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Top 10 posts from Easter over the years

Are we the only ones who watch videos of Easter baptisms on a loop when we have bad days? If you think that’s weird, check out these posts and videos from our past five Easters at Mars Hill. We think you’ll understand afterwards. Get excited—the biggest day of the year is this Sunday!

1. “Bath-tisms and other good news,” Pastor Mark Driscoll

In a candid post the day after Easter 2008, Pastor Mark recaps some of the incredible things God that did at Mars Hill the past few weeks.

I’m not sure how to explain it, but God’s favor was evident everywhere. . . . We had at least 11,718 people altogether this weekend, somewhere near 200 baptisms yesterday alone, and are still trying to figure out how many people got saved.

2. “Seattle news channels cover online streaming,” Mars Hill Church

2009 was the first time we ever live streamed our Easter services online (like we will this year). In this post, we share a video clip of the local news station covering the story.

Tens of thousands—online and in person—helped us celebrate the occasion of Jesus’ death and resurrection, and the local news (KOMO and KING) took note.

3. “101 baptisms (and counting) this Sunday,” Pastor Jamie Munson

In this clip from 2009, Pastor Jamie talks about worship and baptisms from an Easter service in 2008 at our Ballard church. A great post to get excited for baptisms this year!

Last year, a few dozen signed up in advance to be baptized on Easter. At the end of the day, however, about 200 people had come forward to be baptized. It was a beautiful display of the Holy Spirit at work.

4. “Stories from Easter morning,” Pastor Nick Bogardus

Pastor Nick shares a few stories posted on Facebook and Twitter of the morning services on Easter 2010.

“My wife was “just going to church” today and ended up being Rick-Rolled by Jesus!—Baptized!” –Lowell Wann

5. “Mars Hill Easter stories,” Mars Hill Church

This post includes a video of post-baptism interviews and a lengthy list of testimonies we heard on Easter 2010.

A family invited one of the sons of a personal trainer the husband met at the gym. This young man heard the gospel and gave his life to Jesus. He came forward for baptism clearly broken by his sin in the face of Jesus’ grace. Uncontrollable tears were flowing as he stood publicly in the water for baptism.

6. “Is God calling you to be baptized tomorrow?” Mars Hill Church

This video from 2011 is a work of art in itself. As a bonus, it also includes a plethora of stories and videos from past Easters.

“I just wanted to get up and publicly say, ‘Thank you, God.’ I just wanted to praise him and tell him that, ‘This is it, this is the change, this is the line where I cross over, and it’s no more about me.’”

7. “10,080 frames: The time-lapse video of Easter at Qwest,” Mars Hill Church

Couldn’t make it for Easter at Qwest Field in 2011? This video will fill you in—all in less than a minute.

This time-lapse video was set up on Thursday morning and ran through Sunday night, taking one shot every 30 seconds for 84 hours. The result: 10,080 frames, with the daytime ones condensed into these 36 seconds.

8. “What an Easter Sunday!” Mars Hill Church

Last year, we had our biggest Easter ever. This post shares some highlight videos of worship and people publicly declaring their faith in Jesus through baptism.

On April 8, Mars Hill held 41 Easter services at its 14 churches in 4 states. Over 19,600 people came to worship and celebrate the other 400 baptisms that took place that day.

9. “The day Jesus rose,” Pastor Mark Driscoll

In this post from 2012, Pastor Mark gives a concise explanation of what we’re celebrating on Easter.

The resurrection means that Jesus is our Messiah King. God the Father promised that his Son, Jesus Christ, would be raised up from the lineage of David to rule over an everlasting kingdom (2 Sam. 7:7–16). This promise was fulfilled at the resurrection of Jesus (Rom. 1:3–4).

10. “Easter 2012 live in downtown Seattle,” Mars Hill Downtown Collective

Stream and download these great live recordings of worship at Mars Hill Downtown Seattle last year. How many baptism-crowd-cheers can you pick out?

You can watch Mars Hill’s Easter sermons from past years here.

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