Pastor Mark first met Arjuna Chiguluri in 1998, and Mars Hill Church has been working with and supporting Pastor Arjuna and Vision Nationals in India since 1999. Recently, Pastor Sutton Turner sat down with him to get an update on Pastor Arjuna’s church planting efforts in India which are supported by Mars Hill Global.
Their primary work is focused on the Indian province of Andhra Pradesh, with over 80 million people and the primary language is Telugu. They started there with one church plant in 1992, and another in 1997. From that 1997 church plant, Arjuna and his team were able to build a church-planting network, and they’ve since planted over 500 churches in Andhra Pradesh. That’s more than 500 churches in 16 years!
In this interview, Pastor Arjuna shares some stories of how God has been working in India to bring to gospel to a culture that has been heavily influenced by Hinduism, as well as their plans for the future and ways they need prayer. Thank you for your support and prayers as Mars Hill Global strives to make disciples and plant churches around the world.