This Sunday all the churches celebrated Mother’s Day! Mars Hill Portland had a fun photo booth for the occasion.
You can check out all the photos from the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m services on Facebook.
There were lots of Mother’s Day baby dedications at Mars Hill this year! Here, parents dedicate their children at our Federal Way church.
At the Olympia church, a father shares why he and his wife are dedicating their daughter that day and what Scripture they chose.
More baby dedications, this time up in Shoreline.
Pastor Mark Dunford and his wife, Melinda, dedicated their baby boy on the same day Mark was installed as the Ballard church’s newest elder!
Parents pray over their children in Ballard.
Friends and family at Mars Hill Albuquerque put their hands on and pray for the parents who were dedicating their children to the Lord.
At the Bellevue church, Pastor Thomas passes out flowers to mothers.
Bellevue babies being dedicated.
At the Sammamish church, a little boy helps his dad read the verse picked out for his dedication.