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On Air

“What you'll find in this little book are reflections on what God has been doing in and through our church, and where we believe Jesus is leading us next. I'm excited to be a part of his work here at Mars Hill, and there's nothing I'd rather be doing than preaching the Bible and serving God's mission here with you.”

-Pastor Mark Driscoll

Preaching and Vision Pastor

Easter Celebration 2013

Easter Sunday was an incredible day of grace, unity, and provision from God that exceeded all expectations. It was the first time as a whole church that we were able to sync up through a live broadcast from Downtown Seattle. To all who participated to help make it happen, thank you for loving Jesus and serving his people!


People in attendance (18,265 adults and 2,909 kids)


People in attendance (18,265 adults and 2,909 kids)


Times the word “Jesus” was said in the 45-minute sermon


Total songs sung to Jesus


People watched the broadcast online


Nations tuned-in online

Watch it again at

Community Groups

Church is more than a service. Each week, thousands of people meet in hundreds of small communities to learn about God, pray, eat, laugh, and live life together. We call these Community Groups—and they’re the heart of our church.


Community Groups across all our churches


Average Community Group size (8–10 is a healthy group size)

Mars Hill Kids

God calls parents to teach his words diligently to their children (Deuteronomy 6:7). Mars Hill Kids wants to come alongside parents and create a fun, safe environment where kids can learn about Jesus.


Kids gather each week to worship Jesus

Mars Hill Students

Mars Hill Students strives to equip young people between the ages of 12 and 18 to be disciples of Jesus by clearly communicating the gospel, creating an environment of worship, and connecting teens to community in the church.


Students came to the kick-off for Mars Hill Students


Number of salvations at our kick-off event


Students meet each week at all our churches for Mars Hill Students

Mars Hill Global

Mars Hill Global is how we as a church participate in the worldwide mission of Jesus.

  • We work with in-country partners to train pastors and plant churches in various countries.
  • We translate resources so that people from more cultures can have access to Bible teaching.
  • We freely distribute sermons, Bibles, and other materials with as many people as possible, online or in-person.

Sign up for a Global account and support the mission at


Number of translated Amharic Bibles handed out in Ethiopia


Pastors attended a training conference in Ethiopia made possible by Mars Hill Global


Church planters and evangelists we supported in Ethiopia


Churches planted in Ethiopia


People in Ethiopia heard the gospel at one of the churches we support


People in Ethiopia were saved


People in Ethiopia were baptized


Church planters and evangelists we supported in India


Churches planted in India


Times our app has been downloaded


People have signed up for Global Connect Accounts


Visits to our website


Number of people who came to our site

Mars Hill Music

Mars Hill Music is made up of a variety of musicians and worship leaders who serve throughout our Mars Hill locations. The music from our bands is a natural expression and outgrowth of what God is doing in our local communities through our musicians. Our records are a means to capture and globally share what is happening at our local churches.

Listen to our albums for free and pick them up at


Views of Mars Hill Music videos


Albums sold


Songs released this year across our 3 albums and 3 EPs


Bands across all our churches

Exciting numbers from this year

The Mars Hill Podcast is in the Top 10 in Religion & Spirituality for the US (#4), UK (#6), Australia (#3), Canada (#5) and New Zealand (#8).


People worship on Sundays (average weekly attendance)


Members of Mars Hill


Bibles were given away at Mars Hill churches


People became members at Mars Hill Church


Couples got married at Mars Hill churches


Elders at Mars Hill


Elder candidates

It's All About Jesus

Jesus was a man who claimed to be God. Think on that for a minute. If that were true, how would it change the way you thought, felt, and lived this life?

At Mars Hill, we believe that Jesus is God. We take him at his word. Because of this, everything we do is all about Jesus. We invite you to learn more about this man who is God and how you can find forgiveness and new life in him.

Learn More Stories

Making Disciples

God reveals himself through us to others. Our priority is to make disciples who love God and love others well.

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Planting Churches

God works through his church to make disciples. Our commitment is to plant churches that love God and love others.

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What to Expect

Visiting a church for the first time can be nerve-racking. But having an idea of what to expect can help. There are three main parts to every Sunday service: preaching, worship, and kids. To learn more about each of these, click the links below.

The Mars Hill Guide Leadership at Mars Hill

We value community

Church is more than a service. It’s people living life together and helping one another throughout our cities to serve our cities. Each week, thousands of people at Mars Hill meet in hundreds of small communities to learn about God, pray, eat, laugh, and live. We call these Community Groups—and they’re the heart of our church.

Learn More About Community  Log In to The City

Mars Hill Music

Mars Hill musicians write fresh music and rearrange timeless hymns for our worship services and recording. Explore Mars Hill Music.

Cheerful givers wanted

Jesus is the most generous person who ever lived. He gave his life so that we might live. As Christians, we give our time, talent, and money joyfully in response to Jesus’ generosity and to help more people meet Jesus.

Give Money Give Time

My Library beta

You can now save your favorite sermons, blog posts and Mars Hill content in one place!

To use My Library, you'll need to sign in or create an account.

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My Notes

Did you know you can take notes while you stream our services on Sundays? You can view your notes at any time, and share them with anyone you choose.

To use My Notes, you'll need to sign in or create an account.

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