Praise Jesus for the work he’s done in the lives of people at Mars Hill Church this week! Here are a few of my favorite stories.
- A man was saved at Mars Hill Olympia a few years ago out of a life of drug addiction. After he met Jesus he began struggling with chronic back pain and became addicted to pain medication. Last month, his wife, after months of dealing with his chaos and addiction, decided she was done with the marriage. She called her Community Group leaders, who immediately came to her home check in on the couple. As the Community Group leaders counseled them, the Spirit of God moved on their hearts to begin reconciliation, both with God and each other. A month later, their marriage has made big strides forward. The man also has been free from prescription drug use.
- Another man at the Olympia church was saved and baptized on Easter and is now going through the membership class. Last week he pulled Pastor Seth aside to thank him for his new church home and the opportunity to connect with people and grow in Jesus. He’s very encouraged by his new life in Christ.
- Three prisoners came to Christ at a Mars Hill West Seattle prison ministry event through the preaching of one of their elder candidates.
- Two kids prayed to receive Jesus as their Savior at the Bellevue church on Sunday. Their parents were notified and one of the dads was able to leave the service and come talk with his daughter. He said they had been talking about Jesus a lot lately and he was thrilled.
- At Mars Hill Rainier Valley, a 7-year-old boy who is usually quite active was very focused on the Bible story being shared. Afterward, he asked the leader how Jesus really could come in his heart. The leader counseled him and he prayed and asked Jesus to save him.
- A couple attended Mars Hill Everett’s membership class last week. They mentioned they went to a Mars Hill Community Group for six months before walking through the front door on a Sunday. The reason they finally decided to come on Sundays was because the Community Group loved them so well and had become such a big part of their life. They now are becoming members.
- The recent men’s training day at Mars Hill Orange County had over 120 men (up from 80 last year). One man has been in a Community Group for a while but wasn’t a believer. His Community Group prayed for him and pursued him. On the first day of the men’s training time, he professed faith in Jesus as his Savior.
Jesus is amazing! Please join with me in praising him for these changed lives.