Sunday, March 31
Easter Celebration at Mars Hill Church
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” –Jesus, to his disciples (John 16:33)
Join our church family on Easter at one of our 14 local churches in four states for gospel preaching, live music, and baptisms! Don't live near one of our 14 locations? Join us online for our broadcast services.
Jesus’ resurrection makes Christianity distinct from every other religion. If the resurrection is true, it means that sin, death, and hopelessness do not win—Jesus does. It means that the empty tomb is the final word of Jesus. It means Jesus really did die for our sin and really did rise for our salvation.
Take heart. Jesus has overcome the world, and he is calling you.
Pics at Mars Hill
Kara Bruskas speaks at Mars Hill Sammamish’s women’s retreat.
Our Shoreline church hosted a Biblical Womanhood event with Mars Hill Women’s Ministry Director Hilary Tompkins (left) and Deacon Jan Quick (right).