As part of the Religion Saves and Nine Other Misconceptions sermon series, I answered Question #5 on February 3: "How should Christian men and women go about breaking free from the bondage of sexual sin?"Sadly, much of our attendance is normally at the evening services at our Ballard, Wedgwood, and Shoreline campuses, where singles and college students predominate. However, with the Super Bowl being the official "religious" holiday of our nation, our evening attendance looked as if I missed the rapture. The issue of sexual sin is so pressing for so many people that I do pray that those who missed church to watch half-naked people pitch products on their flat screen also tune in to catch the sermon online. You can also find my answers to anonymous text messaging questions from the final two evening services and I pray they are helpful. For those wanting to study the issue more fully, it is helpful to begin by noting the epidemic nature of sexual sin. In my forthcoming book Vintage Jesus I write,
In Paul's day, he accused some people of worshiping their stomachs as their god, and in our day it appears that our god has simply moved a short distance south. Americans spend more money each year on pornography than country music, rock music, jazz music, classical music, Broadway plays, and ballet combined. Additionally, some researchers have even said that we spend more money on pornography than we do on professional baseball, basketball, and football combined. Clearly, perversion is officially America's favorite pastime and a ten-billion-dollar business. The annual rentals and sales of adult videos and DVDs now top four billion dollars annually. Fully eleven thousand porno movies are made every year, twenty times the number of mainstream movies made by Hollywood! The porn industry now claims over 30 percent of all video rentals on the east and west coasts. Nationally, there are now over 2,400 strip clubs. Some of those clubs generate as much as eight million dollars a year in revenues and employ as many as two hundred dancers. On the Internet, the top word searched for is "sex," with "porn," "nude," "Playboy," and "erotic stories" also in the top twenty. Furthermore, 70 percent of porn traffic occurs between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. while people are sitting at work unable to focus on their job because the god of Eros continually beckons. The top research priority in the porn business is getting good quality porn to a cell phone or mobile device so that everyone can feed any twisted desire anytime and anywhere. The National Council on Sexual Addiction Compulsivity estimated that 6 to 8 percent of Americans are sex addicts, which is 16 to 21.5 million people. Their numbers include young people. Sixty-one percent of all high school seniors have had sexual intercourse, about half are currently sexually active, and 21 percent have had four or more partners. Adolescents have the highest sexually transmitted disease (STD) rates. Approximately one out of four sexually active adolescents becomes infected with an STD each year, for a total of three million cases. People under the age of twenty-five account for two-thirds of all STDs in the United States. By their graduation date, students will have watched fifteen thousand hours of television, compared to only twelve thousand hours in the classroom. While watching, they will see fourteen thousand sexual references every year, with only 165 of those occasions encouraging birth control, self-control, abstinence, or mentioning anything about the risk of pregnancy or STDs. Undeniably, people are worshipers and will worship someone or something.Speaking in terms of worshiping God our Creator and enjoying His creation (including the human body) instead of acting like the pagans denounced in Romans 1:25 who worship creation instead of the Creator, I argued that in many ways sexual sin is now THE sacrament of pagan religion marked by religious zeal, devotion, and sacrifice. For Christians wanting to overcome sexual sin, I then explained eleven ways to worship God that will help to replace the desire for sin with a deeper and more passionate desire for holiness. For those who missed the list, here it is:
- Become a Christian and worship the Creator instead of creation.
- Live out of your regenerated heart by the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Live as a new person with a new mind.
- Put your sexual sin to death.
- Make no provision for the flesh.
- Run to Jesus, your sympathetic High Priest.
- Walk in the light with your church, and professionals if needed.
- Flee temptation.
- Pursue satisfying marriage when ready.
- Have your spouse as your standard of beauty.
- Repent quickly and keep fighting.
- For those struggling with addictions, Ed Welch's Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave.
- For those struggling with sexual purity, Stephen Arterburn's Every Man's Battle and Shannon Ethridge's Every Woman's Battle.
- For those who have been sexually abused, Dan Allender's The Wounded Heart.