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Commandment VIII

Statistics on Stealing


  • U.S. retailers lose about $35 billion in stolen goods each year, or about $100 million per day (Hayes).
  • There are approximately 27 million shoplifters in our nation today, or about 10% of the country (
  • 25% of shoplifters are kids, 75% are adults. 55% of adult shoplifters say they started shoplifting in their teens (NASP). 
  • 89% of kids say they know other kids who shoplift (NASP). There is no profile of a typical shoplifter. Men and women shoplift about equally as often (NASP). Shoplifters say they are caught an average of only once in every 48 times they steal (NASP). 

Sources: Hayes International consultants and National Association of Shoplifting Prevention


  • One in every 40 employees was apprehended for theft from their employer in 2012.
  • On a per case average, dishonest employees steal 5.5 times the amount stolen by shoplifters ($715.24 vs $129.12).
  • Costs American companies $200 billion annually (source: US News)

Source: Hayes International consultants


  • 64% of employees visit non-work related websites every day during work hours

Time spent on the computer doing personal tasks during work time (per week): 

  • 39% - 1 hour or less
  • 29% - up to 2 hours
  • 21% - up to 5 hours a week
  • 3% - 10 hours or more 

What websites do you visit if you stray from work?

  • Facebook 41%
  • LinkedIn 37%
  • Yahoo 31%
  • Google+ 28%
  • CNN 20%
  • YouTube 13%
  • Craigslist 10%
  • ESPN 8%
  • Twitter 8%
  • Pinterest 4%

Daily personal Internet use at work by age group:

  • 75% of workers age 26-35
  • 72% of workers age 18-25
  • 65% of workers age 36-45
  • 58% of workers age 46-55 
  • 55% of workers age 56+


  • Employees waste 2.09 hours per 8-hour day

Top ten time-wasting activities:

  • 44.7% - Internet (personal use)
  • 23.4% - Socializing
  • 6.8% - Conducting personal business
  • 3.9% - Spacing out (daydream)
  • 3.1% - Running errands
  • 2.3% - Personal phone calls
  • 1.3% - Applying for other jobs
  • 1% - Planning personal events
  • 1% - Arriving late/leaving early
  • $153.04 avg amount earned per day = $39.98 wasted = $9,000+ over the course of a year per employee
  • Total annual cost to companies: $759 billion 
  • 30% of workers feel it's acceptable to use social media for personal use at work (source)

Source: AOL and survey

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