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900 women hear from Elyse Fitzpatrick at a Women’s Training Day

This past Saturday, 905 women gathered at Mars Hill Church Bellevue for the Women’s Training Day to hear Elyse Fitzpatrick speak from her new book, Found in Him: The Joy of the Incarnation and Our Union with Christ. The event sold out a week in advance, and nearly all fifteen Mars Hill churches were represented, as well as many women from outside Mars Hill, including a group from Canada and even one woman from England.

Elyse began by asking these questions: Do you feel alone or alienated from God or others? What would change if you knew you were chosen and beloved? She then proceeded to spend the rest of the day reminding the women in attendance about the immensity of what Jesus has done for them through the incarnation.

The whole Old Testament is about Jesus and points forward to his coming. He took on human flesh—for us. Jesus was born, wore diapers, learned how to walk and talk—for us. He experienced pain, loneliness, and betrayal—for us. He suffered and died on the cross—for us. He rose from death—for us. He is sitting in heaven at the right hand of the Father, still wearing wounds from the cross—for us. The incarnation sets Christianity apart from all other religions because God came down to our level; we don’t have to work for our acceptance from God because he did it—for us.

As Christians, our identity is secure in Jesus forever, no matter what we do. Our sinful, damnable record is covered by Jesus’ perfect record. When God the Father looks at us, he sees Jesus’ perfect righteousness in place of our sins. This is good news! And we can live out of that truth. We can rest in the fact that we are forgiven, righteous, and loved. We don’t need anything more than this. Jesus’ transforming power is what enables and motivates us to live more like Christ.

Elyse Fitzpatrick said that if there was one thing she wanted the women to take away from the Training Day, it’s that Jesus did it all—for us. And that is why we live for him and find our strength in him.

If you are interested in getting involved in Women’s Ministry at Mars Hill Church or would like to attend the next Women’s Training Day, visit for more information, or inquire at any local Mars Hill church.

Women fill the auditorium at Mars Hill Bellevue, awaiting the start of the first session.

Pastor Thomas Hurst opens the Training Day and introduces Hilary Tompkins, Mars Hill’s Director of Women’s Ministry.

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