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He always comes to hearts that need him

“As Jesus went . . .” Luke 8:42

Jesus is passing through the throng to the house of Jairus, to raise the ruler’s dead daughter, but he is so profuse in goodness that he works another miracle while on the road there.

While this rod of Aaron blossoms miraculously, it yields the ripe almonds of a perfect work of mercy. It is enough for us, if we have one purpose, straightway to go and accomplish it. It is imprudent to expend our energies elsewhere. Hastening to the rescue of a drowning friend, we cannot afford to exhaust our strength upon another who is also in danger. It is enough for a tree to yield one sort of fruit, and for a man to fulfill his own particular calling.

Our Master knows no limit of power or boundary of mission. His grace is so plentiful, that like the sun, which shines as it rolls onward in its orbit, his path is radiant with loving-kindness. He is a swift arrow of love, which not only reaches its ordained target, but also perfumes the air through which it flies.

Virtue is evermore going out of Jesus, as sweet odors exhale from flowers; and it will always be emanating from him, as water from a sparkling fountain. What delightful encouragement this truth affords us! If our Lord is so ready to heal the sick and bless the needy, then, my soul, do not be slow to put yourself in his way, that he may smile on you. Do not slack in asking, since he is so abundant in bestowing.

Give earnest heed to his word now, and at all times, that Jesus may speak through it to your heart. Where he is to be found, there make your refuge, that you may obtain his blessing. When he is present to heal, will he not heal you? But surely he is present even now, for he always comes to hearts that need him. And do you not need him? Ah, he knows how much you do! You Son of David, turn your eye and look on the distress which is now before you, and make your suppliant whole.

Adapted from Morning and Evening.

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