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Life at Mars Hill: Birthday edition

Mars Hill recently celebrated our 17th birthday. There were cupcakes and celebrations of all that God has done at and through Mars Hill over the past 17 years. We’ve gathered people’s tweets, pictures, and stories from the festivities to share with you guys.

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Facebook stories

Natalie Bryn:
Congratulations Mars Hill! Super happy that I found you & can participate from Atlanta!!!

Raymond Wilson:
Happy Birthday Mars Hill, thanks for your Ministry to the nations!

Candelario Salazar Orozco:
Muchas felicidades, esperamos que Dios siga haciendo caer su gracia sobre estas congregaciones, para nosotros en México son una gran bendición y oramos por ustedes.

Stephanie Bazan:
Hard to believe it’s been so long. We started going when they were 7 years old... Now we moved away but Globally connected in SLC. Here’s to many more Mars Hill.

Jim Morgan:
Congrats on a great first 17... keep up the good work, er word... God Bless…

Cait McLucas:
When I was looking for another church, I liked how open and relatable Pastor Mark was and is in his sermons. I also love the community. Another thing too is that Jesus reveals where I need to improve during different sermon series

Manuela Parisi:
I celebrate my 21st birthday in two days finally knowing (for the first time, I guess) who I am. I find my identity in Christ, and in Him I’m new—not a better version of my old self, but a completely different person... Much of this growth is due to the Mars Hill podcasts I’ve been listen since last year.

I was away from church, and I wouldn’t listen/hear to anything related to Christianity because I thought pastors were totally out of real world! A Christian friend suggested me the podcast of “Friend With Benefits”, of the Real Marriage series, and after that I simply downloaded all the sermons I could and I found myself willing to know more about that Jesus that was preached!

Thank you for all Mars Hill members that have generously supported initiatives like the app, Pastor Mark ministry and more!

Me, my family and friend have been empowered by the Holy Spirit and encouraged in our faith through your community!

I’m Manuela, from São Paulo, Brazil.

Sue McLaughlin Balcom:
My husband was finally baptized at Qwest Field after many many years of marriage and lots of prayer!

Estrella Liu:
Love MH! Congrats...marriage totally impacted! Thank you for all you do through God’s Holy Spirit!

Jeanne Pienaar:
Following your sermons via the internet in New Zealand. Interesting and powerfull!!!!

Jennifer Garland:
I came to MH as a Christian, single mom, 25 years old, in 2003. I learned about grace for the first time and learned that I was clinging to my shame instead of to my savior. Redemption Groups thought me how to trust God and I’ve gained a family in my Community Group. Thank you!

Rachel Louise Jungers:
I was stuck in a very dark place for quite a number of years. One of my friends introduced me to the Mars Hill app where I downloaded the sermon series “Pray Like Jesus” and listened to them on my way to and from work. The sermon on the Gethsemane prayer helped me to realize that my depression was based around a laundry list of things I was expecting God to have done for me that He didn’t—that I was basically throwing a temper tantrum because I wasn’t getting my way. Immediately, I prayed and just repented and apologized for having held that anger in. My depression was gone in that instant and I am the happiest I have ever been because of that moment.

Christofer Tapiheru:
I learn a lot from Pastor Mark Driscoll about how to read The Bible & preach The Word (who mostly doctrinally weighty) in a casual (understandable) & real manner. Thanks a lot Mars Hill Church for given away free sermons & resources online. Not enough words can describe how I’ve been blessed by you. I am a part of Mars Hill global in Indonesia (if someday there will be any)

Amy Beth:
Not a member but I watch the sermons online sometimes. I never thought I’d be a person who willingly watches a sermon or reads her Bible instead of zoning out with a TV show—but I am. I think that’s more God than Mars Hill though—Mars Hill is just where he lead me to for teaching beyond my local church (where I attend regularly and am very involved). Not a replacement for local fellowship and accountability but great supplement for learning.

Katie Husby:
So many ways MH impacted me for the better. I learned that my self-righteousness is just as bad as a rebellious heart. Through the help of our MH Olympia pastor, my husband and I successfully worked through a huge obstacle in our marriage. God’s anointing is on Mars Hill, and I will always be grateful for our time there! Happy bday MH

Leanne Long:
Thank you Mars Hill Church. After much prayer by my daughter and son-in-law, I became a Christian 4 years ago. I was baptized at my church on 12/10/10. Love what the Holy Spirit has done in my life. SO AWESOME. It truly is all about Jesus.

Wertz Luisa:
I have learned so much and brought closer to Jesus from listening to Pastor Mark’s sermons. Thank you for making it possible to hear them.

Christina Pashaian Dugdale:
MH has provided us with solid leadership, theology, community, all while pointing to Jesus. Our marriage and family have been blessed immensely by the church we love. May God continue to grant favor to MH church who strives to make His name known and famous!

Lynn Bayless:
I am so thankful for the gift of community that MH has given me. Through my Community group I have made friendships with incredible women who counsel me, worship with me, pray for me, encourage me, and hold me accountable. Thank you for making community such a huge part of what we do at MH!

Janice LaFontaine:
Where do I start?!!! One of many: I met my husband in community group But more importantly, I got to know more about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and experienced so much spiritual growth. So grateful for you, MHC.

Abigail Huget-Quinton:
Mars Hill rocks on so so many levels!!! Happy happy birthday Mars Hill!!!

Mike Klokow:
Thanks so much to Mark, his family and All those members who make Mars Hill possible... Love and. Blessings to all!

Thank you all for sharing your stories and making it such a joyful celebration! We love hearing how Jesus changes lives. If you want to share your story with us or read more stories, head over to our stories page here.

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