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Rally time! Holiday donation drives for local communities

In a recent post from Pastor Sutton, I was reminded that we often see the need to help the destitute oversees, but miss opportunities in our own neighborhoods. Our Father has adopted us all as sons and daughters, for whom he paid with his only Son’s death, burial, and resurrection.

Through the series He Made Us Family, our God’s Work, Our Witness 2012 holiday series, we have a huge opportunity this Christmas season to bless our local communities.

Puget Sound churches

In the Puget Sound community, we’ll be holding a Donations Drive for Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission.

From Everett to Federal Way and all other northwest Mars Hill local churches in between, let’s rally behind our UGM brothers and sisters and make a difference.

Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission has year-round needs, and their biggest ones are also the most basic. Donations will be collected at each of the Puget Sound region Mars Hill churches and should include:

  • Blankets
  • Tube socks
  • Nonperishable food

We will be collecting donations at all our Puget Sound churches from December 9 through December 30. These donations will help launch the women and children’s shelter Mary’s Place, their youth program, and stock the Mission Storehouse as well as the men’s shelter.

Beyond Puget Sound

The Mars Hill Olympia, Portland, Orange County, and Albuquerque churches have each chosen respective local organizations to bless this season as well:

  • Mars Hill Olympia is partnering with Reality Church to bring families gifts and a hot meal on Christmas.
  • Mars Hill Portland will be providing Welcome Box boxes for kids entering foster care while waiting in a Department of Human Services office (Link to brochure: //
  • Mars Hill Orange County is participating in Operation Christmas Child.
  • Mars Hill Albuquerque is participating in Clothes Helping Kids.

God has made Mars Hill Church family through Jesus Christ’s work on the cross. Our immediate family is also united with Christians around the world, and that includes those connected to Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission and these other local service programs, and it’s our opportunity to serve our brothers and sisters in the family.

AJ Hamilton is the director of community for Mars Hill Church.

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Cheerful givers wanted

Jesus is the most generous person who ever lived. He gave his life so that we might live. As Christians, we give our time, talent, and money joyfully in response to Jesus’ generosity and to help more people meet Jesus.

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