1 00:00:15,458 --> 00:00:16,750 Howdy Mars Hill Church. 2 00:00:16,833 --> 00:00:19,833 Pastor Sutton Turner here and I'm in Ethiopia. 3 00:00:19,875 --> 00:00:21,667 And I just want to thank Jesus 4 00:00:21,708 --> 00:00:25,000 for continuing to use Mars Hill Church 5 00:00:25,042 --> 00:00:28,583 to make disciples and plant churches. 6 00:00:29,167 --> 00:00:34,292 Mars Hill Global is the arm of Mars Hill Church 7 00:00:34,333 --> 00:00:35,917 that makes disciples 8 00:00:36,000 --> 00:00:38,833 and plant churches all over the world. 9 00:00:38,917 --> 00:00:40,375 We not only do church planting, 10 00:00:40,458 --> 00:00:43,333 but we help better equip church planters. 11 00:00:43,417 --> 00:00:47,042 Most recently we shipped and now distributed 12 00:00:47,125 --> 00:00:49,500 1,000 bibles into Amharic, 13 00:00:49,542 --> 00:00:52,125 which is the language here in Ethiopia. 14 00:00:52,167 --> 00:00:54,042 And we launched a project 15 00:00:54,125 --> 00:00:59,250 to translate Pastor Mark Driscoll's doctrine book into Spanish. 16 00:00:59,333 --> 00:01:02,583 We have people from over 29 different countries 17 00:01:02,667 --> 00:01:06,167 that are giving on a monthly basis to Mars Hill Global. 18 00:01:06,208 --> 00:01:08,125 So whether you're a member 19 00:01:08,167 --> 00:01:11,083 of one of our Mars Hill church locations 20 00:01:11,167 --> 00:01:12,542 in the United States, 21 00:01:12,625 --> 00:01:18,208 or you're 1 of 100,000 podcasters every single week, 22 00:01:18,292 --> 00:01:19,667 we encourage you to pray 23 00:01:19,750 --> 00:01:23,083 about giving above and beyond your tithe 24 00:01:23,167 --> 00:01:24,625 to Mars Hill Global. 25 00:01:24,667 --> 00:01:28,958 Thank you and let's see more materials translated, 26 00:01:29,000 --> 00:01:32,167 more pastors sent out, more churches planted, 27 00:01:32,250 --> 00:01:34,500 and more people saved by Jesus Christ. 28 00:01:48,625 --> 00:01:51,667 Questions are a part of every relationship. 29 00:01:51,708 --> 00:01:54,208 You ask questions; you answer questions. 30 00:01:54,292 --> 00:01:57,042 And I give you three categories regarding this. 31 00:01:57,125 --> 00:01:59,208 Category one is a healthy relationship, 32 00:01:59,292 --> 00:02:02,000 where there's an exchange of questions. 33 00:02:02,083 --> 00:02:05,333 You know that a relationship is getting unhealthy, however, 34 00:02:05,375 --> 00:02:08,292 when there's a lot of questions. 35 00:02:08,333 --> 00:02:11,375 One question after another--cascading-- 36 00:02:11,458 --> 00:02:14,500 and all of a sudden, it feels like you're in 37 00:02:14,542 --> 00:02:18,167 a legal proceeding with a cross-examining attorney. 38 00:02:18,250 --> 00:02:20,875 Question after question after question. 39 00:02:20,958 --> 00:02:22,375 And here's what I've learned: 40 00:02:22,458 --> 00:02:27,083 When there is high trust, there are fewer questions. 41 00:02:27,167 --> 00:02:31,833 When there is low trust, there are far more questions. 42 00:02:31,917 --> 00:02:33,917 And what we're seeing in Malachi, 43 00:02:34,000 --> 00:02:36,667 they have some questions, but now that we're getting 44 00:02:36,708 --> 00:02:39,333 a little further into the book-- if you've got a Bible, 45 00:02:39,417 --> 00:02:41,250 go to chapter 2, verse 17-- 46 00:02:41,333 --> 00:02:43,542 they've got a lot of questions, 47 00:02:43,625 --> 00:02:47,125 and those questions have turned into category three, 48 00:02:47,167 --> 00:02:49,167 accusations. 49 00:02:49,208 --> 00:02:51,000 And there's a continuum there, 50 00:02:51,083 --> 00:02:53,042 and oftentimes it's the motive of the heart. 51 00:02:53,125 --> 00:02:54,750 Sometimes our relationship with one another, 52 00:02:54,833 --> 00:02:56,500 like our relationship with God, you're like, 53 00:02:56,583 --> 00:02:58,208 "Well, I've got questions." Well, that's OK. 54 00:02:58,292 --> 00:02:59,833 "I've got a lot of questions." 55 00:02:59,917 --> 00:03:02,125 Well, now you're in more of a legal, judge, 56 00:03:02,167 --> 00:03:05,125 cross-examining-attorney position where I need to answer 57 00:03:05,167 --> 00:03:07,292 to you and you're going to overwhelm me 58 00:03:07,333 --> 00:03:10,208 with your never-ending series of questions. 59 00:03:10,292 --> 00:03:13,125 Wow, these questions have now morphed and turned 60 00:03:13,167 --> 00:03:15,625 into accusations against me. 61 00:03:15,667 --> 00:03:18,125 They're more the rhetorical kind of questions that they're not 62 00:03:18,167 --> 00:03:22,333 even seeking an answer to; they're making a statement from. 63 00:03:22,375 --> 00:03:23,833 We do this as well. 64 00:03:23,875 --> 00:03:27,417 So, you look at somebody, you say, "Why are you so stupid?" 65 00:03:27,500 --> 00:03:29,500 That's not really a question, right? 66 00:03:29,583 --> 00:03:30,917 It's an accusation. 67 00:03:31,000 --> 00:03:33,625 It's not like, "Help me understand why you're stupid." 68 00:03:33,667 --> 00:03:35,250 It's not category one. 69 00:03:35,333 --> 00:03:37,625 "Why are you stupid? Why are you always stupid? 70 00:03:37,667 --> 00:03:39,333 "Why are you stupid like your mom? 71 00:03:39,417 --> 00:03:41,042 Why are you stupid like your dad?" 72 00:03:41,125 --> 00:03:42,833 Whoa, there's a lot of questions there. 73 00:03:42,875 --> 00:03:44,333 None of them are really joy-filled. 74 00:03:44,375 --> 00:03:47,333 And what they ultimately are are accusations. 75 00:03:47,375 --> 00:03:48,708 "You're a horrible person. 76 00:03:48,792 --> 00:03:50,125 "You're a dumb person. 77 00:03:50,167 --> 00:03:52,917 "You're a person who is not valuable or not worthy 78 00:03:53,000 --> 00:03:54,417 of dignity and respect." 79 00:03:54,500 --> 00:03:56,042 It's accusations. 80 00:03:56,125 --> 00:03:58,833 So, as we're in Malachi, here's what you need to know: 81 00:03:58,875 --> 00:04:01,625 God reveals himself in the book repeatedly as a loving Father, 82 00:04:01,667 --> 00:04:03,792 and he's speaking to his sons and daughters. 83 00:04:03,833 --> 00:04:06,292 And at first, if you're reading the book, you're like, 84 00:04:06,333 --> 00:04:07,792 "Well, they've got a few questions." 85 00:04:07,833 --> 00:04:10,500 Then you're like, "Actually, no, they've got a lot of questions. 86 00:04:10,583 --> 00:04:14,500 These are accusations against the goodness of God." 87 00:04:14,583 --> 00:04:17,583 We're going to examine more of their accusations in the form of 88 00:04:17,667 --> 00:04:19,583 questions today, but thus far in the book, 89 00:04:19,667 --> 00:04:23,208 they've asked stuff like, "How have you loved us?" 90 00:04:23,292 --> 00:04:25,208 That's not a question; that's an accusation. 91 00:04:25,292 --> 00:04:27,708 That's like if I sat down at the dinner table 92 00:04:27,792 --> 00:04:29,667 with my five kids, 93 00:04:29,750 --> 00:04:35,000 and the first question was, "How have you ever loved us?" 94 00:04:35,083 --> 00:04:38,333 OK, we have a problem in our relationship. 95 00:04:38,417 --> 00:04:41,042 Another question that they ask early in the book, 96 00:04:41,125 --> 00:04:44,250 "How have we despised your name?" 97 00:04:44,333 --> 00:04:46,250 Another question, "How have we polluted you?" 98 00:04:46,333 --> 00:04:48,958 You almost get the image it's like God the Father 99 00:04:49,000 --> 00:04:51,167 sitting at the dinner table, there's all the kids, 100 00:04:51,208 --> 00:04:53,833 and they're just declaring war on Dad, 101 00:04:53,917 --> 00:04:55,667 and they've got a bunch of accusations 102 00:04:55,708 --> 00:04:57,167 in the form of questions. 103 00:04:57,208 --> 00:04:58,625 Well, how's God the Father-- 104 00:04:58,667 --> 00:05:00,667 how's Dad going to respond to all this? 105 00:05:00,750 --> 00:05:02,667 What's he going to do with these kids 106 00:05:02,750 --> 00:05:06,292 who are not being very fair to him? 107 00:05:06,333 --> 00:05:10,417 He's going to respond to them clearly with authority 108 00:05:10,500 --> 00:05:12,000 but also lovingly. 109 00:05:12,083 --> 00:05:15,000 And the banner that flies over the whole book is, early on 110 00:05:15,083 --> 00:05:17,292 in chapter 1, right around verse 2, he says, 111 00:05:17,333 --> 00:05:19,292 "I have loved you." 112 00:05:19,333 --> 00:05:23,375 So, he has a fatherly tone, but it's an affectionate tone. 113 00:05:23,458 --> 00:05:27,000 Though it's still a firm tone, it's an inviting tone. 114 00:05:27,083 --> 00:05:30,167 It's not a condemning tone. 115 00:05:30,250 --> 00:05:32,167 And he starts by saying something that's actually 116 00:05:32,208 --> 00:05:35,333 kind of funny in Malachi 2:17. 117 00:05:35,417 --> 00:05:39,042 We learn about the God who is the tired God, 118 00:05:39,125 --> 00:05:41,708 which is kind of funny because one of God's attributes is 119 00:05:41,792 --> 00:05:47,625 he is omnipotent, all powerful, and tired. 120 00:05:47,667 --> 00:05:51,167 You know you've worn God out when God is like, 121 00:05:51,208 --> 00:05:55,667 "I am inexhaustible and exhausted." 122 00:05:55,708 --> 00:05:59,125 That tells you about the kind of people that he is dealing with 123 00:05:59,167 --> 00:06:01,375 and the kind of people that we can be. 124 00:06:01,458 --> 00:06:03,000 "How"--here's how it goes. 125 00:06:03,083 --> 00:06:06,083 Malachi 2:17, "You have wearied the Lord." 126 00:06:06,167 --> 00:06:07,875 God says, "I'm tired." 127 00:06:07,958 --> 00:06:10,333 And he's speaking here metaphorically, 128 00:06:10,375 --> 00:06:12,083 a little bit of hyperbole. 129 00:06:12,167 --> 00:06:13,792 "With your words." 130 00:06:13,833 --> 00:06:16,083 Any of you have a relationship like that? 131 00:06:16,167 --> 00:06:18,875 Some of you are like, "I do, Pastor Mark, with you. 132 00:06:18,958 --> 00:06:22,333 Wearied by all the words, so many words." 133 00:06:22,375 --> 00:06:24,625 OK, good, glad to have you. 134 00:06:24,667 --> 00:06:27,333 What he's talking about here is a relationship where the person 135 00:06:27,375 --> 00:06:31,000 just can't let it go, won't let it go. 136 00:06:31,042 --> 00:06:32,833 "We need to talk about it again. 137 00:06:32,875 --> 00:06:35,333 "We're going to bring it up in a different way. 138 00:06:35,375 --> 00:06:37,958 "I know I said it was settled, but it's not settled. 139 00:06:38,000 --> 00:06:39,708 "We're going to circle back around again, 140 00:06:39,792 --> 00:06:41,125 "and again, and again. 141 00:06:41,167 --> 00:06:43,625 "Hey, get some more gas, another trip around the cul-de-sac 142 00:06:43,667 --> 00:06:45,000 of that issue." 143 00:06:45,083 --> 00:06:48,167 God's like, "We have talked about this a lot, 144 00:06:48,208 --> 00:06:52,125 and you won't stop talking about it." 145 00:06:52,167 --> 00:06:54,250 "You've wearied the Lord with your words. 146 00:06:54,333 --> 00:06:56,958 But you say, 'How have we wearied him?'" 147 00:06:57,000 --> 00:06:59,042 Do you see the irony here? 148 00:06:59,125 --> 00:07:02,708 "You don't stop talking, and you're making me exhausted." 149 00:07:02,792 --> 00:07:05,000 "Well, how have we talked to you?" 150 00:07:05,042 --> 00:07:08,167 Like, "Well, the example would be now. 151 00:07:08,250 --> 00:07:09,875 "I tell you you talk too much 152 00:07:09,958 --> 00:07:12,375 and your answer is to talk about it." 153 00:07:12,458 --> 00:07:14,083 OK, you didn't think that was funny. 154 00:07:14,167 --> 00:07:16,708 It's because we're like this, OK? 155 00:07:16,792 --> 00:07:19,417 "By saying, 'Everyone who does evil is good in the sight 156 00:07:19,500 --> 00:07:21,417 "'of the Lord, and he delights in them.' 157 00:07:21,500 --> 00:07:22,917 Or by asking"--here's their other question, 158 00:07:23,000 --> 00:07:24,417 "'Where is the God of justice?'" 159 00:07:24,500 --> 00:07:26,417 I mean, do you see this one verse? 160 00:07:26,500 --> 00:07:28,083 "How have we wearied you? 161 00:07:28,167 --> 00:07:29,625 Where is the God of justice?" 162 00:07:29,667 --> 00:07:36,375 Just one question after another just rolling right in. 163 00:07:38,833 --> 00:07:42,208 Let's not read this religiously. 164 00:07:42,292 --> 00:07:45,708 Let's read this repentantly. 165 00:07:45,792 --> 00:07:49,667 To read it religiously is to say this is an interesting 166 00:07:49,708 --> 00:07:54,000 historical examination of how people in the past 167 00:07:54,083 --> 00:07:55,458 used to relate to God, 168 00:07:55,500 --> 00:07:58,625 and it's really sad that they acted like that, 169 00:07:58,667 --> 00:08:02,667 and thankfully we're not like that. 170 00:08:02,750 --> 00:08:05,667 Or we can read it repentantly and say, 171 00:08:05,750 --> 00:08:08,500 "That's how I am. 172 00:08:08,583 --> 00:08:12,875 That's how I am." 173 00:08:12,958 --> 00:08:16,208 This isn't just what used to happen; 174 00:08:16,292 --> 00:08:17,875 this is what always happens. 175 00:08:17,958 --> 00:08:20,333 This is not just how people used to act; 176 00:08:20,375 --> 00:08:23,167 this is how people still act. 177 00:08:23,250 --> 00:08:25,625 Let me ask you this: 178 00:08:25,667 --> 00:08:28,833 If you could ask God some questions, 179 00:08:28,875 --> 00:08:30,833 how long would the list be? 180 00:08:30,875 --> 00:08:33,458 Some of you are like, "I have a very long list." 181 00:08:33,500 --> 00:08:35,417 Welcome to Malachi. 182 00:08:35,500 --> 00:08:39,458 And what would the questions be? 183 00:08:39,500 --> 00:08:42,708 You say, "Oh, I know." 184 00:08:42,792 --> 00:08:45,833 And if many of them are around the goodness of God with issues 185 00:08:45,917 --> 00:08:49,542 in your life--"God, why do you bless them and not me? 186 00:08:49,625 --> 00:08:52,042 "And why is it hard for me and not them? 187 00:08:52,125 --> 00:08:53,750 "And why did you not show up? 188 00:08:53,833 --> 00:08:55,958 "And why did you not protect me from this? 189 00:08:56,000 --> 00:08:58,458 "And why did you allow this to happen to me? 190 00:08:58,500 --> 00:09:00,292 And why is it difficult for me?" 191 00:09:00,333 --> 00:09:03,000 If it's a lot of those, "I question your goodness, God. 192 00:09:03,083 --> 00:09:05,500 "I sit on a throne; you sit on the bench. 193 00:09:05,583 --> 00:09:07,500 "I ask you questions, you give me answers, 194 00:09:07,583 --> 00:09:10,417 and I sit in authority over you," welcome to Malachi. 195 00:09:10,500 --> 00:09:13,375 We've all been there. 196 00:09:13,458 --> 00:09:15,208 Some of you are there today; 197 00:09:15,292 --> 00:09:17,000 some of you will be there tomorrow. 198 00:09:17,042 --> 00:09:19,167 We've all been there yesterday. 199 00:09:19,250 --> 00:09:21,000 Me, too. 200 00:09:21,083 --> 00:09:23,292 I was reading this like, "Oh yeah. 201 00:09:23,333 --> 00:09:30,292 "Man, when I'm hurting, when I'm frustrated, when I'm struggling, 202 00:09:30,333 --> 00:09:33,750 the questions that I would ask God--" 203 00:09:33,833 --> 00:09:35,167 And sometimes we'd say, 204 00:09:35,208 --> 00:09:37,333 "Well, I don't ask them; I just think them." 205 00:09:37,417 --> 00:09:38,750 God knows your heart. 206 00:09:38,833 --> 00:09:41,750 Aren't you glad he didn't write what he overheard in your heart 207 00:09:41,833 --> 00:09:44,250 down in a book for everybody else to talk about? 208 00:09:44,333 --> 00:09:45,750 That's what's going on in Malachi. 209 00:09:45,833 --> 00:09:47,958 It says earlier, God's like, "I know your thoughts 210 00:09:48,000 --> 00:09:49,333 and I hear your conversations." 211 00:09:49,417 --> 00:09:50,750 You're like, "Really? 212 00:09:50,833 --> 00:09:53,958 "Man, if he knows my thoughts and writes it down in the book, 213 00:09:54,000 --> 00:09:56,458 and 2,500 years later, people get to talk about it." 214 00:09:56,500 --> 00:09:59,667 See, God hasn't done that to us, but God did that to them, 215 00:09:59,708 --> 00:10:01,958 and we can learn because we're like them. 216 00:10:02,000 --> 00:10:03,958 But God overhears our hearts, and God overhears 217 00:10:04,000 --> 00:10:06,833 our conversations, and truth be told, you and me both, 218 00:10:06,917 --> 00:10:08,542 when we're struggling, when we're hurting, 219 00:10:08,625 --> 00:10:10,750 when we're suffering, when it's hard, when we're frustrated, 220 00:10:10,833 --> 00:10:14,500 when we're exhausted, we question the goodness of God. 221 00:10:14,583 --> 00:10:16,542 We can have questions about God 222 00:10:16,625 --> 00:10:18,958 that turn into accusations about God. 223 00:10:19,000 --> 00:10:22,125 And for them, this was a hard time. 224 00:10:22,167 --> 00:10:25,250 Economically, things were bad. 225 00:10:25,333 --> 00:10:28,250 Politically, the nation was struggling. 226 00:10:28,333 --> 00:10:30,667 Morally, spiritually, it was in decline, 227 00:10:30,708 --> 00:10:33,250 and God's people were in a difficult place. 228 00:10:33,333 --> 00:10:35,667 And these are hurting people, these are frustrated people, 229 00:10:35,708 --> 00:10:39,000 these are wounded people who are lashing out at God. 230 00:10:39,083 --> 00:10:45,458 This, this, this is how we respond 231 00:10:45,500 --> 00:10:48,167 oftentimes to similar circumstances. 232 00:10:48,208 --> 00:10:52,833 This is how I respond sometimes to similar circumstances. 233 00:10:52,917 --> 00:10:55,208 So, for this text to be helpful to us, 234 00:10:55,292 --> 00:11:00,333 let's all put our voices in the choir of Malachi and say, 235 00:11:00,375 --> 00:11:03,583 "I've thought the same things. I've said the same things. 236 00:11:03,667 --> 00:11:07,167 I've been the same way, or maybe I am today." 237 00:11:07,250 --> 00:11:08,625 And here's their tactic, 238 00:11:08,667 --> 00:11:10,917 they're having a fight with God, OK? 239 00:11:11,000 --> 00:11:13,125 Now, when we have a fight with a person, 240 00:11:13,167 --> 00:11:14,625 usually it's not a physical fight. 241 00:11:14,667 --> 00:11:16,625 It's an emotional fight, it's a verbal fight, 242 00:11:16,667 --> 00:11:18,625 it's a spiritual fight, it's a mental fight. 243 00:11:18,667 --> 00:11:20,708 They're having that kind of fight with God. 244 00:11:20,792 --> 00:11:23,500 But to use an analogy from real fighting--some of you know 245 00:11:23,542 --> 00:11:24,875 I'm a fight fan. 246 00:11:24,958 --> 00:11:27,875 I've liked mixed marital arts since the early days of the UFC, 247 00:11:27,958 --> 00:11:29,833 and the old Pride days, and stuff. 248 00:11:29,875 --> 00:11:32,708 And really, when it comes to the stand up game 249 00:11:32,792 --> 00:11:35,625 of a competition of a fight, 250 00:11:35,667 --> 00:11:38,042 there's two ways to go about it. 251 00:11:38,125 --> 00:11:42,042 Some guys, they've got a lot of power and so their goal 252 00:11:42,125 --> 00:11:44,833 is to knock you out. 253 00:11:44,917 --> 00:11:48,042 And you can tell, these guys their whole tactic is stuff 254 00:11:48,125 --> 00:11:52,958 the takedown, stay on your feet, load up, and wait for the shot. 255 00:11:53,000 --> 00:11:55,417 Usually it's an overhand right, knock the guy out 256 00:11:55,500 --> 00:11:57,708 because you've got the power to do that. 257 00:11:57,792 --> 00:12:01,333 The guys who don't have that kind of power, their plan is, 258 00:12:01,375 --> 00:12:04,583 "I can't knock you out, so I need to wear you out." 259 00:12:04,667 --> 00:12:10,625 And it's not knockout blow, it's jab, jab, jab, jab, jab, 260 00:12:10,667 --> 00:12:12,667 jab, jab. 261 00:12:12,750 --> 00:12:16,125 Good cardio, good gas tank, need to go the distance, 262 00:12:16,167 --> 00:12:18,000 going to grind out a win. 263 00:12:18,083 --> 00:12:20,375 "I'm going to wear you out, wear you down, 264 00:12:20,458 --> 00:12:22,875 "and then my hand will get raised in the end 265 00:12:22,958 --> 00:12:25,500 because I can go longer than you." 266 00:12:25,583 --> 00:12:30,375 When it comes to fights, some people are knock-you-out, 267 00:12:30,458 --> 00:12:32,833 some people are wear you out. 268 00:12:32,875 --> 00:12:35,042 Some people are just waiting for the kill shot, 269 00:12:35,125 --> 00:12:37,542 "Boom, I said it, you're out." 270 00:12:37,625 --> 00:12:41,042 Others, it's like, "Yeah, I just kind of hang in there until 271 00:12:41,125 --> 00:12:45,542 they're exhausted and quit." 272 00:12:45,625 --> 00:12:47,958 So it is in our relationship with God. 273 00:12:48,000 --> 00:12:50,833 They can't knock him out, so they're trying to wear him out. 274 00:12:50,917 --> 00:12:54,042 Accusation, accusation, question, question, 275 00:12:54,125 --> 00:12:57,042 issue, issue, confrontation, confrontation. 276 00:12:57,125 --> 00:12:58,458 "You guys join it. 277 00:12:58,500 --> 00:13:01,000 More people, let's all jab God, let's all jab God." 278 00:13:01,083 --> 00:13:03,000 And God's using a bit of hyperbole saying, 279 00:13:03,083 --> 00:13:04,792 "Yeah, you guys are wearing me out." 280 00:13:04,833 --> 00:13:07,500 The inexhaustible God is getting exhausted. 281 00:13:07,583 --> 00:13:09,917 He's using some hyperbole. 282 00:13:10,000 --> 00:13:13,417 But how many of you really are at a place where your goal is 283 00:13:13,500 --> 00:13:16,917 not to change, not to repent, not to let God win. 284 00:13:17,000 --> 00:13:19,333 You're going to hang in there because you're relentless. 285 00:13:19,375 --> 00:13:24,500 And let me say this: being relentless is great 286 00:13:24,583 --> 00:13:27,708 if it's for the right thing. 287 00:13:27,792 --> 00:13:31,542 Just being relentless can be a bad thing 288 00:13:31,625 --> 00:13:35,833 if you're relentless for the wrong thing. 289 00:13:35,917 --> 00:13:39,333 I'm relentless. 290 00:13:39,375 --> 00:13:41,333 There's a good side to that--I'll use myself 291 00:13:41,375 --> 00:13:47,458 as an example--to where in my marriage or in my ministry, 292 00:13:47,500 --> 00:13:49,958 hang in there, get into the latter rounds. 293 00:13:50,000 --> 00:13:51,958 I'm not going to tap out. 294 00:13:52,000 --> 00:13:54,042 I'm not going to give up. 295 00:13:54,125 --> 00:13:58,125 But Grace would tell you that that same resiliency is 296 00:13:58,167 --> 00:14:00,875 very complicated when I'm wrong, 297 00:14:00,958 --> 00:14:07,667 because I will hang in there and I'm wrong. 298 00:14:07,750 --> 00:14:11,125 I don't want you to be a person 299 00:14:11,167 --> 00:14:13,583 that has no resiliency, 300 00:14:13,667 --> 00:14:16,625 but I want you to be a person that has resiliency 301 00:14:16,667 --> 00:14:19,125 about the right things. 302 00:14:19,167 --> 00:14:22,375 And what these people have decided is that they're 303 00:14:22,458 --> 00:14:25,000 resilient for the right thing, and they need a voice like 304 00:14:25,083 --> 00:14:27,375 Malachi to come in and say, "Actually, you're not." 305 00:14:27,458 --> 00:14:31,333 This is where wise counsel is so helpful and important. 306 00:14:31,375 --> 00:14:32,833 Who speaks into your life? 307 00:14:32,875 --> 00:14:34,250 Who has authority over you? 308 00:14:34,333 --> 00:14:35,958 Who are your ears opened to? 309 00:14:36,000 --> 00:14:38,458 And if they come along and say, "You know what? 310 00:14:38,500 --> 00:14:40,958 "You need to give up. You need to tap out. 311 00:14:41,000 --> 00:14:43,667 "You need to quit on that because you're wrong. 312 00:14:43,708 --> 00:14:47,667 "You're fighting for the wrong thing. 313 00:14:47,708 --> 00:14:49,833 "And the resiliency is a great thing, 314 00:14:49,875 --> 00:14:52,000 "but when it's resiliency for the wrong thing, 315 00:14:52,083 --> 00:14:55,542 that's a dangerous thing." 316 00:14:55,625 --> 00:14:57,833 And they've got two accusations 317 00:14:57,875 --> 00:14:59,458 that they begin with against God. 318 00:14:59,500 --> 00:15:05,167 The first is that God is evil and we are good. 319 00:15:05,250 --> 00:15:07,375 You say, "How do they get to this point?" 320 00:15:07,458 --> 00:15:09,500 Well, this is where religious people get, 321 00:15:09,583 --> 00:15:12,083 this is where hurt people get, this is where unforgiving, 322 00:15:12,167 --> 00:15:15,375 bitter people get, this is where self-righteous people get. 323 00:15:15,458 --> 00:15:17,708 "Because I'm a good person, or because I've suffered, 324 00:15:17,792 --> 00:15:19,917 "because I've been through a lot, because I'm hurting, 325 00:15:20,000 --> 00:15:24,625 "because it's an emotional day, I'm a good person 326 00:15:24,667 --> 00:15:30,333 "and I'm struggling because of those bad people. 327 00:15:30,375 --> 00:15:33,833 "And God, if you're letting them do what they do, 328 00:15:33,917 --> 00:15:36,750 "you must be bad, too. 329 00:15:36,833 --> 00:15:38,417 "I'm good, they're bad. 330 00:15:38,500 --> 00:15:41,167 If you're not dealing with them, then you're bad." 331 00:15:41,208 --> 00:15:42,833 You see this? 332 00:15:42,917 --> 00:15:45,333 Now we've inverted the universe, 333 00:15:45,417 --> 00:15:47,042 kind of a big thing. 334 00:15:47,125 --> 00:15:49,417 No longer is God on the throne judging us, 335 00:15:49,500 --> 00:15:52,458 we're on a throne judging him. 336 00:15:52,500 --> 00:15:57,125 How many of us emotionally have been there? 337 00:15:57,167 --> 00:15:58,625 "God, that's wrong. 338 00:15:58,667 --> 00:16:00,500 "You shouldn't have allowed that to happen. 339 00:16:00,583 --> 00:16:02,708 "You should have intervened. You should have stopped them. 340 00:16:02,792 --> 00:16:05,917 "You should have done something. You should have said something. 341 00:16:06,000 --> 00:16:09,708 God is evil; I am good." 342 00:16:09,792 --> 00:16:13,000 And today, there are still people who take this position. 343 00:16:13,083 --> 00:16:15,708 I get it all the time when I do media interviews. 344 00:16:15,792 --> 00:16:18,208 The media, they'll want to go to the Bible, like, 345 00:16:18,292 --> 00:16:20,708 "Let's talk about all the things that God did wrong." 346 00:16:20,792 --> 00:16:22,125 "Oh really, like what?" 347 00:16:22,167 --> 00:16:24,625 "Well, he flooded the earth in the days of Noah. 348 00:16:24,667 --> 00:16:26,000 "That was bad. 349 00:16:26,083 --> 00:16:27,708 "And he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. 350 00:16:27,792 --> 00:16:29,167 "That was evil. 351 00:16:29,250 --> 00:16:31,208 "He doesn't accept worship from all religions. 352 00:16:31,292 --> 00:16:33,000 "You have to be saved through Jesus. 353 00:16:33,083 --> 00:16:34,833 "That seems very narrow. 354 00:16:34,917 --> 00:16:36,833 "What he said to do to the Canaanites, 355 00:16:36,917 --> 00:16:38,250 "that was despicable. 356 00:16:38,333 --> 00:16:41,667 "Oh, and he wants to tell you who you can love, and not love, 357 00:16:41,708 --> 00:16:43,042 "and marry, and not marry. 358 00:16:43,125 --> 00:16:45,750 "Yeah, there's some stuff in there, God sure got it wrong. 359 00:16:45,833 --> 00:16:47,333 "He's evil; we're good. 360 00:16:47,417 --> 00:16:49,542 "He's intolerant; we're tolerant. 361 00:16:49,625 --> 00:16:52,667 He's unloving; we're loving." 362 00:16:52,708 --> 00:16:55,542 This still happens today, correct? 363 00:16:55,625 --> 00:16:57,833 Sometimes by God's people who are hurting, 364 00:16:57,875 --> 00:17:02,083 sometimes by people who are enemies of God. 365 00:17:02,167 --> 00:17:07,667 Their second accusation is, "Where is the God of justice?" 366 00:17:07,750 --> 00:17:12,500 We've all been here. 367 00:17:12,583 --> 00:17:17,125 Some catastrophe comes into your life, 368 00:17:17,167 --> 00:17:20,833 something horrifying, 369 00:17:20,875 --> 00:17:26,083 or somebody you love is victimized in a horrific way. 370 00:17:28,375 --> 00:17:33,667 "OK God, you know all, you have power, 371 00:17:33,708 --> 00:17:40,250 "you can do whatever you want, and you didn't do anything. 372 00:17:40,333 --> 00:17:44,250 "Where is--where's the God of justice? 373 00:17:44,333 --> 00:17:48,833 Why don't you show up and do something?" 374 00:17:48,917 --> 00:17:51,833 We've all been there. 375 00:17:51,917 --> 00:17:54,542 Usually it's when we're hurting, we're very emotional, 376 00:17:54,625 --> 00:18:01,000 or someone we love is hurting and very emotional. 377 00:18:01,042 --> 00:18:04,333 And what they're doing--and this is what hurt people do, 378 00:18:04,375 --> 00:18:06,208 this is what religious people do, 379 00:18:06,292 --> 00:18:09,917 and this is really what hurt religious people do. 380 00:18:10,000 --> 00:18:13,500 "I'm good; they're bad. 381 00:18:13,583 --> 00:18:19,833 They hurt me--show up now and crush them." 382 00:18:19,875 --> 00:18:21,917 God's like, "You know what's interesting? 383 00:18:22,000 --> 00:18:27,167 "They were praying too, and they said, 384 00:18:27,250 --> 00:18:29,208 "'They're good; you're bad-- 385 00:18:29,292 --> 00:18:32,542 "'and that I should crush you right now.' 386 00:18:32,625 --> 00:18:38,917 You're both asking for the same thing." 387 00:18:39,000 --> 00:18:44,333 We truly don't want God to deal justly 388 00:18:44,417 --> 00:18:47,667 with everyone right now. 389 00:18:47,708 --> 00:18:49,833 Please don't pray that prayer. 390 00:18:49,917 --> 00:18:54,458 "Lord, give everyone what they deserve right now." 391 00:18:54,500 --> 00:18:59,167 Because we're all sinners, we all deserve it, 392 00:18:59,208 --> 00:19:01,875 and if God was going to deal justly with everyone, 393 00:19:01,958 --> 00:19:05,000 he would send everyone to hell. 394 00:19:05,083 --> 00:19:07,625 See, God is just and God is loving, 395 00:19:07,667 --> 00:19:10,583 and what happens is it says early on, "I have loved you," 396 00:19:10,667 --> 00:19:13,000 and here it says, "Where's the God of justice?" 397 00:19:13,083 --> 00:19:16,208 So, when we sin, we want God's love. 398 00:19:16,292 --> 00:19:18,875 When they sin, we want God's justice. 399 00:19:18,958 --> 00:19:20,417 You get that? 400 00:19:20,500 --> 00:19:23,000 We call that hypocrisy. 401 00:19:23,083 --> 00:19:28,125 "You hurt me--justice. I hurt you--love." 402 00:19:28,167 --> 00:19:31,125 They're doing the same thing. 403 00:19:31,167 --> 00:19:33,708 And because God is loving and just, 404 00:19:33,792 --> 00:19:37,750 our sin makes it complicated. 405 00:19:37,833 --> 00:19:43,333 It's not exactly like this, but it's kind of like this: 406 00:19:43,417 --> 00:19:45,167 a person has cancer, 407 00:19:45,208 --> 00:19:47,542 and the cancer cells have attached themselves 408 00:19:47,625 --> 00:19:51,250 to the person's body. 409 00:19:51,333 --> 00:19:54,833 This is kind of the analogy that Augustine, the church father, 410 00:19:54,875 --> 00:19:56,708 uses regarding sin. 411 00:19:56,792 --> 00:19:59,833 It says sin is not a thing; it's the corruption of a thing 412 00:19:59,917 --> 00:20:01,250 that God made good. 413 00:20:01,333 --> 00:20:02,833 It's a privation. 414 00:20:02,875 --> 00:20:06,167 So, rust requires metal, right? 415 00:20:06,208 --> 00:20:10,667 Cancer requires a living person. 416 00:20:10,708 --> 00:20:12,167 It's a corruption; 417 00:20:12,208 --> 00:20:14,333 it's a privation of what God made good. 418 00:20:14,417 --> 00:20:17,333 It's not a thing unto itself, it's a parasite that feeds off 419 00:20:17,417 --> 00:20:19,667 of a good thing. 420 00:20:19,708 --> 00:20:23,250 Well, it's kind of like that. 421 00:20:23,333 --> 00:20:26,750 So, if all the cancer patients--and some of you are 422 00:20:26,833 --> 00:20:29,167 cancer patients right now. 423 00:20:29,208 --> 00:20:31,958 If all the cancer patients went to the medical industry and 424 00:20:32,000 --> 00:20:36,917 said, "Whatever it takes, all cancer needs to die right now. 425 00:20:37,000 --> 00:20:38,333 Kill it all." 426 00:20:38,375 --> 00:20:42,333 The answer is, "Kill everybody with cancer." 427 00:20:42,417 --> 00:20:44,542 You're like, "Well, no, that's not what I want. 428 00:20:44,625 --> 00:20:47,250 I want the cancer to die and the people to live." 429 00:20:47,333 --> 00:20:50,917 Well, that's going to take a great physician to separate 430 00:20:51,000 --> 00:20:53,167 the cancer from the person 431 00:20:53,208 --> 00:20:54,750 so that the cancer would die 432 00:20:54,833 --> 00:20:56,542 and the person would live. 433 00:20:56,625 --> 00:20:59,833 And the Bible says that God is a great physician, 434 00:20:59,917 --> 00:21:06,000 and that sin infects all of our being, 435 00:21:06,042 --> 00:21:09,208 and that when we get impatient and we want him to deal with 436 00:21:09,292 --> 00:21:13,083 everybody and everything right now, we think that God is slow. 437 00:21:13,167 --> 00:21:16,125 And the Bible says, Peter says, that God is not slow, 438 00:21:16,167 --> 00:21:19,417 that he's patient, that he's saving these people, 439 00:21:19,500 --> 00:21:21,167 and working on these people. 440 00:21:21,250 --> 00:21:24,208 And he's separating the sin from the sinner 441 00:21:24,292 --> 00:21:27,500 so that the sin can die and the sinner can live. 442 00:21:27,583 --> 00:21:29,500 And sometimes, in the middle, when we're hurting, 443 00:21:29,583 --> 00:21:31,125 when we're suffering, when we're frustrated, 444 00:21:31,167 --> 00:21:33,167 we want it all done right now. 445 00:21:33,208 --> 00:21:35,667 It's like somebody on the table cussing out the doctor 446 00:21:35,708 --> 00:21:39,708 who's trying to save their life. 447 00:21:43,625 --> 00:21:49,625 I don't want to minimize suffering, hurting people. 448 00:21:49,667 --> 00:21:53,333 Theologically, philosophically, it's called the problem of evil. 449 00:21:53,375 --> 00:21:55,458 How do we reconcile the goodness of God 450 00:21:55,500 --> 00:21:57,542 with the evil on the earth? 451 00:21:57,625 --> 00:21:59,250 There's a lot of answers. 452 00:21:59,333 --> 00:22:01,833 If you want to study it, look for something called 453 00:22:01,875 --> 00:22:03,208 Theodicy. 454 00:22:03,292 --> 00:22:06,417 But let me give you what I think are the four most popular 455 00:22:06,500 --> 00:22:07,833 options in our day, briefly. 456 00:22:07,875 --> 00:22:10,500 Atheism says there is no God. It is what it is. 457 00:22:10,583 --> 00:22:13,917 God's not involved in evil because there's no God. 458 00:22:14,000 --> 00:22:17,708 Deism says, well, there is a God, but he's far, far away. 459 00:22:17,792 --> 00:22:20,917 He's inactive, he's distant, he's an absentee landlord. 460 00:22:21,000 --> 00:22:24,292 He's like your dad who walked out on you when you were a kid, 461 00:22:24,333 --> 00:22:27,500 and you don't know even know if he's alive, or where he lives, 462 00:22:27,542 --> 00:22:30,000 or what he's doing because he has nothing to do 463 00:22:30,042 --> 00:22:31,375 with your life. 464 00:22:31,458 --> 00:22:32,750 You're on your own. 465 00:22:32,833 --> 00:22:34,958 Monism says that God is both good and evil. 466 00:22:35,000 --> 00:22:37,958 This is a lot of eastern religion, the yin and the yang, 467 00:22:38,000 --> 00:22:39,958 black and white, God is good and evil. 468 00:22:40,000 --> 00:22:43,167 So, the good and evil we see in the world is a reflection 469 00:22:43,208 --> 00:22:44,542 of the character of God. 470 00:22:44,625 --> 00:22:47,333 He's good and evil, which is scary because when evil happens, 471 00:22:47,375 --> 00:22:48,708 would you run to God? 472 00:22:48,792 --> 00:22:50,708 Why would you run to God who's evil? 473 00:22:50,792 --> 00:22:52,917 And then there's Christianity that says God is good, 474 00:22:53,000 --> 00:22:54,333 and he's not done with evil. 475 00:22:54,417 --> 00:22:56,708 He's not done yet. 476 00:22:56,792 --> 00:22:59,458 We're in the middle of history. 477 00:22:59,500 --> 00:23:02,125 It's like we're halfway through a film. 478 00:23:02,167 --> 00:23:04,875 We're predicting the end wrongly and then cussing out 479 00:23:04,958 --> 00:23:11,000 the director as we exit the theater. 480 00:23:11,083 --> 00:23:14,167 And they've got a lot of questions. 481 00:23:14,250 --> 00:23:18,000 They've got a lot of questions. 482 00:23:18,083 --> 00:23:21,708 They've got a list of accusations, 483 00:23:21,792 --> 00:23:24,500 and God has one answer. 484 00:23:24,583 --> 00:23:28,208 Jesus is the answer. 485 00:23:28,292 --> 00:23:30,875 "God, we want to talk about our suffering, and those people, 486 00:23:30,958 --> 00:23:32,333 "and the hurting, and the politics, 487 00:23:32,417 --> 00:23:34,042 "and the finances, and the morality, 488 00:23:34,125 --> 00:23:35,833 and the bad pastors, and the issues." 489 00:23:35,917 --> 00:23:39,000 God's like, "I want to talk about Jesus." 490 00:23:39,083 --> 00:23:41,417 When someone is hurting, when someone is struggling, 491 00:23:41,500 --> 00:23:46,458 when someone is suffering, when they become absolutely concerned 492 00:23:46,500 --> 00:23:48,958 with themselves, and every time you see them, 493 00:23:49,000 --> 00:23:51,625 all they want to talk about is, "What I'm going through, 494 00:23:51,667 --> 00:23:54,125 and how I'm feeling, and what I'm doing," you're like, 495 00:23:54,167 --> 00:23:57,333 "I love you, and I love you so much I'm going to change 496 00:23:57,375 --> 00:24:03,417 the subject," because the answer to the questions 497 00:24:03,500 --> 00:24:07,583 is always the same, and his name is Jesus. 498 00:24:07,667 --> 00:24:10,500 This is not trite; this is true. 499 00:24:10,542 --> 00:24:12,000 "How have you loved us?" 500 00:24:12,083 --> 00:24:15,583 One of their questions, the answer is Jesus. 501 00:24:15,667 --> 00:24:18,000 "Where's the God of justice?" 502 00:24:18,083 --> 00:24:19,500 Hanging on the cross. 503 00:24:19,583 --> 00:24:23,375 His name is Jesus. 504 00:24:23,458 --> 00:24:25,500 Their questions are all answered in Jesus. 505 00:24:25,583 --> 00:24:29,833 Hear me in this: most of your questions will not get answered 506 00:24:29,875 --> 00:24:32,000 in this life. 507 00:24:32,083 --> 00:24:34,500 Many of your questions about suffering, and injustice, 508 00:24:34,583 --> 00:24:37,667 and evil, the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 13 that, 509 00:24:37,708 --> 00:24:39,958 "Now we see in part, we know in part, 510 00:24:40,000 --> 00:24:41,958 "and when we see the face of Jesus, 511 00:24:42,000 --> 00:24:43,417 we'll know as we're fully known." 512 00:24:43,500 --> 00:24:46,167 Until the kingdom of God, there's going to be things 513 00:24:46,208 --> 00:24:47,833 that we don't know. 514 00:24:47,917 --> 00:24:49,833 It doesn't mean that there isn't an answer, 515 00:24:49,917 --> 00:24:54,750 but there's not an answer that is revealed to us yet. 516 00:24:54,833 --> 00:24:59,250 And so God redirects the conversation toward Jesus, 517 00:24:59,333 --> 00:25:02,083 as he is for us today. 518 00:25:02,167 --> 00:25:04,208 I want to redirect the conversation toward Jesus 519 00:25:04,292 --> 00:25:07,667 because that's God's answer to your question, 520 00:25:07,750 --> 00:25:10,208 whatever your question might be. 521 00:25:10,292 --> 00:25:12,833 Malachi 3:1, "Behold, I send my messenger, 522 00:25:12,875 --> 00:25:14,875 "and he will prepare the way before me. 523 00:25:14,958 --> 00:25:17,792 "And the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple; 524 00:25:17,833 --> 00:25:19,292 "and the messenger of the covenant 525 00:25:19,333 --> 00:25:20,667 "in whom you delight, 526 00:25:20,750 --> 00:25:22,875 behold, he is coming, says the Lord of hosts." 527 00:25:22,958 --> 00:25:24,625 So twice, your God says, "Behold, behold." 528 00:25:24,667 --> 00:25:26,125 It's like, "Hey, don't miss this. 529 00:25:26,167 --> 00:25:27,625 "Pay attention. This is really important. 530 00:25:27,667 --> 00:25:29,125 "Highlight this, underline this, 531 00:25:29,167 --> 00:25:30,500 "grab this, cling to this. 532 00:25:30,583 --> 00:25:33,042 "This is life raft for you to climb into. 533 00:25:33,125 --> 00:25:35,958 "This is a life preserver for you to hold onto. 534 00:25:36,000 --> 00:25:38,000 "The storm is raging, here you go. 535 00:25:38,083 --> 00:25:41,000 Grab this." 536 00:25:41,083 --> 00:25:43,458 And he starts talking about Jesus 400 years 537 00:25:43,500 --> 00:25:45,458 before Jesus would even come. 538 00:25:45,500 --> 00:25:48,542 And here's what they wanted: answers. 539 00:25:48,625 --> 00:25:52,833 And here's what God gives: presence. 540 00:25:52,917 --> 00:25:58,542 God won't answer all of your questions in this life, 541 00:25:58,625 --> 00:26:03,625 but his answer to your questions is his presence in your life. 542 00:26:03,667 --> 00:26:06,375 The Bible says that he'll never leave us, 543 00:26:06,458 --> 00:26:07,792 he'll never forsake us. 544 00:26:07,833 --> 00:26:10,875 He'll be with us always until the end of the age. 545 00:26:10,958 --> 00:26:14,000 The number one command in the Bible, about 150 times, 546 00:26:14,083 --> 00:26:17,000 the Bible says, "Fear not," 547 00:26:17,042 --> 00:26:19,792 and right around it, somewhere in the text, 548 00:26:19,833 --> 00:26:21,625 almost every time that I've examined it, 549 00:26:21,667 --> 00:26:24,167 says, "For I am with you." 550 00:26:24,250 --> 00:26:29,000 Not, "Because I have an answer for you," but, 551 00:26:29,042 --> 00:26:31,708 "Because I'm there with you." 552 00:26:31,792 --> 00:26:35,542 The answer to our questions is the presence of God. 553 00:26:35,625 --> 00:26:40,750 The only thing worse than suffering is suffering alone. 554 00:26:40,833 --> 00:26:44,333 Sometimes you need a counselor; most of the time 555 00:26:44,417 --> 00:26:47,542 you need a comforter. 556 00:26:47,625 --> 00:26:50,625 And God says, "I'm going to come and be with you. 557 00:26:50,667 --> 00:26:56,833 I'm going to come and be with you." 558 00:26:56,875 --> 00:26:59,833 Who is coming? 559 00:26:59,917 --> 00:27:01,708 What's it say? 560 00:27:01,792 --> 00:27:05,667 Who is coming? 561 00:27:05,750 --> 00:27:08,708 "The Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple." 562 00:27:08,792 --> 00:27:10,417 So, we've got the temple. 563 00:27:10,500 --> 00:27:12,625 It's his temple. 564 00:27:12,667 --> 00:27:14,417 Who's coming to the temple? 565 00:27:14,500 --> 00:27:17,417 The Lord is coming to his temple. 566 00:27:17,500 --> 00:27:20,333 So, the Creator's entering into creation, 567 00:27:20,375 --> 00:27:22,000 that God's going to become a man. 568 00:27:22,083 --> 00:27:23,792 And here's what's important: 569 00:27:23,833 --> 00:27:26,500 other religions teach that we ascend up to God through 570 00:27:26,583 --> 00:27:29,125 our reincarnation, paying off our karmic debt, 571 00:27:29,167 --> 00:27:31,500 through our good works, through our obedience to God, 572 00:27:31,583 --> 00:27:33,500 that we ascend. 573 00:27:33,583 --> 00:27:35,750 No, no, the Bible doesn't teach that at all. 574 00:27:35,833 --> 00:27:38,458 The Bible teaches that God descends, 575 00:27:38,500 --> 00:27:40,833 that God condescends down to us. 576 00:27:40,875 --> 00:27:43,708 This is what we celebrate every Christmas where we say that 577 00:27:43,792 --> 00:27:49,042 Jesus is Immanuel, which means, "God with us." 578 00:27:49,125 --> 00:27:52,667 Malachi's telling us the Christmas story, Mars Hill. 579 00:27:52,708 --> 00:27:57,458 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light. 580 00:27:57,500 --> 00:28:00,333 It's Immanuel, God with us. 581 00:28:00,375 --> 00:28:02,167 God's come down to be with us. 582 00:28:02,250 --> 00:28:03,583 So, who's coming? 583 00:28:03,667 --> 00:28:05,000 It's the Lord. 584 00:28:05,042 --> 00:28:07,000 Ultimately, we know that's the Lord Jesus Christ. 585 00:28:07,042 --> 00:28:08,583 Where's he coming to? 586 00:28:08,667 --> 00:28:10,000 A lot of clues here. 587 00:28:10,083 --> 00:28:11,833 Where's he coming to? 588 00:28:11,875 --> 00:28:14,708 "Will suddenly come to his temple"-- 589 00:28:14,792 --> 00:28:17,625 this magnificent house for God. 590 00:28:17,667 --> 00:28:19,792 It was high and exalted. 591 00:28:19,833 --> 00:28:21,625 It was the place of the Lord. 592 00:28:21,667 --> 00:28:24,583 It was the center of worship, and teaching, and adoration. 593 00:28:24,667 --> 00:28:28,500 And it was the connecting point between heaven and earth, 594 00:28:28,542 --> 00:28:31,667 that God's presence was in the temple and God's people 595 00:28:31,708 --> 00:28:36,167 would come to the temple to be near to God's presence. 596 00:28:36,208 --> 00:28:40,542 It says that the Lord is coming to his temple, 597 00:28:40,625 --> 00:28:42,833 and all of this is foreshadowing Jesus. 598 00:28:42,917 --> 00:28:45,917 The whole point of the temple was to get people ready 599 00:28:46,000 --> 00:28:47,750 for Jesus. 600 00:28:47,833 --> 00:28:51,542 You'd repent of your sin, you'd bring your sacrifice, 601 00:28:51,625 --> 00:28:55,042 blood would be shed, a priest would intercede for you so that 602 00:28:55,125 --> 00:28:57,833 forgiveness could be granted and you could have access to 603 00:28:57,917 --> 00:29:01,333 the presence of God, all of which foreshadow Jesus-- 604 00:29:01,375 --> 00:29:03,000 the temple, the presence of God, 605 00:29:03,083 --> 00:29:05,333 the priest who offers the sacrifice, 606 00:29:05,375 --> 00:29:09,167 the sacrifice who lays down his life and gives us his blood 607 00:29:09,250 --> 00:29:11,333 for the remission of our sins. 608 00:29:11,375 --> 00:29:14,125 Jesus is the connecting point between heaven and earth. 609 00:29:14,167 --> 00:29:15,917 He's the mediator between us and God. 610 00:29:16,000 --> 00:29:18,917 The whole point of the temple was to get people ready for 611 00:29:19,000 --> 00:29:21,917 Jesus, and when Jesus comes, he goes to the temple to fulfill 612 00:29:22,000 --> 00:29:24,292 the entire purpose of the ministry of the temple. 613 00:29:24,333 --> 00:29:25,667 Who's coming? Jesus. 614 00:29:25,750 --> 00:29:27,167 Where's he coming? To his temple. 615 00:29:27,250 --> 00:29:28,667 How will we know it's him? 616 00:29:28,750 --> 00:29:31,083 Because there's false christs, false messiahs, false saviors, 617 00:29:31,167 --> 00:29:32,542 false teachers. 618 00:29:32,625 --> 00:29:35,958 A lot of guys are going to show up and say, "I'm the one." 619 00:29:36,000 --> 00:29:37,958 How do we know it's the real one? 620 00:29:38,000 --> 00:29:39,333 That's the question. 621 00:29:39,417 --> 00:29:41,042 "I will send my messenger, 622 00:29:41,125 --> 00:29:43,042 and he will prepare the way before me." 623 00:29:43,125 --> 00:29:45,833 God's saying, "When I come, you're going to know it's me 624 00:29:45,875 --> 00:29:47,833 because I'm sending a guy out ahead." 625 00:29:47,875 --> 00:29:49,667 Think of it like this. 626 00:29:49,708 --> 00:29:54,458 How many of you watch the holiday parades on TV, OK? 627 00:29:54,500 --> 00:29:56,208 How many of you men? 628 00:29:56,292 --> 00:29:59,708 You can admit it publicly: you watch the holiday parade, 629 00:29:59,792 --> 00:30:03,708 the singing, the dancing, the floats, the balloons. 630 00:30:03,792 --> 00:30:05,333 How many of you watched that? 631 00:30:05,417 --> 00:30:08,708 OK, I didn't, but if you did, OK--no, 632 00:30:08,792 --> 00:30:11,333 actually the kids had it on, I caught part of it. 633 00:30:11,417 --> 00:30:13,542 Here's how the parade works. 634 00:30:13,625 --> 00:30:15,750 How do you know that the parade is started 635 00:30:15,833 --> 00:30:19,000 and that the special guest is coming soon? 636 00:30:19,083 --> 00:30:20,542 How do you know? 637 00:30:20,625 --> 00:30:23,333 There's a grand marshall at the front of the parade. 638 00:30:23,417 --> 00:30:26,333 All right, so the cameras come on, everybody comes out. 639 00:30:26,417 --> 00:30:28,000 Are we started? Are we waiting? 640 00:30:28,083 --> 00:30:30,667 Is the special guest coming? Are they on their way? 641 00:30:30,708 --> 00:30:32,667 They must be, here comes the grand marshall 642 00:30:32,708 --> 00:30:35,708 leading the parade. 643 00:30:35,792 --> 00:30:39,542 And then the grand finale at the end of the parade is who, 644 00:30:39,625 --> 00:30:42,042 at least on TV? 645 00:30:42,125 --> 00:30:44,375 It's Santa. 646 00:30:45,625 --> 00:30:47,333 It's Santa. 647 00:30:47,417 --> 00:30:50,833 What he's saying here is that John the Baptizer is 648 00:30:50,875 --> 00:30:53,417 the grand marshall. 649 00:30:53,500 --> 00:30:57,000 The parade comes to town and everybody's out to see it, 650 00:30:57,083 --> 00:31:02,417 and the unveiling is the special guest in the end, Jesus Christ, 651 00:31:02,500 --> 00:31:08,917 Immanuel, "God with us," the Lord coming to his temple. 652 00:31:09,000 --> 00:31:11,292 And we know this is John the Baptizer, 653 00:31:11,333 --> 00:31:13,625 Jesus' cousin. 654 00:31:13,667 --> 00:31:16,167 Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, all four gospels point back 655 00:31:16,250 --> 00:31:17,792 to Malachi 3:1. 656 00:31:17,833 --> 00:31:19,417 They all say it's John. 657 00:31:19,500 --> 00:31:22,875 Jesus, in Matthew 11:10, says it's John. 658 00:31:22,958 --> 00:31:25,625 Here's what he says. 659 00:31:25,667 --> 00:31:28,125 Jesus says, "This is he of whom it is written." 660 00:31:28,167 --> 00:31:31,125 He goes back to Malachi 3:1. 661 00:31:31,167 --> 00:31:33,333 Some people say, "I believe the New Testament 662 00:31:33,375 --> 00:31:34,917 but not the Old." 663 00:31:35,000 --> 00:31:36,833 The New Testament keeps quoting the Old Testament 664 00:31:36,917 --> 00:31:39,042 because they go together. 665 00:31:39,125 --> 00:31:41,042 "This is he of whom it is written, 666 00:31:41,125 --> 00:31:43,167 "'Behold, I send my messenger before your face, 667 00:31:43,208 --> 00:31:45,167 "'who will prepare your way before you.' 668 00:31:45,208 --> 00:31:46,667 "Truly, I say to you, 669 00:31:46,708 --> 00:31:48,625 "among those born of women there has arisen 670 00:31:48,667 --> 00:31:52,542 no one greater"--huge statement by Jesus, 671 00:31:52,625 --> 00:31:54,042 "than John the Baptist." 672 00:31:54,125 --> 00:31:56,542 Now, we know Jesus is in a category unto himself. 673 00:31:56,625 --> 00:31:59,625 He's not just a good man; he's the God-man. 674 00:31:59,667 --> 00:32:01,917 But of mere mortal men like you and I, 675 00:32:02,000 --> 00:32:04,417 the greatest man in the history of the world is 676 00:32:04,500 --> 00:32:05,917 John the Baptist. 677 00:32:06,000 --> 00:32:07,333 That's a huge statement. 678 00:32:07,375 --> 00:32:09,833 What that means is every year when Time Magazine does 679 00:32:09,875 --> 00:32:12,000 "Person of the Year," it should always be John. 680 00:32:12,083 --> 00:32:15,000 Every single year, it should be John. 681 00:32:15,083 --> 00:32:17,000 "Yeah, the committee thought maybe this guy, 682 00:32:17,083 --> 00:32:19,375 but Jesus said John, so John won again." 683 00:32:19,458 --> 00:32:22,000 OK, John's the greatest man who's ever lived in the history 684 00:32:22,083 --> 00:32:23,833 of the world. 685 00:32:23,875 --> 00:32:25,833 Why was he great? 686 00:32:25,875 --> 00:32:27,625 Well, he was raised by spirit-filled parents. 687 00:32:27,667 --> 00:32:30,125 He gave his life and service to the Lord. 688 00:32:30,167 --> 00:32:31,500 He was Jesus' cousin. 689 00:32:31,583 --> 00:32:34,708 He loved and served Jesus, and he was a messenger. 690 00:32:34,792 --> 00:32:37,167 That's what he says: "I will send my messenger." 691 00:32:37,208 --> 00:32:41,458 Malachi, his name literally means, "My messenger." 692 00:32:41,500 --> 00:32:44,333 Four hundred years later comes the last Old Testament prophet, 693 00:32:44,417 --> 00:32:47,333 John the Baptizer, "My messenger." 694 00:32:47,417 --> 00:32:49,333 These are spokesmen, prophets, preachers, 695 00:32:49,417 --> 00:32:52,125 proclaimers on behalf of God. 696 00:32:52,167 --> 00:32:54,125 John preaches repentance of sin. 697 00:32:54,167 --> 00:32:59,333 "The Lord is coming, repent of sin, and prepare for him," 698 00:32:59,375 --> 00:33:00,792 and people repent. 699 00:33:00,833 --> 00:33:03,000 And John is a bit of a rock star. 700 00:33:03,042 --> 00:33:06,917 He's a young, wild eyed, crazy, very rural, 701 00:33:07,000 --> 00:33:10,125 steady diet of bugs and honey. 702 00:33:10,167 --> 00:33:13,375 He's quite a character, this guy. 703 00:33:13,458 --> 00:33:16,208 He walks out of the woods screaming and yelling, 704 00:33:16,292 --> 00:33:18,292 and people get saved. 705 00:33:18,333 --> 00:33:20,208 It's like mass revival. 706 00:33:20,292 --> 00:33:23,333 It's like Easter every day. 707 00:33:23,375 --> 00:33:26,417 And they're coming forward to get baptized, 708 00:33:26,500 --> 00:33:29,500 and John's baptizing people, preparing people for the coming, 709 00:33:29,542 --> 00:33:32,542 unveiling of his cousin, Jesus. 710 00:33:32,625 --> 00:33:35,667 At this point, hardly anybody knows about Jesus. 711 00:33:35,708 --> 00:33:37,750 He hasn't been preaching, teaching, doing miracles. 712 00:33:37,833 --> 00:33:39,542 He's been doing carpentry business with his 713 00:33:39,625 --> 00:33:41,750 adoptive father, Joseph. 714 00:33:41,833 --> 00:33:46,250 And then Jesus shows up to be baptized by John. 715 00:33:46,333 --> 00:33:48,417 And John says, "I can't baptize you. 716 00:33:48,500 --> 00:33:51,958 "I'm not even worthy to untie your sandals. 717 00:33:52,000 --> 00:33:56,750 You are great and I am not." 718 00:33:56,833 --> 00:34:02,125 Part of John's greatness was his humility, his devotion to Jesus, 719 00:34:02,167 --> 00:34:05,625 and his willingness to make it all about Jesus. 720 00:34:05,667 --> 00:34:07,625 Later on, John would say, "I must decrease, 721 00:34:07,667 --> 00:34:09,125 he must increase." 722 00:34:09,167 --> 00:34:12,417 What he's saying is, "It's not about me, it's all about Jesus." 723 00:34:12,500 --> 00:34:14,417 And John had quite a thing going. 724 00:34:14,500 --> 00:34:16,417 Crowds loved this guy. 725 00:34:16,500 --> 00:34:18,208 And as soon as he baptized Jesus, 726 00:34:18,292 --> 00:34:19,917 it was to fulfill his ministry. 727 00:34:20,000 --> 00:34:22,833 His ministry at that point was concluded. 728 00:34:22,875 --> 00:34:25,792 It's like track where a runner hands the baton 729 00:34:25,833 --> 00:34:28,292 to the next runner, and their leg is done, 730 00:34:28,333 --> 00:34:31,417 and now it's off to the next runner. 731 00:34:31,500 --> 00:34:33,833 Well, John handed his ministry to Jesus. 732 00:34:33,917 --> 00:34:36,000 All the people that were following John, 733 00:34:36,083 --> 00:34:37,417 they're now following Jesus. 734 00:34:37,500 --> 00:34:41,417 Some of Jesus' first disciples, they were followers of John. 735 00:34:41,500 --> 00:34:43,333 And John says, "I give all the people, 736 00:34:43,417 --> 00:34:44,750 "I give all the glory, 737 00:34:44,833 --> 00:34:46,500 "I give all the opportunity to Jesus. 738 00:34:46,583 --> 00:34:49,000 "I'm going to go stand over here on the sidelines. 739 00:34:49,083 --> 00:34:50,417 My race is done." 740 00:34:50,500 --> 00:34:52,417 They behead him, he dies and goes away, 741 00:34:52,500 --> 00:34:55,167 and then Jesus moves the kingdom of God forward. 742 00:34:55,208 --> 00:34:57,667 He's the greatest man who's ever lived because he made 743 00:34:57,708 --> 00:35:01,000 Jesus' name great, and Jesus made his name great. 744 00:35:01,083 --> 00:35:02,500 Hear me in this. 745 00:35:02,583 --> 00:35:05,208 Those who seek to make their name great never end up 746 00:35:05,292 --> 00:35:06,625 with a great name. 747 00:35:06,667 --> 00:35:08,875 Those who seek to make Jesus' name great, 748 00:35:08,958 --> 00:35:11,667 he makes their name great. 749 00:35:11,750 --> 00:35:13,833 That's what he does with John. 750 00:35:13,875 --> 00:35:15,292 Who is coming? The Lord. 751 00:35:15,333 --> 00:35:17,000 Where is he coming? To the temple. 752 00:35:17,083 --> 00:35:18,500 How will we know it's him? 753 00:35:18,583 --> 00:35:20,500 John the Baptizer will be the grand marshall 754 00:35:20,583 --> 00:35:22,167 leading the parade. 755 00:35:22,250 --> 00:35:23,583 When will he come? 756 00:35:23,667 --> 00:35:25,083 This is significant. 757 00:35:25,167 --> 00:35:26,833 There's a clue here in the Scripture. 758 00:35:26,875 --> 00:35:28,708 "He will come to his temple." 759 00:35:28,792 --> 00:35:32,000 If you went to Israel today, you would not find a temple 760 00:35:32,083 --> 00:35:34,042 because it was destroyed. 761 00:35:34,125 --> 00:35:35,667 It does not exist. 762 00:35:35,708 --> 00:35:37,833 There's no priest; there's no sacrifices. 763 00:35:37,917 --> 00:35:39,833 The Holy of Holies is gone. 764 00:35:39,917 --> 00:35:41,417 God's presence is unleashed. 765 00:35:41,500 --> 00:35:43,625 The Holy Spirit's at work in the whole earth. 766 00:35:43,667 --> 00:35:46,333 God makes us into a temple of his Spirit 767 00:35:46,375 --> 00:35:47,958 as he dwells in believers. 768 00:35:48,000 --> 00:35:50,000 Everything's fulfilled in Christ. 769 00:35:50,083 --> 00:35:52,667 And if you go to the temple, it's not there. 770 00:35:52,708 --> 00:35:54,167 Now, here's the point: 771 00:35:54,208 --> 00:35:57,333 God wanted to make sure that the way we used to worship him 772 00:35:57,417 --> 00:35:59,667 is no longer the way we worship him. 773 00:35:59,708 --> 00:36:02,208 We don't go to the temple, we go to Jesus. 774 00:36:02,292 --> 00:36:05,417 We don't go to a priest, we go to the great High Priest. 775 00:36:05,500 --> 00:36:06,833 We don't offer a sacrifice; 776 00:36:06,875 --> 00:36:08,833 we have faith in the sacrifice of Jesus. 777 00:36:08,875 --> 00:36:11,000 God made it certain that we couldn't worship him 778 00:36:11,083 --> 00:36:13,208 in the future as we did in the past. 779 00:36:13,292 --> 00:36:16,000 That was all to prepare us for the coming of Jesus, 780 00:36:16,042 --> 00:36:17,500 and once he fulfilled all righteousness, 781 00:36:17,542 --> 00:36:19,500 there was no need for the temple anymore. 782 00:36:19,542 --> 00:36:22,208 My question to you is this: when was the temple destroyed? 783 00:36:22,292 --> 00:36:23,625 Do you know? 784 00:36:23,667 --> 00:36:25,333 70 A.D. 785 00:36:25,375 --> 00:36:26,708 Jesus' death, burial, resurrection, 786 00:36:26,792 --> 00:36:32,042 ascension back into heaven, and then the temple is destroyed. 787 00:36:32,125 --> 00:36:35,042 If you ask a Jewish friend, "What are you waiting for?" 788 00:36:35,125 --> 00:36:37,750 "We're waiting for Messiah to come, and set up the kingdom, 789 00:36:37,833 --> 00:36:39,167 and usher in peace." 790 00:36:39,208 --> 00:36:42,167 You missed him. 791 00:36:42,208 --> 00:36:46,708 Malachi promised in your Scriptures and ours that 792 00:36:46,792 --> 00:36:48,208 the Lord would come to where? 793 00:36:48,292 --> 00:36:49,708 His temple. 794 00:36:49,792 --> 00:36:52,333 If the Lord came today, could he go to the temple? 795 00:36:52,417 --> 00:36:54,708 No, there hasn't been a temple since 70 A.D. 796 00:36:54,792 --> 00:36:57,708 I had the privilege of going to Israel a few years ago, 797 00:36:57,792 --> 00:37:00,792 my family, and I, and some of the folks in the church. 798 00:37:00,833 --> 00:37:02,167 We took some video footage. 799 00:37:02,250 --> 00:37:03,667 I'll show you all that's left. 800 00:37:03,750 --> 00:37:05,083 It's just an archeological dig. 801 00:37:05,167 --> 00:37:06,500 It's a ruins. 802 00:37:06,542 --> 00:37:09,000 There used to be a temple; there's now a hole. 803 00:37:09,042 --> 00:37:11,500 Some of you say, "Oh, I see something in tact." 804 00:37:11,542 --> 00:37:12,875 Yeah, a Muslim mosque. 805 00:37:12,958 --> 00:37:15,875 What's left of the temple is an archeological dig and a wall 806 00:37:15,958 --> 00:37:19,167 where people come to put their prayer requests in, 807 00:37:19,250 --> 00:37:23,583 women on the right, men on the left. 808 00:37:23,667 --> 00:37:26,917 That's all that's left. 809 00:37:27,000 --> 00:37:31,125 The Holy of Holies is now wherever the Holy Spirit is. 810 00:37:31,167 --> 00:37:34,208 "God does not live in temples built my human hands," 811 00:37:34,292 --> 00:37:37,042 Paul tells the Athenians. 812 00:37:37,125 --> 00:37:38,917 Did you notice some of the people 813 00:37:39,000 --> 00:37:42,042 were walking away backwards? 814 00:37:42,125 --> 00:37:45,042 They believe that God's presence is in the wall, 815 00:37:45,125 --> 00:37:48,250 and they don't want to turn their back on the wall 816 00:37:48,333 --> 00:37:51,167 because that would be turning your back on the Lord. 817 00:37:51,208 --> 00:37:53,500 We don't believe that. 818 00:37:53,583 --> 00:37:56,917 We believe that to get close to God, you don't go to a place, 819 00:37:57,000 --> 00:38:00,208 you go to a person named Jesus, that the connecting point 820 00:38:00,292 --> 00:38:03,625 between heaven and earth is not a wall, right, 821 00:38:03,667 --> 00:38:07,500 it's a risen Savior. 822 00:38:07,583 --> 00:38:10,500 So, historically, we've got all the facts we need to know. 823 00:38:10,583 --> 00:38:12,125 Who's coming? The Lord. 824 00:38:12,167 --> 00:38:13,625 Where? To his temple. 825 00:38:13,667 --> 00:38:15,000 How? 826 00:38:15,083 --> 00:38:16,708 By the preparation of John the Baptizer. 827 00:38:16,792 --> 00:38:18,125 When? 828 00:38:18,167 --> 00:38:19,500 Before 70 A.D. 829 00:38:19,583 --> 00:38:23,208 Now, all of this is in your Bible and there's three things 830 00:38:23,292 --> 00:38:26,417 I want to tell you about the Bible. 831 00:38:26,500 --> 00:38:31,333 Number one, the Bible's from God. 832 00:38:31,375 --> 00:38:34,458 This is the book that God wrote. 833 00:38:34,500 --> 00:38:37,833 One of the ways we know that is something called prophecy, 834 00:38:37,917 --> 00:38:39,750 that in the Old Testament in particular, 835 00:38:39,833 --> 00:38:44,042 25% of the time what is written is prophetic in nature, 836 00:38:44,125 --> 00:38:48,708 telling the future, oftentimes in great detail. 837 00:38:48,792 --> 00:38:51,833 Only God knows the future, only God rules over the future, 838 00:38:51,875 --> 00:38:55,667 only God can bring the future into reality. 839 00:38:55,708 --> 00:39:01,333 I mean, just in this one verse, John the Baptist, Jesus Christ, 840 00:39:01,375 --> 00:39:07,000 the temple, the new covenant of salvation, before 70 A.D. 841 00:39:07,042 --> 00:39:10,333 That's a lot for one verse, would you give me that? 842 00:39:10,375 --> 00:39:12,083 For those of you who would say, 843 00:39:12,167 --> 00:39:14,125 "This is not the book that God wrote," 844 00:39:14,167 --> 00:39:16,625 then I would push the burden of proof to you 845 00:39:16,667 --> 00:39:18,125 and ask, "Then who wrote this?" 846 00:39:18,167 --> 00:39:20,375 This was written 400 years before it happened. 847 00:39:20,458 --> 00:39:24,000 If I told you in 400 years who was running for president, 848 00:39:24,083 --> 00:39:28,208 where they were born, and who their running mate would be, 849 00:39:28,292 --> 00:39:31,667 and I nailed it, that would be amazing. 850 00:39:31,708 --> 00:39:34,667 This prophecy is more amazing than that. 851 00:39:34,708 --> 00:39:36,667 There are other prophecies in the Bible saying 852 00:39:36,708 --> 00:39:38,167 he would be born in Bethlehem, 853 00:39:38,208 --> 00:39:39,833 that his mother would be a virgin. 854 00:39:39,917 --> 00:39:42,750 Lots of details, really narrows down the list of potential 855 00:39:42,833 --> 00:39:45,250 Savior candidates. 856 00:39:45,333 --> 00:39:48,042 This is the book that God wrote. 857 00:39:48,125 --> 00:39:52,458 Number two, this book is the only book that God wrote. 858 00:39:52,500 --> 00:39:53,833 It's unique. 859 00:39:53,917 --> 00:39:55,625 Some of you have wrongly been taught, 860 00:39:55,667 --> 00:39:57,125 "Oh, there are different religions, 861 00:39:57,167 --> 00:39:58,625 "and they all have different books, 862 00:39:58,667 --> 00:40:00,625 but they all basically teach the same thing." 863 00:40:00,667 --> 00:40:02,625 The only people who say that are people 864 00:40:02,667 --> 00:40:04,125 who have not read the books. 865 00:40:04,167 --> 00:40:07,125 They'll say, "Well, it tells you how to be a good person. 866 00:40:07,167 --> 00:40:08,750 It gives you basic, moral values." 867 00:40:08,833 --> 00:40:10,167 No, it doesn't. 868 00:40:10,208 --> 00:40:13,167 The other religions do not have, as part of their, quote unquote, 869 00:40:13,208 --> 00:40:14,958 "sacred writings," prophecy. 870 00:40:15,000 --> 00:40:16,333 It's not there. 871 00:40:16,417 --> 00:40:19,833 The only place you'll find stuff like this is in the Bible 872 00:40:19,875 --> 00:40:22,458 because this alone is the book that God wrote. 873 00:40:22,500 --> 00:40:25,833 And I'm telling you this because bedrock at Mars Hill is we 874 00:40:25,917 --> 00:40:29,458 believe the Bible is the book that God wrote, 875 00:40:29,500 --> 00:40:33,125 and we base everything on that conviction. 876 00:40:33,167 --> 00:40:35,042 We begin with that assumption. 877 00:40:35,125 --> 00:40:37,750 And I didn't always believe that, and perhaps you don't. 878 00:40:37,833 --> 00:40:39,750 But I was in college and I thought, 879 00:40:39,833 --> 00:40:42,250 "Well, I think all religions basically teach the same thing, 880 00:40:42,333 --> 00:40:44,250 "so I'm going to examine all the religions, 881 00:40:44,333 --> 00:40:46,958 and look at their sacred texts, and find what I learn." 882 00:40:47,000 --> 00:40:49,667 And the prophecy in the Bible absolutely convinced me 883 00:40:49,708 --> 00:40:51,958 this is the book that God wrote. 884 00:40:52,000 --> 00:40:57,000 And I couldn't find prophecy like that in any other religion. 885 00:40:57,083 --> 00:41:01,333 Number one, this is the book that God wrote. 886 00:41:01,375 --> 00:41:03,583 Number two, it's the only book that God wrote. 887 00:41:03,667 --> 00:41:05,000 It's utterly unique. 888 00:41:05,083 --> 00:41:09,083 And number three, it's all about Jesus. 889 00:41:09,167 --> 00:41:10,708 It's all about Jesus. 890 00:41:10,792 --> 00:41:13,500 The point of the whole Bible, and all the concepts, 891 00:41:13,542 --> 00:41:15,708 and themes, and directions, and stories, 892 00:41:15,792 --> 00:41:18,417 and trajectories of the whole Bible is about Jesus. 893 00:41:18,500 --> 00:41:20,292 And here, we see it in Malachi. 894 00:41:20,333 --> 00:41:21,917 It's God's final word. 895 00:41:22,000 --> 00:41:24,125 He's not going to speak again for 400 years. 896 00:41:24,167 --> 00:41:27,625 Last book of the Bible, leaning into the end, right? 897 00:41:27,667 --> 00:41:29,583 We're near the end of the book. 898 00:41:29,667 --> 00:41:31,000 What's God talking about? 899 00:41:31,042 --> 00:41:32,458 He's getting everybody together. 900 00:41:32,500 --> 00:41:34,208 He's like, "I know you're all hurting. 901 00:41:34,292 --> 00:41:36,958 "I know you're all poor. I know it's a rough day. 902 00:41:37,000 --> 00:41:38,333 "I know you're all frustrated. 903 00:41:38,417 --> 00:41:40,333 "I know you all wonder what I'm doing. 904 00:41:40,417 --> 00:41:41,833 "I know exactly what I'm doing. 905 00:41:41,917 --> 00:41:43,250 "Let's talk about Jesus. 906 00:41:43,333 --> 00:41:45,500 "There's hope for you. There's forgiveness for you. 907 00:41:45,583 --> 00:41:47,500 "There's provision for you. There's love for you. 908 00:41:47,583 --> 00:41:50,250 "There's answers for you and it's all in Jesus. 909 00:41:50,333 --> 00:41:52,250 Let's talk about Jesus." 910 00:41:52,333 --> 00:41:54,042 This is the book that God wrote, 911 00:41:54,125 --> 00:41:55,750 it's the only book that God wrote, 912 00:41:55,833 --> 00:41:57,208 and it's all about Jesus. 913 00:41:57,292 --> 00:41:59,833 If Mars Hill can't amen that, I need a new job. 914 00:41:59,917 --> 00:42:01,500 Yes or no, you believe this? 915 00:42:01,583 --> 00:42:02,917 Amen? 916 00:42:03,000 --> 00:42:07,667 OK, and if you're here--if you're here and you're saying, 917 00:42:07,750 --> 00:42:10,167 "I don't know if I believe that," 918 00:42:10,250 --> 00:42:13,625 then follow the truth wherever it leads, 919 00:42:13,667 --> 00:42:17,417 and you'll end up believing the Bible and receiving Jesus. 920 00:42:17,500 --> 00:42:19,500 Study it for yourself. 921 00:42:20,500 --> 00:42:22,083 Study it for yourself. 922 00:42:22,167 --> 00:42:26,792 It changed my life, and it's why I love teaching. 923 00:42:26,833 --> 00:42:29,333 So, what God has done--they're suffering in the present, 924 00:42:29,375 --> 00:42:31,333 hurting in the present, struggling in the present, 925 00:42:31,375 --> 00:42:33,625 frustrated in the present, and God starts looking 926 00:42:33,667 --> 00:42:36,542 into the future about the legacy they'll live, 927 00:42:36,625 --> 00:42:39,208 not just the suffering that they're enduring. 928 00:42:39,292 --> 00:42:42,958 So, he takes them to the first coming of Jesus, "He's coming." 929 00:42:43,000 --> 00:42:46,667 And then he moves further to the second coming of Jesus. 930 00:42:46,708 --> 00:42:49,167 Malachi's got quite a horizon. 931 00:42:49,208 --> 00:42:50,833 He's saying, "Well, in 400 years, 932 00:42:50,875 --> 00:42:52,208 "Jesus is going to come, 933 00:42:52,292 --> 00:42:54,958 and then he's going to come again"--first and second coming. 934 00:42:55,000 --> 00:42:57,167 We've been waiting 2,000 years since his first coming 935 00:42:57,208 --> 00:42:58,542 for his second coming. 936 00:42:58,625 --> 00:43:01,000 God opens Malachi's understanding to get 937 00:43:01,083 --> 00:43:04,000 a very long view of history. 938 00:43:04,083 --> 00:43:06,500 Here's what he has to say: 939 00:43:06,583 --> 00:43:11,333 Malachi 3:2-5, 940 00:43:11,375 --> 00:43:13,500 "But who can endure the day of his coming." 941 00:43:13,583 --> 00:43:15,333 See, God's got questions, too. 942 00:43:15,375 --> 00:43:17,292 Malachi's got questions, too. 943 00:43:17,333 --> 00:43:19,292 But they're not questions that accuse God, 944 00:43:19,333 --> 00:43:23,833 they're questions that accuse others who accuse God. 945 00:43:23,875 --> 00:43:26,000 "Who can endure the day of his coming"-- 946 00:43:26,083 --> 00:43:28,417 that's the second coming of Jesus-- 947 00:43:28,500 --> 00:43:30,833 "and who can stand when he appears?" 948 00:43:30,875 --> 00:43:33,750 This issue of a fight--there's nobody who's going to be able 949 00:43:33,833 --> 00:43:37,833 to plant their back foot, stiffen their neck, 950 00:43:37,917 --> 00:43:43,542 hold their chin out when Jesus comes again, and be OK. 951 00:43:43,625 --> 00:43:46,958 Nobody's going to win that fight. 952 00:43:47,000 --> 00:43:50,708 "For he is like a refiner's fire, like fullers' soap. 953 00:43:50,792 --> 00:43:53,208 "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, 954 00:43:53,292 --> 00:43:55,250 and he will purify the sons of Levi"-- 955 00:43:55,333 --> 00:43:57,333 those are religious leaders, like pastors-- 956 00:43:57,417 --> 00:43:59,333 "and refine them like gold and silver, 957 00:43:59,417 --> 00:44:01,875 "and they will bring offerings in righteousness to the Lord. 958 00:44:01,958 --> 00:44:03,708 Then the offering of Judah and Jerusalem"-- 959 00:44:03,792 --> 00:44:05,125 that's God's people-- 960 00:44:05,167 --> 00:44:08,125 "will be pleasing to the Lord as in the days of old 961 00:44:08,167 --> 00:44:09,500 "and as in former years. 962 00:44:09,583 --> 00:44:12,625 Then I will draw near to you for judgment." 963 00:44:12,667 --> 00:44:15,208 Jesus' first coming was for salvation. 964 00:44:15,292 --> 00:44:18,167 His second coming will be for damnation. 965 00:44:18,250 --> 00:44:20,500 "I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, 966 00:44:20,583 --> 00:44:22,625 "against the adulterers, those who swear falsely, 967 00:44:22,667 --> 00:44:25,417 "those who oppress the hired worker in his wages, 968 00:44:25,500 --> 00:44:28,000 "the widow and the fatherless, against those who thrust aside 969 00:44:28,083 --> 00:44:30,333 the sojourner"-- or the visitor-- 970 00:44:30,375 --> 00:44:36,042 "and do not fear me, says the Lord of hosts." 971 00:44:36,125 --> 00:44:41,250 He talks about Jesus' first coming for his people 972 00:44:41,333 --> 00:44:44,833 and Jesus' second coming for his enemies, 973 00:44:44,917 --> 00:44:46,625 and you've got a decision to make, 974 00:44:46,667 --> 00:44:51,250 whether you're one of his people or one of his enemies. 975 00:44:51,333 --> 00:44:54,458 And he gives us two ways that he relates to his people 976 00:44:54,500 --> 00:44:57,333 and one way that he relates to his enemies, 977 00:44:57,417 --> 00:45:01,875 and he uses two images that are timeless. 978 00:45:01,958 --> 00:45:05,708 The first is that Jesus is like a cleaner. 979 00:45:05,792 --> 00:45:10,375 OK, how many of you are sort of clean freaks a little bit? 980 00:45:10,458 --> 00:45:12,000 You carry--what do you carry? 981 00:45:12,042 --> 00:45:14,000 Ladies, what do you carry in your purse? 982 00:45:14,083 --> 00:45:18,375 Hand sanitizer, just to make sure. 983 00:45:18,458 --> 00:45:20,500 What's in your car? 984 00:45:20,583 --> 00:45:23,000 More hand sanitizer, OK? 985 00:45:23,083 --> 00:45:25,500 What's at your house by all the sinks? 986 00:45:25,583 --> 00:45:31,625 A lot of soap, plenty of soap, soap and back up soap, OK? 987 00:45:31,667 --> 00:45:33,708 We use a lot of soap. 988 00:45:33,792 --> 00:45:36,458 How many of you guys, right, you took a shower today? 989 00:45:36,500 --> 00:45:37,833 We're all grateful. 990 00:45:37,917 --> 00:45:39,542 You should take another one tomorrow, right? 991 00:45:39,625 --> 00:45:41,167 We use a lot of soap. 992 00:45:41,208 --> 00:45:44,167 We use shampoo for our hair. We use soap for our body. 993 00:45:44,208 --> 00:45:46,667 We have a different kind of soap for our dishes. 994 00:45:46,708 --> 00:45:49,167 We have a different kind of soap for our laundry. 995 00:45:49,208 --> 00:45:50,542 We should. 996 00:45:50,625 --> 00:45:53,542 Don't be like the guy I know who put the laundry soap 997 00:45:53,625 --> 00:45:54,958 in the dishwasher. 998 00:45:55,000 --> 00:45:58,125 It was exciting and messy. 999 00:45:58,167 --> 00:45:59,958 We have soap to wash our car. 1000 00:46:00,083 --> 00:46:01,792 We have soap to wash our floor. 1001 00:46:01,833 --> 00:46:03,500 We have soap to wash our dishes. 1002 00:46:03,583 --> 00:46:06,208 We have soap to sanitize our countertops. 1003 00:46:06,292 --> 00:46:09,000 We use a lot of different kinds of soap. 1004 00:46:09,042 --> 00:46:11,500 How many of you have realized if you clean something, 1005 00:46:11,583 --> 00:46:16,000 you're going to have to clean it again? 1006 00:46:16,083 --> 00:46:18,292 You don't say, "Well, I did the dishes once. 1007 00:46:18,333 --> 00:46:21,000 Glad that's checked off my bucket list." 1008 00:46:21,083 --> 00:46:22,500 You're like, "What? They're dirty again?" 1009 00:46:22,583 --> 00:46:24,208 Yeah. 1010 00:46:24,292 --> 00:46:28,667 What he's saying is this, that Jesus works with us like that. 1011 00:46:28,750 --> 00:46:30,417 So, every time you're mopping the floor, 1012 00:46:30,500 --> 00:46:32,000 every time you're doing the laundry, 1013 00:46:32,083 --> 00:46:33,500 every time you're cleaning the car, 1014 00:46:33,583 --> 00:46:35,000 every time you're doing the dishes, 1015 00:46:35,083 --> 00:46:39,042 every time you're washing your hands, for a moment, 1016 00:46:39,125 --> 00:46:43,333 stop and say, "Oh, and Jesus does this with me." 1017 00:46:43,417 --> 00:46:45,750 And don't feel devastated because, 1018 00:46:45,833 --> 00:46:47,333 "Oh, he already cleaned this up 1019 00:46:47,417 --> 00:46:49,042 "and then I made the mess again. 1020 00:46:49,125 --> 00:46:51,250 I went back and did the same old thing." 1021 00:46:51,333 --> 00:46:53,458 Well, just like you doing the dishes every day, 1022 00:46:53,500 --> 00:46:57,750 sometimes he's still cleaning up the same parts of your life. 1023 00:46:57,833 --> 00:47:04,417 And what happens when we sin is that, legally, we're guilty, 1024 00:47:04,500 --> 00:47:09,417 but practically, we're dirty. 1025 00:47:09,500 --> 00:47:11,292 And some people know that they're forgiven, 1026 00:47:11,333 --> 00:47:13,375 but they still feel dirty. 1027 00:47:13,458 --> 00:47:16,083 The Old Testament's going to use a dozen plus words: 1028 00:47:16,167 --> 00:47:20,417 defiled, unclean, dirty. 1029 00:47:20,500 --> 00:47:22,417 It uses this language. 1030 00:47:22,500 --> 00:47:26,292 How many of you, right now, there's sin in your past, 1031 00:47:26,333 --> 00:47:30,875 something you've done, and you just feel really gross about it, 1032 00:47:30,958 --> 00:47:33,417 you feel very dirty about it? 1033 00:47:33,500 --> 00:47:35,750 It's like, "I know Jesus forgives me, 1034 00:47:35,833 --> 00:47:38,333 "but it's still part of my identity. 1035 00:47:38,417 --> 00:47:41,458 "I'm haunted by it. It was gross. 1036 00:47:41,500 --> 00:47:44,125 I can't believe I did that." 1037 00:47:44,167 --> 00:47:46,750 How many of you, it's not just sin you've committed, 1038 00:47:46,833 --> 00:47:52,333 but sin that's been committed against you? 1039 00:47:52,375 --> 00:47:56,333 Every woman I've ever spoken to who was a sexual assault victim, 1040 00:47:56,417 --> 00:48:00,292 one of the first things she does after her assault is what? 1041 00:48:00,333 --> 00:48:04,917 Take a shower because she feels defiled. 1042 00:48:05,000 --> 00:48:09,917 And Jesus cleans all the way down to the depths of the soul. 1043 00:48:10,000 --> 00:48:12,208 Jesus doesn't just forgive us of our sin, 1044 00:48:12,292 --> 00:48:14,333 he cleanses us from our unrighteousness. 1045 00:48:14,375 --> 00:48:15,875 That's what 1 John says: 1046 00:48:15,958 --> 00:48:18,375 "If we confess our sins, he's faithful and just 1047 00:48:18,458 --> 00:48:21,917 to forgive us our sins"-- deals with our guilt-- 1048 00:48:22,000 --> 00:48:24,667 "and cleanses us of all of our unrighteousness"-- 1049 00:48:24,750 --> 00:48:26,417 deals with our filth. 1050 00:48:26,500 --> 00:48:27,833 Here me in this: 1051 00:48:27,875 --> 00:48:30,125 you're not just forgiven and dirty, 1052 00:48:30,167 --> 00:48:32,833 you're forgiven and clean. 1053 00:48:32,917 --> 00:48:37,042 That's huge. 1054 00:48:37,125 --> 00:48:40,458 And you go live a clean life because you've already been made 1055 00:48:40,500 --> 00:48:43,833 a clean person in Christ. 1056 00:48:43,917 --> 00:48:47,500 So, at the cross, all of our filth went to Jesus 1057 00:48:47,583 --> 00:48:51,833 and all of his righteousness came to us. 1058 00:48:51,875 --> 00:48:55,625 "God made him who knew no sin to become sin." 1059 00:48:55,667 --> 00:48:58,167 Jesus took it all, and he's still cleaning us up 1060 00:48:58,208 --> 00:49:01,500 and working on us. 1061 00:49:01,583 --> 00:49:04,792 And the way that the Bible denotes this is that 1062 00:49:04,833 --> 00:49:07,792 God's people get to wear white. 1063 00:49:07,833 --> 00:49:11,000 So, in the Old Testament, when they go to meet with the Lord, 1064 00:49:11,042 --> 00:49:13,417 they literally would go through a ceremonial washing, 1065 00:49:13,500 --> 00:49:17,000 put on white, and say, "You know what? 1066 00:49:17,083 --> 00:49:21,583 When I stand before God, he sees me as clean." 1067 00:49:21,667 --> 00:49:25,333 It says in Revelation that at the end of history, 1068 00:49:25,375 --> 00:49:28,583 there'll be a great wedding, and the church will be like a bride, 1069 00:49:28,667 --> 00:49:30,583 and Jesus will be like a groom. 1070 00:49:30,667 --> 00:49:32,917 And ladies, what color does the church wear? 1071 00:49:33,000 --> 00:49:34,333 White. 1072 00:49:34,375 --> 00:49:36,125 Because she's without sin? 1073 00:49:36,167 --> 00:49:38,208 Not this church. 1074 00:49:38,292 --> 00:49:40,417 Not any church. 1075 00:49:40,500 --> 00:49:46,042 But because God sees her through the finished work of Jesus. 1076 00:49:46,125 --> 00:49:48,167 I've had women ask this over the years. 1077 00:49:48,208 --> 00:49:50,458 "Pastor Mark, I've done some things that I regret 1078 00:49:50,500 --> 00:49:54,500 "and I'm ashamed of, and I'm going to be married. 1079 00:49:54,583 --> 00:49:57,833 Somebody in my family said I shouldn't wear white." 1080 00:49:57,917 --> 00:50:00,042 I had a single mother say this one time. 1081 00:50:00,125 --> 00:50:03,042 "I was sleeping around, got pregnant, single mother. 1082 00:50:03,125 --> 00:50:05,542 "Now I'm getting married, everybody knows I've got a kid, 1083 00:50:05,625 --> 00:50:07,750 "and there's some stuff I've done I regret. 1084 00:50:07,833 --> 00:50:10,333 Pastor Mark, do I get to wear white?" 1085 00:50:10,375 --> 00:50:11,958 What's the answer? 1086 00:50:12,000 --> 00:50:15,667 Yes, and it comes from Jesus. 1087 00:50:15,708 --> 00:50:19,750 He's the one who hands you the white gown. 1088 00:50:19,833 --> 00:50:23,708 All who are in Christ are forgiven and clean, 1089 00:50:23,792 --> 00:50:25,417 made righteous. 1090 00:50:25,500 --> 00:50:29,708 So, the first image is that Jesus is like soap. 1091 00:50:29,792 --> 00:50:32,458 He cleans us up. 1092 00:50:32,500 --> 00:50:35,333 It's probably an analogy that a lot of you ladies like. 1093 00:50:35,417 --> 00:50:37,042 He's then got one for the guys, 1094 00:50:37,125 --> 00:50:39,250 a metalworker, a miner. 1095 00:50:39,333 --> 00:50:41,750 Any of you guys watch any of those mining shows? 1096 00:50:41,833 --> 00:50:43,167 You guys like those? 1097 00:50:43,208 --> 00:50:44,542 I do. 1098 00:50:44,625 --> 00:50:47,125 Like, guys are going to get equipment, 1099 00:50:47,167 --> 00:50:49,667 go out into the wilderness, and come back with gold. 1100 00:50:49,708 --> 00:50:51,042 That's amazing. 1101 00:50:51,125 --> 00:50:54,042 I want to watch that because I've been out in the wilderness, 1102 00:50:54,125 --> 00:50:55,542 I've never come back with gold. 1103 00:50:55,625 --> 00:50:57,542 How do you do that? That's pretty amazing. 1104 00:50:57,625 --> 00:51:00,125 So, he uses the language here. 1105 00:51:00,167 --> 00:51:04,667 Jesus cleans us and he also is not only like a cleanser, 1106 00:51:04,750 --> 00:51:07,167 but he's like a metalworker. 1107 00:51:07,250 --> 00:51:10,583 And the way it would work in that day is that you would go 1108 00:51:10,667 --> 00:51:15,125 out and you would pan, or dig, or sluice, or however it worked, 1109 00:51:15,167 --> 00:51:17,417 and you would get--it mentions it here--your gold 1110 00:51:17,500 --> 00:51:21,375 or your silver, your precious, precious metals. 1111 00:51:21,458 --> 00:51:24,292 But, the problem is they're not pure. 1112 00:51:24,333 --> 00:51:26,417 There's a lot of impurities in them. 1113 00:51:26,500 --> 00:51:29,125 They're commingled with a lot of other things that are not 1114 00:51:29,167 --> 00:51:31,958 valuable or precious. 1115 00:51:32,000 --> 00:51:34,833 So, you need to separate that which is precious from that 1116 00:51:34,875 --> 00:51:37,208 which is not. 1117 00:51:37,292 --> 00:51:39,125 How do you do that? 1118 00:51:39,167 --> 00:51:40,708 How do you separate like that? 1119 00:51:40,792 --> 00:51:44,167 And the answer is heat. 1120 00:51:44,208 --> 00:51:47,417 So, he's going to talk about a refiner's fire. 1121 00:51:47,500 --> 00:51:51,917 You get a lot of heat from the flame, 1122 00:51:52,000 --> 00:51:55,958 you put the metal over it, and the metal melts if you get 1123 00:51:56,000 --> 00:51:58,500 the high enough temperature. 1124 00:51:58,583 --> 00:52:01,500 And then what would happen is the precious metal would fall to 1125 00:52:01,542 --> 00:52:05,583 the bottom and the impurities would rise to the top. 1126 00:52:08,042 --> 00:52:14,000 And then, the owner would skim all the impurities off the top 1127 00:52:14,083 --> 00:52:17,667 so that the metal became more precious, more valuable, 1128 00:52:17,750 --> 00:52:20,125 more perfect. 1129 00:52:20,167 --> 00:52:23,917 And according to some, they would say that when this process 1130 00:52:24,000 --> 00:52:26,917 would begin and all of the contaminants were in that 1131 00:52:27,000 --> 00:52:28,417 which was precious, 1132 00:52:28,500 --> 00:52:30,917 the owner would look down and they couldn't see 1133 00:52:31,000 --> 00:52:34,167 their reflection because it was clouded and muddied. 1134 00:52:34,208 --> 00:52:37,542 But as they would heat and clean, and heat and clean, 1135 00:52:37,625 --> 00:52:40,042 and heat and clean, and this process would happen over, 1136 00:52:40,125 --> 00:52:43,042 and over, and over, they would know that they were getting to 1137 00:52:43,125 --> 00:52:47,167 pure and precious because they could see their reflection 1138 00:52:47,208 --> 00:52:49,833 in the silver or gold. 1139 00:52:49,875 --> 00:52:56,708 What he's saying is Jesus is like that, 1140 00:52:56,792 --> 00:52:59,250 that in your life and in my life, 1141 00:52:59,333 --> 00:53:03,417 there's character problems, and sins, and bad habits, 1142 00:53:03,500 --> 00:53:07,125 and false teaching, and erroneous conclusions, 1143 00:53:07,167 --> 00:53:10,000 and self-righteous assumptions. 1144 00:53:10,042 --> 00:53:15,500 There's a lot of dross in there, and the only way the Lord Jesus 1145 00:53:15,542 --> 00:53:20,583 can get it out is through heat. 1146 00:53:20,667 --> 00:53:26,000 And most of us don't like living over the flame because it hurts. 1147 00:53:27,667 --> 00:53:29,500 It's very uncomfortable and painful, 1148 00:53:29,542 --> 00:53:33,000 and then what surfaces is shameful. 1149 00:53:33,083 --> 00:53:35,042 "That's who--oh, that's what I think? 1150 00:53:35,125 --> 00:53:37,500 "That's what I do? That--oh man. 1151 00:53:37,583 --> 00:53:39,917 "I don't want people to see that. 1152 00:53:40,000 --> 00:53:42,125 "Like, keep that down at the bottom. 1153 00:53:42,167 --> 00:53:47,125 Don't let that rise up to the top." 1154 00:53:47,167 --> 00:53:50,333 What happens then is some of us want to be pure, 1155 00:53:50,417 --> 00:53:51,958 and we want to be precious, 1156 00:53:52,000 --> 00:53:56,042 we just don't want pain and we don't like heat. 1157 00:53:56,125 --> 00:53:59,333 And there's always a lot of teachers going around saying, 1158 00:53:59,417 --> 00:54:02,667 "There's a way to be precious without the heat." 1159 00:54:02,750 --> 00:54:05,417 Those are called false teachers. 1160 00:54:05,500 --> 00:54:11,833 There's no way to be purified without the heat. 1161 00:54:11,875 --> 00:54:15,833 Sometimes, this heat you caused. 1162 00:54:15,875 --> 00:54:19,667 You did something, made your own life pretty hard, 1163 00:54:19,750 --> 00:54:21,708 and God's going to use it. 1164 00:54:21,792 --> 00:54:23,667 Sometimes, somebody else sinned against you, 1165 00:54:23,750 --> 00:54:25,708 and they brought the heat. 1166 00:54:25,792 --> 00:54:29,208 Sometimes, Satan just attacked you and he brought the heat. 1167 00:54:29,292 --> 00:54:31,958 And the times that I have failed, 1168 00:54:32,000 --> 00:54:34,250 the times that I've not responded rightly, 1169 00:54:34,333 --> 00:54:37,500 or times that I was more worried about where the heat came from 1170 00:54:37,583 --> 00:54:40,833 than what I was going to do with it. 1171 00:54:40,875 --> 00:54:45,958 And that's exactly what's going on here in Malachi. 1172 00:54:46,000 --> 00:54:48,125 And they've got a lot of "why" questions. 1173 00:54:48,167 --> 00:54:49,833 "Why God? Why me? 1174 00:54:49,875 --> 00:54:51,458 "Why this? Why that? 1175 00:54:51,500 --> 00:54:52,958 "Why them? Why now? 1176 00:54:53,000 --> 00:54:54,833 Why, why, why?" 1177 00:54:54,917 --> 00:55:01,500 How many of you, right now, heat, you're over it. 1178 00:55:01,583 --> 00:55:04,583 Financial heat, emotional heat, spiritual heat, relational heat, 1179 00:55:04,667 --> 00:55:06,333 physical heat. 1180 00:55:06,375 --> 00:55:09,917 You say, "This is painful. 1181 00:55:10,000 --> 00:55:14,583 "What's under my life right now, I would like to move away from, 1182 00:55:14,667 --> 00:55:19,708 but God's got me there and I can't go anywhere." 1183 00:55:19,792 --> 00:55:26,417 Their mistake was, "It hurts, he doesn't love me." 1184 00:55:26,500 --> 00:55:29,000 That's not true. 1185 00:55:29,042 --> 00:55:33,458 Just because it hurts doesn't mean he doesn't love you. 1186 00:55:33,500 --> 00:55:37,208 Just because it hurts doesn't mean he's not good. 1187 00:55:43,000 --> 00:55:47,667 You will not get all the "why" questions answered in this life. 1188 00:55:47,708 --> 00:55:52,500 Don't start accusing God and questioning his character. 1189 00:55:54,792 --> 00:55:59,708 Don't try to live your life to avoid all heat because 1190 00:55:59,792 --> 00:56:05,833 you will not become more precious and valuable. 1191 00:56:05,875 --> 00:56:08,833 The Lord Jesus wants to look down on you and see his 1192 00:56:08,875 --> 00:56:12,875 reflection in your character, and to get there is going to be 1193 00:56:12,958 --> 00:56:16,708 some heat and cleanings. 1194 00:56:16,792 --> 00:56:20,125 Now, I tell you this, I love this text 1195 00:56:20,167 --> 00:56:22,792 because I really need it. 1196 00:56:22,833 --> 00:56:25,208 See, in God's grace, I get to teach the Bible, 1197 00:56:25,292 --> 00:56:26,708 and I love what I do. 1198 00:56:26,792 --> 00:56:28,417 And every week, it's like, "OK Lord, 1199 00:56:28,500 --> 00:56:31,417 I want to honor you and I want to help the people." 1200 00:56:31,500 --> 00:56:34,125 And God's so gracious that the text also applies to me 1201 00:56:34,167 --> 00:56:36,125 and I get a bonus out of it. 1202 00:56:36,167 --> 00:56:40,042 I don't need to gossip or make this all about me, 1203 00:56:40,125 --> 00:56:44,333 but let me just say, recently, it's been a little hot, 1204 00:56:44,375 --> 00:56:47,750 a little heat. 1205 00:56:47,833 --> 00:56:52,167 I'm not a big fan of it. 1206 00:56:52,208 --> 00:56:57,958 Given a choice, I would have had something else, 1207 00:56:58,000 --> 00:57:01,917 but what God's teaching me, and God's teaching them, 1208 00:57:02,000 --> 00:57:07,583 and what I hope God can help us all to learn is to stop asking 1209 00:57:07,667 --> 00:57:09,167 the, "Why, why, why?" 1210 00:57:09,250 --> 00:57:14,292 and to start asking the, "How are you going to use this? 1211 00:57:14,333 --> 00:57:17,625 "What in my character do you need to change? 1212 00:57:17,667 --> 00:57:21,208 "How am I going to become more like Jesus? 1213 00:57:21,292 --> 00:57:25,625 What do you have for my future?" 1214 00:57:25,667 --> 00:57:28,500 See, God is trying to get the imperfections and the impurities 1215 00:57:28,583 --> 00:57:32,417 out of your character and mine so that he would get more glory 1216 00:57:32,500 --> 00:57:36,542 and we would be prepared for our future. 1217 00:57:36,625 --> 00:57:39,042 See, they hear, "Jesus is coming." 1218 00:57:39,125 --> 00:57:45,542 It doesn't say quite yet, "And it'll be 400 years." 1219 00:57:45,625 --> 00:57:49,208 But he wants them to have character that is refined 1220 00:57:49,292 --> 00:57:51,542 through fire to teach their children, 1221 00:57:51,625 --> 00:57:53,542 and their children's children, and their children's children, 1222 00:57:53,625 --> 00:57:55,250 so that when Jesus does come, 1223 00:57:55,333 --> 00:57:57,000 there would be people waiting for him. 1224 00:57:57,083 --> 00:58:00,833 They'd be all lined up along the parade route, "He's here." 1225 00:58:00,875 --> 00:58:04,333 You and I are waiting for the second coming of Jesus. 1226 00:58:04,375 --> 00:58:09,000 We're in the time between the times. 1227 00:58:09,042 --> 00:58:12,000 And our life, for those of us who are believers, 1228 00:58:12,042 --> 00:58:16,833 is in part about enduring the heat to have our character 1229 00:58:16,875 --> 00:58:21,208 refined so that we're more like Jesus, and when he comes back, 1230 00:58:21,292 --> 00:58:25,125 we're more precious and pure because we've received 1231 00:58:25,167 --> 00:58:30,417 his painful work in our life as an act of love. 1232 00:58:30,500 --> 00:58:32,042 Do you get that? 1233 00:58:32,125 --> 00:58:33,458 As an act of love. 1234 00:58:33,500 --> 00:58:35,958 And I don't know about you, if you're like me, 1235 00:58:36,000 --> 00:58:38,167 when it hurts I wonder if God loves me, 1236 00:58:38,208 --> 00:58:42,750 and here in Malachi he's saying he surely does. 1237 00:58:42,833 --> 00:58:46,917 It's easy to remember that on the other side when you 1238 00:58:47,000 --> 00:58:50,042 look back and you show the good that God used out of 1239 00:58:50,125 --> 00:58:51,750 difficult circumstances. 1240 00:58:51,833 --> 00:58:54,750 It's hard to remember that when you're in the midst of it, 1241 00:58:54,833 --> 00:58:57,750 and that's where we want friends and Bible teachers to walk with 1242 00:58:57,833 --> 00:58:59,167 us along the way. 1243 00:58:59,208 --> 00:59:02,208 That's what Malachi's doing for them and that's what I want you 1244 00:59:02,292 --> 00:59:03,625 to do for one another. 1245 00:59:03,667 --> 00:59:06,292 How does God deal with his people at the first coming 1246 00:59:06,333 --> 00:59:07,667 of Jesus? 1247 00:59:07,750 --> 00:59:09,667 Well, it's like a cleaner and a metalworker. 1248 00:59:09,750 --> 00:59:12,333 How does God deal with his enemies at his second coming 1249 00:59:12,375 --> 00:59:13,708 of Jesus? 1250 00:59:13,792 --> 00:59:15,500 As a judge. 1251 00:59:16,875 --> 00:59:18,583 As a judge. 1252 00:59:18,667 --> 00:59:20,333 Jesus came the first time for salvation, 1253 00:59:20,375 --> 00:59:23,917 coming the second time for damnation. 1254 00:59:24,000 --> 00:59:26,667 And it says in particular that nobody is getting away with 1255 00:59:26,750 --> 00:59:29,333 anything, all right? 1256 00:59:29,375 --> 00:59:31,125 Do not be deceived. 1257 00:59:31,167 --> 00:59:32,667 God will not be mocked. 1258 00:59:32,708 --> 00:59:35,250 We all reap what we sow. 1259 00:59:35,333 --> 00:59:39,042 Hear me in this, non-Christian. 1260 00:59:39,125 --> 00:59:43,333 You are in grave, great, imminent danger. 1261 00:59:43,417 --> 00:59:46,000 You may think that God is someone he's not. 1262 00:59:46,083 --> 00:59:48,458 You may think that you're getting away with 1263 00:59:48,500 --> 00:59:50,917 something you're not. 1264 00:59:51,000 --> 00:59:55,250 I mean, just, "Who can endure the day of his coming? 1265 00:59:55,333 --> 00:59:57,958 Who can stand when he appears?" 1266 00:59:58,000 --> 01:00:01,667 He's trying to get our attention and keep it. 1267 01:00:01,708 --> 01:00:04,333 He says he's going to deal with seven kinds of people. 1268 01:00:04,417 --> 01:00:07,333 Sorcerers, these are people who try to manipulate God. 1269 01:00:07,417 --> 01:00:10,042 They want to use God to get the ends they want. 1270 01:00:10,125 --> 01:00:13,417 Christianity says God is sovereign, gives us commands. 1271 01:00:13,500 --> 01:00:15,958 Paganism, sorcery says we're sovereign, 1272 01:00:16,000 --> 01:00:19,542 we can make God do what we want God to do. 1273 01:00:19,625 --> 01:00:21,167 You can't control God. 1274 01:00:21,208 --> 01:00:22,542 You can't manipulate God. 1275 01:00:22,625 --> 01:00:23,958 You can't cajole God. 1276 01:00:24,000 --> 01:00:28,833 You can't force an outcome that you want by pressing his hand. 1277 01:00:28,917 --> 01:00:31,458 That's sorcery. 1278 01:00:31,500 --> 01:00:35,750 Most religious teaching is sorcery, 1279 01:00:35,833 --> 01:00:40,667 how to get God to give you what you want. 1280 01:00:40,708 --> 01:00:44,333 Adulterers, the sexually immoral, 1281 01:00:44,375 --> 01:00:46,333 nobody's getting away with anything. 1282 01:00:46,375 --> 01:00:49,750 False witnesses, those who lie and don't tell the truth. 1283 01:00:49,833 --> 01:00:52,208 Those who oppress the poor and take advantage of those 1284 01:00:52,292 --> 01:00:54,125 without means. 1285 01:00:54,167 --> 01:00:56,167 Those who take advantage of widows, and orphans, 1286 01:00:56,208 --> 01:01:00,125 and single mothers, and those who are more vulnerable. 1287 01:01:00,167 --> 01:01:01,917 Those who take advantage of outsiders, 1288 01:01:02,000 --> 01:01:04,875 visitors to our country, those that have just moved here, 1289 01:01:04,958 --> 01:01:07,208 those that don't know the language, and the customs, 1290 01:01:07,292 --> 01:01:09,875 and the laws, and who's trustworthy and who's not, 1291 01:01:09,958 --> 01:01:12,333 and take advantage of those who are to be welcomed 1292 01:01:12,375 --> 01:01:14,792 and not abused. 1293 01:01:14,833 --> 01:01:18,417 And he says, number seven, "It all comes from not fearing me. 1294 01:01:18,500 --> 01:01:22,667 "There's no respect, there's no regard, there's no honor. 1295 01:01:22,750 --> 01:01:25,000 "There's not listening to me, there's arguing with me. 1296 01:01:25,042 --> 01:01:26,875 "There's not obeying me, there's fighting me. 1297 01:01:26,958 --> 01:01:29,375 "There's not revering me, there's rebelling 1298 01:01:29,458 --> 01:01:32,333 and reviling against me." 1299 01:01:32,417 --> 01:01:39,333 It's all about the fear of the Lord. 1300 01:01:39,417 --> 01:01:43,708 Some of you are going to hell and the fire you will experience 1301 01:01:43,792 --> 01:01:48,458 is not a fire of refinement, 1302 01:01:48,500 --> 01:01:53,167 not a fire that makes you better. 1303 01:01:53,208 --> 01:02:00,125 It's a fire of judgment that causes you misery forever. 1304 01:02:00,167 --> 01:02:06,125 We're all going to sit over a flame. 1305 01:02:06,167 --> 01:02:09,500 We do it now in the love of God to become more like Jesus, 1306 01:02:09,583 --> 01:02:13,625 or we do it forever under the wrath of Jesus. 1307 01:02:13,667 --> 01:02:18,000 Jesus came in humility; he's coming again in glory. 1308 01:02:18,083 --> 01:02:21,292 He came as a Savior the first time; 1309 01:02:21,333 --> 01:02:25,500 he comes as a Judge the second time. 1310 01:02:25,542 --> 01:02:28,333 He came to save us from eternal fire the first time; 1311 01:02:28,375 --> 01:02:31,000 he's coming to light the eternal fire 1312 01:02:31,042 --> 01:02:33,000 the second time. 1313 01:02:33,083 --> 01:02:35,833 Friends, we live in the time between the times. 1314 01:02:35,917 --> 01:02:39,500 God is not slow; God is patient. 1315 01:02:39,583 --> 01:02:44,125 God is not wanting people to perish, 1316 01:02:44,167 --> 01:02:48,208 but all to come to eternal life, and he's inviting you 1317 01:02:48,292 --> 01:02:51,500 to turn from sin and to trust in him. 1318 01:02:51,583 --> 01:02:54,542 And their question is, "Where is the God of justice?" 1319 01:02:54,625 --> 01:02:58,417 Justice comes for all in one of two places: 1320 01:02:58,500 --> 01:03:01,208 at the cross of Jesus or the white throne of Jesus. 1321 01:03:01,292 --> 01:03:04,417 When Jesus came the first time, he went to the cross to die 1322 01:03:04,500 --> 01:03:06,708 in our place for our sins as our substitute. 1323 01:03:06,792 --> 01:03:10,125 There's the justice and the love of God kissing 1324 01:03:10,167 --> 01:03:13,000 on the cross of Jesus. 1325 01:03:13,083 --> 01:03:15,333 For those who reject that, 1326 01:03:15,375 --> 01:03:17,875 justice comes at the white throne, 1327 01:03:17,958 --> 01:03:20,875 the second coming of Jesus, where the dead will rise, 1328 01:03:20,958 --> 01:03:23,125 and stand before him, and he will sentence them 1329 01:03:23,167 --> 01:03:25,833 to their eternal fate. 1330 01:03:25,875 --> 01:03:27,417 Justice comes. 1331 01:03:27,500 --> 01:03:29,917 When they ask, "Where is the God of justice?" 1332 01:03:30,000 --> 01:03:32,167 His name is Jesus. 1333 01:03:32,208 --> 01:03:35,667 I would beg you to give him your sin and receive his salvation 1334 01:03:35,708 --> 01:03:38,458 today so that your day of judgment would be at 1335 01:03:38,500 --> 01:03:42,542 the cross of Jesus, not at the white throne of Jesus, 1336 01:03:42,625 --> 01:03:44,333 that you would be forgiven by Jesus 1337 01:03:44,375 --> 01:03:47,458 and not condemned by Jesus. 1338 01:03:47,500 --> 01:03:52,042 And for those of us who are believers, I promise you this. 1339 01:03:52,125 --> 01:03:58,500 The most painful things, even if they are not from the Lord, 1340 01:03:58,583 --> 01:04:03,917 they're used by the Lord to make us more like the Lord. 1341 01:04:04,000 --> 01:04:06,125 Father God, thank you for giving me an opportunity 1342 01:04:06,167 --> 01:04:08,625 to open your Word. 1343 01:04:08,667 --> 01:04:13,917 This is an amazing Word. 1344 01:04:14,000 --> 01:04:17,292 It's a timeless Word so it's always a timely Word. 1345 01:04:17,333 --> 01:04:19,500 Father, I thank you in your grace 1346 01:04:19,583 --> 01:04:25,792 that this is a really helpful Word for me, 1347 01:04:25,833 --> 01:04:29,208 and I pray with a father's heart 1348 01:04:29,292 --> 01:04:32,000 that it would be helpful to your sons and daughters. 1349 01:04:32,083 --> 01:04:36,917 I pray you would allow us to take all of our questions 1350 01:04:37,000 --> 01:04:42,583 and find our answer in Jesus in whose name we pray, amen. 1351 01:04:43,708 --> 01:04:45,083 Pastor Sutton here, 1352 01:04:45,167 --> 01:04:48,125 we've just finished our services here in the Bellevue church 1353 01:04:48,167 --> 01:04:53,958 and really excited today to tell the extended family of Mars Hill Global 1354 01:04:54,000 --> 01:04:55,625 about Text to Give. 1355 01:04:55,667 --> 01:04:58,333 Just came out and many of you know my story: 1356 01:04:58,417 --> 01:05:02,583 2007 heard Pastor Mark at a pastor's conference 1357 01:05:02,667 --> 01:05:04,875 went there, started podcasting. 1358 01:05:04,958 --> 01:05:07,833 I still gave my tithe to my local church, 1359 01:05:07,875 --> 01:05:11,208 however, gave a contribution amount to Mars Hill Church. 1360 01:05:11,292 --> 01:05:15,875 So this Text to Give, the video that we have produced for you, 1361 01:05:15,958 --> 01:05:18,125 you're going to love, so check this out. 1362 01:05:20,292 --> 01:05:23,000 Hey Mars Hill, my name is Rene and I work here 1363 01:05:23,042 --> 01:05:25,500 at the Media and Communications team at Mars Hill Church. 1364 01:05:25,583 --> 01:05:27,292 If you're a mobile user like me, 1365 01:05:27,333 --> 01:05:29,458 I've got some exciting news to share with you. 1366 01:05:29,500 --> 01:05:31,917 There's a new way to give at Mars Hill Church 1367 01:05:32,000 --> 01:05:34,167 and it's just as easy as sending a text. 1368 01:05:34,250 --> 01:05:36,958 Now, many of you take advantage of our online giving options, 1369 01:05:37,000 --> 01:05:39,667 which is a great way to set up recurring gifts, 1370 01:05:39,750 --> 01:05:42,917 but until now, we haven't had a way to set up mobile, 1371 01:05:43,000 --> 01:05:45,833 where you can give on the spot during our services. 1372 01:05:45,875 --> 01:05:47,833 If you're like me, you don't carry cash 1373 01:05:47,917 --> 01:05:51,458 you don't carry a checkbook, so Text to Give is the way to go. 1374 01:05:51,500 --> 01:05:55,875 It's fun, it's simple, and best of all, it's secure. 1375 01:05:55,958 --> 01:05:57,833 I want you to do something with me. 1376 01:05:57,917 --> 01:05:59,792 Take out your smart phone right now; 1377 01:05:59,833 --> 01:06:01,667 we're going to do something together. 1378 01:06:01,750 --> 01:06:03,625 Don't worry, you're not obligated to give, 1379 01:06:03,667 --> 01:06:05,625 but try this out. 1380 01:06:05,667 --> 01:06:08,500 Simply send the amount you want to give 1381 01:06:08,542 --> 01:06:14,500 and the word "Mars Hill" at the end to the following number: 45777. 1382 01:06:15,708 --> 01:06:17,375 The first time you give via text, 1383 01:06:17,458 --> 01:06:20,042 you will be asked to fill out a one-time form, 1384 01:06:20,125 --> 01:06:23,167 which will safely link your card to your smart phone. 1385 01:06:23,208 --> 01:06:26,583 Now, this new way of giving doesn't go into your phone bill, 1386 01:06:26,667 --> 01:06:28,500 and in case you make a mistake, 1387 01:06:28,542 --> 01:06:32,208 you can always get a refund for the gift that you've given. 1388 01:06:32,292 --> 01:06:34,250 And that's it; you're done. 1389 01:06:34,333 --> 01:06:36,417 You'll receive a text back confirming your gift 1390 01:06:36,500 --> 01:06:38,958 and from this moment forward, you'll be able to give 1391 01:06:39,000 --> 01:06:41,667 anywhere, anytime with just a single text. 1392 01:06:41,750 --> 01:06:44,458 Don't forget to save the number in your contact list. 1393 01:06:44,500 --> 01:06:47,583 I've saved it as "Mars Hill Text to Give." 1394 01:06:47,667 --> 01:06:49,458 For more information about our giving options 1395 01:06:49,500 --> 01:06:52,708 you can visit marshill.com/give. 1396 01:06:57,292 --> 01:07:00,292 Each year, over 10 million Mars Hill church sermons 1397 01:07:00,333 --> 01:07:03,375 are downloaded worldwide for free. 1398 01:07:03,458 --> 01:07:06,000 This ministry is generously supported 1399 01:07:06,042 --> 01:07:08,625 by Mars Hill church members and listeners like you. 1400 01:07:08,667 --> 01:07:12,167 If you'd like to support our efforts to preach Jesus to the world, 1401 01:07:12,250 --> 01:07:15,167 Please consider making a tax-deductible donation 1402 01:07:15,250 --> 01:07:18,083 by visiting marshill.com/give.