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Jesus is changing the South Sound

“Having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe.” Ephesians 1:18–19

This past weekend, we had spontaneous testimonies and heard many stories of how Jesus is working in and through our Federal Way church in amazing ways. Here are just some of the testimonies we heard.

  • One young man shared how he was planning to end his life by suicide. Then Jesus intervened, meeting him in his brokenness and helping him. He thanked God for giving him a new life and a new family called Mars Hill Church.

  • A young woman shared how she was sexually assaulted four years ago. Since then Jesus has given her a new life while walking with her through the healing process. She praised God for her sister who brought her to Mars Hill Church and for her community group who has been a wonderful support for her.

  • A visiting Veterans Affairs chaplain shared how he was diagnosed with terminal cancer and given six months to live. That was five years ago. He praised Jesus for being his great physician and extending his life.

  • Another young woman shared how after growing up in a religious home she ran away from the church and wanted nothing to do with God. It was only her second time at Mars Hill Church but now she sees that Jesus isn’t calling her to religion but rather to a relationship with himself.

  • Another young man shared how Jesus gave him new life, freed him from major drug addictions and healed his marriage. He praised Jesus for being his redeemer.

As well, I had the privilege of talking with a young man named Joe, whose sister brought him to Mars Hill Church. He told me he wanted to be a better man so God would accept him. I explained to him that no one does works that are enough good to earn salvation or make themselves righteous in the eyes of God. I shared how Jesus lived a perfect sinless life for him, died on the cross in his place for his sin, and was buried. I told him how on the third day Jesus rose from the grave conquering sin and death, and in Jesus his sins could be forgiven and he could be given a new life.

I said, “Jesus doesn’t want you to be a better man—he wants to make you a new man, with a new heart, new desires, a new identity for a new life.” He looked at me and smiled. I then asked, “Do you want to be a new man in Jesus and become a Christian?” He said, “Yes!” I then prayed for him and we rejoiced together. It was amazing!

I’m so thankful we get to be a part of something bigger and better than ourselves. We get to be a part of God’s story. Let’s never forget that our hero Jesus is alive and with us always!

Pastor Bubba Jennings is currently the lead pastor of the Federal Way church, and as of this fall, will be leading our newest local church, Mars Hill Tacoma. That church is being planted in one of the oldest church buildings in its city and needs a lot of work; to help them reach the $600,000 needed to retrofit the building, you can give here.

Pastor Bubba and his wife, Shelly, a deacon, have served Mars Hill for over 12 years, when he started as one of the church’s first interns.

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