“You shall not bow down to [idols] or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God . . .” Exodus 20:5
Last Friday, thousands of people around the world stood in line for hours to get their hands on the latest version of the iPhone. The most popular model? Like the calf that God’s people worshiped in Exodus, it was the gold edition.
For the first time ever—since the iPhone’s very beginning in 2007—Andy Girton was not a part of the throng. Deacon Andy leads the production and live events team at Mars Hill Church. Before that he worked for many years in IT and technology, at one point running tech support for keynote presentations for Bill Gates. Suffice it to say, his geek cred is impressive. And he’s worked hard to maintain that image.
“I enjoy technology,” Andy says. “It’s always been a part of my job, but it’s more than a work thing. It’s a competition. It’s a pride thing. You want the latest and greatest so that you can walk into the office and impress everyone.”
In the past, Andy would spend up to 20 hours in line for the new iPhone, arriving hours before the next would-be customer in order to guarantee that he’d get it first. By God’s grace, something changed for Andy this year.