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Jesus’ works, your works: sermon recap

This week, in part eight of the James: Jesus’ Bold Little Brother sermon series, Pastor Mark Driscoll preached about the relationship between faith and works as described in James 2:14–26. Catch up on the sermon below and share the following quotes and images with your friends and family on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

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Does salvation involve works minus faith or faith minus works? This sermon discusses three kinds of faith and tackles the alleged contradiction between James’ and Paul’s definition of faith.

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  • Jesus did everything that needs to be done. He said on the cross, “It is finished!” We don’t add to it. #boldJames
  • Jesus plus anything ruins everything. It’s all Jesus, only Jesus, always Jesus & Jesus alone saves. #boldJames
  • Church doesn’t save; Christ saves. #boldJames
  • It’s not what you do, it’s not what the church does, it’s what Jesus does and whether or not you trust him #boldJames
  • Trying to be your own savior only leads to pride or despair. #boldJames
  • You can have an understanding of Jesus without an affection for Jesus. #boldJames
  • You can’t meet the Creator of the universe and not change. #boldJames
  • Faith is not just what we believe internally, it’s how we behave externally. #boldJames
  • You don’t deserve salvation. So if you have it, you can’t lose it bc you didn’t earn it. It’s a gift. #boldJames
  • You’re saved by grace through faith in Christ alone to good works that God has prepared in advance for u. #boldJames
  • Internal devotion to God—faith—produces external devotion to God—works—bc a good tree bears good fruit. #boldJames

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Recommended resources

For those who would like to delve deeper into the topics covered by the sermon, we’ve found a few good places to start.

Dead in Sardis: Stopped Caring or Trying

Sermon by Pastor Mark Driscoll

Pastor Mark preaches on Jesus’ words to the church in Sardis at the site of the Temple of Artemis. Many people worshiped false gods and goddesses at that temple, yet the church in Sardis was indifferent, hard hearted, and stiff necked—in a word, “dead.” Would Jesus say the same to us? Is your relationship with him routine or ritual? Passionate or mere duty? Do you really care about Jesus and people? Are you dead or alive? Jesus calls you to wake up and repent.

Does James Contradict Paul?

Sermon by John Piper

“We believe that the Bible is inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16). It is the very word of God, written. Therefore, we believe that the Bible is true and coherent. It does not teach us things that are false. It does not contradict itself. We believe this because Jesus Christ has made himself real to us and has shown himself to be the trustworthy Son of God. [. . .] But this does not mean that there are no problems for us in the Bible.”

The diagnosis and the miracle cure

By Resurgence

Recognizing the difference between law and gospel is critical to reading the Bible correctly. Learn why this distinction matters and how to discern the difference as you read the Bible.

We must move in grace

By Matt Chandler

It is not an idle life that we live as believers in Christ. Matt Chandler writes on five components all our grace-driven efforts should have.

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