 00:37:01,125 that God's not okay with everything. 769 00:37:01,167 --> 00:37:04,958 The highest virtue in the Bible is not tolerance, 770 00:37:05,000 --> 00:37:08,667 but repentance, and the truth is that God starts with tolerance 771 00:37:08,708 --> 00:37:10,750 and he works toward repentance. 772 00:37:10,833 --> 00:37:14,958 You come to Jesus just as you are and change. 773 00:37:15,000 --> 00:37:21,958 You come to Jesus as you are, but you don't stay as you were. 774 00:37:22,000 --> 00:37:25,833 So God is tolerant in that he welcomes us to his Son 775 00:37:25,875 --> 00:37:31,208 as we are, but he expects repentance 776 00:37:31,292 --> 00:37:35,875 so that we change by his grace, 777 00:37:35,958 --> 00:37:40,333 and repentance is always met with resistance. 778 00:37:40,417 --> 00:37:41,833 That's the story of the prophets. 779 00:37:41,917 --> 00:37:43,292 That's the story of Elijah. 780 00:37:43,333 --> 00:37:48,375 That's the story of John the Baptizer. 781 00:37:48,458 --> 00:37:52,875 Heaven and hell, the Bible, repentance and God's final Word 782 00:37:52,958 --> 00:37:59,667 for 400 years is for the men, and he knows that the legacy 783 00:37:59,708 --> 00:38:02,458 rises or falls with the men. 784 00:38:02,500 --> 00:38:03,833 Will they love the Lord? 785 00:38:03,917 --> 00:38:05,250 Will they love their wives? 786 00:38:05,333 --> 00:38:06,667 Will they love their kids? 787 00:38:06,708 --> 00:38:09,667 Will their raise their kids to marry women who love the Lord? 788 00:38:09,708 --> 00:38:11,667 Will they raise their grandchildren to know 789 00:38:11,750 --> 00:38:14,583 and love and serve the Lord? 790 00:38:14,667 --> 00:38:17,833 Now when I preach about men, immediately there are some women 791 00:38:17,917 --> 00:38:19,500 who get offended. 792 00:38:19,583 --> 00:38:20,917 Don't. 793 00:38:21,000 --> 00:38:22,333 Don't infer anything. 794 00:38:22,375 --> 00:38:24,833 If I'm talking to the men and about the men, 795 00:38:24,875 --> 00:38:26,542 it doesn't mean that I don't love 796 00:38:26,625 --> 00:38:28,042 or want to exclude the women. 797 00:38:28,125 --> 00:38:30,792 It just means in this particular verse, it's talking about men, 798 00:38:30,833 --> 00:38:35,833 not just men, but fathers, fathers, 799 00:38:35,917 --> 00:38:38,625 fathers and children. 800 00:38:38,667 --> 00:38:44,000 Malachi 4:6, the last Word of the Old Testament, 801 00:38:44,083 --> 00:38:47,250 God's final Word for 400 years. 802 00:38:47,333 --> 00:38:50,292 It's like he's grabbing the men by the shirt, 803 00:38:50,333 --> 00:38:52,875 "Guys, listen to me. Pay attention to this. 804 00:38:52,958 --> 00:38:56,417 Don't forget." 805 00:38:56,500 --> 00:39:01,000 "And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children 806 00:39:01,083 --> 00:39:04,000 "and the hearts of children to their fathers, 807 00:39:04,083 --> 00:39:06,958 "lest I come and strike the land with a decree 808 00:39:07,000 --> 00:39:08,333 of utter destruction." 809 00:39:08,417 --> 00:39:10,208 Some of your translations will say, "curse." 810 00:39:10,292 --> 00:39:13,500 I think they translated it best there. 811 00:39:13,542 --> 00:39:16,125 It says a culture is ruined, a people is ruined, 812 00:39:16,167 --> 00:39:18,667 a legacy is ruined, a heritage is ruined. 813 00:39:18,708 --> 00:39:23,542 It's all destruction if the dad's don't love their kids 814 00:39:23,625 --> 00:39:27,875 and the kids don't love their dads. 815 00:39:27,958 --> 00:39:32,292 This is incredibly timely, amen? 816 00:39:32,333 --> 00:39:34,792 You look at all the social problems, 817 00:39:34,833 --> 00:39:41,417 the ails and the evils, God says, "I got an answer, dad." 818 00:39:41,500 --> 00:39:44,167 Dad can do what institutions and governments 819 00:39:44,250 --> 00:39:47,250 and organizations cannot do. 820 00:39:47,333 --> 00:39:50,167 The family is the first government. 821 00:39:50,250 --> 00:39:51,958 The father is the first leader. 822 00:39:52,000 --> 00:39:57,500 God holds the men responsible for their family 823 00:39:57,542 --> 00:40:01,667 for their legacy. 824 00:40:01,750 --> 00:40:06,792 The number-one thing that is needed for social change is men 825 00:40:06,833 --> 00:40:11,667 to love their own children to be good fathers and for children 826 00:40:11,750 --> 00:40:17,917 to honor, listen to, obey, love their dad. 827 00:40:18,000 --> 00:40:22,583 Is this still an issue, issue in your life? 828 00:40:22,667 --> 00:40:25,542 How many of you would have been nice to have a dad, 829 00:40:25,625 --> 00:40:30,042 let alone a dad whose heart was for you? 830 00:40:30,125 --> 00:40:31,625 When he's talking about heart, 831 00:40:31,667 --> 00:40:33,250 he's talking about the control center, 832 00:40:33,333 --> 00:40:35,875 the seat, the sum, the center of who we are. 833 00:40:35,958 --> 00:40:38,667 The Bible speaks of the heart more than 900 times. 834 00:40:38,750 --> 00:40:41,500 "Out of the overflow of the heart comes life," 835 00:40:41,542 --> 00:40:44,667 Proverbs says in a variety of ways. 836 00:40:44,750 --> 00:40:50,625 Well, let's unpack this, how will a father's heart change 837 00:40:50,667 --> 00:40:52,958 by the power of the Holy Spirit? 838 00:40:53,000 --> 00:40:56,333 How will a child's heart toward their father change by the power 839 00:40:56,375 --> 00:40:58,333 of the Holy Spirit? 840 00:40:58,375 --> 00:41:01,125 How do you know that the Holy Spirit is at work? 841 00:41:01,167 --> 00:41:04,125 Here's the big idea, look at the men. 842 00:41:04,167 --> 00:41:08,667 If you see different kinds of men in the church than you see 843 00:41:08,750 --> 00:41:11,792 in the culture, you know that the Holy Spirit is at work 844 00:41:11,833 --> 00:41:15,667 in the men and the men are yielding to the Holy Spirit. 845 00:41:15,708 --> 00:41:17,958 How do you know that the Holy Spirit is 846 00:41:18,000 --> 00:41:19,458 at work in children? 847 00:41:19,500 --> 00:41:23,625 See how they respond and react to their father. 848 00:41:23,667 --> 00:41:26,333 One of the evidences of the work of the Holy Spirit 849 00:41:26,375 --> 00:41:28,833 is the condition and nature of the family, 850 00:41:28,917 --> 00:41:30,792 particularly the relationship between the father 851 00:41:30,833 --> 00:41:33,333 and the children. 852 00:41:33,417 --> 00:41:35,958 So let me unpack this, okay? 853 00:41:36,000 --> 00:41:38,667 This is the big idea of legacy. 854 00:41:38,708 --> 00:41:41,250 It starts with fathers and faith flows through generations 855 00:41:41,333 --> 00:41:43,292 of the family. 856 00:41:43,333 --> 00:41:48,250 Well, it starts with the fact that God is a father. 857 00:41:48,333 --> 00:41:52,250 He's already told us this in Malachi 1, "I'm a Father." 858 00:41:52,333 --> 00:41:55,667 Told us this in Malachi 2, "I'm your Father." 859 00:41:55,750 --> 00:41:59,083 God is a Father. 860 00:41:59,167 --> 00:42:01,167 God is the Father. 861 00:42:01,208 --> 00:42:03,875 And even when it says that the Lord Jesus Christ is 862 00:42:03,958 --> 00:42:08,917 the Son of God, it's using this familial language. 863 00:42:09,000 --> 00:42:13,000 When Jesus teaches us to pray "Our Father," 864 00:42:13,042 --> 00:42:15,917 he's teaching us that God is our Father and we approach him 865 00:42:16,000 --> 00:42:18,750 like sons and daughters, his children. 866 00:42:18,833 --> 00:42:23,542 So for you and I, it all starts with not looking at our 867 00:42:23,625 --> 00:42:26,958 earthly father and then making a determination if fathers 868 00:42:27,000 --> 00:42:30,000 are good or bad or necessary or not necessary or helpful 869 00:42:30,042 --> 00:42:32,000 or harmful but looking up and saying, 870 00:42:32,042 --> 00:42:34,625 "Okay, let's start with God the Father, 871 00:42:34,667 --> 00:42:36,667 "the first member of the Trinity, 872 00:42:36,708 --> 00:42:39,375 what's he like, what's he say, what's he do?" 873 00:42:39,458 --> 00:42:41,750 And then to look at earthly fathers and ask, 874 00:42:41,833 --> 00:42:44,500 "How can they by the power of the Holy Spirit become 875 00:42:44,583 --> 00:42:48,167 more like their Heavenly Father?" 876 00:42:48,250 --> 00:42:50,458 And some of you didn't even have a father 877 00:42:50,500 --> 00:42:52,667 and the God in the Bible in Psalms says 878 00:42:52,708 --> 00:42:54,708 that he's even a Father to the fatherless. 879 00:42:54,792 --> 00:42:58,208 There's good news for you. 880 00:42:58,292 --> 00:43:03,125 Now, one of my goals at Mars Hill is that the men 881 00:43:03,167 --> 00:43:07,833 would all have a father's heart, the Father's heart. 882 00:43:07,917 --> 00:43:10,625 I've got a little free e-book you can find, "Pastor Dad." 883 00:43:10,667 --> 00:43:12,458 It gets into some of the particulars, 884 00:43:12,500 --> 00:43:15,167 but let me just speak to you men along the continuum 885 00:43:15,250 --> 00:43:17,167 of life stages. 886 00:43:17,208 --> 00:43:22,625 Developing a father's heart starts by knowing God as Father. 887 00:43:22,667 --> 00:43:27,000 You can't become a father, like the Father, 888 00:43:27,042 --> 00:43:29,417 unless you know the Father. 889 00:43:29,500 --> 00:43:32,417 So it starts with coming to know God as Father. 890 00:43:32,500 --> 00:43:35,625 Yes, we know the Holy Spirit and want to be filled with 891 00:43:35,667 --> 00:43:37,083 the Holy Spirit. 892 00:43:37,167 --> 00:43:38,583 Yes, we love the Lord Jesus 893 00:43:38,667 --> 00:43:40,792 and we want to become like the Lord Jesus, 894 00:43:40,833 --> 00:43:43,583 but sometimes the member of the Trinity who is overlooked 895 00:43:43,667 --> 00:43:47,667 is God the Father, one God, three persons, 896 00:43:47,708 --> 00:43:50,292 Father, Son, Spirit. 897 00:43:50,333 --> 00:43:52,708 It's coming to know God as Father, 898 00:43:52,792 --> 00:43:55,667 talking to God as Father, relying on God as Father 899 00:43:55,708 --> 00:43:58,667 as early as possible in your life. 900 00:43:58,708 --> 00:44:00,958 And then as you grow as a young man, 901 00:44:01,000 --> 00:44:03,333 it's allowing the Father to cultivate 902 00:44:03,417 --> 00:44:05,000 the father's heart in you. 903 00:44:05,083 --> 00:44:07,667 And you don't just get a father's heart 904 00:44:07,750 --> 00:44:09,125 when you get a child. 905 00:44:09,167 --> 00:44:15,500 You get a father's heart when you become the Father's child. 906 00:44:15,542 --> 00:44:18,292 Practically what this means is, 907 00:44:18,333 --> 00:44:22,833 you grow up to honor your Heavenly Father, 908 00:44:22,917 --> 00:44:25,542 to honor your earthly father, 909 00:44:25,625 --> 00:44:29,333 to obey your earthly father and to forgive your earthly father 910 00:44:29,417 --> 00:44:33,333 because your earthly father is sinful and will err. 911 00:44:33,417 --> 00:44:36,833 Some of you are bitter against your father and the father wound 912 00:44:36,917 --> 00:44:38,833 is a deep one. 913 00:44:38,917 --> 00:44:40,500 And let me say this, 914 00:44:40,542 --> 00:44:42,500 that the sin that lived in your father 915 00:44:42,542 --> 00:44:45,375 will live in you through bitterness. 916 00:44:45,458 --> 00:44:48,250 The things that you're most frustrated about regarding 917 00:44:48,333 --> 00:44:50,208 your father, if you don't forgive him, 918 00:44:50,292 --> 00:44:54,125 those things will live in you. 919 00:44:54,167 --> 00:44:56,000 And so when you forgive your father, 920 00:44:56,042 --> 00:44:58,000 you're not letting him get away with anything. 921 00:44:58,042 --> 00:45:02,083 You're releasing yourself from becoming like him so that you 922 00:45:02,167 --> 00:45:05,417 can become more like your Heavenly Father. 923 00:45:05,500 --> 00:45:08,833 Some of you have a lot that you need to forgive your father for, 924 00:45:08,875 --> 00:45:11,500 and some of you just need to give your dad grace. 925 00:45:11,542 --> 00:45:17,625 He wasn't perfect, but neither were you as the child. 926 00:45:17,667 --> 00:45:20,833 It's learning to honor your father. 927 00:45:20,917 --> 00:45:23,333 It's learning to forgive your father and it's learning 928 00:45:23,375 --> 00:45:25,833 to lean on God as Father. 929 00:45:25,875 --> 00:45:30,250 As you proceed, I would say all of you but particularly you men, 930 00:45:30,333 --> 00:45:37,250 always seek older, godly men for wisdom, for counsel. 931 00:45:37,333 --> 00:45:39,000 Sometimes this is their instruction, 932 00:45:39,083 --> 00:45:41,958 oftentimes it's their example. 933 00:45:42,000 --> 00:45:44,583 What this means is if you're a 10-year-old boy, 934 00:45:44,667 --> 00:45:47,042 look for a godly 16-year-old boy. 935 00:45:47,125 --> 00:45:49,042 If you're a godly kid in high school, 936 00:45:49,125 --> 00:45:51,708 get to know some guys in college who love the Lord. 937 00:45:51,792 --> 00:45:54,917 If you're a guy in college, get to know some guys who are 938 00:45:55,000 --> 00:45:56,667 in the marketplace and love the Lord. 939 00:45:56,708 --> 00:45:59,167 If you're a single guy, get to know a young, 940 00:45:59,208 --> 00:46:01,417 married guy who loves the Lord and shadow them 941 00:46:01,500 --> 00:46:03,333 and learn from them. 942 00:46:03,375 --> 00:46:06,042 And always be leaning into the next season of life 943 00:46:06,125 --> 00:46:08,708 learning as much as you can. 944 00:46:08,792 --> 00:46:13,000 That's how you cultivate and develop a father's heart. 945 00:46:13,042 --> 00:46:15,792 What this means as well, I'll give you something else 946 00:46:15,833 --> 00:46:21,000 very practically, serve younger people, children. 947 00:46:21,083 --> 00:46:23,958 If you're the big brother, don't pick on the little one, 948 00:46:24,000 --> 00:46:25,458 protect the little one. 949 00:46:25,500 --> 00:46:27,667 That's the father's heart. 950 00:46:27,708 --> 00:46:30,625 All right, if you're the kid at school, don't be the bully, 951 00:46:30,667 --> 00:46:32,833 be the kid who stands up to the bully. 952 00:46:32,875 --> 00:46:37,500 That's the father's heart. 953 00:46:37,583 --> 00:46:40,000 I even tell guys, man, work in the nursery 954 00:46:40,083 --> 00:46:41,833 with the little kids. 955 00:46:41,917 --> 00:46:44,917 It's the best place for college guys. 956 00:46:45,000 --> 00:46:49,000 Develop, cultivate a father's heart. 957 00:46:49,083 --> 00:46:52,500 Be seeking those who are in life stages ahead of you to learn 958 00:46:52,542 --> 00:46:57,167 from and those who are in life stages behind you to invest in. 959 00:46:57,208 --> 00:47:00,625 One of the first things I did as a new Christian is I volunteered 960 00:47:00,667 --> 00:47:02,083 in the nursery at the church. 961 00:47:02,167 --> 00:47:03,500 Some of you know this story. 962 00:47:03,542 --> 00:47:05,208 I worked with all the little kids. 963 00:47:05,292 --> 00:47:06,958 I wanted to have a father's heart, 964 00:47:07,000 --> 00:47:09,167 and I wanted to practice on somebody else's kids 965 00:47:09,208 --> 00:47:12,042 before I got my own, all right? 966 00:47:14,958 --> 00:47:18,000 Today we've got a situation where you can be a young man 967 00:47:18,083 --> 00:47:23,500 who is never around a child until your wife births one. 968 00:47:23,583 --> 00:47:27,167 It's good to have involvement with children before you get one 969 00:47:27,250 --> 00:47:29,833 by serving and loving and investing and getting to know 970 00:47:29,875 --> 00:47:33,875 families and participating in the stages of life and what 971 00:47:33,958 --> 00:47:36,875 we've done is we've really segmented the stages of life 972 00:47:36,958 --> 00:47:39,292 so that children don't know teenagers, 973 00:47:39,333 --> 00:47:40,917 and teenagers don't know college students, 974 00:47:41,000 --> 00:47:42,417 and college students don't know singles, 975 00:47:42,500 --> 00:47:44,000 and singles don't know young marrieds, 976 00:47:44,042 --> 00:47:45,667 and young marrieds don't know older marrieds. 977 00:47:45,750 --> 00:47:48,875 And all of that in the family of God can be obliterated through 978 00:47:48,958 --> 00:47:53,500 community and relationship. 979 00:47:53,542 --> 00:47:56,500 Some of the most influential people in my children's lives 980 00:47:56,542 --> 00:47:58,583 are older people who love the Lord, 981 00:47:58,667 --> 00:48:02,083 that are in seasons ahead of them that they've learned from. 982 00:48:02,167 --> 00:48:05,083 And some of the biggest deposits my children have made are in 983 00:48:05,167 --> 00:48:07,917 the lives of younger children seeking to be loving 984 00:48:08,000 --> 00:48:09,583 toward them. 985 00:48:09,667 --> 00:48:11,833 They may not yet be fathers, but they're cultivating 986 00:48:11,917 --> 00:48:13,375 the father's heart. 987 00:48:13,458 --> 00:48:15,375 Does that make sense? 988 00:48:15,458 --> 00:48:18,792 I would tell you young men as well, I say it all the time, 989 00:48:18,833 --> 00:48:20,792 but don't waste your time on adolescence. 990 00:48:20,833 --> 00:48:24,458 It used to be that you were a boy and then you were a man 991 00:48:24,500 --> 00:48:27,292 and now you're an adolescent until you're about 30, 992 00:48:27,333 --> 00:48:30,667 and those are wasted years, not invested years. 993 00:48:30,750 --> 00:48:35,333 Those are shameful years, not joyful years. 994 00:48:35,417 --> 00:48:39,375 Don't be like the fool's parade, trying to work as little 995 00:48:39,458 --> 00:48:42,125 as you can, get away with as much as you can, 996 00:48:42,167 --> 00:48:44,625 date as often as you can, drink what you can, 997 00:48:44,667 --> 00:48:46,667 smoke what you can, sleep where you can. 998 00:48:46,708 --> 00:48:48,083 All of that is folly. 999 00:48:48,167 --> 00:48:49,500 All of that is rebellion. 1000 00:48:49,542 --> 00:48:51,833 That's not the Father's heart for his sons. 1001 00:48:51,917 --> 00:48:55,500 Don't waste those years, invest those years. 1002 00:48:55,583 --> 00:48:58,542 If you invest those years, you'll be out ahead of the rest 1003 00:48:58,625 --> 00:49:02,208 of the fool's parade that's drunk at the starting line 1004 00:49:02,292 --> 00:49:06,667 not paying any attention that the race is well underway. 1005 00:49:06,750 --> 00:49:12,083 In addition for you men, you don't want to just marry a woman 1006 00:49:12,167 --> 00:49:16,250 who's a good time but with whom you can make a good legacy. 1007 00:49:16,333 --> 00:49:18,250 It means if you have a father's heart, 1008 00:49:18,333 --> 00:49:20,917 when you're going to court a woman or marry a woman, 1009 00:49:21,000 --> 00:49:24,667 you're not just thinking, "Oh, she's a good time." 1010 00:49:24,708 --> 00:49:28,083 You're thinking, "With her I can make a good legacy." 1011 00:49:28,167 --> 00:49:30,208 You have to factor into your consideration, 1012 00:49:30,292 --> 00:49:34,083 will she be not only a good wife and friend and love Jesus 1013 00:49:34,167 --> 00:49:37,833 and worship God, will she also be a good mother? 1014 00:49:37,917 --> 00:49:41,958 I cannot tell you how grateful I am, now that I have five kids, 1015 00:49:42,000 --> 00:49:44,458 that Grace is their mother. 1016 00:49:44,500 --> 00:49:46,958 I praise God. 1017 00:49:47,000 --> 00:49:48,458 She is devoted. 1018 00:49:48,500 --> 00:49:49,833 She is focused. 1019 00:49:49,917 --> 00:49:51,250 She is hard working. 1020 00:49:51,333 --> 00:49:52,667 She is faithful. 1021 00:49:52,708 --> 00:49:54,042 She loves the Lord. 1022 00:49:54,125 --> 00:49:55,458 She loves the kids. 1023 00:49:55,500 --> 00:49:59,875 I could not fathom what life would look like had she not been 1024 00:49:59,958 --> 00:50:03,458 the one that God chose for me. 1025 00:50:03,500 --> 00:50:06,125 Men, the most important decision you make is who's your God. 1026 00:50:06,167 --> 00:50:08,333 The second most important decision is who you marry, 1027 00:50:08,375 --> 00:50:11,333 and that decision has generations of implication, 1028 00:50:11,375 --> 00:50:13,333 it just does, for good or bad. 1029 00:50:13,375 --> 00:50:16,583 And I always say, but some of you guys are like, "She's hot." 1030 00:50:16,667 --> 00:50:18,667 So's hell, rethink your plan. 1031 00:50:18,750 --> 00:50:20,958 Right, rethink your plan. 1032 00:50:21,000 --> 00:50:22,333 Rethink your plan. 1033 00:50:22,417 --> 00:50:26,708 So you're looking not just for a girlfriend, 1034 00:50:26,792 --> 00:50:30,625 but a grandmother eventually. 1035 00:50:30,667 --> 00:50:33,833 And then look forward to being a dad. 1036 00:50:33,917 --> 00:50:36,500 Look forward to being a dad. 1037 00:50:36,542 --> 00:50:37,875 Yes, it's complicating. 1038 00:50:37,958 --> 00:50:39,292 Yes, it's expensive. 1039 00:50:39,333 --> 00:50:40,667 Yes, it's exhausting. 1040 00:50:40,750 --> 00:50:43,458 So's everything that matters. 1041 00:50:43,500 --> 00:50:48,250 I can remember as a little boy, I looked forward to being a dad, 1042 00:50:48,333 --> 00:50:50,708 I really did. 1043 00:50:50,792 --> 00:50:53,167 Every time Grace got pregnant, I was so excited. 1044 00:50:53,250 --> 00:50:55,292 Yay, baby's on the way. 1045 00:50:55,333 --> 00:50:58,500 There's a joyful enthusiasm. 1046 00:50:58,542 --> 00:51:01,292 I love--one of the things I love at Mars Hill--and it's 1047 00:51:01,333 --> 00:51:03,917 been happening now for 17 years. 1048 00:51:04,000 --> 00:51:07,083 A guy's wife gets pregnant and he runs up to me, "Pastor Mark, 1049 00:51:07,167 --> 00:51:10,083 I want to tell you something," I always know what it is. 1050 00:51:10,167 --> 00:51:11,625 They're smiling, they're excited. 1051 00:51:11,667 --> 00:51:13,000 "We're pregnant." 1052 00:51:13,083 --> 00:51:14,750 They always say, "We're pregnant." 1053 00:51:14,833 --> 00:51:16,250 I'm like, "No, she's pregnant." 1054 00:51:16,333 --> 00:51:21,042 But I love the fact that the men are excited that a baby 1055 00:51:21,125 --> 00:51:23,792 is on the way because in a lot of places 1056 00:51:23,833 --> 00:51:25,833 they walk up to their buddies 1057 00:51:25,917 --> 00:51:29,750 and they're like, "Oh, my gosh, my girlfriend's pregnant." 1058 00:51:29,833 --> 00:51:33,583 I love it when a husband runs up and says, "My wife is pregnant!" 1059 00:51:33,667 --> 00:51:36,167 Yes, because children are a blessing 1060 00:51:36,208 --> 00:51:38,875 and they're a blessing to be celebrated. 1061 00:51:38,958 --> 00:51:41,917 Whether this is through birth or adoption or foster care 1062 00:51:42,000 --> 00:51:43,917 or whatever the Father would have for you, 1063 00:51:44,000 --> 00:51:45,917 I want you to look forward to that. 1064 00:51:46,000 --> 00:51:47,917 I want you to be excited about that. 1065 00:51:48,000 --> 00:51:49,667 I want you to rejoice in that. 1066 00:51:49,708 --> 00:51:53,167 If we want to be a place where mothers and fathers are honored 1067 00:51:53,208 --> 00:51:55,875 and where children are considered a blessing, 1068 00:51:55,958 --> 00:51:58,083 it's a big part of what the Bible teaches 1069 00:51:58,167 --> 00:52:00,667 and it's a big way that we live countercultural lives 1070 00:52:00,708 --> 00:52:02,333 to the culture of death 1071 00:52:02,375 --> 00:52:04,417 and folly and selfishness and rebellion. 1072 00:52:04,500 --> 00:52:07,167 We honor marriage and men and children 1073 00:52:07,208 --> 00:52:09,000 and that's the way God wants it. 1074 00:52:09,042 --> 00:52:12,000 That's the Father's heart. 1075 00:52:12,083 --> 00:52:14,292 In addition, I would then say if God 1076 00:52:14,333 --> 00:52:18,333 should give you an opportunity, 1077 00:52:18,375 --> 00:52:23,333 don't ever quit being the father. 1078 00:52:23,375 --> 00:52:26,292 One of the great lies the enemy has told our culture is, 1079 00:52:26,333 --> 00:52:28,750 "Well, when they're 18, they're adults, they're on their own." 1080 00:52:28,833 --> 00:52:31,500 No, they're not. They need you more than ever. 1081 00:52:31,542 --> 00:52:33,208 Where are they gonna go to college? 1082 00:52:33,292 --> 00:52:35,708 Who are they gonna date? Who are they gonna marry? 1083 00:52:35,792 --> 00:52:37,708 What are they gonna choose for a career? 1084 00:52:37,792 --> 00:52:39,708 What are they gonna do with their finances? 1085 00:52:39,792 --> 00:52:41,208 So many massive decisions are made. 1086 00:52:41,292 --> 00:52:42,625 They need their parents. 1087 00:52:42,667 --> 00:52:44,208 They need their father. 1088 00:52:44,292 --> 00:52:45,875 You never stop being a father. 1089 00:52:45,958 --> 00:52:48,792 When your kids are little, they need you differently than when 1090 00:52:48,833 --> 00:52:51,125 they're in the teen years and when they're grown, 1091 00:52:51,167 --> 00:52:53,292 they need you still in an entirely different way. 1092 00:52:53,333 --> 00:52:56,417 But you never stop needing your father and so fathers, 1093 00:52:56,500 --> 00:52:58,667 don't quit. 1094 00:52:58,750 --> 00:53:02,917 Perseverance is a big theme in the Bible. 1095 00:53:03,000 --> 00:53:06,833 Even if it's a hard season, continue to be the father. 1096 00:53:06,917 --> 00:53:09,375 Continue to love, continue to pursue, continue to pray, 1097 00:53:09,458 --> 00:53:11,667 continue to invest. 1098 00:53:11,750 --> 00:53:14,875 See, our fathers like that and let's just be honest and say, 1099 00:53:14,958 --> 00:53:16,792 we've all sent our Heavenly Father 1100 00:53:16,833 --> 00:53:19,542 through some pretty rough seasons. 1101 00:53:19,625 --> 00:53:21,167 We've not been the best kids. 1102 00:53:21,250 --> 00:53:24,167 We've really made certain seasons very difficult 1103 00:53:24,250 --> 00:53:27,375 and complicated for him, and he never stops loving. 1104 00:53:27,458 --> 00:53:29,083 He never stops caring. 1105 00:53:29,167 --> 00:53:30,833 He never stops pursuing. 1106 00:53:30,917 --> 00:53:34,333 He never stops forgiving because that's the Father heart of God. 1107 00:53:34,417 --> 00:53:37,250 And if the Father heart of God lives in you men, 1108 00:53:37,333 --> 00:53:38,708 you will persevere. 1109 00:53:38,792 --> 00:53:43,167 You will overcome, you will endure by the power of 1110 00:53:43,250 --> 00:53:46,500 the Holy Spirit because that's the Father's heart. 1111 00:53:46,583 --> 00:53:49,500 And one of the ways that kids know that they have their 1112 00:53:49,542 --> 00:53:52,833 father's heart is whether or not their father hangs in there 1113 00:53:52,875 --> 00:53:55,417 on the worst days. 1114 00:53:55,500 --> 00:53:58,167 It's easy to have a father's heart on the best days. 1115 00:53:58,208 --> 00:54:00,875 "Oh, my son hit a grand slam to win the tournament 1116 00:54:00,958 --> 00:54:02,292 "in the little league. 1117 00:54:02,333 --> 00:54:04,292 "Oh, my daughter got most likely to succeed. 1118 00:54:04,333 --> 00:54:05,792 "Yes, I have a father's heart. 1119 00:54:05,833 --> 00:54:07,500 "Oh, my kid struck out and flunked. 1120 00:54:07,583 --> 00:54:12,500 Well, I still have a father's heart." 1121 00:54:12,542 --> 00:54:16,292 And see, the Father's heart toward us is not predicated 1122 00:54:16,333 --> 00:54:20,292 on our performance, and our father's heart toward our 1123 00:54:20,333 --> 00:54:24,042 children cannot be predicated on their performance. 1124 00:54:24,125 --> 00:54:29,625 We don't labor for his heart, we labor from his heart. 1125 00:54:29,667 --> 00:54:32,125 And his heart loves us, and his heart receives us, 1126 00:54:32,167 --> 00:54:36,125 and his heart encourages us, and his heart is inclined toward us. 1127 00:54:36,167 --> 00:54:39,292 And to have the father's heart is to parent out of the way 1128 00:54:39,333 --> 00:54:42,917 that the Father parents us. 1129 00:54:43,000 --> 00:54:46,625 And a father's heart really shows up oftentimes 1130 00:54:46,667 --> 00:54:52,292 in simple things, in unplanned ways. 1131 00:54:52,333 --> 00:54:54,625 I mean I think about it. 1132 00:54:54,667 --> 00:54:56,083 I'll share a couple stories, 1133 00:54:56,167 --> 00:54:57,958 my Grandpa George had a father's heart. 1134 00:54:58,000 --> 00:54:59,458 I talked about him for years. 1135 00:54:59,500 --> 00:55:01,000 He died when I was 10. 1136 00:55:01,083 --> 00:55:04,000 I really loved him, but all my memories of him were good. 1137 00:55:04,083 --> 00:55:06,500 He was a loving man. He was a kind man. 1138 00:55:06,583 --> 00:55:09,000 He was a generous man. He was a joyful man. 1139 00:55:09,083 --> 00:55:10,750 He rode in his old, brown Buick, 1140 00:55:10,833 --> 00:55:14,125 all grandpas are supposed to have one. 1141 00:55:14,167 --> 00:55:17,000 He kept a bag of Tootsie Roll lollipops in the glove box, 1142 00:55:17,083 --> 00:55:19,000 the ones with the chocolate center, 1143 00:55:19,083 --> 00:55:21,667 and he'd take you to go run errands and go to 1144 00:55:21,750 --> 00:55:23,417 the hardware store and go do stuff. 1145 00:55:23,500 --> 00:55:25,958 And I'll never forget one day he says, 1146 00:55:26,000 --> 00:55:29,375 "Mark, I just like having you with me," and he smiled. 1147 00:55:29,458 --> 00:55:32,417 Great. 1148 00:55:32,500 --> 00:55:35,875 "And here's a sucker, I keep a whole bag in the glove box." 1149 00:55:35,958 --> 00:55:38,542 Great. 1150 00:55:38,625 --> 00:55:40,292 That's the father's heart. 1151 00:55:40,333 --> 00:55:42,542 He just liked being with his grandkids, 1152 00:55:42,625 --> 00:55:44,542 and he liked giving them gifts. 1153 00:55:44,625 --> 00:55:47,750 My grandpa had a rule, he lived on a cul-de-sac and that is 1154 00:55:47,833 --> 00:55:49,167 "If the ice-cream man comes, 1155 00:55:49,208 --> 00:55:51,167 "all the kids in the neighborhood run out 1156 00:55:51,208 --> 00:55:53,667 and get what they want and I'll pay for it." 1157 00:55:53,708 --> 00:55:55,167 That's the father's heart. 1158 00:55:55,208 --> 00:55:57,833 I remember one time I was one of the first kids 1159 00:55:57,875 --> 00:55:59,208 at the ice-cream truck 1160 00:55:59,292 --> 00:56:01,792 and all the other kids in the neighborhood run around. 1161 00:56:01,833 --> 00:56:03,792 And I got mine and I turned around, 1162 00:56:03,833 --> 00:56:06,292 my grandpa's walking with this huge smile on his face, 1163 00:56:06,333 --> 00:56:09,292 and he was gonna pick up ice cream for all the kids 1164 00:56:09,333 --> 00:56:10,667 in the neighborhood. 1165 00:56:10,750 --> 00:56:12,083 That's the father's heart. 1166 00:56:12,167 --> 00:56:14,958 He liked seeing the kids happy, having fun, making memories. 1167 00:56:15,000 --> 00:56:17,250 I grew up in a neighborhood where there were 1168 00:56:17,333 --> 00:56:21,000 very few fathers, right down in Sea-Tac by the airport, 1169 00:56:21,083 --> 00:56:22,500 very few fathers. 1170 00:56:22,583 --> 00:56:24,333 In fact, I was thinking about it, 1171 00:56:24,375 --> 00:56:27,708 I can't think of any friends of mine that I hung out with or 1172 00:56:27,792 --> 00:56:31,583 played ball with in my immediate neighborhood that had a father. 1173 00:56:31,667 --> 00:56:34,167 I'm the only kid I remember who had a father. 1174 00:56:34,250 --> 00:56:35,917 I'm sure there was a father somewhere, 1175 00:56:36,000 --> 00:56:37,625 but I don't remember them. 1176 00:56:37,667 --> 00:56:40,708 They were an endangered species where I grew up. 1177 00:56:40,792 --> 00:56:42,833 My mom stayed home to raise five kids. 1178 00:56:42,917 --> 00:56:46,250 My dad would go to work hanging sheetrock as a union dry waller 1179 00:56:46,333 --> 00:56:50,000 until he broke his back feeding his family. 1180 00:56:50,083 --> 00:56:53,208 I remember I played some sports. 1181 00:56:53,292 --> 00:56:55,625 I played a little soccer, played a little basketball, 1182 00:56:55,667 --> 00:56:57,000 played a little football, 1183 00:56:57,083 --> 00:56:58,958 but what I really liked was baseball. 1184 00:56:59,000 --> 00:57:02,125 And so I told my dad, "I'm gonna play baseball." 1185 00:57:02,167 --> 00:57:04,542 Well, the problem was they didn't have a coach 1186 00:57:04,625 --> 00:57:06,542 because there were no fathers. 1187 00:57:06,625 --> 00:57:09,208 And all the kids that were trying out for this team, 1188 00:57:09,292 --> 00:57:10,667 none of them had a dad. 1189 00:57:10,750 --> 00:57:13,875 I remember they asked, "Okay, do any of you guys have a dad 1190 00:57:13,958 --> 00:57:15,292 who can coach this team?" 1191 00:57:15,333 --> 00:57:16,667 Nobody had a dad. 1192 00:57:16,750 --> 00:57:19,875 I was like, "Well, I got a dad, but he's never played baseball." 1193 00:57:19,958 --> 00:57:23,542 At least I got a dad so I go home, "Dad, we need a coach. 1194 00:57:23,625 --> 00:57:25,083 There's no dads." 1195 00:57:25,167 --> 00:57:26,542 My dad's like, "I'll coach. 1196 00:57:26,625 --> 00:57:28,542 What's baseball?" 1197 00:57:28,625 --> 00:57:31,292 My dad never played--I don't think he ever had a glove 1198 00:57:31,333 --> 00:57:32,667 on his hand. 1199 00:57:32,750 --> 00:57:34,667 So my dad tries to figure out baseball 1200 00:57:34,750 --> 00:57:36,167 so he can coach my team. 1201 00:57:36,250 --> 00:57:37,583 That's the father's heart. 1202 00:57:37,667 --> 00:57:41,333 My team was almost exclusively our little league team, 1203 00:57:41,375 --> 00:57:46,000 we're like the Bad News Bears, fatherless kids, no dad. 1204 00:57:46,042 --> 00:57:50,042 They showed up for practice with no glove. 1205 00:57:50,125 --> 00:57:54,792 There's no dad around to buy them a glove, no cleats. 1206 00:57:54,833 --> 00:57:57,458 Next thing I know my dad's going to secondhand stores 1207 00:57:57,500 --> 00:57:58,958 and Goodwills. 1208 00:57:59,000 --> 00:58:00,667 We're a poor family, working-class family, 1209 00:58:00,750 --> 00:58:03,667 and next thing I know my dad's bringing home lots of different 1210 00:58:03,750 --> 00:58:06,417 baseball gloves and there was a big pile of them somewhere 1211 00:58:06,500 --> 00:58:07,833 in the house. 1212 00:58:07,875 --> 00:58:09,333 I was like, "What's that, dad?" 1213 00:58:09,375 --> 00:58:12,042 He said, "Well, I'm buying a lot of gloves because those 1214 00:58:12,125 --> 00:58:15,042 "kids don't have gloves and they want to be on the team, 1215 00:58:15,125 --> 00:58:18,042 and nobody's gonna buy them a glove and they need a glove." 1216 00:58:18,125 --> 00:58:19,458 That's the father's heart. 1217 00:58:19,500 --> 00:58:22,167 I remember feeling so proud of my dad in that moment. 1218 00:58:22,250 --> 00:58:23,583 Man, I got a dad. 1219 00:58:23,667 --> 00:58:26,083 And the kids come over to my house to eat. 1220 00:58:26,167 --> 00:58:28,250 There were kids in my neighborhood who were hungry 1221 00:58:28,333 --> 00:58:31,458 and they knew, you go to Mark's house and his dad's got food. 1222 00:58:31,500 --> 00:58:32,833 He'll feed ya. 1223 00:58:32,917 --> 00:58:35,833 And my mom took care of all the kids in the neighborhood. 1224 00:58:35,917 --> 00:58:38,500 I'll never forget winter would come, we were a poor family. 1225 00:58:38,583 --> 00:58:41,917 My mom and dad would buy a bunch of extra coats for the kids. 1226 00:58:42,000 --> 00:58:44,583 I remember one year I was like, why do--we'd buy them 1227 00:58:44,667 --> 00:58:46,000 at the Sears Surplus. 1228 00:58:46,042 --> 00:58:47,500 "Why are we getting more coats?" 1229 00:58:47,542 --> 00:58:51,500 "Because a lot of the kids don't have a dad and a lot of the kids 1230 00:58:51,542 --> 00:58:52,875 "don't have a coat. 1231 00:58:52,958 --> 00:58:55,625 "So when they come over if they don't have a coat, 1232 00:58:55,667 --> 00:58:58,625 "we're gonna give them a coat, and we're gonna give them food 1233 00:58:58,667 --> 00:59:00,667 and we're gonna give them a baseball glove," 1234 00:59:00,750 --> 00:59:02,083 because that's the father's heart. 1235 00:59:02,167 --> 00:59:04,292 Men, I need you to have a father's heart. 1236 00:59:04,333 --> 00:59:06,958 Mars Hill doesn't work if you don't have a father's heart, 1237 00:59:07,000 --> 00:59:09,667 a father's heart for your own children saying, "You know what? 1238 00:59:09,750 --> 00:59:12,458 "I don't need the police. I don't need the legal system. 1239 00:59:12,500 --> 00:59:15,667 "I don't need the judges to take care of my kids. 1240 00:59:15,708 --> 00:59:17,833 I'll take care of that." 1241 00:59:17,875 --> 00:59:22,667 And I need you men to have the father's heart, 1242 00:59:22,708 --> 00:59:25,667 not only for your family, but our church family. 1243 00:59:25,708 --> 00:59:29,000 The only way what we're doing succeeds is if the men 1244 00:59:29,042 --> 00:59:31,542 have the father's heart. 1245 00:59:31,625 --> 00:59:34,583 Usually in a church, it's primarily women and children, 1246 00:59:34,667 --> 00:59:37,333 and they've already got the Father's heart, 1247 00:59:37,417 --> 00:59:40,708 what's missing is all the fathers. 1248 00:59:40,792 --> 00:59:43,958 And one of the things that captivated me in Bible study in 1249 00:59:44,000 --> 00:59:49,000 this past year is the fact that a father's heart is 1250 00:59:49,042 --> 00:59:51,667 for the family and the church family. 1251 00:59:51,708 --> 00:59:55,042 That's why we call Abraham our father in the faith. 1252 00:59:55,125 --> 00:59:57,542 You see this fatherly language in Proverbs where he says, 1253 00:59:57,625 --> 01:00:00,458 "My son, my son, my son, listen to me, hear me," 1254 01:00:00,500 --> 01:00:03,083 and he's teaching very practically. 1255 01:00:03,167 --> 01:00:06,333 You see this as well with Paul who says, 1256 01:00:06,375 --> 01:00:11,125 "Timothy is my son and Titus is my son and Manasseh is my son." 1257 01:00:11,167 --> 01:00:12,708 They weren't his biological children, 1258 01:00:12,792 --> 01:00:14,333 but they were his spiritual offspring. 1259 01:00:14,375 --> 01:00:17,292 He says in 1 Corinthians 4:15, he says, "You have many teachers, 1260 01:00:17,333 --> 01:00:19,292 but don't have many fathers." 1261 01:00:19,333 --> 01:00:22,500 You can get a lot of podcasts, but hard to have a dad, 1262 01:00:22,542 --> 01:00:27,625 a spiritual father to teach you and train you and help you. 1263 01:00:27,667 --> 01:00:30,000 John is an old man. 1264 01:00:30,083 --> 01:00:33,250 He writes 1, 2, and 3 John to the church and he says, 1265 01:00:33,333 --> 01:00:37,667 "You're my dear children," very fatherly language. 1266 01:00:37,708 --> 01:00:43,500 In the early church they would talk about the church fathers. 1267 01:00:43,583 --> 01:00:47,167 The qualifications of an elder, 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, 1268 01:00:47,250 --> 01:00:51,042 include the fact that he's a good father 1269 01:00:51,125 --> 01:00:53,458 because a lot of what you learn about spiritual leadership 1270 01:00:53,500 --> 01:00:55,292 in the church is learned 1271 01:00:55,333 --> 01:00:58,375 through parental leadership in the home. 1272 01:00:58,458 --> 01:01:02,000 Raising your kids, you learn some stuff to spiritually invest 1273 01:01:02,083 --> 01:01:05,333 in others, particularly those who didn't have fathers. 1274 01:01:05,375 --> 01:01:08,500 And let me just say this, I think--well, I know, 1275 01:01:08,583 --> 01:01:12,875 I know for a fact that Malachi ends perfectly 1276 01:01:12,958 --> 01:01:17,292 because it's God's word and God's final word, 1277 01:01:17,333 --> 01:01:20,125 and God's final word to the men 1278 01:01:20,167 --> 01:01:22,833 is you're very important. 1279 01:01:22,917 --> 01:01:24,292 You're very needed. 1280 01:01:24,333 --> 01:01:27,417 The Father is calling forth fathers, 1281 01:01:27,500 --> 01:01:30,417 that the Father is calling forth fathers. 1282 01:01:30,500 --> 01:01:32,167 And friends, what we're dealing with is 1283 01:01:32,250 --> 01:01:34,875 an unfathered generation. 1284 01:01:34,958 --> 01:01:38,375 Women have no idea what to look for in a man because they didn't 1285 01:01:38,458 --> 01:01:41,375 have a man in their life who is worth anything. 1286 01:01:41,458 --> 01:01:44,583 We're dealing with a bunch of young men who have no clue what 1287 01:01:44,667 --> 01:01:47,792 it means to be a grown man and so they take their cues 1288 01:01:47,833 --> 01:01:49,167 from violence. 1289 01:01:49,250 --> 01:01:50,667 They take their cues from pornography. 1290 01:01:50,708 --> 01:01:53,625 They take their cues from advertising and marketing, 1291 01:01:53,667 --> 01:01:57,625 and it's all foolishness and leads to generations of abortion 1292 01:01:57,667 --> 01:02:02,833 and death and folly and rape and addiction and consumption. 1293 01:02:02,917 --> 01:02:07,625 And the Father's heart is no, no more. 1294 01:02:07,667 --> 01:02:11,333 And the answer is the Father's heart living in men that they 1295 01:02:11,417 --> 01:02:14,125 would have the Father's heart and that they would be fathers 1296 01:02:14,167 --> 01:02:17,750 at home, and they would be fathers at church, 1297 01:02:17,833 --> 01:02:21,167 and that they would father, not only their children, 1298 01:02:21,208 --> 01:02:24,792 but their spiritual children, and that they would father well 1299 01:02:24,833 --> 01:02:26,833 so that they would leave a different legacy 1300 01:02:26,917 --> 01:02:28,333 by the grace of God, 1301 01:02:28,375 --> 01:02:30,667 a legacy that reflects the love and the affection 1302 01:02:30,708 --> 01:02:32,417 and the investment of God the Father 1303 01:02:32,500 --> 01:02:34,750 in them and through them. 1304 01:02:34,833 --> 01:02:39,583 And so God's final word and God's answer is more men 1305 01:02:39,667 --> 01:02:44,292 with a father's heart. 1306 01:02:44,333 --> 01:02:51,125 You men are very needed for what God is calling us to. 1307 01:02:51,167 --> 01:02:56,833 You need to have the Father's heart. 1308 01:02:56,917 --> 01:02:58,708 What's gonna happen to the women? 1309 01:02:58,792 --> 01:03:01,333 What's gonna happen to the children if you don't have 1310 01:03:01,417 --> 01:03:05,333 the Father's heart is devastating. 1311 01:03:05,375 --> 01:03:07,000 We've had enough of it. 1312 01:03:07,083 --> 01:03:10,917 And by the grace of God, we need a new kind of man to create 1313 01:03:11,000 --> 01:03:13,833 a new kind of legacy. 1314 01:03:13,917 --> 01:03:19,167 I'll leave it at that. 1315 01:03:26,167 --> 01:03:30,500 This one is deep in the roots for me. 1316 01:03:30,542 --> 01:03:33,875 When I was 19 God said, "Marry Grace, preach the Bible, 1317 01:03:33,958 --> 01:03:37,792 train men, plant churches." 1318 01:03:37,833 --> 01:03:40,167 Thank you men for being a part of that. 1319 01:03:40,208 --> 01:03:42,167 I know you will rise to the challenge 1320 01:03:42,208 --> 01:03:43,542 by the grace of God. 1321 01:03:43,625 --> 01:03:46,750 Some of you already have and we want to honor you as fathers, 1322 01:03:46,833 --> 01:03:48,167 and some of you will 1323 01:03:48,208 --> 01:03:50,417 and we look forward to honoring you as fathers. 1324 01:03:50,500 --> 01:03:52,583 This is an opportunity for you to respond, 1325 01:03:52,667 --> 01:03:55,958 to turn from sin and to trust in Jesus, 1326 01:03:56,000 --> 01:03:58,667 to escape hell and to enjoy heaven. 1327 01:03:58,750 --> 01:04:02,000 We respond by taking our tithes and offerings. 1328 01:04:02,042 --> 01:04:06,167 We respond as well by partaking of Communion. 1329 01:04:06,250 --> 01:04:08,458 And as they're collecting the offering, 1330 01:04:08,500 --> 01:04:11,708 I'll explain that Communion is really an act of repentance. 1331 01:04:11,792 --> 01:04:14,292 It's obeying the prophetic call that comes through men 1332 01:04:14,333 --> 01:04:18,750 like Elijah saying, "I am a sinner and I need a Savior. 1333 01:04:18,833 --> 01:04:22,000 "I am estranged from my father and I need a mediator, 1334 01:04:22,083 --> 01:04:23,792 "and his name is Jesus. 1335 01:04:23,833 --> 01:04:26,792 "He's obeyed all of Moses' demands in the law and he 1336 01:04:26,833 --> 01:04:30,167 "has died in my place for my sins, and so I turn from sin, 1337 01:04:30,250 --> 01:04:33,417 "trust in him and I receive this gift of eternal life, 1338 01:04:33,500 --> 01:04:36,250 adoption into the family of my Heavenly Father." 1339 01:04:36,333 --> 01:04:38,250 We show all of that in Communion. 1340 01:04:38,333 --> 01:04:41,333 I want you to take Communion together if you're a family with 1341 01:04:41,375 --> 01:04:45,333 your children, with your spouse, and I want you men to lead. 1342 01:04:45,417 --> 01:04:47,833 And I want you to men to set an example. 1343 01:04:47,875 --> 01:04:49,500 And lastly, I would encourage you 1344 01:04:49,542 --> 01:04:51,000 to be reading ahead and praying. 1345 01:04:51,042 --> 01:04:53,000 Here's where we're going next, this concludes Malachi, 1346 01:04:53,083 --> 01:04:55,208 now we're getting into the Book of James. 1347 01:04:55,292 --> 01:04:57,167 The Book of James kicks off next week. 1348 01:04:57,208 --> 01:04:58,958 I'm super fired up about it. 1349 01:04:59,000 --> 01:05:01,583 It's a book of the Bible I've never preached, 1350 01:05:01,667 --> 01:05:04,167 and it's written by Jesus' little brother, 1351 01:05:04,208 --> 01:05:06,875 Jesus' bold little brother. 1352 01:05:06,958 --> 01:05:11,583 No one would have insights regarding Jesus like the guy 1353 01:05:11,667 --> 01:05:17,292 who grew up probably sharing a bedroom with him. 1354 01:05:17,333 --> 01:05:20,708 Any of you have a sibling you shared a bedroom with as a kid? 1355 01:05:20,792 --> 01:05:22,958 I have two brothers, two sisters. 1356 01:05:23,000 --> 01:05:25,167 When I was little for the first years, 1357 01:05:25,250 --> 01:05:28,167 us three boys lived in a very small little room, 1358 01:05:28,250 --> 01:05:31,458 and there was bunk beds and beds and they were close enough 1359 01:05:31,500 --> 01:05:34,167 together that I could reach over and punch my brother. 1360 01:05:34,208 --> 01:05:35,833 How do I know? 1361 01:05:35,875 --> 01:05:37,292 Because I punched my brother, okay? 1362 01:05:37,333 --> 01:05:40,542 We were that close. It was a very small room. 1363 01:05:40,625 --> 01:05:43,000 Jesus grew up in a poor family. 1364 01:05:43,083 --> 01:05:45,500 Jesus had brothers and sisters, 1365 01:05:45,583 --> 01:05:48,958 and they grew up to worship him as God. 1366 01:05:49,000 --> 01:05:52,625 James thought he was crazy when Jesus was saying he was God 1367 01:05:52,667 --> 01:05:54,833 and then when we saw Jesus risen from death, 1368 01:05:54,875 --> 01:05:57,792 he started worshiping his own brother as God, 1369 01:05:57,833 --> 01:06:01,042 and became a pastor, and wrote a book of the Bible about his 1370 01:06:01,125 --> 01:06:04,917 big brother Jesus who happened to be Lord God Savior, Creator, 1371 01:06:05,000 --> 01:06:07,875 Messiah, King, and Christ. 1372 01:06:07,958 --> 01:06:13,250 Nobody knows Jesus in the ways that James would have known him. 1373 01:06:13,333 --> 01:06:17,750 All right, nobody knows someone as well as their little brother. 1374 01:06:17,833 --> 01:06:20,583 And so I'm really excited next week and would encourage you 1375 01:06:20,667 --> 01:06:24,167 to be in prayer as we get ready to study the Book of James, 1376 01:06:24,250 --> 01:06:26,042 Jesus' bold little brother. 1377 01:06:26,125 --> 01:06:28,500 You fired up about that or is it just me? 1378 01:06:28,542 --> 01:06:30,000 I'm super fired up. 1379 01:06:30,042 --> 01:06:32,833 So if you want to read ahead, that's where we're going. 1380 01:06:32,917 --> 01:06:35,042 All right, let me pray so we can respond. 1381 01:06:35,125 --> 01:06:38,042 Father God, I thank you that we get to call you Father. 1382 01:06:38,125 --> 01:06:42,708 God, I thank you that you're not a force, you're a Father. 1383 01:06:42,792 --> 01:06:45,667 Lord God, I thank you that of all the names you 1384 01:06:45,708 --> 01:06:49,208 could have chosen by which to reveal yourself, 1385 01:06:49,292 --> 01:06:53,125 Father was the name on the lips of the Lord Jesus, 1386 01:06:53,167 --> 01:06:55,333 our Father who art in heaven. 1387 01:06:55,417 --> 01:06:59,250 Lord God, I thank you that you are our Father by grace. 1388 01:06:59,333 --> 01:07:02,500 I thank you for the opportunity you've given us through our 1389 01:07:02,542 --> 01:07:04,667 big brother Jesus to be adopted into the family 1390 01:07:04,708 --> 01:07:06,875 as your sons and daughters. 1391 01:07:06,958 --> 01:07:10,500 Lord God, I thank you that when you close the Old Testament, 1392 01:07:10,542 --> 01:07:14,750 your final word was to men and that you were calling them by 1393 01:07:14,833 --> 01:07:17,917 the power of the Holy Spirit to have the Father's heart. 1394 01:07:18,000 --> 01:07:20,417 Lord God, I pray for the men at Mars Hill. 1395 01:07:20,500 --> 01:07:23,417 I thank you for the men who do have the Father's heart. 1396 01:07:23,500 --> 01:07:26,417 I thank you for the many men who have the Father's heart. 1397 01:07:26,500 --> 01:07:28,125 They're not perfect and neither am I. 1398 01:07:28,167 --> 01:07:30,333 They've got stuff to learn and so do I, 1399 01:07:30,417 --> 01:07:34,000 but they have the Father's heart. 1400 01:07:34,083 --> 01:07:37,000 Lord God, I pray for those men who do not yet have 1401 01:07:37,083 --> 01:07:38,667 the Father's heart. 1402 01:07:38,750 --> 01:07:41,833 I pray that right now through the presence and the power and 1403 01:07:41,917 --> 01:07:44,833 the person of the Holy Spirit that the Father's heart would be 1404 01:07:44,917 --> 01:07:47,333 awakened in their heart, that his desires would be their 1405 01:07:47,417 --> 01:07:50,833 desires, that his affection would be their affection, 1406 01:07:50,875 --> 01:07:52,958 that his devotion would be their devotion. 1407 01:07:53,000 --> 01:07:56,958 God, I pray for the women at Mars Hill Church that if 1408 01:07:57,000 --> 01:07:59,458 and when they marry, they would marry a man with 1409 01:07:59,500 --> 01:08:01,167 a father's heart. 1410 01:08:01,250 --> 01:08:03,333 I pray for the children at Mars Hill Church 1411 01:08:03,417 --> 01:08:04,750 that as they are raised, 1412 01:08:04,833 --> 01:08:07,500 that they be raised by men with a father's heart. 1413 01:08:07,583 --> 01:08:10,917 And I pray, Lord God, that you would allow us to father our 1414 01:08:11,000 --> 01:08:15,083 physical and spiritual children, those who are born into our 1415 01:08:15,167 --> 01:08:19,167 family and those are born again into our church family. 1416 01:08:19,208 --> 01:08:21,958 And God, we have no plan B. 1417 01:08:22,000 --> 01:08:26,167 The Holy Spirit working through the men with a father's heart, 1418 01:08:26,250 --> 01:08:28,750 that's the only plan we've got. 1419 01:08:28,833 --> 01:08:32,333 And so please give us the grace to lean into that vision 1420 01:08:32,417 --> 01:08:35,833 for the rest of our lives together as your men. 1421 01:08:35,917 --> 01:08:38,583 In Jesus good name, amen. 1422 01:08:39,042 --> 01:08:40,417 Pastor Sutton here, 1423 01:08:40,500 --> 01:08:43,458 we've just finished our services here in the Bellevue church 1424 01:08:43,500 --> 01:08:49,292 and really excited today to tell the extended family of Mars Hill Global 1425 01:08:49,333 --> 01:08:50,958 about Text to Give. 1426 01:08:51,000 --> 01:08:53,667 Just came out and many of you know my story: 1427 01:08:53,750 --> 01:08:57,833 2007 heard Pastor Mark at a pastor's conference 1428 01:08:57,917 --> 01:09:00,208 went there, started podcasting. 1429 01:09:00,292 --> 01:09:03,167 I still gave my tithe to my local church, 1430 01:09:03,208 --> 01:09:06,542 however, gave a contribution amount to Mars Hill Church. 1431 01:09:06,625 --> 01:09:11,208 So this Text to Give, the video that we have produced for you, 1432 01:09:11,292 --> 01:09:13,458 you're going to love, so check this out. 1433 01:09:15,625 --> 01:09:18,333 Hey Mars Hill, my name is Rene and I work here 1434 01:09:18,375 --> 01:09:20,833 at the Media and Communications team at Mars Hill Church. 1435 01:09:20,917 --> 01:09:22,625 If you're a mobile user like me, 1436 01:09:22,667 --> 01:09:24,792 I've got some exciting news to share with you. 1437 01:09:24,833 --> 01:09:27,250 There's a new way to give at Mars Hill Church 1438 01:09:27,333 --> 01:09:29,500 and it's just as easy as sending a text. 1439 01:09:29,583 --> 01:09:32,292 Now, many of you take advantage of our online giving options, 1440 01:09:32,333 --> 01:09:35,000 which is a great way to set up recurring gifts, 1441 01:09:35,083 --> 01:09:38,250 but until now, we haven't had a way to set up mobile, 1442 01:09:38,333 --> 01:09:41,167 where you can give on the spot during our services. 1443 01:09:41,208 --> 01:09:43,167 If you're like me, you don't carry cash 1444 01:09:43,250 --> 01:09:46,792 you don't carry a checkbook, so Text to Give is the way to go. 1445 01:09:46,833 --> 01:09:51,208 It's fun, it's simple, and best of all, it's secure. 1446 01:09:51,292 --> 01:09:53,167 I want you to do something with me. 1447 01:09:53,250 --> 01:09:55,125 Take out your smart phone right now; 1448 01:09:55,167 --> 01:09:56,958 we're going to do something together. 1449 01:09:57,000 --> 01:09:58,875 Don't worry, you're not obligated to give, 1450 01:09:58,958 --> 01:10:00,875 but try this out. 1451 01:10:00,958 --> 01:10:03,750 Simply send the amount you want to give 1452 01:10:03,833 --> 01:10:09,792 and the word "Mars Hill" at the end to the following number: 45777. 1453 01:10:11,000 --> 01:10:12,667 The first time you give via text, 1454 01:10:12,708 --> 01:10:15,333 you will be asked to fill out a one-time form, 1455 01:10:15,375 --> 01:10:18,417 which will safely link your card to your smart phone. 1456 01:10:18,500 --> 01:10:21,833 Now, this new way of giving doesn't go into your phone bill, 1457 01:10:21,917 --> 01:10:23,750 and in case you make a mistake, 1458 01:10:23,833 --> 01:10:27,500 you can always get a refund for the gift that you've given. 1459 01:10:27,542 --> 01:10:29,500 And that's it; you're done. 1460 01:10:29,583 --> 01:10:31,667 You'll receive a text back confirming your gift 1461 01:10:31,750 --> 01:10:34,208 and from this moment forward, you'll be able to give 1462 01:10:34,292 --> 01:10:36,958 anywhere, anytime with just a single text. 1463 01:10:37,000 --> 01:10:39,708 Don't forget to save the number in your contact list. 1464 01:10:39,792 --> 01:10:42,833 I've saved it as "Mars Hill Text to Give." 1465 01:10:42,917 --> 01:10:44,708 For more information about our giving options 1466 01:10:44,792 --> 01:10:48,000 you can visit marshill.com/give. 1467 01:10:52,250 --> 01:10:55,167 Each year, over 10 million Mars Hill church sermons 1468 01:10:55,250 --> 01:10:58,292 are downloaded worldwide for free. 1469 01:10:58,333 --> 01:11:00,958 This ministry is generously supported 1470 01:11:01,000 --> 01:11:03,583 by Mars Hill church members and listeners like you. 1471 01:11:03,667 --> 01:11:07,167 If you'd like to support our efforts to preach Jesus to the world, 1472 01:11:07,208 --> 01:11:10,167 Please consider making a tax-deductible donation 1473 01:11:10,208 --> 01:11:13,042 by visiting marshill.com/give.