“‘For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.’” John 6:40
Read John 6:40
Lord, we thank you for the new home for Mars Hill Huntington Beach. We pray that the disciples there would testify to your glory in their city and that they would reflect your Son. We pray that, as people see the glory of your son through the disciples at Mars Hill, they would believe and have eternal life. Remind me of my own gift of eternal life. Help me to image your glory to the lost people you have placed in my life that they too would see, believe, and have eternal life.
Lord, remind your people to pray. Prompt our hearts to both ask and serve. Let us consider your example. In the gospels, you teach, proclaim, heal, and have compassion for the crowds. You call your disciples to pray, and give them authority to accomplish the work. You send out your disciples (Matt. 9:35–10:5).
You set the example for us to follow by going into cities and villages, boldly teaching and preaching the gospel. You stood against demonic forces and received the growing crowds, not as a burden but with compassion. You called and instructed the men around you. You sent them on a mission where they were in over their heads but under your authority.
You remain the example for us to follow. You’ve already sent us out. You’ve given us your authority for the mission ahead. You have given us your eyes to see those around us as you see them. You gave us the same Spirit that empowered your teaching, proclaiming, and healing. Help us to obey you, Jesus. Help us to follow you.
God, send your laborers—leaders and volunteers—into the harvest for Mars Hill Huntington Beach.
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