1 00:00:00,333 --> 00:00:01,625 Howdy, pastor Mark here. 2 00:00:01,667 --> 00:00:04,125 Let me just take a few moments of your time 3 00:00:04,167 --> 00:00:07,000 before we get into the latest sermon in Ephesians. 4 00:00:07,042 --> 00:00:09,875 I want to tell you about what's coming up for Easter. 5 00:00:09,958 --> 00:00:14,708 We will have 42 services across 14 of our churches 6 00:00:14,792 --> 00:00:20,167 scattered across 4 states and we'll also be live-streaming everything online. 7 00:00:20,667 --> 00:00:24,792 We only do this historically once a year and that's on Easter. 8 00:00:24,833 --> 00:00:27,833 And so I'll be preaching live at Mars Hill downtown 9 00:00:27,875 --> 00:00:32,333 and we'll be simulcasting to all of our locations as well as the internet. 10 00:00:32,375 --> 00:00:36,625 You can go to marshill.com/easter to find out more 11 00:00:36,667 --> 00:00:40,833 and to register to watch what God will be doing on Easter Sunday. 12 00:00:40,875 --> 00:00:43,708 And I know many of you are part of Mars Hill Global 13 00:00:43,792 --> 00:00:47,125 you pray for our chuch, some of you have even given to our church 14 00:00:47,167 --> 00:00:49,917 and the extended mission and ministry of Mars Hill. 15 00:00:50,000 --> 00:00:53,667 I wanna say thank you for that and before we get into Ephesians now, 16 00:00:53,750 --> 00:00:55,917 I want to introduce you to Pastor Sutton Turner, 17 00:00:56,000 --> 00:00:58,667 my friend, our excecutive pastor, to let you know 18 00:00:58,750 --> 00:01:02,042 some of the things that your generosity has been accomplishing. 19 00:01:03,833 --> 00:01:05,375 Hi there Mars Hill Church 20 00:01:05,458 --> 00:01:08,375 and the extended family of Mars Hill Global. 21 00:01:08,458 --> 00:01:11,667 I'm pastor Sutton Turner here in Dilla, Ethiopia 22 00:01:11,750 --> 00:01:13,667 and I wanted to take a moment and explain 23 00:01:13,708 --> 00:01:17,667 what the extended family of Mars Hill Global is. 24 00:01:17,750 --> 00:01:21,667 I was a podcaster when I was living in the Middle East 25 00:01:21,750 --> 00:01:25,500 and consuming those podcasts every week, 26 00:01:25,542 --> 00:01:29,500 participating, really one way, from Mars Hill Church. 27 00:01:29,542 --> 00:01:31,292 I was really a consumer. 28 00:01:31,333 --> 00:01:32,833 So what we're doing is setting up 29 00:01:32,917 --> 00:01:36,542 the extended family of Mars Hill Global and saying, 30 00:01:36,625 --> 00:01:42,375 "Come, be a part of what Jesus Christ is doing in and through our church." 31 00:01:42,458 --> 00:01:44,292 So what does Mars Hill Global do? 32 00:01:44,333 --> 00:01:49,500 Well, Mars Hill Global is doing and participating in church planting 33 00:01:49,542 --> 00:01:51,792 here in Ethiopia and also in India. 34 00:01:51,833 --> 00:01:54,750 Also, we're doing church planting in the United States as well. 35 00:01:54,833 --> 00:01:56,958 We're doing all of that because in Mars Hill Church 36 00:01:57,333 --> 00:02:01,833 we believe that Jesus has called us to make disciples and plant churches. 37 00:02:01,917 --> 00:02:05,750 So I want to ask you to be a part. I want to as you to be a part 38 00:02:05,833 --> 00:02:07,583 of the extended family of Mars Hill Global. 39 00:02:07,667 --> 00:02:08,958 Sign up today. 40 00:02:09,000 --> 00:02:11,667 Become a member of the extended family, 41 00:02:11,750 --> 00:02:14,292 start participating online with us, 42 00:02:14,333 --> 00:02:16,833 and let's see what Jesus Christ is going to do, 43 00:02:16,917 --> 00:02:19,833 not only in the United States, but to the ends of the Earth. 44 00:02:20,542 --> 00:02:33,458 [music] 45 00:02:41,083 --> 00:02:43,167 [laughing] I'm Joshua. 46 00:02:43,208 --> 00:02:44,958 I'm Spencer. Hey, I'm Jonathan. 47 00:02:45,000 --> 00:02:46,833 I'm a lawyer and I'm a mom. 48 00:02:46,875 --> 00:02:48,500 I'm a colorist in the fashion industry. 49 00:02:48,583 --> 00:02:50,208 I don't know how to not smile. 50 00:02:50,292 --> 00:02:51,625 I am a strategist. 51 00:02:51,667 --> 00:02:53,125 I work in commercial real estate. 52 00:02:53,167 --> 00:02:54,833 Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out 53 00:02:54,875 --> 00:02:56,333 how to phrase my work. 54 00:02:56,375 --> 00:02:58,500 People are always coming up to me with, like, 55 00:02:58,583 --> 00:02:59,917 creative ideas. 56 00:03:00,042 --> 00:03:03,000 I carry around a baseball that reminds me of my dad. 57 00:03:03,042 --> 00:03:07,500 I lost my home, my car, my retirement. 58 00:03:07,583 --> 00:03:10,333 Most days look pretty, kind of crazy. 59 00:03:10,375 --> 00:03:12,792 [laughing] 60 00:03:12,833 --> 00:03:15,083 Being a wholesaler, we have a big warehouse space. 61 00:03:15,167 --> 00:03:16,708 I like to think through things. 62 00:03:16,792 --> 00:03:18,417 I got a tattoo of a tree. 63 00:03:18,500 --> 00:03:19,833 I love--I love that. 64 00:03:19,875 --> 00:03:22,500 Who do you think-- Who do you think you are? 65 00:03:24,917 --> 00:03:26,000 Well, as you guys know, I love our church, 66 00:03:26,083 --> 00:03:29,000 and one of the things I love about our church is Jesus, 67 00:03:29,083 --> 00:03:32,583 year after year, keeps bringing tons of non-Christians. 68 00:03:32,667 --> 00:03:34,500 And as we anticipate Easter 69 00:03:34,583 --> 00:03:36,208 and lots of people becoming Christians, 70 00:03:36,292 --> 00:03:38,208 I love the fact that Jesus keeps bringing 71 00:03:38,292 --> 00:03:40,542 non-Christians to Mars Hill, and I love having conversations 72 00:03:40,625 --> 00:03:43,667 with non-Christians who are curious about Jesus. 73 00:03:43,708 --> 00:03:46,333 We had one recently; a guy came up after a service. 74 00:03:46,375 --> 00:03:48,500 He said, "Okay, I'm trying to figure out Christianity." 75 00:03:48,583 --> 00:03:49,917 Really nice guy. 76 00:03:50,000 --> 00:03:52,542 I said, "Okay, any questions? What can I help you with?" 77 00:03:52,625 --> 00:03:54,333 He says, "Okay, so Jesus is God?" 78 00:03:54,375 --> 00:03:56,250 "Yep, been paying attention, good job." 79 00:03:56,333 --> 00:03:58,833 "And he died on the cross for our sins." 80 00:03:58,917 --> 00:04:00,333 "Yes, he did." 81 00:04:00,375 --> 00:04:01,708 "He rose from the dead." 82 00:04:01,792 --> 00:04:03,125 "Yes, he did." 83 00:04:03,167 --> 00:04:05,083 He said, "So, where's he at today? 84 00:04:05,167 --> 00:04:07,625 Does he live in Israel?" That was his question. 85 00:04:07,667 --> 00:04:09,625 I said, "No, if he lived in Israel, 86 00:04:09,667 --> 00:04:11,333 "somebody would have found him by now, 87 00:04:11,375 --> 00:04:14,208 and we would all just go to his church." 88 00:04:14,292 --> 00:04:16,208 But he said, "Well, where is he?" 89 00:04:16,292 --> 00:04:17,708 I said, "Well, he's in heaven." 90 00:04:17,792 --> 00:04:20,000 He said, "Well, what is he doing?" 91 00:04:20,083 --> 00:04:22,125 It's a good question, right? 92 00:04:22,167 --> 00:04:24,667 It's the question that Paul answers for us today. 93 00:04:24,750 --> 00:04:28,000 Alright, where's Jesus and what's he doing today? 94 00:04:28,083 --> 00:04:31,500 And so if you've got a Bible or a fake Bible on your phone, 95 00:04:31,542 --> 00:04:35,708 go to Ephesians 4:1-16, as we look at the fact that 96 00:04:35,792 --> 00:04:37,583 "I Am Gifted." 97 00:04:37,667 --> 00:04:39,917 And let's just read the whole thing together. 98 00:04:40,000 --> 00:04:41,917 Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. 99 00:04:42,000 --> 00:04:43,667 Let's read it all together, 100 00:04:43,708 --> 00:04:45,625 and we'll answer those questions, 101 00:04:45,667 --> 00:04:48,542 where is Jesus today, and what is he doing? 102 00:04:48,625 --> 00:04:50,833 Paul says, "I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord," 103 00:04:50,917 --> 00:04:52,708 so their pastor's in jail— 104 00:04:52,792 --> 00:04:55,333 "urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling 105 00:04:55,417 --> 00:04:56,833 "to which you have been called, 106 00:04:56,917 --> 00:04:58,750 "with all humility and gentleness, with patience, 107 00:04:58,833 --> 00:05:01,167 bearing with one another," 108 00:05:01,250 --> 00:05:02,583 why? 109 00:05:02,667 --> 00:05:04,292 Because we're going to annoy one another. 110 00:05:04,333 --> 00:05:06,500 It's one of the things we're supposed to do. 111 00:05:06,542 --> 00:05:08,000 So you're doing a good job. 112 00:05:08,042 --> 00:05:10,375 Verse 3, "eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit 113 00:05:10,458 --> 00:05:11,792 "in the bond of peace. 114 00:05:11,833 --> 00:05:14,000 There is one body," the church, "and one Spirit," 115 00:05:14,042 --> 00:05:17,000 the Holy Spirit, "just as you were called to the one hope 116 00:05:17,042 --> 00:05:19,375 "that belongs to your call--one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 117 00:05:19,458 --> 00:05:21,292 one God and Father of all." 118 00:05:21,333 --> 00:05:24,708 He's talking about us all being one and in this together. 119 00:05:24,792 --> 00:05:27,417 "—who is over all and through all and in all. 120 00:05:27,500 --> 00:05:31,208 "But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure 121 00:05:31,292 --> 00:05:32,833 "of Christ's gift. 122 00:05:32,875 --> 00:05:36,333 "Therefore it says, 'When he ascended on high he led a host 123 00:05:36,375 --> 00:05:39,500 "'of captives, and he gave gifts to men.' 124 00:05:39,583 --> 00:05:42,458 "(In saying, 'He ascended,' what does it mean 125 00:05:42,500 --> 00:05:45,917 "but that he also descended into the lower regions, the earth? 126 00:05:46,000 --> 00:05:49,833 "He who descended is the one who also ascended far above 127 00:05:49,917 --> 00:05:52,667 "all the heavens, that he might fill all things.) 128 00:05:52,708 --> 00:05:55,458 "And he gave some to be apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, 129 00:05:55,500 --> 00:05:57,667 the shepherds," or pastors, 130 00:05:57,708 --> 00:06:00,500 "and teachers, to equip the saints," 131 00:06:00,583 --> 00:06:03,500 that's you guys, the church, "for the work of ministry, 132 00:06:03,583 --> 00:06:07,167 for building up the body of Christ," there's Mars Hill, 133 00:06:07,250 --> 00:06:09,625 "until we all attain to the unity of the faith 134 00:06:09,667 --> 00:06:11,625 "and of the knowledge of the Son of God, 135 00:06:11,667 --> 00:06:13,000 "to mature manhood, 136 00:06:13,083 --> 00:06:15,708 "to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, 137 00:06:15,792 --> 00:06:17,917 "so that we may no longer be children, 138 00:06:18,000 --> 00:06:21,500 "tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind 139 00:06:21,542 --> 00:06:23,500 "of doctrine, by human cunning, 140 00:06:23,583 --> 00:06:26,125 by craftiness in deceitful schemes." 141 00:06:26,167 --> 00:06:28,500 A lot of false teachers out there who want to 142 00:06:28,583 --> 00:06:29,917 lead us astray. 143 00:06:30,000 --> 00:06:31,625 "Rather, speaking the truth in love, 144 00:06:31,667 --> 00:06:35,000 "we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, 145 00:06:35,083 --> 00:06:36,708 "into Christ, from whom the whole body, 146 00:06:36,792 --> 00:06:39,958 "joined together and held together by every joint with 147 00:06:40,000 --> 00:06:42,833 "which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, 148 00:06:42,917 --> 00:06:46,417 makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love." 149 00:06:46,500 --> 00:06:48,333 Where's Jesus today? 150 00:06:48,375 --> 00:06:51,417 Well, he tells us first of all that Jesus is in heaven 151 00:06:51,500 --> 00:06:52,833 with believers. 152 00:06:52,917 --> 00:06:56,167 That language of "descended" and then "ascended" explains 153 00:06:56,208 --> 00:06:59,917 the whole ministry of Jesus— that Jesus descended down 154 00:07:00,042 --> 00:07:03,375 from heaven, that Jesus is God—he's eternally God; 155 00:07:03,458 --> 00:07:05,792 he's the second member of the Trinity. 156 00:07:05,833 --> 00:07:09,208 And he descended from heaven to earth, and he lived without sin, 157 00:07:09,292 --> 00:07:12,417 and he said he was God, and we were opposed to him, 158 00:07:12,500 --> 00:07:15,625 and so we crucified him. And then he descended, 159 00:07:15,667 --> 00:07:18,000 it says, into the lower parts of the earth. 160 00:07:18,083 --> 00:07:22,000 He was buried in the ground, literally, physically dead, 161 00:07:22,083 --> 00:07:26,625 and then 3 days later he rose, so he ascended from his grave 162 00:07:26,667 --> 00:07:30,625 back to life, conquering death and sin, 163 00:07:30,667 --> 00:07:34,500 and then he witnessed his resurrection by demonstrating 164 00:07:34,583 --> 00:07:36,625 he was alive for 40 days. 165 00:07:36,667 --> 00:07:39,708 Crowds large and small, individual people, small groups, 166 00:07:39,792 --> 00:07:43,958 numbers upwards of 500 people— 1 Corinthians 15 tells us— 167 00:07:44,000 --> 00:07:46,333 he appeared to his mom, he appeared to his brothers, 168 00:07:46,417 --> 00:07:49,042 he appeared to his friends and his disciples. 169 00:07:49,125 --> 00:07:52,000 He evidenced that he had, in fact, been crucified, 170 00:07:52,083 --> 00:07:54,458 showing the scars in his body. 171 00:07:54,500 --> 00:07:56,833 Everybody knew that he was alive, conquered death, 172 00:07:56,917 --> 00:07:59,542 did the one thing that no one has ever done, 173 00:07:59,625 --> 00:08:02,875 beat sin and death. And then he ascended back into 174 00:08:02,958 --> 00:08:05,125 his heavenly kingdom. 175 00:08:05,167 --> 00:08:06,833 And so where is Jesus today? 176 00:08:06,875 --> 00:08:09,292 Well, that's what he tells us. 177 00:08:09,333 --> 00:08:12,417 This language of "ascending," this language of "descending." 178 00:08:12,500 --> 00:08:15,417 And when it says this: "'When he ascended on high he led 179 00:08:15,500 --> 00:08:18,167 "'a host of captives, and he gave gifts to men.' 180 00:08:18,250 --> 00:08:21,208 "(In saying, 'He ascended,' what does it mean but that he also 181 00:08:21,292 --> 00:08:24,125 "descended into the lower regions of the earth? 182 00:08:24,167 --> 00:08:26,917 "He who descended is the one who also ascended far above 183 00:08:27,000 --> 00:08:29,375 all the heavens, that he might fill all things.)" 184 00:08:29,458 --> 00:08:31,333 Where did Jesus go when he ascended? 185 00:08:31,375 --> 00:08:33,125 He ascended back into heaven, 186 00:08:33,167 --> 00:08:35,333 and it says he took captives with him. 187 00:08:35,375 --> 00:08:38,000 So if you've ever wondered, "What happened to the people 188 00:08:38,083 --> 00:08:39,542 "in the Old Testament? 189 00:08:39,625 --> 00:08:41,542 "Jesus hadn't died on the cross yet, 190 00:08:41,625 --> 00:08:43,750 "so their sins were not yet atoned for, 191 00:08:43,833 --> 00:08:45,750 "so they couldn't enter into the presence of 192 00:08:45,833 --> 00:08:47,167 "a holy and righteous God— 193 00:08:47,208 --> 00:08:48,958 what happened to those people?" 194 00:08:49,000 --> 00:08:52,958 Well, their souls were awaiting his ascending, 195 00:08:53,000 --> 00:08:55,958 and when Jesus died on the cross he died for the sins 196 00:08:56,000 --> 00:08:59,250 of all of God's people, and when he ascended, 197 00:08:59,333 --> 00:09:02,125 he took those who had been waiting. 198 00:09:02,167 --> 00:09:05,292 Their souls had been anticipating their ascending, 199 00:09:05,333 --> 00:09:08,208 their journey with Jesus into the eternal kingdom. 200 00:09:08,292 --> 00:09:10,000 They ascended with him. 201 00:09:10,083 --> 00:09:11,583 So, where is Jesus today? 202 00:09:11,667 --> 00:09:14,208 He's in his heavenly kingdom; he's ruling and reigning over 203 00:09:14,292 --> 00:09:18,417 all peoples, times, and places, and with him are those 204 00:09:18,500 --> 00:09:20,208 who have died in faith. 205 00:09:20,292 --> 00:09:22,500 The Old Testament believers and those who have died 206 00:09:22,583 --> 00:09:25,875 over the course of the last 2,000 years— 207 00:09:25,958 --> 00:09:28,625 that's where Jesus is at today. 208 00:09:28,667 --> 00:09:31,208 And then the next question is, "Well, what's he doing?" 209 00:09:31,292 --> 00:09:32,875 Have you ever wondered that? 210 00:09:32,958 --> 00:09:34,583 Like, you're going to wake up tomorrow, 211 00:09:34,667 --> 00:09:37,000 and you're going to grab your calendar or your phone 212 00:09:37,042 --> 00:09:38,958 or your punch list of things to do. 213 00:09:39,000 --> 00:09:40,333 What's on Jesus' list tomorrow? 214 00:09:40,417 --> 00:09:41,833 What's he doing? 215 00:09:41,917 --> 00:09:43,333 What's he focused on? 216 00:09:43,417 --> 00:09:44,833 What's he care about? 217 00:09:44,917 --> 00:09:46,250 What's he paying attention to? 218 00:09:46,333 --> 00:09:47,667 What's a priority for him? 219 00:09:47,708 --> 00:09:49,333 Where is he investing himself? 220 00:09:49,375 --> 00:09:51,458 And he keeps talking over and over and over 221 00:09:51,500 --> 00:09:54,667 and over about the church. And so his next point is that 222 00:09:54,708 --> 00:09:58,250 Jesus is serving the church, and he'll use this language of, 223 00:09:58,333 --> 00:10:00,833 "The church is like a body." 224 00:10:00,917 --> 00:10:03,458 And this is the most common language in the whole 225 00:10:03,500 --> 00:10:05,750 New Testament for all the metaphors of the church 226 00:10:05,833 --> 00:10:07,250 regarding the church. 227 00:10:07,333 --> 00:10:08,667 It's Paul's favorite. 228 00:10:08,708 --> 00:10:11,833 And just like a body has many parts, and they all work together 229 00:10:11,917 --> 00:10:14,542 for health and life and progress, so you and I, 230 00:10:14,625 --> 00:10:16,333 and we—we're like a body, 231 00:10:16,417 --> 00:10:19,625 we're all a part of this great family of God, 232 00:10:19,667 --> 00:10:22,667 and everybody has their bit to contribute, which then leads, 233 00:10:22,708 --> 00:10:25,542 of course, into his discussion about spiritual gifts, 234 00:10:25,625 --> 00:10:28,750 and what part of the body you are and what gift you have 235 00:10:28,833 --> 00:10:31,333 and what contribution that you make. 236 00:10:31,417 --> 00:10:35,250 But he says that this is all possible by the presence 237 00:10:35,333 --> 00:10:37,458 and power of the Holy Spirit. 238 00:10:37,500 --> 00:10:40,542 This is very important because when Jesus ascended, 239 00:10:40,625 --> 00:10:43,250 when he went back to heaven-- you read this 240 00:10:43,333 --> 00:10:45,375 in the opening chapters of the book of Acts. 241 00:10:45,458 --> 00:10:48,083 I've actually been to the place in Israel where they believe 242 00:10:48,167 --> 00:10:49,500 he ascended from. 243 00:10:49,542 --> 00:10:50,875 It's quite beautiful. 244 00:10:50,958 --> 00:10:52,667 The question is, is he gone now? 245 00:10:52,708 --> 00:10:54,375 Are we abandoned? Are we orphans? 246 00:10:54,458 --> 00:10:56,667 Is this like a dad who has a family, 247 00:10:56,750 --> 00:10:59,375 and then turns his back and walks out on the family, 248 00:10:59,458 --> 00:11:03,333 and all the kids are just devastated because dad's gone, 249 00:11:03,417 --> 00:11:05,458 and now we're on our own? 250 00:11:05,500 --> 00:11:09,125 There's actually a theology that teaches that; it's called deism. 251 00:11:09,167 --> 00:11:11,542 God's just gone. 252 00:11:11,625 --> 00:11:14,625 It's like a dad who just walked out on the family, 253 00:11:14,667 --> 00:11:16,250 and we're on our own. 254 00:11:16,333 --> 00:11:18,500 You could see, if you didn't understand the teaching 255 00:11:18,583 --> 00:11:21,208 of the Bible, and you didn't believe in the supernatural, 256 00:11:21,292 --> 00:11:24,000 where you could end up with that kind of erroneous assumption. 257 00:11:24,083 --> 00:11:27,750 So the question is, when Jesus left, did he leave us alone? 258 00:11:27,833 --> 00:11:29,417 He didn't. 259 00:11:29,500 --> 00:11:32,667 He said, "It's actually better for you if I go, so that I 260 00:11:32,708 --> 00:11:35,042 can send the Holy Spirit." 261 00:11:35,125 --> 00:11:38,083 And he says this to the early disciples gathered around him 262 00:11:38,167 --> 00:11:40,500 after his resurrection, just prior to his ascension: 263 00:11:40,542 --> 00:11:42,042 "I'm going to leave, 264 00:11:42,125 --> 00:11:44,292 "and I'm going to send the Holy Spirit, 265 00:11:44,333 --> 00:11:46,250 and he will come with power." 266 00:11:46,333 --> 00:11:48,875 And so Jesus has not abandoned us; in fact, he says, 267 00:11:48,958 --> 00:11:51,083 "I'll never leave you nor forsake you." 268 00:11:51,167 --> 00:11:54,458 Jesus sends the Holy Spirit. And God the Holy Spirit, 269 00:11:54,500 --> 00:11:58,667 the third member of the Trinity, is present with the church. 270 00:11:58,708 --> 00:12:01,333 He's present with the people of God, 271 00:12:01,417 --> 00:12:04,250 and so he brings the presence of God among us, 272 00:12:04,333 --> 00:12:07,625 and so he's the one who connects us to the Lord Jesus. 273 00:12:07,667 --> 00:12:09,625 He's the one who, in every way, 274 00:12:09,667 --> 00:12:12,833 brings to us the life of the Lord Jesus. 275 00:12:12,875 --> 00:12:18,833 And he says it in verse 3, talking about the unity 276 00:12:18,875 --> 00:12:23,458 of the Spirit, and in verse 4, speaking of one Spirit. 277 00:12:23,500 --> 00:12:26,667 And so what is Jesus doing right now? 278 00:12:26,708 --> 00:12:29,250 Well, he's serving the church, he's loving the church, 279 00:12:29,333 --> 00:12:31,125 he's paying attention to the church, 280 00:12:31,167 --> 00:12:34,708 he's devoted to the church, he's concerned for the church, 281 00:12:34,792 --> 00:12:37,667 and he's working in the church through the person, 282 00:12:37,708 --> 00:12:41,333 and the presence, and the power of the God the Holy Spirit. 283 00:12:41,417 --> 00:12:46,917 Is the church a priority for you? 284 00:12:47,000 --> 00:12:51,250 If your priorities are in line with Jesus' priorities, 285 00:12:51,333 --> 00:12:55,333 then the church will be a great priority for you. 286 00:12:55,417 --> 00:12:58,833 You may be in school, but your school will not be here 287 00:12:58,917 --> 00:13:01,125 in 2,000 years. 288 00:13:01,167 --> 00:13:03,375 You may have a job, but in 2,000 years, 289 00:13:03,458 --> 00:13:05,833 your company will no longer exist. 290 00:13:05,875 --> 00:13:08,292 You may love your nation, but in 2,000 years, 291 00:13:08,333 --> 00:13:11,167 your nation will be a footnote in history. 292 00:13:11,250 --> 00:13:14,792 But in 2,000 years, there will still be 293 00:13:14,833 --> 00:13:16,667 the church of Jesus Christ. 294 00:13:16,750 --> 00:13:21,708 The church of Jesus Christ is the most amazing group of people 295 00:13:21,792 --> 00:13:23,917 in the history of the world. 296 00:13:24,000 --> 00:13:26,917 Nations come and go, circumstances come and go, 297 00:13:27,000 --> 00:13:30,125 and the people of God continue moving forward. 298 00:13:30,167 --> 00:13:33,083 Across all the cultures, and all the opposition, 299 00:13:33,167 --> 00:13:36,333 and all of the persecution, and all of the ostracism, 300 00:13:36,375 --> 00:13:38,458 and all of the complexity, 301 00:13:38,500 --> 00:13:41,333 the church just keeps pressing forward. 302 00:13:41,375 --> 00:13:44,625 And there's a few billion people on the earth today who claim 303 00:13:44,667 --> 00:13:47,333 to worship Jesus Christ and be part of the church. 304 00:13:47,417 --> 00:13:48,958 Why is that? 305 00:13:49,000 --> 00:13:50,750 How could that possibly be? 306 00:13:50,833 --> 00:13:53,708 How could people as disorganized as we are, 307 00:13:53,792 --> 00:13:57,833 with such a poor giving base as we have, 308 00:13:57,917 --> 00:14:02,833 with such an offensive message that we bring, still abide, 309 00:14:02,875 --> 00:14:04,917 and continue, and flourish? 310 00:14:05,000 --> 00:14:06,833 God is with us. 311 00:14:06,875 --> 00:14:08,375 The Holy Spirit's doing something. 312 00:14:08,458 --> 00:14:10,000 It's a miracle. 313 00:14:10,042 --> 00:14:12,000 So, when the world looks in and says, 314 00:14:12,083 --> 00:14:13,917 "What is the biggest organization on the earth?" 315 00:14:14,000 --> 00:14:15,500 The church. 316 00:14:15,583 --> 00:14:17,292 "What's the strongest organization on the earth?" 317 00:14:17,333 --> 00:14:18,875 The church. 318 00:14:18,958 --> 00:14:20,625 "What's the longest-lasting organization on the earth?" 319 00:14:20,667 --> 00:14:22,000 The church. 320 00:14:22,083 --> 00:14:24,000 "How could that be? Look at them. 321 00:14:24,083 --> 00:14:26,000 "Oh, God is with them. 322 00:14:26,083 --> 00:14:29,833 There's the variable. That explains everything." 323 00:14:29,875 --> 00:14:32,167 So, what is Jesus doing right now? 324 00:14:32,250 --> 00:14:35,125 Well, he is serving the church, he is loving the church, 325 00:14:35,167 --> 00:14:38,333 he is growing the church, he is building the church. 326 00:14:38,375 --> 00:14:41,958 What is on Jesus' heart is every local church that loves 327 00:14:42,000 --> 00:14:46,042 and serves him. And so we love Mars Hill Church, 328 00:14:46,125 --> 00:14:49,000 and we love all the churches that love and serve Jesus. 329 00:14:49,083 --> 00:14:51,958 We want our heart to be his heart. 330 00:14:52,000 --> 00:14:53,542 And so what is Jesus doing? 331 00:14:53,625 --> 00:14:55,833 Well, he's empowering leaders. 332 00:14:55,917 --> 00:14:58,458 So, Paul here talks about that he's a prisoner of 333 00:14:58,500 --> 00:15:01,167 the Lord Jesus. So he empowers leaders to suffer, 334 00:15:01,250 --> 00:15:04,583 he empowers them to lead, he empowers them to evangelize, 335 00:15:04,667 --> 00:15:07,000 he empowers them to write, he empowers them 336 00:15:07,083 --> 00:15:08,583 to preach and teach. 337 00:15:08,667 --> 00:15:11,792 Paul's doing all of those things by the power of the Holy Spirit. 338 00:15:11,833 --> 00:15:14,167 And then he's empowering— the Holy Spirit is—on behalf 339 00:15:14,250 --> 00:15:17,583 of Jesus, God's people, you all who are Christians. 340 00:15:17,667 --> 00:15:21,208 And he uses language like humility, gentleness, patience, 341 00:15:21,292 --> 00:15:25,500 love, unity, peace in verses 1 through 5. 342 00:15:25,583 --> 00:15:29,875 In verses 13-16, he uses these words as well: unity, knowledge, 343 00:15:29,958 --> 00:15:36,792 mature, speaking the truth in love, growing, building, loving. 344 00:15:38,625 --> 00:15:41,750 What I don't want you to do is turn that into a list 345 00:15:41,833 --> 00:15:43,167 of things to do. 346 00:15:43,208 --> 00:15:45,667 I want you to know that if you're filled with 347 00:15:45,708 --> 00:15:47,833 the Holy Spirit, and you're in relationship with Jesus, 348 00:15:47,917 --> 00:15:50,250 those things come into existence— 349 00:15:50,333 --> 00:15:54,458 that he is the branch, right, 350 00:15:54,500 --> 00:15:57,750 and our life is fruit on his branch. 351 00:15:57,833 --> 00:16:00,292 But if we are filled with the Holy Spirit, 352 00:16:00,333 --> 00:16:02,000 if we submit to the Holy Spirit, 353 00:16:02,083 --> 00:16:04,000 if we are following the Holy Spirit, 354 00:16:04,083 --> 00:16:06,125 we will treat one another differently, 355 00:16:06,167 --> 00:16:08,125 and we'll treat one another increasingly like 356 00:16:08,167 --> 00:16:10,500 Jesus has treated us. 357 00:16:10,583 --> 00:16:12,917 So, we've all got something to work on, 358 00:16:13,000 --> 00:16:15,875 but it's the Holy Spirit who helps us to become more like 359 00:16:15,958 --> 00:16:19,667 Jesus, and as the church, to treat one another more like 360 00:16:19,750 --> 00:16:22,417 Jesus treats us. 361 00:16:22,500 --> 00:16:26,333 And then he says that Jesus is giving gifts. 362 00:16:26,375 --> 00:16:28,792 So, we've looked at the fact that Jesus is currently 363 00:16:28,833 --> 00:16:31,417 in heaven with believers, that he's serving the church, 364 00:16:31,500 --> 00:16:34,333 and one of the ways that he serves the church is 365 00:16:34,375 --> 00:16:36,292 through the giving of gifts. 366 00:16:36,333 --> 00:16:38,333 Some of you have heard of spiritual gifts. 367 00:16:38,417 --> 00:16:40,417 Some of you are new Christians or non-Christians— 368 00:16:40,500 --> 00:16:41,833 you've not heard of this. 369 00:16:41,917 --> 00:16:44,917 That's going to be my theme for the remainder of our time 370 00:16:45,000 --> 00:16:47,042 together. And he talks a lot about gifts. 371 00:16:47,125 --> 00:16:51,042 Do you like to give gifts? Do you like to give gifts? 372 00:16:51,125 --> 00:16:52,750 You should. 373 00:16:52,833 --> 00:16:55,167 If you're a Christian and the Holy Spirit's in you, 374 00:16:55,208 --> 00:16:56,542 you should like to give. 375 00:16:56,625 --> 00:16:57,958 You realize God's a giver, 376 00:16:58,000 --> 00:17:00,875 and to be a giver is a good thing. 377 00:17:00,958 --> 00:17:04,000 See, the more you give, the more joy you have. 378 00:17:04,083 --> 00:17:07,000 That's why no one is more joyful than God. 379 00:17:07,083 --> 00:17:09,208 No one's more joyful than God. 380 00:17:09,292 --> 00:17:11,000 God loves to give. 381 00:17:11,083 --> 00:17:13,167 We don't have to beg God to give. 382 00:17:13,250 --> 00:17:16,000 "God so loved the world he gave us his only Son." 383 00:17:16,042 --> 00:17:17,500 God loves to give. 384 00:17:17,583 --> 00:17:19,500 Our God loves, loves, loves to give, 385 00:17:19,583 --> 00:17:22,125 and the more you get to know the God who gives, 386 00:17:22,167 --> 00:17:25,625 the more you become like the God who gives, the more you give— 387 00:17:25,667 --> 00:17:27,333 the more you give. 388 00:17:27,375 --> 00:17:30,375 The older I get, I think one of the easiest tests for 389 00:17:30,458 --> 00:17:34,083 Christian maturity is whether you're a giver or a taker. 390 00:17:34,167 --> 00:17:38,417 And he says that Jesus gives. Jesus gives. 391 00:17:38,500 --> 00:17:40,750 And there's a list in this section— 392 00:17:40,833 --> 00:17:42,833 first of all, that Jesus is a gift. 393 00:17:42,875 --> 00:17:46,167 He talks in verse 7— he says, quote, "Christ's gift." 394 00:17:46,208 --> 00:17:48,833 I want you guys to know that Jesus is a gift. 395 00:17:48,875 --> 00:17:51,958 God may not give you health, he may not give you wealth, 396 00:17:52,000 --> 00:17:53,500 but he gives you himself. 397 00:17:53,583 --> 00:17:55,542 That's amazing. 398 00:17:55,625 --> 00:17:59,125 Of anything you could ever want, nothing, 399 00:17:59,167 --> 00:18:02,375 nothing could even remotely compare to God 400 00:18:02,458 --> 00:18:04,708 giving you himself. 401 00:18:04,792 --> 00:18:07,417 You know the greatest gift Grace, my wife, ever gave me? 402 00:18:07,500 --> 00:18:09,500 Grace. 403 00:18:09,583 --> 00:18:13,000 Not just all the things she does for me, and I appreciate them, 404 00:18:13,083 --> 00:18:15,417 but she's given me herself. 405 00:18:15,500 --> 00:18:19,500 She's given me her whole self for her whole life. 406 00:18:19,583 --> 00:18:21,000 She's a gift. 407 00:18:21,042 --> 00:18:23,333 God gives himself. 408 00:18:23,375 --> 00:18:27,333 Jesus gave his life, he gives his righteousness, 409 00:18:27,375 --> 00:18:30,500 he gives his salvation, he gives his love, 410 00:18:30,583 --> 00:18:33,500 he gives his affection. 411 00:18:33,583 --> 00:18:36,375 And when the Bible uses the language of grace, 412 00:18:36,458 --> 00:18:38,500 that's what it's talking about. 413 00:18:38,583 --> 00:18:41,125 Our God, the Lord Jesus— he's a giver. 414 00:18:41,167 --> 00:18:44,667 And I want you to know how radical this is. 415 00:18:44,708 --> 00:18:47,417 If you look at other religions, their god is a taker, 416 00:18:47,500 --> 00:18:50,333 and their god is a taker, and their god is a taker, 417 00:18:50,417 --> 00:18:53,125 and their god is a taker, and he's going to take 418 00:18:53,167 --> 00:18:55,542 through karma, and he demands a certain percentage, 419 00:18:55,625 --> 00:18:57,542 and he demands certain good works, 420 00:18:57,625 --> 00:19:00,625 and he demands certain pilgrimages to sacred places. 421 00:19:00,667 --> 00:19:04,000 And Jesus shows up to give. 422 00:19:04,042 --> 00:19:06,917 First of all, our God is not a taker. 423 00:19:07,000 --> 00:19:11,208 He's a joyful giver, and he gives us himself. 424 00:19:11,292 --> 00:19:13,917 So in verse 7, when he talks about Christ's gift, 425 00:19:14,000 --> 00:19:16,083 Christ is our gift. 426 00:19:16,167 --> 00:19:19,000 Mars Hill, we've been given Jesus. 427 00:19:19,042 --> 00:19:20,417 What a gift! 428 00:19:20,500 --> 00:19:22,708 All of his righteousness. 429 00:19:22,792 --> 00:19:25,500 Number two, he gives us the Holy Spirit. 430 00:19:25,583 --> 00:19:27,708 In verse 3, he talks about, quote, 431 00:19:27,792 --> 00:19:31,833 "The unity of the Spirit," and in verse 4, "one Spirit." 432 00:19:31,875 --> 00:19:35,917 So God has given us his Spirit, so we're not orphans, 433 00:19:36,000 --> 00:19:38,833 we're not abandoned, we're not alone. 434 00:19:38,917 --> 00:19:41,208 We don't have to live by our own power; 435 00:19:41,292 --> 00:19:43,333 we can live by the power of God. 436 00:19:43,375 --> 00:19:45,667 We're not left to our own thinking; 437 00:19:45,708 --> 00:19:49,125 he can direct our understanding. 438 00:19:49,167 --> 00:19:52,250 The Holy Spirit is present in the church. 439 00:19:52,333 --> 00:19:54,625 To some degree, the Holy Spirit is present 440 00:19:54,667 --> 00:19:56,458 and at work in the world, 441 00:19:56,500 --> 00:19:59,333 but he is particularly and powerfully at work in 442 00:19:59,417 --> 00:20:04,333 the people of God, particularly when we assemble together. 443 00:20:04,417 --> 00:20:07,500 The Holy Spirit loves it when we get together. 444 00:20:07,583 --> 00:20:10,542 He loves to show up at our Community Groups, 445 00:20:10,625 --> 00:20:13,333 he loves to show up at our Redemption Groups, 446 00:20:13,417 --> 00:20:15,625 he loves to show up at our services. 447 00:20:15,667 --> 00:20:18,417 He loves to help us work out our conflicts, 448 00:20:18,500 --> 00:20:21,042 he loves to help us love and serve one another, 449 00:20:21,125 --> 00:20:26,250 he loves to be present wherever Jesus is praised. 450 00:20:26,333 --> 00:20:27,958 God's given us Jesus. 451 00:20:28,000 --> 00:20:30,042 God's given us the presence, the person, 452 00:20:30,125 --> 00:20:32,542 the power of the Holy Spirit. 453 00:20:32,625 --> 00:20:36,667 Number three, God gives us people as gifts. 454 00:20:36,708 --> 00:20:40,792 You need to know that you are a gift. 455 00:20:40,833 --> 00:20:44,500 You're a gift to others, you're a gift to our church. 456 00:20:44,542 --> 00:20:46,792 And here, he's talking about: these people have these 457 00:20:46,833 --> 00:20:49,000 abilities, and these people have these abilities, 458 00:20:49,042 --> 00:20:50,750 and these people make these contributions, 459 00:20:50,833 --> 00:20:52,583 and these people make these contributions. 460 00:20:52,667 --> 00:20:55,083 Let me just say that people don't just have gifts; 461 00:20:55,167 --> 00:20:57,667 people are gifts. 462 00:20:57,750 --> 00:21:00,708 People don't just have gifts; they are gifts. 463 00:21:00,792 --> 00:21:03,208 And if we only think that people have gifts, 464 00:21:03,292 --> 00:21:05,500 then we use them for their gifts. 465 00:21:05,583 --> 00:21:07,833 But if we believe that people are gifts, 466 00:21:07,917 --> 00:21:09,542 we love and appreciate the person, 467 00:21:09,625 --> 00:21:11,333 not just their function. 468 00:21:11,417 --> 00:21:13,208 People are gifts. 469 00:21:13,292 --> 00:21:16,833 People are gifts. And some of you, let me just say, 470 00:21:16,875 --> 00:21:18,458 are great gifts. 471 00:21:18,500 --> 00:21:21,542 Others of you are painful gifts, but you're all gifts. 472 00:21:21,625 --> 00:21:24,542 You're all gifts. 473 00:21:24,625 --> 00:21:27,542 And number four, what happens then--so God gives us Jesus, 474 00:21:27,625 --> 00:21:29,958 the Holy Spirit, one another, 475 00:21:30,000 --> 00:21:34,208 and then he gives to each Christian spiritual gifts, 476 00:21:34,292 --> 00:21:35,833 spiritual gifts. 477 00:21:35,875 --> 00:21:38,500 And he speaks of this in verse 8. 478 00:21:38,542 --> 00:21:41,875 He says, quote, "He gave gifts to men." 479 00:21:41,958 --> 00:21:43,500 He gave gifts. 480 00:21:43,542 --> 00:21:45,667 Who determines what gift you get? 481 00:21:45,750 --> 00:21:47,208 He does. 482 00:21:48,042 --> 00:21:49,750 He does. 483 00:21:49,833 --> 00:21:53,083 God determines what you do, God determines what they do, 484 00:21:53,167 --> 00:21:55,250 God looks at the church and he says, "Okay, 485 00:21:55,333 --> 00:21:57,750 "we're going to need this, we're going to need this, 486 00:21:57,833 --> 00:22:00,333 "we're going to need this, we're going to need this, 487 00:22:00,375 --> 00:22:03,333 "so I'm going to give them this ability, and them this capacity, 488 00:22:03,375 --> 00:22:05,500 "and them this experience, and then they're all going 489 00:22:05,583 --> 00:22:07,917 to come together and it's going to be far better." 490 00:22:08,000 --> 00:22:10,417 Paul uses the language in 1 Corinthians like, you know, 491 00:22:10,500 --> 00:22:11,833 "We don't need 17 feet. 492 00:22:11,875 --> 00:22:14,500 "We need a body that has all the right parts, orchestrated, 493 00:22:14,583 --> 00:22:16,750 "organized together, so there's a lot of diversity, 494 00:22:16,833 --> 00:22:19,667 but we're all unified in this together." 495 00:22:19,708 --> 00:22:21,458 "He gave gifts to men." 496 00:22:21,500 --> 00:22:24,625 So let me say some things about spiritual gifts, and then we'll 497 00:22:24,667 --> 00:22:27,250 talk about individual, particular gifts. 498 00:22:27,333 --> 00:22:29,958 Number one, it doesn't really matter whether it's 499 00:22:30,000 --> 00:22:33,250 a natural talent or a supernatural gift. 500 00:22:33,333 --> 00:22:37,333 A natural talent is something you just innately have 501 00:22:37,417 --> 00:22:41,125 from birth; a supernatural gift is something you have 502 00:22:41,167 --> 00:22:42,833 from your new birth. 503 00:22:42,917 --> 00:22:45,542 A natural talent is something you can do before you're 504 00:22:45,625 --> 00:22:49,500 a Christian; a supernatural gift is something that accompanies 505 00:22:49,583 --> 00:22:51,750 the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit 506 00:22:51,833 --> 00:22:53,250 when you become a Christian. 507 00:22:53,333 --> 00:22:58,167 And let me just say, I don't care which one you use. 508 00:22:58,208 --> 00:23:00,167 Some people ask, "What's my spiritual gift?" 509 00:23:00,250 --> 00:23:03,000 Well, your primary area of service to Jesus Christ 510 00:23:03,083 --> 00:23:05,000 and the church may not be according to 511 00:23:05,083 --> 00:23:06,417 your spiritual gift; 512 00:23:06,500 --> 00:23:08,417 it may be according to your natural talent. 513 00:23:08,500 --> 00:23:10,875 The Bible never says that there's the spiritual gift 514 00:23:10,958 --> 00:23:12,708 of singing. 515 00:23:12,792 --> 00:23:15,917 That's a natural talent. Non-Christians can sing too. 516 00:23:16,000 --> 00:23:19,708 If you become a Christian, and you have some musical ability, 517 00:23:19,792 --> 00:23:22,833 just use that for Jesus. Or if you're a programmer, 518 00:23:22,875 --> 00:23:25,917 or if you're an accountant, or whatever the case may be. 519 00:23:26,000 --> 00:23:28,417 Maybe you're an engineer or an architect, 520 00:23:28,500 --> 00:23:30,417 maybe you're a graphic designer. 521 00:23:30,500 --> 00:23:32,417 I don't know what your skills are. 522 00:23:32,500 --> 00:23:34,583 And you say--you become a Christian and you say, 523 00:23:34,667 --> 00:23:36,000 "Well, what do I do?" 524 00:23:36,042 --> 00:23:37,958 Well, maybe these abilities God's already given you 525 00:23:38,000 --> 00:23:39,333 are for ministry. 526 00:23:39,417 --> 00:23:42,333 So, it doesn't matter whether or not it's a natural ability 527 00:23:42,417 --> 00:23:44,250 or a supernatural ability. 528 00:23:44,333 --> 00:23:46,458 As long as it's used for ministry, 529 00:23:46,500 --> 00:23:48,625 that's all that really matters. 530 00:23:48,667 --> 00:23:51,208 Number two, the way you find your spiritual gift 531 00:23:51,292 --> 00:23:52,958 is trial and error. 532 00:23:53,000 --> 00:23:54,958 You try something, you're no good at it, 533 00:23:55,000 --> 00:23:57,333 or you don't like it, or everybody else says stop, 534 00:23:57,417 --> 00:24:00,125 that can be an indication that maybe that's not your thing. 535 00:24:00,167 --> 00:24:02,208 You do something else, you're like, 536 00:24:02,292 --> 00:24:03,708 "Hey, I'm pretty good at that, 537 00:24:03,792 --> 00:24:05,292 "and people seem to appreciate that, 538 00:24:05,333 --> 00:24:08,292 and God seems to bless that, and I kind of like that," 539 00:24:08,333 --> 00:24:09,792 maybe that's your thing. 540 00:24:09,833 --> 00:24:11,375 So, trial and error. 541 00:24:11,458 --> 00:24:13,500 In addition, you can have multiple gifts. 542 00:24:13,542 --> 00:24:15,167 So, it's not like they're exclusive. 543 00:24:15,250 --> 00:24:18,208 Some of you have one gift, some of you have multiple gifts, 544 00:24:18,292 --> 00:24:20,500 and the gift mix is combined to give you 545 00:24:20,583 --> 00:24:22,917 a particular ministry capacity. 546 00:24:23,000 --> 00:24:24,625 People have differing amounts of a gift. 547 00:24:24,667 --> 00:24:26,708 So, let's say you've got a leadership gift. 548 00:24:26,792 --> 00:24:29,000 You're like, "I can lead people one on one," 549 00:24:29,083 --> 00:24:31,417 "I can lead small groups," "I can lead large teams," 550 00:24:31,500 --> 00:24:33,417 "I can lead a massive organization." 551 00:24:33,500 --> 00:24:35,917 There's different levels for each giftedness. 552 00:24:36,000 --> 00:24:37,667 Some of you say, "I'm a teacher." 553 00:24:37,750 --> 00:24:40,833 "I can teach one on one," or, "I can teach a small group," 554 00:24:40,917 --> 00:24:42,542 or, "I can teach a large group," 555 00:24:42,625 --> 00:24:44,542 or, "I can teach a really large group." 556 00:24:44,625 --> 00:24:46,250 There's different levels of gifting. 557 00:24:46,333 --> 00:24:48,708 In addition, you need to cultivate them. 558 00:24:48,792 --> 00:24:51,708 Let's say you have the gift of teaching. You can't just say, 559 00:24:51,792 --> 00:24:53,458 "Well, I have the gift of teaching. 560 00:24:53,500 --> 00:24:54,833 I will teach." 561 00:24:54,917 --> 00:24:56,333 "Do you read? Have you studied?" 562 00:24:56,417 --> 00:24:58,750 "No, I haven't, but I have the gift of teaching." 563 00:24:58,833 --> 00:25:00,833 Well, you don't have the gift of discernment, 564 00:25:00,875 --> 00:25:03,000 I can tell you that, because before you teach, 565 00:25:03,083 --> 00:25:04,417 you're supposed to study. 566 00:25:04,500 --> 00:25:06,167 So, you've got to cultivate your gift. 567 00:25:06,250 --> 00:25:08,667 Some of you say, "I have the gift of leadership." 568 00:25:08,750 --> 00:25:11,667 Well, you're going to have to cultivate and grow in that gift. 569 00:25:11,750 --> 00:25:13,667 Let's say you have the gift of administration. 570 00:25:13,750 --> 00:25:16,000 You're going to need to start with simple responsibilities 571 00:25:16,042 --> 00:25:18,333 and grow and get more training and learn. 572 00:25:18,375 --> 00:25:19,833 So, we've all got to cultivate 573 00:25:19,875 --> 00:25:21,625 and grow in whatever our gift is. 574 00:25:21,667 --> 00:25:24,625 In addition, we need to learn to serve outside of our area 575 00:25:24,667 --> 00:25:26,208 of gifting. 576 00:25:26,292 --> 00:25:27,792 Alright, somebody walks in, they say, 577 00:25:27,833 --> 00:25:29,792 "I'm really hurting. Can you pray for me?" 578 00:25:29,833 --> 00:25:31,167 "Sorry, that's not my gift." 579 00:25:31,250 --> 00:25:33,625 Alright, come on, you don't have the gift of mercy? 580 00:25:33,667 --> 00:25:36,333 To some degree, we need to be humble enough to say, 581 00:25:36,375 --> 00:25:39,208 "There are times when we have to serve outside of our area 582 00:25:39,292 --> 00:25:41,167 of gifting because there's a need." 583 00:25:41,208 --> 00:25:44,833 It's not about our gifts; it's about their need. 584 00:25:44,875 --> 00:25:47,042 So you can't say, "Well, that's not my gift." 585 00:25:47,125 --> 00:25:48,917 They'd say, "But that is my need." 586 00:25:49,000 --> 00:25:51,917 So perhaps you need to serve in an area that's outside of 587 00:25:52,000 --> 00:25:54,125 your gifting, at least for a season until God 588 00:25:54,167 --> 00:25:55,500 brings somebody else. 589 00:25:55,583 --> 00:25:58,333 And let me say this--this will be perhaps helpful. 590 00:25:58,375 --> 00:26:02,125 If you come to our church and you are annoyed by something-- 591 00:26:02,167 --> 00:26:04,500 alright, other than me--but if you're annoyed by 592 00:26:04,583 --> 00:26:07,208 something—it just bothers you, it's like fingernails 593 00:26:07,292 --> 00:26:09,125 on a chalkboard. You're like, "I hate that. 594 00:26:09,167 --> 00:26:11,417 "That's not right. That just drives me crazy. 595 00:26:11,500 --> 00:26:13,417 "I don't know why they don't fix that. 596 00:26:13,500 --> 00:26:14,833 Why is that like that?" 597 00:26:14,875 --> 00:26:17,500 That might actually be your gift—not to be annoyed, 598 00:26:17,583 --> 00:26:20,500 but to help fix the thing that annoys you. 599 00:26:20,583 --> 00:26:23,417 If you walk in and you say, "Why don't they fix that?" 600 00:26:23,500 --> 00:26:27,333 That may be that you have the gift that no one else has, 601 00:26:27,375 --> 00:26:30,000 and you're seeing the need that no one else is seeing. 602 00:26:30,083 --> 00:26:32,000 And you shouldn't get frustrated; 603 00:26:32,083 --> 00:26:36,417 you should assume it's a call from Jesus to go to work. 604 00:26:36,500 --> 00:26:38,000 You're welcome—got you. 605 00:26:38,083 --> 00:26:44,042 So--but honestly, this is true; this is how it works. 606 00:26:44,125 --> 00:26:46,250 Sometimes you'll be frustrated. 607 00:26:46,333 --> 00:26:50,042 It's because someone with your gift is not fixing that. 608 00:26:50,125 --> 00:26:52,333 Well, maybe God's showing you, 609 00:26:52,417 --> 00:26:56,167 so that you can be the one to fix it. 610 00:26:56,208 --> 00:26:57,917 So, why does God give gifts? 611 00:26:58,000 --> 00:27:01,167 He says in verse 12, and this is one of the more important 612 00:27:01,250 --> 00:27:03,708 Scriptures in the New Testament about the church. 613 00:27:03,792 --> 00:27:05,792 Why does he give gifts and leaders? 614 00:27:05,833 --> 00:27:08,333 Quote, "To equip the saints for the work of ministry, 615 00:27:08,375 --> 00:27:11,417 for the building up of the body of Christ." 616 00:27:11,500 --> 00:27:15,083 So, what Paul is saying here is, there's a difference between 617 00:27:15,167 --> 00:27:17,917 a consumer mentality and a Christian mentality. 618 00:27:18,000 --> 00:27:19,833 In a consumer mentality, 619 00:27:19,875 --> 00:27:22,833 the leadership exists to serve you. 620 00:27:22,875 --> 00:27:24,792 In a Christian mentality, the leadership exists 621 00:27:24,833 --> 00:27:27,833 to equip you to serve others. 622 00:27:27,875 --> 00:27:29,417 So, in a consumer mentality, 623 00:27:29,500 --> 00:27:31,375 it's more like a business transaction. 624 00:27:31,458 --> 00:27:33,792 "How can I give the most--or rather, 625 00:27:33,833 --> 00:27:36,625 "how can I give the least amount of money and commitment 626 00:27:36,667 --> 00:27:38,750 and get the most return on investment?" 627 00:27:38,833 --> 00:27:41,250 That's a consumer mentality. 628 00:27:41,333 --> 00:27:46,417 A Christian mentality is, "How can I give my money, my time, 629 00:27:46,500 --> 00:27:49,458 "my gifts, my capacities, my abilities, 630 00:27:49,500 --> 00:27:53,417 "and where could I help bring unity and health 631 00:27:53,500 --> 00:27:55,958 to our church family?" 632 00:27:56,000 --> 00:27:58,208 See, the first perspective is really business; 633 00:27:58,292 --> 00:28:00,333 the second is really family. 634 00:28:00,375 --> 00:28:03,125 There's--I don't know of any mom who looks at the family 635 00:28:03,167 --> 00:28:06,167 and says, "How could I give the least and get the most 636 00:28:06,250 --> 00:28:08,417 like a business transaction and negotiation?" 637 00:28:08,500 --> 00:28:10,500 Right? 638 00:28:10,583 --> 00:28:13,333 The moms chuckle because the moms know, no, 639 00:28:13,375 --> 00:28:14,833 that's not parental thinking. 640 00:28:14,875 --> 00:28:16,333 Parental thinking is, "It's a family, 641 00:28:16,375 --> 00:28:18,625 "and I'm here to love, and serve, and give. 642 00:28:18,667 --> 00:28:20,875 "This is not a business transaction. 643 00:28:20,958 --> 00:28:22,833 "This is a family interaction. 644 00:28:22,875 --> 00:28:26,417 This is not a consumer mindset. This is a Christian mindset." 645 00:28:26,500 --> 00:28:30,667 You need to be very careful because we live in a day 646 00:28:30,750 --> 00:28:34,000 that really is about Christian consumerism. 647 00:28:34,083 --> 00:28:36,833 Parachurch ministries competing, churches competing, 648 00:28:36,875 --> 00:28:39,042 and then people shopping for churches 649 00:28:39,125 --> 00:28:40,833 and shopping for ministries. 650 00:28:40,917 --> 00:28:43,167 We use this language; it's all consumer. 651 00:28:43,208 --> 00:28:46,250 "How can I get this, and this, and this, and this program, 652 00:28:46,333 --> 00:28:49,167 "and these contributions, and how can I give the least 653 00:28:49,208 --> 00:28:50,833 but get the most?" 654 00:28:50,875 --> 00:28:53,833 That's consumer thinking, and it doesn't lead to joy 655 00:28:53,917 --> 00:28:56,167 because it's not the heart of Jesus. 656 00:28:56,208 --> 00:28:58,208 Christian thinking says, "Where am I needed? 657 00:28:58,292 --> 00:28:59,708 "What can I do? 658 00:28:59,792 --> 00:29:02,708 How could I help to build up the church?" 659 00:29:02,792 --> 00:29:06,375 And let me say, for those of you who are Christian consumers, 660 00:29:06,458 --> 00:29:11,125 there is a great illusion that Christianity is doing well. 661 00:29:11,167 --> 00:29:16,000 The latest statistics say that between 7%-9% of Americans 662 00:29:16,042 --> 00:29:18,792 are practicing, Bible-believing, church-attending, 663 00:29:18,833 --> 00:29:21,083 evangelical Christians. 664 00:29:21,167 --> 00:29:24,000 Let's say it's 8%, to set a number. 665 00:29:24,083 --> 00:29:27,625 Eight percent of people are giving, serving, 666 00:29:27,667 --> 00:29:30,000 participating in a church. 667 00:29:30,042 --> 00:29:33,833 That means that 92% of people don't know Jesus 668 00:29:33,875 --> 00:29:37,125 and/or are not walking with him faithfully. 669 00:29:37,167 --> 00:29:41,333 Now, if there's only 8%, we're putting a great burden 670 00:29:41,417 --> 00:29:46,125 and responsibility on a very small minority. 671 00:29:46,167 --> 00:29:48,667 I don't want you to have a consumer mindset, 672 00:29:48,708 --> 00:29:50,833 because what you're doing then is, number one, 673 00:29:50,875 --> 00:29:52,417 you're dishonoring Jesus; 674 00:29:52,500 --> 00:29:54,833 number two, you're using your brothers and sisters. 675 00:29:54,917 --> 00:29:58,250 In some regards, you're guilty of stealing. 676 00:29:58,333 --> 00:30:00,667 They're giving, and you're taking. 677 00:30:00,708 --> 00:30:02,833 The result is there's nothing left for those 678 00:30:02,917 --> 00:30:05,042 who don't yet know Jesus. 679 00:30:05,125 --> 00:30:08,208 And our goal is that all of God's people would be giving, 680 00:30:08,292 --> 00:30:12,208 so that we could be reaching those who don't yet know Jesus. 681 00:30:12,292 --> 00:30:14,917 And the way we do that is then by determining, 682 00:30:15,000 --> 00:30:17,250 "Okay, what's my gift? How has God wired me? 683 00:30:17,333 --> 00:30:19,625 What is it that is my contribution?" 684 00:30:19,667 --> 00:30:24,042 And let me say this, that in Christ is your identity, 685 00:30:24,125 --> 00:30:27,042 and then your gift is your activity. 686 00:30:27,125 --> 00:30:29,500 Your identity in Christ explains who you are; 687 00:30:29,583 --> 00:30:33,333 your spiritual gift helps clarify what you do. 688 00:30:33,417 --> 00:30:34,833 There's a difference. 689 00:30:34,917 --> 00:30:37,000 Your gift is not your identity. 690 00:30:37,083 --> 00:30:41,792 Okay, I'm not a preacher; I'm a Christian who preaches. 691 00:30:41,833 --> 00:30:44,833 You're not an administrator, you're not a leader, 692 00:30:44,917 --> 00:30:47,042 you're a Christian who administrates 693 00:30:47,125 --> 00:30:49,750 or a Christian who leads. 694 00:30:49,833 --> 00:30:52,458 So, the most important thing is that we love the church 695 00:30:52,500 --> 00:30:54,667 and do whatever's best for all of God's people. 696 00:30:54,750 --> 00:31:00,667 In addition to that, that it doesn't become our identity, 697 00:31:00,708 --> 00:31:04,333 but it helps clarify our activity. 698 00:31:04,375 --> 00:31:06,333 And Paul says over, and over, and over, 699 00:31:06,375 --> 00:31:08,500 30-some times in the book, "in Christ, in Christ, 700 00:31:08,583 --> 00:31:09,917 in Christ, in Christ." 701 00:31:10,000 --> 00:31:11,917 He does it in this section as well. 702 00:31:12,000 --> 00:31:15,125 Let me just be very clear: you're not what you do; 703 00:31:15,167 --> 00:31:17,458 you're what Jesus has done. 704 00:31:17,500 --> 00:31:21,833 You're not what you do; you're what Jesus has done. 705 00:31:21,917 --> 00:31:26,917 And then what you do is in relationship with Jesus. 706 00:31:27,000 --> 00:31:29,250 This will be controversial, but I think Jesus had 707 00:31:29,333 --> 00:31:30,833 all the spiritual gifts. 708 00:31:30,875 --> 00:31:32,542 He could do everything, alright? 709 00:31:32,625 --> 00:31:34,542 He's perfect. 710 00:31:34,625 --> 00:31:37,542 So whatever gift you have, you could look to Jesus and say, 711 00:31:37,625 --> 00:31:40,083 "Okay, how did he use this capacity that's like mine? 712 00:31:40,167 --> 00:31:42,000 What does it look like?" 713 00:31:42,042 --> 00:31:44,333 And then Jesus gives you a gift 714 00:31:44,417 --> 00:31:47,167 that looks like one of his abilities, 715 00:31:47,208 --> 00:31:49,583 and then he sends the Holy Spirit to empower you 716 00:31:49,667 --> 00:31:52,583 to do a little bit of his ministry. 717 00:31:52,667 --> 00:31:55,083 Okay, but your identity is in your relationship with Christ; 718 00:31:55,167 --> 00:31:59,000 your activity is out of your relationship with Christ. 719 00:31:59,042 --> 00:32:01,667 And I say this because sometimes people then turn 720 00:32:01,708 --> 00:32:03,833 their gifts into idols. 721 00:32:03,875 --> 00:32:06,833 "You can't say I can't do that. That's who I am." 722 00:32:06,875 --> 00:32:09,250 Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. 723 00:32:09,333 --> 00:32:13,458 Mars Hill, I love preaching, but it's not my identity. 724 00:32:13,500 --> 00:32:18,042 It's not; Jesus is my righteousness. He's my Savior, 725 00:32:18,125 --> 00:32:21,417 he's my friend, he's my--he defines who I am. 726 00:32:21,500 --> 00:32:25,417 Preaching—I love preaching, 727 00:32:25,500 --> 00:32:29,750 but I can tell you with all sincerity, 728 00:32:29,833 --> 00:32:31,750 if he ever tells me to stop preaching-- 729 00:32:31,833 --> 00:32:35,458 I don't anticipate that he will--I'll still be a Christian, 730 00:32:35,500 --> 00:32:38,542 because my relationship with Jesus is not contingent upon 731 00:32:38,625 --> 00:32:40,333 my activity for him. 732 00:32:40,417 --> 00:32:42,750 I'll still love Jesus, I'll still walk with Jesus, 733 00:32:42,833 --> 00:32:45,333 I'll still love the church, I'll still love the church. 734 00:32:45,417 --> 00:32:47,000 Why? 735 00:32:47,083 --> 00:32:50,542 Well, because I love Jesus, and I love the church, 736 00:32:50,625 --> 00:32:54,333 and my gift may be a way to serve the church and love Jesus, 737 00:32:54,417 --> 00:32:57,125 but my gift is nowhere near as important as Jesus 738 00:32:57,167 --> 00:32:58,958 and the church. 739 00:32:59,000 --> 00:33:00,708 That being said, 740 00:33:00,792 --> 00:33:02,792 there are four places in the New Testament 741 00:33:02,833 --> 00:33:05,125 you'll find lists of what we call spiritual gifts. 742 00:33:05,167 --> 00:33:07,833 I'll give you--for those of you with the gift of administration, 743 00:33:07,875 --> 00:33:09,583 this is where you now take notes. 744 00:33:09,667 --> 00:33:11,167 Okay, 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, 745 00:33:11,250 --> 00:33:16,333 1 Corinthians 12:28-30, Romans 12:6-8, 746 00:33:16,375 --> 00:33:19,500 Ephesians 4:11— 747 00:33:19,583 --> 00:33:22,625 which we're in this week— and 1 Peter 4:11. 748 00:33:22,667 --> 00:33:25,875 If you forget all that, okay— 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12, 749 00:33:25,958 --> 00:33:30,333 Ephesians 4, and 1 Peter 4. Those are the four places that 750 00:33:30,375 --> 00:33:33,583 all the spiritual gifts lists are given. 751 00:33:33,667 --> 00:33:37,208 The lists are not the same, so there's some gifts over here, 752 00:33:37,292 --> 00:33:39,458 some gifts over there. 753 00:33:39,500 --> 00:33:41,750 I don't think there's any comprehensive lists. 754 00:33:41,833 --> 00:33:44,167 I don't believe this is necessarily the limit of all 755 00:33:44,208 --> 00:33:46,333 the spiritual gifts. 756 00:33:46,417 --> 00:33:49,042 And even if you put them all together, the lists, 757 00:33:49,125 --> 00:33:51,833 I don't think you get the sum total list of all 758 00:33:51,875 --> 00:33:53,208 the spiritual gifts. 759 00:33:53,292 --> 00:33:55,958 But I'm going to walk through them. And it's 19 things, 760 00:33:56,000 --> 00:33:57,958 and some of you are going to say, 761 00:33:58,000 --> 00:33:59,458 "Wow, that's going to take a while." 762 00:33:59,500 --> 00:34:00,917 Yes, it will. 763 00:34:01,000 --> 00:34:02,917 Okay, the first gift-- so, you are gifted, 764 00:34:03,000 --> 00:34:05,625 but I want you to see this, and this is important. 765 00:34:05,667 --> 00:34:07,000 You're gifted. 766 00:34:07,083 --> 00:34:09,208 See, some of you have never heard that. 767 00:34:09,292 --> 00:34:11,500 You've never heard, you know, "You have a meaningful, 768 00:34:11,542 --> 00:34:14,208 "valuable, purposeful contribution to make. 769 00:34:14,292 --> 00:34:17,333 "You can do things that matter and help people who need you. 770 00:34:17,375 --> 00:34:22,375 And there is a need there with your name written on it." 771 00:34:22,458 --> 00:34:24,833 See, this is where sometimes Christians think of serving 772 00:34:24,875 --> 00:34:26,500 as guilt-based. 773 00:34:26,542 --> 00:34:28,125 No, it's joy-based. 774 00:34:28,167 --> 00:34:31,167 "Oh, I'm needed, and Jesus would be honored, 775 00:34:31,250 --> 00:34:33,625 "and someone would be helped, and I have a particular, 776 00:34:33,667 --> 00:34:36,167 "unique ability with my personality, and my gifts, 777 00:34:36,250 --> 00:34:38,833 "and my experience, and my background to meet that need? 778 00:34:38,917 --> 00:34:41,833 "Well, and Jesus wants me to do it? 779 00:34:41,917 --> 00:34:44,958 It's a little assignment from the King for the kingdom?" 780 00:34:45,000 --> 00:34:46,750 That's encouraging, right? 781 00:34:46,833 --> 00:34:48,167 Like, well, hey. 782 00:34:48,208 --> 00:34:50,042 Jesus comes up to you and says, 783 00:34:50,125 --> 00:34:51,833 "Hey, you know, they really need you. 784 00:34:51,875 --> 00:34:53,333 Could you do that for me?" 785 00:34:53,375 --> 00:34:54,833 "Yeah, Jesus. Hey, thanks! 786 00:34:54,875 --> 00:34:56,208 "Yeah, that sounds great. 787 00:34:56,292 --> 00:34:58,208 "I mean, you've been so good to me 788 00:34:58,292 --> 00:35:00,500 "and I get to go to work with you? 789 00:35:00,542 --> 00:35:02,500 That sounds great. That sounds great." 790 00:35:02,542 --> 00:35:03,875 That's all ministry is, friends. 791 00:35:03,958 --> 00:35:05,833 It's going to work with Jesus. 792 00:35:05,875 --> 00:35:07,833 That's all it is. That's all it is. 793 00:35:07,875 --> 00:35:10,833 When I was a little boy, my dad--I think I've told you 794 00:35:10,875 --> 00:35:12,208 this story. 795 00:35:12,292 --> 00:35:13,708 I'm getting old, I repeat them. 796 00:35:13,792 --> 00:35:16,000 But my dad, Joe, he'd wear construction boots. 797 00:35:16,042 --> 00:35:18,833 He'd wear jeans and a white t-shirt, 798 00:35:18,875 --> 00:35:20,500 and so that's what I wore. 799 00:35:20,542 --> 00:35:22,667 He had a lunchbox, so I got a lunchbox. 800 00:35:22,750 --> 00:35:25,417 He had a hard hat, so I got a hard hat. 801 00:35:25,500 --> 00:35:28,625 My dad would go to work, and sometimes I'd get in the truck 802 00:35:28,667 --> 00:35:31,625 and go to work with him because I just wanted to do 803 00:35:31,667 --> 00:35:33,000 what my dad was doing. 804 00:35:33,083 --> 00:35:34,417 Ministry's like that. 805 00:35:34,500 --> 00:35:36,833 God's already doing stuff, and he takes his kids along 806 00:35:36,875 --> 00:35:39,208 for the ride, so they can get to know him, 807 00:35:39,292 --> 00:35:41,208 and they get to serve alongside of him, 808 00:35:41,292 --> 00:35:43,208 and they get to share in his joy. 809 00:35:43,292 --> 00:35:45,625 And these are various gifts that God gives for you 810 00:35:45,667 --> 00:35:48,250 to be going to work with your Dad. 811 00:35:48,333 --> 00:35:50,667 The first is wisdom. This is in 1 Corinthians 12:8. 812 00:35:50,708 --> 00:35:54,250 Okay, if you have this gift, you love giving timely, 813 00:35:54,333 --> 00:35:56,333 helpful insight. 814 00:35:56,417 --> 00:35:58,667 You can read people and circumstances, 815 00:35:58,708 --> 00:36:00,667 and everybody's looking at it like a knot. 816 00:36:00,750 --> 00:36:02,667 They're like, "How do we untie this knot? 817 00:36:02,750 --> 00:36:04,125 I don't understand what we--" 818 00:36:04,167 --> 00:36:05,833 and you say, "Okay, how about this? 819 00:36:05,875 --> 00:36:07,208 "How about that? 820 00:36:07,292 --> 00:36:09,208 Let me explain." And you say the truth. 821 00:36:09,292 --> 00:36:12,500 You give wise insight, and everybody's like, "That's it!" 822 00:36:12,542 --> 00:36:16,333 This can be organizationally. This can be interpersonally. 823 00:36:16,375 --> 00:36:18,167 For me, this is Pastor Dave Bruskas, 824 00:36:18,250 --> 00:36:19,667 one of our executive elders. 825 00:36:19,750 --> 00:36:21,417 I'll go to Pastor Dave, I'm like, 826 00:36:21,500 --> 00:36:23,417 "Okay, I don't know what to do here. 827 00:36:23,500 --> 00:36:25,333 I can't figure out what's right." 828 00:36:25,375 --> 00:36:27,708 Pastor Dave has the gift of wisdom. 829 00:36:27,792 --> 00:36:31,125 He has the gift of wisdom, so he'll think, and he'll pray, 830 00:36:31,167 --> 00:36:32,667 and he knows the Bible, 831 00:36:32,750 --> 00:36:34,875 and he's got a lot of experience in ministry. 832 00:36:34,958 --> 00:36:36,583 He's got a beautiful family. 833 00:36:36,667 --> 00:36:38,750 He's got a lot of wisdom to draw from. 834 00:36:38,833 --> 00:36:44,542 What you don't need is counsel; you need wise counsel. 835 00:36:44,625 --> 00:36:48,833 Alright, the world isn't lacking in counsel, right? 836 00:36:48,875 --> 00:36:51,625 It's lacking in wise counsel. 837 00:36:51,667 --> 00:36:54,500 Some of you are looking for advice. 838 00:36:54,583 --> 00:36:57,417 Make sure you go to a wise source. 839 00:36:57,500 --> 00:37:00,917 People with the gift of wisdom are a great gift. 840 00:37:01,000 --> 00:37:03,625 The gift of knowledge— 1 Corinthians 12:8. 841 00:37:03,667 --> 00:37:06,208 Okay, if you have this gift, you love to study. 842 00:37:06,292 --> 00:37:08,583 You love to research, alright. 843 00:37:08,667 --> 00:37:11,000 The "Love the Lord your God with all your mind--" 844 00:37:11,042 --> 00:37:12,375 you're like, "I will." 845 00:37:12,458 --> 00:37:14,208 You love that. 846 00:37:14,292 --> 00:37:17,333 You might like books and footnotes 847 00:37:17,375 --> 00:37:18,833 and dead people. 848 00:37:18,875 --> 00:37:20,292 You love that. 849 00:37:20,958 --> 00:37:22,292 You love that. 850 00:37:22,333 --> 00:37:24,500 If somebody comes up to you, and they're like, 851 00:37:24,542 --> 00:37:25,875 "Have you ever studied?" 852 00:37:25,958 --> 00:37:29,500 You're like, "Oh yes, I have, and I thought that perhaps that 853 00:37:29,583 --> 00:37:34,167 "nerdy joy would never be used, and I am so glad that you 854 00:37:34,250 --> 00:37:36,833 "have showed up to talk to me about the difference between 855 00:37:36,875 --> 00:37:39,458 Barth and Berkhof, and I'm ready." 856 00:37:39,500 --> 00:37:41,708 Okay, you're--now, the rest of you don't even know 857 00:37:41,792 --> 00:37:43,667 what I'm talking about, but the nerds, 858 00:37:43,708 --> 00:37:47,458 I just spoke their love language, okay? 859 00:37:47,500 --> 00:37:50,167 You love to research. You love to study. 860 00:37:50,208 --> 00:37:55,542 I've got a pretty significant knowledge/nerd side. 861 00:37:55,625 --> 00:37:59,333 I've got a huge library. I've got a lot of books on my laptop. 862 00:37:59,375 --> 00:38:01,875 I like books, I like to look at them, 863 00:38:01,958 --> 00:38:05,917 I like to have them around. They're like friends, right? 864 00:38:06,000 --> 00:38:09,417 I like to study, I like to think, I'm more of an introvert, 865 00:38:09,500 --> 00:38:11,167 I like the life of the mind. 866 00:38:11,250 --> 00:38:13,667 The guy who's super helpful across all of Mars Hill 867 00:38:13,750 --> 00:38:16,000 with the gift of knowledge is Pastor Justin Holcomb. 868 00:38:16,042 --> 00:38:18,708 He runs The Resurgence. He's Dr. Justin Holcomb. 869 00:38:18,792 --> 00:38:21,792 As soon as you hear the word "doctor," right, 870 00:38:21,833 --> 00:38:23,792 it's probably gift of knowledge. 871 00:38:23,833 --> 00:38:26,667 Somebody went to school somewhere for a long time, 872 00:38:26,750 --> 00:38:29,167 you know, and they got something other than, you know, 873 00:38:29,250 --> 00:38:30,875 a finger-painting degree. 874 00:38:30,958 --> 00:38:34,083 They really put themselves out there, okay? 875 00:38:34,167 --> 00:38:35,500 Dr. Justin Holcomb— 876 00:38:35,542 --> 00:38:38,458 he runs a whole team of researchers that help serve 877 00:38:38,500 --> 00:38:40,833 the leadership across Mars Hill as well as 878 00:38:40,875 --> 00:38:43,458 a whole bunch of other churches. 879 00:38:43,500 --> 00:38:44,958 Okay, it's a gift of knowledge. 880 00:38:45,000 --> 00:38:46,667 Some of you have that. 881 00:38:46,708 --> 00:38:49,958 Those of you that love this, you love it when people come up 882 00:38:50,000 --> 00:38:52,667 to you, they're like, "Can I ask you a question?" 883 00:38:52,708 --> 00:38:55,333 You're like, "Yes, you can, anytime!" 884 00:38:55,375 --> 00:38:56,958 You're very excited. 885 00:38:57,000 --> 00:38:59,542 If somebody says, "Do you have a good book for me?" 886 00:38:59,625 --> 00:39:02,000 you're like, "Yes, a stack of extra ones, 887 00:39:02,083 --> 00:39:04,208 "and I will give you one of them. 888 00:39:04,292 --> 00:39:05,708 I was hoping someone would ask." 889 00:39:05,792 --> 00:39:08,000 Okay, gift of knowledge. 890 00:39:08,083 --> 00:39:09,625 Gift of faith. 891 00:39:09,667 --> 00:39:11,625 Okay, if you have the gift of faith— 892 00:39:11,667 --> 00:39:13,333 this is 1 Corinthians 12:9— 893 00:39:13,375 --> 00:39:15,500 you love tough or impossible situations. 894 00:39:15,583 --> 00:39:17,500 Other people are like, "That'll never happen," 895 00:39:17,542 --> 00:39:19,167 you're like, "Yes, it will." 896 00:39:19,250 --> 00:39:20,917 My wife, Grace, has this gift. 897 00:39:21,000 --> 00:39:22,667 She's big faith girl. 898 00:39:22,750 --> 00:39:24,125 She just trusts God. 899 00:39:24,167 --> 00:39:26,333 It's been super helpful in this job, 900 00:39:26,375 --> 00:39:28,500 because I'll come up to her—I'll be like, 901 00:39:28,583 --> 00:39:31,208 "I think we're supposed to put a waterslide on the moon." 902 00:39:31,292 --> 00:39:32,625 She'll be like, "Great! 903 00:39:32,667 --> 00:39:34,625 "So, we'll pray for a waterslide, 904 00:39:34,667 --> 00:39:36,417 "an astronaut, and a shuttle. 905 00:39:36,500 --> 00:39:38,250 When do you need it by?" 906 00:39:38,333 --> 00:39:42,750 I mean, she's--and she'll pray, and I'll get a waterslide, 907 00:39:42,833 --> 00:39:45,542 and an astronaut, and a shuttle. 908 00:39:45,625 --> 00:39:47,125 And I'll be like, "It happened." 909 00:39:47,167 --> 00:39:51,125 She's like, "Of course it happened; we asked for it." 910 00:39:51,167 --> 00:39:53,125 Whoa! 911 00:39:53,167 --> 00:39:55,625 Okay, some of you have the gift of faith. 912 00:39:55,667 --> 00:40:00,333 You just--you trust God, but it's not a naïveté; 913 00:40:00,417 --> 00:40:01,958 it's a childlike faith. 914 00:40:02,000 --> 00:40:04,333 It's not a childish faith, but it's a childlike faith. 915 00:40:04,417 --> 00:40:07,333 You're like, "Well, if God wants it, and he tells us, 916 00:40:07,417 --> 00:40:09,542 it's going to happen." 917 00:40:09,625 --> 00:40:11,750 Some of you have the gift of faith, right? 918 00:40:11,833 --> 00:40:14,167 This is the opposite of some of you who have 919 00:40:14,208 --> 00:40:15,542 the gift of discouragement. 920 00:40:15,625 --> 00:40:16,958 "It'll never work," right? 921 00:40:17,000 --> 00:40:18,333 You're like Eeyore. 922 00:40:18,417 --> 00:40:20,000 "It's going to be terrible." 923 00:40:20,083 --> 00:40:22,208 The opposite of that is the gift of faith. 924 00:40:22,292 --> 00:40:24,333 You believe things can happen. 925 00:40:24,417 --> 00:40:27,417 Number four, there's the gift of healing. 926 00:40:27,500 --> 00:40:29,958 This is in 1 Corinthians 12:9. 927 00:40:30,000 --> 00:40:32,833 And if you have this gift, you love to pray for those 928 00:40:32,917 --> 00:40:35,833 who are sick. They're sick. 929 00:40:35,917 --> 00:40:40,083 You love to pray for sick people because you fully know that God 930 00:40:40,167 --> 00:40:43,000 is a great physician and that he can heal people. 931 00:40:43,042 --> 00:40:46,500 So, we don't heal people; God heals people. 932 00:40:46,542 --> 00:40:51,583 And he does heal people, and we pray for people in faith, 933 00:40:51,667 --> 00:40:55,250 trusting that God could heal them, 934 00:40:55,333 --> 00:40:57,667 and we expect that he will. 935 00:40:57,750 --> 00:41:00,458 I've got a friend of mine who has, I believe, 936 00:41:00,500 --> 00:41:04,667 the gift of healing. And he prays for those who are sick 937 00:41:04,708 --> 00:41:07,833 and has a very, very, very, very long list of people 938 00:41:07,917 --> 00:41:11,125 that have been supernaturally, miraculously healed. 939 00:41:11,167 --> 00:41:13,250 And then, see, immediately, some of you— 940 00:41:13,333 --> 00:41:15,042 you're going to be skeptical 941 00:41:15,125 --> 00:41:16,458 because you're the rational type, 942 00:41:16,500 --> 00:41:18,167 and you're influenced by modernism, 943 00:41:18,208 --> 00:41:20,000 and you have questions about the supernatural. 944 00:41:20,083 --> 00:41:22,333 You're like, "Well, how do we verify those miracles?" 945 00:41:22,375 --> 00:41:24,250 He's also a medical doctor. 946 00:41:24,333 --> 00:41:27,042 He's a medical doctor who loves Jesus. 947 00:41:27,125 --> 00:41:29,750 So, he'll deal with the body, and he'll treat physically, 948 00:41:29,833 --> 00:41:32,917 but he prays over his patients and has seen many of them 949 00:41:33,000 --> 00:41:34,333 healed spiritually. 950 00:41:34,417 --> 00:41:36,042 Some of these people I personally know, 951 00:41:36,125 --> 00:41:38,583 and I've referred to him, and God's answered the prayer. 952 00:41:38,667 --> 00:41:41,667 We don't negate the possibility of healing. 953 00:41:41,708 --> 00:41:43,792 That's why even after our services, we say, 954 00:41:43,833 --> 00:41:45,792 "Hey, if you need prayer, come forward," 955 00:41:45,833 --> 00:41:48,667 because James says, if you're sick, to have the elders anoint 956 00:41:48,750 --> 00:41:51,875 and pray over the sick person, and then God could heal them. 957 00:41:51,958 --> 00:41:55,250 Some of you love sick people, hurting people. 958 00:41:55,333 --> 00:41:57,333 You follow CaringBridge websites; 959 00:41:57,417 --> 00:41:59,583 you want to know who to be praying for. 960 00:41:59,667 --> 00:42:01,250 If there's somebody in the church, 961 00:42:01,333 --> 00:42:03,458 you want to go visit them at the hospital. 962 00:42:03,500 --> 00:42:06,625 You want to pray over them, and you want to keep in touch, 963 00:42:06,667 --> 00:42:08,333 so you can be praying for them. 964 00:42:08,417 --> 00:42:09,750 And you're a real gift. 965 00:42:09,833 --> 00:42:13,042 There's also the gift of miracles—1 Corinthians 12:9. 966 00:42:13,125 --> 00:42:16,750 You love to pray and see God show up in power to do 967 00:42:16,833 --> 00:42:21,417 extraordinary, amazing things that reveal his power 968 00:42:21,500 --> 00:42:24,250 and his might and his majesty. 969 00:42:24,333 --> 00:42:27,458 And you just like to see God show up and do crazy things 970 00:42:27,500 --> 00:42:29,250 like Mars Hill Church. 971 00:42:29,333 --> 00:42:32,833 Okay, we're a total miracle of God. 972 00:42:32,875 --> 00:42:35,000 It's an absolute miracle of God. 973 00:42:35,083 --> 00:42:38,250 And then when God opens up a new building, or a new opportunity, 974 00:42:38,333 --> 00:42:41,542 or people are getting saved, or other things are developing, 975 00:42:41,625 --> 00:42:45,500 or there's radical testimonies of significant life-change, 976 00:42:45,583 --> 00:42:49,500 and God kicking open doors of spiritual resistance, 977 00:42:49,583 --> 00:42:53,667 you get really excited because you believe in a very powerful 978 00:42:53,708 --> 00:42:57,667 God who likes to show up in glory. 979 00:42:57,708 --> 00:43:01,333 And when you pray, you pray in anticipation and expectation 980 00:43:01,375 --> 00:43:04,792 that he's going to show up in such a way that the only way 981 00:43:04,833 --> 00:43:07,917 to explain what has happened is that God showed up. 982 00:43:08,000 --> 00:43:11,125 Okay, that's the gift of miracles. 983 00:43:11,167 --> 00:43:13,333 Discernment— 1 Corinthians 12:10. 984 00:43:13,375 --> 00:43:15,292 You love truth and holiness. 985 00:43:15,333 --> 00:43:17,833 This is where you can discern teaching. 986 00:43:17,875 --> 00:43:19,208 You'll be hearing somebody, like, 987 00:43:19,292 --> 00:43:22,125 "That doesn't sound right, that's off. 988 00:43:22,167 --> 00:43:24,792 That's not what the Bible says, that's off." 989 00:43:24,833 --> 00:43:27,333 Some of you will be reading a book and, like, 990 00:43:27,375 --> 00:43:30,583 "Whoa, something in me doesn't feel right," right? 991 00:43:30,667 --> 00:43:33,417 You'll say, "I don't know, my gut tells me." 992 00:43:33,500 --> 00:43:38,958 The Holy Spirit is your gut a lot of the time. 993 00:43:39,000 --> 00:43:41,167 Just like, "I don't know, that doesn't--" 994 00:43:41,208 --> 00:43:43,333 Some of you are more intuitive that way. 995 00:43:43,375 --> 00:43:45,167 "That person— I don't trust them." 996 00:43:45,208 --> 00:43:46,542 "Well, what did they say?" 997 00:43:46,625 --> 00:43:49,208 "I don't--I'm just--I'm telling you, I don't know what it is. 998 00:43:49,292 --> 00:43:54,667 I could be wrong, but something's not right," 999 00:43:54,708 --> 00:43:58,667 with a person or a teacher or a doctrine. 1000 00:43:58,708 --> 00:44:00,708 That's a gift of discernment. 1001 00:44:00,792 --> 00:44:02,417 And some of you can discern 1002 00:44:02,500 --> 00:44:03,917 the presence of Satan and demons. 1003 00:44:04,000 --> 00:44:06,333 You're like, "You know, I think Satan's at work here. 1004 00:44:06,375 --> 00:44:08,083 "I think he's got a little plan. 1005 00:44:08,167 --> 00:44:09,667 "I think demons have been commissioned. 1006 00:44:09,750 --> 00:44:12,083 "I think this is all going in a bad direction. 1007 00:44:12,167 --> 00:44:14,083 "I think we need to stop and pray, 1008 00:44:14,167 --> 00:44:15,917 "and ask God for clarity and wisdom. 1009 00:44:16,000 --> 00:44:18,333 I think we're losing our ballast here a little bit." 1010 00:44:18,375 --> 00:44:21,292 That's the gift of discernment. 1011 00:44:21,333 --> 00:44:25,000 See, the Bible says that people are sheep 1012 00:44:25,042 --> 00:44:27,125 and that they're supposed to have shepherds. 1013 00:44:27,167 --> 00:44:30,292 The Bible also says that there are wolves who want to come in, 1014 00:44:30,333 --> 00:44:34,292 and they love sheep, but not like the shepherds. 1015 00:44:34,333 --> 00:44:36,708 They don't love to help the sheep; 1016 00:44:36,792 --> 00:44:39,833 they love to eat the sheep. 1017 00:44:39,875 --> 00:44:41,917 More fame, more money, more power, more glory, 1018 00:44:42,000 --> 00:44:44,042 more authority. 1019 00:44:44,125 --> 00:44:46,333 It's all about them; it's not all about Jesus. 1020 00:44:46,375 --> 00:44:50,833 When Paul is talking here about being 1021 00:44:50,917 --> 00:44:53,500 "carried away by every wind of doctrine, 1022 00:44:53,583 --> 00:44:57,125 by cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes," 1023 00:44:57,167 --> 00:44:58,958 he's talking about the wolves. 1024 00:44:59,000 --> 00:45:01,167 Those with the gift of discernment, they'll go, 1025 00:45:01,250 --> 00:45:04,500 "Sheep, shepherd, wolf, hireling." 1026 00:45:04,542 --> 00:45:06,000 There's four. 1027 00:45:06,042 --> 00:45:08,167 Sheep—they love Jesus, we've got to love them 1028 00:45:08,250 --> 00:45:09,583 and protect them. 1029 00:45:09,667 --> 00:45:12,000 Shepherd—they've got to help, love, and protect the sheep. 1030 00:45:12,042 --> 00:45:14,208 Wolf—they're here to cause real trouble. 1031 00:45:14,292 --> 00:45:16,208 Hireling—for them it's just a job. 1032 00:45:16,292 --> 00:45:18,125 They don't love the sheep; 1033 00:45:18,167 --> 00:45:19,625 they just love the job. 1034 00:45:19,667 --> 00:45:22,792 And as soon as it gets hard, they're not going to fight for 1035 00:45:22,833 --> 00:45:25,500 the well-being of the sheep; they're going to let the wolves 1036 00:45:25,583 --> 00:45:26,917 take this place over. 1037 00:45:27,000 --> 00:45:28,917 Those with the gift of discernment, they say, 1038 00:45:29,000 --> 00:45:31,583 "Sheep, shepherd, wolf, hireling." 1039 00:45:31,667 --> 00:45:33,833 And oftentimes they're right, 1040 00:45:33,875 --> 00:45:36,917 and they're right well in advance. 1041 00:45:37,000 --> 00:45:40,750 And after a while, you say, "Oh wow, we didn't see that. 1042 00:45:40,833 --> 00:45:43,125 "We didn't know that that was in their heart. 1043 00:45:43,167 --> 00:45:45,500 We didn't know that's where they were going or doing," 1044 00:45:45,583 --> 00:45:47,542 and then it all gets exposed. 1045 00:45:47,625 --> 00:45:50,042 And those with the gift of discernment, 1046 00:45:50,125 --> 00:45:54,458 they're like an early warning system for the church. 1047 00:45:54,500 --> 00:45:58,167 Those who have the gift of apostles—1 Corinthians 12:28, 1048 00:45:58,208 --> 00:46:01,417 and it said it here in Ephesians 4:11. 1049 00:46:01,500 --> 00:46:04,292 They love leading a movement. 1050 00:46:04,333 --> 00:46:06,625 We're not talking here about the eyewitnesses 1051 00:46:06,667 --> 00:46:08,417 to the resurrection of Jesus, 1052 00:46:08,500 --> 00:46:10,833 who were chosen by him to write the books 1053 00:46:10,875 --> 00:46:12,625 of the New Testament. 1054 00:46:12,667 --> 00:46:15,083 What we're talking about is not those with 1055 00:46:15,167 --> 00:46:17,292 the office of apostle, but the gift of apostle. 1056 00:46:17,333 --> 00:46:20,125 These would be missionaries, church planters, 1057 00:46:20,167 --> 00:46:23,208 cross-cultural missionaries, and that would include those 1058 00:46:23,292 --> 00:46:26,125 who work across multiple churches, right? 1059 00:46:26,167 --> 00:46:28,667 This is one of my spiritual gifts. 1060 00:46:28,750 --> 00:46:33,125 So we've got a church that has 14 locations, 1061 00:46:33,167 --> 00:46:37,167 which is one of the most distributed churches in America. 1062 00:46:37,250 --> 00:46:39,458 And the fact that we're across so many states— 1063 00:46:39,500 --> 00:46:41,458 it's really complicated. 1064 00:46:41,500 --> 00:46:44,667 It's very complicated. And with that there's writing, 1065 00:46:44,708 --> 00:46:47,125 and there's teaching, and preaching, and technology, 1066 00:46:47,167 --> 00:46:50,750 and media, and criticism, and honestly, 1067 00:46:50,833 --> 00:46:54,625 that's different than just a regular pastor. 1068 00:46:54,667 --> 00:46:58,833 A regular pastor teaches and loves this flock; 1069 00:46:58,875 --> 00:47:04,292 an apostle helps a lot of flocks and is helping develop leaders 1070 00:47:04,333 --> 00:47:07,917 across multiple locations and churches. 1071 00:47:08,000 --> 00:47:09,417 So, pray for me, 1072 00:47:09,500 --> 00:47:12,375 and pray for the team that works with me. 1073 00:47:12,458 --> 00:47:15,500 I'm still a pastor at Mars Hill, and I love what I do, 1074 00:47:15,583 --> 00:47:17,208 but it's become more complicated. 1075 00:47:17,292 --> 00:47:20,333 And I'm not Paul, that's for sure, but writing— 1076 00:47:20,375 --> 00:47:23,500 I have to do that—preaching— I have to do that—traveling— 1077 00:47:23,583 --> 00:47:26,833 I have to do that—being hated—I get to enjoy that. 1078 00:47:26,875 --> 00:47:28,333 We have some similarities. 1079 00:47:28,375 --> 00:47:30,000 We have some similarities. 1080 00:47:30,042 --> 00:47:32,875 Okay, the next gift is teaching. 1081 00:47:32,958 --> 00:47:35,333 This is Romans 12:7, 1 Corinthians 12:28, 1082 00:47:35,375 --> 00:47:39,208 and we saw it here as well in Ephesians 4:11. 1083 00:47:39,292 --> 00:47:40,917 If you have the gift of teaching, 1084 00:47:41,000 --> 00:47:43,625 you love to impart biblical truth. 1085 00:47:43,667 --> 00:47:45,333 You love that. 1086 00:47:45,375 --> 00:47:47,708 What makes you so excited is when you teach something, 1087 00:47:47,792 --> 00:47:51,250 and, quote unquote, "they got it." 1088 00:47:51,333 --> 00:47:53,833 Whether you're a mom who's homeschooling, 1089 00:47:53,917 --> 00:47:55,833 or you're a Community Group leader 1090 00:47:55,875 --> 00:47:57,458 or Redemption Group leader, 1091 00:47:57,500 --> 00:47:59,167 or lead pastor teaching a class, 1092 00:47:59,208 --> 00:48:02,000 or doing a one-on-one mentoring or discipleship meeting 1093 00:48:02,083 --> 00:48:04,792 or investing in a new believer or a non-believer, 1094 00:48:04,833 --> 00:48:07,000 you're teaching, and they get it. 1095 00:48:07,042 --> 00:48:09,000 And you see the light bulb go on, 1096 00:48:09,083 --> 00:48:12,000 and that just absolutely excites you. 1097 00:48:12,042 --> 00:48:14,083 You're so fired up. 1098 00:48:14,167 --> 00:48:16,625 That's the gift of teaching. 1099 00:48:16,667 --> 00:48:19,125 Some of you are good to teach one on one, 1100 00:48:19,167 --> 00:48:21,667 so you'd be more teaching-type counselors. 1101 00:48:21,750 --> 00:48:24,333 Others of you—it'll be groups; it'll be Community Group leader, 1102 00:48:24,375 --> 00:48:26,583 Redemption Group leader, maybe teach a class, 1103 00:48:26,667 --> 00:48:28,792 teach a serving team. 1104 00:48:28,833 --> 00:48:31,000 Some of you are going to be larger groups. 1105 00:48:31,083 --> 00:48:34,000 That tends to be the role of some of our elders 1106 00:48:34,083 --> 00:48:36,333 and our lead pastors, teaching classes and training days 1107 00:48:36,375 --> 00:48:38,708 and training and developing leaders as well as others 1108 00:48:38,792 --> 00:48:40,333 across the church. 1109 00:48:40,375 --> 00:48:42,708 Gift of teaching. Gift of teaching. 1110 00:48:42,792 --> 00:48:46,333 The next one on the list— helps and service. 1111 00:48:46,417 --> 00:48:48,042 And I put these together 1112 00:48:48,125 --> 00:48:50,250 because I think they're basically synonymous. 1113 00:48:50,333 --> 00:48:52,458 Romans 12:7, 1 Corinthians 12:28, 1114 00:48:52,500 --> 00:48:55,125 and 1 Peter 4:11— 1115 00:48:55,167 --> 00:48:56,833 helps and service. 1116 00:48:56,917 --> 00:48:59,917 You love coming alongside people. 1117 00:49:00,042 --> 00:49:05,208 You're not the one who has this massive global vision; 1118 00:49:05,292 --> 00:49:09,208 you're the one who comes and says, "Where can I help?" 1119 00:49:09,292 --> 00:49:11,208 They say, "What do you want to do?" 1120 00:49:11,292 --> 00:49:14,125 "I want to help, so tell me what you need." 1121 00:49:14,167 --> 00:49:16,000 "Well, what are you good at?" 1122 00:49:16,083 --> 00:49:21,417 "I'm good at helping, so tell me what you need." 1123 00:49:21,500 --> 00:49:24,500 These are people who they tend to like being 1124 00:49:24,542 --> 00:49:28,083 in the support role, not the lead role. 1125 00:49:28,167 --> 00:49:30,000 They don't come with a huge agenda, 1126 00:49:30,083 --> 00:49:32,000 "I feel called to do this." 1127 00:49:32,042 --> 00:49:34,208 They're like, "You're called to do something, 1128 00:49:34,292 --> 00:49:36,417 and I'm called to help you." 1129 00:49:36,500 --> 00:49:39,333 My wife, Grace, definitely has this gift. 1130 00:49:39,417 --> 00:49:42,458 She will do anything happily. 1131 00:49:42,500 --> 00:49:44,333 She loves Jesus, she loves the church, 1132 00:49:44,417 --> 00:49:47,333 she loves our family, she loves people. 1133 00:49:47,375 --> 00:49:48,833 She loves to help. 1134 00:49:48,917 --> 00:49:53,167 She finds great joy in helping, great joy in helping. 1135 00:49:53,208 --> 00:49:56,542 So even this morning, I got up really early, 1136 00:49:56,625 --> 00:49:58,333 and I'm trying to be ninja quiet 1137 00:49:58,417 --> 00:49:59,958 and not wake Grace up, right, 1138 00:50:00,000 --> 00:50:01,958 because I don't want to wake her up. 1139 00:50:02,000 --> 00:50:04,042 And then I smell coffee brewing, 1140 00:50:04,125 --> 00:50:07,208 and I know that she set her alarm. 1141 00:50:07,292 --> 00:50:11,042 She wasn't--I said, "Please sleep in." 1142 00:50:11,125 --> 00:50:13,833 She gets up, she cooks me breakfast, 1143 00:50:13,917 --> 00:50:16,417 I go out, and I'm like, "What are you doing?" 1144 00:50:16,500 --> 00:50:19,833 She's like, "I'm your friend; I'm supposed to help you." 1145 00:50:19,917 --> 00:50:23,250 She said, "So I'm going to make sure you have breakfast and that 1146 00:50:23,333 --> 00:50:25,958 you get prayed for before you go teach today." 1147 00:50:26,000 --> 00:50:28,333 So she likes to serve; she likes to help. 1148 00:50:28,417 --> 00:50:32,833 It works out great— I love to be served, 1149 00:50:32,875 --> 00:50:35,833 so it is like, wow, what a match! 1150 00:50:35,917 --> 00:50:40,667 Okay, so—but if you have this gift, 1151 00:50:40,750 --> 00:50:43,167 you don't really care what you're doing as long as 1152 00:50:43,208 --> 00:50:44,667 you're helping, right? 1153 00:50:44,750 --> 00:50:46,667 You're like, "I'm happy just helping in general." 1154 00:50:46,750 --> 00:50:49,458 And praise God for those people. 1155 00:50:49,500 --> 00:50:52,958 Administration, if you have the gift of-- 1156 00:50:53,000 --> 00:50:55,333 this is 1 Corinthians 12:28-- 1157 00:50:55,417 --> 00:50:58,583 you love stewarding resources, right? 1158 00:50:58,667 --> 00:51:01,333 Not surprisingly, this would be Pastor Sutton Turner, 1159 00:51:01,417 --> 00:51:02,750 our executive pastor. 1160 00:51:02,833 --> 00:51:05,750 You love to make sure, "How are we doing with the money? 1161 00:51:05,833 --> 00:51:07,458 "How are we doing with the people? 1162 00:51:07,500 --> 00:51:09,458 "How are we doing with the real estate? 1163 00:51:09,500 --> 00:51:11,167 "How are we doing with the resources? 1164 00:51:11,208 --> 00:51:12,542 "Are we good stewards? 1165 00:51:12,625 --> 00:51:14,750 "Are we taking everything that Jesus has given us 1166 00:51:14,833 --> 00:51:16,500 and getting the most out of it?" 1167 00:51:16,583 --> 00:51:18,500 Some of you have that gift of administration. 1168 00:51:18,583 --> 00:51:20,333 Your life verse is in 1 Corinthians: 1169 00:51:20,417 --> 00:51:23,042 "Do everything in a fitting and orderly way." 1170 00:51:23,125 --> 00:51:27,667 For you, you're like label maker, files, charts and graphs. 1171 00:51:27,708 --> 00:51:29,833 You like to organize things. 1172 00:51:29,875 --> 00:51:32,000 And you can even tell, sometimes these people— 1173 00:51:32,083 --> 00:51:36,208 their personal space is pretty tidy. 1174 00:51:36,292 --> 00:51:38,458 You notice that? Like, it's in order. 1175 00:51:38,500 --> 00:51:40,958 If you walk into somebody's house, and there's like laundry 1176 00:51:41,000 --> 00:51:43,375 on the chandelier, maybe not the gift of administration, 1177 00:51:43,458 --> 00:51:45,958 okay? 1178 00:51:46,000 --> 00:51:47,875 You're a person who naturally-- 1179 00:51:47,958 --> 00:51:49,792 my daughter Ashley's like this. 1180 00:51:49,833 --> 00:51:51,667 She's a natural organizer. 1181 00:51:51,750 --> 00:51:53,667 She walks into chaos, 1182 00:51:53,708 --> 00:51:56,292 and she knows how to bring order out of chaos. 1183 00:51:56,333 --> 00:51:59,333 Do you have that gift? 1184 00:51:59,417 --> 00:52:02,208 Number 11, there's the gift of evangelism. 1185 00:52:02,292 --> 00:52:05,750 You--if this is you, you love non-Christians. 1186 00:52:05,833 --> 00:52:09,250 You love them, and you love talking to them about Jesus, 1187 00:52:09,333 --> 00:52:11,625 and you love seeing them meet Jesus. 1188 00:52:11,667 --> 00:52:13,542 You love that. 1189 00:52:13,625 --> 00:52:16,667 Just so you know, not a lot of Christians really have 1190 00:52:16,708 --> 00:52:21,458 and maximize this gift, but if you do, 1191 00:52:21,500 --> 00:52:24,167 a lot of your ministry's going to be talking to people, 1192 00:52:24,208 --> 00:52:26,750 praying for people, giving books and Bibles to people, 1193 00:52:26,833 --> 00:52:29,125 inviting people to church, inviting people to 1194 00:52:29,167 --> 00:52:30,833 Community Group, right? 1195 00:52:30,917 --> 00:52:33,542 Just building all of those relationships and talking to 1196 00:52:33,625 --> 00:52:36,833 people about Jesus, excited that they're going to become 1197 00:52:36,917 --> 00:52:39,042 a Christian. 1198 00:52:39,125 --> 00:52:41,708 If that's your gift, that's who you are. 1199 00:52:41,792 --> 00:52:43,458 I mean, some Christians are, frankly, 1200 00:52:43,500 --> 00:52:44,958 annoyed by non-Christians. 1201 00:52:45,000 --> 00:52:47,833 Those with the gift of evangelism tend to be annoyed by 1202 00:52:47,875 --> 00:52:51,208 those Christians, okay, because they love non-Christians. 1203 00:52:51,292 --> 00:52:53,750 There's also the gift of shepherding, or pastor, 1204 00:52:53,833 --> 00:52:55,667 or counseling. 1205 00:52:55,708 --> 00:52:58,125 It says it here in Ephesians 4:11. 1206 00:52:58,167 --> 00:53:01,375 This is--sometimes you do become a pastor, 1207 00:53:01,458 --> 00:53:04,625 there's a pastoral office, but this is also a pastoral gift. 1208 00:53:04,667 --> 00:53:07,500 What this means is that you love to help people, 1209 00:53:07,542 --> 00:53:10,500 you love to care for people, you love to nurture people, 1210 00:53:10,583 --> 00:53:12,875 you love to invest in people. 1211 00:53:12,958 --> 00:53:16,125 At Mars Hill Church, a lot of our shepherding happens 1212 00:53:16,167 --> 00:53:18,083 in our Community Groups. 1213 00:53:18,167 --> 00:53:19,583 So we have our big meetings, 1214 00:53:19,667 --> 00:53:21,708 and then we have our little meetings, 1215 00:53:21,792 --> 00:53:24,000 and that's where what we talk about in our 1216 00:53:24,083 --> 00:53:26,667 big meeting gets worked out in our little meeting. 1217 00:53:26,750 --> 00:53:29,833 And it's the Community Group hosts and leaders who tend to do 1218 00:53:29,875 --> 00:53:31,500 a lot of the shepherding. 1219 00:53:31,542 --> 00:53:34,208 "What did you hear? What did God tell you to do? 1220 00:53:34,292 --> 00:53:36,917 "What are you struggling with? How can we pray for you? 1221 00:53:37,000 --> 00:53:39,167 "You know, how can we come alongside of you? 1222 00:53:39,208 --> 00:53:42,333 "How can we help you do, as he says here, come to maturity, 1223 00:53:42,417 --> 00:53:45,333 no longer be like a spiritual infant but spiritually mature?" 1224 00:53:45,417 --> 00:53:47,750 That's what shepherds love to do. 1225 00:53:47,833 --> 00:53:50,208 Do you know what shepherds love? 1226 00:53:50,292 --> 00:53:52,417 Sheep. 1227 00:53:52,500 --> 00:53:55,833 They love people. They love people. 1228 00:53:55,875 --> 00:53:58,500 Some of you say, "Look, I don't understand all the finances 1229 00:53:58,583 --> 00:54:00,333 "and the real estate and the marketing 1230 00:54:00,375 --> 00:54:02,833 "and the complexity of a large organization. 1231 00:54:02,875 --> 00:54:06,500 "Here's what I know: I love people, 1232 00:54:06,583 --> 00:54:11,000 "and I like to help people grow in Jesus. 1233 00:54:11,083 --> 00:54:13,125 I like that." 1234 00:54:13,167 --> 00:54:15,208 Do you have that gift? 1235 00:54:15,292 --> 00:54:18,000 Become a Community Group leader now, 1236 00:54:18,083 --> 00:54:21,000 because we need as many as we can get, amen? 1237 00:54:21,083 --> 00:54:23,375 And thank your Community Group leader this week. 1238 00:54:23,458 --> 00:54:25,208 Say, "Thank you." 1239 00:54:25,292 --> 00:54:28,833 These are volunteer people who are doing pastoral work, 1240 00:54:28,875 --> 00:54:30,833 caring, and loving. 1241 00:54:30,875 --> 00:54:36,500 Then there's also the gift of encouragement—Romans 12:8. 1242 00:54:36,583 --> 00:54:41,208 If you have this gift, you love motivating people. 1243 00:54:41,292 --> 00:54:45,833 You're pretty happy, you just are. 1244 00:54:45,875 --> 00:54:52,458 Okay, my daughter Alexie— she's 9—she has this gift. 1245 00:54:52,500 --> 00:54:54,958 She's an encourager. 1246 00:54:55,000 --> 00:54:58,333 She's joyful, she's happy, she's emotionally present, 1247 00:54:58,375 --> 00:55:00,500 she's loving. 1248 00:55:00,583 --> 00:55:03,333 I call her--I say, "You're like sunshine in my life." 1249 00:55:03,375 --> 00:55:05,000 That's what I tell her. 1250 00:55:05,042 --> 00:55:07,375 "Daddy gets some dark days. 1251 00:55:07,458 --> 00:55:10,417 Alexie is sunshine in my life." 1252 00:55:10,500 --> 00:55:12,125 And she was lamenting one day 1253 00:55:12,167 --> 00:55:14,000 because all the other kids play sports. 1254 00:55:14,083 --> 00:55:16,500 She's like, "Daddy, they all win trophies and medals." 1255 00:55:16,583 --> 00:55:18,083 And she's not playing sports. 1256 00:55:18,167 --> 00:55:20,000 She said, "I don't ever get a trophy." 1257 00:55:20,083 --> 00:55:21,417 So I went out. 1258 00:55:21,500 --> 00:55:24,208 We had custom made this huge hot pink trophy. 1259 00:55:24,292 --> 00:55:26,708 It's like this big, and I gave it to her. 1260 00:55:26,792 --> 00:55:29,917 It's called the Sunshine Award, okay, 1261 00:55:30,000 --> 00:55:31,708 because she has the gift of encouragement, 1262 00:55:31,792 --> 00:55:33,708 and I wanted to encourage her. 1263 00:55:33,792 --> 00:55:36,125 Yesterday, I was having a hard day—she could tell. 1264 00:55:36,167 --> 00:55:37,708 She walks over—she's emotionally intuitive— 1265 00:55:37,792 --> 00:55:39,667 "Papa Daddy, are you having a hard day?" 1266 00:55:39,708 --> 00:55:41,333 "Yeah." 1267 00:55:41,417 --> 00:55:44,000 She sits on my lap, rubs my beard, says, 1268 00:55:44,083 --> 00:55:47,333 "Then I'll go to Gideon's baseball practice with you, 1269 00:55:47,375 --> 00:55:49,833 "and I'll hang out with you and be your friend, 1270 00:55:49,917 --> 00:55:53,333 "and that'll make you feel better." And it did. 1271 00:55:53,417 --> 00:55:55,333 It really--that's why I'm so happy right now, 1272 00:55:55,417 --> 00:55:57,167 because I'm thinking about Alexie. 1273 00:55:57,208 --> 00:55:59,333 Okay, those of you with the gift of encouragement, 1274 00:55:59,417 --> 00:56:01,917 you tend to have a lot of friends, right? 1275 00:56:02,000 --> 00:56:04,417 Who doesn't want to hang out with a person with 1276 00:56:04,500 --> 00:56:05,833 the gift of encouragement? 1277 00:56:05,875 --> 00:56:07,500 "Hey, I love you. That was great. 1278 00:56:07,583 --> 00:56:09,708 "I'm so proud of you. I'm praying for you. 1279 00:56:09,792 --> 00:56:11,125 "It's going to get better. 1280 00:56:11,167 --> 00:56:13,125 "Boy, I'm seeing big change in your life. 1281 00:56:13,167 --> 00:56:14,625 God has good things for you." 1282 00:56:14,667 --> 00:56:16,000 "Will you be my friend?" 1283 00:56:16,083 --> 00:56:18,500 Alright, we just love having those people as our friends. 1284 00:56:18,583 --> 00:56:20,917 They're super helpful, and some of you don't know that 1285 00:56:21,000 --> 00:56:22,333 that's such a huge gift. 1286 00:56:22,375 --> 00:56:24,125 The number one category of prescription medication 1287 00:56:24,167 --> 00:56:25,500 in the U.S. is antidepressants. 1288 00:56:25,583 --> 00:56:28,000 We need more people with the gift of encouragement. 1289 00:56:28,083 --> 00:56:30,833 Number 14, there's the gift of giving. That's Romans 12:8. 1290 00:56:30,875 --> 00:56:33,833 If this is you, you love meeting needs. 1291 00:56:33,875 --> 00:56:35,500 You love to give. 1292 00:56:35,542 --> 00:56:38,167 So, you're even the person when people are talking, you're like, 1293 00:56:38,208 --> 00:56:40,417 "Oh, do you need that? I'll get it. 1294 00:56:40,500 --> 00:56:42,500 "Do you need that? I'll do that. 1295 00:56:42,583 --> 00:56:44,958 "I want to give. I want to meet that need. 1296 00:56:45,000 --> 00:56:46,458 I want to help." 1297 00:56:46,500 --> 00:56:48,958 Alright, we had to--recently we sent out a little letter 1298 00:56:49,000 --> 00:56:50,708 explaining, "Hey, here's where we're at financially. 1299 00:56:50,792 --> 00:56:53,167 We're a little behind. We need to catch up." 1300 00:56:53,208 --> 00:56:56,042 There were certain people who not only sent a gift but sent 1301 00:56:56,125 --> 00:56:58,250 a letter saying, "Thank you for letting us know 1302 00:56:58,333 --> 00:56:59,667 "that there was a need. 1303 00:56:59,708 --> 00:57:01,208 We're really glad to meet it." 1304 00:57:01,292 --> 00:57:03,208 Those are people with the gift of giving. 1305 00:57:03,292 --> 00:57:05,708 When you give, if you have the gift of giving, 1306 00:57:05,792 --> 00:57:08,083 you get excited to give, you're looking for opportunities 1307 00:57:08,167 --> 00:57:09,708 to give, you rejoice in giving. 1308 00:57:09,792 --> 00:57:11,708 And I notice this with my kids. 1309 00:57:11,792 --> 00:57:13,583 We're a family that likes to give, 1310 00:57:13,667 --> 00:57:16,417 and so we have our giving to the church, 1311 00:57:16,500 --> 00:57:19,500 and then we have some additional giving above and beyond that 1312 00:57:19,583 --> 00:57:22,417 that we'll do to help some other pastors and church planters 1313 00:57:22,500 --> 00:57:23,917 that we love. 1314 00:57:24,000 --> 00:57:27,000 And then we have another line item in our budget where Grace 1315 00:57:27,083 --> 00:57:30,417 and the kids get to look for opportunities just to give. 1316 00:57:30,500 --> 00:57:34,792 So, a single mom needs something, and their kids are friends with 1317 00:57:34,833 --> 00:57:37,125 my kids. My kids will come home and say, 1318 00:57:37,167 --> 00:57:39,958 "Hey Dad, they need blank, and I need that money." 1319 00:57:40,000 --> 00:57:42,250 Okay, great, because we have an account for that. 1320 00:57:42,333 --> 00:57:45,250 And I want to train my kids to be looking for opportunities 1321 00:57:45,333 --> 00:57:48,833 to give, and then when they give, I want them to rejoice 1322 00:57:48,875 --> 00:57:51,458 and enjoy the fact that they get to be the one 1323 00:57:51,500 --> 00:57:53,042 that meets the need. 1324 00:57:53,125 --> 00:57:55,458 If you're the person with the gift of giving, 1325 00:57:55,500 --> 00:57:57,667 you're a person who—you live your life open handed. 1326 00:57:57,708 --> 00:57:59,167 You say, "You know what? 1327 00:57:59,208 --> 00:58:01,625 "Everything belongs to Jesus, and I'm really glad 1328 00:58:01,667 --> 00:58:04,875 to be a steward and to give to needs." 1329 00:58:04,958 --> 00:58:07,833 Financial needs, emotional needs, physical needs, 1330 00:58:07,875 --> 00:58:12,583 whatever the need might be, you like that. You like that. 1331 00:58:12,667 --> 00:58:15,333 Gift of leadership—Romans 12:8. 1332 00:58:15,375 --> 00:58:18,167 You love mobilizing people for a cause. 1333 00:58:18,250 --> 00:58:19,875 You love to be the point leader, 1334 00:58:19,958 --> 00:58:22,000 and this isn't just out of pride, alright? 1335 00:58:22,083 --> 00:58:25,000 There's a guy in the Bible named Diotrephes, and it says 1336 00:58:25,083 --> 00:58:26,875 he always wanted to be first. 1337 00:58:26,958 --> 00:58:29,083 Well, that's not a good thing, right? 1338 00:58:29,167 --> 00:58:31,417 It's not that "I have to be the boss," 1339 00:58:31,500 --> 00:58:33,917 but you naturally gravitate toward leadership positions. 1340 00:58:34,000 --> 00:58:36,625 People see you as the leader. 1341 00:58:36,667 --> 00:58:40,250 They see you as the leader and you bear that responsibility. 1342 00:58:40,333 --> 00:58:42,333 And not everybody has this gift. 1343 00:58:42,375 --> 00:58:44,333 I was going to share this with you. 1344 00:58:44,417 --> 00:58:46,625 Alexie, this week--this'll be fun. 1345 00:58:46,667 --> 00:58:49,958 I mean, if we're going to make it fun, we'll involve Alexie. 1346 00:58:50,000 --> 00:58:54,708 So, she had a project at school this week: what would you do 1347 00:58:54,792 --> 00:58:56,833 if you were president? 1348 00:58:56,875 --> 00:58:59,917 Okay, now I could write that. 1349 00:59:00,042 --> 00:59:02,500 "Oh, if I were--oh, I have a list of things. 1350 00:59:02,583 --> 00:59:04,000 Yeah, that's not hard." 1351 00:59:04,083 --> 00:59:05,417 Here's what Alexie said: 1352 00:59:05,500 --> 00:59:07,500 "I think being president of the United States 1353 00:59:07,542 --> 00:59:10,417 "would be quite annoying. 1354 00:59:10,500 --> 00:59:15,708 "The Secret Service is always with you everywhere you go. 1355 00:59:15,792 --> 00:59:18,000 "Not everyone agrees with you. 1356 00:59:18,083 --> 00:59:20,333 "I think it would be very hard to live 1357 00:59:20,375 --> 00:59:22,000 "with people not liking you. 1358 00:59:22,042 --> 00:59:25,000 "You also have to make huge decisions, like deciding laws. 1359 00:59:25,042 --> 00:59:27,000 "That would be really, really hard. 1360 00:59:27,083 --> 00:59:29,417 I would not like the world to depend on me." 1361 00:59:29,500 --> 00:59:34,875 Probably not the gift of leadership, okay? 1362 00:59:39,208 --> 00:59:41,125 Those of you with the gift of leadership, 1363 00:59:41,167 --> 00:59:43,833 if I handed you a sheet of paper, and I said, 1364 00:59:43,917 --> 00:59:45,833 "What would you do if you were president?" 1365 00:59:45,917 --> 00:59:48,000 You're like, "Oh, I've got a lot of things." 1366 00:59:48,083 --> 00:59:50,167 Others of you are like, "No, no, no, no." 1367 00:59:50,208 --> 00:59:52,167 Okay, if you have the gift of leadership, 1368 00:59:52,208 --> 00:59:54,917 let me just say that there are always needs for leaders 1369 00:59:55,000 --> 00:59:56,333 in the church. 1370 00:59:56,375 --> 00:59:58,542 Jesus says, "The harvest is plenty and the laborers 1371 00:59:58,625 --> 01:00:01,542 are few," so we've got to pray in more leaders. 1372 01:00:01,625 --> 01:00:04,000 Leaders are always in short supply. 1373 01:00:04,083 --> 01:00:06,042 If you're a leader, welcome, God loves you, 1374 01:00:06,125 --> 01:00:08,125 we have a wonderful plan for your life. 1375 01:00:08,167 --> 01:00:11,042 Gift of mercy—Romans 12:8. 1376 01:00:11,125 --> 01:00:15,708 Here's--if you have the gift mercy, you love hurting people. 1377 01:00:15,792 --> 01:00:19,000 I don't know if you know this, if some people are hurting--no, 1378 01:00:19,083 --> 01:00:20,958 I said that wrong. 1379 01:00:21,000 --> 01:00:23,833 I said that wrong, okay. 1380 01:00:23,917 --> 01:00:28,542 If you're a prophet, you love hurting people. 1381 01:00:28,625 --> 01:00:31,917 "I will comfort the afflicted. 1382 01:00:32,000 --> 01:00:34,125 "No, I will afflict the comfortable. 1383 01:00:34,167 --> 01:00:35,750 That's what I will do." 1384 01:00:35,833 --> 01:00:41,792 So, let me say that a little more--if people are hurting 1385 01:00:41,833 --> 01:00:44,750 because of the horrendous activity of others, 1386 01:00:44,833 --> 01:00:47,542 then you love to come alongside and assist them 1387 01:00:47,625 --> 01:00:49,167 in their hurting. 1388 01:00:49,208 --> 01:00:51,083 Okay, I said it. There we go. 1389 01:00:51,167 --> 01:00:56,167 Okay, so, if you have the gift of terrorism, 1390 01:00:56,250 --> 01:01:00,500 you like to hurt people. So, you like hurting people. 1391 01:01:03,292 --> 01:01:05,667 Man, it's early. I went to public school, 1392 01:01:05,708 --> 01:01:08,042 and I'm doing the best I can. 1393 01:01:08,125 --> 01:01:14,042 So, now, have you noticed that sometimes when people 1394 01:01:14,125 --> 01:01:16,250 are hurting, a lot of people— they're like, 1395 01:01:16,333 --> 01:01:19,542 "Oh, you're struggling, you're crying, you're emotional, oh..." 1396 01:01:19,625 --> 01:01:25,750 Right, like, "I'll pray for you." 1397 01:01:25,833 --> 01:01:28,042 A person with a gift of mercy—they're like, 1398 01:01:28,125 --> 01:01:33,750 "Oh, I'm here to help, to love, to serve, to pray. 1399 01:01:33,833 --> 01:01:36,667 "You're emotional— I like that, okay? 1400 01:01:36,708 --> 01:01:39,083 I'm here to support you." 1401 01:01:39,167 --> 01:01:40,958 That's the gift of mercy. 1402 01:01:41,000 --> 01:01:43,167 When someone is struggling, you walk to them; 1403 01:01:43,208 --> 01:01:46,083 you don't walk away from them. 1404 01:01:46,167 --> 01:01:47,667 And this is where, quite frankly, 1405 01:01:47,750 --> 01:01:49,792 like, our Redemption Group leaders-- man, 1406 01:01:49,833 --> 01:01:51,875 this is their slot. 1407 01:01:51,958 --> 01:01:53,792 And I tell you, Redemption Groups, 1408 01:01:53,833 --> 01:01:57,167 Jesus loves Redemption Groups, and it's where those with 1409 01:01:57,208 --> 01:02:00,500 the gift of mercy, the gift of encouragement, 1410 01:02:00,583 --> 01:02:04,833 the gift of wisdom—they get to put their arms around people 1411 01:02:04,917 --> 01:02:07,042 who are struggling and suffering, 1412 01:02:07,125 --> 01:02:10,250 and to bring the love of Jesus to them. 1413 01:02:10,333 --> 01:02:12,458 Hospitality—Romans 12:13. 1414 01:02:12,500 --> 01:02:17,708 You love welcoming in strangers and entertaining them. 1415 01:02:17,792 --> 01:02:20,500 So, on Sundays, you love to be on the Welcome Team 1416 01:02:20,583 --> 01:02:22,208 and the Hospitality Team. 1417 01:02:22,292 --> 01:02:24,458 You love to host Community Group. 1418 01:02:24,500 --> 01:02:26,250 "Hey, everybody, come to my house. 1419 01:02:26,333 --> 01:02:29,542 I'll feed you, sit on my couch, I'll have it all set up." 1420 01:02:29,625 --> 01:02:31,458 You love to entertain people. 1421 01:02:31,500 --> 01:02:33,125 You love to welcome people. 1422 01:02:33,167 --> 01:02:34,833 You love to bring people together 1423 01:02:34,917 --> 01:02:36,958 and see them meet each other. 1424 01:02:37,000 --> 01:02:38,958 You're like, "Oh, they're going to be--that's fun, 1425 01:02:39,000 --> 01:02:40,542 and they'll get married." 1426 01:02:40,625 --> 01:02:42,500 And you've got it all figured out, right? 1427 01:02:42,583 --> 01:02:44,333 My wife has the gift of hospitality; 1428 01:02:44,417 --> 01:02:47,125 my daughter has the gift of hospitality—Ashley does. 1429 01:02:47,167 --> 01:02:49,250 They love to cook, they love to plan, 1430 01:02:49,333 --> 01:02:52,333 they love to entertain, they love to have people over. 1431 01:02:52,417 --> 01:02:55,333 You know, so for me, it's always been thinking about even our 1432 01:02:55,417 --> 01:02:57,000 physical space of where we live. 1433 01:02:57,083 --> 01:02:59,958 How can this be a home that allows their gifts to flourish, 1434 01:03:00,083 --> 01:03:02,333 so that we can practice hospitality? 1435 01:03:02,375 --> 01:03:05,125 And if that's you, you could really help us on Sundays. 1436 01:03:05,167 --> 01:03:07,625 You could help as well being a Community Group host. 1437 01:03:07,667 --> 01:03:09,000 Some of you are like, 1438 01:03:09,083 --> 01:03:11,000 "I don't want to lead the Community Group." 1439 01:03:11,083 --> 01:03:12,417 You could be the host. 1440 01:03:12,500 --> 01:03:14,625 The person with the gift of hospitality's the one 1441 01:03:14,667 --> 01:03:16,625 who opens their home and welcomes everyone in, 1442 01:03:16,667 --> 01:03:18,500 and then the leader leads the group. 1443 01:03:18,583 --> 01:03:21,083 Two more—gift of tongues— 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, 1444 01:03:21,167 --> 01:03:23,917 1 Corinthians 12:29-30. 1445 01:03:24,000 --> 01:03:26,917 You will see in the Bible-- 1446 01:03:27,000 --> 01:03:29,417 I don't want to get totally down the rabbit trail. 1447 01:03:29,500 --> 01:03:31,625 I'm already over time, and now I'm into tongues. 1448 01:03:31,667 --> 01:03:34,625 Yeah, this won't shorten it. 1449 01:03:34,667 --> 01:03:38,833 There's a private gift where you pray in the language of angels, 1450 01:03:38,917 --> 01:03:42,542 Paul says, and that's a private, personal time for you 1451 01:03:42,625 --> 01:03:44,542 to connect with the Lord. 1452 01:03:44,625 --> 01:03:46,542 And I don't know where we're at today, 1453 01:03:46,625 --> 01:03:48,542 but years ago when I polled the elders, 1454 01:03:48,625 --> 01:03:51,042 about 1/3 of the elders had that private prayer language. 1455 01:03:51,125 --> 01:03:55,167 And then there's also a public ability to communicate 1456 01:03:55,208 --> 01:03:58,458 the gospel of Jesus in a language that you don't know. 1457 01:03:58,500 --> 01:04:00,292 So, you speak one language; 1458 01:04:00,333 --> 01:04:01,917 somebody else speaks another language. 1459 01:04:02,000 --> 01:04:05,125 Jesus wants them to get saved, so he allows you to speak their 1460 01:04:05,167 --> 01:04:07,792 language, because the word "tongue," literally translated, 1461 01:04:07,833 --> 01:04:09,375 means "language." 1462 01:04:09,458 --> 01:04:10,917 We're going to get into this 1463 01:04:11,000 --> 01:04:13,083 when we get into the book of Acts. 1464 01:04:13,167 --> 01:04:16,125 We're going to get into all of this in detail after Easter. 1465 01:04:16,167 --> 01:04:19,125 But if you have this gift, it's either private, and you love 1466 01:04:19,167 --> 01:04:22,000 to pray and connect and be filled with the Holy Spirit 1467 01:04:22,083 --> 01:04:25,083 and/or a public ability to proclaim the gospel of Jesus. 1468 01:04:25,167 --> 01:04:27,667 And it's a supernatural gift that God gives to 1469 01:04:27,750 --> 01:04:29,917 some of his people. 1470 01:04:30,000 --> 01:04:33,500 And lastly, there is prophets and/or prophecy—Romans 12:6, 1471 01:04:33,542 --> 01:04:36,583 1 Corinthians 12:10, 1 Corinthians 12:28, 1472 01:04:36,667 --> 01:04:40,333 and we just saw it in Ephesians 4:11. 1473 01:04:40,375 --> 01:04:44,250 And that is, you love to either speak or write the truth 1474 01:04:44,333 --> 01:04:46,333 of God's Word. 1475 01:04:46,417 --> 01:04:49,500 You're not writing the Bible, but you're taking what the Bible 1476 01:04:49,583 --> 01:04:54,708 says and not just imparting the information but doing so 1477 01:04:54,792 --> 01:04:59,000 in a very forceful way that elicits a response. 1478 01:04:59,083 --> 01:05:01,708 Okay, one of my gifts is that gift— 1479 01:05:01,792 --> 01:05:07,500 writing and speaking the Word of God boldly. 1480 01:05:07,542 --> 01:05:11,417 And if that's your gift, it may even be that that's why 1481 01:05:11,500 --> 01:05:13,292 you're at Mars Hill. 1482 01:05:13,333 --> 01:05:16,583 You're like, "The Bible's open, we talk about Jesus for an hour, 1483 01:05:16,667 --> 01:05:20,708 and we move forward boldly," and prophets like that. 1484 01:05:20,792 --> 01:05:23,875 They like that. They like to know that the Word of God 1485 01:05:23,958 --> 01:05:26,583 is open and that the truth of God is taught, 1486 01:05:26,667 --> 01:05:29,125 and that there isn't going to be any apologizing 1487 01:05:29,167 --> 01:05:32,625 or compromising or editing what God has said. 1488 01:05:32,667 --> 01:05:36,708 The truth matters, Okay. The truth matters. 1489 01:05:36,792 --> 01:05:39,667 And if that's your gift, man, you're super helpful. 1490 01:05:39,708 --> 01:05:41,917 You could help with teaching, 1491 01:05:42,000 --> 01:05:43,750 you could help with Redemption Groups, 1492 01:05:43,833 --> 01:05:45,667 you could help with Community Groups. 1493 01:05:45,708 --> 01:05:49,167 I mean, we need the Word of God boldly written and boldly 1494 01:05:49,208 --> 01:05:54,667 proclaimed across the whole church, across the whole church. 1495 01:05:54,708 --> 01:05:57,000 Last series of questions, and I'll ask them 1496 01:05:57,083 --> 01:05:59,042 before we close in prayer. 1497 01:05:59,125 --> 01:06:00,500 How am I gifted? 1498 01:06:00,583 --> 01:06:03,667 How many of you in hearing this, you go, "That sounds like me," 1499 01:06:03,750 --> 01:06:06,167 and then you think of somebody you know, and you're like, 1500 01:06:06,250 --> 01:06:07,583 "That sounds like them." 1501 01:06:07,667 --> 01:06:09,583 So, this would be your Community Group discussion 1502 01:06:09,667 --> 01:06:11,000 this week. 1503 01:06:11,042 --> 01:06:14,000 Think, "You know, that kind of sounded like me, and I wonder 1504 01:06:14,042 --> 01:06:16,167 what I should be doing," and maybe you're already 1505 01:06:16,250 --> 01:06:18,917 doing it, and you could share what a joy that is. 1506 01:06:19,000 --> 01:06:21,917 And for others, they may say, "I don't know," and you say, 1507 01:06:22,000 --> 01:06:23,333 "Well, you know what? 1508 01:06:23,375 --> 01:06:27,000 "We know you, so let us look at you and tell you what we see 1509 01:06:27,083 --> 01:06:28,708 and try to encourage you in that." 1510 01:06:28,792 --> 01:06:31,125 Who or where do you have a passion to serve? 1511 01:06:31,167 --> 01:06:33,125 What do you have a burden to do? 1512 01:06:33,167 --> 01:06:34,833 Is there something you're just burdened for? 1513 01:06:34,875 --> 01:06:36,833 What needs do you see in the church? 1514 01:06:36,875 --> 01:06:39,042 What do you find joy in doing for others? 1515 01:06:39,125 --> 01:06:41,042 What opportunities has God already provided for you 1516 01:06:41,125 --> 01:06:42,458 to serve others? 1517 01:06:42,500 --> 01:06:43,833 What's already working? 1518 01:06:43,917 --> 01:06:46,542 What are you best at and have the most success in? 1519 01:06:46,625 --> 01:06:49,042 What have godly people said, "I see that in you, 1520 01:06:49,125 --> 01:06:50,542 and I want to encourage that"? 1521 01:06:50,625 --> 01:06:53,333 And what acts of service have given you the deepest sense 1522 01:06:53,375 --> 01:06:54,708 of satisfaction and joy? 1523 01:06:54,792 --> 01:06:58,417 It might be an indication of how God has made you and the kind of 1524 01:06:58,500 --> 01:07:01,000 ministry that he's prepared you for. 1525 01:07:01,083 --> 01:07:03,500 Mars Hill, let me say that Mars Hill Church 1526 01:07:03,583 --> 01:07:05,125 is a miracle of God's grace. 1527 01:07:05,167 --> 01:07:10,792 Jesus absolutely loves us, and you are a gift to us. 1528 01:07:10,833 --> 01:07:14,708 And you come with your gifts, and this is now a great season 1529 01:07:14,792 --> 01:07:18,333 for us all to be asking, "What is the contribution 1530 01:07:18,375 --> 01:07:20,500 that I am to make?" 1531 01:07:20,583 --> 01:07:24,375 And it's right on the threshold of Easter, which is our 1532 01:07:24,458 --> 01:07:25,833 biggest Sunday of the year. 1533 01:07:25,875 --> 01:07:27,833 We're praying for more than 20,000 people 1534 01:07:27,875 --> 01:07:31,333 and hundreds of salvations and baptisms. 1535 01:07:31,375 --> 01:07:34,292 And so, in that vein, I'm going to ask the offering stewards 1536 01:07:34,333 --> 01:07:37,708 to come forward at this time, and we're going to give. 1537 01:07:37,792 --> 01:07:40,250 We're going to give our financial gift, right, 1538 01:07:40,333 --> 01:07:43,458 to the God who's given us himself, the Lord Jesus. 1539 01:07:43,500 --> 01:07:46,250 He's given us the Holy Spirit; he's given us the church 1540 01:07:46,333 --> 01:07:47,667 and one another. 1541 01:07:47,708 --> 01:07:50,833 We're going to now give to the God who has given to us, 1542 01:07:50,917 --> 01:07:54,542 and as our financial stewards are collecting our offering, 1543 01:07:54,625 --> 01:07:57,250 I want to share with you what's coming up on Easter. 1544 01:07:57,333 --> 01:08:00,208 Are you guys excited about Easter? 1545 01:08:00,292 --> 01:08:04,250 Okay, I'll share with you what's coming up for Easter. 1546 01:08:05,667 --> 01:08:11,667 [music] 1547 01:08:12,667 --> 01:08:16,667 "Take heart, my son; your sins are forgiven." 1548 01:08:20,667 --> 01:08:25,542 "Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well." 1549 01:08:28,083 --> 01:08:29,625 "Take heart. 1550 01:08:29,667 --> 01:08:34,083 Get up; Jesus is calling you." 1551 01:08:34,167 --> 01:08:36,167 "I have said these things to you, 1552 01:08:36,250 --> 01:08:38,667 "that in me you may have peace. 1553 01:08:38,708 --> 01:08:41,250 "In the world you will have tribulation. 1554 01:08:41,333 --> 01:08:45,333 But take heart; I have overcome the world." 1555 01:08:46,333 --> 01:08:57,208 [music] 1556 01:09:09,542 --> 01:09:12,125 Exciting! Be praying, be preparing. 1557 01:09:12,167 --> 01:09:14,125 And right now, we're going to take Communion. 1558 01:09:14,167 --> 01:09:17,708 This is where we remember that Jesus is the giver, 1559 01:09:17,792 --> 01:09:20,125 that he gives us his broken body, 1560 01:09:20,167 --> 01:09:25,500 that he gives us his shed blood, that Jesus is the greatest gift 1561 01:09:25,542 --> 01:09:27,333 that's ever been given. 1562 01:09:27,375 --> 01:09:29,917 As we partake, all Christians are welcome to partake of 1563 01:09:30,000 --> 01:09:33,417 Communion, and we will do so as we sing, and we celebrate 1564 01:09:33,500 --> 01:09:35,000 the God who gives. 1565 01:09:35,083 --> 01:09:38,667 So Lord Jesus, we thank you that in 2,000 years from now, 1566 01:09:38,750 --> 01:09:41,333 there will not be the nations of the earth, 1567 01:09:41,417 --> 01:09:42,958 but there will be the church. 1568 01:09:43,000 --> 01:09:46,167 And 2,000 years from today, there will not be the businesses 1569 01:09:46,208 --> 01:09:49,000 that we work in, but there will be the church. 1570 01:09:49,083 --> 01:09:51,167 And 2,000 years from today, 1571 01:09:51,208 --> 01:09:53,042 there will not be the universities 1572 01:09:53,125 --> 01:09:55,250 that we attend, but there will be the church. 1573 01:09:55,333 --> 01:09:58,250 And Lord Jesus, I thank you that you have given us yourself, 1574 01:09:58,333 --> 01:10:00,750 and you've invited us to, with our gifts, 1575 01:10:00,833 --> 01:10:04,542 be part of the biggest thing in the history of the world. 1576 01:10:04,625 --> 01:10:08,667 We're grateful for it; we're excited to be invited to it. 1577 01:10:08,708 --> 01:10:12,833 We pray for our church, we pray for all churches that love you, 1578 01:10:12,917 --> 01:10:15,667 and we pray for unity and momentum among 1579 01:10:15,708 --> 01:10:19,250 the few billion people who call on the name of Jesus. 1580 01:10:19,333 --> 01:10:21,250 And we call, Lord Jesus, right now, 1581 01:10:21,333 --> 01:10:25,458 we call the Holy Spirit, and we invite him to be with us, 1582 01:10:25,500 --> 01:10:27,833 and to be in us, and to be through us, 1583 01:10:27,917 --> 01:10:32,250 and to help us not only know our gifts but use them for the name 1584 01:10:32,333 --> 01:10:36,917 and the fame of Jesus, whom we pray to right now. Amen. 1585 01:10:40,625 --> 01:10:43,542 Each year, over 10 million Mars Hill church sermons 1586 01:10:43,625 --> 01:10:46,667 are downloaded worldwide for free. 1587 01:10:46,708 --> 01:10:49,250 This ministry is generously supported 1588 01:10:49,333 --> 01:10:51,875 by Mars Hill church members and listeners like you. 1589 01:10:51,958 --> 01:10:55,458 If you'd like to support our efforts to preach Jesus to the world, 1590 01:10:55,500 --> 01:10:58,458 Please consider making a tax-deductible donation 1591 01:10:58,500 --> 01:11:01,417 by visiting marshill.com/give.