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Our Nets Are Breaking and Our Boats Are Sinking!

“I will make you fishers of men.” –Jesus

Our nets are breaking and our boats our sinking. Thank you, Jesus, for such problems!

In Luke 5, the story is told of how Jesus showed up on the shores of a lake. There, Peter and his men were putting away their nets after having “toiled all night” without any success. Jesus told them to, in faith, put their nets down one more time, and “when they had done this, they enclosed a large number of fish, and their nets were breaking. They signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink.” Peter then fell face down to worship Jesus. 

Recently, Jesus has showed up in a similar way at Mars Hill. In faith, we put our nets down. 

Over the past six months we’ve planted or replanted six churches in three different states, welcoming lots of new people in the process. In recent weeks we have seen nearly 15,000 people attending on Sundays, which is 5,000 more than one year prior. Jesus said we’d be fishers of men and women, and he wasn’t kidding. 

Just a few months after the grand opening, Mars Hill Rainier Valley is already three times larger than the average church in America and has seen 20 people baptized. By God’s grace, our new church in Orange County is running 650 per week, 31 people have been baptized, and we don’t even have a permanent building for them yet! 

Mars Hill Portland added a second service just a few weeks after opening its doors in January. Now, 600 people are showing up every Sunday to worship Jesus in one of America’s least-churched cities. The Sammamish church has grown to 600 as well. 

We have also seen an increase in our online efforts. Around the world, the number of people accessing our digital resources has increased, with millions upon millions downloading sermons, reading articles, and listening to our music. Upwards of 100,000 people now visit our websites every day!

Not surprisingly, our nets are breaking and our boats are sinking. 

Like Peter, we are astonished at God’s work and spending time worshiping and praising God for the large catch. But, we also need to fix our nets and bail our boats.

There is no way any of us could have predicted such an outpouring of God’s grace. The growth arrived at breakneck pace, and, truth be told, keeping up has been quite a challenge. Jesus has entrusted us with more than we ever planned for, including many new Christians who have just met Jesus and are not yet contributing financially.  

We do not see this as a burden but rather an incredible blessing. We also rejoice that, in the past few months, our church body has given more regularly and more generously than ever. If we were growing at a sane rate, we would be perfectly fine. Instead, we have the opportunity to celebrate new life in Jesus on a massive scale. What a wonderful gift! 

We’re in the process of building some systems and making some changes to accommodate the new normal. In the meantime, however, we could really use your help in order to make it to the end of our fiscal year on June 30. 

So, please join us in praising God and giving generously to help us mend our nets and bail our boats so we can do more fishing with and for Jesus. 

It's All About Jesus

Jesus was a man who claimed to be God. Think on that for a minute. If that were true, how would it change the way you thought, felt, and lived this life?

At Mars Hill, we believe that Jesus is God. We take him at his word. Because of this, everything we do is all about Jesus. We invite you to learn more about this man who is God and how you can find forgiveness and new life in him.

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Making Disciples

God reveals himself through us to others. Our priority is to make disciples who love God and love others well.

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Planting Churches

God works through his church to make disciples. Our commitment is to plant churches that love God and love others.

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What to Expect

Visiting a church for the first time can be nerve-racking. But having an idea of what to expect can help. There are three main parts to every Sunday service: preaching, worship, and kids. To learn more about each of these, click the links below.

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We value community

Church is more than a service. It’s people living life together and helping one another throughout our cities to serve our cities. Each week, thousands of people at Mars Hill meet in hundreds of small communities to learn about God, pray, eat, laugh, and live. We call these Community Groups—and they’re the heart of our church.

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Cheerful givers wanted

Jesus is the most generous person who ever lived. He gave his life so that we might live. As Christians, we give our time, talent, and money joyfully in response to Jesus’ generosity and to help more people meet Jesus.

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