In conjunction with the series Luke’s Gospel: Investigating the Man Who is God we’ve got some special sermons lined up. Some weeks all of the services I will be preaching will be exclusively on video including at the Ballard campus where I normally preach in person. This is because these special sermons were filmed live on location in Greece and Israel this summer on state of the art RED cameras, the same kind used to film District 9. Some of the upcoming special sermons include:
October 11th – this is my 39th birthday, the 20th anniversary of my salvation, and the 13th anniversary of Mars Hill Church. So, as a special sermon we will be airing at all campuses a one hour sermon I preached live this summer from Acts 17 while standing on Mars Hill in Athens. The footage from this sermon is epic with the Acropolis behind me.
In November (22nd at Ballard and 29th at all other campuses) the sermon Jesus and the Temple from Luke 2:22-40 will air. This sermon was shot live on location from the Southern Steps of the Temple on the very same steps where Jesus walked. This sermon will be very controversial as I preached below the temple mount during Ramadan with a mosque behind me complete with hecklers dropping fireworks to explode in an attempt to interrupt the sermon.
In December (6th at Ballard and 13th at all other campuses) the sermon Baptism & Repentance from Luke 3:1-14 will air. This sermon was preached on location at the Jordan River followed by 70ish baptisms including my son Calvin, my mom, and my dad. I preached this entire sermon in one hundred degree heat while standing in the Jordan River that Jesus was baptized in.
In April (11th at Ballard and 18th at all other campuses) of 2010 when we get to Luke 6:20-36 we will show The Beatitudes sermon preached while standing on the same place Jesus preached the words recoded in Luke’s version of the Sermon on the Mount. Behind me is the Sea of Galilee and it will really help you get a taste of where Jesus drew large crowds.
In June (13th at Ballard and 20th at all other campuses) of 2010 the sermon Jesus Calms the Storm from Luke 8:22-25 will air. This sermon was preached as I stood on the shores of the very Sea of Galilee where Jesus revealed his divinity commanding nature to obey him. The footage here is amazingly beautiful and the RED cameras were able to catch rays of sunlight not even perceptible to the human eye.
Special Upcoming Sermons from Luke
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Organizing a Silence and Solitude Day (Part 2 of 5)
November 16, 2009Organizing a Silence and Solitude Day (Part 1 of 5)
November 12, 2009Guest Speaker: Ed Stetzer (November 13th & 15th - Ballard)
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October 06, 2009Pastor Mark Driscoll on ABC's Nightline Tonight
October 05, 2009The Highlight Of My Trip To Israel
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May 15, 2009The Driscolls are Going to Albuquerque
May 13, 2009How to Preach in Different Time Zones Simultaneously
April 29, 2009Enjoying God’s Easter Grace
April 12, 2009God’s Grace Is Everywhere
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