The Lead Pastor Residency Program is an unprecedented learning opportunity for those called to lead in ministry.
“The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” John 10:11
One thing I wish I would have done before planting Mars Hill is spend more time learning at a Bible-believing, Jesus-loving, fast-growing, well-organized church.
God called me to ministry at the age of 19, and I started Mars Hill at the age of 25. My theology was solid and I had a zeal for evangelism, but I had no idea how to practically lead a church. I didn’t know how to do counseling, prepare a sermon, lead people who were older than I was, budget for an organization, raise funds, build systems, or run an elder meeting.
It’s a miracle of God’s grace that both the church and I are still here. Most church plants don’t survive. It’s a treacherous venture, and truly I could have benefited greatly from a place like Mars Hill. We started the Lead Pastor Residency Program to give guys the opportunity I never had. This is a fully paid, one-year crash course with myself and the other Mars Hill elders (now over 60 and counting).
Pastor Mark recently sat down to talk with our four lead pastor residents. Be on the lookout in the coming weeks for videos from each interview.
The Lead Pastor Residency Program is very much a one-of-a-kind experience. Those selected will be paid to work at Mars Hill Church for a season, embedded at one of our local churches. Residents receive hands-on experience, practical training from elders who do ministry for a living, and coaching from my fellow executive elders and me.
Last year we had about 180 people apply to the program. We took four. Here’s the thing: If you’re the academic type, full of ideas and opinions but not real strong on action, please don’t apply. We’re trying to lead people to Christ, plant churches, and make disciples. We need humble, courageous leaders who want live out their theology, not just argue for it.
For those accepted to the program, we’re not going to hold your hand, rub your back, or tell you how awesome you are. You’re going to work hard, you’re going to get your chops busted, you’re probably going to fail on more than one occasion, and you’re going to experience the spiritual warfare that comes with doing ministry on the front lines in a world that is hostile to Jesus and Christianity.
If you want to plant a church, if you want to lead a church, if you want to help us start new Mars Hill churches, if you want to do something and not just talk about it, I can’t think of a better opportunity than the Lead Pastor Residency Program. Less than a year after starting the program, three of our residents are already leading Mars Hill churches. Not many pastors get a building, a budget, and a core group of a few hundred people right out of the gate. We’re talking unprecedented, high-impact ministry on Day 1. You’re simply not going to get the opportunity to do that anywhere else.
But we only need a few of you, and we only want the best. Prayerfully, humbly, and carefully consider if this is something God is calling you to do. If so, we’d be honored to have you serve and be served by our church.
The application process for the 2013–2014 residency program is now open, so go check out the program’s page: