Throughout the recently concluded Peasant Princess sermon series based on the Song of Songs, I included a few discussion questions in the sermon each week. Some people have asked for a compiled list of these questions, and the following includes as many as I wrote down or can remember. Some of the questions, though, were made up during the sermons and therefore might not be on this list if they escaped my memory.
Questions for everyone
1. Am I living as a growing Christian?
2. Whom have I invited to speak into my life to help me grow in Christ (e.g., godly friend, Community Group, Redemption Group, biblical counselor)?
3. What is my favorite Sabbath memory with God?
4. How is my Sabbath time with God lately?
5. What things from my upbringing should I be thankful for?
6. What things from my upbringing do I need to be redeemed from?
7. What is my primary love language (or languages) between words, gifts, service, time, and touch?
8. What sexual sin is in my past?
9. What sexual sin (if any) is in my life currently?
Questions for singles
1. What foxes (e.g., sin, habits, folly, selfishness, bad relationships, past hurts, pain from past abuse) are in my life right now that I need to deal with before I marry?
2. How has being single allowed me to be selfish in a way that will harm my oneness with my spouse if/when I marry?
Questions for married couples
1. What does Engedi (a restful oasis) look like for you in our marriage?
2. What needs to change in our home/bedroom to make it more of an Engedi?
3. How can I please you sexually?
4. What foxes (e.g., sin, habits, folly, people, hurts, pain from past abuse) are in our vineyard?
5. What is your greatest fear in marriage?
6. On a scale from 1 to 10, how am I as a servant outside of the bedroom?
7. What can I do to serve you better outside of the bedroom?
8. On a scale from 1 to 10, how am I as a servant in the bedroom?
9. What can I do to serve you better in the bedroom?
10. What sexual sins have I never repented of to God and my spouse?
11. What sin committed against me have I never truly forgiven and am bitter about, specifically against my spouse?
12. What does forgiveness look like in order for me and my spouse to be truly reconciled?
13. What are my favorite Sabbath times with my spouse?
14. How is my Sabbath time with my spouse lately?
Questions for husbands
1. What can I do to encourage your sexual freedom?
2. Is there anything in my character that you do not respect?
3. When is the last time I looked at a naked woman other than my spouse (e.g., in person, pornography, television, movie, strip club)?
Questions for wives
1. What favorite images of me do you recall most often? Why?
2. How can I be more visually generous?
Questions for parents
1. What am I not teaching and demonstrating to my children that will hurt their marriage one day?
2. How am I doing at being my children’s first pastor and integrating biblical teaching into daily life with my children?
3. What else can I do to help biblically inform and guide my children in the area of sexuality?
Discussion Questions from the Peasant Princess Sermons
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