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Paul would suffer for Jesus

“For I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name.” Acts 9:16

One of the challenges of being a follower of Jesus is the reality of suffering. Jesus promised that his followers would experience persecution if they were faithful to him—meaning, some would seek their destruction.

In today’s text, God tells Ananias that this would be true of Paul. He would become one of the most faithful servants that the church would ever see: He would write over half of the New Testament. He would travel thousands of miles to preach the gospel to the unreached. He would endure numerous trials that included bad weather, fierce animals, and wicked people. And like Jesus, Paul too would experience suffering’s bittersweetness.

We live in a fallen world infected with sin, and we serve a God who was brutally murdered. We will suffer, but the reason for suffering is often mysterious and unknowable. God is a good Father who does not desire suffering for his children (2 Pet. 3:9), but he is also a powerful Sovereign who can take the worst of suffering and redeem it according to his good purpose. This was certainly the case for Paul, and this was certainly the case for Jesus.


“Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” 2 Timothy 3:12
  • Why would godliness lead to persecution?
  • Have you ever suffered for Jesus?
  • How can we endure suffering for Jesus in our day and age?


Father, we know that suffering is simply a part of the Christian life. We know that if we are faithful in telling others the truth about Jesus, sin, and salvation, there will be some who hate the message. Help us to love even when we are hated. Help us to pray for those who hurt us. Give us wisdom to use our words well so that the message is the only thing that offends, and not our behavior. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

This devotion is adapted from the Acts Study Guide: Chapter 6–11. Pick up a copy today for only $9.99. The Study Guide includes an 11-week curriculum with small group studies, group inductive studies, as well as 55 daily devotions for your personal or family worship.

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