1 00:00:00,500 --> 00:00:02,000 Hi there Mars Hill Church 2 00:00:02,083 --> 00:00:05,000 and the extended family of Mars Hill Global. 3 00:00:05,083 --> 00:00:08,333 I'm pastor Sutton Turner here in Dilla, Ethiopia 4 00:00:08,375 --> 00:00:10,292 and I wanted to take a moment and explain 5 00:00:10,333 --> 00:00:14,333 what the extended family of Mars Hill Global is. 6 00:00:14,375 --> 00:00:18,333 I was a podcaster when I was living in the Middle East 7 00:00:18,375 --> 00:00:22,125 and consuming those podcasts every week, 8 00:00:22,167 --> 00:00:26,125 participating, really one way, from Mars Hill Church. 9 00:00:26,167 --> 00:00:27,917 I was really a consumer. 10 00:00:28,000 --> 00:00:29,500 So what we're doing is setting up 11 00:00:29,542 --> 00:00:33,167 the extended family of Mars Hill Global and saying, 12 00:00:33,250 --> 00:00:39,000 "Come, be a part of what Jesus Christ is doing in and through our church." 13 00:00:39,083 --> 00:00:40,917 So what does Mars Hill Global do? 14 00:00:41,000 --> 00:00:46,125 Well, Mars Hill Global is doing and participating in church planting 15 00:00:46,167 --> 00:00:48,417 here in Ethiopia and also in India. 16 00:00:48,500 --> 00:00:51,375 Also, we're doing church planting in the United States as well. 17 00:00:51,458 --> 00:00:53,583 We're doing all of that because in Mars Hill Church 18 00:00:54,000 --> 00:00:58,417 we believe that Jesus has called us to make disciples and plant churches. 19 00:00:58,500 --> 00:01:02,375 So I want to ask you to be a part. I want to as you to be a part 20 00:01:02,458 --> 00:01:04,208 of the extended family of Mars Hill Global. 21 00:01:04,292 --> 00:01:05,417 Sign up today. 22 00:01:05,500 --> 00:01:08,333 Become a member of the extended family, 23 00:01:08,375 --> 00:01:10,917 start participating online with us, 24 00:01:11,000 --> 00:01:13,500 and let's see what Jesus Christ is going to do, 25 00:01:13,542 --> 00:01:16,500 not only in the United States, but to the ends of the Earth. 26 00:01:17,167 --> 00:01:30,083 [music] 27 00:01:37,917 --> 00:01:39,500 [Laughing] I'm Joshua. 28 00:01:39,583 --> 00:01:41,333 I'm Spencer. Hey, I'm Jonathan. 29 00:01:41,375 --> 00:01:43,167 I'm a lawyer, and I'm a mom. 30 00:01:43,208 --> 00:01:44,833 I'm a colorist in the fashion industry. 31 00:01:44,917 --> 00:01:46,542 I don't know how to not smile. 32 00:01:46,625 --> 00:01:47,958 I am a strategist. 33 00:01:48,000 --> 00:01:49,458 I work in commercial real estate. 34 00:01:49,500 --> 00:01:51,167 Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out 35 00:01:51,208 --> 00:01:52,667 how to phrase my work. 36 00:01:52,708 --> 00:01:54,833 People are always coming up to me with, like, 37 00:01:54,917 --> 00:01:56,250 creative ideas. 38 00:01:56,333 --> 00:01:59,250 I carry around a baseball that reminds me of my dad. 39 00:01:59,333 --> 00:02:03,875 I lost my home, my car, my retirement. 40 00:02:03,958 --> 00:02:06,750 Most days look pretty, kind of crazy. 41 00:02:09,167 --> 00:02:11,417 Being a wholesaler, we have a big warehouse space. 42 00:02:11,500 --> 00:02:13,083 I like to think through things. 43 00:02:13,167 --> 00:02:14,792 I got a tattoo of a tree. 44 00:02:14,833 --> 00:02:16,167 I love--I love that. 45 00:02:16,250 --> 00:02:18,792 Who do you think-- Who do you think you are? 46 00:02:22,000 --> 00:02:24,458 One of my favorite books of the whole Bible is 47 00:02:24,500 --> 00:02:25,792 the book of Ruth. 48 00:02:25,833 --> 00:02:28,167 I think it's arguably the greatest short story 49 00:02:28,208 --> 00:02:30,750 ever written in the history of the world. 50 00:02:30,833 --> 00:02:34,000 And very early on, we're introduced to a woman 51 00:02:34,083 --> 00:02:37,875 who becomes a central figure in the story. 52 00:02:37,958 --> 00:02:40,042 Her name is Naomi. 53 00:02:40,125 --> 00:02:41,792 She's one of God's people. 54 00:02:41,833 --> 00:02:44,083 She lives in the great nation of Israel. 55 00:02:44,167 --> 00:02:49,083 And a famine hits; a great economic crisis hits their land. 56 00:02:49,167 --> 00:02:51,792 And her husband is a foolish man, 57 00:02:51,833 --> 00:02:55,292 and he decides that he will relocate his family. 58 00:02:55,333 --> 00:02:58,167 And a move is a big thing, especially in that day, 59 00:02:58,250 --> 00:03:00,917 when you're leaving God's presence at the temple, 60 00:03:01,000 --> 00:03:03,208 and you're leaving God's people in Israel. 61 00:03:03,292 --> 00:03:05,250 And he takes his wife and their sons, 62 00:03:05,333 --> 00:03:07,333 and relocates to a pagan land. 63 00:03:07,417 --> 00:03:13,250 And there, his sons marry godless women, and he dies, 64 00:03:13,333 --> 00:03:18,750 and then his sons die, and this woman is left destitute poor, 65 00:03:18,833 --> 00:03:21,750 and absolutely alone. 66 00:03:21,833 --> 00:03:27,208 And she--she has a devastated, difficult life. 67 00:03:27,292 --> 00:03:32,667 Her name, Naomi, meant sweet. 68 00:03:32,708 --> 00:03:35,500 Her identity was daughter of God, 69 00:03:35,542 --> 00:03:38,875 and her life was supposed to be sweet. 70 00:03:38,958 --> 00:03:42,000 Things become very dark and difficult for her, 71 00:03:42,042 --> 00:03:46,167 and in Ruth 1:20, she makes this statement: 72 00:03:46,250 --> 00:03:51,375 "Do not call me Naomi; call me Mara, 73 00:03:51,458 --> 00:03:55,583 because my life has become very bitter." 74 00:03:55,667 --> 00:03:59,000 She changes her name, and in so doing, 75 00:03:59,042 --> 00:04:03,042 she's redefining her identity by her hurt, 76 00:04:03,125 --> 00:04:06,750 by her suffering, by her loss. 77 00:04:06,833 --> 00:04:12,167 The worst day of her life became the defining day of her life. 78 00:04:12,208 --> 00:04:15,750 And in asking others to call her Mara, 79 00:04:15,833 --> 00:04:19,958 she was accepting bitterness as her identity, 80 00:04:20,000 --> 00:04:23,167 and the lens through which she would interpret everything that 81 00:04:23,208 --> 00:04:26,250 would happen for the rest of her life, because the name Mara 82 00:04:26,333 --> 00:04:29,833 literally means "bitter." 83 00:04:29,917 --> 00:04:32,917 Bitter. 84 00:04:33,000 --> 00:04:36,000 Are you Mara? 85 00:04:36,042 --> 00:04:41,167 In your past, have you had a season of Mara? 86 00:04:41,208 --> 00:04:45,667 Are there people that you're in relationship with who are Mara? 87 00:04:45,750 --> 00:04:48,667 Are there the seeds of discontent in your soul 88 00:04:48,750 --> 00:04:53,875 that will, eventually, cause you to be in 89 00:04:53,958 --> 00:04:59,375 a season of Mara, bitterness? 90 00:04:59,458 --> 00:05:04,167 This issue is so pernicious in my almost 17 years now 91 00:05:04,208 --> 00:05:06,500 of pastoral ministry. 92 00:05:06,583 --> 00:05:09,708 This is the issue that I have dealt with most frequently, 93 00:05:09,792 --> 00:05:13,167 in my own soul, and in the soul of others. 94 00:05:13,208 --> 00:05:17,167 Early on in our church, I was the only paid pastor on staff, 95 00:05:17,208 --> 00:05:20,167 until we had about 800 people, 96 00:05:20,208 --> 00:05:23,042 which means a lot of the counseling load 97 00:05:23,125 --> 00:05:25,750 resided with me. 98 00:05:25,833 --> 00:05:28,833 And I found over and over and over and over 99 00:05:28,875 --> 00:05:35,667 and over this issue of bitterness versus forgiveness. 100 00:05:35,750 --> 00:05:38,875 And the text of Scripture that I have taken people to 101 00:05:38,958 --> 00:05:41,292 in counseling appointments more than any other is 102 00:05:41,333 --> 00:05:45,000 Ephesians 4:25-32. 103 00:05:45,042 --> 00:05:47,292 It's where we find ourselves today, 104 00:05:47,333 --> 00:05:51,000 dealing with this topic of "I Am Forgiven." 105 00:05:51,042 --> 00:05:55,500 It deals with forgiveness and bitterness. 106 00:05:55,542 --> 00:05:57,667 As you're finding that place in your Bible, 107 00:05:57,708 --> 00:06:01,167 let me do a bit of work, pastorally and theologically, 108 00:06:01,208 --> 00:06:04,833 regarding bitterness. 109 00:06:04,917 --> 00:06:10,958 Bitter people are archeologists, always digging up the past. 110 00:06:11,000 --> 00:06:13,458 If you talk to someone who is bitter, 111 00:06:13,500 --> 00:06:16,750 they will continually revisit painful circumstances 112 00:06:16,833 --> 00:06:18,250 from their past. 113 00:06:18,333 --> 00:06:20,208 They can't move on. 114 00:06:20,292 --> 00:06:23,458 They always return back. 115 00:06:23,500 --> 00:06:25,958 They're stuck. 116 00:06:26,000 --> 00:06:28,542 "That's the day that my life was ruined. 117 00:06:28,625 --> 00:06:32,250 "That's the day that my hope was destroyed. 118 00:06:32,333 --> 00:06:36,667 It's been a funeral since that day." 119 00:06:39,833 --> 00:06:44,667 Number two, bitter people remember intricate details 120 00:06:44,750 --> 00:06:48,000 because they keep a record of wrongs. 121 00:06:48,042 --> 00:06:51,375 1 Corinthians 13 says, "Love keeps no record of wrongs." 122 00:06:51,458 --> 00:06:53,667 Bitter people do keep a record of wrongs, 123 00:06:53,750 --> 00:06:56,333 and they will revisit and rethink 124 00:06:56,417 --> 00:06:59,875 and recollect certain circumstances and situations, 125 00:06:59,958 --> 00:07:03,208 not always accurately, because bitter people sometimes lack 126 00:07:03,292 --> 00:07:09,333 a truthful perspective, but they will sometimes even obsess. 127 00:07:09,417 --> 00:07:13,042 "I wish I would have said this. I wish I would have done that." 128 00:07:13,125 --> 00:07:15,208 When you're dealing with a bitter person, they'll-- 129 00:07:15,292 --> 00:07:16,625 "On this day." 130 00:07:16,667 --> 00:07:19,833 And they can name the day of the week and the actual date 131 00:07:19,875 --> 00:07:21,833 and the time of day and the weather 132 00:07:21,875 --> 00:07:23,542 and what you were wearing 133 00:07:23,625 --> 00:07:25,042 and what your facial expression was 134 00:07:25,125 --> 00:07:26,917 and the tone of your voice 135 00:07:27,000 --> 00:07:28,750 and word for word what you said. 136 00:07:28,833 --> 00:07:32,250 And you may say, "I don't know if I--I don't remember." 137 00:07:32,333 --> 00:07:33,833 "What, you don't care?" 138 00:07:33,917 --> 00:07:36,000 "No, I'm not bitter. 139 00:07:36,042 --> 00:07:39,000 "I haven't been replaying that video in my mind 140 00:07:39,042 --> 00:07:42,000 "every day since. 141 00:07:42,042 --> 00:07:47,042 And you've obsessed over it, and you've kept a record of wrong." 142 00:07:48,542 --> 00:07:53,083 Number three, bitter people are triggered less by the offense 143 00:07:53,167 --> 00:07:55,792 and more by their love for the offender. 144 00:07:55,833 --> 00:07:57,667 What I mean is this: 145 00:07:57,750 --> 00:07:59,750 if a complete stranger does something against you, 146 00:07:59,833 --> 00:08:03,917 even if it is detestable, 10 years later 147 00:08:04,000 --> 00:08:08,000 you are not likely to be bitter, because they were a stranger. 148 00:08:08,083 --> 00:08:10,458 But if someone that is near and dear to you, 149 00:08:10,500 --> 00:08:14,167 someone that you love and have deep affection for, 150 00:08:14,208 --> 00:08:16,458 offends you, sins against you, 151 00:08:16,500 --> 00:08:18,625 hurts you, disappoints you, 152 00:08:18,667 --> 00:08:21,833 you are more likely to become bitter because your expectations 153 00:08:21,917 --> 00:08:24,542 were higher. 154 00:08:24,625 --> 00:08:28,208 They may say something like, "It wasn't a big deal," 155 00:08:28,292 --> 00:08:32,833 and the response is, "But you are." 156 00:08:32,875 --> 00:08:35,583 So, we're most likely to become bitter against the people we 157 00:08:35,667 --> 00:08:39,375 love the most--our parents, our grandparents, our children, 158 00:08:39,458 --> 00:08:46,083 our grandchildren, our spouse, our friend, 159 00:08:46,167 --> 00:08:50,167 our ministry leader, 160 00:08:50,208 --> 00:08:56,458 the people that we love and have expectations of and hopes for. 161 00:08:56,500 --> 00:08:59,583 And yes, friends, even God. 162 00:08:59,667 --> 00:09:02,125 Even God. 163 00:09:02,167 --> 00:09:05,667 Mara alludes to this in Ruth 1:20. 164 00:09:05,708 --> 00:09:09,500 She says, "Call me Mara because the Lord has made my life 165 00:09:09,583 --> 00:09:11,833 very bitter." 166 00:09:11,917 --> 00:09:14,167 She's saying, "You know, God is sovereign, 167 00:09:14,208 --> 00:09:17,333 "and if these things pass through his open hands, 168 00:09:17,417 --> 00:09:19,667 "and he does not capture this affliction, 169 00:09:19,708 --> 00:09:22,333 "but he allows it to rain down upon me, 170 00:09:22,417 --> 00:09:25,042 "then he is complicit in my suffering, 171 00:09:25,125 --> 00:09:29,167 and he has contributed to my bitterness." 172 00:09:29,208 --> 00:09:35,792 And some of you are bitter against God. 173 00:09:35,833 --> 00:09:39,167 And number four, bitter people are prone to be self-righteous 174 00:09:39,208 --> 00:09:42,792 since they are the perceived victim. 175 00:09:42,833 --> 00:09:45,292 Bitter people tend to place themselves on throne, 176 00:09:45,333 --> 00:09:49,167 where they rule and reign like judges, 177 00:09:49,250 --> 00:09:53,500 and they pass verdicts on people who have done wrong, 178 00:09:53,542 --> 00:09:57,958 and they sit in a very exalted seat of pride. 179 00:09:58,000 --> 00:09:59,958 "I see things clearly. 180 00:10:00,000 --> 00:10:02,292 "I filled in the details of the narrative, 181 00:10:02,333 --> 00:10:04,250 "and I'm here to render my verdict, 182 00:10:04,333 --> 00:10:09,833 because that is my right as the victim." 183 00:10:13,458 --> 00:10:18,333 If I sin against you, am I prone to feel guilty or bitter? 184 00:10:18,417 --> 00:10:21,000 Guilty. 185 00:10:21,042 --> 00:10:23,292 If I perceive that you've sinned against me, 186 00:10:23,333 --> 00:10:25,583 and I choose not to forgive you, 187 00:10:25,667 --> 00:10:28,833 am I prone to feel guilty or bitter? 188 00:10:28,917 --> 00:10:30,792 Bitter. 189 00:10:30,833 --> 00:10:34,000 So, bitterness is, by definition, 190 00:10:34,042 --> 00:10:36,417 the possession of the one 191 00:10:36,500 --> 00:10:40,333 who is perceived to have been wronged. 192 00:10:40,375 --> 00:10:43,500 This contributes to their sense of self-righteousness 193 00:10:43,542 --> 00:10:47,875 and judgmentalism. 194 00:10:47,958 --> 00:10:51,208 How do people become bitter? 195 00:10:51,292 --> 00:10:53,333 There are five ways that I have seen, 196 00:10:53,375 --> 00:10:57,500 biblically and practically, that people become bitter. 197 00:10:57,542 --> 00:11:01,000 The first four are illegitimate, and the fifth is legitimate. 198 00:11:01,042 --> 00:11:05,458 I need to distinguish them. 199 00:11:07,833 --> 00:11:10,000 Number one, you wrongly think 200 00:11:10,042 --> 00:11:12,375 that they have sinned against you. 201 00:11:12,458 --> 00:11:15,292 Now, they haven't sinned against you, but you think they have, 202 00:11:15,333 --> 00:11:20,083 but you've got your facts wrong, so it's a lie. 203 00:11:20,167 --> 00:11:22,292 I'll give you a case study. 204 00:11:22,333 --> 00:11:25,583 Some years ago, talking to a man. 205 00:11:25,667 --> 00:11:28,583 He had not spoken to his brother in a number of years. 206 00:11:28,667 --> 00:11:31,167 They were in a business together, 207 00:11:31,208 --> 00:11:35,792 and the one brother accused the other brother of stealing. 208 00:11:35,833 --> 00:11:38,000 And so he cut off all communication, 209 00:11:38,042 --> 00:11:40,375 and this split the family right down the middle. 210 00:11:40,458 --> 00:11:42,292 They both lived in the same city, 211 00:11:42,333 --> 00:11:45,167 and they both had children. 212 00:11:45,250 --> 00:11:48,167 And so they would not get together for the holidays. 213 00:11:48,250 --> 00:11:51,000 The cousins grew up not knowing one another 214 00:11:51,042 --> 00:11:54,250 in any real relationship, 215 00:11:54,333 --> 00:11:58,500 because there was division-- there was bitterness. 216 00:11:58,542 --> 00:12:01,958 Finally, when digging down to the bottom of the conflict, 217 00:12:02,000 --> 00:12:07,000 the one brother said, "He stole from me, 218 00:12:07,083 --> 00:12:10,917 and I will not forgive him." 219 00:12:11,000 --> 00:12:16,167 The other brother said, "I did not steal anything." 220 00:12:16,208 --> 00:12:17,667 We explored it. 221 00:12:17,708 --> 00:12:19,333 We investigated it. 222 00:12:19,417 --> 00:12:21,833 Come to find that thievery had happened by someone else 223 00:12:21,917 --> 00:12:25,042 in the company. 224 00:12:25,125 --> 00:12:31,458 The bitter brother was wrong-- 225 00:12:31,500 --> 00:12:33,125 was wrong. 226 00:12:33,167 --> 00:12:36,667 Sometimes we think we've been sinned against. 227 00:12:36,750 --> 00:12:39,583 We haven't been. 228 00:12:39,667 --> 00:12:41,083 We haven't been. 229 00:12:41,167 --> 00:12:47,167 So, we've got to be careful to investigate, to get the facts. 230 00:12:47,250 --> 00:12:49,792 Number two, 231 00:12:49,833 --> 00:12:55,000 some of you have unreasonable and/or 232 00:12:55,042 --> 00:13:01,333 unspoken expectations that are unmet. 233 00:13:01,417 --> 00:13:06,250 Unreasonable, meaning you were expecting someone to say or do 234 00:13:06,333 --> 00:13:09,958 or be something to you, and they disappointed you. 235 00:13:10,000 --> 00:13:12,917 And you're hurt by that, and you're grieved by that, 236 00:13:13,000 --> 00:13:17,417 and you mourn that, or maybe even you're angry about that. 237 00:13:17,500 --> 00:13:20,167 But it was unreasonable. 238 00:13:20,208 --> 00:13:23,417 The expectation was unreasonable, 239 00:13:23,500 --> 00:13:27,833 or it was unspoken. 240 00:13:27,917 --> 00:13:32,750 You expected from them, and they did not deliver, 241 00:13:32,833 --> 00:13:39,292 but they did not know because you did not say what it was 242 00:13:39,333 --> 00:13:43,333 you were hoping for. 243 00:13:45,042 --> 00:13:48,583 Number three, 244 00:13:48,667 --> 00:13:53,292 they rebuked you, and you were hard-hearted, 245 00:13:53,333 --> 00:13:59,333 and you were hurt, so you're bitter against them. 246 00:13:59,417 --> 00:14:02,167 You're bitter against them. 247 00:14:02,208 --> 00:14:04,167 "How dare they say that to me? 248 00:14:04,208 --> 00:14:06,167 How dare they point that out at me?" 249 00:14:06,208 --> 00:14:09,167 And then what happens is the conversation shifts 250 00:14:09,208 --> 00:14:16,042 from your sin to their tone. 251 00:14:16,125 --> 00:14:18,167 "I see this in your life. 252 00:14:18,208 --> 00:14:20,458 It's a sin, and it's a problem." 253 00:14:20,500 --> 00:14:22,250 "Who are you to talk to me? 254 00:14:22,333 --> 00:14:24,333 "Let me talk about sin in your life. 255 00:14:24,417 --> 00:14:26,042 Let's change the subject," 256 00:14:26,125 --> 00:14:28,208 or, "I don't like the way you said that," 257 00:14:28,292 --> 00:14:31,042 or, "You did it with a certain look on your face," 258 00:14:31,125 --> 00:14:33,625 or whatever the case may be. 259 00:14:33,667 --> 00:14:36,667 That maybe they did love you, and there was something 260 00:14:36,750 --> 00:14:41,792 in your life that needed to be addressed, and they rebuked you, 261 00:14:41,833 --> 00:14:43,833 and you became hard-hearted, 262 00:14:43,917 --> 00:14:49,542 and hurt, and bitter against them. 263 00:14:49,625 --> 00:14:54,167 Number four, 264 00:14:54,208 --> 00:15:00,208 you are jealous of them. 265 00:15:02,000 --> 00:15:06,667 Jesus' brother, James--he says in James 3:14, this phrase, 266 00:15:06,708 --> 00:15:12,042 which is penetratingly insightful. 267 00:15:12,125 --> 00:15:15,250 He speaks of a condition that he calls, quote, 268 00:15:15,333 --> 00:15:19,958 "Bitter envy and selfish ambition." 269 00:15:20,000 --> 00:15:22,958 This is not ambitious for the glory of God. 270 00:15:23,000 --> 00:15:29,458 This is ambitious for the glory of self that fuels, 271 00:15:29,500 --> 00:15:35,792 feed, fosters bitter envy. 272 00:15:35,833 --> 00:15:38,583 Jealousy. 273 00:15:38,667 --> 00:15:41,583 This starts when you're a kid. 274 00:15:41,667 --> 00:15:44,375 Your sibling has an ability-- they're the cute one. 275 00:15:44,458 --> 00:15:45,792 They're the funny one. 276 00:15:45,833 --> 00:15:47,292 They're the athletic one. 277 00:15:47,333 --> 00:15:48,792 They're the musical one. 278 00:15:48,833 --> 00:15:50,500 They're the obedient one. 279 00:15:50,542 --> 00:15:53,083 And you seethe against them, you're frustrated by them, 280 00:15:53,167 --> 00:15:59,167 you're angry with them, because you're jealous of them. 281 00:15:59,250 --> 00:16:02,833 This explains why, sometimes in your life, 282 00:16:02,917 --> 00:16:07,333 you're having a glorious season, 283 00:16:07,417 --> 00:16:10,042 and it leads to a painful conflict with a friend 284 00:16:10,125 --> 00:16:16,125 or a family member that you thought would be glad for you. 285 00:16:16,167 --> 00:16:18,750 You got into the college you wanted, 286 00:16:18,833 --> 00:16:23,000 and now they're upset with you. 287 00:16:23,083 --> 00:16:26,125 That's because they didn't get in. 288 00:16:26,167 --> 00:16:29,125 You've met someone, and you're in a dating relationship, 289 00:16:29,167 --> 00:16:31,833 and you're really excited, and they're really not 290 00:16:31,875 --> 00:16:35,458 because they want to be in a relationship, 291 00:16:35,500 --> 00:16:38,167 and that has not yet happened for them. 292 00:16:38,250 --> 00:16:41,083 You're engaged to be married, and you tell them, 293 00:16:41,167 --> 00:16:42,875 and you anticipate that they will happy, 294 00:16:42,958 --> 00:16:46,167 and they're not, or it turns negative. 295 00:16:46,250 --> 00:16:47,833 All of a sudden, they're critical. 296 00:16:47,917 --> 00:16:50,042 "Why do you always have to talk about them? 297 00:16:50,125 --> 00:16:52,542 "Why do you got to rub my nose in it? 298 00:16:52,625 --> 00:16:55,542 Why do you have to parade it in front of my face?" 299 00:16:55,625 --> 00:16:56,958 "What? I--oh." 300 00:16:57,000 --> 00:16:59,083 Bitter envy, selfish ambition. 301 00:16:59,167 --> 00:17:02,000 "We're pregnant! We're having a child!" 302 00:17:02,083 --> 00:17:05,250 They're struggling with infertility or still single, 303 00:17:05,333 --> 00:17:07,958 and they can't rejoice with you because of bitter envy 304 00:17:08,000 --> 00:17:09,625 and selfish ambition. 305 00:17:09,667 --> 00:17:11,333 Your kids are walking with the Lord, 306 00:17:11,375 --> 00:17:14,542 and you give testimony to that, and they're angry and upset 307 00:17:14,625 --> 00:17:17,667 and critical because their children are wayward. 308 00:17:17,708 --> 00:17:20,500 Or you're happily married, and you celebrate that, 309 00:17:20,583 --> 00:17:24,250 and then they criticize that because the bitter envy 310 00:17:24,333 --> 00:17:25,750 and selfish ambition. 311 00:17:25,833 --> 00:17:29,458 Or you get a job, or you get a raise, or you buy a house, 312 00:17:29,500 --> 00:17:31,167 or you're healthy, or God uses you, 313 00:17:31,208 --> 00:17:34,167 and all of a sudden a good thing becomes a bad thing 314 00:17:34,208 --> 00:17:37,917 because of a bitter heart that is filled with envy. 315 00:17:41,042 --> 00:17:44,167 If you're bitter against someone for any one of those 316 00:17:44,250 --> 00:17:49,500 four reasons, you are in sin. 317 00:17:49,542 --> 00:17:52,000 You're in sin. 318 00:17:55,167 --> 00:17:59,083 The rest of the sermon doesn't apply to you. 319 00:17:59,167 --> 00:18:02,542 You don't get to take out the hat that says, "Victim," 320 00:18:02,625 --> 00:18:05,667 and then wear it for the rest of your life 321 00:18:05,708 --> 00:18:10,500 because you haven't been sinned against. 322 00:18:14,292 --> 00:18:18,417 The fifth category is the group I want to spend the remainder 323 00:18:18,500 --> 00:18:22,250 of the sermon speaking, in large part, to, 324 00:18:22,333 --> 00:18:28,125 and that is, you have been sinned against. 325 00:18:28,167 --> 00:18:29,667 You've been sinned against. 326 00:18:29,708 --> 00:18:32,833 You're a victim of sin. 327 00:18:32,917 --> 00:18:35,250 Somebody has said something, or done something, 328 00:18:35,333 --> 00:18:38,000 or failed to say something, or failed to do something. 329 00:18:38,042 --> 00:18:40,875 And it's not just you, seated on your throne, 330 00:18:40,958 --> 00:18:43,375 rendering a verdict. 331 00:18:43,458 --> 00:18:48,167 It's God, seated on his throne, saying, "That was wrong. 332 00:18:48,250 --> 00:18:52,792 That was wrong." 333 00:18:52,833 --> 00:18:58,375 When we are sinned against, we have two choices: 334 00:18:58,458 --> 00:19:01,542 bitterness or forgiveness. 335 00:19:01,625 --> 00:19:03,542 That's it. 336 00:19:03,625 --> 00:19:06,958 There's no third option. 337 00:19:07,000 --> 00:19:13,458 When you are sinned against, it's bitterness or forgiveness. 338 00:19:13,500 --> 00:19:17,833 So, who is it that you are bitter against, 339 00:19:17,875 --> 00:19:24,333 or potentially bitter against, or will be bitter against? 340 00:19:29,000 --> 00:19:32,958 Who has sinned against you? 341 00:19:33,000 --> 00:19:37,083 Whose face comes into your mind's eye? 342 00:19:37,167 --> 00:19:42,958 Whose name comes into your mind? 343 00:19:44,958 --> 00:19:50,875 Who has betrayed you? 344 00:19:50,958 --> 00:19:57,875 Who has abandoned you? 345 00:19:57,958 --> 00:20:01,458 Who has harmed you? 346 00:20:04,833 --> 00:20:09,167 Who has disappointed you? 347 00:20:12,625 --> 00:20:17,333 Who has hurt you? 348 00:20:19,333 --> 00:20:24,750 Who do you blame for your bitterness? 349 00:20:24,833 --> 00:20:30,667 Dear bitter friend, what tends to happen is, 350 00:20:30,708 --> 00:20:33,792 when we have been sinned against-- 351 00:20:33,833 --> 00:20:36,500 we have been victimized-- 352 00:20:36,583 --> 00:20:39,125 we tend to justify our bitterness, 353 00:20:39,167 --> 00:20:41,708 and if someone should show us Scripture that says, 354 00:20:41,792 --> 00:20:46,417 "You are bitter," we then say, "Yes, but they made me bitter. 355 00:20:46,500 --> 00:20:51,917 Here's what they did." 356 00:20:52,000 --> 00:20:56,875 But, no one can make you bitter. 357 00:20:56,958 --> 00:20:58,875 They're responsible for their sin, 358 00:20:58,958 --> 00:21:02,500 but you're responsible for your bitterness. 359 00:21:02,542 --> 00:21:05,375 Amy Carmichael was a gifted missionary, 360 00:21:05,458 --> 00:21:07,875 and she has this insightful analogy. 361 00:21:07,958 --> 00:21:11,250 She says, quote, "For a cup brimful of sweet water cannot 362 00:21:11,333 --> 00:21:17,917 even spill one drop of bitter water, however suddenly jolted." 363 00:21:26,833 --> 00:21:29,000 This is your heart... 364 00:21:29,042 --> 00:21:32,167 Someone sins against you, all that comes out is 365 00:21:32,208 --> 00:21:35,292 what's already in. 366 00:21:35,333 --> 00:21:40,292 If there's bitterness in you, they're going to expose it. 367 00:21:40,333 --> 00:21:44,083 They're not causing it; they're exposing it. 368 00:21:44,167 --> 00:21:46,750 If there's sweet water in your soul, 369 00:21:46,833 --> 00:21:50,750 and someone sins against you, they're exposing, 370 00:21:50,833 --> 00:21:57,375 not changing, what is in your soul. 371 00:21:57,458 --> 00:22:00,625 You can't say, "I was only sweet water, and then they bumped me, 372 00:22:00,667 --> 00:22:04,250 and all the water became bitter." 373 00:22:04,333 --> 00:22:07,833 No, all the jolting, and sinning, 374 00:22:07,875 --> 00:22:13,167 and conflicting does is reveal, not change, who we are. 375 00:22:15,708 --> 00:22:20,125 If it's bitter, it's because we are choosing bitterness. 376 00:22:20,167 --> 00:22:24,833 If it's sweet, it's because we're choosing sweetness. 377 00:22:24,917 --> 00:22:26,542 What's in your heart? 378 00:22:26,625 --> 00:22:29,125 What's in your soul? 379 00:22:29,167 --> 00:22:33,542 Sweetness or bitterness? 380 00:22:33,625 --> 00:22:36,083 Naomi or Mara? 381 00:22:36,167 --> 00:22:39,083 Naomi means "sweetness." 382 00:22:39,167 --> 00:22:42,000 She says, "Change my name to Mara." 383 00:22:42,042 --> 00:22:44,792 Are you Naomi or Mara? 384 00:22:44,833 --> 00:22:49,583 Is your heart and soul filled with sweetness or bitterness? 385 00:22:49,667 --> 00:22:51,375 And I want to be careful, friends, 386 00:22:51,458 --> 00:22:54,167 because I don't want to give you the excuse that because 387 00:22:54,250 --> 00:22:57,667 you've been sinned against, you have a right to sin. 388 00:22:57,708 --> 00:22:59,792 And that's what bitterness is. 389 00:22:59,833 --> 00:23:05,958 It's responding to evil with evil, sin with sin-- 390 00:23:06,000 --> 00:23:10,167 which brings us to Ephesians 4:25-32, 391 00:23:10,208 --> 00:23:13,458 the section of the Bible that, in my time, 392 00:23:13,500 --> 00:23:18,917 have used for myself and others more than any other. 393 00:23:21,500 --> 00:23:23,958 What does God say to those who are bitter? 394 00:23:24,000 --> 00:23:27,167 What would God have us to say to those whom we counsel 395 00:23:27,208 --> 00:23:28,542 and are bitter? 396 00:23:28,625 --> 00:23:31,333 Ephesians 4:25-29: 397 00:23:31,417 --> 00:23:34,000 Six Commands for Bitter Believers. 398 00:23:34,083 --> 00:23:36,333 "Therefore, having put away falsehood, 399 00:23:36,417 --> 00:23:39,583 "let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, 400 00:23:39,667 --> 00:23:42,833 "for we are members one of another. 401 00:23:42,917 --> 00:23:48,583 "Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down 402 00:23:48,667 --> 00:23:54,542 "on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil. 403 00:23:54,625 --> 00:23:57,667 "Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, 404 00:23:57,708 --> 00:23:59,792 "doing honest work with his own hands, 405 00:23:59,833 --> 00:24:03,000 "so that he may have something to share with anyone in need. 406 00:24:03,083 --> 00:24:06,250 "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, 407 00:24:06,333 --> 00:24:10,417 but only such as is good for building up"-- 408 00:24:10,500 --> 00:24:12,750 not tearing down-- 409 00:24:12,833 --> 00:24:15,958 "as fits the occasion, that it may give grace 410 00:24:16,000 --> 00:24:18,042 to those who hear." 411 00:24:18,125 --> 00:24:20,833 Six Commands for Bitter Believers. 412 00:24:20,917 --> 00:24:24,750 Number one, watch your gossip. 413 00:24:24,833 --> 00:24:27,333 Watch your gossip. 414 00:24:27,417 --> 00:24:32,292 When we are hurt, we are prone to leak. 415 00:24:34,125 --> 00:24:38,583 He tells us, "Let each one of you 416 00:24:38,667 --> 00:24:41,167 speak the truth with his neighbor"-- 417 00:24:41,208 --> 00:24:44,042 meaning, if you think they sinned against you, 418 00:24:44,125 --> 00:24:49,167 go work it out with them, okay? 419 00:24:49,208 --> 00:24:54,458 Gossip is when we talk about people; we don't talk with them. 420 00:24:54,500 --> 00:24:56,167 That's gossip. 421 00:24:56,250 --> 00:24:58,833 The Bible has nothing good to say about gossip, 422 00:24:58,917 --> 00:25:00,833 and just because you're hurting doesn't mean 423 00:25:00,875 --> 00:25:04,750 there's an exception clause. 424 00:25:04,833 --> 00:25:09,333 Can't say things like, "I'm just emotional." 425 00:25:09,417 --> 00:25:14,417 Guard your heart. 426 00:25:17,417 --> 00:25:22,333 In our day of social media, we have to be very careful 427 00:25:22,375 --> 00:25:25,167 to watch our gossip. 428 00:25:25,208 --> 00:25:30,250 You can post--Facebook, Twitter, blog. 429 00:25:30,333 --> 00:25:32,708 You can pick up a phone and call. 430 00:25:32,792 --> 00:25:34,333 You can text. 431 00:25:34,375 --> 00:25:37,167 You can e-mail. 432 00:25:37,250 --> 00:25:41,875 If you don't watch your gossip, you now have, at your disposal, 433 00:25:41,958 --> 00:25:44,667 the biggest opportunity in the history of the world 434 00:25:44,750 --> 00:25:50,792 to gossip as quickly and widely as possible. 435 00:25:50,833 --> 00:25:53,667 Watch your gossip. 436 00:25:53,708 --> 00:25:56,083 Some of you say, "What, I can't talk about it?" 437 00:25:56,167 --> 00:25:58,667 Maybe talk to the Lord about it. 438 00:25:58,708 --> 00:26:01,750 We call that prayer. 439 00:26:01,833 --> 00:26:07,708 It says this in Proverbs 26:20, "Without wood, a fire goes out. 440 00:26:07,792 --> 00:26:11,250 Without gossip, a quarrel dies down." 441 00:26:11,333 --> 00:26:15,417 What he says is that a conflict between believers is 442 00:26:15,500 --> 00:26:20,917 like a fire, and gossip is like wood. 443 00:26:21,000 --> 00:26:25,417 And the more you talk, you're just inviting other people. 444 00:26:25,500 --> 00:26:29,625 "Hey, bring your wood. My fire's going down. 445 00:26:29,667 --> 00:26:32,667 "I was having a conflict with this person, 446 00:26:32,708 --> 00:26:36,375 "and now the conflict is dying down, 447 00:26:36,458 --> 00:26:40,833 "so I want more people involved, and I want more wood brought to 448 00:26:40,917 --> 00:26:45,083 "the fire, and I want to stoke this into a real blaze. 449 00:26:45,167 --> 00:26:50,667 "So gossip with me, listen to me, and then speculate. 450 00:26:50,750 --> 00:26:53,792 "Fill in the blanks; finish the narrative. 451 00:26:53,833 --> 00:26:58,375 "Let's just talk about this ad nauseam. 452 00:26:58,458 --> 00:27:03,167 Let's invite more people to get involved." 453 00:27:03,208 --> 00:27:08,042 See, God's people are to bring water to the fire, not wood. 454 00:27:08,125 --> 00:27:13,542 Gossip is just dry kindling. 455 00:27:13,625 --> 00:27:16,958 This doesn't mean you can't seek wise counsel. 456 00:27:17,000 --> 00:27:18,333 Some of you should. 457 00:27:18,417 --> 00:27:19,833 You should meet with a pastor, 458 00:27:19,917 --> 00:27:21,250 or biblical counselor, 459 00:27:21,333 --> 00:27:22,958 or somebody who's in a peace-making ministry, 460 00:27:23,000 --> 00:27:26,125 if it really has escalated into an adversarial position. 461 00:27:26,167 --> 00:27:28,042 Say, "Okay, here's where we're at. 462 00:27:28,125 --> 00:27:29,958 "I do want to talk to them. 463 00:27:30,000 --> 00:27:32,542 "Help me arrange or figure out how to talk to them 464 00:27:32,625 --> 00:27:37,000 so we can work through this." 465 00:27:37,042 --> 00:27:39,333 Sometimes this means you literally need to sit down 466 00:27:39,417 --> 00:27:42,000 with them face to face. 467 00:27:42,042 --> 00:27:44,583 Matthew 18 says if there's a personal offense between 468 00:27:44,667 --> 00:27:46,500 the two of you, you start face to face. 469 00:27:46,542 --> 00:27:49,250 And if that doesn't produce any result, 470 00:27:49,333 --> 00:27:51,792 then you bring along two or three other godly people 471 00:27:51,833 --> 00:27:57,667 to help mediate and observe the process. 472 00:27:57,708 --> 00:28:00,250 This may include writing a letter 473 00:28:00,333 --> 00:28:03,000 so you can get it all thought out, 474 00:28:03,083 --> 00:28:06,458 knowing that seeing them would be very emotional. 475 00:28:06,500 --> 00:28:08,208 And you're willing to meet with them, 476 00:28:08,292 --> 00:28:09,708 but first you want to communicate. 477 00:28:09,792 --> 00:28:12,708 "Okay, here's where I'm at and here's where I want to meet 478 00:28:12,792 --> 00:28:14,708 "and here's what I want to talk about, 479 00:28:14,792 --> 00:28:16,208 "and if you're agreeable to that, 480 00:28:16,292 --> 00:28:18,958 let's pray and get our hearts ready so we can talk." 481 00:28:19,000 --> 00:28:22,333 This may include a phone call or a Skype if they are far away. 482 00:28:22,375 --> 00:28:24,625 You never reconcile anything with a text. 483 00:28:24,667 --> 00:28:27,833 And you never reconcile anything on the Internet. 484 00:28:27,917 --> 00:28:30,833 All you do is invite all the bitter gossips to be involved, 485 00:28:30,917 --> 00:28:32,542 which only complicates things. 486 00:28:32,625 --> 00:28:36,042 They bring all their wood to your fire. 487 00:28:36,125 --> 00:28:39,375 Somebody may be unsafe or dangerous because 488 00:28:39,458 --> 00:28:43,167 they've assaulted you, or they're not a trustworthy person. 489 00:28:43,250 --> 00:28:46,792 Maybe it's a phone call. Maybe it's with witnesses. 490 00:28:46,833 --> 00:28:53,083 It's finding a safe way to have that conversation. 491 00:28:53,167 --> 00:28:57,167 But watch your gossip. 492 00:28:57,208 --> 00:29:03,458 And ladies, watch your prayer request gossip. 493 00:29:03,500 --> 00:29:06,750 Right, religious ladies? 494 00:29:06,833 --> 00:29:12,375 "Please pray for my husband. He's a 'blank.' 495 00:29:13,375 --> 00:29:18,167 Oh no, that wasn't gossip. That was a prayer request." 496 00:29:18,208 --> 00:29:20,333 No, that was a gossip prayer request. 497 00:29:20,417 --> 00:29:22,958 You're tricky. 498 00:29:23,000 --> 00:29:25,750 Right, men? 499 00:29:25,833 --> 00:29:29,333 "Boy, pray for my wife. She's a 'blank.'" 500 00:29:29,417 --> 00:29:31,625 That's gossip. Have you talked to her? 501 00:29:31,667 --> 00:29:35,667 "No. I'm not talking about her. 502 00:29:35,750 --> 00:29:38,667 Pray for her." 503 00:29:38,708 --> 00:29:43,167 How about I pray that you stop gossiping about her? 504 00:29:43,208 --> 00:29:46,375 Number two, watch your emotions. 505 00:29:46,458 --> 00:29:49,292 He says, "Be angry and do not sin." 506 00:29:49,333 --> 00:29:52,250 What he doesn't say is, "Don't be angry." 507 00:29:52,333 --> 00:29:53,750 And religious people will say, 508 00:29:53,833 --> 00:29:55,958 "Oh, there are two buckets of emotions: 509 00:29:56,000 --> 00:29:57,667 good emotions and bad emotions." 510 00:29:57,708 --> 00:30:00,667 There's not, because God has all emotions. 511 00:30:00,708 --> 00:30:03,375 The question is whether or not the emotions are driving us 512 00:30:03,458 --> 00:30:06,083 toward holiness or unholiness. 513 00:30:06,167 --> 00:30:08,375 And some will say, "Oh, anger--that's a bad emotion." 514 00:30:08,458 --> 00:30:09,833 Not necessarily. 515 00:30:09,917 --> 00:30:11,875 God gets angry. 516 00:30:11,958 --> 00:30:13,292 God gets angry. 517 00:30:13,333 --> 00:30:14,667 Jesus gets angry. 518 00:30:14,750 --> 00:30:17,875 He never sinned, but he got angry. 519 00:30:17,958 --> 00:30:21,375 The most frequently quoted verse in the whole Bible, 520 00:30:21,458 --> 00:30:23,875 if you go to the 66 books of the Bible, 521 00:30:23,958 --> 00:30:25,875 and say, "Boy there's a lot in here. 522 00:30:25,958 --> 00:30:27,542 What verse is repeated most often?" 523 00:30:27,625 --> 00:30:30,875 It's this one--Exodus 34:6-- and it's God's self-disclosure 524 00:30:30,958 --> 00:30:32,583 and revelation of himself. 525 00:30:32,667 --> 00:30:34,375 And he describes himself as, quote, 526 00:30:34,458 --> 00:30:38,083 "A God who is slow to anger." 527 00:30:38,167 --> 00:30:41,333 God has a long wick. 528 00:30:41,375 --> 00:30:45,125 God's not always on the threshold of eruption. 529 00:30:45,167 --> 00:30:50,917 God gets angry, but you have to get him there with ongoing 530 00:30:51,000 --> 00:30:55,625 stubbornness, hardness of heart, rebellion, and folly. 531 00:30:55,667 --> 00:31:00,583 By the power of the Holy Spirit, you and I need to be like that. 532 00:31:00,667 --> 00:31:03,333 It's not that we don't get to anger, 533 00:31:03,417 --> 00:31:09,167 but we don't start with anger. 534 00:31:09,208 --> 00:31:10,667 "In your anger, do not sin." 535 00:31:10,708 --> 00:31:14,875 But anger can be a very powerful emotion 536 00:31:14,958 --> 00:31:18,000 that can be used for constructive good. 537 00:31:18,042 --> 00:31:19,750 I'll give you an example. 538 00:31:19,833 --> 00:31:22,792 The woman who founded Mothers Against Drunk Driving-- 539 00:31:22,833 --> 00:31:26,000 she had a child who was killed by a drunk driver, 540 00:31:26,042 --> 00:31:30,375 a repeat offender drunk driver. 541 00:31:30,458 --> 00:31:34,500 And it looked like, perhaps, nothing would be done, legally, 542 00:31:34,542 --> 00:31:39,667 to this guilty drunk driver who killed her child. 543 00:31:39,750 --> 00:31:41,250 She became angry. 544 00:31:41,333 --> 00:31:43,583 Is that okay? Is that okay? 545 00:31:43,667 --> 00:31:46,167 If somebody gets drunk and kills people, 546 00:31:46,250 --> 00:31:49,167 if somebody molests a child, somebody assaults a woman, 547 00:31:49,250 --> 00:31:51,458 what do you think's in God's heart? 548 00:31:51,500 --> 00:31:53,167 Anger. 549 00:31:53,208 --> 00:31:55,250 It's wrong. 550 00:31:55,333 --> 00:31:58,875 What she did was she took that anger, 551 00:31:58,958 --> 00:32:02,417 and she founded Mothers Against Drunk Driving, 552 00:32:02,500 --> 00:32:05,417 to do something good out of the suffering 553 00:32:05,500 --> 00:32:07,750 that she was enduring. 554 00:32:07,833 --> 00:32:10,958 "In your anger, do not sin." 555 00:32:11,000 --> 00:32:13,167 Watch your emotions. 556 00:32:13,208 --> 00:32:15,333 Number three, watch your clock. 557 00:32:15,417 --> 00:32:18,750 It says, "Do not let the sun go down on your anger." 558 00:32:18,833 --> 00:32:22,458 That's an agrarian society where you would get up with the sun, 559 00:32:22,500 --> 00:32:25,750 go to work, and then you would come home and go to bed 560 00:32:25,833 --> 00:32:28,042 when the sun went down. 561 00:32:28,125 --> 00:32:29,833 They didn't have electricity. 562 00:32:29,917 --> 00:32:33,042 It was a day that was governed by the rising and the setting 563 00:32:33,125 --> 00:32:34,458 of the sun. 564 00:32:34,500 --> 00:32:37,667 And in saying, "Do not let the sun go down on your anger," 565 00:32:37,708 --> 00:32:42,458 what it's saying is, "Don't let things extend or delay." 566 00:32:42,500 --> 00:32:45,167 It doesn't mean you can't go for a walk and say, 567 00:32:45,250 --> 00:32:46,875 "Look, I'm really frustrated. 568 00:32:46,958 --> 00:32:48,583 "I need to pray. 569 00:32:48,667 --> 00:32:50,500 "Let me journal, think my thoughts through, 570 00:32:50,542 --> 00:32:52,083 "get my head on straight. 571 00:32:52,167 --> 00:32:54,667 "Let me cool down. Let me go read my Bible. 572 00:32:54,750 --> 00:32:56,667 "I'll be ready in an hour or two. 573 00:32:56,750 --> 00:32:59,875 "Let me just get ready to talk to you so I don't bring 574 00:32:59,958 --> 00:33:02,917 a lot of wood to this fire." 575 00:33:03,000 --> 00:33:08,333 That's okay, but when you wait days and months 576 00:33:08,417 --> 00:33:12,542 and years, 577 00:33:12,625 --> 00:33:17,042 it's like untreated cancer in the soul. 578 00:33:17,125 --> 00:33:23,167 It just grows and grows and grows. 579 00:33:23,208 --> 00:33:29,708 So he tells us to watch our clock. 580 00:33:29,792 --> 00:33:33,500 Some of you so fear conflict that you've chosen bitterness 581 00:33:33,583 --> 00:33:36,792 over conflict. 582 00:33:36,833 --> 00:33:42,458 What happens when we fail to heed God's instruction? 583 00:33:42,500 --> 00:33:45,875 Well, that's the impetus for point four. 584 00:33:45,958 --> 00:33:48,875 He says, "Watch your enemy." 585 00:33:48,958 --> 00:33:52,667 He says, "Give no opportunity to the devil." 586 00:33:52,750 --> 00:33:56,250 This is where Christian instruction is different than 587 00:33:56,333 --> 00:33:58,292 non-Christian instruction. 588 00:33:58,333 --> 00:34:00,667 If you're dealing with issues of bitterness, 589 00:34:00,708 --> 00:34:04,208 and strained relationships, and unforgiveness, 590 00:34:04,292 --> 00:34:07,333 and you're dealing with secular psychology and counseling, 591 00:34:07,375 --> 00:34:10,417 they're not going to include Satan and demons. 592 00:34:10,500 --> 00:34:15,542 But the Bible does, and the Bible says that Satan 593 00:34:15,625 --> 00:34:18,958 and demons--they hate God and they hate God's people, 594 00:34:19,000 --> 00:34:22,958 which means they love it when God's people shoot one another. 595 00:34:23,000 --> 00:34:25,333 Satan loves it when a Christian shoots a Christian. 596 00:34:25,417 --> 00:34:27,167 Saves them the bullet, 597 00:34:27,208 --> 00:34:32,042 and it also publicly damages the reputation of Jesus. 598 00:34:32,125 --> 00:34:34,333 It's all spiritual war. 599 00:34:34,417 --> 00:34:37,500 That's where this is all going in Ephesians 6. 600 00:34:37,542 --> 00:34:40,500 The very next chapter is about spiritual warfare. 601 00:34:40,542 --> 00:34:43,083 And the introduction to Satan and demons is right here, 602 00:34:43,167 --> 00:34:45,583 that they tend to get their foothold in the church, 603 00:34:45,667 --> 00:34:48,583 and in our families and in our relationships and in our lives 604 00:34:48,667 --> 00:34:51,292 and in our Community Groups and in our Redemption Groups 605 00:34:51,333 --> 00:34:55,000 through bitterness. 606 00:34:55,083 --> 00:34:59,125 He says, as well, to watch your hands. 607 00:34:59,167 --> 00:35:01,333 He says, "Let the thief no longer steal, 608 00:35:01,375 --> 00:35:04,333 "but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his hands, 609 00:35:04,417 --> 00:35:07,958 that he may have something to share with anyone in need." 610 00:35:08,000 --> 00:35:11,750 What do you do with your hands when you're bitter? 611 00:35:11,833 --> 00:35:13,250 Do you punch something? 612 00:35:13,333 --> 00:35:14,958 Do you shove someone? 613 00:35:15,000 --> 00:35:16,500 Do you grab someone? 614 00:35:16,583 --> 00:35:17,917 Do you throw something? 615 00:35:18,000 --> 00:35:19,542 Do you slam a door? 616 00:35:19,625 --> 00:35:21,042 Do you jump in a car? 617 00:35:21,125 --> 00:35:24,250 Do you slam it into gear and speed away? 618 00:35:24,333 --> 00:35:30,000 What do you do with your hands? 619 00:35:30,083 --> 00:35:33,042 He says, "Watch your hands." 620 00:35:33,125 --> 00:35:37,000 Do something constructive, not destructive. 621 00:35:37,083 --> 00:35:41,042 Do something that helps others, doesn't harm others. 622 00:35:41,125 --> 00:35:43,333 I was talking to a divorce attorney after 623 00:35:43,417 --> 00:35:45,167 the previous sermon. 624 00:35:45,208 --> 00:35:49,333 He came up and he said, "This sounds like my life." 625 00:35:49,417 --> 00:35:51,708 He said, "And what people do with their hands 626 00:35:51,792 --> 00:35:55,042 when they're bitter," he said, "Mark, it's devastating 627 00:35:55,125 --> 00:35:59,458 what they do with their hands." 628 00:35:59,500 --> 00:36:04,167 Grab your phone, grab your laptop, 629 00:36:04,208 --> 00:36:07,458 and declare war. 630 00:36:07,500 --> 00:36:12,333 Watch your hands. 631 00:36:12,417 --> 00:36:14,458 And number six, watch your mouth. 632 00:36:14,500 --> 00:36:20,458 He says, "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths." 633 00:36:20,500 --> 00:36:23,167 You say, "How do I know whether or not it's corrupting?" 634 00:36:23,208 --> 00:36:27,750 He says, "It's not about you getting your hurt out, 635 00:36:27,833 --> 00:36:31,042 but imparting grace to those who hear." 636 00:36:31,125 --> 00:36:33,417 Is this going to tell the truth? 637 00:36:33,500 --> 00:36:36,542 Because he starts with this statement: "Put away falsehood, 638 00:36:36,625 --> 00:36:40,125 let each one of you speak the truth." 639 00:36:40,167 --> 00:36:44,667 Now, bitter people tend to rewrite, revise history. 640 00:36:44,708 --> 00:36:48,333 "I will omit these details that paint me in a negative light. 641 00:36:48,375 --> 00:36:51,167 "I will emphasize these details that paint them 642 00:36:51,208 --> 00:36:53,000 "in a negative light. 643 00:36:53,083 --> 00:36:57,292 And I will not speak the whole truth." 644 00:37:01,000 --> 00:37:04,500 He says, "Watch your mouth. Watch your mouth. 645 00:37:04,583 --> 00:37:07,833 Tell the truth about them and you." 646 00:37:07,917 --> 00:37:10,042 Some of you say, "But they sinned against me, 647 00:37:10,125 --> 00:37:11,667 so don't I have a right?" 648 00:37:11,708 --> 00:37:15,542 You do not have a right to respond to sin with sin. 649 00:37:15,625 --> 00:37:21,667 The Bible says, "Do not respond to evil with evil." 650 00:37:21,708 --> 00:37:25,417 And here's something that I've observed. 651 00:37:25,500 --> 00:37:28,750 Almost 17 years now of being your pastor, 652 00:37:28,833 --> 00:37:30,833 I've observed it in my own life, 653 00:37:30,875 --> 00:37:33,417 and I've observed it in the life of others. 654 00:37:33,500 --> 00:37:35,333 When you're bitter against someone, 655 00:37:35,375 --> 00:37:38,667 you tend to nickname them. 656 00:37:38,708 --> 00:37:45,333 In my experiences, we nickname those we love and those we hate. 657 00:37:47,625 --> 00:37:50,750 And if we're bitter against someone, we name them-- 658 00:37:50,833 --> 00:37:54,458 we nickname them. 659 00:37:54,500 --> 00:37:56,833 And what we're doing is we're trying to create 660 00:37:56,917 --> 00:37:59,333 an identity for them. 661 00:37:59,375 --> 00:38:01,833 You are not Dearly Loved Child of God. 662 00:38:01,875 --> 00:38:05,750 You are whatever the name is. 663 00:38:05,833 --> 00:38:10,042 And then we articulate that to invite other people to echo our 664 00:38:10,125 --> 00:38:14,667 naming of them, so that then, not only do we see them in this 665 00:38:14,708 --> 00:38:18,958 negative light, but then as many as possible join us 666 00:38:19,000 --> 00:38:21,042 in seeing them in that negative light. 667 00:38:21,125 --> 00:38:24,708 And once we name them or nickname them, 668 00:38:24,792 --> 00:38:28,000 the assumption is they will never change. 669 00:38:28,083 --> 00:38:31,042 This is who they are. 670 00:38:31,125 --> 00:38:34,542 There's no hope for them. 671 00:38:34,625 --> 00:38:40,333 And then we can treat them with utter contempt. 672 00:38:45,333 --> 00:38:49,708 So Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, says, 673 00:38:49,792 --> 00:38:53,333 "Watch your mouth. Watch your mouth." 674 00:38:53,417 --> 00:38:56,667 This is written by who? 675 00:38:56,750 --> 00:38:58,583 Who wrote this, Mars Hill? 676 00:38:58,667 --> 00:39:04,125 God, through a guy named Paul, who is in prison. 677 00:39:09,708 --> 00:39:16,458 He could be very bitter-- against people and God. 678 00:39:16,500 --> 00:39:22,167 He is in prison because he loves Jesus. 679 00:39:22,208 --> 00:39:25,250 That's why he's in prison. 680 00:39:25,333 --> 00:39:27,333 And he could be in prison saying, 681 00:39:27,417 --> 00:39:32,042 "I hate the Roman government. I'm very bitter against them. 682 00:39:32,125 --> 00:39:36,000 "And I'm also disappointed in Jesus. 683 00:39:36,083 --> 00:39:41,833 "I have suffered shipwreck, homelessness, poverty, beatings. 684 00:39:41,875 --> 00:39:44,333 "I have no wife. I have no children. 685 00:39:44,417 --> 00:39:47,167 "I am all alone. I am in a jail cell. 686 00:39:47,208 --> 00:39:49,750 "I do not know if I will be released. 687 00:39:49,833 --> 00:39:52,708 "And I'm disappointed with Jesus, 688 00:39:52,792 --> 00:39:55,042 "because I have given my all for him, 689 00:39:55,125 --> 00:39:59,708 and he has given nothing to me." 690 00:39:59,792 --> 00:40:04,542 And that's not what he says. 691 00:40:04,625 --> 00:40:09,625 His life is harder, his pain is deeper, 692 00:40:09,667 --> 00:40:13,667 his grief is darker than yours and mine. 693 00:40:13,708 --> 00:40:16,542 His demonic affliction is at a scale 694 00:40:16,625 --> 00:40:23,333 that we do not even comprehend. 695 00:40:25,125 --> 00:40:28,167 So, how do people become bitter? 696 00:40:28,208 --> 00:40:31,167 What is the cycle of bitterness? 697 00:40:31,208 --> 00:40:38,083 Ephesians 4:31, "Let all"--how much? 698 00:40:38,167 --> 00:40:42,875 All. 699 00:40:42,958 --> 00:40:44,958 The word "all" is very important. 700 00:40:45,000 --> 00:40:47,083 "Let all bitterness"-- 701 00:40:47,167 --> 00:40:49,250 so, that's what we've been talking about 702 00:40:49,333 --> 00:40:53,500 for 40 minutes--that word. 703 00:40:53,542 --> 00:40:56,042 "All bitterness." 704 00:40:56,125 --> 00:40:59,750 Let me just start there. 705 00:41:03,000 --> 00:41:08,167 Hebrews 12:15 says that, as Christians and in the church, 706 00:41:08,208 --> 00:41:12,958 we have to dig up the root of bitterness lest it grow up 707 00:41:13,000 --> 00:41:18,417 and defile many. 708 00:41:18,500 --> 00:41:23,167 What he's saying is that bitterness has roots. 709 00:41:23,208 --> 00:41:24,833 I'll give you an analogy, 710 00:41:24,917 --> 00:41:26,250 an illustration from my childhood. 711 00:41:26,333 --> 00:41:28,125 I was the oldest of five children, 712 00:41:28,167 --> 00:41:31,458 and we didn't water our lawn during the summer 713 00:41:31,500 --> 00:41:32,958 because it cost money. 714 00:41:33,000 --> 00:41:36,583 So, the grass would die, but the weeds would flourish. 715 00:41:36,667 --> 00:41:41,167 I know not why, but that's just how it worked in our yard. 716 00:41:41,250 --> 00:41:46,792 So, weeds everywhere. And my dad-- 717 00:41:46,833 --> 00:41:49,375 "Mark, I've got to go to work. 718 00:41:49,458 --> 00:41:51,167 "You're home for the summer. 719 00:41:51,250 --> 00:41:53,958 I need you to go out, get rid of the weeds." 720 00:41:54,000 --> 00:41:55,792 "How should I do that, Dad?" 721 00:41:55,833 --> 00:41:58,583 "Get a shovel. You got to dig them up." 722 00:41:58,667 --> 00:42:02,917 I thought, "No, I want to ride my bike and play ball. 723 00:42:03,000 --> 00:42:04,333 "It's summer. 724 00:42:04,375 --> 00:42:07,125 There's got to be a quicker way to remove the weeds." 725 00:42:07,167 --> 00:42:10,333 So, I got the electric weed eater, the weed whacker, 726 00:42:10,417 --> 00:42:11,958 and I thought, "Well, I'll just-- 727 00:42:12,000 --> 00:42:13,667 "this'll just take a minute. 728 00:42:13,708 --> 00:42:16,833 "We'll get rid of all the weeds, and then I'll have time 729 00:42:16,917 --> 00:42:20,125 to ride my bike and play ball and move on with my life." 730 00:42:20,167 --> 00:42:21,958 So I got the electric weed whacker, 731 00:42:22,000 --> 00:42:24,208 whacked down all the weeds, jumped on my bike, 732 00:42:24,292 --> 00:42:26,667 drove away to go enjoy the rest of my summer. 733 00:42:26,708 --> 00:42:28,417 And lo and behold, it wasn't long. 734 00:42:28,500 --> 00:42:31,583 I looked out on the lawn and what do you think was there? 735 00:42:31,667 --> 00:42:33,000 More weeds. 736 00:42:33,042 --> 00:42:38,833 More weeds, because weeds have roots, 737 00:42:38,917 --> 00:42:45,833 and if you don't pull the roots, you just get more weeds, right? 738 00:42:47,708 --> 00:42:52,333 Forgiveness is the shovel that digs up the root of bitterness. 739 00:42:52,417 --> 00:42:54,583 So, what Paul is saying here, he's saying, 740 00:42:54,667 --> 00:42:58,667 "Don't just work on your hurt, or your anger, or your temper. 741 00:42:58,708 --> 00:43:00,667 Get the root." 742 00:43:00,708 --> 00:43:02,333 And the root is what? 743 00:43:02,417 --> 00:43:05,125 Bitterness. 744 00:43:05,167 --> 00:43:07,833 How many of you, you feel like, "I dealt with that, 745 00:43:07,917 --> 00:43:10,833 and then it comes back, and it's bigger and worse than ever"? 746 00:43:10,917 --> 00:43:14,542 You didn't pull the root. 747 00:43:14,625 --> 00:43:21,333 "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander 748 00:43:21,375 --> 00:43:25,250 "be put away from you, 749 00:43:25,333 --> 00:43:28,833 along with all malice." 750 00:43:28,917 --> 00:43:34,042 Returning to my analogy that I borrowed from Proverbs 26:20, 751 00:43:34,125 --> 00:43:36,542 "Without wood, a fire goes out. 752 00:43:36,625 --> 00:43:39,958 Without gossip, a quarrel dies down." 753 00:43:40,000 --> 00:43:43,000 Bitterness is a spark. 754 00:43:43,042 --> 00:43:44,583 You've been sinned against. 755 00:43:44,667 --> 00:43:46,083 You've been hurt. 756 00:43:46,167 --> 00:43:47,958 There's a flash. 757 00:43:48,000 --> 00:43:50,167 You decide, "I will not forgive them," 758 00:43:50,250 --> 00:43:53,167 or, "I won't forgive them right now." 759 00:43:53,208 --> 00:43:56,250 There's a spark. 760 00:43:56,333 --> 00:43:58,667 That leads to wrath. 761 00:43:58,708 --> 00:44:01,667 Now, you've got a flame. 762 00:44:01,708 --> 00:44:04,042 You ever built a fire or a campfire? 763 00:44:04,125 --> 00:44:06,833 First thing, you need a spark, and then a little flame. 764 00:44:06,875 --> 00:44:08,750 Okay, now we have the beginnings 765 00:44:08,833 --> 00:44:10,542 of a potential fire. 766 00:44:10,625 --> 00:44:12,667 There's an opportunity here. 767 00:44:12,708 --> 00:44:14,625 That's what wrath is. 768 00:44:14,667 --> 00:44:16,833 Bitterness is like the spark. 769 00:44:16,917 --> 00:44:19,208 Wrath is the first flame. 770 00:44:19,292 --> 00:44:21,833 Now, through gossip, you're literally breathing on it. 771 00:44:21,917 --> 00:44:23,250 "They did this." 772 00:44:23,333 --> 00:44:24,667 "They said that." 773 00:44:24,708 --> 00:44:26,042 "They hurt me." 774 00:44:26,125 --> 00:44:27,458 "Here's how I feel." 775 00:44:27,500 --> 00:44:28,833 "See my emotion." 776 00:44:28,917 --> 00:44:30,833 You're blowing on that little flame, 777 00:44:30,875 --> 00:44:34,167 hoping I can get this into a fire. 778 00:44:34,250 --> 00:44:40,042 Anger is where you officially have a small fire. 779 00:44:42,208 --> 00:44:44,792 You don't need to keep stuffing paper. 780 00:44:44,833 --> 00:44:47,583 The kindling has caught. 781 00:44:47,667 --> 00:44:53,500 It's not a big fire, but it could be. 782 00:44:53,542 --> 00:44:56,292 "Clamor." 783 00:44:56,333 --> 00:45:02,208 Now it's a growing fire. 784 00:45:02,292 --> 00:45:04,667 It's a growing fire. 785 00:45:04,708 --> 00:45:06,125 It's warm. 786 00:45:06,167 --> 00:45:08,000 There's heat coming off it. 787 00:45:08,083 --> 00:45:09,458 You can see it. 788 00:45:09,500 --> 00:45:11,542 There's life to it. 789 00:45:11,625 --> 00:45:13,333 You ever been around a big fire? 790 00:45:13,417 --> 00:45:19,458 It's like it has a life of its own--so much energy there. 791 00:45:19,500 --> 00:45:24,958 That's the state of clamor. 792 00:45:25,000 --> 00:45:28,042 "Slander." 793 00:45:28,125 --> 00:45:31,667 "Well, nice hot fire. 794 00:45:31,750 --> 00:45:36,750 "The coals are burning. 795 00:45:36,833 --> 00:45:39,375 "We need more wood. 796 00:45:39,458 --> 00:45:41,750 "We need more wood. 797 00:45:41,833 --> 00:45:46,875 "My wood alone will not make the kind of forest fire that I want, 798 00:45:46,958 --> 00:45:53,375 "so I'm going to start talking about this person who I say 799 00:45:53,458 --> 00:45:57,667 "is responsible for the fire, because, you know, 800 00:45:57,750 --> 00:46:02,542 "their flint rock collided against my flint rock. 801 00:46:02,625 --> 00:46:08,708 So, the spark is their fault--their fault." 802 00:46:08,792 --> 00:46:11,542 Forget the rest of the story, which is you stacking wood 803 00:46:11,625 --> 00:46:16,500 and blowing and encouraging and yearning for conflict 804 00:46:16,583 --> 00:46:21,833 and a bigger fire. 805 00:46:21,917 --> 00:46:24,958 "Where can I get some wood? 806 00:46:25,000 --> 00:46:27,125 "I remember that person doesn't like them. 807 00:46:27,167 --> 00:46:28,750 "I'm going to talk to them. 808 00:46:28,833 --> 00:46:30,958 "You don't like them? I don't like them either. 809 00:46:31,000 --> 00:46:34,042 "You know what they did to me? They did that to you? 810 00:46:34,125 --> 00:46:36,958 "Come on, bring your wood. Throw it on my fire. 811 00:46:37,000 --> 00:46:40,167 "Do you have any friends that have been hurt by them? 812 00:46:40,208 --> 00:46:43,375 "Let's go talk to them. Let's friend them. 813 00:46:43,458 --> 00:46:45,292 "Let's e-mail them. Let's call them. 814 00:46:45,333 --> 00:46:49,667 "Let's text them. Let's get together with them. 815 00:46:49,750 --> 00:46:54,250 "Hey, bring your wood! We got a fire! 816 00:46:54,333 --> 00:46:56,458 "Oh, you don't even know them, 817 00:46:56,500 --> 00:46:58,500 "but somebody did something similar to you, 818 00:46:58,542 --> 00:47:00,917 "and you're unforgiving and hurt? 819 00:47:01,000 --> 00:47:04,125 "Well, your wood will burn. It's dry. 820 00:47:04,167 --> 00:47:07,458 Just throw it on our fire." 821 00:47:07,500 --> 00:47:10,917 That's slander. 822 00:47:11,000 --> 00:47:14,750 That's slander. 823 00:47:14,833 --> 00:47:16,958 "Along with all malice," 824 00:47:17,000 --> 00:47:22,250 that's where it becomes an uncontained wildfire. 825 00:47:22,333 --> 00:47:29,042 It just goes in any direction, and consumes any fuel. 826 00:47:29,125 --> 00:47:31,875 This is where whole families get burned down, 827 00:47:31,958 --> 00:47:34,875 businesses get burned down, friendships get burned down, 828 00:47:34,958 --> 00:47:36,750 Community Groups get burned down, 829 00:47:36,833 --> 00:47:41,333 Redemption Groups get burned down, churches get burned down. 830 00:47:44,333 --> 00:47:48,250 Some years ago, Grace and I were taking a vacation, 831 00:47:48,333 --> 00:47:50,292 when the kids were younger, in Central Oregon. 832 00:47:50,333 --> 00:47:52,167 It's desert country. 833 00:47:52,208 --> 00:47:56,375 It's dry. 834 00:47:56,458 --> 00:48:01,000 There was a fire that started. 835 00:48:01,083 --> 00:48:02,750 They're not sure. 836 00:48:02,833 --> 00:48:05,500 They thought maybe a camper didn't pay attention to their 837 00:48:05,583 --> 00:48:07,833 little fire, or somebody was driving down the road 838 00:48:07,875 --> 00:48:11,833 and flicked their cigarette out--just a little spark. 839 00:48:11,917 --> 00:48:13,833 And the fire department couldn't contain it. 840 00:48:13,917 --> 00:48:16,042 Now it's a raging forest fire. 841 00:48:16,125 --> 00:48:18,458 And it had jumped the line. 842 00:48:18,500 --> 00:48:20,917 It had jumped over freeways and roads. 843 00:48:21,000 --> 00:48:24,500 It was consuming homes and devastating lives. 844 00:48:24,583 --> 00:48:26,417 And they rerouted all of the traffic. 845 00:48:26,500 --> 00:48:29,250 And as we're stuck in traffic, you could just see this 846 00:48:29,333 --> 00:48:33,875 billowing, black smoke that just covered the sky. 847 00:48:33,958 --> 00:48:36,000 I'm sure whoever threw the cigarette, 848 00:48:36,042 --> 00:48:38,250 or failed to attend to their campfire 849 00:48:38,333 --> 00:48:43,167 did not intend for that. 850 00:48:43,208 --> 00:48:46,792 Bitter people don't intend to burn down 851 00:48:46,833 --> 00:48:52,667 everything in their path. 852 00:48:52,750 --> 00:48:56,667 But the two options are bitterness or forgiveness, 853 00:48:56,750 --> 00:49:02,208 wood on the fire, or water on the fire. 854 00:49:02,292 --> 00:49:08,000 And sometimes, hurt people like to hurt people. 855 00:49:10,500 --> 00:49:13,250 Some fires move slow. 856 00:49:13,333 --> 00:49:17,292 Some fires move fast. 857 00:49:24,708 --> 00:49:27,833 The Holy Spirit knows what he's talking about, doesn't he? 858 00:49:27,917 --> 00:49:29,833 This isn't an old Book. 859 00:49:29,917 --> 00:49:36,667 This is a timeless Book, so it's always timely. 860 00:49:36,708 --> 00:49:42,708 So, what do we do? 861 00:49:42,792 --> 00:49:45,833 Well, forgiven people forgive. 862 00:49:45,875 --> 00:49:51,417 Ephesians 4:30, 32, "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God." 863 00:49:51,500 --> 00:49:53,500 Now, I know immediately in hearing this, 864 00:49:53,583 --> 00:49:56,500 some of you are like, "Forgive them? 865 00:49:56,583 --> 00:49:58,625 "That's the water on the fire? 866 00:49:58,667 --> 00:50:02,500 I can't do that. I won't do that." 867 00:50:02,583 --> 00:50:04,167 Here's the truth. 868 00:50:04,208 --> 00:50:07,333 You can't do that, but by the power of the Holy Spirit, 869 00:50:07,417 --> 00:50:09,833 you can. 870 00:50:09,917 --> 00:50:12,750 The Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity. 871 00:50:12,833 --> 00:50:15,125 He's the one who empowered the life of Jesus. 872 00:50:15,167 --> 00:50:17,417 Friends, was Jesus ever sinned against? 873 00:50:17,500 --> 00:50:19,625 Yes. 874 00:50:19,667 --> 00:50:21,917 Did Jesus ever sin against anyone? 875 00:50:22,000 --> 00:50:23,625 No. 876 00:50:23,667 --> 00:50:27,667 So, he's the most innocent victim who has ever lived. 877 00:50:27,708 --> 00:50:30,042 Did Jesus become bitter? 878 00:50:30,125 --> 00:50:31,667 No. 879 00:50:31,750 --> 00:50:33,792 How? 880 00:50:33,833 --> 00:50:35,875 By the power of the Holy Spirit, 881 00:50:35,958 --> 00:50:38,958 he's able to forgive. 882 00:50:39,000 --> 00:50:42,000 Jesus has now sent the Holy Spirit 883 00:50:42,042 --> 00:50:44,542 to live in his people, 884 00:50:44,625 --> 00:50:48,167 so that we have access to his power, 885 00:50:48,250 --> 00:50:50,875 so that, rather than reacting out of our bitterness, 886 00:50:50,958 --> 00:50:55,292 we can be responding through the Holy Spirit. 887 00:50:55,333 --> 00:51:00,625 It takes a miracle for a bitter victim to forgive, 888 00:51:00,667 --> 00:51:04,333 and the name of the miracle is the Holy Spirit. 889 00:51:04,417 --> 00:51:07,750 He is the one who will allow you, empower you, 890 00:51:07,833 --> 00:51:10,833 enable you to forgive. 891 00:51:10,875 --> 00:51:14,250 And if you resist or quench him--those two words are used in 892 00:51:14,333 --> 00:51:17,125 Scripture of how we fight the Holy Spirit 893 00:51:17,167 --> 00:51:20,917 and suppress his ministry-- we grieve the Holy Spirit. 894 00:51:21,000 --> 00:51:23,333 The Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force. 895 00:51:23,375 --> 00:51:25,708 He's a personal God. 896 00:51:25,792 --> 00:51:31,667 He loves you, and he loves them, and he loves the joy 897 00:51:31,750 --> 00:51:36,875 and the peace that forgiveness can bring. 898 00:51:36,958 --> 00:51:41,333 And when you fight him, when you resist him, 899 00:51:41,417 --> 00:51:46,167 when you disobey him, 900 00:51:46,208 --> 00:51:51,583 when you ignore him, you grieve him. 901 00:51:51,667 --> 00:51:55,167 Friends, sin is not just breaking God's laws. 902 00:51:55,250 --> 00:52:01,333 It's breaking God's heart, because God is not just a law. 903 00:52:03,417 --> 00:52:07,208 He's a person. 904 00:52:07,292 --> 00:52:12,833 Are you grieving the Holy Spirit? 905 00:52:12,917 --> 00:52:16,458 Is there sadness? 906 00:52:16,500 --> 00:52:21,167 Is there grief, 907 00:52:21,208 --> 00:52:26,417 because of you, in him? 908 00:52:30,417 --> 00:52:35,792 It says in Genesis 6 that "The earth was filled with sin, 909 00:52:35,833 --> 00:52:40,750 and God was grieved in his heart that he made man." 910 00:52:43,000 --> 00:52:47,000 Some of you say, "But I am hurt." 911 00:52:47,042 --> 00:52:53,375 And the Holy Spirit would say, "And so am I." 912 00:52:53,458 --> 00:52:55,500 "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, 913 00:52:55,542 --> 00:52:58,167 by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption." 914 00:52:58,250 --> 00:53:01,042 Once you become a Christian, the Holy Spirit is in you, 915 00:53:01,125 --> 00:53:04,750 and he's going to get you through to the kingdom of God. 916 00:53:04,833 --> 00:53:11,000 So, what do we do? 917 00:53:11,083 --> 00:53:13,708 "Be kind to one another." 918 00:53:13,792 --> 00:53:16,833 You didn't want to hear that, right? 919 00:53:16,875 --> 00:53:21,000 You didn't want to hear that. 920 00:53:21,083 --> 00:53:26,000 "Tenderhearted," not hard-hearted--tenderhearted. 921 00:53:26,083 --> 00:53:30,667 Didn't want to hear that. 922 00:53:30,708 --> 00:53:32,667 "Forgiving one another." 923 00:53:32,708 --> 00:53:36,083 Did not want to hear that. 924 00:53:36,167 --> 00:53:40,500 "Why should I forgive them? 925 00:53:40,542 --> 00:53:43,792 Why?" 926 00:53:43,833 --> 00:53:48,250 "Because God in Christ forgave you." 927 00:53:48,333 --> 00:53:54,667 Forgiven people forgive. 928 00:53:54,708 --> 00:53:57,875 This has more to do with you and Jesus 929 00:53:57,958 --> 00:54:02,042 than it has to do with you and them. 930 00:54:02,125 --> 00:54:08,958 They don't deserve it, and neither did you. 931 00:54:09,000 --> 00:54:12,167 That's the gospel, right, Mars Hill? 932 00:54:12,208 --> 00:54:16,750 That's the gospel. 933 00:54:16,833 --> 00:54:20,500 All of our sin is against God. 934 00:54:20,583 --> 00:54:22,542 The psalmist says this in Psalm 51: 935 00:54:22,625 --> 00:54:25,667 "Against you only, Lord God, have I sinned." 936 00:54:25,708 --> 00:54:28,708 All sin that we commit, even if it's against another person, 937 00:54:28,792 --> 00:54:31,875 it's ultimately against God. 938 00:54:31,958 --> 00:54:34,667 What does God do in response to our sin? 939 00:54:34,750 --> 00:54:37,833 He doesn't become bitter. 940 00:54:37,917 --> 00:54:42,458 He doesn't attack. 941 00:54:42,500 --> 00:54:47,000 He comes, as the Lord Jesus, to walk among his enemies, 942 00:54:47,042 --> 00:54:50,542 to live without sin, and to be sinned against continually. 943 00:54:50,625 --> 00:54:52,792 And Jesus does the most amazing thing. 944 00:54:52,833 --> 00:54:55,667 He goes to the cross, and he substitutes himself, 945 00:54:55,750 --> 00:54:59,667 and he dies in the place of his enemies. 946 00:54:59,750 --> 00:55:02,625 And the theologians will say that Jesus had seven last words 947 00:55:02,667 --> 00:55:04,833 from the cross-- seven statements. 948 00:55:04,917 --> 00:55:09,333 One of them is this-- Jesus says, "Father"--what?-- 949 00:55:09,375 --> 00:55:12,750 "Forgive them." 950 00:55:12,833 --> 00:55:17,833 And then Jesus dies so that we could be forgiven. 951 00:55:17,917 --> 00:55:19,958 And the Father is not angry with us; 952 00:55:20,000 --> 00:55:21,458 the anger went to Jesus. 953 00:55:21,500 --> 00:55:23,167 The Father does not punish us; 954 00:55:23,208 --> 00:55:25,458 the punishment went to Jesus. 955 00:55:25,500 --> 00:55:27,333 The Father does not condemn us; 956 00:55:27,417 --> 00:55:31,583 the condemnation went to Jesus. 957 00:55:31,667 --> 00:55:38,875 Are you glad that God is not bitter against you 958 00:55:38,958 --> 00:55:45,667 right now, inventing ways of doing malice? 959 00:55:45,708 --> 00:55:48,875 It is hypocritical to say, "God, I am so thankful 960 00:55:48,958 --> 00:55:50,583 "for your forgiveness, 961 00:55:50,667 --> 00:55:54,542 but I refuse to extend that forgiveness to others." 962 00:55:54,625 --> 00:55:56,958 Because when we do that, what we're saying is, 963 00:55:57,000 --> 00:55:59,583 "Lord, I know the sins I have committed against you 964 00:55:59,667 --> 00:56:01,667 "are grievous, 965 00:56:01,708 --> 00:56:04,750 "but the sins that they've committed against me are worse. 966 00:56:04,833 --> 00:56:07,042 "So, I understand that you would forgive me, 967 00:56:07,125 --> 00:56:11,458 and I need you to understand why I would not forgive them." 968 00:56:11,500 --> 00:56:15,875 It's blasphemous. 969 00:56:19,625 --> 00:56:23,958 Let me hit briefly--because now, many of you will have 970 00:56:24,000 --> 00:56:29,625 questions--seven things that forgiveness is not, 971 00:56:29,667 --> 00:56:32,583 and then seven--or rather I should say, 972 00:56:32,667 --> 00:56:34,667 seven things that forgiveness is, 973 00:56:34,708 --> 00:56:37,292 and then we'll hit seven things that forgiveness is not. 974 00:56:37,333 --> 00:56:40,958 Number one, forgiveness is canceling a debt owed to you. 975 00:56:41,000 --> 00:56:43,375 "I'm not going to make you pay. 976 00:56:43,458 --> 00:56:47,250 I'm going to let that go emotionally, relationally." 977 00:56:47,333 --> 00:56:49,500 Jesus tells us to pray this way: 978 00:56:49,542 --> 00:56:54,667 "God, forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors." 979 00:56:54,708 --> 00:57:00,417 Forgiveness is releasing a debt that is owed to you. 980 00:57:00,500 --> 00:57:03,042 Number two, forgiveness is removing the control that 981 00:57:03,125 --> 00:57:05,208 the offender has over you. 982 00:57:05,292 --> 00:57:07,667 If you haven't forgiven them, and you're bitter against them, 983 00:57:07,708 --> 00:57:10,458 then they still control you. 984 00:57:10,500 --> 00:57:14,042 Jesus is not functional, practical Lord because who you 985 00:57:14,125 --> 00:57:17,833 think you are and how you respond is largely dictated by 986 00:57:17,875 --> 00:57:21,333 what they've done, not what he's done. 987 00:57:21,417 --> 00:57:24,458 Number three, forgiveness is giving a gift to yourself 988 00:57:24,500 --> 00:57:28,917 and to your offender. 989 00:57:29,000 --> 00:57:31,250 You can move on. 990 00:57:31,333 --> 00:57:34,000 You can let go of some of the stress, 991 00:57:34,042 --> 00:57:38,875 some of the anxiety, some of the haunting. 992 00:57:38,958 --> 00:57:43,667 Number four, forgiveness is forsaking revenge. 993 00:57:43,708 --> 00:57:47,792 In Romans 12:19, God says, "Vengeance is mine. 994 00:57:47,833 --> 00:57:50,667 I will repay." 995 00:57:50,750 --> 00:57:55,750 What you're not saying is, "I am sanctioning injustice, 996 00:57:55,833 --> 00:57:58,792 "but I'm just leaving it in the hands of the perfect court, 997 00:57:58,833 --> 00:58:03,250 with the perfect Judge." 998 00:58:03,333 --> 00:58:06,750 Number five, forgiveness is leaving ultimate justice 999 00:58:06,833 --> 00:58:09,750 in God's hands. 1000 00:58:09,833 --> 00:58:12,125 Some of you love justice. 1001 00:58:12,167 --> 00:58:13,708 You should. 1002 00:58:13,792 --> 00:58:15,500 So does God. 1003 00:58:15,583 --> 00:58:20,417 And justice either comes at the cross or in hell-- 1004 00:58:20,500 --> 00:58:23,042 where Jesus died in their place for their sins, 1005 00:58:23,125 --> 00:58:25,667 and they come to repentance or they don't, 1006 00:58:25,708 --> 00:58:28,167 and they stand before the Lord Jesus to be sentenced 1007 00:58:28,208 --> 00:58:31,875 to the conscious, eternal torments of hell forever, 1008 00:58:31,958 --> 00:58:36,292 suffering for what they have been doing. 1009 00:58:36,333 --> 00:58:40,000 It's leaving the ultimate justice in God's hands. 1010 00:58:40,042 --> 00:58:42,500 Friends, it came in the past at the cross 1011 00:58:42,542 --> 00:58:44,542 or it comes in the future in hell, 1012 00:58:44,625 --> 00:58:48,042 and you're willing to not seek justice now 1013 00:58:48,125 --> 00:58:50,583 but to leave it in his hands. 1014 00:58:50,667 --> 00:58:53,167 Number six, forgiveness is an ongoing process. 1015 00:58:53,250 --> 00:58:56,000 You'll forgive them once, but you may need to forgive them 1016 00:58:56,042 --> 00:58:59,042 again because they do it again, or maybe the hurt comes back 1017 00:58:59,125 --> 00:59:02,000 afresh, and the old wound starts bleeding. 1018 00:59:02,083 --> 00:59:05,167 There was a common teaching by the rabbis in Jesus' day that 1019 00:59:05,208 --> 00:59:07,333 you should forgive someone two or three times. 1020 00:59:07,417 --> 00:59:08,958 They come to the Lord Jesus. 1021 00:59:09,000 --> 00:59:11,125 They ask him, "Lord Jesus, how often 1022 00:59:11,167 --> 00:59:12,625 should we forgive our enemy?" 1023 00:59:12,667 --> 00:59:14,042 And he says what? 1024 00:59:14,125 --> 00:59:17,417 "Seventy times seven." 1025 00:59:17,500 --> 00:59:22,042 It's another way of saying, "Keep forgiving. 1026 00:59:22,125 --> 00:59:25,917 Keep forgiving." 1027 00:59:26,000 --> 00:59:29,667 And number seven, forgiveness is wanting good for your offender. 1028 00:59:29,708 --> 00:59:31,667 You know that, ultimately, you've forgiven them when 1029 00:59:31,708 --> 00:59:34,167 your hope is that they come to the Lord Jesus 1030 00:59:34,208 --> 00:59:37,458 and that their future is better than their past. 1031 00:59:37,500 --> 00:59:40,208 Seven things that forgiveness is not. 1032 00:59:40,292 --> 00:59:42,208 Forgiveness is not denying that sin occurred 1033 00:59:42,292 --> 00:59:43,625 or diminishing its evil. 1034 00:59:43,667 --> 00:59:45,458 "Nothing happened. I don't even remember it. 1035 00:59:45,500 --> 00:59:47,958 It's not a big deal. That was in the past." 1036 00:59:48,000 --> 00:59:49,417 No, it really was horrible. 1037 00:59:49,500 --> 00:59:51,167 God had to die for it. 1038 00:59:51,208 --> 00:59:53,333 It's that big of a deal. 1039 00:59:53,417 --> 00:59:57,000 Number two, forgiveness is not enabling sin. 1040 00:59:57,083 --> 01:00:02,250 Your spouse is an addict or a thief or an abuser. 1041 01:00:02,333 --> 01:00:06,333 It's not enabling sin. 1042 01:00:06,375 --> 01:00:09,250 Number three, forgiveness is not necessarily a response 1043 01:00:09,333 --> 01:00:11,125 to an apology. 1044 01:00:11,167 --> 01:00:12,958 "They never said they're sorry." 1045 01:00:13,000 --> 01:00:15,000 They may never say they're sorry. 1046 01:00:15,083 --> 01:00:17,250 They may never be sorry. 1047 01:00:17,333 --> 01:00:19,542 They may die without apologizing. 1048 01:00:19,625 --> 01:00:21,333 They may have moved away. 1049 01:00:21,417 --> 01:00:25,250 You may not even know where they are. 1050 01:00:25,333 --> 01:00:30,417 Forgiveness is not covering up crimes committed against us. 1051 01:00:30,500 --> 01:00:36,000 I told a woman many, many years ago--her husband was abusive. 1052 01:00:36,042 --> 01:00:39,875 I said, "You need to forgive him and call the police." 1053 01:00:39,958 --> 01:00:42,042 "I can't forgive him and call the police." 1054 01:00:42,125 --> 01:00:45,792 "Yes, you can, because he has committed a crime." 1055 01:00:45,833 --> 01:00:49,167 Mars Hill, we are not a church that allows women to be beaten 1056 01:00:49,250 --> 01:00:52,042 or children to be assaulted. 1057 01:00:52,125 --> 01:00:57,375 No, you can forgive someone and send them to jail. 1058 01:00:57,458 --> 01:01:03,708 If they've committed a crime, that's what justice requires. 1059 01:01:03,792 --> 01:01:06,417 Number five, forgiveness is not forgetting. 1060 01:01:06,500 --> 01:01:09,542 Many religious people like to quote Jeremiah 31:34, 1061 01:01:09,625 --> 01:01:12,542 where it says, "I remember their sins no more." 1062 01:01:12,625 --> 01:01:15,125 And they'll, just with sort of a pithy lightness 1063 01:01:15,167 --> 01:01:17,458 that's inappropriate, say things like, 1064 01:01:17,500 --> 01:01:20,417 "Well, God doesn't remember, and you shouldn't remember. 1065 01:01:20,500 --> 01:01:23,167 You need to just let it go and forget about it." 1066 01:01:23,208 --> 01:01:26,125 You go, "Really, I--" 1067 01:01:26,167 --> 01:01:27,833 God doesn't forget anything. 1068 01:01:27,917 --> 01:01:29,333 God is omniscient. 1069 01:01:29,417 --> 01:01:30,917 God is all-knowing. 1070 01:01:31,000 --> 01:01:36,042 There's not a list of things that God used to know. 1071 01:01:36,125 --> 01:01:39,167 What that means is God chooses not to see our identity in light 1072 01:01:39,250 --> 01:01:42,583 of what we've done, but rather in light of what Jesus has done, 1073 01:01:42,667 --> 01:01:45,250 and he doesn't interact with us primarily based upon what 1074 01:01:45,333 --> 01:01:49,667 we've done, but primarily by what Jesus has done. 1075 01:01:49,750 --> 01:01:52,292 And so to forget is to say, 1076 01:01:52,333 --> 01:01:55,000 "That's not always on the forefront of my mind, 1077 01:01:55,042 --> 01:01:57,292 "and that's not how I define you 1078 01:01:57,333 --> 01:02:01,042 and interact with you, with no hope for you." 1079 01:02:01,125 --> 01:02:05,250 Number six, forgiveness is not trust. 1080 01:02:05,333 --> 01:02:08,167 Husband commits adultery on the wife, says he's sorry. 1081 01:02:08,208 --> 01:02:09,958 She says that she forgives him. 1082 01:02:10,000 --> 01:02:12,167 Do they pick up where they used to be? 1083 01:02:12,208 --> 01:02:16,167 No, because a great withdrawal has been made from their 1084 01:02:16,208 --> 01:02:17,958 account of trust. 1085 01:02:18,000 --> 01:02:19,625 Trust is gained slowly. 1086 01:02:19,667 --> 01:02:21,458 It's lost quickly. 1087 01:02:21,500 --> 01:02:25,625 Forgiving someone is not a full return to complete trust 1088 01:02:25,667 --> 01:02:27,833 necessarily with that person. 1089 01:02:27,917 --> 01:02:32,375 And number seven, forgiveness is not reconciliation. 1090 01:02:32,458 --> 01:02:35,042 It takes one person to repent. 1091 01:02:35,125 --> 01:02:37,083 It takes one person to forgive. 1092 01:02:37,167 --> 01:02:40,667 And then there's reconciliation. 1093 01:02:40,750 --> 01:02:44,000 It takes two people to reconcile. 1094 01:02:44,042 --> 01:02:46,750 All you can do is what you can do. 1095 01:02:46,833 --> 01:02:49,583 It's where Paul says elsewhere, "Insofar as it is possible 1096 01:02:49,667 --> 01:02:52,000 with you, seek to live at peace with all men." 1097 01:02:52,042 --> 01:02:54,958 What he's saying is, "Put your hand out. 1098 01:02:55,000 --> 01:02:59,250 "Leave it out, and if they don't respond, you're not reconciled, 1099 01:02:59,333 --> 01:03:01,167 "but you've done what you can, 1100 01:03:01,208 --> 01:03:03,333 and your conscience should be clear." 1101 01:03:03,417 --> 01:03:06,333 So, forgiveness is not necessarily reconciliation. 1102 01:03:06,417 --> 01:03:09,167 It's an invitation to reconciliation. 1103 01:03:09,208 --> 01:03:14,542 That's what it is. 1104 01:03:14,625 --> 01:03:16,958 Two questions in closing. 1105 01:03:17,000 --> 01:03:20,042 Are you ready for them? 1106 01:03:20,125 --> 01:03:23,167 Things for you to think about, talk about with your spouse, 1107 01:03:23,208 --> 01:03:25,167 your roommates, your Community Group, 1108 01:03:25,208 --> 01:03:27,750 your Redemption Group, your friends. 1109 01:03:27,833 --> 01:03:31,750 Number one, who do you need to forgive? 1110 01:03:31,833 --> 01:03:35,083 Who do you need to forgive? 1111 01:03:35,167 --> 01:03:39,000 Because forgiven people forgive. 1112 01:03:39,042 --> 01:03:45,417 Number two, who needs to forgive you? 1113 01:03:47,000 --> 01:03:50,750 See, when we hear this sermon, because we tend to be religious 1114 01:03:50,833 --> 01:03:53,250 and self-righteous, we think of all the people who should 1115 01:03:53,333 --> 01:03:56,333 apologize to us, and we tend not to think as eagerly about 1116 01:03:56,417 --> 01:03:59,583 all the people that we need to apologize to. 1117 01:03:59,667 --> 01:04:03,125 Who have you sinned against, and, if they heard this sermon, 1118 01:04:03,167 --> 01:04:05,750 it would be your face and your name that would be 1119 01:04:05,833 --> 01:04:09,333 on the forefront of their mind? 1120 01:04:09,417 --> 01:04:15,333 How will you repent, extend a hand to them? 1121 01:04:19,500 --> 01:04:22,833 I appreciate you letting me teach you for an hour. 1122 01:04:22,917 --> 01:04:25,542 Some of you will ask, "How does he have these insights?" 1123 01:04:25,625 --> 01:04:27,958 Because he's a guilty sinner who has learned some things 1124 01:04:28,000 --> 01:04:30,042 the hard way too. 1125 01:04:30,125 --> 01:04:33,167 And I need Jesus, and you need Jesus, and we need Jesus. 1126 01:04:33,208 --> 01:04:36,667 And the good news is, in Christ we are forgiven, 1127 01:04:36,750 --> 01:04:41,292 and forgiven people can forgive. 1128 01:04:41,333 --> 01:04:45,167 I want this heaviness to weigh in the room. 1129 01:04:45,208 --> 01:04:48,083 I don't want, too quickly, to just move on emotionally 1130 01:04:48,167 --> 01:04:52,000 because it can be a little awkward. 1131 01:04:52,042 --> 01:04:58,542 I want you to let this sink into your soul. 1132 01:04:58,625 --> 01:05:00,625 So, I'm going to ask the financial stewards 1133 01:05:00,667 --> 01:05:03,333 to come forward at this moment, and we're going to collect 1134 01:05:03,417 --> 01:05:04,958 our tithes and offerings. 1135 01:05:05,000 --> 01:05:08,667 And the reason we do this is we want to see this good news of 1136 01:05:08,708 --> 01:05:11,042 Jesus go out to the world. 1137 01:05:11,125 --> 01:05:12,750 We want our church to be healthy. 1138 01:05:12,833 --> 01:05:14,458 We want other churches to be planted. 1139 01:05:14,500 --> 01:05:16,625 We want disciples to be made. 1140 01:05:16,667 --> 01:05:19,333 We know that the world is filled with sin and death, 1141 01:05:19,417 --> 01:05:23,042 and we know that apart from Jesus, there really isn't hope 1142 01:05:23,125 --> 01:05:25,458 and help and healing, 1143 01:05:25,500 --> 01:05:28,167 especially that would last forever. 1144 01:05:28,208 --> 01:05:30,917 So, as you give your tithes and offerings, let me say, 1145 01:05:31,000 --> 01:05:32,792 we love you, we appreciate you. 1146 01:05:32,833 --> 01:05:35,500 And if you'd like to get connected, or you need help, 1147 01:05:35,542 --> 01:05:39,000 or us to follow up with you, if you fill out that card, 1148 01:05:39,042 --> 01:05:42,750 then you can let us know how we can love and serve you. 1149 01:05:42,833 --> 01:05:46,167 In a moment, we are going to respond, as well, 1150 01:05:46,250 --> 01:05:48,250 by partaking of Communion. 1151 01:05:48,333 --> 01:05:50,583 Let me explain this to you. 1152 01:05:50,667 --> 01:05:52,500 When we partake of Communion, 1153 01:05:52,542 --> 01:05:54,792 we're remembering the broken body and shed blood 1154 01:05:54,833 --> 01:05:57,042 of Jesus--that we're not just forgiven, 1155 01:05:57,125 --> 01:06:02,417 we're forgiven through the death of Jesus Christ. 1156 01:06:02,500 --> 01:06:05,333 All right, he says, "Just as God in Christ forgave you." 1157 01:06:05,375 --> 01:06:09,167 Apart from Christ, there is no forgiveness of sin. 1158 01:06:09,208 --> 01:06:11,458 So, if you're here and you're a non-Christian, 1159 01:06:11,500 --> 01:06:14,542 you are not forgiven unless you have turned from sin 1160 01:06:14,625 --> 01:06:16,458 and trusted in Christ. 1161 01:06:16,500 --> 01:06:19,458 So, I invite you to do that right now. 1162 01:06:19,500 --> 01:06:22,667 And for those of you who are forgiven in Christ-- 1163 01:06:22,708 --> 01:06:25,208 you're Christians or you become Christians today-- 1164 01:06:25,292 --> 01:06:27,667 sometimes as we take and partake of Communion, 1165 01:06:27,708 --> 01:06:29,917 it can be just sort of a routine. 1166 01:06:30,000 --> 01:06:33,958 Let it, today, be a ritual where we remember, 1167 01:06:34,000 --> 01:06:36,958 "I'm forgiven through the broken body 1168 01:06:37,000 --> 01:06:39,792 "and the shed blood of Jesus. 1169 01:06:39,833 --> 01:06:45,292 "And his word to me, from his cross, from his bloodied mouth, 1170 01:06:45,333 --> 01:06:48,333 is 'Father, forgive them.'" 1171 01:06:48,417 --> 01:06:50,333 And as you partake of Communion, 1172 01:06:50,417 --> 01:06:54,167 you're publicly identifying that Jesus died for you, 1173 01:06:54,208 --> 01:06:56,750 and that you're forgiven in him. 1174 01:06:56,833 --> 01:07:00,250 And if you are here today with someone that you're unreconciled 1175 01:07:00,333 --> 01:07:03,167 with, Paul tells the Corinthians that before we partake of 1176 01:07:03,208 --> 01:07:06,000 Communion, we need to reconcile with those 1177 01:07:06,083 --> 01:07:07,750 that we are unreconciled with. 1178 01:07:07,833 --> 01:07:10,250 And so, take an opportunity. Maybe it's someone 1179 01:07:10,333 --> 01:07:12,542 that you came with, or in the room, 1180 01:07:12,625 --> 01:07:14,250 is here with us today. 1181 01:07:14,333 --> 01:07:16,958 You need to go seek them out, and you need to, 1182 01:07:17,000 --> 01:07:18,542 if not resolve everything here, 1183 01:07:18,625 --> 01:07:21,042 say, "We need to resolve this, and I'm covenanting 1184 01:07:21,125 --> 01:07:23,042 "in the sight of God that we will. 1185 01:07:23,125 --> 01:07:25,500 "Let's partake of Communion together as the beginning of our 1186 01:07:25,583 --> 01:07:31,958 efforts to put some water on this fire and no more wood." 1187 01:07:32,000 --> 01:07:36,750 And lastly, I want you think about this fact: some of you are 1188 01:07:36,833 --> 01:07:40,542 now going to have the hardest, most emotionally exhausting, 1189 01:07:40,625 --> 01:07:45,042 difficult conversations in the history of your life. 1190 01:07:45,125 --> 01:07:48,542 And it also could become the source 1191 01:07:48,625 --> 01:07:51,875 of the greatest ministry you've ever had-- 1192 01:07:51,958 --> 01:07:55,292 that once you are forgiven and you can share 1193 01:07:55,333 --> 01:07:58,667 your story of forgiveness and encourage others to forgive-- 1194 01:07:58,750 --> 01:08:03,833 this hard season for you could be a glorious opportunity. 1195 01:08:03,875 --> 01:08:05,833 And this is the Apostle Paul. 1196 01:08:05,917 --> 01:08:09,250 In Acts 7, it introduces him before he's a Christian-- 1197 01:08:09,333 --> 01:08:12,042 that he is present, overseeing the murder of 1198 01:08:12,125 --> 01:08:14,083 an early church deacon named Stephen. 1199 01:08:14,167 --> 01:08:18,000 Stephen loves Jesus, and Paul hates Jesus, 1200 01:08:18,042 --> 01:08:21,833 so Paul murders a man who loves Jesus. 1201 01:08:21,917 --> 01:08:24,500 And here's what Stephen, the early church deacon, 1202 01:08:24,542 --> 01:08:30,667 says as he is dying: "Lord, do not charge them with this sin." 1203 01:08:32,667 --> 01:08:35,417 Stephen tells Paul, as he is breathing his last, 1204 01:08:35,500 --> 01:08:37,500 "I forgive you, and I'm praying that God 1205 01:08:37,583 --> 01:08:39,667 would forgive you as well." 1206 01:08:39,750 --> 01:08:42,917 And Stephen released the sin against him, 1207 01:08:43,000 --> 01:08:46,167 left it in the hands of God, wanted good for Saul, 1208 01:08:46,250 --> 01:08:47,875 prayed for him. 1209 01:08:47,958 --> 01:08:49,625 Jesus saved Paul. 1210 01:08:49,667 --> 01:08:52,583 He went from a murderer of Christians to a pastor of 1211 01:08:52,667 --> 01:08:55,917 Christians, and one who talks about forgiveness 1212 01:08:56,000 --> 01:08:59,125 because he has been forgiven. 1213 01:08:59,167 --> 01:09:01,875 Father God, I pray for our people. 1214 01:09:01,958 --> 01:09:06,875 Lord God, I pray for those who have sinned 1215 01:09:06,958 --> 01:09:09,083 to repent and apologize, 1216 01:09:09,167 --> 01:09:12,875 and those who have been sinned against to forgive. 1217 01:09:12,958 --> 01:09:18,333 God, I know that when we're hurt, 1218 01:09:18,417 --> 01:09:21,583 we want a big fire. 1219 01:09:21,667 --> 01:09:24,333 We want everybody to see it. 1220 01:09:24,417 --> 01:09:30,500 We want people to walk, gather around our fire in the darkness, 1221 01:09:30,542 --> 01:09:35,750 so that we might talk to them, and we might leak and vent 1222 01:09:35,833 --> 01:09:38,292 and gossip with them. 1223 01:09:38,333 --> 01:09:41,083 God, we know that world is filled with hurting 1224 01:09:41,167 --> 01:09:44,542 and burdened and broken and bitter people. 1225 01:09:44,625 --> 01:09:47,792 We know, Lord God, that people are just walking around 1226 01:09:47,833 --> 01:09:52,500 with cords of wood, just looking for fires. 1227 01:09:52,542 --> 01:09:55,167 And God, in the age of technology, 1228 01:09:55,250 --> 01:10:01,542 it's more available than ever. 1229 01:10:01,625 --> 01:10:05,083 So, Lord God, I pray for myself, I pray for us as a church, 1230 01:10:05,167 --> 01:10:07,958 I pray for our families, and our Community Groups 1231 01:10:08,000 --> 01:10:11,167 and our Redemption Groups and our various locations. 1232 01:10:11,250 --> 01:10:13,292 I pray against the enemy, his servants, 1233 01:10:13,333 --> 01:10:15,167 their works, and effects. 1234 01:10:15,250 --> 01:10:17,667 I pray against his opportunity to seek a foothold 1235 01:10:17,750 --> 01:10:20,000 through bitter people. 1236 01:10:20,042 --> 01:10:24,250 Lord God, please send the Holy Spirit to illuminate 1237 01:10:24,333 --> 01:10:28,875 our understanding and to empower our relationships. 1238 01:10:28,958 --> 01:10:32,875 And Lord Jesus, we thank you that we are forgiven, 1239 01:10:32,958 --> 01:10:36,500 and we thank you for the great invitation to forgive others 1240 01:10:36,583 --> 01:10:38,667 because forgiven people forgive. 1241 01:10:38,750 --> 01:10:41,333 In Jesus' name, amen. 1242 01:10:43,833 --> 01:10:46,750 Each year, over 10 million Mars Hill church sermons 1243 01:10:46,833 --> 01:10:49,833 are downloaded worldwide for free. 1244 01:10:49,917 --> 01:10:52,458 This ministry is generously supported 1245 01:10:52,500 --> 01:10:55,083 by Mars Hill church members and listeners like you. 1246 01:10:55,167 --> 01:10:58,667 If you'd like to support our efforts to preach Jesus to the world, 1247 01:10:58,708 --> 01:11:01,708 Please consider making a tax-deductible donation 1248 01:11:01,792 --> 01:11:04,625 by visiting marshill.com/give.