A lie is two things: saying what is untrue or not saying all that is true. When we lie about others, we’re saying we’re OK with benefitting at their expense because we’re more important than them. And once that lie is released, the truth can never be regained for them.
Social media
“The tongue exists to reveal our hearts.” –John Calvin #10Commandments #DoNotLie
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In the #10Commandments, God ties our hands by telling us not to steal & ties our tongues by telling us not to lie.
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“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” –George Orwell
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“A lie is like a snowball. The longer it’s rolled on the ground the larger it becomes.”–Martin Luther #10Commandments
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“A little lie is like a little pregnancy—it doesn’t take long before everyone knows.” –CS Lewis #10Commandments
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“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” –CH Spurgeon #10Commandments
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“It’s not enough to rage against the lie...you’ve got to replace it with the truth.” –Bono #10Commandments
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“Truth without love is brutality, and love without truth is hypocrisy.” –Warren Wiersbe #10Commandments
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“One word of truth outweighs the world.” –Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn #10Commandments
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People do not fall into adultery anymore innocently than Satan fell from heaven. #10Commandments
Recommended resources
Article by Pastor Mark Driscoll
“It is said that the average woman speaks around 5,000 words per day whereas the average male speaks around 2,000 . . . Furthermore, we send innumerable emails in addition to spending countless hours on the telephone. In short, we communicate a lot, in both spoken and printed words.”
Speak Truth with Your Neighbor
Sermon by John Piper
“Is it ever right to tell a lie? I am going to address the issue, but I am not going to answer the question directly. What I am going to say is this: It is possible to be a person who never intentionally lies and yet be a hardened sinner, living in darkness and cut off from Christ in unbelief.”
The Power of Words and the Wonder of God
Book by John Piper and Justin Taylor
“Since the tongue is such a powerful force-for good or evil-we are wise to ask: What would homes, churches, schools, even the public square be like if we used words with Christian intentionality and eloquence? The Power of Words and the Wonder of God seeks to answer this difficult question.”
Why It Is Never Right to Lie
Article by Wayne Grudem
Dr. Grudem explores his own position on lying in reference to Scripture, theologian and professor John Frame, and what to do if you have Nazis at your door and Jews in your basement.
What God Cannot Do!
Sermon by Charles Spurgeon on Titus 1:2, delivered on May 8, 1864
“Truth once reigned supreme upon our globe, and then earth was Paradise. Man knew no sorrow while he was ignorant of falsehood. The Father of Lies invaded the Garden of bliss, and with one foul lie he blighted Eden into a wilderness, and made man a traitor to his God.”