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Stories of God’s grace in Mars Hill Students

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5

Over the last seven weeks at Mars Hill Students, we have been looking at seven of the audacious, offensive, mind-blowing claims that Jesus made about himself, that reveal him to be far more than just a “nice guy” or “good moral example.” Jesus claimed to be unlike any other person who walked this planet—he claimed to be God. And he promised that, when he is lifted up, he will draw people to himself (John 12:32)—which is exactly what he is doing in the lives of many students across Mars Hill today.

When Jesus’ gospel is preached, gospel transformation happens.

Below are just a handful of the many remarkable stories of God’s grace that we are celebrating that are taking place at Mars Hill Students!

Rainier Valley

Our Students ministry leaders at Rainier Valley are reaching students in one of the most diverse ZIP codes in the U.S., many of whom come from a broad range of religious backgrounds. A few weeks ago, a young guy named Massala whose family is from Kenya got a ride home with his Community Group leader. God opened up an opportunity for this leader to talk with Massala’s father, a Muslim man, about Jesus. Though the father spoke little English, his son interpreted his Community Group leader’s words into Swahili and got to share the gospel with his own dad! While both father and son are not yet saved, they are being loved and served our Rainier Valley team. When Massala was recently asked what he thought about Jesus, he responded, “I’m still not sure. But the more I hear, the more I believe.”

A high-school girl who was struggling with cutting herself has been attending weekly and seeking after the truth. After a recent midweek gathering, she came up to her Student lead, Jevon, and told him that Jesus just showed her that he is the true God and he wants to fill her with his joy so she wouldn’t have to cut herself. That night she prayed for the very first time, “Jesus . . . thank you. Amen” —then she went and told everyone in her Community Group that she just became a Christian!


A student in Albuquerque has recently been saved and baptized. He has been hitting up his Students Ministry lead for his sermon notes, so he can use them to lead Bible studies with other students during lunch at his school!


One of our Shoreline students, Cam, was recently elected as high-school president at Bothell High School. We interviewed Cam, and he encouraged other students to see themselves as leaders and step into leadership roles in their schools in order to serve their peers in the same way Jesus has served them.


The same Holy Spirit who empowered the early church for the mission of spreading the good news about Jesus continues to give power to the people of God today, regardless of their age. Every week, there are hundreds of young people across Mars Hill Church who gather in community to hear about Jesus, worship Jesus, and be equipped with his gospel to live for the fame of Jesus everywhere they go. If you are a student aged 6th–12th grade (or have a student that age), come be a part of the movement of young people that God is raising up in this church!

You can sign up for the most exciting, powerful event that is approaching fast on the Students calendar at Mars Hill—summer camp—here.

It's All About Jesus

Jesus was a man who claimed to be God. Think on that for a minute. If that were true, how would it change the way you thought, felt, and lived this life?

At Mars Hill, we believe that Jesus is God. We take him at his word. Because of this, everything we do is all about Jesus. We invite you to learn more about this man who is God and how you can find forgiveness and new life in him.

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