“From the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” Psalm 61:2
Life can be overwhelming. This isn’t some new revelation. Since the fall of man in the garden, generation upon generations have experienced the pressure and pains of life. Whether it’s the bills that keep piling up, the marriage that’s falling apart, the job that never gets easier, uncertainty or anxiety or just the stress of everyday life—we often find ourselves in an overwhelmed state.
David, who penned the verse above, knew this far too well. Imagine spending 10 to 15 years of your life running from a king who hates you and has made it his mission in life to kill you. Can you see how this might be overwhelming?
We can take great comfort just as David did, in knowing that God is always accessible from any location. We don’t serve a deistic God who leaves us to our own devices—we serve a God who loves us and desires an intimate relationship with us.
Instead of trying to figure things out on his own, David cries out to God and asks him to do what only he can do. Take me to a place of peace that I could never reach except by your good and loving grace.
For us, this Rock is Jesus Christ. Even in the most overwhelming circumstances, take refuge in knowing that we can cry out to Jesus, and he will not only hear the cry of his children but answer with love and grace.
Drew Hensley is a lead pastor resident at the U-District church.