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Jesus’ wisdom, your wisdom: sermon recap

This week, Pastor Dave Bruskas filled the pulpit in Pastor Mark’s place, to preach from James 3:13–18. Pastor Dave spoke about the difference between knowledge and wisdom, and the difference between worldly wisdom and heavenly wisdom. Catch up on the sermon below and share the following quotes and images with your friends and family on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

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James says there are two kinds of wisdom people can have: an earthly wisdom marked by bitter jealousy and selfish ambition, or a wisdom from above that Jesus had and freely gives to those who ask. This sermon explores seven traits of Jesus’ wisdom.

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  • Wisdom is as wisdom does. #boldJames
  • Wisdom isn’t merely data we collect in our heads. It’s the disposition of our hearts & deeds of our hands. #boldJames
  • The only way we will ever have the wisdom that Jesus had is through the person & work of the Holy Spirit. #boldJames
  • We desperately need the Holy Spirit today so that we may, 1st & foremost, have the same wisdom Jesus had. #boldJames
  • The Holy Spirit enlightens us to discern what the Bible means & he empowers us to do what the Bible says. #boldJames
  • If you’re easily offended, you’re not living out Jesus’ wisdom, bc his wisdom is pure, peaceable & gentle. #boldJames
  • The people who have the true wisdom of Jesus listen effectively & carefully, and speak the fewest words. #boldJames
  • Jesus loves to reverse and minimize the consequences of sin. That’s what it means to be merciful. #boldJames
  • If you’re a Christian, God looks at you from heaven & sees you through the lens of & perfection of Jesus. #boldJames
  • Wisdom isn’t a status be achieved; it’s a gift to be received through Jesus. #boldJames

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Recommended resources

For those who would like to delve deeper into the topics covered by the sermon, we’ve collected a few good places to start.

I am adopted

Sermon by Pastor Mark Driscoll from the Ephesians series

As a Christian, you’ve been adopted by God the Father, given a new identity, and welcomed into a family with Jesus as your big Brother. You’ve been adopted to worship. So, do not engage in sinful behavior. Do imitate God by walking in love as children of light, discerning what pleases him, making the best use of time, being filled with the Spirit, giving thanks, and submitting to one another.

Are you addicted to ministry?

By Rick Warren

Being content means that you never let the size of your ministry determine your value.

Pithy Proverbs: How to handle wise sayings wisely

By R.C. Sproul

“Every culture seems to have its own unique, collected wisdom, pithy insights of the wise. Oftentimes, these tidbits are preserved in the form of the proverb. We have proverbial sayings in American culture. I am thinking of sayings such as ‘A stitch in time saves nine’ or ‘A penny saved is a penny earned.’”

Are we there yet?

By Pastor Adam Ramsey

“Many leaders have everything they’ve ever dreamed of—except contentment. The Apostle Paul teaches us a secret that is the antidote to our endless search for achievement.”

Too mature for community?

By Jonathan Dodson

“The level of authentic confession of sin, persistent belief in the gospel, love for one another, and sharing of life and mission is remarkable. This is not naive community; it is redemptive community, a community of grace that holds in common brokenness and belief, failure and success, repentance and faith. As one of our people shared during our gathering on Sunday, ‘You are never too spiritually mature for community.’”

It's All About Jesus

Jesus was a man who claimed to be God. Think on that for a minute. If that were true, how would it change the way you thought, felt, and lived this life?

At Mars Hill, we believe that Jesus is God. We take him at his word. Because of this, everything we do is all about Jesus. We invite you to learn more about this man who is God and how you can find forgiveness and new life in him.

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