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Do Not Murder: Sermon recap

This was a heavy sermon in the Ten Commandments series, as we dealt with commandment VI. Do not Murder. Pastor Mark drew distinctions between just and unjust reasons to kill, as well as state authority in war and capital punishment. For the second half of the sermon, Pastor Mark talked about abortion. He made the case that abortion counts as murder by using biblical and extra-biblical sources to show that life begins at conception. Abortion is murder, but Jesus died both for unborn babies and for murderers. Forgiveness and redemption are always possible.

Watch the full sermon

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  • Abortion is murder—Don’t get angry I called it murder—Get angry 50+ million Americans have been murdered in the womb.
  • Evolutionary worldview: humans are lucky animals. Biblical worldview: Humans beings bear the image of God.
  • Murdering a person is not only violence against a person, but violence against the God who made them.
  • Murder is a demonic issue. God causes life. Satan celebrates death.
  • “All who hate me [God] love death.” –Prov 8:36. The further you get from God the closer you get to taking a life.
  • The answer to the abuse of authority is not the absence of authority but right use of authority.
  • Parent, pastor, coach, teacher, boss, politician—all authority is derivative authority on loan from God.
  • Abortion, just war, capital punishment…these aren’t political issues but theological issues w/political implications.
  • When it comes to abortion, the issue is not choice. The issue is murder.
  • “I’m against abortion but we shouldn’t impose our morality”=“I know abortion is wrong but I’m too cowardly to say so”
  • So we encourage women to murder unborn women? In the name of women’s empowerment, we’ve killed 25+ million women.
  • Abortion isn’t about politics or popularity. It’s about who lives and who dies. The stakes could not be any higher.


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Abortion and reconciliation: Holly has been changed by Jesus

Holly, a deacon at Mars Hill Downtown, shares her personal testimony about how Jesus redeemed and forgave her after she aborted two of her children.

What happens to babies when they die?

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