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Wanna Bubble Suit?

On February 17, as part of the Religion Saves and Nine Other Misconceptions sermon series I am presently preaching, I will answer question #3: "How does a Christian date righteously; and what are the physical, emotional, and mentally connecting boundaries a Christian must set while developing an intimate relationship prior to marriage?" Someone thought it would be funny to create an actual Christian bubble suit that guaranteed a zone of holiness for all unmarried folk to enjoy until, I guess, they marry and get to share said bubble with their spouse. For laughs, check out the Christian bubble suit: Not one to miss a comedic opportunity, I am considering wearing it out as a sort of holiness fashion show for the sermon. Even better still, we are actually going to give the suit away so as to not waste such a fine innovation! So, on Sunday, February 17, people will be invited to send us their ideas via text message during the services on how they could best use the bubble suit for the forward progress of the gospel. At our 8:30 pm service at Ballard, which is our last service of the day, we will determine a winner and award said bubble suit to that person who will use it in some creative way for the gospel. Of course, we will take their photo in the suit and post it online so that they can become a Bubblicious Rock Star. We encourage those who attend Mars Hill to start thinking of the best use for the suit. After all, it would be a tragic loss if such a comedic opportunity were to pass us by. My hope is that someone actually wears it to college for a day and gets in the school newspaper as a comedic abstinence evangelist. We shall see . . .

It's All About Jesus

Jesus was a man who claimed to be God. Think on that for a minute. If that were true, how would it change the way you thought, felt, and lived this life?

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