Our Ten Commandments: Set Free to Live Free series wrapped up this past weekend at our churches. But before our new series really gets rolling, we’ve pulled together some of the best clips from this fall.
The big idea
Three takeaways from the Ten Commandments
At the end of this series, what lessons should we walk with? One: God is a Father who loves us and wants the best for us. Two: the fact that Jesus came down and lived a sinless life and died for our sins is amazing, and we cannot reduce him to a merely good man. Three: the Holy Spirit works at the level of desire, giving us new desires to be more like Jesus and obey God.
Your favorites
The votes are in, and we’ve found the most popular clips from the Ten Commandments series. Whether they were the funniest or the most controversial, these five got the most views.
1. Christian t-shirts
From part 3, Do Not Take God’s Name in Vain
2. American idols
From part 2, Have No Idols
3. The fools’ parade
From part 3, Do Not Take God’s Name in Vain
4. Should Christians get divorced?
From part 7, Do Not Commit Adultery
5. Abortion is murder
From part 6, Do Not Murder
Our favorites
These are five clips that we found the most helpful, encouraging, or convicting. They may not immediately seem to be the most exciting, but they express God’s heart for the Ten Commandments—that these are not arbitrary rules, but are instructions from a loving Father who sent his Son to die for our sins.
God is a loving Father, not a list giver
From part 10, Do Not Covet
The Old Testament is all about Jesus
From part 1, Have No Other Gods
Jesus is our report card
From part 4, Remember the Sabbath
All sin is stealing
From part 8, Do Not Steal
The Sabbath saves us from ourselves
From part 4, Remember the Sabbath