Mars Hill Tacoma Spaghetti Fundraiser
Bring your family and friends to the Mars Hill Tacoma fundraiser at Life Center church’s central campus on August 24th from 4 to 8 p.m. Come eat lots of spaghetti, listen to a Mars Hill band, and have a night of fun with great folks! Each meal will consist of spaghetti, salad, bread, and dessert for a suggested donation of $10 per person. All donations will go to the Tacoma building fund.
Creation Fest
Mars Hill Music bands Ghost Ship and Citizens both played the worship and main stages at Creation Fest this year! Here, Pastor Cam of Ghost Ship belts it out.
Deacon Shay backs him up on keys.
Deacon Zach leads the men of Citizens in prayer before their set.
Bassist Nathan meets a fan.
Orange County
Our new sermon series, Best Sermon Ever, kicked off this week!
The Orange County church celebrated with mustache cookies in honor of the series’ first speaker, Dr. Paul David Tripp.
Neph mustache you a question.
West Seattle
West Seattle had a photo booth to kick off the sermon series.
Best Sermon Ever? The U-District church one-upped that with a Best Dessert Ever celebration!
The Best Sermon Ever series continues tomorrow, with Dr. Wayne Grudem preaching at the Bellevue and Downtown Seattle churches, and Dr. Bruce Ware at all other locations and online later in the evening. Check out the series page for live preaching times and other info.