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The Giver is the gift

“And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.” Acts 2:2–4

Jesus’ first followers received an amazing gift from God: the ability to speak in other languages so that they could reach out to different cultures of the world with the news about Jesus. How amazing is that?

Unfortunately, oftentimes we’re given similar gifts, but we’re tempted to love God’s gifts more than God himself. This is called idolatry: loving something that is not God as God. God wants us to love him above and before anything else. Consider the following story and how it helps illustrate this very important point.

Loving the giver

A husband and wife have a very happy marriage. The husband lays down his life for his wife on a daily basis and surprises her with gifts, flowers, cards, and restful time for her away from the kids, with whom he plays, wrestles, and laughs. As if that weren’t enough, he also makes a fair amount of money and can afford to provide for all the material needs of his family, well beyond the bare necessities. The kids have a huge yard to play in. His wife has a great car to drive, beautiful jewelry, a closet full of fashionable clothes. And to top it off, they regularly go on nice vacations. All is well.

Then, tragically, while away on a business trip, the husband dies in a head-on car crash with a drunk driver. In the wake of this sudden loss, the family unravels and can’t figure out how to move forward.

After his death, will his family be focused on the fact he won’t be around anymore to provide such great gifts? How odd would it be if one of their close friends asked them, “How are you getting along after your loss?” and they replied, “We’re doing just fine. We still have all the stuff he bought us. We don’t miss him at all.”

Sure, those gifts were nice, but you would think that their desire to have him back would be a million times stronger than their interest in those gifts he gave them. You would think they would give up the vacations, toys, and precious jewelry just to have him back—him and him alone. His gifts wouldn’t matter in the least if they couldn’t have him.

Him and him alone

This is how God wants us to yearn for him—him and him alone. Not his gifts, but him. And the greatest news in the world is that if you want him, you can have him—and nothing will ever take him away from you.

More than any other gift, God loves to give you himself. Would you care if God were taken away but you still received all of his blessings? God is most interested in giving you himself.


Ephesians 1:23 and 2 Corinthians 3:5

If God himself is to be our sufficiency and our all in all, then we shouldn’t need anything else, only him. Closely examine this in your own life: what would happen if everything besides God was taken away from you and you were left with him—and him alone? Would he be enough?


Our Father, help us to love you and not just the gifts you give. We want to be deeply thankful for what you have provided, but correct us if we turn those things into idols that rob you of your right place in our hearts. We need your Spirit and his wisdom. Help us, please. Amen.

This devotion is adapted from the Acts Study Guide.

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